------- EPA/IMSD/88-010 October 1988 DIRECTORY OF STATE ENVIRONMENTAL LIBRARIES First Edition October 1988 Information Management and Services Division Office of Information Resources Management Office of Administration and Resources Management United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington DC 20460 ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction State Environmental Libraries: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Library 1 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 2 Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 3 Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 California Air Resources Board Library 5 California Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Technical Reference Library 6 Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7 Georgia Fernbank Science Center 8 Hawaii State Library 9 Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 10 Iowa Department of Natural Resources Technical Library 11 Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation (DEP/DOC) Library 12 Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Library 14 Massachusetts State Library 15 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Great Lakes and Environmental Assessment Section Library 16 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Research Center 19 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Information Resource Center 20 ------- New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Library 23 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Library 23 Oklahoma Department of Libraries, U.S. Documents Division 24 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Environmental Protection Technical Reference Library 25 Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Council Information Center 26 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 27 Texas Air Control Board Library 28 Texas Water Commission Library 29 Virginia State Water Control Board Library 31 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 32 Appendices: Subject Index to Items Held by State Environmental Libraries 33 List of State Environmental Hotline Telephones 43 Directory of State Environmental Librarians (By Librarian) 45 Directory of State Environmental Librarians (By State) 49. ------- INTRODUCTION This the first edition of the Directory of State Environmental Libraries. The Directory is part of an EPA initiative to expand information sharing betweenEPA and the States. It will be updated in October of each year. The Directory contains information on the collections and services provided by State environmental libraries. It also contains four appendices coveringthe following areas: o Subject Index to State Environmental Library Collections o List of State Environmental Hotlines o Directory of State Environmental Librarians (By Librarian) o Directory of State Environmental Librarians (By State) The information contained in the Directory was collected from State environmental libraries. Libraries were identified by the Information Management and Services Division and the EPA Library Network. We are aware that some libraries may not be listed. If you know of other State environmental libraries not included in this edition, please give them a copy of the "State Environmental Libraries Collection and Services" form which is located in the back of the Directory and ask them to complete and return the form to the address listed below: Chief, Information Services Branch (PM-211D) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 This Directory was prepared by the Information Management and Services Division. Any questions can be directed to Mary Patterson, Information Management Specialist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., PM-211D, Washington, D.C. 20460. Phone number: (202) 382-5929. ------- ALASKA ADDRESS: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Library P.O. Box 0 Juneau, AK 99811 TELEPHONE: (907) 465-2621 LIBRARIAN: Katie Sloan HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Currently staffed 8:00 a.m. to noon only. May be staffed full-time in the Fall.) TIME ZONE: Pacific DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The library contains approximately 10,000 books and documents, including books classified by the Library of Congress system, Alaska State documents, Alaska municipal documents, University of Alaska documents, documents from other States and countries, conference and symposium proceedings, EPA documents, Federal documents and environmental impact statements. The library subscribes to 75 periodicals held in the Juneau central office, and administers subscriptions received elsewhere in the State (some 200) at DEC offices. Only one-fifth of the collection is cataloged. The library offers a "periodical awareness service" to DEC employees where the tables of contents of magazines are copied and sent to anyone interested. The employees then ask for the articles to be sent to them via interlibrary loan (ILL). INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The Alaska DEC library does not charge an ILL fee. The library responds to ILL requests received when possible and refers those it cannot fill to other agencies. The DEC requests a number of ILL'S from other libraries, many from the EPA library in the Region. While the DEC library is a branch of the Alaska State Library and open to the public, 95% of its circulation and ILL activity is for DEC and other State employees. ------- ARIZONA ADDRESS: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 2005 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004 TELEPHONE: (602) 257-6959 LIBRARIAN: Maryalice Waldrip HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. TIME ZONE: Mountain DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The library contains approximately 1,500 EPA reports, 500 Arizona and other State reports and 80 journal subscriptions covering the following subject areas: o Air pollution o Waste o Water pollution The library was established in April 1988 and is still being set up. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library charges no ILL fee and has no loan restrictions. ------- ARIZONA ADDRESS: Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 15S. 15th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 TELEPHONE: (602)255-1550 LIBRARIAN: Felice Bews HOURS: Noon to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday (may vary) TIME ZONE: Mountain {DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection is small and consists chiefly of reports from U.S. Government agencies (e.g., Bureau v.pf Reclamation, Environmental Protection Agency, Geological Survey, Soil Conservation Service, etc.) and Arizona State agencies and universities. .Periodical subscriptions are very limited. Subject areas include: o Groundwater o Hydrology o Water pollution o Water resources of Arizona o Water rights INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library does not charge for ILL requests. ------- ARIZONA ADDRESS: Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 1275 West Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007 TELEPHONE: (602)255-1401 LIBRARIAN: Mary Lu Moore ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Lynette Pfalzgraf HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. TIME ZONE: Mountain DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes approximately 300 items covering the following subject areas: o Acid Rain o Air pollution o Surface and ground water o Waste Treatment o - Water flow and storage o Water pollution o Water quality o Water rights INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library does not loan outside the agency. ------- CALIFORNIA ADDRESS: California Air Resources Board Library 1800 15th Street, (P.O. Box 2815) Sacramento, CA95814 (95812) TELEPHONE: (916)323-8377 LIBRARIAN: Mark T. Edwards ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Margie Mora HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Pacific DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The library contains 6,000 books, 275 journal subscriptions and 200,000 microfiche items covering the following subject area: o Air pollution INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Will lend to any library. Copy first 20 pages free, 5 cents per page thereafter. ------- CALIFORNIA ADDRESS: California Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Technical Reference Library 714/744 p Street, P.O. Box 942732 Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 TELEPHONE: (916)324-5898 LIBRARIAN: Sharon Akey HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Pacific DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection contains 5,000 volumes, 100 subscriptions and 1,000 microfiche items covering the subject area: o Hazardous waste INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: ILL items are handled on special, request at this time. HOTLINE TELEPHONE ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN COVERED BY THE HOTLINE HOURS 1-800-258-6942 Reports of Illegal Dumping Only ------- FLORIDA ADDRESS: Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7112 Curtiss Avenue Sarasota, FL 34231 TELEPHONE: (813) 924-9677 LIBRARIAN: Linda R. Idelberger HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday 12 noon to 9:00 p.m. -Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to Noon -Saturday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection contains 1,500 books, 3,000 government documents and 75 current journal subscriptionscovering the following subject areas: o Conservation o Ecology o Plants and animals o Waste management o Water resources o Wetlands INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No fee for ILL requests. Member of OCLC. ONLINE DATABASES USED: DIALOG ------- GEORGIA ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIBRARIAN: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: HOURS: TIME ZONE: Fernbank Science Center 156 Heaton Park Drive, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30307 (404)378-4311 Mary Larsen Shirley Brown 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mon., and Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Tues, Wed., Thurs. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sat. Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection, which includes 19,914 books, reports, bound and unbound volumes of periodicals and 355 periodical subscriptions, includes general materials on the environment, such as: o Acid Rain o Air Pollution INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Will lend books photocopy articles. No ILL fees. Will not lend journal issues. ------- HAWAII ADDRESS: Hawaii State Library 478 South King Street Honolulu, HI 96813 TELEPHONE: (808) 548-2346 LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Masae Gotanda ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Proserfina Strona HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tues., Thur. TIME ZONE: Pacific DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes environmental impact statements for projects proposed in the State of Hawaii; a repository for official environmental state documents; privately-produced periodicals (in the Business, Science and Technology Section); Federal documents, films on environmental issues; etc. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No fee is charged for the loan of materials to participating local, national or international libraries. Arrangements for the loan of materials from the Hawaii State Library system must be coordinated through a participating library. ------- ILLINOIS ADDRESS: Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 1808 Woodfield Drive . Savoy, IL 61874 TELEPHONE: (217)333-8957 LIBRARIAN: Anita D. Johnson HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection is limited to hazardous waste and related subjects including: o Ground water pollution o Small quantity generators o Waste reduction The collection is growing but presently includes 700 books and reports and 90 subscriptions. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Collection does not circulate but librarian will photocopy and take phone questions. 10 ------- IOWA ADDRESS: Iowa Department of Natural Resources Technical Library Henry A. Wallace Building DesMoines, IA50319 TELEPHONE: (515)281-8897 LIBRARIAN: Cecilia Nelson HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 4,091 books and 79 journal subscriptions covering the following subject areas: o Hazardous waste o Radiation o Solid waste o Wastewater o Water INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Will not loan outside the Department except through the State Library, located at East 12th and Grand, Des Moines, IA 50319, (515) 281-4111. HOTLINE TELEPHONE ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN COVERED BY THE HOTLINE HOURS 1-(515)-281-8694 Emergency Spill Response 24 hrs/day 1-800-532-1114 Groundwater Hotline 8-4:30 p.m. 11 ------- MAINE ADDRESS: Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation (DEP/DOC) Library State House, Sta. #17 Augusta, ME 04333 TELEPHONE: (207) 289-2811 LIBRARIAN: Priscilla Bickford HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes EPA and other documents (paper and microfiche) on the following subjects areas: o Air Quality o Oil and Hazardous Waste o Water Quality INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No ILL restrictions; no charges. 12 ------- MARIANA ISLANDS ADDRESS: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library P.O. Box 1304 Saipan, MP 96950 TELEPHONE: (670) 234-6114 or 6984 LIBRARIAN: Arlene Kairoff-Cohen HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Pacific DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes items covering the following subject areas: o Environmental Laws and Regulations o Groundwater Resources Management and Protection o Hazardous waste o Oil pollution o Pesticides o Solid waste management o Water quality INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No charge for loan or photocopy. Can photocopy short documents. U.S. postage rates for zone 8 apply. 13 ------- MASSACHUSETTS ADDRESS: Massachusetts Water Resource Authority Library 100 First Avenue Boston, MA 02129 TELEPHONE: (617) 242-6000, Extension 1195 LIBRARIAN: Mary E. Lydon HOURS: 8:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (by appointment) Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes items on the following subject areas: o Wastewater collection, treatment and disposal o Water supply o Law o Reports on major issues of concern to the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA), e.g., Long Range Water Supply and Study, Design and Construction of 2nd WWTF, Boston Harbor. The library is a repository library for all documents on MWRA service areas. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: ILL is available at the discretion of the librarian. Fee for copying varies with request; 20 cents per page for documents. ENVIRONMENTAL HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED TELEPHONE BY THE HOTLINE HOURS (617)242-SAVE Water Conservation 9-4:00 p.m. 14 ------- MASSACHUSETTS ADDRESS: State Library of Massachusetts State House, Room 341 Boston, MA 02133 TELEPHONE: (617) 727-2590 LIBRARIAN: Caspar Caso ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Mary McLellan HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: While the StateLibrary is not an environmental library specifically, it serves as the depository for State documents, and so has all publications of the agencies within the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, as well as other environment-related agencies such as the University of Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No ILL fee for loans. Charge for photocopying. Materials earlier than 1930 do not circulate. 15 ------- MICHIGAN ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIBRARIAN: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: HOURS: TIME ZONE: Michigan Department of Natural Resources Great Lakes and Environmental Assessment Section Library P.O. Box 30028 Lansing, Ml 48909 (517)373-2190 Marjorie Fitch Mary Lee Lockwood 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes about 6,000 books and 8,000 article reprints on the following subject area: o Toxicology INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library does not lend items in its collection. 16 ------- MINNESOTA ADDRESS: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 TELEPHONE: (612) 296-7719 or 6623 LIBRARIAN: Mary M. Dolan ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Lieu Duong HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes items on the following subject areas: o Air pollution o Chemistry o Conservation o Environmental education o Environmental policy and law o Environmental Quality o Hazardous waste o Resource management o Soil pollution o Solid waste o Toxicology o Water pollution The collection includes books, approximately 3-4,000 government documents; 190 journal subscriptions; Selected Research in Microfiche (SRIM) from NTIS for environmental pollution and control; Minnesota laws, statutes, rules, indexes and other. In addition to collection acquisition, maintenance and circulation and ILLs, MPCA library provides online and manual database searching; SDI service; photocopy service; current awareness/tables of contents service; reference; library newsletter; library column in Agency newsletter; bibliographic instruction; library tours and tutorials; liaison with other libraries for improved and increased access to information. 17 ------- INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Materials are available through formal ILL process at no charge; materials also available to libraries through informal ILL process at no charge. Materials include: books, periodicals, AV; government documents. Reference materials are not circulated; photocopies will be provided. Loan policy: Books - 4 weeks; journals - photocopies supplied; AV - 2 weeks; government documents on fiche - 4 weeks. ILLs are accepted via OCLC, PALS (by 1989), mail, phone, telefacsimile. ONLINE SERVICES USED: Bibliographic Retrieval System (BRS); CALCO (Capitol Area Library Consortium); Chemical Information System (CIS); DIALOG; Ground Water Online; IRIS; MEDLARS/TOXNET; Metronet (a multi-type, multi-county library network); MINITEX (primarily a document delivery network); NATICH; Occupational Health Services; OCLC and PALs (an online card catalog). ENVIRONMENTAL MPCA HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED TELEPHONE BY THE HOTLINE HOURS (612) 221 -3999 Hazard Hotline (Metro area) 1-800-228-5635 Hazard Hotline (Out of State) 18 ------- MONTANA ADDRESS: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Research Center 1520 East Sixth Avenue Helena, MT 59620-2301 TELEPHONE: (406) 444-6700 LIBRARIAN: Julie Frickel ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Nancy McLane HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Mountain DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Research Center provides research collection and the services of a trained librarian to assist the research staff. The Department houses two major collections: o The water resources collection includes materials on general planning for water resources development, methodologies and technical analysis for water management, and site specific studies based on river basin studies in the State. o The energy collection also includes materials on general planning as well as siting of energy facilities and the attendant environmental impacts. A large part of the energy collection relates to renewable and alternative energy, and energy education. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The public may borrow from the DNRC research collections by calling or writing to the above address. The library reserves the right to not loan those titles that are in use by the staff for specific studies that are underway or those items that are used frequently by the staff. Research and reference materials not for loan may be used in the DNRC Research Center. 19 ------- NEW JERSEY ADDRESS: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Information Resource Center 432 East State Street/CN409 Trenton, NJ 08625 TELEPHONE: (609) 984-2249 LIBRARIAN: Maria Baratta ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Angelo Papa HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes approximately 2,000 books, 4,500 technical reports and 125 journals coveringthe following subject areas: o Coastal resources o Toxicology o Water resources INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Generally, the Center does not lend outside of the Department. Will provide certain items through ILL requests. Only fees charged are for photocopies (over 25 pages, $.10 per page). 20 ------- NEW MEXICO ADDRESS: Environmental Improvement Division Library P.O. Box 968 (Mailing) 1190 St. Francis Drive (Street Address) South Atrium, Room 1350 Santa Fe, NM 87504-0968 TELEPHONE: (505) 827-2633 LIBRARIAN: Jacqueline M. Calligan HOURS: 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Mountain DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection contains approximately 800 books, 6,000 reports, 75 subscriptions and 50 microform items covering the following subject areas: o Hazardous waste o Radiation protection o Solid waste o Surface water quality o Water pollution INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library does not lend through interlibrary loan. Can make copies at $.10 per page. 21 ------- NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library P.O. Box 27687 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611 TELEPHONE: (919) 733-4984 LIBRARIAN: Jane Basnight ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Carol Bryson HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 700 books, 16,000 documents, 200 subscriptions and 150 microform items covering the following subject areas: o Air quality o Coastal management o Forest resources o Mineral resources o Soil conservation o Water quality o Water resources INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No fee charged for loans. Accepts ALA forms; all ILL requests for out-of-print State documents should be sent to the North Carolina State Library (Agency's document depository). 22 ------- OHIO ADDRESS: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Library 1800 Watermark Drive Columbus, OH 43266-0149 TELEPHONE: (614)644-3024 LIBRARIAN: Ruth Ann Evans HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collections includes 2,870 books, 1,580 technical reports, 118 subscriptions and 309 microform items covering the following subject areas: o Environmental law o Ohio river water quality reports o Pollution control INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library does not charge a fee. Articles of more than 50 copies are refused. Books are loaned to other libraries if Ohio EPA staff do not have a use for them. ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED TELEPHONE BY THE HOTLINE HOURS 800-282-9378 Citizen inquiries are 8-5:00 p.m. answered on all environmental concerns 23 ------- OKLAHOMA ADDRESS: Oklahoma Department of Libraries U.S. Documents Division 200 N.E. 18th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3298 TELEPHONE: (405) 521-2502 LIBRARIAN: Steve Beleu ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: ' Njambi Kamoche HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: Depository library for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports in all environmental subjects. Total number of materials approximately 8,468 (paper 4,200; microfiche 4,268). INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No ILL fee; no lending restrictions. ILL open to all libraries in Oklahoma through the Oklahoma Telecommunications Interlibrary System (OTIS); open to out-of-state libraries through OCLC. 24 ------- PENNSYLVANIA ADDRESS: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Environmental Protection Technical Reference Library 17th Floor Fulton Building P.O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, PA 17120 TELEPHONE: (717)787-9647 LIBRARIAN: Julie K. Weaver HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 180 subscriptions, Comprehensive Water Management Program (COWAMP) collection and water quality material. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No charge for ILL. The library does not lend materials to the public ($.35 per copy charged to the public). 25 ------- PUERTO RICO ADDRESS: Environmental Quality Council Information Center Apartado11488 Santurce, Puerto Rico 00910 TELEPHONE: (809) 722-4868 LIBRARIAN: Oneida Delgado HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes approximately 2,000 printed documents and 8 subscriptions. The library is inthe process of being integrated to a UNESCO sponsored environmental information network with headquarters in Lima, Peru called REPIDISCA (Panamerican Information Network on Environmental Sciences and Sanitary Engineering). The library has already received microfilms of approximately 500 documents (in Spanish, English and Portuguese). INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: The library does not have an ILL fee, only postal charges. The loan is for two weeks. 26 ------- SOUTH CAROLINA ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIBRARIAN: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: HOURS: TIME ZONE: South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Medical Library, Educational Resource Center 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 734-4769 Michael Kronenfeld Cynthia Ross 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 5,000 books, 250 journals primarily covering the following subject area: o Toxicology INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No charge to any library which reciprocates. ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED TELEPHONE BY THE HOTLINE HOURS (803) 734-5424 Solid and hazardous waste emergency spill response 24 hrs/day 27 ------- TEXAS ADDRESS: Texas Air Control Board Library 6330 Highway 290 East Austin, TX 78723 TELEPHONE: (512) 451-5711, extension 397 LIBRARIAN: Kerry K. Williams HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 8,900 books/reports and 75 subscriptions covering the following subject areas: o Air pollution o Chemistry o Law o Meteorology o Physics INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No ILL policy. 28 ------- TEXAS ADDRESS: Texas Water Commission Library 1700 North Congress P.O. Box 13087 (Mailing Address) Austin, TX 78711-3087 TELEPHONE: (512) 463-7834 or 7837 LIBRARIAN: Sylvia von Fange ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Wanda Kurio HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 51,098 books/monographs; 441 periodicals; technical reports, microfilm and microfiche; vertical files; environmental impact statements; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publications; U.S. Geological Survey publications (Bulletins, Water Supply Papers, Circulars, Professional Papers and selected Water Resource Investigations); telephone directories from every Texas city; TexasA&M University Agricultural Experiment Station publications. Subject areas include: o Engineering o Geology o Hazardous waste o Remote sensing o Water pollution o Water resources development o Water rights o Weather modification INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Request accepted by phone or mail. No fees charged. 29 ------- ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED TELEPHONE BY THE HOTLINE HOURS (512)463-7727 Texas Emergency 24 hrs/day Response Center Oil/ Hazardous Substances Spills 30 ------- VIRGINIA ADDRESS: Virginia State Water Control Board Library 2111 N. Hamilton Street P.O. Box11143 Richmond, VA 23230-1143 TELEPHONE: (804) 367-6340 LIBRARIAN: Patricia Vanderland HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday - Friday TIME ZONE: Eastern DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 9,000 books, 75 subscriptions, 3,500 microforms and 1,500 reports covering the following subject areas: o Water o Water pollution and control o Water resources o Water supply INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: Photocopy fee: pages 1-10, no charge; 11-25 - $2.50; 26 and above $2.50 plus $.10 per page. Materials deemed noncirculating will be for in-library use only. ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED TELEPHONE BY THE HOTLINE HOURS (804) 367-0080 Pollution response 24 hrs/day 31 ------- WISCONSIN ADDRESS: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7921 Madison, Wl 53707 TELEPHONE: (608) 266-8933 LIBRARIAN: Patricia S. Parsons ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: Glenna Carter HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday - Thursday TIME ZONE: Central DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION AND SERVICES: The collection includes 10,000 books; 5,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports and 250 periodical subscriptions covering all environmental issues except marine. INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY: No ILL fee. Will not photocopy but will loan most things. 32 ------- SUBJECT INDEX TO ITEMS HELD BY STATE ENVIRONMENTAL LIBRARIES PAGE ACID RAIN Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 Georgia Fernbank Science Center 8 AIR POLLUTION Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 2 Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 California Air Resources Board Library 5 Georgia Fernbank Science Center 8 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 Texas Air Control Board Library 28 AIR QUALITY Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation (DEP/DOC) Library 12 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 CHEMISTRY Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 Texas Air Control Board Library 28 COASTAL MANAGEMENT North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 COASTAL RESOURCES New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Information Resource Center 20 33 ------- CONSERVATION Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 ECOLOGY Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7 ENERGY Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Research Center 19 ENGINEERING Texas Water Commission Library 29 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Library 23 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND LAW Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 34 ------- FOREST RESOURCES North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 GEOLOGY Texas Water Commission Library 29 GROUNDWATER Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 3 Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 10 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 HAZARDOUS WASTE California Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Technical Reference Library 6 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Library 21 Texas Water Commission Library 29 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 HYDROLOGY Iowa Department of Natural Resources Technical Library 11 Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 3 35 ------- LAW Massachusetts Water Resource Authority Library 14 Texas Air Control Board Library 28 METEOROLOGY Texas Air Control Board Library 22 MINERAL RESOURCES North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 23 • OHIO RIVER WATER QUALITY REPORTS Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Library 12 OIL AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation (DEP/DOC) Library 13 OIL POLLUTION Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 PESTICIDES Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 28 PHYSICS Texas Air Control Board Library 7 36 ------- PLANTS AND ANIMALS Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 23 POLLUTION CONTROL Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Library 23 RADIATION Iowa Department of Natural Resources Technical Library 11 New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Library 21 REMOTE SENSING Texas Water Commission Library 29 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 SMALL QUANTITY GENERATORS Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 17 SOIL CONSERVATION North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 SOIL POLLUTION Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 37 ------- SOLID WASTE Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 10 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Library 21 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 SURFACE WATER QUALITY New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Library 21 TOXICOLOGY Michigan Department of Natural Resources Great Lakes and Environmental Assessment Section Library 16 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Information Resource Center 20 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Medical Library, Educational Resource Center 27 WASTE MANAGEMENT Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 2 Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7 WASTE REDUCTION Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 10 38 ------- WASTE TREATMENT "Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 WASTEWATER Iowa Department of Natural Resources Technical Library 11 WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL Massachusetts Water Resource Authority Library 14 WATER Virginia State Water Control Board Library 30 WATER FLOW AND STORAGE Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 WATER MANAGEMENT Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Environmental Protection Technical Reference Library 25 WATER POLLUTION Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 2 Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 3 Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 Iowa Department of Natural Resources Technical Library 11 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Library 17 New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Library 21 Texas Water Commission Library 28 39 ------- Virginia State Water Control Board Library 31 WATER QUALITY Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation (DEP/DOC) Library 12 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Environmental Quality Library 13 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Environmental Protection Technical Reference Library 25 WATER RESOURCES Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 3 Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7 Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Research Center 19 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Information Resource Center 20 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Library 22 Texas Water Commission Library 29 Virginia State Water Control Board Library 31 WATER RIGHTS Arizona Department of Water Resources Library 3 Arizona Attorney General Civil Division Research Room 4 Texas Water Commission Library 29 WATER SUPPLY Massachusetts Water Resource Authority Library 14 Virginia State Water Control Board Library 31 40 ------- WEATHER MODIFICATION Texas Water Commission Library 29 WETLANDS Florida Environmental Library of Sarasota County 7 41 ------- LIST OF STATE ENVIRONMENTAL HOTLINE TELEPHONES ENVIRONMENTAL HOTLINE CONCERN COVERED NUMBER BY THE HOTLINE HOURS CALIFORNIA 1-800-258-6942 IOWA 1-515-281-8694 1-800-532-1114 MASSACHUSETTS 617-242-SAVE Reports on Illegal Dumping Emergency Spill Response Groundwater Hotline Water Conservation 24 hrs/day 8-4:30 p.m. 9-4:00 p.m. MINNESOTA 612-221-3999 1-800-228-5635 OHIO 800-282-9378 SOUTH CAROLINA 803-734-5424 Hazard Hotline (Metro area) Hazard Hotline (Out of State) Citizen inquiries on all environmental concerns Solid and hazardous waste emergency spill response 8-5:00 p.m. 24 hrs/day 43 ------- TEXAS 512-463-7727 Texas Emergency 24 hrs/day Response Center, Oil/ Hazardous Substances Spills VIRGINIA 804-367-0080 Pollution response 24 hrs/day 44 ------- DIRECTORY OF STATE ENVIRONMENTAL LIBRARIANS (BY LIBRARIAN) To assist in calling the various State environmental libraries, time zones have been included. The relationship is: Eastern Noon Central (C) 11:00a.m. Mountain (M) 10:00 a.m. Pacific (P) 9:00 a.m. NAME LOCATION TELEPHONE TIME ZONE Akey, Sharon Sacramento, CA (916)324-5898 Baratta, Maria Basnight, Jane Beleu, Steve Bews, Felice Bickford, Priscilla Brown, Shirley Bryson, Carol Trenton, NJ Raleigh, NC Oklahoma City, OK Phoenix, AZ Augusta, ME Atlanta, GA Raleigh, NC (609) 984-2249 (919) 733-4984 (405) 521-2502 (602)255-1550 (207) 289-2811 (404)378-4311 (919) 733-4984 E E C M E E E Calligan, Jacqueline Carter, Glenna Caso, Caspar Santa Fe, NM Madison, Wl Boston, MA (505) 827-2633 (608) 266-8933 (617)727-2590 M C E Delgado, Oneida Dolan, Mary M. Duong, Lieu Santurce, PR St. Paul, MN St. Paul, MN (809) 722-4868 (612)296-7719 (612)296-7719 E C C Edwards, Mark T. Sacramento, CA (916)323-8377 45 ------- NAME Evans, Ruth Ann Fitch, Marjorie Frickel, Julie Gotanda, Masae Idelberger, Linda Johnson, Anita D. Kamoche, Njambi Kronenfeld, Michael Kurio, Wanda Larsen, Mary Lockwood, Mary Lee Lydon, Mary E. McLane, Nancy McLellan, Mary Moore, Mary Lu Mora, Margie Nelson, Cecilia Papa, Angelo Parsons, Patricia Pfalzgraf, Lynette LOCATION Columbus, OH Lansing, Ml Helena, MT Honolulu, HI Sarasota, FL Savoy, IL Oklahoma City, OK Columbia, SC Austin, TX Atlanta, GA Lansing, Ml Boston, MA Helena, MT Boston, MA Phoenix, AZ Sacramento, CA Oes Moines, IA Trenton, NJ Madison, Wl Phoenix, AZ TELEPHONE (614)644-3024 (517)373-2190 (406) 444-6700 (808) 548-2346 (813) 924-9677 (217)333-8957 (405) 521-2502 (803) 734-4769 (512)463-7834 (404)378-4311 (517)373-2190 (617)242-6000 Ext 1195 (406) 444-6700 (617)727-2590 (602)255-1401 (916)323-8377 (515) 281-8897 (609) 984-2249 (608) 266-8933 (602)255-1401 TIME ZONE E E M P E C C E C E E E M E M P C E C M Ross, Cynthia Sloan, Katie Columbia, SC Jueanu, AK (803) 734-4769 (907) 465-2621 E P 46 ------- NAME LOCATION TELEPHONE TIME ZONE Strona, Proserfina Honolulu, HI (808) 548-2346 Vanderland, Patricia Von Fange, Sylvia Richmond, VA Austin, TX (804) 367-6340 (512)463-7834 E C Waldrip, Maryalice Weaver, Julie K. Williams, Kerry K. Phoenix, AZ Harrisburg, PA Austin, TX (602) 257-6959 (717)787-9647 (512)451-5711 Ext 397 M E C 47 ------- DIRECTORY OF STATE ENVIRONMENTAL LIBRARIANS (BY STATE) To assist in calling the various State environmental libraries, time zones have been included. LOCATION Eastern Central Mountain Pacific The relationship is: (C) (M) (P) LIBRARIAN Noon 11:00a.m. 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. TELEPHONE TIME ZONE ALASKA Jueanu, AK Sloan, Katie (907) 465-2621 ARIZONA Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Bews, Felice Moore, Mary Lu Pfalzgraf, Lynette Waldrip, Maryalice (602)255-1550 (602) 255-1401 (602)255-1401 (602) 257-6959 M M M M CALIFORNIA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA Akey, Sharon Edwards, Mark T. Mora, Margie (916)324-5898 (916) 323-8377 (916)323-8377 P P P FLORIDA Sarasota, FL Idelberger, Linda (813)924-9677 GEORGIA Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Brown, Shirley Larsen, Mary (404)378-4311 (404)378-4311 E E 49 ------- LOCATION HAWAII Honolulu, HI Honolulu, HI ILLINOIS Savoy, IL IOWA Des Moines, IA MAINE Augusta, ME MASSACHUSETTS Boston, MA Boston, MA Boston, MA MICHIGAN Lansing, Ml Lansing, Ml MINNESOTA St. Paul, MN St. Paul, MN MONTANA Helena, MT Helena, MT NEW JERSEY Trenton, NJ LIBRARIAN Gotanda, Masae Strona, Proserfina Johnson, Anita D. Nelson, Cecilia Bickford, Priscilla Caso, Caspar Lydon, Mary E. McLellan, Mary Fitch, Marjorie Lockwood, Mary Lee Dolan, Mary M. Duong, Lieu Frickel, Julie McLane, Nancy Baratta, Maria TELEPHONE (808) 548-2346 (808) 548-2346 (217)333-8957 (515)281-8897 (207)289-2811 (617)727-2590 (617)242-6000 (617)727-2590 (517)373-2190 (517)373-2190 (612) 296-7719 (612) 296-7719 (406) 444-6700 (406) 444-6700 (609) 984-2249 TIME ZONE P P C C E E E E E E C C M M E 50 ------- LOCATION LIBRARIAN TELEPHONE TIME ZONE Trenton, NJ Papa, Angelo (609) 984-2249 NEW MEXICO Santa Fe, NM Calligan, Jacqueline (505) 827-2633 M NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh, NC Raleigh, NC Basnight, Jane Bryson, Carol (919) 733-4984 E (919) 733-4984 E OHIO Columbus, OH Evans, Ruth Ann (614)644-3024 OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City, OK Beleu, Steve (405)521-2502 C Oklahoma City, OK Kamoche, Njambi (405)521-2502 C PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg, PA Weaver, Julie K. (717)787-9647 PUERTO RICO Santurce, PR Delgado, Oneida (809) 722-4868 SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia, SC Columbia, SC Kronenfeld, Michael (803) 734-4769 E Ross, Cynthia (803) 734-4769 E TEXAS Austin, TX Austin, TX Austin, TX Kurio, Wanda Von Fange, Sylvia Williams, Kerry K. (512)463-7834 (512)463-7834 (512)451-5711 Ext 397 C C C 51 ------- LOCATION LIBRARIAN TIME TELEPHONE ZONE VIRGINIA Richmond, VA Vanderland, Patricia (804) 367-6340 WISCONSIN Madison, Wl Madison, Wl Carter, Glenna (608) 266-8933 C Parsons, Patricia (608) 266-8933 C 52 * US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1988 - 516-002 - 1302/80248 ------- |