United States        901-B96-001
Environmental Protection   January 1997
Region 1, New England Office

The Directory Of



Dear New England Environmental Leader:

I am pleased to provide you with an updated issue of The
Directory of Environmental Groups. The Directory provides a
listing of numerous private organizations and public agencies in
the New England region that are involved in environmental
stewardship and ecosystem protection.

As we pursue innovative ways to protect the environment, those
of us at EPA-New England are committed to improving our
relationships with our partners. We are dedicated to
communicating more effectively our successes, clarifying our
shared environmental challenges, and engaging the public more
thoroughly in our work. It is my hope that the Directory will
stimulate the coalition building and the exchange of information
needed to further these efforts.

Please contact my external affairs office at (617) 565-3423 with
any new information regarding your organization. We would
like to keep the Directory as current as possible.

Thank you for your help and hard work.
John P. DeVillars
Regional Administrator





John P. DeVillars, Regional Administrator

Mindy S. Lubber, Senior Advisor for Policy

Patricia L. Meaney, Senior Advisor for Management

Pamela A. Hill, Regional Counsel

David A. Pierre, Director

Harley F. Laing, Director

Linda M. Murphy, Director

Don Porteous, Acting Director

Stephen S. Perkins, Director

Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Headquarters
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 260-9828

Environmental Protection Agency
Region I - New England
John F. Kennedy Building
Boston, MA 02203
(CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region II
290 Broadway
New York, NY  10007
(NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region III
841 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(DE, MD, PA, VA, WV, DC)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region IV
345 Courtland Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30365
(404) 347-4727
(AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region V
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago,  IL 60604
(IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
Environmental Protection Agency
Region VI
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202
(AK, LA, NM, OK, TX)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region VII
726 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS  66101

Environmental Protection Agency
Region VIII
999 18th Street Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
(CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region IX
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
(AZ, CA, HI, NV, American Samoa, Guam
Trust Territories of the Pacific)

Environmental Protection Agency
Region X
1200 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
(AK, WA, OR, ID)

The American Lung Assoc. of CT
45 Ash St.
East Hartford, CT  01608
Executive Director: John Zinn
(860) 289-5401
This Association works to improve
Connecticut's air quality by promoting
standards that will meet the health,
economic, and aesthetic needs of the
people of Connecticut.
Applied Ecology Research Institute
72 Oakridge St.
Greenwich, CT 06830
Director: Michael A. Aurelia
(203) 622-9297
This institution serves as an environmental
consultant to private citizens, conservation
organizations, and local and state govern-
ments and conducts research for the
resolution of environmental problems.
CT Arboretum at CT College
Department of Botany
New London, CT 06320
The arboretum is dedicated to the
preservation of wetlands, freshwater, and
tidal environments.  It promotes sound use
of herbicides in vegetation management
and naturalistic landscaping.

CT Association of Soil and Water
Districts, Inc.
P.O. Box 70
Haddam, CT 06438
Chairman: John Breakell
This statewide organization represents
eight conservation districts responsible for
soil  and water related resources, land use
planning, soil survey information, and
Audubon Center in Greenwich
613 Riversville Road
Greenwich, CT 06831
Executive Director:  Jean Porter
(860) 869-5272
A member of the National Audubon
Society, the center offers environmental
education programs to youths and adults.
It is located on a 485 acre preserve and is
open year round.
 Cheshire Land Trust, Inc.
 P.O. Box 781
 Cheshire, CT 06410
 President: David Schrum
 (860) 272-2689
 This organization promotes the pres-
 ervation of natural resources including
 water, marshlands, swamps, woodlands,
 open spaces, and animal life.  It acquires
 property for conservation, education, and
 scientific purposes.
 Connecticut Audubon Society
 2325 Burr Street
 Fairfield, CT  06430
 Executive Director: Milan Bull
 This state chapter of the national organiza-
 tion is dedicated to helping people
 appreciate and conserve Connecticut's
 natural resources through educational
 programs, sanctuary acquisition and
 management, legislative action, and
 Connecticut Audubon Society -
 Birdcraft Museum
 314 Unquokowa Road
 Fairfield, CT 06430

Connecticut Audubon Society
Environmental Center at Hartford
118 Oak Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Director: Sherman Kent
(860) 527-8737
The center coordinates the work of the
Connecticut Audubon Society on
environmental issues.  It works with
legislators, state officials,  and conservation
groups on policies and prepares educa-
tional materials on environmental
 Connecticut Audubon Society at
 1361 Main Street
 Glastonbury, CT 06033
 (860) 966-8402
 This regional office of the Connecticut
 Audubon Society provides environmental
 education programs to children and adults
 in central Connecticut
 Connecticut Audubon Society at
   Ragged Hill
 139 Wolf Den Rd.
 Brooklyn, CT 06234
 (203) 774-9600

 Connecticut Citizen Action Group
 45 South Main St
 West Hartford, CT 06107
 Director: Tom Swan
 This group advocates for environmental
 issues such as air quality, land use,
 environmental health, and solar energy.

 Connecticut Council on Soil & Water
 79 Elm St
 Hartford, CT 06106
 Chairman: John Breakell
 (860) 424-3905
 The council serves as a liaison between the
 Connecticut Department of Environmental
 Protection and the eight local soil and
water conservation districts.
Connecticut Forest & Park Assoc., Inc.
16 Meridcn Road, Route 66
Rockfall,CT 06481
Executive Director: John Hibbard
(203) 346-2372
The association works to preserve and
enhance the state's natural environment
and to provide  forests, parks, and
recreation areas for public use.
CT Fund for the Environment, Inc.
1032 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Executive Director: Donald Straight
(860) 787-0646
This legal-action environmental organiza-
tion with staff attorneys is devoted to
protecting Connecticut's natural resources.
It focuses on air and water quality;
hazardous, radioactive and solid waste;
wildlife habitat; and groundwater
CT Hazardous Waste Mgt Service
50 Columbus Blvd., 4th Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
Chairman:  Domenick Forcella
This independent, non-regulatory quasi-
public corporation was founded by the
State Legislature to promote the appropri-
ate management of hazardous and low-
level radioactive waste. It provides
technical assistance to generators of
hazardous waste  and promotes research
activities that explore existing management
practices and new economical and
technically feasible procedures.

CT Land Trust Service Bureau
55 High Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Director: Carolie K. Evans
(203) 344-9867
This bureau was formed by the Nature
Conservancy and the Conservation Law
Foundation of New England to unify and
facilitate the efforts of the land trust
movement in Connecticut

Eliot Pratt Education Center
163 Papermill Road
New Milford, CT 06776
Executive Director: Catherine S. Setterlin
The center offers an opportunity for
environmental education to people of all
ages. Its primary goal is to create a lifelong
interest and respect for nature through
instruction  and various programs.

Farmington River Anglers' Assoc.
6 Hempton Court, Glenwood Place
Bristol, CT 06010
President:  Richard Lowrey
This association concentrates on preserv-
ing and protecting sport fishing waters,
primarily in the Farmington River and its
Farmington River Watershed Assoc.
749 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT 06070
Director:  Richard Doucette
The FRWA is concerned with the protec-
tion and enhancement of the Farmington
River. Through various projects it
encourages wise and balanced use of this
important natural resource.
 Great Meadows Conservation Trust, Inc.
 c/o Mrs. Richard D. Wolf
 400 Hartford Avenue
 Wethersfield, CT 06109
 (860) 529-0263
 The trust is devoted primarily to the
 preservation of the Great Meadows and
 environs along the Connecticut River in
 the towns of Glastonbury, Rocky Hill, and
 Wethersfield. It acquires land to promote
 the scientific study and preservation of
 rural areas.
Haddam Land Trust, Inc.
8 Basket Shop Road
Haddam Neck, CT  06424
President: Peter Smith
(203) 267-9223
The land trust's purpose is to own and
manage open land in the public interest
and serves as a recipient of gifts of land.
Housatonic Valley Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 28
Cornwall Bridge, CT 06754
Executive Director:  Lynn Werner
(860) 672-6678
This private, nonprofit conservation and
planning organization deals with water
quality, transportation issues, and has
members in 45 Connecticut towns whose
lands drain into the Housatonic River.
Litchfield Land Trust, Inc.
Box 712
Litchfield, CT 06759
President: Michael Keilty
The trust is dedicated to conservation and
preservation of natural resources,
woodland, and open space in the Town of
 Lyme Land Conservation Trust, Inc.
 Box 1002
 Lyme, CT 06371
 President: Anthony Irving
 (860) 434-1460
 The trust is concerned with land acquisi-
 tion, encouragement of conservation, and
 programs in schools.

 Natural Resources Council of CT, Inc.
 1 Killam's Point
 Branford, CT 06405
 President: Claire Bennett

Nature Center for Environmental
  Activities, Inc.
P.O. Box 165
Westport,CT 06881
Executive Director: John D. Horkel
The center is devoted to protecting the
environment, improving quality of life and
providing natural science education and
activities for all ages via museum, native-
wild plant court, wild animal shelter,
aquarium, reference library, museum shop,
and a 62 acre sanctuary with 1 1/2 miles of
Nature Conservancy, CT Chapter
55 High Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Executive Director:  Leslie N. Corey, Jr.
The Connecticut chapter is committed to
the global preservation of natural diversity.
Its mission is to find, protect, and maintain
the best examples of the community's
ecosystem and endangered species in
New Britain Youth Museum -
Hungerford Outdoor Center
30 High Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Director: Deborah Pfeiffenberger
The center sponsors outdoor education and
other programs for all ages. It occupies a
35-acre woodland area with exhibits and
New Canaan Land Conservation
  Trust, Inc.
156 South Avenue
New Canaan, CT 06840
The trust preserves natural resources,
particularly open spaces.
New Canaan Nature Center
144 Oenoke Ridge
New Canaan, CT 06840
Director: Ann Harper
This nonprofit educational organization
seeks to increase the public's understand-
ing of the natural world, including human
effects upon it. The 40 acre facility
provides walking trails, gardens, science
and animal exhibits, a resource library,
solar greenhouse, and other natural
Preserve the Wetlands, Inc.
P.O. Box 8, Rowatton Station
Norwalk, CT 06853
President: Walter Glass
This group promotes scientific and
educational efforts to preserve and
improve wetlands, ponds, and streams.

Project Oceanology
Avery Point
Groton,CT  06340
Director: Howard M. Weiss
(203) 445-9007
This marine education center is operated
by a nonprofit association of public and
private schools and colleges. It provides
boats, oceanographic equipment, water-
front laboratory instructional materials,
and staff to enable over 20,000 students
and adults each year to learn about the
ocean through firsthand on-the-water
experiences. Its purpose is to foster an
appreciation of the sea.

Quinnipiac River Watershed Assoc.
99 Colony St
Meriden, CT 06450

Roaring Brook Nature Center
70 Gracey Road
Canton, CT 06019
Director: Jay Kaplan
(203) 693-0263
The center provides an opportunity for
visitors of all ages to deepen their under-
standing of the world around them through
experience-based learning about nature,
science, and technology. Activities include
teaching, exhibits, and animal care.

Save the Sound
185 Magee Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902
President: Nancy Seligson
(203) 327-9786
This group promotes the wise use and
management of the marine environment in
the Long Island Sound region through
education, research, and conservation.
Programs include Sea Camp, adult
education courses, and whale watches.
Science Center of Connecticut
950 Trout Brook Drive
West Hartford, CT 06119
Director:  Edward J. Forand, Jr.
The purpose of the Science Museum is to
increase public understanding of science,
technology, and nature. Programs include
a planetarium, a physical science exhibit,
discovery room, hands-on room, and laser
light show.
Science Center of Eastern CT
33 Gallows Lane
New London, CT 06320
Acting Director: David Fairman
The science center provides regional
information, research, and education for
the biological and physical sciences and
applied technology with special emphasis
on the major ecosystems of the 1,500 mile
Thames River basin. It offers educational
programs, exhibits, and environmentally
related field experiences for all age levels.
Shelton Land Conservation
Trust, Inc.
P.O. Box 2276
Huntingdon Station
Shelton, CT 06484
President: Marybeth Banks
The focus of this organization is the
preservation of natural resources, public
education regarding local natural re-
sources, and acceptance or purchase of
land and its maintenance for public
Sierra Club - Connecticut Chapter
118 Oak Street
Hartford, CT 06106
The Sierra Club lobbies for environmental
health and energy issues, and the conserva-
tion and protection of natural resources.

SoundWaters, Inc.
4 Yacht Haven West Marina
Washington Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06902
Contact: Ruthann Shapiro
This program educates students and adults
about factors that affect the health of the
Long Island Sound while sailing aboard a
fully equipped schooner.

Stamford Museum and Nature Center
39 Scofieldtown Road
Stamford, CT 06903
Executive Director: Gerald Rasmussen
This community-oriented educational and
recreational institution exhibits and holds
programs in art, science, technology, and
early New England life.  It provides living
experiences through classes and demon-

Talcott Mountain Science Center
Montevideo Road
Avon, CT 06001
Director: Donald P. LaSalle
The center provides classes in the sciences
for area schools, programs for the gifted,
adult education, teacher workshops,
curriculum development and implementa-
tion, and summer programs.

T.R.E.E.S. (To Reassess Ecology
   Environment Safety)
P.O. Box 212
West Mystic, CT 06388
Chairperson: Edith Fairgrieve
This group monitors state and local
environmental, transportation and
community affairs issues, particularly
planning and zoning and wetlands. It
collects and disseminates information to
build citizen concern and action.
West Rock Nature Center
Wintergreen Avenue
P.O. Box 2969
New Haven, CT 06515
Chief Ranger: Steve Daddona
The center is a division of the New Haven
Park Department  It is a 40 acre facility
with over 50 native wild animals on
display year-round (mammal and bird
zoos, turtle pen, and nature house
museum). School tours are available with
two-week notice.  The center sponsors
volunteer work programs, picnicking, and
winter sledding.
Williams College-Mystic Seaport
  Maritime Studies Program
75 Greenmanville Ave.
Mystic, CT 06355
(203) 572-5359
This program accepts approximately 30
undergraduate students each semester to
research and study marine biology,
oceanography, and maritime policy for
academic credit.  It is also dedicated to
preserving American maritime history and
Yale Center for Environmental Law &
P.O. Box 208215
New Haven, CT  06520-8215
Director: Dan Esty
The center acts as an umbrella for a variety
of research efforts focused on innovative
ideas for environmental law and policy.
Additionally, it houses the Yale Environ-
mental Law Clinic.

American Lung Association of Maine
128 Sewall Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Director: Edward F. Miller
(207) 622-6394
The ALA promotes respiratory health and
the prevention and control of lung disease.
It provides education and advocacy work
in smoking prevention, environmental and
occupational health, and the improvement
of patient care.

Atlantic Salmon Federation
PO Box 467
Skowhegan, ME 04976
Contact: Bill Townsend

Bowdoin College
Environmental Studies Program
Hatch Science Center
Brunswick, ME 04011
Program Coordinator:  Becky Koulouris
(207) 725-3629
Bowdoin's Environmental Studies Progam
offers a coordinate major in evironmental
studies as well as a variety of internship
opportunities for students.  The Program
focuses on land use issues and costal

The Chewonki Foundation
RR 2, Box 1200
Wiscasset, ME  04578
Executive Director:  W. Donald Hudson, Jr.
(207) 882-7323

Conservation Law Foundation -
Maine Office
Rockland, ME 04841
Director: Dan Sosland
CLF advocates responsible and far sighted
environmental policy at every level of
government. Its emphasis is to promote
and advocate environmentally responsible
and economically sound conservation
laws. The Foundation maintains its
headquarters in  Boston.
Island Institute
60 Ocean Street
Rockland, ME  04841
Contact:  Philip Conkling
(207) 594-9209

Lakes Environmental Association
102 Main Street
Bridgeton, ME 04009
Executive Director: Peter Lowell
The association promotes sound land use
and protects water quality in the Sebago
and Long Lakes region.  It performs
project reviews, studies land use invento-
ries management policies and ordinance
preparation, and offers water quality
testing of surface waters.

Maine Audubon Society
P.O. Box 6009
118 U.S. Route One
Falmouth,ME 04105
Director: Thomas A. Urquhart
This statewide environmental organization
promotes and encourages understanding
and appreciation of the natural environ-
ment. Its activities include environmental
education; wildlife and natural areas
protection; energy use and conservation
education; pollution abatement activities
and programs; natural resource conserva-
tion programs; and legislative action.

Maine Coast Heritage Trust
167 Park Row
Brunswick, ME 04011
President: James J. Espy, Jr.
(207) 729-7366
The trust conserves lands that are essential
to the wild and scenic character of the
islands and coastline of Maine. Assisting
land-owners and community groups,  and
local land trusts to conserve coastal lands
that meet criteria established by the board
of directors. The trust educates individuals,
local citizen groups, and government
officials about private land conservation

ME Environmental Education Assoc., Inc.
P.O. Box 9
Wiscassett, ME 04578
Executive Director: Don Hudson
(207) 882-7323
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to
promoting environmental education (EE)
by working for inclusion of grades K-12
EE in all schools, by providing informa-
tion and materials to teachers and parents,
publishing a newsletter, and coordinating
the work of organizations involved in EE.

Maine People's Alliance
359 Main Street
Bangor, ME  04401
Contact: John Dieffenbacher-Kroll

Natural Resources Council of Maine
271 State Street
Augusta, ME  04330
Executive Director: Everett B. Carson
Dedicated to the protection of Maine's
environment and the wise use of its natural
resources, NRCM is the state's principal
environmental advocacy group, watchdog-
ging government environmental agencies,
and providing information on environmen-
tal issues to the public.

Nature Conservancy - Maine Chapter
Fort Ajidross
14 Main St., Suite 401
Brunswick, ME 04011
Acting Director. Barbara Vickery
The Nature Conservancy seeks to identify
and protect natural areas for public use for
education, research, and recreation.

Pemaquid Watershed Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 552
Damariscotta, ME 04543
President:  Hylic West
(207) 529-5349
This association is dedicated to protecting
and enhancing the beauty of the ponds and
streams comprising the Pemaquid
waterway and its adjacent area.
RESTORE: The North Woods
7 N. Chestnut Street
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 626-5635
Director: Jim St. Pierre

Sheepscot Valley Conservation Assoc.
P.O. Box 125
Alna, ME 04535
Vice President: Nick Barth
(207) 586-6455
The association strives to conserve natural
and cultural resources and promotes wise
land use practices in the Sheepscot River
Valley.  It functions as a land trust and
intervenes when development projects
pose a threat to the ecology of the
Sheepscot River.

Sierra Club
191 State St.
Portland, ME  04101
Chair:  Virginia Holt
The Sierra Club provides public education
on environmental concerns and lobbying
for enactment and enforcement of
protective legislation.  Issues include: air
and water pollution control, acid rain,
hazardous waste, low-level radioactive
waste disposal, alternative energy sources,
and protection of wetlands and coastal

Small Woodland Owners Association of
  Maine (SWOAM)
P.O. Box 926
Augusta, ME  04332
President:  Ben Welch
(207) 626-0005
This association sponsors educational
workshops and programs throughout the
state to promote better stewardship of
forest resources. It advocates for fair taxes
and landowner rights.

Sportsman's Alliance of Maine
P.O. Box 1174
1174 Churchill Road
Augusta, ME 04338
Contact: George Smith
(207) 622-5503
This nonprofit membership organization of
sportsmen is dedicated to hunting, fishing,
trapping, the protection of wildlife habitat,
and conservation. It sponsors public
demonstrations, lectures, and seminars on
wildlife habits and habitat with emphasis
on game species.

Trout Unlimited, Maine Council
PO Box 53
Hallowell, ME 04347
Chair:  James Walker
(207) 428-3993

University of Maine
Water Research Institute
202 Sawyer Environmental Research
Orono,  ME  04469
Director: Jeffrey S. Kahl
The center supervises research projects
with an emphasis on water resources and
produces information digests on various
marine and natural resources issues.

American Lung Association of MA
1505 Commonwealth Ave.
Brighton, MA 02135
Director: John Brickley
The ALA is concerned with the prevention
and control of lung disease and aggravat-
ing factors. It undertakes activities to
combat air pollution and occupational lung
disease and to promote environmental and
health education.  ALA also operates as a
national organization with constituent
organizations in each of the New England
states as well as seven local affiliate
organizations throughout Massachusetts.

Appalachian Mountain Club
5 Joy Street
Boston, MA  02108
Executive Director: Andrew Falendar
This group sponsors programs of recre-
ational service in the northeastern states
including trail and shelter maintenance,
conservation research, and outdoor
education activities.

Arlington Conservation Association
164 Renfrew Street
Arlington, MA  02174
Director George D. Buckley
This association works on the study and
resolution of local environmental problems
and legislation. It educates public officials
and citizens concerning environmental issues.

Association for the Preservation of
  Cape Cod, Inc.
P.O. Box636(169Rte.6A)
Orleans, MA  02653
Executive Director: Susan L. Nickerson
This nonprofit scientific, educational, and
advocacy organization conducts research,
publishes position papers, informational
bulletins, and impact studies on environmen-
tal issues affecting Cape Cod and promotes
protection of Cape Cod's natural resources.
 Atlantic Center for the Environment
  (Division of Quebec-Labrador
  Foundation, Inc.)
55 South Main Street
Ipswich, MA  01938
President: Lawrence B. Morris
(508) 356-0038
This organization is dedicated to the wise
management of natural resources, focusing
on the Atlantic region, northern New
England, and Atlantic Canada.  It
promotes public involvement in resource
decision-making through education and
research. Paid internships are offered
year-round in  conservation education,
seabird research, international conserva-
tion policy exchanges, and journalism.

Berkshire Natural Resources Council, Inc.
20 Bank Row
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Executive Director: George S. Wislocki
This is a nonprofit citizen-supported
environmental advocacy group. The
council maintains a tax-exempt trust which
holds conservation lands throughout
Berkshire County.

Blackstone River Watershed Association
Northbridge Town Hall
Memorial Square
Whitinsville, MA 01588
President: Margaret Laval le
(508) 234-8797
This association works for the restoration
of clean water and the wise use and proper
management of water and related natural
resources in the Blackstone River

Boston Greenspace Alliance
44 Bromfield  St.
Boston, MA 02018
The Alliance is a coalition of organizations
interested in urban open space and other
environmental issues. It staffs the Boston
Schoolyard Initiative as well as other
school and community greening efforts.

Boston Natural Areas Fund, Inc.
294 Washington St., Office 301
Boston, MA 02108
President: Eugenie Beal
This group protects natural areas and
community gardening sites in Boston.

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
P.O. Box 1710
Brewster,  MA 02631
Director:  Susan Lindquist
(508) 896-3867
This nonprofit corporation is dedicated to
increasing the awareness and appreciation
of our unique natural environment espec-
ially to the conservation of the natural
resources  of Cape Cod. This is achieved
through exhibits, workshops, field work,
and other  educational programs.

Center for Coastal Studies
Box 1036
59 Commercial Street
Provincetown, MA 02657
Executive Director: David DeKing
The center specializes in conservation-
related research of coastal regions and
wetland habitats, cetacean research, under-
utilized fish species promotion, and public

Charles River Watershed Assoc., Inc.
2391 Commonwealth Avenue
Newton, MA 02166
Executive Director  Robert L. Zimmerman, Jr.
This nonprofit membership organization
promotes  improvement and protection of
the Charles River, assists watershed
communities and  individuals on related
issues, sponsors the Run of the Charles
(canoe race), and  the annual Charles River
swim and kayak race.
Coast Weeks:
The Urban Harbors Institute
Boston, MA 02125
Director: Richard F. Delaney
Coast Weeks is a national coastal celebra-
tion, supported by the Urban Harbors
Institute, that takes place from the end of
September thru the middle of October each
year. The Institute also conducts and
disseminates research in coastal zone
management, water quality, and public

Connecticut River Watershed Council, Inc.
1 Ferry St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
Executive Director  Tom Miner
This nonprofit, membership supported
organization was founded in 1952 to
protect the land and water resources in the
four state watershed of VT, NH, MA, and
CT. The council provides leadership in
improving water quality and protecting
lands within the watershed by bringing
together government agencies, businesses,
civic organizations, and individuals to
resolve issues and plan for the future.

Conservation Law Foundation
62 Summer St.
Boston, MA 02110
Executive Director:  Douglas I. Foy
CLF advocates responsible and far sighted
environmental policy at every level of
government: town hall; state legislatures;
public agencies and commissions; state
and federal courts; and, before Congress
and the Supreme Court Its emphasis is to
promote and advocate environmentally
responsible and economically sound
conservation laws. The Foundation also
maintains area offices in Rockland, ME
and Montpelier, VT.

CrunchTime Enviro. Ed. Fundraiser
137A Sutherland Rd.
Boston, MA 02146
Contact: Carey Buttfield
(800) 2 CRUNCH

Earth Day Greater Boston
P.O. Box 410245
17 Msgr. O'Brien Highway
East Cambridge, MA 02141
Contact: Linda Heald
This group is a volunteer based nonprofit
organization. It is dedicated to motivating
the Greater Boston community to take
actions surrounding Earth Day that result
in meaningful environmental benefits year-

Earthworm, Inc.
35 Medford St.
Somerville, MA 02143
Director: Jeffrey Coyne
This nonprofit, collectively managed
recycling organization provides a collec-
tion, referral and education service to its
clients and the metropolitan community. It
collects only paper for recycling.

E-Call, The Massachusetts Recycling
9 Park St., Rm. 50
Boston, MA 02108
This nonprofit group operates a 24 hour a
day, statewide recycling hotline that tells
people how/what/when to recycle in their

Environmental Careers Organization - NE
286 Congress St
Boston, MA 02210
Regional Coordinator Jane Markham
This program places upper-level under-
graduate and graduate students in short-
term jobs to work on environmental issues.
Skills and topics of interest are diverse and
include hazardous waste management, land
use planning and policy, water quality
control, and natural resource management
Environmental League
3 Joy Street
Boston, MA 02108
Executive Director: Jim Gomes
This privately funded, nonprofit organiza-
tion advocates for sound environmental
laws in Massachusetts.

Essex County Greenbelt Association
82 Eastern Avenue
Essex. MA 01929
Executive Director: Edward O. Becker
This nonprofit land conservation organiza-
tion was founded in 1961 to preserve open
space in Essex County that has ecological,
scenic or agricultural significance.

Franklin, Hantpden, Hampshire
  Conservation Districts
243 King Street #39
Northampton, MA 01060
Coordinator:  Gene Mills
(413) 584-1464
This subdivision of state government, self-
governed by boards of supervisors
composed of local citizens, enlists help
from public and private sources. It is
concerned with soil and water conserva-
tion, farm land preservation, and technical
assistance to landowners and towns.

Franklin Park Zoo
1 Franklin Park Rd.
Boston, MA 02121
Director: Sanders LeWallen
This nonprofit organization helps promote
conservation,  education, research, and

Friends of Belle Isle Marsh
P.O. Box 575
East Boston, MA 02128
President: Conal Foley
This group is concerned with the protec-
tion of Belle Isle Marsh, the conservation
of its wetlands, resources, and health. It
provides field trips and informal seminars.

Friends of Blue Hills
1894 Canton Avenue
Milton, MA 02186
Established in 1893, this volunteer
organization is concerned with natural,
historic, and recreational aspects of the
Blue Hills.
Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands
P.O. Box 9025
Boston, MA  02114
Director: M. Blossom Hoag
This grass roots organization which
promotes the preservation and recreational
use of Harbor Islands through education
and advocacy, assists Boston's Harbor
Island state park staff through an on-
island volunteer corps.

Fund for Preservation of Wildlife &
   Natural Areas
c/o Boston Safe Deposit and Trust
One Boston Place, 24th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Director: Sylvia Salas
The fund assists in the preservation of
natural areas and wildlife by managing
grants from  its general funds to various
conservation organizations, and it manages
endowment  funds set up by gift or bequest
for the benefit of conservation land or

Green Center
East Falmouth, MA 02536
(508) 564-6301
This nonprofit organization focuses on
developing a sound ecological future. Its
12 acre site serves students, teachers,
households, and fanners with research,
education, and consulting projects. Its
focus is on food, energy, water, and waste
treatment systems.
Greenpeace - Boston
169 Massachusetts Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
Regional Coordinator: Scott Daugherty
This international activist organization is
composed of a diverse group of individu-
als dedicated to preserving the quality of
the environment. Focus areas are the
atmosphere, energy, nuclear disarmament,
ocean ecology, and toxics.

Habitat Institute for the Environment
 10 Juniper Road
P.O. Box 136
Belmont,MA  02178
Executive Director:  Laurie Bennett
This nonprofit organization manages a 35
acre sanctuary and sponsors environmental
education programs for adults and children
which utilize the land as a teaching
resource.  An outreach program is
available to schools.
 Harvard Environmental Law Society
 Austin 20, Harvard Law School
 Cambridge, MA 02138
 President: Peter Walsh
 This society is composed of law students
 who research current environmental issues
 for the public.

 Hitchcock Center for the Environment
 525 South Pleasant Street
 Amherst,MA 01002
 Executive Director:  David Ziomek
 The center fosters greater awareness and
 understanding of the environment, offers
 programs for the public, and serves as
 resource center for teachers and naturalists.

Ipswich River Watershed Association
87 Perkins Row
Topsfield, MA 01983
Director:  Kerry Mackin
(508) 356-8939
This nonprofit organization serves to
prevent water pollution, conserve
ecological resources, and protect wildlife
 League of Women Voters of MA
 133 Portland Street
 Boston, MA 02108
 President: Nancy Carapezza
 A nonpartisan multi-issue, grassroots
 organization with national, state, and local
 units. The league encourages the informed
 and active participation of citizens in
 government and influences public policy
 through education and advocacy.
 Manomet Bird Observatory
 P.O. Box 1770
 Manomet, MA  02345
 Director: Linda E. Leddy
 This nonprofit, membership supported
 organization is internationally active in
 environmental research.  It provides
 environmental education programs for
 children and adults. Although many of the
 studies focus on birds, research is also
 done on cetaceans, seals, and tropical
 forest ecology.
MA Assoc. of Conservation Commissions
10 Juniper Road
Belmont,MA 02178
President: Robert Gray
MACC assists over 3,000 municipal
conservation commissioners in improving
the quality of environmental decision
making in their communities. Through
workshops, a hotline, lobbying, publica-
tions, and annual meetings.
Massachusetts Audubon Society
208 South Great Road
Lincoln, MA 01173
President: Gerard A. Bertrand
Established in 1896, MAS is the oldest
state Audubon Society. It owns and
protects over 14,000 acres of sanctuary
land with 17 staffed nature centers and an
active membership of 36,000 households.
Through conservation, education, research,
and advocacy, it has an overall goal to
preserve a quality environment that
supports both people and wildlife.

  Massachusetts Audubon Society's
Wildlife Sanctuaries & Nature Centers:

Arcadia Nature Center and Wildlife
127 Combs Road
Easthampton, MA 01027
Director: Mary Shamley
(413) 584-3009
The center is composed of 500 acres of
marsh and floodplain forest on the
Connecticut River.  It sponsors year-round
public programs, plus nursery school, day
camps, and conferences for all ages.

Ashumet Holly Reservation
286 Ashumet Road
East Falmouth, MA 02536
Property Manager:  Elwood Mills, Jr.
(508) 563-6390
This 45 acre wildlife sanctuary, with self-
guided nature trails, sports a collection of
American, English, Chinese, and Japanese

Berkshire Sanctuaries
472 West Mountain Road
Lenox, MA  01240
Sanctuary Director:  Rene Laubach
Capturing the attention of the inquisitive
mind, instilling a respect for all life, and
fostering an  intelligent understanding of
the human position in the natural world are
the goals of this sanctuary.

Blue Hills Trailside Museum
1904 Canton Avenue
Milton, MA 02186
Director: Norman Smith
Blue Hills is located on a 6,500 acre
reservation.  The museum includes
extensive exhibits on the habitats and
history of the Blue Hills and includes live
native animals. Programs include classes
for school children, weekend theme
oriented programs for visitors, special
events such  as maple sugaring and farm
days, courses, and workshops.

Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
414 Massasoit Road
Worcester, MA 01604
Director: Christopher Phillips
(508) 753-6087
Broad Meadow Brook is the largest urban
wildlife sanctuary in Massachusetts and
consists of 272 acres. It is also the center
for the Worcester Environmental Affairs

Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary
280 Eliot Street
South Natick, MA 01760
Director: Elissa M. Landre
(508) 655-2296
This sanctuary protects 577 acres of varied
habitats in Natick and  Sherbom, offers
recreation on nine miles of trails, educa-
tional programs for children and adults,
and serves as a research site for Boston
area colleges and universities.
Drumlin Farm Education Center &
  Wildlife Sanctuary
Rte. 117, South Great Road
Lincoln, MA  01773
Director: Daniel Hart
This interpretive farm is open to the
public, and sponsors adult education,
summer camp, and a farming and
gardening program.

Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary
P.O. Box 494
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Director: Gus Ben David
(508) 627-4850
This sanctuary covers 350 acres on
Martha's Vineyard and includes four miles
of self-guided trails, and a nature interpre-
tive center.

Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
87 Perkins Row
Topsfield,MA 01983
Director: Carol Decker
(508) 887-9264
MAS's largest sanctuary covers about
2,000 acres of meadow, ponds, and
islands. The sanctuary sponsors adult and
children's natural  history courses.

Laughing Brook  Education Center &
  Wildlife Sanctuary
789 Main Street
Hampden, MA  01036
Director: DougKimball
(413) 566-8034
This 260-acre wildlife sanctuary features a
memorial museum to famed children's
author Thornton W. Burgess.

Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary
300 Moose Hill Street
Sharon, MA  02067
Sanctuary Director  Patrick Dorcus
At this first and oldest of MAS's sanctuar-
ies, activities include tours for organized
groups and natural history day camp and

South Shore Sanctuaries (Regional Office)
2000 Main Street
Marshfield, MA 02050
Director:  David Clapp
This sanctuary features guided tours,
classes, and special events.

Stony Brook Nature Center & Wildlife
 108 North Street
Norfolk, MA 02056
Director:  Christie Anderberg
This sanctuary consists of a one-mile
nature trail and sponsors programs and
courses on natural history, educational
programs, and guided field trips for school

Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary
Princeton, MA 01541
Director:  Joseph Choiniere
This sanctuary offers recreation, wildlife
management and 10 1/2 miles of walking

Wellfleet  Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
P.O. Box 236 (off West Road)
South Wellfleet, MA 02663
Director:  Robert L. Prescott, Jr.
This sanctuary covers 700 acres of
saltmarsh, pine woods, fields, brook, pond,
and moor and includes five miles of trails,
one of which is self-guided. It offers
lectures and tours for schools and
scheduled groups, hikes, field classes, and
events for the public.

MA Bay Marine Studies Consortium
400 Heath St.
Chesnut Hill, MA 02167
Executive Director: Roger J. Stem
This association of institutions of higher
and public education sponsors fully-
accredited, inter-disciplinary courses that
bring together academic expertise and
"real world" problems. It promotes coop-
eration between the area's academic insti-
tutions and, through symposia and other
public service programs, seeks to build
bridges for all who care about the ocean
and world of water.

Massachusetts Campaign to Clean Up
  Hazardous Waste
37 Temple Place
Boston, MA 02111
Director: Matthew Wilson
This organization was established in 1987
and concentrates on assisting neighbor-
hood groups to attack and clean up toxic
waste problems in their communities.

MA Environmental Education Society
P.O. Box 105
290 Turnpike Road
Westborough, MA 01581
President: Judy Williams
MEES is a professinal organization
dedicated to the promotion and improve-
ment of environmental education.  MEES
serves schools,  museums, government
agencies, nature centers and businesses
involved in educating the public about the
natural environment. MEES hosts an
annual conference on evironmental
education with workshops for classroom
teachers naturalists, administrators and

IMA Health Officers Association
121 Glen Rd.
Wilmington, MA 01887
Director: Greg Ericson
This association promotes close relation-
ships among local, state, and federal public
and environmental health agencies.

MA Public Health Association -
Environmental & Occupational Health
305 South Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Executive Director: Lynne Karsten
This association promotes educational
programs dealing with environmental
health activities.

MA State Labor Council AFL-CIO
8 Beacon Street, 3rd floor
Boston, MA 02108
President: Joseph Faherty
This council is involved with a variety of
environmental issues including water
quality, energy, hazardous waste manage-
ment, and health and safety concerns.

Massachusetts Toxics Campaign
1105 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02134
Contact: John T. Conner

Merrimack River Watershed Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 1377
56 Island St
Lawrence, MA 01842
President: Ralph Goodno
This nonprofit grassroots organization has
as its purpose revitalizing the Merrimack
River, achieving a balanced protection,
promoting nonpolluting land use along the
river, and alerting and educating the public
to the issues affecting the  river.
Nashua River Watershed Association
592 Main St.
Groton,MA 01450
Executive Director: Elizabeth Ainsley
(508) 448-0299
The association works to preserve and
protect the natural resources of the Nashua
River watershed.  This work is accom-
plished through community assistance to
municipal boards, students, teachers, and

Nature Conservancy
Eastern Regional Office
201 Devonshire Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Director: Laura Johnson
This international membership organization
is committed to the global preservation of
natural diversity.  Its mission is to find,
protect, and maintain the best examples of
communities, ecosystems, and endangered
species in the natural world. The Conser-
vancy owns and manages the largest private
reserve system in the country.

Nature Conservancy (MA/RI Office)
79 Milk St, Suite 300
Boston, MA 02109
Director: Carter Roberts

Neponset River Watershed Association
2438 Washington St
Canton, MA 02021
Director: lanCooke
The Association works to monitor, clean
up, and protect the Neponset River

New England Aquarium
Central Wharf
Boston, MA 02110
The Aquarium offers a wide variety of live
marine exhibits and shows for the public.
Education, research, and conservation are

 New England Environmental Network
 c/o Center for Environmental Management
 Tufts University
 177 College Ave.
 Medford, MA 02155
 Director of Environmental Citizen
 Programs:  Caroline Simons
 (508) 433-9244
 This group of citizens, academics,
 nonprofit organizations, government
 agencies, businesses, and industries shares
 a concern for the environment.  Courses
 and conferences on a variety of environ-
 mental problems, including the annual
 New England Environmental Conference
 and The Growth Management Forum, are
 held throughout the year.

 New England Forestry Foundation, Inc.
 P.O. Box 1099
 283 Old Dunstable
 Groton, MA 01540
 President:  William DeKing
 (508) 864-4229
 This nonprofit organization for education
 in the practical scientific management of
 private woodlands maintains a staff of 21
 experienced consulting foresters in five
 states. It concentrates on private efforts to
 solve small woodland owner's problems.

 New England Water Environment Assoc.
 255 Ballardvalle St
 Wilmington, MA 01887
 Contact: Elizabeth Haffner
 (508) 658-4048
 The Association is comprised of water
 quality and water supply professionals
 who work to protect New England's water
 sources,  improve water treatment technolo-
 gies, and educate the public.
New England Wild Flower Society, Inc.
"Garden in the Woods"
Framingham, MA 01701
Executive Director: David DeKing
Conservation Director: William Brumback
This nonprofit group is organized to
promote the conservation of temperate
North American flora through horticulture,
education, research, habitat preservation,
and advocacy.  It maintains the Gardern in
the Woods, a 45-acre botanical garden, a
3,000 volume library, 25,000 color slide
collection, and offers over 100 programs

Regional Environmental Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 255
Worcester, MA 01613
Executive Director: Ted D. Conna
This volunteer group is involved in several
areas of environmental concern including
water quality in central Massachusetts
lakes, ponds, and rivers.  It serves as the
coordinator for the Central Massachusetts
Coalition for Safe Waste Management,
which deals with hazardous waste issues.

Save the Harbor/Save the Bay
25 West Street, 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Director: Jodi  Sugerman
The citizens' group educates the members
of the 43 communities that are pan of the
Massachusetts  Water Resource Authority
service area of Boston Harbor and
promotes awareness of Massachusetts Bay.

Sierra Club of New England
3 Joy St.
Boston, MA 02108
Executive Director: James McCaffrey
This national volunteer organization is
dedicated to conserving natural resources
and protecting the environment The New
England chapter has groups in ME, MA, RI,
andVT. It also organizes many activities
including outdoor events and meetings.

Sierra Club - Pioneer Valley Group
27 Highland St.
Springfield, MA 01109
Group Chairperson: Elaine Massery

South Shore Natural Science Center
P.O. Box 429, Jacobs Lane
Norwell, MA 02061
Chairperson: John Litchfield
This private, nonprofit center focuses on
environmental education and the natural
and cultural history of our region. The
center offers interpretive walks and
activities, pre-school and summer day
camps, workshops, and exhibits.

Sudbury Valley Trustees, Inc.
P.O. Box 7
Wayland, MA  01778
Executive Director: Steven Johnson
This membership supported land conserva-
tion and public education organization
owns 1,200 acres in the Concord basin area.

Taunton River Watershed Alliance
P.O. Box 146
106 Hale Street
Bridgewater, MA 02324
Director:  Katherine Doherty
(508) 697-5700
The alliance is a private, non-profit,
grassroots volunteer group that works with
water quality monitoring, repair and
corridor protection, basin-wide.

Thompson Island Outward Bound
   Education Center, Inc.
Thompson's Island
P.O. Box 127
South Boston, MA 02127
President: Peter Willauer
The center serves to promote individual
responsibility, teamwork, and urban
survival skills  and to teach students about
their community's environment. It
provides educational services to schools
and organizations that offer experience-
based programs.
Trout Unlimited
Northeast Chapter
P.O. Box 192, 39 Fenno Drive
Rowley, MA 01969
Liason Officer:  Bob Gouthro
This group is concerned with the protec-
tion of freshwater streams and rivers, and
the proper management of trout and
salmon populations. It also coordinates
with other groups on resource initiatives
such as stream improvement projects and
water quality sampling.

The Trust for Public Land
New England Regional Office
67 Battery March St.
Boston, MA 02110
Vice-President and Regional Director:
Peter Forbes
The TPL works nationwide to protect land
as parks, gardens, recreation areas, and
wilderness. Their goal is to ensure livable
communities and a healthy environment
for generations to come.

Trustees of Reservations
572 Essex Street
Beverly, MA 01905
Director  Frederic Winthrop, Jr.
This nonprofit organization is the  largest
owner of conservation land in the  state. It
manages 71 properties of exceptional
scenic and historic value for public

Tufts University Center for
   Environmental Management
Curtis Hall, 474 Boston Avenue
Medford,MA 02155
Director:  David Goote
The center was established in 1984 to
conduct health and technology research,
analyze policy, and develop education
programs in the fields of hazardous and
solid wastes and toxic substances.

Vernal Pool Association
Reading Memorial High School
62 Oakland Rd.
Reading, MA 01867
Director: Leo Kenney
(617) 944-8200, extension 33
The association trains students about
certification of vernal pools and wetland

Water Resources Research Center
University of Massachusetts
Box 30820
Blaisdell House
Amherst, MA 01003
Director: Dr. Paul Joseph Godfrey
The center conducts research on all aspects
of water resource problems with a focus on
Massachusetts. It disseminates research
findings to the public and to interested
state and federal agencies.

Westfield River Watershed Association
P.O. Box 1764
90 Elm Street
Westfield, MA 01086
President: Daniel D. Call
This association was established to protect
and improve natural resources and to
expand recreational and other land use
opportunities. The Westfield River is one
of the most scenic and wild, yet developed,
rivers of New England.

Westport Watershed Alliance
P.O. Box 3427
Westport, MA 02790
Administrator: Gay Gillespie
This professionally staffed, nonprofit
citizens environmental advocacy organiza-
tion is dedicated to improving environ-
mental quality and the aesthetic, economic,
and recreational value of the Westport
River watershed and Buzzards Bay.
The Wilderness Society
45 Bromfield St., llth Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Contact:  Robert Perschel
This nonprofit organization of 350,000
members (30,000 in New England) is
devoted to preserving wildlife and
wilderness, protecting America's prime
forests, parks, and shoreland, and fostering
an American land ethic.  The Northeast
office encompasses New England, NJ, NY,
and PA.

Worcester County Conservation District &
   Buck Hill Conservation Education
52 Boyden Rd.
Holden, MA 01520
Administrator: Bonnie Booth
This center is dedicated to good conserva-
tion practices of land, water, and forest
management. Its grounds are home to a 10
acre pond, with a self interpretive trail, and
an environmental library.

American Lung Association of NH
456 Beach St.
P.O. Box 1014
Manchester, NH 03105
Executive Director: Douglas Barry
The association promotes good health
through the prevention and control of lung
disease. It promotes and conducts
research, education, and legislative
advocacy in the area of clean air.

Appalachian Mountain Club
P.O. Box 298
Gorham,NH 03581
Contact:  Bruce Hill
(603) 466-2721
This group sponsors programs of recre-
ational service including trail and shelter
maintenance, conservation research, and
outdoor education activities.

Audubon Society of New Hampshire
3 Silk Farm Rd.
Concord, NH 03301
President: Tom Kieman
This independent, statewide, nonprofit
corporation is dedicated to the preserva-
tion, understanding, and appreciation of
New Hampshire's wildlife and other
natural resources.

Connecticut River Joint Commission
P.O. Box 1182
Charlestown, NH 03603
Contact: Sharon Francis
(603) 826-4800

Conway Conservation Commission
P.O. Box 552
Intervale, NH 03845
Contact: David Brooks
(603) 356-5972
Department of Natural Resources
University of New Hampshire
56 College Rd.
215 James Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Chairman: Theodore Howard
The department teaches and conducts
research on land, forest, wildlife, soil, and
water resources.

Earth Day Everyday Network
P.O. Box 266
4 Limbo Lane
Amherst,NH 03031
President: Rick Katzenberg

Environmental Conservation Program
Department of Natural Resources
University of New Hampshire
56 College Rd.
215 James Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Coordinator: Mimi Becker
(603) 862-1020
This university program is engaged in
undergraduate environmental education
research and cooperative extension

Environmental Studies Division
Dartmouth Outing Club
6142 Robinson
Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 646-2428
The club promotes environmental
awareness and education within the
Dartmouth community. Programs include
natural history and ecology, resource
conservation, appreciation of nature,
respect for the out-of-doors, and investiga-
tion and debate on local, national, and
international issues.

Environmental Studies Program
Dartmouth College
6182 Steel Hall
Hanover, NH 03755
Chairman: Ross Virginia
(603) 646-2838
Undergraduates work individually or in
groups on regional environmental and
energy-related problems as part of their
course work.

Hampstead Trails Preservation
Hampstead, NH  03841
President:  Kenneth Gilson
This committee preserves old trails and
create new ones for recreational purposes.
It is dedicated to the preservation of open
space in order to enhance the welfare and
quality of life of the people of the area.

Harris Center for Conservation
341 King's Highway
Hancock, NH 03449
Director:  MeadeCadot
(603) 525-3394
The center promotes the conservation and
enjoyment of the natural resources of the
Monadnock region.

Lake Sunapee Protective Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 21
Georges Mills, NH  03751
Executive Director: Paul Grevstead
(603) 526-6001
This association promotes the protection
and preservation of the water quality
within the Lake Sunapee watershed.

League of Women Voters of NH
207 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
President:  Lillian Nelligan
(603) 225-5344
The league promotes civic responsibility
through informed and active participation
of citizens in government. It studies and
recommends action on environmental
Merrimack County Conservation District
Concord Center
10 Ferry Street, Unit 312
Concord, NH 03301
Chairperson: Stanley Grimes
The district promotes a county-wide
program of soil and water conservation
with emphasis on proper land use and
conservation treatment for Merrimack

Merrimack River Watershed Council, Inc.
New Hampshire Office
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301
Contact:  Ted Diers
(603) 224-8322
This nonprofit citizen organization's
purpose is to revitalize the Merrimack
River, achieve a balanced program of
environmental protection, promote
enlightened, nonpolluting land use along
the river, and alert and educate the
citizenry to the issues affecting the river.

Nature Conservancy
NH Office
2 1/2 Beacon St. #6
Concord, NH 03301
Executive Director:  Henry Tepper
This organization works to conserve and
protect land and habitats throughout state
to safeguard the wildlife that exists there.

New England Environmental Voters
P.O. Box 59
Hebron, NH 03241
Contact:  Deborah Johnson
(603) 744-9595

NH Assoc. of Conservation Commissions
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301
Executive Director:  Marjory M. Swope
This private, nonprofit association of
municipal conservation commissions is
concerned with the wise use of New
Hampshire's natural resources.

New Hampshire Charitable Fund
37 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Contact:  Dick Henry
This group is a nonprofit commuinity
foundation that provides grants to other
community organizations.

New Hampshire Citizens' Action
Concord Center
10 Ferry St., Suite 43 8
Unit 319
Concord, NH 03301
Contact: PilarOIiva
(603) 225-2097

New Hampshire Conservation Corps
P.O. Box 550
689 River Rd.
Charlestown, NH 03603
Director:  Bob Coates

NH Natural Resources Forum
  Conservation Center
54 Portsmouth
Concord, NH 03301
Coordinator: Richard Ober
(603) 224-9945
This membership organization holds
programs on timely topics, supplements
the work of other organizations and
agencies by marshalling coalitions, and
undertakes special projects.

NH Recreation and Park Society
Town Hall
Bedford, NH 03102
President: Brian Ross
This professional society promotes the
development of public recreation and
parks, and has an interest in environmental
issues affecting the quality and quantity of
public park experiences. It provides
information through meetings, workshops,
and newsletters.
Northeast Resource Recovery Assoc.
P.O. Box 721
Concord, NH  03302
Exective Director: E. Dana Draper
The association provides technical
assistance, education and cooperative
marketing for its municipal members.

New Hampshire Rivers Council
54 Portsmouth St.
Concord, NH 03301
Contact: Digit Taylor

NH Timberland Owners Association
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301
Executive Director: Charles R. Niebling
(603) 224-9699
This association promotes sound forest
management practices on private forest
land, advocates fair taxation of forest land,
and promotes a healthy wood-using
industry. It provides education in these
areas through forums, field days, and

New Hampshire Wildlife Federation
54 Portsmouth St.
Concord, NH 03301
Executive Director:  Mary Shriver
(603) 224-5953
This is the state affiliate of National
Wildlife Federation. It is a sportsman-
based conservation organization, with
particular interest in land protection, river,
fish, and wildlife. It is also concerned
with issues of access to public waters.

Newfound Lake Region Association
HC 60, Box 368A
Bristol, NH 03222
President: Andrea Duffy Goldwaite
(603) 883-3522
This nonprofit organization was created to
promote efforts toward the care, protec-
tion, and preservation of Newfound Lake
and its environment.

Northern Appalachian Restoration Project
P.O. Box 6
Lancaster, NH 03584
Director: Jamie Sayen
This group works to promote sustainable
natural and human communities in the
northern appalachian region. They are
citizen- based in northern forest communi-
ties and maintain a special focus on forest
protection through wilderness preservation
and sustainable forestry practices,
including both the elimination of abusive
forestry practices and the implementation
of low-impact forestry practices.

Pemigewasset River Council
Box 552
New Hampton, NH 03256
President: Pat Schlessinger
(603) 744-5671
This organization is comprised of
volunteers from nine river towns and
provides a forum for discussion of
common river related issues.

Piscataquog Watershed Association
P.O. Box 197
New Boston, NH  03070
President: Jeff Katz
This association is concerned with the
protection of the Piscataquoag watershed.

Project SEE (School Environmental &
16 Rumford Street
Concord, NH 03301
Director: Edwina Czajkowski
This public school environmentally
educates grades K-12 by incorporating
community-wide services, resources, and
regional teacher workshops.
Restoration of Atlantic Salmon in
  America, Inc.
P.O. Box 311
Dublin, NH 03444
Chairman: Richard Buck
This nonprofit organization advises the
government and the private sector on the
conservation and restoration of the
Atlantic salmon.

Science Center of New Hampshire
P.O. Box 173, Route 113
Holdemess,NH 03245
The center provides innovative environ-
mental education programs for children.
The emphasis is on the natural history of
native plant and animal communities.

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League
P.O. Box 1136
Portsmouth, NH 03802
The league sponsors environmental
litigation, particularly as related to the
nuclear emergency response plan.

Sierra Club - New Hampshire
54 Portsmouth St.
Concord, NH 03301
President: Elaine Bakes

Society for the Preservation of
  New Hampshire Forests
54 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH 03301
Vice President for Conservation Programs:
Paul A.  Doscher
Organized in 1901, this voluntary,
nonprofit organization is dedicated to
promoting the wise use of the renewable
natural resources of New Hampshire.

Statewide Program of Action to
  Conserve the Environment (SPACE)
54 Portsmouth St.
Concord, NH 03301
Chairman: Paul Bofinger
(603) 224-3306
SPACE is concerned with the preservation
of open space by the assessment of
property taxes on the basis of current use.

University of New Hampshire
Institute of Marine Science &
   Ocean Engineering
Marine Programs Building
Durham, NH 03824
Director: D. Jay Grimes
(603) 862-2994
The institute provides marine research,
education, and advisory programs.

 Audubon Society of Rhode Island
 12 Sanderson Road, Route 5
 Smithfield, RI 02917
 Executive Director: Lee Schisler, Jr.
 This Rhode Island chapter of the national
 organization is concerned with conserva-
 tion, environmental and natural history
 education, natural area and open space
 protection, and environmental advocacy.
 Eastern Rhode Island Resource
   Conservation and Development
 909 East Main Rd.
 Middletown, RI 02840

 Environment Council of RI, Inc.
 P.O. Box 9061
 Providence, RI 02920
 President:  Connie McGreaby
 This is a coalition of over 20 environmen-
 tal organizations. Its mission is to
 coordinate their efforts and goals to
 become  more effective in responding to
 and implementing legislative and govern-
 mental policies as well as working with the
 public on environmental concerns and
 Brown University
 Environmental Studies Program
 Box 1943
 Providence, RI 02912
 Director: Harold Ward
 (401) 863-3449
 The program provides support for students
 with environmental interests. Students do
 one or more projects on local or regional
 issues such as recycling strategies,
 underground storage tanks, or urban self-
Narrow River Preservation Association
P.O. Box 8
Saunderstown, RI 02874
President:  Don Maione
The association is concerned with water
quality and land use in Pettaquamscutt
(Narrow) River watershed.

Nature Conservancy -
Block Island Bioreserve
P.O. Box 1287
Block Island, RI 02807
Bioreserve Manager: Chris Littlefield
The Block Island Bioreserve is a field
office of the RI state chapter of the Nature

Nature Conservancy - Rhode Island
45 South Angel St.
Providence, RI 02906
Director:  Doug Parker
This Rhode Island chapter of a national
organization, is committed, like its parent
organization, to the preservation of natural

Northern Rhode Island Resource
  Conservation and Development
19 Smith St
Greenville, RI 02828

Rhode Island Historical Preservation &
  Heritage Commission
150 Benefit Street
Providence, RI 02903
Executive Director:  Edward F. Sanderson
This agency of the Rhode Island state
government was created to identify, and
evaluate historic architecture and protect
the state's archeological resources.

Rhode Island Lung Association
10 Abbott Park Place
Providence, Rl 02903
Director: Margaret Kane
This association provides educational and
citizen leadership programs emphasizing
air conservation aspects of environmental

Rhode Island Resource Conservation &
5586 Post Rd., Box 6
East Greenwich, RI 02818

Rhode Island Solid Waste Management
  Corporation (RISWMC)
West Exchange Center
260 West Exchange Street
Providence, Rl 02903
Director: Thomas E. Wright
This state authority provides waste
disposal services to communities, cities,
and towns.  It was created by the Rhode
Island general assembly in 1974 to plan
and implement re-source recovery projects
and recycling programs for the state.
RISWMC is advancing three resource
recovery facilities and a mandatory
statewide recycling program.
Save the Bay
434 Smith Street
Providence, RI  02908
Executive Director: Curt Spalding
This citizens' group is dedicated to
protecting and maximizing the assets of
Rhode Island's greatest natural resource,
Narragansett Bay. Save the Bay is
supported by 15,000 families, businesses,
and foundation members.

Association of Vermont Recyclers
P.O. Box 1244
Montpelier, VT 05602
Contact:  IvyZeller

Conservation Law Foundation -
VT Office
21 E. State St., Suite 301
Montpelier, VT  05602
(802) 223-5992
CLF advocates responsible and far sighted
environmental policy at every level of
government Its emphasis is to promote
and advocate environmentally responsible
and economically sound conservation
laws.  CLF maintains its headquarters in

Environmental Law Center
Vermont Law School
Chelsey Street
South Royalton, VT 05068
Director: Patrick Parenteau
(802) 763-8303
This program at the law school sponsors
conferences, community education, a
master of study in public policy law
degree, joint degree with the law school,
publications, and research activities.  It
offers the most diverse natural resources
law curriculum in the northeast.

Environmental Program - U. of VT
153 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT  05401
Interim Director: Ian Worley
This university-wide program offers
undergraduate degrees through several
colleges. It coordinates environmental
research and graduate studies.
Green Mountain Audubon Society, Inc.
255 Sherman Hollow Rd.
Huntington, VT 05462
Executive Director:  William Howland
(802) 434-3068
The Vermont chapter of this national
organization sponsors activities at schools
and public education on the environment
through participation in activities at our
nature center, through films, programs, and
a newsletter.

Green Mountain Club, Inc.
RR 1, Box 650, Route 100
Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Executive Director:  Dennis Shaffer
(802) 244-7037
The club is dedicated to making the
Vermont mountains  play a greater role in
the life of the people. It protects and
manages the Long Trail system.

Humane Society of the U.S. -
Regional Office
P.O. Box 619
Jacksonville, VT 05342
Director: Arnold Baer
(802) 368-2790
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to
animal protection through education,
legislation, and legal channels. Environ-
mental concerns include habitat preserva-
tion, wildlife refuges, protected species
preservation, and classroom education.

Lake Champlain Committee, Inc.
14 South Williams Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Executive Director:  Lori M. Fisher
The goal of this committee is to eliminate
water pollution in Lake Champlain and its
tributaries, and conserve the natural
resources and scenic beauty of the
Champlain Valley drainage basin.

Nature Conservancy-VT Field Office
27 State St.
Montpelicr, VT 05602
Director: Robert Klein
(802) 229-4425
This nonprofit land conservation organiza-
tion preserves ecologically special places
in Vermont.  Nationally the Conservancy
has three million members of which 5,000
belong to the Vermont chapter.

National Wildlife Federation
58 State St.
Montpelier, VT 05602-2933
Regional Representative: Monte Fischer
(802) 229-0650
Fax (802) 229-4532

New England Coalition on Nuclear
P.O. Box 545
Brattleboro, VT  05302
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to
educating the public about clean alterna-
tives to nuclear power. Resources for
public education include The Great New
England Energy Show mobile unit, an
extensive library of books and films, a
speakers' bureau, and a newsletter.

Vermont Institute of Natural Science
RR 2, Box 532
Woodstock, VT  05091
Director: Tim Traver
The institute is concerned with environ-
mental education, natural history research,
and endangered species work.

Vermont Lung Association
30 FarreJl Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
Executive Director: Robert P. Jones
This group is dedicated to the organization
of community efforts to bring about prev-
ention and control of lung disease. Its
program areas are environmental health,
smoking education, lung disease, and
community health services.
Vermont Natural Resources Council
9 Bailey Avenue
Montpelier, VT 05602
Executive Director: Jane Difley
(802) 223-2328
This nonprofit environmental organization
works to promote the wise use of
Vermont's natural resources. The council
does research and educational work on a
variety of issues including forestry,
agriculture, water, energy, and growth

Vermont Water Resources & Lake
  Studies Center
University  of Vermont
George D. Aiken Center
Burlington, VT 05405
Director: Alan W. Mclntosh
(802) 656-4057
This nonprofit organization focuses on
research of lakes, ponds and streams,
ground water, toxics, and hazardous
materials. It supports studies of Lake

Winooski Valley Park District
Ethan Allen Homestead
Burlington, VT 05401
Executive Director: Jennifer F. Ely
(802) 863-5744
This intermunicipal conservation organiza-
tion was created to acquire and manage
regional parks including agricultural land,
historic property, and wildlife habitat
within the watershed of the Winooski

Army Corps of Engineers
424 Trapelo Road
Waltham, MA 02254

Coast Guard
First District
Department of Transportation
408 Atlantic Ave.
Boston, MA 02110

Department of Energy
1 Congress Street
Boston, MA 02114

Fish and Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior
120 Second Ave.
Charlestown Navy Yard
Charlestown, MA 02129

Fish and Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior
22 Bridge Street, Unit #1
Concord, NH 03301

National Marine Fisheries Service
Northeast Regional Office
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Department of Commerce
1 Blackburn Drive
Gloucester, MA  01930

National Park Service
North Atlantic Regional Office
15 State Street
Boston, MA 02191
National Weather Service
Logan Office Center, Suite 102N
1 Harborside Drive
Logan International Airport
East Boston, MA 02128

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Department of Agriculture
16 Professional Park Road
Storrs, CT  06268

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Department of Agriculture
451 West Street
Amherst,MA 01002

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Department of Agriculture
Federal Building
2 Madbury Road
Durham, NH 03824

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Department of Agriculture
60 Quaker Lane
Warwick, RI 02886

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Department of Agriculture
69 Union Street
Winooski, VT 05404

Occupational Safety and Health Admin.
Department of Labor
133 Portland Street
Boston, MA 02114

Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Commissioner: Sidney Holbrook
(860) 424-3001
Dept of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Commissioner: Edward Sullivan

Exec. Office of Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA 02202
Secretary: Trudy Coxe

Dept of Environmental Management
100 Cambridge Street, 19th Floor
Boston, MA 02202
Commissioner: Peter Webber

Dept. of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108
Commissioner: David Struhs

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
100 Cambridge St
Boston, MA 02202

Department of Food and Agriculture
100 Cambridge St
Boston, MA 02202

Mass. Water Resources Authority
100 First Avenue
Charlestown Navy Yard
Boston, MA 02129
Metropolitan District Commission
20 Somerset St.
Boston, MA 02108

Mass. Environmental Police
175 Portland St.
Boston, MA 02114
Dept of Environmental Services
Health and Welfare Building
P.O. Box 95, Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Commissioner: Robert W. Varney

Office of Recreation Service
Division of Parks and Recreation
Box 1856
Concord, NH 03302
Director: Richard McLeod
(603) 271-3627
Dept of Environmental Management
9 Hayes Street
Providence, Rl 02908
Director: Timothy Keeney

Agency of Natural Resources
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Secretary: Barbara Ripley

Dept of Environmental Conservation
Agency of Natural Resources
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Commissioner. Canute E. Dalmasse

New England Fisheries Mgt. Council
5 Broadway, Route 1
Saugus, MA 01906
Executive Director: Douglas Marshall
This nonprofit, quasi-public organization
consists of individuals knowledgeable of
the New England fishing industry who are
nominated by the New Dngland governors
and appointed by the Secretary of Com-

New England Interstate Water Pollution
   Control Commission (NEIWPCC)
255 Ballardvale St, 2nd Floor
Wilmington, MA 01877
Executive Director: Ronald Poltak
NEIWPCC coordinates the water pollution
control programs of the six member states
(CT,ME,MA,NH,RI,VT) through regularly
held meetings, technical work groups, and
approval of water quality standards for
interstate drainage basins. It provides
training and related support services for
wastewater treatment plant personnel and
distributes educational materials to the

New England Water Works Association
42A Delia St
Milford,MA 01757
(508) 478-6996
This association is a nonprofit organization
concentrating on drinking water and water
supply concerns within New England.

Northeast Alternative Vehicle
205 Portland St., Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Executive Director:  Sheila Lynch
This group concentrates on developing and
promoting electric and other alternatively
powered vehicles.
Northeast Rural Water Association
6 Prim Rd.
P.O. Box 622
Colchester, VT 05446
(508) 660-4988
The association is a nonprofit organization
made up of rural water supply and
wastewater treatment systems. Its primary
aim is to assist the small system operator
in complying with the Safe Drinking Water
Act and in providing adequate water
supplies to rural residents in VT, NH, and

Northeast States for Coordinated Air
  Use Management (NESCAUM)
129 Portland St, Suite 501
Boston, MA  02114
Executive Director:  Jason Grumet
This is an association of air quality control
divisions  in the eight northeast states - CT,
ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, and VT. Its
purpose is to promote air quality through
technical and policy issue programs among
the member states.

Northeast Waste Management Officials
129 Portland St.
Boston, MA  02114
Executive Director:  William Cass
The association is comprised of officials
from its member states - CT, ME, MA,
NH, RI, VT, and NY - and meets to
address issues in the waste management

Bureau of Air Management
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Chief: Carmine DiBattista
(860) 424-3026
Division of Air Resources
Dept of Environmental Management
291 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02908
Chief: Stephen Majkut
Bureau of Air Quality Control
Dept. of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director: Jim Brooks
(207) 287-2437
Air Pollution Control Division
Agency of Natural Resources
Building 3 South
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Director: Richard A. Valentinetti
Air Quality Control
Dept of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Director: Barbara Kwetz
Air Resources Division
Dept of Environmental Services
64 North Main Street, Caller Box 2033
Concord, NH 03302
Director: Kenneth Colbum

Oil and Chemical Spill Response Div.
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St., 4th Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 424-3377
(860) 424-3338

Bureau of Hazardous Materials and
  Solid Waste Control/Material Control
Dept. of Environmental Protection
State House,  Station #17
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 287-7688
Inside Maine- (800) 482-0777
Outside Maine- (207) 657-3030

Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup
Dept of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street
Boston, MA  02108
(508) 820-2121

Water Supply & Pollution Control Division
Oil Pollution Control & Permit
  Compliance Bureau
Department of Environmental Services
P.O. Box 95, 6 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3440
Division of Site Remediation
Dept. of Environmental Management
291 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02908
(401) 277-3872
(401) 277-3070 (after office hours)

Vermont Emergency Management Div.
Waterbury State Complex
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
(802) 244-8721

Waste Management Bureau
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106

Bureau of Hazardous Materials and
Solid Waste
Dept. of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director: Allan Ball
(207) 287-7688
Division of Waste Management
Dept. of Environmental Management
9 Hayes St.''
Providence, Rl 02908
Chief: Ron Gagnon

Hazardous Materials Mgt. Division
Dept. of Environmental Conservation
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Acting Director:  George Desch
Division of Hazardous Waste
Dept. of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA  02108
Acting Director: Steve DeGabriele

Waste Management Division
Dept. of Environmental Services
P.O. Box 95, Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03302
Director: Phillip J. O'Brien

Pesticides/PCB/UST Terminal Div.
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Director:  Gregory J. Piontek
Board of Pesticide Control
Department of Agriculture
State House, Station 28
Augusta, ME 04333
Director: Robert I. Batteese, Jr.
Pesticide Bureau
Dept. of Food and Agriculture
100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA 02202
Bureau Chief: Brad Mitchell

Division of Pesticide Control
Department of Agriculture
Caller Box 2042
Concord, NH 03302
Director Murray L. McKay
Division of Agriculture
Dept. of Environmental Mgt.
22 Hayes Street
Providence, RI 02908
Sr. Plant Pathologist:
Elizabeth M. Lopes-Duguay
Plant Industry Division
Department of Agriculture
116 State Street, Drawer 20
Montpelier, VT 05602
Director: Phil R. Benedict

Radiation Control Division
Dept. of Environmental Protection
State Office Building
Hartford, CT 06106
Acting Director: Bryan Tole
Division of Health Engineering
Radiation Control Program
Department of Human Services
State House, Station 10
Augusta, ME 04333
Director: CloughToppan
(207) 289-5676

Radiation Control Program
Department of Public Health
State Laboratory
305 South St., Rm. 556
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Director: Robert M. Hallisey

Radiation Control Program
Department of Public Health
Western MA Regional Office
23 Service Center
Northampton, MA 01060
Contact: William Bell

Bureau of Radiological Health
Division of Public Health Services
Health and Welfare Building
P.O. Box 95, Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Administrator: Diane E. Tefft
Division of Occupational Health &
  Radiation Control
Department of Health
206 Cannon Building
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908
Manager. Roger Marinelli

Division of Occupational &
  Radiological Health
Department of Health
108 Cherry St.
Burlington, VT 05402
Director: Raymond N. McCandless
(802) 865-7745

Radon Program
CT Department of Health Services
150 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Contact: Alan J. Siniscalchi

Radiation Control Program
Department of Public Health
State Laboratory
305 South St., Rm. 556
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Director: Robert Hallisey

Radiation Control Program
Department of Public Health
Western MA Regional Office
23 Service Center
Northampton, MA 01060
Contact: William Bell
Division of Occupational Health &
  Radiation Control Radon Program
Department of Health
206 Cannon Building
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, Rl 02908
Division of Occupational &
  Radiological Health
Department of Health
108 Cherry St.
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Contact: Paul demons
(802) 865-7730
Bureau of Radiological Health
Division of Public Health Services
Health and Welfare Building
P.O. Box 95, Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Administrator: Diane E. Tefft

Waste Management Bureau
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St
Hartford, CT 06106
Bureau Chief: Richard J. Barlow
(860) 566-3672

CT Resources Recovery Authority
179 Allyn Street, Suite 603
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 549-6390

Bureau of Oil and Hazardous Materials
Dept. of Environmental  Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director: Allan Ball
Division of Waste Management
Dept. of Environmental Mgt
9 Hayes St.
Providence, RI 02908
Chief: Ron Gagnon
Solid Waste Management Section
Waste Management Division
Agency of Natural Resources
Dept. of Environmental Conservation
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Acting Director: George Desch
Division of Solid Waste
Dept of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street, 4th floor
Boston, MA 02108
Director: Phil Weinberg

Waste Management Division
Dept of Environmental Services
P.O. Box 95, Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03302
Director: Phillip J. O'Brien

Water Compliance Unit
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Director:  Michael Harder
(860) 424-3000
Division of Water Pollution Control
Dept of Environmental Quality Eng.
One Winter Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Director: Andrew Gottlieb
Bureau of Water Quality Control
Dept. of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director:  Martha Kirkpatrick

Division of Municipal Services
Dept of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director:  Dennis Purington
(207) 289-3901

Licensing and Enforcement Division
Dept of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director:  Michael Kuhns

Enviro. Evaluation and Lake Studies
Dept of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Director:  David Courtemanch
Water Supply & Pollution Control
Dept. of Environmental Services
Health and Welfare Building
P.O. Box 95, Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Director: Edward Schmidt

Division of Water Resources
Dept of Environmental Mgt.
291 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02903
Associate Director: Edward Szymanski

Division of Ground Water &
  Fresh Water Wetlands
Dept of Environmental Mgt.
291 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02903
Associate Director: Jim Fester

Water Quality Division
Agency of Natural Resources
Dept of Environmental Conservation
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Director: David Clough
(802) 244-5638

Office of Environmental Education
Dept. of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St., P.O. Box 5066
Hartford, CT 06106
Director: Steve Fish
(860) 424-3542

Department of Education
P.O. Box 2219
Hartford, CT 06145
Science Consultant: Steve Weinberg

c/o Barbara Welch
Dept. of Environmental Protection
State House, Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333

Department of Education
State House, Station 23
Augusta, ME  04333
Science Consultant:  Tom Keller

Massachusetts Executive Office of
   Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge St.
Salton Stahl Building, 20th Floor
Boston, MA 02202
Contact: MegCoIclough

Office for the Advancement of Math &
Department of Education
350 Main St.
Maiden, MA 02148
State Science Coordinator Kathleen Brown
Outdoor Education Unit
Fish and Game Department
2 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Contact:  Judy Silverberg

Department of Education
101 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03501
Curricular Supervisor for Science: Ed Hendry

Department of Education
225 Westminster St.
Providence, RI 02908
Math, Sci. & Tech. Coord.: Dennis Cheek

Rhode Island Math & Science Education
  Coalition (RIMSEC)
201 Charles St.
Providence, RI 02906
Executive Director:  Pat Dulac

VT State-Wide Environmental
  Education Program (SWEEP)
c/o VT Natural Resources Council
9 Bailey Ave.
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 223-2328

Department of Education
120 State St
Montpelier, VT 05620
State Science Consultant: Alan Kousen
