         Office of Cooperative Environmental Management

                    Directory of
    Cooperative University and Industry
Environmental Research and Development
                          June 1990
                         Prepared for:
       National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology
             Office of Cooperative Environmental Management
              United States Environmental Protection Agency
                   401 M Street, S.W. (A-101-F6)
                     Washington, DC 20460
                       David J. Graham
                       Project Manager
                         Prepared by:
              Foresight Science & Technology, Incorporated
                      2000 P Street, N.W.
                          Suite 305
                     Washington, DC  20036


                    Delta Research Corporation
                     1401 Wilson Boulevard
                          Suite 600
                      Arlington, VA 22209

This directory has been produced on behalf of die National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology by Foresight Science and
Technology and Delta Research Corporation under a contract with the Office of Cooperative Environmental Management All information contained
in this directory was obtained from published or readily available material. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of
the information contained in this directory. However, the Office of Cooperative Environmental Management, Foresight Science and Technology,
and Delta Research Corporation cannot ensure the accuracy of the information and are not liable forinaccuracies contained herein. Opinions contained
within this directory do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the EPA.

Updated information or any comments or recommendations that would be useful in further editions of this directory should be forwarded to the EPA
Project Manager, David J. Graham, Director of Technology Applications, Office of Cooperative Environmental Management (A-101-F6), U.S
Environmental Protection Agency, 401M Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460

                                                  Printed on 100% recycled paper

Purpose of This Book

   The 1990s is the decade of the environment. In
the United States and throughout the world, there is
widespread recognition that a renewed commitment
to environmental protection is vital for maintaining
both quality of life and economic vitality.

   Pan of this renewed commitment is seen in the
rapid growth of research and development (R&D) re-
lated to environmental technology. By environmen-
tal technology, we mean any set of techniques that
combine instruments or machines with human action
for the purpose of creating reproducible outcomes
relevant to environmental protection. Under this
definition, environmental technology is intentionally
broad. It ranges from monitoring technology for
detecting trace gases in rural areas, to improving in-
dustrial painting systems that reduce waste, to
developing  biodegradable detergents for washing

   Creating the scientific and engineering
knowledge base for continued advances in environ-
mental technology is a demanding task requiring
multi-disciplinary approaches, sophisticated ex-
perimental equipment, and advanced computing
capabilities. As a result, the environmental R&D
community—like other researchers in modem
science and engineering — has had to seek out ways
to better institutionalize arrangements for leveraging
scarce R&D resources and rapidly transferring new
knowledge into practical applications.

   The cooperative university and industry research
center has become a major force in the conduct of
multidisciplinary generic research with potential
practical applications. There are more than 200 en-
vironmental technology cooperative research centers
in the  United States alone. More than 100 of them
run annual budgets in excess of $1 million.

   These centers represent a pool that can enable
American industry and government to meet their
needs  for environmental technology and knowledge
in a more cost efficient manner. Yet because there
has been no comprehensive directory of such
centers, managers have often found themselves
"reinventing the wheel."
   Recognizing that the lack of a comprehensive
guide to these centers inhibited their use by the en-
vironmental and business communities, the Office of
Cooperative Environmental Management, U.S. En-
vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded
Foresight Science & Technology Incorporated to
catalogue all environmental technology centers in
the United States. The Directory of Cooperative
University and Industry Environmental Research
and Development Centers presents the results of this
   This Directory enables users to:
• Locate relevant expertise and technology at
• Find names of contact points at centers
• Read an overview of the activities of each center
• Assist in developing additional industry and
  government participation in centers
• Increase cooperation among centers through
  greater awareness of others working in environ-
  mental R&D.

Organization of the Directory

   The Directory is organized into six sections.
   The "Preface" introduces the Directory.
   The "Overview" provides an introduction to
cooperative university and industry R&D centers
and how they can assist in the development of
knowledge and technology for environmental protec-
   "Background on Cooperative University and
Industry R&D Centers" provides a brief history of
centers in the United States and discusses features
that help make them successful.

   "The Directory of Cooperative University  and
Industry Environmental R&D Centers" contains
detailed data on 114 centers with budgets hi excess
of $1 million and/or EPA support Information in-
cludes a brief description of the center and data on
size and scope, major areas of expertise, activities
conducted, current major projects, technology trans-
fer and outreach activities, and history.

   The appendix to the directory, "Other Coopera-
tive University and Industry Environmental R&D


Centers," contains a brief listing of all other centers          Personal Name Index (arranged by personal
identified with funding of less than $ 1 million.               names of center directors) including name of

    Four indexes will help you rapidly locate centers         O01lcr ***m addrcss
of particular interest to you.                                Subject Index (arranged by subject specialties 01
    Center Name Index (arranged by center name) is         centers)
    cross referenced to university/industry name

    Geographic Index (arranged by state and city)
    for all centers listed in the Directory

                        Table of Contents
Preface  	iii

Overview: The Utility of Cooperative R&D Centers for Developing
Environmental Technology  	vii

Background on Cooperative University and Industry R&D Centers  	xiii

Directory of Cooperative University and Industry Environmental
Research and Development Centers  	1

Appendix	93

Center Name Index	105

Geographic Index	Ill

Personal Name Index	119

Subjectlndex	127

    The Utility  of Cooperative R&D  Centers  for
        Developing Environmental Technology
   Environmental technology is any set of techni-
ques combining instruments or machines with
human action for the purpose of creating
reproducible outcomes relevant to environmental
protection. It is important to recognize that under
this definition, not all environmental technological
improvements result from R&D.
   As in other technologies, innovations can
emerge from a variety of sources. Especially where
small, incremental innovations are involved, it is the
people with extensive hands-on experience who
often generate them. Thus, in manufacturing, ways
of using machine adjustments to eliminate wasteful
use of raw materials are often first seen by produc-
tion workers. The ability to stimulate such innova-
tion is one of the arguments supporting quality
control circles in factories. Other innovations come
from "garage shop" inventors. Here an individual's
insight, for whatever reason, enables one to see a
solution that has escaped others.
   Despite the multiple sources of technological in-
novation, it remains true that in today's increasingly
complex industrial order, systematic R&D looms
ever important as the driver of technology.

Why Centers?

   R&D has always played a role in technological
innovation. But prior to World War n, little attention
was paid to how to best organize linkages between
the R&D community and the end-users of informa-
tion generated in industry and government.
   Until about 20 years ago, two models for or-
ganizing the link between R&D and R&D users
predominated — university and industry.
   In the universities, the traditional method for
conducting R&D involved a single investigator or a
small team working on a project The problems
being studied were selected based primarily on the
intellectual curiosity of the researchers. It was a mat-
ter of chance whether anything relevant for practical
application would emerge. Researchers or teams
would pursue work on their own, sharing the
knowledge they gained through publication hi the
scientific and engineering literature, papers at profes-
sional meetings, and informal correspondence.
Transfer of knowledge into practical applications
would take place only if someone from industry or
government happened to become aware of the re-
search results.

   Although practical issues did not greatly in-
fluence the selection of research topics, and despite
the fact that technology transfer was not viewed as a
major concern, this model did produce impressive
results, particularly when R&D funds were plentiful.
It enabled a diversified, multifaceted research agen-
da to go forward. American researchers, pursuing
their own ideas, came to dominate world science and
engineering — as reflected in the capture of Nobel
Prizes. One result was that a great supply of "intel-
lectual seed corn" was generated. When tapped by
entrepreneurs from both large and small companies,
this knowledge provided the basis for industries
such as biotechnology and photonics.

   Although the traditional model remains an im-
portant part of American R&D, two problems have
limited its utility during the latter part of the 20th
century. First, the cost of conducting R&D has ex-
panded greatly as sophisticated experimental and
computational tools have become necessities. The
capital to purchase these tools can often be found
only when the researchers are brought together to
share the equipment. Second, the explosion of
knowledge generated under the traditional model
created a situation in which researchers had to in-
creasingly specialize to push the frontiers of their
fields. Yet specializing means that many research is-
sues can only be addressed by building larger inter-
disciplinary teams which rely on cooperation and
coordination for their success.

   In industry too, most work was conducted by
single investigators or small teams. However, in con-
trast to university research, because the work was

supported by a company, R&D generally focused on
specific problems. Larger companies often had a
two-tier laboratory structure. Most labs were at-
tached to specific production units and worked on
quick turn-around solutions. A central corporate lab
would focus on longer-term problems relating to
new product development. But even at the central
lab level, funding was driven by people in the com-
pany looking for solutions to their problem. There
were few places (like Bell Laboratories) where com-
panies supported high-risk, long-term, open-ended
basic research.

    Although transfer of the resulting knowledge
into practical application was less of a problem in in-
dustry, this R&D model had other weaknesses. Most
importantly, the focus on shorter-term problems
meant that there was little time to explore more
generic research issues which might lead to
breakthroughs. Nor were there many opportunities
to pursue promising lines of research, because once
a specific problem was solved, the scientist or en-
gineer was expected to take up the next item on the
company's already full agenda.

    By the 1960s, it was clear that what was needed
was an institutional format which could bring
together the broader, more generic R&D focus of
the university and the applications orientation of in-
dustry. At the same time, this institutional format
had to be able to aggregate resources to make it
feasible to buy the expensive tools and support the
larger teams needed to conduct larger R&D projects.

    The cooperative university/industry R&D center
provides this institutional format Drawing financial
support from academia, industry, and often govern-
ment, the center is able to leverage scarce resources.
By conducting a multiproject research agenda  in a
generic problem area, the center brings together a
critical mass of researchers. Industrial participants
help shape the center's research agenda, contributing
to its relevance for subsequent practical applications.
At the same time, the presence of the center in a
university and its multiple sponsorship helps ensure
that the research conducted is more generic than that
found in company laboratories.

   The results are:
•  A synergistic environment for the generation of
   knowledge so that results from one project can be
   rapidly shared among the research teams at  the
   center and the center's sponsors; and,
•  A more rapid transfer of knowledge into practical
   applications as industrial participants use the
  R&D results to gain a return on their investment
  in the center.

Definition and Functions of Cooperative
University and Industry Environmental
Research and Development Centers

    For purposes of the Directory, we have included
centers which have four distinguishing features:

1.   The research program is primarily carried out by a
    university or a cooperating set of universities.
2.   The primary user communities for the results of
    the center's research program are private
    companies, governments, or nonprofit
    environmental organizations.
3.   The sources of research funding and in-kind
    support include private companies from the user
    communities, which have self-identified needs
    for new environmental knowledge and
    technology, but may also include government
    and other private sector sponsors.
4.   The ultimate objective of the center is to transfer
    the scientific, engineering, and technical
    knowledge it develops to its user communities.

    Centers meeting these criteria serve three impor-
tant functions in support of the environment:

1.   They develop technology which solves specific
    environmental problems.
2.   They generate knowledge needed to support
    further advances in environmental technology.
3.   They develop environmentally progressive
    technology which enables industry to avoid the
    traditional antagonism of environmental
    protection versus financial reward.

    These functions are not unique to these centers.
Research conducted by EPA laboratories, through
traditional academic methods or by industry teams,
can also serve these functions. Yet what these
centers bring is an organizational structure for R&D
management and the conduct of research and tech-
nology transfer which has been explicitly designed
to fulfill these functions.

Benefits of New Environmental Knowledge
and Technology and Their Dissemination

    Three major benefits result from new environ-
mental knowledge and technology:
1.   Increased capability to address environmental
2.   Expansion of scientific and engineering

3.  Opportunities to transcend the traditional
    antagonism between environmental protection
    and economic growth.
    First, technological innovations can help solve
some of our most pressing environmental problems.
Many environmental laws incorporate the notion
that polluters must use the best available technology
to monitor and mitigate environmental problems. As
innovations are developed, the quality of environ-
mental protection is thereby enhanced. The results
of this approach are everywhere. For example, over
the past two decades, smokestack scrubbers have al-
most entirely eliminated traditional black cloud in-
dustrial pollution in the United States.

    Second, environmental R&D contributes to the
science and engineering knowledge needed for fu-
ture technological innovations. R&D relevant to en-
vironmental technology is a multidisciplinary
matter. As a result, background knowledge and tech-
nological innovations result from a two-way interac-
tion between environmental specialists and other
researchers. Ideas generated in nonenvironmental
scientific and engineering disciplines are applied in
new ways to address environmental issues. These ap-
plications, in turn, create new insights which cross-
fertilize other parts of science, engineering, and

    The interactive manner in which advances in
knowledge relevant to environmental technology are
made can be seen in the following example.
Physicists and chemists have explored the changes
that high energy particles can introduce in materials.
Building on this basic research, The Drinking Water
Research Center at Florida International University
recently developed a new approach to removing pol-
lution. The center built a pilot plant which uses an
electron accelerator to bombard waste water with
high energy electrons. The plant can treat ap-
proximately 175,000 gallons of water and waste per

    Major advances in nonenvironmental
knowledge can, in turn, result from efforts to solve
specific environmental problems. One example with
respect to monitoring comes from the Superfund Pro-
gram. During clean-up efforts, workers were
hampered by the behavior of pollutants in water.
Some wastes clumped together and formed what are
called dense nonaqueous pollutant layers
(DNAPLS), which sink to the bottom of lakes and
streams. Other pollutants are not dense (NAPLS),
and thus float on top. This discovery has heralded a
new body of knowledge and research on the interac-
tion, transport, and fate of these layers.
    Third, and finally, from a practical applications
standpoint, generic R&D can help move us beyond
the traditional tradeoffs between environmental
protection and economic productivity and profits.
One example of economically beneficial pollution
control comes from the metal plating industry. EPA
regulations required companies to recycle waste
water which contained large levels of cyanide.
Cyanide was a particular problem for the jewelry in-
dustry. The industry's initial response was that
profits and productivity would suffer due to environ-
mental protection. The development of a recovery
process using ion transfer technology changed that
attitude. Companies discovered that the process
enabled recovery and reuse of previously lost gold,
silver, and platinum, resulting in increased revenues.

    Another example of a spinoff benefit for in-
dustry from environmental technology can be found
in the auto industry. Researchers at EPA's Atmos-
pheric Research and Exposure Assessment Lab at
Research Triangle Park were working on the effects
of acid rain on metal corrosion. In the process, they
discovered new ways to analyze and track the be-
havior of materials as they weather. After learning
about these techniques, Ford Motor Company used
the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986 to con-
tract with the lab for a study on the lifetime of
automobile coatings and paints.

    To get such benefits to their user community,
cooperative environmental R&D centers use a
variety of passive and active techniques. Those most
widely used are "passive" in the sense that the center
or its participants make information available but do
not actively seek out parties who may be interested
in the information. Examples of passive technology
transfer include the traditional academic methods of
giving papers at professional meetings, publishing
research results in the scientific and engineering
literature, and patenting. (When centers such as the
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station at Texas
A&M University file their patents, the patent serves
as the information disseminator). Newsletters, such
as mat produced annually at the Center for Complex
Flow Measurements at Case Western University, are
also commonly used passive techniques. Annual
reports serve a similar function.

    To some extent, all centers also use "active"
technology transfer techniques. Obtaining and keep-
ing industrial and government sponsors is an active
outreach and liaison effort. Centers such as the En-

vironmental Research Center at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas hold symposia and meetings on
topics related to their research agenda. Many
centers, such as the Center for Research in Water
Resources at the University of Texas in Austin, have
active programs of short courses. Perhaps the most
aggressive active outreach is seen at centers af-
filiated with land grant institutions. For example,
Michigan State University's Pesticide Research Ser-
vice uses the Cooperative Extension Service as a
technology transfer tool for reaching one of its user
    The following chart indicates the use of various
technol     ransfer techniques by the major centers

      Technology Transfer Techniques
 Annual Reports
                  20      40      60

                      Number of Centers
    In addition, this Directory provides the names,
addresses, and phone numbers of the directors of
each center listed. These individuals can assist Direc-
tory users tap the resources of their centers.

Sources of Center Funding

    Funding for university and industry cooperative
environmental R&D centers typically comes from
organizations that benefit from the research con-
ducted or those interested in stimulating the develop-
ment of environmental knowledge and technology.
The three primary sources of funds are the Federal
Government,  state governments, and industry. Other
sources include the host university, foundations, and
nonprofit organizations representing industries with
environmental concerns or citizens promoting en-
vironmental issues. Additional funds are obtained
through licensing technology developed at the center
as well as fees charged for publications, educational
and training courses, and meetings.
    The chart below shows the percentage of funds
from various sources going to the centers included
in this Directory and the aggregate amount from
each source.

             Sources of Funding
                   Industry $314.7
                              Universities $26.8
                                 State Government

                                   195.0 11%

      Federal Government     $1188.0  67%

                 (dollars in millions)

Technical Areas of Expertise of Cooperative
University and Industry Environmental
R&D Centers

    Because of the interdisciplinary character of en-
vironmental R&D, a vast range of expertise is found
at the various centers. This expertise is utilized
across the R&D and product development spectrum.
The most prevalent activities of centers are basic
and applied research. Product development (includ-
ing plant and animal breeding) is also conducted at
many centers. As part of these activities, many
centers have developed unique facilities and labs.
For example, the Geophysics Institute at the Univer-
sity of Alaska at Fairbanks operates the Poker Flat
Rocket Range. Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at the
University of California at Davis operates 60 air
sampling stations across the U.S. The Waste
Management and Research Consortium at New
Mexico State University runs a waste isolation pilot

    Supplementing core R&D activities are services
for business and government. A few centers, such as

the National Environmental Technology Applica-
tions Corporation (NETAQ at the University of
Pittsburgh will evaluate innovations for commer-
cialization. Other centers, such as the Institute of
Water Research at the University of Michigan, have
programs that assist government officials to better
understand environmental information and to in-
tegrate that information into public policy.
    The following chart indicates the relative impor-
tance of activities for the major centers surveyed.

             Current Activity Mix
      Basic Research

 Prototype Development

       Field Testing

  Performance Testing

   Market Assessment

  Commercial Products

   Unique Specialties
                     20    40    60    80
                       Number of Centers
Relation to Environmental Concerns
    The research projects of cooperative environ-
mental R&D centers can be related to specific en-
vironmental concerns. For purposes of this
Directory, nine specific focuses have been distin-
guished. The Subject Index helps readers locate
centers working in each of these specific areas. As
most centers conduct work that falls into more than
one area, centers are listed under each relevant

Hazardous Substances.  Hazardous substance
concerns all aspects of the EPA Superfund program
as well as smaller cleanup efforts. Among the re-
search areas included are: health effects, risk assess-
ment, alternative technology, fate and transport, and
ecological risk.

Solid Waste.  This area relates to the EPA Solid
Waste Office and is concerned with wastes from the
cradle to the grave. Included are the development of
better management techniques for handling wastes,
as well as new ways to minimize their production.
Other topics are: human health effects, risk assess-
ment, land disposal, recycling, waste treatment,
waste minimization, municipal solid waste, and
transport and fate.

Air Quality.  Related to the EPA division with the
same name, research in this area is concerned with
both outdoor and indoor air quality. Research
projects may relate regulatory efforts such as the Na-
tional Air Quality Standards (NAQS) and the New
Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new
plants; or more generic efforts involving hazardous
air pollutants, mobile source pollutants, indoor air
quality, stratospheric ozone, global warming, acid
deposition and acid rain, combustion, and air radia-

Water Quality.  Research in this area involves en-
vironmental concerns in both fresh and salt water.
Among the topics are oil spills, waste water treat-
ment technology, ground water, health effects of
drinking water contaminants, drinking water technol-
ogy, and marine estuaries and lakes. Also included
are aquaculture and studies related to marine plants
and animals.

Pesticides and Toxicology.   Again related to the
concerns of an EPA division, this area includes the
effects of pesticides and toxic substances on the en-
vironment and human health. Among the relevant
topics are biotechnology, test methods development,
human health, asbestos, exposure monitoring,
ecological fate and transport, ecotoxicology, and pes-
ticide disposal.

Agriculture and Ecology.   While overlapping
somewhat with areas listed above, R&D under this
category focuses on the monitoring and/or improve-
ment of agriculture. Ecological studies include
general studies, wildlife management, endangered
species, etc. Restoration issues are also included.

Industrial Technology.  Research in this area re-
lates to environmentally sensitive innovations in
process technology or products. Examples of topics
include better controls for industrial processes, new
techniques such as applications of lasers to cross-cut-
ting monitoring technology, and new or improved
energy sources (such as solar, wind, and geothermal
energy generation systems).

Cross-Cutting Human Health.   While the focus
of identifiable impacts on human health from par-
ticular environmental concerns is dealt with under


other topics, this area includes more general studies
on environmental health. Topics range from health
effects in the home to occupational environmental
health to human genome studies.

Public Awareness.   Studies in this area involve
the assessment of what specific groups or the public
in general know about the environment and of their
concerns about the environment. Social scientific re-
search related to environmental issues also falls
within this area, as do projects involving the develop-
ment of ways to increase awareness of environmen-
tal issues and to avoid or mitigate environmental
problems. Land-use studies are included as pan of
avoiding or mitigating  environmental problems.
   The following chart indicates the number of
major centers with specific environmental focuses.
As noted earlier, centers with more than one focus
are included in each relevant category.
            Environmental Focuses
 Agriculture & Ecology

         Air Quality

       Human Hearth

 Hazardous Substances

  Industrial Technology

Pesticides & Toxicology

    Public Awareness

        Solid Waste

       Water Quality
                                                                           Number of Centers

     Background on Cooperative University  and
                         Industry R&D  Centers
What Is a Center?

    Cooperative university/industry environmental
R&D centers are generally recognized by a set of
basic structures and attributes which identify the cen-
ter as a separate and distinct institution. Thus, they
differ from an informal team or area of emphasis
within an academic department or interdepartmental
cooperative program.

    Structurally, each center has independent leader-
ship/ management, research, and support com-
ponents which identify it as a distinct organizational
entity. Leadership is commonly exercised by a noted
scientist or engineer who serves as the center's direc-
tor. The director is frequently supported by deputy
directors for administration and for industrial and
government liaison. The research components may
take a variety of organizational formats, ranging
from floating project-specific teams to dedicated
labs for various studies to departments distinguished
by area of expertise. Regardless of the format, staff-
ing consists of specialists from all professional
levels. Often there is a core of Ph.D. level scientists
and engineers who have joint appointments both in
the center and in an academic department These in-
dividuals are supplemented by senior Ph.D. level re-
searchers and fellows with Ph.D.s who hold
appointments only in the center. In-house staff may
be supplemented by researchers on loan from in-
dustrial and government sponsors of the center. A
staff of masters- and baccalaureate-level technicians
is employed by the center to support the research
program. Finally, a cadre of graduate and, less fre-
quently, undergraduate students from the university
rounds off the research staff. The support com-
ponents consist of the personnel normally found in
any major research entity. Departments are estab-
lished to handle accounting, fund-raising, main-
tenance, etc.

    From an attributes standpoint, the distinct re-
search focus of these centers provides an intellectual
cohesiveness to the institution. Associated with this
focus are:
• Research projects within the general research
• Research personnel from different science, en-
  gineering, and business-related disciplines
• Research facilities and equipment sufficient to
  support both single and multiple project needs
• Administrative, maintenance, and other support
  personnel and facilities capable of supporting the
  R&D program
• Funding to support current activities, plan future
  activities, and support marketing to obtain future
• Private and public sector efforts to learn of the
  outcomes of the R&D being conducted.

    Cooperative R&D centers are often confused
with R&D consortia. While the two are similar, they
differ in terms of the integration and concentration
of their research and the make-up of their sponsors.

    Consortia tend to concentrate on a small number
of R&D projects that are well integrated. Because of
their tight focus, all consortia participants are equal-
ly interested in all of the program activities. One of
the best known consortia is the Microelectronics and
Computer Corporation (MCC) in Austin, Texas.

    The industrial sponsors of consortia encourage a
focus on technology that can  be shared by all par-
ticipants without adverse competitive impacts on
any of them. Typically, the focus is on generic R&D
that leads to improvements in production technol-
ogy. Although production technology is key for
productivity enhancement, competition is not
generally based on manufacturing prowess. Still,
companies need state-of-the-art production in order
to be able to sustain product competition. Conduct-
ing such R&D through the consortium enables the
sponsors to reduce the costs of obtaining state-of-the-
art manufacturing capability. Establishing the
feasibility of a new product line may be another
focus. By conducting the higher risk, longer-term
feasibility study at the consortium, the risk in new
product development for the  members is reduced.
Further, where feasibility is established, the
knowledge needed for rapid product development is

available. Once feasibility is established, the project
is commonly terminated, and the results are trans-
ferred to the consortium's members. They do the ac-
tual product development, with the result that
several proprietary variants emerge on the market.

    A consequence of the tighter focus is seen in the
funding of consortia. Because the sponsors are
predominantly from private industry, there is tighter
adherence to industrial goals of obtaining R&D
results that can be readily integrated into production
or other business activities.

    Although dominated by the private sector,
government agencies are involved in many consor-
tia. An agency may serve as the host of a consor-
tium, even when industrial support predominates. In
such instances, the consortium's agenda closely
matches the mission of the agency. An example is
the Consortium for Automated Analytic Laboratory
Systems at the National Institute for Standards and
Technology in Washington, D.C. A government
agency also may provide financial support when the
consortium's research program reflects mission
needs of the agency. Department of Defense support
for the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)
in Raleigh, N.C. is an example.

    In contrast, centers typically have a more diffuse
research program, combining both longer-term basic
research and more targeted applied research and
development. The more diffuse agenda offers in-
dustrial sponsors a "window" on emerging
knowledge in the research area of the center while
still meeting more immediate concerns through at
least some of the projects being conducted. Yet a
consequence of conducting some projects beyond
the short-term needs of industrial sponsors is that
state, Federal, and foundation sources of R&D fund-
ing typically must be tapped, too. This phenomenon
occurs at the National Science Foundation Center of
Excellence in Computer Software at Carnegie-Mel-
lon University and the Cornell University Center of
Excellence in Small Particle Physics.

Activities of Centers

    Most centers combine three activities: R&D,
business development and services, and training and
education. Depending on the focuses of the center,
these activities will have differing importance.

Research and Development.  The research agen-
da of most centers emphasizes applied research. Al-
though basic research is conducted, it is typically
"generic" work targeted towards enhancing the
knowledge base required for applied research.
    Although the emphasis is on applied research,
product development is conducted by most centers.
Except where an individual product or process
development has been specified by a funding or-
ganization as a condition of financial support, the
product development work is conducted at the "pre-
competitive," proof of feasibility stage. This orienta-
tion makes it possible for companies which normally
compete at the product development level to join a
center where all supporters share the results.

    Looked at nationally, the research focuses of
centers are extremely wide. We have already indi-
cated the range of diversity within environmental
centers. The National Science Foundation, the lead-
ing government agency for stimulating the forma-
tion of cooperative centers, has initiated more than
60 centers engaged in research ranging from
analog/digital circuits and advanced electron devices
for telecommunications to welding, to advanced
combustion, to biotechnology process engineering,
and robotic systems in microelectronics.

Business and Development Services.   The
primary business service provided by cooperative
university/industry research centers is technology
transfer. A variety of mechanisms are used, includ-
ing special meetings for sponsors, research fellows
from sponsors, general symposia, newsletters, short
courses, patent licensing, and extension services.

    Some centers go further. Centers may provide
services such as new product assessment, scientific
and engineering literature reviews, technical market
research, and business planning to smaller busi-
nesses. Because the resource base of their small busi-
ness clientele is limited, these activities are typically
underwritten by Federal agencies (such as the Small
Business Administration) or state high technology
economic development agencies.

    Centers sometimes establish an affiliated innova-
tion and/or incubation facility in order to encourage
entrepreneurial spinoffs from research programs.
These facilities may be either public or private.
Centers may seek a return on investment by taking
equity positions in the companies assisted.

Training and Education.  Training and education
are major adjuncts of most R&D centers. From the
university side, emphasis is usually placed on provid-
ing graduate students with industrially relevant ex-
perience. Short courses and symposia for industrial

and government researchers also are common and
frequently used as supplemental sources of income.

Motivations for Forming Centers

    Centers are formed when universities and in-
dustry perceive an opportunity for long-term col-
laboration on pressing problems. The university
usually is seeking a way of leveraging additional
financial and in-kind support to enable its faculty to
work on challenging problems. Additionally, the
university often is seeking to better meet its educa-
tional and training mission by providing to faculty
and students exposure to industrial needs and re-
search capabilities. For its part, industry usually is
looking for a steadily expanding pool of solutions to
a problem area. If the problem is not perceived as
pressing, industrial financial support is difficult to
obtain. Yet the character of the problem must be
generic, somewhat amorphous, and require a multi-
year effort. A further motivation is to influence the
training of students and better meet recruitment
    Problems which are too highly specific and
short-term do not lend themselves to solution
through centers. For example, suppose a company
wants to create a better resin for a particular high-
temperature composite in order to make structural
parts for an aerospace plane. The company likely
will mount an in-house effort to conduct the R&D.
In this case, a collaborative effort with a university
and other competitors may not be appropriate be-
cause the specific knowledge sought may provide a
competitive advantage for the company which
develops it. Further, because the problem is clearly
defined, the project can be controlled through nor-
mal industrial R&D management techniques.
Progress can be assessed against a substantive goal
and project completion date. When the rate of
progress is unsatisfactory, specific corrective steps
can be taken.
    More diffuse, longer-term problems lend them-
selves to a center. For example, suppose the problem
is how to create higher temperature composites in an
environmentally acceptable manufacturing process.
This problem is of interest to aircraft companies,
auto companies, engine manufacturers, boiler
manufacturers, and so forth. While important for
each of them, they are end-users of the composites
so they do not compete directly. Thus, there is a sub-
stantial pool of underlying knowledge and technol-
ogy which can be shared without giving any one
company a significant competitive advantage. Also,
there is no clear end point for the research. Better
and better high temperature composites can be
developed over the years. A collaborative effort
makes sense, as it reduces the cost of obtaining that
knowledge and technology for each participant.
Finally, the generic character of the R&D required
lends itself to the university setting. Universities are
known for taking broader approaches to problems
due to their tradition of basic research. Another ad-
vantage is that regardless of what issues may arise
during the R&D, the larger faculty pool provides a
resource from which multidisciplinary teams can be
drawn to support the core center staff.

    Federal and state agencies also play an impor-
tant role in stimulating the formation of centers. One
of the government's primary motivations for run-
ning a centers program is to stimulate job creation
and economic prosperity. Often using the enticement
of matching funds, agencies seek to stimulate in-
dustrial competitiveness by encouraging universities
to form centers in the expectation that the centers
will increase industry investment in R&D and ac-
celerate the rate of industry adoption of scientific
and engineering advances. With mission agencies
such as the Department of Defense or NASA,
centers also provide a way to leverage government
R&D funds dedicated to specific agency needs.

    While most centers form  around problems as-
sociated with industrial competitiveness, this Direc-
tory demonstrates that environmental and other
concerns can motivate formation of centers.

Reasons for Staying Involved With a Center

    Center participants in centers expect a flow of
benefits to justify their continued affiliation. While
there are few studies on how participants measure
the benefits they receive, "Evaluation of the NSF In-
dustry/University Cooperative Research Centers:
Longitudinal Analysis of Outcome and Process"
(Denis Gray, Teresa Gidley, and Nancy Koester,
North Carolina State University, December, 1989)
and the experience of Foresight Technology, Inc., in
helping form and fund centers suggest the following
reasons why centers survive.

    Four benefits help ensure continued industry

1.  Enhanced research productivity inside the company
2.  Better personnel recruitment
3.  Obtaining rights to patents on which proprietary
    products can be based
4.  Commercially successful products based on
    center-developed knowledge and technology.

    Universities point to five benefits in justifying
their continued operation of centers:

1.   Better student recruitment (especially at the
    graduate level and in continuing post-graduate
2.   Better faculty recruitment
3.   Increased access to government R&D funds
4.   Increased access to private sector funds
5.   Increased revenues from patents.

These benefits are seen as causing expansion in the
university's research program and enhancement of
the knowledge base within the university.
    State and Federal Government program
managers highlight three benefits when they seek
budgets to support centers:

1.   Better leverage of scarce R&D funds
2.   More rapid transfer of academic knowledge into
3.   Better U.S. industrial competitiveness.

These benefits result in generation of employment
and an improved tax base.
Federal Involvement With Centers

First Centers.  The major push for the develop-
ment of cooperative university/industry environmen-
tal R&D centers came from the Federal government.
During the late 1960s and the 1970s, the Federal
agencies and Congress debated over how the United
States could improve the ability of academic re-
search to contribute to industrial technology. A num-
ber of initiatives emerged, one of which was the first
civilian centers program: the Industry/University
Cooperative Research Centers program at the Na-
tional Science Foundation. Begun in 1978, this pro-
gram focused on assisting the formation of
long-term collaboration between a university and a
group of companies.
    The Industry/University Cooperative Research
Centers program provides the basic model for all
Federal centers. The program stimulates the interac-
tion of the university and industrial communities on
generic, long-term scientific  and engineering re-
search. To ensure that a center's research focus is
pertinent to industry, NSF requires matching in-
dustrial funds as part of the review process in
making awards for Federal support Further, NSF
money is explicitly defined as "seed money."
Centers must become self-sufficient within five
years of inception as Federal funds are phased out
    While the structure of NSF Industry/University
Cooperative Research (VUCR) Centers varies, there
are common elements. Each center has an industrial
advisory board made up of companies that directly
fund its research. This board sets research priorities
and directions. New technology produced at the
centers is either jointly owned by the university and
the companies on the advisory board or by the
university with preferential licensing rights held by
the companies.
    Today there are 421/UCR centers. Four are in-
volved in R&D related to environmental technology:
the Center for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Manage-
ment at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the
Center for Plastics Recycling at Rutgers, the Center
for Life Cycle Engineering at the University of
Maryland, and the Center for Aseptic Processing at
North Carolina State University.

    The early success of the NSF program spurred
interest in centers. In 1980, Congress enacted two
laws which provided a basic framework for Federal
programs to stimulate centers. Senator Adlai Steven-
son III championed the Stevenson-Wydler Act (P.L.
96-480), which authorized the Secretary of Com-
merce to establish centers for industrial technology
and gave statutory backing for centers at NSF. The
Stevenson-Wydler Act also required Commerce and
NSF to cooperate with other R&D agencies  and
authorized those agencies to participate in, con-
tribute to, and serve as resources for centers for in-
dustrial technology. Helping ensure that industry
could benefit from R&D conducted at centers  was
the Bayh-Dole Patent Act (P.L. 96-517 1980). This
law gave universities the right to patent technologies
developed under Federal funding.

Expansion of Federal Centers Programs.   The
Department of Commerce Centers for Industry Tech-
nology authorized by the Stevenson-Wydler Act did
not materialize until Congress broadened the mis-
sion of the National Bureau of Standards and
renamed it the National Institute for Standards and
Technology (NIST). At that time, under the leader-
ship of Senator Fritz Boilings, NIST initiated  a pro-
gram of manufacturing technology transfer centers.
Despite this fact, Stevenson-Wydler did provide an
impetus for more Federal involvement in stimulating
the formation of centers.

    Established in 1958, NASA was the only  agency
whose establishing legislation included technology
transfer to industry as part of its core mission.
NASA served that function by establishing technol-
ogy transfer offices at each NASA research center

and by establishing Industrial Application Centers
(IACs). The lACs are resource centers for industry.
They focus on facilitating transfer of existing NASA
technologies to industry. NASA's goal for the lACs
is to discover secondary applications for existing
technology by using NASA's vast technological
database to locate technology applicable to problems
identified by industrial IAC clients. Most lACs are
university based and are funded through fees and the
affiliated university in addition to NASA.
    In the early 1980s, the Office of Commercial
Programs began exploring additional tools for meet-
ing the technology transfer mission. The NSF
I/URCs program was one option examined. Based
on a favorable review of that program, NASA
developed the Centers for the Commercial Develop-
ment of Space program (CCDS).

    CCDSs were designed to get private industry in-
volved in new space technology.  Private companies
pay membership fees to be on a center's board of
directors. This board decides what kind of research
will be pursued. To date, there are 16 CCDSs in ex-
istence. While industrial support is important,
NASA provides more than just seed money for its
centers — each one receives approximately $1 mil-
lion a year in Federal support. Several CCDSs are
carrying out environment-related work through their
focus on remote sensing.

    In the early 1980s, Congress  pressured NSF to
increase the importance of engineering research
within the Foundation. One response, developed in
1985, was the establishment of the Engineering Re-
search Centers (ERC) program. The goal  of the ERC
program is to bring engineering and scientific dis-
ciplines together to address fundamental research is-
sues that are crucial to the next generation of
technological advances. The three objectives of this
program are to:

1.  Establish cross-disciplinary research centers
2.  Strengthen the links between university
    researchers and their industrial counterparts in
    order to focus research on topics of specific
    interest to industry
3.  Educate students in integrating and managing
    technological systems.

    ERCs are also expected to reach out within the
host university and to other academic institutions in
their region in order to enhance the overall character
of engineering education and research in that area.
Because an ERC places greater emphasis on general
engineering education and on longer-term basic re-
search than the I/URCs, NSF support is not
restricted to seed money. Funding is granted in five-
year blocks based on annual NSF reviews. Important
for funding renewal is a major review three years
after the initial award of five-year funding.

    Currently, there are 18 ERCs, with plans to ex-
pand that number to 25 in the next few years. Two
ERCs are doing environment-related research: the
Center for Hazardous Substance Control at the
University of California, Los Angeles and the recent-
ly established Microbial Contamination Control Cen-
ter at Montana State University.

    The success of NSF centers programs en-
couraged the Foundation to establish an additional
initiative in 1988. Based on the ERC model, the
Science and Technology Research Centers (STC)
program was established to promote basic research
that can most effectively be accomplished through
centers. These centers focus on complex research
problems that are large scale, long term, and may re-
quire special facilities or collaborative relationships
across scientific and engineering disciplines.
Specific objectives are to:

• Advance research on problems so complex and so
  resource-intensive that only a financially secure
  long-term center could produce results
• Reduce the time between actual discovery and
  utilization of fundamental research results
• Increase U.S. industrial competitiveness.

    Accordingly, the core mission of STCs includes
ensuring industrial participation in the research and
education program and transferring research results
to industry. Recognizing, however, that the high-
risk, long-term focus of the research conducted by
STCs makes it difficult to support centers solely on
industrial contributions, NSF anticipates approxi-
mately 11 years of Federal support for STCs.

    Currently there are 11 centers. NSF anticipates
having 30 STCs within a few years. Two centers are
conducting research relevant for environmental tech-
nology. The Michigan State University Center for
Microbial Ecology is looking at the physiology and
genetics of micro-organisms and how these or-
ganisms affect their ecological surroundings. The
University of Oklahoma Center for Analysis and
Prediction of Storms is studying major storms, such
as thunderstorms, tornados, and flash floods.

    The EPA Environmental Research Centers were
created in 1979 to provide support to institutions
willing to dedicate their efforts for several years to

addressing especially serious or complex environ-
mental problems of concern to EPA. Eight univer-
sity-based centers were established, and each
conducts research in an area named by EPA as a
high priority. Support to each center is provided
through a cooperative agreement with EPA. Each of
the current eight centers is phasing down its opera-
tions during the next several months. A new solicita-
tion has been published to establish four new
centers, at roughly twice the annual funding as the
original centers. Potential topic areas are to be
chosen by the proposers. The new centers are ex-
pected to be in place by April 1991.
   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sup-
ports five hazardous substance research centers,
authorized under section 31 l(d) of Superfund, as
amended in 1986. While the primary focus of these
centers is research, each has a training and technol-
ogy component that comprises approximately 15%
of its total budget annually. Each center has a Train-
ing and Technology Transfer Advisory Committee,
to assist the center director in choosing and monitor-
ing projects. The centers were established in 1989,
following a competition. Although each center ad-
dresses hazardous substance problems national in
scope, each also serves a particular geographic area
that corresponds to two contiguous Federal regions.
These five centers are described briefly below.

   The New Jersey Institute of Technology is the
lead institution in a seven-university consortium
which serves the New England states, as well as
New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Virgin Islands. The primary focus of the research in
this center is incineration.

   The center which serves the mid-Atlantic and
Great Lakes states is headed by the University of
Michigan, in partnership with Michigan State
University and Howard University. This center
focuses its efforts in both research and technology
transfer on bioremediation.

   The Center for Waste Minimization and Waste
Management is led by North Carolina State Univer-
sity, in cooperation with the University of North
Carolina and Texas A&M University.

   Kansas State University is the lead institution in
the consortium which serves the states of the Great
Plains and the Great Basin. This large consortium
also includes Montana State University and the
universities of Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Montana,
and Utah.
    Stanford University and Oregon State Univer-
sity have teamed up to form the Western Region
Hazardous Substance Research Center.
Groundwater remediation is the primary focus of
this center's research program.
    Several centers of excellence have been ex-
tablished by the Environmental Protection Agency.
In 1988, EPA entered into a Cooperative Agreement
with the University of Pittsburgh which established
The National Environmental Technology Applica-
tions Corporation (NETAC). In contrast to other
EPA-funded university/industry centers, NETAC
heavily emphasizes assistance with the commer-
cialization of relevant technology. The total EPA
commitment to NETAC is $4.5 million over four
years. This support from EPA must be matched by
support provided through the University of
Pittsburgh, including direct industry support and sale
of services. NETAC activities include assisting in
the evaluation, development, and demonstration of
candidate technologies identified in an aggressive
outreach program. Technologies are evaluated in
terms of their technical feasibility, market potential,
and economic impact. NETAC anticipates assisting
companies and individuals having highly evaluated
technologies with their market research assessments
and in obtaining funding for the development and
demonstration program. In addition, NETAC re-
search focuses on developing and validating a
protocol that rigorously delineates the technology in-
novation process — from idea/invent!: a through
testing, development, manufacture, marketing, and

    The Department of Defense (DOD) has also es-
tablished centers programs. Because of the character
of the DOD mission, the research agenda of these
centers is much more influenced by DOD's mission
needs than industrial concerns. Government funding
is thus the major support for these research
programs. However, industry participation and rapid
transfer of results to industry also are important com-

Key Traits of Successful Centers.   Federal
managers of centers programs have identified
similar traits as responsible for center success. For
example, John Owens of the I/URC program at
NSF says the ingredients for success of an IUC are
strong leadership, good planning, and pertinence of
research topics to industry. A core of research that is
varied rather than specific is of prime importance.
Pitfalls to avoid include lapsing into the old-

fashioned "contract mode," where a single company
initiates research.

    Lynn Preston of NSF's ERC program also em-
phasizes strong leadership, well- integrated research
relevant to industry, and quality strategic planning.
Preston notes that the two ERCs which have closed
suffered from poor leadership and too much in-
dividualism by university scientists. The traditional
academic tendency to section off one's own research
as an island does not work at an ERC. University
and industry researchers must work together with
ERC leaders to make the system work.

    Ana Villamil, the commercial space opportunity
manager in charge of the NASA CCDS program, is
another manager who stresses industrial relevance of
the research agenda. She notes the research agenda
must be directed by industry for a CCDS to succeed.
Center leadership is important for CCDSs also. Seek-
ing reliance on NASA management for leadership
leads to overcentralization and micromanagement;
therefore, NASA is careful to encourage develop-
ment of appropriate management structures in their

    These insights are confirmed in a recently com-
pleted study by Eliezer Gleisler, Antonio Fumo, and
Thomas Kiresuk. In 'Toward a Conceptual Model
of Cooperative Research: Patterns of Development
and Success in University-Industry Alliances" (un-
published manuscript), they conclude that the traits
of successful centers fall into four categories:
management, relations with industry, research ac-
tivities and funding.

   Important management traits
•  Reputation of center leadership
•  Well defined goals and objectives
•  Planned leadership succession
•  Ability to attract and retain quality researchers
•  Planned intervention for leadership burnout
•  Strong commitment of research staff and ad-

   Key traits in relations with industry
•  Continuous marketing and other contacts with in-
•  Ability to understand industrial R&D culture
•  industrial commitment to joint research
•  Extensive interactions with industrial researchers
•  Agreeable modes for transfer of knowledge and
  Core traits for research activities
• Balance between short- and long-term projects
• Maintenance of cutting edge research activities
• Program of conferences, symposia, publication
  and instruction
• Maintenance of high scientificAechnical reputa-

  Vital funding traits
• Ability to obtain support from multiple sources
• Strong institutional support from university and
• Ability to attract funding for long-term support

Linking and Sharing Experiences Among

    As the number and diversity of centers expand,
participants from academia, industry, and govern-
ment have begun asking how centers can better
cooperate and share lessons learned about manage-
ment, technology transfer, and fundraising.
    Established first, the NSFI/URC program has
served as a model for government efforts to en-
courage links among centers. Three mechanisms are
used: monitoring and evaluation, meetings for key
personnel, and supplemental funding to encourage
linkages. These mechanisms can also be found in
other Federal and state government centers
    Early in the I/URC program, a decision was
made to fund evaluation of individual centers by an
in-house monitor, as well as to support studies
examining the program as a whole. Program-wide
studies were originally conducted by NSF staff.
Their work resulted in numerous reports, including
several "cookbooks" on how to establish a center on
the I/URC model and how to structure agreements
between industry and the university. The program-
wide monitoring and evaluation function is currently
conducted under an award to North Carolina State
    Meetings provide an opportunity for key center
personnel to explore common interests. The I/URC
program sponsors annual and semiannual meetings,
where center directors and monitors may share infor-
mation and form new linkages.
    Another option for encouraging linkages was
added more recently to the I/URC program. NSF al-
lows centers to compete for additional funding for
linking one or more research projects among centers.

                 Directory of Cooperative
      University and Industry Environmental
         Research and Development Centers
   This section contains information on 114
university and industry environmental research and
development centers. The centers are listed
alphabetically by the name of the foundation or
university. In cases where a center is made up of
a consortium of universities, the center is listed
alphabetically according to the name of the first
university listed. Information is provided in seven
categories following a brief summary: size and
scope, sources of funding, services provided, major
projects in fiscal year doEars, technology transfer
mechanisms/ outreach programs, networking
activities, and history. If information for a particular
category was not available that category was omitted.

                                                                            Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
 Alabama, University of (Hunts ville)
Kenneth £. Johnson Research Center
Huntsville, AL 35899
University of Alabama in Hunts ville's Kenneth £.
Johnson Research Center focuses its research in the fields
of solar energy, atmospheric studies, electric vehicles, en-
vironmental life support for enclosed areas, recycling and
waste management. The center operates the Alabama
Solar Energy Center and the Alabama Educational Re-
search and Development Network.

Director: Bernard J. Schroer
Phone: (205)895-6361
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    150            FTEs:
         Technical:    25    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    20            MSs:
               BSs:     5

           Sources of Funding for FY89
       Federal Government
University: University of Alabama
Federal Government
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Solar energy
•   Atmospheric studies
•   Electric vehicles
•   Environmental life support for enclosed areas
•   Recycling
•   Waste management
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 20%
•   Applied Research               80%
       Prototype Development
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Atmospheric Studies
2.  Environmental Life Support and Materials Research for
    Space Station
3.  Materials Processing in Low Gravity
4.  Electric Vehicles
5.  Municipal Recycling (Steam Plant Disposal)

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Annual Report:                       January

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Alabama Solar Energy Center
•   Colorado S tate University
•   University of Alabama
    Georgia Institute of Technology
•   University of Florida
•   North Carolina State University
International Affiliations
•   Chisolm Institute, Australia
•   University of Aachen, West Germany

Date Founded:   1971
Founders:   State of Alabama
Reasons for Founding:   To study atmosphere-related
environmental issues
                                                         Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Geophysical Institute
C.T. Elvey Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775-0800

University of Alaska, Fairbanks Geophysical Institute
concentrates its research on the quantitative under-
standing of basic physical processes governing our planet,
especially as they affect the State of Alaska and the
Arctic. The institute maintains several specialized
facilities for rocket launches, ground observations, trans-
missions and seismic monitoring.

Director: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Phone: (907)474-7282

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   270            FTEs:  220
          Technical:   264   Administrative:    6
  Background:  PhDs:    70            MSs:   50

Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
           Sources of Funding for FY89
          Federal Government

Federal Government U.S. Geological Survey; NSF;
   DOE;USAF     	$9,000,000
State Government	$3,000,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Space physics
•   Atmospheric sciences
•   Ice physics
•   Solid earth physics
•   Seismology
•   Volcanology
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 90%
•   Applied Research                10%
•   Unique Specialties: Institute operates Poker Flat
    Rocket Range

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Synthetic Aperture Radar (S AR) Research
2.  Rocket Research
3.  Volcanic Monitoring of Redoubt Volcano

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                       2
 Annual Report                     Biennial
 Courses Offered in 1989:                  15

             Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   U.S. Geological Survey
•   NASA
International Affiliations
•   Hokaido University, Sapporo, Japan
•   Moscow University, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
•   Polar Geophysical Institute, Murmansk, U.S.S.R.

Date Founded:   1946
Founders:   U.S. Congress
                                                        Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Water Research Center
Fairbanks, AK 99775 1760

The University of Alaska's Water Research Center con-
ducts research on water quality, hydrology, limnology
and oil cleanup. The center's location gives it a unique op-
portunity to study global wanning.

Director: Douglas Kane
Phone: (907)474-7808

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    30           FTEs:   10
         Technical:    28   Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:    10

          Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Federal Government: NASA; DOE; NOAA; U.S.Geologi-
   cal Survey; U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service     $495,000
State Government Department of Transportation; Natural
   Resources; Environmental Conservation     $385,000
Industry: Exxon     	$220,000
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Fresh water research
•   Water quality hydrology
•   Hydrology
•   Limnology
•   Oil spill cleanup
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Prince William Sound Biodegradation of Oil Spill
2.   Biological Methods for Beach Cleaning
3.   Alaskan North Slope Ecological Study (hydrology)
4.   The Use of Peat Mounds for Treatment of Household
    Waste Water

                                                                                    Arizona State University
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Yean                         1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Ohio State University
•   San Diego State University
•   University of Colorado
Inter national Affiliations
•   Institute for Low Temperature Science, University of
    Japan, Sapporo, Japan

Date Founded:  1965
Founders:   University of Alaska
Reasons for Founding:   U.S. Legislation provided
funding for research on the area of water quality.
        Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Tempe, AZ 85287 5506

The Center for Environmental Studies at Arizona State
University concentrates its research in the areas of the
ecosystem, aquatic environments, reclamation, and land
use. The center has particular expertise in siting waste
deposits and transporting hazardous wastes.

Director: Duncan T. Patten
Phone: (602)965-2975

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    17            FTEs:   16
          Technical:    15    Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:     9            MSs:    4
               BSs:     2
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government: USDA; EPA; DOT; U.S. Fish and
   Wildlife Service     	$350,000
State Government    ..."	$259,000
Industry: Southern California Edison; Los Angeles Water
   and Power    	$91,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Ecosystem studies
•   Aquatic studies
•   Wild life studies
•   Reclamation research; risk and technology
    assessment; impact assessment; environmental
    regulation and policy
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%
•   Unique Specialties: Project on hazardous materials
    management (siting waste deposits and transportation
    of hazardous materials); Wetlands and riparian
    ecology and ecosystems expressed as mathematical

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Taste Aversion Study on Coyotes (for USDA, Animal
    Control Division)
2.   Riparian Ecology in the Eastern Sierras
3.   Study of Endangered Fish Species (for Fish and
    Wildlife Service)
4.   Airborne Em issions Affecting Vegetation
5.   Glen Canyon Environmental Study
                                                               Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                                                                      Outreach Programs
                                                        Other. 1- to 2-day hazardous management seminars on
                                                       RCRA regulations
                                                       Date Founded:   1974
                                                       Founders:   Duncan Patten; Mel Marcus
                                                       Reasons for Founding:   To respond to the need to
                                                       provide environmental research and education

Arizona State University
        Arizona State University
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Tempe, AZ 85287

Arizona State University's Forestry Sciences Laboratory
specializes in watershed research (erosion, water quality,
soils) and range and wildlife management (including en-
dangered species protection). The laboratory is closely af-
filiated with the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range
Experiment Station.

Director: Leonard F. Debano
Phone: (602)379^365
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   35            FTEs:
          Technical:   30    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:   28             MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY89
              Federal Government
Federal Government: U.S. Forest Service;
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Watershed research (erosion, water quality, soils)
•   Range and wildlife management
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  10%
•   Applied Research                90%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized
•   Unique Specialties: Protecting endangered species
    (Bald Eagle and Spotted Owl)
                      Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                              Outreach Programs
                Annual Report:                        April

                             Networking Activities
               Current Affiliations
                  U.S. Forest Service
               •   USDA
               •   Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
               Date Founded:   1961
               Reasons for Founding:
                       To research soil and wildlife
                        Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721

University of Arizona's Engineering Experiment Station
conducts research in controlled-environment agriculture
for intensive food production; in seawater crop irrigation;
and in solar heating and cooling. The station then applies
this research and technology to prototype systems for fu-
ture cities. The laboratory's current major project is bio-
sphere II, a sealed, self-sustaining, two-acre mini-Earth
with five distinct ecosystems.

Director: Peter F. Mather
Phone: (602)621-7492

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   430           FTEs:  430
          Technical:   406   Administrative:   24
  Background: PhDs:   130
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Watershed Management Project
2.   Riperian Hydrology Studies
3.   Endangered Species Protection (Bald Eagle, Spotted

                                                                         Arkansas, University of (Little Rock)
           Sources of Funding for FY89
Inter national Affiliations
•   U.S. AID Programs in: Senegal, Australia, Zaire,
    Guinea, Egypt

Date Founded:   1941
Founders:   University of Arizona
Reasons for Founding:   Legislation passed during
World Warn
                    Industry 3s*
Federal Government NASA; NSF; Nffl; DOD; DOE;
   EPA;NRC;DOC	$6,600,000
Industry: IBM	$3,850,000
Nonprofit Organization: American Steel Construction In-
   stitute; Petroleum Research Foundation   .   $550,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
    Electronic packaging
•   Fluid dynamics
•   Materials sciences
•   Superconductivity
•   Water quality
•   Water treatment hydrology
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  90%
•   Applied Research                10%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Gifts
•   Unique Specialties: Triga nuclear reactor research

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Microconlamination Control
2.  Low Gravity  Separation Research
3.  Utilization of Planetary Resources
4.  Biosphere II:  A Mini-Earth Experiment
5.  Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal
    Arkansas, University of (Little
Graduate Institute of Technology
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Graduate Institute
of Technology conducts a wide variety of research in the
environmental sciences. Recent projects have included
measuring the aerodynamics of microparticles, detecting
neutrino-gamma rays, characterizing and evaluating
aerosols, and controlling solid hazardous waste and was-
tewater. In addition the institute provides product develop-
ment and technology transfer services.

Director: Gaylord Northrop

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   50            FTEs:    20
          Technical:   44   Administrative:     6
  Background: PhDs:   12            MSs:     8

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                       21
 Annual Report                      Biennial
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            3
 Other Office of Engineering and Professional

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   University of Arizona, Center for
    Microcontamination Control;
•   NASA Center for Utilization of Local Planetary
•   NASA Center for Low Gravity Seperation Sciences
University: University of Arkansas, Little
   Rock	$1,500,000
Federal Government   	$1,200,000
State Government	$700,000
Industry	$100,000

Auburn University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
    Particle characterization instrumentation
    Artificial intelligence
    Laser research
    Applied statistics
    Processing control and instrumentation
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  25%
    Applied Research                75%
    Products or Processes Commercialized: E-Spart
extension programs in numerous aspects of fish cultiva-
tion, inventory, taxonomy, nutrition and feeding, dis-
eases, weed control, pollution control, technology,
processing and preservation.

Director: Bryan Duncan
Phone: (205)844-4786

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    11            FTEs:    9
          Technical:    8    Administrative:    1
  Background: PhDs:    9             MSs:    2
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  E-Spart To Measure Aerodynamics of Microparticles
2.  LaserAim: To Place Laser Spot on Targets
3.  Artificial Intelligence Research
4.  Neutrino - Gamma Ray Detection Research
5.  Biomedical Technology and Instrumentation

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
  Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            1
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Center for Toxicology Research
•   University of Arkansas Medical Center
•   McClellan Veterans Administration Hospital
International Affiliations
•   Hosakowa International, Japan
•   Toshiba Corporation, Japan

Date Founded:  1957
Founders:   State of Arkansas
Reasons for Founding:  To provide graduate science
and technology education in central Arkansas
            Auburn University
International Center for Aquaculture
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Swingle Hall
Auburn, AL 36849 5419

Auburn University's International Center for Aquacul-
ture, an integral unit of Alabama's Agricultural Experi-
ment Station, provides technical assistance to developing
countries in their development of inland fisheries and
aquaculture. The center conducts research, training and
University: Auburn University	$10,000
Federal Government: USAID    	$990,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Aquaculture research and development; technology
    transfer and training
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%
       Prototype Development
       Market Assessment

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Pond Dynamics Collaborative Research Support
2.  Fisheries Research and Development Project (with
3.  Western Universities Project - Aquaculture Curriculum
4.  National Fish Culture Project (in Rwanda)

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Courses Offered in 1989:                    1
 Other: Short courses offered on request

                                                                                         Auburn University
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   University of Rhode Island
•   University of Kentucky
•   University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff
•   University of Hawaii
International Affiliations
•   University of Riau, Pekenbau, Indonesia
•   National University of Rwanda, Butare, Rwanda
•   Universitas Hassanudin, Ujung Pandag, Indonesia
•   Universidad San Carlos, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Date Founded:   1970
Founders:  Auburn University; US AID
Reasons for Founding:   To further international
                     Sources of Funding for FY88
                    Federal Government
                                             Other 5%
                                       State Government
          University: Auburn University	$120,000
          Federal Government: DOI; EPA; DOD; DOE   $720,000
          State Government: Alabama Department of
             Environmental Management; Alabama
             Geological Survey	$300,000
          Other: City of Auburn    	$600,000
            Auburn University
Water Resources Research Institute
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Auburn University's Water Resources Research Institute
is an interdisciplinary, problem-oriented research and
technology center designed to address broad national
needs and relevant industrial technology. The institute's
program objectives include extending and intensifying
water resources research in all of Alabama's major univer-
sities by widening the participation of individual re-
searchers and disciplinary fields involved.

Director: J.F. Judkins
Phone: (205)844-5075
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    4            FTEs:
         Technical:    1    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    1
               BSs:    3
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Water resources; aquatic weed control; ground water
    control; fisheries management
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 75%
    Applied Research               25%
      Market Assessment

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Privatization of Waste Water Treatment Plants
2.   Effect of Saltwater Intrusion on Soil Erodibility
3.   Permeability Changes in Clay and Chalf Row Barriers
    Caused by Hazardous Wastes
4.   Water Resources Technology Information Transfer

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        2
 Annual Report                     December

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Association of Water Institute Directors
•   University Council on Water Resources
•   American Water Resources Association
                                                       Date Founded:   1964
                                                       Founders:   Auburn University
                                                       Reasons for Founding:   Concerns with state, regional
                                                       and national water resource problems

Brigham Young University
       Brigham Young University
Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
270 Clyde Building
Prove, UT 84602

Brigham Young University's Advanced Combustion En-
gineering Research Center is geared toward enhancing
the U.S. competitive position in clean and efficient use of
fossil fuels, through research, education and technology
transfer. Current research focuses on using computer-
generated simulations to design and develop cleaner and
more efficient combustion systems for burning coal and
for incinerating solid-waste products.

Director: L.D. Smoot
Phone: (801)378-4326

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   91           FTEs:   42
         Technical-   90   Administrative:     1
  Background: PhDs:   30            MSs:   30

          Sources of Funding for FY89
       Federal Government
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Radiation in Combustion Systems
2.   Hazardous Waste Destruction During Thermal
3.   Chemical Characteristics of Coal and its Combustion
4.   Incineration of Unconventional Fuels
5.   Hazardous Waste Submodel Evaluation

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                       12
 Annual Report                     February
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   20

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•    University of Utah
•    Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
    Advisory Council and Associates/Affiliates

Date Founded:   1986
Founders:   Brigham  Young University; University of
Utah; NSF, Division of Cross Disciplinary Research
Reasons for Founding:   To keep U.S. industry abreast
of current technology
                                                               California, University of
University: Brigham Young University   .   .  $520,000
Federal Government: NSF    	$1,800,000
Industry: Advanced Fuel	$900,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Combustion
•   Catalysis
•   Thermo-chemistry
•   Signal processing
•   Computer aided engineering design and manufacture
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 90%
    Applied Research                10%
Bodega Marine Laboratory
P.O. Box 247
Bodega Bay, CA 94923

University of California's Bodega Marine Laboratory, ad-
ministered by the Davis Campus, is distinguished by a
remarkably diverse array of coastal habitats available for
study. Intertidal habitats (sandy beaches, salt marshes,
small estuaries, tidepools, mud and sandflats), terrestrial
habitats (dune-strand areas, coastal prairie, riparian wood-
land, and freshwater marshes), marinas, bays and the
ocean are all nearby.

Director: James. S. Clegg

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    75           FTEs:   25
         Technical:    25    Administrative:   10
  Background: PhDs:    20            MSs:    5

                                                                                   California, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: University of California    .  .
Federal Government: NOAA; NSF; USDA
. $2,070,000
. $3,080,000
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Aquaculture; oyster research; local comparative
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 90%
    Applied Research               10%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Shore Bird Biology
2.  Population Genetics
3.  Population Biology of Sharks
4.  Bioassay Research
5.  Endocrine Control Research

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA.;
    other University of California campuses

Date Founded:   1961
Founders:   National Science Foundation
Reasons for Founding:  To further marine research and
                                                               California, University of
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550

University of California's Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory conducts six major programs: weapons
studies; magnetic fusion energy; laser isotope separation;
laser fusion energy; energy and resources; resources and
biomedical, environmental and atmospheric sciences. Re-
searchers explore the effects of toxic substances on
genetic and reproductive systems and assess the risk as-
sociated with the release of contaminants into the environ-

Director: John Nuckolls

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:  8492           FTEs: 8492
         Technical:  6364   Administrative: 2128
  Background: PhDs:  1285

          Sources of Funding for FY89
                       Federal Government
                Federal Government: DOE; DOD; NASA; EPA;
                  USDA     	$839,600,000
                Industry	$216,000,000

                                Services Provided
                Major Areas of Expertise
                •   Defense systems; laser research; magnetic fusion
                   energy; biomedical sciences; materials science;
                   environmental science
                Current Activity Mix
                •   Basic Research
                •   Applied Research
                      Prototype Development
                      Market Assessment
                •   Products or Processes Commercialized: Monoclonial
                   antibodies; computer chips; computer software

California, University of (Berkeley)
              Major Projects In FY89
 1.  Modeling of Global Atmospheric Sulphur Cycle: The
    Origin of Cloud Condensation Nuclei of the North
 2.  Testing Effects of Ocean Heat Transport on Climate
 3.  Deposition and Global Reactive Nitrogen Cycle

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Annual Report                      Summer
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Los Alamos National Laboratory
•   All other national laboratories
•   University of California, Davis; DOE

Date Founded:  1952
Founders:   E.O. Lawrence
Reasons for Founding:   Research and development on
nuclear weapons, energy and national security problems
 California, University of (Berkeley)
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research
1301 S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804 4603

University of California, Berkeley's Sanitary Engineering
and Environmental Health Research Laboratory was es-
tablished to facilitate interdisciplinary research in a wide
range of environmental health fields: sanitary engineer-
ing, waste water treatment, limnology, reclamation and
reuse, drinking water quality and abatement of hazardous
wastes. The laboratory maintains a secondary wastewater
treatment plant and an estuarine water system.

Director: Robert C. Cooper

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    49            FTEs:   14
         Technical:    42    Administrative:    7
  Background: PhDs:    15             MSs:   27
University: University of California, Berkeley   $ 140,000
Federal Government: National Institute for Environmen-
   tal Health; NSF; EPA; NIH; DOE   .  .  .51,520,000
State Government California Health Services Depart-
   ment; California State Water Resource
   Control Board   	$220,000
Industry: Exxon; Procter & Gamble; Chemical
   Manufacturers Association	$120,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Sanitary engineering
•   Waste water treatment
•   Algology
•   Limnology
•   Reclamation and reuse
•   Drinking water quality
•   Abatement of hazardous wastes
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  50%
    Applied Research               50%
      Prototype Development

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Shallow Water Cohesive Sediment Dynamics in
    Estuarine Systems
2.   Ecological Effects and Management of Selenium
    Toxicity in Kesterson Marsh, California Central
3.   Transport and Cleanup of Mixed Liquid Wastes
    Trapped in Soil
4.   Environmental Aspects of the Development of
    Synthetic Fuels
5.   Development and Testing of Model of Iron Phosphate
    Precipitation in Activated Sludge

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   California State Health Dt artment

                                                                       California, University of (Los Angeles)
Date Founded:   1950
Founders:   State Legislature and UC Berkeley
Reasons for Founding:   To study a wide range of
environmental health fields
   California, University of (Davis)
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Davis, CA 95616

University of California, Davis* Crocker Nuclear
Laboratory supports research in many disciplines, includ-
ing biology, engineering, environmental and food scien-
ces, geology, history, medicine, physics and textiles. The
air quality group studies aerosols, sampler design and
elemental analysis; air quality and visibility in remote na-
tional parks; and interplanetary dust fall.

Director: Thomas A. Cahill
Phone: (916)752-4674
           Current Activity Mix
           •   Basic Research
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    32            FTEs:
          Technical:    29    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     6            MSs:
               BSs:     8

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
            State Government  15%
Federal Government: EPA; National Park Service;
   U.S. Forest Service; Bureau of Land Management;
   Fish and Wildlife Service     	$1,050,000
State Government	$225,000
Industry	$225,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Atmospheric Sampling; Analysis and Interpretation
    Applied Research               70%
    Unique Specialties: Operates 60 air sampling stations

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Interagency Monitoring of Projected Visual
    Environments (IMPROVE)
2.   Northeast State Coordinated Air Use Management
3.   South Coast Air Quality Study (SCAQUS)
4.   Area Sources Board Sequoia Study (ASBSS)
5.   National Park Service Criteria Network (NPSCN)

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    National Park Service Criteria Network (NPSCN)
International Affiliations
•   University of Chile-Convenio, Santiago, Chile

Date Founded:   1970
Founders:   T. Cahill; R. Flocchini; P. Feeney
Reasons for Founding:   Application of modern nuclear
techniques to improve air quality
                California, University of (Los
           Engineering Research Center for Hazardous Substances
           6722 Boelter Hall
           Los Angeles, CA 90024

           The University of California, Los Angeles' Engineering
           Research Center for Hazardous Substances Control
           centers its research efforts on waste minimization, waste
           treatment, education, and technology transfer. Through its
           Industry Affiliates Program, the center develops direct
           working relationships with the industrial and government
           laboratory sector.

           Director: S.K. Friedlander
           Phone: (213)206-3071

                             Size and Scope
           Number of Personnel:    59           FTEs:    45
                    Technical:    54   Administrative:     5
             Background: PhDs:    14           MSs:    30

California. University of (Los Angeles)
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: University of California, Los
   Angeles	$600,000
Federal Government; NSF	$1,500,000
Industry: IBM; Mobil; Chevron; General
   Motors    	$900,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Waste minimization
•   Thermal treatment of hazardous wastes
•   Hazardous waste water treatment
Current Activity Mix
    Basic  Research                 80%
    Applied Research               20%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
     California, University of (Los
National Center for Intermedia Transport Research
553 IBoelter Hall
 Department of Chemical Engineering
 Los Angeles, CA 90024 1592

The National Center for Intermedia Transport Research at
the University of California concentrates its research on
pollutant transport and transformation. The center spon-
sors work on problems of pollutant exchange between en-
vironmental media. The center also operates its own air
quality laboratory.

Director: Yoram Cohen
Phone: (213)825-9741
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     8           FTEs:
         Technical:     7   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     7
               BSs:     1

           Sources of Funding for FY89
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Resident Incineration
2.  Development of New Enzyme Technologies to Degrade
    Hazardous Waste Water
3.  Expert Systems for Incinerators

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year                        8
  Other: University of California, Los Angeles Extension
Service Workshops

              Networking Activities
International Affiliations
•    Elf Aquitaen, Paris, France

Date Founded:   1987
Founders:   University of California, Los Angeles
Reasons for Founding:  NSF grant proposal
               Federal Government  100%

Federal Government EPA    	$540,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Multimedia and intermedia transport research
•   Pollutant exchange between media
•   Process research
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 10%
•   Applied Research               90%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Spatial
    multimedia compartmental model software
•   Unique Specialties: Intermedia and multimedia
    environmental research; air quality laboratory

                                                                         California, University of (Riverside)
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Study of Transport and Transformations of Aerosols
2.  Spatial Multimedia Compartmental Model (SMCM)
3.  Pesticide Risk Assessment Study
4.  Role of Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone in Sulfuric Acid
5.  Tracking of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Yean                        4

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   EPA Centers of Excellence

Date Founded:   1980
Founders:  EPA; University of California, Los Angeles
Reasons for Founding:   To create an EPA
environmental research center at the University of
California, Los Angeles
          Sources of Funding for FY89

University: University of California,
  Riverside	$1,260,000
Federal Government    	$105,000
State Government	$35,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Stimulation and coordination of water resources
    research on the 9 University of California campuses
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  80%
•   Applied Research               20%
 California, University of (Riverside)
California Water Resources Center
Rubidoux Hall
4501 Glenwood Street
Riverside, CA 92501

The California Water Resources Center at the University
of California, Riverside, sponsors water resources re-
search on all campuses of the University of California,
and at other universities around the state. The center's
scope of research includes all aspects of the hydrologic
cycle with emphasis on fresh waters, inland saline water
and estuaries.

Director: Henry J. Vaux, Jr.
Phone: (714)787-4327

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    13           FTEs:   11
         Technical:     5    Administrative:    8
  Background: PhDs:     3            MSs:    2
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Hydrology and Climatology S urveys
2.   Aquatic Ecosystem Studies
3.   Water Quality Research
4.   Evaluating the Institutional Aspects of Water
5.   Water Policy and Water Law

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        3
 Annual Report                    December

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   University of California's 9 campuses
•   54 U.S. Water Resource Centers (of the National
    Association of Water Institute Directors)
International Affiliations
•   U.S TMexico Border Study of Waste Water
    Treatment and Disposal Alternatives
•   On-Line Computer Library Center (OCLC) - 3500
    Libraries Worldwide

Date Founded:   1957
Founders:   California Legislature Special Act
Reasons for Founding:  State funded program to
advise on water projects

California, University of (Riverside)
 California, University of (Riverside)
Statewide Air Pollution Research Center
Riverside, CA 92521

University of California, Riverside's Statewide Air Pollu-
tion Research Center concentrates its research on plant
sciences and atmospheric chemistry, bridging the
academic world and the practical world of air pollution
control. Programs in atmospheric chemistry make use of
infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy, chromatog-
raphy and mass spectrometry, and computer modeling to
simulate atmospheric conditions in a unique set of en-
vironmental chambers.

Director: Cliff Taylor (Acting)
Phone: (714)787-4584

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    43            FTEs:   43
         Technical:    36    Administrative:    7
  Background: PhDs:    11            MSs:    2
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Stale Government
University: University of California, Riverside  $762,347
Federal Government; EPA; NSF   ....  $549,854
State Government California Air Resources
   Board	$1,826,055
Industry: Southern California Edison; Ford
   Motor.EPRI    	$691,072
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Atmospheric Chemistry of Polycyclic Hydrocarbons
2.  Effects of Acid Fog and Ozone on Conifers
3.  Effects of Gaseous Air Pollutants on Vegetation
4.  Lifetimes and Fates of Toxic Air Containments in
    California's Atmosphere
5.  Hydrocarbon Emissions from Vegetation Found in
    California's Central Valley

Date Founded:   1961
Founders:   University of California, Riverside
Reasons for Founding:  To monitor pollution effects
on California vegetables
 California, University of (Riverside,
              Davis, Berkeley)
Agricultural Experiment Station
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612 3560

University of California's Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tions at Riverside, Davis and Berkeley permit interdis-
ciplinary research in biochemistry, biolog., biomedical
sciences, botany and plant sciences, chemistry, earth
sciences, entomology, geophysics and planetary physics,
mathematics, nematology, physics, plant pathology, soils
and environmental sciences, and statistics. The stations
emphasize nutrition, fertilization, irrigation, cultivation,
pest control, disease resistance and troubleshooting of
potentially disastrous agricultural problems.

Director: Kenneth Farrell

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel: 2403            FTEs:  2403
          Technical: 1953   Administrative:   450
  Background: PhDs:  553
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Air quality assessment
•   Crop loss assessment
•   Plant sciences
•   Atmospheric chemistry
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  25%
•   Applied Research                75%

                                                                                Carnegie Mellon University
          Sources of Funding for FY89
        State Government
Federal Government
International Affiliations
•   Province of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
•   Center for Rice Research, Philipines
•   World Bank, Washington, DC

Date Founded:   1868
Founders:   University of California
Reasons for Founding:   To meet the provisions of the
Hatch Act
Federal Government: NSF; Nffl; DOE;   .   $26,000,000
State Government	$88,000,000
Industry	$12,000,000
Other. Product Sales	$1,000,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Agricultural production
•   Environmental horticulture and toxicology
•   Botany
•   Entomology
•   Forestry
•   Plant pathology
•   Genetics
•   Microbiology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research
      Prototype Development
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: New
    Strawberry Varieties

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Integrated Pest Management
2.   California's Great Central Valley in the 21st Century
3.   Integrated Hardwood Range Management
4.   Genetic Alteration Employing Somatic Cell Fusion

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           IS
 Other Cooperative extension service

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   California State Department of Food and Agriculture
•   USDA
•   EPA
      Carnegie Mellon University
Bushy Run Research Center
RD #4, Mellon Road
Export, PA 15632

Carnegie Mellon University's Bushy Run Research Cen-
ter conducts research on animal toxicology. The center is
a pioneer in the application of toxicologic test methods.

Director: Fred R. Frank

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   100           FTEs:   100
         Technical:    80   Administrative:    20
 Background: PhDs:    29

          Sources of Funding for FY89
Industry: Union Carbide	$10,000,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Pioneers in development and application of
    lexicological test methods
•   Animal toxicology, teratology, pathology, analytical
    clinical chemistry and genetic toxicology
•   Toxicokinetics
•   Material balance studies

Carnegie Mellon University
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  5%
•   Applied Research               95%
•   Unique Specialties: Inhalation facility;
    neurotoxicology facilities

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Acute Animal Studies
2.  Short-Term Animal Studies
3.  Subchronic and Chronic Studies
4.  Cytotoxicity Screening
5.  Genotoxicity Screening

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Annual Report:                    December

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Under primary control of Union Carbide Corporation
•   New York Society of Toxicology

Date Founded:   1936
Founders:   Mellon Institute; Union Carbide
Reasons for Founding:   In response to public attitudes
concerning the effects of toxic chemicals on the
      Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2683

Cameg • Mellon Research Institute seeks to promote the
success. J transfer of technology from the laboratory to
commercial application, and to assist sponsors in the as-
sessment, evaluation, and management of improved tech-
niques and technologies. The institute's biotechnology
center has ongoing activities in the development of
biological methods for the treatment of toxic wastes.

Director: William M. Kaufman
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   130           FTEs:  130
         Technical:    95   Administrative:   35
          Sources of Funding for FY89
                           Federal Government
Federal Government: DOE; NSF; DOT   .   . $3,200,000
Industry	$4,800,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Solid state sensors and materials
•   Computer control systems
•   Biotechnology
    Ozone research
•   Modernizing transportation systems
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 10%
    Applied Research                90%
    Products or Processes Commercialized: Sensor and
    instrumentation for detection of hazardous gases
    (American Intell-Sensors Corporation)

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Bio-Remediation of Soils Contaminated with
    Wood-Treating Chemicals
2.   Modeling of Atmosphere Dynamics and Global Air
3.   Impact of Environmental Regulation on Coal-Based
4.   Development of Advances Sensors for the Detection of
    Noxious Gases

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year.                        1
 Annual Report:                      January
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   1
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            5

                                                                                   Cincinnati, University of
Date Founded:   1913
Founders:   Carnegie Mellon University
Reasons for Founding:   To generate and diffuse
knowledge that may be useful in industrial applications
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 40%
•   Applied Research               60%
      Prototype Development
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Unique
    ejectors; blowoff nozzles
  Case Western Reserve University
Case Center for Complex Flow Measurements
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cleveland, OH 44106

Case Western Reserve University's Case Center for Com-
plex Flow Measurements is known for its research on air
pollution and heat transfer as well as its complex flow
measurements. Current projects at the center focus on at-
mospheric concentration, wind turbulence and pollutant

Director: Alexander Dybbs, Co-Director
Phone: (216)368-6448
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Atmosphere Concentration Research
2.  Wind Turbulance S tudy
3.  Pollutant Dissemination Research

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Annual Report                      January

Date Founded:   1983
Founders:   Dr. Alexander Dybbs
Reasons for Founding:   To give engineering students
more hands-on research in air pollution and related
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel-    19           FTEs:    19
         Technical:    15   Administrative:    4
  Background: PhDs:     9            MSs:    10

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Federal Government: NSF; DOD; DOE; NASA $800,000
Industry: BJ. Goodrich	$200,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Complex flow measurements
•   Air pollution
•   Heat transfer
        Cincinnati, University of
Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste Research
5995 Center Hill Road
Cincinnati, OH 45224

University of Cincinnati's Center Hill Solid and Hazard-
ous Waste Research Laboratory provides geotechnical,
geochemical and geoscientific technical support services
to EPA for various Superfund and RCRA (Resource Con-
servation and Recovery Act) projects. The laboratory sup-
ports research on soil, chemical and hydrological
interactions, focusing on chemical stabilization of con-
taminated soils and contaminant control systems in

Director: Gerald Roberto, Project Manager
Phone: (513)569-7885

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    35           FTEs:    20
         Technical:    31   Administrative:    4
  Background: PhDs:     8            MSs:    15
              BSs:    12

Colorado State University
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government: EPA	$1,800,000
Industry	$200,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Environmental and civil engineering
•   Ground water hydrology
•   Geochemical technology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 20%
    Applied Research               80%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Detection of Leaks in Cut-Off Walls
2.  Chemical Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous
3.  Innovative Technology of Hazardous Waste for
4.  Computer-Aided Site Characterization
5.  Permeability Tests

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Technology assistance program to all EPA regions

Date Founded:   1983
Founders:   University of Cincinnati
Reasons for Founding:   To conduct hazardous waste
                                                              Colorado State University
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins. CO 80523
Colorado State University's Cooperative Institute for Re-
search in the Atmosphere was formed to increase the ef-
fectiveness of atmospheric research which is of mutual
interest to the university, the state and NOAA. The in-
stitute concentrates its research on air quality, cloud
physics, satellite applications, climate studies, agricultural
meteorology, model evaluation, and mesoscale studies
and forecasting.

Director: Thomas H. Yonder Haar

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    50            FTEs:   41
          Technical:    35   Administrative:     6
  Background: PhDs:    16            MSs:   11

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
                                 '  6%
University: Colorado State University    .   .   $205,000
Federal Government: NOAA; NSF; ONR; U.S.
   Army Research Center    	$3,317,232

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Atmospheric research
•   Air quality
•   Cloud physics
•   Mesoscale studies and forecasting
•   Satellite applications
•   Climate studies
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 50%
    Applied Research               50%

                                                                                  Colorado State University
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Software Technology Transfer "Project Share", Support
    Services to the World Meteorological Organization
2.  Statistical Technique for Identifying the Origin of Air
3.  Assessment of Observer Sensitivity for Regional Haze
    and Refinement of Layered Haze Indicators
4.  Investigation of the Application of Monte Carlo
    Methods to Problems of Visibility
5.  Mesoscale Analysis and Forecast Product Development
    for Severe Storm Nowcasting

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Yean
  Annual Report:
  Courses Offered in 1989:
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   McGill University
•   Illinois State Water Survey
•   Monash University
•   World Meterological Organization
International Affiliations
•   Institute for Atmospheric Physics, IFS-CNR, Rome,
•   Center for Scientific Investigation and Higher
    Education, Ensenada, Mexico

Date Founded:   1980
Founders:   Colorado State University; NOAA
Reasons for Founding:   Increase effectiveness of
atmospheric research
                 Director: R.N. Meroney, Prof-in-charge

                                   Size and Scope
                 Number of Personnel:   13            FTEs:   10
                           Technical:   11    Administrative:    1
                   Background: PhDs:   10

                            Sources of Funding for FY89
                         Federal Government
                 Federal Government: DOD; EPA; DOE; DOT;
                    NSF    	$500,000
                 Industry: Gas Research Institute; Exxon Oil;
                    Bechtel; Mobil; New York Park
                    Authority    	$500,000

                                 Services Provided
                 Major Areas of Expertise
                 •   Wind engineering
                 •   Fluid mechanics
                 •   Air pollution
                 •   Hazardous spill research
                 Current Activity Mix
                     Basic Research                 50%
                     Applied Research               50%
                 •   Unique Specialties: Extensive wind tunnel facilities
       Colorado State University
Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory
College of Engineering
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Colorado State University's Fluid Dynamics and Dif-
fusion Laboratory has special boundary layer wind tun-
nels for simulation of atmospheric motions, providing a
capability for unique research on wind engineering and
environmental problems of state, national and internation-
al concern. The laboratory studies the motion of gases
and liquids to support and stimulate many applications in
engineering, architecture, agriculture, meteorology,
oceanography and biology.
                              Major Projects in FY89
                  1.  City of Boston Central Arteries Project (Ventilation for
                     Underground Highways)
                  2.  Wind Engineering Joint Project with NSF and Texas
                     Tech University
                  3.  Natural Gas Spill Research with Gas Research Institute

                               Networking Activities
                  Current Affiliations
                  •   Gas Research Institute
                  •   Solar Energy Research Institute
                  •   National Center for Atmospheric Research

Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Date Founded:   1950
Founders:   State of Colorado
Reasons for Founding:   To study wind tunnel
simulation and wind engineering research
  Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309

University of Colorado, Boulder's Cooperative Institute
for Research in Environmental Sciences is jointly spon-
sored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
ministration and the university. The institute 's research
aims at understanding the physics and chemistry of the
solid earth and its atmosphere, cryosphere and oceans
through field studies, laboratory experimental programs
and theoretical investigations. Several specialized re-
search centers exist under the Institute's imprimatur.

Director: Robert Sievers

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   400            FTEs:  400
          Technical;   350    Administrative:    50

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Atmospheric chemistry
•   Global change
•   Measurement instrumentation for environmental
•   Superconductivity
•   Atmospheric climate dynamics
•   Solid earth science
•   Earthquake prediction
•   Air and water pollution
•   Hazardous waste treatment and management
•   Geodesy (movement in earths crust)
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 90%
    Applied Research               10%
       Prototype Development
       Market Assessment

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Studies of Global Change
2.   Atmospheric Quality and Chemistry Studies
3.   Earthquake Prediction
4.   Chemical Vapor Deposition of Superconducting Thin
5.   Studies of Earth from Space

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                       51
 Annual Report:                        Spring
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           20
 Other: University of Colorado Foundation; formation of
new companies; transfer of trained personnel
          Federal Government
University: University of Colorado, Boulder   $1,000,000
Federal Government: NIH; DOD; NSF; NOAA; NASA;
   DOE; EPA; U.S. Geological Survey   .  $10,000,000
State Government	$2,000,000
Industry	$1,000,000
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Center for Atmospheric Research
•   National Academy of Science's National Research

Date Founded:   1967
Founders:   University of Colorado; NOAA
Reasons for Founding:  Research and teaching in
wide-ranging disciplines of the environmental sciences

                                                                                        Cornell University
       Connecticut, University of
Marine Sciences Institute
Avery Point
Groton.CT 06340
The Marine Sciences Institute at the University of Con-
necticut conducts research on coastal environments, sea
surface phenomenon, acoustic research and manned and
unmanned submersibles.

Director: Donald F. Squires
Phone: (203)445-3438

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel-    68           FTEs:   68
         Technical:    56   Administrative:   12
  Background: PhDs:    11            MSs:   11
               BSs:    30

          Sources of Funding for FY89
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   National Undersea Research Center Activities in the
    Great Lakes, Gulf of Maine, Long Island Sound,
    Africa and Israel
2.   Connecticut Sea Grant College Program Research,
    Education and Public Service
3.   Physics and Chemistry of the Subsurface
4.   Long Island Sound Environmental Study
5.   Beuthic Biological Studies

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   U.S.  Sea Grant College
International Affiliations
•   Ireland University College, Galway, Ireland

Date Founded:   1967
Founders:   Peter Dehlinger
Reasons for Founding:   Oceanographic interest in
above and below surface phenomena
       Federal Government
                             Slate Government
University: University of Connecticut    .   .  $420,000
Federal Government: NSF; EPA; NOAA; ONR;
   U.S.Navy    	$4^05,000
State Government	$157,500
Industry	$367,500

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Coastal environmental research
•   Sea surface phenomenon
•   Acoustic research
•   Manned and unmanned submersibles
•   National undersea research
                                                                  Cornell University
Ecosystems Research Center
Ithaca, NY 14853 2701

The Ecosystems Research Center (ERC) at Cornell
University was established to study how environmental
stresses affect whole biological communities and ecosys-
tems. ERC specializes in risk assessment, waste manage-
ment, remote sensing, and in research pertaining to global
environmental change.

Director: Leonard Weinstein
Phone: (607)255-4747
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    17           FTEs:
         Technical:    14   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    10

Delaware, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Date Founded:   1980
Founders:   EPA
Reasons for Founding:   To analyze and evaluate whole
biological communities and ecosystems
                                                               Delaware, University of
University: Cornell University	$95,000
Federal Government: EPA Technology Transfer
   Mechanisms/Outreach Programs   .  .  .   $520,000
Nonprofit Organization: Electric Power Research In-
   stitute, 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto,
   California     	$88,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Ecosystem science
•   Waste management
•   Remote sensing
•   Water quality
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 100%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   The Functional Role of Coastal Marine Benthos
2.   Development and Testing of a Model of Plant
    Response to Air Pollution from Municipal
3.   Methane and  Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Natural
4.   Seagrasses as Chemical and Biological Indicators for
    Coastal Ecosystems
5.   The Effects of Climate Change on Ecosystem

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        3
 Annual Report                     December

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Oakridge National Laboratories
•   Electric Power Research Institute
•   Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
•   Institute for Ecosystems Research
Center for Remote Sensing
College of Marine Studies
Newark, DE 19716

The University of Delaware's Center for Remote Sensing
serves as a focal point for research on remote sensing of
the physical, geological and biochemical properties of the
oceans and the coastal zone. The center is an integral part
of the College of Marine Studies and specializes in inter-
disciplinary research and training with emphasis on the
coastal environment and marine resources.

Director: Vic Klemas

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    16            FTEs:   16
         Technical:    15    Administrative:    1
  Background: PhDs:     7            MSs:    4

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: University of Delaware    .  .  .   $300,000
Federal Government: NASA; NOAA; EPA; Army
   Corps of Engineers; NSF	$900,000
State Government	$150,000
Industry	$150,000

                                                                                         Duke University
                Services Provided
Major Art as of Expertise
•   Remote sensing
•   Environmental monitoring of coast processes
•   Wetlands studies
•   Coastal and water productivity
•   Resource management
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 40%
•   Applied Research               60%
      Prototype Development

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Drift and Dispersion of Ocean-dumped Wastes along
    U.S. East Coast
2.   Modeling and Observing Oil Slick Drift and Capture
    along Coastal Fronts
3.   Wetland Biomass Production and Related Gas Emission
4.   Development of Advanced Aircraft/Satellite Sensing
5.   Mangrove Losses in Ecuador, Costa Rica and

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Other. Staff work as consultants to: UNDP; UNESCO;
NSF; NASA; NOAA; EPA; DOE; Army Corps of

              Networking Activities
International Affiliations
    Tinker Foundation, 55 East 59th Street, New York,
    NY 10022
•   Argentine Council on Scientific Research; University
    of Ankara, Turkey

Date Founded:   1976
Founders:   University of Delaware
Reasons for Founding:   To study marine environment
              Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Duke University's Research Triangle Institute is cospon-
sored by North Carolina State University and the Univer-
sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The institute
responds to complex, interdisciplinary research oppor-
tunities in chemical, life, engineering, social and statisti-
cal sciences, emphasizing improved measurements of
toxic substances in the human body and effective means
to minimize and manage the risks inherent in hazardous

Director: George R. Herbert, President

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:  1450           FTEs: 1450
         Technical:  1130   Administrative:  320
  Background: PhDs:   254            MSs:  260
              BSs:   326

          Sources of Funding for FY89
       Federal Government
Federal Government: DOD; EPA; NASA;
   HHS; USAID	  .  $70,640,000
Industry   	$8,830,000
Other State Government; Local Government;
   Nonprofit Organizations	$8,830,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Life sciences
•   Energy
•   Engineering
•   Environmental research
•   Toxicology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 20%
•   Applied Research                80%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Architectural
    design and assessment system software package

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
2.  Longitudinal Study on Drug Abuse Treatment
3.  Parallel Processor for Atmospheric Modeling
4.  New Pharmaceutical Compounds

Florida Institute of Oceanography
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year.                        4
  Annual Report                       January
  Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            12

Date Founded:   1958
Founders:   Duke University; University of North
Carolina; North Carolina State University
Reasons for Founding:   To provide an environmental
research base for three universities
                           Services Provided
           Major Areas of Expertise
           •   Coordinates oceanographic training and research of
               member universities (9 public universities of the state
               university system in Florida, and University of
           •   Florida Department of Natural Resources
               The Florida Sea Grant College
           Current Activity Mix
               Basic Research                 50%
           •   Applied Research               50%
           •   Unique Specialties: Environmental monitoring in
               South Florida
  Florida Institute of Oceanography
830 First Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Florida Institute of Oceanography is a state consortium of
the state university system, private universities and state
agencies. The institute offers all the advantages of an in-
terinstitutional oceanographic association with the
capacity of drawing on many highly qualified member
scientists. The institute provides, operates and maintains
ship and shore support equipment and facilities.

Director: John C. Ogden
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   21            FTEs:
          Technical:     7    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     3             MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: Florida Institute of Oceanography   $750,000
Federal Government: NOAA    	$1,000,000
State Government	$1.000,000
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Long-Term Environmental Monitoring of Florida Keys
2.  Minerals Management (Florida Atlantic Coast)
3.  Affects of Hydrocarbons on Turtles
4.  Staffing, Maintaining, Operating 2 Oceanographic
    Research Vessels, Shore and Laboratory Facilities
    and Equipment

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year.                        1
  Annual Report:                    September

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Southern Association of Marine Laboratories
•   Sea Grant Colleges
•   9 Florida State Universities and University of Miami
•   Florida Department of Natural Resources

Date Founded:   1978
Founders:   Florida Institute of Technology Board of
Reasons for Founding:   To coordinate and consolidate
resources, facilities and services in Florida
                                                          Florida International University
           Drinking Water Research Center
           College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
           University Park Campus
           Miami, FL 33199

           Florida International University's Drinking Water
           Research Center conducts research in the area of water,
           wastewater and hazardous waste, at five associated
           laboratories. The center serves as the major instrumenta-

                                                                                    Florida Stale University
lion center on campus for performing trace analysis of or-
ganic and inorganic compounds in water. The center is a
State of Florida certified laboratory for drinking water.

Director: William J. Cooper
Phone: (305)348-2826

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    11            FTEs:   10
         Technical'     8    Administrative:    3
  Background: PhDs:     6            MSs:    1
               BSs:     1
              Networking Activities
International Affiliations
•   Environment Canada
•   Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute
•   International Atomic Energy Group, Austria

Date Founded:   1977
Founders:   Florida State Legislature
Reasons for Founding:   Florida House Bill 555
           Sources of Funding for FY89
University: Florida International University  .   5450,000
Federal Government: EPA; NSF; U.S.
   Geological Survey	$600,000
Industry	$150,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Wetlands ecology
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  90%
•   Applied Research                10%
•   Unique Specialties: Pilot facility for high-voltage
    treatment of hazardous waste
                                                                Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and Toxicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Florida State University's Center for Biomedical and
Toxicological Research and Hazardous Waste Manage-
ment assists local, state and Federal agencies, and private
industry in identifying, defining and assessing environ-
mental trends in hazardous waste management. The cen-
ter develops technologies, methodologies, data bases and
training programs to promote cost-effective and environ-
mentally sound prevention, spill response and contigency

Director: Roy C. Hemdon
Phone: (904)644-5524

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    30           FTEs:   30
          Technical:    25    Administrative:    5
  Background: PhDs:     10            MSs:   15
               BSs:     5
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Trace Analysis Center for Drinking Water
2.   Waste Water and Hazardous Waste Treatment
3.   Photochemistry Study of Sun and Surface Water
4.   Study of Everglades Wetlands (Bacteria and Water
5.   Remote Sensing of Algae in Water

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year.                        3
 Annual Report:                         May
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
                        State Government  30%

Federal Government: EPA    	$560,000
State Government	$240,000

Florida State University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Toxicology program
•   Waste management and environmental studies
•   Industrial waste exchange program with industry
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  5%
•   Applied Research               95%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Development of Toxicant Profiles
2.  Development of Special Environmental Monitoring
3.  Training on Toxicology Risk Assessment

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Courses Offered in 1989:                  10
  Other. Industrial waste exchange program sponsored
through the State of Florida
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    55            FTEs:   50
         Technical:    35    Administrative:   15
  Background: PhDs:    40            MSs:   15

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government: DOE; U.S. Navy   .  $ 10,500,000
State Government: Florida Water Districts   . $3,000,000
Industry: Control Data; Reynolds Metals     . $ 1,500,000
              Networking Activities
International Affiliations
•   University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Date Founded:   1980
Founders:   State of Honda
Reasons for Founding:   To provide technical
assistance to state health and environmental agencies; to
conduct basic toxicology research
         Florida State University
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306 4052

Florida State University's Supercomputer Computations
Research Institute was created to expand the base of re-
search and development in computational science and
technology. The institute encourages joint government, in-
dustry and university participation in improving basic
tools, languages and associated theory. Environmental ap-
plications include modeling of thunderstorms and acid
rain, tracking potential oil spills and predicting changes in
the Earth's climate.

Director: Joseph Lannuttti
Phone: (904)644-1010
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Computational science
•   Supercompuu'ng with ETA10 supercomputer
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 97%
•   Applied Research                3%
       Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: ETA10 supercomputer

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Tracking Potential Oil Spills on Florida's Coastline
2.   Using Supercomputer Model to Investigate
    Thunderstorms and Acid Rain Transporters of
3.   Florida Aquifer Research Modeling
4.   Designing High Energy Particle Physics Experiments
    for the Superconducting Super Collider
5.   Modeling the Human Genome Using Gel

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                       52
 Annual Report                      January
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   6

               Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Southwestern University Network
•   Energy Science Network
•   Energy Service Network Subscriber

                                                                                      Florida, University of
International Affiliations
•   Center for European Nuclear Research, Geneva,

Date Founded:   1984
Founders:   Florida State Universtiy, Control Data
Reasons for Founding:   To address computational
needs of DOE
                          Services Provided
          Major Areas of Expertise
          •    Aquatic plant ecology
              Fisheries management
          •    Limnology
              Water quality
          Current Activity Mix
          •    Basic Research                 25%
              Applied Research               75%
          Florida, University of
Center for Aquatic Plants
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainesville, FL 32646

University of Florida's Center for Aquatic Plants was
directed to develop environmentally sound techniques for
the management of aquatic weed species and to coor-
dinate aquatic plant research activities within the State of
Florida. The center has developed multidisciplinary re-
search, teaching and extension programs by drawing on
many departments within the university and its agricul-
tural research and education centers throughout Florida.

Director: Joseph C. Joyce
Phone: (904)392-9613
                       Major Projects in FY89
          1.   Development of Economic Uses of Aquatic Plants
          2.   Development of Herbicide Application Techniques
          3.   Defining the Economic Impact of Aquatic Plants and
              Plant Management
          4.   Evaluation of Aquatic Herbicide Efficiency

                  Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                         Outreach Programs
           Symposia per Yean                         1
           Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            1
           Other: Aquatic plant database for Public Use

          Date Founded:   1978
          Founders:   State Legislature
          Reasons for Founding:   To conduct research on
          aquatic plants that are vital to Honda's environment.
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     8            FTEs:
         Technical:     5    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     1            MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
        Sate Government
University: University of Florida    .  .    .  $200,000
Federal Government: USDA; DOI; Army Corps of
   Engineers     	$330,000
State Government: Florida Department of Fish and
   Game; Florida Department of Natural Resources;
   Honda Water Districts    	$330,000
Industry	$140,000
Florida, University of
          Central Florida Research and Education Center, Apoka
          Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
          2700 East Celery Avenue
          Sanford,FL 32771

          University of Horida's Central Honda Research and
          Education Center, Apopka, was established to provide re-
          search on commerical foliage plant production, including
          rates and blends of fertilizer application and disease and
          insect control. Major research emphasis is placed on the
          effects of biological and physical stress on plant growth,
          with programs in plant physiology, plant pathology,
          genetics, entomology, nematology and horticulture.

          Director: Charles A. Conover
          Phone: (407)889-4161

                           Size and Scope
          Number of Personnel:    80           FTEs:   80
                   Technical:    79    Administrative:    1
            Background: PhDs:    19            MSs:    5

Florida, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Stale Government
Date Founded:   1969
Founders:   Honda State Legislature
Reasons for Founding:   To serve the ornamental plant
          Florida, University of
Federal Government USDA; EPA    .   .  .  $270,000
State Government: Florida Water Districts; Florida De-
   partment of Environmental Regulation   . $2,100,000
Industry: Grace Chemical    	$600,000
Nonprofit Organization: American Assn of Nurserymen;
   Florida Growers and Nurserymen Assn; Florida
   Foliage Assn    	$30,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Agricultural research
•   Pest control
•   Water quality
•   Insects affecting man
•   Plant nutrition
•   Development of new varieties of plants
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  30%
    Applied Research                70%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: A bioconirol
•   Unique Specialties: A major US center for foliage
    and interior plants; developed the only grape that can
    survive the Florida climate

              Major Projects in FY89
1.  Nitrate Influences on Surfacial Aquifer from
2.  Development of seedles watermelons
3.  Creadon of cultivars for Florida grape industry
4.  Integrated Pest Management Programs for Ornamentals

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                         1
 Other. Articles in referenced publications
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
300 Weil Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611

University of Florida's Engineering and Industrial Experi-
ment Station has a broad spectrum of research: automat-
ion technologies and manufacturing sciences, biotech-
nology, communication technology, biomedical engineer-
ing, microelectronics, conventional and alternative energy
technologies. Many of the station's programs seek to im-
prove industrial or agricultural productivity through the
development of new materials, devices or processes.

Director: MJ. Ohanian
Phone: (904)392-0946

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   250            FTEs:   100
          Technical:    85    Administrative:    15
TBackground: PhDSO  MSs:               10

          Sources of Funding for FY89
       Federal Government
                                  Other 3%
        State Government  18%
Federal Government	$23,680,000
State Government	$6,660,000
Industry: IBM; General Electric; Harris   .  . $5.550,000
Other	$1,110,000
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   USDA Experimental Station, Orlando, Florida
•   Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
•   Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
•   Department of Ornamental Horticulture, University
    of Florida

                                                                             Georgia Institute ofTechnology
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Civil, chemical and environmental engineering
•   Waste management
•   Energy conservation
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 50%
•   Applied Research               50%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Bioglass;

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Microelectronics and Materials: Joint project with
    Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA)
2.  Optoelectronics, Advanced Composites, and
3.  Software Industry Study
4.  Design of a BiofUter System for Odor Control

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        4
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           60
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:    10

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   NASA - Southern Technology Applications Center
    Innovative Nuclear Space Policy Institute

Date Founded:   1941
Founders:   State of Florida
Reasons for Founding:   To enhance industrial
   Georgia Institute of Technology
Environmental Science and Technology Division,
   Economic Development Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA 30332

Georgia Institute of Technology's Economic Develop-
ment Laboratory focuses its research on environmental
science, occupational health and safety, environmental en-
gineering and hazardous materials management The
laboratory supports both the government and local in-
dustry, through its operation of twelve regional offices
throughout the State of Georgia.

Director: John Nemeth
Phone: (404)894-8076

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   100           FTEs:    80
         Technical:    60   Administrative:    20
  Background: PhDs:     7            MSs:    22
               BSs:    31

           Sources of Funding for FY90
       Federal Government
University: Georgia Institute of Technology     $250,000
Federal Government: EPA; DOE; U.S. Army;
   OSHA     	$2,000,000
State Government	$2,000,000
Industry: Coca Cola; Johnson & Johnson     .   $750,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
    Hazardous waste
•   Hazardous materials management
•   Occupational health and safety environmental
    Environmental science (from ecology to indoor air
Current Activity Mix
    Applied Research              100%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Thermal
    dewatering of poultry process waste sludges;
    computerized environmental management systems
•   Unique Specialties: Largest continuing education
    program in hazardous waste and related sciences;
    special asbestos abatement training

Harvard University
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Osha On-Site Consultation Program (for Small and
    Medium Sized Private Businesses)
2.  Hazardous Material Technical Assistance Program
    (State Funded)
3.  Hazardous Chemicals Handling: Training in Technical
    Assistance for Public Employees
4.  Southeast Asbestos Information Center for U.S. EPA
5.  Agricultural Research Program

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Courses Offered in 1989:                  100
 Other Technical information sheets on safety and
hazardous waste

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Oak Ridge Associated Universities
•   Rice University
•   Wayne S tate University
•   Johns Hopkins University
•   Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Date Founded:   1978
Founders:   Bill Howard
Reasons for Founding:   Received OSHA on-site
consultation program
            Harvard University
Kresge Center for Environmental Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Harvard University's Krespe Center for Environmental
Health conducts environmental health-related research
and training activities. The center draws on resources
from the departments of biostatistics, cancer biology,
epidemiology and environmental science and physiology,
plus the laboratory of toxicology. The center is designed
to foster formal and informal cross-department collabora-
tive arrangements that enhance academic programs and
multidisciplinary research projects.

Director: John B. Little
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    50           FTEs:    37
         Technical:    45    Administrative:     5
  Background: PhDs:    17            MSs:     1

           Sources of Funding for FY89
          Federal Government
Federal Government: NIH; National Institutes of Environ-
   mental Health Sciences    	$1,250,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Research and training in the fields of epidemiology
    and occupational health
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 67%
    Applied Research               33%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Biochemical Toxicology: Site Specific Mutagenesis
2.  Radiation Biology and Experimental Carcinogenesis:
    Mutations and Malignant Transformations
3.  Respiratory Biology and Inhalation Studies: Animal
    Bioassays for Inhaled Gases and Particles
4.  Environmental Epidemiology: Health Factors in
    Respiratory and Cardiovascular Disease
5.  Occupational Health: Studying Employment Associated
    Hazards and Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Them

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year.                        4
  Annual Report                      January
  Courses Offered in 1989:                   19

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Institutes of Health Centers of Excellence

                                Illinois Institute of Technology and Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute
Date Founded:   1962
Founders:   Harvard University
Reasons for Founding:  To coordinate Harvard's
environmental health programs
              Current Activity Mix
                  Basic Research                 90%
              •   Applied Research               10%
                    Prototype Development
              •   Unique Specialties: Operates three submarines for
          Hawaii, University of
Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL)
Marine Sciences Building
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

The Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) was
established by a cooperative agreement between NOAA
and the University of Hawaii. The HURL program con-
centrates its research efforts on fisheries, pollution, sea
floor properties and processes and ocean technology and

Director: Alexander Malahoff
Phone: (808)948-6335
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel-    22           FTEs:
         Technical:    18   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     7            MSs:
              BSs:    13

          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government: NOAA
State Government
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Fisheries
•   Pollution
•   Sea floor properties and processes
•   Ocean technology
                           Major Projects in FY89
              1.   Enewetak Atoll Study
              2.   Johnson Atoll Study
              3.   Effects of Dredge Spoil on the Deep Benthos
              4.   Benthic Metabolism around Deep Sewer Outfalls
              5.   Mapping the Puna S ubmarine Canyon and Kealakua

                      Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                             Outreach Programs
               Symposia per Yean                        2
               Annual Report                      January

              Date Founded:   1980
              Founders:  University of Hawaii
              Reasons for Founding:   Started as part of NOAA's
              Undersea Research Program
               Illinois Institute of Technology and
                  Illinois Institute of Technology
                          Research Institute
The Center for Hazardous Waste Management
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616

The Center for Hazardous Waste Management is jointly
sponsored by the Illinois Institute of Technology and its
sister organization, the Illinois Institute of Technology Re-
search Institute. The center concentrates its efforts in the
areas of new waste treatment methods, as well as assist-
ing industry and government in dealing with all aspects of
hazardous wastes.

Director: Glenn Paulson

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   37           FTEs:   15
         Technical:   35   Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:    12           MSs:   18
              BSs:     5

Illinois Institute ofTechnology
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Date Founded:   1987
Founders:   Illinois Institute of Technology; Illinois
Institute ofTechnology Research Institute
Reasons for Founding:  To better utilize the resources
of the two parent organizations
                                                           Illinois Institute of Technology
University: Illinois Institute of Technology; Illinois In-
   stitute of Technology Research Institute  .  $200,000
Federal Government: DOD: EPA   .... $1,200,000
Industry: Coalition on Superfund   ....  $600,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Hazardous waste treatment and management
•   Toxicology
•   Groundwater
•   Air quality
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  25%
•   Applied Research                75%
       Prototype Development
       Market Assessment
•   Unique Specialties: Center has a comprehensive
    Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
    Permit to study large amounts of hazardous waste at
    its facilities

             Major  Projects in FY89
1.   Metal Speciation and Control Methods
2.   Hydrazine and Nitrous Oxide Scrubbers for U.S.
    Space Shuttle
3.   Control of Toxic Air Pollutants
4.   Field Evaluation of Odors
5.   Modeling and Monitoring of Contaminant Migration

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        12
 Courses Offered in 1989:                    6
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Illinois Institute of Technology
•   Illinois Institute of Technology, Research Institute
•   Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
3201 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60616

The Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center at the
Illinois Institute ofTechnology was founded to spearhead
collaboration between government agencies, private in-
dustry, and university scientists to tackle waste elimina-
tion problems. The center's research is directed toward
refining technologies to reduce or eliminate the genera-
tion of industrial pollutants.

Director: Kenneth Noll
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   12            FTEs:
         Technical:   10    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    9             MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Governmen
University: Illinois Institute ofTechnology  .  . $26,000
Federal Government: EPA   	$540,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Industrial waste recycling
•   Recovery and reuse
•   Waste minimization of air and water resources

                                                                                     Illinois, University of
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 33%
•   Applied Research               67%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
•   Prototype Development
•   Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Chemical
    feed stock products
•   Unique Specialties: Heavy metals elimination

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Metals Speciation, Separation and Recovery
2.  Absorption, Desorption of Air Pollutants
3.  Pyrolization of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
4.  Separation and Reclamation of Inorganics Contained in
    Waste Streams

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        2
 Annual Report                    November
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            2
 Other 1 day workshops for industry

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Clarkson University
•   Vanderbilt University
•   Illinois Institute of Technology, Research Institute
•   The Center for Hazardous Waste Management
International Affiliations
•   Institute Di Ricerca Sulle, Acque, Via Reno 1, CAP
    00198, Roma, Italy

Date Founded:   1980
Founders:   Illinois Institute  of Technology; EPA
Reasons for Founding:   To  create an EPA Center of
Excellence to solve the problem of waste elimination
           Illinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Tech. Research Center
3230 NewmarkCE. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana.IL 61801

The Advanced Environmental Control Technology
Research Center (AECTRC) was established under a
cooperative agreement with EPA and the University of
Illinois. The center focuses its research on separation
technology, and contaminant detoxification and destruc-
tion as related to air and water pollution.

Director: R.S. Engelbrecht
Phone: (217)333-3822

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    22
         Technical:    20
  Background: PhDs:     8
        FTEs:   10
Administrative:    2
         MSs:    5
           Sources of Funding for FY89
          Federal Government
University: University of Illinois    	$60,000
Federal Government: EPA; Army Corps of
   Engineers     	$834,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Separation technology
•   Detoxification and destruction as related to air and
    water pollution
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  50%
    Applied Research               50%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Control of Toxicity in Expanded-Bed Anaerobic
2.   Rates of Transfer in Biological Treatment
3.   Development of Expanded-Bed GAC Anaerobic
4.   Examination of Microbial Selection in GAC Biofilms
5.   Fundamentals of Advanced Photograph Kinetics for

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        4
 Annual Report                       March

Illinois, University of
               Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   The center's advisory committee has members from:
    EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Lab
    University of Tennessee
    Research Triangle Institute
    Clemson University
    Dupont Chemical
    Lehigh University
International Affiliations
•   Trilateral training agreement between: University of
    Illinois, EPA, Japan Sewage Works Agency
Date Founded:   1979
Founders:  University of Illinois; EPA
Reasons for Founding:   To address relative problems
associated with the technology of environmental quality
control as related to the nation's air and water resources
           Illinois, University of
Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
1101 West Peabody
Urbana,IL 61801

University of Illinois' Institute for Environmental Studies
is an interdisciplinary academic unit organized to
promote collaboration among scholars and to foster the
study of the physical, biological and social environment
and human interactions with that environment The in-
stitute works with government and industry to provide the
information necessary for successful planning and
decision making.

Director: Roger A. Minear
Phone: (217)333^178

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    40            FTEs:   13
         Technical:    3    Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:    38             MSs:    1
           Sources of Funding for FY89
Federal Government: EPA; NSF; USAF   .  .   $646,573
State Government	$1,832,898
Industry: Monsanto; Kellogg; Batelle Memorial
   Institute   	$209,936

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Environmental toxicology
•   Environmental mutagens and carconagens
    Environmental chemistry
•   Air quality
•   Risk assessment
•   Water resources
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Aluminum in Drinking Water
2.   Aluminum Bioavailability in Rabbits
3.   In Vitro Activation of Promutagens by Green Plants
4.   Risk Assessment Model for Direct Acting Genotoxins
5.   Atmospheric Chemistry of Po-218

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean
 Annual Report:
 Courses Offered in 1989:
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Illinois Hazardous Waste Information Center
•   IES operates: Office of Solid Waste Research, Water
    Resources Center (WRC)
•   WRC administers funds for Indiana Sea Grant

                                                                                   Kansas State University
Date Founded:   1972
Founders:   University of Illinois
Reasons for Founding:   To create an interdisciplinary
unit to foster collaboration among scholars
            Iowa, University of
University Hygienic Laboratory
Oakdale Campus
Iowa City, IA 52242

The University Hygienic Laboratory at the University of
Iowa conducts research on disease control, environmental
monitoring, and ground water quality.

Director: W J. Havsler, Jr.
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Organic Residues in Groundwater
2.   B io Markers of Environmental Insults
3.   Standardization of HIV Reporting

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        2
 Annual Report                      February

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   EPA
•   Center for Disease Control

Date Founded:   1904
Founders:   Iowa Legislature; University of Iowa
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   150           FTEs:   141
         Technical:   105   Administrative:   45
  Background: PhDs:     8

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Stale Government
Federal Government	$1,000,000
State Government	$4,000,000
Industry	$1,000,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Disease control
•   Environmental monitoring
•   Ground water quality
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%
•   Unique Specialties: Laboratory assessment of AIDS
         Kansas State University
EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS 66506

The Kansas State University EPA Hazardous Substance
Research Center is a consortium of universities in Federal
Regions 7 and 8. The center was established to conduct re-
search on the identification, treatment, and reduction of
hazardous substances resulting from agriculture, forestry,
mining, mineral processing, and other activities of local

Director: Larry Erickson
Phone: (913)532-5584
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     9           FTEs:
         Technical:     7   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     5

Kansas State University
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   EPA; Kansas State University
Reasons for Fou nding:   To conduct research pertaining
to identification, treatment and reduction of hazardous
                                                               Kansas State University
Federal Government: EPA	$2,000,000
Industry	$10,000
Other. Consortium of Universities in EPA
   Regions? and 8     	$1,530,068

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Analysis of hazardous substances from agriculture,
    forestry, mining, mineral processing and other
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  50%
•   Applied Research                50%
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS 66506

Kansas State University's Engineering Experiment Sta-
tion was established to perform research of engineering
and manufacturing value to the State of Kansas, and to
collect and present technical information for the use of in-
dustry and the people of the state. The station's present
scope encompasses research of national and international
significance as well.

Director: Gale Simons
Phone: (913)532-5844
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Study of Heavy Metal Contamination of Surface and
    Ground Water resulting from Past Mining Operations
2.   Study of Ground Water Contamination from Other
    Sources: Pesticides, Wood Preservatives, and Oil
3.   Hazardous Waste Minimization
4.   Development of Incineration, Biodegradation and
    Immobilization Technology
5.   Experimental Study of Stabilization/Solidification of
    Hazardous Substances

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        3
 Annual Report                     November
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   2

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Consortium with Montana State University
•   University of Iowa
•   University of Missouri
•   University of Montana
•   University of Nebraska
•   University of Utah
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    133            FTEs:  133
         Technical:    125    Administrative:    8
  Background: PhDs:    110            MSs:   23

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: Kansas State University    .... $30,000
Federal Government	$4,500,000
State Government	$2300,000
Industry	$1,770,000

                                                                                         Lamar University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Environmental research
•   Instrumentation and controls
•   Advanced manufacturing
•   Materials engineering
•   Transportation research
•   Electric power research
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Alleviating Drought Problems in Kansas and Drip
    Irrigation of Corn
2.  Photo Thermal Beam Reflection Spectroscopy
3.  Hazardous Substance Research
4.  Advanced Manufacturing
5.  Design and Characterization of Microprocessor Systems

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 S ymposia per Yean                        12
 Annual Report                       October
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            12
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     15
 Other Hotline: (800)332-0036 available to general
public; radon contractor training

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   North Central Manufacturing Partnership

Date Founded:   1910
Founders:  Kansas State University Board of Regents
Reasons for Founding:   To perform research in
engineering and manufacturing of value to the State of
             Lamar University
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
P.O. Box 10613
Beaumont, TX 77710

Lamar University's Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Re-
search Center combines work in the social and environ-
mental science fields in order to better understand the full
range of issues affecting waste cleanup. The center
focuses research on waste minimization and treatment,
and provides technical support
Director: William Cawley
Phone: (409)880-8707

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    55            FTEs:   13
          Technical:    50    Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:    55

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                            Federal Government
                                            State Government
                    Federal Government: EPA   	$1,500,000
                    State Government	$600,000
                    Industry: Sandoz Crop Protection; Chemical Waste
                       Management     	$108,000

                                    Services Provided
                    Major Areas of Expertise
                    •   Waste minimization
                    •   Innovative treatment
                    •   Technological support
                    Current Activity Mix
                    •   Basic Research                 90%
                        Applied Research               10%

                                 Major Projects in FY89
                    1.  Mechanisms of Solidification Stabilization
                    2.  Data Collection on "Not In My Back Yard" Syndrome
                    3.  Fate of Volatiles in Soils

                                  Networking Activities
                    Current Affiliations
                    •   Center is a consortium: University of Central Florida
                    •   Mississippi State University
                    •   University of Alabama
                    •   Louisiana State University
                    •   University of Texas
                    •   Texas A&M University
                    •   University of Houston
                    International Affiliations
                    •   Chinese Academy, Institute of Power Management,
                        820, Building 813, Huangzhuang, Haidin District,
                        Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

Lehigh University
Date Founded:   1987
Founders:   Lamar University
Reasons for Founding:   Section 118C SARA
             Lehigh University
Environmental Studies Center
Chandler-Ullinan Building #17
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Lehigh University's Environmental Studies Center is a
multidisciplinary research organization with the primary
purpose of fostering research opportunitites in a broad
range of environmental science and engineering fields.
The center's staff includes faculty, graduate students, and
technicians from the biology, chemistry, civil engineer-
ing, geological sciences, mechancial engineering, chemi-
cal engineering, economics, social relations, and urban
studies departments.

Director: Irwin J. Kugleman
Phone: (215)758-3670

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    14            FTEs:   10
          Technical:    13    Administrative:    1
  Background: PhDs:    12
               BSs:     2

          Sources of Funding for FY89
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Ground water movement and pollution
•   Surface water ecology
•   Hazardous waste management
•   Public policy
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  10%
    Applied Research               90%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Effects of Limestoning Acid Impacted Lakes
2.   Study of the Ecology of Pollution Impacted Lakes
3.   Concurrent Bacterial Denitrification and Nitrification in
    Biologically Waste Treated Soil Systems
4.   Development of New Iron Exchanges for Treatment of
    Water and Waste
5.   Treatment of Fish Processing Waste Water in Salt
    Marsh Systems

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                      Summer

Date Founded:   1962
Founders:   Lehigh University
Reasons for Founding:   Originally to solve marine
problems; later to foster research opportunities on
enviromental problems
       Louisiana State University
          Federal Government
University: Lehigh University	$150,000
Federal Government: EPA; DOC; DOE; DOI    $250,000
State Government: Equivalent state agencies    $400,000
Industry: Pfiser, Armstrong; Pennsylvania Power;
   Allegheny Power, small local industries   .   $200,000
Hazardous Waste Research Center
3418 Ceba Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

The Hazardous Waste Research Center at Louisiana State
University focuses its research efforts on three main
areas: destruction, separation and disposal of hazardous
wastes. Through its Industry Associates Program, the cen-
ter works directly with industry to help solve problems.

Director: Louis Thibodeaux
Phone: (504)388-6770

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    24           FTEs:   12
          Technical:    18   Administrative:    6
  Background: PhDs:    12            MSs:   12

                                                                    Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
          State Government
University: Louisiana State University    .  .  . $50,000
Federal Government; EPA; U.S. Air Force   .  $640,000
State Government: Department of Environmental
   Quality    	$50,000
Industry: Dow Chemical; Ethyl    ....  $260,000
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 S ymposia per Yean                         1
 Annual Report:                        Spring
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:             1
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     1
 Other: Seeking industry sponsors through mailing list,
conferences, posters, publication in professional journals

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Kansas State University Hazardous Substance
    Research Center
•   Gulf Coast Hazardous S ubstance Resource
    Management Center, Lamar University
•   North Carolina State University
•   Pacific Basin Consortium
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Basic research in incineration
•   Combustion
•   Alternate methods of treatment destruction
•   Interaction of waste constituents and natural media
•   Industry associates applied research program
•   Technology transfer program
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  50%
    Applied Research                50%
       Prototype Development
       Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized:
    Biodegradation of Dioxins and PCBs with Micro
    Masters Inc

             Major Projects in FY89
I.  Immobilization Mechanisms in Solidification
2.  Rotary Kiln Incineration
3.  Detoxification of Dioxin Contaminated Sludges
4.  Fate and Transport of Non Aqueous Phase Liquids in
5.  Air Stripping of Volatile Organics from Groundwater
6.  Evaluation of the Mechanisms and Rate of Transport in
    Deep-Well Injection Strata
Date Founded:   1981
Founders:   Elvin Dantin
Reasons for Founding:   To create an EPA Center of
Excellence to conduct hazardous waste research
    Louisiana Universities Marine
Marine Consortium
Chauvin, LA 70344

The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUM-
CON) provides coastal research facilities, research and
education in the marine sciences, and public service for
Louisiana's citizens. The challenge is to conserve and en-
hance traditional and underutilized resources, while un-
derstanding and abating threats to these resources
resulting from the rapid deterioration of coastal wetlands
and from pollutants.

Director: Donald Boesch

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    60           FTEs:   55
         Technical:    38   Administrative:    7
  Background: PhDs:      8            MSs:    6

Maryland, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
         State Government
Date Founded:   1979
Founders:   State of Louisiana
Reasons for Founding:   To facilitate research by
Louisiana Universities in broad range of marine sciences
         Maryland, University of
Federal Government: U.S. Geological Survey; National
   Marine Fisheries Service; Minerals Management Ser-
   vice; NSF; NOAA.    	$2,500,000
State Government	$1,500,000
Industry: Mid-Continent Oil and Gas; Battelle   $500,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Shoreline research
•   Aquaculture
•   Fisheries
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 60%
    Applied Research               40%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Shoreline Environmental Processes
2.   Biological Production (food chain research)
3.   Fisheries Development and Management
4.   Impacts of Energy and Chemical Industries
5.   Study of the Intersection of Mississippi River and Gulf
    of Mexico

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        5
Sea Grant College
1224 H J.Patterson Hall
College Park, MD 20742

The University of Maryland's Sea Grant College centers
its research on the many complex environmental
problems facing the Chesapeake Bay region. Of primary
concern are fisheries, aquaculture and coastal policy.

Director: John Greer
Phone: (301)454-5690
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    22            FTEs:
         Technical:    14    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     7            MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY90
         Federal Government
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Grambling State University
•   Louisiana State University
•   Louisiana Tech University
•   McNeese State University
•   Nicholls S tate University
•   Northeast Louisiana University
•   Northwestern State University
•   Southeastern Louisiana University
•   Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical
•   University of New Orleans
•   University of Northwestern Lousiana
University: University of Maryland    .   .  .$1,500,000
Federal Government: NSF; NOAA; EPA    . $1,900,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Fisheries
•   Aquaculture
•   Coastal policy
•   Economics of fisheries
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  50%
    Applied Research                50%

                                                                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Causes of Low-Dissolve Oxygen in Chesapeake Bay
2.  Genetic Engineering of Shellfish
3.  Biology of Recruitment in Chesapeake Bay (Oysters,
    Rockfish and Crabs)
4.  Biological Filter Design for Crab Shedding and
    Aquae ulature
5.  Influence of Absorbed Pollutants on Oyster Set and

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Yean                        2
  Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            2

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Maryland Biotechnology Institute
    Johns Hopkins University
    Academy of Natural Sciences
Date Founded:   1977
Founders:   Dr. R. Colwell; University of Maryland
Reasons for Founding:   To create a Sea Grant College
at the University of Maryland
       Massachusetts Institute of
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E-18, Room 666
Cambridge, MA 02139

Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for En-
vironmental Health Sciences is a consortium of faculty
with special knowledge of food chemistry, combustion,
waste storage, and toxicology. Research at the center is
focused on the discovery of agents in our environment
responsible for genetic changes in humans.

Director: William G. Thilly
Phone: (617)253-6220

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    68            FTEs:   68
          Technical:    64    Administrative:    4
  Background:  PhDs:    46            MSs:   22
          Sources of Fun tog for FY89
         Federal Government

University: Massachusetts Institute of
   Technology	$30,000
Federal Government: DOE; NIH   .   .  .   .$6,447,836
Industry: Centocor	$129,824
Nonprofit Organization: Rockefeller Foundation  $36,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Combustion and incineration research
•   Environmental fate and transport
•   Analytical chemistry
•   Bio-benetics and toxicology
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 100%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Gentest,
    Mutational Spectra

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Destruction of Chlorinate Hydrocarbons in Toxic Waste
    and Incineration Processes
2.   Feasibility Studies on the Analysis of Mutational
    Spectra from Indigenous Bacteria at Contaminated
3.   Analysis of 265 RNA Sequences in Natural Populations
4.   Measurement of Present Day Fluxes of Solvents and
    Toxic Inorganic Species in Surface Waters of the
    Abertuna Watershed

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           12

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   University of Vermont Medical School
•   University of California, Berkeley, Program in
    Superfund Basic Research
•   National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
International Affiliations
•   University of Quebec, Institute Armand Frappier,
    Quebec, Canada
•   Karolinska University, Stockholm, Sweden

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Date Founded:   1978
Founders:   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Reasons for Founding:   Received a National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences grant to study
combustion pollution
       Massachusetts Institute of
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
Room 48-311
Cambridge, MA 02139

Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Ralph M. Par-
sons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics
does extensive research on environmental engineering
with an emphasis on hydrodynamics of waves and cur-
rents. The laboratory also does work on modeling techni-
ques for the optimal management of water resource

Director: Raphael L. Bras
Phone: (617)253-2726

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    85           FTEs:   85
          Technical:    73   Administrative:   12
  Background: PhDs:    15            MSs:   70

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                               Services Provided
               Major Areas of Expertise
               •   Environmental engineering
               •   Water resources
               •   Coastal engineering
               •   Hydrodynamics
               Current Activity Mix
               •   Basic Research
                   Applied Research
                            Major Projects in FY89
                1.  Wave Bottom Boundary Layer Dynamics
                2.  Sorption of Organics by Particles
                3.  Stochastic Theories of Subsurface Solute Transport
                4.  Impact of Acid Precipitation on Reserviors
                5.  Estimation of Soil Properties from Landsat Images of

                       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                               Outreach Programs
                 Annual Report
                 Courses Offered in 1989:
                             Networking Activities
               Current Affiliations
                   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
               International Affiliations
               •   University of Florence National Research Council,
                   Rome, Italy

               Date Founded:   1950
               Founders:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
               Reasons for Founding:   To study hydrodynamics
         Federal Government
Federal Government: NSF; NOAA
. $3360,000
.   $840,000
                                                                   Miami University
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Oxford, OH 45056

Miami University of Ohio's Institute of Environmental
Sciences emphasizes a systematic and interdisciplinary
approach to environmental issues and the effective com-
munication of knowledge and information. The center
stresses problem solving and the ability to work in and
lead interdisciplinary teams and to work with government
officials, business leaders, and the public.

Director: Gene E. Willeke

                                                                                       Miami. University of
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel-    17            FTEs:
         Technical    IS    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     3            MSs:
               BSs:     8

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
University: Miami University    	$90,000
Federal Government: EPA; DOE; NSF; Army
   Corps of Engineers     	$2,850,000
Industry	$60,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Terrestrial and aquatic ecology
•   Hazardous and toxic substances
•   Dispute resolution
•   Water resources planning and management
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  River Restoration
2.  Treatment Technology for Hazardous and Toxic
3.  Stress Ecology
4.  Ground Source Heat Pumps
5.  Environmental Impacts of Coca Cultivation

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        3
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   8

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Central States Universities, Inc.
•   Greater Cincinnati Consortium
•   Ohio River Basin Consortium for Education and
•   Southwest Ohio Consortium
International Affiliations
•   University of Glasgow, Scotland
•   Vienna University of Economics, Austria

Date Founded:   1969
Founders:   D. Baldwin, G. Barrett, R. Wilson
Reasons for Founding:   To respond to a broad range of
environmental concerns
                     Miami, University of
          Clean Energy Research Institute
          P.O. Box 248294
          Coral Gables, FL 33124

          University of Miami's Clean Energy Research Institute
          serves as the focal point of energy related activities at the
          university, conducting research on solar energy, ocean
          thermal energy, hydrogen energy, conservation, multi-
          phase flows and heat transfer, and renewable energy sour-
          ces. The institute also organizes seminars, workshops,
          short courses, symposia and conferences, and supports
          other university departments, other academic institutions,
          government and private organizations.

          Director: T. Nejat Veziroglu
          Phone: (305)284-4666
                           Size and Scope
          Number of Personnel:    30           FTEs:
                   Technical:    24   Administrative:
            Background: PhDs:    13            MSs:
                        BSs:     5

                    Sources of Funding for FY89
                  Federal Government
          Federal Government: NSF; EPA   ....  $750,000
          Nonprofit Organization: Dejour Foundation;
             Hemispheric Foundation	$250,000

Michigan State University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Energy problems
•   Hydrogen energy research
•   Solar energy
•   Synthetic fuels.
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research
•   Applied Research
      Prototype Development
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Hydrogen Energy Research: To Provide Fossil Fuel
2.   Air Pollution Control
3.   Solar Heating and Cooling
4.   Solar Collector Testing

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year
  Annual Report
  Courses Offered in 1989:
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Florida Solar Energy Center
•   Texas A&M Hydrogen Research Center
•   Hawaii National Resource Center

Date Founded:   1974
Founders:   Dr T. Nejat Veziroglu
Reasons for Founding:   To address the energy crisis
and pollution problems
vironment The center can mobilize scientific expertise to
assess contamination of livestock with pesticides or other

Director: Lawrence Fischer
Phone: (517)353-6469

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    70           FTEs:    15
          Technical:    13   Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:    13            MSs:    2

          Sources of Funding for FY89
                             Federal Government

                    Federal Government: EPA; National Institute of Environ-
                       mental Health Sciences; USDA    .  .  .51,700,000
                    Industry: Dow Chemical; Michigan Oil
                       and Gas    	$225,000
                    Nonprofit Organization: C.S. Mott Foundation  . $50,000

                                    Services Provided
                    Major Areas of Expertise
                    •   Toxicology
                    Current Activity Mix
                        Basic Research                 50%
                    •   Applied Research                50%
       Michigan State University
Center for Environmental Toxicology
East Lansing, MI 48824

The Center for Environmental Toxicology was estab-
lished at Michigan State University to bring MSU's
knowledge to bear on problems of environmental pollu-
tion in the State of Michigan. The center is a clearing
house for information and research on toxics in the en-
                                 Major Projects in FY89
                    1.   Food Toxicology Research (Analysis of Microtoxins)
                    2.   Bioassay of Toxicology in Fish and Wildlife
                    3.   Hazardous Substance Research

                            Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                                   Outreach Programs
                     Symposia per Yean                        2

                                  Networking Activities
                    Current Affiliations
                    •   EPA Hazardous Substance Regional Center
                    •   Hazardous Materials Management Consortium

                                                                                  Michigan State University
Date Founded:   1978
Founders:   State of Michigan
Reasons for Founding:   To coordinate rapid scientific
response to chemical contamination in Michigan
       Michigan State University
Institute of Water Research
334 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48823

Michigan State University's Institute of Water Research
is responsible for aiding in the coordination of research
and educational programs on surface and groundwater
quality and quantity in the state. The institute administers
Michigan Sea Grant College projects and the Inland
Lakes Research and Study Center.

Director: Jon F. Bartholic
Phone: (517)353-3742

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    17           FTEs:   14
          Technical:    13    Administrative:    4
  Background: PhDs:    2             MSs:    7
               BSs:    4

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Stare Government
University    	$250,000
State Government	$500,000
Nonprofit Organization    	$250,000
Current Activity Mix
    Applied Research               100%
      Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: Modeling for user friendly

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   The Effect of Water Level Changes on the Economic
    Value and Biological Function of Great Lakes
    Coastal Wetlands
2.   Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical
    Characterization and Implication for Consumptive
    Use of a Large Glacier Drift Aquifer System in
    Southwest Michigan
3.   Vertical Fracture Systems in Glacial Till and the
    Susceptibility of Buried Aquifers to Surface Derived
4.   Upgrading Microcomputer Workstation for
    Disseminating Groundwater Information to Local
    Decision Makers
5.   A Basic Local-Level Water Resource Data Base

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        6
 Annual Report                         April
 Other                      Books and articles

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Wayne State University
    Western Michigan University
    Michigan Department of Natural Resources
    Michigan Department of Public Health
    Groundwater Education in Michigan, (GEM)
    sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation

Date Founded:   1961
Founders:   U.S. Geological Survey
Reasons for Founding:   To coordinate programs and
conduct research in areas concerning surface and
groundwater contamination
                Services Provided
Major Anas of Expertise
•   Technology transfer
•   Groundwater and surface water quality
•   Modeling

Michigan State University
       Michigan State University
Pesticide Research Center
107 Pesticide Research Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824 1131

Michigan State University's Pesticide Research Center
was established to permit interdisciplinary research on ex-
tremely complex and interlocking problems. Michigan's
extensive and highly diversified agriculture demanded ef-
fective pest control, while the State's equally extensive
natural resources — its lakes, rivers and forests and all
their natural inhabitants — demanded protection. In 1974
the U.S. Department of Agriculture named the center one
of four "leader" laboratories in the U.S.

Director: Robert M. Hollingworth

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    95           FTEs:   30
          Technical:    90   Administrative:    5
  Background: PhDs:    18           MSs:   20

          Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
        Slate Government
Federal Government: USDA; EPA; FDA;
State Government	
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Biochemical toxicology
•   Animal toxicology
•   Environmental chemistry
•   Electron optics
•   Biophysical studies
               Current Activity Mix
                  Basic Research                  40%
               •   Applied Research                60%
                     Prototype Development
                     Market Assessment
               •   Products or Processes Commercialized: LISA
                  Immuno Assay System

                           Major Projects in FY89
               1.  Fundamental and Applied Aspects of B iology and
                  Control of Economic Pests
               2.  Distribution, Chemistry and Ecology of Pesticides LI
                  Soils and in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
               3.  Contamination of Foods and Feeds
               4.  Modes of Entry and the Metabolism, Physiology and
                  Toxicology of Pesticides in Plant, Animal and
                  Microbial Systems

                      Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                             Outreach Programs
                Symposia per Year                         1
               Other: Cooperative extension service

               Date Founded:   1965
               Founders:  Dr. Gordon Guyer
               Reasons for Founding:   To protect Michigan's farms
               and wildlife
                       Michigan, University of
Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic EPA Hazardous Substance
Research Center (HSRC)
Department of Civil Engineering
2340 G.G. Brown Building
Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 2125

The Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic EPA Hazardous Sub-
stance Research Center (HSRC) at the University of
Michigan concentrates its research on biological degrada-
tion, bioreactors, surface agents, and on-site cleanup.

Director: Walter J. Weber, Jr.
Phone: (313)763-2274
                                Size and Scope
              Number of Personnel:   10           FTEs:
                        Technical:     3   Administrative:
                 Background: PhDs:     3

                                                                                    Michigan, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   EPA
Reasons for Founding:
Research Center
                                                                              To create EPA Hazardous
         Michigan, University of
Federal Government: EPA   	$1,000,000
State Government	$250,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Biological degradation processes for organic
    hazardous substances
•   Bioreactors
•   Surface agents
•   On-site contamination cleanup
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 80%
•   Applied Research               20%
•   Unique Specialties: Multidisciplinary Research

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Microbial Phenomena Responsible for Degrading a
    Pollutant Compound
2.   Chemical Characteristics of Pollutants
3.   Design and Operation of Laboratory Scale Treatment
4.   Reductive Dechlorination
5.   Volatile Organic Compound Degradation

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        3
 Annual Report                       October
 Other June 1991 meeting of all 5 EPA Regional
Hazardous Substance Research Centers

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Michigan State University and Howard University
•   EPA Regional Hazardous Substance Research
    Superfund Center, National Waste-Reduction
Institute of Environmental and Industrial Health
School of Public Health
109 South Observatory, Room 1518
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

University of Michigan's Institute of Environmental and
Industrial Health combines research in three major areas:
environmental health sciences (air quality, environmental
chemistry, environmental health management, hazardous
waste, radiological health, water quality), occupational
health (industrial hygiene, occupational medicine), and
toxicology. Instrumentation and facilities include:
dosimeter exposure chambers, radiation detection equip-
ment, spectrophotometers, ultra centrifuges, vacuum
evaporators and an electron microscopy facility.

Director: Robert Gray

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   28            FTEs:   25
         Technical:   27   Administrative:    I
  Background: PhDs:   27

          Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Federal Government: EPA; FDA; DOD; NIH $3,200,000
Industry: Dow Chemical; General Motors;
   Ford Motor	$800,000

Michigan, University of
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Industrial hygiene
•   Environmental health (air pollution, water quality,
    tixicity, neurotoxicity)
•   Computer modeling on air and water problems
•   Pathology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 25%
•   Applied Research               75%
      Prototype Development
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
                            State Government
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Research on Ergonomics
2.  Research on Toxicology

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year                        4
  Annual Report*                 Fall - Biannual
  Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     1

Date Founded:   1951
Founders:   General Motors Corporation
Reasons for Founding:   To facilitate studies on
occupational disease and occupational health; original
funding: $10,000, by General Motors
         Michigan, University of
Michigan Sea Grant College Program
2200 Bonisteel Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

University of Michigan's Michigan Sea Grant College
Program, a state cooperative program of the university
and Michigan State University, is pan of a national
network of programs offering marine-related research,
education and advisory services. Among other accomp-
lishments, Michigan's program has revolutionized cold
water drowning rescue techniques, established under-
water parks, developed low-cost shore protection
measures, and trained U.S. shipbuilders.

Director: Michael Parsons

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    80            FTEs:   55
          Technical:    68   Administrative:   12
  Background: PhDs:    30            MSs:   38
Federal Government: NOAA; U.S. Coast
   Guard	$1,000,000
State Government	$500,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Coastal processes; environmental studies; living
    resources; marine transportation; economics of
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 40%
•   Applied Research                60%
    Unique Specialties: Marine transportation and

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Coast Guard Vessel Research
2.   Immune  Response in Great Lakes Fish Eaters
3.   Lake Sturgeon Program
4.   Lake Level Changes (Impact on Shoreline
5.   Impact of TCDD (a dioxin isomer) on the Reproduction
    of Rainbow Trout

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                       10

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   U.S. Sea Grant Programs
    Great Lakes (Regional) Sea Grant Programs
•   Michigan State University (Joint Manager of
    Michigan Sea Grant)

Date Founded:   1969
Founders:   U.S. Congress
Reasons for Founding:   National Sea Grants Program

                                                                          Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
          Nevada, University of
Desert Research Institute
P.O. Box 60220
Reno, NV 89506

University of Nevada's Desert Research Institute has
developed from a basic focus on arid land problems to in-
clude atmospheric physics and air resources; quality and
quantity constraints on water resources; influences of arid
environments on the physiology of desert plants; environ-
mental impacts of power generation and energy-related
engineering science; and social and technological
developments of man in arid lands.

Director: James V. Taranik, President
Phone: (702)673-7300
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research
      Prototype Development
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Laser

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Transport of Radio Nucleides in Groundwater
2.   Desert Mountain Air Transport
3.   Source Reception Modeling of Urban Air Quality

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                       Spring
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            1
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   290           FTEs:  250
         Technical:   250   Administrative:   40
  Background: PhDs:    45            MSs:   74

          Sources of Funding for FY89
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Operates: Atmospheric Sciences Center
•   Biological Sciences Center
•   Energy and Environmental Engineering Center
    Quaternary Sciences Center, Water Resources Center
    NOAA's Western Regional Climate Center
        Federal Government
Federal Government: DOE; NOAA; NSF; DOD;
   NASA;DOI	$8,000,000
State Government	$1,600,000
Industry: Southern California Edison; Nevada
   Power	$4,160,000
Other Nevada county governments   .  .   .52,240,000

               Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Atmospheric physics
•   Water quality and quantity
•   Environmental impact
•   Archaeology
•   Hazardous waste detection and monitoring
•   Air quality
Date Founded:   1959
Founders:   Nevada State Legislature
Reasons for Founding:   To study environmental
problems associated with arid climates
                                                        Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
Environmental Research Center
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154

University of Nevada, Las Vegas' Environmental Re-
search Center runs a broad variety of programs that re-
quire the focus of extensive experience, expertise and
resources. The center conducts environmental monitoring
studies, human exposure assessments, cultural resource in-
ventories, geothermal potential assessments, and monitor-
ing methods and systems development, in providing
technical support, and in the operation of a national
referee quality assurance laboratory.

Director: Delbert Barth
Phone: (702)739-3382

New Hampshire, University of
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel    61           FTEs:   60
          Technical:    49   Administrative:   12
  Background: PhDs:    29            MSs:   12

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        FedertU Government

International Affiliations
•   Centre Hondureno Para La Investigation De
    Recursos Aquaticos, Santa Cruz De Yojoa Cortez,

Date Founded:   1981
Founders:   Museum of Natural History at the
University of Nevada
Reasons for Founding:   To study a broad range of
environmental concerns
                                                          New Hampshire, University of
University: University of Nevada,
   Las Vegas    	$30,000
Federal Government: EPA; DOE;
   DOI    	$5370,000
Industry: Electric Power Research
   Institute	$600,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Environmental monitoring
•   Impact assessment
•   Limnological research
•   Earth sciences
•   Environmental assessment
•   Quality assurance
•   Technical support
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research              100%
•   Unique Specialties: Statistical modeling

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Geothermal Fluid Genesis in the Great Basin of Nevada
2.   Optical Remote Sensing for Environmental
3.   Effects of Large-Scale Fertilization (Lake Mead)
4.   Diurnal Monitoring of Lake Mead
5.   Archaeological Site File Update (Southern Nevada)

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        7

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Cooperative Agreement with EPA on Environmental
    Monitoring Systems Laboratory
Complex Systems Research Center
Science and Engineering Research Building
Durham, NH 03824

University of New Hampshire's Complex Systems Re-
search Center specializes in computer modeling, atmos-
pheric gas studies, acid rain research, forest and land
degradation, and global data sets. Extensive data bases
are maintained on global vegetation, soils, climate, rivers,
economics and energy. The center is closely affiliated
with the university's Institute for the Study of Earth,
Ocean and Space.

Director: John Aber

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    40           FTEs:   20
         Technical:    37   Administrative:    3
  Background: PhDs:    11

          Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
Federal Government: NASA; NSF; DOE;
   EPA   	$1,140,000
State Government	$60,000

                                                                         New Jersey Institute of Technology
                Services Provided
Major Anas of Expertise
•   Computer modeling, atmospheric gas studies
•   Acid rain research
•   Forest and land degradation
    Global data sets
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 50%
    Applied Research               50%
      Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: Use of global data sets

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Effects of Ocean Circulation and Land Use on
    Atmospheric CO2 Content
2.  Exchanges of Trace Gases Over Remote Areas
3.  Assessment and Implications of Acid Deposition in
    North East Forests

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Institute for Study of Earth, Ocean and Space at
    University of New Hampshire
•   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
•   NASA

Date Founded:   1979
Founders:  University of New Hampshire
Reasons for Founding:   To study environmental
concerns in New Hampshire and surrounding states
 New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hazardous Substance Management Research Center
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 07102

New Jersey Institute of Technology's Hazardous Sub-
stance Management Research Center (HSMRC) is a con-
sortium of five universities in Superfund Regions I and II.
The center is funded in pan by a corporate membership of
over 30 companies who direct the research activities of
the organization.

Director: Richard Magee
Phone: (201)596-3006
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    70           FTEs:   35
         Technical:    67   Administrative:    3
  Background: PhDs:    56            MSs:   14

          Sources of Funding for FY89
          Federal Government
University: N.J. Institute of Technology   .  . $ 1,500,000
Federal Government: NSF    	$220,000
State Government: New Jersey Commission on
   Science and Technology	$2,900,000
Industry: Exxon; Amoco; Ciba Geigy; AT&T   $900,000

               Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
    Biochemical treatment
•   Physical treatment
    On-site assessment
    Health effects
•   Public policy and education
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  50%
•   Applied Research                50%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   In Situ Microbial Treatment and Attenuation of
    Groundwater Contaminants
2.   Vadose Zone Contaminant Removal by Pneumatic
3.   Organic/Inorganic Oxidation for Nox Control
4.   Anaerobic Treatment of Halogenated Organic
5.   Microwave Energy Treatment of Hazardous Wastes

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 S ymposia per Year                       4
 Annual Report                      October
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Northeast Hazardous Substance Research Center

New Jersey Institute of Technology
International Affiliations
•   Elf Aquitain, (French Company) 620 York Road,
    Sommerville, New Jersey, 08876

Date Founded:   1984
Founders:   New Jersey Institute of Technology;
Princeton University; Rutgers University; Stevens
Institute of Technology
Reasons for Founding:   Center received grants from
Exxon and Cyanamid, then approached NSF to become a
Center of Excellence for Superf und region I and II
 New Jersey Institute of Technology
Institute for Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management
Newark. NJ 07102

New Jersey Institute of Technology's Institute for Hazard-
ous and Toxic Substance Management aids industry in
developing new products and processes through mini-
mization techniques and treatment technologies for haz-
ardous waste, to provide the necessary technological base
to identify and remediate hazardous substance spills and
burial sites, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and
knowledge among industry, government, academia and
the public.

Director: John Liskowitz
Phone: (201)596-3673
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     2           FTEs:
         Technical:     0   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     2

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government: NSF; EPA
                             Services Provided
             Major Areas of Expertise
                 Hazardous substances: incineration
                 Biological and chemical treatment
                 Physical treatment
                 Site assessment and remediation
                 Public policy and education
                 Academic focus one-on-one projects
             Current Activity Mix
                 Applied Research               100%
                   Market Assessment

                          Major Projects in FY89
             1.   Waste Solidification and S tabilization
             2.   Ash Utilization
             3.   Waste Management Strategies

                           Networking Activities
             Current Affiliations
             •   E-Tech Cooperative Agreement with EPA for
                 Hazardous Waste Research
             •   Hazardous Waste Advisory Council
             International Affiliations
             •   Alberta Environmental Center, Bag 4000, Vagerville,
                 Alberta, Canada
             •   Imperial College, London, England
             •   Hazardous Substance Research Center, Lyon, France
Date Founded:   1982
Founders:   New Jersey Institute of Technology;
Princeton; Stevens Institute of Technology; UMD New
Reasons for Founding:   To create a comprehensive
program for education and research on hazardous wastes
                                                            New Mexico State University
Waste Management and Research Consortium (WERC)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Box 30001, DepL 3805
Las Cruces.NM 88003

The Waste Management and Research Consortium at
New Mexico State University was established to address
issues associated with management of hazardous, radioac-
tive and solid waste. The consortium operates a waste
isolation pilot plant.

Director: Ron K. Bhada
Phone: (505)646-1214

                                                                                New Orleans, University of
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   100           FTEs:   65
         Technical:    97   Administrative:    3
  Background: PhDs:    50            MSs:   30
               BSs:    17

           Sources of Funding for FY90
Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   Ron K. Bahda
Reasons for Founding:   To bring education and
research at the university and its affiliates to bear on the
practical problems of industry
        Federal Government
University: New Mexico State University    . $ 1,200,000
Federal Government: DOE	$5,400,000
Industry	$1,000,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Educational and research programs
•   Technological transfer
•   Satellite TV (additional technological transfer)
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  30%
•   Applied Research               70%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
•   Unique Specialties: Waste isolation pilot plant;
    Integrated research and education; satellite

             Major Projects in FY89
No projects so far, center is new
       New Orleans, University of
Urban Waste Management and Research Center
College of Engineering
New Orleans, LA 70148

Director: Kenneth McMannis
Phone: (504)286-6271

The Urban Waste Management and Research Center at
the University of New Orleans was founded in 1990. Cur-
rently the center is building its research infrastructure.
The focus will be on municipal waste problems.
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     7           FTEs:
         Technical:     0   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     7

           Sources of Funding for FY90
        Federal Government
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        4
 Annual Report:                      February

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   University of New Mexico
•   New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
•   Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories
•   DOE
University:    	$235,000
Federal Government: EPA    	$2,200,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   The Waste Management and Research Center at the
    University of New Orleans is a new center. Its focus
    is research on all aspects of municipal waste.

New York University
             Major Projects in FY90
 1.  Building Center's Infrastructure
 2.  Training Water and Waste Water Plant Operators
 3.  Effects of Sulfides on the Anaerobic Treatment Process
 4.  Development of Immuno Assay for Detection of
    Environmental Chemicals

 Date Founded:   1990
 Founder   University of New Orleans
 Reasons for founding  To address municipal waste
           New York University
Institute of Environmental Medicine
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

The Institute of Environmental Medicine at New York
University is principally a training unit for students of en-
vironmental toxicology. The institute addresses a broad
spectrum of problems in environmental health ranging
from radiation effects to arteriosclerosis, respiratory disor-
ders, and other environmentally related diseases.

Director: Arthur Upton
Phone: (212)340-5280

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   200           FTEs:  200
          Technical:   180   Administrative:   20
  Background: PhDs:    85

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                                                                      Services Provided
                                                      Major Areas of Expertise
                                                      •   Environmental toxicology
                                                      •   Epidemiology
                                                      •   Genetic toxicology
                                                      •   Chemical fate and transport
                                                      Current Activity Mix
                                                      •   Basic Research
                                                      •   Applied Research
                                                            Prototype Development

                                                                   Major Projects in FY89
                                                      1.   Effects of Irritants on Living Defense Function
                                                      2.   Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on Human Health
                                                      3.   Anaerobic Biodegradation of Toxic Aromatic
                                                      4.   Uranium Metabolic Modeling
                                                      5.   High Efficiency Gamma/X-Ray Imaging Detector
                                                              Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                                                                     Outreach Programs
                                                       Symposia per Year
                                                       Annual Report
                                                       Courses Offered in 1989:
                                                       Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:

                                                      Date Founded:  1948
                                                      Founders:  New York University
                                                      Reasons for Founding:  N/A
                                                          New York, State University of
        Federal Government
                     Sate Government '*
University: New York Universtiy   .  .  .
Federal Government: DOE; EPA; NASA;
   HHS   	$12,325,000
State Government	'  .   .  $145,000
Industry: Consolidated Edison; Mobil     .   .$1.015,000
Nonprofit Organization: The Dana Foundation  $290,000
Center for Hazardous Waste Management
207 Jarvis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260

SUNY Buffalo's New York State Center for Hazardous
Waste Management was established by state law to coor-
dinate research and development in the areas of hazard-
ous wastes. The center is dedicated to research on
hazardous waste reduction, waste recovery, recycling and
reuse, state of the art waste destruction, and the phasing
out of land disposal.

Director: Ralph Rumer
Phone: (716)636-3446

                                                                  New York, State University of (Stony Brook)
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    73           FTEs:
         Technical:    40   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    42            MSs:

          Sources of Funding for FY89
         State Government
University: Consortium: Cornell University; Syracuse
   University; New York University; Manhattan
   College; State University of New York, Buffalo
   and Stony Brook; Rensselaer Polytechnic
   Institute; Clarkson University    ....  $820,000
State Government: Department of Environmental
   Conservation    	$2,050,000
Industry: Occidental Chemical; General Electric;
   Westinghouse; Alcoa	$1,230,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Hazardous waste solutions
•   Treatment
•   Recycling
•   Reduction, bio-degradation
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 50%
    Applied Research               50%
•   Prototype Development
•   Market Assessment

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Extraction of Organic Pollution Using Enhanced
    Surfactant Flushing
2.  Effect of PCB Concentrations in the Hudson River
3.  Metal Ion Separation from Hazardous Waste Streams
    by Impregnated Ceramic Membranes

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year                        1
  Annual Report                   September
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   New Jersey Institute of Technology
•   University of California, Los Angeles
•   Gulf Coast Hazardous S ubstance Research Center,
    Beaumont, Texas

Date Founded:   1987
Founders:   New York State Legislature
Reasons for Founding:   State law mandated the
improvement of state's hazardous waste system
               New York, State University of
                          (Stony Brook)

           Marine Sciences Research Center
           Stony Brook, NY 11794
           The Marine Sciences Research Center at SUNY
           Stonybrook centers its attention on marine biology and
           various facets of oceanography. The central thrust of the
           center's work investigates man's impact on the ocean en-
           vironment as opposed to changes which have occurred as
           a result of natural processes.

           Director: J.R. Schubel

                            Size and Scope
           Number of Personnel:   190           FTEs:  125
                    Technical:   182   Administrative:     8
             Background: PhDs:    45

                     Sources of Funding for FY89
                     Federal Government
                                        State Government
           Federal Government: EPA; NOAA; DOD; NSF;
              ONR; U.S. Geological Survey   .   .  .   .$4,410,000
           State Government: Department of Environmental
              Conservation    	$1,575,000
           Industry    	$189,000
           Nonprofit Organization: Olin Foundation; Hudson
              River Foundation    	$126,000

  North Carolina State University
                 Services Provided
 Major Areas of Expertise
 •   Coastal oceanographic research
 •   Coastal geological, chemical, biological and physical
 Current Activity Mix
     Basic Research                 70%
 •   Applied Research               30%
       Prototype Development

              Major Projects in FY89
 1.   Long Island Sound Study
 2.   Phytoplankton Growth and Nitrogen Fixation
 3.   Benthic Community Structure
 4.   Motion and Mixing of Estuarine Waters
 5.   Multidisciplinary Amazon Shelf Sediment Study

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year                       6
  Annual Report                      January
  Courses Offered in 1989:                 40

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Parent to: Living Marine Resources Institute
    Waste Management Institute
    Coastal Ocean Strategies Institute
    East China Normal University, Shanghai
    Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The
    University of Las Palmas, Canary Islands
 Date Founded:   1968
 Founders:  State University of New York at Stony
 Reasons for Founding:   To study man's impact on the
   North Carolina State University
EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695 7001

The EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Management is a consortium of North Carolina State
University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel
                                                        Hill. A primary research objective at the center is to im-
                                                        prove manufacturing processes through reductions in
                                                        chemical waste production and discharges.

                                                        Director: Michael Overcash

                                                                         Size and Scope
                                                       Number of Personnel:    23           FTEs:
                                                                Technical:    20   Administrative:    3
                                                         Background: PhDs:    20

                                                                 Sources of Funding for FY89
                                                                Federal Government
                                                       Federal Government: EPA
                                                       State Government
                                                                      Services Provided
                                                      Major Areas of Expertise
                                                      •   Waste minimization and management
                                                      Current Activity Mix
                                                          Applied Research               100%
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Study and Develop a Dry Process of Surface Cleaning
    that Avoids the Use of Chlorinated Solvents
    Study of Dioxin and Chlorinated Organics in the Pulp
    and Paper Industry
    Basic Study of Volatile Chemical Transport
    Mechanisms from Residues and Wastes, through
    Clay and Synthetic Liners to Beyond the
    Containment Facility
    Industrial Demonstration of Hazardous Waste
    Study of Public Product Preference to Identify
   Reductions in Hazardous Substances That Can Be
   Related to Consumer Patterns
       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
              Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                       March

                                                                  North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   This center is a consortium of North Carolina State
•   University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
•   Texas A&M University
.   Affiliated with EPA's other regional centers

Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   EPA; Michael Overcash
Reasons for Founding:  To develop practical means for
industry to eliminate the use and generation of hazardous
substances, to treat waste and to provide containment
     North Carolina, University of
North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
Box 7912
Raleigh, NC 27695 7912

The North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
at the University of North Carolina was established to for-
mulate a research program responsive to state water
resources problems. Research priorities include: water
supply, waste management, surface water quality, and

Director: David H. Moreau
Phone: (919)737-2815

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    60           FTEs:   50
         Technical:    56   Administrative:    4
  Background: PhDs:    40            MSs:   16

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Hydrology
•   Water quality
•   Surface and ground water studies for all of North
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  10%
    Applied Research               90%
•   Prototype Development

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Groundwater Management
2.  Drought Management
3.  Drinking Water and Surface Water Quality Studies
4.  Coastal Water Management
5.  Climate Change and Water Resources

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Yean                       4
  Annual Report                    September

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   North Carolina State University
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
•   East Carolina University
•   Elizabeth City State University
•   Wake Forest University
•   University of North Carolina at Charlotte
•   U.S. Geological Survey; National Association of
    Water Institute Directors (NAWID)

Date Founded:   1964
Founders:   Federal government;  State of North Carolina
Reasons for Founding:  Water Resources Research Act
of 1964
         State Government
Federal Government	$500,000
State Government	$500,000
                                                           North Carolina, University of
                                                                      (Chapel Hill)
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill,NC 27514

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Center for
Urban and Regional Studies produces nationally recog-
nized research in hazards mitigation, coastal zone
management, and growth management. The center draws

North Dakota, University of
on faculty from many disciplines u.-luding, anthropol-
ogy, biostatistics. business administration, city and
regional planning, economics, epidemiology, history, law,
marine sciences, political science, psychology, social
work and sociology.

Director: Jonathan B. Howes
Phone: (919)962-3074

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel;    10           FTEs:   10
          Technical:    10   Administrative:    0

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year                        4
  Annual Report                        Spring

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Urban Affairs Association
•   Natural Hazards Research Group, Boulder, Colorado
International Affiliations
•   International New Towns Association, Nassau,
    Dillenburgstraat 44,2596 AE The Hague, The
         Federal Government
Federal Government	$550,000
State Government	$250,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Growth management
•   Coastal area development and management
•   Natural hazard planning and mitigation
•   Planning and politcs
•   Regional development policy
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%
•   Unique Specialties: Public policy for growth
    management for local government

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Coping With Losses to Infrastructure from Natural
2.   An Evaluation of the National Coastal Zone
    Management Program
3.   Evaluation of North Carolina Erosion and
    Sedimentation Control Program
4.   Fort Bragg/Pope A J.B. Impact and Assessment and
    Land Use Compatability Study
Date Founded:   1957
Founders:   F. Stuart Chapin, Jr.
Reasons for Founding:   To study urbanization of
Piedmont, North Carolina, under a Ford Foundation grant
                                                             North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

University of North Dakota's Energy and Environmental
Research Center embraces an integrated systems ap-
proach to energy and environmental reserch. Center re-
search begins with a fundamental evaluation of Earth
resources, followed by research and development on in-
novative technologies to efficiently utilize those resour-
ces, and culminating in the utilization or safe disposal of
the wastes generated in natural resources consumption.

Di* ctor: Gerald Groenewold
Phoae: (701)777-5100

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   220           FTEs:  190
          Technical:   150    Administrative:   40
  Background: PhDs:    25

                                                                                           Nova University
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
International Affiliations
•   Hosts international conference on Synthetic Fuels

Date Founded:   1951
Founders:   Federal Government
Reasons for Founding:  To bring integrated systems
approach to energy and mineral research
Federal Government DOE; EPA; U.S. Bureau of Mines;
   U.S. Geological Survey; NSF; USDA     . $5,750,000
Industry: Gas Research Institute; Electric Research
   Institute   	$5,750,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Coal oil
•   Gas and geothermal energy
•   Emission control technology
•   Ground water research
•   Waste management and waste site cleanup
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 15%
•   Applied Research               85%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
•   Unique Specialties: Air emissions work; coal water
    fuels; leading low-rank coal center in world
              Nova University
Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania, FL 33004

Nova University's Oceanographic Center pursues studies
and investigations in experimental and theoretical
oceanography. Research includes modeling of large-scale
ocean circulation, coastal dynamics, ocean-atmosphere
coupling, surface gravity waves, biological oceanog-
raphy, chemical oceanography, coral reef assessment,
pleistocene and holocene sea level changes, physiology
of marine phytoplankton, marine zooplankton, calcifica-
tion of invertebrates, cell ultrastructure, fouling effects,
marine fisheries and nutrient dynamics.

Director: Julian P. McCreary, Jr.
Phone: (305)920-1909
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Manage Ground Water Research Program for U.S. Gas
    Research Institute
2.   Mild Gasification Research
3.   Technology to Remediate Flue Gas Emissions
4.   Consortium to Study Coal Water Fuels in the
5.   Western U.S. Lead for National Land & Mine
    Reclamation Program

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                         4
 Annual Report                     February
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:      9

               Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Batelle Memorial Institute
•   Bechtel Power Corporation
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    20            FTEs:   20
         Technical:    17    Administrative:    3
  Background: PhDs:    12             MSs:    2

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
                               State Government
Federal Government: ONR; NOAA; U.S. Geological
   Survey; U.S. Air Force     	$929,151
State Government Florida Sea Grant  .... $5,078
Industry: Macintosh Marine	$18,278
Nonprofit Organization: Whitehall Foundation  . $62,958

Ohio State University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Oceanography
•   Coral reef assessment
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 97%
•   Applied Research                3%
      Prototype Development

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Modeling Tropical Western Boundry Circulation
2.   Karotonoid Pigments in Microzooplankton:
    Characterization and Relation to Biomass
3.   Compositions in Sclearactinian Coral Skeletons
4.   Two-Dimensional Evolution of the Surface Gravity
    Wave Field
5.   Non-Interactive Least-Square Adjustments of
    Non-Linear Parametric Models in Geodesy

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                       20

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Operates: Institute for Marine and Coastal Studies
International Affiliations
•   Bermuda Biological Station, St. Georges, Bermuda

Date Founded:   1966
Founders:   Nova University
Reasons for Founding:   Oceanographic research
          Ohio State University
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    45           FTEs:
         Technical:    44   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    30            MSs:

          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
University: Ohio State University   ....  $150,000
Federal Government: NOAA-Sea Grant
   Program	$650,000
State Government: Ohio Department of Natural
   Resources     	$200,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Water quality
•   Fisheries habitat enhancement
•   Toxic substances
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  40%
•   Applied Research               60%
•   Unique Specialties: Underwater welding

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Artificial Reef Development
2.   Underwater Welding
3.   Non-Destructive Techniques to Evaluate Underwater
4.   Bioengineering to Control Algal Blooms
Center for Lake Erie Area Research (CLEAR)
1541 Research Center
Columbus, OH 43212

Ohio State University's Center for Lake Erie Area Re-
search is the home of Ohio's Sea Grant College Program.
The goal of the program is to increase utilization, develop-
ment and wise management of Lake Erie's resources
through research, education and advisory service. Exten-
sion district specialists work locally to solve problems
and challenges that communities, businesses and in-
dividuals encounter.

Director: Jeffrey M. Reutter
Phone: (614)292-8949
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                      100
 Annual Report                       Winter
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   14

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Ohio Sea Grant College Program
•   Franz Theodore Stone Laboratory
•   University of Toledo
•   University of Cincinnati
•   Case Western Reserve College
•   Kent State University

                                                                                 Oklahoma State University
International Affiliations
•   International Joint Commission on Canada and U.S.

Date Founded:   1971
Founders:   Ohio State University
Reasons for Founding:   To clean up Lake Erie
          Ohio State University
                                 Major Projects in FY89
                    1.   Agricultural Containment

                            Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                                   Outreach Programs
                     Annual Report                         July

                    Date Founded:   1964
                    Founders:   Federal and State Legislation
                    Reasons for Founding:   Water Resource Law
Water Resources Center
1791 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210

Ohio State University's Water Resources Center is an in-
tegral pan of the university's Engineering Experiment Sta-
tion. The center's research focuses on water quality,
waste water treatment, hydrology and the economics of
water resources. The center trains scientists and tech-
nicians in all aspects of water management.

Director: Robert C. Stiefel
Phone: (614)292-2334
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     2           FTEs:
         Technical:     1   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     1

           Sources of Funding for FY89
University: Ohio State University
Federal Government: EPA
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Water resources
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research
                          Oklahoma State University
                    University Center for Water Research
                    003 Life Sciences East
                    Stillwater, OK 74078

                    Oklahoma State University's University Center for Water
                    Research provides research expertise in agricultural use
                    efficiency, bioremediation, conservation, hydrology,
                    resources education, resources management, and water
                    quality. The center is administratively responsible for
                    programs associated with the Oklahoma Water Resources
                    Research Institute, the Water Research Center and the Na-
                    tional Center for Ground Water Research.

                    Director: Norman Durham
                    Phone: (405)744-9995
                                     Size and Scope
                    Number of Personnel:    48           FTEs:
                             Technical:    42   Administrative:
                      Background: PhDs:    43            BSs:

                              Sources of Funding for FY89
                              Federal Government
                             State Government

Federal Government: EPA; DOD; NIH; NSF; DOE;
   HHS; U.S. Geological Survey; Fish and Wildlife
   Service; U.S. Air Force    	$2,400,000
State Government	$560,000
Industry: Phillips Petroleum; Continental Oil; Sun
   Company	$500,000

Oklahoma. University of
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
    Environmental engineering
    Waste materials
    Water reclamation
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 60%
    Applied Research               40%
    Products or Processes Commercialized: Water
    quality analysis
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Environmental Toxicology Research
2.  Fate and Transport of Toxicants in the Sub-Surface
3.  Water Reclamation
4.  Environmental Policy Research

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                       2
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   3

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Center for Ground Water Research
•   Oklahoma WaterResources Board
•   U.S. Geological Survey

Date Founded:   1965
Founders:  Oklahoma State University
Reasons for Founding:  To research quantity and
quality of water
        Oklahoma, University of
Oklahoma Biological Survey
Room 303,625 Elm Street
Norman, OK 73019

The University of Oklahoma's Biological Survey is
responsible for quantifying the state's plant and animal
communities. The survey also operates the Bebb Her-
barium and the Oklahoma Fishery Research Laboratory.

Director: Gary D. Schnell
Phone: (405)325-4034
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    25           FTEs:   25
         Technical:    18   Administrative:    7
  Background: PhDs:     6            MSs:   15

          Sources of Funding for FY89
University: University of Oklahoma   .   .  .   $570,000
Federal Government: U.S. Army; U.S. Fish and
   Wildlife Service; USDA	$855,000
Industry: Oklahoma Gas and Electric  .... $75,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Assessment of plant and animal communities
•   Computer applications
•   Statistics
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                35%
•   Applied Research              65%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Flora Study of Fort Sill
2.  Flora Study of Fort Leonardwood
3.  Flora Study of Fort Chaffee
4.  Design of Wildlife Studies for Integration with Land
    Condition Trend Analysis (LCTA)

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Annual Report:                      January

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory
•   The Nature Conservancy
•   American Ornithologists Union

Date Founded:   1927
Founders:   University of Oklahoma
Reasons for Founding:  To quantify state's biological

                                                                                Pennsylvania State University
         Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
Corvallis, OR 97331

Oregon State University's Environmental Health Scien-
ces Center facilitates interdisciplinary research in toxicol-
ogy, biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry,
immunotoxicology, food toxicology, agricultural
chemistry, pathology and statistics. A main research
thrust involves molecular and cellular mechanisms of en-
vironmental injury, emphasizing the use of immunologi-
cal and host defense mechanisms against environmentally
induced injuries and diseases.

Director: Donald J. Reed
Phone: (503)754-3608

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    22           FTEs:   22
          Technical:     18   Administrative:    4
  Background: PhDs:     11            MSs:    5

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
University: Oregon State University   .   .  .  $150,000
Federal Government: National Institute of
   Environmental Health Sciences     .   .  . $1,350,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Chemistry
•   Biochemistry
•   Toxicology
•   Immunology
•   Cell biology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 95%
•   Applied Research                 5%
      Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: Mass Spectrometry; Serum-free
    Cell Culture; Biochemical Toxicology
             Major Projects in FY89
 1.  Toxicology of Environmental Halocarbons
 2.  Chemical Toxicity and Gentathione Regulation
 3.  Trout Xenobiou'c Metabolizing Enzymes and
 4.  Alterations in Cell Surface Marker Expression by
 5.  Mass Spectrometry of Involatile Biomolecules

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        2
 Annual Report:                       January
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            1

 Date Founded:   1967
 Founders:   Oregon State University
 Reasons for Founding:   Concern about the
 environment and use of pesticides
     Pennsylvania State University
Environmental Resources Research Institute
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

Pennsylvania State University's Environmental Resour-
ces Research Institute supports interdisciplinary research
involving air, land and water resources. The institute
operates laboratories for water quality testing, soil and en-
vironmental chemistry, remote sensing and forest hydrol-
ogy. The institute also monitors acid rain and performs
watershed studies at numerous field research sites

Director: Archie J. McDonnell

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:  145           FTEs:   80
          Technical:  128   Administrative:   17
  Background: PhDs:   20            MSs:   50

Pittsburgh, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
                       Sate Government
Federal Government; DOE; EPA; DOI; USDA;
   Army Corps of Engineers; USAF;
   National Institute on Aging	$3360,000
State Government: Department of Natural Resources;
   Ben Franklin Partnership     	$960,000
Industry: Air Products; Martin Marietta; Mobil Oil;
   NLO; Allegheny Power, Nuclear, Pennsylvania
   Power & Light; Duquesne Light; Philadelphia
   Electric    	$480,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Air, land and water resources
•   Land recycling of wastes
•   Environmental toxicology
•   Hazardous waste management
•   Acid rain
•   Air pollution
•   Water quality management
•   Technical assessment and information transfer
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  20%
•   Applied Research                80%
      Prototype Development

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Integrated Terrain Units as a Technique to Computerize
    Soil Surveys
2.   Wildlife Management Plan for the Letterkenney Army
3.   Predicting Plant Responses to Multiple Stress
4.   Removal of Cryptosporidium Using Filtration
5.   Characterization of Activated Sludge Rocs

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        3
 Annual Report              Biennial - January
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    DOE Water Center Program
•   Land Grant College Association
•   American Society of Civil Engineers
•   National Mine Land Reclamation Center

Date Founded:   1964
Founders:   Pennsylvania State University
Reasons for Founding:   As a result of the Water
Resources Research Act of 1964
        Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Environmental Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

The University of Pittsburgh's Center for Environmental
Epidemiology is the only EPA Center of Excellence that
does strictly public health related work. Research is
focused on environmental epidemiology, risk assessment,
exposure assessment, and biological monitoring.

Director: Bruce Case

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   10           FTEs:   3
          Technical:    7   Administrative:   3
  Background: PhDs:   10

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government

University: University of Pittsburgh    .  .  .   .$30,000
Federal Government EPA   	$600,000
State Government	$70,000

                                                                                    Pittsburgh, University of
                Services Provided
Major Anas of Expertise
•   Environmental epidemiology
•   Risk assessment
•   Exposure assessment
•   Biological monitoring
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 100%
•   Unique Specialties: The only public health related
    EPA Center of Excellence

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Fibrous Particulates in the Lungs of American Children
2.  Volatile Organic Compounds from Indoor Water
3.  Legionella Aboeba Research
4.  Carcinogenic Risk Assessment, Enhancement of
    Methodologies and Applications to Cohort Data Sets

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        2
 Annual Report:                     December

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Carnegie Mellon University
International Affiliations
•   International Society for Environmental
•   World Health Organization

Date Founded:   1980
Founders:   University of Pittsburgh; EPA
Reasons for Founding:   To create EPA Center of
Excellence for environmental epidemiology
        Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Hazardous Materials Research
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh. PA 15238
University of Pittsburgh's Center for Hazardous Materials
Research was formed in response to growing regional, na-
tional and international problems associated with the use
and disposal of hazardous materials and solid wastes. The
center is strategically located at the heart of the north-
eastern industrial belt, and Pittsburgh represents a
microcosm of the waste management and cleanup
problems faced in the county.

Director: Edgar Berkey, President
Phone: (412)826-5320

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     35            FTEs:   32
          Technical:     28    Administrative:    7
  Background: PhDs:     2             MSs:   17

           Sources of Funding for FY90
        Federal Government
State Government
Federal Government: EPA; DOT    ....  $320,000
State Government	$800,000
Industry: Ashland Oil; Westinghouse; Alcoa  $2,080,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Hazardous waste reduction
    Compliance reviews
•   Independent third party environmental evaluations
•   Risk assessment
•   Chemical destruction technologies
Current Activity Mix
    Applied Research               100%
•   Unique Specialties: Speakers bureau for the business
    community; extensive training program using
    hands-on simulations of problems that occur at spill

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Analysis of the Effects of Inland Oil Spills
2.  Pilot Plant Testing of a Chemical Destruction
    Technique for a Proprietary Hazardous Organic
3.  Investigation of the Chemical Fate of two 4-D
4.  Environmental Assessment of Properties Slated for
    Industrial Redevelopment
5.  Development of Education Materials in Pollution

Pittsburgh, University of
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Year                       12
  Annual Report                        Spring
  Courses Offered in 1989:                  18
  Other Advertising in trade magazines; publishes
Manuals and Fact Sheets; Hotline (800)334-CHMR
available to anyone

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Roundtable of S tate Waste Products
International Affiliations
•   Netherlands Organization for Applied Science
    Research (TNO);
•   Institute for Industrial Waste and Waste
    Management, Saarlands, West Germany
•   U.S .S.R. State Committee for Environmental

Date Founded:   1985
Founders:  Samuel Schulhof, Edgar Berkey
Reasons for Founding:   To utilize an industrial campus
given to the University of Pittsburgh Trust by Gulf Oil
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
University: University of Pittsburgh    .  .   .  $190,000
Federal Government: EPA    	$1,000,000
Industry	$570,000
Other	$240,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Technology transfer, specializing in identifying,
    developing and marketing technologies which solve
    environmental problems
•   Seeks to help companies commercialize
    environmental technologies
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research              100%
      Prototype Development
    Unique Specialties: Market Assessment
        Pittsburgh, University of
National Environmental Technology Applications
615 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

The University of Pittsburgh's National Environmental
Technology Applications Corporation (NETAC) is dedi-
cated to moving new environmental cleanup technologies
into the marketplace. The company specializes in technol-
ogy assessments, market analysis, commercialization as-
sistance, and testing and evaluation of promising new
products designed by industry and government

Director: Samuel A. Schulhof
Phone: (412)648-7850

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel    20           FTEs:  20
          Technical    16    Administrative:    4
  Background: PhDs:    16
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Helping Suprex Inc., to Commercialize SFG/50
    Supercritical Fluid Extraction System
2.  Helping Quadrel Services Inc., to Commercialize
3.  A Process for Mapping Subsurface Volatile and
    Semi-Volatile Compounds
4.  Hosted a Bio-Remediation Conference in October 1989

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
  Symposia per Yean                        1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Center for Hazardous Materials Research
International Affiliations
•   Netherlands Organization for Applied Research,
•   Saarlands Der Minister Fur Kultus, Bilding Und
    Wissenschaft, Hohenzollenstrabe 60, Post Fach
    1010,6600 Faarbruken, Saarlands, West Germany

                                                                                  Rhode Island, University of
Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   University of Pittsburgh; EPA
Reasons for Founding:   Federal Technology Transfer
Act 1986
           Princeton University
Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 8544

Princeton University's Center for Energy and Environ-
mental Studies presupposes that imaginative options
which reduce the risk of calamity will be generated by in-
dividuals working within an institutional framework that
rewards creativity and independence. Researchers com-
bine a respect for physical modeling and measurement
and a skepticism of established wisdom with a value sys-
tem that views the world ecologically.

Director: Robert H. Socolow
Phone: (609)258-5445

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    33            FTEs:   33
         Technical:    22    Administrative:    11
  Background: PhDs:    18             MSs:    4

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                                            Services Provided
                            Major Areas of Expertise
                                Nuclear energy
                                Arms control verification
                                Alternative energy services (biomath, photovoltaics)
                                Energy conservation in buildings
                            Current Activity Mix
                                Applied Research               100%
                                  Market Assessment
                            •   Products or Processes Commercialized: PRISM, a
                                software package that checks cost-cutting techniques
                            •   Unique Specialties: Radon research

                                          Major Projects in FY89
                            1.   The program on Nuclear Policy Alternatives
                            2.   Energy Technology Assessment
                            3.   Mitigation Techniques for Radon in Buildings
                            4.   New Jersey Conservation Laboratory

                                   Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                                            Outreach Programs
                             Annual Report                      October

                            Date Founded:   1971
                            Founders:   Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
                            Departments of the University
                            Reasons for Founding:   To respond to heightened
                            national interest in environmental quality
       State Government
Federal Government
            Nonprofit Organization
University: Princeton University   ....  $200,000
Federal Government	$400,000
State Government	$250,000
Nonprofit Organization: Rockefeller Foundation;
   Carnegie Foundation; MacArthur Foundation; and
   others                          .   .   .$1,200,000
Rhode Island, University of
                            Coastal Resources Center
                            Narragansett Bay Campus
                            Narragansett, RI02882

                            The University of Rhode Island's Coastal Resources Cen-
                            ter is dedicated to applying new concepts, information
                            and techniques, to better manage coastal regions.
                            Through its overseas Coastal Management Program, the
                            center assists developing countries in researching and
                            managing coastal ecosystems.

                            Director: Stephen Olsen
                            Phone: (401)792-6224

                                              Size and Scope
                            Number of Personnel:    20            FTEs:   20
                                      Technical:    12    Administrative:    8
                              Background: PhDs:     1             MSs:   11

Rhode Island, University of
           Sources of Funding for FY89
       Federal Government
Federal Government: USAID; NOAA; EPA   $1,710,000
State Government	$90,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Technical assistance on coastal resource management
•   Training
•   Public education
•   Applied research
Current Activity Mix
    Applied Research              100%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  U.S. Agency for International Development (AID),
    Coastal Resources Management Project
2.  Comparative Estuaries Program
3.  Pond Watchers Program
4.  Research, Management, Planning and Implementation
    of Projects in Equador, Thailand and Sri Lanka
Date Founded:   1971
Founders:   John Krauss, Dean, Graduate School of
Reasons for Founding:  To allow local governments to
draw on university resources for coastal management
      Rhode Island, University of

Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station (RIAES)
Woodward Hall
Kingston, RI02881

University of Rhode Island's Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion is a multidisciplinary research unit that focuses
primarily on marine resources economics, agriculture and
fish pathology. Two important missions of the Experi-
ment Station are to increase assurance of the quality and
safety of food for the consumer, and to analyze cleanup
and control efforts at oil spills and other hazardous waste

Director: Robert H. Miller
Phone: (401)792-2474

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    62           FTEs:    40
         Technical:    30   Administrative:    10
  Background: PhDs:    46           MSs:     6
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report:                    December
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   4

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Sea Grant Program
•   National Estuaries Program (a national network of
    trained volunteers)
International Affixations
•   Sri Lanka National Coastal Zone Management Plan
•   Ecuador Coastal Resources Management Program
•   U.S. AID for International Development Missions in
    Sri I Jika and Thailand
•   Coa .  i Damage Studies in the Republic of the
          Sources of Funding for FY89
                             ?s, 45%
        Federal Government
University: University of Rhode Island    .  .  $450,000
Federal Government: USDA; Nffl; NSF  .  .  $500,000
Industry	$50,000
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Marine resource economics
•   Agriculture
•   Fish pathology

                                                                                Rhode Island, University of
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 15%
•   Applied Research               85%
      Prototype Development
      Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Turf grass
•   Unique Specialties: Coastal-related agriculture

             Major Projects in FY89
1.  New Approaches to the Acetone-B utonal Fermentation
2.  The Potential for Wine Manufacture from Rhode Island
3.  Grapes and Fruit Growth
4.  Improving the Assurance of Quality and Safety of
    Consumer Food
5.  An economic Analysis of Efforts for Cleanup and
    Control of Oil Spills and Hazardous Substances

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                    September
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           2
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:    1
 Other Rhode Island Cooperative Extension Service
          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government    	$1,483,000
State Government	$120,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Marine advisory service
    Program development
•   Education and training
•   Coastal management
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                  50%
    Applied Research                50%
Date Founded:   1888
Founders:   Rhode Island State Agriculture School
Reasons for Founding:   To meet provisions of the
Hatch Act 1866
      Rhode Island, University of
Sea Grant College Program
Narragansett, RI02882

The University of Rhode Island's Sea Grant College Pro-
gram focuses its research efforts on development of
marine resources, their conservation and management.
Through its Office of Marine Programs, the Sea Grant
College Program furnishes information and findings to
the public.

Director: Scott Nixon
Phone: (401)792-6800

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    24           FTEs:   22
          Technical:    20    Administrative:    2
  Background: PhDs:    21            MSs:    1
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Continuing Long-Term Water Quality Study of
2.   Influence of Temperature on Flounder Larvae
3.   Atlantic Salmon Research (Molecular; Biological;
4.   Comparative Study of Estuary Management, from
    Public Policy and Sociology Perspectives
5.   Salt Ponds Project

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report:                      January
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   6

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Marine Advisory System
•   New England Sea Grant Program

Date Founded:  1968
Founders:  National Sea Grant College Program
Reasons for Founding:  To form a partnership between
government, universities and industry

Rhode Island, University of. Graduate School of Oceanography
      Rhode Island, University of,
  Graduate School of Oceanography
Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory
Narragansett, RI02882 1197
The Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory (MERL) at
the University of Rhode Island is staffed by experts in ex-
perimental marine biogeochemistry and ecology. The
focus is mainly on work in mesocosm enclosures, along
with some field work in Narragansett Bay.

Director: Michael Pilson
Phone: (401)792-6104
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   11           FTEs:
         Technical:    6   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    6            MSs:

          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government: EPA; NSF; NOAA    .   $752,000
State Government	$48,000
               Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Coastal marine ecosystem research
•   Radiotracing research
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 50%
•   Applied Research               50%
      Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: Radiotracing and organic tracing
    in coastal areas; extensive long-term sea water testing
                      Major Projects in FY89
          1.  Wastewater Discharges to Marine Environment
          2.  FateofTributalTin
          3.  Impact of High-Pressure CO2 on Isotical Composites
          4.  Fates of Organic and Inorganic Compounds in Coastal
          5.  Effects of Number 2 Fuel Oil on Marine Environment

                 Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                        Outreach Programs
          Symposia per Yean                       1

          Date Founded:  1976
          Founders:  University of Rhode Island Faculty
          Reasons for Founding:   To expand marine ecosystem
          research and to assist the local EPA branch office
              Rice University, University of
               Oklahoma, Oklahoma State
         National Center for Ground Water Research
         P.O. Box 1892
         Houston, TX 77251

         The National Center for Ground Water Research is a con-
         sortium of Rice University, The University of Oklahoma,
         and Oklahoma State University. The center's objective is
         to improve the understanding of the subsurface environ-
         ment and its interaction with pollutants. The center has
         particular experience with in situ bioremediau'on.

         Director: C.H. Ward

                          Size and Scope
         Number of Personnel:   25           FTEs:  25
                   Technical:   25   Administrative:   0
           Background: PhDs:   12            MSs:    6

                                                                                          Rutgers University
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
University: Consortium: Rice University; Oklahoma State
   University; University of Oklahoma   .   .  $256,000
Federal Government: EPA; NASA; Army Corps of
   Engineers     	$585,000
Industry: Shell; Dupont; Union Carbide;
   Sun Oil   	$470,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Improvement of subsurface environment and its
    interaction with pollutants
•   Transport and fate of groundwater contaminants
•   Study of subsurface and pollutant characteristics
•   Development of methods to access and protect
    groundwater quality
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research
       Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: In situ bioremediation

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Use of Indigenous Subsurface Microorganisms to
    Destroy Synthetic and Petroleum Derived
    Compounds Present in Ground Water
2.   Study to Probe the Biodegradability of 24 Different
    Nitrogen Substituted and Sulfonated Benzene
    Aquifer Contaminants
3.   The Fate of Halogenated Organic Chemicals in Anoxic
4.   Assessment of Spatial Variability in Biodegradation
    Rates as Evidenced by the Production of Methane
5.   Cooperative Field Demonstration (with EPA, R.S. Kerr
    Environmental Research Laboratory) Conducted at
    U.S. Coast Guard Station in Traverse City, Michigan,
    Quantitative Demonstration of Raymond Process

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                         4
 Courses Offered in 1989:
 Other: Update and improvement in soil transport and
fate data base; 14 articles in referenced journals; 3 books
and bound proceedings; 17 chapters in other books; 24
proj. rep.

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Auburn University
    Utah State University
    University of Texas
    University of California, Riverside
International Affiliations
•   International conference held at Rice University on
    "Biological Processes for Subsurface Restoration"
•   University of Kyoto, Japan

Date Founded:  1979
Founders:  EPA
Reasons for Founding:   To create an EPA Center of
Excellence for groundwater research
            Rutgers University
Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies
104 Doolittle Building
Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Rutgers University's Center for Coastal and Environmen-
tal Studies has been involved in many projects ranging
from onshore site planning for offshore petroleum to
studies of coastal processes and research on the ecology
of the pine barrens. The knowledge gained in the center's
programs is disseminated through educational and train-
ing curricula in the classroom, in the laboratories and in
the field.

Director: Norbert P. Psuty
Phone: (201)932-3738

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   30           FTEs:    30
         Technical:   24   Administrative:     6
  Background: PhDs:   20            MSs:     6
               BSs:     4

Son Jose State University
           Sources of Funding for FY89
                       Sate Government
University: Rutgers University	$643,450
Federal Government: National Park Service     $491,890
State Government	$196,750
Nonprofit Organization: Conservation Foundation;
   New Jersey Fund; Victoria Fund   .   .   .  $295,130
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    National Park Service
    University of Massachusetts
    Woods Hole
    State University of New York, Stony Brook
    University of Delaware
International Affiliations
•   International Commission on the Coastal
    Environment of the International Geographic Union
Date Founded:   1971
Founders:   Dr. Harold Haskin; Dr. Norbert Psuty
Reasons for Founding:   To direct and coordinate
research in the coastal zone of New Jersey
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Estuarine ecological studies
•   Coastal erosion
•   Sedimentation
•   Marine fisheries
•   Pmelands ecology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  67%
•   Applied Research                33%
       Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: Contracts with National Park
    Service on science in coastal parks and Atlantic

              Major Projects in FY89
1.  Resource Documents on Scientific Inquiry in Atlantic
    Coastal National Parks
2.  Acid Precipitation in Stream Water Chemistry in the
3.  A Study of the Endangered Shortnose Sturgeon in the
    Delaware River
4.  Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Running Seawater System
    at the Rutgers Marine Field Station
5.  Habitat Ecology of Offshore American Lobster
        San Jose State University
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
P.O. Box 450
Moss Landing, CA 95039
San Jose State University's Moss Landing Marine
Laboratories is jointly operated by six campuses of the
California State University system. The laboratories' loca-
tion is a tremendous asset, with Monterey Submarine
Canyon, Elkhom Slough, sand dunes, rocky intertidal en-
vironments, and subtidal kelp forests all nearby. The as-
sociated flora and fauna in these habitats provide limitless
opportunities for field-oriented studies and research.

Director: John H. Martin
Phone: (408)633-3304

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   34            FTEs:    9
          Technical:   23    Administrative:    11
  Background: PhDs:   15             MSs:    4
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                         1
 Annual Report                       October

                                                                South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Ftdertl Government
                                 /  1%

University: San Jose State University   .... $29,600
Federal Government: NSF; NOAA; ONR    . $4,715,730
State Government: Sea Grant Program; State Park
   and Recreation; State Fish and Game  .  .   $110,884
Industry: Kinetic Labs; Harding Lawson
   Associates    	$55,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   All disciplines of marine sciences
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Global Ocean Flux - Greenhouse Effect
2.   In Situ Measurements of Chemical and Biological
    Interactions in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent
3.   Sediment Dynamics In South Atlantic Sector of
    Southern Ocean
4.   Lateral Transportation of Trace Elements in the North
    East Pacific Intermediate Waters
5.   Use of Algal Pigments as Biological Tracers for Upper
    Ocean Mixing

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        1
 Courses Offered in 1989:                    16

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Consortium of Six California State University
•   Central California Oceanographic Cooperative

Date Founded:   1966
Founders:   California State Universities; NSF
Reasons for Founding:  To further marine studies
 South Dakota School of Mines and
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
501 East St. Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701 3995

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology's In-
stitute of Atmospheric Sciences concentrates its research
on cloud and precipitation physics and small-scale atmos-
pheric circulations. Facilities include a weather office; a
data bank of climatological, radar, aircraft and satellite
data; a cloud physics laboratory; an electronics laboratory
and a computer based remote imaging processing system.

Director: Paul L. Smith
Phone: (605)394-2291
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    20           FTEs:
         Technical:    14   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     6            MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
                                 J Industry
University: South Dakota School of Mines and
   Technology	$180,000
Federal Government: NSF; NASA     .  .  .   $900,000
Industry: Boeing     	$120,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Physical meteorology
•   Cloud and precipitation physics
•   Small-scale atmospheric calculations
•   Air quality studies
•   Radiation process
•   Remote sensing
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 67%
    Applied Research               33%
      Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: X-ray detraction studies

South Dakota State University
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  North Dakota Thunderstorm Project
2.  Pennington County Source Apportionment Paniculate
3.  Small-Scale Circulation Studies
4.  Cloud Studies (with satellite data) Using Numerical
5.  Air Quality Studies

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year.                        1
 Courses Offered in 1989:                  12

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder,
•   Thunderstorm research in Alabama, Colorado,
    Florida, Oklahoma, Montana and North Dakota.
International Affiliations
•   Thunderstorm research in Canada and Switzerland

Date Founded:   1959
Founders:   South Dakota Board of Regents
Reasons for Founding:   Weather monitoring;
modification and atmospheric sciences research
          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
        State Government
University: South Dakota State University    .  $140,000
Federal Government: U.S. Geological Survey; NASA
   Central Industrial Applications Center    .  $360,000
State Government: Department of Transportation;
   Department of Water	$200,000
Industry: Daktronics; Hutchinson Technology  $300,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Water quality
•   Technology transfer
•   Remote sensing
•   Engineering support for industry
•   Geographic information systems
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
    Applied Research
      Prototype Development
•   Unique Specialties: Geographic information systems;
    groundwater management research
    South Dakota State University
Engineering and Environmental Research Center
Box 507
Brookings, SD 57007 199

South Dakota State University's Engineering and En-
vironmental Research Center was created to consolidate
multidisciplinary research and to enhance South Dakota's
economic development by linking university researchers
to industry. The center comprises three entities: the Of-
fice of Remote Sensing, the Water Resources Institute
and the Engineering Experiment Station.

Director: LaDell R. Swiden
Phone: (605)688-4184

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    55            FTEs:   41
         Technical    54   Administrative:    1
  Background: PhDs:    27            MSs:   18
               BSs:    10
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Rural Clean Water Program
2.   Great Plains Water Resource Research Center
3.   South Dakota Resource Needs Analysis
4.   Airborne Radar Project (VSGS/SLAR)
5.   Study of Carbonated Wheat Products

        Technology Transfer Mecha  sms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year.                        4
 Other: University/Industry Technology Service

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   NASA Central Industrial Applications Center (CIAC)
•   Association of General Contractors
•   Brookings Development Corporation

                                                                         Tennessee, University of(Knoxville)
Date Founded:   1986
Founders:   South Dakota State University Board of
Reasons for Founding:   To enhance South Dakota's
economic development by linking university researchers
to industry
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Hazardous substances
•   Site remediation
•   Groundwater contamination
Current Activity Mix
    Applied Research               100%
   Stanford University and Oregon
              State University
Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Center
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

The Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Cen-
ter is a cooperative effort between Stanford University
and Oregon State University. The center was designed to
address hazardous substance problems in EPA Regions 9
and 10. The center's objectives are to promote basic and
applied research in hazardous waste treatment, and to
rapidly disseminate new information to industrial and
regulatory communities.

Director: Perry McCarty

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    38           FTEs:    25
         Technical:    37    Administrative:     1
  Background: PhDs:    18            MSs:     6

           Sources of Funding for FY89
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Treatment of Complex Mixtures
2.   Oxidation of Chlorinated Solvents by Methandrophs
3.   In Situ Biological Treatment of Aromatics in
4.   Fastchem Applications and Sensitivity Analysis
5.   Trace Metal Removal Processes

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year                        1
 Annual Report:                      October
 Courses Offered in 1989:                    1
 Other: Workshops; short courses

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Oregon State University
    Other EPA Hazardous Substance Research Centers

Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   EPA; Oregon State University; Stanford
Reasons for Founding:   To research treatment of
hazardous substances
         Federal Government
University: Stanford University; Oregon State
   University    	$207,513
Federal Government: EPA; NSF; U.S. Navy;
   U.S. Air Force	$1,130,000
Industry: Gas Research Institute; Electric Power
   Research Institute; Schlumijerger   .   .  .   $186,467
                                                       Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996 710

University of Tennessee at Knoxville's Energy, Environ-
ment and Resources Center is a multidisciplinary research
center dedicated to exploring and resolving critical issues
concerning energy, the environment, natural resources
and technology. The center operates the Waste Manage-
ment Research and Education Institute (WMREI) and the
Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), and per-
forms analysis for Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Director: William Colglazier
Phone: (615)974-4251

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    60            FTEs:   45
         Technical;    45    Administrative:   15
  Background: PhDs:    25            MSs:   35

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                              Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                                     Outreach Programs
                       Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            2

                                    Networking Activities
                      Current Affiliations
                      •   Operates: The Waste Water Resources Research
                          Center, The Waste Management Research and
                          Education Institute
        Fedaral Government
        State Government
University: University of Tennessee at
   Knoxville     	$910,000
Federal Government: EPA; DOE; TVA    .  . $3,900,000
State Government	$1,300,000
Industry: Martin Marietta    	$195,000
Nonprofit Organization	$195,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
    Exploring and resolving critical issues concerning
    energy, environment, natural resources and
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 20%
•   Applied Research               80%
•   Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized:
    Biotechnology-related products

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Ethics and Values in Radioactive Waste Management
2.   Improving Public Education in Hazardous Waste
    Management in Tennessee and Assessing Future
    Treatment and Disposal Capacity Needs
3.   Data Management and Information System
    Development for Storage, Disposal and
    Transportation of Hazardous Wastes
4.   Workshop in Industrial Hazardous Waste Management
    Practices and Genetic Transfer in Aquatic
5.   Solid Waste Survey and Waste Management
    Assessment Studies
                      Date Founded:   1972
                      Reasons for Founding:   To carry out interdisciplinary
                      research and problem solving
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
                      Waste Management Research and Education Institute
                      327 South Stadium Hall
                      Knoxville, TN 37996 710

                      The Waste Management Research and Education Institute
                      at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is concerned
                      with finding solutions to society's waste problems
                      through multidisciplinary research and education. The
                      center has a Policy Division which examines the relation-
                      ships between corporate, regulatory, and public interests,
                      and an Environmental Science and Biology Unit which re-
                      searches the use of microorganisms in waste cleanup.

                      Director: William Colglazier
                      Phone: (615)974-4251

                                       Size and Scope
                      Number of Personnel:   25            FTEs:   12
                               Technical:   24    Administrative:    1
                        Background:  PhDs:   20            MSs:    5

                                                                                    Texas A&M University
          Sources of Funding for FY89
         Federal Government
Federal Government DOE; EPA; NSF; TVA  $2,350,000
State Government	$705,000
Industry: General Electric; Martin Marietta   . $1,175,000
Nonprofit Organization: C.S. Mott Foundation   $470,000

                Services Provided
Major Art as of Expertise
•   Chemical, nuclear and solid waste management
•   Biotechnology
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research              100%
•   Products or Processes Commercialized:
    Biotechnology related products
•   Unique Specialties: Biotechnology

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Ethics and Values in Radioactive Waste Regulation
2.   Field Demonstration Analysis of an Anaerobic
    Treatment Process
3.   Genetic Transfer in Aquatic Environments
4.   Hydrolic Investigations at Oak Ridge National
5.   Genetic Approaches for Determining Persistence and
    Effects of Introduced Species

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        1
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   2
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            2
                    Date Founded:   1985
                    Founders:   University of Tennessee, Knoxville
                    Reasons for Founding:   Chartered as a State Center of
                                                               Texas A&M University
                    Agricultural Engineering Research Center
                    College Station, TX 77843

                    Texas A&M University's Agricultural Engineering Re-
                    search Center channels its research efforts into four major
                    areas: bioprocessing of food and agricultural products;
                    protein separation and fermenter technology; environmen-
                    tal quality; and air and water quality.

                    Director: Donald Reddell

                                      Size and Scope
                    Number of Personnel:     19            FTEs:   19
                              Technical:     18    Administrative:    1
                      Background: PhDs:     10            MSs:    9

                               Sources of Funding for FY89
                    University: Texas A&M University    .   .  .   $840,000
                    Federal Government	$630,000
                    Industry	$630,000
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Water
    Resources Research Center
•   VanderbUt University
•   University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Energy,
    Environment and Resources Center
International Affiliations
•   Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Peoples
    Republic of China
                                    Services Provided
                    Major Areas of Expertise
                    •   Research on bioprocessing of food and agricultural
                    •   Protein separation and fermenter technology
                        Environmental quality; air and water quality
                    Current Activity Mix
                        Basic Research                  30%
                        Applied Research                70%

Texas A&M University
             Major Projects in FY89
1.  Institute Treatment T.C.E. Contaminated Ground Water
2.  Utilization of Remote Sensing to Extract Hydrological
    Information (U.S. Navy)
3.  Evaluating Strength and Cracking Properties of Rice
    Kernels Due To Drying (Texas Rice Research
4.  Development of New Cotton Gin, The Caged Gin
    (Cotton Inc.)
5.  Development of Technology to Design Fermenters for
    Biological Fertilization

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                     Summer
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   5
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            3
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     2

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Texas Agricultural Association
•   Institute of Food, Science and Technology
•   Irrigation Society
•   American Society of Agricultural Engineers
•   American Society of Civil Engineers
International Affiliations
    Cooperative agreement for R&D with Bi-National
    Agricultural Projects (Israel and U.S.)
•   Informal agreement with Australian Meat Board
Date Founded:   1932
Reasons for Founding:

  To further agricultural research
         Texas A&M University
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
College Station, TX 77843 3136

The Environmental and Water Resources Division at
Texas A&M University is concerned with evaluating the
impact of human activities on ihe natural environment.
The division also conducts research on the design and
operation of municipal, industrial, and agricultural water

 Director: Bill Batchelor
Phone: (409)845-1304
                                                   Size and Scope
                                 Number of Personnel:    35            FTEs:
                                           Technical:    31    Administrative:
                                   Background: PhDs:    11            MSs:

                                            Sources of Funding for FY89
                                          Federal Government
                                                                   ' 5%
                                                         Stare Government 20%
                                 University: Texas A&M University    .  .
                                 Federal Government: DOI; EPA; NOAA
                                 State Government: Texas Higher Education
                                    Coordinating Board; Texas Water
                                         . $75,000
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Municipal, industrial, and agricultural water supply
•   Wastewater treatment
•   Hazardous waste management; air quality control
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 70%
    Applied Research               30%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Transport and Fate of Hazardous S ubstances
2.   Sorption/Desorption Kinetics of Contaminants in
    Unsaturated Soils
3.   Speciation and Behavior of Silica in Recycled Cooling
4.   Disposal of Dredged Material Offshore

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Courses Offered in 1989:                    4

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Texas Water Resource Institute
•   Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
•   Lamar University

Date Founded:   1876
Founders:  Texas A&M University

                                                                                     Texas A&M University
         Texas A&M University
Sea Grant College Program
College Station, TX 77843 4115

Texas A&M University's Sea Grant College Program is a
partnership of university, government and industry, focus-
ing on marine research, education and advisory service.
Specialties include marine recreation, fisheries, business
management, environmental quality, and seafood market-
ing technology and consumer education. Fostering inter-
national trade competitiveness, exploring marine
biotechnology, improving fish technology, and advancing
aquaculture are all continuing goals of the program.

Director: Thomas Bright
Phone: (409)845-3854

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    30           FTEs:    17
          Technical:    14   Administrative:     3
  Background: PhDs:     1            MSs:     1
               BSs:    15

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: Texas A&M University
Federal Government: NOAA
. $1,600,000
. $1.600,000
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Fisheries
•   Aquaculture
•   Environmental marine policy management
Current Activity Mix
•   Applied Research               100%
                             Major Projects in FY89
                1.  Cultchless Oysters Project
                2.  Predictive Methods for Salinity Intrusion in Galveston
                3.  Physical Gonadotropin Research of Atlantic Croaker
                   and Red Drum Fish
                4.  Pollutant Metal Removal and Release, Via Reactions
                   with Sedimentary Pyrites
                5.  Thyroid Hormone Content of Fish Eggs and Larvae

                       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                               Outreach Programs
                 Symposia per Yean                        3
                 Courses Offered in 1989:                   20

                              Networking Activities
                Current Affiliations
                '   NOAA
                •   Marine Advisory Service
                •   Texas Agricultural Extension
                •   University of Texas Experiment Station
                •   Texas Agricultural Experiment Station

                Date Founded:  1968
                Founders:  National Sea Grant College Program
                Reasons for Founding:    To foster wise management
                and development of marine resources through research,
                education and advising
                                                                Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University's Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion represents a state/federal partnership oriented to
providing wholesome and healthy food for the entire
population and to provide the technology for agricultural
production, and the efficient processing, transportation
and marketing of these products. Additionally, the Experi-
ment Station regulates feed, fertilizers, beekeeping, and
the Pullorum and Typhoid control programs.

Director: Charles Amtzen
Phone: (409)845-8484

Texas, University of North
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel: 2000            FTEs:  500
          Technical: 1500    Administrative:  ^00
  Background: PhDs:  500

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                     Mmtry  '**

Federal Government: USDA; AID; NIH   .  $20,901,720
State Government	$47,775,360
Industry: Bell Chemical; Ciba Geigy; Shell;
   Monsanto     	$11,943,840
Other Products, charges and revolving
   funds	$18,911,080

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Animal science
•   Biochemistry
•   Food technology
•   Nutrition
•   Natural resources
•   Water quality
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
>   Applied Research
       Prototype Development
       Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: Basulo Virus
    Expression System

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Engineering Systems for Agricultural Paniculate
    Pollution Abatement
2.   The Expanding Dairy Industry: Impact on Groundwater
    Quality and Quantity
3.   Evaluation of the Mutagenic Potential of Municipal
    Landfill Leachate
4.   Effectiveness of Native Species Buffer Zone for
    Nonstructural Treatment of Urban Runoff
5.   Effect of Agricultural Production and Public Policy on
    Groundwater Quality
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:             1
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     2
 Other: 14 Texas A&M Agricultural and Research
Extension Centers

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Baylor University
•   University of Texas
International Affiliations
•   Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstrasse
    69,4040 Linz-Auhof, Austria
•   University of Antwerp (UIA), Universiteitsplein,
    B-2610Wilrijk, Belgium
•   Nanjing Medical College, Han Zhoung Road, #140,
    Nanjing, Jiansu Province, People's Republic of China

Date Founded:   1887
Founders:   Texas Legislature
Reasons for Founding:   To meet provisions of the
Hatch Act
       Texas, University of North
Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 13078
Denton, TX 76203 3078

The Institute of Applied Sciences at North Texas State
University conducts research and educational activities
that seek solutions to issues and problems related to the
development of natural and human resources. The
institute's specialties include: land and water resources,
waste management, toxic substances, and environmental

Director: Kenneth L. Dickson
Phone: (817)565-2694

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    54            FTEs:   34
          Technical:    49   Administrative:    5
  Background: PhDs:    16            MSs:   14
               BSs:    19

                                                                                 Texas, University of (Austin)
           Sources of Funding for FY89

Federal Government: EPA; Army Corps of Engineers;
   U.S. Air Force	$756,000
State Government	$128,000
Industry: Mobay; Natural Gas Pipeline; Shell; City
   of Dallas Water Utilities; Exxon    .   .   .  $978,000
Nonprofit Organization: Shell Oil Company
   Foundation; Texas Nature Conservancy   .  . $22,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Land, water, energy and human resources
•   Waste management
•   Toxic substances
•   Environmental impact
•   Archaeology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 50%
•   Applied Research               50%

             Migor Projects in FY89
1.  Lake North Silt Removal Study
2.  Remote Sensing and Habitat Mapping for Endangered
3.  Stress Protein Monitoring
4.  Impoundment Studies for Ray Roberts Lake
5.  Cultural Resources Investigations at Jones Farm

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   EPA

Date Founded:   1976
Founders:  University of North Texas
Reasons for Founding:  To seek solutions to issues and
problems related to the development of natural and
human resources
                                                             Texas, University of (Austin)
Center for Research in Water Resources
10100 Burnett Road
Austin, TX 78758 4497

The Center for Research in Water Resources at the
University of Texas, Austin, concentrates its research on
hydraulics, groundwater processes, hazardous waste
management, water quality, and water policy infrastruc-
ture. The center strives to broaden the interpretation of
water resources to include the social and political aspects
of water management.

Director: Randall J. Charbeneau
                                          Size and Scope
                        Number of Personnel:    19           FTEs:
                                  Technical:    14   Administrative:
                          Background: PhDs:     8            MSs:
                                       BSs:     6

                                   Sources of Funding for FY89
                                 Federal Government
                                                        ^ 20%
                                               State Government  '0%

                        University: University of Texas, Austin   .   .  $440,000
                        Federal Government: EPA; DOE    .   .  .   .$1,100,000
                        State Government	$220,000
                        Industry	$440,000

                                         Services Provided
                        Major Areas of Expertise
                        •   Addressing state's water needs through research and
                            education related to conservation
                        •   Water quality
                        •   Efficient use of Texas' water resources
                        Current Activity Mix
                            Basic Research                 60%
                        •   Applied Research               40%

Tufts University
             Major Projects in FY89
 1.  Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water
 2.  Hydrology and Reservoir Management
 3.  Water Reuse and Wastewater Treatment
 4.  Low Level Radioactive Waste Research
 5.  Sediment Transport

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   11
 Other Report series (3 issued in 1989)

              Networking Activities
 Current Affiliations
 •   Texas A&M University
 •   L.B J. School of Public Affairs

 Date Founded:   1983
 Founders:   Dr. Ernest Gloyna
 Reasons for Founding:   To coordinate various facets of
 University of Texas at Austin involved in water research
              Tufts University
Center for Environmental Management
Curtis Hall
474 Boston Avenue
Medford, MA 02155

Tufts University Center for Environmental Management
(CEM) uses multidisciplinary strategies to develop long-
term solutions to pollution problems. CEM's specialties
include environmental monitoring, biological markers
and ecological risk assessment and management.

Director: Dr. William R. Moornaw
Phone: (617)381-3486

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel-    27            FTEs:  27
         Technical:    18   Administrative:    9
  Background: PhDs:     4            MSs:   14
               BSs:     9
          Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University:    	$397,200
Federal Government: EPA    	$3,500,000
Industry:	$210,000
Other: Self-generated income   	$750,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Environmental monitoring;
•   Biological markers
•   Ecological risk assessment and management
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 20%
    Applied Research                80%
      Prototype Development
      Field Testing
      Performance Testing
      Market Assessment
•   Unique Specialties: Training

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Development of in situ continuous water quality
    monitor technologies
2.   Information and Education Research Health in Salient
    and Environmental Health Issues
3.   Major Investigation of Corporate Environmental
    Management, Both Domestic and International
4.   Global Climate Change Research
5.   Comprehensive Pollution Prevention Research Agenda

       Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        1
 Newsletters per yean                       4
 Annual reports:                      October
 Courses Offered in 1989:                   60
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:           3
(2 pending)
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     1
 (1 pending)
 Othen Course bulletin (3 times per year); research
projects currently funded by CEM; Environmental
Resource Guide

                                                                                      Utah State University
              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Northeast Hazardous Substance Research
•   Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
•   New Jersey Institute of Technology;
•   Boston University;
•   New York University Medical Center
International Affiliations
•   University of Moscow, Moscow, USSR

Date Founded:   April 1984
Founder   Dr. Anthony Cortese
Reasons for Founding  Concern about global security
and international competitiveness
           Utah State University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Terrestrial and aquatic ecology
•   Biology
•   Fisheries and wildlife
•   Forest resources
•   Plant science
•   Range science
•   Soil science
•   Biometeorology
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 75%
•   Applied Research               25%

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Effects of Ultra-Violet Radiation on Plant Growth
2.   Water Pollution Rate Variance as Desert Vegetation is
3.   Plant Ecology and Soils of Great Basin Desert
4.   Montane Forest Ecology, Northern Utah
5.   Disturbed Mine Lands Restoration
Ecology Center
Logan, UT 84322 5205

The Ecology Center at Utah State University coordinates
environmental research for eight departments of the
university including: biology, fisheries and wildlife,
forest resources, geology, plant science range science and
biometerology, and geography and earth resources.

Director: Frederic H. Wagner
Phone: (801)750-2555

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   103            FTEs:   78
          Technical:   100    Administrative:    3
  Background: PhDs:    50             MSs:   50

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        2
 Courses Offered in 1989:                  50

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
International Affiliations
    Governments of India, Tunisia
    Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Date Founded:   1966
Founders:   Utah State Legislature; NSF
Reasons for Founding:   To coordinate and support
graduate education and research in ecology
University: Utah State University   ....  $450,000
Federal Government: EPA; NSF; USDA;
   DOE    	$2,250,000
State Government	$300,000

Utah State University
          Utah State University
The Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322 4445

The Huntsman Environmental Research Center at Utah
State University is dedicated to research on recycling,
waste site decontamination, water quality and the preser-
vation of trees. The center was established to oversee and
fund applied research at USU and other colleges and
universities through the Western United States.

Director: Larry Piette

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    50           FTEs:   45
          Technical:    45   Administrative:     5
  Background: PhDs:    50

           Sources of Funding for FY89
Industry: Huntsman Chemical	$1,000,000

                Services Provided
Major Anas of Expertise
•   Recycling
•   Waste site decontamination
•   Water quality
•   Air quality
•   Forestry
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 80%
•   Applied Research               20%
       Prototype Development
       Market Assessment
•   Products or Processes Commercialized: White Rot
             Major Projects in FY89
1.   White Rot Fungus Research
2.   DensificationofPolystyrofoam
3.   Arid Land Ecology
4.   Microbial Decontamination Process
5.   Recycling Research
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            3
 Patent Licenses Issued in the Last 3 Years:     1

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Umbrella for: Utah State University
    Ecology Center
    Water Research Lab
    Toxicology Center
    Biotechnology Center
    Environmental Engineering Research Center
Date Founded:   1989
Founders:   Utah State University; Jon Huntsman
Reasons for Founding:   Huntsman Chemical
Corportion Grant
                                                                 Utah State University
Utah Water Research Laboratory
Logan, UT 84322 8200

Utah State University's Utah Water Research Laboratory
combines practical problem solving and effective water
education and training programs. The laboratory brings a
wide perspective, recognized specialized expertise and
many years of practical experience into such diverse areas
as: hydraulic testing; erosion studies and water quality
analysis; experimental research; numerical analysis and
computer modeling; and expert short-term consulting.

Director: L. Douglas James

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   190            FTEs:   150
          Technical:   165    Administrative:    25
  Background: PhDs:    70            MSs:    75
               BSs:    20

                                                              Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
           Sources of Funding for FY89
         F»a«nl Government
        State Government
Federal Government: EPA; U.S. Geological Survey;
   National Institute of Environmental Health
   Sciences; U.S. Air Force	$1,125,000
State Government	$1,250,000
Industry: Electric Power Research Institute   .  $ 125,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Hydraulic testing
•   Erosion studies
•   Water quality analysis
•   Numerical analysis
•   Computer modeling
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 25%
•   Applied Research               75%
      Market Assessment
•   Unique Specialties: Rainfall simulator, hydraulic

              Major Projects in FY89
1.   Hazardous Waste  Management (Air Emissions from
    Soil; Mining Waste Impact and Treatment; Fate and
    Transport Modeling)
2.   Natural Systems (Great Salt Lake, Bear River)
3.   Industrial/Municipal Waste Treatment (Bio-film
    System Modeling; Sludge Management; Dairy Waste
4.   On-site Waste Disposal (Septic Tank Drain Fields;
    Groundwater Impacts; Alternative On-site Disposal
5.   Water Treatment (Slow Sand Filtration; Home Water

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                     Biennial

               Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   National Association of Water Institute Directors
International Affiliations
    USAID program in Pune, India

Date Founded:   1964
Founders:   University and State Legislature
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
              State University
Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
1020 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061 415

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University's
University Center for Environmental Studies was estab-
lished to carry out interdisciplinary research on environ-
mental problems, and to help government, industry, and
the public to use this information effectively. The center
has expertise in restoration of damaged ecosystems, haz-
ardous waste storage sitings and toxicity testing.

Director: John Cairns, Jr.

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    28            FTEs:   25
          Technical:    23    Administrative:    5
  Background: PhDs:    22            MSs:    5

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
                            Industry 30%
State Government
Federal Government: NSF; EPA    ....  $552,500
State Government	$17,000
Industry    	$255,000
Nonprofit Organization    	$25,500

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Restoration of damaged ecosystems
•   Hazardous waste storage sitings
•   Toxicity testing
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  90%
•   Applied Research                10%
•   Unique Specialties: Multispecies toxicity testing;
    restoration ecology; biological monitoring

              Major Projects in FY89
1.  Eradication of Pesticides (Asiatic Clam, Zebra Clam)
2.  Recovery and Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems
3.  Acute Toxicity, Chronic Impairment and Recovery of
    the Snail from Copper Dominated Effluent Exposures
4.  Methylene Blue as a Fitness Indicator in Laraval Fish
5.  Effects of Enrichment and Plant Interactions on
    Survival and Detection of Genetic Alterations

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                        2
 Annual Report                       January

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
    Hazardous Waste Institute Directors
International Affiliations
•   Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, Peoples Republic
    of China
•   Environmental Center, Nanjing University, Peoples
    Republic of China

Date Founded:   1970
Founders:   Board of Visitors (trustees)
Reasons for Founding:  To provide neutral ground for
interdisciplinary work
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
              State University

Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
106 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg.VA 24061
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University's Vir-
ginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
operates as a cooperative arrangement between the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Department of Game
and Inland Fisheries, and the Wildlife Management In-
stitute. The unit emphasizes stream ecology, wildlife ecol-
ogy and endangered species studies; and wet laboratory
and behavior laboratory facilities are maintained.

Director: Richard Neves, Unit Leader
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   17            FTEs:
          Technical:   15    Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    4             MSs:

           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
       State Government
Federal Government	$400,000
State Government	$400,000
Industry	$200,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Endangered species
•   Anadromous fish
•   Big game management
•   Black bear research
•   Stream ecology
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                  50%
•   Applied Research                50%

              Major Projects in FY89
1.  Population Biology and Acid Tolerance of Fresh Water
2.  Life History of the Endangered Fine Rayed Pigtoe
    Pearly Muscle
3.  Population Characteristics and Ecology of Black Bears
    in Shenandoah National Park
4.  Population and Ecology of Jack Rabbits on Cobb
    Island, Virginia
5.  Development of Techniques for Propagation of
    Threatened Fish Species in Virginia

                                                                          Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Annual Report                      October
 Courses Offered in 1989:                    1
 Other                Scientific journal articles

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Cooperative Research Unit Center of the Fish and
    Wildlife Service

Date Founded:   1985
Founders:   U.S. Government; Virginia Department of
Reasons for Founding:   To produce graduate students
in Fish and Wildlife
                         Services Provided
          Major Areas of Expertise
          •   Coordinating research teams
          •   Training
          •   Sampling and testing
          •   Fundraising
          •   Information dissemination
          Current Activity Mix
             Basic Research                 25%
             Applied Research               75%
                Prototype Development
          •   Products or Processes Commercialized: Will help
             business perfect testing processes
          •   Unique Specialties: Lake restoration

                       Major Projects in FY89
          1.  Water Efficiency Studies
          2.  Improved Dams/Hydro-Electric Power
          3.  Lake Restoration
      Washington State University
State of Washington Water Research Center
Pullman, WA 99164 3002

The State of Washington Water Research Center at
Washington State University is involved in coordinating
research teams, training, sampling and testing and infor-
mation dissemination regarding water resources.

Director: William H. Funk
                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:     8           FTEs:
         Technical:     2   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:     2

           Sources of Funding for FY89
                             State Government
Federal Government: U.S. Geological Survey    $333,333
State Government	$333,333
Industry	$333,333
                 Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                         Outreach Programs
           Symposia per Year                        6
           Annual Report                        May

                        Networking Activities
          Current Affiliations
          •   National Association of Water Institute Directors

          Date Founded:  1964
          Founders:  State of Washington
          Reasons for Founding:   To inventory state water
           Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
          Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
          1007 Wharf Office Building
          610 Walnut Street
          Madison, WI53705

          University of Wisconsin, Madison's Institute for Environ-
          mental Studies is a comprehensive, independent academic
          unit designed to study interrelationships between people
          and the environment The institute encompasses seven re-
          search centers: Center for Biotic Systems, Center for
          Climatic Research, Center for Environmental Policy
          Studies, Environmental Remote Sensing Center, Center
          for Human Systems, Center for Land Information
          Studies, and Marine Studies Center.

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Director: Arthur B. Sacks
Phone: (608)262-5957

                 Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    55           FTEs:   33
         Technical:    45   Administrative:   10
  Background: PhDs:    22

          Sources of Funding for FY89

                         Federal Government
             Stale Government
                                                                    Networking Activities
                                                      Current Affiliations
                                                      •   International Society for Environmental Education,
                                                          Columbus, Ohio
                                                      •   North American Association for Environmental
                                                          International Network for Research Inventory
                                                          Center, Dartmouth College

                                                      Date Founded:   1967
                                                      Founders:  University of Wisconsin, Madison
                                                      Reasons for Founding:  Education, interdisciplinary
                                                      research, and public outreach
                                                       Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Federal Government: NSF; NASA; NOAA; U.S. Geologi-
   cal Survey	  .$1,100,000
State Government	$1,200,000
Nonprofit Organization: Hewlett Foundation    $200,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   Environmental monitoring
•   Land and water resource management
•   Energy analysis
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research
•   Applied Research

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Adaptations of Aquatic Plants to Oligotrophic Lakes
2.   Using Environmental Indicators to Construct a History
    of Climate Changes Based on Global Data
3.   Employing Computer-Enhanced Imagery to Help
    Detect and Manage Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites
4.   Consequences to Newborn Babies of Comsumpuon by
    Their Mothers During Pregnancy of Lake Michigan
    Fish Contaminated with Polychlonnated Biphenyls
5.   Compiling Information on Consumptive Uses of Great
    Lakes Water by the States and Canadian Provinces

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Year.                        6
 Annual Report                         July
                                                      Water Chemistry Program
                                                      660 North Park Street
                                                      Madison, WI53706

                                                      University of Wisconsin, Madison's Water Chemistry
                                                      Program applies principles of chemistry to pollutants in
                                                      air, surface water and groundwater. Particular emphasis is
                                                      placed on lake research (hazardous organic compounds,
                                                      atmospheric input of chemicals, trace metal chemicals).
                                                      Fields of study also include aqueous systems, photochemi-
                                                      cal reactions and ceramic membranes.

                                                      Director: D£. Armstrong (Head)
                                                      Phone: (608)262-2470
                                                                       Size and Scope
                                                      Number of Personnel:   40           FTEs:
                                                               Technical:   37   Administrative:
                                                        Background: PhDs:   10           MSs:

                                                                Sources of Funding for FY89
                                                              Federal Government
                                                      University: University of Wisconsin, Madison   $ 100,000
                                                      Federal Government	$800,000
                                                      Industry	$100,000

                                                                          Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
                Services Provided
Major Anas of Expertise
•   Applications of chemistry to problems in air, surface
    water and ground water
•   Fate assessment of organic chemicals in the
•   Development of ceramic materials via photocataly sis
Current Activity Mix
•   Basic Research                 95%
•   Applied Research                5%
      Prototype Development

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Use of Ceramic Materials for Photocataly sis
2.   Fate Assessment of Organic Chemicals in the Great
3.   Panicle Mediated Reactions of Organic Chemicals in
4.   Diagenesis of Fitoplankton Pigment in Lakes
5.   Chemical Properties Estimated for Organic Chemicals

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Other Seminars and publications

Date Founded:   1961
Reasons for Founding:   To study water pollutants
through the principles of chemistry
 Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Resources Center
1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI53706

The University of Wisconsin, Madison's Water Resour-
ces Center provides a program of research, education and
information dissemination on problems of Wisconsin, the
north central region, and the rest of the nation. The
center's research focuses on groundwater evaluation.

Director: Gordon Chesters
Phone: (608)262-3577

                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:   24            FTEs:    16
         Technical:   16   Administrative:     8
           Sources of Funding for FY89
        Federal Government
University: University of Wisconsin, Madison   $625,000
Federal Government: U.S.Geological Survey; NSF;
   EPA;USDA;DOE    	5625,000

                Services Provided
Major Areas of Expertise
•   To coordinate research on water resources at the
    university, other Wisconsin colleges, universities and
    state agencies
•   Technology transfer
•   Groundwater evaluation (quality, transport,
Current Activity Mix
    Basic Research                 33%
    Applied Research               67%
    Unique Specialties: Coated ceramic membranes as

             Major Projects in FY89
1.   Preferential Water Flow Through Soil
2.   Herbicides and Decontamination of Groundwater
3.   Potential Groundwater Impacts from Management
    Techniques Designed to Abate Nonpoint Pollutants
    to Surface Waters
4.   Photocatalysis of Halogenated Hydrocarbons Using
    Hydrous Oxides and Ordered Ceramic Membranes
5.   Mitochondrial Bioassay for Toxic Substances in Water

        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
                Outreach Programs
 Annual Report:                    December
 Patents Issued in the Last 3 Years:            2

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   Michigan State University
•   U.S.Geological Survey
•   Great Lakes Regional Network

 Wyoming, University of
International Affiliations
    Envirotech, Vienna, Austria
    International Society for Environmental Protection
    National Research Council of Italy, Venice, Italy
    International Water Resources Association
    U.S. and Canada, International Joint Commission on
    Management Strategies for the Great Lakes, Buffalo,
    New York
Date Founded:   1964
Founders:   Water Resources Research Act of 1964
Reasons for Founding:   To advise on groundwater
management and cleanup
         Wyoming, University of
                          Services Provided
           Major Areas of Expertise
           •   Groundwater quality
           •   Fisheries
           •   Resource economics
           •   Geography
           •   Water development
           •   Modeling
           Current Activity Mix
           •   Basic Research
           •   Applied Research
           •   Unique Specialties: Water Resources Data System

                        Major Projects in FY89
           1.  Satellite Imagery
           2.  Groundwater Contaminant Detection
           3.  Riparian Zone Management
           4.  Little Horse Creek Loss Study
           5.  Furrow Irrigation Efficiency
Wyoming Water Research Center
Box 3067
University Station
Laramie, WY 82071 3067

The Wyoming Water Research Center at the University
of Wyoming sponsors and conducts multidisciplinary re-
search related to the management and preservation of
Wyoming's water resources. The center investigates the
legal, engineering, geological, political, social and en-
vironmental factors at work in water issues.

Director: Steven P. Gloss
Phone: (307)766-2143
                  Size and Scope
Number of Personnel:    71           FTEs:
         Technical:    64   Administrative:
  Background: PhDs:    40            MSs:
               BSs:    12

          Sources of Funding for FY89
        Technology Transfer Mechanisms/
               Outreach Programs
 Symposia per Yean                       3
 Annual Report:                    December
 Other: Hotline Number: (307)766-6651 Available to

              Networking Activities
Current Affiliations
•   U.S. Geological Survey
International Affiliations
•   U.S. Agency for International Development (project
    in Swaziland)

Date Founded:   1964
Founders:   State of Wyoming
Reasons for Founding:  Long-range Wyoming water
development program
          Federal Government.
                                ' 4%
University: University of Wyoming    .  .   .  .$56,000
Federal Government U.S. Geological Survey  $570,000
State Government	$840,000
Industry	$129,000

This Appendix to the Directory lists cooperative university and industry environmental R&D centers that are not included
in the body of the directory because their funding levels are below $1 million per year. These centers are listed to inform
the user of their existence and to provide a point of contact at each center.
Academy of Natural Sciences
Division of Environmental Research
19th Street and the Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Director: Louis E. Sage
    Phone: (215)299-1081
Arkansas Tech University
Arkansas Mining and Mineral Resources Research
Arkansas Mining Institute
Russellville, AK 72801
    Director: Henry L. Barwood
    Phone: (501)968-0201
 Agricultural Research Institute
 9650 Rockville Pike
 Bethesda,MD 20814
    Director: William Stanwood Cath
    Phone: (301)530-7122
Batelle Science and Government Study
4000 ME. 41st Street
Seattle, WA 98105
    Phone: (206)525-3130
 American Iron and Steel Institute
 1133 15th Street N.W.
 Washington, DC 20005 2701
     Director: William E. Dennis
     Phone: (202)452-7265
Baylor University
Institute of Environmental Studies
Waco, TX 76798
    Director: W. Merle Alexander
    Phone: (817)755-3406
 American Petroleum Institute
 1220 L Street N.W.
 Washington, DC 20005
    Director: Charles J. DiBona
    Phone: (202)682-8000
Bemidji State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Bemidji, MN 56601
    Director: Steven A. Spigarelli
    Phone: (218)755-2910
 Arizona State University
 Center for Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences
 Tempe,AZ 85287 5506
    Director: Charles E. Backus
    Phone: (602)965-2975
Boston University
Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
648 Beacon Street
Boston, MA
    Director: T.R. Lakshamanan
    Phone: (617)353-3083
 Arizona State University
 Laboratory of Climatology
 Tempe.AZ 85287
     Director: Anthony J. Brazel
     Phone: (602)965-6265
 Bowdoin College
 Marine Station
 Brunswick, ME
    Director: Edward S. Gilfillan
    Phone: (207)725-3000

Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University
Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis Laboratory
105 Page Street
Provo,UT 84602
    Director: Fred A. Mangum
    Phone: (801)378-4928
City College of City University of New York
Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Science Building
138th Street and Convent Avenue
New York, NY  10031
    Director: John H. Tietjen
    Phone: (212)690-6800
Brigham Young University
Environmental Analysis Laboratory
Provo.UT 84602
    Director: LaVere B. Merritt
    Phone: (801)378-2972
Clarkson University
Environmental Science and Engineering Program
Rowley Laboratories
Potsdam, NY 13676
    Director: Thomas L. Theis
    Phone: (315)268-3853
California Air Resources Board
Sacramento, CA
    Phone: (916)445-0753
California Institute of Technology
Environmental Quality Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91125
    Director: Norman Brooks
    Phone: (818)356-4167
Clemson University
Clemson Hydraulics Laboratory
Clemson, SC 29631
    Director: Ben L. Sill
    Phone: (803)656-3325
Clemson University
Water Resources Research Institute
310 LowryHall
Clemson, SC 29634 2900
   Director: Paul B. Zielinski
   Phone: (803)656-3271
California State College, Bakersfield
Center for Environmental Studies
9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 933111099
    Director: Ted D. Murphy
    Phone: (805)664-3167
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment
123 Huntington Street
P.O. Box 1106
New Haven, CT
   Director: John F. Anderson
   Phone: (203)789-7272
Center for Public Interest Research
220 North Chestnut
Lansing, MI 48933
   Director: Donald J. Rounds
   Phone: (517)487-6001
Coordinating Research Council, Inc.
219 Perimeter Center Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30346
   Director: Alan E. Zengel
   Phone: (404)396-3400
Center for Short-Lived Phenomena
P.O. Box 199
Harvard Square Station
Cambridge. MA
    Director: Richard Golob
    Phone: (617)492-3310
Cornell University
Toxic Chemicals Laboratory
New York State College of Agriculture
Tower Road
Ithaca, NY 14853
    Director: Donald J. Lisk
    Phone: (607)255-4538

                    International Fabricare Institute
Cranbrook Institute of Science
500 Lone Pine Road
P.O. Box 801
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013
    Director: Robert M. West
    Phone: (313)645-3260
Florida State University
Center for Aquatic Research & Resource Management
136-B Conradi Building
Tallahassee, FL  32306
    Director: Robert J. Livingston
    Phone: (904)644-4887
Delaware State College
Agricultural Experiment Station
Dover, DE 19901
    Director: Ulysses S. Washington
    Phone: (302)736-4929
Gulf South Research Institute
P.O. Box 14787
Baton Rouge, LA 70898
    Director: James H. Clinton
    Phone: (504)766-3300
 Drexel University
 Environmental Studies Institute
 Philadelphia, PA 19104
    Director: Herbert E. Allen
    Phone: (215)895-2265
Heidelberg College
Water Quality Laboratory
Tiffin, OH 44883
    Director: David Baker
    Phone: (419)448-2201
 Environmental Action Foundation
 1525 New Hampshire Avenue N.W.
 Washington, DC 20036
    Director: Ruth Caplan
    Phone: (202)745^870
HT Research Institute
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616
   Director: David L. Morrison
   Phone: (312)567-4000
 Environmental Defense Fund
 257 Park Avenue South
 New York, NY 10010
    Director: Frederic D. Krupp
    Phone: (212)505-2100
Indiana State University
Remote Sensing Laboratory
Department of Geography and Geology
Terra Haute, IN 47809
    Director: John Harrington
    Phone: (812)237-2264
 Environmental Hazards Management
 137 High Street
 Box 283
 Portsmouth, NH
    Director: Alan J. Bomer
    Phone: (603)436-3950
Indiana University
Environmental Systems Application Center
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Bloomington, IN 47405
    Director: William W, Jones
    Phone: (812)335-4556
 Farallones Institute
 Center for Sustainable Agriculture
 Davis, CA 95616
    Director: David Katz
International Fabricare Institute
12251 Tech Road
Montgomery Industrial Park
Silver Spring, MD 20904
    Director: Elizabeth Mooreland
    Phone: (301)622-1900

Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
Chesapeake Bay Institute
4800 Atwell Road
Shady Side, MD 20764
    Director: James D. Ebert
    Phone: (301)867-7550
Marine Resources Research Institute
South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources
Charleston, SC 29412
    Director: Victor G. Burrell, Jr.
    Phone: (803)795-6350
Johns Hopkins University
Chesapeake Research Consortium
P.O. Box 1120
Gloucester Point, VA 23062
    Director: Maurice P. Lynch
    Phone: (804)642-7153
Kansas State University
Kansas Water Resources Research Institute
144 Waters Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
    Director: Hyde S. Jacobs
    Phone: (913)532-5729
Kent State University
Center for Aquatic Ecology
Biological Sciences
Kent, OH 44242
    Director: G. Dennis Cooke
    Phone: (216)672-3613
Memphis State University
Institute for Engineering Research
Memphis, TN 38152
    Director: Gerald Jacubowski
    Phone: (901)678-2718
Midwest Research Institute
Kansas City, MO 641102299
    Director: John C. McKelvey
    Phone: (816)753-7600
Mileau Foundation
San Jose, CA
   Phone: (408)723-2167
Montana State University
Institute of Natural Resources
Bozeman, MT 59717
    Phone: (406)994-2432
Lenox Institute for Research Inc.
101 Yokun Avenue
Lenox, MA
    Director: Lawrence K. Wang
    Phone: (413)637-3025
Loma Linda University
Survey Research Service
Loma Linda, CA   350
    Director: Jan Kuzma
    Phone: (714)8244591
Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA
    Director: Harlyn O. Halvorson
    Phone: (508)548-3705
Monte Marine Laboratory
1600 City Island Park
Sarasota,FL 33577
    Phone: (813)3884441
National Council of the Paper Industry for
  Air and Stream Improvement, Inc.
260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
   Director: Isiah Gellman
   Phone: (212)532-9000
National Food Processors Association
   Research Foundation
1401 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
    Director: Dennis R. Heldman
    Phone: (202)639-5955

                       Pennsylvania State University
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii
P.O. Box 1749
Keahole Point
Kailua-Kona,HI 96745
    Director: Thomas H. Daniel
    Phone: (808)329-7341
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Center for Urban and Environmental Engineering
323 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd
Newark, NJ
    Director: Harold Deutschman
 New York University
 Laboratory of Microbial Ecology
 753 Brown Building
 New York, NY 10003
    Director: Guenther Stotzky
    Phone: (212)998-8266
 North Carolina State University
 Southeastern Plant Environment Laboratory
 Box 7618
 Raleigh, NC 27695
    Director: Robert Jack Downs
    Phone: (919)737-2778
Ohio State University
Laboratory for Environmental Studies
Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center
Madison Avenue
Wooster.OH 44691
    Director: T. Craig Weidensaul
    Phone: (216)263-3700
Oklahoma State University
Center for Applications of Remote Sensing
111 Thatcher Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078
    Director: Mark S. Gregory
    Phone: (405)744-5000
Oklahoma State University
Water Quality Research Laboratory
Stillwater, OK 74074
    Director: Sterling L. Burks
    Phone: (405)624-4551
Oregon State University
Oak Creek Laboratory of Biology
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
CorvaUis,OR 97331
    Director: Charles E. Warren
    Phone: (503)754-3503
 Northeastern Illinois University
 International Association for Advancement of Earth and
   Environmental Sciences
 Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
 5500 North St. Louis Avenue
 Chicago, IL 60625
    Director: Musa Qutub
    Phone: (312)794-2628
Oregon State University
Water Resources Research Institute
Strand Agriculture Hall
Room 210
Corvallis,OR 973312208
    Director: Benno P. Warkentin
    Phone: (503)737-4022
 Nova University
 Institute of Marine and Coastal Studies
 8000 North Ocean Drive
 Dania,FL 33004
    Director: Richard Dodge
Pennsylvania State University
Center for Air Environmental Studies
226 Feuske Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
   Director: Mr. Ready
   Phone: (814)865-1415
 Ohio State University
 Engineering Experiment Station
 2070 Neil Avenue
 Columbus, OH 43210
    Director: Robert F. Redmond
Pennsylvania State University
Engineering Research Program
101 Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802
    Director: Thomas A. Seliga
    Phone: (814)865-4542

Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania State University
Office of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management
Land and Water Resources Research Building
University Park, PA 16802
    Director: Raymond W. Regan
    Phone: (814)863-0291
South Dakota State University
Engineering Experiment Station
Box 2219
Brookings,SD 57007
    Director: LaDell Swiden
    Phone: (605)688^184
Pennsylvania State University
Soil and Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
104 Research Unit A
University Park, PA 16802
    Director: Dale E. Baker
    Phone: (814)865-1221
South Dakota State University
Water Resources Institute
Brookings,SD 57007
    Director: Alan R. Bender
    Phone: (605)688-4910
Polytechnic Institute of New York
Center for Fire Research
333 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
    Director: Mr. Goodman
    Phone: (718)260-3600
Southwest Research Institute
6220 Cullebra Road
P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78284
    Director: Martin Goland
Purdue University
Department of Medicinal Chemistry,
Bionucleonics Division
West Lafayette, IN 47907
    Director: Paul L. Ziemer
Southwest Research and Information Center
P.O. Box 4524
Albuquerque, NM 87106
    Director: Don Hancock
    Phone: (505)262-1862
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fresh Water Institute
Troy, NY 12181
    Director: Charles W. Boylen
    Phone: (518)276-6757
State University College at Buffalo
Great Lakes Laboratory
1300 Elm wood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
    Director: Harish C. Sikka
    Phone: (716)878-5422
Resources for the Future, Quality of the
   Environment Division
1616 P Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
    Director: Raymond J. Kopp
State University College at Oswego
Research Center
King Hall
Oswego, NY  13126
    Director: R J. Scrudato
    Phone: (315)341-3639
Rutgers University
Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies
Division of Water Resources
New Brunswick, NJ
    Director: Alan Mclntosh
    Phone: (201)932-3596
State University of New York at Buffalo
Toxicology Research Center
127 Farber Hall
Buffalo, NY 14214
    Director: Paul Kostyniak
    Phone: (716)831-2125

                                                                           University of Colorado, Denver
Stevens Institute of Technology
Energy Center
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Castle Point Station
    Director: Rich S. Magee
    Phone: (201)420-5592
University of Arizona
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Research Program
Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering
Tucson, AZ 85721

    Director: James G. McGray
    Phone: (602)621-4985
Syracuse Research Corporation
Merrill Lane
Syracuse, NY 13210
    Director: Kenneth A. Kun
 Texas A&M University
 Texas Forest Products Laboratory
 P.O. Box 310
 Lufkin,TX 75901
    Director: Dewayne Weldon
    Phone: (409)639-8180
 Texas Tech University
 Water Resources Center
 Box 4630
 Lubbock,TX 79409
     Director: Lloyd V. Urban
     Phone: (806)742-3597
 Tulane University
 Environmental Health Sciences Research Laboratory
 F. Edward Herbert Research Center
 Belle Chasse, LA 70037
    Director: AA. Abdelghani
    Phone: (504)394-2233
 U.S. Water Conversation Laboratory
 4331 East Broadway
 Phoenix, AZ 85040
     Director: Herman Bouwer
     Phone: (602)261-4356
University of California
Lawrence-Berkeley Laboratory,
Materials and Chemicals Sciences Division
Building 62
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
    Director: Norman E. Phillips
    Phone: (415)486-6062
University of California, Berkeley
Hydraulic Laboratories
412 O'Brien Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
   Director: Richard A. Denton
   Phone: (415)642-6777
University of Chicago
Cloud Physics Laboratory
Department of Geophysical Sciences
5734 S. Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
    Director: RJR. Braham
    Phone: (312)702-8123
University of Cincinnati
Department of Environmental Health
3223 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, OH  45267
    Director: Roy E. Albert
    Phone: (513)556-6000
 University of Arizona
 Environmental Engineering Laboratory
 Civil Engineering Department
 Room 206
 Tucson, AZ  85721
     Director: Robert A. Phillips
     Phone: (602)621-2315
University of Colorado, Denver
Center for Environmental Sciences
Campus Box 136
110014th Street
Denver, CO 80202
    Director: Herman Seivering
    Phone: (303)55M277

University of Delaware
University of Delaware
Water Resources Center
101 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE  19716
    Director: Robert D. Varrin
    Phone: (302)451-2191
University of Kentucky
Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute
219 Anderson Hall
Lexington, KY  40506
    Director: Ralph Huffsey
    Phone: (606)257-1832
University of Florida
Air Pollution Research Laboratory
Gainesville, FL 32611
    Director: Dale Lundgren
    Phone: (904)392-0846
University of Maryland
Water Resources Research Center
College Park, MD 20742
    Director: Robert E. Menzer
    Phone: (301)454-6406
University of Florida
Interdisciplinary Center for Aeronomy and other
   Atmospheric Sciences
311 Space Sciences Research Building
Gainesville, FL 32611
    Director: Alex E.S. Green
    Phone: (904)392-2001
University of Illinois
Illinois Natural History Survey
Natural Resources Building
607 East Peabody
Champaign, IL 61820
    Director: Lorin I. Nevling
    Phone: (217)333-6830
University of Kansas
John H. Nelson Environmental Study Area (NESA)
Division of Biological Sciences
Lawrence, KS 660472906
    Director: KLB. Armitage
    Phone: (913)864-3236
University of Kansas
Kansas Biological Survey
2291 Irving Hill Drive
Lawrence, KS 660472906
    Director: Edward A. Martinko
    Phone: (913)864-7725
University of Kansas
Water Resources Institute
Lawrence, KS 660472906
    Director: Ernest C. Pogge
    Phone: (913)864-3807
University of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center
Blaisdell House
Amherst, MA
    Director: Paul J. Godfrey
    Phone: (413)545-2842
University of Miami
Pesticide Residue and Toxic Waste Analytical Laboratory
Room 108, Building B
12500 S.W. 152 Street
Miami, FL 331771411
    Director: John Davies
    Phone: (305)284-7320
University of Michigan
Michigan Atmospheric Deposition Laboratory
2126 Space Research Building
Ann Arbor, MI  48109 2143
    Director: Perry J. Sampson
    Phone: (313)764-3360
University of Michigan
Montgomery Allergy Research Laboratory
6621 Kresge Medical Research Building 1
Box 0529
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
    Director: William Solomon
    Phone: (313)764-0227
University of Michigan
Radiation Safety Service/OSHA
North University Building
Room 1101
Ann Arbor, MI 48109 1057
    Director: Mark Driscall
    Phone: (313)764-4420

                    University of Southern California
University of Minnesota
Fire Information Research & Education Center
33 North Hall
St. Paul, MN SS108
    Director: Helen Henry
    Phone: (612)296-6516
University of Missouri, Columbia
Missouri Water Resources Research Center
Room 56
Civil Engineering
Columbia, MO 65211
    Director: Thomas E. Clevenger
 University of Missouri, Rolla
 Environmental Research Center
 Rolla, MO 65401
    Director: Ju-Chang Huang
    Phone: 014)3414461
 University of Missouri, Rolla
 Missouri Mining and Mineral Resources Research
 272 McNuff Hall
 Rolla, MO 65401
    Director: John L. Watson
    Phone: (314)341-4724
 University of Montana
 Gordon Environmental Studies Laboratory
 Botany Department
 Missoula, MT 59812
    Director: Peter M. Rice
    Phone: (406)243-2671
 University of New Hampshire
 Engineering Design & Analysis Laboratory
 Kingsbury Hall 101
 Durham, NH
    Director: Godfrey H. Savage
    Phone: (603)862-1356
 University of New Hampshire
 Water Resources Research Center
 224 Science & Engineering Research Building
 Durham, NH
    Director: Thomas P. Ballestero
University of North Dakota
Devil's Lake Biological Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202
    Director: Paul B. Kannowski
    Phone: (701)777-2621
University of Notre Dame
Lobund Laboratory
Notre Dame, IN 46556
    Director: Morris Pollard
    Phone: (219)239-7564
University of Oklahoma
Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological
401 East Boyd
Norman, OK 73019
   Director: Douglas K. Lily
   Phone: (405)325-3041
University of Oklahoma
Environmental & Ground Water Institute
200 Felgar Street
Room 127
Norman, OK 73019
   Director: Larry W. Canter
   Phone: (405)325-5202
University of Rhode Island
Marine Geomechanics Laboratory
Narragansett Bay Campus
Narragansett, RI
    Director: Armand J. Silva
    Phone: (401)792-6194
University of Rhode Island
Water Resources Center
202 Bliss Hall
Kingston, RI
   Director: Calvin P.G. Poon
   Phone: (401)792-2297

University of Southern California
Institute of Safety and Systems Management
SSM-MC 0021
University Park
Los Angeles, CA 90089
   Director: William J. Petak

University of Southern California
University of Southern California
Lung Disease, Cancer, Lymphocytes and General
   Pathobiology Unit
2011 Zonal Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033
    Director: Russell P. Sherwin
    Phone: (213)224-7444
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Water Resources Research Center
Knoxville, TN 379%
    Director: E. William Colglaizer
    Phone: (615)974-2151
 University of Utah Research Institute
 Environmental Studies Laboratory
 Suite D
 Salt Lake City, UT 84108
    Director: A. Clyde Hill
    Phone: (801)524-3463
University of Washington
Institute for Environmental Studies
Engineering Annex FM-12
Seattle, WA 98195
    Director: Gordon Orians
    Phone: (206)543-1812
University of Washington
Laboratory of Radiation Ecology
Fisheries Research Center
College of Fisheries
Seattle, WA 98195
    Director: Professor Nevissi
    Phone: (206)543-4259
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sanitary Engineering Division
Madison, WI 53706
    Director: P.M. Berthouex
    Phone: (608)262-1776
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Environmental Toxicology Center
309 Infirmary
Madison, WI 53706
   Director: Colin R. Jefcoate
   Phone: (608)263^580
University of Wisconsin, Madison
EES Center for Human Systems
1042 Wharf Building
Madison, WI 53705
    Director: Marty S. Kanarek
    Phone: (608)262-9937
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Sea Grant Advisory Systems
Walkway Mall
522 Bayshore Drive
Sister Bay, WI 54234
   Director: Lynn Frederick
   Phone: (414)854-5329
University of Wisconsin, Madison
State Laboratory of Hygiene, Enteric Bacteriology Unit
465 Henry Mall
Room 331
Madison, WI 53706
    Director: Penny Wick
    Phone: (608)263-3421
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Center for Architecture and Urban Planning Research
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
    Director: Gary T. Moore
    Phone: (414)229-6165
University of Wyoming
Red Buttes Environmental Biology Laboratory
Box 3166
University Station
Laramie.WY 82071
    Director: Harold Bergman
    Phone: (307)745-8504
University of Wyoming
Wyoming Mining and Mineral Resources Research
Box 3295
University Station
Laramie.WY 82071
    Director: David O. Cooney
    Phone: (307)766-6464

                                                                              Western Illinois University
Utah Department of Natural Resources
Utah Geological and Mineral Survey
606 Black Hawk Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
    Director: Genevieve Atwood
    Phone: (801)581-6831
Utah State University
Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Logan, UT 843224405
    Director: Robert W. Schunk
    Phone: (801)750-2961
 Utah State University
 Institute for Land Rehabilitation
 College of Natural Resources
 Logan, UT 84322
    Director: Christopher Call
    Phone: (801)750-2547
Washington University
Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis
Campus Box 1124
St. Louis, MO 63130
    Director: Rudolf B. Husar
    Phone: (314)889-6099
Waste Systems Institute of Michigan, Inc.
470 Market Street SW
Suite 100
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
    Director: Jeffrey L. Dauphin
    Phone: (616)451-8992
Water Pollution Control Federation
601 Wythe Street
Alexandria, VA 22314 1994
   Director: Quincalee Brown
   Phone: (703)684-2400
 Vanderbilt University
 Center for Industrial Water Quality Management
 Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
 Box 6222, StationB
 Nashville, TN 37235
    Director: W. Wesley Eckenfelder
    Phone: (615)322-2697
 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
 Safety Projects Office
 Blacksburg, VA 24061
    Director: Dennis Price
    Phone: (703)231-5635
Water Resources Association of the
  Delaware River Basin
Box 867
Davis Road
Valley Forge, PA 19481
    Director: Bruce E. Stewart
    Phone: (215)783-0634
Western Carolina University
Center for Improving Mountain Living
CuIlowhee,NC 28723
    Director: F. Merton Cregger
    Phone: (704)227-7492
Washington State University
Environmental Engineering Research Laboratory
141 Sloan
Pullman, WA 991642910
    Director: Kenneth E. Hartz
    Phone: (509)335-3175
Western Illinois University
Institute for Environmental Management
College of Arts and Sciences
Macomb.IL 61455
    Director: Larry Jahn
    Phone: (309)298-1266
Washington State University
Laboratory for Atmospheric Research
College of Engineering
Pullman. WA 99164
    Director: Hal Westberg
    Phone: (509)335-8546
Western Illinois University
Water Quality Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
Macomb.IL 61455
    Director: Robert E. Neas
    Phone: (309)298-1356

Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University
Science for Citizens Center
116 Moore Hall
Kalamazoo, Ml 49008
   Director: Donald J. Brown
   Phone: (616)387-2721
World Resources Institute
1735 New York Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC  20006
    Director: James Gustave Speth
    Phone: (202)638-6300
Williams College
Center for Environmental Studies
Kellog House
Williamstown, MA

    Director: Ben Labaree
    Phone: (413)597-2346

                            Center Name Index
This index is an alphabetical list of the 114 cooperative university and industry environmental R&D centers, with the
center name cross referenced to the university/industry name.
Advanced Combustion Engineering
  Research Center
Brigham Young University
270 Clyde Building
Provo,UT 84602

Advanced Environmental Control
  Technology Research Center
Illinois, University of
3230 NewmarkCE. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana,IL 61801

Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843

Agricultural Experiment Station
California, University of (Riverside, Davis, Berkeley)
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612

Bodega Marine Laboratory
California, University of
P.O. Box 247
Bodega Bay, CA 94923

Bushy Run Research Center
Carnegie Mellon University
RD #4, Mellon Road
Export, PA  15632

California Water Resources Center
California, University of (Riverside)
Rubidoux Hall
4501 Glenwood Street
Riverside, CA 92501

Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Case Center for Complex Flow
Case Western Reserve University
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cleveland, OH 44106

Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste
  Research Laboratory
Cincinnati, University of
5995 Center Hill Road
Cincinnati, OH 45224

Center for Aquatic Plants
Florida, University of
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainesville, FL 32646

Center for Biomedical and lexicological
Florida State University
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Center for Coastal and Environmental
Rutgers University
104 Doolittle Building
Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Center for Energy and Environmental
Princeton University
Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 08544

Center for Environmental Epidemiology
Pittsburgh, University of
Graduate School of Public Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Center for Environmental Health Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E-18, Room 666
Cambridge, MA  02139

Center for Environmental Studies
                               Center name index
Center for Environmental Studies
Arizona State University
Tempe,AZ 85287

Center for Environmental Toxicology
Michigan State University
C-231 HoldenHall
East Lansing, MI 48824

Center for Environmental and Hazardous
   Materials Studies
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
1020 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Center for Hazardous Materials Research
Pittsburgh, University of
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Center for Hazardous Waste Management
New York, State University of (Buffalo)
207 Jarvis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260

Center for Hazardous Waste Management
Illinois Institute of Technology and Illinois Institute of
   Technology Research Institute
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616

Center for Lake Erie Area Research
Ohio State University
1541 Research Center
Columbus, OH 43212

Center for Remote Sensing
Delaware, University of
College of Marine Studies
Newark, DE 19716

Center for Research in Water Resources
Texas, University of (Austin)
10100 Burnett Road
Austin, TX 78758

Center for Urban and Regional Studies
North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill,NC  27514
Central Florida Research and Education
Florida, University of
Apoka Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
2700 East Celery Avenue
Sanford,FL  32771

Clean Energy Research Institute
Miami, University of
P.O. Box 248294
Coral Gables, FL 33124

Coastal Resources Center
Rhode Island, University of
Nairagansett Bay Campus
Narragansett,RI 02882

Complex Systems Research Center
New Hampshire, University of
Science and Engineering Research Building
Durham, NH 03824

Cooperative Institute for Research in
   Environmental Sciences
Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO  80309

Cooperative Institute for Research in the
   Atmosphere (CIRA)
Colorado State University
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
California, University of (Davis)
Davis, CA 95616

Desert Research Institute
Nevada, University of
P.O. Box 60220
Reno.NV 89506

Drinking Water Research Center
Florida International University
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University Park Campus
Miami, FL 33199

EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center
Kansas State University
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS 66506

center name inaex
                                                                     Graduate Institute of Technology
EPA Research Center for Waste
  Minimization and Management
North Carolina State University
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC  2769S

Ecology Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Ecosystems Research Center
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 148S3

Energy and Environmental Research Center
North Dakota, University of
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

Energy, Environment and Resources Center
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxvffle,TN 379%

Engineering Experiment Station
Arizona, University of
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ  85721

Engineering Experiment Station
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

Engineering Research Center for Hazardous
   Substances Control
California, University of (Los Angeles)
6722 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles. CA 90024

Engineering and Environmental Research
South Dakota State University
Box 507
Brookings.SD 57007

Engineering and Industrial Experiment
Florida, University of
300 Weil Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
Environmental Health Sciences Center
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331

Environmental Research Center
Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV  89154

Environmental Resources Research Institute
Pennsylvania State University
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

Environmental Science and Technology
  Division, Economic Development
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA 30332

Environmental Studies Center
Lehigh University
Chandler-Ullman Building #17
Bethlehem, PA  18015

Environmental and Water Resources
  Engineering Division
Texas A&M University
Civil Engineering Department
College Station, TX 77843

Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO)
830 First Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory
Colorado State University
College of Engineering
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Arizona State University
Tempe.AZ 85287

Geophysical Institute
Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
C.T.Elvey Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Graduate Institute of Technology
Arkansas, University of (Little Rock)
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR  72204

Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
                              Center name Index
Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic EPA
  Hazardous Substance Research Center
Michigan, University of
Department of Civil Engineering
2340 G.G. Brown Building
Ann Arbor, MI  48109

Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research
Lamar University
P.O. Box 10613
Beaumont, TX 77710

Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory
Hawaii, University of
Marine Sciences Building
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

Hazardous Substance Management Research
  Center (HSMRC)
New Jersey Institute of Technology
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ  07102

Hazardous Waste Research Center
Louisiana State University
3418 Ceba Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Industrial Waste Elimination Research
Illinois Institute of Technology
3201 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60616

Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
Illinois, University of
1101 West Peabody
Urbana, IL 61801

Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
1007 Wharf Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53705

Institute  or Hazardous and Toxic Substance
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102
Institute of Applied Sciences
Texas, University of North
P.O. Box 13078
Demon, TX 76203

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 East St. Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701

Institute of Environmental Medicine
New York University
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Institute of Environmental Sciences
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056

Institute of Environmental and Industrial
Michigan, University of
School of Public Health
109 South Observatory, Room 1518
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Institute of Water Research
Michigan State University
334 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48823

International Center for Aquaculture
Auburn University
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Swingle Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Kenneth E. Johnson Research Center
Alabama, University of (Huntsville)
Huntsville, AL 35899

Kresge Center for Environmental Health
Harvard University
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
California, University of
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550

Marine Consortium
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Chauvin,LA 70344

Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory
Rhode Island, University of, Graduate School of
Narraganseu, RI 02882

center nume inaex
                                                          Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
Marine Sciences Institute
Connecticut, University of
Avery Point
Groton,CT 06340

Marine Sciences Research Center
New York, State University of (Stony Brook)
Stony Brook, NY  11794

Michigan Sea Grant College Program
Michigan, University of
2200 Bonisteel Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
San Jose State University
P.O. Box 450
Moss Landing, CA 95039

National Center for Ground Water Research
Consortium: Rice University, University of Oklahoma,
   Oklahoma State University
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251

National Center for Intermedia Transport
California, University of (Los Angeles)
5531 Boelter Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering
Los Angeles, CA 90024

National Environmental Technology
   Applications Corporation
Pittsburgh, University of
615 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

North Carolina Water Resources Research
North Carolina, University of
Box 7912
Raleigh, NC 27695

Oceanographic Center
Nova University
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania,FL 33004

Oklahoma Biological Survey
Oklahoma, University of
Sutton Hall, Room 303
625 Elm Street
Norman, OK 73019
Pesticide Research Center
Michigan State University
107 Pesticide Research Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water
  Resources and Hydrodynamics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 48-311
Cambridge, MA 02139

Research Triangle Institute
Duke University
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment
  Station (RIAES)
Rhode Island, University of
Woodward Hall
Kingston, RI 02881

Sanitary Engineering & Environmental
  Health Research Laboratory
California, University of (Berkeley)
1301 S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804

Sea Grant College
Maryland, University of
1224 HJ. Patterson Hall
College Park, MD  20742

Sea Grant College Program
Rhode Island, University of
Narragansett, RI  02882

Sea Grant College Program
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843

State of Washington Water Research Center
Washington State University
Pullman, WA  99164

Statewide Air Pollution Research Center
California, University of (Riverside)
Riverside, CA 92521

Supercomputer Computations Research
Florida State University
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
                               center name i ndex
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Texas A&M University
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77g43

University Center for Water Research
Oklahoma State University
003 Life Sciences East
Stillwater.OK  74078

University Hygienic Laboratory
Iowa, University of
Oakdale Campus
Iowa City, IA 52242

Utah Water Research Laboratory
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
   Research Unit
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
106 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Waste Management Research and Education
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN  37996

Waste Management and Research
   Consortium (WERC)
New Mexico State University
Department of Chemical Engineering
Box 30001, Dept 3805
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Water Chemistry Program
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
660 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706

Water Research Center
Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Fairbanks, AK  99775

Water Resources Center
Ohio State University
1791 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH  43210

Water Resources Center
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Water Resources Research Institute
Auburn University
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Western Region Hazardous Substance
  Research Center
Stanford University; Oregon State University
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Wyoming Water Research Center
Wyoming, University of
Box 3067
University Station
Laramie,WY 82071

                             Geographic Index
Tliis index lists the names and addresses of the 114 cooperative university and industry environmental R&D centers al-
phabetically by the name of the state and city in which they are located.
Auburn University
International Center for Aquaculture
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Swingle Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Auburn University
Water Resources Research Institute
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Alabama, University of (Huntsville)
Kenneth E. Johnson Research Center
Huntsville, AL  3S899

Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Geophysical Institute
C.T.Elvey Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Water Research Center
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Tempe, AZ 85287

Arizona State University
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Tempe, AZ 85287

Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721
Arkansas, University of (Little Rock)
Graduate Institute of Technology
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

California, University of
Bodega Marine Laboratory
P.O. Box 247
Bodega Bay, CA 94923

California, University of (Davis)
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Davis, CA 95616

California, University of
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550

California, University of (Los Angeles)
Engineering Research Center for Hazardous Substances
6722 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90024

California, University of (Los Angeles)
National Center for Intermedia Transport Research
5531 Boelter Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering
Los Angeles, CA 90024

San Jose State University
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
P.O. Box 450
Moss Landing, CA 95039

California,  University of (Riverside, Davis,
Agricultural Experiment Station
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612

                                lieograpruc index
California, University of (Berkeley)
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research
1301S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804

California, University of (Riverside)
California Water Resources Center
Rubidoux Hall
4501 Glenwood Street
Riverside, CA 92501

California, University of (Riverside)
Statewide Air Pollution Research Center
Riverside, CA 92521

Stanford University; Oregon State University
Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Center
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309

Colorado State University
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Colorado State University
Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory
College of Engineering
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Connecticut, University of
Marine Sciences Institute
Avery Point
Groton.CT  6340
Delaware, University of
Center for Remote Sensing
College of Marine Studies
Newark, DE 19716
Miami, University of
Clean Energy Research Institute
P.O. Box 248294
Coral Gables, FL 33124

Nova University
Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania,FL 33004

Florida, University of
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
300 Weil Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611

Florida, University of
Center for Aquatic Plants
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainesville, FL 32646

Florida International University
Drinking Water Research Center
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University Park Campus
Miami, FL 33199

Florida, University of
Central Florida Research and Education Center,
Apoka Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
2700 East Celery Avenue
Sanford,FL  32771

Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO)
830 First Street South
SL Petersburg, FL 33701

Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and Toxicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Florida State University
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306

ueograpruc inaex
Georgia Institute of Technology
Environmental Science and Technology Division,
Economic Development Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA  30332

Hawaii, University of
Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL)
Marine Sciences Building
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

Dlinois Institute of Technology and Illinois
   Institute of Technology Research Institute
The Center for Hazardous Waste Management
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, EL  60616

Illinois Institute of Technology
Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
3201 South State Street
Chicago, IL  60616

Illinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research
3230 NewmarkCE. Lab
208 N.Romine Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Illinois, University of
Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
1101 West Peabody
Urbana, IL 61801

Iowa, University of
University Hygienic Laboratory
Oakdale Campus
Iowa City, IA 52242
Kansas State University
EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS  66506

Kansas State University
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS  66506

Louisiana State University
Hazardous Waste Research Center
3418 Ceba Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Marine Consortium
Chauvin.LA 70344

Maryland, University of
Sea Grant College
1224 HJ. Patterson Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Harvard University
Kresge Center for Environmental Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA  2115

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E-18, Room 666
Cambridge, MA  2139

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
Room 48-311
Cambridge, MA  2139

                               Ueograpruc index
Michigan, University of
Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic EPA Hazardous Substance
   Research Center (HSRC)
Department of Civil Engineering
2340 G.G. Brown Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Michigan, University of
Institute of Environmental and Industrial Health
School of Public Health
109 South Observatory, Room 1518
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Michigan, University of
Michigan Sea Grant College Program
2200 Bonisteel Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Michigan State University
Center for Environmental Toxicology
East Lansing, MI 48824

Michigan State University
Institute of Water Research
334 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48823

Michigan State University
Pesticide Research Center
 07 Pesticide Research Center
 vlichigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
Environmental Researc- Center
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154

Desert Research Institute
P.O. Box 60220
Reno,NV 89506

New Hampshire, University of
Complex Systems Research Center
Science and Engineering Research Building
Durham, NH  3824
Rutgers University
Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies
104 Doolittle Building
Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hazardous Substance Management Research Center
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ  07102

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Institute for Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management
Newark, NJ  07102

Princeton University
Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ  08544

New Mexico State University
Waste Management and Research Consortium (WERC)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Box 30001, Dept. 3805
LasCruces.NM 88003

New York, State University of (Buffalo)
Center for Hazardous Waste Management
207 Jarvis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260

Cornell University
Ecosystems Research Center
Ithaca, NY  14853

New York University
Institute of Environmental Medicine
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

New York, State University of (Stony Brook)
Marine Sciences Research Center
Stony Brook, NY  11794

ueugrupruc inaex
North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
Crater for Urban and Regional Studies
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

North Carolina State University
EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695

North Carolina, University of
North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
Box 7912
Raleigh, NC 27695

Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

 Cincinnati, University of
 Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste Research
 5995 Center Hill Road
 Cincinnati, OH 45224

 Case Western Reserve University
 Case Center for Complex Row Measurements
 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
 Cleveland, OH 44106

 Ohio State University
 Center for Lake Erie Area Research (CLEAR)
 1541 Research Center
 1314 Kinnear Road
 Columbus, OH 43212

 Ohio State University
 Water Resources Center
 1791 Neil Avenue
 Columbus. OH 43210
Miami University
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Oxford, OH 45056
Oklahoma, University of
Oklahoma Biological Survey
Sutton Hall, Room 303
625 Elm Street
Norman, OK 73019

Oklahoma State University
University Center for Water Research
003 Life Sciences East
Stillwater, OK 74078
Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
Corvallis,OR 97331

Lehigh University
Environmental Studies Center
Chandler-Ullman Building #17
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Carnegie Mellon University
Bushy Run Research Center
RD #4, Mellon Road
Export, PA 15632

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Environmental Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Hazardous Materials Research
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

                               {jeograprut. Index
Pittsburgh, University of
National Environmental Technology Applications
615 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA  1S238

Pennsylvania State University
Environmental Resources Research Institute
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

Rhode Island, University of
Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station (RIAES)
Woodward Hall
Kingston, RI 02881

Rhode Island, University of
Sea Grant College Program
Narragansett, RI 02882

Rhode Island, University of
Coastal Resources Center
Narragansett Bay Campus
Narragansett, RI 02882

Rhode Island, University of, Graduate
   School of Oceanography
Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory
Narragansett, RI 02882

South Dakota State University
Engineering and Environmental Research Center
Box 507
Brookings,SD  57007

South Dakota School of Mines and
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
501 East St Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Waste Management Research and Education Institute
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 379%

Texas, Univesity of (Austin)
Center for Research in Water Resources
10100 Burnett Road
Austin, TX 78758

Lamar University
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
P.O. Box 10613
Beaumont, TX 77710

Texas A&M University
Agricultural Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Sea Grant College Program
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843

Texas, University of North
Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 13078
Denton, TX 76203

Consortium: Rice University, University of
  Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University
National Center for Ground Water Research
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996
Utah State University
Ecology Center
Logan, UT 84322

\jeugrupruc inaex
Utah State University
The Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Utah State University
Utah Water Research Laboratory
Logan, UT 84322

Brigham Young University
Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
270 Clyde Building
Provo,UT 84602

 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
 Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
 1020 Derring Hall
 Blacksburg, VA 24061

 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
 Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
 106 Cheatham Hall
 Blacksburg, VA 24061
Washington State University
State of Washington Water Research Center
Pullman, WA 99164

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
1007 Wharf Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53705

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Chemistry Program
660 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Resources Center
1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Wyoming, University of
Wyoming Water Research Center
Box 3067
University Station
Laramie,WY 82071


                           Personal Name Index
This index provides the name and address of the director of each of the 114 cooperative university and industry environ-
mental R&D centers. In cases where the name of the director was unavailable, the name of a key individual was provided
as a point of contact
John Aber
New Hampshire, University of
Complex Systems Research Center
Science and Engineering Research Building
Durham, NH 3824

Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Geophysical Institute
CT.Elvey Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775

D.E. Armstrong (Head)
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Chemistry Program
660 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706

Charles Arntzen
Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843

Delbert Earth
Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
Environmental Research Center
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154

Jon F. Bartholic
Michigan State University
Institute of Water Research
334 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48823

Bill Batchelor
Texas A&M University
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
College Station, TX 77843
Edgar Berkey, President
Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Hazardous Materials Research
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Ron K. Bhada
New Mexico State University
Waste Management and Research Consortium (WERQ
Department of Chemical Engineering
Box 30001, Dept. 3805
Las Graces, NM 88003

Donald Boesch
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Marine Consortium
Chauvin,LA 70344

Raphael L. Bras
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
Room 48-311
Cambridge, MA  2139

Thomas Bright
Texas A&M University
Sea Grant College Program
College Station, TX 77843

Thomas A. Cahill
California, University of (Davis)
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Davis, CA 95616

John Cairns, Jr.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
1020 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Bruce Case
Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Environmental Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

William Cawley
                              fersonw /»
William Cawley
Lamar University
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
P.O. Box 10613
Beaumont, TX 77710

Randall J. Charbeneau
Texas, University of (Austin)
Center for Research in Water Resources
10100 Burnett Road
Austin, TX 78758

Gordon Chesters
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Resources Center
1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI 53706

James. S. Clegg
California, University of
Bodega Marine Laboratory
P.O. Box 247
Bodega Bay, CA 94923

Yoram Cohen
California, University of (Los Angeles)
National Center for Intermedia Transport Research
5531 Boelter Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering
Los Angeles, CA 90024

William Colglazier
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 379%

William Colglazier
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Waste Management Research and Education Institute
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 379%

Charles A. Conover
Florida, University of
Central Florida Research and Education Center,
Appka Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
2700 East Celery Avenue
SanfonLFL 32771

Robert C. Cooper
California, University of (Berkeley)
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research
1301 S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804
William J. Cooper
Florida International University
Drinking Water Research Center
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University Park Campus
Miami, FL 33199

Leonard F. Debano
Arizona State University
Forestry  Sciences Laboratory
Tempe, AZ 85287

Kenneth L. Dickson
Texas, University of North
Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 13078
Demon, TX 76203

Bryan Duncan
Auburn University
International Center for Aquaculture
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Swingle Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Norman Durham
Oklahoma State University
University Center for Water Research
003 Life  Sciences East
Stillwater, OK 74078

Alexander Dybbs Co-Director
Case Western Reserve University
Case Center for Complex Flow Measurements
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cleveland, OH 44106

R.S. Engelbrecht
Illinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research
3230 NewmarkCJB. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana, EL 61801

Larry Erickson
Kansas State University
EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
Engineering Experiment Station
Durland Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Kenneth Farrell
California, University of (Riverside, Davis, Berkeley)
Agricultural Experiment Station
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612

rcmunui name inaex
                                                                                            Vic Klemas
Lawrence Fischer
Michigan State University
Center for Environmental Toxicology
East Lansing, MI 48824

Fred R. Frank
Carnegie Mellon University
Bushy Run Research Center
RD #4, Mellon Road
Export, PA 15632

S.K. Friedlander
California, University of (Los Angeles)
Engineering Research Center for Hazardous Substances
6722 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90024

William H. Funk
Washington State University
State of Washington Water Research Center
Pullman, WA 99164

Steven P. Gloss
Wyoming, University of
Wyoming Water Research Center
Box 3067
University Station
Laramie,WY 82071

Robert Gray
Michigan, University of
Institute of Environmental and Industrial Health
School of Public Health
109 South Observatory, Room 1518
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

John Greer
Maryland, University of
Sea Grant College
1224 HJ. Patterson Hall
College Park, MD  20742

Gerald Groenewold
North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

Iowa, University of
University Hygienic Laboratory
Oakdale Campus
Iowa City, IA 52242
George R. Herbert, President
Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Roy C. Herndon
Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and Toxicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Robert M. Hollingworth
Michigan State University
Pesticide Research Center
107 Pesticide Research Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

Jonathan B. Howes
North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill,NC  27514

L. Douglas James
Utah State University
Utah Water Research Laboratory
Logan, UT 84322

Joseph C. Joyce
Florida, University of
Center for Aquatic Plants
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainesville, FL 32646

J.F. Judkins
Auburn University
Water Resources Research Institute
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Douglas Kane
Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Water Research Center
Fairbanks, AK 99775

William M. Kaufman
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Vic Klemas
Delaware, University of
Center for Remote Sensing
College of Marine Studies
Newark, DE 19716

IrwinJ. Kugleman
                               Personal name Index
Irwin J. Kugleman
Lehigh University
Environmental Studies Center
Chandler-Ullman Building #17
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Joseph Lannutti
Florida State University
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL  32306

John Liskowitz
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Institute for Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management
Newark, NJ  07102

John B. Little
Harvard University
Kresge Center for Environmental Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA  02115

Richard Magee
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hazardous Substance Management Research Center
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ  07102

Alexander Malahoff
Hawaii, University of
Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL)
Marine Sciences Building
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

John H. Martin
San Jose State University
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
P.O. Box 450
Moss Landing, CA 95039

Peter F. Mather
Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721

Perry McCarty
Stanford University; Oregon State University
Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Center
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Julian P. McCreary, Jr.
Nova University
Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania,FL 33004

Archie J. McDonnell
Pennsylvania State University
Environmental Resources Research Institute
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

R.N. Meroney, Prof-in-charge
Colorado State University
Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory
College of Engineering
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Robert H. Miller
Rhode Island, University of
Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station (RIAES)
Woodward Hall
Kingston, RI  02881

Roger A. Minear
Illinois, University of
Institute for Environmental Studies (IBS)
1101 West Peabody
Urbana, IL 61801

David H. Moreau
North Carolina, University of
North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
Box 7912
Raleigh, NC 27695

John Nemeth
Georgia Institute of Technology
Environmental Science and Technology Division,
  Economic Development Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA 30332

Richard Neves, Unit Leader
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
106 Cheatnam Hall
Blacksburg, VA  24061

Scott Nixon
Rhode Island, University of
Sea Grant College Program
Narraganseu, RI 02882

  rauniM name inaex
                                                                                        Arthur B. Sacks
Kenneth Noll
Illinois Institute of Technology
Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
3201 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60616

Gaylord Northrop
Arkansas, University of (Little Rock)
Graduate Institute of Technology
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

John Nuckolls
California, University of
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550

John C. Ogden
Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO)
830 First Street South
SL Petersburg, FL 33701

M J. Ohanian
Florida, University of
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
300 Weil Hall
Gainesville. FL 32611

Stephen Olsen
Rhode Island, University of
Coastal Resources Center
Narragansett Bay Campus
Narragansett, RI  02882

Michael Overcash
North Carolina State University
EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695

Michael Parsons
Michigan, University of
Michigan Sea Grant College Program
2200 Bonisteel Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Duncan T. Patten
Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Tempe.AZ 85287

Glenn Paulson
Illinois Institute of Technology and Illinois Institute of
  Technology Research Institute
The Center for Hazardous Waste Management
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL  60616
Larry Piette
Utah State University
The Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Michael Pilson
Rhode Island, University of, Graduate School of
Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory
Narragansett, RI  02882

Norbert P. Psuty
Rutgers University
Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies
104 Doolittle Building
Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ  08903

Donald Reddeil
Texas A&M University
Agricultural Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843

Donald J. Reed
Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
Corvallis,OR 97331

Jeffrey M. Reutter
Ohio State University
Center for Lake Erie Area Research (CLEAR)
1541 Research Center
Columbus, OH 43212

Gerald Roberto, Proj. Mgr.
Cincinnati, University of
Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste Research
5995 Center Hill Road
Cincinnati, OH 45224

Ralph Rumer
New York, State University of (Buffalo)
Center for Hazardous Waste Management
207 Jarvis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260

Arthur B. Sacks
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
1007 Wharf Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53705

GaryD. Schnell
                               Personal name Index
Gary D. Schnell
Oklahoma, University of
Oklahoma Biological Survey
Sutton Hall, Room 303
625 Elm Street
Norman, OK 73019

Bernard J. Schroer
Alabama, University of (Huntsville)
Kenneth E. Johnson Research Center
Huntsville, AL  35899

J.R. Schubel
New York, State University of (Stony Brook)
Marine Sciences Research Center
Stony Brook, NY  11794

Samuel A. Schulhof
Pittsburgh, University of
National Environmental Technology Applications
615 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA  15238

Robert Sievers
Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309

Gale Simons
Kansas State University
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS  66506

Paul L. Smith
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
501 East St. Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD  57701

L.D. Smoot
Brigham Young University
Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
270 Clyde Building
Provo,UT 84602

Robert H. Socolow
Princeton University
Center for Energy  and Environmental Studies
Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 8544
Donald F. Squires
Connecticut, University of
Marine Sciences Institute
Avery Point
Groton,CT 06340

Robert C. Stiefel
Ohio State University
Water Resources Center
1791 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210

LaDell R. S widen
South Dakota State University
Engineering and Environmental Research Center
Box 507
Brookings,SD 57007

James V. Taranik, President
Desert Research Institute
P.O. Box 60220
Reno.NV  89506

Cliff Taylor (Acting Dir.)
California, University of (Riverside)
Statewide Air Pollution Research Center
Riverside, CA 92521

Louis Thibodeaux
Louisiana State University
Hazardous Waste Research Center
3418 Ceba Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

William G. Thilly
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E-18, Room 666
Cambridge, MA  02139

Arthur Upton
New York University
Institute of Environmental Medicine
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Henry J. Vaux, Jr.
California, University of (Riverside)
California Water Resources Center
Rubidoux Hall
4501 Glenwood Street
Riverside, CA 92501

T. Nejat Veziroglu
Miami, University of
Clean Energy Research Institute
P.O. Box 248294
Coral Gables, FL 33124

rersonai Name index
Thomas H. Yonder Haar
Colorado State University
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Frederic H. Wagner
Utah State University
Ecology Center
Logan, UT 84322

Consortium: Rice University, University of Oklahoma,
   Oklahoma State University
National Center for Ground Water Research
P.O. Box 1892
 Houston, TX 77251
Walter J.Weber, Jr.
Michigan, University of
Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic EPA Hazardous Substance
  Research Center (HSRC)
Department of Civil Engineering
2340 G.G. Brown Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Leonard Weinstein
Cornell University
Ecosystems Research Center
311 Corson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853

Miami University
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Oxford, OH 45056


                                   Subject Index
This index lists the 114 cooperative university and industry environmental R&D centers by subject area. Many of the
centers have expertise that spans two or more subject areas and are therefore listed twice.
Agriculture and Ecology
Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Geophysical Institute
C.T.Elvey Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Tempe, AZ 85287

Arizona State University
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Tempe, AZ 85287

Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721

California, University of (Davis)
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Davis, CA 95616

California, University of (Riverside)
Statewide Air Pollution Research Center
Riverside, CA  92521

California, University of (Riverside, Davis,
Agricultural Experiment Station
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612

Carnegie Mellon University
Bushy Run Research Center
RD #4, Mellon Road
Export, PA 15632

Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309
                                                   Cornell University
                                                   Ecosystems Research Center
                                                   311 Corson Hall
                                                   Ithaca, NY 14853

                                                   Delaware, University of
                                                   Center for Remote Sensing
                                                   College of Marine Studies
                                                   Newark, DE 19716

                                                   Florida, University of
                                                   Central Florida Research and Education Center, Apoka
                                                   Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
                                                   2700 East Celery Avenue
                                                   Sanford,FL 32771

                                                   Illinois, University of
                                                   Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
                                                   1101 West Peabody
                                                   Urbana, IL 61801

                                                   Iowa, University of
                                                   University Hygienic Laboratory
                                                   Oakdale Campus
                                                   Iowa City, IA  52242

                                                   Kansas State University
                                                   Engineering Experiment Station
                                                   Manhattan, KS 66506

                                                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                                   Center for Environmental Health Sciences
                                                   77 Massachusetts Avenue
                                                   Building E-18, Room 666
                                                   Cambridge, MA 02139

                                                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                                   Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
                                                   Room 48-311
                                                   Cambridge, MA 02139

                                                   Miami University
                                                   Institute of Environmental Sciences
                                                   Oxford, OH 45056

Air Quality
Michigan State University
Center for Environmental Toxicology
East Lansing. MI 48824

Michigan State University
Pesticide Research Center
107 Pesticide Research Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Ohio State University
Water Resources Center
1791 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210

Oklahoma, University of
Oklahoma Biological Survey
Sutton Hall, Room 303
625 Elm Street
Norman, OK 73019

Pennsylvania State University
Environmental Resources Research Institute
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

Rhode Island, University of
Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station (RIAES)
Woodward Hall
Kingston, RI 02881

South Dakota State University
Engineering and Environmental Research Center
Box 507
Brookings,SD 57007

Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Waste Management Research and Education Institute
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 379%

Texas A&M University
Agricultural Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843
Texas, University of North
Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 13078
Denton, TX 76203

Utah State University
Ecology Center
Logan, UT 84322

Utah State University
The Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
1020 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
106 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Air Quality

Alabama, University of (Huntsville)
Kenneth E. Johnson Research Center
Huntsville, AL 35899

Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Geophysical Institute
C.T.Elvey Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Tempe, AZ  85287

Arkansas, University of (Little Rock)
Graduate Institute of Technology
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

California, University of
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550

California, University of (Davis)
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Davis, CA 95616

                                                                                           Air Quality
California, University of (Los Angeles)
National Center for Intermedia Transport Research
5531 Boelter Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering
Los Angeles, CA 90024

California, University of (Riverside)
Statewide Air Pollution Research Center
Riverside, CA 92521

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh. PA  15213

Case Western Reserve University
Case Center for Complex How Measurements
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cleveland, OH 44106

Colorado State University
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Colorado State University
Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory
College of Engineering
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309

Cornell University
Ecosystems Research Center
311 Corson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853

Delaware, University of
Center for Remote Sensing
College of Marine Studies
Newark, DE  19716

Desert Research Institute
P.O. Box 60220
Reno,NV 89506

Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Florida State University
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Florida, University of
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
300 Weil Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611

Georgia Institute of Technology
Environmental Science and Technology Division,
Economic Development Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA 30332

Harvard University
Kresge Center for Environmental Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 2115

Illinois Institute of Technology and Dlinois
  Institute of Technology Research Institute
The Center for Hazardous Waste Management
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, DL 60616

Illinois Institute of Technology
Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
3201 South State Street
Chicago, EL 60616

Illinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research
3230 NewmarkCE. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana, IL  61801

Illinois, University of
Institute for Environmental Studies (IBS)
1101 West Peabody
Urbana, IL 61801

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
Room 48-311
Cambridge, MA  o2139

Miami, University of
Clean Energy Research Institute
P.O. Box 248294
Coral Gables, FL 33124

New Hampshire, University of
Complex Systems Research Center
Science and Engineering Research Building
Durham, NH 03824

Cross-Cutting Human Health
                                    zuojeci index
New York University
Institute of Environmental Medicine
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

Pennsylvania State University
Environmental Resources Research Institute
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

Princeton University
Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 8544

South Dakota School of Mines and
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
501 East Si Joseph Street
Rapid City.SD 57701

South Dakota State University
Engineering and Environmental Research Center
Box 507
Brookings.SD 57007

Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843
Cross-Cutting Human Health

Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Florida State University
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Harvard University
Kresge Center for Environmental Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
Corvallis,OR 97331

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Environmental Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
1007 Wharf Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI  53705
Hazardous Substances
Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721

Auburn University
Water Resources Research Institute
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Brigham Young University
Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
270 Clyde Building
Provo.UT 84602

California, University of (Berkeley)
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research
1301 S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804

California, University of (Los Angeles)
Engineering Research Center for Hazardous Substances
6722 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Cincinnati, University of
Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste Research
5995 Center Hill Road
Cincinnati, OH 45224

Subject Index
                                                                                 Hazardous Substances
Florida International University
Drinking Water Research Center
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University Park Campus
Miami, FL 33199

Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and lexicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee. FL 32306

Georgia Institute of Technology
Environmental Science and Technology Division,
   Economic Development Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA 30332
Michigan, University of
Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic EPA Hazardous Substance
  Research Center (HSRC)
Department of Civil Engineering
2340 G.G. Brown Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hazardous Substance Management Research Center
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 7102

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Institute for Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management
Newark, NJ 07102
 Dlinois Institute of Technology and Illinois
   Institute of Technology Research Institute
 The Center for Hazardous Waste Management
 10 West 35th Street
 Chicago, IL 60616

 Kansas State University
 EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
 Engineering Experiment Station
 Manhattan, KS  66506

 Lehigh University
 Environmental Studies Center
 Chandler-Ullman Building #17
 Bethlehem, PA 18015

 Louisiana State University
 Hazardous Waste Research Center
 3418 Ceba Building
 Baton Rouge, LA 70803

 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 Center for Environmental Health Sciences
 77 Massachusetts Avenue
 Building E-18, Room 666
 Cambridge, MA 02139

 Miami University
 Institute of Environmental Sciences
 Oxford, OH 45056

 Michigan State University
 Center for Environmental Toxicology
 East Tensing, MI 48824
New Mexico State University
Waste Management and Research Consortium (WERC)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Box 30001, Dept. 3805
Las Graces, MM 88003

New York, State University of (Buffalo)
Center for Hazardous Waste Management
207 Jarvis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260

North Carolina State University
EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695

Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
Corvallis,OR 97331

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Hazardous Materials Research
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Pittsburgh, University of
National Environmental Technology Applications
615 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Rhode Island, University of
Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station (RIAES)
Woodward Hall
Kingston, RI 02881

Industrial Technology
Stanford University; Oregon State
Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Center
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Tennessee, University of (KnoxviUe)
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
327 South Stadium Hall
KnoxviUe, TN 379%

Texas A&M University
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
College Station, TX 77843

Texas, University of (Austin)
Center for Research in Water Resources
10100 Burnett Road
Austin, TX 78758

Utah State University
Utah Water Research Laboratory
Logan, UT 84322

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Institute for Environmental Studies (EES)
1007 Wharf Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53705
Industrial Technology

Alabama, University of (Huntsville)
Kenneth E. Johnson Research Center
Huntsville, AL 35899

Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ  85721

Arkansas, University of (Little Rock)
Graduate Institute of Technology
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

California, University of (Berkeley)
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research
1301 S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Colorado State University
Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory
College of Engineering
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Colorado, University of (Boulder)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Campus Box 449
Boulder, CO 80309

Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and lexicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Florida, University of
Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station
300 Weil Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611

Harvard University
Kresge Center for Environmental Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA  02115

Illinois Institute of Technology
Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
3201 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60616

Dlinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research
3230 NewmarkCE. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana,IL 61801

Kansas State University
EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS 66506

Kansas State University
Engineering Experiment Station
Diirland Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

zuoject index
                                                                                 Pesticides and Toxicity
Miami, University of
Clean Energy Research Institute
P.O. Box 248294
Coral Gables, FL 33124

Michigan, University of
Institute of Environmental and Industrial Health
School of Public Health
109 South Observatory, Room 1518
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
Environmental Research Center
4SOS Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154

Ohio State University
Center for Lake Erie Area Research (CLEAR)
1541 Research Center
1314 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212

Princeton University
Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ  8544

Texas A&M University
Agricultural Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843
Pesticides and Toxicity

California, University of (Los Angeles)
National Center for Intermedia Transport Research
5531 Boelter Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering
Los Angeles, CA 90024

California, University of (Riverside, Davis,
Agricultural Experiment Station
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612

Carnegie Mellon University
Bushy Run Research Center
RD #4, Mellon Road
Export, PA 15632

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15213
Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and lexicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Florida, University of
Center for Aquatic Plants
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainsville.FL 32646

Florida, University of
Central Florida Research and Education Center, Apoka
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
2700 East Celery Avenue
Sanford,FL 32771

Illinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research
3230 NewmarkC.E. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Massachusetts  Institute of Technology
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E-18, Room 666
Cambridge, MA 2139

Michigan State University
Center for Environmental Toxicology
East Lansing, MI 48824

Michigan State University
Pesticide Research Center
107 Pesticide Research Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

Michigan, University of
Institute of Environmental and Industrial Health
School of Public Health
109 South Observatory, Room 1518
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

New York University
Institute of Environmental Medicine
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Oklahoma State University
University Center for Water Research
003 Life Sciences East
Stillwater.OK 74078

Public Awareness
Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
317 Weinger Hall
Corvallis,OR 97331

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Hazardous Materials Research
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Utah State University
The Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
1020 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Resources Center
1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Public Awareness

Arizona, University of
Engineering Experiment Station
Civil Engineering Building
Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721

Auburn University
Water Resources Research Institute
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

California, University of (Riverside)
California Water Resources Center
Rubidoux Hall
4501 Glenwood Street
Riverside, CA  92501

California, University of (Riverside, Davis
Agricultural Experiment Station
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612

Colorado State University
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Foothills Campus
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Connecticut, University of
Marine Sciences Institute
Avery Point
Groton.CT 06340

Duke University
Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Florida State University
Center for Biomedical and Toxicological Research
Bellamy Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Georgia Institute of Technology
Environmental Science and Technology Division,
Economic Development Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA 30332

Lamar University
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
P.O. Box 10613
Beaumont, TX 77710

Miami University
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Oxford, OH 45056

Michigan State University
Institute of Water Research
334 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48823

Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
Environmental Research Center
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154

North Carolina State University
EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695

North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill,NC 27514

North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

                                                                                         Solid Waste
Oklahoma State University
University Center for Water Research
003 Life Sciences East
Stillwater, OK 74078

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Hazardous Materials Research
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Pittsburgh, University of
National Environmental Technology Applications
615 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 1S238

Rhode Island, University of
Coastal Resources Center
Narragansett Bay Campus
Narragansett, RI 02882

Rhode Island, University of
Sea Grant College Program
Narragansett, RI 02882

Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxvffle,TN 379%

Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Waste Management Research and Education Institute
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996

Texas, University of North
Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 13078
Denton,TX 76203
Solid Waste	

Alabama, University of (Huntsville)
Kenneth E. Johnson Research Center
Huntsville, AL 3S899

Brigham Young University
Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center
270 Clyde Building
Provo,UT 84602

Cincinnati, University of
Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste Research
5995 Center Hill Road
Cincinnati, OH 45224
Lamar University
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center
P.O. Box 10613
Beaumont, TX 77710

Lehigh University
Environmental Studies Center
Chandler-Ullman Building #17
Bethlehem, PA 18015

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Institute for Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management
Newark, NJ  07102

New Mexico State University
Waste Management and Research Consortium (WERC)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Box 30001, Dept. 3805
Las Graces, NM 88003

North Carolina State University
EPA Research Center for Waste Minimization and
Department of Chemical Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695

North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND  58202

Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996

Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Waste Management Research and Education Institute
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996

Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843

Utah State University
The Huntsman Environmental Research Center
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322

Utah State University
Utah Water Research Laboratory
Logan, UT 84322

Water Quality
                                    suojeci index
Water Quality
Alaska, University of (Fairbanks)
Water Research Center
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Arizona State University
Center for Environmental Studies
Terape, AZ 85287

Arizona State University
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Tempe, AZ 85287

Auburn University
International Center for Aquaculture
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture
Swingle Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

Auburn University
Water Resources Research Institute
202 Harris Hall
Auburn, AL 36849

California, University of
Bodega Marine Laboratory
P.O. Box 247
Bodega Bay, CA 94923

California, University of
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550

California, University of (Berkeley)
Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research
1301 S. 46th Street
Building 112 RFS
Richmond, CA 94804

California, University of (Los Angeles)
National Center for Intermedia Transport Research
5531 Boelter Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering
Los Angeles, CA 90024

California, University of (Riverside)
California Water Resources Center
Rubidoux Hall
4501 Glenwood Street
Riverside, CA 92501

Connecticut, University of
Marine Sciences Institute
Avery Point
Groton,CT  06340
Consortium: Rice University, University of
   Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University
National Center for Ground Water Research
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251

Cornell University
Ecosystems Research Center
Ithaca, NY 14853

Delaware, University of
Center for Remote Sensing
College of Marine Studies
Newark, DE 19716

Desert Research Institute
P.O. Box 60220
Reno,NV 89506

Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO)
830 First Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Florida International University
Drinking Water Research Center
CoUege of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University Park Campus
Miami, FL 33199

Florida State University
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
400 Science Center Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306

Florida, University of
Center for Aquatic Plants
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainsville.FL  32646

Florida, University of
Central Florida Research and Education Center, Apoka
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
2700 East Celery Avenue
Sanford, FL 32771

Hawaii, University of
Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL)
Marine Sciences Building
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

Dlinois Institute of Technology
Industrial Waste Elimination Research Center
3201 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60616

subject Index
                                                                                      Water Quality
Illinois, University of
Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research
3230 NewmarkCE. Lab
208 N. Romine Street
Urbana,IL 61801

Illinois, University of
Institute for Environmental Studies (ES)
1101 West Peabody
Urbana,IL 61801

Iowa, University of
University Hygienic Laboratory
Oakdale Campus
Iowa City, IA 52242

Kansas State University
EPA Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC)
Engineering Experiment Station
Manhattan, KS  66506

Lehigh University
Environmental Studies Center
Chandler-Ullman Building #17
Bethlehem, PA  18015

Louisiana State University
Hazardous Waste Research Center
3418 Ceba Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Marine Consortium
Chauvin,LA 70344

Maryland, University of
Sea Grant College
1224 HJ. Patterson Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Environmental Health Sciences
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building E-18, Room 666
Cambridge, MA  02139

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
Room 48-311
Cambridge, MA  02139

Miami University
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Oxford, OH 45056
Michigan State University
Institute of Water Research
334 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48823

Michigan, University of
Michigan Sea Grant College Program
2200 Bonisteel Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Nevada, University of (Las Vegas)
Environmental Research Center
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hazardous Substance Management Research Center
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ  07102

New York, State University of (Stony Brook)
Marine Sciences Research Center
Stony Brook, NY 11794

North Carolina, University of
North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
Box 7912
Raleigh, NC 27695

North Carolina, University of (Chapel Hill)
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
108 Battle Lane
Chapel Hill,NC  27514

North Dakota, University of
Energy and Environmental Research Center
Box 8213
University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

Nova University
Oceanographic Center
8000 North Ocean Drive
Dania,FL 33004

Ohio State University
Center for Lake Erie Area Research (CLEAR)
1541 Research Center
1314 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212

Ohio State University
Water Resources Center
1791 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210

Water Quality
                                     Subject index
Oklahoma State University
University Center for Water Research
003 Life Sciences East
Stillwater.OK 74078

Oregon State University
Environmental Health Sciences Center
317 Weinger Hall
Corvallis,OR 97331

Pennsylvania State University
Environmental Resources Research Institute
Land and Water Resource Building
University Park, PA 16802

Pittsburgh, University of
Center for Environmental Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Rhode Island, University of
Coastal Resources Center
Narragansett Bay Campus
Narragansett, RI 02882

Rhode Island, University of
Sea Grant College Program
Narragansett, RI 02882

Rhode Island, University of, Graduate
   School of Oceanography
Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory
Narragansett, RI  02882

Rutgers University
Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies
104 Doolittle Building
Busch Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

San Jose State University
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
P.O. Box 450
Moss Landing, CA  95039

South Dakota State University
Engineering and Environmental Research Center
Box 507
Brookings,SD 57007

Stanford University; Oregon State
Western Region Hazardous Substance Research Center
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Tennessee, University of (Knoxville)
Waste Management Research and Education Institute
327 South Stadium Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996

Texas A&M University
Agricultural Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Sea Grant College Program
College Station, TX 77843

Texas A&M University
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Systems Building
Room 113
College Station, TX 77843

Texas, University of North
Institute of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 13078
Demon, TX 76203

Texas, University of (Austin)
Center for Research in Water Resources
10100 Burnett Road
Austin, TX 78758

Utah State University
Ecology Center
Logan, UT 84322

Utah State University
Utah Water Research Laboratory
Logan, UT 84322

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
1020 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
106 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061

tuojeci index
                                  Water Quality
Washington State University
State of Washington Water Research Center
Pullman, WA 99164

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Institute for Environmental Studies (IBS)
1007 Wharf Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, Wl 53705

Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Chemistry Program
660 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
Wisconsin, University of (Madison)
Water Resources Center
1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Wyoming, University of
Wyoming Water Research Center
Box 3067
University Station
Laramie,WY 82071
