UniwdSum Cnvtronnwnul ProMction Off «• of To* ic Sub*lancw Washington DC 2O460 Junp 1979 Tonic Subst*noM Directory of Federal Coordinative Groups for Toxic Substances Toxics Integration Information Series ------- Other Publications in the Toxics Integration information Series EPA Chemical Activities Status Report— First Edition— EPA 560/13-79-003— In press ------- Toxics Integration Information Series EPA 560/13-79-004 Directory of Federal Coordinative Groups for Toxic Substances Compiled by Lawrence J. Murphy Kathryn A. Slike Office of Toxic Substances U.S. Environmental Protection Agency August 1979 ------- FOREWORD This directory was compiled to provide a ready reference for Office of Toxic Substances (OTS) and other Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employees about Federal toxic chemical coordinating groups; it should also facilitate further communication between agencies and the groups themselves. Included are committees, task forces, and other groups that perform coordinative functions in conjunction with Federal toxics control and testing agencies. There are Federal, State, non-profit and private sector members on these groups. There was no attempt to include international coordinating groups, however. Due to the constantly changing functions, memberships, and contact information for such groups, persons aware of errors, deletions, or changes in this compilation should contact the Program Integration Division; telephone: (202) 755-2778; address: Office of Toxic Substances (TS-793), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Walter W. Kovalick, Jr. Director Program Integration Division ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD i I. COMMITTEES AND GROUPS 1 Administrator's Toxic Substances Advisory Committee (ATSAC) 2 Clearinghouse on Environmental Carcinogens (CEC) 3 Committee to Coordinate Environmental and Related Programs (CCERP) (DHEW) 7 Gene-Tox Program 8 Workgroups ... 8 Steering Committee 9 Interagency Collaborative Group on Environmental Carcinogenesis (ICGEC) 10 Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group (IRLG) . . 17 IRLG Workgroups 23 Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee (ITSDC) ...... 36 Section 10(b)(l) Subcommittee of ITSDC 41 Chemical Substances Information Network (CSIN)Subcommitttee of ITSDC 43 Public Liaison Subcommittee 44 National Response Team (NRT) 46 Primary Agencies 47 Advisory Agencies 48 National Toxicology Program (NTP) 49 Pesticides Chemical Review Committee (PCRC) (EPA) 52 Regulatory Development Workgroups 53 Section 4 Executive Committee Workgroup (TSCA) 53 EPA Asbestos Workgroup (TSCA) 62 EPA Hazard Warning WorkGroup (TSCA) 66 Interagency Workgroup for Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) . 67 Section 8 Workgroup (TSCA) JQ Science Advisory Board (SAB) (EPA) 73 Science Advisory Panel (SAP)(FIFRA) 74 Toxic Substances Priority Committee (TSPC) 75 Toxics Testing and Assessment Research Committee (TARC) 77 TSCA Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) 78 II. INDEX OF AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS 81 A. Federal 81 B. State and Nonprofit 107 C. Private Sector 109 D. Educational Institutions 113 E. Medical and Research Centers 117 ------- I. COMMITTEES AND GROUPS ------- ADMINISTRATOR'S TOXIC SUBSTANCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ATSAC) This Committee is authorized under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2601, and is supported by the Office of Toxic Substances in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Committee advises, consults with, and makes recommendations to the Administrator, EPA, on policy, technical, and procedural matters related to the environmental, economic, social, and legal impacts of actions considered under TSCA. The Committee also considers and comments on proposals for rules and regulations and assesses the likely impacts of such rules and regulations should they be promulgated. CHAIRMAN* Dr. Peter W. Preuss Department of Environmental Protection State of New Jersey P.O. Box 1390 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-984-6070 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY* c/o Program Integration Division Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances TS-793 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2778 MEMBERS Prof. Michael S. Baram Franklin Pierce Law Center Dr. Selina Bendix Department of City Planning City and County of San Francisco Dr. Leonard H. Billups Environmental Pathology Services Rockville Medical Center 2 White St. Concord, NH 03310 45 Hyde St. San Francisco, CA 94102 809 Veirs Mill Rd. Suite 202 Rockville, MD 20851 \ 617-742-4950 415-552-1134 301-424-0777 *These positions were recently vacated; the successors had not been named at the time of publication. 2 ------- Dr. Theodore L. Cairns Mr. Paul Danels National Urban League Mr. David W. Gleeson Hardwicke Chemical Company Mr. Robert T. Hayden United Steel Workers Mrs. Becky F. Moon League of Women Voters Dr. Edward P. Radford University of Pittsburgh Dr. Janette B. Sherman Detroit Medical Center Institute for Oncology and Allied Diseases Dr. William L. Sutton Eastman Kodak Company Ms. Jacqueline M. Warren Environmental Defense Fund P.O. Box 3941 Greenville, DE 19807 500 East 62nd St. New York, NY 10021 Route 2, Box 50A Elgin, SC 29045 815 16th St. NW. Washington, DC 20006 7930 East Pima Tucson, AZ 85715 Graduate School of Public Health Pittsburgh, PA 15261 P.O. Box 988 Paia, Maui, HI 96779 343 State St. Rochester, NY 14650 1525 18th St. NW. Washington, DC 20036 302-658-4508 212-644-6555 803-438-3471 202-638-6929 602-327-7652 412-624-3009 808-877-5177 716-724-4343 202-833-1484 CLEARINGHOUSE ON ENVIRONMENTAL CARCINOGENS (CEC) The Clearinghouse, funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), serves as an advisory body to the Institute staff, other Federal agencies, and groups who are interested in carcinogenic-related issues and reviews the NCI Bioassay Program as well. The group is composed primarily of professionals from industry, academia, labor unions, and concerned citizen groups, but includes interested ad hoc Federal members as well. The group primarily focuses on chemical selection, study designs, and evaluation of study results. CHAIRMAN Dr. Arnold L. Brown University of Wisconsin Medical School 7th Floor, WARF Building 610 North Walnut St. Madison, WI 53706 608-263-4910 ------- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Dr. James M. Sontag Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Cancer Institute Building 31, Room 3A16 Bethesda, MD 20205 301-496-5108 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dr. David B. Clayson University of Nebraska Medical Center Dr. Joseph H. Highland Environmental Defense Fund Dr. Walter Lijinsky 1839 . Litton Bionetics, Inc. Dr. Norton Nelson New York University Medical Center Dr. Henry C. Pitot Medical Center, University of Wisconsin Dr. Verne A. Ray Pfizer Medical Research Laboratory Dr. Verald K. Rowe Dow Chemical U.S.A. Mr. Sheldon W. Samuels AFL-CIO Dr. Michael B. Shimkin University of California at San Diego Dr. Louise Strong M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Eppley Institute for Cancer Research 42nd and Dewey St. Omaha, NE 68105 Toxic Chemical Program 1525 18th St. NW. Washington, DC 20036 Frederick Cancer Research Center Frederick, MD 21701 Institute of Environmental Medicine 550 First Ave. New York, NY 10016 McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research Madison, WI 53706 Genetic Toxicology and Clinical Pathology Groton, CT 06340 Toxicology Research Laboratory 1803 Building Midland, MI 48640 Industrial Union Department 815 16th St. NW. Room 311 Washington, DC 20006 Department of Community Medicine School of Medicine La Jolla, CA 92037 University of Texas Health Sciences Center Medical Genetics Clinic Houston, TX 77030 402-541-4937 202-833-1484 FTS: 8-393- Ext. 2157 212-679-7207 or 212-679-3200 Ext. 2881 608-262-1422 or 608-262-2177 302-445-5611 Ext. 2564 517-636-2376 202-393-5581 714-452-3674 713-792-2589 ------- Dr. Paul 0. P. Ts'o The Johns Hopkins University Dr. Kenneth Wilcox Michigan State Health Department AD HOC FEDERAL MEMBERS Dr. Kenneth Bridbord Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Lt. Comdr. Lee E. Doptis Department of Defense Mr. Barry R. Flamm Department of Agriculture Dr. Jean French Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Allen Heim Food and Drug Administration Dr. Peter Infante Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. Carl R. Morris Environmental Protection Agency School of Hygiene and Public Health 615 North Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21205 Bureau of Disease Control and Laboratory Services P.O. Box 30035 3500 North Logan St. Lansing, MI 48909 Office of Extramural Coordination and Special Projects Room 332 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20852 United States Navy Naval Medical Research and Development Command Fleet Occupational Health Program Bethesda, MD 20014 Office of Environmental Quality Activities Office of the Secretary Room 359A 14th and Independence Ave. Washington, DC 20250 Office of Extramural Coordination and Special Projects Rockville, MD 20852 Toxicology Program Room 1140 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20852 Division of Health Standards Room N3656 200 Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20210 Office of Toxic Substances Health Review Division TS-792 Room 703B 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 301-955-3172 517-373-1383 301-443-6437 301-295-1028 202-447-2796 301-443-6377 301-443-3773 202-523-7193 202-755-2890 ------- Dr. John H. Richardson Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Raymond E. Shapiro Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Murray Schulman Department of Energy Mr. Edward Strohbehn Council on Environmental Quality Mr. Jim J. Tozzi Office of Management and Budget Dr. W. H. Weyzen Department of Energy Mr. Grover C. Wrenn Occupational Safety and Health Administration Ms. Gale Wyer Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Biqsafety 1600 Clifton"Rd. NE. Atlanta, GA 30333 P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research Washington, DC 20545 Executive Office of the President 722 Jackson Place NW. Washington, DC 20006 Environmental Branch Room 8222 726 Jackson Place NW. Washington, DC 20006 Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research Human Health Studies Program Washington, DC 20545 Division of Health Standards Development 200 Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20210 Health Sciences Room 738 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 404-633-3311 Ext. 3883 FTS: 8-629-3506 202-353-3683 202-633-7034 202-395-6827 202-353-5355 202-523-7075 301-492-6498 or 301-492-6499 ALTERNATES Ms. Susan Rose Department of Energy Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research Washington, DC 20545 \ 202-353-4732 or 202-353-4731 OFFICIAL OBSERVERS Dr. George C. Becking Health and Welfare Canada Environmental and Occupational Toxicology Division Bureau of Chemical Hazards Environmental Health Directorate Health Protection Branch Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Kl OL2 ------- Dr. Donald Rolt British Embassy 3100 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20008 202-462-1340 Ext. 2245 COMMITTEE TO COORDINATE ENVIRONMENTAL AND RELATED PROGRAMS (CCERP) (DHEW)* The DHEW Committee to Coordinate Environmental and Related Programs was established by the Assistant Secretary for Health, DHEW, as a multi-agency group to provide a medium to assure the exchange of information on environmental health, toxicology, and related.programs, to coordinate these programs, to enhance sharing of resources, and to provide advice to the Department. The Coordinating Committee shall interface these activities with other components of the Federal Government in areas of mutual interest and concern. CHAIRMAN Dr. David P. Rail Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3201 FTS: 629-3201 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Dr. Raymond E. Shapiro Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919-541-3506 or 919-541-2859 FTS: 629-3506 629-2859 *The Committee is in the formulation stage; full membership was not established at the time of publication. ------- GENE-TOX PROGRAM The function of the Gene-Tox Program is to evaluate the current status of bioassays in genetic toxicology after a comprehensive examination is made of published data. The Program is sponsored by and responsible to the Office of Toxic Substances. To that end, the Program convenes workgroups of scientists to evaluate tests they have developed or used extensively, and provides general guidelines for the selection and evaluation of published data. Gene-Tox Workgroups* Gene Mutation Salmonella typhimurium Escherichia coli WP2 Mouse lymphoma cells L5178y Chinese hamster lung cells V-79 Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) Drosophila melanogaster Neurospgra crassa AspergilTus nidul'ans Tradescantia Mouse specific locus (including spot test) Host-mediated assay Chromosomal Effects Drosophila melanogaster Plant cytogenetics Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schi zosaccharomyces pombe Mammalian cytogenetics Sister chromatic exchange Micronucleus test Dominant lethal test Heritable trans!ocation test *Phone numbers and names for Workgroup members were unavailable at the time of publication. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Sharon B. Bramson. 8 ------- Primary DNA Damage Escherichia cgli Pol A Bacillus "subtilis rec Unscheduled DNA synthesis DNA repair Oncogenic Transformation C3H/10T1/2 mouse fibroblasts Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblasts Syrian hamster embryo cells Ancillary Test Sperm morphology Gene-Tox Steering Committee MEMBERS Dr. Sharon D. Bramson Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Diane Beal Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Frederick J. de Serres Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Ernest V. Falke Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Sidney Green Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Alexander Hollaender Associated Universities, Inc. Dr. Carl R. Morris Environmental Protection Agency Gene-Tox Project Officer 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 401 M St. SW. x Washington, DC 20460 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20036 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-6841 ------- Dr. Stephen Nesnow 401 M St. SW. Environmental Protection Washington, DC 20460 Agency Dr. Michael Shelby National Institute of Environmental Department of Health, Health Sciences Education, and Welfare Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Dr. Michael Waters 401 M St. SW. Environmental Protection Washington, DC 20460 Agency CONSULTANTS Dr. Norbert Page 401 M St. SW. Environmental Protection Washington, DC 20460 Agency Mr. John S. Wassom Environmental Mutagen Information Oak Ridge National Center Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37830 INTERAGENCY COLLABORATIVE GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL CARCINOGENESIS (ICGEC) The purpose for forming the Interagency Collaborative Group on Environ- mental Carcinogenesis is to provide a forum for information exchange among the Federal agencies concerned with environmental health and environmental car- cinogens; also, to provide the National Cancer Institute with a resource for program development using monitoring systems and resources of other agencies to delineate levels of environmental exposure to carcinogens in man's media such as air, water, diet, drugs, cosmetics, atmospheric agents (ultraviolets), and finally exposures in the workplace. The group offers advice to all Federal agencies involved in carcinogen-related matters and is responsible to the Di- rector of the Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention in the National Cancer Institute. CHAIRMAN Dr. H. F. Kraybill Division of Cancer Cause 301-496-1625 Department of Health, and Prevention Education, and Welfare National Cancer Institute Landow Building, Room 3C37 Bethesda, MD 20205 10 ------- MEMBERS Dr. Elizabeth Anderson Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Beverly Bailey Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. Merritt Birky Department of Commerce Ms. Ingeborg C. Blackwood Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Richard Bull Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Thomas C. Cameron Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Frederick W. Clayton Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. David Coffin Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Cipriano Cueto Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. George E. Cushmac Department of Transportation Carcinogen Assessment Group RD689 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Field Coordination Division of Experimental and Special Programs Room N3119 Washington, DC 20210 Combustion Toxicology Research Fire Science Division National Bureau of Standards Building 224, Room A363 Washington, DC 20234 National Cancer Institute Landow Building, Room 3C37 Bethesda, MD 20205 Health Effects Research Laboratory Cincinnati, OH 45268 National Cancer Institute Landow Building, Room 3C39 Bethesda, MD 20205 Room N4605 Washington, DC 20210 Health Effects Research Laboratory MD 52 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Toxicology Branch Carcinogenesis Testing Program, DCCP National Cancer Institute Bethesda, MD 20205 Materials Transportation Bureau Office of Hazardous Materials Operations Washington, DC 20590 202-755-3968 202-523-8095 202-921-3834 301-496-1625 FTS: 8-684-7213 301-496-1895 202-523-7504 FTS: 8-629-2595 301-496-4875 202-755-4909 11 ------- Dr. Jack Dacre • Department of Defense Dr. William D'Aguanno Food and Drug Administration Dr. Vincent DeCarlo Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Leonard Guarraia Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Richard A. Griesemer Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. John C. Harshbarger The Smithsonian Institution Dr. Harry Hays Department of Agriculture Dr. Clark W. Heath Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Environmental Protection" Research Division U.S. Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Laboratory Fort Detrick Frederick, MD 21701 Pharmacology and Toxicology HFD 102 Bureau of Drugs 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Chemical Information Division Office of Toxic Substances TS-793 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Criteria Branch Office of Water Planning and Standards WH-551 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute Bethesda, MD 20205 Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals Natural History Building Room W216A Washington, DC 20560 Science and Education Administration National Program Office ARC West, Room 226, Building 005 Beltsville, MD 20705 Chronic JDisease Division Bureau of Epidemiology Center for Disease Control Atlanta, GA 30333 FTS: 8-301- 663-7207 301-443-4330 202-426-9819 202-426-2704 301-496-5591 202-381-5936 301-344-3207 FTS: 8-236-3961 12 ------- Dr. Nelson S. Irey Department of Defense Dr. Darnell Jackson Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. James A. Johnson Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Walton L. Jones National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dr. Donald R. King Department of State Dr. Henry H. Kissman Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Albert C. Kolbye, Jr. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Paul Leaverton Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Richard L. Lehman Department of Commerce Department of Environmental and Drug Induced Pathology Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 6825 16th St. NW. Washington, DC 20306 Carcinogenesis Division National Center for lexicological Research HFT110 Jefferson, AR 72079 Office of the Secretary OFEPM Washington, DC 20201 Occupational Medicine Washington, DC 20550 Office of Environmental Affairs, 7820 Washington, DC 20520 Specialized Information Services National Library of Medicine Building 38, Room C6B Bethesda, MD 20205 Bureau of Foods HFF100 Food and Drug Administration 200 C St. SW. Washington, DC 20204 Office of Statistical Research National Center for Health Statistics Federal Building 2 Hyattsville, MD 20782 Department of Ecology and Conservation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Room 5813 Washington, DC 20230 202-576-2434 FTS: 8-740-4553 202-472-4763 202-755-2206 202-632-9278 301-496-3147 202-245-1301 301-436-7135 202-377-5181 13 ------- Mr. Nelson Leidel Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. David Levin Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Carolyn Lingeman Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Winfred Malone Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Robert McGaughy Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Consumer Product Safety Commission Dr. Bernard P. McNamara Department of Defense Dr. Calvin M. Menzie Department of the Interior Office of Extramural Coordination and Special Projects National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Park!awn Building, Room 848 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Biometry Branch, FS&S Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute Landow Building, Room 5C04 Bethesda, MD 20205 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Room 2045 6825 16th St. NW. Washington, DC 20306 Prevention Branch Division of Cancer Control and Rehabilitation National Cancer Institute Blair Building, Room 723 Bethesda, MD 20205 Carcinogen Assessment Group RD 689 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Division of Toxicology and Medicine Westwood Towers, Room 712 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 U.S. Army Biomedical Laboratory Toxicology Branch Research Division Chemical Systems Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Grounds Aberdeen, MD 21010 Fish and Wildlife Service Washington, DC 20240 301-443-3843 301-496-3316 202-576-2434 301-427-7993 202-755-3968 301-492-6485 FTS: 8-301-671. 3034 202-343-5240 14 ------- Dr. Lakshmi Mlshra Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Carl R. Morris Environmental Protection Agency Dr. John I. Munn Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. James Murray Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Ms. Pat Newman Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Norbert Page Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Edward Radden Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Richard Rhoden Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Toxicology Branch Hazard Evaluation Division TS-769 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Health Review Division TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute Landow Building, Room 8C25 Bethesda, MD 20205 Biometry Branch, FS&S Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute Landow Building, Room 5C05 Bethesda, MD 20205 Research and Program Reports Section National Cancer Institute Building 31, Room 10A21 Bethesda, MD 20205 Office of Testing Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Environmental Services Branch Division of Research Services National Institutes of Health Building 13, Room 3K04 Bethesda, MD 20205 Division of Criteria Documentation and Standards Development National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Park!awn Building, Room 8A54 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 202-557-7480 202-755-6841 301-496-4663 301-496-3116 301-496-6641 202-755-6841 301-496-3261 301-443-3680 15 ------- Mr. G. W. Rohwer Department of Agriculture Dr. Aaron Rosenfield Department of Commerce Dr. Murray Schulman Department of Energy Mrs. Carter Schuth National Science Foundation Dr. Raymond E. Shapiro Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Samuel I. Shibko Food and Drug Administration Dr. John E. Spaulding Food Safety and Quality Service Dr. George E. Stapleton Department of Energy Ms. Mary Williams Department of Transportation Plant Protection and Quaran--}s tine Programs ^ Animal & Plant Health Inspec- tion Service Federal Building, Room 648 Hyattsville, MD 20782 National Marine Fisheries Service Oxford Laboratory Oxford, MD 21654 Research and Development Co- ordination Office of Environment, E201 Washington, DC 20545 Division of Integrated Basic Research Room 1149 Washington, DC 20550 P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Contaminants and Natural Toxicants Evaluation Branch Division of Toxicology HFF195 Bureau of Foods 200 C St. SW. Washington, DC 20204 Residue Evaluations and Sur- veillance Division Science APHIS/MPI 602 Annex Building Washington, DC 20250 Health Effects Research Division, E201 Office of Health and Environ- mental Research Washington, DC 20545 Office of Merchant Marine Safety Cargo and Hazardous Materials Division U.S. Coast Guard (G-MHM) 400 7th St. SW. Washington, DC 20590 301-436-8261 FTS: 8-301-226-5193 202-353-4475 202-632-7364 FTS: 8-629-3506 202-472-5706 202-447-2807 202-353-5038 202-363-7432 16 ------- Dr. Shelly Williamson Health Effects Division 202-426-2275 Environmental Protection RD 683 Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Dr. Arthur Wykes Specialized Information 301-496-1131 Department of Health, Services Education, and Welfare National Library of Medicine Building 38, Room C6B Bethesda, MD 20205 ALTERNATE Dr. Marvin E. Stephenson RANN 202-632-5888 National Science Foundation Advanced Environmental Re- search Technology Division Room 1129 Washington, DC 20550 INTERAGENCY REGULATORY LIAISON GROUP (IRLG) The four agencies originally comprising the Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration, signed an interagency agreement in August 1977 to improve public health through information exchange and to reduce waste and duplication in Government. The four agencies established a cooperative endeavor to protect the public from exposure to harmful levels of toxic substances by the use of consumer products, foods, and chemicals in the workplace, as well as through exposure to contaminants in land, air, and water. The group plans to coordinate its activities primarily through the sharing of information and the development of consistent regulatory policy. In December T978, a fifth agency, the Food Safety and Quality Service, of the Department of Agriculture, joined in this cooperative effort. AGENCY PRINCIPALS Dr. Eula Bingham 200 Constitution Ave. NW. 202-523-9362 Occupational Safety and Room S-23T5 Health Administration Washington, DC 20210 Mr. Douglas M. Costle 401 M St. SW. 202-755-2700 Environmental Protection Room 1200 (A-100) Agency Washington, DC 20460 17 ------- Ms. Carol Tucker Foreman Department of Agriculture 14th and Independence Ave,.. SW. Room 201 A Administration Building Washington, DC 20250 Dr. Donald Kennedy 5600 Fishers Lane Food and Drug Administration Room 14-81 Rockville, MD 20857 Ms. Susan B. King Consumer Product Safety Commission 1111 18th St. NW. Room 800 Washington, DC 20207 202-447-4623 301-443-2410 202-634-7740 SURROGATES Dr. Marilyn Bracken Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Colin B. Church Consumer Product Safety Commission Dr. Edwin H. Clark II Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Thomas Grumbly Food Safety and Quality Service 401 M St. SW. Room 417, East Tower TS-793 Washington, DC 20460 5401 Westbard Ave. Room 454 Bethesda, MD 20207 401 M St. SW. Room 1208, West Tower A-100 Washington, DC 20460 14th and Independence Ave. SW. Room 332 E Administration Building Washington, DC 20250 Dr. Allen Heim 5600 Fishers Lane Food and Drug Administration Room 11-30 Rockville, MD 20857 Mr. Richard Heller Consumer Product Safety Commission Dr. Ray Murtishaw Food Safety and Quality Service Dr. James 0. Pierce Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1111 18th St. NW. Room 800 Washington, DC 20207 300 12th St. SW. Agriculture Annex ftoom 402 Washington, DC 20250 200 Constitution Ave. NW. Room S-2322 Washington, DC 20210 202-755-8040 301-492-6731 202-755-0453 202-447-8217 301-443-4504 202-634-7740 202-447-6700 202-535-6027 18 ------- Mr. John Wessel 5600 Fishers Lane Food and Drug Administration Room 15-05 Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-3470 SURROGATE SUPPORT Ms. Diane Durikin Ms. Barbara Ostrow Ms. Peggy Perry EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Ms. Susan F. Guenette Consumer Product Safety Commission SECRETARIAL SUPPORT Ms. Sandra D. Filson Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration 1111 18th St. NW. Room 509 Washington, DC 20207 mi T8th St. NW. Room 509 Washington, DC 20207 202-523-6027 202-755-1264 301-443-4504 202-634-4350 202-634-4350 COUNTERPART GROUPS Budget Mr. Ronald Chesemore Mr. Paul Elston Mr. Lefford Fauntleroy Mr. Doug Fridrich Mr. Thomas Crumbly Ms. Linda Travers Mr. William L. West Compliance and Enforcement Mr. Roger Clark Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food Safety and Quality Service Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Quality Service Occupational Safety and Health Administration 301-443-3370 202-755-2744 301-492-6527 202-523-8085 202-447-8217 202-755-2952 202-447-3367 202-523-7725 19 ------- Mr. "Lou" L. Gast Mr. Joseph P. Mile Dr. James Pierce Mr. David Schmeltzer Mr. Richard D. Wilson Mr. Grover VJrenn Congressional Affairs Ms. Linda Kiser Ms. Karen Mann Mr. Li am Murphy Mr. Charles S. Warren Mr. John Wessel Mr. Robert C. Wethere11 Freedom of Information Mr. Robert Bledsoe Ms. Jeralene Green Mr. Robert Jennings Ms. Nancy Moody Dr. Ray Murtishaw Mr. Wayne Pines Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food Safety and Quality Service Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food Safety and Quality Service Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food Safety and Quality Service Food Safety and Quality Service Food and Drug Administration 202-447-8803 202-443-1594 202-523-6027 301-492-6621 202-755-2977 202-523-7075 202-634-7760 202-523-8055 202-447-3897 202-755-2930 301-443-3470 301-443-3793 202-634-7700 202-755-2764 202-523-8021 202-447-2109 202-447-6700 301-443-4177 20 ------- General Counsels Ms. Joan Bernstein Mr. Ronald D. Cipolla Mr. Richard Cooper Mr. Richard Heller Mr. Edward Klein Mr. Andrew Krulwich Mr. Benjamin Mintz Mr. Mike Taylor Personnel Mr. Richard A. Cocozza Mr. William J. Hudnall Ms. Mary McBride Mr. Roland Moore Dr. Ray Murtishaw Ms. Gerri Piatt Public Information Mr. John Bell Dr. Edwin H. Clark II Mr. James Foster Mr. Marl in Fitzwater Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Quality Service Food and Drug Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Qliality Service Food and Drug Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Food Safety and Quality Service Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration 202-755-2511 202-447-5550 301-443-4370 202-634-7740 202-523-6811 202-634-7770 202-523-7723 301-443-6340 202-755-2922 202-447-4827 301-443-2234 301-492-6600 202-447-6700 202-523-8013 202-634-7780 202-755-0453 202-523-8151 Environmental Protection Agency 202-755-0344 21 ------- Ms. Nancy Click Mr. Frank Greer Ms. Joan Nicholson Mr. Robert Norton Mr. Wayne Pines Research Planning Dr. Victor Alexander Dr. R. Hayes Bell Deputy AED/Health Sciences Dr. Allen Heim Ms. Lillian Regelson Dr. Joseph Rodricks Mr. Samuel Rondberg Dr. John E. Spaulding Senior Economists Dr. Edwin H. Clark II Mr. Elwin Guild Mr. Walter Hobby Mr. Frans Kok Dr. Mary Ellen Weber Dr. Ray Woltman Regional Coordinators Mr. Victor R. Berry Food and Drug Administration n Occupational Safety and Health Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Quality Service Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Quality Service Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Quality Service Consumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration 202-245-1144 202-523-8148 202-755-0700 202-447-7607 301-443-4177 202-523-7031 202-523-7031 301-492-6498 301-443-4504 202-755-4871 301-443-1587 202-755-2608 202-447-8093 202-755-0453 202-447-7606 301-492-6537 202-755-0733 202-523-7047 301-443-1837 Food Safety and Quality Service 202-447-3473 22 ------- Mr. Roger Clark Mr. Jaime Delgado Dr. Patricia Breslin Occupational Safety and Health Administration Mr. Robert Bell Ms. Patricia W. Berger Mr. George W. Bickerton Dr. Marilyn Bracken Ms. Dorothy Drago Mr. Curtis Lavery Mr. Daniel Marsick Mr. David Moss Dr. Sid Siege! Ms. June Thompson Mr. Morris Yaguda Ms. Cynthia Kelly Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission IRLG WORKGROUPS* Information- Exchange 200 Constitution Ave. NW. Room S-5526 Washington, DC 20210 Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food Safety and Quality Service Environmental Protection Agency Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Consumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency 202-523-7725 301-492-6462 202-523-7119 301-443-3290 202-755-0353 202-436-8051 202-755-8040 202-492-6470 202-523-9700 202-523-7894 301-443-2836 202-755-8040 301-492-6477 202-755-0988 Mr. Henry Beal Mr. Colin B. Church Mr. Robert Lake • Agency Regulatory Alert Contacts Environmental Protection Agency Consumer Product Safety Commission Food and Drug Administration 202-755-2265 301-492-6731 202-245-1254 *Ct>HpTete addresses for Workgroup members were unavailable at the tine of publication. 23 ------- Mr. William F. Leese Mr. Grover Wrenn Food Safety and Quality Service Occupational Safety and Health Administration Testing Standards and Guidelines 202-447-2807 202-523-7075 Dr. Victor Morgenroth III Environmental Protection Agency Dr. James Beall Dr. William D'Aguanno Dr. Rizwanul Haque Dr. Allen Heim Dr. Zdenka Horokova Dr. Patricia Marlow Mr. John Matheson Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Dr. Robert E. Osterberg Dr. Norbert Page Dr. Orville 0. Paynter Ms. Peggy Perry Dr. Jack Quest Mr. Glenn Simpson Dr. Arthur Stern Dr. Richard Tucker Dr. Frode Ulvedal Mr. Henry Seal Environmental Protection Agency 200 C St. SI-!., Room 3062 Washington, DC 20204 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food Safety and Quality Service Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Department of Commerce Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Consumer Product Safety * Commission Environmental Protection Agency «,!_•*,.*• „_ Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Development 401 M St. SW. PM-223, Room 3006 Mall Washington, DC 20460 202-472-5705 202-523-7031 301-443-4330 202-426-1532 301-443-4504 301-443-2807 202-523-7177 301-443-4500 301-492-6485 202-472-5760 202-755-6841 202-377-3746 301-443-4504 301-443-4330 301-492-6647 202-472-2562 202-426-9402 202-426-2355 202-755-2265 24 ------- Mr. Blake Biles Mr. Colin B. Church Mr. Robert Cluck Ms. Margaret Freeston Ms. Cynthia Kelly Mr. Walter Kovalick Mr. Robert L. Lake Mr. William F. Leese Mr. Lawrence McCray Mr. John O'Connor Mr. Bert Simson Mr. Grover Wrenn Mr. Ron Wylie Acrylonitrile {AN)* CHAIRMAN Mr. Fayez Hanna Environmental Protection Agency Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food Safety and Quality Service Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Consumer Product Safety Commission Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration 202-755-2265 301-492-6731 202-523-7075 202-634-7770 202-755-0920 202-755-2778 202-245-1254 202-447-2807 202-755-2884 919-629-5355 301-492-6554 202-523-7075 301-443-3480 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 202-523-7076 FTS: 8-523-7076 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Joe CirvelTo Ms. Pat Hilgard Mr. Thomas Brown Ms. Terry Troxell Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration 919-541-5355 FTS: 8-629-5355 202-755-1500 FTS: 8-755-1500 202-472-5690 FTS: 8-472-5690 202-472-5690 FTS: 8-472-5690 *The following 24 chemical-specific workgroups are part of the Regulatory Development Workgroup. 25 ------- Mr. Glenn Simpson Ms. Sonia Berg Arsenic CHAIRMAN Mr. Al Campbell AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Howard Beard Mr. Ervin Bellack Mr. Robert Carton Mr. Stan Coerr Mr. Herman Gibb Mr. Paul Hoza Ms. Anita Schmidt Mr. Murray Strier Mr. Bill Waugh Mr. John McDowell Mr. Gerald Weinstein Mr. Don Healton Ms. Claire Matassoni Mr. J. Edward Roush Consumer Product Safety Commission Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 301-492-6647 FTS: 8-492-6647 301-443-4216 FTS: 8-443-4216 Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency * Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency 919-541-5231 FTS: 8-629-5231 202-755-9199 FTS: 8-755-9199 202-472-5016 FTS: 8-472-5016 202-755-4894 FTS: 8-755-4894 919-541-5355 FTS: 8-629-5355 202-755-5632 FTS: 8-755-5632 202-245-3030 FTS: 8-245-3030 202-755-5851 FTS: 8-755-5851 202-426-2560 FTS: 8-426-2560 202-755-5851 FTS: 8-755-5851 301-443-5362 FTS: 8-443-5362 202-523-9604 FTS: 8-523-9604 301-443-6230 202-755-0444 202-755-0444 26 ------- Asbestos CHAIRMAN Mr. Robert Carton AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Kenneth Boyer Mr. William Warren Ms. Francine Shacter Environmental Protection Agency 202-755-4894 FTS: 8-755-4894 Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 202-245-7740 FTS: 8-245-7740 202-523-7177 FTS: 8-523-7177 202-492-6557 FTS: 8-492-6557 Benzene CHAIRMAN Mr. Richard Johnson Environmental Protection Agency 919-541-5355 FTS: 8-629-5355 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Edward Seligmann Mr. Robert Cluck Mr. Rory Fausett Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 301-496-4937 FTS: 8-496-4937 202-523-7076 FTS: 8-523-7076 301-492-6557 FTS: 8-492-6557 Beryllium CHAIRMAN Mr. Robert Manware AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. John Carroll Mr. Charles Jelinek Occupational Safety and Health Administration 202-523-7183 FTS: 8-523-7183 Environmental Protection Agency 202-245-3042 FTS: 8-245-3042 Food and Drug Administration 202-245-1307 FTS: 8-245-1307 27 ------- Cadmium CHAIRMAN Mr. Elbert Dage Environmental Protection Agency 202-755-4894 FTS: 8-755-4894 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Richard Johnson Dr. Samuel I. Shibko Mr. Frank Cordle Mr. George Ozga Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 919-541-5355 FTS: 8-629-5355 202-472-5705 FTS: 8-472-5705 202-245-3114 FTS: 8-245-3114 202-523-7186 FTS: 8-523-7186 301-492-6485 FTS: 8-492-6485 These agency representatives also participate in the Cadmium Workgroup: Department of Commerce Mr. George Fitch Mr. Keith Jacobson Mr. John Lucas Dr. Calvin M. Menzie Dr. John I. Munn Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) CHAIRPERSON Ms. Ferial Bishop AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Robert Cluck 202-377-3691 FTS: 8-377-3691 Department of Health, Education, 301-443-3680 and Welfare FTS: 8-443-3680 Department of the Interior Department of the Interior 202-634-1084 FTS: 8-634-1084 202-632-5316 FTS: 8-632-5316 Department of Health, Education, 301-496-4663 and Welfare FTS: 8-496-4663 Environmental Protection Agency 202-755-8963 FTS: 8-755-8963 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 202-523-7183 FTS: 8-523-7183 28 ------- Mr. Colin Church Mr. Arlen Slobodow Ms. Dorothy Canton Consumer Product Safety Commission Consumer Product Safety Commission Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Ed Skykind Mr. Ralph Stafko Department of Commerce Food and Drug Administration Chloroform and Chlorinated Solvents CHAIRMAN Mr. Carl Giannetta Food and Drug Administration AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Ms. Pat Hilgard Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Bob Kellam Dr. Stan Mazaleski Ms. Mary Reese Ms. Alma Shea Mr. Charles Trichillo Mr. Robert Cluck Mr. Paul Fennel Chromates CHAIRMAN Mr. Fayez Hanna AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. John Carroll Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration 301-492-6731 FTS: 8-492-6731 301-492-6647 FTS: 8-492-6647 301-492-6477 FTS: 8-492-6477 202-377-2496 FTS: 8-377-2496 202-245-1131 202-472-5690 FTS: 8-472-5690 202-755-1500 FTS: 8-755-1500 919-541-5355 FTS: 8-629-5355 202-755-6956 FTS: 8-755-6956 202-755-2972 FTS: 8-755-2972 202-755-8050 FTS: 8-755-8050 202-472-5030 FTS: 8-472-5030 202-523-7183 FTS: 8-523-7183 301-443-6490 FTS: 8-443-6490 202-523-7076 FTS: 8-523-7076 Environmental Protection Agency 29 202-245-3042 FTS: 8-245-3042 ------- Mr. Gerad McCowin Food and Drug Administration 202-472-5740 FTS: 8-472-5740 Coke Oven Emissions CHAIRMAN Mr. Justice Manning Environmental Protection Agency 919-541-5231 FTS: 8-629-5231 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACT Mr. Robert Cluck Occupational Safety and Health Administration 202-523-7183 FTS: 8-523-7183 Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) CHAIRMAN Mr. Jeff Kempter Environmental Protection Agency 202-472-9312 FTS: 8-472-9312 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Bob Martin Mr. David Welsh Diethylstilbestrol (DES) CHAIRMAN Mr. Richard Hunt Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration 202-245-1152 FTS: 8-245-1152 Occupational Safety and Health 202-523-7174 Administration FTS: 8-523-7174 301-443-3480 FTS: 8-443-3480 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACT Dr. Patricia Marlow Ethylene Pibromide (EDB) CHAIRMAN Mr. Anthony Ing!is Occupational Safety and Health Administration Environmental Protection Agency 202-523-7177 FTS: 8-523-7177 202-755-8053 FTS: 8-755-8053 30 ------- AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Caesar Roy Food and Drug Administration Ms. Nancy Adams Occupational Safety and Health Administration 202-245-1186 FTS: 8-245-1186 202-523-7174 FTS: 8-523-7174 Ethylene Oxide (ETO) and Its Residues Ethylene Chlorohydrin (ETCH) and Ethylene Glycol CHAIRMAN Mr. Ron Wylie Food and Drug Administration 301-443-3480 FTS: 8-443-3480 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Joe Boyd Mr. Roger Barnes Mr. Carl Bruch Mr. Charles Kurkumian Ms. Flo Ryer Ms. Francine Shacter Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 202-472-9332 FTS: 8-472-9332 301-443-1177 FTS: 8-443-1177 301-427-7230 FTS: 8-427-7230 301-443-4330 FTS: 8-443-4330 202-523-7174 FTS: 8-523-7174 301-492-6557 FTS: 8-492-6557 Lead CHAIRMAN Mr. Stan Coerr AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Ms. Jo Ann Bassi Ms. Jo Cooper Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency 919-541-5355 FTS: 8-629-5355 202-755-0320 FTS: 8-755-0320 919-541-2266 FTS: 8-629-2266 31 ------- Mr. Alan Corson Mr. Elbert Dage Mr. David Davis Mr. David Friedman Mr. Paul Hoza Mr. Peter Chichilo Mr. Gary Adams Mr. Warren Porter Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 202-755-9187 FTS: 8-755-9187 202-755-4894 FTS: 8-755-4894 202-426-7874 FTS: 8-426-7874 202-755-9187 FTS: 8-755-9187 202-245-3030 FTS: 8-245-3030 202-472-5690 FTS: 8-472-5690 202-523-7081 FTS: 8-523-7081 202-245-2445 FTS: 8-245-2445 Mercury CHAIRMAN Dr. Samuel I. Shibko Food and Drug Administration 202-472-5705 FTS: 8-472-5705 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Jim Kariya Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Joan May Mr. Edward Seligmann Mr. John Wenninger Mr. Robert Cluck Mr. Sam MoTinas Food and Drug Administration ijfFood and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Occuoational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 202-755-1500 FTS: 8-755-1500 301-496-1853 FTS: 8-496-1853 301-496-4937 FTS: 8-496-4937 202-245-1530 FTS: 8-245-1530 202-523-7183 FTS: 8-523-7183 301-492-6504 FTS: 8-492-6504 32 ------- Nitrosamines (NA) CHAIRMAN Mr. Peter Chichilo Food and Drug Administration 202-472-5690 FTS: 8-472-5690 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. John Bachman Mr. Martin Rogoff Ms. Jackie Carr Ozone CHAIRPERSON Ms. Linda Taylor AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Joseph Cotruvo Mr. J. Garner Mr. Mike Jones Mr. Scott Merkle Ms. Leela Murphy Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) CHAIRMAN Mr. Larry Dorsey Environmental Protection Agency \ AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Frank Cordle Food and Drug Administration 33 919-541-5231 FTS: 8-629-5231 703-557-7357 FTS: 8-557-7357 202-245-3042 FTS: 8-245-3042 202-472-4750 FTS: 8-472-4750 202-472-5016 FTS: 8-472-5016 919-541-2266 FTS: 8-629-2266 919-541-5231 FTS: 8-629-5231 202-523-7166 FTS: 8-523-7166 513-684-8207 FTS: 8-684-8207 202-755-1188 FTS: 8-755-1188 202-245-3114 FTS: 8-245-3114 ------- Mr. Sidney Williams Ms. Jackie Rogers Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 202-245-1466 FTS: 8-245-1466 202-523-9225 FTS: 8-523-9225 202-245-1445 FTS: 8-245-1445 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) CHAIRMAN Mr. Peter Principe Environmental Protection Agency 202-755-8023 FTS: 8-755-8023 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Charles Jelinek Food and Drug Administration Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Consumer Product Safety Commission 202-245-1307 FTS: 8-245-1307 202-245-1445 FTS: 8-245-1445 Radiation CHAIRMAN Mr. Ron Wylie Food and Drug Administration 301-443-3480 FTS: 8-443-3480 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Allen Richardson Mr. Mel Altman Mr. Tenny Neprud Mr- David Lee Mr. Andrew Ulsamer Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission 703-557-8927 FTS: 8-557-8927 301-443-3426 FTS: 8-443-3426 301-443-3480 FTS: 8-443-3480 202-523-7166 FTS: 8-523-7166 202-245-1445 FTS: 8-245-1445 34 ------- Sulfur Dioxide (S02) CHAIRPERSON Ms. Patricia Waugh Occupational Safety and Health 202-523-7183 Administration FTS: 8-523-7183 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Mr. Jack Farmer Environmental Protection Agency 919-541-5477 FTS: 8-629-5477 Mr- Laurence Johnston Food and Drug Administration 202-472-4750 FTS: 8-472-4750 Mr. Stan Morrow Consumer Product Safety 301-492-6453 Commission FTS: 8-492-6453 Vinyl Chloride (VC) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) CHAIRMAN Mr. Gerad McCowin Food and Drug Administration 202-472-5740 FTS: 8-472-5740 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACTS Ms. Susan Wyatt Environmental Protection Agency 919-541-5477 FTS: 8-629-5477 Mr. Eugene Regad Occupational Safety and Health 202-523-7176 Administration FTS: 8-523-7176 Ms. Francine Shacter Consumer Product Safety 301-492-6557 Commission FTS: 8-492-6557 Waste Utilization or Disposal on Food Chain Land" CHAIRMAN Mr. Bob Tonetti Environmental Protection Agency 202-755-9120 FTS: 8-755-9120 AGENCY TECHNICAL CONTACT Mr. George Braude Food and Drug Administration 202-245-1152 FTS: 8-245-1152 35 ------- INTERAGENCY TOXIC SUBSTANCES DATA COMMITTEE (ITSDC) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) jointly have established and co-chair an Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee in accordance with their statutory responsibilities under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Sections 10(b)l and 25(b). These sections of the act specifically recognize the need for interagency coordination with respect to chemical information collection, dissemination, and classification. The Committee also facilitates the broad coordination and policy development responsibilities of CEQ under the National Policy Act of 1969 and the Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970. This Committee is studying and coordinating the planning and activities concerning chemical data and information projects of the major Federal producers and users of chemical data so as to minimize the total burden of reporting which is placed upon the private sector; it is also studying ways to facilitate the collection, analysis, and exchange of data among Federal agencies and other user groups. The Committee interfaces directly with the Office of Program Integration and Information, Office of Toxic Substances, EPA, and makes recommendations with respect to TSCA data dissemination outside of the Agency. CO-CHAIRPERSONS Ms. Carroll Leslie Bastian 722 Jackson Place NW. 202-395-4980 Council on Environmental Washington, DC 20006 Quality Dr. Marilyn C. Bracken TS-793 202-755-8040 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 36 ------- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mr. Roger Connor Environmental Protection Agency TS-793 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202^755^0900- MEMBERS Capt. Joseph D. Bloom Department of Defense Dr. Patricia Breslin Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. George E. Cushmac Department of Transportation Dr. Jerry Coffey Department of Commerce Dr. Terry Damstra Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Robert Dixon Office of Science and Technology Policy Ms. Dorothy Drago Consumer Product Safety Commission Ms. Margaret G. Finarelli Department of State Dr. Sidney R. Galler Department of Commerce Medical Corps, U.S. Navy Naval Medical Research and Development Command Bethesda, MD 20014 200 Constitution Ave. Room N 3700 Washington, DC 20210 Materials Transportation Bureau DMT-22 Washington, DC 20590 Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards Washington, DC 20230 National Institutes of Health Office of Health Hazard Assessment National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 * Executive Office of the President Washington, DC 20500 Room 646 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 2201 C St. NW. Washington, DC 20451 Room 3425 Washington, DC 20230 301-295-1453 202-523-7115 202-755-4906 202-637-7953 919-629-3471 FTS: 8-629-3471 202-456-6272 301-492-6470 202-632-0872 202-377-4335 37 ------- Dr. Allen Heim Room 11-40 Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Dr. Aimison Jonnard International Trade Commission Dr. George Kelly Department of Energy Dr. Henry H. Kissman Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Richard J. Lewis, Sr. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Calvin M. Menzie Department of the Interior Dr. Robert S. Murphy Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. William Rhode Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. James M. Sontag Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Gooloo S. Wunderlich Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 701 E St. NW. Washington, DC 20436 Room 6134 20 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, DC 20545 National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20014 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, OH 54226 Fish and Wildlife Service Room 511 Matomic Building Washington, DC 20241 3700 East West Highway Hyattsville, MD 20782 National Institutes of Health Building 31 Bethesda, MD 20014 National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute ; Building 31 • Bethesda, MD 20014 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Washington, DC 20201 301-443-3773 202-523-0423 202-376-9073 301-496-3147 513-684-8317 202-632-5316 301-436-7081 301-496-9285 301-496-5108 202-472-7398 ALTERNATES Lt. Comdr. Lee Doptis Department of Defense United States Navy Naval Medical Research and Development Command Bethesda, MD 20014 301-295-1028 ...«< 38 ------- Mr. Fred Clayton Occupational Safety and Health Administration Or. Ray Shapiro Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Carl Gerber Office of Science and Technology Policy Mr. Glenn Simpson Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Robert Mi kulak Department of State Mr. Bernard Greifer Department of Commerce Mr. Robert A. Bell Food and Drug Administration Mr. Edmund Cappuccilli International Trade Commission Mr. Dean Krug Department of Energy Mr. Donald Hummel! Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Ms. Vera W. Hudson Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Room N 3629 200 Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20210 National Institutes of Health Office of Health Hazard Assess- ment National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Executive Office of the President Washington, DC 20500 Room 646 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Washington, DC 20451 Room 3425 Washington, DC 20230 1901 Chapman Building Room 212 Rockville, MD 20852 701 E St. NW. Washington, DC 20436 Room 6134 20 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, DC 20545 National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20014 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Room 8A-30 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 202-523-7115 919-629-3506 202-456-6272 301-492-6647 202-632-0872 202-377-3234 201-443-3290 202-523-0387 202-376-9073 301-496-3147 301-443-2100 39 ------- Mr. Raymond E. Corcoran Department of the Interior Mr. Kurt Maurer Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Ms. Leonore Wagner Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Kenneth Chu Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Jerry Calderone Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Bureau of Mines Washington, DC 20241 3700 East West Highway Hyattsville, MD 20782 National Institutes of Health Building 31 Bethesda, MD 20014 National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Building 31 Bethesda, MD 20014 Room 712-B Humphrey Building 2nd and Independence Ave. SW. Washington, DC 20201 202-634-1313 301-436-7081 301-496-9291 301-496-5108 202-472-5194 COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Carroll Leslie Bastian Council on Environmental Quality Dr. Patricia Breslin Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. Ray Shapiro Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Toxic Substances Strategy Commi ttee 722 Jackson Place MW. Washington, DC 20006 Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group Room N 3700 200 Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20210 DHEW Committee to Coordinate Environmental and Related Programs .-National Institutes of Health National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, MC 27709 202-395-4980 202-532-7115 919-629-3506 ALTERNATES Dr. Henry H. Kissman Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20014 301-496-3147 40 ------- OBSERVERS Dr. Sidney Siege! TS-793 202-755-8040 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 Ms. Suzanne Rudzinski TS-793 202-426-8640 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 Mr. Morris Yaguda PM-218 202-755-0811 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 Section 10(b)(l) Subcommittee of the Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee (ITSDC) This Subcommittee is responsible for coordinating Federal information- gathering activities in order to minimize duplicative reporting and recordkeeping requirements; providing early interagency review of proposed TSCA Section 8 regulations (reporting and retention of information); identifying the most efficient Federal authority to respond to informational needs; and recom- mending policies to promote interagency exchange of information. CHAIRPERSON Ms. Suzanne Rudzinski Room 441, East Tower 202-755-5857 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 MEMBERS Mr. Robert A. Bell 5600 Fishers Lane 301-443-3290 Food and Drug Administration Room 961 Rockville, MD 20857 Dr. Patricia Breslin Division of Statistical 202-523-7115 Occupational Safety and Studies Health Administration Coordination and Analysis Room N 3700 200 Constitution Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20210 41 ------- Mr. Raymond E. Corcoran Department of the Interior Dr. Terry Damstra Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Bernard Greifer Department of Commerce Dr. Richard 0. Lewis, Sr. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Lee E. Metcalfe Department of Transportation Mr. Glenn Simpson Consumer Product Safety Commission Dr. James M. Sontag Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Bureau of Mines 3401 E St. NW. Room 1005 Washington, DC 20241 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Office of Health Hazard Assessment P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Office of Environmental Affairs Room 3424 14th and E St. NW. Washington, DC 20230 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Robert A. Taft Laboratories 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45226 Materials Transportation Bureau Office of Hazardous Materials Regulations Washington, DC 20590 5401 Westbard Ave. Room 656 Bethesda, MD 20207 National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention Building 31, Room 3A16 Bethesda, MD 20014 202-634-1313 FTS: 8-629-3471 202-377-3078 FTS: 8-684-8317 202-426-0656 202-492-6647 301-496-5108 ALTERNATES Dr. John Ambler Bureau of the Census Room 2208 FOB #4 Suit!and Rd. Suit!and, MD 20233 301-763-7536 42 ------- Dr/ Kenneth C. Chu National Institutes of Health 301-496-4875 Department of Health, National Cancer Institute Education, and Welfare Building 31 Bethesda, MD 20014 Mrs. Vera Hudson National Institute for 301-443-2100 Department of Health, Occupational Safety and Education, and Welfare Health 8A-53 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Chemical Substances Information Network (CSIN) Subcommittee of the Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee (ITSDC)* This Subcommittee of the Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee (ITSDC) reports directly to the co-chairpersons of the parent committee. The Subcommittee is charged with designing, implementing, and maintaining efficient and effective systems for the storage, retrieval, and analysis of data and information concerning the effects of chemical substances on biological systems and the environment that will be used by researchers, research administrators, government, academia, and also concerned citizen groups. The following agencies are represented on this Subcommittee: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; National Institutes of Health; National Library of Medicine; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Environmental Protection Agency; National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences; Department of Commerce; Council on Environmental Quality; Department of Energy; National Academy of Sciences; Consumer Product Safety Commission; Food and Drug Administration; and Department of Agriculture. *The full membership of this Subcommittee was not established at the time of publication. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Henry H. Kissman or Dr. Sidney Siegel. 43 ------- CHAIRMAN Dr. Henry H. Kissman Associate Director for 301-496-3147 Department of Health, Specialized Information Education, and Welfare Services National Library of Medicine Room C6B 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20209 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Dr. Sidney Siegel Office of Toxic Substances 202-755-8040 Environmental Protection TS-793 Agency Room 415B, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Public Liaison Subcommittee of the Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee (ITSDC) This Subcommittee serves as the vehicle for dissemination to the general public of information generated by the full Committee. To ensure that all interested parties are apprised of the full Committee's activities, members of the Subcommittee represent many public and private sector organizations. MEMBERS Ms. Ann E. Baker Columbia Rd.J and Park Ave. Allied Chemical Corporation Morristown, NJ 07960 Mr. John Beale Manager Dow Chemical U.S.A. Environmental Information 2030 Dow Center 'Midland, MI 48640 Dr. Francis J. Berlandi ESA Laboratories, Inc. American Industrial Hygiene 43 Wiggins Ave. Association Bedford, MA 01730 Ms. Sherrie Botz 1500 Rhode Island Ave. NW. National Paint and Washington, DC 20005 Coatings Association, Inc. ------- Dr. Robert Dixon Office of Science and Technology Policy Mr. Curtis Elmer Monsanto Company Mr. Al Fein Fein Marquart Associates George Washington University Mr. Bernard Greifer Department of Commerce Mr. George S. James National Science Foundation Mr. Andrew Jaffe Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Henry H. Kissman Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. William H. Krebs General Motors Corporation Mr. Bill Milne Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Ms. Mary McGrane Baker, Hostetler, Frost & Towers Mr. Don Nantkes Environmental Protection Agency Executive Office of the President Washington, DC 20500 800 North Lindberg Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63166 7215 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212 Department of Medical and Public Affairs 1343 H St. NW. Washington, DC 20005 Office of Environmental Affairs Washington, DC 20230 Communications Programs 1800 G St. NW. Washington, DC 20550 EPA.Region II Office of Toxic Substances Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 Associate Director Specialized Information Services National Library of Medicine Room C6B 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20209 Manager, Toxic Materials Control Industrial Relations Staff Detroit, MI 48202 National Institutes of Health Building 10, Room 7N318 Bethesda, MD 20014 818 Connecticut Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20006 Office of General Counsel A-134 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 45 ------- Mr. Joseph Nash Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Phyllis O'Callaghan Environmental Protection Agency Mr. John Ritch Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Roberta Savage National Association of Manufacturers Ms. Marion Suter Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Virginia White Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Carl Vorlander Council of State Governments 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 A-101 Office of Regional and Intergovernmental Operations 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances TS-793 Industry Assistance Office 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Research and Technology Department 1776 F St. NW. Washington, DC 20006 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 Executive Director National Association for State Information Systems P.O. Box 11910 Ivon Works Pike Lexington, KY 40578 For additional information, contact: Ms. Kathy Brooks Environmental Protection Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0811 NATIONAL RESPONSE TEAM (NRT) The National Response Team (NRT) has been mandated by the Council on Environmental Quality in its National Contingency Plan. This team consists of representatives from both the primary and advisory agencies. It is the national 46 ------- body for planning and preparedness for emergencies involving toxic releases to the environment as well as active coordination during an ongoing emergency situ- ation. The NRT is activated as an emergency response team when requested by any primary agency representative or when a discharge: (1) exceeds the response capability of the region in which it occurs; (2) transects regional boundaries; or (3) involves significant numbers of people or nationally significant amounts of property. CHAIRMAN Mr. Kenneth E. Biglane Environmental Protection Agency Primary Agencies Oil and Special Materials Control Divisions WH-548 Washington, DC 20460 202-245-3048 VICE CHAIRMAN Capt. Charles Corbett Department of Transpor- tation Commandant (G-WEP/73) U.S. Coast Guard Washington, DC 20590 202-426-2010 MEMBERS Mr. Barry Flamm Department of Agriculture Dr. Sidney Galler Department of Commerce Mr. Richard B. Krahl Department of the Interior Col. Donald Sadler Department of Defense Office of the Secretary Room 412-A Administration Building Washington, DC 20250 U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, DC 20230 U.S. Geological Survey Stop 620 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. Reston, VA 22992 OASD (MRA&L) Room 3B252 Pentagon Washington, DC 202-447-3965 202-377-4335 703-860-7531 202-695-0221 20301 47 ------- ALTERNATES Dr. Joseph AngeVovic Department of Commerce Mr. Richard E. Hess Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Carl Irwin Department of Defense Mr. Gerald Lanman Department of Agriculture Mr. Bill J. Shoger Department of the Interior Comdr. Joseph L. Valenti Department of Transpor- tati on Director, Environmental Assessment Office National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 60100 Executive Blvd. Rockville, MD 20852 Oil and Special Materials Control Divisions WH-548 Washington, DC 20460 United States Navy CNO OP 45 Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 Soil Conservation Service Room 6105 South Administration Building Box 2890 Washington, DC 20013 U.S. Geological Survey Stop 620 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. Reston, VA 22092 Commandant (G-WEP-4/73) U.S. Coast Guard Washington, DC 20590 301-442-8963 202-472-5444 202-697-3689 202-447-3839 703-860-7531 202-426-9568 MEMBERS Mr. L. Joe Deal Department of Energy Mr. Harold Gracey Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Paul Hartzell Department of Housing and Urban Development Advisory Agencies Assistant Director for Health Protection E201 Germantown, MD 20545 Room 481 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Room B133, HUD Building 451 7th St. SW. Washington, DC 20410 301-353-4093 301.443-1167 202-634-7906 48 ------- Mr. James W. Moorman Land and Natural Resources 202-739-2701 Department of Justice Division Washington, DC 20530 Mr. John Zero!is OES/OFA/OCA 202-632-4971 Department of State Room 5216 Washington, DC 20520 NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM (NTP) PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE The National Toxicology Program, established by the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW), is a department-wide effort to provide needed information to regulatory and research agencies and to strengthen their scientific bases. The Program is designed to strengthen the Department's activities in the testing of chemicals of public health concern as well as to develop and validate new and better integrated test methods. It is at present composed of the relevant program staffs of the Food and Drug Admin- istration, National Cancer Institute, Center for Disease Control/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The Program is planned, programed, and coordinated by its Director, who is responsible for developing an Annual Plan of research and testing activities. The Executive Committee is composed of the heads of the various Federal agencies interested in chemical toxicology. It consists of the aforementioned DHEW agencies plus the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and Environmental Protection Agency. The Committee advises the Program Director on the development and approval of the Annual Plan. 49 ------- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN *Dr. Donald Kennedy Food and Drug Administra- tion Room 14-88 Park!awn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 FTS: 443-2410 MEMBERS Dr. Eula Bingham Occupational Safety and Health Administration Mr. Douglas M. Costle Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Donald Fredrickson Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Steven D. Jellinek Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Susan B, King Consumer Product Safety Commission Dr. David P. Rail Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Julius B. Richmond (nonvoting) Department of Health, Education, and. Welfare Dr. Anthony Robbins Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Room S2315 200 Constitution Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20210 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 National Institutes of Health Building 1, Room 124 Bethesda, MD 20014 Office of Toxic Substances Room 635, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Suite 812 1111 18th St. NW. Washington, DC 20207 National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences National Institutes of Health P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 FTS: 523-9362 FTS: 755-2700 FTS: 496-2433 FTS: 755-0310 FTS: 634-7740 FTS: 629-3201 Room 712-G Humphrey Building 200 Independence Ave. Washington, DC 20201 FTS: 245-7694 SW. Institute for Occupa- tional^ Safety and Health National Institutes of Health Room 8-05 Park!awn Building ot: < 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 FTS: 443-1530 *This position will be vacated in July 1979; the successor had not been named at the time of publication. 50 ------- Dr. Arthur C. Upton Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 11A52 Bethesda, MD 20014 FTS: 496-5615 CONSULTANTS Mr. James D. Bloom Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Thomas Cairns National Center for Toxicological Research Dr. David Hoe! Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Gregory T. 0'Conor Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Center for Disease Control Building 1, Room 2011 Atlanta, GA 30333 Jefferson, AR 72079 National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences National Institutes of Health P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 11A03 Bethesda, MD 20014 FTS: 236-3258 FTS: 740-4516 FTS: 629-3205 FTS: 496-6618 STAFF Dr. Richard A. Griesemer Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Ms. Sandra Lange Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. John A. Moore Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Carcinogenic Testing Program National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Landow Building, Room A322 Bethesda, MD 20014 National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 11A03 Bethesda, MD 20014 Research Resources Program National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 FTS: 496-5591 FTS: 629-3201 FTS: 629-3267 51 ------- PESTICIDES CHEMICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (EPA) (PCRC) The Pesticides Chemical Review Conmittee was formed by and is directly responsible to the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticides of EPA. The Committee has been active since late 1975, with the primary respon- sibility to review position documents on relevant pesticides issues and render opinions on same to the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticides. CHAIRMAN Mr. William A. Wells Environmental Protection Agency Special Pesticides Review Division 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-5687 SECRETARIAT Mr. Jerry A. Moore Environmental Protection Agency Special Pesticides Review Division 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-1988 MEMBERS Dr. Richard Hill Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Alan Jennings Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Donna Kuroda Environmental Protection Agency TS-788 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 PM-223 Office of Planning and Management 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 RD-683 Office of Research and Development 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-4362 202-755-9010 202r755-2048 52 ------- Dr. Elizabeth Anderson RD-689 202-755-3968 Environmental Protection Carcinogen Assessment Group Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Mr. Winer A-132 202-426-9448 Environmental Protection Office of General Counsel Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Mr. John Neylan EN-342 301-755-8730 Environmental Protection Pesticides Toxic Substances Agency Enforcement Division 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 REGULATORY DEVELOPMENT WORKGROUPS Section 4 Executive Committee Workgroup (TSCA) This Workgroup was established in compliance with required EPA rulemaking procedures. It is primarily responsible for coordinating the actions involved in developing rules under Section 4 (testing of chemical substances and mixtures) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). CHAIRPERSON Ms. Denise Swink Room 611, East Tower 202-755-4894 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 MEMBERS Dr. Patricia Breslin 200 Constitution Ave. NW. 202-523-7012 Occupational Safety and Room N3700 (S5526 temporary Health Administration room no.) Washington, DC 20210 Ms. Margaret Brown Office of International 202-755-2933 Environmental Protection Activities Agency A-106 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 53 ------- Ms. Gail Cooper Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Norman Dyer Environmental Protection Agency Mr. James Everts Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Jean French Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. David Friedman Environmental Protection Agency Mr. David Gaylor National Center for lexicological Research Ms. Virginia Gibbons Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Brian Hardin Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Marc Hi11 son Environmental Protection Agency Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Pesticides and Hazardous Materials (6AAHP) First International Building 1201 Elm St. Dallas, TX 75270 Region X 1200 Sixth Ave. Seattle, WA 98101 National Institute for Occupa- tional Safety and Health (OECSP) Room 8-53 Park!awn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Office of Solid Waste WH-565 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Jefferson, AR 72079 Office of Legislation A-102 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 National Institute for Occupa- tional Safety and Health (C23) 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45226 Office of Enforcement Pesticide and Toxic Substances ©tvision EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0870 214-729-2734 206-399-1090 301-443-6377 202-755-9187 501-740-4519 202-755-0566 513-684-8394 202-755-9404 54 ------- Ms. Lois Jacobs Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Alan Jennings Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Ted Just Environmental Agency Protection Ms. Claire Matassoni Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Joseph McCabe Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Mike McNeil! Environmental Protection Agency Dr. John A. Moore Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Mr. Sammy Ng Environmental Agency Protection Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Planning and Manage- ment PM-223 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Development RD-674 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Regional/Intergovern- mental Operations A-101 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Environmental Review A-104 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 712 Westwood Towers Bldg. 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 Office of Program Analysis Office of Planning and Manage- ment PM-228 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Chemical Control PM-220 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-9404 202-755-9010 202-755-0611 202-755-0444 202-245-3066 301-492-6485 202-755-0606 919-629-3267 202-755-2770 55 ------- Mr. William Preston Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Leighton Price Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Carol Sanford Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. Samuel I. Shibko Food and Drug Administra- tion Mr. Raymond Smith Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Marion Suter Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Marion Thompson Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Adrienne Zahner Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Gunter Zweig Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Pesticide Programs TS-769 Room 800, Crystal Mall No. 2 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Public Awareness A-107 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 200 Constitution Ave. NW. Room N3623 Washington, DC 20210 Bureau of Foods 200 C St. SW. HFF-195 Washington, DC 20204 Office of Air, Noise, and Radiation AN-443 401- M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Program Integration and Information TS-793 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Water and Waste Management WH-556 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Develop- ment Carcinogen Assessment Group RD-689 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Pesticide Programs TS-769 Room 809, Crystal Mall No. 2 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-557-0335 202-755-2720 202-523-9296 202-472-5705 or 202-245-1288 202-755-0470 202-755-8040 202-755-0320 202-245-3039 202-557-7377 56 ------- Data Formatting Workgroup* MEMBERS Mr. Alan Carpien Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Marion Suter Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Adrienne Zahner Environmental Protection Agency Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Program Integration and Information TS-793 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Development Carcinogen Assessment Group RD-689 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2681 202-426-2535 202-245-3039 Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup CHAIRMAN Mr. Joe Foran Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-472-2562 MEMBERS Mr. William Brungs Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Alan Carpien Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Environmental Research Lab 6201 Congdon Blvd. Duluth, MN 55804 Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 218-783-9546 202-755-2681 *The following workgroups are part of the Section 4 Executive Committee Work- group. 57 ------- Mr. Don Ehreth Environmental Protection Agency Mrs. Josephine Huang Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Alan Jennings Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Todd Kilmmer Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Sammy Ng Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Walter Sanders Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Arthur Stern Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Cindy Stroup Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water and Waste Management WH-553 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Planning and Management PM-223 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Solid Waste WH-565 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Chemical Control TS-794 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Development Athens Environmental Research Lab College Station Rd. Athens, GA 30605 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 SAD/OP II Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-426-7760 202-755-0914 202-755-9010 202-755-9187 202-755-2790 202-250-3171 202-472-2562 202-755-8060 Health Effects Standards Workgroup MEMBERS Ms. Diane Seal Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-6841 ------- Mr. J. Peter Bercz Environmental Protection Agency Mr. George T. Bryan Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Alan Carpien Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Lyman Condie Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Diane Courtney Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Larry Hall Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Lois Jacobs Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Daphne Kamely Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Wendell Miser Envi ronmental Protect!on Agency Office of Research and Development Health Effects Research Laboratory 26 West St. Clair St. Cincinnati, OH 45268 1302 Gilbert Rd. Madison, WI 53711 Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Region V 230 South Dearborn Chicago, IL 60604 Office of Research and Development Health Effects Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Office of Toxic Substances TS-793 Program Integration Division 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 ORD-HERL/RTP 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Planning and Management PM-223 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Solid Waste WH-565 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 513-684-7480 608-263-5385 202-755-2681 312-353-2291 919-629-2488 202-755-2778 202-629-2644 202-755-9404 202-755-9010 202-755-9187 59 ------- Dr. Carl R. Morris Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Bill Pegram Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Samuel I. Shibko Food and Drug Adminis- tration Ms. Adrienne Zahner Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-892 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Chemical Control TS-794 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Bureau of Foods 200 C St. SW. HFF-195 Washington, DC 20204 Office of Research and Development Carcinogen Assessment Group RD-689 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-6841 202-755-2790 202-472-5705 or 202-245-1288 202-245-3039 Reimbursements Workgroup CHAIRMAN Mr. Steve Weil Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Chemical Control TS-794 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2770 MEMBERS Ms. Gail Cooper Envi ronmental Protection Agency Mr. Jonathan Libber Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Steve Newburg-Rinn Environmental Protection Agency Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 r Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0870 202-755-9404 202-755-1500 60 ------- Mr. Frederick Talcott Environmental Protection Agency Office of Planning and Management PM-220 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2887 Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup CHAIRMAN Mr. Steve Newburg-Rinn Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-1500 MEMBERS Ms. Linda Billings Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Patricia Breslin Occupational Safety and Health Administration Ms. Gail Cooper Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Larry Hall Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Marc Hi11 son Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Ralph Jennings Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Program Integration Division TS-793 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 200 Constitution Ave. NW. Room N3700 Washington, DC 20210 Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Development Health Effects Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Region IV 345 Court!and St. NE. Atlanta, GA 30308 202-755-2778 202-523-7115 202-755-0870 919-629-2644 202-755-9404 404-257-3864 61 ------- Mr. Richard Johnson Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Daphne Kamely Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Judy Kosovich Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Frank Letkiewicz Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Mark Mercer Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Sammy Ng Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Carol Sanford Occupational Safety and Health Administration Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Pollutant Strategy Branch MD-12 Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Office of Planning and Management PM-223 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Testing and Evaluation TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Solid Waste WH-565 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Office of Chemical Control TS-794 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 200 Constitution Ave. Room N3623 Washington, DC 20210 919-629-5355 202-755-9010 202-755-9404 202-755-1500 202-755-9187 202-755-2790 202-523-9296 EPA Asbestos Workgroup This Workgroup was established in compliance with required EPA rulemaking procedures. It is primarily responsible for investigating the regulation of asbestos under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Other Federal regulatory authorities will be fully considered in this investigation. 62 ------- MEMBERS Ms. Linda Billings Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Joe Breen Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Bob Carton Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Joseph Cotruvo Environmental Protection Agency Mr. David Friedman Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Warren Galke Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Virginia Gibbons Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Rich Guimond Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Paul Heffernan Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Program Integration Division Room 409, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Health Review Division Room 645, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Assessment Division Room 715, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 OSW/Hazardous Waste Division Room 2627, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Development Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Office of Legislation Room 841, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Chemical Control Room 519, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Region I Room 1907 JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 202-426-2535 202-755-4860 202-755-8040 202-472-5016 202-755-9187 FTS: 8-629-2266 202-755-0566 202-755-1188 FTS: 8-223-0585 63 ------- Mr. Jim Hughes Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Terrell Hunt Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Richard Johnson Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Daphne Kamely Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Claire Matassoni Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Rich McAllister Env i ronmental Protecti on Agency Ms. Laura Morrison Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Dean Neptune Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Jane Nowak Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances Office of Regulatory Analysis Room 3238, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement Room 3609, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 OPE Room 415, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Regional .Intergovernmental Operations Room 1137, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Chemical Control Room 516, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Water Planning and Standards Effluent Guidelines Room 939, East Tower 40T: M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Chemical Control Room 520, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, OC 20460 202-755-2893 202-755-0970 919-629-5355 202-755-9010 202-755-0444 202-255-5851 202-755-8023 202-426-7770 202-755-1188 64 ------- Mr. Jerry Ostrov Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Charlie Poole Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Mary Stinson Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Jack Wagman Environmental Protection Agency Office of General Counsel Room 501, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Health Review Division Room 603, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Edison, MJ 08817 Office of Research and Development Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 202-755-0788 202-755-4863 201-340-6683 FTS: 8-629-3099 ALTERNATES Mr. Bud Breed!ove Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Alan Carpien Environmental Protection Agency Mr. John DiFazio Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Brenda Greene Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Marc Hi 11 son Environmental Protection Agency 0PM, OPE, Eco. Anal. Div. Room 3009, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of General Counsel Room 429, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Program Integration Division Room 413, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Regional Intergovernmental Operations Room 1137, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement Pesticides and Toxic Substances Enforcement Division Room 3624, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2790 202-755-4076 202-755-2778 202-755-0444 202-755-9404 65 ------- Ms. Prisci'lla Holtzclaw Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Lois Jacobs Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Frederick Talcott Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Harry Teitelbaum Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Bob Wayland Environmental Protection Agency OWPS Effluent Guidelines Room 932, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement Pesticides and Toxic Substances Enforcement Division Room 3624, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 0PM, OPE, Eco. Anal. Div. Room 3009, Mall 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Toxic Substances Assessment Division Room 715, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Legislation A-102 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-7700 202-755-9040 202-755-2887 202-755-8040 202-755-2687 EPA Hazard Warning Workgroup* This Workgroup is primarily responsible for coordinating Agency actions in the development of rules under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which requires that warnings accompany hazardous chemical substances and mixtures distributed in commerce. The Workgroup plans to work jointly with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in this effort. * The full membership of this Workgroup was not established at the time of publication. 66 ------- MEMBERS Mr. Bob Friedrich Office of Toxic Substances 202-755-0920 Environmental Protection TS-794 Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Mr. George Semeniuk Office of Toxic Substances 202-755-0920 Environmental Protection TS-794 Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Interagency Workgroup for Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Phase II Non-Aerosol Uses This Workgroup, under the direction of the Office of Toxic Substances, EPA, consists of representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Department of Commerce, and other agencies interested in chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) con- trol. The Workgroup, in its second phase of CFC investigation, assists EPA in the evaluation of current data involving the effect of CFCs on the ozone layer to determine whether additional regulation is necessary and, if so, to what extent. The Workgroup has chosen the collective evaluation approach in order to maximize resources, avoid duplication and overlap of functions, and promote the coordination of research, regulatory, and enforcement actions involved in protecting the ozone from CFCs. CHAIRPERSON Ms. Ferial Bishop Office of Toxic Substances 202-755-8963 Environmental Protection TS-794 Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 67 ------- MEMBERS/ADVISERS Mr. Karl Bremer Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Margaret Brown Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Dorothy Canter Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Colin B. Church Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Robert Cluck Occupational Safety and Health Administration Ms. Gail Cooper Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Rick Cothern Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Alphonse Forziati Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Douglas Hale Environmental Protection Agency Region V 230 South Dearborn Room 1165 A Chicago, IL 60604 Office of International Affairs A-106 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Health Sciences 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 Office of Strategic Planning 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 Health Standards Program Room N-3718 Washington, DC 20210 Office of General Counsel A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Monitoring Division TS-793 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Research and Development Bacer Program RD-683 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 \ Office of Research and Management, Economic Analysis Division PM-220 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 FTS: 8-353-2291 202-755-8712 301-492-6477 301-492-6731 202-523-9603 202-755-0870 202-755-4860 202-426-2317 202-755-2669 68 ------- Mr. Jim Hughes Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Bob Kellam Environmental Protection Agency Mr. David Klauder Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Judy Kosovich Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Dean Krug Department of Energy Mr. Jim Lamb Food and Drug Administration Mr. Michael Leahy Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Frank Letkiewicz Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Mark Mercer Environmental Protection Agency Office of Economic Analysis PM-220 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards MD-12 Research Triangle Park, NC Assessment Division TS-792 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Enforcement EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Policy Analysis Division Office of the Environment 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20545 Bureau of Foods HFF-334 200 C St. SW. Washington, DC 20204 Office of Planning and Management Program. Analysis Division PM-228 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Assessment Division TS-792 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Solid Waste WH-565 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2877 FTS: 8-629-5355 27709 202-755-4894 202-755-9404 202-376-4449 202-472-5690 202-755-0606 202-755-1500 202-755-9187 69 ------- Ms. Susan Reinsch Food and Drug Administration Mr. Paul Shorb Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Jim Silver-man Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Ed Skykind Department of Commerce Mr. Arlen Slobodow Consumer Product Safety Commission Ms. Sherry Sterling Environmental Protection Agency Office of Planning and Evaluation HFP-14, Room 15-74 Parklawn Building Rockville, MD 20857 Enforcement Toxic Substances Branch EN-342 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Control Action Division TS-794 Office of Toxic Substances 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Business Policy Analysis/ITA Room 3112 Washington, DC 20230 Office of Economic Analysis Room 565 B 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20207 Control Action Division TS-794 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 301-443-1837 202-472-3701 202-755-0920 202-377-2496 301-492-6647 202-755-0920 Section 8 Workgroup (EPA) This Workgroup was established in compliance with required Environmental Protection Agency rulemaking procedures. It is primarily responsible for coordinating the actions involved in developing rules under Section 8 (reporting and retention of information) of the Toxic Substances Control Act. CHAIRPERSON Ms. Jeanette Wiltse Environmental Protection Agency TS-793 Office of Toxic Substances Room 441, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-8640 70 ------- MEMBERS Mr. Alan Carpien Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Roy Clark Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Ed Cohen Environmental Agency Protection Ms. Frances Desselle Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Terry Gardinier Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Howard Howell Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Jim Hughes Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Pope Lawrence Environmental Protection Agency A-132 Office of General Counsel Room 521 A, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Region IV EPA 345 Court!and St. NE. Atlanta, GA 30308 Region III EPA Curtis Building 6th and Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 WH-586 Office of Water and Hazardous Materials Room 743, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 PM-223 Office of Planning and Evaluation Room 3238 M 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 PM-227 Office of Planning and Management Room 735, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 PM-220 Economic Analysis Room 2102 M 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 A-104 Office of Federal Activities Room 2102 M 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0870 FTS: 8-257-3621 FTS: 8-597-4058 202-755-7874 202-472-5040 202-245-3003 202-755-2757 202-245-3006 71 ------- Ms. Claire Matassoni Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Joseph McCabe Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Mike McNeil! Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Larry O'Neal Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Barbara Paul Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Bill Rosenberg Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Dave Schnare Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Randy Shobe Environmental Protection Agency A-101 Office of Regional Intergovernmental Operations Room 1137, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 A-104 Office of Federal Activities Room 2802 M 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 PM-228 Office of Planning and Management Room 723, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 A-107 Office of Public Awareness Room 329, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 EN-342 Office of Enforcement Room 3624 M 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 PM-223 Office of Program Evaluation Room 415, West Tower 401 M St. SW. ": Washington, DC 20460 WH-550 Office of Water Supply Room 1019,' East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 RD-674, Office of Research and Development Room 923, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0444 202-245-3066 202-755-0606 202-755-0344 202-755-9404 202-755-9010 202-755-5643 202-755-0468 72 ------- Ms. Marianne Thatcher A-102 202-755-0490 Environmental Protection Office of Legislation Agency Room 835, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD (SAB) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY The Science Advisory Board is composed of approximately 80 scientists representing various disciplines, who serve as consultants to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The SAB receives its authority from the Environmental Development and Demonstration Act of 1977 and reports directly to the EPA Administrator. SAB scientists are called upon to review and render opinions on those issues considered relevant by the Agency. The following is a list of specialized committees and their executive secretaries, through whom all inquiries should be directed. CHAIRMAN Dr. John Cantlow U.P.-Research and Michigan State University Graduate Studies Administrative Bldg. East Lansing, MI 48853 DIRECTOR Dr. Richard Dowd Room 1129, West Tower Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES OF SPECIALIZED COMMITTEES Dr. J. Frances Allen Ecology Committee 202-755-0263 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 Dr. Joel Fischer Environmental Pollutant Movement 202-755-0263 Environmental Protection and Transformation Committee Agency . 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 73 ------- Dr. Ernst Linde Environmental Health Committee 202-755-0263 Environmental Protection 401 M St. SW. Agency Washington, DC 20460 Dr. Douglas Seba Environmental Measurements 202-755-0263 Environmental Protection Committee Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Mr. Lloyd Taylor Technology Assessment 202-755-0263 Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Committee Agency 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 SCIENCE ADVISORY PANEL (SAP) FIFRA The Science Advisory Panel was created by 1975 Amendments to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Its primary purpose is to provide expert comment on the human health and environmental effects of proposed regulations. The panel is composed of seven members selected, appointed by, and re- sponsible to the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency. All panel members are scientists with sufficient professional qualifications to provide expert comment on the potential effects of proposed regulatory actions affect- ing the use of pesticides. CHAIRMAN Dr. Dwayne C. Torgeson Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research MEMBERS Dr. John E. Davies University of Miami School of Medicine 74 ------- Dr. David E. Davis North Carolina State University Dr. John Doull University of Kansas Department of Pharmacology Dr. Robert Lee Metcalf University of Illinois Department of Entomology Dr. Robert A. Neal Vanderbilt University Department of Biochemistry Dr. Edward Smuckler University of Washington School of Medicine Please direct requests for information to; Dr. H. Wade Fowler TS-766 703-557-7560 Environmental Protection Crystal Mall II Agency Room 803 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 TOXIC SUBSTANCES PRIORITY COMMITTEE (TSPC) The Toxic Substances Priority Committee was formed by and is directly responsible to the Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency. It was created to perform the following functions within the Agency: to serve a pivotal role in the implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); to establish and execute the relationship of TSCA's authorities with other EPA laws; and to integrate EPA's approaches and activities related to toxic substances. 75 ------- CHAIRMAN Mr. Steven D. Jellinek Envi ronmental Protect!on Agency Assistant Administrator Office of Toxic Substances TS-788 Room 635, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-0310 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Ms. Linda M. Billings Environmental Protection Agency TS-793 Room 409, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2778 MEMBERS Mr. Walter Barber Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Marilyn C. Bracken Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Swep T. Davis Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Richard J. Denney, Jr. Env i ronmental Protect!on Agency Mr. Stephen Gage Environmental Protection Agency FTS: 8-629-5315 202-755-8040 Director Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Deputy Assistant Administrator for Program Integration and Information TS-793 Room 711, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Deputy Assistant Administrator 202-755-0404 for Water Planning and Standards WH-551 Room 737, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Associate General Counsel for Toxic Substances A-132 Room 515, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Assistant Administrator for Planning and Evaluation RD-672 Room 913, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 f,202-755-0794 202-755-2600 76 ------- Mr. Roy Gamse Environmental Protection Agency Mr. John DeKany Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Edwin L. Johnson Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Warren R. Muir Environmental Protection Mr. Richard Wilson Environmental Protection Agency Assistant Administrator for Planning and Evaluation PM-219 Room 1013, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Deputy Assistant Administrator for Chemical Control TS-794 Room 515, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Programs WH-566 Room 539, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Programs TS-792 Room 611, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Deputy Assistant Administrator for General Enforcement EN-339 Room 1111, West Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-2920 202-426-9000 202-755-8033 202-755-4894 202-755-2977 TOXICS TESTING AND ASSESSMENT RESEARCH COMMITTEE (TARC)* The Committee was organized in April 1979 by the Assistant Administrator for Research and Development,EPA, to serve as a planning group in support of test- ing and evaluation research needs for fiscal years 1980-84. The Committee reports directly to the Assistant Administrator for Research and Development. Additional responsibilities include the recommendation of appropriate research plans to the Office of Research and Development and the Office of Toxic Substances. *This Committee is in the formulation stage; the complete membership was not established at the time of publication. 77 ------- CO-CHAIRMAN Dr. Warren R. Muir Office of Testing and 202-755-4894 Environmental Protection Evaluation Agency TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Dr. Michael Waters Office of Research and Environmental Protection Development Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 TSCA INTERAGENCY TESTING COMMITTEE (ITC) The Interagency Testing Committee was established pursuant to Section 4 (testing of chemical substances and mixtures) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), with the continuing responsibility to identify and recommend to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency chemical substances and mixtures which should be tested to determine their hazards to human health and the environment. The Committee is involved in a multi-step screening procedure to identify for detailed review a limited number of substances and categories of substances likely to have priority for testing to determine their effects on human health and the environment. CHAIRPERSON Mrs. Carter Schuth 1800 G St. NW. 202-632-7364 National Science Foundation Washington, DC 20550 VICE CHAIRPERSON Dr- Fred W. Clayton Health Standards Programs 202-523-8020 Occupational Safety and Room N 4605 Health Administration Washington, DC 20550 78 ------- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Dr. Walter G. Rosen Environmental Protection Agency MEMBERS Dr. Richard Bates Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Fred W. Clayton Occupational Safety and Health Administration Dr. Jean G. French Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. Warren R. Muir Envi ronmental Protecti on Agency Dr. Orville 0. Paynter Department of Commerce Dr. James M. Sontag Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Office of Toxic Substances TS-792 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 National Institutes of Health Building 31, Room 4D29 Bethesda, MD 20205 200 Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20210 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Room 8-53 Park!awn -Building 5600 Fishers Lane STOP 8-23 Rockville, MD 20857 Office of Toxic Substances Room 611, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Office of Environmental Affairs Room 3425 14th and Constitution Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20230 National Cancer Institute Building 31, Room 3A16 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20205 202-755-4894 301-496-3511 202-523-8020 301-443-6377 202-755-4894 202-377-3746 301-496-5108 ALTERNATES Dr. Bernard Greifer Department of Commerce Mrs. Vera W. Hudson Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Room 3425 Washington, DC 20230 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 5600 Fishers Lane Room 8A-30 Rockville, MD 20857 202-377-2186 301-443-2100 79 ------- Mr. Joseph Merenda Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Joseph Wagoner Occupational Safety and Health Administration Health Effects and Science Policy 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Health Standards Programs Room N-3660 200 Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20210 202-755-4894 202-523-7179 AGENCY LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Seymour Friess Department of Defense Dr. Allen Heim Food and Drug Administration Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin Consumer Product Safety Commission Mr. Charles R. Walker Department of the Interior Naval Medical Research Institute 301-295-1163 Environmental Biosciences Department Building 17, Room 123 Bethesda, MD 20014 Toxicology Programs 5600 Fishers Lane Room 11-40 Rockville, MD 20857 5401 Westbard Ave. Bethesda, MD 20209 Division of Habitat Preservation Research Fish and Wildlife Service Room 515, Matomic Building 1717 H St. NW. Washington, DC 20240 301-443-3773 202-245-1445 202-254-9760 ALTERNATES Dr. Winston deMonsabert Food and Drug Adminis- tration Bureau of Drugs 5600 Fishers Lane Room 13B-44 Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-6788 STAFF SUPPORT—ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY John Lyon, Esq. Env i ronmental Protecti on Agency Dr. Amy Rispin Environmental Protection Agency Office of General Counsel Room 431, West Tower A-132 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 Assessment Division Room 311, East Tower 401 M St. SW. Washington, DC 20460 202-755-4362 202-426-2454 80 ------- II. INDEX OF AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS A. Federal* *International representatives are cited where such membership is provided. 81 ------- Key to Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in sections I and II to refer to the toxics-related committees and groups listed in section I. ATSAC CCERP CEC CSIN ICGEC IRLG ITC ITSDC NRT NTP PCRC SAB SAP TSPC TARC Administrator's Toxic Substances Advisory Committee Committee to Coordinate Environmental and Related Programs (DHEW) Clearinghouse on Environmental Carcinogens Chemical Substances Information Network of ITSDC Interagency Collaborative Group on Environmental Carcinogenesis Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group TSCA Interagency Testing Committee Interagency Toxic Substances Data Committee National Response Team National Toxicology Program Pesticides Chemical Review Committee Science Advisory Board Science Advisory Panel Toxic Substances Priority Committee Toxics Testing and Assessment Research Committee 32 ------- Dr. Donald Rolt Dr. John Ambler BRITISH EMBASSY CEC BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ITSDC Section 10(b)(1) CONSUMER Mr. John Bell Mr. Robert Bledsoe Ms. Dorothy Canton Mr. Colin B. Church Mr. Jaime Delgado Deputy AED/Health Sciences Ms. Dorothy Drago Mr. Lefford Fauntleroy Ms. Sandra D. Filson Ms. Margaret Freeston Ms. Susan F. Guenette Mr. Richard Heller Mr. Walter Hobby Ms. Susan B. King Ms. Linda Kiser Mr. Andrew Krulwich Dr. Joseph Mclaughlin PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION IRLG IRLG IRLG Workgroup (CFCs) Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG IRLG Workgroup (CFCs; Regulatory Development; Agency Regulatory Alert Contacts) Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG IRLG -IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) ITSDC IRLG IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) IRLG IRLG IRLG IRLG NTP IRLG IRLG ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium; PBBs; PCBs; Testing Standards and Guidelines) ITC Section 4 Workgroup 83 ------- Mr. Sam Molinas Mr. Roland Moore Mr. Stan Morrow Mr. Rory Pausett Mr. Warren Porter Mr. David Schmeltzer Ms. Francine Shachter Mr. Glenn Simpson Mr. Bert Simson Mr. Arlen Slobodow Ms. June Thompson Mr. Andrew Ulsamer Ms. Virginia White Ms. Gale Wyer IRLG Workgroup (Mercury) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (S02) IRLG Workgroup (Benzene) IRLG Workgroup (Lead) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Asbestos; ETO/ETCH/ETG; VC/PVC) IRLG Workgroup (AN; Testing Standards and Guidelines) ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) IRLG Workgroup (CFCs) Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) IRLG Workgroup (Radiation) Public Liaison Subcommittee or ITSDC CEC COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Ms. Carroll Leslie Bastian ITSDC Mr. Edward Strohbehn CEC Mr. Barry R. Flamm Ms. Carol Tucker Foreman Dr. Harry Hays Mr. Gerald Lanman DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NRT CEC IRLG ICGEC NRT 34 ------- Mr. G. W. Rohwer ICGEC Dr. Joseph Angelovic Or. Merritt Birky Dr. Jerry Coffey Mr. George Fitch Dr. Sidney R. Galler Mr. Bernard Greifer Dr. Richard L. Lehman Dr. Orville 0. Paynter Dr. Aaron Rosenfield Mr. Ed Skykind Capt. Joseph D. Bloom Dr. Jack Dacre Lt. Comdr. Lee E. Doptis Dr. Seymour Friess Dr. Nelson S. Irey Mr. Carl Irwin Dr. Bernard P. McNamara Col. Donald Sadler DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NRT ICGEC ITSDC IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium) NRT ITC ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC ICGEC ITC IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (CFCs) Workgroup for CFCs II DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ITSDC ICGEC t CEC ITSDC ITC ICGEC NRT ICGEC NRT 85 ------- Mr. L. Joe Deal Dr. George Kelly Mr. Dean Krug Ms. Susan Rose Dr. Murray Schulman Dr. George E. Stapleton Dr. W. H. Weyzen DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NRT ITSDC ITSDC Workgroup for CFCs II CEC CEC ICGEC ICGEC CEC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Dr. Richard Bates Ms. Sonia Berg Ms. Ingeborg C. Blackwood Mr. James D. Bloom Dr. Kenneth Bridbord Mr. Jerry Calderone Dr. Thomas C. Cameron Dr. Kenneth C. Chu Dr. Cipriano Cueto Dr. Terry Damstra Dr. Frederick J. de Serres Dr. Donald Fredrickson Dr. Jean French Mr. Harold Gracey Dr. Richard A. Griesemer ITC IRLG Workgroup (AN) ICGEC NTP CEC ITSDC ICGEC ITSDC ICGEC ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) Gene-Tox Program NTP CEC ITC Section 4 Workgroup NRT ICGEC NTP 86 ------- Mr. Brian Hardin Or. Clark W. Heath Dr. David Hoel Mr. Donald Hummel! Mrs. Vera Hudson Dr. Darnell Jackson Mr. Keith Jacobson Dr. James A. Johnson Dr. Henry H. Kissman Dr. Albert C. Kolbye, Jr. Dr. H. F. Kraybill Ms. Sandra Lange Dr. Paul Leaverton Mr. Nelson Lei del Dr. David Levin Dr. Richard J. Lewis, Sr. Dr. Carolyn Lingeman Dr. Winfred Maione Mr. Kurt Maurer Mr. Bill Milne Dr. John A. Moore Dr. John I. Munn Ms. Leela MurpHy Section 4 Workgroup ICGEC NTP ITSDC ITC ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium) rCGEC ITSDC ICGEC CSIN Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC ICGEC ICGEC NTP ICGEC ICGEC ICGEC ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) ICGEC • ICGEC ITSDC Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC NTP Section 4 Workgroup ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium) IRLG Workgroup (Ozone) 87 ------- Dr. Robert S. Murphy Dr. James Murray Ms. Pat Newman Dr. Gregory T. 0'Conor Dr. David P. Rail Dr. John H. Richardson Dr. William Rhode Dr. Julius B. Richmond Dr. Anthony Robbins Dr. Raymond E. Shapiro Dr. Michael Shelby Dr. James M. Sontag Dr. Athur C. Upton Ms. Leonore Wagner Dr. Gooloo S. Wunderlich Dr. Arthur Wykes ITSDC ICGEC ICGEC NTP CCERP NTP CEC ITSDC NTP NTP CEC CCERP ITSDC ICGEC Gene-Tox Program ITSDC CEC ITC NTP ITSDC ITSDC ICGEC Mr. Paul Hartzell DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT NRT Mr. Raymond E. Corcoran Mr. Richard B. Krahl Mr. John Lucas DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(h).0). NRT IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium) ------- Dr. Calvin M. Menzie Mr. Bill J. Shoger Mr. Charles Walker Mr. James W. Moorman Ms. Margaret Finarelli Dr. Donald R. King Mr. Robert Mi kulak Mr. John Zero!is Capt. Charles Corbett Dr. George E. Cushmac Mr. Lee E. Metealfe Comdr. Joseph L. Valenti Ms. Mary Williams Dr. J. Frances Allen Dr. Elizabeth Anderson Mr. John Bachman Mr. Walter Barber Ms. Jo Ann Bassi Dr. Diane Beal ITSDC ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium) NRT ITC DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NRT DEPARTMENT OF STATE ITSDC ICGEC ITSDC NRT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NRT ITSDC ICGEC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) NRT ICGEC ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY SAB PCRC ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (NA) TSPC IRLG Workgroup (Lead) Gene-Tox Program Health. Effects Standards Workgroup 89 ------- Mr. Henry Beal Mr. Howard Beard Mr. Ervin Bellack Mr. J. Peter Bercz Ms. Patricia W. Berger Ms. Joan Bernstein Mr. Kenneth E. Biglane Mr. Blake Biles Ms. Linda Billings Ms. Ferial Bishop Mr. Michael Bonchonsky Mr. Joe Boyd Dr. Marilyn C. Bracken Dr. Sharon D. Bramson Mr. Bud Breed!ove Mr. Joe Breen Dr. Karl Bremer Ms. Kathy Brooks Ms. Margaret Brown Mr. William Brungs Mr. George T. Bryan IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development; Agency Regulatory Alert Contacts) IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) Health Effects Standards Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) IRLG NRT IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) EPA Asbestos Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup TSPC IRLG Workgroup (CFCs) Workgroup for CFCs II Region II IRLG Workgroup (ETO/ETCH/ETG) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) ITSDC TSPC Gene-Tox Program EPA Asbestos Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC Section 4 Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup Health Ef*°cts Standards Workgroup 90 ------- Dr. Richard Bull Mr. AT Campbell Mr. Alan Carpien Ms. Jackie Carr Mr. John Carroll Mr. Bob Carton Mr. Joe Cirvello Dr. Edwin H. Clark II Mr. Roy Clark Mr. Richard A. Cocozza Mr. Stan Coerr Dr. David Coffin Mr. Ed Cohen Mr. Lyman Condie Mr. Roger Connor Ms. Gail Cooper Ms. Jo Cooper Mr. A!/an Corson Mr. Douglas M. Costie Mr. Rick Co them Mr. Joseph Cotruvo ICG EC IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) Data Formatting Workgroup Health Effects Standards Workgroup Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 8 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (NA) IRLG Workgroup (Beryl!ium; Chromates) EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic; Asbestos) IRLG Workgroup (AN) IRLG Section 8 Workgroup IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic; Lead) ICG EC Section 8 Workgroup Health Effects Standards Workgroup ITSDC Section 4 Workgroup Reimbursements Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG Workgroup (Lead) IRLG Workgroup (Lead) IRLG NTP Workgroup for CFCs II EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Asbestos) 91 ------- Ms. Diane Courtney Mr. Elbert Dage Mr. David Davis Mr. Swep T. Davis Dr. Vincent DeCarlo Mr. John DeKany Mr. Richard J. Denney, Jr. Ms. Frances Desselle Mr. John DiFazio Mr. Larry Dorsey Dr. Richard Dowd Dr. Norman Dyer Mr. Don Ehreth Mr. Paul Elston Mr. James Everts Dr. Ernest V. FaIke Mr. Jack Farmer Dr. Joel Fischer Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald Mr. Marl in Fitzwater Mr. Joe Foran Dr. Alphonse Forziati Dr. H. Wade Fowler Dr. David Friedman Mr. Bob FHedrich Health Effects Standards Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium; Lead) IRLG Workgroup (Lead) TSPC ICGEC TSPC TSPC Section 8 Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (PBBs) SAB Section 4 Workgroup Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup IRLG Section 4 Workgroup Gene-Tox Program IRLG Workgroup (S02) SAB Health Effects Standards Workgroup IRLG Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II SAP EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Lead) Section 4 Workgroup EPA Hazard Warning Workgroup 92 ------- Mr. Steven Gage Mr. Warren Galke Mr. Roy Gamse Ms. Terry Gardinier Mr. J. Garner Mr. Herman Gibb Ms. Virginia Gibbons Ms. Jeralene Green Dr. Sidney Green Ms. Brenda Greene Dr. Leonard Guarraia Mr. Rich Guimond Mr. Douglas Hale Mr. Larry Hall Dr. Rizwanul Haqua Mr. Paul Heffernan Mr. Richard E. Hess Ms. Pat Hilgard Or. Richard Hill Mr. Marc Hi 11 son Ms. Priscilla Holtzclaw Mr. Howard Howell Mr. Paul Hoza TSPC EPA Asbestos Workgroup TSPC Section 8 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Ozone) IRLC Workgroup (Arsenic) Section 4 Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Gene-Tox Program EPA Asbestos Workgroup ICGEC EPA Asbestos Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs I! Health Effects Standards Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) EPA Asbestos Workgroup NRT IRLG Workgroup (AN; Chloroform) PCRC EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 4 Work.grCUD Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 8 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic; Lead) 93 ------- Ms. Josephine Huang Mr. Jim Hughes Mr. Terrell Hunt Mr- Anthony Inglis Ms. Lois Jacobs Mr. Andrew Jaffe Mr. Steven D. Jellinek Dr. Alan Jennings Mr. Ralph Jennings Mr. Edwin L. Johnson Mr. Richard Johnson Mr. Mike Jones Mr. Ted Just Ms. Daphne Kamely Mr. Jim Kariya Mr. Bob Kellam Ms. Cynthia Kelly Mr. Jeff Kempter Mr. Todd Kllmmer Mr. David Klauder Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 8 Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Workgroup CEDB) EPA Asbestos Workgroup Health Effects Standards Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC NTP TSPC Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup PCRC Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup TSPC IRLG Workgroup (Benzene; Cadmium) EPA Asbestos Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Ozone) Section 4 Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Health Effects Standards Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup IRLG Workgroup CMercury) IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) Workgroup for CFCs II v IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) IRLG Workgroup (DBCP) Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II 94 ------- Mr. Frans Kok Ms. Judy Kosovich Mr. Walter Kovslick Or. Donna Kuroda • Mr. Pope Lawrence Mr. Michael Leahy Mr. Frank Letkiewicz Mr. Jonathan Libber Dr. Ernst Linde Mr. John Lyon Mr. Justice Manning Ms. Claire Matassoni Dr. Stan Mazaleski Mr. Rich McAllister Mr. Joseph McCabe Mr. Lawrence McCray Dr. Robert McGaughy Mr. Mike McNeil! Mr. Mark. Mercer Mr. JosepR. Merenda Mr. Wendell Miser Dr. Lakshmi Mishra Mr. Jerry Moora IRLG Test Rules -and Exemptions Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) PCRC Section 8 Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II Reimbursements Workgroup SAB ITC IRLG Workgroup (Coke Oven Emissions) IRLG Section 8 Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup Section 8 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) ICGEC Section 4 Workgroup Section 8 Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions, Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs. II ITC Health. Effects Standards Workgroup PCRC ------- Dr. Victor Morgenroth III Or. Carl R. Morris Ms. Laura Morrison Dr. Warren R. Muir Mr. Don Nantkes Mr. Joseph Nash Mr. Dean Neptune Dr. Stephen Nesnow Mr. Steve Newburg-Rinn Mr. John Neylan Mr. Sammy Ng Ms. Joan Nicholson Ms. Jane Nowak Ms. Phyllis O'Callaghan Mr. John O'Connor Mr. Larry O'Neal Mr. Jerry Ostrov Ms. Barbara Ostrow Dr. Norbert Page Ms. Barbara Paul IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) CEC ICGEC Gene-Tox Program Health Effects Standards Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup ITC TARC TSPC Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC EPA Asbestos Workgroup Gene-Tox Program Reimbursements Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup PCRC Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup IRLG EPA Asbestos Workgroup Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development) Section 8 Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) Gene-Tox Program Section 8 Workgroup 96 ------- Mr. Bill Pegram Mr. Charlie Poole Mr. William Preston Mr. Leighton Price Mr. Peter Principe Mr. Edward Radden Ms. Mary Reese Ms. Lillian Regelson Dr. Richard Rhoden Mr. Allen Richardson Dr. Amy Rispin Mr. John Ritch Mr. Martin Rogoff Mr. Samuel Rondberg Dr. Walter 6. Rosen Mr. Bill Rosenberg Mr. J. Edward Roush Ms. Suzanne Rudzinski Mr. Walter Sanders Ms. Anita Schmidt Dr. Dave Schnare Dr. Douglas Seba Mr. George Semeniuk Ms. Alma Shea Dr. Randy Shobe Mr. Paul Shorb Dr. Sidney Si egel Health Effects Standards Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (PCBs) ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) IRLG ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Radiation) ITC Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC IRLG Workgroup (NA) IRLG ITC Section 8 Workgroup IRLG ITSDC Observer ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) Section 8 Workgroup SAB EPA Hazard Warning Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) Section 8 Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II CSIN IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) ITSDC Observer 97 ------- Mr. Jim Silver-man Mr. Raymond Smith Ms. Sherry Sterling Dr. Arthur Stern Ms. Mary Stinson Mr. Murray Strier Ms. Cindy Stroup Ms. Marion Suter Ms. Denise Swink Mr. Frederick Talcott Dr. Lloyd Taylor Mr. Harry Teitelbaum Ms. Marianne Thatcher Ms. Marion Thompson Mr. Bob Tonetti Ms. Linda Travers Mr. Charles Trichillo Dr. Richard Tucker Dr. Frode Ulvedal Dr. Jack Wagman Mr. Charles S. Warren Workgroup for CFCs II Section 4 Workgroup Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) Environmental Effects Standards Workgroup Data Formatting Workgroup Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC Section 4 Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup EPA Asbestos Workgroup Reimbursements Workgroup SAB EPA Asbestos Workgroup Section 8 Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Waste Disposal) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) EPA Asbestos Workgroup IRLG 98 ------- Dr. Michael Waters Gene-Tox Program TARC Mr. Bill Waugh IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) Mr. Bob Way!and EPA Asbestos Workgroup Mr. Steve Weil Reimbursements Workgroup Mr. William A. Wells PCRC Dr. Shelly Williamson ICGEC Mr. Richard D. Wilson TSPC IRLG Ms. Jeanette Wiltse Section 8 Workgroup Mr. Winer PCRC Ms. Susan Wyatt IRLG Workgroup (VC/PVC) Mr. Morris Yaguda IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) ITSDC Observer Ms. Adrienne Zahner Data Formatting Workgroup Health Effects Standards Workgroup Section 4 Workgroup Mr. Gunter Zweig Section 4 Workgroup FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Mr. Mel Altman IRLG Workgroup (Radiation) Mr. Roger Barnes IRLG Workgroup (ETO/ETCH/ETG) Mr. Robert A. Bell IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) Mr. Robert Boyer IRLG Workgroup (Asbestos) Mr. George Braude IRLG Workgroup (Waste Disposal) Mr. Thomas Brown IRLG Workgroup (AN) Mr. Carl Bruch IRLG Workgroup (ETO/ETCH/ETG) Mr. Ronald Chesemore IRLG 99 ------- Mr. Pete Chichilo Mr. Richard Cooper Mr. Frank Cardie Dr. William D'Aguanno Or. Winston deMonsabert Mr. Paul Fennel Mr. Carl Giannetta Ms. Nancy Glick Mr. Don Heal ton Dr. Allen Heim Mr. Richard Hunt Mr. Charles Jelinek Mr. Laurence Johnston Dr. Donald Kennedy Mr. Charles Kurkumian Mr. Robert L. Lake Mr- Jim Lamb Mr. Bob Martin Mr. John Matheson Ms. Joan May Ms. Mary McBride IRLG Workgroup (Lead; NA) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium; PBBs) ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) ITC IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) IRLG Workgroup (Chloroform) IRLG IRLG CEC ITC IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) ITSDC IRLG Workgroup (DES) IRLG Workgroup (Beryllium; PCBs) IRLG Workgroup (S02) IRLG NTP IRLG Workgroup (ETO/ETCH/ETG) IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development; Agency Regulatory Alert Contacts) Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG Workgroup (DBCP). IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG Workgroup (Mercury) IRLG 100 ------- Mr. Gerad McCowin Mr. John McDowell Mr. David Moss Mr. Tenny Neprud Dr. Robert E. Osterberg Ms. Peggy Perry Mr. Wayne Pines Dr. Jack Quest Ms. Susan Reinsch Dr. Joseph Rodricks Mr. Caesar Roy Mr. Edward Seligmann Dr. Samuel I. Shibko Ms. Linda Taylor Mr. Mike Taylor Mr. Terry Troxell Mr. John Wenninger Mr. John Wessel Mr. Robert C. Wetherell Mr. Sidney Williams Dr. Ray Woltnian Mr. Ron Wylie IRLG Workgroup (Chromates; VC/PVC) IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) IRLG Workgroup (Radiation) IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG IRLG Workgroup (EDB) IRLG Workgroup (Benzene; Mercury) IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium; Mercury) ICGEC Section 4 Workgroup Health Effects Standards Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Ozone) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (AN) IRLG Workgroup (Mercury) IRLG IRLG IRLG Workgroup (PBBs) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (ETO/ETCH/ETG; Radiation; Regulatory Development) 101 ------- Mr. Victor R. Berry Mr. George W. Bickerton Mr. Ronald D. Cipolla Mr. Thomas Grumbly Mr. El win Guild Mr. Joseph P. Mile Dr. Zdenka Horokova Mr. William J. Hudnall Mr..William F. Leese Ms. Nancy Moody Mr. Liam Murphy Dr. Ray Murtishaw Mr. Robert Norton Dr. John E. Spaulding Mr. William L. West Dr. George C. Becking FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) IRLG IRLG IRLG IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development; Agency Regulatory Alert Contacts) IRLG IRLG IRLG IRLG ICGEC IRLG IRLG HEALTH AND WELFARE CANADA CEC INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION Mr. Edmund Cappuccilli ITSDC > Dr. Aimison Jonnard ITSDC NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Dr. Walton L. Jones ICGEC 102 ------- NATIONAL CENTER FOR TOXICOLOGICAL RESEARCH Dr. Thomas Cairns Mr. David Gay!or Mr. John S. Was.som NTP Section 4 Workgroup OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Gene-Tox Program OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Mr. Gary Adams Ms. Nancy Adams Dr. Victor Alexander Ms. Beverly Bailey Dr. James Beall Dr. R. Hayes Bell Dr. Eula Bingham Dr. Patricia Breslin Mr. Roger Clark Dr. Frederick W. Clayton Mr. Robert Cluck Ms. Diane Dunkin Mr. Doug Fridrich Mr. James Foster- Mr. "Lou" L. Gast IRLG Workgroup (Lead) IRLG Workgroup (EDB) IRLG ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG IRLG NTP IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) ITSDC ITSDC Section 10(b)(l) Section 4 Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup IRLG ITC ITSDC ICGEC IRLG Workgroup (Benzene; CFCs; Chloroform; Coke Oven Emissions; Mercury; Regulatory Development) Workgroup for CFCs II IRLG IRLG IRLG IRLG 103 ------- Mr. Frank Greer Mr. Fayez Hanna Dr. Peter Infante Mr. Robert Jennings Mr. Edward Klein Mr. Curtis Lavery Mr. David Lee Ms. Karen Mann Mr. Robert Manware Dr. Patricia Marlow Mr. Daniel Marsick Mr. Scott Merlele Mr. Benjamin Mintz Mr. George Ozga Ms. Gerri Piatt Dr. James 0. Pierce Mr. Eugene Regad Ms. Jackie Rogers Ms. Flo Ryer Ms. Carol Sanford Mr. William Warren Ms. Patricia Waugh Or. Mary Ellen Weber Mr. Gerald Weinstein Mr. David Welsh IRLG IRLG Workgroup (AN; Chromates) CEC IRLG IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) IRLG Workgroup (Radiation) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Beryllium) IRLG Workgroup (DES; Testing Standards and Guidelines) IRLG Workgroup (Information Exchange) IRLG Workgroup (Ozone) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Cadmium) IRLG IRLG IRLG Workgroup (VC/PYC) IRLG Workgroup (PBBs) IRLG Workgroup (ETO/ETCH/ETG) Section 4 Workgroup Test Rules and Exemptions Workgroup IRLG Workgroup (Asbestos) IRLG Workgroup (S02) IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Arsenic) IRLG Workgroup (DBCP) 104 ------- Mr. Grover C. Wrenn Or- Jim J. Tozzi Dr. Robert Dixon Mr. Carl Gerber CEC IRLG IRLG Workgroup (Regulatory Development; Agency Regulatory Alert Contacts) OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CEC OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY ITSDC Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC ITSDC THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Dr. John C. Harshbarger ICGEC 105 ------- B. State and Nonprofit 107 ------- . AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE ASSOCIATION Dr. Francis J. Berlandi Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Dr. Alexander Hollaender Gene-Tox Program COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS Mr. Carl Vorlander Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING, SAN FRANCISCO Dr. Selina Bendix ATSAC ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND Dr. Joseph H. Highland CEC Ms. Jacqueline M. Warren ATSAC LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Mrs. Becky F. Moon ATSAC MICHIGAN STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dr. Kenneth Wilcox CEC NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS Ms. Roberta Savage Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC NATIONAL PAINT AND COATINGS ASSOCIATION, INC. Ms. Sherrie Botz Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE Mr. Paul Danels ATSAC NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Dr. Peter W. Preuss ATSAC 108 ------- C. Private Sector 109 ------- Mr. Sheldon W. Samuels Ms. Ann E. Baker Ms. Mary McGrane Mr. John Beale Dr. Verald K. Rowe Dr. William L. Sutton Mr. Al Fein Dr. William H. Krebs Mr. David W. Gleeson Dr. Walter Lijinsky Mr. Curtis Elmer AFL-CIO CEC ALLIED CHEMICAL CORPORATION Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC BAKER, HOSTETLER, FROST & TOWERS Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC CEC EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ATSAC FEIN MARQUART ASSOCIATES Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Public Liaison Subcommittee ot ITSDC HARDWICKE CHEMICAL COMPANY ATSAC LITTON BIONETICS, INC. CEC MONSANTO COMPANY Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC ------- PFIZER MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Dr. Verne A. Ray CEC UNITED STEEL WORKERS Mr. Robert T. Hayden ATSAC 111 ------- D. Educational Institutions 113 ------- FRANKLIN PIERCE LAW CENTER Prof. Michael S. Baram ATSAC GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Department of Medical Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC and Public Affairs THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Dr. Paul 0. P. Ts'o CEC MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Dr. John Cantlow SAB NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Dr. David E. Davis SAP UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO Dr. Michael B. Shimkin CEC UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Dr. Robert Lee Metcalf SAP UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Dr. John Doull SAP .' f ;; UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Dr. John E. Davies "SAP UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Dr. Edward P. Radford ATSAC UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Dr. Edward Smuckler SAP 114 ------- UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MEDICAL SCHOOL Dr. Arnold L. Brown CEC VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Dr. Robert A. Neal SAP 115 ------- E. Medical md Research Centers 117 ------- BOYCE THOMPSON INSTITUTE FOR PLANT RESEARCH Dr. Dwayne Torgeson SAP DETROIT MEDICAL CENTER INSTITUTE FOR ONCOLOGY AND ALLIED DISEASES Dr. Janette B. Sherman ATSAC M. D. ANDERSON HOSPITAL AND TUMOR INSTITUTE Dr. Louise Strong CEC MEDICAL CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Dr. Henry C. Pi tot CEC NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Mr. George S. James Public Liaison Subcommittee of ITSDC Mrs. Carter Schuth ICGEC ilLjf ITC Dr. Marvin E. Stephenson ICGEC NEW YORK UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Dr. Norton Nelson CEC ROCKVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Dr. Leonard H. Billups ATSAC UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA MEDICAL CENTER Dr. David B. Clayson CEC 118 ------- |