&EPA UnitM SIMM environment*! Prwtction 0«'C« of DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 9345.3-01 TITLE: DESIGNATION OF STATE NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES APPROVAL DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORIGINATING OFFICE: S FINAL D DRAFT • STATUS: ' | J [ J [ 1 1/30/89 REFERENCE (other documents): A- Pending OMB approval B- Pending AA-OSWER approval C- For review &/or comment D- In development or circulating headquarters nci/i/P/7 DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE L ------- •Sr FP& Unrte° SU' wa^^oTo'c aSS"0" A9CnCV ' u'fect~« Numo" inrcnrn OSWER Directive Initiation Request 9345.3-01 2. Originator Information Name of Contact Person . Mail Coae OH Sandra Lee ! OS230 3. Title Ice Teiepnore Coae HSED, DESIGNATION OF STATE NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES 4. Summary of Directive (include one! statement of purpose) Restates requirement for States Trustees for CERCLA purposes. to designate Natural Resources - 5. Keywords Superf urri , CEPCLA, SARA 6a. Doi b. Ooe 7. Draft _ is rrtis directive Superseoe Previous Oirective(s)? No. s it Supplement Previous Oirective(S)? No Level ^__^ A - Signed by AA/DAA 8 - Signed by Office Director Yes What directive (number, title) Yes what directive (number. We) ~* "" "'" **• • II C - For Review A Comment 0 - In Development 8. Document to be distributed to States by Headquarters? ^ Y« No Thla Aegueat Me«U OSWER Directive* System Format 9. Signature of Lead Office Directives Coordinator Betti C. VanEpps dj 10. Name and Title of Approving Official Henry L. Longest II, Standard*. ^ / £&!'£' I £*-<- Office Director .^^ V|/ OERR Oat* 1/30/89 Data 1/30/89 EPA Form 1315-17 (Rev. 5-67) Previous editions are oosoiete. OSWER OSWER OSWER O VE DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE ------- UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICE OF SOLID WASTE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE OSWER DIRECTIVE #9345.3-01 MEMORANDUM IAN 30 SUBJECT: Request for Designation of State Natu/Jal Resource Trustees FROM: Henry L. Longest II, Director Office of Emergency and TO: Addressees Purpose; To remind Regional Division Directors of the need for States to designate Natural Resource Trustees for CERCLA purposes. Background; In my memorandum dated April 8, 1988 on the same subject, I asked you to contact Governors to request designations of Natural Resource Trustees. I am asking again. The revised National Contingency Plan (NCP) has been proposed; the duties and responsibilities of State Natural Resource Trustees have been explicitly set out, along with your responsibility to notify and coordinate with them. As of this date we have received letters from the Governors of the following States designating Natural Resource Trustees: Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. A recent letter from Mr. Bruce Blanchard, Director of Environmental Project Review in the Department of the Interior, contains an attachment listing designations which have been made to his office. I have attached a copy for your information. CERCLA section 107(f)(2)(B) specifically states that the Governor of each State shall designate State officials who may act on behalf of the public as trustee for natural resources under CERCLA and under section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and shall notify the President of such designations. That authority to accept notifications has been re-delegated to the Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response and to the Regional Administrators. ------- OSWER DIRECTIVE #9345.3-01 - 2 - Ob-iective; I am very much interested in having appropriate designations in place and up to date; having the State trustees listed in Regional Response Plans; and having notification and coordination take place as spelled out in the revised NCP. I believe the State trustees have a role to play in the environmental review of a site, and in State acceptance of a cleanup decision. Implementation; Please contact the Governors of the States in your Region to get an official designation of State Natural Resource Trustee for CERCLA. If the Regional Administrator has already received such designations, please send a copy of these designations to Sandra Lee, Toxics Integration Branch, OS-230. Copies of any such designations received in Headquarters will be forwarded to you immediately. Attachment Addressees; Director, Office of Emergency & Remedial Response, Region II Director, Hazardous Waste Management Division, Regions III and VI Director, Waste Management Division, Regions I, IV, V, VII, and VIII Director, Toxics and Waste Management Division, Region IX Director, Hazardous Waste Division, Region X cc: Betti C.VanEpps, OERR Directives Coordinator ------- |