EPA-600/2-76-036C February 1976 Environmental Protection Technology Series DESIGN AND OPERATING PARAMETERS FOR EMISSION CONTROL STUDIES: Kennecott, McGili, Copper Smelter Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, Nortfi Carolina 27711 ------- RESEARCH REPORTING SERIES Research reports of the Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have been grouped into five series. These five broad categories were established to facilitate further development and application of environmental technology. Elimination of traditional grouping was consciously planned to foster technology transfer and a maximum interface in related fields. The five series are: 1. Environmental Health Effects Research 2. Environmental Protection Technology 3. Ecological Research 4. Environmental Monitoring 5. Socioeconomic Environmental Studies • . This report has been assigned to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY series. This series describes research performed to develop and demonstrate instrumentation, equipment, and methodology;to repair or prevent environmental degradation from point and non-point sources of pollution. This work provides the new or improved technology required for the control and treatment of pollution sources to meet environmental quality standards. EPA REVIEW NOTICE This report has been reviewed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policy of the Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Informa- tion Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. ------- E PA-600/2-76-03 6c February 1976 DESIGN AND OPERATING PARAMETERS FOR EMISSION CONTROL STUDIES: KENNECOTT, McGILL, COPPER SMELTER by I. J. Welsenberg and J. C. Serne Pacific Environmental Services, Inc. 1930 14th Street Santa Monica, California 90404 Contract No. 68-02-1405, Task 5 ROAP No. 21ADC-061 Program Element No. 1AB013 EPA Project Officer: R. D. Rovang Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Office of Energy, Minerals, and Industry Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Prepared for U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Research and Development Washington, DC 20460 ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE A. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1 B. PLANT LOCATION, ACCESS AND OVERALL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT . . 2 C. PROCESS DESCRIPTION 2 D. EMITTING EQUIPMENT 7 a. Reverberatory Furnaces ... 7 b. Converters 7 c. Other Emitting Equipment 11 E. EXISTING CONTROL EQUIPMENT 11 F. NEW ACID PLANT 13 G. GAS SYSTEM DUCTWORK 16 H. SULFUR BALANCE AND GAS COMPOSITION AT SYSTEM EXIT .... 16 I. GAS CHARACTERISTIC VARIATION 23 J. STACK DESCRIPTION 25 K. SOLID WASTE HANDLING 25 L. FOOTING AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 25 M. EXISTING AND POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE UTILITIES 26 N. POTENTIAL NEW CONTROL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION PROBLEMS . . 28 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. PARTICULATE EMISSIONS ANALYSIS AT STACK OUTLET 19 2. SULFUR BALANCE 24 ------- LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. PLANT LOCATION (USGS MAP) 3 2. MAP OF MC GILL PLANT 4 (Located in Pocket Inside Back Cover) 3. PROCESS FLOW AND SULFUR BALANCE 5 4. REVERBERATORY FURNACE PLAN VIEW (Located in Pocket Inside Back Cover) 5. REVERBERATORY FURNACE ELEVATION VIEW 9 6. CONVERTER ELEVATION VIEW 10 7. PRECIPITATOR GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 12 8. MULTICLONE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT . , 14 9. ACID PLANT GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ..... 15 (Located in Pocket Inside of Back Cover) 10. REVERBERATORY FURNACE PARTICULATE BALANCE 17 11. COPPER CONVERTERS PARTICULATE BALANCE 18 12. PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION - CONVERTER 20 13. PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBTUION - REVERBERATORY FURNACE. ... 21 14. PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION - REVERBERATORY FURNACE. ... 22 15. STATISTICAL DATA FOR 750-FOOT SMELTER STACK 27 ii ------- A, INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to present background design data on the Kennecott Corporation, Nevada Mines Division, McGill, Nevada smelter in sufficient detail to allow air pollution control system engineering studies to be conducted. These studies will be primarily concerned with lean SO. streams that are currently not being captured. Physical layout of the smelter and surrounding area along with existing smelter and control equipment is presented. Ductwork that would be considered for future system tie-in is defined. Emissions from operating equipment, gas flow rates, temperatures, sulfur balance and process flow sheets are included. Utilities, stack dimensions, footing requirements and solid waste handling are defined. Available area for new control equipment, gas characteristic variation and potential new control equipment installation problems are discussed. The major uncontrolled sources of SO at this smelter are the reverberatory furnaces and the converters. Plans have been completed and work initiated on the installation of a 500 TPD sulfuric acid plant to capture a major portion of the sulfur emitted by the converters. This system also includes new water cooled converter hoods and flues to minimize gas dilution. Work has been stopped on this installation, which has progressed through site clearance and receipt of some equipment, because of litigation with EPA. Installation of new electrostatic precipitators to handle reverberatory furnace and converter exhaust gases is planned. Converter gases to be processed in the acid plant will be pretreated in wet scrubbers. The present control equipment includes multiclones to control particulate from the converters and a precipitator to control particulate from the reverberatory furnaces. Approximately 200,000 TPY of S09 are emitted at the old high production rate. This has been reduced to 175,000 TPY to allow full converter offgas flow to the new sulfuric acid plant which will control up to 61% of the S0.2 ------- at the lower production rate when it is completed. There is limited space available to install additional control equipment near the reverberatory furnaces. B, PLANT LOCATION, ACCESS AND OVERALL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT The Kennecott Copper Corporation, Nevada Mines Division smelter is located adjacent to the town of McGill, Nevada. A section of the USGS map showing land contours in the immediate area is presented in Figure 1. Design altitude of the plant is 6300 feet with a latitude of 39°10' and longitude of 114°50'. The smelter portion of the plant consists of a receiving central dumper which dumps feed material such as converter flux, reverts, coal, limerock, filter concentrates and miscellaneous into specific hoppers for mixing by conveyor to feed the charge bins, two coal fired reverberatory furnaces, four converters and a casting area producing blister copper cakes. The pollution control equipment currently consists of precipitators for handling the reverberatory furnace gases and multiclones for handling the converter gases. There is presently no S09 stream control. A single contact 500 TPD sulfuric acid plant is currently planned for controlling 862 in the converter offgases. Figure 2 shows the overall smelter plant layout. Space for new control equipment may be found west of the converter building or to the north of the acid plant installation. C, PROCESS DESCRIPTION The process flow sheet for the Kennecott McGill smelter is shown in Figure 3. Input material is placed in bedding bins consisting of converter flux, reverts, coal, lime (rock), miscellaneous and filter concentrates. Material from these bins is placed on a conveyor belt in proper proportions to make up the reverberatory furnace feed which is sent to the charge bins. A belt conveyor system is used to feed the coal fired reverberatory furnaces. ------- CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 20-FOOT CONTO DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL ------- Figure 2. MAP - MC GILL PLANT (Located in Pocket Inside of Back Cover) ------- coal To Power Plant Track h-rp Scales Conveyor Be 1 t I Gondola I To Refinery __ PROCESS FLOW & SULFUR BALANCE KENNECOTTCOPPERCORP/M£GILL Prepared Sepl. 1975 PACIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES , INC. Figure 3. ------- Matte from the reverberatory furnace is taken in ladles by crane and charged to the converters. From the converters the blister copper is poured into molds forming blister copper cakes. The cakes, the major product from this smelter, are sent to the Kennecott Refining Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland. The smelter has a charge capacity of approximately 400,000 TPY of concentrates. The daily charge rate generally varies from 750 to 1,300 TPD depending primarily upon availability of charge materials. Gases from the reverberatory furnaces pass through waste heat boilers and precipitators for particulate cleaning then out the new 750 ft. stack. Gases from the converters are picked up by hoods and passed to. a multiclones plant for particulate control and then out the new 750 ft. stack. The gases leave the reverberatory furnace at 2200 F and enter the waste heat boilers where they are reduced to a temperature of approximately 750 F. Gases from the converters leave at 800 F, Dust from the precipitators is processed in a pug mill and then returned to the charging bins. Likewise, dust from the multiclone plant and flues is transported by conveyor to the charge.bins. Slag from the converters is returned to the reverberatory furnace. Slag from the reverberatory furnace is sent to the slag dump. Temperatures, flow rates, and S02 concentrations are shown on the process flow sheet, Figure 3. It should be noted that there is considerable dilution air entering the system from the large gap in the converter hoods and other leakage points. The total volume of gases leaving the reverberatory furnaces and converters is 380,000 SCFM and this is then diluted by sufficient air to reach a volume as high as 580,000 SCFM leaving the stack. ------- D. EMITTING EQUIPMENT a. Reverberatory Furnaces There are two coal fired reverberatory furnaces each with two waste heat boilers shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Furnace #2 is 31' x 132' and furnace #3 is 32' x. 132'. The furnaces were built and installed by Kennecott Copper. Waste heat boilers #3 and #4 for the //2 furnace are rated at 40,000 Ibs/hr steam. Waste heat boilers #5 and #6 are rated at 70,000 Ibs/hr and are fed by gases from the //3 furnace. The two reverberatory furnaces process an average of 46 tons per hour of concentrate, 3 tons per hour residue, 14 tons per hour of coal, and 30 tons per hour converter slag. b. Converters The following describes the four Peirce-Smith converters shown in Figure 6: No. Dimensions Blower Capacity 1 12'-0" x 30'-0" 25,000 CFM at 18 psi 2 13'-0" x 30'-0" 25,000 CFM at 18 psi 3 , 12'-0" x 30'-0" 50,000 CFM at 17 psi 4 15'-0" x 35'-0" 40,000 CFM at 18 psi The charge to the four converters averages 34 tons per hour of copper matte, 1 ton per hour of residue and 12 tons per hour of flux. As seen in Figure 6 the converter mouth design has a cylindrical portion raised above the surface of the converter. This requires that the hoods be considerably higher than conventional "tight" fitting converter hoods resulting in increased amounts of dilution air entering the system. ------- Figure 4. REVERBERATORY FURNACE PLAN (Located in Pocket Inside Back Cover) ------- _ . 29'- I03A j I EAST-W yr FLUt g SECTICN A- O-ES45 SECTION P-b D-25.2S MZi/riot-i'o A- -x s fs : : •CALK '/IG =I-O DATE I- KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION NEVADA MINES DIVISION - MCGlIX, NEVADA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT F I CURE 5 MAWm TRACED CHECKED SJOMEO APPROVED M. j. i\i • ------- o EL-G35O-O - .:1- i 7 . PI IT! re) •IB! ' 19 : v»vot'_u fj-Ktt."'c" i ~ r- - T i -' I . ^ t ! • /\N/i/\ /\M/I. - 10 'SECTION SCALE klOTE : V. r-.rr: FIGURE 6 SMELTEP. i ;-L A^eAf. SECT1'. •CALE . ; NOTED F- F KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION NEVADA MINES DIVISION - MCGlLL, NEVADA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RAWM j TRACED T CHECKED I SIGNED I APPROVED IED I API ------- With two converters operating (handling matte from one reverberatory furnace) typical converter offgas volume flows are: Volumetric Gas Flow in SCFM (14.7 psia and 32°F) Wet Dry Maximum 103,000 100,000 Average 70,040 68,000 Minimum 30,900 30,000 These values were used to define the requirements for the sulfuric acid plant. The gas temperature downstream of the precipitator was assumed to be in the range of 450°F to 750°F. The SO- concentration typically ranges from 3.0% to 3.9% with a maximum range of 6% to zero percent. Zero percent may occur for 2 hour durations requiring acid plant recycling. c. Other Emitting Equipment Material handling in the unloading and bin loading areas can generate some particulate matter. Crushing and screening operations are performed but are not considered major sources of particulates. Ladles for handling slag and matte from the reverberatory furnaces do produce visible fugitive emissions, however, while the ladles are receiving molten material movable hoods, shown in Figure 4, are placed on top and evacuated through a separate duct and fan system. This minimizes fugitive emissions. E, EXISTING CONTROL EQUIPMENT An electrostatic precipitator is currently used to clean the gases coming from the reverberatory furnaces. Figure 7 is a general arrangement of the building and floor plan section of the precipitator handling the gases from the reverberatory furnaces. The overall 11 ------- *., 4-UL.iii4C.«,£aaljr{.Z<"- _ , __? _A_;°) ±t£.'-£e&e»r c»*^ca.< L J •12 ------- dimensions of the multi-stage unit are 90' x 38'. Screw conveyors transport the dust collected in the precipitator hoppers to a pug mill. The precipitator inlet flue is also equipped with a hopper and screw conveyor. Gases from the waste heat boilers enter the inlet flue and are then passed through a 25' wide opening to the precipitator sections. After cleaning, the gases are passed to the new 750 ft. stack (not the one shown). Figure 8 shows the multiclone arrangement for handling the gases from the converters. Converter gases, collected in the converter flue, are ducted to four 16 VD size 45-9 multiclone units. Each unit has a butterfly damper upstream for isolation and a louver damper downstream for control. In addition, a bypass damper is provided to allow direct flow of the gases to the stack. A 273,000 SCFM 2" S.P., 362 RPM Buffalo Fan located downstream of the multiclone units pulls the gases through the multiclone units. From the fan the gases travel through a brick flue and then out the stack. F, NEW ACID PLANT Figure 9 shows the general arrangements of the presently planned acid plant and gas handling facilities. This acid plant has been designed and installation initiated. The site has been graded and compacted and some equipment received. Because of Kennecott litigation with EPA, work has been halted on this new installation. The installation includes new precipitators for both the reverberatory furnaces and the converters along with a 500 TPD single contract sulfuric acid plant, and associated facilities. The new 750 ft. stack has been installed and is currently being used to handle all offgases from the smelter. 13 ------- OuSSalonn * n (Special) V&ria|b/e wvme Control CONVERTER PROPOSED MULTICLONE . toM/£:R7£/?6/)5 4 UN/73 /£ VD5H£45-f\ KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION NEVADA MINES DIVISION-MCGILL. NKVADA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5ou7H ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION ------- Figure 9. ACID PLANT GENERAL ARRANGEMENT (Located in Pocket Inside Back Cover) 15 ------- G, GAS SYSTEM DUCTWORK Ductwork details in plan view and elevations are shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6. Gases from each reverberatory furnace pass through an uptake to a pair of waste heat boilers. Following the boilers, the gases pass through a brick flue to the precipitator and are then discharged from the new 750 ft. stack. Gases from the converters are collected in the hoods, travel through the converter balloon flue to the parallel multiclone plant, and are then discharged to the stack. A bypass exhaust dust collection flue from the converter flue aids in the distribution of the gases. The converter flue and the exhaust dust collection flue meet at the junction box and then the single balloon flue carries the gases from this point. H, SULFUR BALANCE AND GAS COMPOSITION AT SYSTEM EXIT Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the particulate balance throughout the smelter. Analysis of particulate emission from the combined reverberatory furnace and converter gas systems is shown in Table 1. Listed are constituents that could cause pollution problems. The data were taken from stack dust lost test number 241 conducted on May 13, 1971. Typical data for gases leaving the stack are as follows: S02 0.89% (b.v.) S03 0.027% (b.v.) H20 0.20% (b.v.) 0_ not available Pollutant gases such as Cl, NO - no data available. Particle size distribution data measured upstream from the dust collection devices by Research Cottrell personnel are shown in Figures 12, 13, and 14. 16 ------- Concentrate 750 TPD Coal 200 TPD Other 46 TPD Converter Slag 405 TPD Reverb Furnace i Dust 26.0 TPD 1 Exhaust 26.5 TPD Waste Heat Boilers Dust 4 TPD Belt Conveyor Flues (existing) i Electrostatic. Precipltator i Dust 5 TPD 1 Dust 16.5 TPD Screw Conveyor Loader Emission 0.5 TPD 1 Flue and 750 Ft. Stack Dust 0.5 TPD Reverb Furnace Input Other: Lime Rock Flux Coal Dust Concentrate Converter Slag Total Average Allowable Partftu- late Emission TPD 45 1 200 26 750 405 1,427 59.2 tons/hr 46.2 Ib/hr Projected Particulate Emission TPD Reverb Exhaust 26.5 Collection: Waste Heat Boilers 4 Flue 5 Precipitator (New) 16.5 Flue Extension & Base of Stack 0.5 Subtotal Projected Emission Contingency Particulate Emission 26.5 0.5 = 42 Ib/hr _3 45 Ib/hr Figure 10. REVERBERATORY FURNACE PARTICULATE BALANCE 750 TPD (one reverberatory furnace) ------- Air 348 TPD Reverb Matte 248 TPD Emissions 0 TPD Flux 63 TPD One Converter Converter Input Flux Air* Dust Reverb Matte Total Average Allowable Particulate Emission: (One converter) (Two converters) TPD f>3 13.3 tons/hr 23.2 Ib/hr 46.4 Ib/hr *Process air excluded by definition Dust Exhaust 9.0 TPD Flues 'Dust 8.5 PTD Electrostatic Precipitator Dust 6 TPD Ladle Crane Acid Plant Dust 2.5 TPD Screw Conveyor Sludge 0.5 TPD Screw Conveyor Projected Particulate Emission TPD Converter Exhaust 9.0 Collection: Flues 6 Electrostatic Precipitator 2.5 Acid Plant Sludge 0.5 Subtotal 9.0 Projected Emission 0 Contingency Particulate Emission: (One converter) (Two converters) = 0 Ib/hr 5 5 Ib/hr 10 Ib/hr Figure 11. COPPER CONVERTERS PARTICULATE BALANCE 730 TPD (two converters) ------- Table 1. PARTICULATE EMISSIONS ANALYSIS AT STACK OUTLET Metal Arsenic Cadmium Copper Selenium Zinc Chromium Manganese Nickel Vanadium Boron Barium Mercury Lead Total 0.038 0.008 5.6 0.014 1.1 0.006 0.023 0.0045 0.0023 0.12 0.03 0.0007 0.065 7.0115 Stack Dust Lost Test No. 241 (5/13/71) 19 ------- CONVERTER N3 o o o >- CO '.J a: UJ CL i.o 10.0 PARTICLE DIAMETER (MICRONS) ------- REVERBERATORY FURNACE 00.3 r 93.8 93.5 H~ or UJ t- o Q 2: O CO I— z UJ OC Ul 0. 0(1 J U'-L 1.0 p A R T i c i r M'F 10.0 ' C ". 0 N 5 ) Figure 13 ------- REVERBERATORY FURNACE < Q CO J/> UJ ro N5 a: UJ ft. -1 2 -3 10.0 ------- Typical sulfur balance data for two charge rates are shown in Table 2. Fugitive emissions are reported as "Process Loss" in the "Sulfur Emitted" column. The 1,300 TPD concentrate assumes an average of the maximum feed to the reverberatory furnaces which has been encountered in the past.. Currently operation is closer to the 750 TPD rate. I, GAS CHARACTERISTIC VARIATION There are no data available on gas characteristic variation from the smelter, but it can be expected that S(>2 concentration in the offgas from the reverberatory furnaces will vary significantly with time. This results from the variation in time required for decomposition reaction of the various sulfide ores charged. This variation in SC>2 content has been known to vary as much as 10 to 1 within a given charging time cycle. S02 concentration in the converter offgas will also vary con- siderably for an entirely different reason. The operation of the converter includes several, usually three, slag blows and one copper blow. Between these blows the converter may be rolled out for slag pouring or material charging. When the converter is not blowing the hood above the converter is closed off by dampers so that the gases do not pass through the collection system. An attempt is always made to maintain at least one converter blowing gases into the system at any given time. The requirements for the acid plant design were set to cover an S02 range from 3.5% to 10.0%. It is expected that an average of 4.5% SC>2 will be encountered in the gases going to the acid plant from the converters. Gas volume flow to the acid plant will vary from 30,000 to 68,000 SCFM. 23 ------- Table 2. SULFUR BALANCE - 750 TPD(Concentrate) (Illustration No. 1) Percent of Sulfur in Feed Emitted PERCENT SULFUR (%) Sulfur Input 100 — 80 — 60 — 40 — 20 — 97% 39% 1 1 1 | 1 I 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 YEARS Sulfur Captured Sulfur Emitted TPD (%) TPD (%) TPD (%) Concentrates 750 tpd @35% S Slag 8 3 Reverb Furnace 83 32 Blister Copper 1 0 Emergency Bypass 0 0 263 100 Sulfuric Acid 146 56 New 750-Ft. Stack 83 32 Acid Plant Sludge 6 2_ Process Loss<£ugitive)i 1 4 263* 100% 161 61% Acid Plant Tail Gas 8 3 102 39% SULFUR BALANCE - 1,300 TPD (Concentrate) (Illustration No. 2) Percent of Sulfur in Feed Emitted PERCENT SULFUR (%) Sulfur Input 100 — , 80 — 60 — 40 — 20 — o ... 97% 59% I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1972 ' 1973 ' 1974 1975 1 1976 ' YEARS Sulfur Captured Sulfur Emitted TPD (%) TPD (%) TPD (%) Concentrates 1, 300 tpd @ 35% S Slag 14 3 Reverb Furnaces 144 31 Blister Copper 1 0 Acid Plant (Bypass) 99 22 455 100 Sulfuric Acid 163 36 New 750-Ft. Stack 243 sT 455 100% Acid Plant Sludge 7 2 Process Los8(FuBltive)18 4 185 41% Acid Plant Tail Gas 9 2 24 270 59% ------- J, STACK DESCRIPTION Figure 15 contains data and a sketch of the new 750 ft. stack. This figure also shows location of the new stack. Stack has a concrete shell with a 1/4" carbon steel liner. Inlet temperature averages 410°F with a range of 350°F to 700°F. K, SOLID WASTE HANDLING Slag is granulated as it leaves the reverberatory furnace by passing it into a slag launder tailing pond which causes the slag to granulate. The slurry thus formed is pumped to the slag dump. Converter slag is returned by ladle to the reverberatory furnace with a crane dumping into the return slag launder. Reverberatory bottoms are sent to the mill for crushing and returned directly to the reverberatory furnaces for charging. Flue dust from the multiclone and precipitator plants is returned to the charge bins by conveyor belt. L, FOOTING AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The original ground density for the acid plant foundation was 110 Ibs per cubic foot. To meet specifications the area was excavated, backfilled and then compacted to give a density of 128 Ibs per cubic foot. The following environmental conditions are used for design: Temperature -28°F to +128°F Design Wet Bulb Temperatures 58 F Design Dry Bulb Temperature 85°F Average annual rainfall 8.33 inches Average wind velocity 11 miles per hour Maximum wind velocity 100 miles per hour Direction of wind 80% SSW to NNE Average annual snow fall 56 inches 25 ------- Design snow load 20 inches Frost line design 30 inches Thunderstorms, number per year 9 Dust storms moderate Earthquake Uniform Building Code Zone 2 M, EXISTING AND POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE UTILITIES 1. Electric Existing 40,500 kva produced by Kennecott. 44,000 kva produced by Mount Wheeler Power Inc. Potential: Operating with all available power now. Additional transformer equipment required. Pickup at power house, switch house or transformer building. 2. Water Existing 14,586 gallons per minute Potential: Operating with all available water. Main lines , run approximately east-west direction and pass between boiler room and cooling tower. Additional lines feed reverberatory and converter buildings. 3. Steam Existing 753,900 Ibs/hr maximum total Potential: Operating with all available steam In addition to the waste heat boilers, there are 4 coal fired boilers used at the present time. 4. Gas Usage is very limited throughout the general plant. 26 ------- to srcii (.(HI* STATISTICAL DATA FOR 750-FOOT SMELTER STACK The following figures are approximate and are provided for general information only: SITI PLAN Concrete in column Concrete in foundation Thickness of concrete column at thickest point Thickness of concrete column at narrowest point Octagonal foundation dimensions Weight of reinforced concrete column Diameter of column at base Diameter of column at top Diameter of steel liner at bottom Diameter of steel liner at top MUTT CMC- 4500 cubic yards L*°°" 1310 cubic yards 48 inches 8 inches 78 feet across f 8 feet thick 9,150 tOnS 54 feet 7 inches 23 feet 4 inches 30 feet 15 feet 6 inches '""«" •*«* rrt,«..ii, SjCTMJNAL Figure 15 ------- N, POTENTIAL NEW CONTROL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION PROBLEMS There are four basic installation problems which Nevada Mines Division, Kennecott Copper Corporation considers existing for the installation of new control equipment. They are as follows: 1. Lack of surplus energy - due to the isolated area in which the plant is located the energy resources and potential are very limited. 2. Confined plant area - the existing plant area has very little capacity for expansion within, due to the limited area created by the complexity of the processes now in use. (It is believed that there is additional space available if ductwork is extended - PES comment.) 3. Continued operation while installation is taking place - the operations performed at Nevada Mines Division are all linked to each other in producing a finished product. Any loss of one of these steps produces a domino effect throughout the plant. 4. Economics - The status of the copper economy combined with the rise in the cost of material has produced economic hardship on copper producers. 28 ------- TECHNICAL REPORT DATA (Please read Instructions on the reverse before completing) 1. REPORT NO. EPA-600/2-76-036c 2. 3. RECIPIENT'S ACCESSION-NO. 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Design and Operating Parameters for Emission Control Studies: Kennecott, McGill, Copper Smelter 5. REPORT DATE February 1976 6. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE 7. AUTHOR(S) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO. I.J. Weisenberg and J. C. Seme 9. PERFORMING ORG '\NIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Pacific Environmental Services, Inc. 1930 14th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT NO. 1AB013; ROAP 21ADC-061 11. CONTRACT/GRANT NO. 68-02-1405, Task 5 12. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS EPA, Office of Research and Development Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Task Final; 4-10/75 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE EPA-ORD 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES EPA Task Officer for this report is R.Rovang, 919/549-8411, Ext 2557. 16. ABSTRACT The report gives background design data for a specific copper smelter. The data is sufficiently detailed to allow air pollution control system engineering > studies to be conducted. These studies will be concerned primarily with lean SO2 streams that currently are not being captured. Physical layout of the smelter and the surrounding area is presented, along with existing control equipment. Ductwork that would be considered for future system tie-in is defined. Emissions from operating equipment, gas flow rates, temperatures, sulfur balance, and a process flowsheet are included. Utilities, stack dimensions, footing requirements, and solid waste handling are defined. Available area for new control equipment, gas characteristic variation, and potential new control equipment installation problems are discussed. 17. KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS DESCRIPTORS b.lDENTIFIERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS c. COSATI Field/Group Air Pollution Copper Smelters Design Sulfur Dioxide Utilities Air Pollution Control Stationary Sources Emission Control Operating Data Solid Waste Handling Wastes 13B 07B 11F 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Unlimited 19. SECURITY CLASS (This Re port I Unclassified 21. NO. OF PAGES 32 B: 1. SECURITY CLASS (Thispage) nclassified 22. PRICE EPA Form 2220-1 (9-73) 29 ------- |