United States
               Environmental Protection
            Office of
            Solid Waste and
            Emergency Response

                    Department of Transportations Role in the Transportation of
                    Hazardous Waste
               APPROVAL DATE: 6-18-ao

               EFFECTIVE DATE: 6-ia-ao

               ORIGINATING OFFICE:
               0 FINAL

               D DRAFT

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          { j
          [ ]
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A- Pending OMB approval
B- Pending AA-OSWER approval
C- For review &/or comment
D- .In development or circulating
               REFERENCE (other documents):
  OSWER       OSWER       OSWER

Key Words:

Regulations '

DOT Regulations, Transporters

49 CFR 171.16

Department of Transportations Role in the Transportation of
Hazardous Waste
Addressee:    Region I
Source Doc:
Bruce Weddle, Deputy Director, State Programs and
Resource Recovery Division (WH-563)


     In the event of a hazardous waste spill during transit, a transporter must
submit a written report as required by 49 CFR 171.16 to the Associate Director
for Hazardous Materials Regulations at the Department of Trans port at ion <,  DOT
will then provide copies of the Incident reports to Headquarters EPA.  Implemen-
tation procedures will be addressed in the DOT/EPA Memorandum of Understanding.

     The Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) is a part of the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) which is a part of DOT.  BMCS's primary function is to
reduce fatalities, injuries and property damage, as well as increase public
safety in the highway transportation of hazardous materials.  The BMCS and FHWA
field staff enforce the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations pertaining to
the transportation of hazardous materials by the highway mode.  The field
programs of BMCS are administered by FHWA's Regional offices.

                                                             9463.01 (80)
      Question* on DOT*a role in the Transportation
       of Hazardous Waste

      Bruce Weddle, Deputy Director
       State Program* and Resource Recovery Division (WH-563)

      Janet DeBiasio Hazardous Waste Section

      Region I

           The following are our responses to the questions you raise'!
      in your memorandum of May 8, 1980 on the above subject!


           Since U.S. DOT is broadening its authority to control
      intrastate commerce, who in DOT will be responsible for
      inspection, compliance and enforcement of the federal transpor°
      tation regulations in Region I?


           DOT's hazardous materials regulations will not apply to
      intrastate motor carriers operating  in a state which has
      interim authorization.  However, DOT'S regulations will be
 o    applicable to intrastate motor carriers when that State receives
 *    final authorization. In states where EPA is running the program,
 •    the DOT hazardous materials rules will apply beginning on
 i     November 20th (the effective date of those rules).  DOT and EPh
 *S    are developing a plan for implementing the DOT/EPA Memorandum
 J*    of Understanding which will include intrastate inspect.ion,

       t.erna of  iniragt.^te r rar.s.xirt nt ion, 'XT a;-eclf irall
       in the  pronulgahion ^n ..ay 22,  I* ".3 tv.t  the r»?ul;\t
.io not apply tc  intraotatu r.:cter carriers in those states  witv
interim authorisation.   7inal Authorization will only occur  nt
thi* .it-it.** Loviil  when  state regulations arc onuivalont ho DO'7'
regulations,   cor  interstate  transport* at ion, DOT arv'. rt»\ :»ay
it-et.' in *h«sn :*«  tranaijorfcarIon ^rocert.ahion regulations.

     The determination  of whether a State's tranaportativjn
legislation and  regulations are substantial I/ equivalent wirh
t.n* Federal program will be made by 2PA.  7ha RCRA ^tcit^ interin
Authorization  wui-.1ance  Manual,  which will be available this
month, will provide the guidance necessary to rwke that
det o r ai na t i on.

     rhe Agency  has not negotiated who will rake the 'letaminat-ion
of equivalence with DOT since we are focusing attention on
natters related  to interim authorisation.  Since this subject
relates to final authorization, a decision as to who will
determine equivalency between State and Federal  regulations
will be -leaIt  with at a later date.


     When there  is a  hazardous waat.a s^ill during transit, tv,;
hckuler submits a report to DOT.  Df-T,  in turn, notifies T.T>\
of the incident.   Who in DOT  will be receiving th* rsport.  for
t.he New Ungland  area  and where in I-JPA tlcea 'JOT into rid to t.Mnj.-'iP
copies of the  incident  report?


     In t.he event  of-a  hazardous ---aat.* spill during transit,
a transporter  must submit a written report as required by  4°
c:-'U 171.16 to  the*

        Associate  Director for Hazardous Vat trials Regulations
        Depart^nent of Transportation
        Washington, D-C.  20390

DOT will then  provide copies  of the incident reports to
:-eadquarters.  The forthcoming plan for inplamenting
MOJ (as discussed  in  tne first answer) will arMress
particular  issue.


     I have rea-j the  draft. .Menornndun of TJn^erstandinn
rPA and DOT.   -,'ould you oxy.^liiir.  Hf C«r
 (.',.„•)  .nvi DOT?  ..r.or.  .'ill  -e  -T..*,.' ,.>;C -ill l-c  -:a::i:;r. I'n
 contact in these ^lifsrent  ..^enci^.3?
     The bureau of ivotor Carrier Satsty d:-1 C:;)  in -*  ^-\rt of tVe
?o« '.orul  ..i'yvxay-Vlniiniat ration,  (F '.'..'.'.) wi'.ich  is  a r:-\rt  of »•'-•-•
           "o:; Trano^ortat ion.   (See cr'janic.H-iorial c^art.
         .)  J^CS's j^ri.iary  function is t-.o rec'uca  fa^aliti^s,
          anU ^rotiert/ Manage,  as ./all as ircrcjas^ r'^iic safety
lr. th-3 Mqhway transportation  of "hazardous "Aterial ;.   TV.C _:-C:'
ct:;J  th-i  c"j*i»A Hiuld staff enforce the Federal  Motor Carrier
•"u^ety ^e'.juljitionr3 pertaining  to the tran^^crt-ation  of  '\a^=»r -""^us
materials t>y ^na highway r^
     The  federal 1-totor Carrier Safety requlationa  govern qucxli.-
cication  of  employees whose work affects safety  o* operation,
inaxi.aua hours of service of such employees; 3afoty of operation
01 commercial vehicle^; and vehicle safety, incluriine; perforranc-s
ru'iuiretnent.a, -^rta and accessories, and »-aiRtenar.ce of ve'-'.icleiSo
'*U«s ilaaardous Material RequLationa, ar^onrj v^hich  ar« requirements
Cor ahi^pin^ paoera, placar-ia,  containers, 'labels,  