|                  WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460

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                           JAN 24 1994                      OFFICE OF
                                                      SOLID WASTE AND EMERGENCY
 MEMORANDUM                               OSWER Directive  9019.00

 SUBJECT:  Delegation of Authority - Senior Resource Official
           Approval  of Procurement Requests and Acquisition
 FROM:     Elliott  P.  Laws
           Assistant Administrator

 TO:       OSWER Office  Directors
           OSWER Division Directors
           OSWER Project Officers

      Consistent with  the proposed responsibilities of the
 Agency's Senior Resource Officials (SRO) ,  Procurement Requests
 (EPA Form 1900-1)  over  $1,000,000 must be signed by the SRO, who
 in OSWER is the career  Deputy Assistant Administrator.  This
 increases the amount  which requires DAA approval within OSWER for
 non-Superfund funding actions from $250,000 and removes the cap
 on the DAA's authority  of $10,000,000.  Procurement Requests for
 $1,000,000 or less may  be approved by the appropriate Office
 Director, which includes the directors of the Immediate Office
 organizations: the Chemical and Emergency Preparedness and
 Prevention Office, the  Technology Innovation Office, and the
 Superfund Revitalization Office.   This authority may be re-
 delegated to the Division Director level.

      Within OSWER  the SRO must also approve any acquisition
 request for a new  contract with a potential value over
 $1,000,000.  This  is  being done to ensure that a multi-million
 dollar procurement that is incrementally funded is reviewed by
 the SRO.  This approval should be in the form of the SRO signing
 the cover letter for  the acquisition request to the Office of
 Administration. and Resources Management.  Since a sole source
 extension to an expiring contract (a.k.a.  JOFOC) is an
 acquisition, SRO approval is also needed if it either exceeds
 $1,000,000 or increases the value of the original contract to
 more than $1,000,000.   All acquisition requests that do not
 exceed this amount may  be signed by the appropriate Office
 Director. v This authority may be re-delegated to the Division
 Director .level.
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     On acquisition requests that the SRO must approve, the SRO
should be briefed on the scope of work, the contract structure,
how the contract will be managed, the makeup of the technical
evaluation panel, the time frame for award, and your experience
with and what changes are being made to the existing contract, if
applicable.  In order to resolve any issues early in the
procurement process, please invite the appropriate Office of
Acquisition Management placement officials to the briefing.
Please coordinate your presentation with the Senior Resource
Advisor, Mike Kosakowski (260-9347).

     Also please remember that a request for advisory and
assistance services must be accompanied by a memorandum of
justification signed by an Assistant Administrator, which
authority in OSWER is hereby delegated to the SRO.

cc: Walt Kovalick
    Betty Bailey
