CFCs and HCFCs
in the stratosphere
are broken apart by
sunlight, releasing
millions of chlorine
atoms that destroy
the ozone layer.
              The ozone layer is located
              in the stratosphere, 12 to
              22 miles above the Earth's
              surface. This vital shield
              of gas stops damaging
              UVB rays from reaching
              the Earth's surface.
CFCs and HCFCs typically take
2 to 4 years to rise to the
stratosphere. Once there, they
may survive 2 to 150 years.
                                                 United States          EPA/430/F-93/003O
                                                 Environmental Protection   May 1993
                                                 OfficeiofAir and Radiation (6205 J)
                                    SEPA    Disposing of
                                                 Appliances  With
                                                     What You
                                                     Should Know
              Without refrigerant recov-
              ery, about 4 million
              pounds of ozone-depleting
              chemicals escape from
              appliances at disposal
              each year.
Almost 8 million refrigerators and
freezers are thrown away in the
United States every year.
         U.S. EPA
  Office of Air and Radiation
Stratospheric Protection Division

This publication is distributed by:

      Many of the appliances we
      ^e every day contain
man-made chemicals that
destroy the ozone layer—our
planet's natural protection
against the sun's harmful ultra-
violet radiation. Refrigerators,
window and car air condition-
ers, and dehumidifiers rely on
refrigerants that contain
ozone-depleting CFCs and
HCFCs, also known by the
tradename "Freon".

     If not disposed of prop-
erly at a landfill or scrap pro-
cessing facility, these common
household items can release CFC/HCFC-
containing refrigerant into the atmosphere. And that's
bad news for the ozone layer! This brochure answers
some questions you may have the next time you want
to dispose of an old refrigerator or air conditioner—
without contributing to this serious problem.

You Can't Just Throw  It Away

     A giant "ozone hole" was discovered over
Antarctica in 1985. Recent scientific data reveal that
ozone over the North Pole is also being depleted. As
this problem worsens, major population centers in the
U.S., Canada, and Europe are expected to be exposed
to higher levels of ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays, posing seri-
ous threats to human, animal, and plant life.

     In 1990, the U.S. Congress amended the Clean Air
Act to include laws to protect the stratospheric ozone
layer. Part of this new law prohibits the release of
ozone-depleting refrigerants into the atmosphere dur-
ing the service, maintenance, or disposal of air-
conditioning and refrigeration equipment. As of
July 1, 1992, refrigerants must be recovered from
the appliance before disposal. The environmen-
tal and financial penalties for violating this prohi-
bition are high: EPA is authorized to assess fines
of up to $25,000 per day per violation of the Act.

     Refrigerant-recovery machines have been
developed and are now widely used. Recovery
equipment draws the refrigerant into a holding
tank. The refrigerant is then purified and sold for
reuse, and the appliance discarded without harm-
ing the ozone layer.
Think It Out
Before You Throw It Out
     We all share responsibility in helping to reduce
ozone destruction by disposing of appliances proper-
ly. You can help by thinking about refrigerant recov-
ery before arranging for pickup or disposal of your
used appliances.

     Your municipality, waste hauler, scrap metal
recycler, or landfill may not  own refrigerant-recovery
equipment. Also, some are refusing to handle appli-
ances with refrigerant in them. If this is the case in
your area, here are a few steps you can take:
      Contact the public
      works department
      in your town or
      county and ask
      about home appli-
      ance recycling or
      CFC/HCFC- recov-
      ery programs.
      Ask your local home appliance retailers about
      their refrigerator and home appliance collection
      programs or about the availability of refrigerant-
      recovery services.

      Inform your local hauler or service person of
      the ozone problem and the law. You are doing
      him a favor—violators can be fined as much as
      $25,000 a day for letting refrigerant escape into
      the atmosphere!

     Avoid trying to recover refrigerant yourself. Only
         a qualified professional with the proper
                  equipment should recover refriger-
                          ants (or any other
                             pressurized gas).

                                    You should be
                               prepared for a pos-
                               sible increase in
                               appliance collection
                               costs. You might
                               consider the extra
                               cost as your contri-
                               bution to protecting
                               the ozone layer.
                                                                                                                 You Can Do More
•  Be aware. Technicians may no longer simply
   open a valve and vent refrigerant when servicing a
   unit. Before choosing a service company, ask
   about the company's practice of recovering and
   recycling CFCs and HCFCs.

                          Your EPA regional
   office has an air quality enforcement officer to
   take reports of violations of the refrigerant
   venting prohibition.

                      Every citizen can play an
   important role in preserving the ozone layer.
                  For more information about
                  EPA's ozone protection pro-
                  gram, responsible appliance
                  disposal, or to report viola-
                  tions, call EPA's Stratospheric
                  Ozone Protection Hotline toll
                  free at (800) 296-1996. This
                  public service is available
   Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
   (Eastern time).

 The Global Effort to Protect the
 Ozone Layer

      Since banning the use of CFCs in aerosol cans
 in the late 1970's, the United States has been a
 leader in the global campaign to halt depletion of the
 stratospheric ozone layer. In 1987, the United States
 and 23 countries signed the Montreal Protocol and
 agreed to cut the production of ozone-depleting sub-
 stances in half by the year 1998. In June 1990, the
 Protocol was amended to completely phase out  pro-
 duction of ozone-depleting substances by the year
 2000. Since then, U.S. production of these chemicals
 has decreased by nearly 50 percent. Now signed by
 over 110 nations, the Protocol has since been modi-
 fied to require a virtual phaseout of CFC production
 by January 1, 1996.

      The national program to protect the ozone layer
 also requires CFC and HCFC recycling, development
 of substitute chemicals, banning "non-essential"
 uses, and product labeling. New regulations may
 affect the products you buy and how they are
 maintained and disposed of. Think about it!
                                                                                     Printed on paper that contains
                                                                                     at least 50% recycled fiber
