United States
            Environmental Protection
                  Office of
                  Drinking Water
                  Washington DC, 20460
                       EPA 570/9-82-007
            Water and Waste Management
Committee on the
Challenges of Modern Society
            Drinking Water Pilot Study

            NATO/CCMS Drinking Water
            Pilot Project Series
            CCMS 130


                  Edited by:
     Ervin Bellack and Joseph A. Cotruvo,
     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
NATO/CCMS Drinking Water Pilot Project Series
         Joseph A. Cotruvo, Chairman

                  CCMS I 130


     Many of the industrialized Nations face problems such as
population, energy, and protection of the environment.  In
order to -optimize the use of the scientific and technical
expertise from different countries, the Committee on the
Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS) was created between the
Allied Nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
This international society of scientists strengthens ties
among the members of the North Atlantic Alliance and permits
NATO to fill a broader social role with non-member countries.
CCMS has been responding to the increasingly complex, technolog-
ical problems facing modern society.

     The Drinking Water Pilot Study was initiated by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency in order to address a broad
spectrum of drinking water quality and health related issues.
Six subject areas have been studied by a number of groups
representing individuals from eleven NATO countries and
three non-alliance countries with technical participation
from many others.  The topic areas include Analytical Chemistry
and Data Handling (Area I), Advance Treatment Technology
(Area II), Microbiology (Area III), Health Effects (Area IV),
Reuse of Water Resources (Area V) and Ground Water Protection
(Area VI).

     I.   Analytical Chemistry - Pilot country, United Kingdom;
Chairman, Lawrence R. Pittwell, British Department of the

     This report consists of the present practices as well as
the research being conducted by the participating nations.
This includes the sampling frequencies and methods, the
national laws and regulations, the analytical methods used
and the present analytical and related research in progress.
The report is intended to serve as a data base for others
involved in similar work, or who have common problems, and to
be a basis for collaboration to avoid unnecessary duplication
of research and improve the quality of drinking water through-
out the world.

     II.  Advanced Treatment Technology - Pilot country,
Federal Republic of Germany; Chairman, Heinrich Sontheimer,
University of Karlsruhe.

     Two international symposia, entitled, "Oxidation Techniques
in Drinking Water Treatment" at Karlsruhe, Federal Republic
of Germany and "Adsorption Techniques in Drinking Water
Treatment" at Reston, Virginia, form the basis for the report.
Herein are two comprehensive surveys of the practical applica-
tion of adsorption and oxidation techniques for removing

organic chemicals from drinking water.  Both of these symposia
represented the most up-to-date technical assessments of the
state-of-the-art for those technologies and provide data from
working installations in a number of countries.

    III.  Microbiology - Pilot country. United States;
Chairman, Dean O. Oliver; University of Wisconsin, Food
Research Institute.

     The intent of the microbiology group was to incorporate
into the project a survey of virtually all aspects of drinking
water microbiology that have practical significance.  Their
report includes sections on raw water microbiology, water-
borne pathogens, indicator systems, testing and standards,
treatment processes, distribution systems and technological
aspects of potable water microbiology.

     IV.  Health Effects - Pilot country, United States;
Chairman, Joseph Borzelleca, Medical College of Virginia.

     The Area IV report includes information on toxicological
issues, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, chemical constituents
physical constituents, and epidemiological considerations
associated with drinking water.  The proceedings of a compre-
hensive symposium on Drinking Water and Cardiovascular Disease
is also included.  This latter area is the most up-to-date
analysis of the controversial and potentially significant
role of drinking water quality factors on cardiovascular
disease risk factors in consuming populations.

     V.   Reuse of Water Resources - Pilot country. United
Kingdom; Chairman, Albert Goodman, Department of the Environment.

     A summary of the reuse laws and practices in the parti-
cipating countries forms the basis for the report.  Also
included is a symposium entitled, "Protocol Development:
Criteria and Standards for Potable Reuse and Feasible
Alternatives".  This examined the technical status of methods
for producing high quality water from poor quality sources,
and techniques for determining the safety of consuming recycled
water, as well as social and economic aspects of the decision.

     VI.  Ground Water Protection - Pilot country, Federal
Republic of Germany; Chairman, Horst Kussmaul, Institut  fur
Wasser, Soden-und Lufthygiene.

     This is a report on the quality and quantity of ground
water resources, with emphasis on recharge and production
from contamination.

     This volume is a summary of the efforts in all six areas
of the NATO/CCMS Drinking Water Project.

     This report is a tribute to the efforts for all the
participants involved.  It is hoped that the ties established
and the good spirit of international cooperation that has
prevailed.through the completion of this report will continue
in the development of future related projects.
                         Joseph A. Cotruvo, U.S. EPA
                         Chairman, Drinking Water Pilot Project

                      TABLE OP CONTENTS
I.        Executive Summary
II.       Introduction
               a.   The Drinking Water Pilot Study
               b.   Study Outline - Participating Countries
III.      Analytical Chemistry and Data Handling - Summary
               a.   Conclusions & Recommendations
               b.   Part ic ipants
IV.       Advanced Treatment Technology - Summary
               a.   Conclusions & Recommendations
               b.   Participants
V.        Microbiology - Summary
               a.   Conclusions & Recommendations
               b.   Participants
VI.       Health Effects - Summary
               a.   Conclusions & Recommendations
               b.   Participants
VII.      Reuse of Water Resources - Summary
               a.   Conclusions & Recommendations - Study
                    Group and Workshop
               b.   Participants - Study Group & Workshop

VIII.     Ground Water Protection - Summary
               a.   Conclusions & Recommendations
               b.   Participants
IX.       Appendix - The NATO Committee on the Challenges
          of Modern Society - Work Program - 1982
               a.   Pilot Studies - Current
               b.   Pilot Studies - Follow-up Phase
               c.   Pilot Studies - Completed

                          CHAPTER I
                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The HATO/CCMS Drinking Hater Pilot Study was initiated in the
hope of achieving a better understanding of the drinking
water problems that are shared by all countries and to consider
possible solutions to those problems.  The aim of the pilot
study is to produce a comprehensive report on state-of-the-
art matters relating to drinking water in the participating
nations, including evaluations of existing technology and
practice from the points of view of effectiveness, public
health protection, practicality, costs, general availability
and association by-product hazards.

The study has been organized by the United States of America
with the assistance of the copilots the United Kingdom and
the Federal Republic of Germany, into six individual topics,
which were assigned as follows:
1.   Analytical Chemistry and  Data Handling - Lawrence R.
     Pitwell, Department of  the Environment, United Kingdom

2.   Advanced Treatment Technology - Dr. Heinrich Sontheimer,
     Engler-Bunte-Institut der Universitat Karlsruhe, Federal
     Republic of Germany

3.   Microbiology - Professor Dean 0. Oliver, Food Research
     Institute, Department of Bacteriology, University of
     Wisconsin, United States

4.   Health Effects - Professor Joseph F. Borzelleca,
     Division of Toxicology, Medical College of Virginia,
     United States
5.   Reuse of Water Resources - Albert Goodman, Department
     of the Environment, United Kingdom
6.   Ground Water Considerations - Dr. Horst Kussmaul, Institut
     fur Wasser-, Boden - und Lufthygiene des Bundesgesundheitsamtes,
     Federal Republic of Germany

Dr. Joseph A. Cotruvo of the Office of Drinking Water, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, was overall chairman of the
pilot study on behalf of the pilot country, the United States
of America.

Each of these study groups has prepared a final report  and
arrived at a number of conclusions and recommendations.
These represent the thoughts of the individual participants
and do not necessarily represent national policies.  The
recommendations include both suggestions for actions to be
taken in specific areas and suggestions for further study.
Some of the significant features of the individual study
group reports are summarized in the following sections.
Full summary reports and recommendations are in later chapters
and the full reports of each group are published separately
in this series.

 The CCHS mechanism has been a most effective mechanism  for
 international contact and information exchange  in  the rapidly
 developing area of the science and technology of drinking
 water.   Since it operates in the  absence of a regulatory
 contextr  it has provided  direct access to  the latest concepts
 in an unrestricted forum  that has encouraged free  interchange
 and rapid acceptance.   Since the  field is  developing rapidly,
 the program should continue in specific areas with a follow-
 up mechanism for the application  of findings.

Area I, Analytical Chemistry and Data Handling,
Laurence R. Pittwell, Chairman

The ultimate aim of chemical analysis in the drinking water
industry is to provide data which are useful in the safeguarding
of the quality of water intended for human consumption.
There is no need or desire to analyze water for analysis
sake, nor is there a need or desire to identify or quantify
every possible constituent in drinking water.  The parameters
to be measured, the frequency or monitoring, the analytical
and sampling methods used and the national analytical quality
assurance procedure of each country are determined by specific
needs.  The needs in turn are determined by the characteristics
of the water being studied.

The Analytical Chemistry and Data Handling study group
wrote their report on the basis of a survey of present
practice and problems in interested nations.  Some problems,
and thus some conclusions and recommendations, are common
to virtually all countries.  These include the need for
monitoring in accordance with specific requirements, the
need for the establishment of data handling requirements,
and the need for adaptation of analytical chemistry, in
all of its aspects, to future developments in industry,
treatment processes and public health.

 In the area of monitoring, the study concluded that, if public
 health is to be safeguarded, the minimum requirement for even
 the purest water is a periodic check of the quality of the
 source water as well as the water at the consumer's tap.  The
 monitoring should take into account the risks likely to be
 encountered by the consumer and where practicable, source
 monitoring and should be done in such a way that in the event
 that contamination is discovered there is ample time for
 remedial action to be taken before the water is processed.
 Process control monitoring is needed to ensure that the
 quality of water leaving the treatment plant is satisfactory,
 and distribution system monitoring is needed to assure that
 the quality of water reaching the consumer has not deteriorated
 en route.
The study group paid particular attention to the status of
analytical methods used in drinking water analysis, and they
recommended that only proven accurate standardized methods be
used, methods must be suitable for use with the water analytzed
and the situation in hand.  Because it is often impossible or
undesirable to choose one single method for a parameter which
will suit all water types, which will suit every laboratory
situation, or which will suit every budget, there should be
a choice of methods of known performance for each parameter.
Where the analysis for a particular parameter is time-consuming
or costly, an appropriate rapid empirical test should be de-
vised and used routinely.  In fact, the study group felt that

there is a need for quicker, cheaper methods for many para-
meters, as well as for continuous monitoring methods for
some methods for distinguishing the form in which a chemical
is present.  For the hundreds of organic chemicals that have
been identified in some waters, the study group recommended
the development of rapid simple methods, but noted that there
is little point in identifying increasing numbers of microtrace
impurities unless there is an indication that a real hazard
exists.  The group also noted that little attention has been
paid to the natural organic matter which constitutes the bulk
of the total organic content of drinking water.
Since even use of a method of proven accuracy does not
completely guarantee the validity of the result, the study
group emphasized the need for adequate control of analytical
quality both within and between laboratories.  Other areas
explored included sampling methods, storage and preservation
of samples, training of laboratory techniques, reproducibility
and reliability characteristics of analytical methods, test-
ing of waters  for additives from water-contact materials,
record keeping and exchanges of information.  The group
considered mentioning certain parameters for which analytical
methods are inadequate, but declined to do so on the basis
of rapid changes in analytical research and analytical

requirements.  The group noted that their potential  list
changed several times while their report was being drafted.
Their final recommendation was that information exchanges  in
the fields covered by their report should be arranged  at
intervals in the future.

Some of the key concepts arrived at by the analytical  chemistry
study group are:

     o    Process control analyses need to be adequate to
          ensure that the quality of water leaving the water-
          works is satisfacory, and that, in addition, samples
          should be collected at representative points through-
          out  the distribution system to assure that the
          water reaching the consumer is of the same quality.

     o    When the analysis for a specific hazardous substance
          is time-consuming or costly, an appropriate rapid
          empirical test should be devised and used routinely;
          but  sufficient full determination should be made at
          regular intervals to assure the continued validity
          of the control analysis.

     o    There should be adequate control of analytical
          quality both within and between laboratories.  It
          is realized that interlaboratory tests are very
          difficult to to organize in such a way that meaningful
          results are obtained, hence, such interlaboratory
          tests should be used sparingly but thoroughly.


Some of the major conclusions and recommendations of the
analytical chemistry study group are:

          o    Monitoring must be adequate, the results
               must be obtained in time to be of use, and
               be of assured quality.  In order to be assured
               of the quality of data generated, the laboratory
               must be certified as being capable of performing
               the analyses, there must be an effective
               system of quality control, and there must
               be a continuing program for quality assurance
               which includes interlaboratory testing and
               methods evaluation.

          o    Monitoring procedures should be tailored
               to the individual raw water and treatment
               process, be of a quality to reflect the
               probability of contamination existing, and
               consider the relative risks from the contaminants
               being monitored.  The potential for contamination
               being introduced from components of the
               distribution system must be recognized,
               and sampling at the consumers' taps must
               be a part of the monitoring scheme.

          o    The ultimate aim of chemical analysis in
               the drinking water industry is to provide
               data to safeguard the quality of the water
               drunk, or used in cooking and cleaning,
               rather than the provision of a historic
               record of past events, even though such
               a record may have a place in the assessment

of seasonal changes or gradual trends necessary
to the setting of future operational policy.

There is no point in identifying increasing
numbers of microtrace impurities unless
there is an indication that a real hazard
exists, while quite large amounts of some
other classes of substances remain unidentified.
For example, although hundreds of organic
chemicals have been identified in some waters
at microgram or nanogram levels, very little
is known about the humics, fulvics and lignins
that may constitute 80% of the total organic
carbon in water.

Area II, Advanced Treatment Technology
Professor Heinrich Sontheimer, Chairman
During the past ten to fifteen years, water treatment technology
has changed considerably.  Many improvements have been made/
such as the use of multi-layer filters for more efficient and
economical filtration, and important changes have been
introduced regarding new concepts of process design, especially
in conjunction with more frequent use of technologies such as
oxidation and adsorption.  There are two important reasons
for the incorporation of such methods in the treatment process.
First, analytical methods have shown that many surface and
ground water are being polluted with synthetic organic
chemicals that cannot be removed effectively by standard
treatment methods.  Second, breakpoint chorination, while in
many respects effective from both technical and economic view-
points, has certain significant disadvantages.  Through the
reactions of free chlorine with organic constituents, chlorinated
organic compounds such as chloroform and many other chemicals
are formed.  This can occur under conditions necessary for
safe disinfection of the drinking water if precursor concentra-
tions are high, and can potentially contribute health risks,
especially if these contaminants have formed in higher

Chlorine has been and will probably continue to be the most
widely used oxidant and disinfectant for drinking water.  Its
use has been remarkable for controlling waterborne transmission
of disease-producing organisms.  The discovery of potentially
hazardous chlorinated by-products has led to scrutiny of
uncontrolled or excessive use of chlorine.  Oxidants, such as
ozone and chlorine dioxide, as well as technologies to reduce
the amount of oxidant that is needed, have been widely used
in many countries.  It should be recognized that all oxidants
produce chemical by-products, and that we have insufficient
information at time to determine whether the by-products of
the other oxidants are of more or less concern than the by-
products of chlorine use.

The types, variety and quantity of contaminating chemicals
found in surface and ground waters differ and the treatment
would also differ.  Surface water affected by industrial or
municipal waste discharges may contain a variety and large
number of synthetic organic chemicals, usually each at very
low concentrations  (fractions of parts per billion).  The
majority of organic substances are of natural origin (e.g.,
humic and fulvic substances) and these will react with oxidants
such as chlorine or ozone to produce a variety of chemicals.
On the other hand, when ground water becomes contaminated it

is often by a few substances and often at higher concentrations
than found in surface waters.  The most frequently detected
organic chemicals in ground water are the volatile halogenated
solvents such as trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene.
These are commercially produced in very high volumes, widely used
in industry, and chemically and biologically stable.

The present study has concentrated on oxidation and adsorption
technologies that deal with organic chemical contamination.
A similar study on coagulation technology would definately be
in order.

Even the most sophisticated analytical methods currently avail-
able cannot identify all contaminants in drinking water.
Thus, water systems should emphasize source protection and
comprehensive treatment to assure consistent finished water

Member states should conduct monitoring surveys of ground
waters to determine if they are being contaminated by waste
disposal practices.  This should  include analyses of at  least
the volatile organic chemicals  (halogenated and other).
There should be regular monitoring of raw water, treatment
processes,  final water quality and distribution systems.  In
addition, there is a need for quality control and quality
assurance mechanisms to insure the validity of the monitoring
and analytical processes.

The Advanced Treatment Technology study group of the NATO/CCMS
Drinking Water Pilot Study presented their report on the
results of  international studies  concerning the state of the
art of the  application of oxidation and adsorpton techniques
 (including  granular activated carbon) in the treatment of
drinking water in the form of two conferences - the first
held  in Karlsruhe, Germany,  in September 1978, and the
second in Reston, Virginia,  USA,  April 30 - Nay 2, 1979.
These conferences, sponsored, respectively by the Federal
Republic of Germany and by the  U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency jointly with NATO/CCMS,  did not attempt to pre-
scribe general rules for the utilization of oxidative

and adsorptive treatment processes, but rather were intended
to draw attention to the potential benefits to be attained
and to the problems remaining to be solved, as well as
provide detailed information on the performance and costs
of various technologies.

The major concepts evolving from the conferences included:

          o    Treatment of surface waters for drinking
               water purposes must include flocculation
               and filtration.

          o    In order to avoid possible disadvantages
               of breakpoint chlorination, additional treatment
               steps may be required to achieve a greater
               reduction in overall organics concentration.

          o    Pretreatment before flocculation, including
               the use of storage basins or ponds, prechlorination
               with dosages under the breakpoint, preozonation
               and riverbank filtration often enhances
               finished water quality.

          o    When breakpoint chlorination is omitted,
               an alternative process should be used to
               achieve reliable disinfection.  The alternatives
               include ozonation, biological treatment
               particularly in conjunction with granular
               activated carbon filters, and disinfection
               with chlorine or chlorine dioxide at the
               end of the treatment process.

          o    While breakpoint chlorination is effective
               for  ammonia removal, another method for
               nitrification may be necessary if chlorination
               cannot  be  used.   Biological ammonia oxidation
               may  be  a viable  alternative.

          o    Granular activated carbon filters have been
               used for many years for taste and odor removal,
               but  there  is still a widespread lack of
               knowledge  concerning this treatment step,
               however, several facilities are successfully

          o    Carbon  filters can be used for (1)  removal
               of specific organics such as chloro compounds
               and  aromatic hydrocarbons, (2) reduction
               of total organic carbon and chlorine demand,
                (3)  biological oxidation of ammonia, (4)
               taste and  odor removal, and (5)  dechlorination.

          o   Biological activity in carbon filters can increase
              time and throughput  between carbon reactivations two
              to five times  without sacrificing water quality,  especially
              if preozonation is being used.

Other processes for organics removal discussed at the conferences
included adsorption   with synthetic resins, the removal of
humics by microreticular  anion  exchange resins, aeration
for removal of volatile contaminants, and membrane processes.
The conclusion reached by the study group was that it is
not possible to propose one preferred combination of treatment
options that can replace  the standard treatment configuration.

However, the oxidation and adsorption processes discussed
offer many possibilities as part of a complete treatment
requires that can be tailored to cope with each treatment
problem that is encountered in the wide variety of water
that are used as drinking water supplies.

Area III, Microbiology.
Dean 0. Oliver, Chairman

Potentially the most significant constraint  upon  the  scope
of the microbiology project was that  it was  to address
the drinking water supply problems of industrialized  nations.
Significant features of drinking water supplies in  industrialized
nations are high volume usage, both for consumption and
other applications, and the potential for microbiological
contamination of source water because of water reuse.

The Microbiology study group incorporated into their  project
a survey  of virtually all aspects of  drinking water microbiology
that have practical significance to the water microbiologist.
Their report includes sections on  (1)  raw water microbiology,
 (2) water-borne pathogens,  (3) indicator systems,  (4) testing
and standards,  (5) treatment processes,  (6)  distribution
systems,  and  (7) technological aspects of potable water
microbiology.  In addition to specific recommendations
pertinent to each section, the following were among the
major recommendations provided by the group:
               Every public water  supply  should begin with
               the highest quality raw water  that  is available
               in quantities  sufficient to meet the community's

needs.  Efforts to protect and improve the
quality of source waters are important;
both waste discharges and non-point sources
of pollution should be considered in attempts
to prevent or alleviate contamination.
Where possible, water to be used for irrigation,
or for industrial purposes other than food,
drug, or cosmetic manufacture, should usually
be drawn from less pure sources than those
from which the public supply derives.

Disinfection is necessary, but not always
sufficient, to ensure the safety of drinking
water from virtually any source.

Complete treatment of drinking water, including
at least coagulation and sedimentation with
sand filtration or alternatively dual filtration
including effective slow sand filtration,
followed in all cases by disinfection, is
essential in all cases where source waters
are unprotected and is highly desirable
even with protected sources.

Sound engineering practice is required to
produce safe drinking water; microbiologic
laboratory testing performed on a routine
basis, according to standardized methods,
and by properly trained and supervised staff,
is an important basis for assessment of
drinking water quality.  Indicator systems
for use in these tests may be selected for
any one of the following purposes:  (i)
to signal fecal contamination; (ii) to detect

any abnormal and probably undesirable conditions
that may occur; or  (iii) to warn of the
probable presence of specific pathogens.
Larger waterworks, at least, should develop
microbiologic quality control procedures
and baseline data for all stages of treatment
from raw water through distribution.  Prompt
corrective action should be taken when norms
are exceeded.  At least one microbiology
laboratory in each country should have the
ability to detect waterborne pathogens,
either for spot-checking or for investigating
outbreaks, both from water samples and from
clinical specimens.  Results of tests for
both indicators and pathogens should be
shared on an international basis.

In addition to the well-established research
on waterborne bacterial pathogens, considerably
more research is needed concerning viruses
and protozoa transmissible by drinking water,
in the areas of the dose-dependence of peroral
infectivity and pathogenicity, the detection
of these agents in water, and their removal
or destruction by water treatment and disinfection

Materials of which water treatment and distribution
facilities are constructed should be pretested
for chemical and biological stability.
Testing methods, as well as results, should
be shared internationally as much as possible;
however, it is also best to test materials,
before use in a given system, with the very

water with which they will, in fact, be
in contact.

Finished water in distribution, in both
public and semipublic systems, should be
sampled at representative locations and
tested microbiologically with a frequency
that depends on the size of the population
served.  Private water supplies should be
tested at least annually.  In all instances,
the presence of coliforms, thermo-tolerant
coliforms, or £. coli in a 100-ml sample
should be treated as unacceptable, or at
the very least, undesirable.

To minimize aftergrowth or other technological
problems and to provide a means of determining
whether cross-contamination has occurred,
water in a public supply distribution should
wherever possible contain a measurable residual
level of disinfectant (e.g., free chlorine at
all points.

Means are needed to control cross-connections,
to ensure both that the consumer does not
degrade publicly-supplied water to the detriment
of his own health and that his use of the
water does not cause contamination that
threatens the health of.others.  Aspects
of particular concern  include water attachment
devices that use water, and point-of-use
treatment units attached to the consumer's

Area IV, Health Effects
Professor Joseph Borzelleca, Chairman

The committee addressed  two major  topics;  the chemical and
physical contaminants  in drinking  water.   A list of 744
chemicals, their country of origin, concentrations, source
and treatment was  compiled.

The origin of these  contaminants,  natural, man-made or as the
result of water treatment was discussed.   Naturally occurring
contaminants included  organic and  inorganic chemicals.  The
anthropogenic chemicals  included atmospheric, industrial,
agricultural, landfill,  surface runoff and household chemicals.
Contaminants formed  as the result  of water treatment included
trihalomethane and chlorinated aromatic and non-aromatic compounds

Contaroinnats contributed from the  distribution system included
leachates from piping, polycyclic  aromatic hydrocarbons and
corrosion products.  The committee identified the following
substances as worthy of  further study:  halogenated methanes,
polycyclic aromatic  hydrocarbons,  asbestos, chlorinated
phenols and cations.  An additional eleven chemical classes
and one physical class were identified for further evaluation.

The committee concentrated on the question of whether drinking
water contamination could result in adverse health effects of
the chemical contaminants.

Various methods of disinfection are successfully used to
control water-borne diseases due to biological contaminants
in water  (viruses, bacteria).  Varying methods of chemical
control add chemical contaminants to the drinking water.  For
example,  chloroform and carbon tetrachloride have been found
as contaminants in chlorine gas.  Trihalomethanes may be
formed by the interaction of chlorine with humic and/or fulvic
acids.  In addition, chemical contaminants may arise from
natural,  agricultural, industrial or distributional sources.
Acute or  chronic exposures to these chemicals could theoretically
result in adverse health effects that are immediate or delayed,
reversible or irreversible.  Since these contaminants rarely
occur singly, chemical interactions (additives, synergistic,
antagonistic) must be considered.  The nature of adverse
health effects can usually be determined from properly designed
tried animal experiments or human epidemiological studies.
Potentially toxic agents may also be identified by the use or
short term or in vitro tests.  Other methods of identification
of potentially toxic agents include chemical structure similarity
to known  toxicants.

Attempts should be made  to  reduce  the  number  of  potentially
toxic chemical contaminants,  but the microbiological  quality
of drinking water must not  be comprised.

     o     In  general,  no adverse health effects  have  been
           observed  from  the consumption of drinking water
           generated from a  controlled  public  supply  (i.e.,
           adequate  source protection,  treatment  methods  and
           distribution system) and which  met  drinking water
           standards.  Nevertheless potential  hazards  exist.

     o     Epidemiologial studies should be encouraged, but
           only when they are expected  to  be of a sensitivity
           sufficient to  detect the predicted  effect or when
           they are  clearly  acknowledged to be hypothesis
           generating in  intent. The most rigorous methods
           and standards  of  design  and  interpretation  must be
     o     When estimating hazards  of chemicals to humans, it
           is  essential to consider exposure from all  sources
           (air,  food,  water, occupational exposure,  lifestyle,
           etc.).   In general, drinking water  is  a minor  source
           of  total  daily and lifetime  exposure to most environ-
           mental  chemicals.

     o     Where  risk of  toxic effects  is  estimated
           for various levels of exposure, the acceptance


of a particular level of risk is a socio-
political judgement.

A means for monitoring the toxic potential
of the chemicals in tap water in a rapid
and comprehensive manner should be sought.
Studies aimed at the development of simple
assay methods are strongly endorsed.  Similarly,
a flexible and reliable strategy for the
application of such methods should be developed.

The NATO/CCMS Master List of Organic Chemical
Contaminants should be kept current.  Participation
by all NATO countries is strongly encouraged.
Study of the role of chemical constituents
in potable water in the etiology and expression
of human disease should concentrate on those
where they may be factors in common diseases
(for example, cardiovascular disease, cancer),
should be considered as part of the overall
strategy of disease investigations and should
deal with possibilities of benefit as well
as harm.

Area V, Reuse of water Resources,
Albert Goodman, Chairman

The reuse study group examined  current practices  in  the
direct or indirect  recycling of water for potable use  from
a number of aspects, including  the regulatory and legislative
control of discharges of  pollutants  to surface waters  in
the participating countries, the different methods for
assessing the percentage  of indirect reuse, the purification
systems which are available for reuse applications,  the
health aspects associated with  both  direct and indirect
reuse, the non-potable applications  of reused water, the
public acceptance of renovated  wastewater, and the trends
in water resources  management with respect to reuse.  Several
case  studies involving indirect reuse were presented.
As an adjunct to the study group report, the proceedings
of a  workshop entitled, "Protocol Development:  Criteria
and Standards for Potable Reuse and  Feasible Alternatives"
are included in the report appendix.  The latter, a  contribution
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, with
participation by representatives of  local. State,  federal
and international government agencies, consultants and
universities, contains presentations on reuse aspects of
toxicology, chemistry, microbiology, engineering, ground

water rechange and non-potable applications, as well as on
the broad issues of water reuse.  The final section of the
proceedings highlights a panel discussion on the question of
future direction for examination of the feasibility and
practicality and safety of potable waste water reuse.

The potential health risks of direct potable reuse are not
fully understood.  In particular/ there is a need to learn
more about the effects of long-term exposure to low levels of
contaminants.  Until there is more scientific information on
this subject, direct reuse cannot be judged safe for drinking
water and should be avoided.  Where water demand outstrips
existing supplies, direct reuse should be reserved for low
order uses; dual water systems may be considered where feasible
Performance reliability of reuse systems is essential to
practical consideration of potable reuse.

Current drinking water standards have not been formulated on
the expectation that significant direct reuse would occur.
These existing standards are not directly transferable to
direct reuse situations.

Not only surface waters are subject to a degree of indirect
reuse.  Ground waters also receive percolates from where
industrial or domestic aqueous wastes are disposed on the
surface of the soil.  While the situation is usually not

now serious, it can no longer always be assumed  that ground
 waters do not require treatment, as increasing  incidents of
 ground water contamination are being detected in many countries.
 Some specific treatments may be required to eliminate, as far
 as possible, organic compounds, particularly those used as
 solvents, and some metals which are often natural contaminants.
 There is little direct evidence of the maximum percentage of
 indirect reuse that should be considered safe under normal
 circumstances.  "Safe level" of reuse are a function both of
 the percentage of reuse and of the time interval between use
 and reuse  (during which a degree of self-purfication occurs).
 Nevertheless, prudent standards might strive for a maximum of
 25% indirect reuse under most conditions.
 On the basis of their survey of present practices, the Reuse
 study group concluded:
      o    The indirect reuse of surface waters must carefully
           managed to ensure the maintenance of the water
           quality of the source monitored to ensure that the
           percentage of reused water in abstracted supplied
           is kept at acceptable levels.
      o    Existing technology is capable of protecting
           consumers of reclaimed water from known dangers;
           however, the knowledge regarding the toxicity for
           the wide range of chemical and microbiological
           contaminants is limited.


          o    The most important argument ^against direct
               potable reuse is the lack of knowledge regarding
               the toxicological effects of the innumerable
               organic and inorganic chemical contaminants
               found in wastewater.

          o    The economics of treating wastewater for
               direct reuse are not generally attractive
               when compared to the cost of conventional
               sources of potable water, but when conventional
               sources are limited, reuse may be a competitive

          o    Water should be reused first for industrial,
               agricultural and recreational purposes.

          o    Reused water should be used for potable
               supply only as a last resort.

The Potable Reuse workshop generated the following conclusions
and recommendations:

          o    A single set of drinking water standards
               should be developed for all waters regardless
               of source.

          o    A thorough characterization of potential
               source waters for chemical and microbiological
               constituents should be accomplished.

          o    A major effort should be made to examine
               the unknown or inadequately known organic
               fractions and a data base developed.

Toxicology/concentrate studies may prove
to be the logical tool for decision making
instead of complete chemical analyses and
synergistic studies.

There should be no detectable pathogenic
agents in potable reuse water..

Any ground water recharge system which might
result in increased contamination of the
ground water should be tried only for research
and demonstration purposes.

Non-potable options should be considered
ahead of potable reuse.

Area VI, Ground Water Quality Considerations,
Dr. Hoist Kussmaul, Chairman

The ground water study group examined the following aspects
of ground water quality:

          o    Sources of ground water pollution

          o    Changes in water quality during underground

          o    Artificial recharge

          o    Ground water protection

Ground Water

Ground water forms an important drinking water source in
all the NATO countries.  Ground water has many advantages
over surface waters as a source of supply, such as normally
consistent good quality, local availability and low treatment
cost.  However, the increasing rate of ground water withdrawal
and the spread of urbanization have resulted in a reduction
of both the quantity and quality of the available ground
water in some areas.

The major source of ground water  recharge  is  rainfall
infiltration through  the overlying  soil  zone,  with  smaller
contributions from induced recharge (from  surface water bodies)
and from of water through the  unsaturated  zone changes its  chemical
composition.  Models  have been used to project the  effect of
underground travel on water  quality and  the nature  and extent
of pollution, bu the  mechanisms controlling pollution move-
ment  through aquifers are as yet  not fully understood.

Ground water can become polluted  in many ways. Some of these
are disposal of domestic and municipal wastes, discharge of
untreated or partially  treated sewage effluent, leaky sewers,
leachates from  solid  waste disposal sites  and  disposal of
municipal sludge  to  landfills. Other sources  of contamination
are the disposal  of  industrial wastes, both solid and liquid,
and accidential spillage.

The study group concluded:
      o    The prime  concern  for the future should be to retain
          ground  water  quality and  to control  actions which
          may lead  to the deterioration  of natural  good
          quality ground water so as to  render it unacceptable
          for 5ts intended use.

      o    In order  to achieve  ground water protection,
          more  knowledge  is  needed  on the  pathways  of
          natural recharge of  aquifers,  the persistence


               or attenuation of pollutants in the unsaturated
               zones of aquifers, the persistence or attenuation
               of pollutants in saturated zones and the
               natural distribution of chemical and biological
               constituents in ground water.

          o    A suitable data collection system is necessary
               to monitor ground water quantity and its
               possible changes with time.

The study group recommended the following areas for future

          o    Studies should be conducted  on the natural
               variations in ground water quality and how
               these depend on input, flow, interactions
               and the influence of microorganisms.

          o    Studies should be conducted  on the movement
               of individual organic and inorganic constituents
               of ground water.

          o    Studies should be conducted  on the effects
               of flow through saturated zones on degradable
               and water-soluble substances.

          o    Studies should be conducted  on the absorption
               capacity and other properties  of strata
               relevant to persistent chemical substances.

          o    Studies should be conducted  on the changes
               in the constituents of ground  water flowing
               through different rock types by the use
               of laboratory simulations.

          o    Studies should be conducted on the effects
               of biological and chemical clogging acguifers.

          o    Studies should be conducted on improved
               methods of abstraction from, and recharge
               to, aquifers.

          o    Studies should be conducted on the residence
               and passage of time of bacteria and viruses
               in ground water required to achieve removal
               and/or disinfection
          o    Studies should be conducted on the potential
               impact of urban, industrial and recreational
               activities on ground water development.

Consideration should be given to the development of comprehensive
strategies for the protection of ground water sources.
The goal of the strategy ought to be to assess, protect,
and enhance the quality of ground waters to the levels
necessary for current and projected future uses and for
the protection of the public health.  One of the objectives
of a ground water protection strategy is to provide a process
whereby individual government and the public can set priorities
among competing activities which may use or contaminate
ground water.

                          CHAPTER II

Drinking Water Problems - Initiation of the Drinking Water
Pilot Study

The Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society  (CCMS)
was created in 1969, the same year the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization  (NATO) celebrated it twentieth anniversary.
The committee's function is to explore ways in which the
experience and resources of the Western nations can most
effectively be used to improve the quality of life.  The
committee is part of NATO's third dimension - a social
dimension that joins a strong military dimension and a
profound political dimension.  The CCMS program consists
of pilot studies on topics proposed by the member countries.

At the Spring CCMS Plenary in Dusseldorf, Federal Republic
of Germany, on February 8-9, 1977, the United States proposed
a Pilot Study on Drinking Water for adoption  by the NATO
Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society.  The United
States, through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
Office of Drinking Water offered to serve as pilot country
for the study and all the Allied nations were encouraged
to participate actively.

The problem of providing potable drinking water that is
bacteriologically and chemically safe, as well as esthetically
acceptable, is becoming considerably more complex, particularly
in industrial nations.  As the quantity of available water
resources is reduced by population growth, urbanization
and industrialization, the availability of clean, uncontaminated
water for human consumption also declines.

Providing safe drinking water in industrialized nations
present'considerably different problems than are usually
encountered in developing countries, where supply and microbiological
quality are the major concerns.  Industrialized nations
have generally been able to control waterborne disease
transmission, as evidenced by the extremely low incidences
of typhoid and chloera since the advent of widespread disinfection
practices.  But new and potentially serious questions are
raised for all nations by the proliferation of industrial
chemical discharges into drinking water sources by urban
runoff, by water polluted with human waste (both treated
and untreated), contamination of ground waters with industrial
chemicals because of inadequate waste disposal practices,
and finally by the formation of new chemicals in drinking
water from the interaction of disinfectant chemicals like
chlorine,  with the natural chemicals commonly present in
drinking water.

The United States  submitted  the  initiative for  the new
pilot study  in  the hope  of achieving  a better understanding
of the drinking water  problems that are shared  by all  countries
and of the solutions to  these problems.  The pilot project
was planned  to  provide the most  up-to-date information
on the possible technological approaches for dealing with
the problems.

The proposal was presented  in preliminary form  in the  1976
CCMS  Plenary meeting in  Brussels.   Subsequently,  experts
from  nine Allied nations met in  December 1976 and prepared
a detailed revised outline of the  project. The outline
cut across the  major generic subjects of water  supply  technology
and included analysis  and detection of pollutants,  instrumentation,
microbiology,  treatment  processes, engineering, health
science,  data  handling and  dissemination, water reuse  and
ground water problems.

It was neither  appropriate  nor possible to design and  carry
out each  subject area  with  the same degree of detail.
Some  of the  topics were  highly technologically  oriented,
whereas others  concentrated  on surveying prevalent thought
and activities  in  various countries.

The aim of the proposed pilot study was to produce comprehensive
reports on current problems relating to drinking water in the
participating nations.  The report would include evaluations
of existing technology and practice from the points of view
of effectiveness, public health protection, practicality,
costs, general availability, and associated by-product hazards.
The project would also explore emerging technology and make
recommendations for further technical efforts.  Furthermore,
identifying ongoing activities and disseminating information
between participants allows national programs to focus on
specific areas of water supply research without duplicating
work being done elsewhere.  This also encourages national
adoption of the most up-to-date technologies and practices.

    The pilot  project group invited involvement  from other
    international organizations  such as  CEC,  OECD,  and WHO,
    to assure  that overlaps would  be avoided  and benefits maximized,

    The United States believed that drinking  water  problems
    would  be an appropriate issue  to be  treated  by  CCMS since
    the problems  are  common to all the Allies.   It  was particularly
    timely, and all would  be able  to benefit  from a more  detailed
    understanding  of  how each of them has dealt  with the  issues
    affecting  water supplies.

The following work program was  considered for  the Pilot
Study although modified  as the  study proceeded.

!•        Analytical  Chemistry  and Data Handling

A.        Monitoring  Methods and Standard Testing Procedures

          1.   What  is being analyzed
          2.   How is it being  analyzed
          3.   Mandatory or recommended
          4.   Frequencies
          5.   Publications  and cooperative activities

B.        Automated  Process Control and Stream Monitoring
          Technology and Methods (Sensors and  Telemetry)

C.        Data Handling  and Resolution

D.        Use of Data in Decision Making

£.        Information Format Design

II.       Advanced Treatment Technology

A.        Technology Description

          1.   Activated carbon (powdered and  granular),
               carbon and ozone, and reactivation

          2.   Other adsorption media (sand and resins)

          3.   Disinfection treatment

          4.   Others  (desalination,  ion exchange,  flotation
               and flocculation technology, denitrification)

          5.   Membrane treatment  (osmosis and electrodialysis)

B.        Evaluation of Technology

          1.   Cost data  (capital and operating)

          2.   Effectiveness of each technique in removing
               the element targeted for removal

          3.   Quality of treatment chemicals

          4.   Residues and byproduct formation

C.        Emergency response measures when appropriate

III.      Microbiology

A.        Sampling and Assessment  (monitoring frequencies,
          indicators, etc.)

B.        Treatment Modification and Variation in Risks
          from Bacteria and Viruses

          1.   Reduction of quantity of disinfectant and
               results of reduction

          2.   Build-up of endotoxins from adsorbant use

IV.       Health Effects

A.        Significance of Contaminants to Human Health

          1.   Identification and Concentration of Contaminants

               (a)  Chemicals   (organic and inorganic)

               (b)  Microbiological  (bacteria, virus, protozoans)

               (c)  Particulates  (asbestos, turbidity)

          2.   Location of Contaminants

               (a)  Raw water

               (b)  Distribution systems

               (c)  Treatment process

B.        Health Effects Evaluation of Contaminants in
          Drinking Water

          1.   Waterborne Disease

          2.   Toxicology  (protocols) for assessment and
               current activities)

          3.   The role of Epidemiological studies (prospective
               and retrospective); identifying populations
               for future studies

C.        Contaminants and their levels of seriousness

D.        Information Format Design

V.        Reuse of Water Resources

A.        Epidemiological Aspects of Reuse

B.        Appropriate Treatment Technology for Various
          Reuse Situations)

C.        Composition of Recycled Water

VI.       Ground Water Considerations

A.        Protection

B.        Recharge

C.        Other

The Committee on the challenges of Modern Society approved
the United States proposal for a drinking water pilot study
and on March 1, 1977, the Chairman of the Committee (Joseph
M.A.H. Luns) issued the following note:

          In approving the proposal, the Committee noted
          that this would be the most comprehensive study
          ever undertaken on this subject, and that a number
          of member countries would participate actively.
          The objective of the pilot study is to achieve
          a better understanding of the drinking water
          problems that industrialized countries share
          and to seek solutions to them.  The study will
          include  evaluations of existing  technology and
          practice from the points of view of effectiveness,

          the public health protection, practicality, costs,
          general availability and associated by-product

          Although certain aspects of the drinking water
          problem are under study in other international
          forums, no other organization has undertaken
          a study of this comprehensive nature.  In order
          to avoid any duplication from the outset, the
          Commission of European Communities, which is
          also doing work in this area, participated in
          the expert meeting held in December last year,
          where the detailed work programme was prepared.
          The C£C, as well as other interested international
          organizations, will continue to be invited to
          expert meetings of this pilot study in order
          to ensure co-ordination of any on-going work.

          The United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of
Germany were named as copilots for the study.  Leadership
of individual topics was accepted as follows:

          Analytical Chemistry and Data Handling - United
          Kingdom  (Laurence R. Pittwell)

          Advanced Treatment Technology - Federal Republic
          of Germany (Prof. H.  Sontheimer)

          Microbiology-United States,  (Prof. Dean 0. Oliver)

          Health Effects - United States,  (Prof. Joseph

          Reuse of Water Resources - United Kingdom  (Albert

          Ground Water Considerations - Federal Republic
          of Germany  (Dr. Horst Kussmaul)

Each of the study groups prepared a final report, except
for Area II, Advanced Treatment Technology.  The latter
group's report is in the form of the proceedings of two
symposia - one on oxidation techniques and the other on
adsorption techniques.  The completed project has taken
the form of an extended series of published volumes, as

Area I.   Laurence R. Pittwell, United Kingdom, Chairman

          o    Analytical Chemistry and Data Handling

Area II.  Prof. H. Sontheimer, Federal Republic of Germany,

          o    Oxidation techniques in Drinking Water Treatment

          o    Adsorption Techniques in Drinking Water
               Treatment (Reston, Virginia, USA)

Area III. Prof. Dean Cliver, United States, Chairman

          o    Microbiology

Area IV.  Prof. Joseph Borzelleca, United States, Chairman

          o    Health Effects
          o    Drinking Water and Cardiovascular Disease
               (proceedings of a symposium held in Massachusetts,
          o    Proceedings of a Symposium on Water Supply
               and Health (Netherlands)
          o    Bumic Acids in Water (Norway and DSA)
Area V.   Albert Goodman, United Kingdom/ Chairman
          o    Reuse of Water Resources  (includes proceedings
               of  U.S. EPA Water Reuse Workshop)
Area VI.  Dr.  Horst Kussmaul, Federal Republic of Germany,
          o    Ground Water  Considerations

                         CHAPTER III
                           AREA I
The report is chiefly a survey of present practice and
problems in interested nations, the parameters and frequency
of monitoring, the analytical and sampling methods used,
and the national analytical quality assurance procedures,
though no details of the latter are given.  Consequent
problems in the choice of methods are discussed.  Factors
influencing such choices are:

         i.    Range required;
        ii.    Degree of accuracy required;
       iii.    The speed and frequency with which results
               are required;

        iv.    Interferences;
         v.    Equipment available and labor required;

        vi.    Sample stability and sample utilization;
       vii.    Local legislation on the use of chemicals.

Information is also given on the legislative aspects,  testing
the suitability of materials, and on applications of data

The Need for Monitoring

The ultimate aim of chemical analysis in the Drinking Water
Industry is to provide data to safeguard the quality of
water intended for consumption or used in cooking and cleaning.

Water pure enough to drink without any treatment at all is
becoming scarce.  Much of the available water contains some
quantity of sewage or factory effluent the degree of treatment
of which varies from negligible to very thorough.  Even when
there are not such effluents, risks may still be present.
Several epidemics have been traced to infection from wild-
life in the catchment area; pesticide and herbicide spraying
of upland catchments is not unknown and there is often the
possiblity of chemical spillage during transport, even in
remote aras.  Preparation of safe water under such circum-
stances can be a complex operation which needs adequate
analytical control throughout the process to the final product.
Distribution systems ought, ideally, to be capable of deliver-
ing water to the consumer in the same state in which it was

discharged  from the  waterworks,  but water is  a  reactive
solvent quite capable of leaching trace  amounts of  material
from  the  pipework and equipment; furthermore, for convenience
and protection  in inhabited areas, distribution systems  are
buried underground and so are liable to  serious contamination
in the event of a break in the pipe.
In consequence, if public health is to be safeguarded,
the minimum requirement for even the purest water is a
periodic check of the quality of the incoming water as
well as the water at the consumer's tap.  Most water supplies
will require more efficient monitoring than this, depending
first, on the usual quality of the incoming water and the
risks to which it is exposed; second, on the complexity
of the treatment required; and third, on the distribution

Experience has shown that standards of quality inspection
vary, dependent on the skill and experience of the analyst
and the equipment available.  It is, therefore, advisable for
the appropriate authorities to monitor the various water quality
control laboratories and their sampling-programs to ensure
that the control is adequate.

Before embarking on the design of a new water installation,
a thorough analysis, both of the quality of water available
and of potential risks to the catchment area, will be of
use in designing the plant and in establishing the routine
monitoring program.

Records of analyses are useful for detecting seasonal or
continual trends in water quality which can be used as
guidelines for plant control purposes.  Such records can
also be used to help assess the adequacy of the existing
plant and decide when additions or replacement will be
required.  Adequate care of records is, therefore, necessary.

Monitoring Requirements

Monitoring must be adequate enough to assure consumer protection
and the results must be obtained in time to be of use.
The monitoring procedures used must be tailored to the
individual raw water and treatment process, and the analyses   .
must be of assured quality.  These requirements present
a problem for which the ideal solution is often impossible
or impracticable.  Many of the specific determinands are
complex substances present in a mixture of similar substances
requiring separation and purification prior to identification
and quantification.  Such analytical processes often take

much longer to carry out than the complete process  of  water
treatment, so that by the time the analysis of the  raw
water is available, the water may already be  in the distribution
system, and is often consumed before the finished water
leaving the treatment plant has been analyzed for the  more
specific determinands.  Consumer's tap samples are  almost
always received too late for any remedial action, but  are
usually the only safe practicable way of controlling quality
in the final stages of the distribution system.  Rapid
general tests such as chlorine residual measurements are,
therefore, necessary for the routine control of water quality.
These tests need to be related to the specific determinand
and periodic checks should be made to ensure that their
relationship ie still valid.
 Although rivers are capable of a degree of  selfpurification
 (by action of a substance with the riverbed,  the  river
itself, or with organisms in the river), it is easier to
detect potential hazards by analysis of waste effluents
at the point of discharge, where the concentration of contaminants
will be far higher, than at the point of abstraction.
Due allowance will have be be made for the effects occurring
within the river, but at least the waterworks will have
warning of what to expect in its incoming raw water.

Rivers are usually far from homogeneous, especially in
the vicinity of confluences or discharges, and thorough
mixing may take quite a considerable distance.  At the
same time, variation in flow rates in different channels
round islands, reactions with the bed, and other variables
can further complicate the pattern, so that it is often
impossible to predict the representativeness of a sample
point without considerable testing to establish a flow
and load profile and its variability to river conditions.
Even ground waters can vary in quality with time and depth
in the aquifer.  Yet, however carefully such a program
is carried out, it can rarely safeguard against an accident
unless the sampling is continuous and truly representative.

On the other hand, money is not unlimited, thus, the sampling
and analytical programs used must be a compromise designed
to give the best available protection with the funds available,

Data Handling Requirements

Most of the information from monitoring is immediately
used for control purposes.  There is no need to store all
of this information, but a suitable record should be kept
of trends for long term assessment of supply operations.
In addition, it is possible, by use of continuous and semi-

continuous monitoring devices, to have a degree  of  automatic
process control.

Public access to a summary of the available data is desirable
as a means of reassuring them, or alerting them  to  the
need for improvement.

Besides keeping a record of the actual results,  it  is essential
to keep a record of the method used to obtain them.  This
will allow subsequent assessment of their worth,  should
their validity be questioned.

Requirements for the Future

Future requirements for analytical method development cannot
be accurately predicted on a long range basis.  Much depends
on trends in treatment process development, both  for drinking
water and for effluents discharged above abstractions or
leaking into aquifers.  Much also depends on future developments
in public health and analytical methods research.  There
are, however, some identifiable needs:

         i.    There is a need for quicker, cheaper methods
               of quality control, even if these  methods
               are empirical, especially when a  full determination
               of the factor being controlled requires
               a semi-research type analytical procedure.

        In such cases,  there is also the need to
        correlate the two determinations locally.

 ii.    Further attention  should be given to continuous
        monitoring methods, especially for incoming
        water quality and process control operations.
        Use of automated methods should be extended,
        as such methods not only save manpower,
        but are often of greater reproducibility
        than manual methods provided the accuracy
        and limit of detection are sufficient.

iii.    Methods are needed for the rapid identification
        of trace substances in water, especially,
        the    80% of non-volatile organic matter;
        however, there is little point in identifying
        increasing numbers of microtrace impurities
        unless there is an indication that a real
        hazard exists.

        While hundreds of organic chemicals have
        been identified in some waters at nanogram
        levels, little  attention has been paid  to
        the humics, fulvics, and lignins that constitute
        the bulk of the total organic content.

 iv.    Methods are needed for determining the  actual
        forms in which  several substances, currently
        reported as total substances, may be present.
        Toxicity often varies with the form in  which
        a substance is  present, thus, when interconversion
        is slow or negligible, the form in which
        it is present may be important.

   v.    Sampling methods and storage or preservation
         still need further study.  There is no point
         in carrying out an expensive analysis on
         a sample which is not typical of the material
         being analyzed or in which the determinand
         has decomposed during transit or storage.

  vi.    Laboratory technicians require adequate
         training, and supervision and periodic updating
         of skills.
  vii.    The equipment needed for  the  detection and
         quantification of some compounds in  raw waters
         is scarce and expensive,  so there is a need  for
         cooperative use of such equipment.   Few,  if  any,
         laboratories can afford to own every instrument
         they might possibly use.
viii.    The working group considered  mentioning
         certain specific determinands for which
         methods were inadequate,  but  so rapidly
         has analytical research  developed and as
         equally rapidly have the  analytical  requirements
         changed, that the list of determinands requiring
         methods has completely changed several times
         while this report was being drafted.  The
         group suggests, because of this, that information
         exchanges in the fields covered by their
         report  should be arranged at intervals
         in the future.

Choice of methods presents a problem.  Group I prefers
harmonization of proven accurate methods, with the local
laboratory at liberty to choose the method most suited
to their needs.  It is often impossible to choose one single
method which will suit all water types, or which will suit
every laboratory situation.  Futhermore, use even of a
method of proven accuracy does not completely guarantee
the accuracy of the result.  The harmonization test should
be carried out by the actual laboratory using the method,
and include samples of a type similar to their own raw
water.  Thereafter, reliable analytical quality assurance
procedures should be used.


         i.   Commensurate with the risk to health, water supplies
              should be monitored at or before the source or
              point of abstraction and, where practicable, this
              should be done in such a way that there is ample
              time for remedial action to be taken before the
              water is processed.  Such monitoring should
              take,  into account the risks likely to be encountered
              by the consumers.
        ii.    Process control  analyses need to be adequate
              to ensure that the quality of water leaving
              the waterworks is satisfactory and that,
              in addition, samples should be collected
              at representative points  throughout the

        distribution system to assure that the water
        reaching the consumer is of the same quality.

iii.    When the analysis for a specific hazardous
        determined is time-consuming or costly,
        an appropriate rapid empirical test should
        be devised and used routinely; but sufficient full
        determinations should be made at such  regular
        intervals  as will  assure the continued validity
        of  the  control analysis.

 iv.    There should be adequate control of analytical
        quality both within and between laboratories.
        It is realized that interlaboratory tests
        are very difficult to organize in such a
        way that meaningful results are obtained,
        hence, such interlaboratory tests should
        be used sparingly but thoroughly.

  v.    Adequate performance characteristics on
        the reproducibility and reliability of analytical
        methods need to be obtained and published
        (accuracy, precision, limit of  detection,
        bias, interference effects, etc.);  the methods
        used for quality  control monitoring also
        need to have adequate reliability.   Because local
        variations in water quality may affect the interferenc
        effects; because  of differences in  equipment avail-
        ability, laboratory work loads  and  sample types
        submitted, all of which affect  the  choice of methods;
        and because familarity with a method enhances relia-
        bility of results provided  harmonization  tests
        show that the test data are adequate;

         laboratories should be free to use acceptable methods
         of their own choice.

  vi.    Adequate tests should be made using local
         waters to ensure that pipes and other equipment
         are made from materials suited to the water.
         Care may be necessary when making these
         tests to allow for variations in water quality,
         either with season or when several types
         of water are supplied to a grid network.

 vii.    Adequate records of water quality data need
         to be kept and should include information
         on the analytical method used.  These
         should not be a complete record of all analyses,
         but should indicate trends and variations.
         When planning such a system,  provision for  the possible
         use of such data for control  purposes, and  for
         international data exchange,  should be made.

viii.    Exchanges of information, such as are given
         in the full report, should be made periodically.


                            AREA I
J. Bouquiaux
Inst. D'Hydgiene et d1 Epidemiologie
14 Rue Juliette Wytsman
1050 Brussels

V. Armstrong
Environmental Standards Division
Dept. of National Health and Welfare
Brooke Claxton Building
Ottawa, Canada RIA OL2

P. Toft
Department of National Health and Welfare
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OL2

R. Ferrand
60550 Verneiul en Halette

M. Rapinat
Compagnie Generale des Eaux
52 Rue d'Anjou
75008 Paris

F. Frimmel
Institut fur Wasserchemie
Marchloninistrasse, V7
D-8000 Munchen 70

W. Kuhn
Engler-Bunte Institute
Universtat Karlsruhe
Postfach 6381

R. Kussmaul
Institut" fur Wasser--f Boden-, und
Kennedyallee 97
600 Frankfurt 70

S. de Fulvio
Institute Superiore de Sanita
Viale Regina Elena 299

F. Brinkmann
National Institute for Water Supply
Chemical Biological Division
P.O. Box 150

C. Pries
Dutch Organization "TNO" for Applied Scientific
P.O. Box 217, DELFT

G. E. Carlberg
Central Institute for Industrial Research
Forskningsveien I
P.O. Box 350 Blindern
Oslo 3

G. Lunde
Central Institute for Industrial Research
Forskningsveien I
P.O. Box 350 Blindern
Oslo 3

J. Myrhstad
Statens Instituut for Folk ehelse
National Institute of Public Health
Geitmyrsveien 75
Oslo 1

H. M. Seip
Central Institute for Industrial Research
Forskningsveien I
P.O. Box 350, Blindern
Oslo 3

A. Urtiaga
Centre de Investigaci ones  del Agua
La Poueda
Arganda del Rey

T. Stenstrom
Swedish National Environment Protection
Department of Environmental Hygiene

TURKEY         K. Ilal
               Imar ve Iskan Bakanligi
               Planlama ve Imar Genel
               Muder Yardicisi
               Demirtepe, Ankara

               Department of the Environment
               2 Marsham Street
               London, SWIP 3EB

               L.R. Pittwell, Project Leader
               Department of the Environment
               2 Marsham Street
               London, SWIP 3EB

               Environmental Protection Agency
               26 W. St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, OH  45268

               G. Robeck
               Environmental Protection Agency
               26 W. St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, OH  45268

               A.A. Stevens
               Environmental Protection Agency
               26 W. St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, OH  45268

               R. Stern
               Chemical Systems
               747 Third Avenue
               New York, NY  10017

               J. Symons
               Environmental Protection Agency
               26 W. St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, OH  45268

                          CHAPTER IV
                           AREA II
                           SUMMARY *

During the past ten to fifteen years, water treatment technology
has changed considerably.  Many  improvements have been
made such as the use of multilayer filters for more efficient
and economical filtration, and important changes have been
introduced regarding new concepts of process design, especially
in conjunction with more frequent use of technologies such
as oxidation and adsorption.  There are two important reasons
for the incorporation of such methods in the treatment
process.  First, analytical methods have shown that many
surface waters are polluted with potentially hazardous
organic chemicals that cannot be removed effectively by
standard treatment methods.  Second, breakpoint chlorination,
while in many respects effective from both technical and
economic viewpoints, has certain significant disadvantages.
Through the reactions of free chlorine with organic constitutents,
chlorinated organic compounds such as chloroform are formed.
This can occur under conditions necessary for safe disinfection
of the drinking water if precursor organic concentrations
are high, and can lead to certain health risks, especially
if these contaminants have formed in higher concentrations.

* Reprinted from Journal AWWA. Vol.  71. No. 11 (November 1979), by permission.
 Copyright, 1979, the American Water Works Association.

It is becoming obvious in many countries  that  the  standard
treatment scheme  is  inadequate for  future treatment  of
surface waters because the problems posed by organic contamin-
ation and breakpoint chlorination cannot  be solved.

The  standard  treatment sequence consists  of breakpoint
chlorination, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration,
and  safety  chlorination and pH adjustment.  This treatment
method provides a low turbidity drinking  water, and  satisfactory
removal of  ammonia even at low temperatures.   There  is
a  reasonable  certainty that the drinking  water at  the consumer's
tap  does not  contain excessive numbers of pathogenic bacteria
or viruses, and this generally indicates  a safe drinking
water.  The standard process  is easy  to operate and  sensitive
to water quality  changes, and there is abundant experience
available concerning the operational  aspects of this type
of treatment.   This treatment process is still being used
internationally by numerous waterworks, sometimes  with
certain minor changes, but normally with  success.

Consequent  to observations by many  waterworks  in Europe
and  North America indicating  the serious  disadvantages.
inherent in the standard treatment  process for many  types
of water, studies were initiated in several countries under
the auspices of the  NATO/CCMS.  A number  of innovative treat-
ment schemes have been tested in pilot plants  and  in large

The alternate process schemes being proposed are often
very different from each othen and the  results  of the research
work have clearly indicated that no single  treatment process
combination can be substituted universally  in place  of
the standard treatment.  The special conditions at the
plant, the surface water quality, and the type  of pollutants
encountered all must be considered to determine the  optimal
treatment method and process combination for  each case.

After intensive discussions of current  drinking water  treatment
problems native to the different countries participating
in the study, it became obvious that the best way to present
all of the available knowledge and experience would be
to organize two international conferences.*  During the
course of  these meetings it became apparent that two types
of processes offer the greatest promise of solving potable
water treatment problems.  These processes are  (1) oxidation
processes using chemical oxidants such  as ozone or chlorine,
or biological oxidation alone or in combination with chemical
*  The results of international studies concerning the
state-or-the-art of the application of oxidation and absorption
techniques  (including granular activated carbon) in the treatment
of drinking water were presented at two separate conferences
- the first held in Karlsruhe, Germany in September of 1978, .
sponsored by the Federal Republic of Germany and the second in
Reston, VA, April 30-May2, 1979 - sponsored by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and the North American Treaty Committee
on the Challenges of Modern Society (NATO/CCMS).  Participating
countries were Belgium, France, Federal Republic of Germany,
United Kindgom, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States,

oxidants; and (2) adsorption processes, especially  those
using granular activated carbon filters, and often
combining adsorption and biological oxidation.  This paper
represents an overview of the salient points of the -two
conferences with regard to the utilization of oxidative
and adsorptive treatment processes.  The intention of this
discussion is not to prescribe general rules, valid in
all cases, but rather to draw attention to the potential
benefits to be obtained and the problems remaining to be

Possible Changes in the Standard Treatment Process

It is obvious that the treatment of surface waters for
drinking water purposes must include flocculation and filtra-
tion  and, in most cases, intermediate floe separation
by sedimentation or flotation.  Potable water must have
a low turbidity and should be low in colored substances.
Both criteria can be achieved with the processes mentioned
above; in this respect the standard treatment scheme remains

However, in order to avoid possible disadvantages of breakpoint
chlorination, additional treatment steps may be required
to achieve better removal of micropollutants and a greater

reduction in the overall organics concentration.   This
is currently the most important problem  in  drinking  water
treatment and is the central issue of discussion.  Other
problems such as high concentrations of  heavy metals or
nitrate are less widespread, and although they must  be
considered as they arise are not included in this  summary.

Pretreatment Before Flocculation

When using the standard treatment procedures, breakpoint
chlorination is usually the only pretreatment employed.
Aside from ammonia oxidation, this pretreatment normally
promotes a better operation of the flocculation and  sedimenta-
tion units by hindering an aerobic decomposition of  the
settled sludge and biological growth within the operating

Many studies have been conducted on how  to  avoid the  drawbacks
of omitting breakpoint chlorination on the  one hand  and
to achieve better treatment results after flocculation
and sedimentation on the other.  The best course to  adopt
depends largely on the quality of the raw water, so  general
rules valid for all cases cannot be made.   Several alternatives
to pretreatment are worthy of consideration.

Pretreatment by means of storage basins.  The most  important
advantages of this well-known and widely used process  are
the removal efficiency for suspended solid^  and the biological
purification that takes place within such basins.   Problems
that can occur as a result of this type of pretreatment
are anaerobic decomposition of the settled sludge;   and
growth of algae.  Some waterworks have found limiting the
retention time to two to three days and increasing  the
pH via lime dosage to be useful in avoiding these problems.
If placed properly in the treatment process and operated
correctly, storage basins or ponds can be very helpful
for improving the raw water quality.

Prechlorination with dosages under the breakpoint.  The
formation of chlorinated organic compounds can be avoided
if chlorine dosages are controlled so that any chlorine
residual is in the form of chloramines rather than  free
chlorine.  According to experience this can best be achieved
by controlling the chlorine dose in proportion to the results
of continuous monitoring of the ammonia concentration.
Changes in the concentration and composition of organics
in raw water also affect chlorine demand, but the changes
usually do not lead to high amounts of chlorinated  substances
in the water, so long as the chlorine residual is maintained
in the combined form.

Note important for this  type of  treatment was the observation
that complete ammonia oxidation  can  be achieved in carbon
filters following flocculation,  sedimentation,  and filtration.
Sometimes a stepwise addition  of chlorine can be helpful
for ease of control.

Pilot plant data have shown further  that  such pretreatment
increases the permissible  run  time of  granular  activated
carbon  (GAC) filters between regenerations by promoting
intensive biological regeneration within  the  filters.
These effects are very similar to those of ozonation,  which
can be used at this point  in addition  to  prechlorination.
If this procedure is used, ozone should be applied after

Until recently very few  studies  have been performed on
this type of pretreatment, which can be used  in connection
with storage basins.  Additional pilot plant  and full-scale
studies are necessary to gather  data for  this promising
treatment step.

Preozonation before flocculation.  Tests  with different
waters have shown that preozonation  can improve flocculation
efficiency.  Dosages necessary for this type  of treatment
are usually in the range of 0.2  to 1.0 g/m3,  optimal dosage
for most waters must be  evaluated experimentally.

Frequently preozonation is combined with the removal of
the residual ozone in the offgas of main ozonation basins,
thus enhancing the overall efficiency of ozone utilization.
Preozonation sometimes enhances biological oxidation in
the flocculation plant, too, especially when sludge blanket
clarifiers are used.

Riverbank filtration.  This well-known way of withdrawing
river water also serves a pretreatment function.  It can
be used only in cases where hydrologic conditions permit
and usually has more advantages than disadvantages.  The
advantages include a 50-75 percent reduction of dissolved
organic carbon  (DOC), substantial removal of heavy metals
pathogenic bacteria and viruses, which more than compensate
for the potential disadvantages such as dissolution of iron
and manganese.  Instead of riverbank infiltration, spreading
basins or other techniques for ground filtration can also be used.
The degree of disinfection attained by the pretreatment
processes discussed here, as well as by other methods such
as microstraining, is lower than with breakpoint chlorination.
This can lead to problems in controlling some microorganisms
in the subsequent treatment and will have to be controlled
by means such as more frequent backwashing of the filters.

It is obvious that pretreatment  is  not  necessary in all
cases and for all raw waters,  but the processes discussed
often enhance finished water quality.

Disinfection and Oxidation

When omitting breakpoint  chlorination,  and  thereby  losing
its contribution to disinfection, another treatment step
where reliable disinfection  is achieved through chemical
or biological oxidation should be used  to ensure a  safe
drinking water.  There are many  different possibilities
for this purpose whereby  the same oxidation process can
be used at different points  in a treatment  train.

Ozone disinfection.  Many studies have  been made and ample
experience is available for  the  use of  ozone  to inactivate
viruses and to kill bacteria.  Ozone treatment  has  been
used  (most notably in France)  as a  final treatment  step
prior to safety chlorination to  ensure  wholesome and safe
drinking water.  A residual  ozone concentration of  0.4
mg/L is maintained over a 5-min  retention time.  Recent
studies have shown that when treating water of  low  turbidity,
the necessary time for disinfection, especially for virus
inactivation, can be much shorter.

While there is excellent practical information available
on this type of treatment, some problems have been encountered.
Ozone oxidation leads to a change in molecular weight and
structure of the organic substances, resulting in higher
biodegradability and faster bacterial growth in the distribution
system.  As a result the required postchlorination dose
must be increased.  These changes in the composition of
residual organics may have other effects that have yet
to be recognized.

Recently, more and more waterworks have taken advantage
of the efficient disinfection and higher biodegradability
through ozonation by changing the point of application
in the treatment train.  Ozone oxidation can be used after
flocculation and sedimentation, prior to filtration, or
after the sand or multimedia filters, if granular activated
carbon       filters are the subsequent step.  By this
mode of operation biological oxidation of the degradable
substances within the filters can be promoted.  This avoids
excessive bacterial growth in the distribution system and
allows better organics reduction.  The combined chemical
and biological oxidation processes, often used together
with adsorption, seem promising.  This can be concluded
from many pilot plant results and from the positive experience
gained in waterworks using the processes.

There are still many  unanswered questions concerning this
process combination that  can only be answered by further
research.  As a first step,  pilot plant studies should
be conducted on different types of raw water  to find the
optimal process conditions.   The dependence of process
performance on design and operating factors and raw water
composition are not yet fully understood.  Biological oxida-
tion  can also be  carried  out in low sand filters or during
ground passage, a combination that may become more  widely

Biological  treatment.  Slow sand filters and  ground infiltra-
tion  have been used successfully in potable water treatment
for more than 150 years.   Recently it has been found that
similar results are obtained by biological treatment in
granular activated carbon     '  filters.  Aside from organics
and turbidity removal, properly operated biological treatment
also  is effective in  disinfection.  Moreover, only  a slight
amount of chlorine or chlorine dioxide is required  for
safety disinfection after the biological treatment.

The most important disadvantages of biological treatment
are the large space requirement and, in some  instances,
the high operation costs for filter cleaning.  Recent exper-
ience has shown that  it is possible to operate slow sand

filters at much higher filter rates  (up to 1 m/hr) with
good disinfection results, provided  adequate pretreatment
by flocculation and filtration is applied.

Sometimes it is advantageous to oxidize with ozone ahead
of   filtration, especially if combined with ground passage.
Biological oxidation occurs not only at the surface of
slow sand filters, but also within the ground.  Ozonation
can help in reducing the underground retention time required
to attain a given degree of water quality.

Slow sand filters with high filter rates have proved successful,
especially for removal of bacteria after biological treatment
in activated carbon filters.  Here the DOC and ammonia
removal occurs mainly in the carbon  filters, while the
sand filters reduce the bacteria counts.  The effluent
quality provided by this combination   is relatively indepen-
dent of raw water quality changes and attains high finished
water quality.

Although a very old process, biological treatment seems
on the verge of becoming modern once again, especially
in conjunction with GAC filters.

Disinfection at the end of  the  treatment process.   After
the removal of suspended, and part of the dissolved,  organics,
disinfection can be performed at the  end of the treatment
process with chlorine without formation of excessively
high concentration of chlorinated organics.  Chlorine dioxide
also can be used for the  same purpose, with the advantage
that it remains longer within the distribution network.
However, in some cases there may be increased turbidity
at  the tap if  the distribution  network includes old pipes
coated with corrosion products.  Chloramines also  can be
used as disinfectants.  Practical data are available  concerning
the use of chloramines in treatment processes in -the
United Kingdom.

Generally, disinfection at  the  end of the treatment process
can be as safe a practice as breakpoint chlorination  if
it  is used properly  after careful studies.  There  are no
accepted general rules for  deciding which chlorine species
should be preferred  for a given water.  The special conditions
in  each case must be  considered.  For this purpose it is
advisable to study  the oxidation kinetics for each water
and oxidant.

Ammonia Removal

Many surface waters contain ammonia that must be  removed
during treatment.  This can be accomplished easily  and
effectively through breakpoint chlorination, even at  very
low temperatures.  If this treatment cannot be used,  the
only alternative for practical purposes is the biological
oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, which can be a problem
in rare cases where nitrate concentrations increase above
the maximum permitted level.

Another problem lies in the slow oxidation rate at low
temperatures, which leads to difficulties below 3°C.  Under
these conditions long reaction times are necessary.  Ample
reaction time is afforded in ground filtration, but difficulties
may be encountered with conventional filters.  This problem
can be overcome to some extent through preozonation.

The most important processes used for nitrification are:

          (1)  slow sand filters,
          (2)  rapid sand filters,
          (3)  dry filters with air flowing in parallel
               with the water through the filter,
          (4)  filters with countercurrent flows  of air
               and water,

          (5)  fluid!zed bed  reactors,  and
          (6)  granular activated  carbon  contactors.

Most of the processes are applied  for nitrification only,
but they also provide some other purifying  effects.  The
removal efficiency for other  constituents in  the process
may be decisive in choosing the optimal nitrification process.

Biological nitrification usually requires an  acclimation
period of two to four weeks or even  longer  to start full
operation.  Thereafter, problems may still  arise through
heavy metals, especially when treating  the  raw water directly.
Therefore, in many cases, flocculation  and  filtration are
necessary pretreatment steps  to prevent heavy metals poisoning,
especially if the metal concentrations  fluctuate widely.

After the initial period, nitrification usually works without
problems, if retention times  are high enough  and if the
oxygen concentration and the  pH are  maintained sufficiently.
The dosage of pure oxygen into the water  has  proved useful
to maintain a minimum oxygen  concentration  at higher ammonia
concentrations.  It is important to  note  that aside from
oxygen demand there is usually no  competition between ammonia
oxidation and DOC removal.  But nitrifying  bacteria grow
slowly, and care must be exercised to avoid excessive losses
when backwashing filters.  Thus far, in most  waters studied,

preozonation enhances nitrification, so long as the residual
ozone is removed? e.g., by a small layer of granular activated
carbon.  Biological ammonia oxidation works well in many
waterworks, but care must be taken to assure a good plant
operation, especially at low water temperatures.

Adsorption on Activated Carbon

Activated carbon has been used for some decades in waterworks
for taste and odor removal.  The majority of waterworks
have used powdered carbon and there is a wealth of practical
experience available for this type of treatment.  The advantage
of powdered carbon lies in the possibility of adjustment
to type and concentration of the disturbing substances
and in low investment costs.

Apart from powdered carbon, filters with granular activated
carbon became more important during the last decade.  This
originates from the fact that very often it is necessary
to remove organic chemicals other than those causing taste
and odor.  An interesting new development is the use of
carbon filters for biological treatment in combination
with the removal of hazardous synthetic organic chemicals.

While activated carbon  filters have been used in some countries
for more than 25 years,  there is still widespread lack
of knowledge concerning  this important treatment step.
Extensive research  is now being conducted.

Purpose and Design  of Carbon Filter Plants

Filters for carbon  treatment can be used for several purposes
in drinking water treatment:

           (1)   removal  of specific organics such as nitrcv
                and  chloroj-compounds and aliphatic,  aromatic,
                and  polyaromatic hydrocarbons;
           (2)   reduction of TOC and chlorine demand;
           (3)   biological oxidation for ammonia and organics
           (4)   taste and odor removal; and
           (5)   dechlorination.
Often, different  treatment objectives are desired simultaneously,
which may  induce  different optimum operation conditions.
Therefore, proper design of an activated carbon filter
plant is sometimes  difficult.  One well-known problem is
competitive adsorption,  sometimes leading to desorption
of certain compounds and to an increase in  their effluent
concentrations.   These  chromatographic effects are among
the  reason^ why haloform removal can be difficult^and costly
with granular carbon filters.

Proper design of carbon filters calls for an exact definition
of the treatment goal, and the evaluation and application
of analytical methods well suited for the particular purpose.
This is one of the reasons pilot plant work frequently
will be necessary for obtaining design and process cirteria.
Carbon tests usually are performed in such a way that the
water to be treated is used in the procedure.  Special
methods have been developed for this in several countries.
At the moment this type of study seems to be the only way'
to overcome the problems of design and operation of carbon
filters.  Pilot tests will also permit the study of possible
biological effects, which are very important for filter
running times between regenerations.  Most tests with model
substances have proven poorly suited as guides for design
and operation of water treatment processes.

Biological Treatment in Carbon Filters

Most carbon filters now used for drinking water treatment
employ biological regeneration to achieve more economical
treatment, in effect combining adsorption with biological
treatment.  This type of process is a natural one, as nearly
always, after weeks of operation, microorganisms will grow
in a carbon filter and oxidize biodegradable organics into
CO2 and H20.  This leads to a reduction of the carbon loading

and thus to a better carbon  filter  efficiency.   The effective-
ness depends on the quality  and  degradability of the organics
in the treated water, the  carbon quality,  the empty bed
contact time  (EBCT), the concentration of  the organics,
and the relation of biogradable  and nonbiodegradable substances,
In most filters, 50 to  150g  TOC  per m3carbon  per day can
be oxidized through microorganisms.  Water throughput per
cubic meter of carbon then can be two to five times higher
without sacrificing water  quality because  of  the regeneration

The most important  advantages of the combined biological
and adsorption processes lie in  their ability to maintain
effluent quality in spite  of the concentrations  of  impurities.
There is always enough  residual  adsorption capacity if
the biological efficiency  is controlled by monitoring oxygen
consumption and pH  decline in the filters.

It should  also be mentioned  that biological oxidation in
carbon filters can  be enhanced by chemical oxidation using
ozone or chlorine,  if care is taken to avoid  reaching the
breakpoint when using chlorine.   Usually,  0.5 g  of  ozone
per g of organic carbon is necessary to achieve  a good
effect, but there is no general  rule for this.   While the
ozone dosage  can be changed  very easily, this is not possible

with chlorine, due to the need to avoid free chlorine with
respect to haloform formation.  Usually, optimum oxidant
dosages have to be found in pilot plant studies or through
investigations performed at full-scale plants.

Control of Carbon Filters

Besides monitoring the biological efficiency of the filter,
other analytical measurements should be used.  One possibility
is the use of UV absorbance or TOC, but they should be
monitored only in cases where parallel tests have shown
a relation to other more important analytical data such
as dissolved organic chlorine  (DOC1), or the concentration
of defined substances.  It is nearly impossible to to postulate
rules for carbon filter control, filter design, and carbon
quality that will be valid for all waters.  The general
guidelines that follow provide some information on the
problem, but there are exceptions that depend upon the
water being treated.

           (1)  Chromatographic effects in carbon filters
               should not produce conditions where the
               effluent concentration of a  single substance
               or a group of defined substances of the
               same structure exceeds the inlet concentration.
               Very often chloroform or trichloroethylene
               are good substances to be used for such

          (2)   The overall reduction of organics can be
               controlled in such a way that the UV-absorbing
               substances undergo a reduction of at least
               50 percent.  This usually goes along with
               a DOC removal of 30-40 percent.  If this
               criterion is observed, the removal of dangerous
               and toxic substances, with the exception
               of trihalomethanes, will be reasonably certain
               in most instances.

          (3)   Most raw waters contain certain types of
               organics that can be defined as typical
               of most surface water pollutants.  These
               organics should be monitored by using specific
               analytical methods.

          (4)   Biological efficiency can be controlled
               by measuring oxygen depletion and C02 increase
               in the filters.  This should be done as
               a control method for all carbon filters,
               as biological activity is important for
               most carbon filter plants.

          (5)   Activated carbon quality should be tested,
               preferably under typical conditions for
               the water that is to be treated.  Spiking
               with selected specific organic contaminants
               may enhance the information obtained from
               the tests.  Special methods have to be developed
               for this.

Although these guidelines cannot cover all aspects of carbon
filter control, they do provide some information for decision
making in specific instances.

Reactivation of Granular Activated Carbon

The use of granular activated carbon filters implies carbon
regeneration.  This reactivation can be done by the manufacturer
in central plants or at the waterworks.  Several types
of furnaces have been used sucessfully.  It can be said
with confidence that there are no difficult problems with
this treatment step.

One of the most important aspects of regeneration is the
need for a method to control the quality of the reactivated
carbon, using procedures suitable to drinking water purposes.

Other Treatment Processes for Organics Removal

Besides flocculation, oxidation, and adsorption a few other
processes can be used for organics removal.  They are discussed
briefly.  Macroreticular anion exchange resins can be used
for the removal of humic acids.  The contact times for
this treatment are quite short.  The used regenerant can
be recycled several times, but a waste treatment problem
still remains.  This process can be helpful in special
cases such as high humic acid concentrations.

Adsorption resins have  also been tried for the removal
of specific substances,  e.g.,  for the removal of volatile
organic chlorine compounds. Regeneration with solvents
can lead  to some problems.

Another possibility for the removal of volatile organics
is aeration,  used in conjunction with air cleaning through
activated carbon and air recycling.  This treatment can
be very economical  at higher concentrations of trace organics
if adopted only when no nonpurgeable organics have to be
removed from  the water.

The final alternatives  are  membrane processes that combine
the removal of organic  and  inorganic compounds.  They will
be effective  if inorganic salts as well as high molecular
weight organic pollutants have to be removed.


The treatment options show  that there are many possibilities
for new types of processes  using oxidation and adsorption
in combination with established treatment processes.  Presently,
it is  not possible  to propose  one preferred combination
that can  replace the standard  treatment configuration.
The situation is not bleak, however, as the treatment trains

now proposed offer many possibilities to select a specific
design for each treatment problem.  This can aid the water
industry in devising more effective and economical water
treatment combinations to assure safe drinking water.


               AREA II


Dr. Joseph A. Cotruvo,  Dr. Heinrich Sontheimer

   Dr. W. J. Masschelein
   Director, Brussels Intercommunal
   Manager of the Laboratories
   764 Chaussee de Waterloo
   B-1180, Brussels

   Dr. A. Benedek
   Associate Professor
   Dept. of Chemical Engineering
   McMaster University
   Hamilton, Ontario  L8S  4L7

   F. Fiessinger
   Societe Lyonnaise des Eaux,
     et de L'Eclairage
   45 Rue Cortambert,
   70516 - Paris

   P. Schulhof
   Manager of the Equipment Department
   Compagnie Generale des Eaux, Siege Social
   52 rue d'Anjou
   F-75384  Paris Cedex 08

   Dr. G. Baldauf
   Engler-Bunte-Institue d. Universitat
   Karlsruhe, Postfach 6380
   D-7500 Karlsruhe 1

   B. Fokken
   Bauassessor Diplomingenieur
   Gas-, Elektrizitats-, and Wasserwerke
   Postbox 100890, 5000 Cologne

Federal Republic         B. Frick
of Germany (cont'd)      Engler-Bunte-Institut d. Universitat
                         Postfach  6380
                         D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

                         Dr. F. Fuchs
                         Engler-Bunte-Institut d. Universitat
                         Postfach  6380
                         D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

                         G. Bolzel
                         Engler-Bunte-Institut d. Universitat
                         Postfach  6380
                         D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

                         E. Heilker
                         Technical Director, R.W.W., Amx Schloss
                         Broich 123, 433 Mulheim

                         Prof. Dr. H. Juntgen
                         Berbau-Forshung GMBH
                         Franz-Fisher-Weg 61
                         4300 EssenKray

                         Dr. J. Klein
                         Berbau-Forshung GMBH, Franz-Fisher-
                         Essen-Kray Franz-Fisher-Weg 61
                         4300 Essen-Kray

                         M. Klotz
                         Institut  fur Rygien und Mikrobiologie
                         Universitat des Saarlandes, Bau 43
                         D-6650 Homburg/Saar

                         Dr. W. Kolle
                         Chief Chemist, Hanover Waterworks
                         Stadtwerke Hanover Ag.
                         Postfach  55747
                         3000 Hanover 1

                         Dr. R. Kurz
                         Dipl. Chem., GEW-Werke Koln AG
                         Augustasta 4a
                         5000 Konl 50

                         H. Martin
                         Wuppertaler Stadtwerke AG
                         Postfach  6380
                         D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

Federal Republic
of Germany  (corit'd)
Dr. W. Merk
Ingler-Bunte-Institut d. Universitat
Postfach 6380
D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

W. Poggenburg
Stadtwerke Dusseldorf AG
Luisenstrasse 105
D-4000 Dusseldorf 1

R. Sander
Engler-Bunte-Institut d. Universitat
Postfach 6380
D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

R. Schweisfurth
Institut fur Hygiene and Mikrobiologie
Universitat des Saarlandes, Bau 43
D-6650 Homburg/Saar

Prof. Dr. H. Sontheimer
Engler-Bunte-Institut d. Universitat
Postfach 6380
D-7500 Karlsruhe, 1

Dr. B. Strack
Wuppertaler Stadtwerke AG
Postfach 20 16 16
5600 Wuppertal 2

P. Werner
Institut fur Hygiene and Mikrobiologie
Universitat des Saarlandrs, Bau 43
D-6650 Homburg/Saar

Dr. A. P. Meijers
Research Chemical Engineer
KIWA N.V., Postbus 70, Rijswijk 2109
Wiers 17, Nieuwegein

C.L.M. Poels
KIWA N.V., Postbus 70, Rijswijk 2109
Weirs 17, Nieuwegein

Dr. J. J. Rook
Chief Chemist
Drinkwaterleiding Rotterdam
Postbus 1166

Dr. B. Schultink
Chemist, Provincial Waterworks of Holland
van Essenlaan
10 Postbus 5, 2060 BA

J.G.M. Smeenk
Senior Chemist
Amsterdam Municipal Water Works
Condensatorweg 54
Postbus 8169, 1005 AD
Dr. J. van der Laan
Chief Chemist, Waterworks
Midden-Haber and Utrecht, Holland
Reactorweg 47 Postbus 2124
3500 GC Utrecht

Dr. D. van der Kooij
The Netherlands Waterworks
Testing and Research Institute
2280 ab Rijswijk, Postbus 70

M. Schalekamp
Director, Zurich Waterworks
Wasserversorgung Zurich
Bahnhofguai 5, CH-8023
Zurich 1
               Lower Trent Division
               Severn Trent Water Authority
               Mapperley Hall, Lucknow Avenue
               Mapperley, Nottingham, NG3 SBN

               D. J. Osborne
               Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd.
               22 Carlisle Place
               London SW 1, P1JA

               Dr. J. B. Goodall
               Water Research Center, P.O. Box 16
               Medmenham, Marlow, Bucks. SL7 2HD

               R. A. Hyde
               Water Research Center, P.O. Box 16
               Medmenham, Marlow, Bucks. SL7 2HD

               Chief Engineer, Orange Co. Water District
               10500 Ellis Ave., P.O. Box 8300
               Fountain Valley, California  92708

               B. A. Beaudet
               Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.
               P.O. Box 13454
               Gainsville, Florida  32604

               K. L. Blackburn
               Toxicological Assessment Branch
               Health Effects Research Laboratory
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               N. Brodtmann
               Director, Jefferson Parish Dept. of Water
               P.O. Box 10007
               Jefferson, Louisiana  70181

               Dr. R. J. Bull
               Toxicological Assessment Branch
               Health Effects Research Laboratory
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               P. R. Cairo
               Chief, Research and Development Division
               Philadelphia Water Dept.
               1180 Municipal Service Bldg.
               Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19107

               J. K. Carswell
               Research Engineer, MERL-DWRD
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

Con't          Chief, Economics Analysis Section
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               R. L. Culp
               Vice-President, Culp-Wesner-Culp
               P.O. Box 40
               El Dorado Bills, California  95630

               J. DeMarco
               Research Sanitary Engineer, MERL-DWRD
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               Dr. F. A. DiGiano
               Associate Professor of Civil Engineering,
                 Marston Hall
               University of Massachusetts
               Amherst, Massachusetts  01002

               P. Dorsey
               Research Assistant, MERL-DWRD
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               A. L. Ervin
               Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.
               P.O. Box 13454
               Gainesville, Florida  32604

               T. Everhart
               Water Quality Control Research Laboratory
               Dept. of Civil Engineering
               Stanford University
               Stanford, California  94305

               S. J. Gage
               Assistant Administrator Research & Development
               Office of Research and Development
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               401 M. Street, S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20406

               Water Quality Control Research Laboratory
               Dept. of Civil Engineering
               Standord University
               Stanford, California  94305

               Dr. R.C. Gumerman
               Vice-President, Culp-Wesner-Culp
               2232 S.E. Bristol, §210
               Santa Ana, California  92707

               W. R. Inhoffer
               General Superintendent and Chief Engineer
               Passaic Valley Water Conun.
               1525 Main Avenue
               Clifton, New Jersey  07011

               T. C. Jorling
               Professor of Environmental Science
               Williams College
               Williamstown, Massachusetts,  01267

               V. Kimm
               Deputy Assistant Administrator for Drinking
               Office of Drinking Water
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               401 M. Street S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20406

               Dr. O.T. Love, Jr.
               Research Engineer, MERL-DWRD
               Office of Research and Development
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               Dr. P. L. McCarty
               Dept. of Civil Engineering
               Stanford University
               Stanford, California  94305

               R. Miller
               Superintendent of Water Works
               4747 Spring Grove Avenue
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45232

               Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Comm.
               414 Walnut Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45202

               L. Moore
               Chemist, MERL-DWRD
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               R. H. Moser
               Assistant Director, System Water Quality
               American Water Works Service Co., Inc.
               Haddon Heights, New Jersey  08035

               M. A. Pereira
               Toxicological Assessment Branch
               Health Effects Research Laboratory
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati Ohio  45268

               Dr. M. Reinhard
               Senior Research Associate
               Department of Civil Engineering
               Stanford University
               Stanford, California  94305

               Dr. P. V. Roberts
               Adjunct Professor
               Department of Civil Engineering
               Stanford University
               Stanford, California  94305

               J. E. Schreiner
               Water Quality Research Laboratory
               Department of Civil Engineering
               Stanford University
               Stanford, California  94305

               D. R. Seeger
               Research Chemist, MERL-DWRD
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio 45268

               Dr. J. E. Singley
               Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.
               P.O. Box 13454
               Gainesville, Florida  32604
                            IV-3 2

UNITED STATES  Dr. A. A. Stevens
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               R. S. Summers
               Department of Civil Engineering
               Stanford University
               Stanford, California  94305

               Dr. I. H. Suffet
               Environmental Studies Institute
               Dept. of Chemistry, Abbott Building
               Drexel University
               32nd and Chestnut Streets
               Philadelphia, PA  19104

               Dr. J. M. Symons
               Chief, Physical and Chemical Removal
                 Branch, Water Supply Research Div.
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               26 West St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               Y. Takahashi
               Research and Applications Manager
               Dohrmann Division, Envirotech Corp.
               3240 Scott Blvd.
               Santa Clara, California  95050

               P. R. Wood
               Associate Professor, Division of
                 Environmental and Urban Systems
               Florida International University
               Miami, Florida  33199

               W. C. Zegel
               Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.
               P.O. Box 13454
               Gainesville, Florida  32604

                           AREA II


Chairmen   Dr. Heinrich Sontheimer, Dr. Wolfgang Kuhn
     H. Bader
     Dr. L. Berglind
     Prof. Dr. H. Bernhardt
     Dr. A. Bousoulengas
     J. Chedal
     Dr. L. Coin
     Dr. J. A. Cotruvo
     Dr. T. A. Dick
     K. Eimhjellen
     Dr. E. Gilbert
Eidg. Anstalt fur Wasserversorgung,
Abwazsserreinigung und Gewasser-schuss
(EAWAG), CH-8600 Dubendorf

Norwegian Institute for Water
Research, Postbox 333, Blindern,
Oslo 3, Norway

Postfach 27, D-5200 Siegburg 1,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Scientific Research and Technology
Agency, Vassileos Constantinou 48,
Athens 501, Greece

Compagnie Generale des Eaux,
Siege Social, 52 rue d'Anjou,
F-75384 Paris Cedex 08, France

Ministers de la Sante et de la
Direction Generale de la Sante
20 rue d'Estrees, F-75007 Paris,

Office of Drinking Water, United
States Environmental Protection
Agency, 401 M. Street, S.W.
Waterside Mall, WH 550, Washington,
D.C. 20460, U.S.A.
Department of the Environment,
2 Marsham Street, London, S.W.
SINTEF-Dept. of Chemical Technology,
University of Trondheim-NTH,
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Institut fur Radiochemie,
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe,
Postfach 3640, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Dr. E. Gjessing

Dr. C. Gomella

Dr. J.B. Goodall

Dr. £. De Greef

G. Ha lino

Dr. T. Bedberg

Dr. E. Heinonen

A.G.  Hill

Dr. J. Hoigne

Dr. O. Hoyer

Dr. J. Hrubec
Norwegian Institute for Water
Research, Postbox 333, Blindern,
Oslo 3, Norway

S.E.T.U.D.E., 27 Boulevard des
Italiens, F-75002 Paris, France

Medmenham Laboratory, Water Research
Centre, P. 0. Box 16, Medmenham,
Marlow, Bucks. SL7 2HD, England

National Institute for Water Supply,
Chemical Biological Division,
P.O. Box 150, AD 2260 Leidschendam,
The Netherlands

SINTEF-Dept. of Chemical Technology,
University of Trondheim-NTH,
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Department of Water Supply and
Sewerage, Chalmers Tekniska
Hogskola, Sven Hultins Gata 8,
Goteborg, Sweden

Belsinki City Waterworks,
Pasilankatu 41, SF-00240 Helsinki,

Department of Chemical Engineering,
College of Engineering, Louisiana
University, Ruston, Louis.  71270,

Eidg. Anstalt fur Wasserversorgung,
Abwasserreinigung und Gewasserschutz
 (EAWAG), CH-8600 Dubendorf,

Wahnbachtalsperrenverband, Post-
fach 27, D-5200 Siegburg 1, Federal
Repubic of Germany

National Institute for Water Supply,
Chemical Biological Division,
P.O. Box 150, AD 2260 Leidschendam,
The Netherlands
                               IV-3 5

Dr. M. Jekel
Dr. B. Josefsson
Dr. V. J. Kimm
Dr. N. Kirmaier
M. Klotz
Dr. K. Kotter
Dr. D. van der Kooij
Prof. Y. Kott
Dr. J. C. Kruithof
Dr. W. Kuhn
Dr. H. Kussmaul
Engler-Bunte-Institut, Bereich
Wasserchemie, Dniversitat Karlsruhe,
Postfach 6380, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Department of Analytical Chemistry,
University of Gothenburg,
S-40220 Gothenburg, Sweden

Office of Drinking Water, United
States Environmental Protection
Agency, 401 M. Street, S.W.,
Waterside Mall, WH 550,
Washington, D.C. 20460, U.S.A.

Institut fur Biomedizinische Technik,
Museurnstr. 1, D-8000 Munchen 22,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Institut fur Hygiene und Mikro-
biologie, Universitat des Saarlandes,
Bau 43, D-6650 Homburg/Saar, Federal
Repubic of Germany

Gelsenwasser AG, Postfach 769,
D-4650 Gelsenkirchen, Federal Repubic
of Germany

The Netherlands Waterworks,
Testing and Research Institute -
KIWA Ltd., Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Environmental and Water Resources
Engineering, Technion-Israel
Institute of Technology, Technion
City, Haifa 32000, Israel

KIWA N.V. Wiers 17, Nieuwegein,
The Netherlands

Engler-Bunte-Institut, Bereich
Wasserchemie, Universitat Karlsruhe,
Postfach 6380, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Institut fur Wasser-, Boden- und
Lufthygiene des Bundesgesundheits-amtes,
Aussenstelle Frankfurt/Main,
Kennedyallee 97, D-6000 Frankfurt 70,
Federal Repubic of Germany

H. Lamblin
Dr. J. P. Legeron
H. Lienhard
Dr. B. Lindgren
 Dr.  D. Maier
 J.  Mallcvialle
 DC.  W.  J.  Masschelein
 DC.  A.  P.  Meijecs
 G.  W.  Miller
 C.  F.  Mecca
 Prof.  J.  C.  Morris
 Prof.  DC.  Gectcud Muller
Compagnie Generale des Eaux,
Siege Social, 52 rue d'Anjou,
F-75384 Paris Cedex 08, France

Trailigaz, 29-31 Bd de la Muette,
F-95140 Garges les Gonesse, France

Engler-Bunte-Institut, Bereich
Wasserchemie, Universitat Karlsruhe,
Postfach 6380, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Swedish Forest Products Research
Laboratory, Box 5604,
S-11486 Stockholm, Sweden

Zweckverband Bodenseewasser-
versorgung, D-7770 Uberlingen-
Subenmuhle, Federal Repubic of Germany

Societe Lyonnaise des Eaux et de
1'Eclairage, 10 rue de la Liberte,
F-78230 Le Pecg, France

Laboratoires C.I.B.E., 764 Chaussee
de Waterloo, B-1180 Bruxelles,

KIWA N.V., Wiers 17, Nieuwegein,
The Netherlands

Public Technology, Inc.,
1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW,
Washington, D.C. 20036, U.S.A.

Chemical Biological Division,
National Institute for Water Supply,
P.O. Box 150, AD 2260 Leidschendam,
The Netherlands

Division of Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, 127 Pierce Hall,
Cambridge, Mass. 02138, U.S.A.

Institut fur Wasser-, Boden- und
Lufthygiene des Bundesgesundheits-amtes,
Corrensplatz 1,
D-1000 Berlin 33, Federal Repubic of

Dr. J. A. Myhrstad
T. Nemeth
Sabine Normann
Dr. H. Overath
Dr. 6.J. Piet
Prof. Dr. K.-E. Quentin
Dr. R. G. Rice
Dr. Y. Richard
Prof. P.V. Roberts
Dr. C.N. Robson
Dr. J.J. Rook
C. Roos
National Institute of Public Health,
Geitmyrsveien 75, Oslow 1, Norway

Gothenburg Water- and Sewage-Works,
Pack, S-40110 Gothenburg, Sweden

Stadtwerke Wiesbaden AG, Kirchgasse
2, D-6200 Wiesbaden, Federal Repubic
of Germany

Stadtwerke Wiesbaden AG, Kirchgasse
2, D-6200 Wiesbaden, Federal Repubic
of Germany

Chemical Biological Division,
National Institute for Water Supply,
P.O. Box 150, AD 2260 Leidschendam,
The Netherlands

Institut fur Wasserchemie und
Chemische Balneologie,
Technische Universitat Munchen,
Marchionistr. 17, D-8000 Munchen 70,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Jacobs Engineering Group,
1511 K Street, N.W., Suite 835
Washington, D.C. 20005, U.S.A.
Degremont Traitement des Eaux,
P.B. 46, F-92151 Suresnes, France

Environmental Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford,
California 94305, U.S.A.

Department of Public Works,
2460 City-County Building,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, U.S.A.

Drinkwaterleiding Rotterdam,
Postbus 1166, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands

Department of Analytical Chemistry,
University of Gothenburg,
S-40220 Gothenburg, Sweden

R. Sander
Dr. K. Schmidt
P. Schulhof
Dr.E.Skipperud Johansen
Prof.Dr.H. Sontheimer
 Dr. T.  Stenstrom
 Dr. A.A.  Stevens
 Dr. J. M.  Symons
Dr. T. Thorsen
Dr. P. Toft
Dr. G. Uhlig
Engler-Bunte-Institut, Bereich
Wasserchemie, Universitat Karlsruhe,
Postfach 6380, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1,
Federal Repubic of Germany

Institut fur Wasserforschung GmbH
Dortmund, Degginstr. 40,
D-4600 Dortmund 1, Federal Repubic
of Germany

Compagnie Generale des Eaux,
Siege Social, 52 rue d'Anjou,
F-75384 Paris Cedex 08, France

Institut fur Hygiene und Mikro-
biologie, Universitat des Saarlandes,
Bau 43, D-6650 Horoburg/Saar, Federal
Repubic of Germany

National Institute for Public Health,
Geitmyrsveien 75, Oslo 1, Norway

Engler-Bunte-Institut, Lehrstuhl
und Bereich fur Wasserchemie,
Universitat Karlsruhe, Postf. 6380,
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Federal Repubic
of Germany

Department of Environmental Hygiene,
The National Swedish Environment
Protection Board, Fack,
S-10401 Stockholm, Sweden

Drinking Water Research Division,
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 26 West St. Clair Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, U.S.A.

Water Supply Research Division,
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 26 West St. Clair Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, U.S.A.

SINTEF-Dept. of Chemical Technology,
University of Trondheim-NTH,
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Environmental Health Centre,
Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa,
Ontario K1A OL2, Canada

Stadtwerke Duisburg AG, Postf. 100246,
D-4100 Duisburg 1, Federal Repubic
of Germany

J. Valenta               Wasserversorgung Zurich, Hardhof 9,
                         CH-8023 Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. D. Weil              Institut fur Wasserchemie und
                         Chemische Balneologie,  Technische
                         Universitat Munchen,  Marchionistr.  17,
                         D-8000 Munchen 70,  Federal Repubic
                         of Germany

P. Werner                Institut fur Hygiene  und Mikro-
                         biologie, Universitat des Saarlandes,
                         Bau 43, D-6650 Homburg/Saar,  Federal
                         Repubic of Germany

                          CHAPTER V

                          AREA III



                PROP.  DEAN 0. CLIVER, CHAIRMAN

Potentially the most significant constraint upon the scope

of the microbiology project  is that  it was to address the

drinking water supply problems of industrialized nations.

As was stated in the introduction to this report, industrialized

nations usually have large quantities of water or industrializa-

tion would not have been possible.   Even so, the quantities

of water may not be adequate to meet anticipated needs,
and the quality of available water may be much degraded

by prior use.  It is well, at this point, to ask what distinc-

tive features of water supply in industrialized nations

are significant to microbiology.

A major feature is high daily per capita water use.   Daily

consumption of beverage water is physiologically determined:

the body's water losses must be replaced, so the total

daily use of water by ingestion is determined by the climate

and the size of the population in both industrialized and

developing countries.  Other uses of  water in the home,

which tend to be larger in industrialized nations  than
in developing countries, include flushing of water carriage
toilets and cleansing of food, clothing, the home, its
contents, and its inhabitants.  Outside-the-home uses that
contribute to the highly daily per capita demand in industrial-
ized nations include a variety of applications in commerce
and industry, as well as the  occasional use of water for
fighting fires.

Where the volume of water used exceeds the supply, a "reuse
factor"  (e.g., perhaps 25 percent of the water available
at some point in a certain river has already been used
somewhere upstream) may be calculated.  Some classes of
water reuse are of far greater microbiologic concern than
others.  For example, human feces, and therefore the water
used to eliminate them from a household, are the most signifi-
cant sources of infectious agents transmissible through
water.  By contrast, the direct disposal of human waste
into waterways that occurs in some parts of the world (either
from ships and boats on the water or from unsewered communities
along the banks) may decrease the calculated reuse factor,
but increase the risk of waterborne disease.  Other microbiolo-
gically significant components of used water include substances
which may support the growth of organisms in the water
and heat.  Project Area V of this CCMS Pilot Study addresses

the broader aspects of water  reuse,  but reuse must also
be considered in the context  of  drinking water microbiology
because the majority of  the infectious agents that might
be transmitted by drinking water derive from the human
intestines and are carried by wastewaterr in some proportion,
into water that may serve as  drinking water  sources.   The
problem of preventing waterborne infectious  diseases would
be greatly mitigated if  an appropriate, non-polluting  alterna-
tive to the water carriage toilet could be developed;  such
a device would be accepted only  if it met the esthetic
standards now prevalent  in industrialized nations.  Otherwise,
the protection of source waters  demands that the wastewater
discharges be carefully  supervised and that  wastes  be  treated
and disposed of in a manner that permits water to be reclaimed
as necessary.  Many features  of  this problem are considered
in Project Area V and, in the specific context of groundwater
protection, in Project Area VI.

Topic A of the microbiology report concerns  Raw Water.
Every community or water supplier should, and ordinarily
will, select the purest  available source for use in drinking
water production.  Groundwater from a deep,  protected  aquifer
may contain only a few microorganisms, none  of which is
of intestinal origin.  Water  of  this kind may be used  in
both private and public  supplies with little or no treatment.

Even then, chlorination may have to be used in public  systems
to avoid problems in distribution.  However, really well-
protected aquifers in some areas may lie at such a depth
that they are not accessible to private users.  The depth
of an aquifer may be less of a problem where public water
supplies are concerned, but the quantities of water available
must be adequate to the community's needs, or less pure
raw water will have to be used.

Groundwater is frequently discharged to surface waterways
after use  (and, one would hope, after treatment), but  increasing
efforts are being made to dispose of wastewater in such
a way that the groundwater will be recharged.  The success
and safety of this method of water reclamation depend  greatly
upon the ability of soil to accomplish microbiologic purifica-
tion of the water between the point of application and
the aquifer or, at least, the point of abstraction? on
the character of the soil? and on whether recharge is  under-
taken by vertical infiltration under the influence of  gravity
or by pressure injection directly into the aquifer.  This
artificial recharge must be done with extreme caution,
for the microbiologic purification of water by soil is
not a well understood process) and once contamination  of
a groundwater source has occurred, it is extremely difficult
to correct.  This is an area where a great deal of research

is needed; until results  are  available,  it will be prudent
to treat wastewater  that  is to be used for groundwater
recharge to a degree that does not demand too much of the
purifying capacity of the soil.   The introduction  of viable
organisms to an aquifer is not the only  microbiologic concern
in groundwater recharge.   Some microbially-induced chemical
transformations can  lead  to degradation  of groundwater,
and toxins liberated upon the death of microbial contaminants
may also prove significant.

Surface sources of raw water  are more difficult to protect
from microbial contamination  and will frequently support
the growth of some of the organisms that may  be introduced.
Airborne contamination and runoff from adjacent land surfaces,
in addition to discharged wastewater, may contribute undesirable
organisms or nutrients to surface waters.  Surface water
quality may also be  directly  affected by human activities
such as recreational swimming and boating, residence in
houseboats, or navigation on  waterways for commercial transport
of goods.  Under optimal  conditions, microbial counts in
lakes  extremely rich in nutrients may exceed  10 per ml.
Many organisms in surface waters are capable  of inducing
undesirable chemical transformations.  Photosynthetic bacteria
and cyanobacteria  (formerly  called blue-green algae) can
grow to high levels, given favorable conditions and adequate

light.  These bacteria, as well as the true algae, can
induce off-flavors in water, bind large quantities of dissolved
oxygen  under certain circumstances,  and  interfere physically
with water purification.  Toxins produced by some cyanobacteria
may also be  significant to human health.  It is clear that
surface waters which serve as sources of drinking water
need more rigorous protection than many of them get, but
it is also clear that more research will be needed  before  (
the requisite protective measures are well understood.

Topic A also includes a survey of the microbiologic quality
of at least  some of the raw water in nine different countries.
Mot surprisingly, raw water quality is generally better
where the source is groundwater and where it originates
in less densely populated areas.  Even in these situations,
raw water quality is seldom so consistently excellent that
one-step treatment can safely be trusted.  Where raw water
quality is poorer, more intensive treatment methods are
generally employed.  Finished water of adequate quality
and safety can evidently be produced by a series of unit
processes ending with disinfection; but the community served
is, obviously, more vulnerable to any kind of event that
might even temporarily interrupt treatment of the water
before distribution.

Recommendations Concerning Raw Water

           (1)  More  research should be done on the microbial
               ecology of groundwater.

           (2)  The microbiologic quality of source waters
               should be  tested  routinely , especially in
               those instances where the quality of the
               raw water is judged so good  as to require
               only  minimal treatment.

           (3)  Adequate measures to protect good groundwater
               and surface water sources are required,
               including provisions for  proper  implementa-

           (4)  Means of conveying good quality raw water
               to areas where source water quality is deficient
               should be investigated further.
 Topic B surveys the specific Pathogens that may be transmitted
 through drinking water.  Generally, these are infectious
 agents including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and metazoa.
 The proximate source of these agents in water may vary,
 but most of them ultimately derive from the human intestines.
 Intestines of other warm-blooded animals are an alternate
 source of some waterborne agents infectious to humans*
 only a few of these agents are apparently capable of living
 free in the environment for extended periods of time.

Although the agents discussed are all of concern  to  human
health, the majority of the infections caused by  them  are
mild or asymptomatic.  This fact tends to complicate the
investigation of waterborne disease outbreaks, in that
the majority of infections may go unrecognized unless  inten-
sive and widerranging laboratory testing, frequently of
fecal specimens, is undertaken.

Although quite long periods of persistence in water  have
been reported for some pathogens, the aqueous environment
is not generally a favorable one for human infectious agents.
Physical and chemical factors, as well as competition or
predation by better-adapted indigenous microbial species,
combine to kill or inactivate pathogens in water with the
passing of time.  Other things being equal, higher temperatures
and longer detention times favor the destruction of  greater
quantities of waterborne pathogens.  However, it is  important
to note that most time-dependent death processes occur
as logarithmic functions of time, so that the level  of
the dying agent, theoretically, never reaches absolute
zero.  This raises the dual questions of how sensitive
a method must be for detecting a waterborne pathogen, and
what significance to human health may be represented by
some small residual level of a pathogen in water.  These
two questions may or may not be intimately interrelated.

It is often argued  that,  as difficult as pathogens frequently
are to detect in water,  there is no need to develop methods
to detect them at levels  below which they represent a threat
to health.  However,  there are those who believe that no
level of an infectious agent is so low as to be insignificant
to human health and that  sample-to-sample variation offers
the possibility that water sent to the laboratory for testing
may contain less contaminant than water that someone drinks
from the same source, so  there is no limit to the desired
level of sensitivity in testing for waterborne pathogens.

Further research is needed both to determine the relative
threat to human health that is presented by different levels
of a pathogen in water and to develop more sensitive methods
for detecting waterborne  pathogens.  However, there is
also a need for simpler methods of detecting waterborne
pathogens, in that  more samples, tested by more laboratories,
may eventually produce a  more useful body of information,
to aid in producing a safer supply of water, than would
be testing of a few very  large water samples by the few
laboratories that are equipped to deal with them.  Even
if these were available,  test for pathogens could not afford
a basis for routine quality control in drinking water supply.
Given the problems  inherent in detecting waterborne pathogens,
it is not surprising that microbiologic testing of water
is focused, instead,  upon indicators.

Recommendations Concerning Pathogens

          (1)  Even where water is protected, as is  true
               of many groundwater sources, disinfection
               is recommended.  This is especially important
               where finished water is to be stored  rather
               than being used immediately.

          (2)  Aftergrowth of opportunistic pathogens during
               distribution of finished water should be
               prevented by maintaining a disinfectant
               residual throughout the distribution network,
               wherever  possible, especially in large

          (3)  Testing rorpathogens within the distribution
               water is appropriate: (a) after contamination
               is found to have occurred; (b) to trace
               the source of any outbreak; and (c) in analyzing
               disinfection efficiency.

          (4)  Given the lack of correlation between viruses
               and the bacterial indicator systems, more
               research on the antiviral effectiveness
               of various water treatment processes  is

          (5)  Mapping of waterborne outbreaks should be
               conducted in conjunction with epidemiological
               surveys of the population served by the
               water supply.

Topic C of this  report deals with Indicator Systems, which
are microbiologically-based quality control methods.  Indicator
systems already  established in use are generally based
upon enumeration of viable organisms on a selective basis.
Some, but not  all,  of these indicators are supposed to
correlate with the  occurrence of fecal contamination and,
implicitly,  with the presence of enteric pathogens.  The
closeness of correlation between different established
viable  indicator systems and fecal contamination varies
greatly.  Where  correlations are low, it is usually either
because the  organisms measured may include some that are
not of  fecal origin at all or some that are capable of
proliferation  in the environment outside the body.   Another
potential liability, where disinfection is practiced,  is
that the indicator  organisms may be more sensitive  to the
disinfectant than are some of the enteric pathogens which
might be present.  In addition to indicators of fecal contamin-
ation,  there are indicator systems that gauge water quality
and others  that  serve to signal the presence of specific
pathogens.   Finally, there is always reason to wish for
indicator systems that are more rapid or simpler to apply?
such systems could permit more replication of tests.

These considerations led to the inclusion in Topic  C of
a  survey of  proposed alternate indicator systems based

                           ' I
upon viable microbes, including coliphages and animal viruses,
as well as a number of groups of bacteria.  Some of these
may eventually serve special purposes on a regular basis,
but none is presently ready to supplant the "established1
indicators for routine quality control in drinking water
treatment and distribution.  Other indicator systems surveyed
are not based on determining numbers of viable organisms,
or at least may not require incubation through many microbial
generation times before results are obtained.  Some of
these alternate systems seem to offer significant potential
for continuous monitoring of water quality in situations
where rapidly obtained results will permit prompt remedial
action.  No system considered would obviate the need for
proper sampling techniques or for adequately trained laboratory

Topic D surveys Testing and Standards for drinking water
in various countries.  For the time being, microbiologic
quality control of drinking water, in most of the countries
surveyed, is based upon the coliform group.  However, in
some  countries, thermo-tolerant coliforms or Escherichia
coli  (based on a working definition of the species) are
determined instead of or in addition to the coliforms.
Procedures for both sampling and testing are seen to vary
from country to country, but the differences are not so

great that the col if or m test results cannot be compared.
The general intention in every case seems to be that coliforms
 (or thermo-tolerant coliforms or E. coli, as the case may
be) should be absent from samples of finished drinking
water taken at the treatment plant or,  in many instances,
 throughout the distribution system.  Unfortunately,  the
 survey that was  done did not yield adequate bases for comparing
 methods of laboratory quality control;  nor was it possible
 to determine how corrective action is taken in the event
 that  indicators  are  found in finished drinking water.
 Efforts being made by  several organizations to standardize
 analytic  procedures  in  water microbiology are certainly
 to be commended, whatever the analytic procedures used,
 it seems  clear  that  the ability of laboratory microbiology
 to contribute to the safety of drinking water depends less
 on how standards are written than on the dedication  with
 which they are  applied  or enforced.

 Topic E deals with the  Treatment Methods used in producing
 finished  drinking water.  The emphasis in this case  is
 on how various  unit  processes affect pathogens and indicator
 systems.  However, much information on other aspects of
 some  of the  same treatments can be found in the reports
 of Project Area  II:  Advanced Treatment Technology.   The
 variety and  degree of  treatment used in preparing drinking

water should be, and usually are, determinedly,  the  quality
of raw water that is available.  Where the source  is variable
in quantity or quality, reservoir storage may be used to
buffer some of the fluctuations.  The primary function
of the reservoir may be storage but considerable changes,
for better or worse, can result from holding water in a
reservoir.  This depends on whether the reservoir  is managed
so as to minimize opportunities for contamination or  growth
of noxious organisms and to make use of the water's  tendency
for self-purification; at best, storage of water in  a reservoir
can serve as a treatment step, and is regarded as such
in this report.  Physical treatments, such as coagulation
and flocculation or various versions of sand filtration,
serve to remove suspended matter including many microbial
cells.  These treatments are especially important  in removing
protozoan cysts and metazoan eggs, as well as in eliminating
suspended matter that might interfere with disinfection.
Slow sand filtration, and often activated carbon treatment,
have an important biological component.  Activated carbon
treatment is intended, primarily, to remove impurities
that are dissolved, rather than suspended, in water.   To
the degree that the substances removed might have served
as substrates for microbial growth, the growth becomes
less likely to take place in the water, but more likely
on the carbon surface.  This will not necessarily produce

a health hazard, but it can  lead  to disinfection problems
and to a decrease in water palatability.   The microflora
in slow sand filters can effect important reductions  in
biodegradable dissolved substances  especially in water
pre-treated with ozone.

The ultimate defense against carry-over of pathogenic bacteria
and viruses into finished water is, ordinarily,  disinfection.
If pathogens were unlikely to have  been present  in  the
raw water, disinfection may  be done solely to suppress
opportunistic organisms and  to avoid technical problems
during distribution of the water.  This requires use  of
a disinfectant  such as chlorine,  a  residual of which  can
be maintained throughout the distribution network.  On
the other hand, disinfection may  be needed to kill  large
numbers of microorganisms, possibly including pathogens.
Ozone is seen to be a major  alternative to chlorine in
this application? it is already well established as a primary
drinking water  disinfectant  in many areas.  Other disinfectants
are also surveyed, and some  of these may  eventually capture
a portion of the disinfection market. It is important
to note that no disinfectant can  make good water from bad,
and that disinfection may fail if water has not  first been
treated in a manner appropriate to  its original  quality,
so that the disinfectant has only to act  upon reasonable
numbers of microorganisms.

Topic F addresses the problem of maintaining finished  water
quality during Storage and Distribution.  This represents
a special challenge from both the standpoints of quality
and safety.  On the one hand, the quality of finished  water
at the treatment plant roust be assumed to be the best  that
can be achieved with the means available, so that storage
of finished water, for example, can maintain or degrade
quality, but cannot improve it as in the case of raw water
storage.  On the other hand, the epidemiological record
shows that cross-contamination and back-siphonage, by  introduc-
ing raw sewage or otherwise polluted water into finished
water in distribution, have been relatively important  among
causes of the rare outbreaks of disease associated with
public water supplies.  The most general problems are  those
of avoiding growth of organisms present in the finished
water (for example, by maintaining an active level of  chlorine
in water thoughout the distribution network) and preventing
contamination of the finished water from external sources
(for example, by covering service reservoirs in which  finished
water is stored).  The materials and the manner of construction
of the facilities are critical at every stage.  Water  contact
surfaces in reservoirs and in mains all too frequently
include materials which may support microbial growth.
The joints that have been well designed to exclude contaminants
from without are sometimes found to present favorable  conditions

for microbial growth within  the system.   Older materials
used in constructing water distribution  systems all have
disadvantages, including  increasingly high costs of production
and installation and,  in  some instances, exceedingly short
service lives when  in  contact with the water of some communities,
Newer materials and joint designs appear to offer important
advantages/ but the testing  of these cannot always include
all of the conditions  to  which they will be subjected in
use at various places. Thus, unforeseen difficulties are
always possible, even  under  what may be  described as routine
Conditions in water distribution cannot  always be counted
on to remain routine.   Perturbations of  the system may
occur through:

           (1)  necessary  expansion of the distribution
               network because of growth of the community;
           (2)  use  of  large  volumes of water to fight fires;
           (3)  natural oar manmade disasters that disrupt
               the  integrity of the network; and
           (4)  errors  by  users, beyond the direct control
               of a water authority, that result in back-
               contamination of the water in public distribu-
If appropriate designs and materials have been used in
constructing a distribution  system, water quality can be
protected, in mosty  -instances, by properly organized maintenance
and surveillance.   However,  regulation  of users connected

to the system, as well as the development of effective
plans for dealing with emergencies, are important further
aspects of operation.

Recommendations Concerning Storage and Distribution

          (1)  Careful consideration must be given to the
               siting of service reservoirs.

          (2)  Dead ends in pipes must be avoided and disused
               apparati disconnected.

          (3)  Distribution and plumbing systems should
               consist of materials that will not support
               microbial growth.  New products should be
               tested for their ability to support microbial
               growth before they are accepted or rejected.

          (4)  Control measures to prevent back-siphonage
               and cross-connections should be carefully

          (5)  Adequate disinfection procedures for the
               construction and repair of water mains are
               needed.  Installers should be instructed
               to follow the installation codes  exactly.

Topic G discusses Technological Problems in drinking water
microbiology.  A pervasive theme in drinking water microbiology
is the avoidance, suppression, or destruction of microorganisms
in water.  As Topic G shows, some microorganisms have what

might be regarded  as  a certain retaliatory capacity.  Micro-
organisms have  adapted to such a variety of aquatic environments
outside of water systems that it is probably not surprising
to find them  so firmly entrenched in much of this manmade
system as well. They may cause problems both in treatment
and  in distibution.   Water pipes may be degraded by microbial
action, either  because the organisms were able to use the
material of the pipe  as substrate or because microbial
metabolism caused  minerals to be eroded from or deposited
on the inner  surfaces.  Microbial cells themselves, and
the  slimes associated with some of them, are able to coat
resins and filter  media or the interiors of pipes so as
to exert a direct  adverse physical effect upon the function
of the facility.   It  is not surprising that resin function
would be extremely susceptible to microbial growth, given
the  fact that normal  function of the resin depends upon
intimate interaction  between the resin surface and the
water; however, it is also true that a thin microbial slime
coat can significantly interfere with the hydraulic conductivity
of a water main,  even though the deposit obstructs very
little of the inside  of the pipe.

Another set of technological problems involves the storage
of water aboard ships, and in containers  for commercial
distribution  or for use in emergencies.  In a way, one

might assert that 'drinking water in these contexts  needs
to be even purer than that in public supplies,  for  these
classes of stored water will ordinarily be used in  exactly
the condition that the consumer receives them.   Problems
associated with ships' water supplies are discussed in
detail; some of these problems are shared with  supplies
of drinking water aboard all classes of public  conveyances,
but they may be more extreme with ships because longer
periods of storage and greater volumes of water are involved,
and because many opportunities exist for cross-contamination
from wastewater, water from the ship's bilge, and wash
water derived from the often-polluted water in  which the
ship floats.  Water sealed in containers also requires
great care, as to the initial quality of the water,  the
use of preservatives  (if any), and the selection of a container,
Obviously, those who must use packaged water in times of
disaster will have no opportunity at that point to  reject
that which, on the basis of off-flavor, odor, or appearance,
might be suspected of being toxic.  On the other hand,
those who regularly drink bottled water in their daily
lives place their trust  in the safety of the commercial
product and are therefore vulnerable to any lapse on the
part of the bottler or distributor.

This report necessarily emphasizes water treatment and
control measures for  routine use.   However,  it must be
recognized that emergencies do arise and that plans for
dealing with them  should  be made beforehand,  as much as
possible.  Causes  of  emergencies,  in what may be descending
order of likelihood,  include undetected deterioration in
the physical apparatus, human error, power failures, adverse
weather, willful mischief,  earthquakes, and  war.  Both
apparatus at the treatment  plant and in the  distribution
network may be subject to deterioration or sudden malfunction,
Human errors might include  such events as construction
machinery breaking water  mains.  Loss of electrical power
could inactivate pumps, ozone generators, and vital control
apparatus.  Adverse weather can cause power  failures; or
extreme cold, floods, or  windstorms may directly interfere
with water treatment  or distribution.  Willful mischief
would include any  malicious act by which one or a few persons
abused a water system in  an effort to disrupt society.
Earthquake prediction seems to be progressing, but is still
not very useful  for protecting water supplies.  Finally,
if war occurs, water  systems may be disrupted incidentally
to general bombardment, overtaxed through excessive water
demand for firefighting,  or directly targeted as a vehicle
for biological warfare.

All communities are vulnerable to emergencies affecting
their water distribution systems.  However, there are  potential
differences, involving water sources and treatment,  in
susceptibility to emergencies.  A community that has relatively
low-quality water must use a complex treatment scheme  and
is vulnerable from that standpoint.  On the other hand
a community that derives very pure water from a deep aquifer
will have no water at all if it loses its pumping capacity.
Large water supply systems probably present more points
of vulnerability than small systems, and communities that
derive their water from distant sources are especially
at risk.

If treatment is interrupted, but distribution is maintained,
microbiologic safety can be achieved by drawing water  from
the tap and boiling it.  Otherwise, any available water
that does not contain acute toxicants may have to be boiled
and used.  Restoration of treatment and distribution services
is likely to require extensive flushing and use of large
quantities of chlorine to restore a system to normal;  plans
for such action should be made in advance, and key personnel
should learn their tasks.  Large communities, where great
numbers of people might be unable to supply themselves
with water in the event of a system stoppage, should consider
storage of water for emergencies in moderate-sized containers
at well-distributed and marked locations.

Industrialized nations  in general share a relatively high
level of public health,  as  measured  by long life expectancies
and low child mortalities,  which is  at least partly a tribute
to the technical and  institutional success of drinking
water supply in these countries.  Even private water supplies
in these countries  are  often monitored on a limited basis,
so that relatively  few  inhabitants use water has not been
safety tested in some manner.  It is,  perhaps, noteworthy
that the primary safety criteria applied, even to this
day when many other aspects of drinking water safety are
under scrutiny, are based upon microbiologic indicator
systems.  This is reasonable, for a  great part of the public
health gains that have  been achieved in industrialized
nations have resulted from  reduced incidence of infectious
diseases through sanitation.  Hardly any aspect of drinking
water microbiology  would not be likely to benefit from
further research, but it is important to note that presently
available treatment techniques, monitoring methods, and
other features of current drinking water supply practice
are serving their purposes  remarkably well.  In a general
sense, standards presently  in effect must never be relaxed
because the populations of  industrialized nations, accustomed
to a high level of  sanitation, are likely to be quite vulnerable
to any abrupt lapse in  established drinking water practice.

Change is inevitable, however, and new classes of chemical
contaminants are being indent!fied in wastewaters and  in
some raw waters from which drinking water must be produced.
Aspects of these problems are discussed in Project Areas
I and IV.  Research is needed both on effective and feasible
methods that will produce fewer undesirable disinfectant
derivatives while serving the original purpose of disinfection,
which is to kill as many microorganisms as possible in
the water.  The task of protecting source waters, from
a microbiolgic standpoint, will be aided when more research
results are available regarding detection methods for waterborne
pathogens, as well as the probability of infection by ingesting
different quantities of waterborne pathogens.  Indicator
systems that are intended to signal fecal or other microbiologic
contamination of water might be further refined and standardized,
but it seems likely that monitoring the adequacy of water
treatment and disinfection could better be based on the
development and application of a separate set of indicator
systems.  These, and indicator systems designed to detect
recontamination of finished water in distribution, probably
stand to be most improved by automation or modification
to afford shorter readout times.  In this age of dramatically
improved international communication, it seems clear that
more standardization of criteria for water quality and
safety will ensue.

If primary disinfection procedures must be modified out
of concern for interactions  between the disinfectants and
chemical contaminants of  water,  further research will be
needed on the adequacy of alternative disinfectants.   At
the same time, it will be very important to determine and
attempt to utilize  the antimicrobial effects inherent in
all of the other unit processes employed in water treatment.
Research to aid in  protecting the quality of finished water
during storage and  distribution will, assuredly,  focus
on the development  of low-cost,  durable materials that
are inert to the microflora  in the water, but there are
also many other research  needs in this area.   To the  degree
that microbial growth is  capable of creating technolgoical
problems, which have been enumerated previously,  it is
important that research contribute more to the understanding
of these microbiologic processes, for it may be that  the
organisms cannot be entirely suppressed, but only minimized.
Finally, further research on the evaluation and maintenance
of water quality in closed containers is still needed.

Many new concerns about drinking water safety have been
raised  in recent years.   Because these-generally relate to
chemicals and  may  be  associated with such dire effects as
cancer,  they have  tended to overshadow the microbiology of
drinking water.   Under the circumstances, it seems fitting
to close by pointing  out that:

          (1)   the primary criteria of drinking water safety
               and quality are based upon microbiologic
               indicator systems; and
          (2)   in any major lapse in drinking water treatment
               and distribution practices, the most immediate
               consequences to consumer health are more
               likely to be caused by pathogenic microorganisms
               than by chemicals.
          (1)  Every public water supply should begin with
               the highest quality raw water that is available
               in quantities sufficient to meet the community's
               needs.  Efforts to protect and improve the
               quality of source waters are important;
               both waste discharges and non-point sources
               of pollution should be considered in attempts
               to prevent or alleviate contamination.
               Where possible, water to be used for irrigation,
               or for industrial purposes other than food,
               drug, or cosmetic manufacture, should usually
               be drawn from less pure sources than those
               from which the public supply derives.

          (2)  Disinfection is necessary, but not always
               sufficient, to ensure the safety of drinking
               water from virtually any source.

          (3)  Complete treatment of drinking water, including
               at least coagulation and sedimentation with
               sand filtration or alternatively dual filtration

     including effective slow sand filtration,
     followed in all cases by disinfection, is
     essential in all cases where source waters
     are unprotected and is highly desirable
     even with protected sources.

(4)   Sound engineering practice is required to
     produce safe drinking water; microbiologic
     laboratory testing performed on a routine
     basis, according to standardized methods,
     and by properly trained and supervised staff,
     is an important basis for assessment of
     drinking water quality.  Indicator systems
     for use in these tests may be selected for
     any one of the following purposes:

     (i)    to signal fecal contamination;
     (ii)   to detect any abnormal and probably
            undesirable conditions that may occur;
     (iii)  to warn of the probable presence
            of specific pathogens.

     Larger waterworks, at least, should develop
     microbiologic quality control procedures
     and baseline data for all stages of treatment
     from raw water through distribution.  Prompt
     corrective action should be taken when norms
     are exceeded.  At least one microbiology
     laboratory in each country should have the
     ability to detect waterborne pathogens,
     either for spot-checking or for investigating
     outbreaks, both from water samples and from
     clinical specimens.  Results of tests for
     both indicators and pathogens should be
     shared on an international basis.

(5)   Innovative indicator systems, capable of
     signaling fecal contamination, problems
     in treatment efficiency,  loss of integrity
     of the distribution system,  and perhaps
     the presence of pathogens,  should continue
     to be sought.  Rather than  try to find a
     single indicator system that will serve
     all of these disparate functions at once,
     emphasis should be placed on individual
     systems offering convenience and economy
     that will allow more frequent testing.

(6)   In addition to the well-established research
     on waterborne bacterial pathogens,  considerably
     more research is needed concerning  viruses
     and protozoa transmissible  by drinking water,
     in the areas of the dose-dependence of peroral
     infectivity and pathogenicity, the  detection
     of these agents in water, and their removal
     or destruction by water treatment and disinfec-
     tion processes.

(7)   Monitoring of raw water quality on  the basis
     of appropriate indicator  systems is desirable
     in all cases and essential  in those instances
     where the usual purity of the raw water
     is such that less than complete treatment
     is used.  At least one indicator system
     that is directly correlated with fecal contamin-
     ation should be included; the choice of
     other indicator systems to  signal other
     kinds of problems should be made on the
     basis of knowledge about local conditions.

(8)   Materials of which water treatment and distribu-
     tion facilities are constructed should be
     presented for chemical and biological stability.
     Testing methods, as well as results, should
     be shared internationally as much as possible;
     however, it is also best to test materials,
     before use in a given system, with the very
     water with which they will, in fact, be
     in contact.

(9)   Finished water in distribution, in both
     public and semipublic systems, should be
     sampled at representative locations and
     tested microbiologically with a frequency
     that depends on the size of the population
     served.  Private water supplies should be
     tested at least annually.  In all instances,
     the presence of coliforms, thermo-tolerant
     coliforms, or E. coli in a 100-ml sample
     should be treated as unacceptable, or at
     the very least, undesirable.

(10) To minimize aftergrowth or other technological
     problems and to provide a means of determining
     whether cross-contamination has occurred,
     water in public supply distribution should
     wherever possible contain a measurable residual
     level of disinfectant (e.g., free chlorine)  at
     all points.

(11) Inasmuch as distribution systems are a potential
     source of problems in all water supplies,
     every system should be under continuous
     surveillance.  Where problems are identified,

     they should either  be eliminated by modification
     of  the system or  be mitigated by routine
     maintenance procedures.

(12)  Procedures  for the  installation and repair
     of  water  mains should be established beforehand
     and applied diligently when needed.  Plans
     for dealing with  emergencies should be made
     and communicated, in advance, to those responsible
     for implementing  them.

(13)  Means are needed  to control cross-connections,
     to  ensure both that the  consumer does not
     degrade publicly-supplied water to the detriment
     of  his own  health and that his use of the
     water does  not cause contamination that
     threatens the health of  others.  Aspects
     of  particular concern include water supply
     systems in  buildings, attachment devices
     that use  water, and point-of-use treatment
     units attached to the consumer's tap.

(14)  More intensive research  and epidemiologic
     surveys are needed  to determine the true
     health effects of microbes and their products
     in  finished drinking water.  For this purpose,
     closer cooperation  and communication are
     needed among practicing  physicians and veterin-
     arians, public health authorities, and water
     microbiologists.  Any proposed change in
     treatment,  distribution, or quality control
     practice  should be  evaluated from the standpoint
     of  probable impact  on public health, as
     far as possible,  before  implementation.

                    LIST OP PARTICIPANTS

Mr. J. A. Clark, Supervisor
Microbiology Section, Laboratory Services
Ministry of the Environment
P.O. Box 213
Rexdale, Ontario

Dr. B. J. Dutka, Bead
Microbiology Laboratories
Applied Research Div.
Canada Centre for Inland Waters
867 Lakeshore Rd.f PO 5050
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6

Dr. Paul R. Gorham
Dept. of Botany
Univ. of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9

Dr. Richard S. Tobin, Leader -
Topic C & National Contact
Criteria Section
Environmental Standards Division
Environmental Health Centre
Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OL2

 (not a participating country)

Prof. Dr. Gunnar G. Bonde
Institute of Hygiene
University of Aarhus

Dr. Kaj Krongaard Kristensen
Agern Alle 11
2970 Horsholm

Professor Dr. Gertrud Muller
Leader, Topic G
Institut fur Wasser-, Boden- und
  Lufthygiene des Bundesgesundheitsamtes
D-100 Berlin 33

Dr. Peter Scheiber - National Contact
6100 Darmstadt
Wilhelminstr. 2
Postfach 11 07 61

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schweisfurth
Universitat des Saarlandes
Institut fur Hyugiene und Mikrobiologie
Universitatskliniken, Medizinische Fakultat
D-665 Horaburg

Prof. Dr. R. Schubert
Dept. of General & Environmental Hygiene
Centre of Hygiene
Paul-Erlich-Strasse 40
6 Frankfurt a/M

Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Block
Centre des Sciences
  de 1'Environments
Universite de Metz
1, rue des Rocollets
5700 Metz

Prof. Dr. J. M. Foliguet-Leader, Topic B
Laboratoire d*Hygiene et de Recherche en
  Sante Publique
Universite de Nancy 1
Faculte de Medecine "B"
Avenue de la Foret de Haye
54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy

Dr. P. Hartemann - Leader, Topic B
Laboratoire d1Hygiene et de Recherche en
  Sante Publigue
Universite de Nancy 1
Faculte de Medecine "B"
Avenue de la Foret de Haye
54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy

Professor H. Leclerc
Institut National de la Sante et de la
  Recherche Medicale
Unite No. 146
Ecotoxicologie Microbienne
Domaine du C.E.R.T.I.A.
369, rue Jules Guesde
59650 Villeneuve-D'Ascq

P. A. Trinel
Institut National de la Sante et de la
  Recherche Medicale
Unite No. 146
Ecotoxicologie Microbienne
Domaine du C.E.R.T.I.A.
369, rue Jules Guesde
59650 Villeneuve-D'Ascq

Dr. J. Vial - National Contact
Laboratoire Regional d'Hygiene
de I'Homme et de son Environment
Institut Pasteur de Lyon
77, rue Pasteur
69300 - Lyon Cedex 2

Prof. J. A. Papadakis - National Contact
Athens School of Hygiene
L. Alexandras 196

Dr. U. Bachrach
Dept. of Molecular Biology
The Hebrew Univ. - Hadassah Medical School
Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Dr. Yehuda Kott - National Contact
Environmental & Water Resources Engineering
Technion-lsrael Institute of Technology
Technion City, Haifa  32 000

Dr. A. H. Havelaar
National Instit. of Public Health
P.O. Box 1

Dr. H.  J.  Kool  -  Leader, Topic  E and
   National Contact
Rijksinstituut  voor  Drinkwatervoorziening
Postbus  150
2260AD  Leidschendam

Dr. M. van Schothorst
Laboratory for Zoonoses & Food Microbiology
Rijks Instituut voor de Volksgezondheid
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
Postbus 1, Bilthoven

Dr. J. Kvittingen
Moholtlia 30
7000 Trondheim

Dr. Jorgen Lassen
National Institute of Public Health
Oslo 1

LTC. D.V.M. Jens J. Nygard - Leader,
  Topic A
Assist. Chief Army Veterinarian
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Gaustadalleen 25
P.O. Box 333 Blindern
Oslo 3

Dr. Tov Omland - National Contact
Norwegian Defence
Microbiological Laboratory
National Institute of Public Health
Oslo 1

Mrs. Kari Ormerod
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
P.O. Box 333, Blindern
Oslo 3

(not a participating country)

Dr. Thor Axel Stenstrom - Observer
The National Bacteriological Laboratory
S-105 21 Stockholm

Dr. Norman P. Burman - Leader, Topic F
Formerly, Manager of Thames Water Authority
Metropolitan Water Services
9, Derby Road
Surrey, KT5 9AY

Mrs. L. M. Evison
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Clairmont Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Dr. J. W. Ridgway
District Division
Water Research Centre
P.O. Box 16, Henley Road
Medmenham, Marlow, Buckinghamshire
SL 7 2HD

Dr. J. S. Slade, Virologist
Thames Water Authority
New River Head Laboratories
177 Rosebery Ave.
London, ECIR 4TP

Miss J. Stevens - Leader, Topic F and
  National Contact
Chief Microbiologist
Thames Water Authority
New River Head Laboratories
177 Rosebery Avenue
London, ECIR 4TP

Dr. Elmer W. Akin
Research Virologist
Environmental Protection Agency
HERL  (Health Effects Research Lab.)
26 W. St. Clair St.
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

Dr. J. D. Buck
Marine Sciences Institute
Marine Research Lab.
P.O. Box 278
Noank, Connecticut  06340

Dr. S. L. Chang
1035 Juanita Drive
Walnut Creek, California  94595

Prof. Dean 0. Cliver - Project Leader
Food Research Institute
University of Wisconsin
1925 Willow Drive
Madison, Wisconsin  53706

UNITED         Professor R. R. Colwell
STATES         Department of Microbiology
(cont.)        University of Maryland
               College Park, Maryland  20742

               Professor Koby T. Crabtree
               Professor of Microbiology
               Chairman, Center System - Department of
                 Biological Sciences
               University of Wisconsin
               518 So. 7th Ave.
               Nausau, Wisconsin  54401

               Mr. Edwin E. Geldreich, Chief
               Microbiological Treatment Branch
               Water Supply Research Division
               Municipal Environmental Research Lab.
               US Environmental Protection Agency
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               Dr. B. L. Green
               Department of Environmental Sciences
               Marshall Ball
               University of Massachusetts.
               Amherst, Massachusetts   01003

               Mr. Arnold E. Greenberg - Leader, Topic
               Chief, Bioenvironmental Laboratories
               California Department of Health
               2151 Berkeley Way
               Berkeley, California  94704

               J. E. Bobbie
               The Ecosystems Center
               Marine Biological Laboratory
               Woods Hole, Massachusetts  02543

               Dr. John C. Hoff
               Microbiological Treatment Branch
               Water Supply Research Division
               Municipal Environmental Research Lab.
               US Environmental Protection Agency
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

               Professor Warren Litsky
               Department of Environmental Sciences
               Marshall Hall
               University of Massachusetts
               Amherst, Massachusetts  01003

UNITED         Ruth Newman - Project Editor
STATES         Pood Research Institute
(cont.)        University of Wisconsin
               1925 Willow Drive
               Madison, Wisconsin   53706
               Melvin P. Silverman
               National Aeronautics  & Space Administration
               Ames Research Center
               Moffett Field, California  94035

               Professor Otis J.  Sproul, Chairman
               470 Hitchcock Hall
               Department of Civil Engineering
               Ohio State University
               2070 Neil Avenue
               Columbus, Ohio  43210

               Susan Strainer
               Food Research Institute - Department of
               University  of Wisconsin
               1925 Willow Drive
               Madison, Wisconsin 53706

               Dr. S. W. Watson
               Woods Hole  Oceanographic Institute
               Woods Hole,  Massachusetts  02543

               Dr. C. K. Wun
               Department  of Environmental Sciences
               Marshall Hall
               University  of Massachusetts
               Amherst, Massachusetts  01003

                          CHAPTER VI
                           AREA  IV
                        HEALTH EFFECTS
                           SUMMARY •*•
Various methods of disinfection  are  successfully used to
control water-borne diseases due to  biological contaminants
in water  (viruses, bacteria).  These methods of chemical
control add chemical contaminants to the drinking water.
For example, chloroform  and carbon tetrachloride have been
found as contaminants  in the chlorine gas.  Trihalomethanes
may be formed by the interaction of  chlorine with humic
and/or fulvic acids.   In addition, chemical contamination
may arise from natural,  agricul  tural, industrial or distribu-
tion sources.  Acute or  chronic  exposures to these chemicals
may result in adverse  health effects that are immediate
or delayed, reversible or  irreversible.  Since these contam-
inants rarely occur singly, chemical interactions (additives,
synergistic, antagonistic) must  be considered.  The nature
of the adverse health  effects as a result of a single chemical,
can usually be determined  from properly designed and executed
animal experiments.  Human epidemiological studies may

* Reprinted from Sci.  Total Environ.. 18 (1981) by permission.  Copyright
Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company.

demonstrate the adverse health effects of complex mixtures.
Potentially toxic agents may also be identified by  the
use of short term or in vitro tests.   Other methods of
identification of potentially toxic agents include  chemical
structural similarity with known toxicants.

Attempts should be made to reduce the number of potentially
toxic chemical contaminants, but the microbiological quality
of drinking water must not be compromised.

The charge to this group, to determine the safety of drinking
water, is an enormous one.  Saftey has become an issue
because of the large number of chemical contaminants that
have been identified.  The Committee critically examined
some of the problems and established a set of objectives
 (Table 1).

Three major classes of contaminants were identified as
biological  (viruses, bacteria, protozoa), chemical  (organic,
inorganic) and physical  (particulates, radionuclides).
The Committee addressed the chemical and physical contaminants,
The biological contaminants were reviewed by Group  III.

Identifying and listing chemical contaminants found in
the drinking waters of the countries represented on the

                           TABLE  1


1.        To list, identify and provide data on concentration
          and location of contaminants.

2.        To identify source of contaminants as "naturally
          present" or introduced  as  a  result of disinfection.

3.        To categorize  contaminants into chemical groups.

4.        To critically  assess available pertinent animal
          data  and epidemiological data.

5.        To identify adverse health effects that could
          follow  exposure to contaminants.

6.        To prioritize  chemical  contaminants with respect
          to adverse health effects.

7.        TO address issues of chronic ingestion of low
          levels  of contaminants.

Committee was a formidable task.  A subcommittee was  formed
to collect the data and prepare the list.  The following
information was requested for each contaminant:

          o    proper identification;
          o    origin (naturally occurring, manmade or
               the result of treatment);
          o    concentration(s); and location(s).

The data were computerized and a final listing was prepared.
A sample page appears as Figure 1.  Data from 14 countries
were submitted; 744 entries appear in the listings.  Three
lists were prepared.  They are identical in content, but
the order of appearance of the contaminants differs.  The
contaminants are listed in descending order of concentration;
alphabetically; and alphabetically, by country.  There
are 7 columns to each list:

          A.   Compound

          B.   Location (LOG) at which sample was taken
         "* C.   Country of origin  (France, Switzerland,
               German Federal Republic, The Netherlands,
               Denmark, Yugoslavia, Italy, Czechoslovakia,
               U.K., Norway, Luxembourg, Austria, Canada,

          D.   Source of raw water  (surface « river,  storage
               reservoir, etc.)

Dibromochlorome thane
Dibromochlorome thane
Br omod ich lor omethane
Source of
LOCt COUNTRY t Raw Water t
Netherlands Surface
Netherlands Surface
(6erman Fed Rep
TUT Netherlands Surface
United States
Storage Reservoir

( 100,000)
     Fig. 1.  Computerized data - Drinking Nater Pilot Study

Compound : LOG :
Olchlorobenzene Isomers
Tr ichloroe thane
Bromod ichlorome thane
o* Chloroform (Terminal)
Fulvic Acid
Chloroform (Quenched)
Source of
COUNTRY: Raw Water:
German Fed Rep Surface
Netherlands Surface
German Fed Rep
Netherlands Surface
Netherlands Surface
German Fed Rep
United States
United Kingdom
United States


( 100,000)
Fig. 1.  Computerized data - Drinking Water Pilot Study

         E.    Treatment method (filtration, coagulation,
               chlorination, ozonation, mutimedia filtration,
               sand/dune infiltration, bank infiltration,
               aeration, active carbon, fluoridation, storage
               reservoir, other, no treatment)

         F.    Maximum concentration  (ppb)

         6.    Reference number (see reference number directory)

These tables identified contaminants and provided data
on their location and concentration.

The origin  of the contaminants was also addressed; i.e.,
were the contaminants naturally occurring, man made, or
the result  of the treatment.  The naturally occurring contam-
inants include organic  (humus) and inorganic  (geological
or natural  weathering); the man-made ones include atmospheric,
industrial, agricultural, land-fill, surface run-off and
household.   Contaminants formed as a result of treatment
include trihalomethanes.  Special attention was accorded
the influence of treatment on chemical contamination of
water.  The term treatment includes "everything done to
the water from the time it enters the reservoir, canal
or pipe until it flows from the customers tap" (WHO).
Some of these treatment modalities and their input are
summarized  in Figure 2.

Source of Water
pH Adjustment
Residence Time
Installation Material
Home Treatment
Drinking Water
                               Tap Water
Figure 2.  Sources of Contamination

The raw water could contain a spectrum  of  chemicals,  from
simple ions in the solid  to agricultural and  industrial
chemicals.  During storage in reservoirs,  atmospheric pollutants
could enter the water and add to  the  chemicals  present.
The microorganisms present in the water are also  involved
in the formation of organic compounds.  Some  of these organics
could adsorb onto clay and from floes that settle out.
During transport, materials from  piping could leach out
into the water.

The use of chemicals in the treatment train will  add  to
the burden of chemicals in the water.   For example, the
use of Al2(SO4>3 or FeCl3 to develop  floes (which adsorb
contaminants) will add to the anion and cation  loads  by
increasing levels of sulphate, chloride and metals.   Filtering
aids, lime or sodium hydroxide to adjust pH,  and  softening
agents will add chemicals.  Since the chemicals used  in
water treatment are often technical grade, the  impurities
present are also a source of contamination.

Chlorine  is probably still the least  expensive  and most
effective disinfectant.   Chlorine has been reported to
interact with various constituents of water to  form a variety
of chlorinated and oxidized compounds.  For example,  chlorine
will react with humic acids to form trihalomethanes;  with

                           TABLE 2

Selection Criteria:

1.        Positive identification in drinking water

2.        Distribution (frequency of observation)

3.        Evidence of toxicity to animals or man

4.        Chemical relationship to known toxic substances

5.        Potential for contamination based on production

6.        Listing in legislation (cited in regulations)

7.        Organoleptic properties

                           TABLE 3

Chemical Classes

1.        Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons

2.        Aromatic halogen compunds

3.        Nitro compunds  (organic, inorganic)

4.        Esters

5.        Aliphatic organo halogens
          5.1  methane derivatives
          5.2  ethane derivatives
          5.3  unsaturated hydrocarbon derivatives

6.        Ethers

7.        Cyclic aliphatic compounds

8.        Halogenated phenols

9.        Benzene and substituted benzenes

10.       Humic materials

11.       Inorganics  (metals, non-metals)

Physical Class

1.        Particulates

phenols to form chlorophenols.  It has been suggested that
when chlorine interacts with sewage over 50 chlorine-containing
compounds with a molecular weight less than 1000 are formed.
Treatment with chlorine dioxide may result in the formation
of both oxidation products and halogenated compounds.

Contaminants contributed during distribution include leachates
from piping (asbestos, metals, monomer), polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons from bitumen (pitch) and corrosion products.

The committee then reviewed the list to determine what other
compounds should be evaluated.  Selection criteria were
established (Table 2).  Eleven chemical classes and 1 class
of physical agents were identified (Table 3).   Select members
of each class were identified for further evaluation.  The
committee did not wish to repeat evaluations already conducted
by other groups.

The primary concern of the Committee  was  the  health  effects
of the chemical contaminants.

A number of factors should be  considered  in assessing  the
toxic hazards of chemical contaminants  in drinking water.
These include:

          o    exposure  (concentration, route,  time),  toxicity
               in animals and  man,
          o    chemical-biological  interactions,  and
          o    extrapolation of  animal  test data  to man
                (Tardiff, 1976).

In  the assessment of  risk to human  health, three  types
of  data are important (Figure  3):

          o    physical  and  chemical  properties,
          o    toxicological,  and
          o    pharmacological data and epidemiological

The general outline for  presentation  of the data  is presented
in  Table 4.  The adequacy of the data would then  be evaluated
by  the Committee and  appropriate recommendations  made.

Physical and chemical data were  generally available.   Acute
and chronic toxicological data were often limited.  Acute
toxicity refers to single exposure  where  the  response  may

Chemical & Physical
Toxicological Data
Epidemiolgical Data

                  Assessment  of  Risk  to Human  Health
Figure 3.  Types of data required to assess risk to health

                          Table 4
 I.      Sources and Distribution of Contaminants
         A.   Concentration Range of Contaminants
              1.   Raw water
              2.   Finished water
              3.   Tap water
         B.   Physical and Chemical Properties of
              Contaminants in Water

         C.   Sources, Occurrences
              1.   Production
         D.   Estimated Total Exposure  (body burden)
              1.   Food
              2.   Industrial exposure
              3.   Accidental discharge  into water
              4.   Air
 II.      Pharmacological Data
         A.   Absorption
         B.   Storage, Distribution
         C.   Biotransformation/pharmacokinetics
         D.   Excretion
         E.   Mechanism of Action
III.      Toxicological Data
         A.   Acute  Effects
              1.   Animal
              2.   Human
         B.   Chronic Effects  (known or anticipated)

               *1.  Carcinogenicity
               *2.  Mutagenicity
               *3.  Teratogenicity
               *4.  Other toxic effects
               *5.  Interactions
               *When applicable, should include data on:
                    1.   Dose-response
                    2.   Extrapolation
                    3.   Margin of safety
                    4.  -Morbidity and mortality
          C.   Epidemiological Data
          D.   Especially Susceptible Segments of Population
          E.   Beneficial Effects; Adverse Effects

IV.       Analytical Procedures (not essential)
          A.   Drinking Water
          B.   Biological Samples
          C.   Reliability of Data
          D.   Identification of New Contaminants

V.        Research Needs (not essential).
          A.   Basic Mechanisms of Toxicity
          B.   Analytical Methodology
          C.   Epidemiology
          D.   Priorities

VI.     * Summary and Conclusions

be immediate or delayed.  Chronic refers  to multiple  or
repeated exposure.  The response assumes  many  forms:  cancer,
mutations, birth defects, and other adverse health effects.
Epidemiologic data, retrospective and prospective, were
also very limited.

Short monographs were then prepared on the topics selected.
These were critically reviewed and recommendations offered.

A number of critical issues were identified and addressed
by the Committee.  These included:

          1.   body burden of contaminants - assessment
               of total exposure involving food, air, water.

          2.   role of epidemiological studies in a water
               safety program.  A workshop was held under
               the cochairmanship of  Drs. Schneiderman and
               Biersteker  (and this will  appear as an appendix
               to our full report).

          3.   biological monitoring program.   The use
               of either short term tests or combination
               whole animal and short term tests were considered,
               A workshop on short term testing was held
               (and the proceedings appear as an appendix
               to our full report).

A combination approach, a matrix, was proposed by Dr. Tardiff
in 1976 (Figure 4).  An alternative plan was recommended
by Dr. Newell of the National Academy of Sciences.  Water
is first concentrated.  A sample is then assayed using
the Ames and E,. coli tests.  The concentrate is then administered
by mouth to a series of mice at doses of 1, 3, 10 g/kg.  Careful
observations are made of the next 5-7 days.

Three (3) days after dosing, urine is collected from the
mice and re-assayed in the Ames test.  This will identify
mutagenic metabolites that may have been formed.  Five
or seven days after dosing, the surviving mice are sacrificed
and examined grossly.  Bone marrow is taken and examined

These programs are for screening or monitoring purposes

A safety evaluation program (Figure 5) is more complex
and should be considered only if a real need for these
data has been established.


1.   In general, no adverse health effects have been observed
     from the consumption of drinking water which has been

                Matrix  for Bio-Screen  of  Organic
                   Concentrates from Tap Water
Sample/City at 2 month Intervals
Range Finding
(LD5Q mouse)
(bacteria & yeast)
Mammalian Cell
In Vivo Carcinogen
bio-assay (neonate rat)
Teratogen Assay
Chemical Characterization








                                                        Tardiff,  1976
                                Figure  4


    Identification of Contaminants
    Determination of Toxicity
<   Confirmation of Toxicity
   Risk  Assessment
                                      Literature Review
Short-Term Test
                                    Acute, in vivo Tests
                                        In Vivo Tests
                                        In Vivo Test

 lutagenesis —> Microorganisms + Activatic

Urine, Blood - Mutagenic Effects

Subchronic Exposure


Rodents - Skin Bioassay + Activation

Mammalian Cells - Transformation DNA Dama
                 Carcinogenesis Bioassay

Rodents 	1 Chronic Exposure

                 Reproduction, Teratology
                                                    Figure 5

    generated  in  a  controlled public water supply (i.e.,
    adequate source protection,  treatment methods and
    distribution  system)  and which met drinking water
    standards.  Nevertheless, known contamination of
    drinking water  from eutrophication processes in
    reservoirs, and by chemicals from some disinfection
    practices,  industrial discharges, hazardous waste
    disposal,  corrosion of piping and water softening
    remain sources  of potential  health hazard.   Health
    risks have been associated with a failure to .protect
    the source, to  provide adequate treatment,  or to
    ensure the integrity  of the  distribution system.
    Cases of acute  intoxication  represent a very small
    number of  individuals in the last decade in the NATO

2.  Since present methods of disinfection are capable of
    controlling most microbiological contaminants, concern
    has been shifting from these to chemical contaminants.

3.  Where experimental animal studies are used to predict
    human risks from longterm low level exposure to chemical
    in drinking water, two basic uncertainties are ever
    present: one  is the complexity and uncertainty of
    the extrapolation from experimental animals to humans,

     and the other is the shape of the dose-response curve
     below the high-dose experimental range.  There is
     evidence that one can predict, qualitatively and quanti-
     tatively, risks to humans from exposures to chemicals
     by the application of results from studies using experi-
     mental animals.  However, in some cases (e.g., arsenic,
     benzene) such a correspondence does not exist.

4.   In the study of long-term effects of low-level exposures,
     evidence of adverse health effects in groups of humans
     exposed at environmental or occupational levels are
     often quite reliable in establishing risks to the
     human population.  However, it must be acknowledged
     that, within practical limits, epidemiology will not
     be able to confirm the small increases in disease
     incidence commonly predicted by animal experiments.
     Epidemiological studies should be encouraged, but
     only when they are expected to be of a sensitivity
     sufficient to detect the predicted effect or when
     they are clearly acknowledged to be hypothesis
     generating in intent.  The most rigorous methods and
     standards of design and interpretation must be used.

5.   When estimating hazards of chemicals to humans, it
     is essential to consider exposure from all sources

     (air,  food,  water,  occupational exposure, lifestyle,
     etc.)  and also in which chemical state the pollutants
     are  present.  In general, drinking water is a minor
     source of total daily and lifetime exposure to most
     environmental chemicals.

6.   Where risk of toxic effects is estimated for various
     levels of exposure, the acceptance of a particular
     level of risk is a socio-political judgement.

7.   In order to make an accurate evaluation of the exposure
     to drinking water constituents, it is necessary to
     consider factors such as the volume of water consumed,
     the fluctuations with time of concentrations of chemicals
     in tap water, modification during beverage preparation,
     and the contribution made by drinking water used for
     culinary purposes.   Many of these factors are difficult
     to evaluate, and it is recommended that studies be
     undertaken to define exposure more accurately.

8.   Substantial concern has been raised about the nature
     and possible hazards of disinfection by-products.
     Research aimed at the elucidation of the chemical
     composition and toxicity of these by-products is
     strongly encouraged.

9.   The treatment of water for potability often requires
     the use of chemicals.  These should be used to maximize
     the removal of contaminants from the source water
     but without the addition of unnecessary amounts of
     chemicals and without compromising microbiological
     quality.  Furthermore, these compounds added to water
     should be of high purity to avoid unnecessary, and
     possibly detrimental, contamination of the finished
     water.  Similarly, storage and distribution materials
     should not adversely alter the quality of the water
     stored and conveyed.

10.  A means for monitoring the toxic potential of the
     chemicals in tap water in a rapid and comprehensive
     manner should be sought.   Studies aimed at the develop-
     ment of simple assay methods are strongly endorsed.
     Similarly, a flexible and reliable strategy for the
     application of such methods should be developed.

11.  Information concerning the health effects of chemical
     contaminants is growing rapidly.  Periodic review
     of these data is recommended.

12.  The NATO/CCMS Master List of Organic Chemical Contaminants
     should be kept current.  Participation by all NATO

countries is strongly encouraged.  Study of the role

of chemical constituents in potable water in the etiology

and expression of human disease should concentrate on

those instances where they may be factors in common

diseases  (for example, cardiovascular disease, cancer);

should be considered a part of the overall strategy of

disease investigations, and should deal with possibilities

of benefit as well  as harm.

                           AREA IV
                     LIST OF PARTICIPANTS
Dr. Peter Toft
Department of Natural Health
  and Welfare
Tunney's Pasture
Ontario KIA OL2

Dr. Louis Coin
Ministers de la Sante et
  de la Famille
Direction Generale de la Sante
200 rue d'Estrees
75007 Paris

Prof. Heinz Petri
Institut fur Wasser-, Boden-und Lufthygiene
1000 Berlin 33

Prof. John Papadakis
Athens School of Hygiene
L. Alexandras 196
Athens, 602

Dr. Edward de Greef
Postfach 150

Dr. Egil Gjessing
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Gaustadalleen 25
Blindern, Oslo 3

Dr. Jan Aug. Myhrstad
Statens Instituut For folk ehelse
National Institute of Public Health
Geitmyrsveien 75
Oslo 1

Dr. Jan Riise
National Institute of Public Health
Geitmyrsv 75
Oslo 4

Dr. Tore Stenstrom
Swedish National Environmental
  Protection Board
Department of Environmental Hygiene
UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Brian Commins
               Water Research Centre
               Henley Road
               Malow, Bucks

               Dr. Graeme Matthew
               Department of Health
               Elephant Castle
               London NW3
Edward J. Calabrese, Ph.D.
Division of Public Health
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts  01003

Dr. Joseph Cotruvo
Director, Criteria and Standards Division
Office of Water Supply (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C.  20460

Joseph F. Borzelleca, Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmacology
Head, Division of Technology
Medical College of Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University
MCV Station
Richmond, Virginia  23298

Robert Tardiff, Ph.D.
National Academy of Sciences
2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20418

                         CHAPTER VII
                            AREA V
Introduction.  "Virgin" or previously unused water, where
it exists at all, is insufficient to meet the demand for
all uses.  The demand can be met by re-using water which
has already been used one or more times for some purpose.
Direct reuse is the planned and deliberate reuse of treated
wastewater for some beneficial purpose, such as irrigation,
recreation, industry, ground water recharge and, occasionally,
for human consumption.  Indirect reuse occurs when wastewater
is discharged into natural surface waters (or percolates
into an aquifer) from which water supplies are drawn.
The indirect reuse of water has occurred for centuries
- communities have routinely drawn their water supplies
from rivers into which upstream communities have discharged
wastewater.  However, direct reuse, particularly for human
consumption, is a relatively new phenomenon.

Direct reuse of water for human consumption can be considered
only if reliable technology for making wastewater safe
to drink exists.  Existing technology is capable of protecting

consumers of reclaimed water from known dangers; however,
the knowledge regarding the toxicity for the wide range
of chemical and microbiological contaminants is limited.
The acute toxicity of some chemicals is unknown, and more
importantly, the chronic effects of long-term low-level
exposure to many contaminants, and the synergistic effects
of combinations of contaminants, have only begun to be

The economics of treating wastewater for direct reuse are
not generally attractive when compared to the cost of
conventional sources of potable water.  However, when
conventional sources are limited or when water must be
transported for long distances, reuse may be a competitive
alternative.  Given the uncertainties regarding the health
effects associated with direct reuse, water should be reused
first for industrial, agricultural and recreational purposes,
and reused for potable purposes only as a last resort.

A questionaire was circulated to public agency officials
in the member countries asking for information on reuse
guidelines, the extent of direct reuse, the'extent of
indirect reuse, the proportion of reused water in indirect
reuse situations, the bases used to determine the acceptable
limit of reuse, the protection afforded to consumers where

indirect reuse is practiced, the existence  of  studies  of
populations consuming indirectly reused water,  the  existence
of studies of toxicity of concentrates from reused  water,
and the existence of any other studies on the  health effects
of reused water.

Replies to the questionnaire indicate that  only the United
States has issued partial guidelines specifically on the
reuse of water.  The countries of  the European  Community
must comply with the "Directive on the Quality  of Surface
Waters Abstracted for Drinking Water" and the  "Directive
on the Quality of Water for Human  Consumption," both of
which establish quality standards  and therefore possibly
limit the extent of reuse.

Direct reuse of wastewater for potable purposes has been
practiced only in emergencies in the United States, and
then only on a limited scale.  None of the  other member
countries reported instances of such direct reuse,  although
some limited experimental drinking water reuse  was  being
carried out in South Africa.

Direct reuse of wastewater for non-potable  purposes does
occur extensively in the United States, the United  Kingdom
and the Federal Republic of Germany.  The principal uses
of reused water are for cooling, although reused water
is sometimes used for quenching in steel mills. In the


Netherlands, direct reuse occurs regularly in the paper
industry and in the sugar refining industry.  In France,
direct reuse of wastewater for industrial purposes does
not occur to any great extent.  The United States also
reported the reuse of wastewater for recreational purposes
(Lake Tahoe) and reuse of sewage effluents for the irrigation
of golf courses and public parks.

Indirect reuse of both surface and ground waters occurs
in all countries.  In areas of Denmark, domestic sewage
is applied to the ground where it percolates into ground
waters.  A 1961 report indicated that at low flows 3.5%
to 18.5% of water consumed in the United states had been
used previously.  In the Paris region of France, 50% to
70% of the water has been reused.  In the Netherlands and
Western Germany, the Rhine and Meuse rivers are subjected
to considerable reuse, and the Ruhr river may contain over
40% sewage effluent.  Spain and Sweden both reported extensive
reuse of the major surface water sources.  The situation
in the United Kingdom varies; extensive reuse of surface
water sources occurs in England and Wales, but reuse is
less significant in Northern Ireland and virtually non-
existent in Scotland.  In England and Wales, extremes of
reuse are about 20% domestic sewage effluent and 36% industrial
effluent (in different rivers).  Many countries reported

that reuse of major river sources  has  been  occurring for
long periods of time.  Some rivers in  the United  Kingdom
have been reused prior to 1900.  The water  supplies  in
the Paris region have undergone  a  marked deterioration
over the last decade.

Guidelines for Water use.  Most  European countries have
taken note of the recommendation in the WHO European Standards
for Drinking Water, but  none  of  these  countries have imposed
national standards.  In  the United States,  guidelines for
water use depend on the  type  of  use or reuse.  The United
States has enforceable standards for drinking water  quality,
but not for other uses of water.  The  drinking water standards
assume a high quality source  water. In most other countries,
reused water is judged on the estimated degree of reuse,
the ammonia content, the chlorine  demand, the amount of
coagulant needed to effect treatment,  the presence of substances
affecting taste and odor, and the  oxygen demand.  More
recently, total organic  carbon content has  been used as
a measure of the extent  of reuse.

Consumer Protection.  In most cases, consumers of reused
water are provided protection by the period of time  between
use and reuse, during which time microbiological  and chemical
purification takes place in the  river  itself.  In many

places, the interval between use and reuse is extended
by storage in reservoirs or underground storage sites.
The period of storage required varies from a few hours
to several hundred days.  River bank filtration and recharge
of underground aquifers are processes used to extend the
interval between use and reuse in other areas.  Where storage
cannot be provided, most countries have developed an alternate
water source which can be used for blending when the extent
of reuse exceeds the accepted value.

Another means for protecting consumers is to provide dilution
of wastewater flows, even when river flows are at a minimum.
Regulating reservoirs, which store flood flows for release
during dry weather, have been constructed in France and
the United Kingdom, while in Germany the Ruhr river and
its tributaries are regulated to allow for sufficient dilution
of wastewater flow at all times.  An alternative dilution
system being used in France and the united Kingdom involves
pumping ground water into rivers to supplement existing
flows, or, when river water quality is good, pumping river
water into underground aquifers for storage until needed.

Monitoring of water quality is also used for protection
of consumers from excessively reused water.  Automatic
monitoring stations are located on the Rhine river at the

Germany-Netherlands border,  in  France on the Seine and
Oise rivers, and in the United  Kingdom on several rivers.
These stations measure pH, temperature, conductivity and
dissolved oxygen as a general rule,  and sometimes perform
bioassays on fish.  None of  the automatic monitoring stations
routinely measure organic chemicals, pending adaptation
of automated gas chromatography or automated total organic
carbon.  All of the systems  now in use are arranged to
give warnings at manned remote  control centers.

Treatment of waters containing  waste effluents supplements
routine monitoring, with the type of treatment varying
in the different countries.  Pre-oxidation, with  chlorine
in the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom
and parts of France, or with ozone in other parts of France
and in Germany, preceeds conventional coagulation and filtering.
Powdered activated carbon is used in 30% of all reuse situations
in the United Kingdom, while granular activated carbon
filters are used in France and  Germany.  Slow sand (biological)
filters have been used for almost a  century in the United
Kingdom, and such filters are used by other countries as
well.  Infiltration galleries,  making use of sand dunes
and underground strata, are  part of  pre-treatment of reused
waters of the Seine and the  North Sea coast of the Netherlands.

Epidemiological studies of populations consuming reused
water have been conducted in several countries.  Results
have varied, and no firm conclusions are yet available.
One episode of acute illness (gastroenteritis) was traced
to the Ruhr area of Germany when the water source contained
46% sewage effluent.

Extracts, prepared by chloroform extraction, reverse osmosis
or ion-exchange have been fed to rats and mice for toxicological
evaluation in France and the United States.  In the United
Kingdom, the Netherlands and the United States, reused
waters have been assayed for bacterial mutagenicity by
the Ames test.

Regulatory Control of Pollutant Discharges.  Seven member
countries, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the
Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the
United States responded to questionnaire inquiries on this

In parallel with the enactment of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act Amendments of 1972 in the United States, legislation
was introduced in the other member countries to maintain
or upgrade the quality of surface waters.  In the Federal
Republic of Germany, the Federal Water Act of 1957, as

amended in 1976, requires formal authorization  of  any usage
of water which goes "beyond customary practice."   In France,
the Water Law of December 1964 establishes  that all  discharges
are subject to authorization.  In  the Netherlands, the
pollution of Surface Waters Act of 1970 establishes  that
a license must be obtained for any water use that deviates
from customary practice.  Sweden relies on  a National Franchise
Board for Environmental Protection which has legal authority
to grant discharge permits on a case by case basis.  The
various Public Health Acts in the  United Kingdom were brought
together in the Control of Pollution Act of 1974.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Water Act
addresses water quality control, the control of discharges,
monitoring, protection of certain  areas and the designation
of water protection officers.  It  covers surface waters,
groundwater and coastal waters.  The Waste  Water Treatment
Tax Act of 1976 provides economic  incentives to limit harmful
discharges, and is levied according to the  amount of certain
pollutants which are discharged into waters.  The Law on
Washing Agents specifies the environmental  compatibility
of washing and cleaning agents, and requires that producers
notify the Federal Environment Agency of the composition
and formulas of their products.  Several other  federal
laws contain provisions relating to waste discharges.

The Water Law in Prance distinguishes between discharges
into public sewers and discharges directly to the environment.
For discharges into public sewers, only piped stormwater
is exempted.  Discharges from industrial facilities are
regulated on the basis of hazard, sanitary quality or nuisance
characteristics.  Discharges directly to the environment
must be authorized, with the degree of "noxiousness" being
the criterion applied.  The threshold for "negligible noxiousness"
may vary with local conditions, such as the water quality
objectives of the receiving waters.

The Pollution of Surface Waters Act of the Netherlands
prohibits the discharge of waste matter, pollutants and
harmful substances into surface waters unless a license
has first been obtained.  The Act is based on the principle
that the polluter pays.  Levies are imposed, in terms of
average daily discharge per inhabitant per day, for discharges
of heavy metals or reducing substances, for example.  Polluters
may also be fined if they have taken inadequate control
measures, and contributions are required from indirect

The authority of Sweden's National Franchise Board extends
over all discharges of pollutants, whether to the air,
land, sea, ground water or surface water, and is not limited

to pollution involving water.  The Board  consists  of  a
chairman, a lawyer with experience as  a judge,  a technologist
and a member with experience in  industry  or  local  government,
depending on the matter at hand.  The  decisions of the
Board regarding discharge premits have the strength of
law.  Fixed standards are avoided in favor of a system
which evaluates discharges on a  case-by-case basis.

 Prior  to the  enactment  of the  Water Act  1973,  discharge
 of wastewater in the United Kingdom was  under the  control
 of local catchment  boards,  river boards  or other local
 authorities.   Under the Act,  industry is required  to
 pay for the use of  sewers for  their discharges, but there
 is no  provision for payment for direct discharges  to rivers.
 Since  the Act enables the attachment of  strigent conditions
 to permit for direct discharges, it offers industrial dis-
 chargers the option of  paying  for sewer  use or paying for
 such treatment as is necessary for direct discharges.
Early public health acts in the United Kingdom  assigned
responsibility for "wholesome" or potable drinking water
to local medical authorities, water companies or water
authorities.  When the United Kingdom  became signatory
to the  EEO Directive on the Quality of Surface Water for
Abstraction for Drinking Water, assessment of quality became

less subjective.  Disinfection of sewage or sewage effluent
is required only in regard to treatment plants serving
hospitals dealing with infectious diseases.

In the United States, the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-500) began a comprehensive
effort to "restore and maintain the chemical, physical,
and biological integrity of the Nation's waters".  The
goals set by this Act are to achieve swimmable, fishable
waters wherever attainable by 1983, and to eliminate the
discharge of pollutants into navigable waters by 1985.
It is presumed in this legislation that ambient water quality
will be achieved by compliance with effluent limits for
pollution discharges.  The Act, more recently called the
"Clean Water Act" with subsequent amendments, includes
a wide variety of provisions, among them:

          Section 303, which requires the promulgation
          of ambient water quality criteria for such uses
          of water as swimming, aquatic life, and public
          water supply intakes.

          Section 402, which establishes the National Pollutant
          Discharge Elimination System (NPDES),  requiring
          all point source dischargers of pollutants to
          obtain NPDES permits.

A requirement that all  industries  meet stringent
and comprehensive standards  by 1983,  using  the
best available control  technology  economically
achievable  (BAT).

Requirements that limitations  be met  for  the
"priority"  pollutants by July  1984.

Requirements that limitations  be met  for  the
conventional pollutants (including, but limited
to BOD, suspended solids,  acidity, fecal  coliform)
be met by July   1984.

Requirements that limitations  for  other pollutant
be controlled within three years following  the
promulgation of  guidelines by  EPA, but in any
case no later than July 1987.

A requirement that all  municipal wastewater treatment
plants provide secondary treatment by July  1983.

Section 208, which established the Water  Quality
Management  Plan, a process for charting water
quality decision-making for  a  twenty-year period.
The effect  of a  Section 208  plan on the abatement
of point-source  pollution  will be  felt through
its role in setting the conditions for individual
NPDES permits.


Percentage of Reuse.  It must be assumed that an increasing
degree of water reuse leads to a corresponding increase
in health risk.  Therefore, in order to protect consumers,
the degree of reuse needs to be determined.  In the United
States, degree of reuse has been calculated on the basis
of the proportion of wastewater-derived materials from
upstream discharges found in surface water supplies.  In
the Federal Republic of Germany, chlorine consumption has
been used as a parameter for characterizing the organic
quality of reused water.  In most European countries, attempts
have been made to define the degree of reuse on a volumetric
basis.  Chloride concentrations have been used as indicators
of the degree of reuse, but examples of chloride concentrations
increasing during heavy rainfall are known, thus casting
doubt on the reliability of this measurement.  Various
tracer techniques have also been tried, among them the
use of potassium dichrornate, lithium salts and radioactive
substances.  More recently, total organic carbon and total
organic chlorine have been proposed as indicators of the
degree of reuse.  Unfortunately, the latter parameter has
been known to reflect the degree of algal blooms rather
than the degree of reuse, since chloride may be assimilated
in the metabolism of the algae to produce an increase in
organic chlorine compounds.  Boron appears to be a useful
tracer, in that there are very few natural sources, and
borates are widely used in detergents.

Treatment Options.  Treatment options  for  the  reuse  of
wastewater are as numerous as the different  uses  of  recycled
water.  This discussion is limited to  two  specific cases:
indirect reuse through ground water  recharge,  and direct
reuse for potable water production.  In both cases,  it
has been assumed that the water  to be  reused is of municipal
origin and has been subjected to classic primary  and secondary
biological treatment in addition to  treatment  to  remove heavy

Ground Water Recharge.  The treatment  before recharge outlined
varies from none at all to a combination of  processes which
may include coagulation, flocculation, filtering, powdered
or granular activated carbon, nitrification, denitrification
and ozonation.  The "no-treatment" option  is considered only
for a high quality effluent, in  limited circumstances, and
should be complemented by a fairly complex treatment when the
water is withdrawn.  Other options depend  on the  quality of
the recharge water - amount of suspended matter,  ammonia,
color, taste, odor, iron and manganese.

Direct Reuse.  Since direct reuse for  drinking purposes
has been practiced only rarely and on  a small  scale, general
recommendations remain largely theoretical.  A wide variety
of treatment processes are available,  and  two  general systems,

a "semi-closed" circuit and a demineralization system,
can be considered.  In the former, water is recycled  until
the concentration of dissolved salts reaches limits fixed
by potability norms.  Water from another source  (with lower
concentration of dissolved salts) is combined with the
recycled water, and when the salt concentration  is low
enough, the circuit is "re-closed".

Demineralization can be accomplished by reverse osmosis,
electrodialysis, ion exchange or distillation.  After demineral-
ization, the quality of the water must be corrected to
achieve potability.  Partial remineralization and aeration
are essential.  It should be noted that a direct reuse
plant cannot be designed a priori, but must be based  on
pilot studies.

In any situation involving the reuse of wastewater to produce
drinking water, three basic problems must be considered:

          o    Water quality - technical and health aspects

          o    Psychological response
          o    Ecomonics.

Health Aspects of Water Reuse.  Health risks from reused
water may be due to either microbiological or chemical
contaminants.  The degree of risk is proportional to  the

degree of human exposure, so the most serious  risk  is  that
associated with reuse for potable purposes.  Because the
self-purication processes in natural water are highly
efficient for removal of microbiological and biodegradable
chemical contaminants, it is generally accepted that potential
health risks of direct reuse are higher than those  of  indirect
reuse unless adequate reliable treatment has been employed.

The microbiological contaminants of concern in wastewater
are pathogenic bacteria  (Salmonella and Shigella),  viruses
(polio, coxsackie, Echo, infectious hepatitis, etc.),  and
parasites (amoeba, giardia, schistosoma).  Viruses  are
more resistant to  inactivation by water and wastewater
treatment processes than are coliform bacteria, and this
fact, in addition  to the difficulty in detecting viruses
at low concentrations, make viruses among the  most  difficult
problems associated with wastewater reuse.  While studies
of advanced wastewater treatment show that pathogens,
including virus, can be  removed, treatment for reuse
should contain a multiple safety barrier when  potable  reuse
is contemplated.

Disinfection by-products and the inadequacy of coliform
standards for reuse applications are problems  which must
be solved before the microbiological quality of reused
water can be assured.


Inorganic chemicals can usually be detected and removed
by available technology.  However, only a small fraction
of the organic chemicals have been detected and quantified,
and only a smaller fraction have been evaluated for health
effects,  From a practical point of view, it is impossible
to screen all individual organic compounds for toxicity.
Thus, either a data bank containing all available toxicity
data will have to be assembled, or renovated wastewater
will have to be assayed using test animals.  Due to the
diversity and complexity of problems associated with the
health risk of organic contaminants in reclaimed water,
a close coordination of research on an international basis
is highly desirable.

Industrial Reuse.  The water required for industrial purposes
can be classified into five general categories:  boiler
feed water, process water, cooling water, service water
and potable water.  Boiler feed water must have low concentrations
of organic substances and total dissolved solids, and for
high pressure steam the requirements are more stringent.
Process water requirements will vary with the process,
but in general, the contaminants of concern are those which
foul catalysts, end up in the final product, react with
raw materials, or cause scaling and corrosion of equipment.
Cooling water must be low in suspended solids, dissolved

solids and organic chemicals.  Service  water  (used for
cleaning, flushing and cooling) must  be low in organics
and chlorides.  Potable water  is usually required  to meet
current drinking water regulations.

Industrial reuse system are either simple,  where the renovated
wastewater is used once and then treated or discharged,
or sequential, where the same  water may be  used for  several
purposes before being renovated or discharged.  The  chemical
and physical treatment processes for  renovation include
primary settling, chemical classification,  filtration,
activated carbon adsorption, ozonation,  ammonia removal
and demineralization.  Biological treatment includes biological
filters, activated sludge, stabilization ponds and disinfection,

Agricultural Reuse.  Municipal waste  water  is  preferred
for agricultural reuse, but the effluent from  some industries
can also be suitable.  Besides the irrigation  of croplands
and pasture, effluents can be  used for  irrigation  of parks,
golf courses, etc.  The critical contaminants  affecting
soil properties are settleable solids,  sodium  and  exchangeable
cations.  The critical contaminants  (both beneficial and
adverse) affecting plants are  plant nutrients,  dissolved
solids, salinity, heavy metals and boron.

Pathogenic organisms in municipal waste water may contaminate
crops, present a health hazard when the effluent is  sprayed,
and can introduce parasites into animals which feed  on
irrigated pasture land.

Public Acceptance of Renovated Waste Water.  Studies conducted
in the United States indicate that acceptance of reclaimed
water depends on the particular use intended and the intimacy
of contact.  The closer the contact, the lower the acceptance
rate.  Approximately 50% of those surveyed would not accept
reused water for drinking or cooking, but there are  variations
in response in different regions and on the bases of education,
income and other demographic variables.  The most significant
factors were public knowledge and education.  The results
of these studies indicate that a "sealer" approach might
be helpful - use of renovated water would start with passive
recreational uses and gradually progress to more intimate
contact uses.

Case Studies.

I.        Porsuk River, Turkey.  This surface water  supply
          is polluted by discharges from a fertilizer factory,
          a sugar house, a slaughter house, and a municipality.
          The city of Eskisehir needs additional water
          resources for a potable water supply.   None
          of the waste discharges to the river receive

          treatment, and the most serious problem is that
          of ammonia in the wastes from the fertilizer
          factory.  Ammonia is oxidized to nitrite and
          nitrate in the river.

          The solution:  The waste discharges are treated
          by conventional primary and secondary treatment.
          Rather than attempt treatment of the fertilizer
          factory wastes, the ammonia-rich effluent is
          disposed of by land application as a fertilizer.
          During periods of no fertilizer requirement,
          the effluent is lagooned.  The river water receives
          conventional water plant treatment at Eskisehir.

II.       Ruhr Valley, Federal Republic of Germany.  The
          Ruhr river is a major source of drinking water
          for the areas, but is heavily contaminated with
          industrial and municipal discharges.

          The solution:  The individual communities construct
          and operate sewer systems, while the "Ruhrverband"
          is responsible for treatment facilities.  The
          river water is purified by instream aeration
          and by recharge basins and infiltration galleries.
          The recharge basins refine water to potable quality
          by mechanical and biochemical processes.  Prior
          to recharge, filtration and cascade aeration
          may be employed.

III.      Thames River, United Kingdom.  Water for London
          is taken near the estuary, and there are many
          municipal and industrial discharges up river.
          Water  is  pumped  into reservoirs  for storage  before use

              The solution:  The extent of reuse is calculated
              on the basis of boron content of sewage effluent
              and abstracted water.  Boron (from synthetic
              detergents)  appears to be unaffected by sewage
              treatment, passage down river,  or by water treatment.
              Average reuse is maintained at  approximately

    IV.       United Kingdom.  A severe drought occurred in
              1975-76.  In many cases, river  flows were maintained
              only be effluent inputs.  After the dry period,
              a heavy rainfall occurred.  The effects of these
              occurrences  on water quality were of concern.

              Results:  Surprisingly, water quality remained
              good during  the drought period.  Apparently,
              the low flows and high temperatures resulted
              in denitrification, increased biological activity,
              reduced phosphate and, combined with the clarity
              of the rivers, reduced coliform counts.  Evidence
              of exchange  taking place between obvious surface
              flow of some rivers, and the concealed, but not
              inconsiderable, flows in gravels of the river bed
              allowed quality changes to be less severe than had
              been expected.  This possible effect should be taken
              into account when degree of reuse is being considered,
Water Resources Management.  This report has described
the present trends in water resources management; it has
not in any way tried to establish a universal management


            F.  A. BELL AND J. A. COTRUVO, U.S.A.
A repeated question for the last 20 to 30 years has been,
"Since we treat wastewater to such high quality, why throw
it away, why not put it to potable uses?"  This question
when joined to increasing problems of water shortage, provides
a real atmosphere for considering the reuse of wastewater.
However, at this time, methods have not been devised and
accepted widely to determine the acceptability of reuse
water for potable purposes.  National standards for drinking
water quality are based on the use of raw waters from the
best source and are inadequate for wastewater.  In addition,
factors of time and dilution provide a degree of protection
for existing water supplies against the acute threats of
chemical spills, a protection which may not be present
in potable reuse schemes.  Consequently the development
of potable reuse criteria and standards emerges as an important
national objective.  Further, elements of various federal
legislation, including the Safe Drinking Water Act, provide
for attention to the health implications involved in the
reclamation, recycling, and reuse of wastewaters for drinking.

Development of actual criteria and standards for potable
reuse involves the consideration of acceptable risks, economics
and other practical considerations as well as the scientific
and engineering aspects.  Consequently such development
is a policy determination in the final analysis.  However,
development of a basic protocol for answering the scientific
and engineering questions is a scientific and technical
matter.  For this latter purpose, EPA called together the
most expert, talented and knowledgeable people in the pertinent
scientific and engineering disciplines to plan, present
and participate in this workshop.

The purpose of the meeting was not to develop specific
criteria and standards but to provide guidance with respect
to approaches, problems, solutions and needed research
for establishing a pathway to protocol development for
potable reuse criteria and standards and for consideration
of non-potable options.  Approximately 110 people representing
a wide range of scientific and technical expertise and
coming from diverse institutional backgrounds, federal,
state, and local governments, consulting, professional
associations, academic, manufacturing, private and environmental
organizations — participated and assisted with the work
of this meeting.

Statement of Concerns

An analysis of the various perspectives and factors relating
to potable reuse and feasible  alternatives demonstrates
several general areas of concern:

Divergent philosophies  can provide  a substantial area  for
debate whenever potable reuse  is considered.   One side
which suggests a hierarchy of  water use says,  "Let's give
priority attention to the cleanest  sources, let's exhaust
non-potable options before considering potable reuse.
In fact let's give such attention to preventive public
health that potable reuse will not  be considered until
all other options including  conservation,  dual water systems,
etc. are exhausted."

Another philosophy sets forth  definitional problems.  It
says, "Look, we already have reuse  in many major cities
through polluted surface water streams; so why don't we
say so —why don't we just admit  it and start  defining
potable reuse the same  as indirect  reuse from  a river,
for example".  This approach goes on to make the point
that current advanced wastewater  treatment (AWT)  technology
already produces effluents which exceed national primary
drinking water standards.  The consequence of  this approach

would be to approve direct potable reuse quickly with the
addition of a few monitoring and operation and maintenance

Other philosophical variations on water reuse have been
articulated but possible pathways for solution must be
charted through these sometimes opposing philosophies.

Economic and social considerations will always be important
to decisions about potable reuse but should not necessarily
affect the scientific and engineering aspects of protocol
development for potable reuse criteria and standards.
While various studies have shown the national need for
potable reuse to be less than one percent, there are  still
limited areas where the need for potable reuse would  be

In such cases of intense economic need for potable reuse,
non-potable options are often considered either too unwiedly
or expensive to accomplish or development of new fresh
water sources and/or conservation options are unacceptable.
A series of institutional and legal blocks such as water
rights law, may also act to prevent the utilization of
options other than potable reuse or may negate reuse  as
a viable option.

A second strain of considerations  have to do with the social
acceptability of potable reuse.  A variety of studies and
papers have addressed this  subject:   these were summarized
in one of the introductory  papers  to  this meeting.

Public health protection in the  application of planned
direct reuse and in existing indirect reuse situations
represented the keystone for meeting  deliberations.   Since
many indirect reuse situations already exist and require
no fresh decisions at this  time, the  meeting was principally
focussed on problems relating to possible new potable reuse
ventures including groundwater recharge and various engineering
schemes for accomplishing potable  reuse.   Areas of concern
in criteria and standards development are outlined as follows:


A principal concern related to the definition of inorganic
and organic chemicals present in the  raw source wastewater
and for assessing the impact on  criteria and standards
development from the known  and unknown components.  The
limitations and potentials  of analytical and monitoring
technology to provide needed information including possible
surrogate methods and conjunctive  use of a series of  measure-
ments, requires exploration. Chemical removal perspectives

regarding various treatment schemes must also be addressed.
With particular reference to unknown organic fractions,
the availability and/or potential development of acceptable
concentration schemes to provide materials for toxicological
testing ranks as a key interdisciplary matter with the
toxicologist.  Finally, the impact of water treatment chemicals
in forming toxic by-products (such as chlorine) and possible
uses of alternates should be considered.


The broad scope of acute and chronic health effects as
related to known chemicals in wastewater and their impact
on criteria and standards development requires exploration.
Means, including in vivo, in vitro and combination/surrogate
testing, of defining the toxicity potential of unknown
organic fractions ranks as a number one priority.  Epidemiology
aspects also should be considered.


The potential health threat of the various microbiological
factors - viruses, bacteria, parasites - through potable
reuse requires examination.  The potential impact of treatment
technology in meeting microbiological objectives must be

considered along with the potential  for  using alternate
disinfectants to chlorine.  The  validity of traditional
indicators and possible schemes  for  development  of  micro-
biological criteria and standards  for  potable reuse must
be addressed.


Engineering deals with the  various physical schemes (direct
once through; direct repeated  recycling;  simulated  indirect
reuse, etc.) for processing wastewater for  possible potable
reuse:  the strengths and weaknesses of  these schemes and
their potential impact on criteria and standards development
need to be addressed.  Monitoring  and  process control and
means of assuring reliability  of plant performance  require
examination.  The role of source control  to regulate wastewater
quality should be considered.  Finally,  the important role
of pilot plant testing for  various approaches must  be examined
as a key factor in criteria and  standards development.

Groundwater Recharge

Feasible ways for accomplishing  groundwater recharge  (deep
well injection; surface spreading  and  infiltration; the
dedicated basin approach, etc.)  require definition  along

with their potential impacts on contaminant transformations
and on criteria and standards development.  Source control,
monitoring, and process control should be addressed.  Finally,
any unique strengths or weaknesses of groundwater recharge
with respect to the development or implementation of potable
reuse criteria and standards are very important.

Non-Potable Options

Represent an important means by which public water supplies
can expand their total availability of water for domestic
use.  The feasible non-potable options together with criteria
for decision making regarding potable/non-potable options
needs to be addressed.  A review of health/aesthetic criteria
and standards for non-potable options together with considera-
tion of further need for governmental action is most important.


The following findings represent  the  key  ideas and approaches
emanating from the six technical  issues papers and work
group deliberations:


Prevention of toxic effects from  inorganic, radiologic
and particulate substances can generally  be handled by
setting Maximum Contaminant Levels  (MCLs) and by application
of appropriate treatment  technology.  However the control
of effects from organic substances presents more serious
problems.  Where adequate information is  available on specific
organics of concern,  additional MCLs  should be set by EPA.
With respect to the non-MCL and unknown organic fractions
a two-fold approach is recommended:

1.        Concentrate studies with mixed  organics:  concentrate
          studies should  be performed on  not only the proposed
          reuse water but also on a series of controls
          —unconcentrated distilled  water and organics
          concentrated from a relatively  pure ground water
          source and  from a municipal system known to be
          subject to  municipal, industrial and agricultural
          pollution.  The organics in the water should
          be concentrated 1000-fold and the concentrate

          should represent the organics originally present
          and not be subject to serious chemical or other
          transformations.  Toxicity tests should be conducted
          for subchronic effects, chronic effects, teratogenicity,
          reproduction, mutagenicity and immune system
          effects.  Animal tests would be conducted by
          oral ingestion or gavage.

          Results of the concentrate studies would provide
          the responsible governmental offices with an
          important segment of basic data for the acceptance
          or rejection of waters proposed for potable reuse
          or to require the provision of additional treatment
          prior to the retesting.

2.        A second set of basic data would be provided
          by epidemiologic studies.  This data should be
          integrated with toxicologic data wherever possible
          during decision-making processes.

          The highest research and development priority
          was assigned to the provision of a representative
          organic concentrate for use in toxicological
          testing.  The technique would have to be capable
          of concentrating thousands of gallons per day
          in order to provide enough material for the toxicology

Specific analytical methods exist for 114 specific organic
priority pollutants and for other designated organic contamin-

ants in drinking water.  Careful  systems  of  analytical
quality control have been established  for these  contaminant
analyses.  However, many more specific organic contaminants
remain without systematic methodology  or  quality control

The available chemical data base  for reuse waters remains
sparse and is not well documented.  Information  about  non-
volatile compounds  is almost non-existent and many other
organic compounds have been identified but not adequately
quantitated.  Major effort should be made to examine the
unknown or inadequately identified organic fractions including
broad spectrum analytical protpcols and liquid chromatographic
screening methods for non-volatile pollutants.   The data
base requires development and evaluation  with respect  to
variability  in source water concentrations,  treatment  process
removal efficiencies and concentrations delivered to the
consumer.  Monitoring and computer access of the data  base
needs to be  developed.

Non-specific organic analyses can be defined in  terms  of
specific goals — as surrogate  parameters; as aides in
unit process design; for monitoring unit  processes; and
for plant operational control.  Currently no surrogate
parameters can be suggested as  a  substitute  for  specific

organic constituents of health concern but the  total  organic
halogens method appears to hold the most promise.  However,
in the next ten years, non-specific procedures  in conjunction
with chromatographic profiles will need to be used for
operational monitoring and control.  Specific analyses
would be conducted as a part of the basic chemical characteriza-
tion or to check excursions in the non-specific data.

In terms of preparing organic concentrates, there is  currently
no single procedure that is capable of concentrating  all
of the organics for optimum toxicity testing.  A system
to remove and concentrate different organic groups by varying
techniques was considered so that a representative sample
could be made available to the toxicologist.  A scheme
for development and evaluation is suggested as follows:

               Isolate volatiles - use purge and trap -
               analyze and reconstitute
               isolate non-polar and low molecular weight
               organics - use XAD-2 resin

          -    Isolate humics and polars - use XAD-8  or
               reverse osmosis

               Isolate humics and others - use reverse

               Isolate intermediate molecular weight  range -
               methods need development.

Since a number of complexing  factors  such  as  artifacts,
concentrate stability, organic-inorganic interface,  overlap
and the like, may be present,  these approaches  should  be
carefully evaluated in parallel  and in  series.

Basic information about  inorganic chemicals in  reuse water
is more complete than for organics and  a monitoring  strategy
for inorganic chemicals  could be developed which would
meet public health objectives.   A mathematical  analysis
of repeated reuse recycling demonstrates that an infinite
concentration for some unknown constitutent would not  occur
but that such a buildup  would be subject to a steady state
situation depending principally  on the  chemical input  during
each recycle, the percent removed in  treatment  and the
degree  (percent) of recycle.


Proposals for direct potable  reuse require a  complete  reevalua-
tion of the means for biological control.  There should
be no detectable pathogenic agents in potable reuse  water.
Potable reuse requires stricter  microbiological standards
than the current national coliform MCLs but specific criteria
for viruses, protozoa, helminths and  some  bacteria are

impracticable because of varying source water densities
and because of inadequacies in their detection and enumeration

Available treatment technology appears to be capable of
meeting any microbiological requirements but this does
not remove the need for analytical confirmatory data nor
the need to insure operational integrity of treatment systems.
Reliable monitoring must be available and vigorously used.

Research recommendations include developing better information
on disinfection, developing or improving analytical methods
for viruses, protozoa, helminths and some bacteria in water,
better definition of microbiological characteristics of
raw wastewaters and to other elements which would support
a satisfactory program for implementing potable reuse.


Areas considered in workshop deliberations included:  quality
of source; storage prior to treatment; specification of
treatment processes and design criteria; process redundancy
requirements; parameters affecting plant process control
and operation; types and frequencies of sampling and monitoring
for plant control; storage of treated water prior to use

(recharge or surface reservoir); operation and maintenance

In considering the various  available  treatment schemes
and approaches, it was  felt that treatment technology does
not appear to be a limiting factor  and  that maximum flexibility
should be allowed in treatment  schemes  and designs  so that
the most cost effective approaches  can  be  implemented which
will meet health requirements,  including fail-safe  operation.

One set of standards should be  applied  to  all  drinking
waters regardless of source.  However,  because present
national drinking water standards are incomplete for potable
reuse waters the expanded potable reuse criteria should
          -    monitoring of source quality, the frequency
               to vary  with source  quality.
               the setting  of limiting  concentrations,
               providing for acceptance or rejection of
               the water at various points in  the treatment
         ^      process  to be determined on a case-by-case
          -    provision for pilot  plant studies to determine
               treatment and reliability requirements prior
               to plant design.

Storage of treatment plant influent can be advantageous
for flow equalization, blending, plant reliability, spill
mitigation or for other reasons.  Protected storage of
plant effluent can be helpful in providing lead time for
monitoring and controlled diversion in the event of plant

Operating and maintenance criteria are critical.  Operation
and maintenance and operator training manuals should be
provided prior to plant start-up.  Separate operator certifica-
tion programs for a new class of potable reuse plant operators
should be considered along with specific minimum qualifications
for plant operators and supervisory personnel.

Thorough characterization of potential source waters for
potable reuse was a major research recommendation involving:

               Source waters for evaluation should be selected
               from water short areas and priority attention
               should be given to imminent need locations.

          -    The characterization of source waters should
               be accomplished by using the limits of measure-
               ment technology as contrasted to measuring
               only drinking water MCLs and the listed
               priority pollutants.

               Multiple samplings should be performed  to
               establish frequency of occurrence  variability
               and calculated ranges over time  for  the
               various contaminants.

Groundwater Recharge

Important benefits can be obtained by groundwater recharge.
In addition to providing an economical means of storage
with reduced evapotranspiration, subsurface passage removes
some contaminants and retards in the movement of others,
by means of filtration, biodegradation, volatilization,
sorption, chemical precipitation, and ion exchange.  Its
use as part of a scheme to produce potable reuse water
is encouraged.

With respect to the transport and transformation of contaminants
in the subsurface environment,  the following table summarizes
the current state-of-knowledge  with respect to  the ability
to predict impacts of groundwater recharge projects in
such a way as to protect the resource for future use.
This table obviously pinpoints  organic and virus aspects
as requiring priority research  attention.

Contaminant Class             Adequate Knowledge
                              Yes       No
Major cations and anions       X
Particulates                   X
Nutrients  (N&P)                X
Metals                        (X)
Organics                                (X)
Microbiological pathogens
  bacteria and protozoa       (X)
  viruses                               (X)

 (The enclosing parentheses indicate that the categorization
is especially subject to uncertainity.)

A combination of pre-recharge treatment and natural groundwater
basin treatment can be used to minimize the need for treatment
after extraction.  Various treatment-recharge-treatment
schemes are possible especially in a dedicated basin mode,
but any scheme involving the application of waters containing
certain classes of contaminants, the behavior of which
in the subsurface environment is not adequately understood,
should be tried only for research and demonstration purposes.
All ground water recharge projects must be adequately monitored
to confirm performance within appropriate design criteria
and standards.

Non-Potable Options

In the United States  there  are  now more  than  500  successful
wastewater reuse projects utilizing non-potable options:
such options are the  preferred  method  of reuse and  should
be considered in the  decision-making process  before the
potable reuse option.  However, a variety of  steps  need
to be taken before non-potable  options can be given maximum

          -     Non-potable  options should be  considered
                as a part of the overall  water resource
                in terms  of  planning and  implementing major

                Water  reuse  is included in the legislation,
                regulations  and  programs  of several  federal
                agencies: a better coordination and focus
                should be provided in the federal  government.

          -     Industrial recycling has  perhaps the greatest
                volume potential for reuse and should be
                encouraged through federal support of engineering
                studies regarding optimum water recycling
                within each  of the major  water using industries.

                Consistent and comprehensive national public
                health guidance  should  be provided for  the
                various categories of non-potable  use.

A manual of current practice should be developed
based upon existing experience regarding
the design, operation and maintenance of
reuse systems.

A comprehensive informational guide on the
economics and financing of reuse systems
should be prepared and disseminated.


Based on the findings of  the various workshops,  and the
ideas and approaches advanced  by the various  speakers,
panelists and other participants,  the  key meeting conclusions
and recommendations are summarized as  follows:

1.        One Set of Drinking  Water Standards.

          Since many surface waters are  indirectly polluted
          with wastewater a single set of standards should
          be developed for application to all waters  regardless
          of source.  However, it  was  recognized that present
          national drinking water  standards are  incomplete
          for potable reuse, so that decision-making  for         ,
          potable reuse required additional research  and
          investigation.   Supplementary  criteria are  also
          needed for monitoring operational reliability
          and limiting concentrations  for determining acceptance/
          rejection at various treatment points.

2.        Characterization of  Potential  Reuse Source  Waters.

          Since the data  base  is sparse, a  thorough character-
          ization of potential source  waters, giving  priority
          attention to imminent-need areas, for  chemical
          and microbiological  constitutents should be accom-
          plished.  The characterizations using  all available
          analytical methodology as contrasted to measuring
          only priority pollutants and the  like, should

be performed as multiple samplings to establish
frequency of occurrence, variability and calculated
ranges over time for the various contaminants.

Unknown Organic Chemical Components.

A substantial portion of the organic content
of wastewaters is either entirely unknown or
inadequately quantitated.  Information about
non-volatile compounds is almost non-existent.
Major effort should be made to examine the unknown
or inadequately identified organic fractions,
including monitoring broad spectrum analytical
protocols, liquid chromatographic screening methods
for non-volatile pollutants and development of
a data base which can be readily accessed.

Toxicology Concentrate Studies.

With respect to delineating the unknown chemical
components and the assemblage of a satisfactory
data base, it was felt that this may prove to
be the work of more than one lifetime:   toxicology/
concentrate studies may prove to be the logical
tool for decision-making instead of complete
chemical analyses and synergistic studies.  Specific-
ally, a 1000-fold mixed organic concentrate from
the potential reuse water, along with three controls
would be used for comprehensive toxicological
testing.  However, no single concentration procedure
is capable of concentrating all of the organics;
several schemes along with a potential list of
complexing factors are suggested as priority
items for investigation and evaluation.  This

area obviously is one that should receive continuing
attention from toxicologists, chemists, and decision-

Microbiological Requirements.

Current treatment technology appears to be capable
of meeting any microbiological requirements but
this does not remove the need for analytical
confirmatory data nor the need to insure operational
integrity of treatment systems.  Any train of
treatment elements, selected to meet microbiological
requirements on a case-by-case basis, should
be backed-up by reliable monitoring, using available
methodology, for the key microbiological factors
and this monitoring should be rigorously applied.
There should be no detectable pathogenic agents
in the potable reuse water.

Groundwater Recharge.

Important benefits, including storage, reduction
of contaminants and others can be obtained by
groundwater recharge and its use as part of a
potable reuse scheme is encouraged.  Various
treatment-recharge-treatment schemes are possible,
especially in a dedicated basin mode, but any
steps which might result in increased contamination
of the groundwater should be tried only for research
and demonstration purposes.

Non-Potable Reuse Options.

In the decision-making process, non-potable options

should be considered ahead of potable reuse and
should be factored into overall water resource
planning and implementation programs.  A strengthened
federal focus needs to be provided for water
reuse activities and consistent and comprehensive
national public health guidance should be developed
for the various categories of non-potable reuse.

                            AREA V

Dr. G. C. Becking
Environmental Health Centre
Health and Welfare, Canada
Tunney's Pasture
Ontario KIA 062

Dr. Peter Toft
Health and Welfare, Canada
Tunney's Pasture
Ontario KIA 062

Klaus Imhoff
Kronpr intenstrasse
4300 Essen

Dr. Wolfgang Kuhn
Engler-Bunte-Institut, Bereich
Wasserchemie, Universitat Karlsruhe
Postfach 6380, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1

Werner Muschack
Federal Environmental Agency
Bismarkplatz 1
D 1000 Berlin 33

B. Axel Szelinski
Federal Environmental Agency
Bismarkplatz 1
D 1000 Berlin 33

Dr. Heinrich Sontheimer
University of Karlsruhe
Institute of Water Chemistry
75 Karlsruhe 1
Richard-Willstatter-Alee 5
Postfach Nr. 6380

Mr. G. Devillers
Sindicat Professionnel des Distributeurs
S .L «E.E.
27 rue de la Liberte
78230 Le Pecq

F. Fiessinger
Societe Lyonnaise des Eaux
45 rue Cortambert 75769
Paris Cedex 76

Dr. Cyril Gomella
S.E.T.U.D.E., 27 Boulevard des Italiens

Dr. Yves Richard
Degremont Traitement des Eaux
P.B. 46

D. Versanne
Compaynie Generale des Eaux
3 rue Dufey

Dr. A. Bousoulengas
Scientific Research and Technology Agency
Vassileos Constantinou 48
Athens 501

Dr. Alberto Wachs
Israel Institute of Technology
Technion City

Mr. A. C. DiPinto
Institute di Recerca Sulle Acqua
Via Reno 1

Dr. H. Hoffman
C/0 Dr. B. C. J. Zoeteman
National Institute for Water Supply
P. O. Box 150

Dr. J. Hrubec
National Institute for Water Supply
Chemical Biological Division
P.O. Box 150
AD 2260

Dr. Albert Urtiago
Centro de Investigaciones del Agua
La Poveda
Arganda del Rey

Dr. Tore Stenstrom
Department of Environmental Hygiene
The National Swedish Environmental Protection
  Board, FACK

Mr. Kadri Hal
Imar ve Iskan Bakanligi
Planlama ve Imar Genel Mudur Yardicisi

Erdal Orbay
Timuciu Turner

Dr. Albert Goodman
Department of the Environment
2 Marsham Street
London SWIP 3 FB

R. White
Dr. Russell Christman
Department of Environmental Science and
School of Public Health
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27514

Henry Ongerth
California Dept. of Health
2151 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, California  94704

UNITED         Gordon Robeck
(Cont.)        26 W. St. Clair Street
               Cincinnati, Ohio  45268

                              AREA V

Roy A. Ackerman
Post Office Box 5072
Charlottesville, Va.  22905
(804) 977-0425
Ms. Ann Alford
Environmental Research Lab.
College Station Road
Athens, Ga.  30605
(404) 546-3525
Raymond Anderson
Division of Water Supplies
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore, Md.  20201
(301) 383-4249

David Argo
Asst. Mgr. & Chief Engineer
Orange County Water District
10500 Ellis Avenue
Post Office Box 8300
Fountain Valley, Cal.  92708
(714) 963-5661/556-8260

Ms. Jean Auer
Environmental Defense Fund
1325 Avendale Road
Billsborough, Cal.  94010
(415) 347-2025
James V. Basilico  (RD-681)
Waste Management Division
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 426-4567
Elmer W. Akin
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7383

Dr. Julian Andelman
Professor of Water Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
Graduate School of Public
Pittsburgh, Pa.  15261
(412) 624-3313

Richard Arber
CH,M Hill
PoSt Office Box 22508
Denver, Col.  80222
(303) 771-0900

Dr. Takashi Asano
Office of Water Recycling
Post Office Box 100
Sacramento, Cal.  95801
(916) 924-2743
Dr. David Axelrod
Commissioner of Health
New York State Dept. of Health
Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York  12237
(518) 474-6936

Thomas D. Bath
225 M Street Northwest
Suite 504
Washington, D.C.  20001
(202) 293-6190

Duane Bauman
Department of Geography
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, 111.  62901
 (618) 536-3375
Thomas Bellar
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7311

Olin Braids
Geraghty and Miller, Inc.
6800 Jericho Turnpike
Syosset, New York  11791
(516) 921-6060
Dr. George Braude (HFF-424)
Food and Drug Administration
200 "C" Street Southwest

(202) 245-1152
Timothey Brodeur
Environmental Science and
  Engineering, Inc.
Post Office Box ESE
Gainsville, Fla.  32602
 (904) 372-3318

Edward Bryan
Directorate for Engineering
  and Applied Science
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C.  20550
 (202) 347-7491

Dr. W. Dickinson Burrows
U.S. Army Medical Bioengineering
  Research and Development Lab
Environmental Protection
  Research Division
Ft. Detrick, Md.  21701
 (301) 663-7207
Mr. Frank Bell  (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 382-3036

Dr. Wayne A. Bough,
Manager, Tech. Services
Special Products, Inc.
Post Office Box 1837 S.S.S.
Springfield, Missouri 65805
(417) 865-9641

Mr. Herb Brass
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-4431

Franz J. J. Brinkmann
Chemical Biological Division
National Institute for Water
Washington, D.C.  20204  Supply
Postbus 150
2260 AD Leidschendam
The Netherlands

Richard Brooks
Boeing Aerospace
505 Cypress Point Dr., #212
Mountain View, Cal.  94043
(415) 969-8831
Dr. Richard Bull
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7213

John Capito
Virginia Department of Health
109 Govenor Street
Richmond, Va.  23219
(804) 286-1766

Deh Bin Chan
U.S. Navy Civil
  Engineering Laboratory
Code L54
Port Hueneme, Cal. 93043
 (805) 982-4191/4173

Mr. William Cooper
Associate Professor
Drinking Water Quality
  Research Center
Florida International Univer.
Tamiami Campus
Miami, Florida   33199
 (305) 554-2826

 Dr. Joseph A. Cotruvo  (WH-550)
 U.S. Environmental Protection
 401 M Street Southwest
 Washington, D.C.  20450
 (202) 474-5016

 Mr. Russell Culp
 Post Office Box  40
 El Dorado Hills, Cal. 95603
 (916) 677-1695

 Kenneth DeGraw
 American Standard, Inc.
 Wayne, New Jersey  07470
 (201) 595-4484
 Franklin  D.  Dryden
 Vice President  &  General Mgr.
 PRC Toups Corporation
 Post Office  Box 5367
 972 Town  and Country  Road
 Orange, Cal. 92667
 (714)  835-4447

 John English
 U.S. Environmental Protection
 26 West Saint Clair
 Cincinnati,  Ohio   45268
 (513)  684-7613
James Clise
10132 South 3265 W
South Jordan, Utah
Steven Cordle (WH-682)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 426-0146
James Coulter
Department of Natural Resources
State of Maryland
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis, Md.  21401
(301) 269-3041
Ms. Sheila D. David
National Academy of Sciences
2101 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C.  20418
(202) 389-6785

Mr. Jack DeMarco
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7209

Dr. Richard S. Englebrecht
3230 Civil Engineering Bldg.
University of Illinois
  at U-C
Urbana, 111.  61801
(217) 333-3822
Lloyd C. Fowler
Goleta County Water District
Post Office Box 788
Goleta, Cal.  93017
(805) 964-6761

John M. Gaston
Chief, Sanitary Engineering
State of California
Health and Welfare Division
Department of Health
2151 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, Cal.  94704
(415) 540-2154

Michael B. Georgeson
141 Parkside Circle
American Fork, Utah  84003
(801) 533-4207
Jerry Gilbert
Jerry Gilbert & Associates
723 "S" Street
Sacramento, Cal. 95814
Henry Graeser
Black & Veatch Engineers
Post Office Box 402004
Dallas, Texas  75240
 (214) 386-0001

Hugh Hanson  (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
 (201) 382-3034

William H. Hassett
SCS Engineers
11800 SurTrise Valley Drive
Reston, Va.  22091
 (703) 471-6150

Dr. Charles Hendricks (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 426-0812
Mr. Ed Geldreich
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  94704
(513) 684-7232
Dr. Charles Gerba
Department of Virology and
  and Epidemiology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas  77030
(713) 790-4443

Dr. William Glaze
Professor of Chemistry
Post Office Box 13078
North Texas Station
Denton, Texas  76203
(817) 788-2694

Mr. Carl Harmann
Post Office Box 428
Corvallis, Oregon  97330
(503) 757-1498
Robert H. Harris
Council for Environmental
722 Jackson Place Northwest
Washington, D.C.  20006
(301) 869-7839

Richard Beaton
AWWA Research Foundation
666 West Qunicy Avenue
Denver, Colo.  80235
(303) 794-7711

Archibald Hill
Department of Chemical
Louisiana Tech University
P.O. Box 4875 Tech Station
Ruston, Louisiana  71272
(318) 257-4077

Jack Hoffbuhr
U.S. Environmental Protection
900 Lincoln Tower Building
1860 Lincoln Street
Denver, Colorado 80203
 (303) 837-2731

Riley D. Houseright
National Academy of Sciences
2101 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C.  20418
 (202) 389-6747
 Charles C. Johnson
 C.C. Johnson  & Associates
 11510  Georgia Avenue
 Suite  220
 Silver Spring, Md.  20902
 (301)  942-5600
 Dr.  Michael Kavanaugh
 James M.  Montgomery Engineers
 5020 Overlook Avenue Southwest
 Washington, D.C.   20032
 (202) 767-5155
 Thomas Klaseus
 Minnesota Dept.  of Health
 717 Delaware Street Southeast
 Minneapolis, Minnesota  55440
 (612)  296-5227
 Dr.  K.  Daniel Lindstedt
 Campus  Box 428
 Boulder,  Colorado  80309
 (303) 492-7315
Weile Borne
Los Angeles County
  Sanitation Districts
1955 Workman Mill Road
Post Office Box 4998
Whittier, Cal.  90607
(213) 699-7411

Walter Jakubowski
U.S. Environmental Protection
Health Effects Research Lab,
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7385

Dr. Robert Jolley
Advanced Technology Station
Chemical Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post Office Box "X"
Oak Ridge, Tenn.  37830
(615) 574-6838

Jack Keeley
Robert S. Kerr Environmental
  Research Laboratory
Post Office Box 1198
Ada, Oklahoma  74820
(405) 332-8800

Dr. Fred Kopfler
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair Street
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7451

Robert Mandancy
Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C.  20240
(202) 343-6481

Charles R. Malone
National Academy of Science
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C.  20418
(202) 389-6785

Perry McCarty
Department of Civil Engineering

Stanford, Cal. 94305
(415) 497-3921
Kenneth Miller
CH,,M Hill
Post Office Box 22508

Denver, Colo.  80222
 (303) 771-0900
Stanton S. Miller
Environmental Science and
  Technology Magazine
1155 Sixteenth Street NW
Washington, D.C.  20036
(202) 872-4581

Margaret Nellor
County Sanitation Districts
  of Los Angeles County
Post Office Box 4998
Whittier, Cal.  90607
(213) 699-7411

James A. Oliva
County of Nassau
Department of Public Works
Mineola, New York  11501
(516) 679^9000
Henry Ongerth
905 Contra Costa Avenue
Berkeley, Cal.  94707
(415) 525-9385
Robert 0. Mankes
Purecycle Corporation
1668 Valter Lane
Boulder, Colorado  80302
(303) 449-6530

B. J. Miller
State Water Resources Control
Stanford University  Board
Post Office Box 100
Sacramento, Cal.  95801
(916) 445-0922

Raymond C. Miller
General Manager/Secretary
South Coast County Water
31592 West Street
South Laguna, Cal.  92677
(714) 499-4555

Dr. Robert A. Neal
Department of Biochemistry
Vanderbilt University School
  of Medicine
Nashville, Tenn.  37232
Daniel Okun
School of Public Health
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC  27514
(919) 966-1023

Dr. Vincent Oliver!
Assistant Professor
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Public Health
615 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, Md.  21205
(301) 955-3602

Herbert Pahren
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
(513) 684-7217

Vincent Patton
Public Utilities Department
City of St. Petersburg
Post Office Box 2842
St. Petersburg, Fla.  33731

Mr. James Prieur
Building 12
Energy & Environmental  Systems

Argonne National Laboratories
Argonne, 111.  60439
 (312) 972-7474

 Dr. Roy H. Reuter
 Life  Systems,  Inc.
 24755 Highpoint Road
 Cleveland, Ohio  44122
 Dr.  Paul Roberts
 Environmental Engineering
   and  Science
 Stanford University
 Stanford, Cal.  94305
 (415)  497-1073

 John Robertson (MS-410)
 U.S. Geological Survey
 National Center
 Reston,  Virginia  22092
 (703)  860-6976
 Gloria Ruggerio (WH-550)
 U.S.  Environmental Protection
 401 M Street Southwest
 Washington,  D.C.   20460
Dr. Wesley 0. Pipes
Department of Biological
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pa.  19104
(215) 895-2631/2624

John Repoff
Reedy Creek Improvement Dist,
Environmental Protection
Post Office Box 36
Lake Buena Vista, Fla. 32830
(305) 828-2034

David J. Ringel
Orange & Los Angeles County
  Water Reuse Study
Metropolitan Water District
(216) 464-3291  of Southern
Post Office Box 54153
Los Angeles, Cal.  90054
(213) 623-4572

Jill I. Robertson
SCS Engineers
11800 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Virginia  22091
(703) 620-3677
Michael J. Rose
USDA Technical
Facilities, Equipment,  and
  Sanitation Div.
12th & Independence Ave.
Washington, D.C.  20250
(202) 447-4161

Gilberto Saday Ramos
San Bernabe No. 549
San Jeronimo-Lidice
Mexico 20, D.F.

Richard Sauer (SE3)
National Aeronautics and
  Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas  77058
(713) 483-2759

Curtis J. Schmidt
SCS Engineers
4014 Long Beach Boulevard
Long Beach, Cal.  90807
(213) 426-9544
Dr. Donald M. Shilesky
SCS Engineers
11800 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Va.  22091
 (703) 620-3677
Michael Sliraak  (WH-553)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
 (202) 426-2503

Alan Stevens
U.S. Environmental Protection
26 West Saint Clair
Cincinnati, Ohio  45268
 (513) 684-7342

Richard Thomas
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 426-8976
Dr. Jitendra Saxena  (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 382-3032

Dr. Gedahliah Shelef
Ralph M. Parson Laboratory
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Building 48-317
Massachusetts Institute of
Cambridge, Mass.  02139
(617) 253-3233

Karen Shrum (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 472-5016

Ducan Smith
Ontario Research Foundation
Mississauga, Ontario  L5K1B3
(416) 822-4111
Dr. Irwin (Mel) Suffet
Chemistry Department
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pa.  19104
(215) 895-2270
Patrick Tobin (WH-550)
U.S. Environmental Protection
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460
(202) 755-0100

Rhodes Trussel
James M. Montgomery
  Consulting Engineers
555 East Walnut Street
Pasadena, Cal.  91101

Dr. John Wilkins III
Dept. of Preventive Medicine
Ohio  State University
410 West Tenth Street
Columbus, Ohio  43210
 (614) 422-5694

Dr. Harold Wolf
Texas A&M University
Civil Engineering  Department
College Station, Texas   77843
 (713) 845-3011

 Steven Work
 Denver Water  Department
 1600  West Twelfth  Avenue
 Denver, Colo.   80254
 (303) 794-7711, Ext. 251
Cecil Van Etten
Illinois Environmental
  Protection Agency
2125 South First Street
Champaign, 111.  61820
(217) 333-8361

Fred Winter
National Bureau of Standards
Building 226, Room B306
Washington, D.C.  20234
(202) 921-2136
Dr. Richard L. Woodward
Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
One Center Plaza
Boston, Mass.  02108
(Deceased Prior to Publication)

                         CHAPTER VIII
                           AREA VI
                 .D}f. HORST. KUSSMAUUL, CHAIRMAN
Groundwater has many advantages over surface waters as
a source of supply, such as normally consistent good quality,
local availability, low treatment cost, and in some areas,
the absence of a need for disinfection.  Groundwater is,
therefore, the main source of water supply in many NATO
countries  (see Table 1.2).  The increasing rate of ground
water abstraction and the spread of urbanization have resulted
in a reduction of the quantity and quality of the available
ground water.  Artificial recharge is often used to overcome
these problems in combination with soil protection and
optimization of ground water use.

Ground water can become polluted in many ways.  Although
many instances of contamination are already known, their
occurrence is likely to increase in the future because
it often takes years before contaminated ground water reaches
a well.  Since the volume of waste materials is still growing,

a number of sources of ground water contamination are  of
interest; these are considered below.

Disposal of domestic and municipal wastes, such as the
discharge of more or less treated sewage effluent, leaky
sewers, leachates from solid waste disposal sites, and
disposal of municipal sludge to landfill sites, constitute
major causes of ground water contamination.  Also, the
application of de-icing salts on road surfaces results
in unacceptable contamination problems.  Another main  source
is the disposal of industrial wastes.  Large amounts of
solid industrial wastes are disposed of within landfills.
Impoundments containing liquid industrial wastes are also
important.  Disposal of liquid waste by means of wells
is relatively cheap, but hazardous and therefore, limited
by legal constraints.  Furthermore, abandoned or unplugged
wells may form permanent conduits for fluids to move downwards.
Many thousands of such abandoned wells, boreholes and  shafts
exist in the heavily populated regions of the world.

Accidental spillage from a variety of sources may contribute
a further serious hazard to ground water quality; e.g.,
leaks from gasoline service stations or fuel oil storage
tanks.  Other problems have been related to acid mine  drainage,
salt water coming through abandoned oil and gas wells,

agricultural activities  such  as  disposal  of effluents from
animal rearing complexes,  and instrusion  of sea  water in
coastal areas.

The major source of  ground water recharge is rainfall infiltra-
tion through the overlying soil  zone,  with smaller  contributions
from induced recharge  (from surface  water bodies) and from
artificial recharge.  In all  instances, the percolation
of the water through the unsaturated zone changes its chemical
composition.  In fact,  the chemical  composition  of  the
water is constantly  in a dynamic state to maintain  a  physico-
chemical equilibrium with its environment.  These interactions
typically include:

          a)   dissolution processes,  which tend to increase
               the ionic content of  ground water,

          b)   chemical and physical phenomena,  which result,
               for example, in ion exchange reactions and
               adsorption, as well as
          c)   biological activity,  commonly resulting
               in the  reduction  of sulfates to sulfides
               and in  nitrification  or denitrification.

Numerous models of pollution  transport in porous media,
and mass transport in  the unsaturated and saturated zones,
have been developed.  However, many  of the mechanisms controlling

pollution movement through aquifers are not yet  sufficiently
understood to allow their inclusion in a mathematical model.
In addition, the transfer of laboratory scale models to
full scale application often creates serious problems.
Thus, a great deal more work is needed in order  to accurately
model and, hence, understand the changes occurring in water
quality during underground travel.

In many countries, particularly in densely populated areas,
the growth in drinking water consumption outstrips the
growth in supply.  In order to increase ground water resources,
artificial recharge is of considerable importance in some
countries.  The essence of this technique lies both in
the use of additional storage and the natural chemical,
physical, and biological cleaning properties of  the soil
and subsoil for surface waters.  Other advantages of artificial
recharge include prevention of the intrusion of  saline
or otherwise polluted water into the ground water supply.

Artificial ground water recharge may be accomplished by
introducing surface water in open pits, lagoons, or trenches
into unconfined aquifers, or by vertical injection wells.
This latter technique is especially useful with  partly
or completely confined acquifers.  Artificial recharge
may also be induced directly through a river bank.

Compared with the other methods of artificial recharge,
bank infiltration has  the  disadvantage that it cannot be
stopped in case of  an  accident involving hazardous substances
in the surface water.  However, it does offer the  great
advantage of low cost  and  of relatively small required
area, which may be  of  particular importance in highly developed
or otherwise congested areas.

For  the effective protection of ground water the following
theoretical aspects should be considered:

          a)   the  definition of possible sources  of  pollution
               in terms of type and quality,

          b)   the  classification of ground water  systems
               with regard to their vulnerability  to  contamina-

          c)   the  coordination of ground water development,
               waste disposal practices, and land  use planning,

          d)   the  implementation of remedial measures
               to protect  ground water resources.

Good ground water protection is provided by an undamaged,
biologically active, overlying soil zone.  A widely used
approach  for protecting ground water is the establishment
of control zones in which  possible hazardous actions  are

strictly regulated, especially to protect the ground water
used by public water supplies in highly developed areas.
The main criterion in establishing such zones is the residence
time of water in the subsoil.  A further important approach
to the protection of ground water is the development of
guidelines for dealing with pollution incidents, designed
to prevent the entry of pollutants into the ground water.

Technical actions for the protection of ground water require
a legal basis, however, and the extent of legal measures
differ considerably in the different countries.  In most
countries, ground water use has to be permitted by public
authorities.  Further, many countries have laws regulate
the discharge of substances which are able to pollute ground
water.  These concern solid waste disposal as well as the
quality of waste water allowed to discharge.  The delineation
of water protection areas is not yet established, by law,
in many countries, while other countries have enacted a
variety of special laws (sewage disposal, disposal of oil
waste, discharge of detergents, etc.) to support the protection
of ground water.


Ground water  forms  an important drinking water source in
all NATO countries.  In some areas,  there already exists
marked contamination of this source.  Our prime concern
for the future  should be to retain ground water quality
and prevent any action which may lead to the deterioration
of natural good quality ground water.

Contamination has already occured in certain areas,  and
it may take periods of up to several decades to correct.

In order  to achieve this, we need to know more about:

           a)    the pathways of natural recharge of aquifers,
           b)    the persistence , or attenuation, of chemical
                and biological pollutants in the unsaturated
                zones of aquifers,
           c)    the persistence, or attenuation, of pollutants
                in the saturated zones of aquifers, and

           d)    the natural distribution of chemical and
                biological constituents of ground water.

A suitable data collection system is necessary to monitor
ground water  quantity and its possible changes with time.

In some NATO countries, artificial recharge is important
and techniques should be continuously improved to help
in optimizing ground water development.

Recommendations For Future Research

Studies should be conducted on the natural variations in
ground water quality and how these depend upon:

          a)   the input,

          b)   the groundwater flow,

          c)   the interactions between groundwater and
               rock matrix,

          d)   the influence of microbes,

          e)   the movement of individual organic and inorganic
               constituents of ground water,

          f)   the effects of flow through saturated zones
               on degradable and water-soluble substances,

          g)   the adsorption capacity and other properties
               of strata relevant to persistent chemical

          h)   the changes in the constituents of ground
               water flowing through different rock types
               by the use of laboratory simulations,

i)   the affects of biological and chemical clog
     of aquifers,

j)   the residence and passage time of bacteria
     and viruses in ground water to achieve remo
     and/or disinfection, and

k)   the potential impact of urban, industrial,
     and recreational activities on ground water

                               AREA VI
                         LIST OF PARTICIPANTS
 Dr. D. Verhoeve
 Instituut voor Hygien en
 Epidemiologie, Sectie Hater
 Jliette Wytsmanstreat, 14
 1050 Brussel

 M.  Clouet D^Orval
 Compagnie Generale des Eaux
 Siege Social 52, rue  d'Anjou
 75384 Paris
 Cedex 08

 Dr. Hans Kraus
 Deutscher Verein des  Gas-
 und Wasserfaches
 Frankfurter Allee 27
 6236 Eschborn

 Dr. Horst Kussmaul
 Institut fur Nasser-,  Boden-,
 Kennedyalle 97
 600 Frankfurt 70

 Dr. Moller
 Bismarckplatz 1
 1000 Berlin 33

 Dr.  Kh.  Schmidt
 Leiter der Hydrologischen Abt,
 der Dortmunder Standtwerke AG
 5840 Schwerte 1  -  Geisecke

 Jurgen von Kunowski
 Institut  Fur  Wasserr
 Boden  - Und Lufthygiene
 im  Bundesgesundheitsamt
 Post Fach
 D-1000 Berlin  33

 Ing. Carlo Terzano
 Piazzale Ostiense 2
 00154 Roma

Prof. Ir. L. Huisman
Techn. Rogeschool Delft
Stevinweg 1

Albert R. Roebert
Condensatorweg 54

Dr. Snoek
Condensatorweg 54

Dr. B.C.J. Zoeteman
Air Pollution Directorate
Ministry of Health and
  Environmental Protection
P.O. Box 439
2260 AD Leidschendam

S. Kuleli
State Hydraulic Works
Drinking Water and Sewerage Department
Yucetepe - Ankara
 UNITED KINGDOM Dr.  K.J.  Edworthy
                Water Research Centre
                Medmenham Laboratory
                Marlow,  Bucks. SL1  2HD

                Haydn J.  Richards
                Central  Water Planning Unit
                Reading  Bridge House
                Reading,  RG1 8PS

                Dr.  B. Wilkinson
                Water Research Centre
                Medmenham Laboratory
                Marlow,  Bucks. SLl  2HD
Dr. Joseph Cotruvo
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C.  20460
                            VI II-ll

J.J. Geraghty
Geraghty and Miller, Inc.
West Annapolis Professional Center
703 Giddings Avenue, Suite M-5
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Asif Shaikh
Gordian Ass., Inc.
1919 Pennsylvania Avenue
Suite 405
Washington, D.C. 20006

                          CHAPTER IX
The Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society  (CCMS)
was created in 1969, the  same year the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization  (NATO) celebrated its twentieth anniversary.

Meeting in Washington  in  a commemorative session on April
10, 1969, the NATO Foreign Ministers heard President Nixon
describe the Alliance  as  it  entered its third decade.
It was, he said "by its nature....more than a military
alliance and the time  has come to turn a part of our attention
to those non-military  areas  in which we could benefit from
increased collaboration."

These remarks introduced  a United States proposal  to create
a Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society.   This
committee would explore ways in which the experience and
resources of the Western  nations could most effectively
be used to improve the quality of life.  This would be
NATO's third dimension—a social dimension that would join
a strong military dimension  and a profound political dimension,

The United States proposal drew on Article II of the 1949
North Atlantic Treaty through which NATO members had agreed
to contribute to peaceful and friendly international relations
by promoting conditions of stability and well-being.  The
American proposal also expanded on the "Three Wise Men's"
report of 1956 in which Foreign Ministers Lange (Norway),
Martino  (Italy), and Pearson  (Canada) had called for greater
non-military scientific and technological cooperation within
the Alliance.  The first result of this report was the
establishment of the NATO Science Committee in 1958; 11
years later, the Committee on the Challenges of Modern
Society  followed in its path.

Acting on the Washington Communique of April 11, 1969,
Permanent Representatives to the North Atlantic Council
formed a preparatory committee to explore the best way
of pursuing NATO's social dimension.  Based on the Committee's
report,  the Council established CCMS on November 5, 1969.
The first committee meeting was held at NATO Headquarters
in Brussels, December 8-9, 1969.

At that meeting, the United States, Belgium, and Canada
proposed the first five CCMS pilot studies.  The United
States representative, Dr. Daniel Moynihan, stressed that

the time had come for the Allies  to learn to  cope  with
situations which were,  to a  greater or  lesser degree, "recurrent,
predictable, manageable, and avoidable."   His words have
accurately predicted the evolution of the CCMS work program,
demonstrated by the strength of the Allies" technological
and scientific resources when applied in  common  to a specific
problem.  Today there are more than 30  CCMS pilot  studies
completed or in progress.

At that first plenary,  Dr. Moynihan and Candian  NATO Ambassador
Campbell expressed the  hope  that  CCMS would become a marketplace
of ideas and techniques from each member  country.  Over
the years, this hope has been fulfilled and the  marketplace
has expanded through the Environmental  Round  Table, the
pilot  studies themselves, the CCMS Fellowship Program,
and several major  international symposia.

The remarkable success  of CCMS stems from the commitment
of the Allies to respond on  both  national and international
levels to the growing awareness of the  magnitude of environ-
mental problems.   It undescores the vitality  of  the Allies'
national political structures and the high degree  of coopera-
tion that they have come to  expect from each  other.  It
also demonstrates  how the democratic processes in  the NATO
countries can be effective  in translating the concerns

of individual citizens into governmental action.  As  evidence
of the deterioration of the environment came to light through
a series of worldwide crises—on the Rhine, in the Sea
of Japan, and in all major metropolitan areas—citizens
reacted with demands for effective private and public measures,

At the national level, the Allies responsed by passing
important new legislation and creating new organizational
structures.  Member nations took action to clean up existing
sources of air and water pollution.  Major research programs
were undertaken to develop effective technology and methods
to cope with new environmental problems.

It was not only on the national level, however, that  effective
measures took place.  In the quarter century of NATO's
existence, the Allies had developed habits of consultation
and cooperation that paved the way for CCMS.  This means
of communication enabled the Allies to recognize that  environ-
mental quality was a concern common to all and deserved
their joint efforts to reduce by half, any further degradation
of the environment and to restore a safe and healthy  environ-

This achievement should not be underestimated.  The decision
to talk frankly and openly with each other before national

 policies are decided could have only  been made  by  countries
 that had developed common expectations  from years  of mutual
 problem sharing and solving.  NATO's  example of international
 trust and reliance, as much as the concrete results of
 the individual pilot studies, has been  a major  contribution
 to international environmental cooperation.

 From its beginning, the Committee on  the Challenges of
 Modern Society has operated differently from other inter-
 national organizations.  Its work is  characterized by four
 policies that have been essential to  CCMS from  its outset.

 First, CCMS does not work through an  international staff
 and with a fixed budget; its work is  undertaken  by member
 countries acting as pilot countries for particular projects.
 Working with other interested member  countries  (and, over
 the years, with many countries not members of the North
 Atlantic Treaty Organization), each pilot country  is respon-
 sible for developing, conducting, and disseminating the
 results of a pilot study.  Co-pilot countries and other
 participants share the workload according to their interests.
 No member is required to participate  in any study; on the
 contrary, each country is free to choose where  to  best
 apply its resources and expertise.  Results, on the other
• hand, are available to all.  In this  way, nations  whose

priorities might prevent them from devoting large-scale
resources to a particular problem can contribute to specific
projects while benefiting from all pilot studies.

Second, CCMS has always emphasized projects that would
guide policy formation and stimulate domestic and international
action.  While often identifying new areas for research
in its "action orientation," CCMS has sought to make the
results of research accessible to policy makers.  At the
same time, it has sought to make those policy makers more
sensitive to environmental concerns.

Third, CCMS is an outward-looking and open organization.
The Committee has developed complementary pilot studies
on subjects that have been the concern of specialized interna-
tional organizations before CCMS was formed.  Examples
of these areas are health, meteorology, and maritime issues.
In areas where CCMS was in the vanguard of international
activity—most prominently, energy conservation and alternative
energy sources—its studies have helped define frameworks
for bilateral and multilateral international cooperation.

Finally, CCMS has developed a follow-up procedure.  Each
pilot country assumes the responsibility of ensuring that
its study plays the most appropirate role in stimulating

national and/or international  action.   This  furthermore
indicates the Allies1 support  for  CCMS  role  in national
and international environmental  activities.

At the completion of  some  studies, participants may feel
there should be ongoing  efforts  and a formal transfer of
work to a specialized international organization.  Road
Safety and Solar Energy  Pilot  Studies have followed this
path.  Work on other  pilot studies, such  as  Air Pollution
and Emergency Medical Services,  may suggest  issues for
a new pilot study under  CCMS sponsorship.  In still other
areas, the exchange of information through CCMS may demon-
strate that bilateral or national  efforts seems the most
productive, provided  that  countries continue to report
to the international  community on  their activities.  Portions
of the Geothermal Energy and Advanced Health Care Pilot
Studies are continuing in  this vain.

Formal follow-up procedures require the pilot country to
report to the CCMS Fall  Plenary  for 2 years, following
submission of the final  pilot  study report,  on how the
results and recommendations are  being implemented.  In
practice, follow-up reporting  has  sometimes  continued longer-
notably, the four-year period  following the  Air Pollution
Pilot Study—and sometimes, not  functioned as planned.

Nevertheless, 15 have been or are now in  follow-up, with
more than 30 pilot studies, not all CCMS  projects  have
lived up to initial expectations.  Successful projects,
on the other hand, have generated successful follow-up,
stimulating both national programs and the interest of
participating countries in the work of other specialized
international organizations.

These four concepts—the pilot country leadership, stimulation
of national and international action, open participation
and results, and follow-up—are the essential components
of CCMS.  Together, they make it unique amoung forums for
international cooperation.  The flexibility demonstrated
by the Allies in shaping such an organization demonstrates
the versatility and ingenuity with which  they have approached
their other roles in NATO.  They have been rewarded with
the freedom to choose to work together on issues which
none of them could adequately face alone.  Nothing could
be more appropriate than the spirit of the Alliance.

As its work program developed over the years, the  relationship
of The Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society with
other international organizations, with national programs
of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and with non-
NATO countries also evolved.  In its early years,  CCMS

stimulated the establishment  of  national environmental
programs at a time when  other international  organizations
had not yet developed  environmental programs.   Its encourage-
ment of international  cooperation and  action helped  to
focus the attention  of member countries  on major environmental
issues and problems  as they developed.   Through the  CCMS
policy of open participation, non-NATO countries were able
to participate directly  in its work, or, through ad  hoc
or other organizational  arrangements with individual NATO
countries, to share  information  and benefit  from material
generated by CCMS.

This relationship has  continued.  Since  the  early 1970's,
not only has CCMS become more focused  in its work program,
it has also extended its efforts to encourage  the widest
possible participation by non-NATO countries.   Under NATO's
"silent consent" procedure, a pilot country  may invite
non-members to participate in a  study  if other Allies do
not object.

Within this framework, many countries, including New Zealand,
Japan, Sweden, Austria,  India, the Philippines, Nicaragua,
Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia,  and Spain have  been able to
share in the work of CCMS. Their contributions have been
extremely valuable.  Notable  contributions  have come from

Japan and Sweden in the Road Safety Pilot Study, New  Zealand
in the Geothermal Energy Pilot Study, Egypt and Spain in
the Advanced Health Care Pilot Study, and Israel and  Saudi
Arabia in the Solar Energy Pilot Study.

In working with other organizations, CCMS has been a  catalyst
in developing both new programs and new perspectives  to
existing ones.  In the latter case, growing concern for
environmental quality and conservation of natural resources
has often meant that new issues arise within a long-standing
framework of cooperation.  Work by the Intergovernmental
Maritime Consultative Organization (INCO), the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World
Health Organization (WHO), and the International Labor
Organization  (ILO) on hazardous waste, emergency medical
services, occupational health and safety, and toxic substances
is a new dimension to organizations originally founded
for other purposes.  At the same time, new organizations
such as the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
have been created specifically to deal with environmental
issues and other challenges to contemporary society.

CCMS, both as an organization and through the Allies  indivi-
dually, has remained in close contact with these organizations,
Development of CCMS pilot studies is always carried out

only after consultation  with them.   Every effort is made
to avoid duplication  of  work.   CCMS strives to complement
the ongoing work of other  organizations.   For  example,
faced with many more  urgent global  health issues, WHO has
never been able to devote  a major portion of its resources
to emergency medical  services  (EMS).   CCMS work in  this
area may today apply  only  to a few  countries.   In the future,
because of EMS programs  developed in the  Third World, many
more countries will benefit from these efforts.  The same
is true of efforts devoted to  road  safety, hazardous waste
disposal, and  the  studies  on air pollution and transportation,

Finally, from  the  beginning, CCMS studies have pointed
the way to new modes  of  international cooperation within
existing organizations.  Programs of the  International
Energy Agency  (IEA) on hot dry rock technology,  high tempera-
ture ceramics, and climatic conditions have resulted from
work initiated in  CCMS.  Work  in the United Nations on
disaster coordination and  hazardous waste management predated
CCMS, but has  been given new dimensions by the efforts
of the committee.  The U.S./Canada  work on inland water
quality, the U.S./Mexico program on geothermal reservoir
assessment, and the Greek/Italian cooperation  on geothermal
electricity generation have resulted from CCMS activities.

CCMS has the ability to foster such cooperation and  to
stimulate new activities.  Faced with limited financial
and technical resources, most international organizations
must restrict their scope of action either topically, geograph-
ically, or both.

Also, many urgent problems are not addressed by other organiza-
tions because not all members are interested in participating.
CCMS has been most successful in overcoming this kind of
constraint.  Since the costs of its activities are borne
by the pilot and co-pilot countries, CCMS is able to conduct
studies even if all members do not wish to participate.
Each country determines the extent of its commitment, if
any, to a particular pilot study.

In addition, CCMS is not confined to issues faced by one
particular part of the world.  Its one ground rule is that
it does not deal with issues that mainly affect the developing
countries.  This recognizes the fact that United Nation
countries that have dealt with the global environment,
such as UNEP, WHO, FAO, and non-European regional organizations
have tended to focus on the Third World.

In carrying out its mandate from the North Atlantic Council,
CCMS cannot replace specialized organizations that have

permanent responsibilities for dealing with problems in
a given area.  CCMS,  however,  has the special ability to
bring together experts  from diverse backgrounds to identify
emerging issues  or  to tackle questions that no other organiza-
tion has the resources  to undertake.  Through pilot studies,
CCMS advances  the common base of knowledge and broadens
the channels of  cooperation through which all national
and international programs must operate.

Assessing the  results of the pilot study  on solar  energy,
the Federal Republic of Germany commented that it  "had
been given  the benefit  of experience and  had thus  gained
one year in its  research program."  Given the number and
complexity  of  problems  faced by countries and international
organizations  around the globe, the contribution of months,
or even days,  to ongoing programs may make a crucial difference,
Complementing  and supporting the work of  other international
organizations  is one of the most important ways in which
CCMS fulfils  it  obligation under the North Atlantic Treaty:
to promote  peacer stability, and well-being throughout
the Alliance  and around the world.

The Committee  on the challenges of Modern Society  (CCMS)
has undertaken more than 30 pilot studies.  Their  subject
matter ranges  over  all  aspects of human existence.  The

choice of topics is made by member countries and  reflects
current national priorities.  There has been no master
plan or overall organization.  Instead, certain patterns
for selecting study topics have emerged.

Air pollution, from the very start, has occupied  an important
place.  Over the years, the broad concept of air  pollution
was defined into several specific studies.  The studies
grew and branched off into new directions.  These have
ranged from information exchanges to the development of
new technologies and measurement techniques.

Similarly, over the last decade, there have been  several
studies centered on water pollution.  These began with
the Inland Water Pollution Pilot Study, concerning man's
discharges into streams and lakes.  Advanced processes
for treatment of waste water were demonstrated.   CCMS also
took on issues of marine water pollution, including the
effect of oil spills on coastal water.  An even wider perspec-
tive is being opened in estuarine management, which encompasses
all aspects of man's impact in the regions where  fresh
water meets the sea.

Although initially presented as a single study, the Advanced
Health Care Pilot Study has consisted of several  projects

which have been diverse  in subject matter and means of
accomplishment.  The  study included emergency medical services,
begun originally as a road safety project and has  now grown
into a pilot  study.

Transportation, with  an  emphasis on safety,  has  also been
a primary object of attention.   As initial projects were
completed, new ones examining other aspects  began.   Efficient
planning of mass transportation and providing economical,
reliable transportation  to the  greatest  number of  people
became a new  thrust of these studies.

Another group of studies has focused on  waste management.
CCMS began its work in the area of hazardous waste disposal.
The success of the first Disposal of Hazardous Wastes Pilot
Study led to  continued cooperation in  a  second study.
The Committee is now  looking at the potential of plastic
waste recovery.  A proposal to  investigate the combined
disposal of solid waste  and sewage sludge is also  under

Pilot studies on the  energy focused international  attention
on solar and  geothermal  energy  development.   Energy studies
stressed the  development of integrated systems of  energy
conservation, use of  alternate  sources,  and  maintenance
of environmental quality.

CCMS has also conducted pilot studies on other ways man
interfaces with his environment.  Studies on disaster  assis-
tance and seismology deal with the problems posed by natural
crises.  A new study on conservation of monuments applies
the techniques of pollution monitoring and control to  preserv-
ing our cultural heritage.

CCMS follows no set procedure when developing a pilot  study.
The participants can work together in three main ways.
The simplest way is for each country to carry on activities
in its own fashion, and, at some point, communicate the
results to other members.  This approach is often taken
in the case of projects of a major pilot study, in which
a single country carries out a specific project.  The Urban
Transportation Pilot Study is an example of this type.

A second way is for the participants to work individually,
but according to a common framework.  For example, as part
of the Solar Energy Pilot Study, a CCMS format was developed
for reporting the performance of solar heating and cooling
systems.  This enabled the project members to then meet
and compare the merits of different systems.

Finally, two or more participants may carry out the work
jointly.  For example the United States and Mexico worked

together to study  the  Imperial Valley geothermal field.
The involvement of Mexico also illustrates the fact that
non-NATO countries may actively participate in CCMS.

Most pilot studies eventually turn out to be in combination
of these three approaches.  The method chosen depends  upon
the particular circumstances of each pilot study.   This
underscores the advantages of the flexible CCMS mode of

There  is also a wide diversity in the results of pilot
studies.  The outcomes can take many forms, from international
conventions to state-of-the-art reports,  to computer data
banks,  to the construction of equipment.   Aside from tangible
products, of  equal importance are the intangible results
such as the establishment of networks of  experts,  the  changes
in national policies,  or the creation or  reorientation
of institutions.

 (Adapted from ."CCMS: The First Decade."  U.S. E.P.A.,  1979)

A list of current, completed and follow-up phase studies


                           WORK PROGRAM



          Pilot Country:  France
          Copilots:  Greece, Turkey, US

          a.   Detection of Oil Spills and Hazardous Substances
               at Sea - Working Group I  (OS)

          b.   Study of Coastal Pollution Movements - Working
               Group II  (Trance)

          c.   Deferred for time being - Study of Effect of Air
               Pollution on the Sea


          Pilot Country:  United States
          Copilots:  UK, FRG

          a.   Analytical Chemistry and Data Handling  (UK)

          b.   Advanced Treatment Technology  (FRG)

          c.   Microbiologicals  (US, France)

          d.   Health Effects  (US)

          e.   Reuse of Water Resources  (UK)

          f.   Ground Water Considerations  (FRG)


          Pilot Country:  Italy
          Copilots:  France, UK, US

          a.   Seismic Risk

               (1)   Estimation of Seismic Risk   IUK)

               (2)   Seismic Risk in Heavily Populated Areas
                     with Emphasis on Characterization of
                     Strong Ground Motion   (Italy)

               (3)   Studies of Induced Seismicity   (US)

          b.   Earthquake Prediction   (France, Italy, US)

          c.   Earthquake Loss Reduction   (US)



     Pilot Country:   France

     a.   Phase  I -  Information Exchange
     b.   Phase  H - Dependent on Assessment of Initial Exchange


     Pilot Country:   United States

     a.   Selection  of Case Studies and Limited Information Exchange

     b.   Analysis of Case Histories


     Pilot Country:   Canada
     Copilots:   US

     a.   Tunable Laser Diode Spectrometer  (TLDS)
          Development and Testing

           (1)  Laboratory Study of TLDS System Operation
               under stratospheric Conditions to Determine
               Payload Design Parameters

           (2)  Payload Design and Fabrication

           13)  Payload Integration in Flight Vehicle

           14)  Flight Test of TLDS System

           (5)  Analysis of Results

           (6)  Completion of Final Report  (1982)

     b.   .Definition Phase

          Canvassing of International and National Organizations
          to Assemble Basic Inventory Material
           Assessment of Results and Formulation of Recommendations


      Pilot Country:  Greece
      Copilots:  FRG, France, US

      a.   Documentation  (France, US)

      b.   Environmental Factors  (FRG, US)

      c.   Treatment Testing Methods  (The Netherlands)


      Pilot Country:  Federal Republic of Germany
      Copilots:  The Netherlands, US

      a.   Heavy Metals Emissions  (FRG) - Panel 1

      b.   Air Quality Prediction  (The Netherlands)  - Panel 2

      c.   Environmental Impact  (US) - Panel 3

      *•   M. Hoc Group 0° the Total Air Pollution Cycle


      Pilot Country:  United States

      a.   Legislation, Environmental Regulations and
           Administrative Aspects  (FRG)

      b.   Disposal Methods  (Land and Ocean)

      c.   Sewage Sludge Utilization and Processing
           into Secondary Materials  (France)

      d.   Incineration and Energy Conversion


      Pilot Country:  United States
      Copilots:  Turkey

      a.   Initial Information Exchange

      b.   Research on IPM Procedures for Following Specific
           Crop Areas:

           (1)  Cereal
           C2)  Citrus
           t3)  Cotton

      c.   Under Consideration:  IPM Procedures for vegetables,
           potatoes, glasshouse crops, tobacco, livestock, and
           urban environs


     Pilot Country:  The Netherlands

     Pilot Country:  United Kingdom

     Pilot Country:   France

      Pilot Country:  Federal Republic of Germany

      a.    Glass samples are made available, characterization
           of the corrosion layer

      b.    Selection of suitable coating material and

      c.    Open-air exposure of the coated samples

      d.    Assessment of coated sample behaviour


          Pilot Country:  United Kingdom
          Copilots:  Canada, Italy, France, FRG, DS

          Pilot  Country:  Federal Republic of Germany
          Copilots:  Belgium, US

           Pilot Country:  United States
           Copilots:  FRG, UK

           Pilot Country:  United States

           Pilot Country:   United States



          Pilot Country:  France
          Copilot:  UK


          Pilot Country:  United States
          Copilots:  Italy, Turkey

     3.   ROAD SAFETY

          Pilot Country:  United States


          Pilot Country:  Canada
          Copilots:  Belgium, France, US


          Pilot Country:  United States
          Copilots:  Canada, FRG, UK, Italy, Portugal


          Pilot Country:  United States
          Copilots:  Belgium, France, FRG, UK


          Pilot Country:  Federal Republic of Germany
          Copilots:  Belgium, France, UK, US


          Pilot Country:  United States
          Copilots:  FRG, Turkey


          Pilot Country:  Belgium
          Copilots:  Canada, .France, Portugal


          Pilot Country:   Canada
                            IX-2 3

             11.    GEOTHERMAL ENERGY

                    Pilot Country:  United States
                    Copilot:  Italy

             12.    RATIONAL USE OP ENERGY

                    Pilot Country:  United States


                    Pilot Country:  United States

             14.    PLASTIC WASTES RECYCLING

                    Pilot Country:  United States


                    Pilot Country:  Federal Republic of Germany
                    Copilots:  Belgium, Canada, France, US


                    Pilot Countrys  United States
                    Copilots:  France, Denmark


                    Pilot Country:  United States
*U.S. OOVEHNMMT PRINTING OFFICE ! 1983 0-381-082/407
