United States
            Environmental Protection
Office of
Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Washington DC 20460
August 1981
xvEPA     Dialifor
           (O, O-diethyl S-(2-chloro

           Pesticide  Registration

      Pesticide Registration Standard
  Denise Keehner       Project Manager (SPRD)

  Daniel Byrd    •       PhD (SPS, BED)
  George Beusch         Chemist (RGB, BED)
  M.  Ferretti           Chemist (RCBr HED)
  Lionel Richardson     Environmental Chemist (EFB,  HED)
  Chad Sandusky         lexicologist (TOX, HED)
  William Rabert       Fish & Wildlife Biologist  (EEB, HED)
  Robert Hoist          Plant Physiologist (EEB, HED)
  Mark Dow              Entomologist (ASIB, BFSD)
  Kate Devine           Economist (EAB, BFSD)
               June, 1981

Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances
     Environmental Protection Agency
            401 M Street, SW
          Washington, DC 20460

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
Chapter One
How to Register Under a Registration Standard	      1-1

Chapter Two
Agency Position on Dialifor

     Regulatory Position for Dialifor	      2-1
              Criteria for Registration under this Standard

     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	      2-5
              1. Acceptable Ranges and Limits
              2. Required Labeling
              3. Tolerance Reassessment

     B. Bnulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor	      2-7
              1. Acceptable Ranges and Limits
              2. Required Labeling
              3. Regulatory Rationale

     C. Wettable Powder Dialifor	       2-11
              1. Acceptable Ranges and Limits
              2. Required Labeling
              3. Regulatory Rationale

Chapter Three
Data Requirements and Data Gaps	       3-1


     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	       3-1

     B. Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor	       3-4

     C. Wettable Powder Dialifor	       3-5

Chapter Four
Product Chemistry of Dialifor	      4-1


     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	      4-2
              1. Product Chemistry Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

     B. Bnulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor	      4-6
              1. Product Chemistry Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

     C. Vfettable Powder Dialifor	      4-6
              1. Product Chemistry Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

Chapter Five
Environmental Fate of Dial if or	      5-1

     Use Profile

     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	      5-3
              1. Environmental Fate Profile
              2. Exposure Profiles
              3. Topical Discussions

Chapter Six
Toxicology of Dialifor	      6-1

     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	      6-2
              1. Toxicology Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

     B. Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor	      6-15
              1. Toxicology Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

     C. Wettable Powder Dialifor	      6-17
              1. Toxicology Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

Chapter Seven
Residue Chemistry  of Dialifor	      7-1

     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	      7-1
              1. Residue Chemistry Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

     B. Formulations of Dialifor	      7-27
              1. Data Requirements  for New Uses
              2. Required Labeling

Chapter Eight
Ecological  Effects of Dialifor	      8-1

     A. Manufacturing-use Dialifor	      8-1
              1. Ecological Effects Profile
              2. Topical Discussions

     B. Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor	      8-6
              1. Ecological Effects Profile
              2. Hazard Assessment
              3. Topical Discussions

     C. Wettable Powder Dialifor	      8-6

Chapter Nine
Case Bibliography
     Guide to Use of Bibliography
     A. Section I.,
     B. Section II.

                              HOW TO REGISTER
                      UNDER  A REGISTRATION STANDARD

    Organization of  the  Standard
    Purpose of  the Standard
    Requirement to Re-register Under the  Standard
    "Product Specific" Data  and  "Generic"  Data
    Data Compensation Requirements  under  FIFRA  3(c)  (1)  (D)
    Obtaining Data to Fill "  Data Gaps";  FIFRA  3(c)  (2)  (B)
    Amendments  to the Standard

    Organization of_  the  Standard

This first chapter explains  the  purpose of  a Registration  Standard  and
summarizes the legal principles  involved  in registering  or re-registering under
a Standard.  The second  chapter  sets forth  the  requirements  that  must be met to
obtain or retain registration  for products  covered by this particular
Registration Standard.   In the remaining  chapters,  the Agency  reviews the
available data by scientific discipline, discusses the Agency's concerns with
the identified potential hazards, and logically develops the conditions  and
requirements that would  reduce those hazards to acceptable levels.

    Purpose of the Standard

Section 3 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide  Act  (FIFRA)
provides that "no person in any State may distribute, sell, offer for sale,
hold for sale, ship, deliver  for shipment,  or receive (and having so  received)
deliver or offer to deliver,  to any  person  any pesticide which is not
registered with the Administrator [of EPA]."  To approve the  registration of a
pesticide, the Administrator must find, pursuant to Section 3(c)  (5)  that:

       "(A)  its composition  is such as to  warrant the proposed claims for it;
        (8)  its labeling and other material required to be submitted comply
             with the requirements of this  Act;
        (C)  it will perform its intended function witbout unreasonable  adverse
             effects on  the environment; and
        (D)  when used in accordance with widespread and commonly recognized
             practice it will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects
             on the environment."

In making these findings, the Agency reviews a wide range  of data which
registrants are required to submit,  and assesses the risks and benefits
associated with the use of the proposed pesticide.  But the established
approach to making these findings has been  found to be defective on two  counts:

First, EPA and its predecessor agency, the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA), routinely reviewed registration applications on a  'product
by product' basis, evaluating each product-specific application somewhat
Independently.  In the review of products containing similar components, there
was little opportunity for a retrospective review of the full range of
pertinent data 'available in Agency files and in the public literature.   Thus
the 'product by product' approach was often inefficient and sometimes resulted
in inconsistent or incomplete regulatory judgments.

Second, over the years, as a result of inevitable and continuing  advances
in scientific knowledge, methodology, and policy, the data  base for  many
pesticides came to be considered inadequate by current  scientific and
regulatory standard's.  Given the long history of pesticide  regulation  in
several agencies, it is even likely that materials may  have been  lost  from
the data files.  When EPA issued new requirements for registration in  1975
(40 CFR 162) and proposed new guidelines for hazard  testing in  1978  (43 FR
29686, July 10, 1978 and 43 FR 37336, August 2,  1978),  many products that
had already been registered for years were being sold and used without the
same assurances of human and environmental safety as was being  required for
new products.  Because of this inconsistency, Congress  directed EPA  to re-
register all previously registered products, so  as to bring their
registrations and their data bases into compliance with current requirements
(See FIFRA Section 3(g)).

Facing the enormous job of re-reviewing and calling-in  new  data for  the
approximately 35,000 current registrations, and  realizing the inefficiencies of
the 'product by product' approach, the Agency decided   that a new, more
effective method of review was needed.

A new review procedure has been developed.  Under it, EPA publishesdocuments
called Registration Standards, each of which discusses  a particular  pesticide
active ingredient.  Each Registration Standard summarizes all the data
available to the Agency on a particular active ingredient and its current uses,
and sets forth the Agency's comprehensive position on the conditions and
requirements for registration of all existing and future products which contain
that active ingredient.  These conditions and requirements, all of which must
be met to obtain or retain full registration or  re-registration under  Section
3(c) (5) of FIFRA, include the submission of needed  scientific data  which the
Agency does not now have, compliance with standards  of  toxicity,  composition,
labeling, and packaging, and satisfaction of the data compensation provisions
of FIFRA Section 3(c)  (1) (B).

The Standard will also  serve as a  tool for product classification.  As part
of the registration of a pesticide product, EPA  may  classify each product for
"general use" or "restricted use"  [FIFRA Section 3(d)]. A  pesticide is
classified for "restricted use" when some special regulatory restriction is
needed to ensure against unreasonable adverse effects to man or the
environment.  Many such risks of unreasonable adverse effects can be lessened
if expressly-designed  label precautions are strictly followed.  Thus the
special regulatory restriction for a "restricted use" pesticide is usually a
requirement that it be  applied only by, or under the supervision  of, an
applicator who has been certified by the State or Federal government as being
competent to use pesticide safely, responsibly,  and  in  accordance with label
directions.  A restricted-use pesticide can have other  regulatory restrictions
 [40 CFR 162.11(c) (5)]  instead of, or in addition to, the certified  applicator
requirement.  These other regulatory restrictions may include such actions as
seasonal or regional limitations on use, or a requirement for the monitoring of
residue levels after use.    A pesticide classified  for "general  use," or not
classified at all, is  available for use by any individual who is  in  compliance
with State or local regulations.   The Registration Standard review compares
information about potential adverse effects of specific uses of the  pesticide
with risk criteria listed In 40 CFR 162.11(c), and thereby  determines  whether a
product needs to be classified for "restricted use." If the Standard  does
classify a pesticide for "restricted use," this  determination is  stated in the
 second chapter.

     Requirement £o  Re-register  Under the  Standard

 FIFRA  Section  3(g), as amended  in  1978, directs  EPA to re-register allcurrently
 registered  products as expeditiously as possible.   Congress also agreed that re-
 registration should be accomplished  by the  use of  Registration Standards.

 Each registrant of  a currently  registered product  to which this  Standard
 applies, and who wishes to continue  to sell or distribute  his  product in
 commerce, must apply for re-registration.   His application must contain
 proposed labeling that complies with  this Standard.

 EPA  will issue a notice of intent  to  cancel the  registration of any currently
 registered  product  to which this Standard applies  if  the registrant fails to
 comply with the procedures for  re-registration set  forth in the Guidance
 Package which accompanies this  Standard.

     "Product Specific" Data and "Generic" Data

 In the course of developing this Standard, EPA has determined  the      types of
 data needed for evaluation of the  properties and effects of products to which
 the  Standard applies, in the disciplinary areas of Product  Chemistry,
 Environmental Fate, Toxicology, Residue Chemistry, and Ecological  Effects.
 These determinations are based primarily on the data Guidelines  proposed  in
 1978 (A3 FR 29696, July 10, 1978,  and 43 FR 37336, August  22,  1978),  as applied
 to the use  patterns of the products to which this Standard  applies.   Where  it
 appeared that data from a normally applicable Guidelines requirement  was
 actually unnecessary to evaluate these products,  the Standard  indicates  that
 the  requirement has been waived.   On  the other hand, in some cases  studies  not
 required by the Guidelines may be needed because  of the particular  composition
 or use pattern of products the Standard covers; if so, the  Standard  explains
 the Agency's reasoning.  Data guidelines have not yet been  proposed  for  the
 Residue Chemistry discipline, but  the requirements for such data have been  in
 affect for  some time and are, the Agency belives, relatively familiar to
 registrants.  Data which we have found are needed to evaluate  the
 registrability of some products covered by the Standard may not be needed for
 the evaluation of other products, depending upon  the composition, formulation
 type, and intended uses of the product in question.  The Standard states which
data requirements apply to which product categories.  (See  the second chapter.)
 The various kinds of data normally required for  registration of a pesticide
 product can be divided into two basic groups:

        (A)  data that is " product specific ," i.e., data  that relates only
             to the properties or effects  of a product with a particular
             composition (or a group of products  with closely similar
             composition);  and

        (B)  "generic" data that pertains  to the  properties or effects of a
            particular Ingredient,  and thus is relevant to an evaluation of
            the risks and  benefits  of all  products containing that ingredient
            (or all  such products having a certain use pattern), regardless of
            any such product's unique composition.

The Agency requires certain "product specific" data for each product to
characterize the product's  particular composition and physical/chemical
 properties (Product Chemistry),  and to characterize the product's acute

toxicity (which is a function of its total composition).  The applicant  for
registration or re-registration of any product, whether  it  is a manufactur-  ing-
use or end-use product, and without regard to its intended  use pattern,  must
submit or cite enough of this kind of data to allow EPA  to  evaluate  the
product.  For such purposes, "product specific" data on  any product  other  than
the applicant's is irrelevant, unless the other product  is  closely similar in
composition to the applicant's.  (Where it has been found practicable  to group
similar products for purposes of evaluating, with a single  set of tests, all
products in the group, the Standard so indicates.)  "Product specific" data  on
the efficacy of particular end-use products is also required where the exact
formulation may affect efficacy and where failure of efficacy could  cause
public health problems.

All other data needed to evaluate pesticide products concerns the properties
or effects of a particular ingredient of products (normally a pesticidally
active ingredient, but in some cases a pesticidally inactive, or "inert,"
ingredient).  Some data in this "generic" category are required to evaluate  the
properties and effects of all products containing that ingredient  [e.g., the
acute LD-50 of the active ingredient in its technical or purer grade;  see
proposed 40 CFR 163.81-l(a), 43 FR 37355].

Other "generic" data are required to evaluate all products  which both
contain a particular ingredient and are intended for certain uses  (see,  e.g.,
proposed 40 CFR 163.82-1, 43 FR 37363, which requires subchronic oral  testing
of the active ingredient with respect to certain use patterns only).  Where  a
particular data requirement is use-pattern dependent, it will apply  to each  end-
use product which is to be labeled for that use pattern  (except where  such end-
use product is formulated from a registered manufacturing-use product
permitting such formulations) and to each manufacturing-use product  with
labeling that allows it to be used to make end-use products with that  use
pattern.  Thus, for example, a subchronic oral dosing study is needed  to
evaluate the safety of any manufacturing-use product that legally could  be used
to make an end-use, food-crop pesticide.  But  if an end-use product's  label
specified it was for use only in ways that involved no food/feed exposure  and
no repeated human exposure, the subchronic oral dosing study would not be
required to evaluate the product's safety; and if a manufacturing-use  product's
label states that the  product is for use only  in making  end-use products not
involving food/feed use or repeated human exposure, that subchronic  oral study
would not be relevant  to the evaluation of the manufacturing-use product either,

If a registrant of a currently registered manufacturing-use or end-use
product wishes to avoid the costs of data compensation  [under FIFRA  Section
3(c) (1) (D)] or data  generation  [under Section 3(c) (2) (B)] for "generic"
data that is required  only with respect to some use patterns, he may elect to
delete  those use patterns from his labeling at the time  he  re-registers  his
product.  An applicant for registration of a new product under  this  Standard
may similarly by request approval for only certain use patterns.

    Data Compensation  Requirements under FIFRA 3(c)  (1)  (D)

Under FIFRA Section 3(c) (1)  (D), an applicant for registration, re-
registration, or amended registration must offer to pay  compensation for
certain existing data  the Agency has used in developing  the Registration
Standard.  The data for which compensation must be offered  is all data which is
described by all the following criteria:

         (1)  the data were first submitted  to  EPA  (or  to its predecessor
             agencies, USDA or  FDA),  on  or  after January 1,  1970;
         (2)  the data were submitted  to  EPA (or USDA or  FDA) by some other
             applicant or registant in support of  an application for an
             experimental use permit, an amendment adding a  new use to a
             registration, or for registration, or to  support or maintain in
             effect an existing registration.
         (3)  they are the kind  of data which are relevant to the Agency's
             decision to register or  re-register the applicant's product under
             the Registration Standard,  taking into  account  the applicant's
             product's composition and intended use  pattern(s);
         (4)  the Agency has found the data  to  be valid and usable  in reaching
             regulatory conclusions; and
         (5)  they are not data for which the applicant has been exempted by
             FIFRA Section 3(c) (2) (D)  from the duty to  offer  to  pay
             compensation.  (This exemption applies  to the "generic" data con-
             cerning the safety of an active ingredient of the  applicant's
             product, not to "product specific" data.  The exemption is
             available only to applicants whose product is labeled  for end-
             uses for which the active ingredient in question is present in the
             applicant's product because of his use of another  registered
             product containing that active ingredient which  he  purchases from
             another producer.)

An applicant for re-registration of an already registered product under  this
Standard, or for registration of a new product under this Standard,  accordingly
must determine which of the data used by EPA in developing the  Standard  must  be
the subject of an offer to pay compensation, and must submit with his
application the appropriate statements evidencing his compliance with  FIFRA
Section  3(c) (1) (D).

An applicant would never be required to offer  to pay for "product specific"
data submitted by another firm.  In many, if not in most cases, data which  is
specific to another firm's product will not suffice to allow EPA to  evaluate
the applicant's product,  that is,  will not be useful  to the Agency in
determining whether the applicant's product is registrable.  There may be
cases, however, where because of close similarities between the composition of
two or more products, another firm's data may  suffice to altow EPA to evaluate
so-ie or all of the "product specific" aspects of the applicant's product.   In
such a case, the applicant may choose to cite  that data instead of submitting
data from tests on his own product,  and if he chooses that option,  he would
have to comply with the offer-to-pay requirements of Section 3(C) (1) (D) for
that data.

Each applicant for registration or re-registration of a manufacturing-use
product, and each applicant for registration or re-registration of  an end-use
product, who is not exempted by FIFRA Section 3(c) (2) (D), must comply with
the Section 3(c) (1) (D)  requirements with respect  to each item of  "generic"
data that relates to his  product's intended uses.

A detailed description of the procedures  an applicant must follow in
applying for rerregistration (or new registration)  under this Standard is found
in the Guidance Package for this Standard.

    Obtaining Data t£ Fill "Data Gaps"; FIFRA  3(c)  (2)  (B)

Some of the kinds of data EPA needs for its evaluation  of the  properties  and
effects of products to which this Standard applies  have never  been  submitted  to
the Agency (or, if submitted, have been found  to have deficiencies  rendering
them inadequate fo'r making registrability decisions) and have  not been located
in the published literature search that EPA conducted as part  of preparing  this
Standard.  Such instances of missing but required data  are  referred to in the
Standard as "data gaps".

FIFRA Section 3(c) (2) (B), added to FIFRA by  the Congress  in  1978, authorizes
EPA to require registrants to whom a data requirement applies  to generate (or
otherwise produce) data to fill such "gaps" and submit  those data to EPA.  EPA
must allow a reasonably sufficient period for  this  to be  accomplished.   If a
registrant fails to take appropriate and timely steps to fill  the data gaps
identified by a section 3(c) (2) (B) order, his product's registration may  be
suspended until the data is submitted.  A mechanism is  provided whereby two or
more registrants may agree to share in the costs of producing  data  for which
they are both responsible.

The Standard lists, in its summary second chapter,  the  "generic" data gaps
and notes the classes of products to which these data gaps  pertain.  The
Standard also points out that to be registrable under the Standard, a product
must be supported by certain required "product specific" data.  In  some cases,
the Agency may posses sufficient "product specific" data on one currently
registered product, but may lack such data on  another.   Only those  Standards
which apply to a very small number of currently registered  products will
attempt to state definitively the " product specific" data  gaps on  a 'product
by product' basis.  (Although the Standard will in  some cases  note  which  data
that EPA does possess would suffice to satisfy certain  "product specific" data
requirements for a category of  products with closely similar composition

As part of the process of re-registering currently  registered  products, EPA
will issue Section 3(c) (2) (B) directives requiring the registrants to take
appropriate steps to fill all identified data  gaps  — whether  the data in
question is "product specific"  or "generic" — in accordance with a schedule.

Persons who wish to obtain registrations for new products under this Standard
will be required to submit (or  cite) sufficient "product specific"  data before
their applications are approved.  Upon registration, they will be required
under Section 3(c) (2) (B) to take appropriate steps to submit data needed  to
fill "generic" data gaps.  (We  expect they will respond to  this requirement by
entering into cost-sharing agreements with other registrants who previously
have been told they must furnish the data.)  The Guidance Package for this
Standard details the steps that must be taken  by registrants to comply with
Section 3(c) (2) (B).

    Amendments to the Standard

Applications for registration which propose uses or formulations that  are  not
presently covered by the Standard, or which present product compositions,
product chemistry data, hazard  data, toxicity  levels, or labeling that do not
meet the requirements of the Standard, will automatically be considered by  the
Agency  to be requests for amendments to the Standard.   In response  to such
applications, the Agency may request additional data to support the proposed

amendment to the Standard, or may deny  the application  for registration on the
grounds that the proposed product would cause  unreasonable adverse effects to
the environment.  In the former case, when additional data have been
satisfactorily supplied, and providing  that  the data do  not indicate the
potential for unreasonable adverse effects,  the Agency will  then amend  the
Standard to cover the new registration.Each  Registration Standard is based upon
all data and Information available to the Agency's reviewers on a particular
date prior to the publication date.  This "cut-off" date is  stated at the
beginning of the second chapter.  Any subsequent data submissions and any
approved amendments will be incorporated into  the Registration  Standard  by
means of addenda,- which are available for inspection at  EPA  in  Washington,
D.C., or copies of which may be requested from the Agency.  When all  the
present "data gaps" have been filled and the submitted data have  been reviewed,
the Agency will revise the Registration Standard.  Thereafter,  when the  Agency
determines that the internally maintained addenda have significantly  altered
the conditions for registration under the Standard, the document  will be
updated and re-issued for publication.

While the Registration Standard discusses only the uses  and hazards  of products
containing the designated active ingredient(s), the Agency is also  concerned
with the potential  hazards of some inert ingredients and impurities.
Independent of the  development of any one Standard, the Agency has  initiated
the evaluation of some inert pesticide ingredients.  Where the Agency has
indentified inert ingredients of concern in a specific product to which  the
Standard applies, these ingredients will be pointed out in the Guidance  Package.

                                  CHAPTER II
                          AGENCY POSITION ON DIALIPOR

This chapter describes in detail the Agency's regulatory position on products
which contain dialifor as the sole active ingredient.  The  regulatory position
adopted by the Agency incorporates a number of considerations.   Foremost among
these considerations is an analysis of the registrability of  products
containing dialifor based on the risk criteria found in  Section 162.11(a) of
Title 40 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.  The Agenc;/ s determination
is presented below, and the rationale for this basic decision follows the

In addition to this decision, standards of product composition, acute toxicity,
and use are established.  The rationale for establishing a particular standard
follows the presentation of the standard.  Regulatory actions such as
establishing farmworker safety (reentry) intervals are prescribed,  and
additional data are requested.  The basis for any regulatory  action can be
found by first reading the rationale for the action, which follows the chosen
regulatory option.  Further information, on the scientific basis for an action,
can be found by reading the various disciplinary chapters which present
summaries of available scientific data on the safety of  dialifor.

In general, the basis for establishing a data requirement can be found in the
topical discussion portion of a disciplinary chapter.  References  to Agency
guidelines for testing are provided when appropriate.

 Description of Chemical

Dialifor is an insecticide used for the control of a variety of mites,  spiders
and scales on grapes, pecans, citrus and apples.   Dialifor is the common  name
for O,O-Diethyl S-(2-chloro-l-phthalimidoethyl) phosphorodithioate.   There is
only one currently registered manufacturing-use product.

Dialifor end-use products are marketed under the trade name TorakS'  These
products are available in emulsifiable concentrate and wettable powder

 Regulatory Position for Products Containing Dialifor

Dialifor (O,O-Diethyl S-(2-chloro-l-phthalimidoethyl) phosphorodithioate)  as
described in this standard may be registered for sale, distribution,
reformulation, and use in the United States.  Considering all information
available to the Agency from the open literature and provided to the Agency by
registrants,  as of October 5, 1980, the Agency finds that none of the risk
criteria found- in Section 162.11(a) of Title 40 of the U.S. Code of  Federal
Regulations were met or exceeded for pesticide products containing dialifor.

Available data indicate that the use of dialifor will not result in
unreasonable adverse effects to man or his environment.  Gaps in the data


base preclude the completion of the Agency's  risk assessment.   Currently
registered dialifor products may be reregistered  subject to the conditions
imposed.  New products may be registered  under this Standard and are subject to
the same requirements.

 Regulatory Rationale for Dialifor

Dialifor is a phthalophosphate insecticide  used for the control of a variety of
spiders, mites, and scales on citrus, grapes  and  pecans.  Because of the
phthalimido radical in the structure of dialifor, the Agency is concerned about
potential teratogenic effects.  Thalidomide,  responsible for the world-wide
increase in the incidence of phocomelia  (a  shortening or complete absence of
the limbs) in the early 1960's, also contained the phthalimido radical.
Dialifor's chemical similarity to Thalidomide is  discussed in more detail in
the Toxicology chapter of this Standard.

The Agency screened three unaudited teratogenicity studies on dialifor
completed by Industrial Biotest Laboratories  (IBT),  and reviewed one study,
identified in the open literature, completed  by Jane Robens.  None of these
studies report significant teratogenic or fetotoxic effects.  While no
definitive conclusions can be reached on  the  teratogenic and fetotoxic
properties of dialifor, two of the IBT studies and the Robens study do suggest
that dialifor may cause teratogenic and  fetotoxic effects.

Additional testing on the potential teratogenicity of dialifor is required.
The species selected for testing is of special concern, because the teratogenic
effects of Thalidomide are more reliably  reproduced in rabbits.  Because
dialifor is structurally similar to Thalidomide,  there is a good possibility
that the mode of action may be similar, and that  testing in rabbits would
provide more accurate information.

Dialifor, like many organophosphate insecticides, causes acetyl cholinesterase
depression.  The potential hazards to farmworkers posed by dialifor residues in
the agricultural workplace have been the  subject  of considerable concern over
the past decade in the State of California.  Concern focused on the existence
of the potentially more potent cholinesterase inhibitor dialifor-oxon as a
residue in California vineyards, two field  worker poisoning incidents
(considered to be siginificant by State authorities) and reports of its
ineffectiveness as a pesticide.

This concern culminated in the imposition of  a 75-day reentry period in
California, for the use of dialifor on grapes, by the Department of Food and
Agriculture for the State of California.  In  addition, this Department
requested the completion of a reentry study on humans by the manufacturer.
Available data indicate that such a study was never completed.  Communication
with the California Department of Food and  Agriculture indicated that the
registrant subsequently submitted a voluntary cancellation for this use  pattern
in California.

The Department of Food and Agriculture for  the State of California was also
concerned about residue levels in treated commodities at the time of harvest.
This Department expressed some concern that residue levels, although within
Federal tolerance limits, were too high given the toxicity of dialifor and
d ialifor-oxon.

Valid safety data available  to  the Agency is  scarce,  and the Agency is unable
to set a No Observed Effect  Level  (NOEL)  for  red  blood cell and plasma
cholinesterase depression  for dialifor or for dialifor-oxon.  This precludes
the completion of a formal risk assessment.   However, the Agency does recognize
that dialifor is-a cholinesterase inhibitor,  and  that sane regulatory action is
warranted based on the existence of reports of  accidents involving fieldworkers
exposed to weathered residues of dialifor.

The first poisoning incident (1973 in Fowler, California)  involved 32 pickers
who harvested grapes 42 days after application  of dialifor.   Workers were
exposed to residues of both  dialifor and  phosalone  (another organophosphate
insecticide).  The second poisoning incident, (September of 1976 in Madera,
California) involved 118 grape  pickers exposed  to residues of dialifor and
phosalone.  Available information on this incident  indicates that reentry
occurred approximately 15 days  following  application  of dialifor.

Data summarized in the Environmental Fate and Residue Chemistry Chapters
indicate that the oxygen analog of dialifor is  formed by photolysis, and that
this metabolite may be present  in quantities up to  12.5% of  weathered residues
on crops (see Residue Chemistry Chapter).  Data are not available to quantify
the exact amount of dialifor-oxon residues present  over time,  or to establish
the persistence of this metabolite, or dialifor itself,  in the field.   It is
highly likely that the characteristically hot,  arid climate  of California
increases the persistence of this oxon.   The possibility of  several
toxicologically significant  chemicals in  the weathered  residue greatly
complicates an analysis of the  relationship between application rate,  remainir.c
residues, and dose and response.

The foliar residues of dialifor and its oxygen  analog are  suspected of playing
the principal role in farmworker exposure.  These residues are dislodged  by th
activity of the workers, become airborne, and "fall out" over  the surface of
the worker's clothing and exposed skin.  The amount of available  foliar residu
is influenced by chemical characteristics, crop type, and weather conditions
following application.

A reentry study completed in 1980 involving the use of dialifor on  grapes
supports a farmworker safety interval of at least 65 days for  this  use  in the
State of California.  The official reentry interval for  this use  in-California
is 75 days.

Section 3(c)8 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act  (FIFRA;
directs the Agency not to initiate a Rebuttable Presumption Against
Registration action unless the action is based on a validated  test  or other
significant evidence raising prudent concerns of unreasonable  adverse effects
to man or the environment.  Available data do not indicate that the use of
dialifor will result in unreasonable adverse effects.  However, numerous  gaps
in the data base preclude the completion of quantitative risk  assessments.

In the interim, pending receipt of data to complete the risk assessment,  the
Agency has decided to adopt the 75-day reentry interval imposed by  the
Department of Food and Agriculture for the State of California  for  the use of
dialifor on grapes,  as a federally accepted farmworker safety  interval  for this
use pattern.  Data,  to establish safe reentry intervals  for other registered
crops, are being requested.

Data to determine acceptable reentry intervals for the use of dialifor on
citrus, pecans, and apples do not exist, and available reentry data  on grapes
cannot be extrapolated to other use patterns.

Preharvest intervals have been reviewed and have been found  to be  adequate to
insure residue levels in raw agricultural commodities below  tolerance limits at
harvest.  A full battery of acute, subchronic, and chronic toxicity  testing is
requested on dialifor, as well as acute oral and acute dermal toxicity testing
of dialifor-oxon.  These toxicology data, when submitted, will be  used to
reassess current tolerance limits.

If dialifor-oxon is found to be significantly more toxic than dialifor, an
analytical method  (of appropriate sensitivity as determined  from toxicity data)
and a  full compliment of crop residue data specific  to the oxon  will be

Data available to  the Agency indicate that dialifor  is applied to  less than 1%
of registered crops.  The Agency is, however, very concerned about potential
hazards to the general population  (through ingestion of dialifor treated
crops), to applicators (through spray application of liquid  formulations), and
to farmworkers (through harvesting of dialifor treated crops) exposed to this
pesticide.  Available data suggest a high acute toxicity and a potential for
inducing teratogenic effects.

Because of these and other toxicological considerations, the Agency  is
requiring a full battery of acute, subchronic, and chronic testing,  as well as
data on fish and wildlife effects and fate of this pesticide in  the  environment.

 Criteria for Registration Under this Standard

To be  subject to this Standard, dialifor products must:

          1. contain dialifor as the sole active  ingredient;

          2. be within acceptable standards of composition;

          3. be within acceptable acute toxicity  limits;

          4. be labeled for acceptable end-uses; and

          5. bear  required labeling.

Manufacturing-use  dialifor products must bear label  directions  for formulation
into acceptable end-uses.

Applicants for registration or  reregistration of dialifor products under this
Standard must comply with all terms and conditions described in  the  following
sections, including commitment  to  fill data gaps on  a  time schedule  specified
by the Agency and  when applicable offer to pay compensation  to the extent
required by 3(c)(l)(D) and 3(c)(2)(D) of the Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide and
Rodenticide Act  (FIFRA), as amended, 7 U.S.C. 136(c)(l)(D) and 136(c)(2)(D).
As discussed  in  Chapter I, applicants  for  the registration of dialifor products
under  this Standard must contact the Agency  for specific instructions,
 including updated  information on data requirements and companies whose data
must be cited  and  to whan compensation must be offered.

A.  Manufacturing-use Dialifor

1.  Acceptable Ranges and Limits

a. Product Composition Standards

The only currently registered manufacturing-use dialifor product contains 90%
dialifor.  To be covered under this Standard, manufacturing-use  dialifor
products must contain dialifor as the sole active  ingredient.  Any percentage
of active ingredient is acceptable with appropriate certification of limits.

The Agency has determined that information on the  physical/chemical properties
of technical grade dialifor cannot be used to fulfill product chemistry
requirements for the currently registered manufacturing-use product.  Data are
required on the physical/chemical properties of both technical grade dialifor
and the currently registered manufacturing-use product.

b. Acute Toxicity Limits

The Agency will consider registration of manufacturing-use dialifor products
which have established acute toxicity category I-IV ratings for  each of the
following effects:

               Acute Oral Toxicity
               Acute Dermal Toxicity
               Acute Inhalation Toxicity
               Primary Eye Irritation
               Primary Dermal Irritation

c. Use Patterns

To be covered under this Standard, manufacturing-use dialifor products  must be
labeled for formulation into end-use pesticides which are intended  for  outdoor
nondomestic terrestrial applications (food or non  food uses).

Dialifor is currently registered for use only in agricultural applications.
Tolerances have been established for dialifor use on grapes, citrus,  apples and
pecans.  Tolerances have also been established for residues of dialifor in meat
(red), milk, poultry, and eggs.

The Agency will consider additional tolerances on  food or feed crops provided
that applicants for the registration of the additional crop(s) submit a
petition(s) proposing a tolerance level for each crop, supply appropriate
residue data, and demonstrate that the addition of the tolerance will not
result in an unacceptable risk to the general population.  Applicants must  also
demonstrate that the additional food-use pattern(s) will not result  in  an
unacceptable risk to applicators or to fieldworkers.

The Agency will also consider non-food (non domestic) terrestrial outdoor uses
of dialifor provided any additional required data are submitted  for the
registration of the use and provided the use pattern will not result  in an
unacceptable risk to applicators.

Dialifor cannot be registered for (general) domestic use under this standard
because of potent cholinesterase inhibiting properties, and high dermal
toxicity (Category II) of currently registered end-use products.  The


application of dialifor involves the mixing and  spraying of liquid formulation
upwards onto the foliaqe of apples, citrus, grapes,  and pecans.   Application is
made, in some cases, until the crop is soaked  and dripping  with  dialifor.   Hie
homeowner-applicator cannot be reasonably expected to exert the  effort needed
to eliminate the possibility of exposure  to potentially toxic quantities of
dialifor by the dermal route as a  result  of application.

2.  Required Labeling

All manufacturing-use dialifor products must bear appropriate labeling as
specified in 40 CFR 162.10.

3.  Tolerance Reassessment

Tolerances have been established for combined  residues of dialifor and its
oxygen analog in or on raw agricultural commodities  as indicated: 1.5 ppm  in or
on apples, 3 ppm in or on citrus fruits,  1 ppm in or on grapes,  .01 ppm in or
on pecans, .15 ppm in meat, fat, and meat byproducts of cattle,  goats and
sheep,  .15 ppm in  milk fat,  .05 ppm in meat, fat, and meat  byproducts of
poultry, and  .01 ppm in eggs (40 CFR 180.326).

The theoretical maximum residue contribution  (TMRC)  of dialifor  to the human
diet  is calculated to be  .265 mg/day.  This figure is based on average adult
eating patterns and on the assumption that each commodity contains residues
which meet the established tolerance level.

The Agency is unable to set a No Observed Effect Level (NOEL) for dialifor or
for dialifor-oxon. Thus, tolerance levels cannot be reassessed  at this time.

B.  Emulsifiable Concentrate  Dialifor

1.  Acceptable Ranges and Limits

a. Product Composition Standards

Currently registered dialifor emulsifiable  concentrate products include three
products containing 4 pounds  per gallon of  dialifor.   The Agency has determined
that existing emulsifiable concentrate products  are substantially similar.

Emulsifiable concentrate dialifor products  containing  up to 50% active
ingredient are acceptable (with appropriate certification of limits), as long
as application rates (on a per acre basis)  remain the  same.

The Agency has placed this upper limit on the percentage of active ingredient
because available acute dermal toxicity testing  of  the manufacturing-use
product (containing 90% active ingredient)  suggests high toxicity.  Available
acute dermal toxicity testing of the  50% wettable powder product indicates that
this product falls into Category II which is acceptable  for general, non
domestic use.

Inert ingredients in food-use formulations  must  be  cleared for such use under
40 CFR 180.1001.

b. Acute Toxicity Limits

To be registered for nondomestic use  under  this  Standard,  an emulsifiable
concentrate dialifor product must have an (a):

                 Acute Oral Toxicity  of Category I-IV;
                 Acute Dermal Toxicity of Category  II-IV;
                 Acute Inhalation Toxicity of Category I-IV;
                 Primary Eye  Irritation of Category II-IV; and
                 Primary Dermal Irritation of Category II-IV.

Rationale:  Emulsifiable Concentrate products with acute oral LD50 values  in
Category I are acceptable for general use under  this Standard.  The Agency has-
determined that appropriate label warnings  (against consumption of-food and
smoking during application and prior  to the washing of hands and face  following
application) will significantly decrease the possibility of  ingesting  fatal
quantities of dialifor.  In addition, under normal  use conditions, it  is
unlikely that applicators will be orally exposed to fatal quantities of

Emulsifiable Concentrate products with acute inhalation LC50 values  in Category
I are also acceptable for general use under this Standard.  The Agency has
determined that labeling (in accordance with 40 CFR 162.10) and formulation
type (liquid) can be reasonably expected to eliminate the possibility of the
inhalation of fatal quantities of dialifor.

c. Use Patterns and Application Methods

To be registered under this Standard, emulsifiable concentrate products of
dialifor may only be used nondomestically, as insecticide-acaricides on apples,
citrus, grapes and pecans.

 Reentry Intervals

The Agency has accepted the California State  reentry interval of 75 days (the
longest existing State reentry  interval)  for  the  use of emulsifiable
concentrate dialifor products on grapes when  applied at an application rate of
1 pound dialifor (or less) per  acre.  This  is an  interim  measure,  pending the
completion and implementation of Agency reentry guidelines.  A reassessment of
this interval may become necessary  following  the  completion of the Agency's
reentry guidelines.

Registrants of emulsifiable concentrate dialifor  products have the option of
accepting the California reentry interval of  75 days for  the use of dialifor on
grapes, or of petitioning  for relief  based  upon local exposure and residue data.

Federally recommended reentry intervals for the use  of dialifor on apples,
citrus, and pecans cannot  be established  at this  time due to extensive gaps in
the data base, and the inability to extrapolate data on grapes to other crops.
Data to establish safe reentry  intervals  for  these other  crops are required.
Reentry intervals may need to be reassessed following the completion of Agency
reentry guidelines.

 Preharvest Intervals

Preharvest  intervals  for the use of dialifor  on apples, grapes, citrus,
raisins, and pecans remain in effect. These  intervals have been reassessed and
appear to be adequate to insure residue levels in raw agricultural commodities
below  tolerance  limits at  harvest.  The currently recommended preharvest
intervals are as follows:

           Crop                       Preharvest Interval

          Citrus                         7  days
          Grapes                       35  days*
          Apples                       60  days
          Raisins                       70  days

*  NOTE: Although the current preharvest  interval  for the  use of dialifor on
        grapes  is  sufficient to insure residue levels below tolerance limits at
        harvest, because of worker safety concerns,  reentry into treated fields
         is  prohibited within 75 days  of application.  Registrants have the
        option of  accepting  this  restriction  or of petitioning for relief based
        upon  local exposure  and residue data.

 Application Rates

The Agency finds that it must  limit application rates to current levels.  This
 is an  interim measure which may need  to be  reassessed following the receipt of
required data  to complete  the  Agency's risk assessment.   Available residue data
 indicate that application  rates cannot exceed: 1.0 pound  per acre on grapes,
 2.0 pounds per  acre on  pecans,  2.25 pounds  per acre on apples, and 5.0 pounds
per acre on citrus,  at  current preharvest intervals.

Most  applicators  are  certified or work under the supervision of certified
applicators.  However, the use of dialifor  is not restricted to certified
applicators or  to supervision by certified  applicators at this time.

 Additional Uses

The addition of similar crops, ie. within the same crop groupings,  as
registered uses would be considered under this standard provided petitions
proposing tolerances, required residue data,  safety data,  use information, and
reentry studies are submitted and found to  be acceptable.

 Group                      Commodities therein

Citrus fruits              Citrus citron, grapefruit,  kumquats,  lemons,  limes,
                           oranges, tangelos, tangerines,  and hybrids of these.

Small fruits               Blackberries, blueberries,  boysenberries,
                           cranberries, currants, dewberries,  elderberries,
                           gooseberries, grapes, hickleberries,  loganberries,
                           strawberries, youngberries,  and rasberries.

Pome  fruits                Apples, crabapples, pears,  and  quinces.

Nuts                       Almonds, Brazil  nuts, bush  nuts,  butternuts,
                           cashews, chestnuts, filberts, hazelnuts,  hickory
                           nuts, macadamia  nuts, pecans, and walnuts.

Emulsifiable concentrate dialifor cannot be registered  for (general) domestic
use under this  standard because of potent cholinesterase inhibiting  properties
and acute dermal  toxicity in Category  II (see Toxicology Chapter).   The
application of  dialifor involves the mixing and spraying of a  liquid
formulation upwards onto the foliage of apples,  grapes, citrus, and  pecans.
Application is made, in some cases, until the crop is soaked and dripping with
dialifor.  The homeowner-applicator cannot be expected to exert the  effort
needed to eliminate the possibility of exposure to potentially toxic quantities
of dialifor during application.

2.  Required Labeling

All emulsifiable  concentrate dialifor products must bear appropriate labeling
as specified in 40 CFR 162.10.


All emulsifiable concentrate dialifor products intended for application on
grapes must include the following precaution:

   "Reentry into treated fields is prohibited within 75 days of application."

All labels and labeling intended for agricultural use products must bear the
following statement:  "This product must be applied in accordance with 40 CFR
Part 170."  Registrants may state the contents of 40 CFR Part 170 or additional

Additional Restrictions and Precautionary Statements

In addition, emulsifiable concentrate products must bear the  following

             "Not for use or storage in or around  the home"

All labels and labeling for emulsifiable concentrate products must  bear the
following (or equivalent) statements:

             "Do not eat or smoke during exposure.  Wash hands  and  face
              before eating or smoking"

All labels and labeling for emulsifiable concentrate products must  bear the
following statement:

             "Do not apply directly to water"

C.  Wettable Powder Dialifor

1.  Acceptable Ranges and Limits

a. Product Composition Standards

The currently registered dialifor wettable powder product contains 50% dialifor
as the active ingredient.  Wettable powder dialifor products containing up to
50% active ingredient are acceptable  (with appropriate certification of
limits), as long as application rates (on  a per acre basis)  remain the same.

The Agency has placed this upper limit on  the percentage of  active ingredient
because available acute dermal toxicity  testing of the manufacturing-use
product suggests that this product (containing  90% active ingredient) is very
toxic.  Acute dermal toxicity testing of the currently registered wettable
powder product places this product in Category  II,  which is  acceptable for
general, non domestic use.

Inert ingredients in food-use formulations must be cleared for such use under
40 CFR 180.1001.

b. Acute Toxicity Limits

To be registered for nondomestic use  under this Standard,  a  wettable powder
dialifor product must have an (a):

                    Acute Oral Toxicity of  Category I-IV;
                    Acute Dermal Toxicity of Category II-IV;
                    Acute Inhalation Toxicity of Category I-IV;
                    Primary Eye Irritation of Category I-IV;  and
                    Primary Dermal Irritation of Category I-IV.

Rationale: Wettable Powder products with acute  oral  LD50 values in Category I
are acceptable for  general use under  this Standard.   The Agency has  determined
that appropriate label warnings (i.e. against the consumption of  food and
smoking during during application and prior to  the washing of hands  and  face
following application) will significantly decrease the possibility of ingestion
of fatal quantities of dialifor.  In  addition,  under use conditions',  it  is
unlikely that applicators will be orally exposed to  fatal quantities of

Wettable Powder products with acute inhalation  toxicity values in Category  I
are also acceptable for general use under this  Standard.  The Agency has
determined that labeling (in accordance with 40 CFR  162.10)  and formulation
type (liquid) can reasonably be expected to eliminate the possibility of
exposure to fatal quantities of dialifor.

c. Use Patterns and Application Methods

To be registered under this Standard, wettable powder products of dialifor  may
only be used nondomestically, as insecticide-acaracides on apples.

Wettable powder dialifor is currently registered for use on  apples.

 Reentry Intervals

Federally accepted reentry intervals for the use of wettable powder dialifor on
apples cannot be established at this time due to extensive gaps  in  the data
base.  Reentry data on the use of dialifor on grapes cannot be extrapolated  to
other use patterns.

 Preharvest Intervals

The current preharvest interval of 60 days for  the use of wettable  powder
dialifor on apples remains in effect.

 Application Rates

The Agency finds that it must limit application rates to current levels.   This
is an interim measure which may need to be reassessed following  the submission
of required data to complete the risk assessment.  Available residue  data
indicate that the application rate cannot exceed 2.25 pounds per acre on  apples.

 Additional Uses

The addition of grapes, citrus, and pecans (and other crops within  the same
crop groupings, see page 2-9), as registered use patterns for wettable powder
dialifor products would be considered under this Standard provided  petitions
proposing tolerances, required residue chemistry data, safety data, use
information, and reentry studies are submitted, and  found to be  acceptable.

Because the amount of available dislodgeable residues is influenced by
formulation type, the reentry interval for the  use of emulsifiable  concentrate
dialifor on grapes is not directly applicable to wettable powder formulations.
Additional data are required.

Wettable powder dialifor cannot be registered for  (general) domestic  use  under
this Standard because of cholinesterase  inhibiting properties, and  acute  dermal
toxicity in Category II (see Toxicology  Chapter).  The application  of dialifor
involves the mixing and spraying of a liquid formulation upwards onto the
foliage of grapes, apples, citrus, and pecans.  Application  is made,  in some
cases, until the crop is soaked and dripping with dialifor.  The homeowner-
applicator cannot be expected to exert the effort needed to eliminate the
possibility of accidental exposure to potentially toxic  quantities  of dialifor
during application.

2.   Required Labeling

All  wettable powder dialifor products must bear appropriate  labeling  as
specified  in 40 CFR 162.10.


All  labels and  labeling  intended  for agricultural  use products must bear  the
following statement:   "This product must be applied  in accordance with 40 CFR
Part 170".  Registrants may state  the contents  of  40 CFR Part 170 or  additional

All labels and labeling for wettable powder products must bear the  following
(or equivalent) statements:

          "Do not eat or smoke during exposure.  Wash hands and face before
           eating or smoking"

          "Do not apply directly to water"

In addition, wettable powder products must bear the following restriction:

          "Not for use or storage in or around the home"

                                  CHAPTER III
                        DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA GAPS

A.   Manufacturing-use Dialifor

The majority of chronic, subchronic, and acute toxicity data  on manufacturing-
use dialifor were generated by Industrial Biotest  Laboratories  (IBT).   These
studies are currently under review  in the E.P.A. Laboratory Audit Program.

The Agency's policy in the Registration Standards  Program  is  to review IBT
studies for indications of adverse  effects resulting from  administration of the
test substance.  Any identified adverse effect data are then  discussed in the

If adverse effects are not identified during the Registration Standard review,
these studies are considered invalid for registration purposes.   Their status
as invalid will continue until they have been validated by registrants and  the
Agency through the Laboratory Audit Program.

A number of studies have not completed the validation process through  the
Laboratory Audit Program.  Thus, some company submitted toxicology data have
been declared invalid for registration purposes.  These categories of  data  are
identified in the Standard as data gaps.

USE DIALIFOR PRODUCTS  includes those data that pertain to the properties or
effects of dialifor as an active ingredient.  Thus, these data are relevant  to
an evaluation of the risks and benefits of all products containing dialifor.
Providing data to fill indicated data gaps is the primary responsibility of  the
manufacturing-use product registrant(s).  Registrants of end-use products which
are not exempted by FIFRA Section 3(c)(2)(D) are also responsible for the
submission of these data.  Applicants for the registration or reregistration of
manufacturing-use dialifor products must acknowledge reliance on existing data
which fill indicated data requirements under FIFRA 3(c)(l)(D).  These data are
listed under the column entitled:  Bibliographic Citation  in this table.

                            Product Chemistry Data

Certain data on the physical/chemical properties of technical grade dialifor
are required for the registration of any manufacturing-use product.

                                Toxicology Data

For purposes of acute oral and dermal toxicity testing, technical grade
dialifor has been determined to be equivalent to the currently registered
Manufacturing-use product.

Acute oral and dermal toxicity testing of the oxygen-analog of dialifor is
required because data indicate that this degradation product may be  present in
significant amounts in weathered residues in food and  in  the field.   The Agency
must be able to quantify the toxicity of this oxon.

Residue Chemistry Data

A petition proposing a tolerance of 110 ppm in  citrus  oil is needed.

Pending the receipt of data on the toxicity of  dialifor-oxon, a  full compliment
of residue data  (including an analytical method of appropriate sensitivity) on
the oxygen analog may be required.

MANDFACTRING-USE DIALIFOR PRODUCTS   includes  those data that relate only to the
properties or effects of  a product with  a specific composition.   Thus,  these
data are  required of each product to characterize  the product's particular
composition and physical/chemical properties, and  to  characterize the product's
acute  toxicity.  Providing data  to fulfill  these data requirements for  a
particular product  is the responsibility of each applicant for the registration
or reregistration of a manufacturing-use dial if or  product.   If the Agency has
in its possession product specific data  which fulfill a data  requirement for a
particular product, this  is  indicated  in the guidance package accompanying this

Applicants for the  registration  of new manufacturing-use dialifor products must
submit all required product  specific data or establish that the  proposed
product is substantially  similar to  another product for which the Agency has
received  acceptable product  specific data.

If the Agency has determined that one or more existing manufacturing-use
dialifor  products are substantially  similar, then  this too is indicated.
Product specific data need not be acknowledged under  FIFRA  3(c)(l)(D) unless
the Agency or a registrant has established  that a  product  is  substantially
similar to another product for which the Agency has received  acceptable product
specific  data.  If  this should occur,  the registrant(s) of  the  former
product(s) is required to acknowledge reliance on  these data.

                            Product  Chemistry Data

Data requirements 163.61-3 through 163.61-7 (product composition data)  apply to
each  proposed or currently registered manufacturing-use product.

Data requirements 163.61-8(7) through 163.61-8(18)  (physical/chemical
properties data) apply to manufacturing-use products which are not the  same  as
the technical grade of the active ingredient.   These data are required  on
manufacturing-use dialifor.

                                Toxicology Data

Data requirements 163.81-1 and 163.81-2  (acute oral and dermal toxicity) apply
to manufacturing-use products which are not toxicologically equivalent  to the
technical grade of the active ingredient.  Technical grade dialifor has been
determined to be equivalent to the currently registered manufacturing-use

Data requirements 163.81-3 through 163.81-6 apply  to each manufacturing-use
product or substantially similar product.

B.   Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor

The Agency has determined that existing emulsifiable concentrate dialifor
products are substantially similar.

Registrants of end-use emulsifiable concentrate dialifor products not exempted
by FIFRA Section 3(c)(2)(D) are responsible for the submission of "generic"
data described in Table A in section III. A of this chapter,  in addition to  the
product specific data listed in Table C.

Registrants of all end-use emulsifiable concentrate products  are advised that
if data are not generated to fill generic data requirements for the
^annfacturing-use product(s), these registrations will be  suspended.   If
continued availability of the manufacturing-use product is desired, these data
must be supplied.

EMULSIFIABLE CONCENTRATE PRODUCTS  includes those data that relate only to the
properties or effects of an emulsifiable concentrate product  with a specific
composition.  Thus, these data are required of each emulsifiable concentrate
dialifor end-use product to characterize the product's particular composition,
physical/chemical properties, and acute toxicity.  Providing  data to  fulfill
these data requirements is the responsibility of each applicant for the
registration or reregistration of an emulsifiable concentrate dialifor product.

Applicants for the registration of new emulsifiable concentrate dialifor
products must submit all required product specific data or establish  that the
proposed product is substantially similar to another product  for which the
Agency has received acceptable product specific data.

If the Agency has received acceptable product chemistry and/or acute  toxicity
data for any existing emulsifiable concentrate dialifor product(s), this is
indicated in Table C, and the specific product(s) is identified in the guidance
package accompanying this Standard.  In addition, in the column entitled:
Bibliographic Citation  , the Identification Numbers of the acceptable studies
are provided.  These acceptable data are also summarized in the Topical
Discussion sections of  this Standard.  If the Agency has established  that a
particular product is substantially similar to another product for which the
Agency has received acceptable product chemistry and/or acute toxicity data,
then this too is indicated.

Product specific data need not be acknowledged under FIFRA Section 3(c)(l)(D)
unless the Agency or a  registrant has established that a product is
substantially similar to another product for which the Agency has received
acceptable product specific data.  If this should occur, the  registrant(s) of
the  former product(s) is required to acknowledge reliance  on  these data.

C.   Wettable Powder Dialifor

Registrants of end-use wettable powder dialifor products not exempted form
FIFRA Section 3(c)(2)(D)  are  responsible  for the submission of "generic" data
described  in  Tables  A and B in Section III.A of this  chapter, in addition to
the product specific data listed  in Table D.

Registrants of all end-use  wettable powder dialifor products are advised that
if data are not generated to  fill generic data  requirements for the
manufacturing-use product(s), these registrations will be suspended.   If
continued  availability of the manufacturing-use product  is desired, these data
must be supplied.

PRODUCTS   includes those  data that relate only  to the properties or effects of
a wettable powder product with a specific composition.  Thus,  these data are
required of each wettable powder dialifor end-use product to characterize the
product's  particular composition, physical/chemical properties,  and acute
toxicity.  Providing data to fulfill these data requirements is  the
responsibility of each applicant for the  registration or  reregistration  of a
wettable powder dialifor  product.

Applicants for the registration of new wettable powder dialifor  products must
submit all required  product specific data or establish that  the  proposed
product is substantially  similar to another product for which the Agency has
received acceptable  product specific data.

If the Agency has received acceptable product chemistry and/or acute toxicity
data for the existing wettable powder dialifor product(s), this  is  indicated in
Table Dr and the specific product(s)  is identified in the guidance package
accompanying this Standard.  In addition, in the column entitled: Bibliographic
Citation , identification numbers of the acceptable studies are provided.
These acceptable data are also summarized in the Topical Discussion sections of
this Standard.  If the Agency has established that a particular product  is
substantially similar to another product for which the Agency has received
acceptable product chemistry and/or acute toxicity data,  then this too is

Product specific data need not be acknowledged under FIFRA Section 3(c)(l)(D)
unless the Agency or a registrant has established that a- product is
substantially similar to another product for which the Agency has received
acceptable product specific data.   If this should occur,  the registrant(s) of
the former product(s) is required to.acknowledge reliance on these data.  There
is only one currently registered wettable powder product.


                                                    GENERIC DATA REQUIREMOfrS AND DATA GAPS
                                                        FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR
Name of Are Data Test
Teat Required? Substances
Does EPA Have Data to Bibliographic
Partially or Totally Citation
Satisfy Requirement?
Must Additional Data be Submit try!
under FIFRA 1(c)(2)(B)7 If so,
dnadllns for submission.
163. 61 -3 (b)
61 8(11)
Malting Point
Physical State
Density or
Specific Gravity
Vapor Pressure
Hercules ,










6 months

6 months
6 months
6 months
6 months

6 month.?
T2=hnlcal Grad* Dial 1 for
                                                Data Requirements Current
                                                as of June 1911.   Refer to
                                                Guidance Package  for Updated

                                                                  TABLE-A (con)

                                                       GENERIC DATA RBQUIRMEttTS AND DATA GAPS
                                                          FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR
Guidel Ina
62-7 (b)
62-7 (c)
62 -8 (b)
62-9 (b)
62-9 (c)
62-9 (d)
62-9 (e)
62-10 (b)
62-11 (d)
Name of Are Data
Test Required?
Aerobic Soil
Water Dispersal
Terrestrial Field
Fish Accumulation
Test Does EPA Have Data to
Substance Partially or Totally
Satisfy Requirement?
T ich.
Form. Types**
Itopresentatl ve
Form. Types
Partial5 1
Bibliographic Must Additional Data be Submitted
Citation under FIFRA 3(c)(2)(B)7 If so,
deadline for submission.

Ford, 1971
Ford, 1971

Ford, 1970
Ford, 1971

, 00001956
1968, 00002003
. 00001953

, 00001970
, C0001953

Knaak, 1978, 05003635
Wintorlln, 1978, 05001343
24 months


*  Radio  labeled analytical grade or non-radio  labeled technical grade.
** 151 Emulslfiable Concentrate nnd 50% Wottable Powder.

1  For terrestrial noncrop uses, orchard crop usos, field or vegetable crop
   uses,  and  forestry uses, the mobility of the test substance and  its
   dcgradates In soil shall be assessed either  by soil thin layer
   chromntography, soil column, or batch equilibrium  (adsorption/desorptlon).
2- Requested  data on leaching will fulfill tills requirement.
3- Flow through only.
4- Need data  on apples, pecans, and citrus.
S-  Protocols used In testing not acceptable.
6-  Tree fruit and nut crop use only.

                                            Data Requirements Current as of
                                            June, 1981.  Refer to Guidance
                                            Package for Updated Requirements.

                                                                  TABLE-A (con)

                                                      GENERIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA GAPS
                                                          FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR
Name of Test Are Data
Tost Required?
Acute Oral Yes
Acute Dermal Yos
Acute Delayed Yes
Gubchronlc Oral Yes
Subchronlc Yes
(21-day) Dermal Toxlclty
Qironlc Feeding Yes
Oncogenlclty Yes
Teratogenlcity Yes
Reproduction Yes
Mutagenlclty Yes
HetabollsM Yes
t Oxon*
t Oxon*
lech. Grade**
Tech. Grade
Tech. Grade
Tech. Grade
Tech. Grade
'lech. Grade
Tech. Grade
Tech. Grade
Tech. Grade
Does EPA Have Data to Bibliographic Must Additional Data be Submitted
Partially or Totally Citation under FIFRA 3(c)(2)(B)7 If so,
Satisfy Requirement? deadline Cor submission.
Dial! for: No1
Oxon: No
Dlalifort No1
Oxon: No
Jackson, 1966, 00002044 f Yesi 6 Booths
Shounig, 1966, 000020431
Shoenlg, 1966, 0000204 31 Yes: 6 months
Yes: 12 Months
Yes: 12 montlis
Nastri, 1969,000019462 Yes: 24 months
Yes: 48 months
Yes: 48 Months
Kennedy, 1966, 00002054* Yes: 24 montlis
Kennedy, 1966, 000020551
Yes: 48 montlis
Yes: 24 montlts
Bourke, 1970, 00001972 Yes: 24 months
                                                                                  Ford t Priant,  1971,  00001957

*  Technical Dlallfor and the oxygen analog of Dlallfor.
•* Technical Grade Dlallfor.

1  Studies have not yet completed validation throujh Laboratory Audit Program,  and are considered Invalid for purposes of this Standard.
   Consult with EPA Laboratory Audit Program prior to initiating studies.

2- Study determined to be supplemental under Laboratory Audit Program, additional  testing is required.
                                            Data Requirements Current as of
                                            June, 1981.   Refer to Guidance
                                            Package for  Updated Requirements.

                                                               TABLE-A (con)

                                                     GENERIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA GAPS
                                                         FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR
Name of Test
Are Data      Test          Does EPA Have Data to     Bibliographic
Required?     Substance     Partially or Totally      Citation
                            Satisfy Requirement?
                                            Must Additional Data be Submitted
                                            under FIFRA 3(c) (2)(B)? IE so,
                                            deadline for submission.

Metabolism In Plants
                                          Rep. Fora.*
Metabolism In Animals
Analytical Methods
                                          Rep. Form.
              Rep. Form.
  Bourke, 1970, 00001972           Ho
  Ford, 1971, 00001958
  Ford, 1971, 00002|27
  Hercules, 1968, 00002032
  Hercules, 1972?, 00002125
  Ford, 1971, 0000195*;

 Bourke, 1970, 00001972           No
  Ford, 1969, 00002024
  Ford, 1968?, 00002022
  St. John, nd, 05001830

  Ford, 19?? 00002005            No
ttercules.1968, 00002037
  Eastman, 19687, 00002027
* from application of representative formulations (45% B.C. and 50% W.P.).

                                                                TABLE-A (con)

                                                      GENERIC DATA REQUIREMDtrS AND DATA G\PS
                                                          FCn MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR
N-mie of Teat
Are Data
Does BPA Have Data to
Partially or Totally
Satisfy Requirement?
Must Additloivil Dita bn riibmltted
under FIFRA 3(c)(2)(B)7 If so,
deadline for submission.

Residua Data: RAC
   Citrus Fruits



Storage Data



Rep. Form.*
                                           Rap. Farm.
Rep. Form.

Rap. Form.

Rep. Form.

Rep. Fora.
                                                       Ford, 1969, 00001990
                                                       Ford, 1972, 00002130
                                                       Ford, 1959, 00001990
                               19687, 00002032
                               19597, 00001967
                               19687, 00001968
                               19697, 00001969
                               19737, 00002138
                               1971, 05001345
Ford, 1970, 00001984
Ford, 1972, 00002127
Hercules, 19697, 00001994

Ford, 1970, 00001934
Ford, 1973, 00002127

Hercules, 19697, 00002034
Ford, 1972, 00001961
Ford, 1972, 00001993

Hercules, 19687 00002032
Residue Data;

Processed Foods

   Citrus Pulp, Molasses.
   Citrus Oil                Yes
   Raisins                   YDS
   Raisin Waste              Yos

   Grape Juice
   k Ponaco                  YOS
              Rep. Form.

              Rep. Form.

              Rep. Form.

              Rap. Form.



                   Vfestlake, 1971, 05001345
                     Hercules, 19697, 00002033
                     Hercules, 19717, 000019%

                     Ford, 1970, 00001914
                     ttercules, 1973. 00002117

                     Hsrculcs, 1973, 00002117
                                                                                   Ford, 1972, 00002127
                                                                                   Ford, 1970, 00001934
                                                                                                                  Yes:   24  months

                                                              TABLE-A (con)

                                                    GENERIC DATA REQUIREMENT AND DVTA GAPS
                                                        FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR
Name of Test
Are Data      Test           Does EPA I lave Data to     Bibliographic
Required?     Substance      Partially or Totally      Citation
                            Satisfy Requirement?
                                                               Mush Additional  frita  be Submitted
                                                               undor 'FIFRA 3(c)(2)(B)7 1C  so,
                                                               deadline for submission.

Residue Data:
    Apple Juice
    6 Pomace
Rep. Form.
                                                       Ford,  1972, 00001993
    Residues in Meat, Milk,
    Poultry, and Eggs         Yes
               Rep.  Form.
                                        Itercules. 19727, 00002125
                                        St. John, nd, 00002260
                                        St. John, nd, 05001830
                                        Ford, 19687, 00002022
                                        Ford, 19697, 00002024
                                        Taylor,  1969, 00002038
                                        Ford, 1972, 00002129
  1-  Need petition proposing a  food additive  tolerance  of 110  ppm  in citrus oil.
                                                 Data Requirements are Current
                                                 as of June, 1981.  Refer to
                                                 Guidance Package for Updated

                                                                TABLB-A  (con)

                                                      GENERIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA GAPS
                                                          FOR MANUFACrURIKj-USB DIALIFOR
Name of Test Are Data Test Does EPA Have Data to
Test Required? Substance Partially or Totally
Satisfy Requirement?
Bibliographic Must Additional Data be Submitted
Citation under FIFIW 3(c)(2)(R)? If so,
deadline for submission.
103.71 -1








Avian Single Yes Toch. Grade* No
Dose Oral LD50
Avian Dietary Yes Tech. Grade Partial! Waterfowl
Avian Yes Tech. Grade No
Fish Acute Yes Tech. Grade No
Acute Toxlcity Yes Tech. Grade No
to Aquatic
Acute Toxlcity Yes: Citrus Tech. Grade Partial: Shrimp
to Estuarlne & Use
Marine Organisms
EMbryolarvae & No1
Seed Germination Yes Tech. Grade No
Vegetative Vigor Yes Tech. Grade Yes
Growth of Yes Tech. Grade No
Aquatic Plants
Yes: 6 months

Beavers, 1977, 00002139 Yes: 6 months

Yes: 18 months

Yes: 6 months

Yes: 6 months

Sleight, 1972, 00002191 Yes: 6 months

Yes: 24 months
Ishitani, 1975, 05006342 No
Yes: 24 months

* Testing required on Technical Grade Dialifor.
1- Testing may be required  ponding  receipt am) results of mobility and
   persistence studies.
                                               Data  Requirements Current as of
                                               June,  1981.  Refer  to Guidance
                                               Package  for updated


                                             PRODUCT-SPECIFIC DATA REQUIREMENT AND DATA GAPS
                                                   FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIALIFOR PRODUCTS
Guideline Name of Are Data
Citation Test Required?
163.151 3 Prcxl. Identity Yes
and Disclosure of
163.61-4 Description of Yes
Manufacturing Process
16J.61-5 Disc, of Formation Yes
of Unint. Ingredients
163.61-6 Declaration Yes
of Ingredient Limits
163.61-7 Product Analyt. Yes
Methods and Data

163.61-8(7) Physical State Yes

163. months
6 months

6 months

6 months
6 months
6 months
6 months
*   For Currently Registered Product.
**  Required for each Manufacturing-use Product.
*** Required for Manufacturing-use Products which are not the same as tha
    Technical Grade of the Active Ingredient.  These data are required for
    Mriiuifa'jturing-use Dial!for.
Data Requirements are Current  as  of
June, 1981.  Refer to Guidance Package-
for Updated Requirements.

                                                                 TABLE-B  (con)

                                             PRODUCT-SPECIFIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA GAPS
                                                   FOR MANUFACTURING-USE DIAUFOn PRODUCTS
Guideline Name of Arc Data Test Does EPA Have Data to Bibliographic Must Additional Data be Submitted
Citation Test Required? Substance Partially or Totally Citation under FIFRA 3(c) (2) (B>? 1C so.
Satisfy Requirement?* deadline Cor submission.

* lor
*• Reo\
Acute Oral Yes HUP** No1
Toxic ity
Acute Dental Yes HUP** No1
Acute Inhal. Yes HUP*" No
Prim. Kye Yes HUP*** No
Primary Dermal Yes HUP*** No
Dermal Yes MUP*** No
Currently Registered Product.
ilred Cor Manufactur Ira-use Products «4ilch are i»t tha nri^i as
Jackson, 1966, 00002044 \ Yes: 6 months
Schoenlg, 1966, 00002043*
Schoenlg, 1966, 0000204 3 * Yes: 6 Months
Yes: 6 months

Yes: 6 months
Yes: 6 months
Yes: 6 months
     Technical Grade of the Active Ingredient.
**•  Each Manufacturing-use Product or Substantially Similar Product.
**•* A demonstration of pit between 1 and 3,  or 12 and 14  or  a demonstration
     of dermal Irritability will bo sufficient to categorize a product as an
     ocular irritant, and additional testing will not be required.

1-   Data not yet completed validation through Laboratory Audit Program, considered invalid for purposes of this Standard.
     Consult with EPA Laboratory Audit Program prior to initiating testing.


                                            PRODUCT-SPECIFIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DMA GAPS
                                            FOR EMULSIFIABLE CONCENTRATE DIAL!FOR PRODUCTS
Name of Are Data
Test Required?
Test Does EPA Have Data to Bibliographic Must Additional Dtta Be Submitted
Substance Partially or Totally Citation under FIFIW l(c) (2) (BJ? If so.
Satisfy Requirement?* deadline for submission.
Each B.C. Product**
of Ingredient Limits

161.61 0(7)
K.3.61 8(8)

ir,3. 61-0(10)
163.61 8(14)

163.61 8(17)
163.61 8(18)

Product Analyt.
Methods and Data
Physical State
Density or
Specific Gravity
Boiling Point
Vapor Pressure
Storage Stab.
Oxidizing or
Reducing Action
* For Currently Registered
•* Each Bau
laiflable Concent




rate Produ
Each B.C. Product

Bach B.C. Product
Each B.C. Product
Each B.C. Product






















*** Each Enulsifiable Concentrate Products or Substantially Similar Product
                                                 Data Requirements are Current
                                                 as of June,  1981.  Refer to
                                                 Guidance Package for Updated

                                                               TADLE-C (con)

                                             PROOUCT-SPBCIFIC DATA REQUIRfMEMir, AND DATA GAPS
                                             FOR DWJLSIFIABLE CONCENrRATB DIALIFOR PRODUCTS
Guld.il Ina
Name oC Arc Data Tost Does EPA Have Data to Bibliographic Must Additional Onta be Submitted
Test Required? Substance Partially or Totally Citation under FIFRA 3(c) (2) (B)? tf so.
Satisfy Requirement?* dead Una for submission.



.81 3

.81 -4
Acute Oral Yes EC** No
Acuto Dormal Yes EC** Yes
Toxic! ty
Acute Inhal. Yes EC** No
Prim. Bye Yes EC** No
Primary Dermal Yes EC** No
Dermal Yes EC** No
Yes: 6 months

Nastrl, 1969, 00002269 No
Yes: 6 months

Yes: 6 months
Yea: 6 months
Yes: 6 months
*   Par currently Higlstored Products
**  Bach Qnulsieiablu Concentrate Products or  Substantially Similar Product.
                                            Data Roquiremonts are Currant as of
                                            June,  1931.  Refer  to Guidance'
                                            Package  for Updated Itoqulreonnts.


                                            PRODUCT-SPECIFIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DMA GAP1
                                                     FOR WETTAQLE POWDER DIALIFOR PRODUCTS
Guideline Name of Are Data
Citation Test Required?
163. 61-6 Declaration

Test Does EPA Have Data to Bibliographic Must Addition*! Data Bo Suhmltt~1
Substance Partially or Totally Citation under FIFRA l(c)(2)(B)7 1C so.
Satisfy Riqulrcment?* deadline Cor submission.

Each W.P. Product**



!i months
of Ingredient Limits
163. 61 -7 Product Analyt.
Methods and Data
169.61-8(1) Color
163.61-3(2) Odor
163.61-8(7) Physical State
163.61-8(8) Density or
Specific Gravity
163.61-8(10) Vapor Pressure
163.61-8(11) pH
163.61-6(12) Storage Stab.
163.61-3(13) Flamablllty
163.61 i (14) Oxidizing or
Reducing Action
163.61-8(15) Explosiveness
163.61-8(16) Misclblllty
163.61-8(17) Viscosity
163.61-3(18) Corrosion
• fot Currently Registered
** Bach tfettable Powder Prod




Each H.P. Product

Each W.P. Product
Each H.P. Product
Each W.P. Product












6 months

6 nonths
6 nonths

6 months

6 nonths
6 nonths
6 months
6 months
6 months

                                                               TABLE-0  (con)

                                             PRODUCT-SPECIFIC DATA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA GM>S
                                                      FOR HETTABLB POWDER DIALIFOR  PRODUCTS
Name of

Acute Oral
Acute Denial
Acute Inhal.
Prim. Eye
Primary Danul
Are Data


Does EPA Have Data to
Partially or Totally
Satisfy Requirement?*
No '
Bibliographic Must Additional Data be Submitted
Citation under FIFRA 3(c)(?MB)7 If so,
deadline for sujiusslon.
Yes: 6 months
Mastrl, 1969, 00003280 No
Yes: 6 months1
Yesi 6 months
Yes: 6 months
Yes: 6 months
*   tot Currently Registered Product.
••  Each Mettable Powder Product or Substantially Similar Product.
1  Testing of the Nanufacturing-use Product is sufficient to satisfy the data requirement.

                                   CHAPTER IV
                         PRODUCT CHEMISTRY OF  DIALIPOR

FIFRA 3(c)(2).(A) requires  the Agency to establish guidelines  for registering
pesticides in the United States.  The Agency requires registrants to provide
quantitative data on all added  ingredients, active and  inert, which are equal
to or greater than  .1% of  the product by weight.

To establish the composition of products proposed for registration, the Agency
requires data and information not only on the manufacturing and  formulation
processes but also  a discussion on the formation of manufacturing impurities
and other product ingredients,  intentional and unintentional.  Further, to
assure that the composition of  the product as marketed will not  vary from the
composition evaluated at the time of registration, applicants are required to
submit a statement  certifying upper and lower composition limits for the added
ingredients, or upper limits only for some unintentional ingredients.   Subpart
D of the Proposed Guidelines (43 FR 29696, July 10, 1978) suggests specific
precision limits for ingredients based on the percentage of ingredient  and the
standard deviation  of the  analytical method.

In addition to the  data on product composition, the Agency guidelines also
require data to establish  the physical and chemical properties of both  the
pesticide active ingredient and its formulations.  For example, data are needed
concerning the identity and physical state of the active ingredient (e.g.
melting point, boiling point, ambient vapor pressure, and solubility).   Data
are also required on the properties of the formulated product to  establish
labeling cautions (e.g. flammability, corrosiveness, or storage stability).
The Agency uses these data to characterize each pesticide and to  determine its
environmental and health hazards.

 Product Chemistry; Manufacturing-use Dialifor

                           Product Chemistry Profile

Dialifor is the common name for O,O-Diethyl S-(2-chloro-l-pthalimideoethyl)
phosphorodithioate).  In early phases of development, dialifor was referred  to
as Hercules 14503.  Manufacturing-use and end-use products  are marketed under
the trade name Tbrak.

Manufacturing-use dialifor contains a minimum of 90% O,O-Diethyl  S-(2-chloro-l-
phthalimidoethyl) phosphorodithioate.  Dialifor (pure chemical) is a white,
crystalline solid with a melting point of 67-69 C,  and vapor pressure of less
than .001 mm Hg at 35 C.  Dialifor is practically insoluble in water, ethyl
alcohol, and hexane, but soluble in several organic solvents.  Manufacturing-
use dialifor is a brown liquid.

Pure or  isolated dialifor is not an item of commerce.  Commercial, or
manufacturing-use dialifor is sold in the form of 90% pure  dialifor  mixed with
some xylene-range aromatic solvents.

A detailed manufacturing procedure has not been submitted to the  Agency.  This
is essential because the presence of manufacturing  impurities is  dependent upon
the nature of the manufacturing process.  The sole  registrant, Hercules, Inc.,
did, however, report some iinpurities which could be present in technical grade
dialifor.  Methods for the determination of dialifor  in  both manufacturing-use
and end-use products have been submitted.  These methods are lacking in
analytical data necessary for the Agency to make a  determination  on  their

                     Product Chemistry Topical Discussions

Chemical Identity

The Agency requires  identifying  information  including chemical names, product
names, and numerical codes of all substances known  or assumed to  be  present  in
pesticide products.

"Dialifor" is the  common name accepted by the American National Standards
Institute  (ANSI)  for the chemical 0,0-diethyl S-(2  chloro-1-pthalimidoethyl)
phosphorodithioate.  The chemical formula is C.4H,_O4NS2PCL, and  the
molecular weight  is  393.5.  The  structural formula  is:
                                        0—CH7	CHj

Manufacturing-use dial if or  is also known by the trade name  "Torak"  and the
company number Hercules 14503.  Other synonyms used  include: dialifos (ISO) and
ENT 27320.  Hercules, Inc.  is the sole domestic manufacturer of manufacturing-
use dialifor.  The Chemical Abstracts Registry (CAS) number fc   3ialifor is
10311-84-9.  The EPA Shaughnessy number is 102501.  The common  name,  dialifor,
will be used throughout this standard in lieu of other chemical or  trade names.
The nomenclature of dialifor has been adequately defined for the purpose of
this Standard.

Manufacturing Processes

A detailed description of the manufacturing process  is required because the
chemical reactions employed in the manufacturing process and/or the purification
of the active ingredient may suggest the presence or absence of potential
harmful impurities.

Because this type of information is considered to be confidential business
information, a discussion of the specific procedures, equipment and
manufacturing conditions required for commercial production of  dialifor cannot
be published in this Standard.  The manufacturing process as submitted  by
Hercules, Inc., and the identification of impurities, are detailed  separately
in confidential appendix B.

The procedure submitted by Hercules, Inc. is not sufficiently detailed  to
satisfy Agency requirements.

Sittig (1977) cites U.S. Patent 3,355,353 by J. D. Jameson  (November  23,  1967);
assigned to Hercules, Inc.  The manufacture of dialifor includes the  following

         (a) chloridizing N-vinyl phthalimide to N-(l,2-dichloroethyl)
         (b) reacting N-(l,2-dichloroethyl) pthalimide with ammonium diethyl
             dithiophosphate in acetonitrile, at 25 C initially, then at
         (c) and cooling and filtering the product, redissolving it in benzene,
             then washing it with water, until neutral and free of water-
             soluble materials.

Formation of Unintentional Ingredients

Hercules, Inc. has submitted a confidential statement of ingredients  for
manufacturing-use dialifor.  This too is confidential business  information and
cannot be discussed here.  It is however, discussed in confidential appendix
B.  The statement provided by Hercules,  Inc.  is missing required information on
a portion of the manufacturing-use product.  These data are required.

Manufacturing-use dialifor has been analyzed for the presence of N-nitrosamines
(Morrison, 1978, 00004153).  The sensitivity of the test was .3 ppm.  A Varian
chrcmatograph was used,  with a thermal energy analyzer, and the recovery values
were in the range of 62%.  No polar nitrosamines were detected.

Active Ingredient Limits in Pesticide Products

Manufacturing-use dialifor is comprised of 90% minimum of the active ingredient
OfO-Diethyl S-(2-chloro-l-phthalimidoethyl) phosphorodithioate.   Hercules,
Inc. has certified the lower limit of the active  ingredient as a 90% racemic (d
and 1) mixture of the isomers of dialifor.  Depending  on  the manufacturing
process conditions, up to 10% of technical impurities  can be expected.

Product Analytical Methods and Data

Ultraviolet analytical methods for the identification  and quanitification of
dialifor in the manufacturin7-use product and end-use  products have  been
submitted  (Hercules, Inc., 1967, 00002008 and 1972?, 00002194).   In  both cases,
a suitable amount of sample is dissolved in methylene  chloride and then
isolated from interfering materials on a silicic  acid  chromatographic column.
The absorbance is then measured in an ultraviolet spectre-photometer  at 300  urn.
The peak is then compared with an internal standard.

The second method (Hercules, Inc., 1972, 00002194) describes fractionation  in
two different solvents and the subsequent measurement  of  the ultraviolet
absorption of each fraction.  In xylene, any unreacted N-(l,2-dichloroethyl)
pthalimide  (N-DCEP), dialifor and an unidentified column  "residue"  (which
includes the oxygen analog of dialifor) are separated  and measured in the
appropriate fractions.

Two other methods regarded as technically satisfactory for the determination of
dialifor and its impurities have been described  (Hercules, 1972, 00002279).
One is a liquid chromatographic method that uses  an  ultraviolet  photometric
detector, and the other method employs gas chromatography.  The  latter is used
exclusively for the determination of impurities.   In both cases, internal
standards are used and the peak areas for dialifor and the internal  standard
(corrected  for a response factor obtained by calibration  with a  known mixture)
are used to calculate the percentage of dialifor.

Although the referenced methods for the  identification and quantification of
dialifor in products are regarded as satisfactory, required analytical data
(recoveries, background, sensitivity, etc.) are  lacking.   Therefore, the Agency
is unable  to determine whether or not these methods  are fully acceptable.

Physical and Chemical Properties

For every  pesticide product, the Agency requires  data  on  certain physical and
chemical properties useful for identification purposes or for evaluation of
hazard potential.  These data are required on the technical grade of the active
ingredient, and on the manufacturing-use product, if different.   Certain data
are required on pure or isolated dialifor, as well as  on  the manufacturing-use

The physical and chemical properties of technical grade dialifor have been
reported  (Hercules, 1970?, 00001982, 00001942):

Physical State, Color: crystalline white

Solubility  (grains  for  100 g  solution  at 20°C)

                       Water                      Less  than 1 g
                       Acetone                     76 g
                       Chloroform                  62 g
                       Ethyl Alcohol               Less  than 1 g
                       Ethyl Ether                 50 g
                       Hexane                      Less  than 1 g
                       Isophorone                  40 g
                       Xylene                      57 g

The lack of quantitative solubility data  (expressed in g/100 ml of.  the  solvent
at 20 C or  in terms of ppm in distilled water or solvents commonly  used for
pesticides) in some solvents constitutes the data gap described for the
solubility of technical grade dialifor.

Melting Point:         67°-69°C
Vapor Pressure:        0.0001 mm Hg at 35  by Menzie's method
Explosiveness:         may explode if heated at 70 C

Little data are available on the physical/chemical properties of manufacturing-
use dialifor:

Physical State:        liquid
Color:                 brown
Flammability:          flash point above 200 F

 Product Chemistry; End-use Formulations

                           Product Chemistry Profile

End-use dialifor products are available in emulsifiable concentrate and
wettable powder formulations.  Emulsifiable concentrates contain 45% dialifor
(and related compounds) and wettable powders contain 50% dialifor  (and related
compounds).  The analytical methods described  in the manufacturing-use section
of this chapter apply to these end-use formulations as well.  Data were not
available on the physical/chemical properties  of any end-use product.

            Product Chemistry Topical Discussions: End-Use Products

Chemical Identity

   ilifor end-vise products are marketed under the trade names Torak-P^ Torak-
  "r and
Active Ingredients  in Pesticide Products

Three 4 pound per gallon emulsifiable concentrates containing dialifor as  the
sole active  ingredient  are  currently registered.  These products contain 45%
dialifor  (and related compounds).  One  50% wettable powder  is also registered.

Product Analytical  Methods  and Data

See discussion  in manufacturing-use  section  for details.

Physical  and Chemical Properties

The only  data available is  the physical state.  Emulsifiable concentrates  are
liquids and  wettable powders  are  solids.

                                    CHAPTER V
                         ENVIRONMENTAL FATE OF DIALIFOR

                               Use Pattern Profile

Dialifor  is  an insecticide-acaracide registered  for control of:

1.  apple maggot,  plum curculio,  and red tended  leaf roller on apples,

2.  pacific  spidermite and  grape  leafhopper on grapes,

3.  citrus rust mite,  citrus red  mite,  texas  citrus mite,  citrus snow scale,
    and brown  soft scale on citrus,  and

4.  black pecan aphid, hickory shuckworm,  pecan  nut case bearer, pecan
    weevil,  spittle bugs, yellow  pecan  aphid,  and serpentine leadminer on

Dialifor  is  formulated as a 50% wettable powder,  and a 4 Ib./gallon
emulsifiable concentrate.   The wettable powder is registered for use as a
foliar spray on apples.  The 4 Ib./gallon  emulsifiable concentrate is
registered for use as  a foliar spray on grapes,  citrus, and pecans.

On apples, applications can be made  at  7-14 day  intervals  for nearly an entire
season (1-6  applications per season).   Applications are made beginning at petal
fall.  The dialif or product registered  for use on apples was never placed on
the market.

On grapes, applications can be made  at  1-4 month intervals for up to 2 times
per year.  Applications  are made  in  early  April or  May and July or August (when
needed).  Most appplicators are certified  or work under the supervision of
certified applicators.   Current labels  on  emulsifible concentrate dialifor
products  intended  for  application on grapes restrict use of Dialifor to

On citrus, applications  can be made  at  3 month intervals if fruit is present at
first application,  for up to 2 times per year.  Applications are made post-
bloom and in summer.   Most  applicators  are certified or work under the
supervision of certified applicators.

On pecans, applications  can be made  at  7-10 days  intervals for up to 12 times
per year.  Applications are made beginning  in  February-March in southern
states, and continuing through late  summer.  Applicators are certified or are
supervised by  certified applicators.

The major site  for dialifor  use was on  citrus during the early 1970's.   Pecans
began to account for an increasing amount of total poundage  throughout the mid
and later 1970's.

Most dialifor usage today is on citrus and pecans.  However,  the only existing
dialifor products are those which were manufactured 1-3 years ago  and are still
being marketed.  Available data indicate  that dialifor  is  applied  to less than
1 percent of citrus, pecan, grape, and apple acreage  in the United States.

Registered application rates are listed below:

                                          TYPE OF          APPLICATION

          Wettable Powder     Apples      Foliar          1.5-
            (50%)                                           2.25 Ib

          Emulsifiable        Grapes      Foliar          1.0 Ib AI/A
          (4 Ib/gal)

                              Citrus      Foliar          1.25-
                                                           5.0 Ib AI/A

                              Pecans      Foliar          1.0-
                                                           2.0 Ib AI/A

Environmental Fate;  Dialifor

                           Environmental  Fate Profile

Preliminary data  suggest  that dialif or does not leach through  clay or loamy
sand soils.  More than 96% of the applied dialifor remained  in the upper 1 inch
and 99% remained  in  the upper 2  inches of these soils after  they were eluted
with 2.5 acre-inches of water.   A linear decline of subsurface applied dialifor
was reported under greenhouse conditions with a half-life of about 28 days.   In
this study, the. oxygen analog of dialifor was present in unknown amounts
throughout a 99-day  period.  Dialifor was more persistent in a moist Willamette
soil maintained in sealed containers in  the dark at 20 C.  Under these
conditions the half-life  of  dialifor, at 0.1 and 1 ppm, was  about  5 months.

The field dissipation of  dialifor is biphasic, with an initial rapid rate of
decline followed  by  a slower decline rate.  Levels of residues recovered from
the top 4 inches  of  California loam, Mississippi fine sandy  loam,  and Nebraska
and Delaware slit loams ranged from 5.8  to 57% of the applied  amount 9 weeks
after treatment with emulsifiable concentrates of dialifor at  5 Ib ai/A.  The
amount of dialifor that dissipated after 9 weeks varied from 0% over the
following 5.5 months, to  50% over the following 3.5 months.

In a photolysis study, dialifor  oxygen-analog, phthalamide,  phthalamic and o
phthalic acids, N-(8-chlorovinyl) phthalamide, and phosphorothioate derivatives
were detected in  preparations containing dialifor.  The mechanisms of formation
of these compounds cannot be determined  based on the available information.

                               Exposure  Profile

Dialifor is registered as an insecticide/acaracide for use on  agricultural
crops.  An emulsifiable concentrate containing 45% dialifor  (and related
compounds) is registered  for use on grapes, pecans, and citrus.  A wettable
powder containing 50% dialifor (and related compounds) is registered  for use on
apples.  Both formulations are applied as sprays for foliar  treatment.

All Formulations

The use of airblast machines (which direct the spray upward) increases  the
potential for exposure via spray drift to humans, livestock or wildlife outside
the application site.  Although  the extent to which airblast machines are used
for dialifor application  is  not known, available data indicate  that worker
exposure will occur primarily through the dermal route.

Data are insufficient to  establish the potential for groundwater contamination,
or bioaccumulation.

Emulsifiable Concentrates

In studies using  an emulsifiable concentrate, dialifor was applied  to oranges
at a rate of 3.75 pounds active ingredient per acre with a commercial sprayer.
Respirator cartridges and  filters were used to measure exposure  to gaseous and
particulate dialifor, respectively.   Air samples were also taken from operator
breathing zones.  Dermal exposure was measured by analyzing dialifor residues
on shirts worn by the operators for timed intervals.

Results showed that respiratory exposure  to gaseous  and  participate dialifor
would be <0.01 and 0.143 mg/8-nour workday, respectively.   Analysis of air
samples taken from operator breathing  zones showed a potential  inhalation
exposure of approximately 0.05 rog/day  during  hard work (respiratory rate of 11
liters per minute).  Total potential dermal exposure to  dialifor under the same
conditions ranged from 49 to  66 mg/8-hour workday (mean  58 mg/day).

Wettable Powder

Exposure studies conducted with the wettable  powder  formulation of dialifor
also showed that operator exposure would  be predominantly dermal.  These
studies were conducted under  conditions similar to those used in the
emulsifiable concentrate studies, except  that dialifor was applied to apples at
2.0 Ib ai/A.  Tests were conducted on  two different  days at the same location.

Data from the first spraying  showed that  respiratory exposure to gaseous and
particulate dialifor would be <0.01 and 0.03  mg/8 hour workday, respectively.
Air samples taken from the breathing zone of  the operator showed that
approximately  .029 mg/day would be available  for absorption by inhalation
during hard work.  Total dermal exposure  was  approximately 38 mg/8-hour
workday.  Data  from the second spraying supported the  initial observation that
respiratory exposure to gaseous and particulate dialifor would  be < 0.01 and
0.03 mg/8-hour  workday.  Breathing zone measurements showed approximately 0.01
mg/day available for inhalation.  Total dermal exposure  resulting from the
second spraying was about 15  mg/8-hour workday.

                              Farmworker Exposure

A number of field studies have been conducted to measure fieldworker exposure
to residues of dialifor in grapes, and to measure dislodgeable residue
concentrations after application.  Many of these studies were initiated
following reports of worker illness after reentry into treated areas.

                                 Summary Table

                    Crop/            Residue Levels                Dislodgeable
 location     Application Rate    Skin       Clothing    Interval    Residues
Madera,      Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A
                                 Trousers:   Unknown   Unknown
                                 .42-1.6 ug/cm
Lodi,        Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A   1.24 ug/cm^
                                           50 days   Unknown
Fresno,      Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A   1.54 ug/cm
                                           71 days   Unknown
Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A
 0 days   2.32ug/
Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A

             Grapes; 2@ 1 Ib ai/A*
Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A
 (boom sprayer)

Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A
 (speed sprayer)
60 days   dialiforz
         107 ng/cm
          oxon:    2
         21.6 ng/cm

60 days   dialifor:.,
         60.3 ng/cm
          oxon:    ,,
         22.7 ng/cm

60 days   dialifor:-
         99.6 ng/cm
          oxon:    2
         26.2 ng/cm
 0 days   2.1 ug/cm
 0 days   .41 ug/cm

Fowler,      Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A                            42 days    .09 ug/on
San Joaquin, Grapes; 1 Ib ai/A                            at         .13 ug/cm
California                                                harvest

* one application 2 months and one three months before harvest
Half-lives ranged from 9-15 days.  The Agency  is unable  to determine what
foliar dislodgeable residue levels are safe  for reentry  because of  extensive
gaps in the toxicology data base.  However,  the Agency has decided  to accept
the 75-day reentry interval established by the State  >f  California  for  the  use
of dialifor on grapes.  This reentry  interval  corresponds to what California
believes  is a safe foliar dislodgeable residue level of  0.06 ug/cm  .

                "topical  Discussions:  Manufacturing-use  Dialif or

Physico-chemical Transformation
Field Dissipation

Physico-chemical Transformation   163.62-7


Hydrolysis data are required  to support the registration of all manufacturing-
use chemicals regardless of the intended end uses of products formulated  from
the manufacturing-use product.

Four studies were reviewed; however,  no valid data on the hydrolysis of
dialifor were available.

All studies specified in Section  163.62-7(b) are needed to assess  the
hydrolysis properties of manufacturing-use dialifor.


A photodegradation study in water is  required to support the  registration of
each formulated end-use product intended for terrestrial (except greenhouse  and
domestic outdoor), aquatic, and forestry use and for any aquatic impact use
which results in direct discharges into the aquatic environment.   Such  a  study
is also required to support the registration of each manufacturing-use  product
which legally could be used to make such an end-use product.

Photodegradation studies on soil  surfaces are required to support  the
registration of each formulated end-use product intended for  crop  uses  and
forestry uses.  Such studies are  also required to support the registration of
each manufacturing-use product which  legally could be used to make such an end-
use product.

Two related studies were reviewed and considered invalid because the studies
did not indicate if dark controls were employed.  In addition, the purity of
the starting materials were not specified.  However, one of these  studies
(Ford, 1971, 00001956) contains valid data on dialifor degradation products.
The identified compounds are:  dialifor oxygen-analog, phthalamid, o-phthalic
acid, phthalamic acid, N(B-chlorovinyl)phthalamide, and phosphorothioate

Due to the deficiencies in protocol followed in these studies, the
mechanism(s)of formation of these compounds cannot be determined.  All  data
specified in Section 163.62-7(c) are  needed to determine the  effect of  light on

Metabolism  163.62-8

Data on metabolism are required to determine the nature and availability  of
pesticide residues to rotational crops and to help in the.assessment of
potential disposal and reentry hazards.



Aerobic soil metabolism studies are required  to support the registration of all
products intended for terrestrial end-uses or terrestrial/aquatic (forest)  end-

Two soil metabolism studies were reviewed and provide preliminary data on the
degradation of dialifor in soil.  An  acetone  solution of dialifor was applied
to topsoil in pots under greenhouse conditions in a manner designed to minimize
volatilization and photodegradation (Hercules, Inc., 1968, 00002003).  The  half-
life of dialifor was approximately 28 days; 8% was recovered after 99 days.
The oxygen analog of dialifor was present throughout this period in quantities
that cannot be verified.  In a related  study  (Freed et al., 1979, 05008242),
the half-life of dialifor, at applications of .1 and 1 ppm, was determined  to
be about 5 months in moist Willamette soil maintained in sealed containers.
However, this study did not indicate  whether  aerobic or anaerobic conditions
prevailed.  This decreases the value  of the study for determining the aerobic
metabolism of dialifor in soil.

All data specified in Section 163.62-8(b) are needed to determine the aerobic
metabolism of dialifor in soil.  Anaerobic soil metabolism data are not
required because dialifor is not used for field and vegetable crops.

Mobility  163.62-9

Data on mobility are required to determine pesticide residue movement in the


Data are required to support the registration of products intended for the
following end-uses: domestic outdoor  use, greenhouse use, terrestrial noncrop
use, orchard crop use, field or vegetable crop use, forestry use, aquatic use,
and aquatic impact use involving direct discharge only.

For terrestrial noncrop uses, orchard crop uses, field or vegetable crop uses,
and forestry uses, the mobility of the  test substance and its degradates in
soil shall be assessed either by soil thin layer chromatography, soil column,
or batch equilibrium  (adsorption/desorption).  For domestic outdoor uses,
greenhouse uses, aquatic uses, and aquatic impact uses, the mobility of the
test substance and its degradates in  soil shall be assessed only by batch
equilibrium  (adsorption/desorption).

The leaching potential of dialifor  (6 Ib/gal  emulsifiable concentrate) was
studied in three soils  (characteristics given in Table 1) in 6-inch aluminum
leaching columns eluted with 2.5 inches of water (Ford, 1971, 00001953). Gas
chrcmatographic analysis of dialifor  residues showed that 96% of the applied
dialifor remained  in  the upper 1 inch and more than 99% remained in the upper 2
inches of soil.  Dialifor does not appear to  leach through clay or loamy sand
soils. For registration purposes, these results must be regarded as
preliminary, studies  in soil leaching require the use of 30-on columns leached
with 20-acre-inches of water on  four  soil types.

All studies specified  in Section 163.62-9(b)  are needed to determine the
leaching potential of dialifor and  its  degradation products.


           Table 1.  Characteristics of Soils Used for Leaching Studies
Soil Sand Silt Clay
Origin (%) (%) (%)
Nebraska3 20 30 46
Florida 82 16 2
Delaware 28 28 44
Organic Matter
  The  percentage of  sand,  silt,  and  clay added  up to only 96%,  not 100%.
However,  the  texture classification  is considered appropriate.  Adapted from
Ford,  1971, 00001953.

Laboratory volatility  studies  using nonradioiostopic analytical  techniques are
required to support  the registration of all products intended for greenhouse
use and to evaluate  reentry hazards from cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides.

No data on the volatility of dialif or are available.

Dialifor is a cholinesterase inhibiting pesticide and the possibility of a
reentry hazard exists  with  current uses of dialifor.  Consequently, all data
specified in Section 163.63-9(c) are needed to determine the volatility of


A laboratory study using radiosiotopic or nonradioisotopic analytical
techniques is required to support the registration of all products intended  for
terrestrial end-uses,  terrestrial/aquatic (forest) end-uses, aquatic end-
uses,and aquatic impact end-uses (if the pesticides are discharged directly
into the aquatic environment).

No data were available.  Data necessary to meet this requirement will be met by
data requested on leaching.

Water Dispersal

Data on the water dispersal of dialifor are not required because dialifor  is
not registered for an aquatic use.

Field Dissipation  163.62-10

Field dissipation studies under actual use conditions  are required to support
the registrations of all products  intended for  terrestrial (except greenhouse)
end-uses, aquatic end-uses, and terrestrial/aquatic  (forest)  end-uses.


Terrestrial field dissipation  studies using  representative formulated products
are required to support the registration  of  each product intended for
terrestrial (except greenhouse) end-uses.

Three field dissipation studies were  reviewed and two  were considered valid.
Dialifor residues were determined  in  the  top 4  inches  of field plots treated
with emulsifiable concentrates (EC's) of  dialifor (Ford, 1970, 00001970).
Residue levels 9 weeks after treatment of Delaware silt loam with a 6 Ib/gal
EC, at 1 to 5 Ib ai/A, were 0.57 and  2.1  ppm, respectively.  Residue levels
remained unchanged 5 months later  in  the  soil treated  at 1 Ib ai/A.  Residue
levels 9 weeks after treatment of  Nebraska silt loam with 4 and 6 Ib/gal EC at
5 Ib ai/A were 1.6 and 1.9 ppm, respectively.   Residue levels dissipated an
additional 50% 5 months later  in the  soil treated with 4 Ib/gal EC.  Residue
levels in Mississippi  fine sandy loam and California loam were 0.43 and 0.47
ppm 9 weeks after treatment with 4 Ib/gal EC at 5 Ib ai/A.

Similar field dissipation data were collected 1 year later using the same soils
described above after  treatment at a  rate of 5  Ib ai/A with an unspecified type
of emulsifiable concentrate  (Ford, 1971,  00001953).  Residue levels 9 weeks
after treatment were 0.04, 0.78, 0.24, and 0.55 ppm  in the California,
Mississippi, Nebraska, and Delaware soils, respectively.  Residue levels in the
latter two soils  5.5 months post treatment were 0.12 and 0.15 ppm, respectively.

In both of the above studies,  preapplication and immediate postapplication data
were not obtained;  therefore,  reliable half-life estimates cannot be derived
from the data.  The data  indicated that  dialifor dissipation is a Diphasic
phenomenon with an  initial rapid rate of decline followed by a slower decline

These data alone  are  insufficient  to  assess  the rate or the impact of the
dissipation of dialifor  in the field. Additional data are needed in the
following use area.

    o Tree fruit  and nut  crop - Section  163.62-10(b)(2)

Data are needed  to  determine  the dissipation rate of the following formulations
of dialifor:

     45% ai emulsifiable concentrate
     50% ai wettable powder

Accumulation  163.62-11


 A laboratory study employing radioisotopic or nonradioisotopic analytical
 techniques is required to support the registration of  all products intended for
 terrestrial  noncrop,  tree fruit/nut crop, and field/vegetable crop end-uses;


aquatic  food  crop and  noncrop end-uses;  terrestrial/aquatic (forest) end-uses;
and aquatic impact (indirect  discharge)  end-uses.

No data  on the  accumulation of dialifor  in  fish  are  available.   Registrants
have  the option of supplying  the  required fish accumulation study or of
establishing  that dialifor will not reach water  and  will  not persist in water
(ie.  a nominal  half-life of 4 days  or  less), and that dialifor  possesses an
octanol/water partition coefficient of less than 1,000.

Data  specified  in Section  163.62-11(d) for  flow  through study only are needed
to determine  if dialifor will accumulate in fish.

Reentry  163.62-12

Reentry  intervals are  required to support the registration  of all products for
which the Agency  has determined that a reentry hazard exists  for  persons
reentering treated sites.   Dialifor is an acetyl-cholinesterase inhibiting
pesticide which presents a hazard to persons reentering treated fields.

According to  Knaak et  al.  (1978,  05003635), the  half-life of  dialifor residues
on grape leaves varies with the dilution rate; e.g., initial  dislodgeable
residues at 2 ug/cm had half-lives  of  9  and 13 days  when  sprayed  (1 pound
active ingredient per  acre) in 100  and 25 gallons of water, respectively.
Workers  became  ill when they  entered treated vineyards 39 days  after
application;  highly significant (P<0.001) lower  blood cholinesterase levels
were  found in workers  1 and 6 days  after the reported illness.  California's
Department of Food and Agriculture  (unpublished  communication)  indicates that
an interval of  65 days is  generally required2to  reach a safe  dislodgeable
foliar residue  level of less  than 0.06 ug/cm when the initial dislodgeable
residue  level is  as high as 2.3 ug/cm  .  Because field data are highly
variable, onsite  residue tests, performed prior  to reentry may  be  necessary.

In another study  of the same  fields where the above  worker  illness occurred
(Winterlin et al.  1978, 05001343),  dislodgeable  residues  of dialifor and its
oxygen analog were 0.06-0.107 ug/cm (5.6-9.9 ppm) and 0.022-0.027
ug/cm (1.7-2.6  ppm), respectively,  59 days after application  at 1  pound
active ingredient per  acre.

For each crop,  the registrant is  required to propose an acceptable reentry
interval.  This proposed interval may be based on any of  the  following:

                a.  the  longest (most restrictive) existing interval;
                b.  data on dissipation of foliar residues  (decline  curve),
                   on human  exposure to those residues; and on the  inherent
                   toxicity of dialifor;
                c.  a determination of the time after which no detectable  foliar
                   residues occur  under appropriate climactic conditions,  in the
                  geographical  area in which dialifor will be applied.

The Agency is adopting  the 75 day reentry interval established  by  the State of
California for  the use of dialifor  on Grapes (California  Administrative  Code,
January  4, 1979, Article 23,  2479 (H), Field Worker Safety).  Registrants have
t is option of accepting the 75 day  reentry interval or of supplying exposure
data, a dislodgeable residue decline curve and establishing an  appropriate
reentry  interval based on this data


Reentry data must be submitted for the use of dialifor on citrus, pecans, and

                                  CHAPTER VI

                            TOXICOLOGY OF DIALIFOR


The first section of this chapter discusses the toxicity of dialifor as an
active ingredient.  The data discussed here pertain to the properties or
effects of dialifor as an active ingredient, and are relevant to an evaluation
of the risks and benefits of all products containing dialifor.  This type of
data is referred to as "generic" data.  "Generic" data gaps in the Toxicology
data base are discussed in this section.  Product-specific Toxicology data gaps
(in acute toxicity testing) for currently registered manufacturing-use dialifor
products are also identified here.

The second section of this chapter discusses the toxicity of products currently
formulated from manufacturing-use dialifor.  These products are grouped by type
of formulation and the toxicity of each type of formulation is discussed
separately.  The toxicity of emulsifiable concentrate dialifor products is
discussed first, followed by a discussion of the toxicity of wettable powder
dialifor products.

"Generic" data on the toxicity of dialifor, as an active ingredient, normally
supplies sufficient information to establish the subchronic and chronic
toxicities of formulated products.  However, acute toxicity data on each end-
use product, or substantially similar product, is required and must be
supplied.  If these data are available, they are discussed in the formulation
sections.  If gaps in the acute toxicity data base exist,  they are identified.

A.  Manufacturing-use Dialifor

As discussed in Chapter III, the majority of company submitted  toxicology
studies on dialifor were completed by Industrial Biotest Laboratories  (IBT).   A
number of these studies have been validated through  the Laboratory Audit
Program and the results of the audit are presented in the  topical  discussions.
Some studies have not yet been validated through the Laboratory Audit  Program,
and this too is indicated.  However, all IBT studies have  been  screened  for
indications of possible dialifor related adverse effects.   IBT  studies which  do
not indicate adverse effects are considered invalid  for purposes of
registration (fulfilling Agency testing requirements) until they have  completed
the validation process in the Laboratory Audit Program.  Registrants are
encouraged to consult with the EPA laboratory Audit  Program prior  to initiating
this category of testing.

                 Manufacturing-use Dialifor Toxicology Profile

Acute Toxicity

Single dose oral toxicity testing of dialifor shows  a sex  difference in  rats
that is characteristic of many O,O-Diethyl phosphate derivatives.  This  sex
difference is not as significant  in other  (non rat)  test species.  Available
data indicate that manufacturing-use dialifor is acutely toxic, with reported
oral LD50 values ranging from 5-71 mgAg body weight in rats.   In  rabbits,
reported oral LD50 values range from 35-79 mgAg body weight.   In  mice,
reported oral LD50 values range from 39-64 mgAg body weight, and  in dogs the
reported oral LD50 value is  97 mgAg.

This suggests that dialifor  is very acutely  toxic  by the oral route.   Symptoms
observed  (salivation, diarrhea, sedation and tremors) are  typical  of
parasympathomimetic action and are similar to those  observed for other members
of the organic phosphate family.

All acute oral toxicity  testing on technical grade dialifor was conducted by
Industrial Biotest Laboratories  (IBT) and has not  yet completed validation
through  the Laboratory Audit Program.   For purposes  of this Standard,  these
data do  not fulfill Agency testing requirements.   Therefore, acute oral
toxicity testing on technical grade dialifor is a  data gap.

In addition, acute oral  toxicity  testing of  the oxygen analog of dialifor is
required because  the Agency  has established  that this degradation  product may
constitute up to  12.5% of weathered residues on food and  in the field.  Oxygen
analogs  of organophosphate  insecticides are  also traditionally  more  toxic than
the parent compounds.

Available data on  the dermal toxicity of technical dialifor suggest  that the
dermal LD50  in rabbits  is 145 mgAg body weight.   This suggests that technical
grade dialifor  is very acutely toxic by the  dermal route.

The acute dermal  toxicity testing discussed  above  was conducted by Industrial
Biotest  Laboratories  (IBT) and  has  not  yet completed validation through  the
 Laboratory Audit  Program.  For purposes of this Standard,  these data are
 considered  invalid  and a data gap exists for acute dermal  toxicity testing of
 technical grade dialifor.

In addition, acute dermal toxicity testing of the oxygen analog of dialifor is
required because  the Agency has established that this degradation product may
constitute up to  12.5% of weathered residues on food and in  the field.   Oxygen
analogs of organophosphate  insecticides are also traditionally more toxic than
the parent compounds.

Available data demonstrate  that both atropine sulfate and 2-PAM have antidotal
action on acute oral dialifor toxicity.

Chronic Toxicity

Because dialifor  is structurally similar to the human teratogen Thalidomide,
teratogenicity testing of dialifor is of particular concern.  Three  studies,
conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories, assessing the possible
teratogenic effects resulting from administration of dialifor to rabbits and
monkeys were reviewed.  These studies have not yet completed validation  through
the Laboratory Audit Program, and are therefore considered to be invalid for
purposes of this  Standard.  The Agency did screen these studies for  indications
of adverse effects.  The studies do suggest that dialifor may be fetotoxic and
teratogenic in rabbits.  However, no definitive conclusions can be reached on
the teratogenicity of dialifor.

In addition to the three IBT studies on dialifor, the Agency also reviewed a
teratogenicity study in hamsters conducted by Jane Robens.  This study also
indicated that dialifor may be teratogenic.  However, the reported results were
not considered to be significant due to a high rate of maternal mortality.  No
definitive conclusions can  be drawn on the teratogenic potential of  dialifor.

The Agency reviewed several animal metabolism studies which provide  insight
into the fate of  ingested dialifor in animals.  The majority of ingested
dialifor appears  to be excreted in the urine and feces.  The results of
biochemical analyses indicate that the primary metabolic fate of dialifor
involves the conversion to phthalamic acid, which is excreted in the urine
rather than dialifor itself.

Clinical Trials

The Agency reviewed one study involving the oral administration of dialifor to
male and female humans.  At dosages of .03 mgAg/day, 20-30% inhibition  of
blood cholinesterase and aliesterase activities occurred.  ND effects were
noted at dosages  of .01 mgAg/day.  This study was conducted by Industrial
Biotest Laboratories and has been determined to be supplemental through  the
Laboratory Audit  Program.

Accident Reports

The Agency has reviewed an  accident report documenting a fieldworker poisoning
incident in the State of California.  In addition, through communication with
the State of California, the Agency identified an earlier record of  a
farmworker poisoning incident in 1973 involving worker exposure to dialifor and
phosalone residues.  The first poisoning incident (1973 in Fowler California)
involved 32 grape pickers who harvested grapes 42 days after application of
dialifor.  The second poisoning incident (1976 in Madera California)  involved
118 grape pickers.  Available data indicate that reentry occurred 15 days  after
application.  In  both instances, workers, were exposed to residues of both
dialifor and phosalone (another organophosphate insecticide).


In both incidents, fieldworkers were treated for cholinesterase poisoning  and
no fatalities were reported.

"topical Discussions: Manufacturing-use Dialif or

Acute Toxicity

 Acute Oral Toxicity (163.81-1)

The minimum data required  for establishing the acute oral  toxicity of
manufacturing-use dialifor (LD50)  is one  test on the technical chemical  and  on
each manufacturing-use product, preferably using the laboratory rat.   Because
available residue chemistry data indicate that dialifor-oxon may  form in the
field and may constitute a significant amount of residues  in food,  the Agency
is also requiring acute oral toxicity testing on this degradation product.

Technical grade dialifor,  for purposes of acute oral toxicity testing is
considered to be equivalent to manufacturing-use dialifor.  Requested testing
on technical grade dialifor will fulfill  requirements for  the currently
registered manufacturing-use product.

Several studies were available to  assess  the acute  toxicity of technical grade
dialifor, and the results  of these studies are summarized  in the  following







                   Dose Range



              # animals
              per dose


         53 + 6
43 + 6
71 + 7
 5 + 1

64 + 4





 * These  studies  are  unaudited  1ST studies.   The Agency is  unable  to establish
  Toxicity Categories for this type of data.

 Signs of toxicity in rabbits (Jackson, 1966, 00002044) included diarrhea,
 salivation, sedation, and tremors preceding death (all signs of anti-

 cholinesterase poisoning).   Necropsy of rabbits that died showed inflammation
 of  the muoosal lining of the stomach and small intestine.  No changes were
 found in the animals surviving the 14-day observation period.  Similar findings
 at  necropsy were observed in rabbits by Schoenig (1966,  00002043).

 Signs of toxicity noted  by  Schoenig (1966, 00002043)  were similar in rats, mice
 and dogs.   These were typical symptoms  of anti-cholinesterase poisoning.
 However,  there were  no gross pathological findings  at necropsy in any of the
 three species tested.

 An  additional study  on the  acute oral toxicity of "recrystallized AC14503"
 reported LD50 values in  male and female rats of 69  mgAg and  5 mgAg
 respectively.   Because the  test substance was  not fully  identified,  the value
 of  this  study is diminished.   However,  the LD50 values reported in this study
 are in general agreement with those reported in other studies on the same
 species  utilizing technical grade dialifor.

 All of the  studies discussed above were conducted by  Industrial Biotest
 Laboratories.   These studies have not yet completed validation through the
 Laboratory  Audit Program.   Therefore, these studies must be considered invalid
 for purposes of this Standard.

 No  testing  of the acute  oral toxicity of dialifor-oxon was available.

 Acute Dermal  Toxicity (163.81-2)

 The minimum data required for establishing the acute dermal toxicity of
 manufacturing-use dialifor  is one test  on technical dialifor and on each
 manufacturing-use product,  preferably using the albino rabbit.  Because
 dialifor-oxon  may constitute  a  significant portion of weathered residues  in
 food and  in the field, the  Agency is  also requiring testing on the oxon.

 Technical grade dialifor, for purposes  of acute dermal toxicity testing is
 equivalent  to  the currently registered  manufacturing-use product.  Requested
 testing on  technical grade  dialifor will  fulfill  requirements  for acute dermal
 toxicity testing on  the  currently registered manufacturing-use product.

 One study was  available  to  assess  the acute dermal  toxicity of technical grade
 dialifor.   This study  is summarized below:

                     Single dermal
               Sex     dose range            LD50         Tbxicity
 Species     (t/dose)     (mgAg)     Skin    (mgAg)       Category*   Reference

 rabbit      M  (2)      79-267     clipped  145  +  8          	     Schoenig,
                                   intact                             1966,
rabbit      M  (2)      79-267     clipped  145+8          	

 * These studies are unaudited IBT studies.  The Agency is unable to establish
Tbxicity Categories for this type of data.

Signs of toxicity in this study were typical of  anti-cholinesterase poisoning,
e.g. lethargy, salivation, and tremors.

Local skin reactions in all animals consisted  of slight to moderate erythema.

This study was conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories and has not yet
completed validation through  the Laboratory Audit Program.   Therefore,  this
study must be considered invalid for purposes  of this Standard.

No testing was available on the oxygen analog.

 Acute Inhalation Toxicity  (163.81-3)

The minimum testing required  to establish the  acute inhalation toxicity of
manufacturing-use dialifor  is one  test on technical grade dialifor and  on each
manufacturing-use product preferably  in  the laboratory rat.  This testing is
required if technical dialifor causes a  respirable vapor, or if 20% or  more of
the aerodynamic  equivalent  is composed of particles not larger than 10  microns.

Technical grade  dialifor, for purposes of acute  inhalation toxicity testing is
equivalent to the currently registered manufacturing-use product.  Requested
testing on technical grade  dialifor will fulfill requirements for acute
inhalation toxicity testing on the currently registered manufacturing-use

Acute  inhalation testing  is required  and is unavailable on technical grade
dialifor.  Registrants have the option of supplying the test or of
demonstrating that dialifor will not  cause a respirable vapor, or that  if a
respirable vapor is produced, the  equivalent aerodynamic diameter of 20% of the
particulate  is  less than  10 microns.

 Primary Eye  Irritation  (163.81-4)

The minimum  testing required  to establish the  irritability of manufacturing-use
dialifor to  the eye is one  test on the manufacturing-use product, preferably
using  the  albino rabbit.

This testing  need not be  completed if data are submitted which indicate that
manufacturing-use dialifor  is either  a dermal  irritant or possesses a pH of 1-3
or 12-14.  A test substance that  causes dermal irritation or that has a pH of 1-
3  or 12-14 will be  judged corrosive to  the eye..

One study  was available  to  assess the primary eye irritation potential  of
technical  dialifor  (Shoenig,  1966, 00002043).   Using albino rabbits, both
undiluted  dialifor  (100 mg) and  a 5%  [w/v] suspension in propylene glycol (0.1
ml) was tested  for  eye  irritation potential.   Washing versus not washing the
test material after 1 minute of  contact was also tested.  In all animals, there
were no visible effects on  the cornea.   Irritation of both the iris and
conjunctiva  was noted within 1 hour,  but all effects were reversible within 72
hours  to 7 days. The primary deficiencies in this study were the small number
of animals used and that  both eyes were treated.  This study will not satisfy
guideline  requirements because of flaws in protocol followed in this study.

 Primary Dermal Irritation  (163.81-5)

The minimum testing needed  to establish the irritability of manufacturing-use
dialifor to the skin is one test on the manufacturing-use product preferably
using the albino rabbit.

This testing need not be conducted if data are submitted which establish that
the pH of manufacturing-use dialifor is 1-3 or 12-14.  A product with a
demonstrated pH of 1-3 or 12-14 will be considered corrosive.

One study was available to assess the primary dermal irritation of
manufacturing-use dialifor  (Shoenig, 1966, 00002043).  The results  indicate
that dialifor was only mildly irritating to the skin of rabbits.
However, because of errors  in protocol and reporting, this study cannot  be
considered valid.

 Dermal Sensitization (163.81-6)

The minimum testing required to assess dermal sensitization for the
manufacturing-use product is an intradermal test on the manufacturing-use
product preferably using the guinea pig.

No testing is available, and testing is required.

 Acute Delayed Neurotoxicity (163.81-7)

The minimum testing required for acute delayed neurotoxicity is one test on
technical dialifor.  This testing is required because dialifor is known  to
cause esterase depression.

One study was available to  assess the acute delayed neurotoxicity of technical
dialifor (Jackson, 1968, 00001998).  However, this study was conducted by
Industrial Biotest Laboratories and has been invalidated by the Laboratory
Audit Program.

Testing is required.
Subchronic Effects

 Subchronic Oral Toxicity  (163.81-1)

The minimum testing needed is one test on technical grade dialifor  in two
mammalian species, preferably the rat and dog.

There are six subchronic oral toxicity tests on technical grade dialifor.
Three of these studies were conducted in dogs and three were conducted  in
rats.  The following table summarizes these studies:

Species     (#/dose)
                       Level Tested
0, 20,  100
500 ppm
14 days
1)  too few animals
2)  no control groups
3)  too few variations
4)  observation period
    too short for dog
    sub-chronic stucjy
                                                                                 1) RBC + Plasma
                                                                                    ChE Inhibited
                                                                                    at all dose
                                                                                    levels (lowest
                                                                                    = 20 ppm)
                                                                                 2) Decreased food
                                                                                    Intake (all
                                                                                 3) Decreased body-
                                                                                    weight at high
                                                                                    dose (500 ppm)
                                                                                 4) No gross patho-
                                                                                    logy observed
0, 10, 20,
50, 100,
200, 500,
1000 ppm
14 days
1)  too few animals
2)  too few variables
3)  observation period
    too short for rat
    sub-chronic study
                                                                                 1) dose related
                                                                                    decrease 1n RBC,
                                                                                    plasma + brain
                                                                                    ChE at all  doses
                                                                                    (lowest dose
                                                                                    tested = 10 ppm)
                                                                                 2) 100 ppm and above
                                                                                    produced gross
                                                                                    signs of ant1-ChE
                                                                                    poisoning and
                                                                                    mortality (33%,
                                                                                    50%, 67%, 100%)
                                                                                 3) depressed weight
                                                                                    gain at higher
0, 20,
50 ppm
90 days
Invalid by IBT Audit

Level Tested
0, 1, 3,
10, 30,
100 ppm
98 days
1)  too few animals
2)  98 days 1s too
    short for a dog
    subchronlc oral
1) ChE depression;     *Baran,
   NOEL for RBC and     1966
   plasma   1 ppm,      MRID#
   for brain   300 ppm  00002051
2) At 100 ppm,
   muscular weak-
   ness, hyper-
3) All other para-
   meters normal
   (blood, urine,
   gross + necro-
0, 0.3,
1, 3, 10,
30 ppm
90 days       Supplementary (deter-
(28 day       mined by IBT Audit)
recovery)     1)  IBT Audit Final
              2)  Too few animals
                  used for ChE
                  (only 6/measure-
              3)  ChE only measured.
                  Other variables
                  not monltered.
                           1) ChE depression;   *Wolf,  1966
                              NOEL for RBC and   MRID#
                              plasma = 3 ppm;    00002050
                              brain = 10 ppm
                           2) plasma ChE
                              depression fully
                              recovered 1n 28
                           3) RBC and brain ChE
                              only partial
                              recovery In 4
                           4)  Results con-
                               firmed by repeat
                               study using 6M-F
                               and measuring ChE
                               activity after
                               3 and 13 weeks.
 0,  50,
 100 ppm
2 years
Invalid by Audit
                     *Baran, 1968
 *A"I1 studies conducted by IBT.  Validations have been completed on MR1D000002050  (supplementary),  MRID#00002028
  (Invalid); and MRID000002049 (Invalid).
**Pend1ng Final IBT Audit

The three dog studies were conducted by  Industrial  Biotest Laboratories.   Of
these three studies, only one  (Baran,  1968,  00002028)  has completed validation
through the Laboratory Audit Program.  This  study has  been determined to  be

The other two studies utilizing dogs as  the  test species were screened for
indications of dialifor-related adverse  effects.  Schoenig (1966,  00002048)
showed cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition in  red  blood cells (RBC)  and plasma at
all doses tested  (down to 20 ppm  in the  diet).   No  gross pathology was
observed.  However, this study was of  only 14  days  duration,  too short for a
subchronic study  in dogs.  Furthermore,  too  few animals were  tested, there were
no control groups, and too few variables were  monitored.  This study was
inadequate as a subchronic oral test,  although ChE  depression was noted down to
20 ppm.  In another study, Baran  (1966,  00002051) also fed technical dialifor
to dogs and noted ChE depression  in red  blood  cells (NOEL 1 ppm),  plasma  (NOEL
1 ppm) and brain  (NOEL 30 ppm).   All other parameters  were normal (blood  counts
and chemistry, urinalysis, gross  pathology and microscopy).

These studies are flawed and do not satisfy  Agency  testing requirements.

All rat subchronic studies were conducted  by Industrial Biotest Laboratories.
Wolf  (1965, 00002047) fed rats technical grade dialifor for 14 days and
observed dose related decreases in RBC,  plasma and  brain ChE  at all doses (down
to 10 ppm).  Gross signs of anti-ChE poisoning and  mortality  (increasing  with
dose) were noted  at 100 ppm and above.  This study  is  flawed  and does not
fulfill Agency requirements.

In a  subsequent study, Wolf  (1966, 00002049) fed rats  technical dialifor  for 90
days.  This study has completed validation through  the Laboratory Audit Program
and has been determined to be  invalid.

In a  separate 90  day ChE study (Wolf,  1966,  00002050)  rats were fed technical
dialifor and NOEL's were established  for ChE inhibition as follows: RBC=  3 ppm,
plasma= 3ppm, brain= 10 ppm.   Plasma  ChE recovered  in  28 days and there was
partial recovery  of RBC and brain ChE  in the same time frame.  This study has
completed validation through  the  Laboratory  Audit Program and has been
determined to be  supplemental. It will not  fulfill Agency requirements for
subchronic testing  in the rat.

Although data do  indicate that dialifor is a cholinesterase inhibiting
pesticide, the Agency is unable to set a No  Observed Effect Level (NOEL)  at
this  time.  Additional  testing is required.

  Subchronic 21-Day Dermal Toxicity  (163.82-2)

The minimum data  required for subchronic 21-day dermal toxicity is one test
utilizing  technical grade dialifor, preferably in the  albino rabbit.

There were no data available  on technical  grade dialifor.  However, testing was
completed  utilizing  the emulsifiable  concentrate product (Mastri, 1969,
 00001946).  The clipped,  intact backs of rabbits (3/sex/dose) were exposed to
 0,  1, 5 and 25 mgAg of emulsifiable  concentrate dialifor  (4 Ibs./gal) for a
 total of  22 applications  (30  days) at 6 hours/application.  Test results  are
 summarized  in  the following  table:

 Dose                         ChE Levels  (Percent of  Cbntrols)
 (mgAq)     Mortality        Plasma         RBC          Brain

   0           0/6             100%          100%         100%

   1           0/6             102%           90%          76%

   5           IF/6*            71%           35%          50%

  25           1M, 2F/6*        31%           25%          21%

* Gross signs of anti-cholinesterase poisoning were salivation and diarrhea.

The data in the table show that brain ChE was depressed to varying degrees at
all dose levels (NOEL not determined); both RBC and plasma ChE NOEL's were 1
mgAg.  Gross signs of anti-cholinesterase poisoning  and mortality were
observed at higher doses.  Slight irritation and erythema  were noted at  the
application site.

The "negative" results reported on the other parameters which were measured,
i.e. hematology, urinalysis, necropsy and histopathology,  were questioned  in
the Laboratory Audit Report.  These negative findings cannot  be regarded as
valid, and this study must be considered only supplementary.

Additional testing is required.

 Subchronic Neurotoxicity (163.82-5)

The minimum data required for subchronic neurotoxicity testing is one test on
the technical grade chemical, using either the adult  hen or a mammalian
species.  This testing may be required if the results of the  requested acute
delayed neurotoxicity test is positive.

 Subchronic 90-Day Dermal Toxicity (163.82-3)

Testing is not required because the use of dialifor does not  involve purposeful
application to skin or result in significant human dermal  exposure.

 Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity (163.82-4)

Testing is required if the results of the requested acute  inhalation toxicity
test indicate that repeated exposure at a concentration that  is likely ::o  be
toxic occurs under normal conditions of use.
Chronic Effects

 Chronic Feeding (163.83-1)

The minimum data required for an assessment of the chronic toxicity of dialifor
is one test on the technical grade chemical, preferably using the laboratory

One two-year chronic feeding study in rats was available  (Wolf, 1968,
00002021).  However, this study was conducted by Industrial Biotest
Laboratories and has been determined to be invalid through the Laboratory Audit

Additional testing is required.

 Oncogenicity  (163.83-2)

The minimum data required to assess the potential oncogenic effects of dialifor
is testing on the technical grade chemical in two mammalim species, preferably
the rat and mouse.

No data were available.  Testing is required.

Reproductive Effects

 Teratogenicity (163.83-3)

The minimum data required to assess the potential teratogenic effects of
dialifor  is testing in two mammalian species using the technical chemical.

Dialifor  is structurally related to the known human  teratogen Thalidomide  (see
Figure 1), therefore testing of dialifor  is of special concern.

There are four studies which were available to assess the teratogenic potential
of dialifor.  Three of these studies were conducted  by Industrial Biotest
Laboratories and have not yet  completed validation through the Laboratory Audit
Program.  These studies therefore, do not fulfill teratogenic testing
requirements for dialifor.

A screen  of these studies for  indications of adverse effects provided seme
useful information.

In one study (Kennedy, 1966, 00002054), groups (N=10) of  rabbits were given 1,
3, 10 and 25 mgAg dialifor, 75 mgAg Thalidonide (positive control) or 260
mgAg corn oil on days 6 through 18 (inclusive) of gestation.  High maternal
mortality was noted in the 10  mg/kg (70%) and 25 mgAg (100%) dialifor treated
groups.   No "abnormal" young  (based on a  limited number of parameters) were
noted in  controls or at 1 or 10 mgAg dialifor.  Thirty "abnormal" young were
observed  in the Thalidomide positive controls.  The  abnormality described was
severe clubbing of the extremeties.  In addition, in the  3 mgAg dialifor
treatment group three of the young showed umbilical  hernias  (examination for
skeletal  development did show  normally formed skeletal structures) and one  was
partial acranius.  At doses of 1, 3 and 10 mgAg dialifor, a decrease in fetal
viability was  seen, and at 10  mgAgf son increase in  fetal resorption occurred.
These results  suggest possible dialifor related teratogenic and adverse
reproductive effects.  However, no definitive conclusions can be made regarding
the  teratogenicity of dialifor.

In a similar study, also conducted by Industrial Biotest  Laboratories, Jackson
and  Kennedy (1966, 00002055) repeated the experiment described above using  1
and  3 mgAg dosages of dialifor.  In the  Thalidomide treated positive control
group (75 mgAg)r twenty four  "abnormal"  young (severe clubbing of the
extremeties and talipes varus) were reported.  No abnormalities were reported


/  N
        S	CK •

                  ^Figure I

in the untreated controls or the test, groups  receiving dialifor.   There was no
evidence of maternal mortality  in any group,  although the number  of resorption
sites was greater in the test groups  receiving dialifor  than in the untreated
controls.  This suggests a possible dialifor  related  reproductive effect.
There was also a slight decrease in the number of viable young  in the dialifor
treated groups, suggesting possible fetotoxic effects.   However,  no definitive
conclusions can be made regarding the teratogenicity  and fetotoxicity of

In a third study, also conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories, female
stumptailed macques were used to test the teratogenic potential of dialifor
(Vondruska, 1969, 00001976).  The design and  execution of this  study was
severly flawed ( e.g. no controls, limited anatomical observations,  etc.).   The
monkeys were given dialifor (1 mgAg; N=10) or Thalidomide (5 or  10 mg/kg;  N=3
and 6) during gestation (days 23-21; 24-30; 23-30).  Monkeys given dialifor
showed an average depression of 35% in RBC and plasma ChE activity,  but no
gross effects were noted in any of, the seven major organs or major bones
examined.  All of the fetuses in the Thalidomide treated groups displayed
anomalies of the appendages, but no gross changes were observed in major organs

The final study reviewed by the Agency on the teratogenic potential of dialifor
was conducted by Jane Robens (1970, 05001994).  The test species  used  was
hamsters.  Dosages in the dialifor treated groups ranged from 0 to 500 mg/kgf
and dosages in the Thalidomide positive control groups ranged from 300-1200
mg/kg.  The results suggest possible dialifor related reproductive effects.
However, this study cannot be considered a valid test for the teratogenic
potential of dialifor because maternal mortality was  significant  at all
dialifor dose levels, the Thalidomide positive controls  did  not produce dose
related teratogenic effects, and only gross external signs of teratology were

Additional testing is required.  One of the species tested must be either
rabbits or monkeys.  The species chosen for teratogenicity testing of  dialifor
is of special concern because the teratogenic effects of Thalidomide are more
reliably reproduced in rabbits and monkeys.  Because dialifor is  structurally
similar to Thalidomide, there is a good possibility that the mode of action may
be similar, and that testing in rabbits (more economically feasible  than
testing in monkeys) would provide better information.

 Reproduction (163.83-4)

The minimum data required to assess the reproductive effects of dialifor is
testing in one mammalian species, preferably the laboratory  rat,  using
technical grade dialifor and lasting for two generations.

A three generation rat reproduction study, conducted by  Industrial Biotest
Laboratories, was reviewed by the Laboratory Audit Program and  has been
determined to be invalid (Arnold, 1968, 00002029).

Testing is required.


The following studies represent only the minimum requirements for data on the
potential heritable effects of technical dialifor.

     1.  A mammalian  j.n vitro  point mutation  test.

     2.  A sensitive submammalian point mutation test  (bacteria,  fungi,

     3.  A primary ENA damage test  (i.e.,  sister chromatid  exchange or
         unscheduled ENA synthesis).

     4.  A mammalian  in vitro  cytogenetic  test.   If  this  test suggests a
         positive result, a dominant lethal  or  heritable  translocation test may
         be required.

After results from these test systems and  other Toxicology  disciplines have
been considered, additional testing may be required to further characterize or
quantify the potential genetic risks.

These requirements should be considered as an interim  guide and not final
Agency policy.

 Metabolism  (163.85-1)

The minimum  data  required  to  assess  the metabolic fate of dialifor is a single
dose test using the analytically pure grade of  the active ingredient in a
radioactively labeled  form.

Although some data were available which provide insight into the metabolic fate
of dialifor, none of the studies are adequate to fulfill Agency requirements.

In one study (Bourke,  et  al  ., 1970, 00001972), rats were given a single oral
dose (1 mg/kg) of  C  labeled dialifor.  Within 50 hours most of the
radioactivity (80%) was recovered in the urine  and feoes.  Of the remaining 20%
in the animal, 7-13% was associated  with the digestive tract, with only .2%-.!%
remaining in the  liver and kidney.   In another  part of this study, five male
and five female rats were  given 1 mgAg of labeled dialifor.  Excreta were
collected for 7 days.  The results were similar to those reported in the 50-
hour study,  with  50% of the radioactivity  present in  the urine, and 40% in the
feces within 48 hours.  The radioactivity  in the urine was "tentatively"
identified as phthalamic acid (by R  and infrared spectral analysis).
In another report, also utilizing  rats.  Ford  and  Friant (1971,  00001957)
attempted to  identify dialifor metabolites  in urine.   Each of 16 rats were
given 4 mg of radiolabeled dialifor in corn oil via stomach  tube.  Urine  was
collected for 24 hours  and was subject to numerous  biochemical  procedures to
identify the  compounds  containing  the radioactive label.   The results suggest
that the primary metabolic fate of dialifor involves  conversion to phthalamic
acid, which is excreted in the urine rather than  dialifor itself.

The studies described above are not adequate becaus«4the purity of the test
material was not specified, the specific labeling  (  C) of dialifor was not
given, no time course of radioactive label recovery or total recovery was
reported (only in Ford and Friant, 1971, 00001957), and identification of  the
metabolites was insufficient.

Additional testing is required.
Clinical Trials'

The Agency reviewed a study assessing the effects of dialifor  (unspecified
formulation) on plasma and RBC ChE activity and plasma aliesterase activity in
humans (Greco, 1970, 00001950).  Oral administration of dialifor to male and
female human subjects caused 20-30% inhibition of blood cholinesterase and
aliesterase activities at doses of .03 mgAg/day for four weeks to .10
mgAg/day for ten days.  At these doses, partial to complete recovery occurred
within seven weeks.  No effects were noted (NOEL) at .01 mgAg/day for two
weeks.  No changes were observed in any of the hematological variables measured
at any of the dose regimens tested.

This study was conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories and has been
determined to be supplemental.

The Agency reviewed one study (Mastri, 1968, 00002020) which assessed the
efficacy of atropine sulfate and 2-PAM as antidotes in rats.  This study is
summarized below:

Treatment Schedule                                  Oral LD50 (mgAg)

a. Technical Grade Dialifor alone (35-119 mgAg)       71 + 7.3

b. Technical Grade Dialifor (52-400 mgAg)             approx. 140
   + 30 minutes
   Atropine Sulfate (17.5 mgAg)

c. Technical Grade Dialifor (118-400 mgAg)            266 + 31.3
   + 30 minutes
   2-PAM Cl (50 mgAg)

d. Technical Grade Dialifor (79-267 mgAg)             177 + 21
   + 30 minutes
   Atropine Sulfate (17.5 mgAg)
   2-PAM Cl (50 mgAg)

Toxic signs noted were typical of anti-ChE poisoning.   No gross pathologic
findings were noted in any of the animals at necropsy.

This study is adequate to establish an acute oral LD50 for technical grade
dial if or in male rats of 71 + 7 mgAg*  It is also adequate to demonstrate that
both atropine sulfate and 2-PAM have antidotal action (increases the LD50) on
the acute oral toxicity of dialifor.  2-PAM was more effective as an antidote
than atropine sulfate.

This study was conducted by Industrial Biotest laboratories and has not yet
completed validation through the Laboratory Audit Program.  The LD50 value
reported in this study cannot be considered valid.

B.   Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialif or

             Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor Toxicology Profile

As discussed in Chapter III, the majority of toxicity testing on  dialifor was
conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories.  A number of  these  studies have
completed validation through the Laboratory Audit Program,  and  this  is
indicated in the topical discussions where applicable.  Several studies have
not yet completed this validation step, and this too is indicated.   For
purposes of this Standard, these studies do not fulfill Agency  requirements for

Acute Toxicity

Data discussed in the manufacturing-use dialifor portion of this  chapter
suggest that technical grade dialifor is extremely toxic via the  oral route.
No acute oral toxicity data are available on any end-use emulsifiable
concentrate product.  The Agency assumes that existing emulsifiable  concentrate
dialifor products are also extremely toxic via the oral route.  The  acute
dermal toxicity of emulsifiable concentrate dialifor places these products in
category II.

Topical Discussions: Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor

Acute Toxicity

 Acute Oral Toxicity (163.81-1)

No data were available to assess the acute oral toxicity of any currently
registered emulsifiable concentrate product.  The Agency will assume, based on
acute testing of technical grade dialifor, that existing emulsifiable
concentrate dialifor products are extremely toxic.  Testing is  required.

 Acute Dermal Toxicity (163.81-22)

One study was available to assess the acute dermal toxicity of  emulsifiable
concentrate formulations containing dialifor.  The LD50 in male rabbits  is 326
 + 18 mg/kg when applied to intact skin (Mastri, 1969,  00002269).   Signs of
toxicity were typical of anti-cholinesterase poisoning, e.g., ataxia,
salivation, tremors, fibrillations, diarrhea and lethargy.  Pale  red erythema
and edema were noted at the application site in all groups.  Necropsy revealed
no other gross pathologic alterations.

This study has been certified by the Laboratory Audit Program and is of
sufficient quality to fulfill testing requirements.  The dermal LD50 value
places EC formulations in category II, corresponding to a moderate acute dermal
toxicity potential.  No additional testing is required

 Acute Inhalation Toxicity (163.81-3)

An acute inhalation toxicity test is required on each EC formulation unless
evidence is submitted indicating that the particular product will not produce a
respirable vapor or that if a respirable vapor is produced, the equivalent
aerodynamic diameter of 20% of the particulate is less than 10 microns.

One study (Hathaway, 1969, 00001974) was reviewed and was found to be
inadequate because of numerous serious flaws in protocol and study conduct.

Additional testing is required.

Primary Eye Irritation (163.81-4)

No data were available to assess the eye irritation potential of any EC
product.  Testing is required.

Primary Dermal Irritation (163.81-5)

No data were available to assess dermal irritability of any EC product.
Testing is required.

Dermal Sensitization (163.81-6)

No intradermal tests for dermal sensitization in laboratory animals are
available on any EC formulation.  Testing is required.

C.  Wettable Powder Dialifor
As described  in Chapter III, the majority of  toxicity testing of dialifor was
conducted by  Industrial Biotest Laboratories.  A number of these studies have
completed validation through the Laboratory Audit Program, and this is
indicated in  the topical discussions where  applicable.  Several studies have
not yet completed validation, and this too  is indicated.   For purposes of this
Standard, these studies do not fulfill Agency requirements for testing.
                  Wettable Powder Dialifor Toxicology Profile
Acute Toxicity
Data discussed in the manufacturing-use portion of this chapter suggest  that
technical grade dialifor is extremely toxic via the oral route.  No data were
available to assess the acute oral toxicity of the wettable powder product.
The Agency will assume that it too is extremely toxic via the oral route.
Acute dermal toxicity testing has been provided and the results place wettable
powder dialifor in category II.

Topical Discussions: Wettable Powder Dialifor

Acute Toxicity

 Acute Oral Toxicity (163.81-1)

No data were available to assess the acute oral toxicity of wettable powder
dialifor.  Testing is required.

 Acute Dermal Toxicity (163.81-2)

One study was available to assess the acute dermal toxicity of wettable  powder
dialifor.  The LD50 determined in this study for male rabbits (Mastri, 1969,
00003280) is 735  +  213 mgAg on intact skin.  Signs of toxicity were typical
of anti-cholinesterase poisoning and skin reactions were mild.  Necropsy
revealed no other pathologic alterations.

This study has been certified by the Laboratory Audit Program and is considered
to be adequate for Agency testing requirements.  The reported LD50 value places
wettable powder dialifor in toxicity category II, corresponding to a moderate
acute dermal toxicity.  No additional testing is required.

 Acute Inhalation Toxicity (163.81-3)

An acute inhalation study is required en the wettable powder product unless
evidence is submitted showing that either the wettable powder product will not
produce a respirable vapor, or that if a respirable vapor is produced, the
equivalent aerodynamic diameter of at least 20% of the particulate is less than
10 microns.

One study was reviewed and found to be inadequate  (Hathaway, 1969, 00001975)
because of numerous serious flaws  in protocol and  study conduct.

Testing on the manufacturing-use product will fulfill requirements for  this
wettable powder product.

 Primary Eye Irritation  (163.81-4)

No data were available on the wettable powder product.  Testing is required.

 Primary Dermal Irritation  (163.81-5)

No data were available on the wettable powder product.  Testing is required.

 Dermal Sensitization (163.81-6)

No int -adermal testing is available  for  the wettable powder product.  Testing
is required.

                                CHAPTER VII

                             RESIDUE CHEMISTRY

A.   Introduction

For any pesticide which has uses that may directly result  in  residues on
food or feed, the Agency sets an allowable residue level,  or  tolerance,  for
each commodity on which it may occur.  A tolerance level for  a particular
chemical on a particular commodity is a function of the chemical's
toxicity, the percentage of an average daily diet comprised by the
commodity, and the amount of residue that can be expected  to  occur  on that
commodity at the maximum directed rate of application.  The total amount of
chemical to which a person may be exposed from all sources should always be
less than the toxicological estimate of a safe "Allowable  Daily Intake."

The insecticide dialifor is used in the control of a variety  of spiders,
mites, and scales in the following food crops: citrus fruits, apples,
grapes, and pecans.  The majority of its current use is in pecans.
Tolerance levels of 3.0 ppm (citrus), 1.5 ppm (apples), 1  ppm (grapes),  and
.01 ppm (pecans) have been established (CFR 180.326).  In  addition,
tolerance levels of 0.15 ppm (red meat), .006 ppm (milk and dairy
products), .05 ppm (poultry), and .01 ppm (eggs) have also been established.

B.   Manufacturing use Dialifor

     1.   Residue Chemistry Profile

Dialifor is an insecticide-acaricide used to protect citrus fruits, apples
grapes and pecans.

Dialifor is not considered to be systemic in plants, although its residues
will penetrate into the peel or rind of fruit.  The residues  consist
primarily of dialifor and of lesser amounts of the oxygen  analog.
Available data indicate that up to 12.5% of remaining residues  consist of
the oxygen analog.

The oxygen analog is thought to form through photodegradation.   The amounts
of the oxygen analog" which are present in different crops  indicate that
hydrolysis, not oxidation, is the favored route of metabolic  degradation.
The two initial fragments which result from hydrolysis are N-l-hydroxy-2-
chloroethyl phthalimide and O,O-Diethyl thiophosphoric acid.  The phthaloyl
moiety is extensively metabolized to phthalamic and o-phthalic  acids  which
are found it plants in the form of salts.  The thiophosphoric moiety  is
metabolized to thiophosphoric and phosphoric acids which are  reabsorbed  and
enter into the cellular pool.

The metabolism in animals appears to be similar to that which occurs  in
plants.  However, whereas plants retain their metabolic products, animals
eliminate the majority of them in the urine.  In addition, animals are
unable to completely degrade the parent compound, which is found intact  in
the feces.

Adequate dialifor-specific and dialifor-oxon-specific analytical methods
are available for detection of residues on citrus fruits, apples, grapes,
and their derived by-products: meat, milk, poultry and eggs.  Data are
available on residues  in  these commodities.

Available residue data  show that  the combined residues of dialifor and
dialifor-oxon found  in  and on the above commodities, resulting from
presently registered uses, do not exceed the established tolerances in 40
CFR 180.326.  The use of  currently recommended application rates and
preharvest  intervals will insure  residue levels below tolerance limits on
the raw agricultural commodities  at harvest.  There are no records of
regulatory  incidents involving the enforcement of these tolerances.

     2.  Required Labeling

Labels of dialifor wettable powder and emulsifiable concentrate products
must contain the following restrictions:

Grapes, Apples, citrus,, and Pecans: "Do not combine emulsifiable
concentrate formulations  with Bordeaux mixtures.  Do not feed or allow
livestock to graze on  cover crops grown in treated areas.  Do not
contaminate food or  feedstuffs  (storage and disposal).  Do not apply when
weather conditions favor  drift  from treated areas."
Topical  Discussions

           a.    Uptake,  Distribution, and Metabolism in Plants

In  addition to what may remain of an original application of the chemical,
residues may  also consist of the chemical's metabolites, as formed by the
plant  crop to which it  was applied.   The major and minor pathways of the
chemical's absorption,  transformation, and distribution can be deduced
experimentally from the analysis of radiolabeled applications.
Applications  by various routes, for example to the roots or leaves, will
show differences in absorption rates.  The distribution of the chemical and
its metabolites can be  examined by measuring the radioactivity present in
various  plant fractions.  Isolated metabolites can then be characterized by
chromatography, partitioning, or electrophoresis.  Metabolic
transformations often result in an increase of polarity of the foreign
chemical to facilitate  elimination.  Metabolites characterized as highly
polar  may have undergone conjugation with naturally occurring amino acids,
sugars,  or sugar acids.  Further chemical analysis can help identify the
exact  nature  of the conjugations.  Other possible major transformations can
occur  by hydrolysis,  oxidation/reductions, or the breaking of unstable
bonds.  The absorption, distribution, and metabolic fate of the chemical
determine the potential quantity and identity of pesticide residues in
plants used for food  or feed.

Dialifor is a foliar insecticide and acaricide, and its use is primarily
directed to leaves.  The absorption, distribution, and metabolic fate of
^jalifor was  investigated by J.B. Bourke et al (1970, 00001972).  When
   C-ring labeled dialifor is applied to a surface of bean or tomato leaf

or  injected  into  the plant stem,  the bulk of radioactivity remains at the
site of  application.   Autoradiograms show that the slight movement that has
occurred after  18 days of  application is primarily through the leaf veins,
thus indicating that such  movement was in the form of water insoluble
metabolites moving  in  the  xylem.   Direct injection into tomato fruit did
not show any movement  of the pesticide through the parent plant, thus
proving  that dialifor  does not kill insects or mites by systemic action.

Additional studies  on  isotopic dilution techniques were conducted on citrus
plants by J.J.  Ford et al  .(1971,  00001958, 1972,  00002127, and Hercules,
1968, 00002032),  in support of the preceding radioautography data.  Four
miniature orange  trees (Calamondin), in full leaf  and fruit were sprayed to
runoff with   C-ring labeled dialifor in methylene chloride and the
recovered runoff  was assayed.   Samples of leaves and fruits were Soxhlet-
extracted with  acetone for internal residues,  and  all the residues were
identified by thin  layer chromatography.

Residues of dialifor were  also determined by GLC.   Distribution of
radioactivity in  samples taken at  1-, 4-, 8-,  12-,  and 14-week intervals
indicated the presence of  dialifor per se ,its oxygen analog,  and two
metabolites, the  phthalamic acid and the  o-phthalic acid.
Immediately after application,  83% of the total   C-labeled residue was
identified as dialifor.  The following changes were observed:

Dialifor                65% of the total labeled  material after 1 week.
                         51% of the toal  labeled material  after 14 weeks.

Dialifor-oxon            17% of the total labeled  material after 1 week.
                           9% of the total labeled  material after 14 weeks.

Phthalamic and           18% of the total labeled  material after 1 week.
o-phthalic acids         39% of the total labeled material after 14 weeks.

The level of radioactivity on the  leaves  was found  to be 15-20 times larger
than that on the  fruits.   No radioactivity was detected  in the fruit pulp
or  in the new growth after 12 weeks.   Whatever internal  residues were found
did not decrease  appreciably after 14 weeks; therefore,  they did not
undergo  complete  degradation.

Dialifor shows  little  tendency to  translocate  from foliar  deposits or to  be
absorbed into fruit pulp.   Residues are found  primarily  in the peel or
rind, and they  tend to be  extremely persistent,  as  shown by decline curves.

In vitro hydrolysis and photogegradation  studies (Ford,  1971,  00001956)
show that the decomposition products are  phthalamic and  o-phthalic acids.

The major pathway of metabolic  degradation of  dialifor in  plants begins
with the formation by  hydrolysis of N-l-hydroxy-2-chloroethyl  phthalimide
and O,O-diethyldithiophosphororic  acid-.   The former is metabolized  to
phthalamic acid and o-phthalic  acids,  found in the  plant in the form of
salts.   The minor pathway  involves  the formation by oxidation  of the  oxygen
analog, which is generally detected in amounts up uo 12.5% of  the total
residue  (Hercules, 1972?,  00002125).   The fate of the thiophosphate
fragment has been thoroughly studies  by R.J. O'Brien,  who  found that
thiophosphoric and phosphoric acids are reabsorbed  and become  part of the
cellular pool.


The residues in apples, apple pcmace,  oranges,  orange pulp,  orange oil,
grapes, grape pomace, and  raisins  which are open to toxicological
considerations are dialifor per se and its oxygen analog (Eastmen, 1968?,
00002027).  No oxygen analog as component of the total residue has been
reported for pecans.

     b.   Metabolism in Animals

From one feeding  study with rats (Burke  et al ., 1970, 00001972), using
radio-labeled material,  it was  indicated that the metabolism of dilaifor in
animals apparently proceeds in  a manner similar to that in plants, with its
conversion to dialkyldithiophosphoric  acids and to compounds containing the
phthalic acid moiety.  Small amounts of dialifor per ^e are transferred to
the tissues.
  C radiotracer studies  involving  the  ingestion of dialifor by large
ruminants (cows,  goats) have not been  submitted.  Feeding studies using
unlabeled dialifor show  that animals are unable to completely degrade the
parent pesticide.  Thus, beef calves maintained from 2 to 8 weeks on a dry
diet containing an excessive level of  60 ppm of dialifor (J.J. Ford, 1969,
00002024) showed  up  to 0.4 ppm  of  dialifor per se in fat tissues and up to
0.30 ppm in liver tissues.

In another study, dairy  cows maintained for three weeks on a diet
containing 40 ppm dialifor showed  0.0001 ppm to 0.013 ppm of dialifor per
se in milk  (Ford, 1968?  00002022).  Based on these data, maximum residues
in milk should be slightly above 0.01  ppm or 0.26 ppm on a fat basis.

In a final study  by  St.  John et al .(1971, 05001830), dialifor was fed to a
dairy cow at a level of  5  ppm  for 4 days.  Neither dialifor nor its oxygen
analog were  found in milk.  Dialifor was absent in the urine, and about 3%
of the total dialifor  fed  was  found in the feces.  The metabolism of
dialifor  in  animals  appears to  be  similar to that in plants.  Overall, the
fate of dialifor  in  animals is  adequately described.

          c.   Analytical  Methods

Metabolism data  indicate that  dialifor per se and up to 12.5% of its oxygen
analog comprise the  bulk of the residue found in plants and animals.

The  regulatory method  for the  analysis of dialifor in crops is contained in
Vol. II of  the Pesticide Analytical Manual, as Method I, and was submitted
by Hercules  (J.J. Ford,  19??,  000020005).  In this method, 200 g of ground
apple or  orange peel or  juiced  orange  pulp samples are extracted 3 times
with 400 ml.  each of acetone in a Waring blender at high speed for 5
minutes.  The extracts are filtered through a coarse fritted funnel,
combined  and concentrated to a volume of 900 ml. of acetone.  Following a
multistep cleanup procedure,  the dialifor residues can be detected by gas
liquid chrcmatography employing a phosphorus-specific potassium chloride
thermionic detector.   The  sequence of this clean-up is as follows:

            1- Methylene chloride water partition
            2-  5 Component absorbent material
            3- Celite partition column
            4- Acetonitrile-hexane partition
            5- Alumina column

Appropriate  clean-up procedures are selected depending on the commodity
undergoing analysis.   For instance, for apples, steps 1,2, and 3 are only
applied;  for oranges,  steps 1,  4,  and 5 are applied.  When operated as
described (Ford,  1968,  00002005)  the thermionic detector responds to
dialifor  at  the one  nanogram level.  The sensitivity of the method is 0.01
ppm.  This method is also so specific that none of the other common
organophosphorus  pesticides interfere (the retention time of dialifor is
considerably greater than that  of any of these materials).

The method was validated  by the Food and Drug Administration laboratory in
Los Angeles, California,  and by EPA (1971).  The average recovery obtained
by EPA for dialifor  in  orange samples fortified at 1.5 to 3 ppm was 92.2%,
and individual values varied from 84% to 98%.  Recoveries were slightly
higher at the same levels before  final clean-up steps were preformed.

This method  has only been validated for dialifor per jse but is said to  be
capable of detecting  the  oxygen analog with good sensitivity.

A thin layer chromatography-cholinesterase inhibition method has been
described as suitable for detecting residues of dialifor and its oxygen
analog in foods (Hercules,  1968,  00002037).  Briefly, the technique
utilizes  enzymatic inhibition as  the detection system in conjunction with 5-
bromoindoxyl acetate  as the chromogenic agent.

The procedure is  capable  of detecting 2-3 ng of dialifor and it oxygen
analog.   The method was validated  (Eastmen, 1968, 00002027).  Recovery
studies of the oxygen analog on apples fortified at levels of 0.02-0.08 ppm
ranged from  82% to 100%.   Recoveries of the oxygen analog on oranges
fortified at levels of  0.04-0.20 ppm ranged from 85-100%.

Acceptable methods for  the  determination of dialifor in beef tissues and
milk were submitted by  Hercules and are published in the Pesticide
Analytical Manual, Vol. II,  as  Method II and Method III.

Method II consists of extracting the residue from meat,  fat and meat by-
products  with an  acetone-chloroform mixture.   An aliquot is evaporated to
dryness and  the residue dissolved  in hexane-acetonitrile.   After
partitioning and  evaporation, the  residue is cleaned up on an  alumina
column.   The residue is determined  using the gas chrbmatographic parameters
specified in Method I.  This method was subject to a method trial in EPA
laboratories with beef  suet.  Levels of fortification were  at  0.12 ppm and
0.06 ppm  of dialifor with recoveries ranging from 96% to 104%  in the first
case, and 80% to  96% in the  second  case.   The sensitivity of the method is
0.005 ppm.

In Method III, the milk fat  is  extracted with potassium oxalate,
isopropanolr ether and  n-hexane solvents.   The organic solvent with  the
pesticide residue is dissolved  in benzene and passed through an alumina
column before determination  by  gas  liquid chromatography using a thermionic
detector.  The method was validated by EPA:  analysis of fortified milk
samples indicated recoveries of 80% and 88% at the 2.5 ppb  level,  and  of
90% to 102% at the 5.0 ppb level.   The sensitivity of the method is  0.5 ppb
for milk  fat.

The above methods have been validated, have adequate  specificity,  and  are
satisfactory for enforcement purposes.
          d.   Residue Data

Field residue data for dialifor should reflect  the  registered  use  with
regard to application rate, mode of application, number and  timing of
treatments, formulations used, and geographical areas represented.

Because the oxygen analog may have an increased cholinergic  potency, it
is important to establish the levels of  this oxon likely  to  be found in the
combined residues on agricultural crops.

Some data were available to assess the proportions  likely to be found  in
these crops.  Residues of the oxygen-analog  were determined  in 52  selected
samples of apples, orange peels, orange  oil, orange (by-product dried)
pulp, peaches, grapes, cottonseed, potatoes, and soil, using the TLC-enzyme
inhibition procedure previously described.   Residues of dialifor were
determined by a GLC procedure (Eastmen,  1968?,  00002027).

Residues of the oxygen analog were found in  almost  every  sample containing
the parent compound, dialifor, and ranged up to 0.13 ppm  (except for higher
values of 0.45 ppm and 0.60 ppm  in orange oil due to concentration and
processing).  Of the 52 samples, only three  contained an  oxygen analog
residue exceeding 10% of the combined residues  (e.g. 10.2%,  12.5%, and
17.2%; the last value is derived from inconsistent  and questionable data).
The preponderance of values show that the oxygen analog represents up  to
12.5% of the combined residue of dialifor per se and dialifor-oxon.
Previously this value had been rounded off to 10%.

If dialifor alone is determined, the combined residue residue  can  be
calculated as follows:

                 ppm dialifor  = ppm combined residue

The stability of dialifor residues during storage were also  considered.
Fortified acetone extracts of orange peels were reanalyzed after intervals
of 1 to 5 months.  The analytical data show  that residues of dialifor
persist unchanged in frozen extracts for periods of up to 25 weeks.  For
apple extracts they are stable up to 43  weeks (Hercules,  1968?, 00002032).
These data are considered adequate for the crops discussed in  this Standard.


The directions for use of dialifor emulsifiable concentrates on pecans call
for a) foliar application up to  shuck split, b) single or multiple spray
applications at a maximum rate of 0.45 Ib ai/100 gallons  (not  to exceed 5.4
Ib ai/acre/application), and c) different frequencies of  application
depending upon the type of pest  to be controlled.

The available residue data for pecans (J.J.  Ford, 1969, 00001990)  reflect 3
single 0.5 Ib ai/100 gallon spray applications  to foliage of 10 pecan  trees
at 2-week intervals in Albany, Georgia.   The interval between  last spray
and harvest was 35 days.  Nut samples were analyzed by either  a surface


stripping analysis or nut-meat analysis.  The regulatory method I (PAM
Vol.  II), slightly modified, was  used  to detect dialifor residues on these
samples.  The reported residue stripped from the pecan surface ranged from
0.006 ppm to 0.016 ppm with anaverage  of 0.009  ppm.   Crop blanks are
reported as 0.000 ppm (sensitivity of  this method  is  0.004 ppm).   The
residue in the edible nut-meats averaged 0.005  ppm based on the analysis of
10 samples.  Crop blanks are reported  as 0.003  ppm (method sensitivity
0.003 ppm).

Additional data  for residues of dialifor in  pecans were presented (J.J.
Ford, 1972, 00002130).  A total of 33  samples from 6  tests located in 3
different states were analyzed.   An average  of  16  to  17 trees  were sprayed
to run-off with  emulsions at concentrations  of  0.5 Ib to 1 Ib  of  ai/100
gallons.  The number of applications ranged  from 2 to 6.   The  intervals
between last spray and harvest varied  from 14 to 121  days.  The maximum
residue in the nut-meats was less than 0.005 ppm,  the detection  limit of
the analytical method used.

Unshelled nuts (meat plus shell,  but excluding  the husk)  showed a maximum
residue of 0.016 ppm at 35 days PHI (Ford, 1969, 00001990).  Therefore,  the
shell is not a potential source of contamination of the nut-meat.   Adequate
recovery (120%)  at 0.005 ppm fortification level was  cited.  The  only real
residue found on pecans was on the husk or shuck,  but a tolerance is not
required for the shuck because it is not used as animal  feed or human food.

The submitted residue data are adequate to support a  0.01 ppm  tolerance  for
combined residues of dialifor and dialifor-oxon  in pecans.  Data on levels
of dialifor-oxon in pecans are not required  due  to the low levels of
combined residues reported.

Citrus Fruits and Processed Citrus Products


Use directions for the application of dialifor on  oranges call for foliar
spray applications up to seven days before harvest (PHI).  Several  kinds of
applications are offered: single  yearly applications  at a maximum  rate of
0.45 lbs/100 gallon and at a mimimum rate of 0.113 lbs/100 gallons, or
double yearly applications at a maximum rate of  0.36  lbs/100 gallons  and at
a minimum rate of 0.113 lbs/100 gallons.

                               Summary Table

 Crop      Rate of Application          PHI        Residues    Reference

Valencia  6-double .25 Ib ai/100 gal.   3 days      .7 ppm    Hercules, 1968,
Oranges    (second application 3       7 days      .69 ppm   00002032
            months after first)        84 days      .37 ppm

          6-double .5 Ib ai/100 gal.    3 days      1.3 ppm          "
           (second application 3       7 days     1.2 ppm
            months after first)        84 days      .61 ppm

Residue data obtained for these samples indicate a half-life of
approximately 70 days at each of the two dosages studied.  The decrease  of


residue with time is a function of weathering and of growth of mature
fruits.  Since, in this study, mature oranges were used, the residues  found
represent the maximum that would occur from the given applications.  In
addition, the study confirms that dialifor residues are not confined
entirely to the peel of the orange, because the residue does not penetrate
into the edible portion of the fruit even after exposure for periods of  12
weeks.  The reported residues are calculated values based on analyses  of
peel fractions and adjustment to the whole fruit basis.  Crop blanks were
reported as 0.0 ppm (sensitivity of the method, 0.01 ppm).
                               Summary Table
             3  & Rate of Application        PHI
                                         Residues    Reference
3@ .29 Ib ai/100 gal.
(first application at
 petal fall; final 5
 months later)

3@ .5 Ib ai/100 gal.
 (first application at
  petal fall; final 5
  months later)
                                            3 days
                                           84 days
1.4 ppm
 .59 ppm
           1.9 ppm
           1.1 ppm
The analyses reported  above were done  at Pesticide Research Laboratory,
University of  Florida,  The studies utilized  three instead of the maximum
of 2  treatments.   However, in each case  where applications were made,  the
first was  made at  petal fall  when  the  fruit had just started to form.  Thus
for this evaluation we can equate  the  treatments in the residue studies  to
the recommended dual applications.

The residue data obtained from pineapple oranges indicated a half-life of
80 to 85 days. The residue levels reported are on a whole fruit  basis.
Recovery studies with  pineapple orange peel samples showed an average  value
of 90.6% at a  5.83 ppm dialifor fortification level.  These data  are not in
perfect agreement  with the residue levels in  Hercules, 1968, 00002032,
because the reported residue  values show a maximum level of 1.2 ppm at 7
days  after the last application at the higher spray rate in 00002032.

                               Summary Table
 _# £ Rate of Application

4 single @ 5 oz./lOO gal.
water/full coverage spray

4 single @ 10 oz./lOO gal.
water/full coverage spray
4 single @
water /acre
                        5 Ib ai/50 gal.

  3 days
125 days

  3 days
125 days

  3 days
125 days
             4 single @ 10 Ib ai/50 gal.   3 days
             water/acre                  125 days

             4 double @ 5 Ib ai/50 gal.    3 days
             water/acre                  125 days

             4 double @ 5 oz./lOO gal.     3 days
             water/full coverage spray   125 days

 4.9 ppm
  .7 ppm

 6.7 ppm
 1.4 ppm

 9.1 ppm
 2.5 ppm

18.5 ppm
 4.3 ppm

14 ppm
 3.6 ppm

 7.4 ppm
 2.4 ppm

             1 single @ 5 oz./lOO gal.
             water/full coverage spray

             1 single @ 10 oz./lOO gal.
             water/full coverage spray
                              7 days    1.2 ppm
                              7 days    2.4 ppm
Decline curves were submitted and showed a residue half-life of 60 days for
the concentrated spray (5 Ib and 10 Ib ai/50 gallon water acre), and a
residue half-life of 40 days for the dilute spray (5 oz. and 10 oz./lOO
gallon water/full coverage spray).  The difference was attributed to the
two types of applications (blast spray for concentrated and manual for the

Analysis of the pulp of the samples collected at 7r 21, 42, 75, and 125-day
intervals showed no detectable residue, showing that the pesticide did not
penetrate into the pulp.  Recovery data were good for the determination of
residues in rind and pulp of oranges using the GLC method developed by
Hercules (J.J. Ford, 1968, 00002005).  At a .5 ppm fortification level the
orange pulp gave a recovery of 91 + 9%.  At a 3 ppm fortification level the
orange rind gave a recovery of 105 + 3%/  Good recoveries of 110% were also
obtained for ground rinds fortified with 3 ppm.

                               Summary Table
 f & Rate of Application      PHI       Residue     Reference

Single .5 lb/100 gal. spray
3 days
7 days
14 days
28 days
56 days
84 days
1.7 ppm
1.8 ppm
1.7 ppm
1.4 ppm
1.2 ppm
.88 ppm
Reinking ,
Blanks are reported as 0.0 ppm.  Sensitivity of a modification of  the GLC
method developed by Hercules was 0.01 ppm.


The directions for application of dialifor to grapefruit are basically  the
same as those for application to oranges.  However, when double application
is called for, one must be done in  the  spring  (post blossom) and the other
in the summer.

                               Summary  Table

 £ £ Rate of Application

30 .29 Ib ai/100 gal.

3@ .5 Ib ai/100 gal.

 3 days
84 days

 3 days
84 days

 .64 ppm
 .62 ppm

1.2 ppm
1.1 ppm

Single @  .5 lb/100 gal.
3 days
7 days
14 days
28 days
56 days
84 days
1.8 ppm
1.9 ppm
1.8 ppm
1.7 ppm
1.6 ppm
1.4 ppm
 Recovery studies with grapefruit peels (00001967,  00001968,  00001969),
 showed  an average  value of 98.8% at a 2.9 ppm dialifor fortification
 level.   All  blanks were reported as 0.0 ppm.   These  values are  in  agreement
 with reported  levels in oranges in Hercules,  1968, 00002032.

 Within  the limits  of experimental error, residues of dialifor in grapefruit
 did  not change from  the third day after the last treatment until the final
 sampling at  the 84th day.   Even at the higher rate they were below the
 established  tolerance of 3 ppm  for combined residues of dialifor and its
 oxon in citrus fruits.

    directions  for use of dialifor  in on  lemons  call  for  foliar
applications up to seven days before harvest.  Several  types of application
are offered, single and double  (spring and summer  spray),  at a  maximum rate
of 0.45 Ib ai/100 gallons and a minimum rate of  0.113 Ib ai/100 gallons.

                               Summary Table

              # & Rate of Application      PHI       Residues    Reference

Lemons       3@ .29 Ib ai/100 gal.         3 days   .25 ppm     Hercules,
                                          65 days   .08 ppm     1969?,
             3@ .5 Ib ai/100 gal.          3 days   .38 ppm     1968?,
                                          65 days   .24 ppm     00001968
Recovery studies with lemon peels showed an average value of 91.73% at a
1.41 ppm dialifor fortification level.  All blanks were reported as 0.05

                               Summary Table

 Crop         # & Rate of Application      PHI       Residues    Reference

Lemons       Single 10 oz. ai/100 gal.    6 days    1.53 ppm    Westlake,
Analysis of the pulp of the samples collected at 7, 21, 42, 75, and 125-day
intervals showed no detectable residue, showing that the pesticide did not
penetrate into the pulp.  Recovery data were good for the determination of
residues in rind and pulp using the GLC method developed by Hercules (J.J.
Ford, 1968, 00002005).  At a .5 ppm fortification level the lemon pulp gave
a recovery of 99 _+ 19%.  At a 3 ppm fortification level the lemon rind gave
a recovery of 110 +_ 9%.  Good recoveries of 110% were also obtained for
ground rinds fortified with 3 ppm dialifor.

Citrus Pulp, Molasses, and Citrus Oil

Two pilot plant studies reported in 00002033 and  00001966  show residue data
for orange and grapefruit by-products such as juice, citrus oil, molasses,
and dried citrus pulp.  Molasses and dried citrus pulp constitute  part of
conmercial cattle feed and deserve special consideration.  Valencia Oranges
and Ruby Red Grapefruit were commercially processed at Lake Alfred, Florida.
                                Summary Table
              # & Rate
 Crop      of Application     PHI

Valencia   .25 Ib ai/100 gal.  21 days
           .5  Ib  ai/100 gal.   21 days
 Ruby Red   .25 Ib ai/100 gal.  20 days
           .5 Ib ai/100 gal.   20 days
RAC: .52 ppm               Hercules,
Juice: None found          1969,
Chopped Peels: .76 ppm     00002033
Molasses: .16 ppm          Hercules,
Dried Citrus Pulp: 2.7 ppm 1971?,
Orange Oil: 6.4 ppm        00001966

RAC: .86 ppm                  "
Juice: None found
Chopped Peels: 1.6 ppm
Molasses: 1.3 ppm
Dried Citrus Pulp: 5.5 ppm
Orange Oil: 12 ppm

RAC: .55 ppm                  "
Juice: None found
Chopped Peels: .85 ppm
Molasses: .14 ppm
Dried Citrus Pulp: 2.6 ppm
Grapefruit Oil: 20 ppm
RAC: 1.2 ppm                  "
Juice: None found
Chopped Peels: 1.6 ppm
Molasses: .25 ppm
Dried Citrus Pulp: 6.1 ppm
Grapefruit Oil: 37 ppm
 In processing unwashed oranges to dry pulp, the concentration factor was
 2.7/0.52 = 5.1 at the lower spray rate and 5.5/0.86 = 6.4 at the higher
 spraying rate.

 In processing grapefruit to dry pulp, the conversion factor was 2.6/0.55 =
 4.7 at the lower spraying rate and 6.1/1.2 = 5.1 at the higher spraying

 These  studies show concentration factors from unwashed orchard fruit to
 dried  citrus pulp of from 4.7-6.4.  When the feed item is reconstituted

with molasses  at  2/3rd dried  pulp and l/3rd molasses,  the maximum in the
reconstituted  feed would  be:

                2^ (6.4 x  3) + _!  x 1.3 = 13.2 ppm dialifor
                3            3

Therefore, a food additive tolerance is needed,  and a  level of 15 ppm for
combined residues of dialifor and its oxygen analog in dried citrus pulp is
considered appropriate.

The highest residues were found  in citrus oil samples, amounting to 6.4 ppm
to 12 ppm for  orange oil  and  20  ppm to 37 ppm for grapefruit oil.  This is
because the oil fraction  represents the more solubilizing vehicle for the
pesticide residue, as well as being the smallest fraction of the original
fruit.  The results of both studies are in  agreement.   A tolerance is
needed for citrus oil.

In the recovery of the citrus oil,  the following concentration factors were
observed: 6.4/0.52 = 12.3; 12/0.86  = 14.0;  20/0.55  = 36.4 and 37/1.2 =
30.8.  The maximum level  likely  to occur would be 36.4 x 3 = 109.2 ppm
combined residue.  Therefore, a  Food Additive tolerance of 110 ppm is
considered appropriate for combined residues of  dialifor and its oxygen
analog in citrus  oil.

The directions for use of dialifor on grapes call for two  foliar  spray
applications per season, one before and one after the shotberry stage,  at  a
rate of 0.9 Ibs. ai/15-120 gal. water/acre (35 days PHI are  indicated).
The label limits use to California.

                               Summary Table
           t & Rate of Application
Thompson  3 double @ .5 Ib ai/acre

          3 double § 1 Ib ai/acre
                                          34 days   .54 ppm     Ford, 1970,
                                          48 days   .36 ppm     00001984
                                          62 days   .23 ppm

                                          34 days  1.2 ppm          "
                                          48 days   .7 ppm
                                          62 days   .94 ppm
Concord   1 double @ 1 Ib ai/acre
                                          78 days  2.2 ppm          "

Crop blanks are quoted as 0.00 ppm.  Sensitivity of the method is 0.2 ppm.
Additional residue data from two decline studies and two terminal residue
studies from San Joaquin Valley, California were reported.  Decline studies:

                               Summary Table
 ft & Rate of Application         PHI
 Residues    Reference
1-3 § 1 Ib ai/acre
          1-3 @ 2 Ibs ai/acre
0 days
7 days
14 days
28 days
56 days
112 days
0 days
7 days
14 days
28 days
56 days
112 days
1.27 ppm
.26 ppm
.76 ppm
.68 ppm
.63 ppm
.08 ppm
2.63 ppm
1.79 ppm
2.46 ppm
1.65 ppm
2.26 ppm
.25 ppm
             Etord, 1972,
Blanks were quoted as 0.0 ppm and the sensitivity of the method was 0.01
Terminal residue  studies:
                                Summary Table
 Crop       » & Rate of Application

Carignane  Single  @ 1  Ib ai/acre
& Emperor
            Single  @  2 Ibs  ai/acre

                                2 days
                                7 days
                               13 days
                               27 days
                               48 days
                               68 days

                                2 days
                                7 days
                               13 days
                               27 days
                               48 days
                               68 days
 Residues    Reference
1.8 ppm
 .86 ppm
 .80 ppm
 .41 ppm
1.0 ppm
 .42 ppm

1.8 ppm
1.1 ppm
 .87 ppm
 .53 ppm
 .59 ppm
 .37 ppm
Ec-rd, 1972,
More recent residue data from a field  study conducted  in California have
been submitted.

                               Summary Table
t & Rate of Application        PHI
Grapes     3 @ 1 Ib ai/acre
Grapes     3, @ 1 Ib ai/acre
Residues    Reference
                              35 days    .67 ppm     Hercules,
                              40 days    .83 ppm     1973,
                              34 days   1.2 ppm      Hercules,
The data presented on residues of dialif or in or on grapes demonstrate  that
the established 1 ppm tolerance for combined residues of dialifor and
dialifor oxon on or on fresh grapes will not be exceeded when dialifor  is
applied as directed (with a 35 day preharvest interval).  Only one sample
showed a maximum residue value of 1.2 ppm.

The decline curves of residues on Carignane and Bnperor grapes showed
little initial deposits from two sprays of about 2.0 ppm at the rate of 2
Ibs. ai/acre, a steady decline for 25-30 days to about 0.4 ppm, and finally
a leveling off with little additional loss until harvest.  The pattern  of
residue decline coincides with the growth of the grapes, there being
practically no growth dilution over the last 20-25 days before harvest.

Sprays of the final application are the ones that affect the value of the
final residue.  Recovery studies on grapes indicate an average value of 93%
at a fortification level ranging from 0.3 ppm tp 0.5 ppm.  The tolerance of
1 ppm for combined residues of dialifor and its oxygen analog is  therefore
considered adequate for fresh grapes.

Raisins and Raisin Waste

The recommended treatment to harvest interval for raisins is 60-70 days in
place of 35 days for fresh grapes.  Raisins are, in fact, harvested several
weeks later than the fresh fruit because they need additional time to
develop their high sugar content.

Residue studies of dialifor levels found on raisins made from dialifor
treated grapes are summarized below:

                               Summary Table
# & Rate of Application
 Residues    Reference

   .5 Ib ai/acre
   1 Ib ai/acre
   .5 Ib ai/acre
   1 Ib ai/acre
62 days
62 days
62 days
62 days
 .37 ppm
1.2 ppm
 .30 ppm
1.2 ppm
1- Unprocessed raisins,  field dried, fumigated with methyl bromide and
2- Processed raisins, field dried, washed, de-stemmed, and sorted for size.
The concentration  factor was  1.44 at both application rates.
                                Summary Table
» & rate of Application        PHI
 Raisins    Double @ 1 Ib ai/acre

            Single @ 3 Ibs ai/acre
            Residues    Reference
41 days
71 days
49 days
1.4 ppm
1.6 ppm
4.3 ppm
Ford, 1972,

The average concentration factor was quoted as 3.2,  ranging from 1.8 to
4.3, respectively;  however,  that for Thompson seedless grapes (average of
2)  was 4.1.

Residue data from a 1973 field study conducted  in  California are presented
below and support a concentration  factor of  1.6 from grapes to processed

                               Sumnary Table
 Crop     » & Rate of Application      PHI
Raisins    3 @ 1 Ib ai/acre
           2 @ 1 Ib ai/acre
35-40 days
70 days
.98 ppm
.2 ppn
Owing to the effect of processing, the concentration factor  is considered
to be 1.6, and the maximum of combined residues in raisins is 1.6 ppm.   The
established Food Additive Tolerance of 2 ppm is therefore appropriate for
combined residues of dialifor and its oxygen analog in or on raisins.

Raisin waste, which contains imperfect raisins and associated trash
obtained as a by-product of raisin production, was found to  contain  up  to
2.8 ppm of dialifor.  The raisins, containing an average residue of  1.2
ppm, were the source of the waste, giving a concentration factor of  2.3.
Fresh grapes, bearing residues of dialifor at 1 ppm, could therefore yield
processed raisins at 2 ppm and raisin waste at 4.6 ppm combined residues.

The Food Additive Tolerance of 10 ppm for combined residues  of dialifor and
its oxygen analog in raisin waste is more than ample.  However, because of
the variation of residues in trash, a change (reduction) in  the level of
this tolerance is not recommended.
Grape Juice and Pomace
                               Summary Table
 Crop     f & Rate of Application    PHI
Emperor  Single § 1 Ib ai/acre      Unknown
Grapes   Single @ 1.8 Ib ai/acre    Unknown
        Juice:  .005 ppm
        Juice:  .008 ppm
             Ford,  1972,
The dialifor residue on these grapes was about 0.4 ppm, indicating that the
residue detected in the juice was 1/50 of that in fresh grapes.  Juice of
grapes bearing a dialifor residue of 1.0 ppm (tolerance level) would
therefore contain no more than 0.02 ppm.

                               Summary Table

 Crop     * & Rate of Application      PHI      Residues         Reference

Grapes    1 Ib ai/acre               68 days  Pomace:   .57 ppm  Ford,  1972,
          1.8 Ibs. ai/acre           68 days  Pomace:  1.4 ppm    00002127

Based on the residues on the fresh grapes estimated  from the decline curve,
the concentration factors for grapes to wet pomace are the same  as  those
for grapes to unprocessed raisins, 4.3.  Because 27% of the weight  of  the
fresh grapes was converted to the pomace remaining after juice extraction,
a concentration factor of 1/0.27 = 3.7 would be expected if the  residue on
the fresh fruit were entirely retained in the pomace.   For Thompson
Seedless Grapes, the concentration factor is 4.1.

Thus, the combined residue of dialifor and its oxon  in wet grape pomace  is
considered to be about 5 ppm.

In 00001984 a concentration factor of up to 4 from wet grape pomace to
dried grape pomace can be calculated.  Thus, the maximum overall
concentration factor from fresh grapes to dried pomace is 1 x  4.3 x4 = 17.2.

Based on the tolerance in grapes of 1 ppm, the Food  Additive tolerance of
20 ppm for combined residues of dialifor and its oxygen analog is
appropriate for dried grape pomace.

Apples, Pomace, and Juice

The directions for use on apples call for multiple foliar spray
applications (no more than 6) up to 60 days before harvest in  states
bordering on or east of the Mississipi River.  Two types of application  are
recommended: multiple .75 and .5 Ibs a.i./lOO gallons  water in spray
applications, using the 50% W.P. formulation.  The most commonly used
method of application is to point of runoff, and the maximum amount
actually applied per acre is indicated as 2.26 Ibs.  dialifor/acre  (at  the
 .75 Ib application level) and 1.5 Ibs. dialifor/acre (at the  .5  Ib
application level).

                               Sunnary Table
 Crap     t & Rate of Application         PHI      Residues    Reference
Apples   6 50% WP @  .5 Ib ai/100 gal.

Apples   6 4% EC @ 1 Ib ai/100 gal.
         6 4% EC @ 1.5 Ib ai/100 gal.

Apples   Multiple 50% WP
New York @ .5 Ib ai/100 gal.

Apples   1 50% WP @  .25 Ib ai/100 gal.
England  1 50% WP @  .5 Ib ai/100 gal.
         1 50% WP @ 1 Ib ai/100 gal.
                           41 days  1.0 ppm

                           27 days   1.7 ppm

                           27 days   4.3 ppm

                           37 days    .85 ppm
                           80 days
                           80 days
                           80 days
                                      .07 ppm
                                      .01 ppm
                                      .21 ppm
Crop blanks were 0.00 ppm and the sensitivity of the method was 0.01 ppm.

Eight studies with field apples, seven in Eastern States and one in Western
States  (Washington), showed the following:
                               Sunnary Table
                         Terminal Residue Studies
 Location      # & Rate of Application
                               PHI     Resi 
                               Sunmary Table
                              Decline Studies
t & Rate of Application     PHI
Arendtsville  6 WP @ .5 Ib ai/100 gal.
Pennsylvania           "
              6 WP @ 1 Ib ai/100 gal,


Yakima        3 EC @ 1 Ib ai/100 gal.
Washington             "
                           0 days
                           7 days
                          14 days
                          28 days
                          52 days

                           0 days
                           7 days
                          14 days
                          28 days
                          52 days

                           0 days
                           7 days
                          14 days
                          21 days
                          28 days
                          42 days
                          58 days
3.4 ppm
3.2 ppm
1.6 ppm
1.1 ppm
 .66 ppm

4.8 ppm
4.4 ppm
2.2 ppm
1.4 ppm
1.1 ppm

7.8 ppm
7.5 ppm
4.9 ppm
4.6 ppm
4.9 ppm
3.2 ppm
3.2 ppm
Control samples showed no detectable residues.  The decline curves from the
Pennsylvania study and the Washington study show a very similar rate of
decline in residues, with a change in slope at 32 and 28 days
respectively.  The two corresponding half-lives for dialif or calculated
from the second half of the decline curves were 40 days and 65 days
respectively.  Growth dilution was found to be the principal factor in the
reduction of dialifor residues on apple fruit in Washington.

In Pennsylvania, where the wettable powder was used, additional losses
attributed to climactic factors were observed.  Another cause of higher
residues was the method of application (to full runoff).  This study shows
that dialifor is a persistent pesticide because little residue is lost
after the initial period.  It also shows that the 50% wettable powder gives
lower residues than the emulsifiable concentrate, and, that in the western
states, the residues are higher.  Recoveries of dialifor ranged from 88% to
94% at  .5 to 2.5 ppm fortification levels.

WP @

.5 Ib ai/100 gal.
63 days
1.4 ppm
.43 ppm
1.16 ppm
.18 ppm
1.44 ppm
1.10 ppm

Twenty additional studies on  field  apples were submitted:

                                Summary Table

 Location       # & Rate of Application    PHI       Residues    Reference

Yakima, WA     6
Winchester, VA
Arendstville, PA
Hancock, MD
Fennville, MI
Geneva, NY                                             .

Winchester, VA 6 WP @ 1 Ib ai/100 gal.     63  days     .77 ppm
Yakima, WA               "                  "         2.04 ppm
Arendtsville, PA         "                  "         2.32 ppm
Fennville, MI            "                  "2.3 ppm
Geneva, NY               H                  "         1.5 ppm

These studies confirm that dialifor forms a persistent residue on  apples,
and that its half-life ranges from 17 days to  more than 70 days  for  the
wettable powder formulation, with an average of 46 days.

Doubling the proposed rate does not result in  a proportional  residue
increase.  The data are adequate to support the established  tolerance of
1.5 ppm for combined residues of dialifor and  its oxon in or  on  fresh
apples at the recommended application rate and preharvest interval.

Apple Juice and Pomace

                               Summary Table

 Crop      ft & Rate of Application     PHI        Residues       Reference

Apples    50% WP @ 1 Ib ai/100 gal.   Unknown    RAC:  .63 ppm   Ford,
                                                 Juice: .04 ppm  1972,

The magnitude of the residue detected in  the juice was less than 1/10 the
residue on the whole fruit.  Fortification and recovery experiments  for the
juice samples yielded an average recovery of 99% over a fortification range
of 0.025 to 0.20 ppm.

The apples were processed in small quantities  to produce apple pomace.
Data reported show that there are variable concentrations between  the
harvested apples and wet pomace, ranging  iron  1.6-3.8.  When  apples  are
pressed for juice the yield is usually 22 or 25% wet pomace by weight, the
concentration factor being 4.5 or 4, assuming  no losses.  This is  in
reasonably good agreement with the highest observed factor of 3.8.   Using

this observed factor, the combined residues of dialifor and  its oxon  in wet
apple pomace is 1.5 x 3.8 = 5.7 ppm  (6 ppm).  The  factor between wet  and
dried pomace was not determined experimentally.  However,  it has been
calculated with wide variations up to 7.5.

The usual concentration factor between fresh  fruit and dried pomace is 25.
With this factor, the residue in dried pomace, given  the established
tolerance of 1.5 ppm for residues in apples,  is 1.5 x 25 = 37.5 ppm for
combined residues of dialifor and its oxon.   Thus, the Food  Additive
tolerance of 40 ppm in dried apple pomace  is  considered appropriate.

Animal Feeds Using Citrus, Apple and Grape By-Products

Wet and dried apple pomace, dry citrus pulp,  dried grape pomace and raisin
waste are sometimes utilized as components of cattle  feed.  Dried  grape
pcmace is also fed to poultry.  Hercules  (1972?, 00002125) reports the
maximum percentages that are incorporated  in  the total animal diet and the
accompanying contributions can be calculated  as follows:
   Maximum as
Combined Residues
Maximum Payment
 in Tbtal Diet
 Maximum Combined
Residues Contributed
   to Total Diet
Citrus Pulp       15 ppm

Apple Pomace       6 ppm

Apple Pomace      40 ppm
Grape Pomace
     6 ppm
Grape Pomace       20 ppm
 Raisin Waste
    10 ppm
30% (cattle)

30% (cattle)

50% (cattle)

50% (cattle)

20% (cattle)

 5% (poultry)

10 % (cattle)
    4.5 ppm

    1.8 ppm

   20.0 ppm

    3.0 ppm

    4.0 ppm

    1.0 ppm

    1.0 ppm
Meat,  Milk,  Poultry and Eggs

It  is  a well-known agricultural practice to feed dry apple pomace,  dry
citrus pulp  and dry grape pomace to farm animals such as cattle,  goats,
sheep  and poultry.  The following studies were conducted to determine
whether or not residues would transfer from feed to meat, milk, poultry and

No residue  studies  are reported  for treated cover crops in fruit orchards
where  cattle may be grazaed.

There  are no registered  uses  for dialifor on primary forage crops.


A study on  three dairy cows fed  at a rate of 45 ppm dialifor for three
weeks  (9 times the  normal  feeding level).   Residues in whole milk were
found  to be dialifor per se and  ranged  from 0.001 to 0.013 ppm.   The
average value for three  cows  throughout the period was 0.0008 ppm.  One
value  of 0.035 ppm  was considered aberrant and was discarded.  Analyses of
the milk samples were performed  with Regulatory Method III,  PAM Vol. II.
Recoveries  of milk  samples fortified at 8  to 41 ppb were 90%.  Sensitivity
of the method is 1-2 ppb.  For milk containing 4% fat, 0.01 ppm dialifor is
equivalent  to  0.01 x 100  =0.25 ppm on a milk fat basis.

Milk was also analyzed in  a feeding experiment performed on a Hblstein cow
that was fed dialifor daily at a level  of  5 pprj for a period of  4 days
(St. John and Lisk, 1971,  00002268,  05001830).   Samples of milk from this
animal were collected during  the feeding period and for 6 days thereafter.
No residues of dialifor  or its oxygen analog were found in any of these
samples, analyzed by a slightly  modified version of the method mentioned
above  (electron  affinity gas  chromatography was the detection system).
Samples of  milk  fortified  with 0.05 ppm of dialifor gave a recovery of 80-
92%.   Samples of milk fortified  with 0.05  ppm of the oxygen analog gave a
recovery of 62-78%.  Sensitivity of the method  was 0.01 ppm.

The maximum amount  of dialifor residues which can be transferred from
different animal feeds to  milk fat are  presented in the following table
from 00002022:

                    Dietary         Residues  Maximum Dialifor    Milk Fat
 Product         Dialifor Level      in Milk      Contributed         Basis

Dry Citrus  Pulp     45 ppm          0.01  ppm       4.5 ppm         .025  ppm

Wet or Dry          45 ppm          0.01 ppm      20 ppm           .11 ppm
Apple  Pomace

Wet or Dry          45 ppm          0.01 ppm       4.0 ppm         .022  ppm
Grape  Pomace

Raisin            45 ppm          0.01 ppm       1.0 ppm         .05 ppm
The tolerance of 0.15 ppm for residues of dialifor in milk is adequate.


In a feeding study (Ford, 1969, 00002024) three beef calves were maintained
on a dry diet containing 60 ppn of dialifor administered  for different
intervals of time; 2, 4, and 8 weeks  for each calf.  A fourth  calf served
as the control.  At the end of the feeding period, the animals were
sacrificed, and the tissues were analyzed.  Lean muscle,  liver, kidney  and
fat tissues were analyzed by TLC and  gas chrcmatographic  procedures.
Regulatory method II was used.  Sensitivity of the method is 0.005 ppm.

All residues except those in liver and  fat were said to be non-detectable
«0.1 ppm).  Residues in the liver of the animals sacrificed at 4  and 8
weeks ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 ppm.  However, 1 ppm was  found in the liver of
the animal sacrificed at 2 weeks.  The  latter value is not typical and  was
probably influenced by illness contracted by the calf. As to  fat, maximum
residues of 0.4 ppm occurred.  All tissues were also analyzed  by TLC for
residues of oxygen analog but no significant quantities were reported.   In
two samples of liver and fat tissues  the residues were close to the method
sensitivity (3-5 ppb).

In order to obtain additional information, 9 beef calves  were  fed  0,  2.0,
and 4.0 ppm of dialifor (Taylor, 1969,  00002038).  The animals were killed
and samples of tissues were taken at  12 and 28 days.   No  dialifor  was
detected in liver, kidney, fat and lean muscle tissues taken at 12 days,
and residue values in the range of the  sensitivity of  the method  (2-3 ppb)
were detected in 5 of the 24 tissue samples taken at 28 days.  No  dialifor
was detected in the remaining 19 tissue samples.  Recovery was uniformly
greater than 87% for the method used.

Based on the above data, the maximum  which can be transferred  from
different feeds to animal tissues can be calculated:

                      Contribution        Transfer to:
          Product     to Total Diet     Liver        Fat

          Cry Citrus     4.5 ppm        .023 ppm     .03 ppm

          Dry Apple     20 ppm          .1 ppm       .13 ppm

          Dry Qrape      4.0 ppm        .02 ppm      .027 ppm

          Raisin Waste   1.0 ppm        .0005 ppm    .0007  ppm

The tolerance of  .15 ppm for residues in meat, fat and meat by-products of
cattle, goat and sheep  is adequate.


Residues in poultry and eggs are determined  in an 8-week  feeding  study
using 18 laying hens divided into 6 groups of 3 birds  each (Ford,  1972,
00002129).  Two groups were fed dialifor at  3.7 ppm, 2 groups  at  11.2 ppm


and  2 groups  served as controls.   Egg  samples were collected every 96
hours, shelled, blended and  analyzed.  They showed no residue.   One bird
from each group was sacrificed  after 4 weeks and  tissue samples were
analyzed.  The remaining birds  were sacrificed at the end of the 8-week
period.  Method II with a  sensitivity  of  5  ppb was used.   Average
recoveries of 90% are quoted at the 3  microgram dialifor fortification

The  available data are contradictory because some controls showed apparent
residues of dialifor, indicating contamination of the feed.   In addition,
there was no  apparent dose-response; a considerable percentage  of the birds
showed no detectable residues regardless of dose  level.   Highest net
residues were 0.05 ppm in  several  of the organs.   These data show that
trace residues can be transferred  to the tissues  of poultry and are covered
by the tolerances of 0.05  ppm for  poultry and 0.01 ppm for eggs.
Current Tolerances

Tolerances have been established in the United States as follows  for
residues of dialifor and its oxygen analog pursuant to 40 CFR 180.326  (FR
39:9964, March 15, 1974; and FR 39:13073, April, 1974):

                 at;                    in;

                 3 ppm                 or on citrus
                 1.5 ppm               or on apples
                 1 ppm                 or on grapes
                 0.15 ppm (N)          meat, fat and meat by-products of
                                       cattle, goat and "sheep
                 0.15 ppm (N)          milk fat (reflecting negligible
                                       residues in whole milk)
                 0.05 ppm (N)          meat, fat, and meat by-products
                                       of poultry
                 0.01 ppm (N)          eggs
                 0.01 ppm (N)          pecans

N= negligible residue tolerance
Permanent Food Additive Tolerances have been established for residues of
dialifor and its oxygen analog pursuant to 21 CFR 123.130 and 561.140:

                at;                     in;

               40 ppm                  apple pomace, dried
               15 ppm                  citrus pulp, dried
               20 ppm                  grape pomace, dried
                2 ppm                  raisins
               10 ppm                  raisin waste

Theoretical Maximum Residue Contribution

The TMPC (Theoretical Maximum Residue Contribution) of dialifor to  the
human diet is currently .265 mg/day.

Citrus Fruits
(inc. raisins)
Meat (red)
Milk & Dairy
Pood Factor
3.0 ppm
1.5 ppm
1.0 ppm
0.150 ppm
0.006 ppm
0.050 ppm
0.010 ppm
0.010 ppm
   mg/day (1.5 kg)



Codex Tolerances
                                              TMRC:  0.2654 mg/day  (1.5 kg)
Maximum residue  limits  in  the  form of  tolerances have  been recommended by
the Codex Alimentarius  Commission  for  residues of dialifor and  its oxygen
analogue (sic),  expressed  as dialifor.  Because these  recommendations are
currently in Step 8,  this  country  can  expect a request to accept them.
These are:
          Maximum Residue Limit    Type of  Limit


 .2  (carcase  fat)
                 .2 (fat basis)
                 .2 (carcase fat)

Apple Pomace (Dried)
Cattle, Carcase Meat
Citrus Fruit
Citrus Pulp (dried)
Grape Pomace (dried)
Poultry, Fat
Poultry, Carcase Meat
Sheep, Carcase Meat
 * Level at or about the limit of detection.

"tolerances have been established in Canada as  follows  for residues of

                at                    ^n

               2.0 ppm               citrus fruits, raisins
               1.5 ppm               apples
               1.0 ppm               grapes
                .1 ppm               pecans

When the Codex MRL's are advanced to Step 9 of the Codex  approval  process,
the following changes in this country's tolerances will be implemented,
toxicological considerations permitting:

           Apples: increase the tolerance from 1.5 to  2.0 ppm

           Meat, fat and meat byproducts of cattle (with  or without goats)
           and sheep: increase the tolerance from .15  to  .2 ppm

           Milk Fat:  increase the tolerance from .15  to  .2 ppm

These changes would increase the TMRC from .265 to .295 mg/day.

Regulatory Incidents

No report was made of any action taken by FDA, even though dialifor is
looked for; and none by APHIS (USDA).

C.    Dialifor End-Use Formulations

     1.    Registration Requirements

For future registration of a product for use on a food or feed crop not
covered by this Standard, the Agency must be provided with a petition for
tolerance, a full range of data including a validated method for analysis
of residues in or on the raw agricultural commodity, data  on metabolism of
dialifor in plants and (when appropriate) in animals, and  residue data
reflecting the proposed use of the pesticide on the crop.

                                  CHAPTER VIII
                        ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF DIALIFOR
                          Ecological Effects Profile

Available  information suggests that dialifor is no more  than moderately toxic
to wild waterfowl, very highly toxic to estuarine invertebrates*  and low in
toxicity to honey bees.  Data on the toxicity of dialifor  to non-target
organisms  is scant.  The only valid studies available were a subacute dietary
LC50 test on the mallard duck; a 96-hour LC50 test on two  estuarine
invertebrates  (grass shrimp and mud crab); and contact and oral LD50 tests on
honey bees.

The subacute avian dietary study contained sufficient information to
characterize dialifor as no more than moderately toxic to  wild waterfowl with
no mortality occurring in mallard ducks feeding on 464 ppm.  Excessive food
rejection at higher dosages precluded calculation of an  LC50 value.

The acute 96-hour LC50 toxicity studies on the estuarine grass shrimp and  mud
crab contained sufficient information to characterize dialifor as very highly
toxic to estuarine invertebrates, with LC50 values of 3.56 ppb and 33.5 ppb

Laboratory studies on the honey bee contained sufficient information to
characterize dialifor as generally low in oral (LD50: 29.2 ug/bee)  and  contact
toxicity (LD50: 9.5 to 34.45 ug/bee).

                              Topical Discussions

Data on the effects of dialifor on non-target species are  required due  to  the
outdoor, terrestrial end-uses of products formulated from  manufacturing-use
                               Effects on Birds

 Acute Toxicity

Avian acute oral LD50 data on either wild waterfowl or upland game birds are
required.  One study (Fletcher, 1972, 00002192) on the mallard duck was
reviewed and found to be scientifically unsound, because dose levels resulting
in regurgitation were not identified.  The LD50 value was reported as 940 (752-
1175) mgAg.

This study was conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories.  This study was
reviewed in EPA's Laboratory Audit Program, and has been invalidated.

 Subacute Dietary Toxicity


Data on the subacute dietary toxicity of dialifor to mallard ducks were
available.  In a study completed by Beavers  (Beavers,  1977,  00002139)  the NEL
(No Effect Level) was established as  greater than 464  ppm.  in mallard  ducks.
There is sufficient information to characterize dialifor as  no more than
moderately toxic to wild waterfowl.   No mortality occurred at 464 ppm.
Excessive food rejection at higher dosages precludes the calculation of the
LC50 value.  No additional data are required.

Upland Game Bird

Avian dietary LC50 data on one species of upland  game  bird are required.  One
study (Wolvin, 1969, 00002176) utilizing the bobwhite  quail,  was reviewed and
was determined to be invalid because  the birds tested  were 9 weeks old rather
than 10-17 days old (more sensitive age).  The bobwhite  dietary  LC50 was
reported as greater than 5620 ppm with some  food  rejection at all test

This study was conducted by Industrial Biotest Laboratories.  This study was
reviewed in EPA's Laboratory Audit Program,  and has  been invalidated.

 Chronic Toxicity

An avian reproduction study on one species of upland game bird  (preferably the
bobwhite quail) and one wild waterfowl (preferably the mallard duck) is
required because the use of dialifor  can result  in repeated  exposure.   No avian
reproduction data were available.  These data are needed.

                                Effects on Fish

 Acute Toxicity

Coldwater Fish

96-hour LC50 data on one species of coldwater fish are required.  Two  studies
were available to assess the LC50 of  dialifor in  rainbow trout (Schoenig, 1966,
00002057; Shoenig, 1967, 00002058).   LC50 values  of  0.55 ppm and 1.08
ppm,respectively, were reported.  Both of these studies  were completed by
Industrial Biotest Laboratories.  These studies have been reviewed in  EPA's
Laboratory Audit Program, and have been invalidated.  Testing is needed.

Warmwater Fish

96-hour LC50 data on one species of warmwater fish are required.  Two  studies
were available to assess the LC50 of  dialifor in  bluegill sunfish (Schoenig,
1966, 00002057; Schoenig, 1967, 00002058).   LC50  values  of 0.064 (0.058-0.070)
and 0.0224 ppm, respectively, were reported. Both of  these  studies were
completed by Industrial Biotest Laboratories.  These studies have been reviewed
in EPA's Laboratory Audit Program, and have  been  invalidated.  Testing is

 Chronic Tbxicity

Embryolarvae studies on one fish species  (preferably bluegill),  and one aquatic
invertebrate life-cycle study  (preferably on daphnia) may be  required pending
the receipt and results of mobility and persistence  studies.

                       Effects on Aquatic Invertebrates

 Acute Toxicity

Data on the acute toxicity of dialifor to one species of  aquatic invertebrates
is required but were not available.

                        Effects on Estuarine Organisms

 Acute Tbxicity

Estuarine Invertebrates

The following data were available to assess the acute toxicity of dialifor  to
estuarine invertebrates:

 Species;               Test Substance:          LC50;           Citation;

Grass Shrimp             Technical             3.56 ppb        Sleight, 00002191
 Palaemonetes vulgaris                         (3.02-4.19)

Mud Crab                 Technical            33.5 ppb         Sleight, 00002191
 Neopanope texana                              (23.9-46.9)

There is sufficient information to characterize dialifor as very highly toxic
to estuarine invertebrates.  No additional data are required, except to support
the registration of products used on citrus.  Due to the proximity of citrus
crops to estuarine areas, toxicity tests are also required on an estuarine  fish
(96-hour LC50).  In addition,  either a 48-hour EC50 embryo-larvae or 96-hour
EC50 shell deposition test in molluscs is also required.

              Effects on Nontarget Soil and Surface Invertebrates

 Acute Oral and Contact Toxicity

Honey bees

The following data were availble to assess the acute oral and contact toxicity
of dialifor to honey bees:

 Species;      Test Substance;       Results:                  Citation;

Honey bee        Technical          Oral LD50: 29.2 ug/bee    Stevenson, J.H.;
( Apis mellifera )                  Contact LD50: 9.5-        05001991
                                    28.6 ug/bee

Honey bee        EC                 At 1 Ib./lOO gal.,        Johansen, C.,
( Apis mellifera )                  highly toxic as direct    Eves, J.;
                                    application, low in       00001949
                                    toxicity as 3 hr. residue

Honey bee        Unk.               Relatively non-toxic      Atkins, L.,
( Apis mellifera )                  Contact LD50: 34.5 ug/    Anderson, L.D.;
                                    bee                       00001999

There is sufficient  information to characterize dialifor as generally low in
toxicity to honey bees except when applied directly to bees as an emulsifiable
concentrate.  No additional data are required.

Predators and Parasites

The  following data were available to assess the toxicity of dialifor to
predator species:

 Species:        Test Substance:       Results:                  Citation;

Lady beetle     6 Ib/gallon EC        At .375 Ibs. ai per       Colburn, R.,
 ( Stethorus                           100 gal., highly toxic    Asquith, D;
  ) unctum~T                           to larvae and eggs,       05004007
                                      moderately toxic to
                                      adults and non-toxic to

Predatory Mite   Unknown              Moderately to highly      AliNiazee,  M.,
 ( Metaseiulus                         suitable for IPM in       05001683
  occidentalis  )                      grapes.

There is sufficient  information to characterize dialifor as variable in
toxicity to insect predators.  Toxicity is variable depending upon species  and
life stage.

         Ecological Effects Profile:  Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor

The maximum recommended rate  (1 Ib  ai/acre)  of dialifor formulated as a 4 pound
per gallon emulsifiable concentrate was  shown to cause temporary spotting and
chlorosis on grapes.  A second study  tested  an unspecified 40% dialifor
formulation which is assumed  to be  the 4 Ib  per gallon emulsifiable
concentrate.  This study showed that  a 5000  ppm ai aqueous spray of dialifor
(equivalent to 4 Ib ai/acre)  caused no damage to bean, pea,  tomato, cucumber,
melon, or spinach.  A 1000 ppm spray  (equivalent to .8 Ib ai/acre) caused no
damage to the above crops as  well as  no  damage to corn,  soybeans,  radish, or
Chinese cabbage.  The equivalent rates per acre were calculated from test
concentrations assuming an application of 100 gallon of spray per acre.

    Ecological Effects Hazard Assessment: Emulsifiable Concentrate Dialifor

A limited plant hazard assessment can be completed for only  the plants tested.
Grapes can be expected to suffer only temporary phytotoxic injury when exposed
to dialifor at the recommended rate.  Beans,  peas,  tomato, cucumber, melon,  and
spinach should suffer no phytotoxicity when  exposed to .8  Ib ai/acre,  and corn,
soybean, radish, and Chinese  cabbage  should  suffer no damage at rates  up to 4
pounds ai/acre.
                              Topical Discussions

               Effects on Algae, Fungi, and Aquatic Macrophytes

Data were not available on the effects of dialifor on algae, fungi, or aquatic
macrophytes.  Data are required on the effects of dialifor on growth of aquatic
plants (163.122-2).

                      Effects on Terrestrial Macrophytes

Based on the available data, the following information is known about the
toxicity of dialifor to terrestrial macrophytes:

 Species         Formulation      No-effect Level      Author/Date    ID*

Grape            4 Ib/gallon EC   1 Ib. ai/A           Frost-1970     00002069
         -The 1 pound rate caused some leaf spotting and chlorosis, but no	
         -damage was apparent 3 weeks after treatment. -
Corn             40%
                                  • *~J^^J 1v«^ W^»4» t_4. V—W» V«*tlV>l < ^. •

                                  1000 ppm ai= 8 Ib/A   Ishitani-1975  05006342
^yuecui                           1000 ppm ai= 8 lb/A        "            "
Bean              "               5000 ppm ai= 4 lb/A
Pea               "               5000 ppm ai= 4 lb/A
Tomato            "               5000 ppm ai= 4 lb/A
Cucumber          "               5000 ppm ai= 4 lb/A        "            "
Melon             "               5000 ppm ai= 4 lb/A
Radish            "               1000 ppm ai= 8 lb/A
Chinese Cabbage   "               1000 ppm ai= 8 lb/A        "
Spinach           "               5000 ppm ai= 4 lb/A

All plants were sprayed with aqueous solutions until thoroughly wet, and rated
1-10 days after treatment.  The equivalent rates  in pounds per acre were
calculated based on use of 100 gallons of spray per acre.  Based on the labels
of registered diali,for products, this 40% material is probably the 4 Ib/gallon
emulsifiable concentrate.  Testing  is required on the effects of dialifor on
seed germination/seedling emergence.
No data were available on  the wettable powder  formulation of dialifor.

                           IX.  CASE BIBLIOGRAPHY

                       Guide to Use of This Bibliography

1.  Content of Bibliography.  This bibliography contains citations  of alJ  the
    studies reviewed by EPA in arriving at the positions and  conclusions stated
    elsewhere in this standard. Primary sources for studies  in  this
    bibliography have been the body of data submitted to EPA  and  its
    predecessor aqencies in support of past regulatory decisions, and the
    published technical .literature.

2.  Units of Entry.  Tine unit of entry in this bibliography  is  called a
    "study".  In the case of published materials, this corresponds  closely to
    an article.  In the case of unpublished materials submitted to  the Agency,
    the Agency has sought to identify documents at a level parallel to a
    published article from within the tyoically larger volumes  in which  they
    were submitted.  The resulting "studies" generally have a distinct title
    (or at least a single subject), can stand alone for purposes of review,  and
    can be described with a conventional biblioqraphic citation.  The Agency
    has attempted also to unite basic documents and commentaries upon them,
    treating them as a single study.

3.  Identification of Entries.  Tine entries in this bibliography are  sorted
    by author, date of the document, and title.  Each entry bears,  to the  left
    of the citation proper, a nine-digit numeric identifier.  This  number  is
    unique to the citations and should be used at any time specific reference
    is required.  This number is called the "Master Record Identifier" or
    "MRID".  It is not related to the six-digit "Accession Number", which  has
    been used to identify volumes of submitted data; see paragraph  4(d)(4)
    below for a further explanation.  In a few cases, entries added to the
    bibliography late in the review may he preceded by a nine-character
    temporary identifier.  This is also to be used whenever a specific
    reference is needed.

4.  Form of the Entry.  In addition to the Master Record Identifier (MRID),
    each entry consists of a bibliographic citation containing  standard
    elements followed, in the case of materials submitted to EPA, by  a
    description of the earliest known submission.   The bibliographic
    conventions used reflect the standards of the American National Standards
    Institute (ANSI), expanded to provide for certain special needs.   Some
    explanatory notes of specific elements follow:

    a.   Author.  Whenever the Agency could confidently identify one,  the
         Agency has chosen to show a personal author.  When no  individual was
         identified, the Agency has shown an identifiable laboratory or  testing
         facility as author.   As a last resort, the Agency has shown the first
         known submitter as author.

    b.   Document Date.  When the date appears as four digits with  no
         question marks, the Agency took it directly from the document.  When a
         four-digit date is followed by a question mark, the bibliographer
         deduced the date from evidence in the document.  When the date appears
         as (19??'), the Agency was unable to determine or estimate  the date of
         the document.

c.   Title.  This is the third element  in the citation.   In  some cases  it
     has been necessary for .Agency bibliographers to create  or enhance  a
     document title.  Any such editorial insertions are  contained  between
     square brackets.

d.   Trailing Parentheses.  For studies submitted to us  in the past,  the
     trailing parentheses include (in addition  to any self-explanatory
     text) the following elements describing the earliest known

     (1)  Submission Date.  Immediately following the word  'received'
          appears the date of the earliest known submission,  at  the time
          that particular document was  processed into the Pesticide
          Document Management System.

     (2)  Administrative Number.  The next element,  immediately  following
          the word  'under1, is the registration number,  experimental  permit
          number, petition number, or other administrative number
          associated with the earliest  known submission, at  the  time  that
          particular document was processed into the Pesticide Document
          Management System.

     (3)  Submitter.  The third element is the  submitter, following  the
          phrase  'submitted by'.  When  authorship is defaulted to  the
          submitter, this element is omitted.

     (4)  Volume  Identification.  The final element  in  the  trailing.
          parenthesis identifies the EPA accession number of the volume in
          which the original submission of the  study appears. The six-
          digit accession number follows the symbol  'CDL', standing  for
           "Company  Data Library".  This accession number is  in turn
           followed  by an alphabetic  suffix which shows  the relative
          position  of the study within  the volume.   For example, within
          accession number  123456, the  first study would be  123456-A; the
          second, 123456-B; the 26th, 123456-Z; and  the 27th,123456-AA.

                           OFFICE OF PESTICIDE PROGRAMS
            Citations Considered to be Part of the Data Base Supporting
                          Registrations Under the Standard
Case: GSrOOlO   Dialifor

005001683   AliNiazee, M.T.; Stafford, E.M.; Kidc, H. (1974) Management of
               grape pests in central California vineyards: toxicity of some
               commonly used chemicals to Tetranychus pacificus and its
               predator, Metaseiulus occidentalis  .  Journal of Economic
               Entomology 67(4):543-547.

000001999   Atkins, L., Jr.; Anderson, L.D. (1967) Toxicity of Pesticides and
               Other Agricultural Chemicals to Honey Bees: Laboratory Studies.
               (Unpublished study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802; prepared
               by Univ. of California—Riverside, Dept. of Entomology, sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:093111-D)

000002139   Beavers, J.B.; Fink, R. (1977) Eight-Day Dietary LC50—Mallard
               Duck: Torak X-21314-24 (Hercules Manufacture): Final Report:
               Project No. 114-104.  (Unpublished study including letter dated
               Sep 7, 1977 from K.D. Ihde to Franklin D.R. Gee and assay
               report, received Sep 9, 1977 under 891-180; prepared by Wildlife
               International, Ltd., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:231595-A)

000001972   Bourke, J.B.; Marafioti, R.A.; Landschoot, R.L.; Stoewsand, G.S.
               (1970) The Metabolism of Torak.  (Unpublished study received
               Sep 15, 1971 under 1F1032; prepared by New York State Agri-
               cultural Experiment Station, received Sep 15, 1971 under
               1F1032; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington Del.; CDL:

005004007   Colburn, R.; Asquith, D. (1971) Tolerance of the stages
               of Stethorus punctum to selected insecticides and miticides.
               .Journal of Economic Entomology 64(5):1072-1074.

000002027   Eastman, G.E. (1968?) AC 14503 Oxygen Analog Residues on Various
               Crops.  (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:091383-G)

000002005   Ford, J.J. (19??) Analytical Method for Hercules 14503 Residues.
               Method dated Apr 23, 1968.  (Unpublished study received Jan 30,
               1969 under 9G0802; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:093111-K)

000002022   Ford,' J.J. (1968?) Torak Residues in Milk.  (Unpublished study
               Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091383-B)

000002024   Ford, J.J. (1969?) Tissue Residue Studies on Beef Calves Fed a Diet
               Containing Torak: Appendix C-3.   (Unpublished study received
               Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricul-
               tural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091383-D)

000001961   Ford, J.J. (1969) Hercules 14503 Residues on Apples—1968.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-K)

000001990   Ford, J.J. (1969) Tbrak Residues on Pecans.  (Unpublished study
               received Mar 3, 1970 under OG0943; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091612-M)

000001970   Ford, J.J. (1970?) Persistence of Torak in Soil.  (Unpublished
               study received Sep 15, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091917-N)

000001984   Ford, J.J. (1970) Residue Study of Ibrak on Grapes and Raisins—
               1968 Tests.  (Unpublished study including report, received
               1970 under OG0943; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:097625-M)

000001953   Ford, J.J. (1971) Persistence and Leaching Properties of Torak in
               Soil.  (Unpublished study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-C)

000001993   Ford, J.J. (1972) Persistence of Torak on Apples and Related Torak
               Residue Studies.  (Unpublished study received on unknown date
               under 9G0802; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemi-
               cals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:093110-B)

000002127   Ford, J.J. (1972) Persistence of Torak on Grapes and Related Torak
               Residue Studies: RI 04180.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,
               1972 under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:095878-D)

000002130   Ford, J.J. (1972) Torak Residue on Pecans (1971).  (Unpublished
               study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:095878-T)

000002129   Ford, J.J. (1972) Torak Residues in Poultry and Eggs.  (Unpublished
               study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:095878-R)

000001957   Ford, J.J.; Friant, R.J. (1971) Identification of Torak Metabolites
               Present in Rat Urine.  (Unpublished study received Sep 9, 1971
               under 1F1032; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000001958   Ford, J.J.; Kangas, L.R. (1971) A Metabolic Study of Torak on
               Citrus.  (Unpublished study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-H)

000001956   Ford, J.J.; Schranz, R.E.; Shearer, P.W.  (1971)  Identification of
               the Products Resulting from the Hydrolysis  and  Photodegradation
               of Torak.   (Unpublished study received Sep  9, 1971 under 1F1032;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,  Del.;  CDL:091916-F)

000002069   Frost, M.H. (1970) An Evaluation of the Compatibility and  Phytotox-
               ic Characteristics of Torak in Combination  with the Principal
               Commercially Available Materials Used on  Grapes in Central  Cali-
               fornia: I-B-5.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,  1972 under
               3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:

000001950   Greco, R.A. (1970) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Effects of
               AC14503 on Plasma and Erythrocyte Cholinesterase and Plasma
               Aliesterase Activity in Human Volunteers: IBT Nos.  F7110 and
               F7493.  (Unpublished study received Sep 15, 1971 under  1F1032;
               prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091917-1)

000002276   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) Practical Methods for Removing Resi-
               dues That Exceed Any Proposed Tolerance:  [Torak].   (Unpublished
               study received Feb 6, 1973 under 3F1298;  CDL:094668-S)

000002008   Hercules, Incorporated (1967) AC 14503: [Analytical Method].
               Method dated May 26, 1967.  (Unpublished  study  received  Jan  30,
               1969 under 9G0802; CDL:093111-P)

000002034   Hercules, Incorporated (1968?) AC 14503 Residues on Apples—1967.
               (Unpublished study received Apr 28, 1969  under 7G0580; CDL:

000002032   Hercules, Incorporated (1968?) Persistence of AC 14503 on Florida-
               Grown "Valencia" Oranges.   (Unpublished study received Apr 28,
               1969 under 7G0580; CDL:091385-J)

000001968   Hercules, Incorporated (1968?) Torak (Hercules 14503) Grapefruit—
               Lake Alfred.  (Unpublished study received Sep 15, 1971 under
               1F1032; CDL:091917-L)

000002003   Hercules, Incorporated (1968) Stability of AC 14503 in Soil.
               (Unpublished study including report, received Jan 30, 1969
               under 9G0802;  CDL:093111-H)

000002037   Hercules, Incorporated (1968) The Detection of AC 14503—Oxygen
               Analog by Thin-Layer Chromatography-Enzyme Inhibition.   (Unpub-
               lished study including metabolism studies, received Apr  28,  1969
               under 7G0580;  CDL:091385-N)

000002033   Hercules, Incorporated (1969?) Survival and Distribution of AC
               14503 Residues in Processed Citrus Products.  (Unpublished study
               received Apr 28, 1969 under 7G0580; CDL:091385-K)

000001994   Hercules, Incorporated (1969?) The Name, Chemical Identity and Com-
               position of the Pesticide  Chemical [and Method of Application:
               Torak].  (Unpublished study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802;

000001969   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Tbrak  (Hercules 14503) Lemons-
               Homestead  (1968).  (Unpublished study received Sep 15,  1971
               under 1F1032; CDL:091917-M)

000001967   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Tbrak  (Hercules 14503) Oranges—Lake
               Alfred (1968).   (Unpublished study received Sep  15,  1971 under
               1F1032; CDL:091917-K)

000001942   Hercules, Incorporated  (1970?) Hercules  Torak: The  Name, Chemical
               Identity and Composition of the Pesticide Chemical.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 31, 1970 under 1F1032;  CDL:

000001982   Hercules, Incorporated  (1970?) The Name, Chemical Identity and
               Composition of the Pesticide Chemical: Hercules  Torak.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Jan 27,  1970 under OG0943; CDL:093249-J)

000001966   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971?) Survival  and Distribution of Torak
               Residues in Processed Citrus Products from Grapefruit.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Sep 15,  1971 under 1F1032; CDL:091917-J)

000002194   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Assay  Method for Torak Formulations.
               Method dated Feb 11, 1969.   (Unpublished study received Jun  26,
               1972 under 891-EX-23; CDL:126402-E)

000002125   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Results of Tests on  the  Amount of
               Residue Remaining, Including Description of the  Analytical
               Method Used:  [Torak].  Summary of  studies 095878-B through
               095878-T.  (Unpublished study  received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;

000002117   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Torak Residues on California Grapes:
               1973 Tests.   (Unpublished study received on unknown  date under
               3F1298; CDL:095877-B)

005006342   Ishitani, A.; Yukimoto, M.; Yoshida,  K.  (1975) Nogaku no
               kakushusakubutsu ni  taisuru yakugai ni tsuite: II.   Yuki rinkei
               satchuzai.   [Phytotoxicities of agricultural chemicals  to
               crops: II.  Qrganophosphorus insecticides.]  Noyaku  Kensasho
               Hokoku.   [Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemicals Inspection
               Station.]  (15):92-97.

000002044   Jackson, G.L. (1966) Report to Hercules  Incorporated: Acute Toxi-
               city Study on Technical AC14503: Female Dutch Belted Rabbits:
               WCRF: 161  (J4313).   (Unpublished study received  Mar  2,  1967
               under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial  Bio-Test Laboratories,
               Inc., submitted  by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:0

000002055   Jackson, G.L.; Kennedy, G. (1966) Report to Hercules Incorporated:
               Rabbit Teratogenic Study—AC14503: IBT No. J-4529.   (Unpublished
               study received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial
               Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules,  Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-O)

000001949   Johansen, C.; Eves, J.  (1969) Bee Research  Investigations,  1969:
               Small-scale Bee Poisoning Tests with Honey Bees  (HB)  and
               Alfalfa Leafcutter Bees  (LB).  (Unpublished study  received Sep
               15, 1971 under 1F1032; prepared by Washington State Univ., sub-
               mitted by Hercules,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:091917-H)

0000002054   Kennedy, G. (1966) Report  to Hercules Incorporated:  Rabbit Terato-
               genic Study—AC14503: WCRF 158.   (Unpublished study received
               Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test
               Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted by Hercules  Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:090742-N)

005003635   Knaak, J.B.; Peoples, S.A.; Jackson, T.J.;  Fredrickson,  A.S.;
               Enos, R.; Maddy, K.T.; Blair Bailey, J.; Duesch, M.E.; Gunther,
               F.A.; Winterlin, W.L. (1978) Reentry problems involving  the use
               of dialifor on grapes in the San Joaquin Valley of California.
               Archives of Environmental Contamination  and Toxicology

000038298   Knaak, J.B.; Peoples, S.A.; Jackson, T.J.;  et  al. (1978)  Reentry
               Problems Involving the Use of Torak (Dialifor) on Grapes in the
               San Joaquin (Central) Valley of California  in 1976: ACF-59-335.
               (California, Dept. of Food and Agriculture and Univ.  of Cali-
               fornia; unpublished  study)

005021646   Knaak, J.B.; Schlocker, P.; Ackerman, C.R.; Seiber, J.N.  (1980)
               Reentry research: establishment of safe  pesticide levels on
               foliage.  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and
               Toxicology 24(5):796-804.

000002268   Lisk, D.J. (19??) Torak Residues in the Milk, Urine and  Rumen
               Fluid of a Lactating Cow.  (Unpublished  study received Sep 15,
               1971 under 1F1032; prepared by Cornell Univ., Dept. of Entomo-
               logy, Pesticide [Residue] Laboratory, submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091917-P)

000037644   Maddy, K.T. (1978) Problems with the Use of Dialifor  (Torak)  as a
               Pesticide in California:  ACF 59-437.  (California, Dept. of Food
               and Agriculture, Worker Health and Safety Unit, unpublished

000002269   Mastri, C. (1969) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Acute Dermal
               Toxicity Study on Torak  (Hercules 14503) in Male Albino Rabbits:
               IBT No. A7306.  (Unpublished study received 1970 under OG0943;
               prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-C)

000003280   Mastri, C. (1969) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Acute Dermal
               Toxicity Study on Torak (Hercules 14503) in Male Albino Rabbits:
               IBT No. A7307.  (Unpublished study received 1970 under OG0943;
               prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-E)

0000001946   Mastri, C. (1969) Report to Hercules Incorporated: 30-Day Subacute
               Dermal Toxicity Study on Torak E.G. in Albino Rabbits: IBT
               No. A7308.  (Unpublished study received Sep 15, 1971 under
               1P1032; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc.,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091917-E)

000004153   Morrison, J. (1978) Formal Report of Analysis.  (Unpublished study
               including letter dated Apr 18, 1978 from K.D. Ihde to Libby
               Zink, received Apr 25, 1978 under 891-EX-30>» prepared by Thermo
               Electron Corp., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097073-A)

000002138   Reinking, R.B. (1973?) Application of Torak to Citrus for Residue
               Determination.  (Unpublished study received Aug 1, 1973 under
               891-155; prepared in cooperation with Texas A & I Univ., Citrus
               and Vegetable Training Center, submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:009059-C)

000002043   Schoenig, G. (1966) Report to Hercules Powder Company: Acute Toxi-
               city Studies on Technical AC14503.  (Unpublished study received
               Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Lab-
               oratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000002191   Sleight, B.H., III (1972) Acute Toxicity of Torak to Grass Shrimp
               (  Paleomonetes vulgaris  ) and Mud Crab (  Neopanope tex  -
                 ana   ): Bioassay Report.  (Unpublished study received Jun 26,
               1972 under 891-EX-23; prepared by Bionomics, Inc., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

            St. John, L.E., Jr.; Gutenmann, W.H.; Lisk, D.J. (1971) Metabolism
               studies with Torak insecticide in a dairy cow.  Journal of
               Agricultural and Food Chemistry 19(5):900-903.

            Stevenson, J.H. (1978) The acute toxicity of unformulated
               pesticides to worker honey bees (  Apis mellifera L.).  Plant
               Pathology 27(1):38-40.

            Taylor, R.E. (1969) Cholinesterase and Tissue Residue Study Using
               Hercules #14503 on Beef Animals.  Includes undated method.
               (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802; prepared
               by Harris Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091384-K)

000033018   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1979) Summary of Reported
               Pesticide Incidents Involving Dialifor: Report No. 136.  (U.S.
               EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs, Benefits and Field Studies
               Div., Human Effects Monitoring Branch, unpublished study.)

005001345   Westlake, W.E.; Duesch, M.E.; Gunther, F.A.; Jeppson, L.R. (1971)
               Persistence of O,O-diethyl
               S-(2-c^loro-l-phthalimidoethyl)-phosphorodithioate (Torak) on
               and in lemons, oranges, and dried citrus pulp cattle feed, and
               toxicity of the residues to mites.  Journal of Agricultural and
               Food Chemistry 19(6):1191-1195.

005001343   Winterlin, W.; Kilgore, W.; Mourer, C.; Mull, R.; Walker, G.;
               Knaak, J.; Maddy, K. (1978) Dislodgable residues of dialifor
               and phosalone and their oxygen analogs following a reported
               worker-injury incident in the San Joaquin Valley, California.
               Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

                           OFFICE OF PESTICIDE PROGRAMS
                Citations Reviewed and Considered to be Inappropriate
                        for use in the Registration Standard

005016841   Adams, R.S., Jr.  (1973) Factors  influencing  soil adsorption  and
               bioactivity of pesticides.  Pages 1-54, ^n Residue Reviews.
               Vol. 47.  Edited by F.A. Gunther.  New York:  Springer.
               (Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station miscellaneous
               journal series no. 1448)

000001980   Alden, J.C.  (1973) Torak Field Data Sheet—Pecans.   (Unpublished
               study received on unknown date under OG0943; submitted by Her-
               cules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:093249-B)

000002115   Alden, T.H.  (1973) Evaluation of Torak for Black Aphid Control on
               Pecans.   (Unpublished study received on unknown date  under
               3F1298; prepared by Woolfolk  Chemical Works, Inc., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094666-Q)

005001678   AliNiazee, M.T.;  Frost, M.H., Jr.; Stafford, E.M. (1971) Chemical
               control of grape leafhoppers  and Pacific  spider mites on
               grapevines.  Journal of Economic Entomology 64(3):697-700.

005001680   AliNiazee, M.T.;  Stafford, E.M.  (1972) Control of the grape
               mealybug  on "Thompson Seedless" grapes in California.  Journal
               of Economic Entomology 65(6):1744.

05013912    AliNiazee, M.T.;  Stafford, E.M.  (1973) Management of grape pests
               in central California vineyards.  1.  Cultural and chemical
               control of Platynota stultana on grapes.  Journal of  Economic
               Entomology 66(1):154-157.

05001988    Anon. (1970) New  pesticides for  1970.  Agricultural Chemicals

005001989   Anon. (1971) Roundup of pesticides for 1971.  American Fruit
               Grower 91(2):15-16,40.

005001669   Anon. (1975) Chemical Marketing  Reporter 206:17.

000006963   Anon. (1976) Pesticides evaluated for control of hickory shuckworm
               and pecan weevil, 14-day schedule, Byron, Ga., 1975:  Table 2.
               Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 11(4):308.   (Also
                 j[n unpublished submission received Jun  9, 1977 under 359-620;
               submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction,  N.J.; CDL:

000002029   Arnold, D.  (1968) Report to Hercules  Incorporated:  Three-Generation
               Reproduction Study  in Albino Rats—AC14503:  Results of All Three
               Generations: IBT No. P4347.  (Unpublished study  received Apr 28,
               1969 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories,
               Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural  Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091385-F)

000006313   Arnold, E.; Armbrust, E.J.; White, C.E.  (1967)  Report No.  031267-
               035.  (Unpublished study received Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620;
               prepared in cooperation with Illinois, Natural History Survey,
               Section of Economic Entomology, Forage Crop  Insects,  submitted
               by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:095197-V)

000002087   Asquith, D. (1967) 1967 Codling Moth-Leaf Roller Experiment.   (Un-
               published study including letter dated Oct 12, 1967  from D. As-
               quith to E.N. Wbodbury, received Aug  3, 1972 under 3F1298; pre-
               pared by Pennsylvania State Univ., Fruit Research  Laboratory,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-B)

000002089   Asquith, D. (1968) 1968 Codling Moth-Leaf Roller Experiment.   (Un-
               published study including letter dated Nov 6, 1968  from D.
               Asquith to E.N. Woodbury, received Aug 3, 1972 under  3F1298;
               prepared by Pennsylvania State Univ., Fruit Research  Laboratory,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-D)

000002015   Asquith, D. (1969) 1969 Reports:  Codling Moth—Leaf  Roller Exp.
               (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802;  prepared
               by Pennsylvania State Univ., Fruit Research Laboratory,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:091384-F)

000002096   Asquith, D. (1969) 1969 Reports: Codling Moth—Leaf Roller Exp.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared
               by Pennsylvania State Univ., Fruit Research Laboratory, submit-
               ted by Hercules,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-M)

000002106   Asquith, D. (1970) 1970 Gardona Series on Stayman.  (Unpublished
               study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Pennsylva-
               nia State Univ.,  Fruit Research Laboratory, submitted by Hercu-
               les, Inc.,  Wilmington, Del,; CDL:094667-AB)

000002110   Asquith, D. (1971) Stayman Cracking Experiment, 1971.  (Unpublished
               study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Pennsylva-
               nia State Univ.,  Fruit Research Laboratoryf submitted by Hercu-
               les, Inc.,  Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-AI)

000002109   Asquith, D. (1971) 1971 Codling Moth—Leaf Roller Experiment, Big-
               lerville.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;
               prepared by Pennsylvania State Univ., Fruit Research Laboratory,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-AH)

005001682   Asquith, D.; Hull, L.A. (1973)   Stethorus punctum and
               •pest-population responses to pesticide treatments on apple
               trees.  Journal of Economic Entomology 66(5):1197-1203.

000011695   Atkins, E.L.f Jr. (1969) Biology and Control of Orangeworms Attack-
               ing Citrus, with Reference to Orange Tortrix, Pyroderces.   (Un-
               published study received Jan 16, 1974 under unknown admin, no.;
               prepared by Univ. of California—Riverside, Agricultural Experi-
               ment Station, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Ciba-Geigy
               Corp., Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:122290-1)

000041941   Atkins, E.L., Jr.; Johansen, C. (1969)  [Study on the Toxicity of
               U-27,415 to Bees].  (Unpublished study received on unknown date
               under OG0962; prepared by Univ. of California—Riverside, Citrus
               Research Center and Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept. of
               Entomology and Washington State Univ., Dept. of Entomology, sub-
               mitted by Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.; CDL:094605-B)

05001692   Attiah, H.H.; Wahba, M.L. (1973) Phosphorus compounds as a cause
               of an increase in numbers of the flat mite.  Pages
               193-196, ^n Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of
               Acarology; Aug 31-Sep 6, 1971, Prague.

005001693   Attiah, H.H.; Wahba, M.L.; Kodirah, S.M. (1973) Chlorobenzilate,
               an acaricide of wide spectrum against citrus mites.  Pages
               639-643, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of
               Acarology; Aug 31-Sep 6, 1971, Prague.

005001694   Baker, R.T. (1978) Control of European red mite in apple orchards.
               Pages 131-134, JEn Proceedings—31st New Zealand Weed and Pest
               Control Conference.  Hamilton, N.Z.:  New Zealand Weed and Pest
               Control Conference.

000002051   Baran, J. (1966) Report to Hercules Incorporated: 98-Day Subacute
               Oral Toxicity of AC14503 Technical—Beagle Dogs: IBT No. C4049.
               (Unpublished study received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared
               by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-K)

000002028   Baran, J. (1968) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Two-Year Chronic
               Oral Toxicity of AC14503—Beagle Dogs: IBT No. C4350.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Apr 28, 1969 under 7G0580; prepared by
               Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091385-E)

000011638   Barnes, M.M.; Wargo, M.J.; Peterson, D.M. (1971)  [Control of Walnut
               Aphid].  (Unpublished study including letter dated Feb 26, 1971
               from J.A. Norton to J.E. Dorr, received Jun 26, 1974 under 100-
               501; prepared by Univ. of California—Riverside, Dept. of Ento-
               mology, submitted by Ciba-Geigy Corp., Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:

000002166   Bass, M.H. (1966) Insecticide Control of the Alfalfa Weevil in
               Alabama Using Spring Sprays: Annual Report (Academic Year 1965-
               66) for S-55 Technical Committee from the State of Alabama
               (Auburn University).  (Unpublished study received Mar 29, 1968
               under 891-EX-14; prepared by Auburn Univ., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000012541   Bass, M.H. (1967) Bioncmi.cs and Control of Insects Affecting Cool
               Season Leguminous Forage Crops in Alabama: Hatch  172.   (Unpub-
               lished study received May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared  by
               Auburn Uhiv., submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp.,  Ardsley, N.Y.;

000002181   Baughman, O.M., Jr. (1972) Foliar Applications of Insecticides with
               and without Pinolene    for the Control of Phylloxera
                 devastatrix Pergande (Hbmoptera: Phylloxeridae).  Master's
               thesis, Mississippi State Univ., Dept. of Entomology.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Mar 30, 1972 under 891-EX-22; submitted  by
               Hercules,  Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;

000034283   Beckham, C.M.; Boren, R.; Brazzel, J.R. (1967)  [Pest Control in
               Cotton Using Thimet and Other Insecticides]: MISS SR 11-65  #1.
               (Unpublished study including MISS 15-65, MISS 5-66 #1, MISS 4-67
               #1..., received on unknown date under 201-157; prepared in  coop-
               eration with Mississippi State Univ., Entomology Dept. and  Geor-
               gia Experiment Station, submitted by Shell Chemical Co., Wash-
               ington, D.C.; CDL:000862-A)

000002165   Bennett, S.E.; Burgess, E.E. (1967) Annual Report for 1966-67  on
               Alfalfa Weevil Studies in Tennessee.  (Unpublished study
               received Mar 29, 1968 under 891-EX-14; prepared by Univ. of
               Tennessee, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126389-C)

000012544   Bishop, J.L.  (1967) Alfalfa Weevil Control, 1967.  (Unpublished
               study received May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared by Virginia
               Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., submitted by Geigy Chemi-
               cal Corp., Ardsley,  N.Y.; CDL:091543-R)

005005169   Boethel, D.J. (1978) Dosage-mortality data on the pecan leaf
               scorch mite.   Journal of Economic Entomology 71(6):854-855.

005007740   Boethel, D.J.; Ezell, J.E. (1978)  Influence of spray programs on
               seasonal abundance of pecan leaf scorch mite and phytoseiids in
               Louisiana.  Journal of Economic Entomology 71(3):507-517.

000002274   Boethel, D.J.; Van Cleave, H.W.  (1969)  1969 Studies on the Chemical
               Control of the Hickory Shuckworm of Pecan.  (Unpublished study
               received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;  prepared by Texas A & M
               Univ., Dept.  of Entomology, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:094715-Y)

000006958   Bone, J.R.; Baughman, O.M.,  Jr.  (1971)  Final Report:  District Pro-
               ject No. ARK 71-24.   (Unpublished study received Jun 9, 1977 un-
               der 359-620;  prepared by Rhodia, Inc. in cooperation with Mis-
               sissippi State Univ., Dept. of  Entomology, submitted by Rhone-
               Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:230375-1)

000006316   Bone, J.R.; Bennett, S.E.  (1967) Report No. 144167-070.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620; prepared  in
               cooperation with Univ. of Tennessee, Dept. of Agricultural  Biol-
               ogy, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.;

000006331   Bone, J.R.; DePew, L.J.  (1968?) Final Report: Report No.  141570-
               005.  (Unpublished study including field evaluation of insecti-
               cides to control alfalfa weevil in Kansas, 1967-68; Journal of
               Economic Entomology 62(6):1500-1501, received Mar 24,  1976  under
               359-620; prepared in  cooperation with Kansas State Univ., sub-
               mitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:

000006519   Bone, J.R.; Van Cleve, H.  (1970) Final Report: District Project
               No. PAS 70-118.  (Unpublished study received on unknown date  un-
               der OF0948; prepared  in cooperation with Texas A & M Univ.,
               Dept. of Entomology,  submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick,
               N.J.; CDL:091617-N)

000006787   Bone, J.R.; Van Cleve, H.  (1970) Final Report: District Project
               No. PAS 70-119.  (Unpublished study received Aug 27, 1973 under
               359-620; prepared in  cooperation with Texas A & M Univ., Dept.
               of Entomology, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junc-
               tion, N.J.; CDL:026726-F)

000006520   Bone, J.R.; Van Cleve, H.  (1970) Final Report: District Project
               No. PAS 70-121.  (Unpublished study received on unknown date  un-
               der OF0948; prepared  in cooperation with Texas A & M Univ.,
               Dept. of Entomology,  submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick,
               N.J.; CDL:091617-Q)

000002014   Boulanger, L.W. (1969) Apple Insect Control Trials.  (Unpublished
               study received Apr 25,  1969 under 9G0802; prepared by  Univ. of
               Maine, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091384-E)

000007063   Boulanger, L.W. (1969) Treatments.  (Unpublished study received
               Mar 5, 1974 under 3F1308; prepared by Univ. of Maine,  submitted
               by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

005006362   Bournoville, R.; Tasei,  J.N. (1977) Effets compares de quelques
               insecticides sur les  mirides nuisibles a la luzerne, leurs
               predateurs et les apoides pollinisateurs.   [Comparative effects
               of some insecticides  against harmful mirids of alfalfa, their
               predators and the pollinating apoids.]
               Phytiatrie-Phytopharmacie 26(3):185-192.

005021756   Bournoville, R.; Tasei,  J.N. (1977) Effets compares de quelques
               insecticides sur les  Mirides nuisibles a la luzerne, leurs
               predateurs et les apoides pollinisateurs.   [Comparative effects
               of some insecticides  on Miridae harmful to alfalfa, their
               predators and apoid pollinizers.]  Phytiatrie-Phytopharmacie

000011768   Brooks, R.F. (1967)  [Scale Tests Performed, on Various  Citrus
               Fruits],  (Unpublished study received Dec 28,  1967  under 8F0648;
               submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp., Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:091129-X)

000011932   Brooks, R.F. (1967) Citrus White Fly.   (Unpublished study received
               Oct 1, 1969 under OF0892; submitted by  Geigy Chemical  Corp.,
               Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:092005-O)

000016636   Brooks, R.F. (1969)  [Effectiveness of High Pressure Handguns in  the
               Treatment of Valencia Trees against the Cloudy-Winged  Whitefly].
               (Unpublished study received Jun 29, 1976 under 201-347;  prepared
               by Univ. of Florida, Institute of Food  and Agricultural  Sci-
               ences, Agricultural Research and Education Center at Lake Al-
               fred, submitted by Shell Chemical Co.,  Washington,  D.C.;  CDL:

005012207   Buck, W.B. (1979) Clinical toxicosis induced by insecticides in
               dogs and cats.  Veterinary Medicine and Small Animal Clinician

000002174   Bullock, R.C. (1970) Winter Rust Mite Test—1970: Tavernese  Grove,
               White Rd., St. Lucie County.  (Unpublished study received Jul
               19, 1971 under 891-EX-18; prepared by Univ.  of Florida,  [Agri-
               cultural Research Center], Indian River Citrus Experimental
               Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126395-F)

005002689   Bullock, R.C. (1976) Aerial sprays vs. black scale on Florida
               citrus.  Pages 62-63, ^n Proceedings of the Florida State
               Horticultural Society, Vol. 89.  Lake Alfred, Fla.:   Florida
               State Horticultural Society.  (Florida Agricultural Experiment
               Station, journal series no. 261)

005005492   Bullock, R.C. (1978) Greenhouse evaluation of foliar miticides for
               control of broad mite on citrus.  Florida Entomologist

005009310   Burchfield, H.P.; Storrs, E.E. (1975) Analysis for
               organophosphorus insecticides and metabolites.  Journal of
               Chromatographic Science 13(5):202-211.

000030990   Burkhardt, C.C.; Krause, J.; Wakewood, P.; et al. (1970) Field Per-
               formance Summary for Dyfonate—Sugar Beet Maggot.  (Unpublished
               study including published data, received Nov 29, 1971 under 476-
               1995; prepared in cooperation with Univ. of Wyoming and Amal-
               gamated Sugar Co., submitted by Stauffer Chemical Co., Richmond,
               Calif.; CDL:003841-B)

005009401   Bustillo Pardey, A.E.; Saldarriaga Velez, A. (1970) Evaluacion de
               nueve acaricidas en el control quimico del Lorryia
                 turrialbensis B., Brevipalpus phoenicis (G.) y Phyllocoptruta
                 oleivora (Ash.) en citricos del valle del  cauca.   [Evaluation
               .of nine acaricides for the chemical control  of Lorryia
                 turrialbensis B., Brevipalpus phoenicis (G.)
               and Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ash.) in citrus orchards in  the
               Cauca Valley.]   Acta Agronomica XX(3/4):143-162.

005001772   Butt, B.A.; Keller, J.C. (1964) Materials Evaluated As
               Insecticides and Acaricides at Brownsville, Tex.f September
               1955 to June 1961.  Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Government Printing
               Office. (United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural
               Research Service agriculture handbook no. 263)

000006185   Butts, R.F.; Trammel, K. (1969) Zolone—Pears: Final Report No. BB
               69-66.  (Unpublished study received Mar 8, 1974 under 359-626;
               prepared by Rhodia, Inc. in cooperation with New York Agricul-
               tural Experiment Station, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Mon-
               mouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:023337-L)

000006439   Butts, R.F.; Trammel, K. (1970) Final Report: District Project
               No. BB 70-3.   (Unpublished study received Aug 20, 1971 under
               359-620; prepared in cooperation with New York State Agricul-
               tural Experiment Station, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.,
               Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003170-B)

000006440   Butts, R.F.; Waters, L.H. (1970) Final Report: District Project
               No. BB 70-7.   (Unpublished study received Aug 20, 1971 under
               359-620; prepared in cooperation with New York State Agricul-
               tural Experiment Station and Hudson Valley Laboratory, submitted
               by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003170-C)

005009835   Calcote, V.R.; Hyder, D.E. (1978) Casebearer insecticide test.
               Pecan Quarterly 12(2):23.

000012546   Campbell, W.V. (1967) Chemical Control of the Alfalfa Weevil.  (Un-
               published study received May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared by
               North Carolina State Univ., submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp.,
               Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:091543-U)

000012547   Campbell, W.V. (1968) Control of the Alfalfa Weevil in Alfalfa.
               (Unpublished study received May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared
               by North Carolina State Univ., submitted by Geigy Chemical
               Corp., Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:091543-V)

000002075   Canerday, T.D.; Voigt, H.G. (1969?) Investigations on Pecan Insects
               and Their Control: Annual Report for the Period of January 1 to
               December 31, 1969.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 un-
               der 3F1298; prepared by Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Sta-
               tion, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-

000026096   Chapman, R.K. (1967) [Leafhopper and Flea Beetle control on Pota-
               toes and Beans].  (Unpublished study received May 2, 1970 under
               OF0886; submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:091530-W)

000022420   Chapman, R.K. (1967) [Leafhopper and Flea Beetle Control on Pota-
               toes and Beans].  (Unpublished study received May 2, 1970 under
               OF0886; submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:091530-W)

000012459   Chapman, R.K. (1967) Cooperator Research Report: Potato Leafhopper
               and Flea Beetle Control on Potatoes.  (Unpublished  study re-
               ceived Nov 10, 1972 under 3F1323; submitted by Ciba-Geigy Corp.,
               Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:093552-AS)

            Chiou, C.T.; Freed, V.H.; Schmedding, D.W.; Kohnert, R.L.  (1977)
               Partition coefficient and bioaccumulation of selected organic
               chemicals.  Environmental Science and Technology 11(5):475-478.

            Christofano, E.E. (1971) A Study of Applicators' Exposure  to Torak.
               (Unpublished study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-1)
            Ciba-Geigy Corporation (1974) Supracide    2E/Peaches, Pecans,
               Walnuts: Efficacy and Crop Safety Summary.  Summary of  studies
               094035-D, 094035-E, 094034-A through 094034-V and 094034-X.
               (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1974 under 100-501; CDL:

005022035   Clegg, D.J. (1979) Animal reproduction and carcinogenicity studies
               in relation to human safety evaluation.   Pages
               45-59, In Toxicology and Occupational Medicine, Proceedings of
               the 10th Inter-American Conference; 1978, Key Biscayne,
               Florida.  Edited by W.B. Deichmann.  Amsterdam, Netherlands:
               Elsevier North Holland.  (Developments in toxicology and
               environmental science, vol. 4)

005004153   Clinch, P.G.; Faulke, J. (1977) Toxicity to the external
               mite Acarapis externus Morgenthaler of pesticides fed in sugar
               syrup to infested honey bees.   New Zealand Journal of
               Experimental Agriculture 5(2):185-187.

05006815    Cone, W.W.  (1968) Insects and mites on hops.   Pages
               32-33, In Washington Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin
               No. 707.  Pullman, Wash.:   Washington State University College
               of Agriculture,Agricultural Experiment Station.

000002154   Coppock, S. (1975) Casebearer control by aerial application. Pecan
               South 2(2):72-73.  (Also In unpublished  submission received
               Mar 19,  1976 under 891-178; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agri-
               cultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:224102-O)

000002155   Coppock, S. (1975) Pecan Casebearer Field Test—1975.  (Unpublished
               study received Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; prepared by Oklahoma
               State Univ.,  Dept. of Entomology,  submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:224102-P)

000006355   Cothran, W.R.; Armbrust,  E.J.; Horn,  D.J.;  Gyrisco,  G.G. (1967)
               Field evaluation of experimental and recommended insecticides
               for control of the alfalfa weevil in New York.   Journal  of Eco-
               nomic Entomology 60(4):1151-1154.   (Also In unpublished submis-
               sion received Mar 24,  1976 under 359-620;  submitted  by Rhone-
              •Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction,  N.J.;  CDL:095197-BM)

000002167   Cothran, W.R.; Arrobrust, E.J.; Wood, T.K.; Gyrisco, G.G.  (1967?)
               First Crop Insecticide Applications for Alfalfa Weevil Control.
               (Unpublished study received Mar 29, 1968 under 891-EX-14; pre-
               pared by Cornell Univ., Dept. of Entomology and Limnology, Div.
               of Forage and Cereal Insect Investigations, submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

005007535   Cranham, J.E. (1973) Resistance to acaricides in fruit tree red
               spider mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch),  in south-east England.
               Pages 649-652, ^n Proceedings of the  3rd International Congress
               of Acarology; Aug 31-Sep 6, 1971, Prague.  Edited by M. Daniel
               and B. Rosicky.  Prague, Czechoslovakia:  Academia.

005013711   Cranham, J.E. (1974) Resistance to organophosphates in red spider
               mite, Tetranychus urticae   , from English hop gardens.  Annals
               of Applied Biology 78(2):99-111.

000006564   Crowley, G.; Brooks, R.F.  (1967) Report  No. PAS 67-105.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Feb 16, 1970 under OF0948; submitted by
               Rhodia,  Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-AW)

000006572   Crowley, G.; Johnson, R.B. (1966) Report No. PAS 66-121.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Feb 16, 1970 under OF0948; submitted by
               Rhodia,  Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-BE)

000006558   Crowley, G.; Johnson, R.B. (1966) Report No. PAS 66-131.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Feb 16, 1970 under OF0948; submitted by
               Rhodia,  Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-AQ)

000006563   Crowley, G.; Johnson, R.B. (1967) Report No. PAS 67-49.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Feb 16, 1970 under OF0948; submitted by
               Rhodia,  Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-AV)

000006309   Crowley, G.R. (1966) Report No. 153266-099.  (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620; prepared for Chipman Chemical
               Co.,  Inc., submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction,
               N.J.; CDL:095197-R)

000007128   Davis, D.W.  (1970)  [Research Report on Orchard Insects, Mites and
               Alfalfa Weevil].   (Unpublished study  including letter dated Jan
               7, 1971  from J.L. Reed  to E.L. Hobson, received Jun 29, 1976
               under 201-347; prepared by Utah State Univ., submitted by Shell
               Chemical Co., Washington, D.C.; CDL:232403-AB)

000002100   Davis, D.W.  (1970) Orchard Insect and Mite Research, Utah, 1970.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared
               by Utah  State Univ., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:094667-U)

000002097   Dean, F.P.  (1972?) Results of  Insecticide  and Acaricide Tests of
               Itorak  (ENT-27320) and Hercules-17413  (ENT-27615)  Furnished by
               Hercules, Incorporated.   (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972
               under  3F1298; prepared by U.S. Agricultural Research Service,
               Entomology Research Branch, Arid Areas  Deciduous  Fruit Insects
               Investigations, submitted by Hercules,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000006535   Delay, D.L.; Barnes, M. (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. PA 69-31.  (Unpublished study received Feb 16, 1970 under
               OF0948; prepared in cooperation with Univ. of California—River-
               side,  submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.;  CDL:

000006325   Delay, D.L.; Davis, D. (1969) Summary Report: Report No.  064369-
               023.   (Unpublished study  received Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620;
               prepared in cooperation with Utah State Univ., submitted by
               Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:095197-AH)

000006079   Delay, D.L.; Nielsen, T.; Mclnturf, R.; Stafford, (1968)  Report
               No. PA 68-46.  (Unpublished study including report nos.  PA 68-41
               and PA 68-34, received Sep 12, 1968 under 9F0759; prepared  in
               cooperation with Univ. of California—Davis, submitted  by
               Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:091306-F)

000006472   Delay, D.L.; Stafford, E. (1968) Report No. PA 68-34.   (Unpublished
               study  received Aug 20, 1971 under 359-620; prepared  in  coopera-
               tion with Univ. of California—Davis, submitted by Rhone-
               Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003170-AP)

000006470   Delay, D.L.; Stafford, E.M.  (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. PA 69-65.  (Unpublished study received Aug 20, 1971 under
               359-620; prepared in cooperation with Univ.  of California—
               Davis, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction,
               N.J.; CDL:003170-AN)

000006471   Delay, D.L.; Stafford, E.M.  (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. PA 69-66.  (Unpublished study received Aug 20, 1971 under
               359-620; prepared in cooperation with Univ.  of California—
               Davis, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction,
               N.J.; CDL:003170-AO)

000006462   Delay, D.L.; Stafford, E.M.  (1970) Final Report:  District Project
               No. PA 70-52.  (Unpublished study received Aug 20, 1971 under
               359-620; prepared by Rhodia, Inc. in cooperation with Univ. of
               California—Davis,  submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,  Inc.,  Monmouth
               Junction, N.J.; CDL-.003170-AF)

000006099   Delay, D.L.; Tuttle,  D.M.  (1970)  Zolone EC—Lemons:  Final Report
               No. PA 70-49.  (Unpublished study received Aug 19, 1971 under
               2F1193; prepared in cooperation with Univ. of Arizona, submitted
               by Rhodia, Inc.,  New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:093518-U)

Dickason, E.A.; Every, R.W. (1967) Alfalfa Weevil  (Larval) Control
   Experiments.  (Unpublished study received May 8, 1970 under
   OF0892; prepared by Oregon State Univ., Dept. of Entomology,
   submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp., Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:

Dickason, E.A.; Every, R.W. (1967) Alfalfa Weevil  (Larval) Control
   Experiments—1967.  (Unpublished study received Mar 29, 1968
   under 891-EX-14; prepared by Oregon State Univ., Entomology
   Dept., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
   Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126389-B)

Dickason, E.A.; Every, R.W.; Wilcox, B.; et al. (1968) Alfalfa Wee-
   vil (Larval) Control Experiments.  (Unpublished study received
   May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared by Oregon State Univ., Ento-
   mology Dept., submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp., Ardsley, N.Y.;

Dicker, G.H.L.; Gambrill, R.G.; Easterbrook, M.A.  (1972) Chemicals
   tested for control of black currant gall mite, Cecidophyopsis
     ribis  (Westw.).  Journal of Horticultural Science

Dieter, C.E.; Stewart, D.; Straka, S.; et al. (1973)  [Control of
   Various Mites on Fruits].  (Unpublished study including pub-
   lished data, received May 23, 1973 under 464-392; prepared in
   cooperation with California Packing Corp. and others, submitted
   by Dow Chemical U.S.A., Midland, Mich.; CDL:003608-B)

Drake, J.L.; Crowder, L.A.; Ware, G.W. (1971) Effects of
   X-irradiation on the toxicity of organophosphate insecticides
   to the house fly.  Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology

DuBois, K.P.  (1967) Effects of Hercules Torak on Aliesterases and
   Cholinesterase.  (Unpublished study received Jan 30, 1969 under
   9G0802; prepared by Univ. of Chicago, Toxicity Laboratory, sub-
   mitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
   Del.; CDL:093111-B)

E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (1970) Number of Grape Leafhopper
   Nymphs Found in Emperor Grape Plots Treated with Various Pesti-
   cides, D'Arrigo Bros. Ranch, Reedley, Calif., 1970.  (Unpub-
   lished study received on unknown date under 4F1437; CDL:

E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (1973) Experiment: 73-20.  (Un-
   published study received Mar 4, 1974 under 352-362; CDL:
Englert, W.D.  (1977) Freilandversuche zur Bekaempfung der
   Obstbaumspinnmilbe Panonychus ulmi (Koch) im Weinbau.   [Field
   tests against the fruit-tree red spider mite Panonychus
     ulmi  (Koch) on grapes.]  Weinberg und Keller 24(1):15-26.

005001344   Esmaili, M.; Daftari, A.  (1974) Screening  insecticides for alfalfa
               weevil control in Iran.   International  Pest Control

000002074   Estes, P.M. (1969?) Bionomics and Control  of  Pecan Insects in Ala-
               bama: Annual Report for the Period Jan.  1  to Dec.  31,  1969:
               Hatch Ala-182.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,  1972 under
               3F1298; prepared by [Auburn Univ., Dept. of Entomology—Zoolo-
               gy], submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:094715-

000013989   Ewart, W. (1967) Summary of 1967 Citrus Thrips Control.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Feb 3, 1977 under  201-274; prepared  by
               Univ. of California—Riverside, submitted  by Shell Chemical  Co.,
               Washington, D.C.; CDL:095827-J)

000013988   Ewart, W. (1968) Summary of 1968 Citrus Thrips Control.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Feb 3, 1977 under  201-274; prepared  by
               Univ. of California—Riverside, submitted  by Shell Chemical  Co.,
               Washington, D.C.; CDL:095827-1)

005007048   Fairchild, E.J., ed. (1977) Agricultural Chemicals and Pesticides:
               A Subfile of the NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical
               Substances.  Cincinnati, Ohio:  National Institute for
               Occupational Safety and Health. (Pagination  includes 46 pages
               numbered i-xlvi; available from: OTIS, Springfield, VA: PB-274

005013968   FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues and  the Environment
               (1977) Pesticide Residues in Food.  Report of the 1976 Joint
               Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues  and
               the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues.
               Geneva, Switzerland:   World Health Organization. (WHO  technical
               series no.  612; FAO Food and Nutrition series no. 9; FAO Plant
               Production and Protection series no. 8)

005011985   FBD Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the Environment
               (1977) Pesticide Residues in Food: Report of the 1976 Joint
               FAO/WHO Meeting.  Geneva, Switzerland:  World Health
               Organization. (WHO technical report series no. 612)

005017482   FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the Environment
               (1977) Pesticide Residues in Food: Report of the 1976 Joint
               Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues  and
               the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues.
               Geneva, Switzerland:   World Health Organization. (WHO technical
               report series no. 612; FAO food and nutrition series no. 9;  FAO
               plant production and  protection series no.  8)

000002178   Fassig, W.W. (1970) Torak Apple Test: Ralph Huffstutter Orchard,
               New Franklin, Missouri: Development Report No. 3.  (Unpublished
               study received May 11, 1971 under 891-EX-19; submitted by
              •Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;

000002184   Fassig, W.W. (1970) Torak Apple Test: William Weakley Orchard,
               Clarksville, Missouri: Development Report No. 2.  (Unpublished
               study received May 11, 1971 under 891-EX-19; submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;

000002192   Fletcher, D. (1972) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Acute Oral
               Toxicity Study with Torak in Mallard Ducks: IBT No. J865.
               (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1972 under 891-EX-23; pre-
               pared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

005001691   Foott, W.H. (1965) Some factors influencing control of the
               two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina:
               Tetranychidae), on greenhouse cucumbers.  Pages
               108-115, JEn Proceedings—Entomological Society of Ontario.
               Vol. 95, 1964.  Guelph, Ont.:  Entomological Society of

000002026   Ford, J.J.  (1969?) Tissue Residue Studies on Beagle Dogs Maintained
               for Two Years on Torak Dosed Diets.  (Unpublished study received
               Apr 25,  1969 under 9G0802; submitted by Hercules Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091383-F)

000001954   Ford, J.J.  (1971) A Study of the Rate of Hydrolysis of Torak.
               (Unpublished study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-D)

000001955   Ford, J.J.  (1971) Stability of Torak in the Presence of Light.
               (Unpublished study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-E)

000001960   Ford, J.J.  (1971) Torak Residues on Citrus Foliage.  (Unpublished
               study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-J)

000002128   Ford, J.J.  (1972?) Analysis of Milk for Residues of Torak-Oxygen
               Analog.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:095878-P)

000002162   Ford, J.J.  (1973) Summary: Dialifor Residues on Texas Citrus Fruit.
               (Unpublished study received 1974 under unknown admin, no.; sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:123975-C)

000002187   Ford, J.J.; Haldeman, J.K.; Kangas, L.R. (1974) Properties of
               Phthaloyl Derived Dialifor Degradation Products in Three Types
               of Soil: Research Center Progress Report.   (Unpublished study
               received May 31, 1974 under unknown admin, no.; submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000002111   Forsythe, H.Y., Jr.  (1971) Insect and Mite" Control Experiments on
               Apples and  Blueberries in Maine, 1971.   (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Aug  3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Univ.  of Maine,
               Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:094667-AJ)

000008170   Forsythe, H.Y., Jr.  (1972) Insect and Mite  Control Experiments on
               Apples and Blueberries in Maine.  (Unpublished  study received
               Mar 4, 1974 under 352-362; prepared by Univ. of Maine, Dept. of
               Entomology, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours &  Co., Wilming-
               ton, Del.; CDL:026710-L)

000002080   Forsythe, H.Y., Jr.  (1972) Insect and Mite  Control Experiments on
               Apples and Blueberries in Maine, 1972.   (Unpublished  study
               received on unknown date under 3F1298; prepared by  Univ. of
               Maine, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Hercules,  Inc., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:094666-B)

000008179   Forsythe, H.Y., Jr.  (1973) Insect and Mite  Control Experiments on
               Apples and Blueberries in Maine.  (Unpublished  study  received
               Mar 4, 1974 under 352-362; prepared by Univ. of Maine, Dept. of
               Entomology, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours &  Co., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:026710-X)

005010958   Franz, J.M.; Hassan, S.A.; Bogenschuetz, H. (1976)  Einige
               Ergebnisse bei der standard isierten Laboratoriumspruefung der
               Auswirkungen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf entomophage
               Nutzarthropoden.  [Some results of standardized  laboratory
               tests on the effect of pesticides on entomophagous  beneficial
               arthropods.]  Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen
               Pflanzenschutzdienstes (Braunschweig) 28(12):181-183.

005004993   Freed, V.H.; Chiou, C.T.; Hague, R.  (1977)  Chemodynamics:
               transport and behavior of chemicals in the environment—a
               problem in environmental health.   Environmental Health
               Perspectives 20:55-70.

005018633   Freed, V.H.; Chiou, C.T.; Schmedding, D.; Kohnert, R.  (1979) Some
               physical factors in toxicological assessment tests.
               Environmental Health Perspectives 30:75-80.

005019169   Freed, V.H.; Chiou, C.T.; Schmedding, D.; Kohnert, R.  (1979) Some
               physical factors in toxicological assessment tests.
               Environmental Health Perspectives (30):75-80.

005008242   Freed, V.H.; Chiou, C.T.; Schmedding, D.W.   (1979) Degradation of
               selected organophosphate pesticides in water and soil.  Journal
               of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 27(4):706-708.

005005239   Freed, V.H.; Schmedding, D.;  Kohnert, R.; Hague,  R. (1979)
               Physical chemical properties of several organophosphates: some
               implication in environmental and  biological  behavior.
              • Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 10(2):203-211.

000002135   French, J.V. (1975) Performance Data of Different Acaricides  in
               Efficacy Trials against Texas Citrus Mite  (TCM), Eutetranychus
                 .banksi  , and Citrus Rust Mite  (CRM), Phyllocoptruta
                 oleivora  .  (Unpublished study received Apr 7, 1975 under
               891-155; prepared by Texas A & I Univ., Citrus  [and Vegetable
               Training] Center, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:222144-A)

005004745   French, N.; Ludlam, F.A.B. (1972) Chemical control  of red spider
               mite on glasshouse roses.  Plant Pathology 21(3):99-104.

000001985   Frost, M.H. (1968) Evaluation of AC 14503, AC 18164, AC  17409 and
               Delnav Applied to Grapes for Control of Grape Leafhoppers  and
               Pacific Mites.  (Unpublished study received 1970 under OG0943;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-O)

000002068   Frost, M.H. (1970) A Cooperative Experiment Designed to  Determine
               the Effectiveness of Several Compounds for the Control of  Grape
               Leafhoppers on Emperor Grapes: I-B-3.  (Unpublished study  re-
               ceived Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-L)

000002067   Frost, M.H. (1970) An Evaluation of Hercules 20511, 20656 and Com-
               petitive Compounds for Control of Grape Leafhoppers and Pacific
               Mites on Thompson Seedless Grapes: I-B-1.  (Unpublished study
               received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted by  Hercules,  Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-K)

00002177    Frost, M.H. (1970) An Evaluation of Torak Applied to Apples in  the
               Northwest: I-D-1.  (Unpublished study received May 11, 1971
               under 891-EX-19; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126396-A)

000002063   Frost, M.H. (1970) Evaluation of Here. 14503 for the Control  of the
               Principal Damaging Pests on Grapes, Conducted in Cooperation
               with the University of California.  (Unpublished study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilming-
               ton, Del.; CDL:094715-D)

000001986   Frost, M.H. (1970) Evaluation of Torak for Control  of Grape Leaf-
               hoppers and Pacific Mites on Thompson Seedless Grapes.  (Unpub-
               lished study received 1970 under OG0943; submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-Q)

000002098   Frost, M.H., Jr. (1969) Development Report No. 45—1969:  [Bartlett
               Pears].  (Unpublished study including letter dated May 5,  1971
               from E.N. Woodbury to Everett Burts, received Aug 3,  1972  under
               3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000002099   Frost, M.H., Jr. (1969) Development Report No. 46-—1969:  [Red Deli-
               cious Apples].  (Unpublished study received Aug  3, 1972 under
               3F1298; prepared in cooperation with Washington  State Univ.,
               Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center, submitted by  Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-T)

000001987   Frost, M.H., Jr.  (1969) Development Report No.  49—1969:  [Torak].
                (Unpublished study received 1970 under OG0943;  prepared by Univ.
               of California—Davis, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-R)

000002064   Frost, M.H., Jr.  (1970) An Evaluation of  New and Established Her-
               cules Compounds for the Control of Grape Leafhopper and Pacific
               Mites on Thompson Seedless Grapes.   (Unpublished  study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted  by Hercules,  Inc., Wilming-
               ton, Del.; CDL:094715-G)

005005166   Ghobrial, A.; Attiah, H.H.; Malik, A.A.;  Dittrich, V.  (1974)
               Correlation of acaricidal performance  on tetranychids  in field
               cotton with laboratory measurements  of toxicity.  Journal  of
               Economic Entomology 67(6):785-788.

000002091   Glass, E.H.; Dunham, D. (1968) 1968 Experimental Results: Apple and
               Pear Insect Control in Western New York.  (Unpublished  study re-
               ceived Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Cornell Univ.,  New
               York State Agricultural Experiment Station, submitted  by Hercu-
               les, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-F)

000009296   Gould, G.E. (1969) Fruit and vegetable  insects: Cucumber  beetle
               control on cucurbit crops.  Proceedings of the North Central
               Branch of the Entomological Society of America 24(2):119-124.
               (Also In unpublished submission received Jun 29, 1976  under  352-
               342; submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:227340-G)

005006016   Gould, H.J. (1973) Laboratory and field investigations with
               organophosphorus resistant Tetranychus urticae on strawberries.
               Annals of Applied Biology 74(1):17-23.

05008685    Green, M.B.; Hartley, G.S.; West, T.F.   (1977) Chemicals for Crop
               Protection and Pest Control.  2nd ed.  Oxford,  England:
               Pergamon Press.

005001030   Gunther, F.A. (1971) Residue Reviews.  New York, N.Y.:

005001834   Gunther, F.A.;  Iwata, Y.; Carman, G.E.; Smith, C.A. (1977) The
               citrus reentry problem:  research on its causes and effects,  and
               approaches to its minimization.  Pages 1-132, In Residue
               •Reviews.  Residues of Pesticides and Other Contaminants in the
               Total Environment.  Vol. 67.  Edited by F.A.  Gunther.  New
               York:  Springer.

000012557   Gyrisco, G.G.;  Greenwood,  (1967) Screening of Selected Insecti-
               cides for Alfalfa Weevil Control in 1967.   (Unpublished study
               received May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared by Cornell Univ.,
               Dept. of Entomology and  Limnology, Div. of Forage and Cereal In-
               sect Investigations,  submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp., Ardsley,
               N.Y.; CDL:091543-AL)

Hansen, J.R. (1971) Tolerance of Citrus to Torak1   .
   (Unpublished study received May 10, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted
   by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:093341-H)

Hansen, T.; Rasmussen, A.N.; Schadegg, E.  (1972) Forsog med
   plantebeskyttelsesmidler i frugtavl og gartneri  1971.
   gardening crops 1971.]  Tidsskrift for Planteavl.   [Journal of
   Plant Cultivation.] 76(5):682-706.

Harding, J.A.  (1970) Field tests comparing chemicals for control
   of th'e cotton leaf perforator.  Journal of Economic Entomology
Harding, J.A
   Cotton, Weslaco
(1972)  Field Tests for Control of Heliothis on
       College Station, Tex.:
                                             Texas Agricultural
   Experiment Station. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
   progress report PR-3083)

Harding, J.A.; Glower, D.F.; Brazzel, J.;.et al. (1973) Performance
   Data in Support of the Use for Azodrnv 'Insecticide for the
   Control of Thrips, Whiteflies and Beet Armyworms on Cotton.
   (Unpublished study including published data, received Mar 7,
   1973 under 201-157; prepared in cooperation with Louisiana State
   Univ., Agricultural Experiment Station and others, submitted by
   Shell Chemical Co., Washington, D.C.; CDL:000877-A)

Harding, J.A.; Lovely, W.G.; Dyar, R.C. (1968) Field tests of
   chemicals for control of the European corn borer.  Journal of
   Economic Entomology 61(5):1427-1430.

Harris, C.R.  (1970) Laboratory evaluation of candidate materials
   as potential soil insecticides.  III.  Journal of Economic
   Entomology 63(3):782-787.

Harris, M.K.  (1975) Field Evaluation of Certain Insecticides for
   Controlling Pecan Nut Casebearer in 1975: Project H-2881.
   (Unpublished study received Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; prepared
   Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept. of Entomology,
   Pecan Insects Laboratory, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agri-
   cultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:224102-Q)

Harris, M.K.  (1976) Field Evaluation of Selected Insecticides for
   Controlling Pecan Nut Nut [sic] Casebearer, Pecan Weevil and
   Hickory Shuckworm at Hamilton, Texas in 1975: Project H-2881.
   (Unpublished study received Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; prepared
   Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept. of Entomology,
   Pecan Insects Laboratory, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agri-
   cultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:224102-J)

Harris, M.K.; Cutler, B.  (1975) Walnut Caterpillar Response to
   Insecticides.  College Station, Tex.:  Texas Agricultural
   Experiment Station.  (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
   progess report PR-3314(Abstr.))

000001975   Hathaway, D.  (1969) Report to Hercules  Incorporated:  Acute Dust
               Inhalation Toxicity Study on Torak 50% Wettable Powder: IBT
               No. N7309.   (Unpublished  study received  1970  under OG0943;
               prepared by  Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-F)

000001974   Hathaway, D.  (1969) Report to Hercules  Incorporated: Acute Vapor
               Inhalation Toxicity Study on Torak 47% Emulsifiable Concentrate:
               IBT No. N7321.  (Unpublished study received 1970 under OG0943;
               prepared*by  Industrial Bio-Test laboratories,  Inc.,  submitted by
               Hercules,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:097625-D)

000001947   Hathaway, D.  (1969) Report to Hercules  Incorporated: Two-Week  Sub-
               acute Aerosol Inhalation  Toxicity  Study  on Torak Emulsifiable
               Concentrate: IBT No. N7310.  (Unpublished study  received Sep
               15, 1971 under 1F1032; prepared by Industrial  Bio-Test Labora-
               tories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,  Del.;

000001948   Hathaway, D.  (1970) Report to Hercules  Incorporated: Two-Week  Sub-
               acute Aerosol Inhalation Toxicity  Study  on Torak Emulsifiable
               Concentrate: IBT No. N7799.  (Unpublished study  received Sep
               15, 1971 under 1F1032; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Labora-
               tories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,  Del.;

000002040   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) [Study: Analytical Method:  Dialifor].
               (Unpublished study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802; CDL:

000027588   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) [Torak Tests].  (Unpublished  study
               received on unknown date under 891-155; CDL:240818-A)

000002004   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) Compatibility Studies with Hercules
               14503.  (Unpublished study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802;

000001992   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) Full Reports of Investigations Made
               with Respect to Safety of Torak.    (Unpublished study received on
               unknown date under OG0943; CDL:093249-K)

000002159   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) Hercules Torak G Application  for
               Experimental Use Permit for Experimental Application to Walnuts:
               Identity: Physical and Chemical Properties.  (Unpublished study
               received Jan 16, 1976 under unknown admin, no.; CDL:225833-A)

000001973   Hercules, Incorporated (19??) Petition for a Temporary Tolerance on
               Grapes and Pecans: Torak  (Hercules 14503).  (Unpublished study
               received 1970 under OG0943;  CDL:097625-A)

00002131    Hercules, Incorporated (19??) Reasonable Grounds in Support of
               This Petition:  [Dialifor].  (Unpublished  study received
    «         .Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;  CDL:095877-U)

Hercules, Incorporated  (19??) Torak' 'insecticide and Acaracide.
   Rev.   Wilmington, Del.: Hercules.   (Bulletin AP-122; also In
   unpublished submission received Mar 24, 1977 under 891-180; CDL:

Hercules, Incorporated  (1967?) Full Reports of Investigations Made
   with Respect to Safety of AC14503.   (Unpublished study received
   Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; CDL:090742-A)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1967?) Reasonable Grounds in Support of
   the Petition:  [Hercules 14503]: Lint-bearing Cottonseed.
   (Unpublished study received Mar 14, 1967 under 7G0580; CDL:

Hercules, Incorporated  (1967?) Results of Tests on the Amount of
   Residue Remaining, Including a Description of the Analytical
   Method Used:  [Hercules 14503],  (Unpublished study received
   Feb 28, 1967 under 7G0580; CDL:090743-A)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1967?) The Amount, Frequency and Time of
   Application of the Pesticide Chemical:  [Torak].  (Unpublished
   study received 1970 under OG0943; CDL:097625-L)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1967?) The Name, Chemical Identity, and
   Composition of the Pesticide Chemical: "Hercules 14503".
   (Unpublished study received Mar 14, 1967 under 7G0580; CDL:

Hercules, Incorporated  (1968?) Hercules  14503, 4 Ibs./Gallon EC for
   Alfalfa Weevil Control: 891-EXP-14G.   (Unpublished study
   received Jan 2, 1969 under 891-EX-14; CDL:126389-A)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1968?) Reasonable Grounds in Support of
   this Petition:  [Torak].   (Unpublished study received 1970 under
   OG0943; CDL:097625-U)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1968?) Result of Tests on the Amount of
   Residue Remaining, Including Description of the Analytical
   Method Used:  [Dialifor].   (Unpublished study including letter
   dated Feb  3, 1970 from E.N. Woodbury  to U.S. Food and Drug
   Administration, Petitions Control Branch, received 1970 under
   OG0943; CDL:097625-J)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1968?) Summary of Data for Hercules 14503—
   Citrus.   (Unpublished  study including letter dated Apr 22, 1969
   from R.B.  Johnson to T.M. Ritchie, letter dated Sep 9, 1969 from
   R.B. Johnson to Ralph  Hansen, letters dated Oct 12, 1970 and
   Aug 31, 1970 from J.R. Christie to W. Alan Weeks, letter dated
   Feb 1, 1971 from R.B.  Johnson to E.W. Woodbury, received Jan 30,
   1969 under 9G0802; CDL:093111-F)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1968?) Summary of Field Test Data for
   Hercules 14503 on Apples.   (Unpublished study received Jan 30,
   1969 under 9G0802; CDL:093111-G)

000002031   Hercules, Incorporated  (1968) AC  14503  Residue on Lint-Bearing
               Cotton Seed.   (Unpublished study received Apr 28,  1969 under
               7G0580; CDL:091385-1)

000002092   Hercules, Incorporated  (1968) Agricultural  Chemicals  Laboratory
               Orchard Data.   (Unpublished study including report,  received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:094667-H)

000002000   Hercules, Incorporated  (1968) Sunrnary of Field Tests  of Hercules
               14503 for the Control of Mites on Cotton.   (Unpublished study
               received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802;  CDL:093111-E)

000002007   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?)  [Hercules 14503:  Chemical Composi-
               tion] .  (Unpublished study received  Jan  30,  1969 under 9G0802;

000001971   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Analysis of  Milk for Residues  of
               Tbrak-Oxygen Analog.  (Unpublished study received  Sep 15,  1971
               under 1F1032; CDL:091917-O)

000001978   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Effectiveness Data:  [Torak (Hercules
               14503)].  (Unpublished study received 1970 under OG0943; CDL:

000002012   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Effectiveness Data:  [Torak].
               (Unpublished study received Apr 25,  1969 under 9G0802;  CDL:

000002013   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Effectiveness:   [Torak].
               (Unpublished study received Apr 25,  1969 under 9G0802;  CDL:

000002019   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Full Reports of Investigations Made
               with Respect to Safety of Torak.   (Unpublished study received
               Apr 28, 1969 under 7G0580; CDL:091385-A)

000002018   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Full Reports of Investigations Made
               with Respect to Safety of Torak.   (Unpublished study received
               Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802; CDL:091384-1)

000002270   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Full Reports of Investigations Made
               with Respect to Safety of Torak.   (Unpublished study received
               Mar 3, 1970 under OG0943; CDL:091612-A)

000001995   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Hercules Torak: The Name, Chemical
               Identity and Composition of the Pesticide Chemical.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802; CDL:093110-D)

000002010   Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Reasonable Grounds in Support of
               This Application: [Hercules 14503].  (Unpublished study received
               Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802; CDL:093111-R)

000002011   Hercules, Incorporated (1969?) Request for an Extension of Tempo-
               rary Tolerances of the Insecticide Torak on Apples and Citrus.
               (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969 under 9G0802; CDL:

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Result of Tests on  the Amount of
   Residue Remaining, Including Description of the Analytical
   Method Used:  [Hercules 14503].   (Unpublished study received  Apr
   28, 1969 under 7G0580; CDL:091385-H)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Summary of Data for Hercules 14503—
   Citrus.  (Unpublished study received Sep 14, 1971 under 1F1032;

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) The Amount, Frequency and Time of
   Application of Hercules 14503.   (Unpublished study received
   Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802; CDL:093111-Q)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) The Amount, Frequency and Time of
   Application:  [Torak].  (Unpublished study  received Jan 30, 1969
   under 9G0802; CDL:093110-E)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969?) Torak Residues on Apples from the
   Application of Torak 50% Wettable Powder:  Table 1.   (Unpublished
   study received Aug 12, 1972 under OG0943;  CDL:091611-B)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969) Pesticide Petition No. 9G0802:
   Reasonable Grounds in Support of  this Application:  [Dialifor]:
   Amended 5/5/69.   (Unpublished study received May 8, 1969 under
   891-EX-17; CDL:126394-B)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969) Reasonable Grounds in Support of  This
   Application: Amended 5/5/69:  [Hercules 14503].   (Unpublished
   study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802;  CDL:093111-N)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1969) Results of Tests with 14503 for
   Hercules Incorporated.   (Unpublished study including letter
   dated Oct 8,  1969 from E.N. Woodbury to Harold  G. Alford,
   received Mar  25, 1970 under 891-EX-19; CDL:126396-D)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1970?) Reasonable Grounds  in Support of
   This Petition:  [Torak].   (Unpublished study including summary
   of Torak efficacy data on Florida citrus,  received Aug 31, 1970
   under 1F1032; CDL:093341-K)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1970?) Reasonable Grounds  in Support of
   This Petition:  [Torak].   (Unpublished study received Aug 31,
   1970 under 1F1032; CDL:093341-M)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1970?) Summary of Efficacy Data for Her-
   cules Torak—Citrus. (Unpublished study including appendices
   EXP.l - EXP.4, received Sep 14,  1971 under 1F1032; CDL:091915-C)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1970?) The Name, Chemical  Identity and  Com-
   position of the Pesticide Chemical: Hercules Torak.   (Unpub-
   lished study  received Jan 27, 1970 under OG0943; CDL:093249-G)

Hercules, Incorporated  (1970)  [Test  Data from Applications of Torak
   on Citrus in  Florida and Texas].   (Unpublished  study received
   Mar 29, 1971  under 891-EX-18; CDL:126395-G)

000002179   Hercules, Incorporated  (1970) Torak1 'Tree Fruit Data Sheet  [and
               Orchard Evaluation].   (Unpublished study received May 11, 1971
               under 891-EX-19; CDL:126395-C)
000002107   Hercules, Incorporated  (1970) Torak   Tree Fruit Data Sheet[s].
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:

000001963   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971?) Efficacy Data for Hercules Torak on
               Florida Citrus.  (Unpublished study received Sep 14, 1971 under
               1F1032; CDL:091915-D)

000002197   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971?) Hercules Torak: The Name, Chemical
               Identity and Composition of the Pesticide Chemical.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Nov 22, 1971 under 891-EX-26; CDL:

000001952   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971?) Hydrolysis of Torak.  (Unpublished
               study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; CDL:09191S-A)

000001945   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971?) Result of Tests on the Amount of
               Residue Remaining,  Including Description of the Analytical
               Method Used: [Torak].  (Unpublished study received Sep 15, 1971
               under 1F1032; CDL:091917-B)

000002185   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971) [Torak 6 Lb./Gal. EC for the Control
               of Arthropod Pests on Commercial Grape Plantings in California].
               (Unpublished study received Nov 5, 1971 under 891-EX-22;

000002071   Hercules, Incorporated  (1971) Torak Field Data Sheet[s]—Grapes.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:

000002062   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Efficacy of Torak against Arthropod
               Pests of Grapes.  Summary of studies 094715-B through 094715-S.
               (Unpublished study including summary table, received Aug 3,  1972
               under 3F1298; CDL:094715-A)

000002122   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Emulsifiability of Torak 4  Pound per
               Gallon E.G. Stored at 50°C.  (Unpublished study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:095877-K)

000002123   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Emulsifiability of Torak 6  Pound per
               Gallon E.G. Stored in 80-110°F Test Chamber in Pigmented Baked
               Phenolic Lined Can.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,  1972
               under 3F1298; CDL:095877-L)

000002086   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Summary of Efficacy Data for Torak
               on Apples, Pears and Plums.  Summary of studies 094657-B through
               094667-AM.   (Unpublished study including appended summary table,
               received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1293; CDL:0946S7-A)

000002124   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Summary of Full Reports of  Investi-
               gations Made with Respect to Safety of Torak.  Summary  of  stud-
               ies 095877-Q through 095877-T.   (Unpublished study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:095877-P)

000002073   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Summary: Efficacy of Torak  against
               Insect Pests of Pecans.  Summary of studies 094715-U  through
               094715-AE.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under
               3F1298; CDL:094715-T)

000002121   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972?) Tbrak Stability Studies.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:095877-J)

000002145   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972) Air vs. Ground Application.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; CDL:224102-B)

000002146   Hercules, Incorporated  (1972) Pecan Weevil 1 Day Interval  Tests.
               (Unpublished study received Mar  19, 1976 under 891-178;

000002120   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973?) Hercules Torak: The Name, Chemical
               Identity and Composition of the  Pesticide Chemical.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; CDL:095877-F)

000002190   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973?) Hercules Torak: The Name, Chemical
               Identity and Composition of the  Pesticide Chemical.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Apr 25, 1973 under 891-EX-25; CDL:

000002147   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Pecan Weevil-fTennille & Other  Loca-
               tions.  (Unpublished study received Mar 19, 1976 under  891-178;
               CDL: 224102-D)

000002119   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Reasonable Grounds in Support of  This
               Petition:  [Dialifor].  Rev.  (Unpublished study received on
               unknown date under 3F1298; CDL:098577-E)

000002116   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Reasonable Grounds in Support of  This
               Petition:  [Dialifor].  Rev.  (Unpublished study received on
               unknown date under 3F1298; CDL:094668-G)

000002831   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Reasonable Grounds in Support of  This
               Petition:  [Dialifor].   (Unpublished study received on unknown
               date  under 3F1298; CDL:092198-H)

000002132   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Torak Field Data Sheet[s]—Pecans.
               (Unpublished study received on unknown date under 3F1298;  CDL:

000002118   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Torak Residues in Raisins.   (Unpub-
               lished study received on unknown date under 3F1298; CDL:






000002189   Hercules, Incorporated  (1973) Torak*  ^ Organophosphate  Pesticide
                (Dialifor): Summary of Toxicological Investigations: Bulletin
               T-121.  (Unpublished study received Jul 1, 1973 under  unknown
               admin, no.; CDL:140101-A)

            Hercules, Incorporated  (1974?) Torak  Insecticide and Acaracide:
               Description and Properties.   (Unpublished study received 1974
               under unknown admin, no.; CDL:123975-A)

            Hercules, Incorporated  (1974?) Toxicology: [Torak].   (Unpublished
               study received 1974 under unknown  admin, no.; CDL.-123975-B)

            Hercules, Incorporated  (1974) Summary—1974 Torak Field Evalua-
               tion—Texas Citrus.  (Unpublished  study received Apr 7,- 1975
               under 891-155; CDL:222045-A)

            Hercules, Incorporated  (1975?) [Efficacy Data of Torak].   (Unpub-
               lished study received May 16, 1975 under 891-155; CDL:222143-A)

            Hercules, Incorporated  (1975) [Aerial Sprays for Control of Certain
               Pecan Insects].  (Unpublished study received Mar 19, 1976 under
               391-178; CDL:224102-K)

            Hercules, Incorporated  (1975) Torak    Organophosphate Pesticide
                (Dialifor): Summary of Toxicological Investigations: Bulletin
               T-121B (Supersedes T-121A).   (Unpublished study received Jan 16,
               1976 under 891-EX-29; CDL:226513-C)

000002195   Hercules, Incorporated  (1976?) Supplemental Directions for the
               Experimental Use of Torak G Emulsifiable Concentrate Insecticide
                (EPA Reg.  No. 891-179)  on Walnuts in California.  (Unpublished
               study received Jan 16f  1976 under 891-EX-29;  CDL:226513-B)

000002144   Hercules, Incorporated  (1976) Efficacy of Torak P against the Pecan
               Weevil, Pecan Nut Casebearer and Pecan Spittlebug.   Summary of
               studies 224102-B through 224102-R.  (Unpublished study received
               Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; CDL:224102-A)

000002140   Hercules, Incorporated  (1976) Efficacy: [Evaluation of Torak].
                (Unpublished study received Apr 1, 1977 under 891-178;  CDL:

000002142   Hercules, Incorporated  (1977?) Results of Tests on the Amount of
               Residue Remaining,  Including Description of the Analytical Meth-
               od Used: [Torak].  (Unpublished study including report, received
               Apr 1, 1977 under 891-178; CDL:096069-1)

000002143   Hercules, Incorporated  (1977?) Safety of Proposed Tolerance on Wal-
               nuts: Reasonable Grounds in Support of This Petition: [Torak].
               Includes method dated Dec 21,  1976.  (Unpublished study received
               Apr 1, 1977 under 891-178; CDL: 096069^1)

000002141   Hercules, Incorporated  (1977?) The Amount, Frequency and Time of
               Application: [Torak].  (Unpublished study received Apr 1,  1977
               under 891-178; CDL:096069-G)

000002188   Hercules, Incorporated, Agricultural Chemicals  (1969?) Assay Method
               for Tbrak Formulations:  [Dialifor].  Method  dated Feb 11,
               1969.  (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1972 under unknown
               admin, no.; CDL:128241-A)

000006301   Hiddleson, L. (1966) Report No. 074566-047.   (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620; submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,
               Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:095197-J)

000006297   Hiddleson, L.; Adler, V.; Steinhaiier, A.L.  (1965) Summary Report:
               Report No. 071965-023.   (Unpublished study received Mar 24, 1976
               under 359-620; prepared  in cooperation with  U.S. Dept. of Agri-
               culture, Alfalfa Weevil  Investigations Laboratory and Univ. of
               Maryland, Dept. of Entomology for Chipman  Chemical Co., Inc.,
               submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,  Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:

000006312   Hiddleson, L.; Bishop, J.L. (1967) Report No. 074567-025.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620; prepared in
               cooperation with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.,
               submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,  Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:

000006759   Hiddleson, L.; Blickenstaff, C.C. (1966) Report No. 071966-018.
               (Unpublished study received  Mar 24, 1976 under 359-620; prepared
               in cooperation with U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Alfalfa Weevil
               Investigations Laboratory and Univ. of Maryland, Dept. of Ento-
               mology for Chipman Chemical  Co., Inc., submitted by Rhone-
               Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth  Junction, N.J.;  CDL:095197-G)

000002095   Hill, C.H. (1969) Report for the 1969 Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit
               Workers Conference: Summary  of Results of  Acaricide Tests.   (Un-
               published study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by
               Virginia Polytechnic Institute  [and State  Univ.], Winchester
               Fruit Research Laboratory, submitted by  Hercules, Inc., Wilming-
               ton, Del.; CDL:094667-L)

000012456   Hofmaster, R.N.;, Waterfield, R.L. (1968) Cooperator Research Re-
               port: Potato Insecticide Tests.   (Unpublished study received Nov
               10,  1972 under 3F1323; prepared by Virginia  Truck Experiment
               Station, Eastern Shore Branch, submitted by  Ciba-Geigy Corp.,
               Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:093552-AP)

000008304   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L. (1968) Foliage Schedule to Con-
               trol Insect Pests of Fall Irish Potatoes:  Colorado Potato Bee-
               tles and Cabbage Loopers.   (Unpublished  study received Jan 21,
               1970 under OF0886; prepared  by Virginia  Truck Experiment Sta-
               tion, Eastern Shore Branch,  submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours
               & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091530-AA)

000009790   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L. (1968) Foliage Schedule to Con-
               trol Insect Pests of Fall Irish Potatoes:  Green Peach Aphids and
               Yields.   (Unpublished study  received Nov 16, 1971 under 352-342;
               prepared by Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Eastern Shore
               Branch, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:003031-S)

000010326   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L.  (1968) Foliage  Schedule  to Con-
               trol Insect Pests of Fall Irish Potatoes: Potato Tuberworms:
               Table 6-B.  (Unpublished study received Jan 21,  1970  under
               OF0886; prepared by Virginia Truck Experiment  Station,  Eastern
               Shore Branch, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours  &  Co.,  Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091530-Q)

000008771   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L.  (1968) Reduction  in  European Corn
               Borer Damage to N&K Code 199 Sweet Corn Ears Following  a Regular
               Corn Earworm Control Schedule: Table 12.  (Unpublished  study  re-
               ceived Nov 16, 1971 under 352-342; prepared by Virginia Truck
               Experiment Station, Eastern Shore Branch, submitted by  E.I. du
               Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:003037-L)

000008058   Hbfinaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L.  (1968) Screening  Trials  to  Con-
               trol Tobacco Hornworms in Marion Tomatoes: Painter, Va.,  1968:
               Table 9.  (Unpublished study received Jan 29,  1970  under 352-
               342; prepared by Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Eastern
               Shore Branch, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours  & Co., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:003010-J)

000008642   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L.  (1969) Foliage  Schedule  to  Con-
               trol the Potato Tuberworm, Tobacco Flea Beetle,  European Corn
               Borer & Green Peach Aphid in Fall Irish Potatoes: Table #6.
               (Unpublished study received Nov 16, 1971 under 352-342; prepared
               by Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Eastern  Shore Branch, sub-
               mitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000008293   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L. (1969) Insecticides  to Control
               Mexican Bean Beetles on Hill Soybeans: Table 22.  (Unpublished
               study received Jun 16, 1971 under 1F1021; prepared by Virginia
               Truck Experiment Station, Eastern Shore Branch, submitted by
               E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.,  Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

005004744   Hofmaster, R.N.; Waterfield, R.L. (1972) Insecticide control of
               the potato tuberworm in late-crop potato foliage.  American
               Potato Journal 49(10):383-390.

000006955   Hogue, C.W.; Calcote, V.R.;  Bogent, J.L. (1972)  Final Report: Dis-
               trict Project No. 201772-012.  (Unpublished study received Jun
               9, 1977 under 359-620; prepared by Rhodia,  Inc. in cooperation
               with U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Pecan Laboratory and Louisiana
               State Univ., submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.,  Monmouth Junc-
               tion, N.J.;  CDL:230375-F)

000002094   Howitt, A.J.; Gertz, R.; Pshea, A. (1968) Entomological Research on
               Small and Tree Fruits in 1968.  (Unpublished  study received Aug
               3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Michigan State Univ.,  Dept.  of
               Entomology,  submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000008148   Hudon, M. (1971?) Chemical Control of the European Corn Borer on
               Sweet Corn in Southwestern Quebec.   (Unpublished study received
               Mar 5, 1974 under 352-342; prepared by Canada, Dept. of Agricul-
               ture, Research Station, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours &
               Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:023294-E)

005001688   Hudon, M.; Martel, P. (1977) Field experiments with spray
               insecticides for the control of the European corn border  (sic.
               borer), on sweet corn in Quebec.  Phytoprotection

000002082   Ihde, K.D. (1972) Effectiveness of Torak, Hercules 16801 and Hercu-
               les 24108 against Apple Pests.  (Unpublished study received on
               unknown date under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilming-
               ton, Del.; CDL:094666-D)

000002085   Ihde, K.D. (1972) Field Test to Determine Phytotoxicity of High
               Rate of Torak to Apples.  (Unpublished study received on unknown
               date under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:094666-G)

005011210   Imamura, K.; Nabekawa, S.; Takada, M., inventors; Nippon Chemical
               Industrial Co., assignee (1973) Yuki rinsan-esuteru no seizoho.
               Japanese kokai 73 26757.  Apr 9.  8 p.

000002052   Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Incorporated (1966) Hercules
               Incorporated Status Summary: Two-Year Chronic Oral Toxicity of
               AC14503—Albino Rats: IBT No. B4345.  (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-L)

000001996   Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Incorporated (1968) Proposed Pro-
               tocol to Hercules, Inc. for a Teratologic Study of Compound AC-
               14503.  (Unpublished study including letter dated Apr 1, 1969
               from J.C. Calandra to Mary Quaife, received Jan 30, 1969 under
               9G0802; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:093111-A)

00001998   Jackson, G. (1968) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Neurotoxicity
               Study—Chickens: AC 14503: IBT No. J6351.  (Unpublished study
               received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802; prepared by Industrial Bio-
               Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricul-
               tural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:093111-C)

000032722   Jacoves, E.; Barnes, G.; Beckham, C.M.; et al. (1968) Strobane-T
               and Toxaphene: Comparative Test.  (Unpublished study received
               Feb 18, 1969 under 92-16; prepared in cooperation with Wisconsin
               Alumni Research Foundation and others, submitted by Teneco Chem-
               ical, Inc., Piscataway, N.J.; CDL:000170-C)

005001831   Jeppson, L.R.; Jesser, M.J.; Complin, J.O. (1966) Chemical
               structure and toxicity of some carbamoyloxy
               phosphorodithioatesto susceptible and
               organophosphorus-resistant strains of mites.  Journal of
               Economic Entomology 59(1):185-187.

005000895   Jeppson, L.R.; McMurtry, J.A.; Mead,  D.W.;  Jesser,  M.J.;  Johnson,
               H.G.  (1975) Toxicity of  citrus  pesticides to some predaceous
               phytoseiid mites.  Journal of Economic Entomology

00011699   Johnson, R.B.  (1967) Test No.: AC 67.   (Unpublished  study  including
               letter dated Mar 8, 1967  from R.B. Johnson to John B.  Taylor,
               received Jan 16, 1974 under unknown admin,  no.;  prepared by
               Univ. of Florida, Institute of  Food and  Agricultural Sciences,
               Citrus Experiment Station, submitted by  Ciba-Geigy Corp.,
               Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:122290-M)

005007947   Johnson, R.B. (1969) Control of Texas citrus mite with new
               acaricides.  Florida Entomologist 52(2):73-77.

000011700   Johnson, R.B. (1970) Control of Citrus Rust Mite on Hamlin Orange
               Trees with Miticides Applied in Summer Oil Sprays.  (Unpublished
               study received Jan 16, 1974 under unknown admin, no.;  submitted
               by Ciba-Geigy Corp., Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:122290-N)

005001687   Joubert, J.J.; Hill, B.C. (1969) Insecticidal control of  leaf
               miner, Phthorimaea operculella  (Zell), on tobacco  in the
               Transvaal.  Phytophylactica l(2):71-77.

000008957   Judge, F.D.; McEwen, F.L.; Rinick, H.B., Jr.  (1970) Field  testing
               candidate insecticides on beans and alfalfa for control of Mex-
               ican bean beetle, potato leafhopper, and  plant bugs in New York
               state.  Journal of Economic Entomology 63(1):58-62.  (Also In
               unpublished submission received Apr 12, 1971 under 1F1159; sub-
               mitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

005011772   Kahn, E. (1976)  Pesticide related  illness in California farm
               workers.   Journal of Occupational Medicine 18(10):693-696.

005008876   Kawamura, Y.; Takeda, M.; Uchiyama, M. (1978) Studies on analysis
               of pesticide  residues in foods  (XXVII): determination for
               multicomponent organophosphorus pesticides by gas liquid
               chrcmatography.  Journal of Food Hygienic Society of Japan

005019168   Kawar, N.S.; Iwata, Y.; Duesch, M.E.; Gunther, F.A.  (1979)
               Behavior of dialifor,  dimethoate, and methidathion in
               artificially fortified grape juice processed into wine.
               Journal of Environmental Science and Health B14(5):505-513.

005020332   Kawar, N.S.; Iwata, Y.; Duesch, M.E.; Gunther, F.A.  (1979)
               Behavior of dialifor,  dimethoate, and methidathion in
               artificially fortified grape juice processed into wine.
               Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part  B

005018038   Kawar, N.S.; Iwata, Y.; Dusch, M.E.; Gunther, F.A.  (1979)  Behavior
               of dialifor,  dimethoate,  and methidathion in artificially
               fortified grape juice  processed  into wine.  Journal of
               Environmental Science  and Health, Part B 14(5):505-513.

005020892   Kenaga, E.E. (1980) Predicted bioconcentratjon factors and soil
               sorption coefficients of pesticides and other chemicals.
               Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 4(1):26-38.

000002053   Kennedy, G. (1967) Report to Hercules Incorporated: Three-Gener-
               ation Reproduction Study in Albino Rats—AC14503: Results of
               the First Generation  (Fo Parents—Fla and Fib Progeny): IBT
               No. P4347.  (Unpublished study received Mar 2, 1967 under
               "7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories,  Inc.,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-M)

005001696   Kinoshita, F.K.; Frawley, J.P.; Keplinger, M.L.; Calandra, J.C.
               (1976) Relative cholinesterase and aliesterase inhibition in
               rat and human blood from exposure to an organic phosphate
               pesticide.  Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 37(1):168.

005016960   Kinoshita, F.K.; Frawley, J.P.; Keplinger, M.L.; Calandra, J.C.
               (1976) Relative cholinesterase and aliesterase inhibition in
               rat and human blood from exposure to an organic phosphate
               pesticide  [abstract no. 184].  Pages 168-168, ^n Society of
               Toxicology: Fifteenth Annual Meeting: Abstracts.  London,
               England:  Academic Press.

000008076   Klostermeyer, E.G.  (1969) 1969 Progress Report: Corn Earworm Con-
               trol.   (Unpublished study received Jul 22, 1970 under  352-342;
               prepared by Washington State Univ., Irrigated Agriculture Re-
               search and Extension  Center, submitted by E.I. du Pont de
               Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:003018-E)

000006540   Knobel, H.; Canerday, T.D. (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. AT 69-22.   (Unpublished study received Feb 16, 1970 under
               OF0948; prepared  in cooperation with Georgia Coastal Plains Ex-
               periment Station, submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick,
               N.J.; CDL:092026-Y)

000006542   Knobel, H.; Canerday, T.D. (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. AT 69-47.   (Unpublished study received Feb 16, 1970 under
               OF0948; prepared  in cooperation with Georgia Coastal Plains Ex-
               periment Station, submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick,
               N.J.; CDL:092026-AA)

000006797   Knobel, H.; Estes, P.  (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. AT 69-14.   (Unpublished study received Feb 16, 1970 under
               OF0948; prepared  in cooperation with Auburn Univ., submitted by
               Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-V)

000006568   Knobel, H.; Johnson, R.B.  (1968) Report No. AT 68-39.   (Unpublished
               study received  Feb 16,  1970 under OF0948; submitted by Rhodia,
               Inc., New Brunswick,  N.J.;  CDL:092026-BA)

000006539   Knobel, H.; Nash,  R.F.  (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. AT  69-20.   (Unpublished study received Feb 16, 1970 under
               OF0948; prepared  in cooperation with Clemson Univ., submitted  by
               Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-W)

000006940   Knobel, H.; Nash, R.F.  (1970) Final Report:  District Project No.  AT
               70-30.   (Unpublished study including ag.  research project 902,
               received Aug 27, 1973 under 359-620; prepared  in  cooperation
               with Clemson Univ., Dept. of Entomology,  submitted by Rhone-
               Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:026726-D)

000006541   Knobel, H.; Osburn, M.; Tedders, W.L., Jr. (1968) Summary Report:
               District Project No. AT 69-36.  (Unpublished study received
               Feb 16, 1970 under OF0948; prepared in cooperation with U.S.
               Agricultural Research Service, Entomology Research Div.,  submit-
               ted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:092026-Z)

000006261   Knobel, H.; Smith, C. (1970) Final Report: District  Project
               No. AT 70-27.  (Unpublished study received Mar 26,  1971 under
               1F1155; prepared in cooperation with North Carolina State Univ.,
               submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:093474-AG)

005012182   Krijgsman, W.; Kamp, C.G. van de (1976) Analysis of
               organophosphorus pesticides by capillary  gas chrcmatography
               with flame photometric detection.   Journal of Chrcmatography

005000864   Krijgsman, W.; Van de Kamp, C.G. (1976) Analysis of
               organophosphorus pesticides by capillary gas chrcmatography
               with flame photometric detection.   Journal of Chrcmatography

005007021   Krueger, W. (1968) Fungi- und phytotoxische Wirkungen von
               Beizmitteln bei der Maissaatbeizung.  [Fungitoxic and
               phytotoxic effects of dressings in corn seed disinfection.]
               Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 62:174-189.

005022205   Kudamatsu, A.; Sato, T.; Hayashi, A.; Kano, R. (1979) Kakushu
               yukirinsatchuzai ni taisuru dai-3-yumenoshima iebae no
               kosateikosei ni tsuite.  [Cross resistance to various
               organophosphorus insecticides in a third Yumenoshima strain of
               the housefly, Musca domestica L.]   Eisei Dobutsu.    [Sanitary
               Zoology.] 30(3):255-261.

000002078   Land, J.D. (1972) Field Evaluation of Torak against Pecan Insects.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-AD)

000002157   Land, J.D. (1975) Field Observations  of Torak against Pecan In-
               sects.  (Unpublished study received Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178;
               submitted by Hercules, Inc.,  Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:224102-R)

000002153   Land, J.D.; McKnight, A. (1975)  Pecan Weevil Test.   (Unpublished
               study received Mar 19, 1976 under  891-178; submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,  Wilmington, Del.;

000011289   Lange, W.H. (1968) Artichoke Plot No. 2.  (Unpublished study in-
               cluding letter dated Apr 9, 1969 from M.D. Christensen to L.T.
               Hargett, received Dec 17, 1973 under 4F1450; prepared by Univ.
               of California—Davis, submitted by Ciba-Geigy Corp., Greensboro,
               N.C.; CDL:093862-G)

000014755   Lauck, J.E.; Fleming, J.R.; Sakamoto, S.S.; et al. (1975) Summary
               of Performance Data: Orthene (Acephate) Temporary Residue Toler-
               ance Petition—Grapes.  (Unpublished study received Feb 9, 1976
               under 239-EX-71; prepared in cooperation with Univ. of Califor-
               nia, Michigan State Univ., Dept. of Entomology and Chemonics
               Industries, submitted by Chevron Chemical Co., Richmond, Calif.;

005007840   Lawrence, K.O.; Klein, M.G.; Ladd, T.L., Jr. (1973) Adult Japanese
               beetles: evaluation of insecticides for control.  Journal of
               Economic Entomology 66(2):477-479.

000002042   Lazanas, J.C. (1966) Report to Hercules Powder Company: The In
                 Vitro Inhibitory Effect of AC 14503 on Cholinesterases:
               IBT No. E4009.  (Unpublished study including addendum, received
               Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Lab-
               oratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000002088   Lienk, S.E. (1967) Apple Pest Information Pool: Orchard Mite Con-
               trol Investigations—1967.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,
               1972 under 3F1298; prepared by New York State Agricultural Ex-
               periment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000002090   Lienk, S.E. (1968) Apple Pest Information Pool: Orchard Mite Con-
               trol Investigations—1968.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,
               1972 under 3F1298; prepared by New York State Agricultural Ex-
               periment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000002017   Lienk, S.E. (1969) Apple Pest Information Pool: Orchard Mite Con-
               trol Investigations.  (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969
               under 9G0802; prepared by New York State Agricultural Experiment
               Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091384-H)

000002103   Lienk, S.E.; Minns, J. (1970) Apple Pest Information Pool: Orchard
               Mite Control Investigations—1970.  (Unpublished study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by New York State Agricultur-
               al Experiment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:094667-X)

000002112   Lienk, S.E.; Minns, J. (1971) Apple Pest Information Pool: Orchard
               Mite Control Investigations—1971.  (Unpublished study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by New York State Agricul-
               tural Experiment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilming-
               ton, Del.; CDL:094667-AK)

005001833   Maddy, K.T.  (1976) Current considerations on  the  relative
               importance of conducting additional  studies on hazards of field
               worker exposure to pesticide residues as compared  to studying
               other occupational safety hazards on the farm.   Pages
               125-142, ^n Pesticide Residue Haz*ards to Farm
               Workers—Proceedings of a Workshop;  Feb 9-10,  1976,  Salt Lake
               City, Utah.  Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Government Printing
               Office.   (HEW publication no. (NIOSH) 76-191)

005009147   Maddy, K.T.; Riddle, L.C.; Peoples, S.A. (1977) Organophosphate
               and N-methylcarbamate poisoning of livestock in California.
               California Veterinarian 31(7):9-13.

000001936   Martin, ; McDavid,  (1971) Fungus Kills Citrus Rust Mites in
               Biological Control Tests.   (Unpublished study  received Sep 14,
               1971 under 1F1032; prepared by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,  sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091915-B)

000002020   Mastri, C. (1968) Report to Hercules Incorporated:  Study on  the
               Efficacy of Atropine Sulfate and 2-PAM Cl as Antidotes for AC
               14503 (Tech) Intoxication: IBT No. A6353.   (Unpublished study
               received Apr 28, 1969 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-
               Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules,  Inc.,  Agricul-
               tural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091385-C)

05001690   Mathias, P.L.; Roberts, P.F. (1973) Chemical control of wheat  bulb
               fly in the East Midlands, 1968-70.  Plant Pathology

005008306   McClure, C.D. (1978) Public health concerns in the exposure of
               grape pickers to high pesticide residues in Madera County,
               Calif., September 1976.  Public Health Reports 93(5):421-425.

005001832   McDonald, S. (1976) Evaluation of several new insecticides for the
               control of the Colorado potato beetle and the status of DDT
               resistance in southern Alberta.   Journal of Economic Entomology

005013548   McMahon, B.; Burke, J.A. (1978) Analytical behavior data  for
               chemicals determined using AOAC multiresidue methodology for
               pesticide residues in foods.  Journal of the Association of
               Official Analytical Chemists 61(3):640-652.

000002136   Mellen, R.T.; Reinking, R.B. (1973?) [Efficacy Data for Torak:
               Grapefruit and Oranges].  (Unpublished study received Aug 1,
               1973 under 891-155; prepared in cooperation with Texas A & I
               Univ. and [Dennison's Mid Valley Chemicals, Inc.],  submitted
               by Hercules, Inc.,  Agricultural Chemicals,  Wilmington, Del.;

000002093   Meyer, R.H. (1968) 68-1 Mid-Season Mite Control.  (Unpublished
               study including letter dated Nov 12, 1968 from R.H. Meyer to
               Thomas M.  Ritchie,  received Aug 3,  1972 under 3F1298; prepared
               by Illinois Natural History Survey,  Section of Economic Entomol-
               ogy, submitted by Hercules Inc., Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:094667-1)




Michigan State University  (1971) Entomology Research Report.   (Un-
   published study received Aug 3f 1972 under 3F1298; submitted by
   Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094666-E)

Ministro della Sanita  (1979) Quantita raassirae di residui di
   antiparassitari consentite negli alimenti.   [Maximum amount of
   permissable antiparasitic residues permitted in  foods.]
   Industrie Conserve.   [Canning Industry.] 54(l):77-84.

Moherek, E.A.; Polles, S.G.; Tedders, W.L.; et al.  (1976) Orthene
   '75 S Soluble Powder: Ground Application for Aphid Control  in Pe-
   cans: Effectiveness Data.  (Unpublished study received Sep 21,
   1976 under 239-2418; submitted by Chevron Chemical Co., Rich-
   mond, Calif.; CDL:035288-A)

Moore, R.C.  (1971) Experiments on the Control of Apple Insects and
   Mites—1971.  (Unpublished study including letter dated Nov 29,
   1971 from R.C. Moore to J.R. Hansen, received Aug 3, 1972  under
   3F1298; prepared by Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station,
   submitted by Hercules,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-AG)

Moore, R.C.  (1972) Experiments on the Control of Apple Insects and
   Mites—1972: Table 1.   (Unpublished study received on unknown
   date under 3F1298; prepared by Connecticut Agricultural Experi-
   ment Station, Dept. of  Entomology, submitted by  Hercules,  Inc.,
   Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094666-C)

Moore, R.C.  (1975) Chemical and Biological Control  of Fruit Pests
   in Connecticut  (1974).  New Haven, Conn.:  Connecticut
   Agricultural Experiment Station. (Connecticut Agricultural
   Experiment Station bulletin 751)

Mueke, J.M.; Manglitz, G.R.; Kehr, W.R.  (1978) Pea  aphid:
   interaction of  insecticides and alfalfa varieties.  Journal of
   Economic Entomology 71(1):61-65.

Myburgh, A.C.; Bosman, I.P. (1970) Red spider control experiments
   on apples, 1970.  Deciduous Fruit Grower 20:266-268.

Myburgh, A.C.; Bosman, I.P. (1970) The effect of spray programmes
   on red spider populations on pears.  Deciduous Fruit Grower

N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken, assignee  (1971) Acaricide en
   insecticide preparaten.  [Acaricidal and insecticidal
   preparations.]  Dutch octrooiaanvrage  7003670.   Sept 16.   4 p.
   Int. Cl. A Oln  9/36, A  Oln 9/14, A Oln 9/12, A Oln 9/02.

Nagayoshi, H.; Suzuki, K.; Kashiwa, T. (1975) Systematic
   identification  and determination of pesticides.  Part 9:
   classification  of 89 pesticides and related  compounds by
   thin-layer chrcmatography.  A translation of:  Noyaku Kensasho
   Hokoku.   [Bulletin  of the Agricultural Chemicals Inspection
   Station.] 15:22-30.

000001989   Nash, R.F.  (1969?) Pecan  Insect  Investigations:  Ag.  Research Proj-
               ect 902  (Formerly 857): period: January 1,  1969 to November 30,
               1969.  (Unpublished study received  1970 under OG0943;  prepared
               by Clemson Univ., Dept. of  Entomology & Economic Zoology, sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,  Del.; CDL:097625-T)

000011637   Nash, R.F.  (1969) Pecan Insect Investigations: Insecticide Evalua-
               tion for the Control of Insect Pest Attacking Pecans in S.C.:
               Ag. Research Project 902 (Formerly  857).   (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Jun 26, 1974 under 100-501;  submitted  by Ciba-Geigy
               Corp., Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:094034-K)

000014388   Nash, R.F.  (1970) Biology and  Control  of Arthropods Attacking Pe-
               cans: Insecticide Evaluation  for the Control  of Insect Pests At-
               tacking Pecans in South Carolina: Ag. Research Project 902.
               (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1974 under 100-501;  submit-
               ted by Ciba-Geigy Corp., Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:094034-L)

000002182   Nash, R.F.  (1971)  [Preliminary Report  on a Test  for Control of
               Hickory Shuckworm, Pecan Weevil and Aphids  in 1971].   (Unpub-
               lished study including letter dated Mar 23, 1972 from  E.N.
               Woodbury to P.C. Williams,  received Mar 30, 1972 under
               891-EX-22; prepared by [Clemson Univ.,  Dept.  of Entomology and
               Economic Zoology], submitted  by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:126401-B)

000002077   Nash, R.F.  (1971) Biology and  Control  of Arthropods Attacking Pe-
               cans: Ag. Research Project  902: Insecticide Evaluation for  the
               Control of Insect Pests Attacking Pecans in South Carolina.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3,  1972 under 3F1298;  prepared
               by [Clemson Univ., Dept. of Entomology  & Economic Zoology], sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-AA)

000002076   Nash, R.F.  (1971) Evaluation of  insecticides for  the control of in-
               sect pests attacking pecans in South Carolina.  Journal of the
               Georgia Entomological Society 6(3):192-195.   (Also In  unpub-
               lished submission received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-Z)

000014391   Nash, R.F.  (1971) Pecan and Ornamental Plant Insect and Mite Con-
               trol Studies.  (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1974 under
               100-501;  prepared by Clemson Univ.,  Dept. of Entomology and Eco-
               nomic Zoology, submitted by Ciba-Geigy Corp.,  Greensboro, N.C.;

005020227   Naton, E. (1978) Zur Pruefung der Nebenwirkung von
               Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf Nutzarthropoden an der lebenden
               Pflanze:  die Pruefung mit Phygadeuon trichops Thomson
               (Ichneumonidae).  [Testing of side effects of pesticides on
               beneficial arthropods on living plants: test with Phygadeuon
                 trichops Thomson (Ichneumonidae).]  Anzeiger fuer
               Schaedlingskunde, Pflanzen- und Umweltschutz.    [Journal for
               Pest Research, Plant and Environmental Control.] 51(9):136-139.

000006953   Neel, W.W. (1976) Pecan Stem Phylloxera  (  Phylloxera devasta-
               _ trix  ) Control Test on Mature Success Pecan Trees.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Jun 9, 1977 under 359-620; prepared by
               Mississippi State Univ., submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Mon-
               mouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:230375-D)

000006952   Neel, W.W.; Graves, C.H.; Coats, R.E. (1976) Pecan insect  control
               test in 1975 with emphasis on yellow  aphids, spittlebugs and
               weevils.  Pecan South    (^ /Jun):430-435.  (Also In unpublished
               submission received Jun  9, 1977 under 359-620; submitted by
               Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:230375-C)

005021577   Nishiuchi, Y. (1979) Noyaku seizai no sushu tansuisan dobutsu ni
               taisuru dokusei—LXII.   [Toxicity of  pesticides to some
               freshwater organisms—LXII.]  Suisan  Zoshoku.   [Aquiculture.]

000002039   Norton, R.J. (1968) Effectiveness of Selected Commercial Fungicides
               Applied Alone and in Combination with H-14503: Report No. 1-68.
               (Unpublished study received Jan 30, 1969 under 9G0802;  submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,  Del.;

005001673   Osborne, G.O.; Page, G. (1967) Synthesis of
               OO-dialkylphosphorodithioate derivatives of 1,3,5-triazine.
               Journal of the Chemical  Society, Section C:  Organic

000011636   Osburn, ; Tedders, W.L. (1968) Control of Hickory Shuckworm on Pe-
               can.  (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1974 under 100-501;
               submitted by Ciba-Geigy  Corp., Greensboro, N.C.; CDL:094034-J)

000001988   Osburn, M.; Tedders, W.L.,  Jr. (1969) Insecticides for control of
               the hickory shuckworm on pecan.  Journal of the Georgia Entomo-
               logical Society 4(4):178-180.  (Also ^n unpublished submission
               received 1970 under OG0943; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del., CDL:097625-S)

000002072   Pangborn, A.C. (1972?) Tasting Panel for Torak Treated Grapes.
               (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared
               by Fresno State College, Dept. of Enology, submitted by Hercu-
               les, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-S)

000007904   Pate, T.L.; Brazzel, J.R. (1966) Small Plot Insecticide Test at
               State College for Control of Boll Worms and Boll Weevils in
               Cotton during 1966.  (Unpublished study received Apr 16, 1971
               under 1G1144; prepared by Mississippi State College, Entomology
               Dept., submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:090931-R)

000002149   Payne, J.A.; Barry, R.M.; Harris, E.D.;  Polles,  S.G.;  Wehunt,  E.J.
                (1975) Pecan Weevil: Field Evaluation of Foliar and Soil Pesti-
                cides.   (Unpublished study received Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178;
                prepared by U.S. Agricultural Research Service, Southeastern
                Fruit and Tree Nut Research Station in cooperation  with Georgia
                Cooperative Extension Service and Georgia Coastal Plain Experi-
               ment Station, Dept. of Entomology & Fisheries for Proceedings of
                the Southeastern Pecan Growers Association, 1975, submitted by
                Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,  Del.; CDL:

000006954   Payne, J.A.; Harris, E.D.; Lowman, H. (1976) Foliar insecticides
                for control of pecan weevil and hickory shuckworm.   Pecan South
                 (^ /Jun): 412-413.  (Also In unpublished  submission received Jun
                9, 1977 under 359-620; submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,  Inc., Mon-
               mouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:230375-E)

005001346   Payne, J.A.; Harris, E.D.; Lowman, H. (1976) Foliar insecticides
                for control of pecan weevil and hickory shuckworm.   Journal of
                the Georgia Entomological Society 11(4):306-308.

005001829   Payne, J.A.; Heaton, E.K. (1975) The hickory shuckworm: its
               biology, effect upon nut quality, and  control.   Pages
                19-25, In 66th Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers
               Association.  Knoxville, Tenn.:  Northern Nut Growers

000002150   Payne, J.A.; Lowman, H. (1976?) Foliar Insecticides for Control of
               Pecan Weevil and Hickory Shuckworm.   (Unpublished study received
               Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; prepared by U.S. Agricultural Re-
               search Service, Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Station
                for Pecan South, submitted by Hercules, Inc.,  Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:224102-1)

005001990   Payne, J.A.; Polles, S.G.; Wehunt, E.J. (1974)  Pecan weevil:
               biology and control.  Pages 134-144, ^n 65th Annual Report of
               the Northern Nut Growers Association.   Knoxville, Tenn.:
               Northern Nut Growers Association.

000002148   Payne, J.A.; Polles, S.G.; Wehunt, E.J. (1974)  Pecan Weevil: Biolo-
               gy and Control: Ms. E-74-714.   (Unpublished study received
               Mar 19, 1976 under 891-178; prepared by U.S. Agricultural
               Service, Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Station in
               cooperation with Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Dept.
               of Entomology & Fisheries for the 65th Annual  Report, Northern
               Nut Growers Association, 1974,  submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,  Del.; CDL:224102-E)

005001677   Payne, J.A.; Tedders,  W.L.;  Gentry,  C.R.  (1971) Biology and
               control of a pecan serpentine leaf miner, Nepticula
                 juglandifoliella  .   Journal  of Economic Entomology

000037645   Peoples, S.A.; Maddyr K.T. (1977) Qrganophosphate Pesticide Poison-
               ing of 118 Grape Pickers Exposed to Dialifor  (Tbrak) and Phosa-
               lone (Zolone) in Madera County, California, September 1976: ACF
               59-358.  (Unpublished paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
               the United States Public Health Service Professional Associa-
               tion; San Francisco, Calif., Apr 3-6, 1977; California, Dept. of
               Food and Agriculture, Agricultural Chemicals and Feed, unpub-
               lished study)

005007210   Peoples, S.A.; Maddy, K.T. (1978) Organophosphate pesticide
               poisoning.  Western Journal of Medicine 129(4):273-277.

000002183   Polles, S.G. (1971) Investigations on Pecan Insects and Their
               Control in Georgia: Annual Report for the Period of January 1 to
               December 31, 1971: Hatch Project 236.  (Unpublished study
               received Mar 30, 1972 under 891-EX-22; prepared by Georgia
               Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Dept. of Entomology and
               Fisheries, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126401-C)

005001679   Polles, S.G. (1972) Pecan spittlebug: chemical-control studies.
               Journal of Economic Entomology 65(5):1519-1520.

000014392   Polles, S.G.; Harper, D. (1972) Investigations on Pecan Insects and
               Their Control in Georgia: Hatch Project 236.  (Unpublished study
               received Jun 26, 1974 under 100-501; prepared by Georgia Coastal
               Plain Experiment Station, submitted by Ciba-Geigy Corp., Greens-
               boro, N.C.; CDL:094034-Q)

000008928   Polles, S.G.; Harper, L.D.; Brooks, D. (1974) Chemical Control of
               Yellow Pecan Aphids, Wrightsville, Ga., 1974: Table 8.7: Hatch
               Project 236.  (Unpublished study received Sep 21, 1976 under
               352-342; prepared by Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station,
               submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.;

005001681   Polles, S.G.; Payne, J.A. (1973) Pecan weevil: toxicity of
               insecticides in laboratory tests.  Journal of Economic
               Entomology 66(2):497-498.

000006962   Pollet, O.K.; Aitken, J.B. (1977) Pest control for kernal pecans.
               Pecan South   _^ /ftpr):138-140.  (Also In unpublished submission
               received Jun 9, 1977 under 359-620; submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,
               Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:230375-T)

000006670   Preiser, P.; Lienk, S.E.  (1967) Report No. BB 67-79.   (Unpublished
               study received Dec 8, 1967 under 8F0668; submitted by Chipman
               Chemical Co., Inc., Burlingame, Calif.; CDL:092961-E)

000006626   Preiser, F.A.; Asquith, D. (1968) Report No. BB  68-66.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Dec 22, 1969 under 359-626; prepared in
               cooperation with Fruit Research Laboratory, submitted by Rhone-
               Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003174-D)

000006455   Preiser, F.A.; Dean, R.W.  (1968) Report No.  BB 68-81.   (Unpublished
               study received Aug 20,  1971 under  359-620;  prepared in coopera-
               tion with Hudson Valley Laboratory, submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,
               Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003170-T)

000006628   Preiser, F.A.; Glass, E.H. (1968) Report No. BB 68-84.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Dec 22, 1969 under  359-626; prepared in
               cooperation with Cornell Univ., submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,
               Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003174-F)

000006629   Preiser, F.A.; Glass, E.H. (1968) Report No. BB 68-85.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Dec 22, 1969 under  359-626; prepared in
               cooperation with Cornell Univ., submitted by Rhone-Poulenc,
               Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:003174-G)

000006310   Preiser, F.A.; Gyrisco, G.G. (1967) Report No. 093167-072.   (Unpub-
               lished study received Mar 24, 1976 under  359-620; prepared in
               cooperation with Cornell Univ., Dept. of Entomology and Limnolo-
               gy, Div. of Forage and Cereal Insect Investigations,  submitted
               by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:095197-S)

000006275   Preiser, F.A.; LLenk, S.E. (1967) Final Report No.  BB 67-79.   (Un-
               published study received Mar 26, 1971 under 1F1155; submitted by
               Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.; CDL:093474-AV)

000006828   Preiser, F.A.; Lienk, S.E.; Glass, E.H. (1967) Report No. BB  67-83.
               (Unpublished study received Jul 5, 1968 under 8F0668; submitted
               by Chipman Chemical Co., Inc., Burlingame, Calif.; CDL:

000006604   Preiser, F.A.; Semel, M. (1968) Zolone EC—Potatoes: Final Report
               No. BB 68-94.  (Unpublished study  received Dec 7, 1972 under
               3F1337; prepared in cooperation with Cornell Univ., Dept. of
               Entomology, submitted by Rhodia, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.;

005010124   Processors and Growers Research Organisation (1975) Annual Report
               1973.  Thornhaugh, Peterborough, England:   Processors and
               Growers Research Organisation.

000012637   Pruss, S.W. (1968) The Influence of Date of Application of Insecti-
               cides on Alfalfa Weevil Control.   (Unpublished study received
               Oct 1, 1969 under OF0892;  submitted by Geigy Chemical Corp.,
               Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:093189-F)

000007808   Reed, J.A. (1969) Potato Plots—1969.   (Unpublished study received
               Feb 28, 1972 under 352-342;  prepared by Rutgers Univ., submitted
               by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000008317   Reed, J.P. (1969) Potato Insect Control Test.  (Unpublished study
               received Jan 21, 1970 under OF0886; prepared by Rutgers Univ.,
               Dept. of Entomology and Zoology, submitted by E.I. du Pont de
               Nemours & Co., Inc.,  Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091530-AH)

000009059   Reinert, J.A. (1973) Chemical Control Studies of Turfgrass  Insects.
               (Unpublished study received Dec 20, 1974 under 352-342;  prepared
               by Univ. of Florida, Agricultural Research Center, submitted by
               E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:028445-B)

005001347   Reinert, J.A. (1974) Management of the false oleander
               scale, Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli   (Cooley).  Pages
               518-520, ^n Proceedings—Florida State Horticultural Society.
               Vol. 87.  Lake Alfred, Fla.:  Florida State Horticultural

005001684   Reinert, J.A. (1976)   Cerococcus deklei and its control
               on Hibiscus  .  Journal of Economic Entomology 69(6):713-714.

005001675   Reinert, J.A.'; Woodiel, N.L. (1974) Palm aphid control on "Malayan
               Dwarf" coconut palms.  Florida Entomologist 57(4):411-413.

000001965   Reinking, R.B. (1968) Chemical Control of Texas Mites.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Sep 14, 1971 under 1F1032; prepared by
               Texas A&I Univ., Citrus [and Vegetable Training] Center, sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091915-K)

000002137   Reinking, R.B. (1968) Report on: Chemical Control of Texas  Citrus
               Mites: (Preliminary Report).  (Unpublished study received Aug 1,
               1973 under 891-155; prepared by Texas A&I Univ., Citrus  [and
               Vegetable Training] Center, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agri-
               cultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:009059-B)

000006950   Rhodia, Incorporated  (1976) Summary:  [Zolone].  Summary of  studies
               230375-B through 230375-K and 230375-N through 230375-S.   (Un-
               published study received Jun 9, 1977 under 359-620; submitted by
               Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction, N.J.; CDL:230375-A)

005001994   Robens, J.F. (1970) Teratogenic activity of several phthalimide
               derivatives in the golden hamster.  Toxicology and Applied
               Pharmacology 16:24-34.

000002101   Robinson, L.D., Jr.; Enns, W.R. (1970) Contribution to Pool of In-
               formation on Fruit Pests: 1970 Missouri Report on Pesticides
               Tested to Control European Red Mites and Two-Spotted Spider
               Mites on Mature Apple Trees.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,
               1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Univ. of Missouri—Columbia,
               Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:094667-V)

005004210   Roulston, W.J.; Stone, B.F.; Wilson, J.T.; White, L.I. (1968)
               Chemical control of an organophosphorus- and
               carbamate-resistant strain of Boophilus microplus (Can. )• from
               Queensland.  Bulletin of Entomological Research 58(2):379-392.

005002343   Saad, A.F.S.A.; El-Bahrawi, A.; Dabbas, A. (1977) Pesticidal
               efficiency of different insecticidal groups against cotton boll
               worm Earias insulana infesting cotton in Iraq.  Mededelingen
               van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent.
               University of Ghent.] 42(2):937-942.

000002056   Schoenig, G.  (1966) Report  to Hercules  Incorporated:  Acute Poten-
               tiation of AC14503 with  Malathion: IBT No.  A4359.   (Unpublished
               study received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared  by Industrial
               Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules,  Inc.,  Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:090742-P)

000002057   Schoenig, G.  (1966) Report  to Hercules  Incorporated:  Four-Day Fish
               Toxicity Study on AC14503: IBT No. A4473.   (Unpublished study
               received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by  Industrial  Bio-
               Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by  Hercules,  Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-Q)

000002045   Schoenig, G.  (1966) Report  to Hercules  Powder Company,  Inc.:  Acute
               Oral Toxicity of Column  Residue from Technical AC14503.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580;  prepared by
               Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted  by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:090742-E)

000002048   Schoenig, G.  (1966) Report  to Hercules  Powder Company,  Inc.:  14-Day
               Subacute Oral Toxicity of Technical  AC14503: Project No. 65-05.
               (Unpublished study received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared
               by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Her-
               cules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-H)

000002046   Schoenig, G.  (1966) Report  to Hercules  Powder Company: Acute  Oral
               Toxicity of Recrystallized AC14503.  (Unpublished  study received
               Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by  Industrial Bio-Test
               Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:090742-F)

000002058   Schoenig, G.  (1967) Report  to Hercules  Incorporated:  Four-Day Fish
               Toxicity Study on AC14503: IBT No.  A4790.  (Unpublished study
               received Mar 2, 1967 under 7G0580;  prepared by Industrial Bio-
               Test Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted  by Hercules,  Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-R)

005019095   Schcoley, D.A.; Quistad, G.B. (1979) High-pressure,
               high-resolution liquid chromatography and its application to
               pesticide analysis and biochemistry.   Pages 1-113,  jn Progress
               in Drug Metabolism.  Vol. 3.   Edited by J.W. Bridges and L.F.
               Chasseaud.  New York:  John Wiley and Sons.

000002023   Sedivy, W.E.  (1968) Study on the Effect of Hercules Compound 14503
               on Dairy Cows.  (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969 under
               9G0802; prepared by Harris Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;

000002025   Sedivy, W.E. (1968) Study on the Effects of Hercules Compound 14503
               on Beef Animals.  (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969 under
               9G0802; prepared by [Harris Laboratories, Inc.], submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;
            •   CDL:091383-E)

000008307   Semel, M. (1968) Potato: Aphid Control with Foliar Treatments:
               Initial Effectiveness.  (Unpublished study received Jan 21, 1970
               under OF0886; prepared by Cornell Univ., submitted by E.I. du
               Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091530-AD)

005001676   Shaw, R.D.; Cook, M.; Carson, R.E., Jr. (1968) Developments in the
               resistance status of the southern cattle tick to
               organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides.  Journal of
               Economic Entomology 61(6):1590-1594.

005014465   Shoyama, M. (1977) Hakuso oyobi gasu kuromatografui ni yoru
               satchuzai no ensoku na dotei no tame no benzokuho.
               insecticides by thin-layer and gas chromatography.]  Bunseki
               Kagaku.  [Japan Analyst.] 26(7):499-502.

005014822   Shoyama, M.; Miyachi, Y.; Sakakibara, J.  (1976) Enka palladium to
               p-nitroso N,N-diethylaniline wo riyo shita ganiwo yuki rinkei
               sacchuzai no hishoku teiryo.   [Colorimetric determination of
               organothiophosphorus pesticides with palladium chloride and
               p-nitroso N,N-diethylaniline.]  Bunseki Kagaku.   [Japan
               Analyst.] 25(3):179-182.

000007674   Simpson, C.M. (1967) Comparison of Standard and New Insecticides
               for Control of First and Second Generation, Twig-Infesting
               Larvae.  (Unpublished study received Sep 1, 1972 under 2F1246;
               prepared by Canada, Dept. of Agriculture, Research Station,
               submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.;

000012567   Sijonpson, R.G. (1968) Evaluation of Sprays on Alfalfa Stubble for
               Control of Larvae of the Alfalfa Weevil: Table 4.  (Unpublished
               study received May 8, 1970 under OF0892; prepared by Univ. of
               Colorado, submitted by Geigy Chemical  Corp., Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL:

000002105   Skelton, T.E. (1970) Field Experiments for Control of Phytophagous
               Mites on Apples.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under
               3F1298; prepared by Clemson Univ., Dept. of Entomology and Eco-
               nomic Zoology, submitted by Hercules,  Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000013679   Sleesman, J.; Sakamoto, S.S.; Wells, A.;  et al.  (1977)  [Evaluation
               of Various Insecticides on Vegetable Crops]: Report No. 31715.
               (Unpublished study including letter, report no. 36267, dated
               Sep 23, 1966 from W.H. Lange to Sid Sakamoto; letter, report
               no. 39337, dated Jan 4, 1974 from H.B. Green to 0. Elmo Shipp
               and report nos. 31735, 36249, 36250, 36260 through 36263, 36265,
               36266, 36268, 36269, 36279 through 36282, 36344, 37576, 38837,
               39461, 40038, 40134, 40173, 40175, 40185, 40276, 41253, 42715,
               42751, 46857, 51519, 55036, 55913, and 55926, received Jul 24,
               1978 under NJ 78/14; prepared by Ohio  Agricultural Research and
               Development Center, submitted by Mobay Chemical Corp., Agri-
               cultural Div., Kansas City, Mo.; CDL:235607-B)

000013675   Sleesmanr J.; Wells, A.; Sigler, D.; et  al.  (1973)  [Insect Control
               on Cabbage, Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Turnip,  Lima Beans and
               Watermelon].   (Unpublished study including  letter  dated Sep 23,
               1966 from W.H. Lange to Sid Sakamoto  and  report  nos.  31715,
               31726, 31733,  31723, 31735, 32153, 36249  through 36254, 36259
               through 36270, 36274 through 36282, 36337,  36341,  36342 and
               36344 through  36348, received Jul 24, 1973  under 4F1424;  sub-
               mitted by Mobay Chemical Corp., Agricultural Div.,  Kansas City,
               Mo.; CDL:094861-H)
00002126   Sleight, B.H., III (1972) Bioassay Report: Acute Toxicity of Torak
               to Grass Shrimp (  Palaemonetes vulgaris   ) and Mud Crab
               (  Neopanope texana   ).   (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972
               under 3F1298; prepared by Bionomics, Inc., submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:095877-R)

000006636   Smyth, E.P.; Hoyt, S. (1969) Summary Report: District Project
               No. Port 69-36.  (Unpublished study received Dec 22, 1969 under
               359-626; submitted by Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Monmouth Junction,
               N.J.; CDL:003174-N)

005011406   Ssebalija, S. (1975) Residual effect of some insecticide
               formulations against Glossina morsitans  .  East African
               Journal of Medical Research 2(1):117-123.

000001962   St. John, L.E., Jr.; Gutenmann, W.H.; Lisk, D.J. (1971?) Metabolism
               Studies with Torak Insecticide in a Dairy Cow.  (Unpublished
               study received Sep 9, 1971 under 1F1032; prepared by Cornell
               Univ., Dept. of Entomology, Pesticide Residue Laboratory, sub-
               mitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091916-M)

000009193   Stafford, E. (1971)  Sprays to Control Omnivorous Leaf Rollers (OLR)
               on Thompson Seedless Grapes, Enoch Vineyard, Fresno, County,
               1971.  (Unpublished study received Apr 24, 1975 under 352-342;
               prepared by Univ. of California, submitted by E.I. du Pont de
               Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:220780-J)

000007638   Stafford, E.M. (1969) Grape Leafhopper—Manning and Hill Avenue—
               Emperor Grapes.  (Unpublished study received on unknown date
               under 4F1437; prepared by Univ. of California—Davis, submitted
               by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.,  Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

000002070   Stafford, E.M. (1971) Thrips Trial.  (Unpublished study received
               Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared by Univ. of California—
               Davis, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:094715-N)

000009192   Stafford, E.M.; AliNiazee, M.T. (1970) Chemical Control of Omni-
               vorous Leafroller and Grapes.  (Unpublished study received
               Apr 24, 1975 under 352-342; submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours
               & Co., Wilmington,  Del.; CDL:220780-H)

000002066   Stafford, E.M.; AliNiazee, M.T.  (1970) Chemical Control of Omni-
               vorous Leafroller on Grapes.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3,
               1972 under 3F1298; prepared by  [Univ. of California—Davis,
               Dept. of Entomology], submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:094715-J)

000016036   Stafford, E.M,; AliNiazee, M.T.  (1970) Chemical Control of Omnivo-
               rous Leafroller on Grapes.  (Unpublished study received Jun 29,
               1976 under 201-347; submitted by Shell Chemical Co., Washington,
               D.C.; CDL:232411-F)

000002065   Stafford, E.M.; Aliniazee, M.T.  (1970) Chemical Control of Thrips
               on Grapes.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under
               3F1298; prepared by Univ. of California—Davis,  [Dept. of Ento-
               mology] , submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

005012237   Stafford, E.M.; Kido, H. (1969) Newer insecticides for the control
               of grape insect and spider mite pests.  California Agriculture

000002830   Stafford, E.M.; Kido, H. (1969) Newer insecticides for the control
               of grape insect and spider mite pests.  California Agriculture
                 (^ /Apr):6-8.  (Also In unpublished submission received 1970
               under OG0943; submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000002158   Sterling, M.L. (1976) Dialifor Residues on English Walnut Meats—
               1975 and 1976 Studies.  Includes methods dated Dec 21, 1976.
               (Unpublished study received Apr 1, 1977 under 891-178; submitted
               by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;
               Del.; CDL:096069-K)

05014973   Stevenson, J.H.; Needham, P.H.; Walker, J. (1978) Poisoning of
               honeybees by pesticides: investigations of the changing pattern
               in Britain over 20 years.  Pages 55-72, In Rothamsted Report
               for 1977, Part 2.  Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England:
               Rothamsted Experiment Station.

000029168   Stewart, D.; Summers, P.M.; Sakamoto, S.S.; et al. (1972) [Control
               of Mites on Various Crops].   (Unpublished study received May 23,
               1973 under 464-392; prepared in cooperation with Univ. of Cali-
               fornia, Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept. of Entomology and
               Chevron Chemical Co., submitted by Dow Chemical U.S.A., Midland,
               Mich.; CDL:003608-C)

000009073   Stier, E.F. (1969) Flavor Evaluation Report on Potatoes.  (Unpub-
               lished study received Jan 21, 1970 under OF0886; prepared by
               Rutgers Univ., Dept.. of Food Science, submitted by E.I. du Pont
               de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091530-H)

000002114   Stier, E.F. (1971) Flavor Evaluation Report on Apples.  (Unpub-
               lished study including letter dated Dec 15, 1971 from E.F. Stier
               to J. Ralph Hansen, received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared
               by Rutgers Univ., Dept. of Food Science, submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094667-AM)

005012240   Summers, C.G.; Cothran, W.R.  (1969)  Field  evaluation of selected
               insecticides  for control of  the alfalfa weevil in New York.
               Journal of Economic Entomology 62(3):746-747.

005006341   Syoyama, M.  (1977) Hakuso oyobi garasukuromatogurafi- ni yoru
               satchuzai no  jinsokuna dotei no tame no bunzokuho.
               insecticides  by thin-layer and gas chromatography.]   Bunseki
               Kagaku.   [Analytical Chemistry.]  26(7):499-502.

005019250   Syoyama, M.; Miyachi, Y.; Sakakibara, J. (1976) Enkaparajium to
               p-nitoroso NfN-jiechiruanirin  o riyoshita
               ganioyukirinkeisacchuzai no  hishokuteiryo.   [Colorimetric
               determination of organothiophosphorus pesticides  with palladium
               chloride and  p-nitroso-N,N-diethylaniline.]  Bunseki  Kagaku.

005022039   Tanaka, J. (1978) Noyaku no "gyodokusei" ni tsuite.   [On the "fish
               toxicity" of  agricultural  chemicals.]   Seitai  No  Kagaku.

000016042   Taschenberg, E.F. (1973) Economic status and control of  the  grape
               leafhopper in western New  York.   Search—Agriculture  3(4):l-9.
               (Also In unpublished submission received Jun 29,  1976 under 201-
               347; submitted by Shell Chemical  Co., Washington, D.C.; CDL:

005013358   Tasei, J.N.; Capou, J.; Michaud,  D.  (1977) Action de quelques
               insecticides  sur une abeille solitaire: Megachile
                 pacifica Panz. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae).   [Effect of some
               pesticides on a solitary bee:  Megachile pacifica  Panz.
               (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae).]  Apidologie 8(2):111-127.

000002193   Taylor, R.E. (1969) Study on  the  Effects of Hercules Compound
               14503 on Poultry.  (Unpublished study received Jun 26, 1972
               under 891-EX-23; submitted by  Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington,  Del.; CDL:126404-B)

005007011   Thygesen, T.; Esbjerg, P.; Eiberg, H. (1973) Ildsotoverforing med
               insekter.  [Fireblight transmission by insects.]  Tidsskrift
               for Planteavl.  [Journal of Plant Cultivation.] 77:324-336.

000008669   Todd, J.W. (1969) Control of Certain Soybean Insect Pests with
               Insecticidal Sprays: Hatch Project 230.   (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Jul 7, 1972 under 352-342;  prepared by Georgia Coastal
               Plain Experiment Station, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours
               & Co., Wilmington,  Del.;  CDL:003042-D)

000002084   Trammel, K. (1972) 1972 Experiment Results: Apple and Pear Insect
               Control Studies in New York.   (Unpublished study received on un-
               known date under 3F1298;  prepared  by Cornell Univ., New York
               State Agricultural  Experiment Station,  submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094666-F)

000008901   Trammel, K. (1973) [Apple Insect Control].   (Unpublished study re-
               ceived Apr 12, 1976 under 352-342; prepared by New York State
               Agricultul Experiment Station,  Dept.  of Entomology, submitted by
               E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,  Wilmington, Del.; CDL:224500-K)

005019684   Trammel, K. (1974) The white apple leafhopper in New
               York—insecticide resistance and current control status.
               Search: Agriculture 4(8):1-10.

000002104   Trammel, K.; Dunham, D.; Miller, K. (1970) 1970 Experimental Re-
               sults: Apple and Pear Insect Control Studies in Western New
               York.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;
               prepared by Cornell Univ., New York State Agricultural Experi-
               ment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000002113   Trammel, K.; Dunham, D.; Miller, K. (1971) 1971 Experimental Re-
               sults: Apple and Pear Insect Control Studies in Western New
               York.  (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298;
               prepared by Cornell Univ., New York State Agricultural Experi-
               ment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.;

000007067   Trammel, K.; Dunham, D.; Miller, K. (1971) 1971 Experimental Re-
               sults: Apple and Pear Insect Control Studies in Western New
               York.  (Unpublished study received Mar 5, 1974 under 3F1308;
               prepared by Cornell Univ., New York State Agricultural Experi-
               ment Station, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.; CDL:092222-AL)

000008168   Trammel, K.; Dunham, D.; Miller, K.; et al. (1972) 1972 Experimen-
               tal Results: Apple and Pear Insect Control Studies in New York.
               (Unpublished study received Mar 4, 1974 under 352-362; prepared
               by Cornell Univ., New York State Agricultural Experiment
               Station, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:026710-1)

000008902   Trammel, K.; Dunham, D.; Miller, K.; et al. (1974) Apple and Pear
               Insects Chemical Control Studies: Western New York, 1974.  (Un-
               published study received Apr 12, 1976 under 352-342; prepared
               by Cornell Univ., New York State Agricultural Experiment Sta-
               tion, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours
               & Co., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:224500-L)

000002016   Trammel, K.; Glass, E.H.; Dunham, D.; Miller, K.; Harris, M. (1969)
               1969 Experimental Results: Apple and Pear Insect Control in
               Western New York.  (Unpublished study received Apr 25, 1969
               under 9G0802; prepared by Cornell Univ., New York Agricultural
               Experiment Station, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural
               Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091384-G)

000007982   Turnipseed, S.G.  (1968) Insecticide Performance against Insects
               on Soybeans—1968.  (Unpublished study received Mar 20, 1973
               under 352-342; prepared by South Carolina Experiment Station,
               submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.;

000008287   Turnipseed, S.G.  (1968) Performance of Foliar Sprays  against Ear-
               worms, Loopers and Cloverworms.  (Unpublished  study received
               Jun 16, 1971 under 1F1021; prepared by South Carolina  Experiment
               Station, submitted by E.I. du Pont de Nemours  & Co., Inc.,  Wil-
               mington, Del.; CDL:091071-AN)

000002171   Tuttle, D.M.; Arviso, G.L.  (1970) Evaluation of Chemical  Compounds
               for Control of Citrus Thrips on Lemons.  (Unpublished  study
               received Jul 19, 1971 under 891-EX-18; prepared by Univ.  of
               Arizona, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126395-C)

000002172   Tuttle, D.M.; Arvizo, G.L.  (1970) Chemical Control of Citrus Flat
               Mite.  (Unpublished study received Jul 19, 1971 under  891-EX-18;
               prepared by Univ. of Arizona, Dept. of Entomology,  submitted by
               Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;

000002173   Tuttle, D.M.; Arvizo, G.L.  (1970) Control of Citrus Thrips.  (Un-
               published study received Jul 19, 1971 under 891-EX-18; prepared
               by Univ. of Arizona, Dept. of Entomology, submitted by Hercules,
               Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126395-E)

000002170   Tuttle, D.M.; Arvizo, G.L.  (1970) Efficacy of Torak for Control of
               Citrus Red Mite.  (Unpublished study received Jul  19,  1971 under
               891-EX-18; prepared by Univ. of Arizona, Dept. of  Entomology,
               submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
               Del.; CDL:126395-B)

               Tolerances and Actual Daily Intake of Pesticides.   (Unpublished
               paper prepared for the Sixth Session of the Codex Committee on
               Pesticide Residues; Get 16-23, 1972; The Hague; available from
               U.S.D.A., Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC; unpub-
               lished study including handwritten notes, received May 28, 1973
               under 3F1298; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,  Wilmington,  Del.;

005002347   United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Panel of Experts
               on Pesticide Residues (1977) Pesticide Residues in Food.
              •Geneva, Switzerland:  World Health Organization.  (WHO technical
               report series, no. 612; FAD Food and Nutrition series,  no.9;
               FAO Plant Production and Protection series, no. 8)

000002277   University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural  Sciences
               (1976) Florida Citrus Spray and Dust Schedule 1976: Effective
               and Safe Use of Agricultural Chemicals in Citrus Production:
               Circular 393-B.  By Univ. of Florida, Institute of Food and Ag-
               ricultural Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service.
               Gainesville, Fla.: Univ. of Florida.  (Available from:  Editorial
               Dept., Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Univ. of
               Florida, Gainesville, Fl; also In unpublished submission re-
               ceived Feb 23, 1977 under 891-155;  submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:230605-B)

Van Cleave, H.W.; Anderson, A.L.  (1970) 1970 Field Control Tests
   for Pecan Insects.   (Unpublished study received Aug 3f 1972 un-
   der 3F1298; prepared by Texas  A & M Univ., Dept. of Entomology,
   submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-AE)

Van Cleave, H.W.; Anderson, A.L.  (1971) 1970 field control tests
   for pecan insects.  Pages 32-33, In Proceedings—Texas Pecan
   Growers Association.  College  Station, Texas:  Texas Pecan
   Growers Association.

Vernon, J.D.R.; Gould, H.J. (1972) Further trials on alternatives
   to DDT for  the control of pre-blosson pests on apple and pear.
   Plant Pathology 21(1):1-9.

Vondruska, J.F. (1968) Status Summary: Hercules Incorporated: Eval-
   uation of AC14503 upon Primate Cholinesterase Levels: IBT
   No. M6336.  (Unpublished study received Apr 28, 1969 under
   7G0580; prepared by  Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc.,
   submitted by Hercules, Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington,
   Del.; CDL:091385-G)

Vondruska, J.F. (1969) Final Report to Hercules Incorporated for a
   Teratologic Study of Compound  AC 14503: IBT No. M6336.  (Unpub-
   lished study received 1970 under OG0943; prepared by Industrial
   Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
   Wilmington, Del.; CDL:097625-H)

Walts, V. (1970) Sprays for Control of the Grape Mealybug, 1970.
   (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298: submitted
   by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:094715-1)

Wan, M.T.K. (1972) Observations on rice leaf and plant hoppers in
   Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo).  Malaysian Agricultural Journal

Waters, L.H. (1970) Orchard Pest  Information Pool, December, 1970.
   (Unpublished study received Aug 3, 1972 under 3F1298; prepared
   by New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Hudson Valley
   Laboratory, submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; CDL:

Watts, R.R.; Storherr, R.W.; Pardue, J.R.; Osgood, T. (1969)
   Charcoal column cleanup method for many organophosphorus
   pesticide residues in crop extracts.  Journal of the
   Association of Official Analytical Chemists 52(3):522-526.

Watve, C.M.; Brooks, R.F.; Robinson, F.A. (1969) Control of
   eastern lubber grasshopper on  Florida citrus.  Florida
   Entomologist 52(3):153-160.

Watve, C.M.; Lienk, S.E. (1975) Responses of two phytoseiid mites
   to pesticides used in New York apple orchards.  Environmental
   Entomology  4(5):797-800.

Weeks, W.A.  (1971) Phytotoxicity Evaluation of Torakv' '  on
   Citrus Foliage.   (Unpublished study received May 10,  1971 under
   1F1032; submitted  by Hercules,  Inc.,  Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:

Weeks, W.A.  (1971) Phytotoxicity Evaluation of Torak    on Citrus
   Foliage and Fruit.   (Unpublished  study  received  Oct 29,  1971
   under 391-EX-18; submitted  by Hercules,  Inc.,  Agricultural
   Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:126395-A)

Williams, P.P.  (1977) Metabolism of  synthetic  organic pesticides
   by anaerobic microorganisms.   Pages 53-135,  In Residue  Reviews.
   Reviews of Pesticides and Other Foreign  Chemicals in  Foods and
   Feeds.  Vol. 66.   Edited by F.A.  Gunther.   New York:  Springer.

Wilson, M.C.  (1968) Report on  Research with Supracide  (GS-13005).
   (Unpublished study received May 8,  1970  under  OF0892; prepared
   by Purdue Univ., Dept. of Entomology  in  cooperation with  Illi-
   nois Natural History Survey,  submitted  by Geigy  Chemical  Corp.,
   Ardsley, N.Y.; CDL.-091543-BM)

Wolf, C. (1965) Report  to Hercules Powder  Company,  Inc.: 14-Day
   Oral Toxicity of AC14503: Project 65-05—Albino  Rats.   (Unpub-
   lished study received Mar 2,  1967 under  7G0580;  prepared  by
   Industrial Bio-Test  Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted by  Hercules,
   Inc., Wilmington,  Del.; CDL.-090742-G)

Wolf, C. (1966) Report  to Hercules Incorporated:  90-Day Subacute
   Oral Toxicity of AC14503: IBT No. B4055.  (Unpublished study
   received Mar 2, 1967 under  7G0580;  prepared by Industrial
   Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
   Wilmington, Del.; CDL:090742-I)

Wolf, C. (1966) Report  to Hercules Powder Company,  Inc.: Effects of
   AC14503 on Cholinesterase Activity  in the Albino  Rat:  IBT
   No. B-4056.  (Unpublished study including addendum, received
   Mar. 2, 1967 under 7G0580; prepared by Industrial Bio-Test
   Laboratories,  Inc.,  submitted by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington,
   Del.; CDL:090742-J)

Wolf, C. (1968) Report  to Hercules Incorporated:  Two-Year Chronic
   Oral Toxicity of AC  14503—Albino Rats:   IBT No. B4345.   (Unpub-
   lished study received Apr 28, 1969 under 7G0580;  prepared by
   Industrial Bio-Test  Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted by Hercules,
   Inc., Agricultural Chemicals, Wilmington, Del.; CDL:091385-D)

Wolfenbarger, D.O. (1968) Mite control tests on strawberries.
   Pages 173-175, J!n Proceedings of the Florida State
   Horticultural Society.  Vol. 81.  Lake Alfred, Fla.:  Florida
   State Horticultural  Society.  (Florida Agricultural Experiment
   Station journal series no. 3133)

000002185   Wolvin, A.A.  (1969) Acute Oral Tbxicity of Torak AC 14503, Bobwhite
               Quail: IBT No. J7282.   (Unpublished study received May 19, 1969
               under 891-EX-19; prepared  by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories,
               Inc., submitted by Hercules, Inc.,  Agricultural Chemicals,
               Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:126396-F)

000002176   Wblvin, A.A.  (1969) Report  to Hercules Company: Acute Oral Toxicity
               of Torak AC 14503: Bobwhite Quail:  IBT No. J7282.  (Unpublished
               study received May 19, 1969 under 891-EX-18; prepared by Indus-
               trial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc.,  submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Agricultural Chemicals,  Wilmington, Del.; CDL:126395-K)

000001938   Woodbury, E.N. (1971) Acceptability of Dried Citrus Pulp Containing
               Torak by Dairy Cows.   (Unpublished study received May 10, 1971
               under 1F1032; submitted  by Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Del;

000001939   Woodbury, E.N. (1971) Torak Flavor Evaluation.  (Unpublished study
               received May 10, 1971 under 1F1032; submitted by Hercules, Inc.,
               Wilmington, Del.;  CDL:093341-F)

005021973   Yoshida, K.;  Nishiuchi,  Y.  (1976)  Surui suisei dobutsu ni taisuru
               noyaku no  eikyo.   [Toxicity of pesticides to some aquatic
               animals.]  Noyaku  Kensasho Hokoku.   [Bulletin of the
               Agricultural Chemicals Inspection Station.] (16):65-69.
                                                      *U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 341-085/4472
