National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Boulder CO 80303
EPA 600 7-78-231
December 1978
United States
Environmental Protection
Office of Energy, Minerals, and
Washington DC 20460
Research and Development
Design of Field
Experiments to
Determine the
Ecological Effects of
Petroleum in
Intertidal Ecosystems
R&D Program
Research reports of the Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, have been grouped into nine series. These nine broad cate-
gories were established to facilitate further development and application of en-
vironmental technology. Elimination of traditional grouping was consciously
planned to foster technology transfer and a maximum interface in related fields.
The nine series are:
1 Environmental Health Effects Research
2. Environmental Protection Technology
3 Ecological Research
4. Environmental Monitoring
5. Socioeconomic Environmental Studies
6. Scientific and Technical Assessment Reports (STAR)
7. Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development
8 "Special" Reports
9 Miscellaneous Reports
This report has been assigned to the INTERAGENCY ENERGY-ENVIRONMENT
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT series. Reports in this series result from the
effort funded under the 17-agency Federal Energy/Environment Research and
Development Program. These studies relate to EPA's mission to protect the public
health and welfare from adverse effects of pollutants associated with energy sys-
tems. The goal of the Program is to assure the rapid development of domestic
energy supplies in an environmentally-compatible manner by providing the nec-
essary environmental data and control technology Investigations include analy-
ses of the transport of energy-related pollutants and their health and ecological
effects; assessments of. and development of, control technologies for energy
systems; and integrated assessments of a wide range of energy-related environ-
mental issues.
This document is available to the public through the National Technical Informa-
tion Service. Springfield, Virginia 22161.
December 1978
Stephen F. Moore
Dennis B. McLaughlin
Resource Management Associates
3706 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 200
Lafayette, CA 94549
Contract No. 03-6-022-35258
Project Officer: Douglas A. Wolfe
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Environmental Research Laboratories
Boulder, Colorado 80303
Office of Research and Development
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D. C. 20460
This work was supported jointly by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency under the Fed-
eral Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program. Since 1975, the
Environmental Protection Agency had had the lead responsibility for
the planning, coordination, and implementation of this program, which
is funded at approximately $100 million per year and participated in
by seventeen Federal departments and agencies. The research reported
here represents one part of NOAA's Energy/Environment Project entitled
"Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Toxic Metals in Marine
Ecosystems and Organisms."
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Environ-
mental Protection Agency do not approve, recommend, or endorse any
proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publica-
tion. No reference shall be made to the Environmental Research Labora-
tories or to this publication furnished by the Environmental Research
Laboratories in any advertising or sales promotion which would indicate
or imply that the Environmental Research Laboratories approve, recommend,
or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned
herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or in-
directly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this
Environmental Research Laboratories publication.
As this Nation's effort towards energy self-sufficiency is carried
forward, a considerable amount of environmental information will be
required to permit energy developments to proceed with acceptable
impact on environmental quality. Under the terms of an Interagency
Agreement between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
and the Environmental Protection Agency, NOAA is conducting studies on
the Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Selected Toxic
Metals in Selected Marine Organisms and Ecosystems. The overall ob-
jectives of the project are to study experimentally those specific
processes controlling the distribution, transport and effects (physio-
logical and ecological) of petroleum hydrocarbons and toxic metals in
coastal marine ecosystems to facilitate the assessment of impacts of
petroleum releases and to serve as the basis for developing regulatory
measures for suitable protection of the marine environment. It is
anticipated that carefully designed and conducted field experiments will
play a major role in documenting the ecological effects of petroleum in
marine systems. This report was viewed as a necessary first step in
assessing the feasibility and most useful approaches for such field
Douglas A. Wolfe
Deputy Director, Outer Continental Shelf
Environmental Assessment Program
NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories
We express a special thanks to Dr. Douglas A. Wolfe, Deputy Direc-
tor, Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program. His patience,
support and careful review have been extraordinary throughout the year and
a half we have engaged in this effort.
We also thank the following persons who participated in our workshop
on the Design of Oil Spill Perturbation Field Experiments, December 13 and
14, 1976: Dr. Jack Anderson, Dr. Robert Clarke, Dr. Jeff Fujioka, Mr. Edward
Long, Dr. Bill MacLeod, Dr. Dick Nyren, Dr. Robert Payne, Dr. Steve Zimmerman.
We received many useful inputs at the workshop, which have contributed
substantively to this final report.
Several persons received an earlier draft of this report. We have
made many improvements in the final version due to their reviews. Our thanks
for these reviews go to Dr. David Colby, Dr. Robert Paine, Dr. Lee Eberhardt,
Dr. Ken Mann, Dr. Jack Anderson and Dr. J. Vanderhorst.
Our thanks to Dr. Jim Audet NODC OCSEAP Data Coordinator for pro-
viding us with magnetic tape copies of the Alaskan data sets used in our
Finally, we thank Ms. Lillian Orlob and Ms. Carol Hunter for the
efficient and patient deciphering, typing and retyping of this report.
3.2.1 Experimental Models 35
3.2.2 Estimation of Treatment Effects and Population
Parameters 45
3.2.3 Detection of Significant Treatment Effects 54
3.3.1 General Design Considerations 64
3.3.2 Qualitative Aspects of Experimental Design—
Factor Selection, Randomization, Blocking,
and Quadrat Placement 68
3.3.3 Quantitative Aspects of Experimental Design—
Decision Thresholds, Design Parameters, and
Feasibility Assessment 80
4.2.1 Existing Data from Zaikof Bay 108
4.2.2 Statistical Analysis of the Zaikof Bay Data ll3
4.4 DESIGNS 118
4.4.1 Preliminary Surveys 119
4.4.2 Initial Manipulation Experiments 120
4.4.3 Oil Feasibility Experiments 138
4.4.4 Oil Impact Experiments 141
4.4.5 Recovery Experiments 153
4.5.1 Objectives, Factors and Treatments 154
4.5.2 Layouts and Number of Samples 155
Figure 1-1 Principal Trophic Relationships in Rocky/Cobble
Intertidal Habitat 10
Figure 3-1 An Example of the Problems Encountered in Non-
Stratified Sample Surveys 38
Figure 3-2 Relation of Residual Error, Observation, and
Effect Estimate Probability Density Functions
for a Fixed Effect Model 47
Figure 3-3 Probability Densities of the F Statistic Used To
Test the General Linear Hypothesis 58
Figure 3-4 Number of Treatments Required in a Single Factorial
Replicate vs. Number of Experimental Factors 69
Figure 3-5 Example of the Application of Randomization to
an Experimental Design 72
Figure 3-6 Example of Quadrat Location Problems Posed by
Petroleum Treatments 77
Figure 3-7 Design Parameters Affecting the Risk Associated
with an F-test of the Linear Hypothesis H 83
Figure 3-8 Plot of Type II vs. Type I Error Probabilities
for a Particular Experimental Layout (adapted
from Figure 4-6b) 86
Figure 3-9 Plot of Normalized Risk vs. Significance Level
for Various Relative Cost Alternatives 87
Figure 3-10 Feasibility Evaluation for a 4x2x2x2 Layout
Figure 4-1 F-test Power vs. Normalized "predator effect" (A/ag)
with Different Numbers of Replicates in a 4 x 23
Complete Block Layout 126
Figure 4-2a Detectable Change as a Percentage of the Mean for
IJ. Glandula vs. Number of Replicates for Different
Powers in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 128
Figure 4-2b Detectable Change as a Percentage of the Mean for
Rhodymenia palmata vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 129
Figure 4-2c Detectable Change as a Percentage of the Mean for
Odonthalis dentata vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 129
Figure 4-2d Detectable Change as a Percentage of the Mean for
Mytilus edulis vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 129
Figure 4-2e Detectable Change as a Percentage of the Mean for
Nucella lamellosa vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 129
Figure 4-3 Delta vs. Replicates for Different Values of a
in 4 x 23 Complete Block Experimental Layout 131
Figure 4-4 Detectable Change in B^. glandula as a Percentage of
the Mean vs. Replicates of a 4 x 23 Complete Block
Layout for Power of .85 and Various Levels of Sig-
nificance (a) 132
Figure 4-5 Power vs. Alpha for Detecting Different Levels of
Change in ~&. glandula with Four Replicates of a
4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 134
Figure 4-6a Power vs. Alpha for Different Values of A/a with
Four Replicates of 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout 135
Figure 4-6b Power vs. Alpha for Different Values of A/ae with
Twenty Replicates of 4 x 23 Complete Block Layouts 135
Figure 4-7 Marginal Sensitivity of Residual Error Standard
Deviation to Replicates for Power .85 and Different
Levels of Detectable Change in a 4 x 23 Complete
Block Experimental Layout 137
Figure 4-8 Conceptual Representation of the "Smearing" Problem
Associated With Using Oil as a Factor (Scale is
Arbitrary) 139
Figure 4-9 F-test Power vs. A/ae for Testing Interaction Hypo-
thesis in a 2 x 2 Complete Block Layout 147
Figure 4-10 Detectable Percent Change in Mean of IJ. glandula
Due to Interaction Effect vs. Replicates for
Different Levels of Power in 2 x 2 Complete Block
Layouts 148
Figure 4-11 Detectable Change Due to Interaction vs.
Replicates at Different Values of ae in 2 x 2
Complete Block Layout 149
Figure 4-12a Power vs. Alpha for Different Levels of A/ae
with Eight Replicates of 2 x 2 Complete Block
Figure 4-12b Power vs. Alpha for Different Levels of A/ae
with Forty Replicates of 2 x 2 Complete Block
Experiment 151
Figure 4-13 Marginal Sensitivity of ae to Replicates at Different
Levels of Change for 2x2 Complete Block Experiments 152
Figure B-l Examples of Complete and Incomplete Block Layouts
Figure B-2 Example of Confounding for a 2x2x2 Layout
Table 3-1 Factorial Treatments for a 2 Factor Controlled
Table 3-2 Degree of Freedom Allocations for the General
Complete Block Factorial Model
Table 3-3 Analysis of Variance Table for the General
Complete Block Factorial Experiment
Table 4-1 Selected Species List for Zaikof Bay
Table 4-2 Taxonomic Groups Not Included in Selected
Species List for Zaikof Bay
Table 4-3 Zaikof Bay Data Set
Table 4-4 Statistics of Selected Species at Zaikof Bay
Table 4-5 Residual Error Variance for Selected Species
at Zaikof Bay Using One-Way ANOVA Model on
Tidal Elevation
Table 4-6 Power of F-Test on Main Effects for 4x2x2x2
Experimental Layout in the Case of A/a = l,a = .05
Table A-l Distributions of Mixed-Effect Test Statistics
Table B-l Comparison of Degree of Freedom Allocations for
Unconfounded and Completely Confounded Designs
Is it possible to design a field experiment that will yield ecologi-
cally and statistically significant information about how oil affects
intertidal ecosystems? What classes of experimental design and technical
approach are most likely to generate optimal information on these effects?
These questions arise in the process of gathering information to enable
prediction and assessment of impacts of oil and gas developments on marine
environments. Information is needed to support decisions regarding the
exploration and development of offshore petroleum resources; and regulations
must be established regarding leasing, operating and monitoring which permit
resource developments with maximum environmental protection. In order to
generate this information, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion (NOAA), with support from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
is conducting studies on the Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons
and Selected Toxic Metals in Marine Organisms and Ecosystems. This report
describes the results of one small part of this program aimed at answering
the questions raised above.
Field perturbation experiments intended to test and demonstrate the
effects of oil spills on intertidal habitats are one of several research
approaches which ultimately support environmental policy and regulatory
objectives. By their very nature these objectives raise "what if" questions
about petroleum resource developments. Comprehensive answers to these
questions must be based on generalizations derived from observations made
in field and laboratory studies. However, such generalizations are risky
unless causes of observed phenomena are understood. Consequently, an experi-
mental oil spill should be designed particularly to help improve our
understanding of causes of observed phenomena—a program which will support
the generalizations needed for policy decisions.
At the outset we point out features of our background and perspective
which we believe influence the results of our analysis. To begin with,
we are neither biologists nor field ecologists and our lack of such exper-
ience no doubt lends a certain naivete to some of our descriptions and
examples. Our point of view reflects our experience in "system science"—
modeling, estimation, experiment design, systems ecology and so on. We
believe that the task of designing an experiment is in many ways an engineer-
ing problem, requiring assumptions, predictions and hypotheses about as
yet unobserved events. Yet, this is only part of the problem and an
understanding of intertidal ecosystems and the behavior of oil is also
necessary. Where our own experience limits us in these areas, we have
sought input from knowledgeable persons. Specifically, we conducted a small
workshop as part of our research effort. The input received during and after
the workshop has been most valuable. Of course, we are solely responsible
-for errors of fact and judgment which remain in the report itself.
Some other aspects of our perspective warrant noting. We have attempt-
ed to prepare a report which is responsive to the needs of the field investi-
gator. Statistical design methods have not often appeared particularly
useful in field studies. Problems which .frequently arise include:
o Requirements for designs which require unrealistically
large numbers of samples.
0 Designs which yield data that do not verify ecological
differences which are visually obvious.
0 Designs which cannot be implemented due to variability
encountered at the experimental site.
In our opinion, these problems motivate the need for design criteria and
methods which are flexible and sequential. The field investigator must also
be willing to exercise considerable subjective judgment and not rely only
on traditional methods for developing experimental designs.
Finally, we have found this research effort to be almost overwhelming
at times. Much of the time we have operated at the boundaries of our under-
standing of the problem. There are so many pieces to the problem, and so
few that we know anything about; and even in the subject areas with which we
are familiar, the existing literature is massive. We make no apologies nor
excuses—we are simply venting our frustration.
In order to make this study manageable, several constraints were
placed on the scope of our analysis. First, the western Gulf of Alaska and
Puget Sound areas form the geographical regions of interest. Secondly,
we restrict ourselves to rocky intertidal habitats. To the extent that we
invoke examples and representations of specific community patterns and inter-
actions, we have in mind rocky intertidal shores typical of this restricted
geographical area. In many ways, however, these constraints do not limit
the scope of the results of our analysis; the criteria for experimental
design could be applied equally to other habitat types in other geographical
Pacific rocky intertidal shores have several characteristics which
make them a desirable focus for analysis. By lineal or areal measure they
are the dominant intertidal habitat for the Northwest and Alaskan Gulf
coast. Rocky shores are relatively well-studied, in general. Many surveys
and experimental studies of rocky habitats are reported in the literature.
(See Section 2.2 for references). Several accidental oil spills in rocky
areas have been observed, so we have some knowledge of how oil can affect
these systems. (See Section 2.3 for references.) More specifically, the
rocky shores in and near Puget Sound have been studied for over 10-15 years
by R. T. Paine and his co-workers at the University of Washington. As
Connell (1972) describes, rocky shores have several desirable features for
experimental analysis. Most importantly, the populations found in rocky
shore habitats are amenable to experimental manipulation in the field, thereby
allowing direct measurement of dynamic relationships between organisms. In
addition, rocky intertidal habitats provide an accessible and observable
environment in which to perform field studies to investigate ecosystem res-
ponses to environmental changes.
Our focus is the design of field studies which elucidate and quantify
causal relationships. With respect to oil, we are primarily concerned with
explaining less-obvious, subtle effects as well as visually obvious mortal-
ity due to smothering by massive coating of oil in an intertidal area. Our
interest is in determining the causes of effects, not only observing effects.
In many cases, these subtle effects might occur over the long-term, which
would require experiments lasting over periods of years simply for the
effects to exhibit themselves. In such cases other sources of variability
or ecological interaction may mask the hypothesized effect such that
demonstration of causality becomes a statistical improbability. Such long-
term objectives and experiments may furthermore, be quite expensive, thereby
rendering the experimental spill approach infeasible for such objectives.
Whether to implement a "controlled" oil spill involves important
scientific and policy questions. We have restricted this report to the
scientific feasibility of such a study. However, other important questions
concerning site selection, potential environmental impacts, and permitting
must also be addressed before this kind of experiment should be implemented.
In our opinion, a scientific analysis and feasibility study should be part
of the input to the policy decision. This study may serve both as a guide
for experimental design of future field studies, and as a basis for policy
decisions on proposed studies of similar intent.
It is convenient at this point to introduce a standard statistical
terminology for the subject of experimental design. A number of the terms
frequently used in subsequent chapters are defined in a general way in
the list presented below. In some cases, more detailed or quantitative
definitions are provided when the relevant concepts have been discussed
more thoroughly.
Controlled Experiment - As we use the term, a controlled experiment
is a study designed to identify causal relationships between observed
dependent variables (e.g., species abundance) and various independent
variables (e.g., tidal elevations, substrate composition, time of year, etc.)
thought to affect these observations. The word controlled in this term
refers to the fact that some or all of the independent variables may be
manipulated or constrained by the experimenter.
Independent and Dependent Variables - These terms are used to ascribe
cause and effect to field variables investigated in a controlled experiment.
Independent variables represent the causes responsible for effects observed
in the dependent variables. Although causality can rarely be established
beyond a doubt, careful experimental design does permit an investigator to
infer it with reasonable likelihood.
Sample Surveys - This term refers to a field study intended to estimate
the mean of a particular population, without regard for causal factors.
Analytical Surveys - This type of survey is concerned with the compari-
son of the means of two or more populations. The population means of
interest are often species abundances (or similar ecological measures)
at two sites or at two times.
Sample Stratification - This is a procedure sometimes used to provide
better mean estimates in survey studies. It is based on the concept that
the population of interest is arranged, for various reasons, in distinct
strata or categories which account partially for observed variability.
Experimental Factor - This is a term assigned to an independent variable
being investigated in a controlled experiment. An experiment designed to
study such factors is called a factorial experiment.
Factor Level - The levels of a factor are used to classify or measure
the factor for experimental purposes. If the factor is quantitative, its
levels refer to particular values or ranges of values (e.g., tidal elevation
at a site may be divided into four levels corresponding to 0-1, 1-2, 2-4,
and 4-6 meters above mean lower low water). If the factor is qualitative,
its levels refer to several mutually.exclusive conditions (e.g., limpet
manipulation in a controlled experiment may be divided into two levels
corresponding to limpet exclusion and non-exclusion).
Experimental Unit - In our application, an experimental unit is a
small uniform area of the rocky shore site which forms the basic spatial
observation unit of the experiment. The term sampling quadrat is used
more or less synonymously.
Experimental Treatments - In factorial experiments, a treatment is
a particular combination of factor levels applied to an experimental unit
(e.g., limpet exclusion in the 1-2 meter tidal range is a distinct treatment
in an experiment having four tidal elevation levels and two limpet manipula-
tion levels).
Experimental Model - A mathematical description of an experiment which
relates dependent variable observations to the various treatments applied
to experimental units.
Treatment Effect - A treatment effect is the portion of a dependent
variable observation attributed by the experimental model to a particular
Residual Error - Residual error is defined here as the portion of
observation variability which cannot be explained by (attributed to)
experimental factors.
Nuisance Variable - A nuisance variable is any potentially important
independent variable which is not included as an experimental factor in a
controlled experiment.
Experimental Block - A block is a set of experimental units or quad-
rats grouped together for the purpose of minimizing the residual error
associated with a controlled experiment.
Randomization - Randomization is the process of allocating factorial
treatments randomly to experimental units within a particular block. This
is done to minimize the possibility of confusing the effects of nuisance
variables or other extraneous phenomena with the effects of factorial
Replicate - A replicate is the complete set of samples (or experi-
mental units) associated with all possible factorial treatments—one sample
for each treatment.
In a relatively narrow analytical sense the objective of experimental
design is to determine a set of cost-effective treatments, sample allocations
and data analysis methods which provide the researcher with an acceptable
probability of detecting a statistically significant effect when one exists.
More broadly, Cox (1958) distinguishes two aspects of experimental planning:
o Qualitative Aspects of Experimental Design - The choice of
observations (dependent variables), factors (independent
variables), randomization and blocking procedures, and
sampling quadrats to be used in a controlled experiment.
0 Quantitative Asj>ects^ of Experimental Design - The specification
of decision thresholds and/or penalty costs for computing
decision risk, the selection of the number of treatment levels
and replicates to be used, and the estimation of residual error
values to be used in evaluating experimental feasibility.
The qualitative aspects of experimental design involve statistical concepts
but are primarily dependent on the investigator's objectives and one's under-
standing of the ecological system under study. The judgments and skills
required here are quite application-dependent. The quantitative aspects of
experimental design are more closely related to the traditional methods of
mathematical statistics. The techniques required here are usually general
and relatively independent of the particular system and problem of interest.
We examine the application-dependent aspects of experimental design in
the intertidal environment in Chapter 2 and deal with more general statisti-
cal and mathematical questions in Chapter 3. This division is somewhat
arbitrary and is made primarily for convenience of presentation. In an actual
application, ecological and statistical design issues are closely related.
This is demonstrated in Chapter 4 where we present a synthesis of the methods
and design criteria developed in Chapters 2 and 3.
An extensive literature exists describing Pacific rocky shores. The
classical reference on Pacific shores is Ricketts, et al (1968).
Kozloff (1973) provides a useful guide to seashore life of Puget Sound and
nearby areas. Lewis (1964) is another classical reference based on the
rocky shores of the British Isles. An important review and synthesis
of experimental studies is presented by Connell (1972). The features we
describe below and assumptions we make about rocky shore communities are
largely based on our interpretation of these references and our own limited
excursions into rocky seashores.
Rocky shores are obviously recognizable. Surely there are transi-
tional zones that pose classification problems, but we are not concerned
with these. Our attention is focused on those areas which can be readily
identified as rocky intertidal. These areas are characterized by dominant
physical and biological features which we expect to find wherever rocky
shores occur. Some physical features, such as wave exposure, topography,
and orientation have a modifying effect from site to site.
Biologically, the characteristic feature of rocky shores is vertical
zonation (Lewis, 1964). Although most hypotheses about the cause of
vertical zonation emphasize tides, Connell (1972) convincingly demonstrates
the importance of biological interactions. In addition to vertical zona-
tion, patterns of species distribution also change in the horizontal,
correlated with gradients in water movement and degree of turbulence.
These physical factors and characteristic vertical and horizontal
distributions of organisms make rocky shores recognizable. We expect to
find these features. We also expect to find a high degree of variability
and small-scale patchiness in species abundance and distribution. Knowing
the details of species distribution at one site tells us very little about
exact species distribution at another. At any given location the specific
topography, orientation, wave exposure, rock size distribution and rock
type gives rise to the particular observed species composition, species
abundance, and exact tidal location and extent of zonation.
In addition to these descriptive features, certain functional processes
also characterize rocky shore ecosystems. Most important are characteristic
patterns of predation and competition. Although the particular species
involved in an interaction may vary among sites, Connell (1961) has shown
that rock surface area is the limiting resource exploited by groups of
organisms ("guilds"). Paine (1974) has shown that predation can be an
essential process in the allocation of this resource among competing species.
Other processes which play important roles in the community organization of
rocky shores are recruitment, settlement and vertical migration. Figure 1-1
shows a food web typical of a rocky shore community.
The foregoing description of rocky intertidal shores summarizes general
features which characterize these habitats. We leave the demanding task
of describing details to the many existing references available. We reiter-
ate that, although exact abundance and distribution of species varys among
sites, there are certain important features common to rocky shore habitats
and which allow us to make some assumptions and predictions about the struc-
ture and function of these communities. It will be evident that without
such information, the design of experiments would be a hopeless task. The
apparent complexity and variability of any natural rocky shore community
are formidable hurdles to studying and understanding observed community inter-
actions. However, these difficulties should not prevent us from formulating
and testing more general hypotheses explaining observed phenomena. The
point is succinctly made by Paine (1974):
"It is precisely because the dynamic interaction is
predictable that the rocky intertidal is a biologically rich
and vibrant community, one showing few signs of the lack of
organization and absense of important or visible processes that
one would associate with an ecologically stringent environment
continually disrupted by events of unpredictable timing,
position or magnitude (p. 118)."
Figure 1-1
Principal Trophic Relationships in
Rocky/Cobble Intertidal Habitat
In this chapter we develop ecological design criteria for experimental
oil studies in rocky intertidal habitats. Our goal is to establish a
basis for choosing experimental hypotheses, treatments, units and measure-
ments for performing ecologically and statistically valid field experiments
to investigate effects of oil. What we call "design criteria" are intended
to be useful guidelines for both field investigators and administrators in
making decisions relating to experimental field studies of petroleum.
Application of these criteria to specific design decisions depend on exact
hypotheses to be tested (i.e., experimental objectives). We defer detailed
examples illustrating such applications to Chapter 4.
Ecological design criteria are the basis for choosing experimental
objectives, treatments, units and observations. They are largely qualitative
and subjective and represent the knowledge and wisdom gained by experience
working in the field. Our intent in this chapter is to distill from that
experience, as reported in the literature, guidelines which can be useful
in designing oil impact experiments. Our guidelines or criteria represent
common themes which emerge for us in our review of the literature with the
specific concern of designing oil impact field experiments. Our suggestions
are not hard and fast rules, but rather guideposts. Each individual
investigator's experience and judgment are always essential ingredients
and we make no attempt to replace these.
In the following discussion we do not present a comprehensive literature
review. Rather, we draw on existing reports to substantiate and document
particular points of di'scussion. We do indicate those references that
provide more comprehensive coverage of the literature. We begin with
consideration of reported experiments in rocky shore habitats. With this
backdrop we then turn to the particular problems of oil experiments.
In a survey of field experiments in intertidal habitats, Connell (1973)
defines the ideal experiment as one in which the investigator manipulates
one particular factor, while all others vary naturally. Although the in-
vestigator may only manipulate one variable, other causal factors may be
structured into the experiment as treatments by the use of blocking and
other devices. In theory all other naturally varying factors must be ran-
domized out to prevent systematic bias. This is a difficult task even in
small scale field systems. As Connell (1973) points out, it is difficult
to manipulate a rocky intertidal system on a large scale, and so usually
only small subsystems can be studied. The lack of control over naturually
varying factors often prevents the establishment of true experimental
controls or replicates. At best, the investigator may be able to observe
untreated reference areas.
Connell (1973) reviews reported experimental manipulations of the physi-
cal environment and the biological environment. He concludes that these
experiments demonstrate that the physical environment directly determines
the distribution of marine organisms mainly when it reaches extreme values.
In less extreme circumstances biological interactions are the principal
factors. Connell's review provides substantial evidence for the feasibility
and utility of performing field experiments which are ecologically and
statistically valid. He also suggests several guidelines for improving field
experiment methods. These include:
1. minimize experimental disturbances to the natural community;
2. establish "control" areas at the same time and closely
adjacent to the experimental ones;
3. observe replicate control and experimental units.
Subsequent to the literature reviewed by Connell, we find recent articles
by Paine (1974) and Dayton (1971, 1975) further illustrate the potential
value of valid field experiments in rocky shore habitats. Both of these
investigators focus primarily on the role of biological interactions in
determining observed patterns of species abundance and distribution on
rocky shores. The experimental methodology of these studies is important.
"A variety of experimental manipulations reveal an underlying dynamic nature"
(Paine, 1974). These manipulations are motivated by hypotheses regarding
well-defined functional subsystems of the whole community. Particular
attention is devoted to guilds exploiting the common resource "primary"
space, and the processes which allocate this resource. It is interesting
and important to note that the strength of these experiments is largely
due to the skillful use of subjective judgment in choosing treatments,
observations, and experimental units. Sophisticated statistical techniques
were not employed to choose the experimental design. In general, statis-
tical design techniques assist in evluating cost and information content
of alternative designs, by providing methods for assigning treatments to
units and choosing the number of units to use. However, statistical methods
cannot compensate for inadequate or improper selection of treatments,
observations, or units.
We draw four conclusions about field experiments in rocky shores from
our review of the studies discussed above. First, it is feasible to conduct
valid experiments in rocky shore habitats to test hypotheses about causal
relationships governing observed patterns of species abundance and distri-
bution, A great deal of work is required in planning and executing the
experiments, but the complexities and vagaries of field situations can be
dealt with. A common characteristic of successful experiments we have
reviewed is the focus of attention on particular physical and/or biological
factors acting on particular species or groups of species (guilds) and the
manipulation of specific relationships among these factors. For example,
Paine (1974) selected the predator-prey relationship between the mussel
Mytilus californianus and the starfish Pisaster ochraceus as a basis for
experimental investigation. Experimental manipulation of this functional
relationship reveals a predictable dynamic structure within the community.
This emerging "model" of the rocky shore contrasts (Paine, 1974) with an
alternate view that this community is relatively static and unpredictable,
controlled primarily by external physical factors. This latter "model" is
principally derived from descriptive surveys of rocky shore environments.
In a comprehensive review, Connell (1972) demonstrates further the impor-
tance of direct manipulation of relationships in determining relative
importance of causal factors governing patterns of species abundance and
distribution in rocky shores.
Secondly, there have been relatively few controlled manipulation
experiments carried out and reported in the literature. Corresponding to
the lack of field investigations, is the apparently small number of investi-
gators skilled in carrying out these experiments. The literature in this
area is dominated by the names of Connell, Paine and Dayton. R. T. Paine's
group at University of Washington appears to be the principal training
ground for investigators skillful in these kinds of experiments.
Thirdly, a critical problem in conducting these experiments is the
time frame over which governing phenomena exhibit themselves. Some of the
phenomena of interest especially related to recovery processes occur on
time scales of years, so that the rate of new information produced may be
slow relative to current rates of resource development decisions. Irregu-
larity of larval settlement and recruitment can be a particularly troublesome
problem. An essential part of understanding impacts of oil spills is the
process of community recovery. This is in part governed by recuitment
success which can be highly variable from species-to-species and from year-
to-year for a given species. Dayton (1971) concludes that his inability
to confirm previous experimental results of Pisaster removal reported by
Paine (1966) was the result of differences in Mytilus settlement during the
years in which the experiments were conducted. Experiments designed to
investigate these phenomena are likely to require several years of obser-
vations to yield ecologically and statistically valid results. There is
little, if nothing, that can be done about this characteristic of field
studies; it is an inherent property of the biological processes controlling
natural community structure and function. Policy makers must learn to accept
this reality.
Fourthly, much remains to be learned about the processes governing
species abundance and distribution in natural rocky shores, much less
understanding the effects of oil. The studies discussed above have provided
important insights to the dynamic processes occurring in these systems,
but each experiment must focus on a limited aspect of the whole community.
Many phenomena remain unstudied. This lack of basic understanding severely
limits the scope of hypotheses and experimental designs about oil which we
can investigate in biologically and statistically meaningful ways.
An extensive volume of literature exists on the biological effects of
oil. Many reviews exist. Interested readers are referred to NAS (1975),
Boesch et al (1974), Moore and Dwyer (1974) and most recently Malins (1977) and
Wolfe (1977). This latter volume provides an excellent review based on more
recent results, which benefit from significantly improved experimental
procedures and analytical methods, especially chemical. Much of the work
reported prior to 1973 (marked by the NAS Workshop, see NAS, 1975) does not
benefit from accurate, quantitative chemical analyses and therefore is of
considerably less value. In spite of this extensive literature, much remains
to be learned about the effects of oil. An assessment of research needs
is presented in Wolfe (1977). However, sufficient experience exists to
categorize the effects of oil and suggest types of hypotheses suitable for
further experimental investigation.
It is important to recognize that oil and organisms are interrelated.
Organisms modify the characteristics of oil and, of course, oil has effects
on the plants and animals themselves. Biological transfers and transfor-
mations may profoundly alter both the chemical nature of petroleum hydro-
carbons, and the distribution of hydrocarbons in the environment. Effects
of oil are exhibited at many levels of biological organization: cellular
up to community. In this report we distinguish among sub-organism, organism
and population (community) level effects. The specific actions of petroleum
hydrocarbons occur at the sub-organism level and are exhibited as changes
in organism function, especially growth, reproduction and mortality. These
effects propagate through populations and communities of organisms, modulated
by the complex processes governing ecosystem structure. The initial response
to oil exposure and subsequent recovery of species abundance and distribution
are of primary interest in field studies.
Corresponding to the foregoing differentiations we use the following
categories to describe the fate and effects of petroleum hydrocarbons:
1. Biotransformations
2. Lethal and sublethal organism level effects
3. Population/community effects
Biotransformations are the organism effects on the structure of petro-
leum hydrocarbons. By a variety of mechanisms organisms can take-up these
chemicals. Metabolic processes may cause changes in the chemical structure
of the hydrocarbons. Some organisms demonstrate significant storage of
hydrocarbons and metabolic conversion products. The contaminating sub-
stances are discharged in different forms. In Wolfe (1977) several authors
discuss details of biotransformation processes and review existing literature.
Note that foodweb transfers and tissue contamination are observable effects
of these biotransformation processes.
Exposure to hydrocarbons can have a variety of lethal and sublethal
effects exhibited on whole organisms. Direct lethal effects can result
from poisoning (toxicity) or mechanical smothering and interference with
organism function. Water soluble aromatic hydrocarbons are the apparent
cause of toxic effects (for example, see Rice, et al in Wolfe, 1977).
Smothering is primarily caused by the higher molecular weight hydrocarbons,
such as "tars." Sensitivity of individual organisms to petroleum hydro-
carbons is a complex function of many factors including composition and
amount of hydrocarbons, length of exposure and life stage. Accurately
measuring toxicity of hydrocarbons is a difficult task in the laboratory
(see, for example, Rice, Short and Karinen or Anderson in Wolfe, 1977).
Predictions of organism responses in field situations are extremely uncer-
tain. Little is known about the correlation between LC levels as
measured in bioassay tests, and levels of hydrocarbons causing observable
effects in the field.
Sublethal effects are abnormal responses of an organism to concentra-
tions of hydrocarbons that are below lethal concentrations measured as the
amount required to kill 50% of the test organisms in 96 hours (96 hour LC__
or 96 hour TLM). Anderson (in Wolfe, 1977) categorizes studies of sublethal
effects as histological studies, physiological studies, behavioral studies
and studies of growth and reproduction. Under physiological studies he
includes investigations of respiration, osmoregulation, feeding and nutri-
tion. We adopt the point of view expressed by Anderson (in Wolfe, 1977)
that growth and reproduction are the most valuable parameters for measuring
sublethal effects of oil. Sublethal effects not ultimately expressed as
changes in organism growth and reproduction may be scientifically interesting,
but are not likely to be environmentally significant, with one exception.
Hydrocarbon contamination of tissues ("tainting") is of interest, no matter
what other effects are exhibited.
Population and community effects are changes in patterns of species
abundance, composition and distribution. They result from the propagation
of lethal and sublethal effects on organisms through the ecological system.
Community changes can also occur due to habitat alterations, such as rock
substrate coating by oil, which prevents settlement and colonization of
space by organisms. It is useful to recall that observed patterns of species
abundance and distribution arise from complex processes involving physical
and biological factors. Oil is an additional factor which is superimposed
on naturally occurring processes. To fully understand the effects of oil,
we must have some understanding of the cause-effect relationships which
function in the absence of oil.
As a guide for further definition of testable hypotheses about
effects of oil, we turn to results of field studies made following acciden-
tal oil spills. These observations suggest correlations between exposure to
oil and changes in species abundance and distribution. These correlations
can, in turn, lead to hypotheses; and experiments can be designed to test
these hypotheses.
The most frequently reported observation of changes in species distri-
bution patterns following oil spills is an alteration in abundance and
distribution of algal species and related dominant herbivores. Nelson-Smith
(1972) summarizes observation of algal-herbivore responses following the
Torrey Canyon and Tampico Maru spills, several spills in Milford Haven, and
field experiments conducted at the Orielton Field Station in England.
Clark et al (1975) describe adverse effects of diesel oil spilled from the
General M.C. Meigs on intertidal plants and on sea urchins. Thomas (in
Wolfe, 1977) documents a long-term effect of bunker C oil spilled in Cheda-
bucto Bay on fucoid algae. These effects have been attributed in different
cases to toxic effects and non-toxic (smothering) lethal effects. In any
case, recovery has typically involved a sequence of species recolonizing the
affected areas. As described by Boesch et al (1974):
"Particularly if herbivorous invertebrates are killed,
green algae (e.g., Enteromorpha and Ulva) will rapidly reoolonize
denuded intertidal rooks, producing a characteristic "green
phase. " This will gradually be replaced with a cover of brown
fucoid algae, which are more robust. If the fucoids are not
grazed they may form a thick cover that inhibits the reestab-
lishment of the usual fauna of mussels and barnacles. The
recovery of herbivore populations and consequent reestablishment
of an algae/grazer balance are necessary for the complete recovery
of the system." (p. 17)
Vide spread mortality over many invertebrate taxa has only been report-
ed in a few cases. Most notable are the Tampico Maru and West Falmouth
spills of fuel oils. Also, high rates of mortality were reported from the
application of toxic dispersants used in the clean-up of the Torrey Canyon
spill. Effects of crude oil spills apparently are primarily the result of
physical effects such as coating and smothering. Organisms show varying
sensitivities to these mechanical effects. For example, Straughan (1971)
reports that Chthamalus, a high intertidal barnacle species was completely
covered by oil after the Santa Barbara spill and suffered high mortality.
A taller barnacle species survived because it projected above the coating
of oil. In field experiments with crude oil, Crapp (1971) concluded that
experimental oiling of a rocky shore did not damage plants or animals,
except where the thick "atmospheric residue" of crude oil physically dis-
lodged periwinkles and other gastropods (e.g., Thais). Ranwell (1968)
reports significant oil-smothering mortality among algae and invertebrate
species along rocky shores following the Torrey Canyon spill.
Boesch et al (1974) suggests that organisms having a natural coating of
mucilage or mucus, such as macroalgae and anemones, are less affected by
oil because it does not adhere to their surfaces. North (1964) reports
that a green anemone was one of the few surviving species following the
Tampico Maru. At Santa Barbara certain algae were not as heavily damaged
as intertidal surfgrass (Nicholson and Climbert, 1971). However, at Cheda-
bucto, Thomas (in Wolfe, 1977) reports that oil was observed to adhere
tenaciously to seaweeds from the upper intertidal zone, leading to extensive
mortality to Fucus spiralis. Clark et al (1973) describe severe damage to
the physical structure of a laminarian seaweed and tissue bleaching of
several other intertidal algal species.
Observations of patterns and length of recovery from oil spills are
more varied than reports of the extent of initial impacts. Recovery
patterns depend on the extent of initial mortality, the persistence of
the spilled oil, and community recolonization and development processes.
In cases of widespread mortality such as the Tampico Maru, recovery can
apparently take ten years or more. When less extensive mortality occurs,
recovery depends on the particular species affected and their role in
community structure. Clark, et al (1973) conclude from observations at
Wreck Cove and at other spills that loss of algae can have profound effects
on other organisms, not directly affected by the oil. Certain species of
algae act as habitat formers, providing food and shelter for certain inter-
tidal animals. Furthermore, disturbance of algal-herbivore balances can
lead to wide-ranging shifts in species abundance and distribution. Un-
usually dense growth of algae occurred after the elimination of herbivorous
gastropods following the Torrey Canyon spill (Smith, 1968) and the elimi-
nation of sea urchins following the Tampico Maru spill (North, 1964).
Return to a distribution of species similar to the pre-spill conditions
can take several years and depends on the success of larval settlement
and re-establishment of adult populations of the herbivores.
The recovery process subsequent to the Chedabucto spill has followed
a different pattern than other cases (Thomas, in Wolfe, 1977). Sporelings
of fucoid algae have repeatedly settled in the upper intertidal zone but have
not survived to an identifiable size. In Chedabucto Bay this zone is nor-
mally dominated by Fucus spiralis. Below this zone Fucus vesiculosus
dominates. Following the spill the upper limit of this species was depressed
and over a 4-6 year period has returned to successively higher levels, as
surface oil cover decreased. Thomas (in Wolfe, 1977) attributes the delay in
recovery of F. spiralis to persistent toxicity of oil. However, virtually no
data is available on the chemical characteristics of the persistent hydro-
carbons. Thomas (in Wolfe, 1977) also notes a "minor contraction" of the
range of the periwinkle Littorina obtusata. This observation is attributed to
the disappearance of its algal habitat in the upper part of its range.
We can find no reports of observation of recovery processes associated
with the disturbance of herbivore-carnivore balances. Apparently no
significant disruptions of carnivore population such as the starfish
Pisaster or the snail Thais have been observed.
Persistent contamination of an area by oil may prolong recovery by
causing a continuing mortality or by preventing recolonization. At Santa
Barbara settlement of barnacle larvae were observed within three months of
the spill. On the other hand, fucoid sporelings continue to die-off after
settling in Chedabucto Bay seven years after the spill event. North (1964)
reports that three months after the Tampico spill the cove affected appear-
ed "fresh and clean." However, chemical data are not available. Oil
residues were observed for two and a half years following the wreck of
the Meigs (Clark et al, 1975).
Oil stranded on rocky shores may weather to an asphaltic residue on
rock surfaces. Barnacles recolonized this surface at Santa Barbara (re-
ported in Boesch et al (1974). However, Chan (1973) reports that recolonization
did not occur on weathered oil. Blumer et al (1973) discuss the processes
governing the weathering of Stranded Crude oil.
Very little data have been reported on the persistence of hydrocarbons
in organism tissue following a single spill of crude oil. Clark et al (1975)
describe long-term studies in a rocky shore habitat following a spill of
fuel oil. They were unable to determine if persistent contamination for
2-1/2 years resulted from periodic recontamination or the original large
petroleum uptake immediately following the spill from the Meigs. Several
authors have reported on the persistence of oil contamination by #2 fuel
oil at West Falmouth (see, for example, Michael, et al, 1975). Lee (in Wolfe,
1977) summarizes amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons in bivalves measured by
several investigators. Based on these reports he suggests that bivalves
can be useful for monitoring petroleum inputs. He observes that in an oil
spill area or in areas of chronic oil pollution, the hydrocarbon composition
of bivalves reflects the concentration and relative amounts of different
hydrocarbons in water.
Gilfillanet al (1976) report laboratory and field measurements which
suggest certain effects of hydrocarbon contamination of organisms on
animal physiology. A carbon budget for soft-shell clams exposed for
several years to #6 fuel oil was estimated and compared to an unoiled
population. The net gain of carbon by the oiled population was 50% of
that gained by the unoiled population.
The effects discussed above are not all suitable for study in field
experiments. Large variability is characteristic of field situations and
prevents the biological and chemical control necessary for elucidating
cellular mechanisms such as associated with biotransformations of petroleum
hydrocarbons. Monitoring hydrocarbon levels in tissues of organisms collect-
ed in the field is not unusual. However, cause-effect relationships at
this level of biological organization are properly the subject of laboratory
studies. As Connell (1973) argues:
"If questions are asked at the individual or lower levels,...
then laboratory experiments are completely appropriate. It is
only when the question concerns the behavior of the population
in naturej...that laboratory experiments are less useful than
field experiments." (p. 50)
Following Connell's discussion we believe that the primary focus of experi-
mental studies of oil in the field should be on population and community
effects. Of course, such experiments may require measurement of organism
and sub-organism variables, but hypotheses to be tested should concern
patterns of species abundance and distribution. Understanding foodweb
transfers will ultimately require field studies, but in our opinion, the
current literature makes clear that too little is understood at sub-organism
level to expect field experiments to yield significant information about
causal relationships governing rates and routes of hydrocarbon transfer.
However, field observation may provide data which are useful in choosing
and designing appropriate laboratory experiments.
We find it useful to differentiate between two kinds of hypotheses
about effects of oil on patterns of species abundance and distribution.
These are hypotheses about: 1) "immediate" or "initial" impacts of oil;
and 2) patterns of recovery following an oil spill.
Specific hypotheses regarding the initial impacts of oil are included
within the following generic question.
What amounts and compositions of oil accuse a detectable change in
density of selected species?
This question could be restated as a hypothesis in terms
of the reduction in density associated with different levels of
oil. We use the word "oil" to refer to any hydrocarbon mixture.
By applying "oils" of different hydrocarbon composition, toxic
and non-toxic lethal effects can be differentiated. It is useful
to select the type and levels of treatment in accordance with
laboratory data. If LCso data are available for the species
under study, then treatments can include levels of oil corres-
ponding to the known LCrn-
For mobile species, reductions in density may occur from
direct lethal effects or due to behavioral response to avoid
the contaminated area. Differentiating such responses may require
installation of experimental devices and/or specialized measure-
ments to prevent or detect avoidance reactions.
Recovery processes encompass a much larger range of phenomena and are
generally exhibited over time periods measured in years. We include ques-
tions regarding effects of long term chronic exposures under studies of
recovery processes, because the length of time involved necessarily means
that many of the same ecological phenomena are involved. Unlike the problem
of initial impacts, no single generic question can be posed which can be
used as a guide to devising specific hypotheses about recovery.
However, we can disaggregate the problem into several parts and
identify questions applicable to particular species of interest.
0 Does the presence of oil affect the recruitment and settlement of
individuals into contaminated areas? How long does full recovery
Note that if oil persists in the area at levels lethal
to the species of interest, then the recovery process is delayed,
because new recruits cannot survive to become mature adults.
Also the degree of mortality suffered may influence the recovery
0 What is the response of populations not directly affected by the
oil3 "but ecologically linked^ to species which are affected?
For example, algal "blooms" have been frequently reported
following reductions by oil in herbivore densities. Many as-
pects of the phenomena require further investigation, e.g.,
What is the response to various changes in herbivore density?
Also, little is known about the response for other guild
0 How long do various types of oil persist as contaminants to various
Persistence of oil can be expected to alter recovery
processes as mentioned above. Experiments may indicate deter-
mination of which species are affected chemically by persistence
and which are affected physically by persistence.
0 How does the spatial scale of a disturbance affect the rate and
sequence of recovery?
The spatial extent of an oil treatment may affect the process
of recuitment. If recruits are derived from the local population,
then the number of survivors may influence the rate of recolonization.
The foregoing questions represent generic aspects of the effects of
oil spills which may be studied by field experiments. We consider them to
be a set of general experimental objectives, for which specific designs may
be developed. Examples of such specific designs are presented in Chapter A.
Identifying a testable hypothesis is only one step towards designing
an experiment. We must also choose experimental treatments and
units which yield suitable data for actual analysis and hypothesis testing.
Several characteristics of oil complicate the field experiment problem and
lead to difficulties in obtaining desired experimental treatments.
First, oil as it occurs in an oil spill is not a naturally varying
factor. It is in this amount and composition a foreign substance in most
rocky shores. Unlike manipulation of, say, predator density, an oil spill
is a disturbance for which the community has no historical precedent.
Although hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the marine environment, organisms
have not evolved in the presence of this factor in the amounts and compo-
sitions associated with spills. The fact that oil is a foreign substance
does not invalidate properly designed experiments. However, choice of
the experimental treatments, observations and units and interpretation of
results may be more difficult because we have relatively little definitive
knowledge with which to develop testable hypotheses.
Secondly, oil is pervasive, not selective in its effects. Oil directly
and simultaneously may affect physical variables, (e.g., substrate area),
the chemical environment, and the biological environment (e.g., increase/
mortality). Because of the pervasiveness of oil effects, designing experi-
ments which allow particular relationships to be investigated appears to
be extremely difficult. Oil cannot be indiscriminately applied and expected
to exhibit only selective effects of interest to the investigator. Even
when experimental objectives are carefully selected, it may not be possible
to devise treatments and units which confine oil physically and chemically
to desired spatial units or to only species within a given unit.
Another difficult characteristic of oil is its complex chemical com-
position. Oil is not a single uniform substance. It is a mixture of
many different hydrocarbon compounds of different molecular weight and
structure. As a result of different chemical properties (solubility,
vapor pressure, etc.), each compound has different biological effects.
Oils from different origins are different mixtures of hydrocarbons so
their biological effects also vary. In order to assess the biological
effects of oil and compare different oils, detailed chemical analyses
must be obtained. The chemical problems and measurements associated with
studies of biological effects of oil have been recently discussed by Rice,
Short, and Karinen (in Wolfe, 1977) and other authors in the same volume. In
short, any experiment using oil as a treatment must include a measurement
of hydrocarbon composition by type (e.g., paraffin, aromatic3 etc.) and
molecular weight throughout the duration of the experiment.
Part of the chemical complexity of oil is its instability in natural
environments. The volatility, solubility and biodegradability of lower
molecular weight hydrocarbons leads to rapid "weathering" of spilled oil,
i.e., rapid changes in the hydrocarbon composition of the spilled material.
As a result, an oil "treatment" is not constant; it is time-varying,
further complicating the experimental problem. Again, carefully detailed
chemical analyses are a necessary part of any investigation of the biolo-
gical effects of oil. Chemical data throughout the course of an experiment
provide the only way of accurately describing the kind and amounts of
chemicals to which organisms are exposed.
Finally, we return to the problem of having relatively poor a priori
information about causal relationships in rocky shore communities—with
or without oil. As a result, our hypotheses are uncertain and the models
upon which we base experimental designs are uncertain. Part of the design
problem is to evaluate the trade-off between the likelihood of obtaining
ecologically and statistically significant information and the potential
value of the information, given the costs. If our a priori understanding
of the phenomena is highly uncertain, the probability of obtaining signifi-
cant results may be low for any acceptable experimental effort (cost).
In this case we are forced into a slow, iterative process of learning in
which many efforts may be unsuccessful and designs are largely ad hoc.
A high rate of information return cannot be expected.
Based on the foregoing discussion, we are pessimistic about the
potential for obtaining significant, valid results from field experiments
using oil as a treatment. One approach is to design experiments to study
oil effects, which do not actually include oil as an experimental treatment.
The validity of this approach, which we explore in an example in Section
4.4.3, depends on the particular hypotheses under investigation. Another
possible way to deal with the problem may be to carry out experiments,
very limited in scope, in which the subsystems under study are restricted
to experimental units which are of the order of square centimeters in area
and encompass only a few organisms. By reducing the scale of the experi-
ment, this approach may increase the controllability and reduce the varia-
bility of all factors in the experiment, including oil. Of course, inferences
from such experiments are correspondingly restricted to more limited popula-
tions, further reducing the rate of information return, but increasing the
validity of the observations. Determining spatial scale of oil treatment
experiments is a necessary prerequisite to conducting impact and recovery
experiments. The design of feasibility experiments is discussed in Section
Given our experimental objective of investigating causal relationships
governing patterns of species abundance and distribution in the presence
of oil disturbances, we adopt an approach similar to Dayton (1975) and
Paine (1974) for choosing experimental units and observations. We begin
by dividing the community of rocky shore organisms into species groups
("guilds") according to their functional role in the community. Examples
of guilds are the barnacle-mussel-anemone-sponge complex, large benthic
algae, herbivores, detrital feeders and predators (starfish, Thais, etc.).
The actual species constituting a particular guild may vary from location
to location, depending on specific local conditions such as wave energy,
slope, orientation and splash. Preliminary experiments at a site may be
required to describe the species and their relationships in the absence
of oil. Examples of experiments based on guild linkages are Paine's studies
of the relationship between the mussel Mytilus Californianus and its predator,
the starfish Pisaster ochraceus (Paine, 1974); and Dayton's studies of
algal-herbivore-carnivore linkages in the intertidal zone (Dayton, 1971
and 1975). Focusing our attention on small groups of functionally related
species is one way of limiting the scope of experiments and working with a
defined subsystem of the rocky shore.
After choosing a subsystem for experimental manipulation, we must define
the actual experimental units which will receive various treatments.
Dayton (1971), Connell (1961) and Paine (1971) describe experimental
devices such as wire cages and "roofs" for including and/or excluding
certain species. These devices constitute experimental units and typically
have an area of 1/64 to 1/4 m2. Experimental units otherwise consist of
standard square sampling quadrats equal in areal size to the manipulation
devices. We have previously pointed out difficulties which may arise with
confinement of oil to experimental units. We discuss this problem further
in the context of example designs in Section 4.4.2.
The choice of quadrat or unit size is open to some question. Elliott
(1971) points out that the choice of quadrat size is a compromise between
statistical and practical requirements. He argues that, in general,
smaller sampling units lead to more accurate and representative results.
However, this depends on the pattern of spatial distribution among organisms.
If organisms are randomly distributed in space, then all quadrat sizes are
equally efficient in the estimation of population parameters (e.g., mean
and variance). If clumping occurs, then the effect of quadrat size depends
on the scale of clumping. The choice of quadrat size will depend on the
scale of clumping one wants to observe. Typically quadrat sizes of 1/64
to I/A meters squared (m2) have been found effective in rocky intertidal
sampling. The larger size requires significantly more effort in sorting
and enumerating samples in the laboratory than smaller quadrats of say
1/64 m . In the final analysis, the choice of quadrat size and shape will
largely depend on the experience and judgment of the investigator, as applied
to the particular vagaries of the site in question.
Given the kinds of hypotheses with which we are concerned the primary
observations of interest are abundances of selected species within each
experimental unit. In general, abundance may be measured by percent
coverage, counts and/or wet weight.
The three principle methods of measurement are non-destructive measure-
ment, photographic, and destructive collections. The occupation of space
can be measured photographically, as described by Connell (1970) and
Dayton (1971). Because photographs provide a permanent record of numbers,
sizes, and surface area covered by many species, we recommend their use.
Destructive collections should be avoided because of the gradual elimina-
tion of the experimental units and possible effect of the measurement
method itself on the community structure.
Percent coverage measurements, which are significantly easier than
direct counts, may be adequate for numerically dominant sessile species.
This is particularly true for dense stands of small organisms, because
percent coverage measurements are less variable than numbers of individuals
in such cases. For example, mussels may cover virtually 100% of the space
in a particular area and have densities as high as several thousand indivi-
duals per meter. However, counts of individuals occurring within a quadrat
within the zone can show high variability, because individual organisms
can be quite small (<1.5 cm) and utilize "secondary" space, as well as
"primary" space. Data reported by Paine (1974) and Zimmerman and Merrill
(1976) demonstrate the extent of variation characteristic of mussels.
In spite of these advantages, percent coverage measurements are not
always appropriate. Rare species or small organisms which do not occur in
dense clusters may be missed using percent coverage. Where such species
are of interest, enumeration by counting is necessary.
In addition to measurements of species, observations of other variables
may be necessary. In Section 2.4 we noted the importance of measuring
amount and composition of hydrocarbons in substrates, water column and
organism tissues. Other environmental variables such as tidal elevation
exposure, temperature, etc. may also be of interest in particular experi-
In this chapter we have identified criteria for choosing experimental
objectives, treatments, measurements and units for conducting field experi-
ments on the effects of oil. These choices constitute what we call the
ecological design guidelines and depend on the objective of the study, the
intended users of the data and the investigator's understanding of the
specific site of the experiment. Because we have not narrowed our analysis
to a specific experimental site and because of the multitude of possible
specific hypotheses to be tested we have not attempted to exhaustively
enumerate possible designs. Rather, our intention has been to provide
some guidelines for designing a particular experiment. The statistical
design problem, which is in part dependent on these choices, is described
in Chapter 3; and specific examples are given in Chapter 4. The following
statements summarize the design guidelines we have explored in this
Choose a small sub-system of the rooky shore habitat which is
observable and controllable.
Sub-system size is measurable taxonomically (number of
species included) and spatially. Experiments should be con-
ducted on a scale such that treatments and manipulations are
under the investigators control. If experimental, untreated
"controls" cannot be established, the experiment should not
be undertaken. The number of species included in the experi-
ment should be kept small as possible. This is a highly
subjective and difficult decision (Paine 1974). Focusing
interest on species guilds can facilitate this decision.
The major disadvantage of reducing the size of the experi-
mental system is that generalizations to larger systems are
necessarily restricted. Therefore, the rate of information
return from the experiments is reduced. As understanding of
the processes governing the system increases, larger sub-
systems can be defined for experimentation.
Minimize the experimental disturbance to the natural system.
Connell (1973) discusses the importance of this criterion
for field studies. Unnecessary disturbances can obscure
effects of interest and confound experimental results. We have
previously discussed problems associated with using oil as an
experimental treatment. The difficulty is in part due to the
indiscriminate nature of the disturbance caused by oil.
0 Focus experimental objectives on population/'community effects,
not at the level of the individual or lower.
We have discussed this criterion previously in Section
2.3. We reiterate that measurement of organism and sub-
organism variables may be required, but that hypotheses to be
tested should concern patterns of species abundance and
0 Experiments which include oil treatments should include careful
measurement of hydrocarbon composition and levels in substrates,
water column and organism tissues.
The complex chemical properties of oil can only be account-
ed for by careful monitoring throughout an experiment. In fact,
the continually changing chemical characteristics of oil make it
difficult to control. It is not a constant experimental treat-
ment. Observed biological responses must be related to the
organism's exposure^ not the original treatment of oil.
<> Formulate testable hypotheses about specific species3 relation-
ships and treatments.
This may be the most important guideline in this list.
Refining the experimental objectives into statistically test-
able hypotheses will naturally elucidate the treatments and
measurements required in the experiment. Therefore, the
feasibility of the experiment can be more readily evaluated.
In principle, it would seem that most of the statistical concepts of
traditional experimental design theory could be easily applied to inter-
tidal ecological investigation. Systematic methods for laying out sampling
networks and collecting experimental data have been used for years in
agricultural research studies which are superficially similar to inter-
tidal field experiments (Fisher, 1926; Fisher, 1935). Natural marine
ecosystems are, however, much more variable and difficult to control than
the cultivated ecosystems of agricultural experimentation. This situation
is complicated further when petroleum is introduced, either intentionally
or accidentally, into the field experiment. It is practically impossible
to control or confine petroleum treatments to the simple sampling grids
and quadrats used in agricultural studies. It is difficult to even define
the extent of spilled oil as it spreads across the experimental site and
undergoes physico-chemical changes. These difficulties can limit the
applicability of traditional sampling methods to petroleum impact studies,
requiring the statistically-minded experimenter to be particularly creative
in his approach to experimental design.
Because of the potential design problems associated with petroleum-
related experiments, it is appropriate to pose a few pointed questions
about the relevance of statistical design criteria:
o To what extent can traditional experimental design methods
be applied to intertidal and particularly to petroleum-
related field studies?
° What standards must be met for a particular intertidal
experiment to be statistically valid?
0 How much effort (or cost) must an investigator spend to
verify that a particular ecological impact is statistically
Before these questions can be properly answered (they are reviewed in
Section 3.4), we must examine more closely the techniques offered by
experimental design theory and the unique problems associated with inter-
tidal experimentation.
It is best to distinguish at the outset the statistical term controlled
experiment from other terms commonly used in ecological field research.
To the statistician, a controlled experiment is a study designed to
identify causal relationships between observed dependent variables (e.g.,
species counts) and various independent variables (e.g., tidal elevation,
time of year, etc.) thought to affect these observations. Although causality
can rarely be established beyond a doubt, careful experimental design does
permit an investigator to infer it with reasonable likelihood. The require-
ments of experimental statistics usually imply that some or all of the
independent variables investigated in an experiment be manipulated (i.e.,
controlled) so that their influence may be clearly defined. This aspect
of experimentation is closely related to the functionally-oriented approach
to ecological research outlined in Chapter 2.
The frequent emphasis on controlled experimentation found in the
statistical literature is not intended to minimize the importance of
statistical considerations in other type of field studies. Sample surveys
use statistical guidelines to derive sampling layouts for estimating the
abundance and distribution of an existing population, without regard for
causal factors (Kendall and Stuart, 1976, Chap. 39). Analytical surveys
(a term used by Cochran, 1953, Chap. 5) rely on statistical concepts to
provide layouts which can detect significant differences between two or
more populations. Both types of surveys are important in certain phases
of petroleum impact research and both are considered in more detail later
in this chapter. We do, however, place more emphasis on the design
of controlled experiments because we believe such experiments must
eventually be carried out before the effects of oil in the natural environ-
ment can be reliably predicted. The methods and feasibility of survey
sampling are well understood in benthic environments (e.g., Elliott, 1971)
but controlled experimentation in this environment has been less extensive
(Dayton, 1971; Connell, 1973). The concepts of control and experimental
manipulation clearly need to be more carefully examined before actual petro-
leura perturbation experiments are attempted.
Both experimental design and survey design are concerned with the
selection of sampling procedures and networks which maximize the amount
of information obtained in the field for a given expenditure of effort.
The particular type of information desired differs somewhat from case to
case, but the basic principle of optimizing information return is quite
general. For our purposes, an optimal design is one which gives better
information than other available designs having comparable cost. The
quality of experimental information is usually, but not exclusively,
measured in terms of statistical indicators such as the risk associated
with a decision or the uncertainty associated with an estimate. In abstract
terms, the problem of finding an optimal experimental design can be redvoed
to a search for controls, sampling layouts, replication strategies and
experimental protocols which minimize statistical risk or uncertainty.
This rather mathematical perspective should not overshadow the need for
good biological intuition and everyday common sense in experimental design.
The statistician's evaluation of risk and uncertainty is no better than
the mathematical framework he uses to describe the experiment. If mathe-
matical assumptions made for convenience or for lack of conflicting infor-
mation are inapprbpriate, then some important practical design considerations
may be overlooked. This is particularly true in the intertidal zone where
the introduction of petroleum may have unanticipated impacts. As seen in
our subsequent discussion there is no statistical merit in following a
standardized experimental design in the interest of objectivity when casual
observation reveals that a more innovative sampling procedure can yield
better information. This point is repeated frequently throughout the report.
Given that an investigator wishes to obtain the most information
possible for a given reserve of experimental resources (i.e., money, time,
manpower, etc.) it is natural to ask whether he should allocate all his
resources to a single comprehensive experiment or distribute them over a
series of smaller related experiments. The latter approach, known as
sequential experimentation, provides considerably more flexibility as well
as allowing the researcher to refine his experimental designs as new field
data gradually become available.
The best way to select a series of sequential experiments depends not
only on the investigator's objectives but also on the type of ecosystem and
perturbation under study. One possible approach to sequential design is
outlined in the Zaikof Bay example of Chapter 4. There the following
discrete experiment phases are defined:
1. Preliminary survey of the experimental site to determine
abundance distributions, community composition, and species
diversity (this information may be available in the liter-
ature for some sites).
2. Initial manipulation experiments designed to identify in
a qualitative way the factors responsible for observed
natural patterns of abundance (in the absence of petroleum).
3. Oil feasibility experiments or surveys to establish the
feasibility of applying and controlling petroleum as an
experimental treatment.
4. Oil impact experiments designed to establish the extent to
which oil is an influence on the temporal and spatial
variability of selected species.
5. Recovery experiments or surveys for a long-term follow-up
of the effects of an intentional or accidental spill.
This example is mentioned here only to illustrate how the sequential philo-
sophy may be applied to a practical oil spill impact assessment program.
Since there are few generalized guidelines for sequential design (except in
situations much simpler than intertidal research), the selection of the
experimental phases of a sequential program must rely heavily on the inves-
tigator's judgment. Once the broad outlines of a program are established,
more precise statistical methods can, in principle, be used to work out
the details of each component experiment or survey. This chapter reviews
relevant statistical concepts to determine their practical applicability
to intertidal field studies. Chapter 4 illustrates how these concepts can
actually be applied to specific experiments or surveys included in a
sequential research program.
3.2.1 Experimental Models
In order to apply statistical concepts to experimental design and
analysis we must have a clear and precise description of the experiment
which identifies the measurements and design parameters available to us as
well as potential sources of uncertainty and error. Such a description is
provided by a mathematical model which explicitly relates the observations
of interest (dependent variables) to various environmental factors (inde-
pendent variables) and error sources. One of the simplest examples of a
practical experimental model is provided by the following equation, which
decomposes a single observation (y..) into several parts:
y. . = y + a. + e. . (3-1)
where y.. = observation at quadrat (i,j)
y = mean of all observations
a. = effect of the i level of an environmental factor
thought to influence y..
e.. = residual error (portion of y.. not accounted for by y
or a.) for replicate j.
In an intertidal context, the observation y.. could represent the abundance
-LJ j.i
of a particular species (in number of individuals/m2) in the j quadrat
located at tidal elevation i. The single experimental factor of interest
would then be tidal elevation and the effect of elevation at level i would
be a.. The term level here refers to a particular value or classification
of the environmental factor of interest. Some typical examples are:
Tidal Elevation
Level Index (above MLLW)
i = 1 0 - 1 m.
i = 2 1 - 2 m.
i = 3 2 - 4 m.
i = 4 4 - 6 m.
Level Index Limpet Manipulation
i = 1 limpets not excluded
i = 2 limpets excluded
It is evident from these examples that a factor can be classified in a
fairly quantitative way (as with the tidal elevation increments listed) or
in a simpler qualitative way (limpets excluded or not). The decomposition
of observations into mean, effect and error provides us with a way to
distinguish the influence of particular experimental manipulations (factor
levels) from other extraneous variations in abundance. Although we do not
know the true values of p and a., we can estimate them from the observations
y.. (if we have enough observations). These effects estimates can then be
used to confirm or refute hypotheses about the relative importance of the
experimental factors under investigation.
The terminology used in the previous paragraph (e.g., factors, levels
and effects) is usually associated with controlled experiments and, in fact,
a concern with causality and control is implicit in the entire discussion.
As might be expected, a comparable set of terms is available for the model
variables associated with survey studies. Since analogies between controlled
experimentation and survey studies can be informative, it is useful to repeat
Equation (3-1) with a survey-oriented set of definitions:
y.. = y + a. + e..
where y . = a sample of the population of interest drawn from quadrat
J (i,j)
y = mean value of the population
a. = departure from the mean in stratum i
e = residual error for stratum i and replicate j
Here the term stratum refers to a sub-group of the larger population which
is thought to be distinguished in some way. To clarify this, suppose we
are interested in estimating the average abundance of a species (in number
of individuals/m2) at a particular site. If the species of interest tends
to cluster in strata defined by wave exposure, topographic features, or
other factors, it is likely that our abundance estimate will be highly
dependent on the strata selected for sampling. If sampling quadrats are laid
out along a transect parallel to a terrain feature which shelters much of the
population, we will probably underestimate average abundance (see Figure
If the transect runs directly along the terrain feature but does not cross
less populated regions of the site, we will probably overestimate average
abundance (see Figure 3-lb). These difficulties are best avoided if
samples are collected from both transects (or strata) shown in the figure.
The estimated population mean (y) will then be more representative.
The above comments reveal that both controlled experiments and sample
surveys are concerned with the estimation of unobservable parameters such
as y and ou. The particular methods used for selecting sampling strategies
and for computing estimates vary (see Kendall and Stuart, 1976, Chaps, 35-40
for an extensive discussion), but the basic concern with estimation is
universal. Consequently, this chapter stresses general concepts of statisti-
cal estimation, decision making, and risk evaluation which can be applied
equally well to controlled experimentation and survey sampling*.
The simple single-factor model presented in Equation (3-1) includes
only one dependent variable (observable) and one independent variable (factor)
In general, a much larger number of dependent variables and factors may be
of interest, requiring what is known as a multi-variate, multi-factor
approach. This is best illustrated if we consider a list of potentially
relevant variables for a typical field study concerned with the abundance
of sessile species in a rocky intertidal community (example adapted from
Chapter 4):
Dependent Variables
1. Balanus abundance
2. Rhodymenia abundance
3. Odonthalia abundance
4. Mytilus abundance
Independent Variables
1. tidal elevation
2. Katherina abundance
3. carnivorous gastropod
4. limpet abundance
*Statisticians will note that owe treatment of survey sampling assumes that
the underlying population is infinite. This convenient assumption is
probably justified in most intertidal studies since the total number of
individuals present is much larger than the number sampled.
a) Underestimation of Average Abundance
(Population Mean)
b) Overestimation of Average Abundance
(Population Mean)
An Example of Problems Encountered in
Non-Stratified Sample Surveys
Dependent Variables
5. Collisella abundance
6. Nucella abundance
Independent Variables
5. substrate type
6. time
7. site location
8. site exposure (exposed,
9. topography (flat, moderate,
The dependent variables listed on the left are the measures of community
function of particular interest in this example. The independent variables
listed on the right are environmental factors which may account for abundance
variations or which may provide a good basis for sample stratification.
In theory, ail of the factors could affect all of the dependent variables
in some way. Practical limitations of time, money and manpower require,
however, that we focus on only a relatively small subset of the factors
identified as being potentially important. This subset of factors is ex-
plicitly included in the experimental model.
Potentially important factors which are omitted from the model for
reasons of convenience may still have a significant effect on monitored
biological variables. An experiment which includes predator abundance in
its model but ignores variations in site exposure may falsely attribute
variations in prey abundance to predator pressure. In such cases, the
ignored factor (site exposure) is called a nuisance variable. Methods
for minimizing the detrimental effects of nuisance variables are discussed
later in this chapter.
If several dependent variables and factors are included in the experi-
mental model, a set of scalar equations similar to Equation (3-1) is needed
to describe the experiment. This is easily seen if we first consider a
univariate (single dependent variable), multi-factor model and then genera-
lize to the multi-variate case. If time and site location are selected
as the dominant factors in the list presented earlier, and if only one species
(e.g., Balanus) is observed, then the following univariate, two factor
(or "two-way") model provides a mathematically complete description:
y =
a. =
Balanus abundance in quadrat (i,j,k)
observation mean
main effect due to the time factor (level i)
main effect due to the site location factor (level j)
effect due to interactions between time and location
(levels i and j, respectively)
residual error for the k
tion of factor levels
replicate of the (i,j) combina-
Each combination of factor levels (i,j) defined in the experiment consti-
tutes a factorial treatment. One complete set of factorial treatments (all
possible combinations of factor levels) forms an experimental replicate.
Cochran and Cox (1957) codify factorial treatments with a convenient
notation which assigns an integer to each factor level. Any treatment may
then be written as a sequence of digits such as:
ABODE «- Factor
21201 •* Level
With this notation, 0 indicates the first factor level, 1 the second factor
level, etc. In the above example we may define the complete set of factorial
treatments with a simple two-dimensional table:
Table 3-1
Factorial Treatments for a 2 Factor
Controlled Experiment
Site Location Factor
Control Area
(Level 0)
Petroleum Spill
(Level 1)
(Level 0)
(Level 1)
Note that an experimental control (00) is naturally included in this problem
formulation as one of a number of alternative treatment combinations.
Factorial experiments which include natural or background conditions as
one of the levels in each classified factor will always have a control
represented by the 00...0 treatment.
With the notation described above we can readily write the model equa-
tions for a single replicate (k=l) of Balanus observations:
yooi = y + a0 + 80 + Too + eooi
yioi = y + oti + $o + Tio + eioi
you = y + cto + $1 + Toi + eon
yiii = y + oti + 81 + TII + eiii
The size of any factorial experiment can be easily determined if the
number of levels for each factor is noted. The factor example above
can be described as a 2x2 experiment or, in even more concise notation,
a 22 experiment. A four factor experiment having two, three, four, and
four levels for each respective factor could be described by the notation
2x3x42. This simple system can be extended to cover any factorial study.
In general, the total number of equations (i.e., samples) associated
with a multivariate experiment is:
N = SK TT T (3-4)
where I = number of levels for factor i
F = number of factors
K = number of replicates
S = number of dependent variables
Rather than write all of these equations individually, statisticians
usually work either with a generalized scalar expression such as Equation
(3-2) or with a matrix equation such as:
Y = X0 + e
where Y = a matrix of observations
0 = a matrix of treatment effects
e = a matrix of residual errors
X = an observation matrix which assigns treatment effects to
This rather abstract notation is easily visualized if the elements of each
matrix are explicitly defined. To illustrate the way of dealing with multi-
variate experiments, suppose that the above 2x2 example is extended to
include Rhodymenia as well as Balanus. The matrix expression is then:
B K. I
yooi yooi
7101 y!01
yoii yoii
TB R ~
001 E001
Ł101 E101
r r
Oil E011
The superscript B's and R's refer, respectively, to Balanus and Rhodymenia.
TJ 13
Also, the means for each species (y and y ) are incorporated into the
effects matrix 0. The complexity of this expanded expression makes the
convenience of compact matrix equations such as Equation (3-5) obvious.
We will find matrix notation to be particularly useful when we review
estimation concepts in the next section.
The possibility of using multi-variate, multi-factor experimental
models allows us, in principle at least, to account for community effects
and species interactions in an experimental design. In practice, community
effects may not be well enough understood to justify complex and rather
speculative models. As we shall see later in this chapter, factorial
models should generally be kept simple so that each complete block or
replicate of sampling quadrats can be confined to a reasonably uniform
region. If interactions between even five or ten species are included in
a community-oriented model, the number of factorial treatments and sampling
quadrats required for each replicate can become very large (greater than
one or two hundred). One way to deal with this problem is to develop
aggregate community indices (such as diversity) as surrogate observables.
This can reduce a multi-variate factorial problem to a uni-variate one,
with a corresponding loss in the level of detailed information obtained.
Another approach is to restrict the experiment to a few key species or
species groups which have a particularly important functional role in the
community. The relative merits of these methods for simplifying experi-
mental designs depend largely on biological considerations which are beyond
the scope of this chapter (they are briefly discussed in Chapter 2). From
a statistical point of view, the important point is that the experimental
model should be kept relatively simple and straightforward. Refinements
can be made gradually as more is learned about the particular intertidal
community under investigation.
The linear factorial model provided by Equation (3-5) is not by any
means the most general mathematical model available for describing field
experiments. It is the one most thoroughly covered in the statistical
design literature as well as the one best suited to most intertidal impact
studies. A few important generalizations of the model are worth mentioning,
however, since they may be useful in particular applications.
The practice of classifying the factors of an experimental model into
a small number of discrete qualitative levels (e.g., limpets present, limpets
absent) is appropriate when more refined quantification is impractical.
Occasionally, an experimental factor may be defined on a continuous measure-
ment scale which offers more accurate quantification. In such cases the
factor is called a concomitant variable and the discrete effects of the
classified experimental model are replaced by regression coefficients.
A commonly encountered example of this occurs when the initial abundance of
a species (measured prior to any experimental manipulations) is used as a
concomitant variable. If measurements of initial abundance are added to
the single factor experiment described by Equation (3-1) the following
model results:
y. . = p 4- a. + ay?. + e. . (3-7)
where y?. = initial species abundance
a = linear regression coefficient relating y?. to y..
The unknowns in this model are y, the treatment effect a., and the regression
coefficient a. Both y.. and y?. are measured in the field.
Concomitant variables and regression terms may be incorporated into
the general matrix model of Equation (3-5) if the regression coefficients
are included in the matrix 0 and the concomitants are placed in the appro-
priate elements of the matrix X. The regression relationships used may
include nonlinear functions of the concomitant variable. It is interesting
to note that the use of time as a classified factor in the example of
Equation (3-2) is an alternative way of including initial abundance in an
experiment. There the measurements yooi and you at the control and impacted
site are actually equivalent to concomitant initial abundance observations.
The regression approach is usually better when there is good reason to
believe that a simple linear or polynomial relationship between the depen-
dent variable and noncomitant variable exists. The qualitative classified
approach is preferred when no simple mathematical connection between con-
comitant and dependent variables seems appropriate. Often it is wise to
try both approaches when experimental data are being analyzed.
Another generalization worth mentioning is the possibility of allowing
the effects of a classified model to be random variables. Such random
effects models are commonly used in the analysis of experimental results
but are much less commonly used in experimental design. Some of the
problems associated with random and mixed effect models are briefly dis-
cussed in Appendix A (we suggest that the reader refer to this Appendix only
after reviewing Section 3.3). Unless otherwise noted, all the experimental
models used in this report are classified, linear, fixed effect, factorial
Although most of the above discussion of factorial models has been
from the perspective of controlled experimentation, the basic concepts are
equally applicable to survey studies. Sample surveys which are stratified
in more than one way (e.g., on tidal elevation and time) are comparable to
multi-factor experiments, although they are not as commonly encountered
in the statistical literature. Generally, the models and procedures used
in biological surveys are simpler than those used in controlled experiments,
although there are occasional exceptions. The interested reader is referred
to Kendall and Stuart (1976, Chaps. 39 and 40) and to Cochran (1953).
3.2.2 Estimation of Treatment Effects and Population Parameters
The mathematical models described in the previous section provide a
way to conceptually distinguish the effects of experimental manipulations
(treatments) from extraneous environmental disturbances. Since treatment
effects are themselves unobservable, their magnitudes and relative importance
must be inferred from estimates based on available field measurements. The
quality of these estimates depends both on the validity of the experimental
model and on the accuracy of the field measurements.
Our simple representation of the experimental process combines model
and measurement errors in one term, the residual error, which may be treated
conceptually as if it were a completely random source of estimation uncer-
tainty. Much of the "randomness" of this error source would disappear if we
had a better understanding of the ecological processes at work at the
experimental site. And, in practice, residual errors generally decrease
as more realistic models are used to explain observation variability. But
once the model and experimental layout are specified, the residual error
may be treated as an unexplainable, totally random source of uncertainty.
Probability theory allows us to describe such random variables with
probability densities such as the one sketched in Figure 3-2a. Here the
bell-shaped curve specifies the likelihood (or probability) that a particular
residual error (e..) will fall within a given range of values. The single-
factor model equation:
allows us to relate the probability density of y.. (the observed dependent
variable) directly to the probability density of e... The y.. density,
shown in Figure 3-2b, is simply centered on the unknown value y + a..
Since y.. is random by virtue of its dependence on e.., any estimate of
y or a. based on y.. will also be random. If, for example, y is estimated
by averaging all available measurements, then its estimation equation is:
/\ j_
y = IJ .E. .Zn yij
3=1 1=1
y = estimated value of y
I = number of factor levels
J = number of replicates at each factor level.
The probability density associated with this randomly distributed estimate
is shown in Figure 3-2c. It is narrower (has a smaller variance) than those
of e.. and y.. because the mean estimate takes advantage of redundant
ij ij
measurement information. Generally, "good" estimation procedures yield
estimate probability densities which are centered on the true value of the
estimated parameter and which have the smallest possible variance. A
detailed explanation of the basic principles of estimation theory may be
found in Kendall and Stuart (1973, Chaps. 17-21).
Relation of Residual Error, Observation,
and Effect Estimate Probability Density Functions
for a Fixed Effect Model
The estimation techniques most relevant to experimental design applica-
tions tend to fall into three categories—Bayesian estimators, maximum
likelihood estimators and least squares estimators. Bayesian estimators
provide a convenient way to deal with a. priori information about treatment
effects since they rely on a prior distribution of reasonable values for
the effects matrix 0. Maximum likelihood estimators have desirable minimum
variance properties which apply when no a priori effects information is
available. Both Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimators require, however,
that the residual error probability density be completely specified (usually
the density is assumed to be Normal). Least squares estimators are particu-
larly attractive because they are density-independent, are intuitively
appealing, and are usually easy to implement. Although each technique has
its own strong and weak points, least squares is probably the best overall
choice for most ecological research studies, largely because of its conven-
ience and familiarity.
Least squares estimators are designed to minimize the discrepancy
between observed and estimated treatment effects. When the linear model
of Equation (3-5) is used:
Y = X0 + e
this discrepancy is measured by the weighted squared error:
= (Y - X0)T W(Y - X§) (3-8)
where 0 is the least squares estimate of 0 and W is a weighting matrix which
may be adjusted to account for the relative uncertainty of the various
measurements (Kendall and Stuart, 1973, discuss in Chapter 19 the relation-
ship between W and the statistical properties of 0).
As demonstrated in Equation (3-6), the residual error and other
variables of the linear model are matrices when the model is multi-variate.
In such cases, the weighted squared error is also a matrix. The elements
of this matrix depend not only on the discrepancy between estimates of each
dependent variable and observed values but also on complicated cross terms
which are not related to obvious goodness-of-fit properties. Scalar quanti-
ties such as the matrix determinant provide a way to measure the magnitude
of S(0) but they can be computationally troublesome. Considering the
overall objectives of our investigation of intertidal experimental design,
we feel it is best to restrict our attention to univariate statistical
techniques which are much simpler to use. Readers interested in pursuing
multivariate methods further are referred to Anderson (1958) and Rao (1952).
As noted in Section 3.2.1, a multivariate experimental design problem
may be converted to a much simpler univariate problem if the various species
abundances of interest are lumped into a single variable, such as a diversity
index, which then becomes the dependent variable of a univariate multi-factor
model. Alternatively, if the original species abundances are assumed to be
independent, the original S-variate problem may be decoupled into S separate
univariate problems, one for each species. Although the independence assump-
tion may not always be biologically justifiable it does allow us to develop
a practical approach to experimental design which is simple enough to be
widely applied. Even if we adopted a coupled multivariate approach, we
would still be forced to estimate unknown cross correlation coefficients,
a process which could introduce errors comparable to those resulting from
the independence assumption.
When the estimation problem is reformulated in univariate terms
(either through decoupling or through the use of an aggregated index),
the weighted squared error becomes an intuitively reasonable scalar index
of estimator performance. In most applications, the least squares estimate
0 is chosen to minimize S(0) subject to certain constraints which reflect
side conditions or hypothesized relationships among the model parameters which
are imposed by the investigator. Often such constraints are needed in order
to insure that the minimizing estimates are unique.
A simple example of this requirement is revealed by an inspection of
the two factor model of Equation (3-2):
.., = y + a. +3. +Y..+e..,
i j 'xj ijk
If each factor has two levels (2x2), the number of unknown parameters in
this model is:
mean temporal site location interaction total
effects effects effects
There are, however, only four factorial treatments (00, 10, 01, 11) and
four observations per replicate in this experiment. In order for the
estimation problem to be properly posed (nonsingular) for any number of
replicates we must reduce the number of independent unknown parameters to
four, either by eliminating redundant parameters or by imposing constraints.
The most commonly used constraints for this problem are:
^a. = 0 J^ = 0 j = 1,2
2 2
I B. = 0 I Y-. = 0 i = 1,2
j=l J j-1 *J
These can be used to eliminate five of the nine unknown model parameters
so that the resulting minimization problem is nonsingular.
In this special case the least squares estimate minimizing S(0) may be
found by setting the derivatives of S(0) with respect to any four independent
unknowns equal to zero:
The remaining unknowns are removed by applying the constraints (slightly
v = v = - Y
T12 '21 "11
The resulting four equations in four unknowns are easily solved using
standard numerical methods. Similar principles apply to much more complex
problems (see Kendall and Stuart, 1973, Chapter 19).
Constraints can be imposed on minimization problems for reasons other
than uniqueness. Suppose, for example, that we wish to estimate the mean
y and temporal effects otj and a, of the above model given the assumption
(or hypothesis) that the spatial effects and interactions are all zero:
6, = e2 = o
YM = Y12 = Y21 =Y22 = 0 (3-10)
This is equivalent to replacing the original model with a simpler equation
which incorporates the constraints imposed by the hypothesis:
y.., = y + a. + e..,
•'ijk i ijk
Note that the uniqueness constraints of Equation (3-9) still apply. Those
of Equation (3-10) are additional constraints imposed to enable us to
investigate the hypothesis that spatial and interaction effects are insigni-
The quality of a constrained least squares estimate (or of any estimate,
for that matter) may be measured by two convenient performance indicators,
the estimator bias and covariance defined as:
Estimator bias: b = E(0) - 0 (3-11)
Estimator covariance: Zg = E {[0 - E(0)] [0 - E(0)]T> (3-12)
Here the expectation operator Ł{•} averages the quantity in brackets over an
appropriate probability density. In the case of 0 this implies:
E(0) = / 0p (0) d© (3-13)
Since 0 and 0 are vectors in the univariate experimental design problem the
estimator covariance is a square matrix.
When the residual errors all have the same variance (a 2) and they are
uncorrelated with one another, the bias and covariance of the least squares
estimator are given by Kendall and Stuart (1973, Chapter 19):
b = 0 (3-14)
Zg = ae2 IT1 (3-15)
where M is a square matrix, commonly called the Fisher information matrix,
which depends on the observation matrix X and on the constraints imposed
as side conditions in the minimization problem. Detailed discussions of
the procedures for computing constrained least squares estimates are provided
in both Kendall and Stuart (1973, Chapter 19) and Scheffe (1959, Chapters
1-4). .
Equations (3-14) and (3-15) indicate that, in the special case of
uncorrelated, homoscedastic (equal variance) residual errors, the least
squares estimate 0 has the following important properties:
1. Values obtained for 0 will be distributed evenly about the true
effect 0 (i.e., the estimate will be unbiased).
2. The range of 0 values distributed about 0, as measured by
the estimate covariance, will depend only on the residual
error variance (a 2) and the Fisher information matrix.
A third important property of the least squares estimator may also be derived
(see Kendall and Stuart, 1973, Chapter 19):
3. The estimation variance Eg associated with 0 is the smallest
variance attainable with any estimator.
These properties, particularly unbiasedness and minimum variance, account
for the popularity of least squares estimation in experimental design
Although the above discussion emphasizes estimation of treatment
effects, it applies equally well to the population means of interest in
sample survey studies. In survey applications, the estimate of most
interest is y, the sample mean over all strata, and the other model parameters
are included only to properly account for sampling variations from stratum to
stratum. The comments made on uniqueness and the need for constraints apply
in experimental applications also apply to survey studies. Details on
survey estimation are presented in Chapters 39 and 40 of Kendall and Stuart
3.2.3 Detection of Significant Treatment Effects
Since even the best least squares estimate is likely to differ from
the true effect parameter, it is reasonable to ask how this estimate
should be interpreted by the ecologist concerned with defining treatment
impacts. In controlled experiments the primary question of interest is
whether or not different treatments have different effects on species
abundance. It is the relative magnitude of alternative effects rather than
the absolute value of any particular effect which is important. This is a
markedly different orientation than that of survey sampling, which focuses
on the magnitude of a single parameter, the population mean. Once this
mean is estimated, the analysis of survey data is complete.
The emphasis on relative effects and comparisons in controlled experi-
ments usually leads the investigator to postulate a number of hypotheses
which may be investigated statistically. Typical hypotheses for the 2x2
example of Equation (3-2) are:
Hypothesis Corresponding Constraints
H.: temporal effects are not a = a = 0
significant * 2
IL: site location effects are not B = $ = 0
significant 1 2
H : interactions between time and y =y =y =y =0
** site locations are not 1X 12 21 22
Cl OTTI -F-i r*ani-
t? -ft. i~t- jL.wv~nh, -a-v
As was noted in the previous section, effect hypotheses may be formulated
mathematically as constraints imposed on the least squares minimization
problem. Generally, these constraints are simple equations similar to
those noted beside each of the hypotheses listed above.
Statistical theory provides a means for testing the validity of hypotheses
which can be expressed as estimate constraints. The basic concept is to apply
a decision rule which states whether or not available information supports
the hypothesis of interest. This rule is generally based on a scalar
test statistic computed directly from field measurements.
Since decision rules are based on test statistics computed from field
measurements, they are affected by the measurement uncertainties discussed
earlier in conjunction with Figure 3-2. There is always a chance that any
decision rule will make an error and either falsely accept or falsely reject
a hypothesis. The decision risk associated with a decision rule can be
quantitatively defined in the following way:
R = CjCt + CIZ3 (3-16)
R = decision risk (cost of an incorrect decision)
CT = cost associated with falsely rejecting the hypothesis
(a "type I" error)
a = probability of falsely rejecting the hypothesis
(should not be confused with the subscripted effect a.)
C,, = cost associated with falsely accepting the hypothesis
(a "type II" error)
$ = probability of falsely accepting the hypothesis
(should not be confused with the subscripted effect 6.)
Obviously, the "best" decision rule in any given situation is the one which
minimizes the decision risk over all possible model parameter values.
In some applications, it is natural to assign a much higher cost to
false acceptance of a hypothesis than to false rejection (C_... > > C...).
This would occur if we were very cautious about saying that there is no
significant difference in abundance before and after oil is applied to an
experimental site. Here the burden of proof is put on the investigator
seeking to show no effect. Alternatively, we may wish to be cautious in the
opposite direction and assign a much higher cost to false rejection than to
false acceptance (CT > > CJT). This would occur if we were hesitant about
deciding that there is a significant difference in abundance before and
after oil is applied to the site. Here the burden of proof is put on
the investigator seeking to show an effect.
To illustrate the impact of cost assignment on a decision rule,
consider two extreme cases :
Case 1: C = 0 (No penalty assigned to false rejection)
Case 2: CT > 0 (No penalty assigned to false acceptance)
It is easy to see that the minimum risk in each case (R = 0) is given by
decision rules having the following properties:
Case 1: 3=0 (Always reject the hypothesis)
a = 1
Case 2: 3=1 (Always accept the hypothesis)
a = 0
Such extreme rules do not require us to examine the data at all since we
always make the same decision! In realistic situations, we will assign
non-zero values to both CT and CTT and consequently seek decision rules
which provide error probabilities somewhere between 0 and 1.
In order to see how a decision rule is actually implemented and how
the type I and type II errors of such a rule are related, it is useful to
examine the F-test commonly used to test linear hypotheses such as H..
This test simply compares the so-called F-statistic for H. (computation of
this statistic is discussed at the end of the section) to a constant:
Accept the hypothesis if: F(Y) < F
Reject the hypothesis if: F(Y) > F (3-17)
The F-statistic F(Y) is computed from a particular set of measurements (Y)
provided by a particular experimental layout. The decision threshold F
is selected to provide specified test performance characteristics.
Since F(Y) is a random variable by virtue of its dependence on Y, it
has a probability density function. The density function differs in shape
depending on whether the hypothesis is true or false. The two alternatives
for the case of H. are shown in Figure 3-3a and 3-3b:
Figure 3-3a: HA true (X = a - a =0)
Figure 3-3b: H. false (X = a -a = X ^ 0)
A 120
The figure shows that F tends to take on larger values when H. is false than
when H is true. The set of values above F which result in rejection of
A (-*
the hypothesis (whether it is actually true or not) forms what is known as
the oriti-cal region. In general, the critical region associated with a
decision rule is some subset of the "measurement space'1 defined by the
observations. This concept is developed in detail in Chapters 22-24 of
Kendall and Stuart (1973).
It is easy to see from the decision rule of Equation (3-16) that the
following relationships hold:
Probability of falsely = Probability that F > Fa
rejecting H when X = 04 - «2 = 0
Probability of falsely = Probability that F < Fa
accepting H. when X = ctj -
a) Probability Density of F When the General
Linear Hypothesis is True (A=0)
b) Probability Density of F VThen the General
Linear Hypothesis is Not True (A=A ^0)
Figure 3-3b. The common term for the error probability a is the test
significance level. Since the error probability 3 is not as commonly used,
it does not have a special name. The probability of correctly rejecting the
hypothesis does have such a name, however. This probability, commonly called
the test power, is directly related to 3 through the expression:
Test power = 1-3
High test power is equivalent to a low probability (3) of commiting a
type II error.
The important point illustrated by Figure 3-3 is that the type I and
type II error probabilities (or, equivalently, the significance level and
power) of a test are not independent. Changes in the size of the critical
region can increase test power only at the expense of also increasing the
significance level. Similarly, adjustments which decrease the significance
level also decrease test power. The power and significance level of the
F-test can both be improved only if the F-statistic1s probability density
can be made more sharply peaked below F when H is true and more sharply
peaked above F when H. is false. This is, of course, equivalent to a
(X A
reduction in the test statistic variance. Similar principles apply to any
practical hypothesis testing procedure.
With the relationship between power and significance level clarified,
we return to our consideration of decision risk. The general expressions
for a and 3 in the case of the F-statistic are given by the cross-hatched
regions of Figures 3-3a and 3-3b, respectively. The appropriate mathematical
definitions are:
/ p(F | A = 0) dF (3-18)
3 = / P(F | A = X0) dF (3-19)
If these are substituted into Equation (3-16) the value of F which
minimizes the decision risk may be computed. As might be expected, this
value depends on the costs CT and CJT assigned to the two types of errors.
It is evident from the above that the derivation of a decision rule
is relatively straightforward once an appropriate test statistic has been
found. This is not always a simple matter—there are no general methods
for the derivation of test statistics which give uniformly minimum risk for
all model parameter values (see Kendall and Stuart, 1976, Chaps. 22-25 for
a detailed discussion). In certain special cases, a constructive method
known as the likelihood ratio approach may be used to derive test statistics
which have desirable statistical properties. Such a special case arises
when the hypotheses of interest lead to linear constraints of the form:
A 0 - C (3-20)
0 = effects vector (P independent components)
C = constant vector (R components)
A = matrix specifying how the effects are related in
each of the constraints (rank P)
The hypotheses H , H , and H defined at the beginning of this section are
examples of such linear hypotheses. When the constraints of the hypothesis
are linear and the residual errors are uncorrelated, zero mean, normally
distributed random variables of equal variance a 2, the likelihood ratio
approach yields the F-statistic of Figure 3-3. Kendall and Stuart (1976,
Chapter 24) show that no other test statistic provides better performance
than this one, given the assumptions stated above.
It is important to note that the convenient assumptions used to derive
the F-statistic from likelihood ratio theory are not always justified in
ecological applications. Even a casual review of available data shows that
intertidal abundance measurements frequently have a non-uniform variance
structure (variances are typically proportional to mean abundance).
Significant correlations and non-normal distributions also occur.
Kendall and Stuart (1973, Chapter 37) discuss a number of techniques
which may be used to transform correlated or non-uniform variance data into
a form consistent with the assumptions used to derive the F-test. Log
transformations such as:
yijk = log
or yT .. = log (y. ., + 1)
^ 6 •'
are frequently used in intertidal applications (see Chapter 4 for an
example). These techniques are, however, applicable only when enough
historical data are available to indicate whether or not a particular trans-
formation is needed. Such data may be available during the later stages of
a sequential research program but they will not generally be available during
the initial design phase.
Fortunately, the difficulty of specifying an appropriate transformation
in advance is not really important in preliminary design applications. This
is because the relative statistical performance of any experimental layout
is invariant under a monotonic transformation of variables. A design which
maximizes the information content of the y.., observations collected in a
two factor experiment will, for example, also maximize the information
content of transformed observations such as log (y..v). This allows us to
develop experimental designs without regard for the form of the transforma-
tions ultimately used in the experimental analysis, so long as the trans-
formation functions are monotonic.
Studies of the F-test (Kendall and Stuart, 1976, Chap. 37) indicate
that its power is relatively insensitive to departures from the underlying
assumptions about normality, uniform variance, and correlation which are
adopted in the likelihood ratio derivation. As might be expected, this
robustness property is a desirable trait in any statistical test or esti-
mation procedure. It makes the F-test particularly attractive for impact
assessment studies where residual error correlations and variance non-
uniformities are common. For all practical purposes, we can confine our
review of hypothesis testing procedures to those based on this test.
Extensive discussions of F-statistic computation for commonly encountered
hypothesis tests are provided in most books on the analysis of variance—the
text by Scheffe (1959) is particularly thorough and informative. Here we
will concentrate only on the general principles involved. The fundamental
statistical quantities used to compute the F-statistic are the residual
error sums-of-squares computed for two different conditions:
Corresponding residual error
Condition assumed sums-of-squares
Hypothesis H does not apply S = (Y - X0 )T (Y - X0 )
Hypothesis HA does apply SA = (Y - X0A)T (Y - X0A>
The symbol 0. represents the least squares estimate of 0 computed when the
linear constraints associated with H. are imposed as side conditions in the
minimization problem (constraints required for uniqueness may also be
imposed). The symbol 0 represents the least squares estimate computed when
these H constraints are omitted. Since an unconstrained estimate always
gives a better fit to the measured data than a constrained one, the following
inequality always holds:
S > S
A o
Under the assumption that the residuals are normal, uncorrelated random
variables of equal variance, the sums of squares S. and S will have chi-
squared distributions. The F-statistic simply compares their relative
(N - P) SA ~ So
= ——— (3-21)
N = total number of samples (i.e., the dimension of Y)
P = total number of -independent effects parameters being
estimated (i.e., the rank of A)
R = total number of constraints imposed by H (i.e., the
dimension of the constraint vector c).
The numerator of this expression, commonly called the treatment sian-of-
squares3 may be used to estimate the mean-squared error attributable to
treatments. This sample estimate is given by:
S. - S (0 - 0 ) XX (0A - 0 )
-^-^ - -± - 2_- - A - o_ (3_22)
Similarly, the denominator (or residual error sum-of-squares') may be used
to estimate the residual mean-squared error, (i.e., the residual error variance)
This sample estimate is given by:
S (Y - X0 )T (Y - X0 )
2 o _ o o
e N - P N - P
These expressions clearly show that the F-statistic is a normalized measure
of the euclidean distance between the constrained and unconstrained effects
estimates. When the estimates are close, the F-statistic will be small and
the hypothesis will be accepted. When the estimates are far apart, the
F-statistic will be large and the hypothesis will be rejected.
We have seen in this section that test statistics may be used to help
us decide whether or not a particular hypothesis about the effects of
factorial treatments should be accepted or rejected. In practice, the
hypotheses of most interest will usually be those which compare the effects
of different levels of a given factor, to see whether or not this factor
contributes significantly to observed sample variability. But other
hypotheses will occasionally be of interest also, such as those involving
interactions between factors. Whatever the hypothesis being investigated,
there will always be a chance that the decision made will be incorrect.
The degree of risk associated with an experiment's hypothesis tests will,
in general, determine whether or not the experiment will meet an investi-
gator's research needs. If the risk of making an incorrect inference is too
high or if the expenditure of effort required to decrease the risk is too
great, the experiment cannot be justified statistically. This topic is
pursued further in the next section.
3.3.1 General Design Considerations
The statistical terminology introduced in the previous section allows
us to restate in more detail the experimental design objectives briefly
mentioned in the introduction to this chapter. The primary purpose of a
controlled experiment is the investigation of the effects of various mani-
pulated or controlled factors on selected dependent variables. In inter-
tidal applications, the dependent variables of most interest are usually
species abundances, diversity indices, or similar quantities which relate in
some way to community function and structure. The controlled factors may be
physical (tidal elevation, site exposure, etc.), biological (e.g., Katherina
abundance) or chemical (petroleum or substrate composition). In order to
evaluate the effects of these factors on the species of interest, the
investigator measures abundance in various sampling quadrats situated
throughout the experimental site in such a way as to permit all factors to
be properly controlled and the detrimental effects of nuisance .variables
to be minimized. Experimental design is, for the most part, simply the
process of defining experimental factors, selecting factor levels (i.e.,
treatments), and locating sampling quadrats.
Once the experimental data have been collected, the investigator is
faced with the problem of estimating the effects of his treatments and of
deciding whether or not these effects differ significantly. These two
problems are discussed in detail in Section 3.2. There we point out that
statistically valid estimates of treatment effects (or of survey sample
population means) must be based on a mathematical model which explicitly
relates field observations to experimental factors as well as to potential
sources of error. Once this is done, least squares techniques may be used
to estimate effects defined in the model and hypothesis testing procedures
may be used to determine whether or not these effects are significant from
an impact assessment point of view.
Although experimental analysis and design are often approached as
distinct problems, they are actually closely related. Obviously, the
success of an experimental analysis depends on the quality of data produced
by the design. What is somewhat less obvious is the fact that design must
anticipate analysis in certain important respects. In particular, the
model and hypothesis tests adopted in the experimental analysis define the
conceptual framework for the selection of factors, allocation of sampling
quadrats and other design decisions made by the experimenter.
Section 3.1 suggests that an optimal experimental design is the one
which provides the best information available for a given cost. We can
now define "best information" as that set of measurements which minimizes
the risk associated with hypotheses investigated during the analysis phase.
As we saw in Section 3.2, this risk may be precisely evaluated once the
models, hypotheses, test procedures, and decision costs used in the experi-
mental analysis are specified.
It is reasonable to ask here how we can ever find the particular choice
of factor levels, sampling quadrats, and experimental procedures which, in
fact, minimizes decision risk. Although much effort has been spent on this
question (see, for example, Federov, 1972), the only really practical answer
is trial and error. We simply must evaluate the risk associated with each
plausible design alternative and select the alternative giving the smallest
value. An experimenter's candidates for "plausible design alternatives"
will depend on his/her understanding of the biological community under
investigation, on the resources available to him/her, and on common sense
and intuition (if he/she understands the community well enough there may
only be one reasonable design alternative). The development of a set of
design alternatives is, therefore, a largely subjective and judgmental pro-
cess which will vary greatly from investigator to investigator. The choice
of the best design from this set of alternatives is, on the other hand, a
more objective and quantitative process. In this section, we will cover
both aspects of design.
A review of the experimental design literature (which is surprisingly
qualitative considering the mathematical nature of most statistical litera-
ture) reveals a number of general guidelines which should be used to develop
candidate experimental designs:
1. Factor selection - It is important that an experiment be constructed
to minimize, as much as possible, the influence of unexplained
sources of variability or, more precisely, to minimize the
residual error variance obtained after the experimental model
is fit to field data. This is best achieved by selecting a
model (i.e., experimental factors and concomitant variables)
which provides a complete description of the environmental
phenomena which dominate community behavior. In practice, it
is, of course, difficult to know whether or not a model is even
marginally adequate until it is tested in the field. This is
why a sequential approach to experimentation is essential in
most field research studies.
2. Randomization and Blocking - Candidate experimental designs
must isolate, as much as possible, effects due to controlled
treatments from those due to uncontrolled (or unrecognized)
nuisance variables. The sampling layout should be constructed
so that extraneous environmental disturbances tend to cancel
one another rather than be confused with factorial treatments.
This is most effectively achieved through the process of
randomization, which we will shortly investigate in detail.
In practice, randomization and variance minimization are
both closely related to the methods used to group (or block)
sampling quadrats at the experimental site. Properly blocked
and randomized sampling layouts will accentuate treatment
effects and minimize nuisance or extraneous effects.
3. Quadrat Placement - An experimental design must account for
logistical or physical constraints which limit the factorial
treatment combinations that can be feasibly applied to sampling
quadrats at the experimental site. This is particularly
important in the case of petroleum studies since oil is diffi-
cult to control or even characterize with any accuracy. The
sampling quadrats in such studies must be spaced and/or blocked
to allow for the uncontrollable spreading of applied oil (the
same considerations apply, of course, to studies of accidental
spills). Even when experiments do not involve oil, physical
constraints may be important. The tidal elevation factor cannot,
for example, be randomly allocated to different quadrats since
it is by its very nature related to quadrat location. Once a
quadrat's coordinates are specified, tidal elevation, substrate
type, and other similar factors are implicitly defined.
Obviously, such considerations markedly affect the feasibility
of candidate designs.
Once a set of plausible and logistically feasible experimental designs
has been identified, the performance characteristics of each design can be
evaluated statistically. The major design variables of interest are the
level of effect considered to be significant by the experimenter, the risk
he is willing to take in making inferences about treatment effects, and
the number of replicate samples to be collected. If these parameters are
specified, the feasibility of any design can be assessed and the best design
alternative can be clearly identified. We can now turn to a more detailed
consideration of just how this may be done in practice.
3.3.2 Qualitative Aspects of Experimental Design—Factor Selection,
Randomization, Blocking, and Quadrat Placement
Factor Selection
As was pointed out in the previous section, the influence of unexplained
sources of variability in a controlled experiment is determined, to a large
extent, by the validity of the model (i.e., the experimental factors)
selected for investigation. An experiment designed to investigate subtle
predator-prey interactions at a site dominated by spatial variations in
dessication and wave exposure will be doomed to failure unless its design
accounts for these environmental factors. It is, of course, easy to come
up with a surprisingly long list of physical, chemical and biological vari-
ables which could affect the local abundance of a species studies in a
controlled experiment. The challenge is to select a subset of these factors
which explains most of the observed abundance variability and yet is still
small enough to be manageable.
Systematic methods such as principle component analysis and stepwise
regression (Draper and Smith, 1966) are available for identifying the most
important environmental factors at a given experimental site. Since these
methods require reasonably large quantities of data, they are more relevant
to the later stages of a sequential research program than to the initial
design phase. Considering the present state of petroleum impact research,
and even of intertidal ecosystem research in general, it appears that the
dominant environmental factors in impact experiments must be selected
judgmentally. Of course, good biological judgment should always be exercised
in factor selection, even when principle component analysis or stepwise
regression are used.
In order to gain a feeling for how many factors and/or concomitant
variables are "manageable" in a given experiment it is helpful to consider
how the number of treatments required for each replicate grows as more factors
are added. This is illustrated in Figure 3-4, where number of treatments is
plotted vs. number of factors for two, three and four level classifications.
It is easy to see that hundreds of treatments may be required for even a
300 --
200 --
All factors assumed
to have the same
number of levels
Figure 3-4
Number of Treatments Required in a
Single Factorial Replicate vs.
Number of Experimental Factors
moderate number of factors. Such large treatment numbers pose significant
logistic problems as well as statistical difficulties. In intertidal experi-
ments, it may be practically impossible to lay out hundreds of sampling
quadrats at a site over an area which is sufficiently homogeneous with
respect to nuisance variables. Suppose, for example, that we selected the
following factors, each defined at four levels, in a study of Balanus and
algal species abundance (see Chapter 4):
1. Tidal elevation
2. Katherina abundance
3. Limpet abundance
4. Carnivorous gastropod abundance
The total number of treatments (quadrats) in this 4 experiment is 256.
These quadrats would have to be laid out over an area which is relatively
uniform with respect to the following nuisance variables:
1. Substrate type
2. Topography
3. Wave exposure (other than that due to differences
in tidal elevation)
Furthermore, samples would have to be taken over a sufficiently short period
of time to avoid biases or differences in sampling technique casued by
changes in personnel, equipment, or weather conditions. An experiment of
this size is clearly near the limits of logistic feasibility. If oil were,
in addition, added as a factor (either as a result of an intentional pertur-
vation or an accidental spill) an experiment of this size would be
In the case of the above example, the number of required treatments
can be substantially reduced (from 256 to 32) without significant loss of
information if the four level classifications adopted for the last three
factors are replaced by simpler two level (excluded or not excluded) classi-
fications. But even when only two classification levels are used, experiments
requiring more than six or eight factors are cumbersome and of dubious useful-
Concomitant observations might appear on first glance to offer a
solution to the problem of unmanageable numbers of sampling quadrats.
If some of the factors originally proposed could be treated as concomitant
instead of classified variables, the total number of sampling quadrats
could be reduced and the factor still included in the experiment (although
in a different form). While this is technically correct, it is important
to remember that concomitant observations should not generally be controlled
or manipulated. If we did attempt to control concomitants the resulting
effects could easily be confused with the effects of the classified factorial
treatments applied to the sampling quadrats. Natural fluctuations in a
variable such as Katherina abundance may or may not be sufficient to demon-
strate a significant effect if this variable is treated as a concomitant.
Controlled manipulations (i.e., factorial treatments) of Katherina abundance
are more likely to have identifiable effects on the dependent variables of
interest. We must, therefore, select concomitant observations with care and
realize that they are not necessarily equivalent to controlled experimental
Randomization and Blocking
Proper selection of experimental factors helps to insure that most of
the variability observed in field measurements can be explained. But this
is not, in itself, enough to guarantee that the experiment's results will
be useful or properly interpreted. It is essential that the experimental
design also account for and attempt to minimize possible confusion (or
"confounding") of effects due to nuisance variables with effects due to
experimental factors. As was briefly mentioned in Section 3.2.1, an experi-
ment which includes an interesting biological factor such as predator abun-
dance in its model, but ignores significant environmental variables such as
site exposure may falsely attribute exposure-related variations in prey
abundance to predator pressure. A hypothetical sampling layout which commits
this mistake is shown in Figure 3-5a.
One way to deal with the nuisance variable (site exposure) in this
example is to include it as an experimental factor or possibly a concomitant
variable in the model. This approach has certain disadvantages, since the
X -
a) Non-randomized Sampling Layout for the
Study of Predator Pressure
(predator abundance confounded with exposure)
b) Randomized Sampling Layout for the
Study of Predator Pressure
(predator abundance and exposure isolated
by proper randomization)
Example of the Application of Randomization
to an Experimental Design
number of quadrats or observations required will be increased even though
the effects of exposure are not, in themselves, of interest. Besides,
nuisance variables are not always as obvious as site exposure is in this
example—we cannot reasonably expect to identify all potentially important
nuisance variables before the experiment is conducted.
An alternative approach is to allocate factorial treatments to
sampling quadrats and to locate sampling quadrats on the site in as random
a fashion as is possible. This randomization procedure helps to insure
that unrecognized nuisance effects will cancel, rather than be confounded
with, factorial treatments. A randomized alternative to the layout of
Figure 3-5a is shown in Figure 3-5b. Here quadrats are laid out or manipu-
lated (e.g., with cages) so that the predator species is present in both
exposed and unexposed quadrats and absent in both exposed and unexposed
quadrats. Exposure can no longer be confounded with predator pressure.
In the example of Figure 3-5, quadrats at the exposed and protected
sites form two distinct blocks of experimental units. The unrandomized
blocks of Figure 3-5a differ in both exposure and predator density while
the randomized blocks of Figure 3-5b differ only in exposure (and possibly
in other ways not obvious from the figure). Here we see a general principle
of experimental design simply illustrated:
Experimental units (i.e., sampling quadrats) should be grouped
into randomized blocks in such a way as to minimize nuisance
variable variations within each block and to maximize nuisance
variable variations between blocks.
This practice will not only reduce the chance that nuisance variables will
be confounded with experimental factors, it will also generally reduce the
residual error variance associated with a given mathematical model. This
is because blocking tends to confine within-block variations to treatment-
related effects. Between-block variations (called block effects) are then
due primarily to extraneous error sources, such as nuisance variables,
which are of no particular interest to the experimenter.
It is appropriate to mention here that randomized block layouts are
not the only statistically legitimate experimental designs found in
biological applications. Generally, layout (or treatment allocation)
procedures fall into two broad categories:
1. Randomized Block Techniques
a. Complete block layouts
b. Incomplete block layouts
1) Confounded and split-plot designs
2) Fractionally replicated designs
3) Combinations of confounding and fractional replication
2. Other Techniques for Grouping Experimental Units
a. Latin squares
b. Cross-over designs
c. Lattice designs
d. Nested designs
The term complete block layout reflects the fact that each possible fac-
torial treatment appears at least once in each of the experimental blocks.
Incomplete block layouts are simply those which are not complete. To use
other terminology, we may say that a complete block contains at least
one complete treatment replicate3 where a replicate is defined as the set
of samples associated with all possible factorial treatment combinations—
one sample for each treatment. This is the source of the term "fractional
replicate'1 frequently found in discussions of incomplete block designs.
Incomplete block layouts are attractive because they allow an experi-
menter to investigate some (but not all) treatment effects with a smaller
number of quadrats per block than is possible in a complete block layout.
This resolves some of the logistic difficulties associated with carrying
out multi-factor experiments at sites where nuisance variable nonuniformities
are significant. Smaller blocks are generally more uniform and, therefore,
more likely to give low residual error variances. The penalty paid for this
convenience is the confusion of treatment effects with one another (a phenom-
enon known as confounding or aliasing, depending on the application). If
the confused effects are of little interest or if the confusion can be
resolved by reasonable assumptions or external information, this penalty
may be insignificant compared to the improvement in experimental performance
obtained from the use of smaller blocks.
Unfortunately, the advantages of small block sizes are practically
impossible to evaluate before the fact and sometimes even difficult to
judge after experimental data have been collected. Consequently, the
experimenter must use his best judgment in deciding whether or not within-
block nuisance variations are likely to be significant enough to justify an
incomplete design. Some general guidelines and comments on the applicability
of complete and incomplete randomized block layouts are provided in Appendix
B. This Appendix also includes a brief review of the relevance of the other
layout procedures listed in category 2 above (latin squares, cross-over
designs, etc.). We suggest that the reader refer to Appendix B only after
reviewing the rest of Section 3.3.
Quadrat Placement
The practical limitations on quadrat placement and blocking in an
intertidal environment are strongly dependent on the particular factors
selected for investigation and on the physical and biological characteris-
tics of the experimental site. Although we cannot provide generalized
guidelines for quadrat placement, we can identify some of the constraints
which will probably be encountered in field studies of petroleum impacts.
The specific methods and experimental protocols required to deal with
these constraints must be left to the experimenter.
The complete factorial approach requires that every possible combina-
tion of factor levels be included in an experiment—each combination defines
a factorial treatment to be applied to a distinct sampling quadrat. Randomi-
zation theory requires, in addition, that these factorial treatments be
randomly allocated to the quadrats in each block. Two practical questions
arise as a result of these requirements:
o Can we manipulate the experimental factors at the site
in such a way as to obtain all possible factorial combina-
tions or are some combinations impossible due to
uncontrollable physical or biological constraints?
0 Can the factorial treatments actually be randomly allocated
to quadrats or do constraints at the site necessitate more
systematic allocation procedures?
Before we design a detailed sampling layout, both of these questions must
be answered.
The answer to the first question depends, of course, on the factors
selected for study. For most intertidal applications, all necessary factor
combinations can be obtained if the experiment is properly defined and
sufficient imagination is used in excluding or confining species from partic-
ular quadrats. An important exception arises in the case of pervasive
treatments such as petroleum. Suppose that we have established that the
effect of tidal elevation on the abundance of a species is significant and
we wish to examine the impact of petroleum on this elevation-abundance
relationship. In principle we can define a 4x2 model of the form:
a. = a four level elevation effect
3. = a two level (present or absent) petroleum effect
y.. = an elevation-petroleum interaction
This model yields eight factorial treatments, four with petroleum and four
without. A theoretically ideal layout for two replicates of this experiment
is shown in Figure 3-6a. Unfortunately, once we apply petroleum at the
experimental site, it will be dispersed by wave and tidal action and will
shortly be spread over all the tidal elevations of interest as well as
a) Idealized Distribution of Oiled and
Unoiled Quadrats in a 4x2 Experiment
(two replicates)
b) Realistic Distribution of Oiled and Unoiled
Quadrats in a 4x2 Experiment (two replicates)
Example of Quadrat Location Problems
Posed by Petroleum Treatments
longitudinally along the shoreline. Consequently, the ideal layout of
Figure 3-6a cannot actually be implemented. The very nature of the
petroleum factor requires that the oiled and unoiled quadrats be located
sufficiently far apart to insure that encroaching oil does not contaminate
the control samples. The only practical way to do this is to group the
oiled and unoiled quadrats together at two different sites as shown in
Figure 3-6b.
A comparison of the layouts of Figures 3-6a and 3-6b reveals an
important statistical difference. Whereas each distinct group (replicate)
of 8 quadrats shown in Figure 3-6a is a complete randomized block, the two
groups of Figure 3-6b are neither complete nor randomized since neither
group contains all of the factorial treatments (each contains four rather
than eight) and the allocation of treatments to quadrats within each group
is not random but systematic (each group contains only one of the oil factor
levels). The incompleteness could be eliminated by treating the entire set
of 16 quadrats in Figure 3-6b as a single block, but this would probably
increase within-block sources of variability due to nuisance variables
such as exposure, topography, etc. The resulting residual error variance
could then be too large to permit the investigator to detect any statis-
tically significant effects due either to oil or tidal elevation. Here we
have a particularly relevant example of practical limitations on quadrat
placement imposed by the physical characteristics of one of the experimental
There are several ways to deal with the statistical and logistics
problems raised in the example described above. The most obvious one is
to drop tidal elevation as a factor and to introduce oil into the problem
in a slightly different way. Suppose we retain the two separated sites of
Figure 3-6b but measure abundance at both sites before and after oil is
applied to site 1. We may then postulate the following 2x2 experimental
a. = a two level temporal effect
3. = a two level site location (spatial) effect
Y-. = a temporal-spatial interaction
This model and the associated experiment allow us to test for the impact
of oil while accounting for other sources of temporal and spatial variability.
The inclusion of a site location factor allows us to group the quadrats at
each site into a single block without suffering unacceptably large increases
in residual error. Statistically speaking, the complete block consists of
four samples, one pre-spill and one post-spill at each site. We now have
eight replicates instead of two and we can expect considerably more useful
information out of our experiment.
Other design procedures are available for the investigator unwilling
to give up tidal elevation as a factor. Examples include split-plot designs
based on an incomplete block (confounded) analysis and nested designs based
on a hierarchal experimental model (see Scheffe, 1959, for more details).
In our opinion, these alternatives are rather artificial ways to circumvent
a basic physical limitation in the experiment. It is usually better to
redefine the experimental objectives and factors than to have to accept the
restrictions of incomplete or nonrandomized block designs.
It is worth noting here that the practical design concepts illustrated
in this example are relevant to accidental as well as intentional spills.
Although pre-spill observations may not always be available, particularly
at remote sites, the basic idea of defining factors and blocks to minimize
the detrimental effects of nuisance variables still applies. Some experi-
mental and survey sampling models particularly appropriate to accidental
spill studies are discussed in Smith (1978). Smith's models and those
discussed in this report are, of course, only examples provided to illustrate
general principles. Since each experimental situation will pose unique
problems and constraints, the experimenter must be prepared to innovate and
improvise. There are no substitutes for good judgment.
The largely qualitative considerations discussed in this subsection
indicate how a statistically valid and practically feasible experimental
layout can be developed. One simply starts with the factors of interest,
defines the factorial treatments to be used, and allocates these treatments
randomly to appropriate blocks of sampling quadrats. It should be obvious
by now that common sense and imagination are important components of any
successful design. If no single design is obviously the best, several can
be proposed—once the factors and treatments of each alternative are
precisely defined, we can evaluate the risk associated with each and choose
the one which performs the best. The computation of risk and the role of
such variables as number of factor levels, number of replicates, and residual
error variance are discussed in detail in the next subsection.
3.3.3 Quantitative Aspects of Experimental Design—Decision Thresholds,
Design Parameters, and Feasibility Assessment
In order to understand how the risk associated with an experimental
design may be evaluated, we must return to some of the basic hypothesis
testing concepts presented in Section 3.2.3. Decision risk was defined there
(Equation 3-16) as:
R = 0-j.a + CI];0
C_ = cost associated with falsely rejecting a hypothesis
C = cost associated with falsely accepting a hypothesis
a, 3 = error probabilities dependent on the particular decision
rule selected for testing the hypothesis
The decision rule most commonly used to test the hypotheses of factorial
experiments is based on the F-statistic (see Equation 3-17):
Accept the hypothesis if: F(Y) < F
Reject the hypothesis if: F(Y) > F
where the F-statistic F(Y) is computed from appropriate residual error
sums of squares (the details are provided in Equations (3-21) through
(3-23)). The decision threshold F defines the boundary of the test's
critical region and is selected to provide specified statistical charac-
If the F-test is used to test experimental hypotheses, the type I
and II error probabilities (a and 3) are given by Equations (3-18) and
(3-19) :
a = / p(F|X = 0)dF
$ = / P(F|X = x )dF
The non-centrality parameter X appearing in these expressions is a measure
of the normalized euclidean distance between actual treatment effects and
those which would apply if the hypothesis under investigation were true.
The general expression for X is given by (see Kendall and Stuart, 1973,
Chap. 24):
(0 - GO) Vx(0A - ©o)
a 2 = = the true mean-squared error due
t R
to treatments
0,0 = the actual and hypothesized treatment effects, respectively
X = the observation matrix of the experimental model (see below)
o = the true residual mean-squared error
Note that 0 2 is the expected value of the sample mean-squared error due
to treatments (see Equation 3-22).
The experimental model referred to here is the general linear model
given in Equation (3-5):
Y = X 0 + e
Y = vector of N observations
0 = vector of unknown treatment effects (P of these are
X = matrix relating treatment effects to observations (rank P)
e = vector of N residual errors
The hypothesized treatment effects 0. used in the definition of a 2 obey a
set of R linear constraints given by the matrix equation
A0A = c
c = a vector of R specified constants
A = a matrix specifying how the treatment effects are related
in each of the R constraints imposed by hypotheses
HA (rank P)
The practical significance of such constraints is examined later in this
With these preliminaries taken care of, we can clearly identify the
design parameters which affect the risk associated with an F-test of any
linear hypothesis H (see Figure 3-7). The risk expression depends directly
on C_, C , a and 3. The error probabilities a and 8 depend, in turn, on
Fa and the central and noncentral F-probability densities P(FJX = 0) and
P(FJX = X ). These densities depend, finally, on the parameters N-P, R,
p(F|X = 0)
p(F|A =
Figure 3-7
Design Parameters Affecting the Risk
Associated with an F-test of the
Linear Hypothesis H
.2, and a 2
risk is then:
a , and a . The general functional expression for the normalized decision
f- = d(F , N-P, R) + -p± 6(F N-P, R, O /a ) (3-25)
\* \J. \* — U C c
The fundamental independent variables governing decision risk are there-
o The relative penalty cost (C-rj/C )
0 The critical region decision threshold (F )
0 The number of degrees of freedom (independent variables)
associated with the residual error (N-P)
0 The number of degrees of freedom (independent constraints)
associated with the hypothesis (R)
o The true root-mean-squared error due to treatments (°f)
0 The true residual root-mean-squared error (o )
In the following paragraphs we briefly discuss alternative methods for
selecting Fa and for dealing with the relative cost CTT/CT. We then exa-
mine the relationship between the sampling layout itself and the primary
design parameters R, N-P, o> and O . Finally we review the factors affect-
ing experimental feasibility and consider some useful ways of analyzing
experimental sensitivity and performance. For simplicity, we concentrate
on randomized complete block designs and leave the details of incomplete
block analyses to Appendix B and the cited references. Complete block
layouts are probably sufficient for most intertidal impact experiments,
particularly for those using less than four or five factors. The complete
block analyses presented here illustrate most of the important statistical
concepts needed in practical experimental design.
Determination of the Decision Threshold
Since the type I and type II error probabilities appearing in the
definition of decision risk are both strongly dependent on F it is reasonable
to ask how this constant should be determined and how it affects risk. To
simplify the analysis, assume that the design and hypothesis have both been
specified so that the parameters N-P, a 2, a 2, and R are fixed. In this
case, the normalized risk is a function of only C T/C and F :
The one-to-one relationship between Ct(F ) and $(F ) is discussed in Section
3.2.3 and graphically illustrated in Figure 3-8. A plot of B(F ) vs. a(F )
3 a a
for a particular hypothesis and 4x2 sampling layout developed in Section
4.4.2 is shown in Figure 3-8. Such plots may be used to evaluate normalized
risk as a function of a for various cost alternatives. Figure 3-9 shows
three alternative risk curves based on the specific case shown in Figure 3-8.
The unique minimum associated with each cost alternative defines the value
of a , and consequently the value of F , giving the lowest risk. Note
that for this particular case, the conventional choice of a = .05 corres-
ponds to CTT/CT = .5, i.e., the relative cost of rejecting a significant
effect (type II error) is one-half the cost of falsely detecting a signi-
ficent effect (type I error).
This fairly straightforward way of obtaining F requires the experi-
menter to select costs which reflect his best assessment of the relative
penalties imposed by type I and type II errors. Figure 3-9 shows that
these costs can have a strong influence on a and F and can, therefore,
determine the practical outcome of the experiment. Unfortunately, there
are few, if any, objective measures which can be used to judge whether or
not a particular set of costs is reasonable.
0.00 -•
0.13 --
0.25 --
0.38 --
w 0.50
0.63 --
0.75 --
0.88 --
0.20 0.30
Figure 3-8
Plot of Type II vs. Type I Error Probabilities
for a Particular Experimental Layout
(adapted from Figure 4-6b)
Figure 3-9
Plot of Normalized Risk vs. Significance Level
for Various Relative Cost Alternatives
The difficulties associated with penalty cost specification have led
statisticians to seek more objective methods for defining decision thres-
holds. The most common procedure, developed by Neyman and Pearson and
described in Kendall and Stuart (1973, Chapter 24), is to set a equal to
a "reasonable" value such as .01, .05, or .10 (the most common alternatives).
The specified a (a ) determines a particular F without requiring any consid-
eration of cost or risk. One of the primary advantages of the Neyman-Pearson
approach is its simplification of the normalized risk expression for a
generalized layout and hypothesis:
« a + _Ji 6(a N_p, R a /a ) (3_27)
C o C_ o t e
Since a is a constant, the design which minimizes the type II error proba-
bility is also the design which minimizes the normalized risk, •irrespective
of the costs CT and C _.
Although this report uses the Neyman-Pearson approach for selecting
decision thresholds, we feel it is important to recognize that this procedure
is ultimately just as subjective as cost specification. The experimenter
should consider carefully the value of a most appropriate to a given appli-
cation and not simply use .05 or .10 because everyone else does. Often the
type II error performance of a test can be improved significantly if a is
increased above the usual upper limit of .10 (see Figure 3-8). In the absence
of any bias one way or the other, one approach is to make the type I and type
II error probabilities approximately equal. Certainly, a balanced emphasis
on both types of error seems the approach most appropriate in impact assess-
ment studies where either faulty rejection or faulty acceptance of the impact
hypothesis can have important policy implications.
Design Parameters Related to the Sampling Layout
Equation (3-27) demonstrates that the Neyman-Pearson approach to
threshold specification makes risk minimization functionally equivalent
to minimization of the type II error probability function $(a , N-P, R, a. /a )
o t e
This function is, in fact, the primary design-related measure of experimen-
tal performance. Once it is determined, the normalized risk may be evaluated
straightforwardly from a and C j/C , parameters not related to the sampling
layout but only to the decision rule adopted.
Although the type II error probability is the fundamental measure of
design performance, it is generally of less interest than the test power,
which is related to it through the transformation:
Power = 1 - 6(a , N-P, R, a /a ) (3-28)
o t e
The test power, as we saw in Section 3.2.3, is simply the probability that
the hypothesis under consideration will be correctly rejected if it is
false. In impact assessment applications, this is equivalent to the
probability that a given experimental factor is judged to have a signifi-
cant effect on abundance.
If we focus our attention on power, it is evident that the important
design parameters are N-P, R, 0" , and CT . In this subsection, we discuss
the relationship between these parameters, the sampling hypotheses under
investigation, and the structure of the sampling layout. It is easiest to
begin by presenting a somewhat more detailed version of the experimental
model introduced in Equation (3-5) of Section 3.2.1. Suppose that we par-
tition this model into several components as follows:
XM0M + XjG1 + XB0B + e (3-29)
observation mean main interaction block residual
vector effects effects effects error
Each component of this equation contributes a certain number of independent
parameters (or degrees of freedom) to the least-squares estimation problem.
Kendall and Stuart (1973, Chap. 35) show that, if the appropriate unique-
ness constraints are applied, the degree of freedom allocations for the
general complete block factorial model take the form indicated in Table 3-2.
Modifications to account for incomplete block designs are discussed in
Table 3-2
Parameter Degrees of Freedom
Main effects
factor 1 1^-1
factor 2 I2~l
factor F I -1
factors 1&2 (1^1) (I2-1)
factors 1&3 (1^-1)(I3-l)
factors 1 through F (I.-l)(I--1)...(I -1)
JL / r
Treatment effects subtotal T-l
Block effects L-l
Residual error (K-l)T - (L-l)
Grand mean 1
Other parameters subtotal (K-l)T + 1
Total number of samples N = KT
Variable definitions: I. = number of levels defined for factor i
F = number of factors
L = number of complete blocks
K = number of replicates distributed evently amont L blocks
T = total number of treatments = TT I.
Appendix B and in Scheffe (1959, Chap. 5). Since the total number of
observations defined by the experimental model is KT and the total number
of independent parameters is T 4- (L-l), the residual error degrees of free-
dom parameter (N-P) is found by subtraction to be (K-l)T - (L-l). In a
complete block experiment (N-P) depends on the number of treatments,
replicates, and blocks used in the sampling layout.
Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 note that experimental hypotheses can be
described mathematically by an appropriate set of treatment effect con-
straints. The number of degrees of freedom for each hypothesis (R) is
simply the number of independent constraints this hypothesis generates. The
hypotheses of most interest in impact assessment applications are those
which specify that particular experimental factors or factor interactions
have no significant effects on abundance. Such hypotheses lead to
constraints which force all appropriate effects parameters to be zero. In
the two-factor case, these constraints take the form shown below:
Hypothesis Corresponding Constraints
H.: factor A effects are not a. =0 ; i = 1,1
(I. constraints)
H_.: factor B effects are not 8. = 0 ; i = !,!_,
B . . -. i D
(I constraints)
H._: interactions between factors Y-• = 0 ; i = 1,1.
A and B are not significant . _ , T
3 - J-,-LB
(1.1,, constraints)
Uniqueness considerations reduce the number of independent parameters, and
therefore the number of independent constraints, associated with each
hypothesis. In the case of hypothesis H , for example, the uniqueness
- 0
insures that if I.-l of the a. 's are equal to zero, the remaining a. will
A 1 1
also equal zero. Consequently, hypothesis H actually generates only I»-l
independent constraints. Similar reasoning may be applied to the general
complete block model to show that the number of independent constraints
associated with each impact hypothesis is equal to the number of independent
parameters (degrees of freedom) defined for the corresponding factor or
interaction. The degrees of freedom parameter for a no input hypothesis
associated with a particular main effect or interaction is therefore simply
the value listed in the appropriate row of Table 3-2. In a complete block
experiment, R depends only on the number of levels specified for each of
the factors included in the hypothesis of interest. Modifications for in-
complete designs are discussed in Appendix B and in Scheffe (1959, Chapter 5)
The above analysis defines the design parameters (N-P) and R for a
particular sampling layout. We must now consider how the mean-squared
errors a 2 and a z can be determined. It was pointed out at the beginning
of this section that a 2 is a measure of the euclidean distance between
constrained (hypothesized) and unconstrained (actual) effects parameters:
(0A - 0 )TXTX(0A - 0 )
* A - o_ (3_3Q)
t R.
When the actual effects (0 ) are equal to the hypothsized effects (0.)
the hypothesis is true and a is zero. When the actual and hypothesized
effects differ, a will be a positive non-zero number.
We do not, of course, know the actual effects applying in a given sit-
uation but we can assume a set of effects and evaluate the performance (power
or risk) that would be obtained if these assumed effects actually occurred.
In order to keep the performance evaluation conservative, it is wise to
assume a worst-case set of actual effects — i.e., to assume that the effects
occur in the combination which is most difficult to detect. Scheffe (1959,
Chapter 3) shows that this worst case of effects is defined by:
Q± - 0 = A ; 0k = (0i + 6J/2 for all k ?« i or j (3-31)
That is, two effects associated with the hypothesis of interest differ by
A while all other effects are equal to the mean of these two. For a maximum
difference in effects equal to A, this arrangement gives the lowest test
power and highest risk.
If the appropriate version of Equation (3-31) is substituted into
Equation (3-30) the worst case values of a 2 for the general F-factor
complete block experiment may be derived. These values and the correspond-
ing non-centrality parameters take the general form:
Main effects
Non-centrality parameter (A)
i J
21.1 I
i j m
N /A\2
21.1 I la )
i ] m \ e/
where N = K IT I. = total number of observations
i=l 1
I. = number of levels specified for factor i
K = number of replicates
A = assumed maximum deviation between treatment effects
a = true residual root-mean-squared error
When the experimental layout is incomplete, these expressions must be modi-
fied as discussed in Appendix B.
Since the power and risk functions discussed earlier depend directly
9 o
on the non-centrality parameter X and only indirectly on a and a , perfor-
mance evaluations can be based on the normalized variable A/a appearing in
the expressions for X given above. This conveniently circumvents the need to
estimate a 2 and allows us, for example, to compute the probability of
detecting an effect equal to 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 residual error standard devia-
tions. Although such relative performance evaluations can be used to
compare the effectiveness of alternative experimental designs, this approach
may be misleading. Suppose, for example, that a particular sampling layout
gives a power of .95 for a A/a of 0.5. It is tempting to say that an
alternative layout giving a power of .70 for the same A/a is inferior.
This is true only if the two layouts result in comparable values of a . If
the second layout has a much lower residual error standard deviation, it
will actually detect smaller effects than the first layout.
The basic problem here is that the residual error standard deviation
is highly sensitive to the structure of the experiment—to the factors
selected, to the location, configuration and size of the sampling blocks, to
the distribution of the quadrats, and to the sampling procedures used.
It is unrealistic to assume that a will be the same for two different
designs except in certain special cases. The most important special case
is a comparison between two designs which are identical except for the number
of replications taken. Replication does not change the fundamental nature
of the layout (unless it requires the addition of more sampling blocks
distributed over a larger area at the experimental site) and so does not
affect the residual error variance. It does, of course, affect the accuracy
of the least-squares effects estimates as well as the test power (through
the parameters N-P, R, and a 2).
We are confronted, then, with one of the basic delimmas of practical
experimental design—how can we estimate the residual error variance asso-
ciated with a particular design before that design is actually tested in
the field? There are really only two answers to this question. We can
either assume a reasonable value for residual error variance or we can
attempt to estimate this variance from data collected in previous field
studies which are at least roughly comparable. In most cases, the latter
approach is preferable even though admittedly imperfect.
Most available intertidal field data have been collected in sample
survey studies which do not have the same objectives as the controlled
factorial experiments of primary interest here. Although we can usually
calculate the mean-squared observation error from these data sets, it is
difficult to say how much this error could have been decreased if a
factorial model had been fit to the data. The situation is clearly demon-
strated if we inspect the appropriate model equations. In a simple,
unstratified survey (the most frequent type), the model used is of the form:
y. = y + e.
A complete two factor experimental model is described by the familiar
y + a. +3. +Y--+e...
i 3 'ij ijk
The residual mean-squared error estimates for these two models are given
1 N
Survey a&2: cj = - Ł (y.-u)2
, Xl *2 K
Experiment aj: <,Ł - ? (y.jk - y - a. - 6. - Y..)2
If the effects postulated in the experimental model turn out to be signifi-
cant O 2 will probably be much smaller than a 2 because the experiment
ee * J es r
explains more of the observed variation than the survey does. We can there-
fore generally expect residual error variance estimates obtained from sample
survey data to be conservatively high.
In some cases, auxiliary data taken during a survey (such as tidal
elevation or substrate composition) may be used to fit a simple after-the-
fact experimental model to the survey data. If tidal elevation were
available, a single factor model would provide the following a 2 estimate:
After the fact experiment 0 2: a \ = — Ł Ł (y - y - a )
e ea w . . , , IK i
1=1 k=l
We can expect this variance estimate to lie somewhere between a 2 , the survey-
based estimate, and a 2, the unavailable estimate that would be obtained from
the actual experiment. An interesting example of this approach to resi-
dual error variance is discussed in Chapter A.
If we prefer not to rely on inadequate historical data to develop an
estimate for O 2 we can carry out a preliminary experiment with the primary
objective of estimating this unknown variance. This approach is practically
mandatory in unprecedented or highly uncertain situations such as those
involving controlled oil spills. The concept of sequential experimentation
mentioned in Section 3.1 is, of course, quite relevant here. Although the
performance of the initial survey in a sequential field program cannot be
adequately estimated because of uncertainty in 0 2, the next experiment
in the program will be able to use improved a * estimates based on this survey.
A sequential research program designed to provide increasingly accurate esti-
mates of experimental performance is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
Feasibilite/ Assessment
The previous subsection outlines how a particular experimental design
can be characterized by a simple set of statistical variables—the degrees
of freedom for residual error (N-P) and for the hypothesis of interest
(R), the assumed maximum treatment effect deviation (A), and the residual
error standard deviation (0 ). The expressions derived there are conveniently
summarized in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) table for a general complete
block experiment presented in Table 3.3. These expressions may be evalua-
ted manually or on a computer for any specified layout and the parameters
V, = R, v = N-P, a and X substituted into appropriate expressions for
the non-central F probability distribution:
ft "*
power = / p(F|V1,v2,X)dF
Useful approximations for this integral are given in Kendall and Stuart
(1973, Chap. 24).
Table 3-3
Constraint Degrees of Freedom Non-Centrality Parameter
Main effects
H : factor i significant
(1=1, I.j-1)
N / A
21. la
i V e
First-order interactions
H..: interactions between
factors i and j are
1) (I -1)
21.I. a
(m-1)-order interactions
H., : interactions
ij.. .m , _
between factors
i, j ,... m are
m=l, I -1)
21.1 I a
i m
Block effects
Residual error
Grand mean
(K-l)T - (L-D
Total number of samples
N = KT
Variable definitions:
I. = number of levels defined for
factor i
T = total number of treatments = IT I.
1=1 X
K = number of replicates distri-
buted evenly among L blocks
A = assumed maximum deviation
between treatment effects
F = number of factors
L = number of complete blocks
a = true residual root-mean-
squared error
f.. = treatment effects
Our ability to evaluate power (and therefore risk) as a function of
at least seven or eight distinct design parameters presents us with a
potentially large number of parametric comparisons—power vs. replicates for
various o values, power vs. A for various a values, etc. Nearly all of
these comparisons are useful for one purpose or another as shown by the
numerous examples of parametric performance comparisons provided in Chapter
4 (these were generated by RMA's experimental design evaluation program).
It is useful to review the factors which determine the feasibility
of a practical experiment and to identify a few performance comparisons
which are particularly relevant to feasibility assessment. A feasible
impact experiment is one which can detect significant ecological effects
(e.g., abundance changes) with acceptable risk performance for an acceptable
expenditure of effort. This definition obviously requires that the experi-
menter specify rather precisely the following:
0 The level of effect considered to be significant (A ).
0 The maximum risk, or, equivalently, the power and significance
level considered to be acceptable.
0 The maximum expenditure of effort—number of replicates or
samples, number of treatments, temporal and spatial scope of
the experiment—considered to be acceptable.
In addition, the experimenter must estimate the residual error variance which
can reasonably by expected to result from the experiment under consideration.
If we presume for the moment that the effort expended in an experiment
with a given number of treatments is proportional to the number of samples
taken, the acceptable level of effort may be specified in terms of the
maximum permissible number of replicates (NA). In addition, we may say that
the risk associated with an experiment is acceptable if the significance level
is equal to some value (say .10) and the power for testing a particular
main effect impact is greater than some minimum permissible value (say .95).
With these definitions we may evaluate the set of all feasible experiments.
A typical experimental feasibility evaluation is shown in Figure 3-10
for a 4x2x2x2 layout. The specifications used in this example are:
0 Significant impact A =4.0
0 Acceptable significance level a = .10
° Acceptable replicates N. = 6
0 Nominal power Power ^> . 70
o Nominal standard deviation a > 4.0
e —
0 Number of blocks L = 1
Figure 3-10a defines the range of residual error standard deviation values
which give a power of .95 for testing the impact of the first (4 level)
factor in the experiment. Since our specifications indicate that a will
be greater than 4.0, the region of feasible experiments consists of all
layouts having less than 6 replicates which allow a A of 4.0 to be detected
with a power of .95. This region is indicated in the figure by cross-
hatching. Figure 3.10b shows another view of the feasible region. In
this case, the region consists of all layouts having less than 6 replicates
which allows a A of 4.0 to be detected with a power of .70 or more when
CJ =6.0. The two plots together give a reasonably good feeling for the
marginal sensitivity of experimental feasibility to the specifications imposed
by the investigation. For example, Figure 3.10a shows that two more
replicates would have to be added to provide acceptable performance if the
residual error standard deviation were 6.0. Similarly, Figure 3.10b shows
that replacement of the requirement that A = 4.0 by the milder requirement
that A = 5.0 increases the power obtainable with 6 replicates to .95.
Numerous other trade-offs of this sort can be investigated with appropriate
power or delta curves.
The concepts and statistical tools described in this chapter provide
the means for a systematic evaluation of the sampling alternatives and
experimental procedures proposed for an intertidal field study. Some of
the simpler design parameters—the specified significance level, the number
and allocation of factorial treatments, the number of replicates—are included
quite directly in our analysis of power and risk. Other more subtle aspects
O O^ - 3.0
A 0, - A.O
+ Oe • 5.0
X o • 6.0
Power • 0.95
Alpha - 0.10
4.00 6.50 7.00
O Power • .SO
A Power - .70
•+• Power « .80
X Power - .95
Alphe - 0.10
3 " 6<0
"l.OO 2.50
4.00 5.60
a.60 10.00
a) Feasible Region for Various Values of a
b) Feasible Region for Various Values of Power
Feasibility Evaluation for a 4x2x2x2 Layout
of design—quadrat blocking and location, the use of concomitants, the selec-
tion of which factors to investigate—are only indirectly included through
their influence on the residual error variance. In a practical experimental
design, it is generally best to concentrate first on minimizing residual
error through blocking, redefinition of factors, use of concomitant variables.
or other similar innovations. A reasonable estimate for the resulting
residual error (preferably based on experience with a related sequential
experiment) should then be used to evaluate feasibility and guide decisions
about replication, significance level and other design parameters which are
easily controlled.
Although there are many uncertainties involved in this highly judgmental
approach to design, we believe there is no realistic alternative. The
intertidal environment is too complex to allow us to manufacture simple-
minded rules of thumb which apply to all situations. Each experimental
program will require a unique approach which accounts for local factors
and anomalies that are found nowhere else. Detailed examples which
illustrate this point are presented in Chapter 4.
We have attempted to show in this chapter that statistically valid
experiments must first be scientifically valid. The models, blocking
schemes, and sampling allocations used in the field inevitably depend on
subjective decisions made by the researcher, decisions which rely on
experience, ecological understanding, and intuition. We cannot, therefore,
ever expect to have a simple set of ground rules or instructions for the
design of intertidal experiments. At best, we can outline some general
design criteria which serve to remind the investigator of the many factors
which must be considered when laying out an experiment. A list of such
criteria (or guidelines) is provided in this section, primarily to summarize
the many points raised in Sections 3.2 and 3.3. Step-by-step examples of
how our design criteria can be applied to a typical intertidal experiment
are provided in Chapter 4 and extensive details on specific design questions
are given in standard references such as Cox (1958), Cochran and Cox (1957)
and Scheffe (1959).
0 The experimenter should lay out a relatively short sequence of separate
field studies which each contribute to a clearly defined overall research
The sequential approach to experimentation allows the researcher
to identify natural processes acting at the experimental site
before perturbations are applied. It also provides a chance to
refine uncertain experimental models, estimate residual error
variance, and test field methodology.
0 The design of each experiment in the experimental series should begin
with a careful enumeration of the dependent and independent variables to
be considered.
It is useful, at the outset, to make a list of all the environmental
variables (physical, chemical and biological) which could affect the
biological variables of primary interest. These variables form the
basis for the experimental procedures and sampling designs which
o The number of factors, factor levels, and concomitant variables used in
the experimental model should be kept as small as possible.
It is best to use the same number of levels (usually 2 or 3) for
each classified factor unless special considerations require a larger
number of particular factors. Although concomitant variables may
help to reduce residual error, they should not be added indiscrimi-
nately since they can increase experimental cost substantially.
° The effects of unavoidable nuisance variables should be randomized through
the use of pragmatically designed blocking strategies which minimize within
block variability and maximize between block variability.
It is important to note that experimental units and blocks do not
have to be laid out in regular grids or patterns in the interests
of "objectivity." Rigid blocking strategies only serve to increase
residual errors unnecessarily and do not make experimental conclu-
sions more statistically valid. Although a single blocking arrange-
ment may not deal equally well with all nuisance variables, one
based on obvious abundance variations or terrain features will
probably be a good overall compromise. Whenever the designer is
in doubt about spatially or temporally variable nuisance factors
a randomization scheme should be developed to deal with them.
The relationships between observations, experimental factors, and poten-
tial sources of experimental error should be defined in an experimental
The experimental model is not just a formality (although it is
often treated this way) but is, rather, a reference which allows
the designer to deal with unique circumstances which may not be
included in standard sampling plans. It helps the designer
identify interactions which can be lumped with residual error or
confounded to provide better main effect test power. Most
importantly, it is the basis for all sums of squares computations
used in the analysis of variance and for the degree of freedom and
non-centrality parameter computations used in performance evalua-
0 For intertidal applications, randomized block sampling layouts offer the
most flexibility and are easiest to use.
Randomized block design procedures are well suited for factorial
model studies since they offer the designer considerable flexibi-
lity in selecting the number of replicates to be used and the
interactions to be emphasized in the analysis of variance. Other
designs, such as Latin or lattice squares, can be adapted to
factorial applications but the additional computational complexity
arising when these designs are confounded or otherwise modified
for multi-variable problems is usually not justified.
0 Complete block designs are highly desirable in studies with only a few
factors, when the experimental site is relatively uniform, or when inter-
actions may be important. They are, however, usually not the most
efficient designs in larger factorial experiments.
Complete block designs require a considerable amount of sampling in
order to provide information on all factorial interactions. Usually,
interactions higher than first or second-order are difficult to
interpret even when they are accurately estimated. Often, these
interactions are insignificant. In such cases, the information
offered by complete block methods may be more than is really needed.
Complete block designs can require very large block sizes when
more than 4 or 5 factors are included in the experimental model.
Since large block sizes are more likely to have significant within-
block nuisance variations, they should be avoided whenever possible.
° Practical limitations on quadrat placement and blocking in the intertidal
environment should be considered in the early stages of an experimental
The practical problems associated with executing particular treat-
ment manipulations, particularly those relating to petroleum
application, can severely limit the experimenter's ability to lay
out ideally randomized blocks of sampling quadrats. Although some
incomplete blocking techniques may be able to reduce these problems
by sacrificing certain factorial effects or interactions, we feel
it is generally better to redefine the objectives and factors of the
experiment than to resort to restrictive incomplete or non-randomized
° Selection of a test decision threshold is an inevitably subjective process
which should be carefully considered by the experimenter.
The decision threshold selected for testing a particular impact
hypothesis determines, to a large extent, whether or not the impact
of interest will be judged significant. Ideally, this threshold
should be chosen to minimize the normalized decision risk for the
hypothesis. Since the decision risk depends on costs which may
be difficult to determine, a common practical alternative is to
derive the threshold from a specified significance level (type I
error). If this method is used the experimenter should attempt
to balance type I and type II errors so that the test is not
unfairly biased for or against detection of impacts. It is not
sufficient to use a significance level of .OS3 .10 3 or any other
value simply because this is accepted practice.
0 Experimental feasibility can be objectively evaluated only if it is defined
in terms of specific design parameters.
In a qualitative sense, a feasible experiment is one which can
detect significant ecological effects (e.g., abundance changes)
with acceptable risk performance for an acceptable expenditure of
effort. In order for the terms significant and acceptable to
be properly defined, the experimenter must specify:
° The level of effect considered to be significant (A ).
0 The maximum risk, or, equivalently, the power and
significance level considered to be acceptable.
° The maximum number of replicates, treatments, and blocks
considered to be acceptable.
In addition, the experimenter must estimate a reasonable value, or at
least a range of values, for the residual error variance to be
obtained in the proposed experiment.
To conclude our discussion of the statistical aspects of experimental
design, we review the three questions posed at the beginning of the chapter
in Section 3.1. We attempt to give brief answers to each question based
on the design and performance evaluation concepts presented in Sections
3.2 and 3.3.
0 To what extent can traditional experimental design methods be applied
to intertidal and particularly to petroleum-related field studies?
The traditional methods of factor selection, randomization, blocking,
and performance evaluation discussed in this chapter are directly
relevant to intertidal experiments, as illustrated in the various
examples presented. The variability, patchiness, and complexity of
intertidal species and the difficulties involved in applying petro-
leum as a treatment require innovative and flexible approaches to
factor selection and quadrat placement, but they do not invalidate
in any way the basic concepts developed in traditional design theory.
o What standards must be met for a particular intertidal experiment to be
statistically valid?
The experimental layout must be properly randomized so that within-
block nuisance variations are minimized and the experimental model
must explain a reasonably large fraction of observed sample
variability (i.e., the residual error variance should be small rela-
tive to the measurement variance). In addition, the experimental
model, sampling layout, and field methodology should be consistent
with the researcher's understanding of ecosystem behavior.
o How much effort (or cost) must the researcher spend to verify that a parti-
cular ecological impact is statisfically significant?
This depends on the level of effect the researcher considers
significant, on the risk the researcher is willing to accept in his
decisions, and on the level of residual error variability present
after the best available experimental model has been fit to the data.
Systematic techniques are available for relating all of these design
specifications to sample size (or cost) for a given experimental
layout. The feasibility and desirability of any experiment are
determined by the relative values of the scientific benefit which
might be gained and the costs which must be expended. When a
system is highly complex and poorly understood, the expenditures
of time, money and effort required may be large but the potential
for gaining important new information may be significant.
We now turn to the task of illustrating the use of the design criteria
and methods developed in Chapters 2 and 3 in a realistic example. The re-
sults yield further understanding of the experimental design problem and
demonstrate the role of quantitative design methods in these kinds of
problems. In addition to demonstrating the application of ecological and
statistical design criteria, we also display alternative designs for a few
particular experiments. These displays include an assessment of the trade-
offs between experimental effort and information return. Although our
examples are limited in scope and devised to illustrate the role and utility
of quantitative design methods, they demonstrate typical designs.
The upper intertidal zone, typically dominated spatially be a complex
of barnacles, mussels and algae, is the focus of our examples. Our descrip-
tions and approach are strongly motivated and influenced by work reported by
Dayton (1971). We have chosen Zaikof Bay, a site on the southern coast of
Alaska studied by Zimmerman et al (1976 and 1977) as a representative rocky
shore, suitable for conducting field experiments. Our choice in no way
reflects a recommendation one way or another as to the ultimate use of
Zaikof Bay for oil-related studies.
Because our purpose is to demonstrate design methods, we have not dealt
with some important problems associated with implementing a field experiment.
Site selection, logistic considerations, and laboratory procedures are
aspects of carrying out an experiment which we have not considered. In
particular, as we discussed in Chapter 1, we do not address important politi-
cal problems which could arise in conducting a "controlled oil spill."
Our examples represent a meaningful compromise between exact complex
conditions one would expect to find in the field and simple illustrative
cases which are only of academic interest. Many of our assumptions may
appear expedient, given our objectives. However, they are exactly the
kinds of assumptions that are necessary if one wants to use quantitative
design methods. It is often necessary to ignore or lump together certain
sources of variability known to affect rocky shore communities. For
example, desiccation can play an important role as a cause of physiological
stress which effects species abundance distributions in rocky shores. As
described in subsequent sections, we do not consider desiccation as a separate
factor from wave exposure and tidal elevation. Again, such simplifying
assumptions are necessary decisions required in arriving at a design.
The use of quantitative design methods accentuates and clarifies these kinds
of assumptions and choices.
In Section 1.5 we described some features of rocky shore habitats and
communities. We now consider Zaikof Bay specifically. Our description and
understanding of the rocky shore community at Zaikof Bay is based on data
reported by Zimmerman and Merrell (1976). We do not have first-hand know-
ledge of Zaikof Bay and have relied almost entirely on the data as it has
been reported to the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). As a result
some features of the Zaikof Bay site may be overlooked or inaccurately
described. Our designs can be readily updated to account for additional
knowledge about the site not presently available to us.
Zaikof Bay can be classified as a semi-protected boulder beach with a
lot of relief. We choose for our focus of interest the barnacle-mussel
zone, typically occuring within the tidal region of 0-8 ft. above mean lower
low water (MLLW). Following Dayton's (1971) description we assume that the
principal sources of physical disturbance are wave exposure and desiccation.
We assume there is no significant log battering and that variations in
temperature and salinity do not affect the community.
The principal sessile species occuring at Zaikof Bay in this zone are
several algae, two barnacles—Balanus glandulus and B. cariosus—and the
mussel Mytilus edulis. The chiton Katherina tunicata, the limpet Collisella
pelta, and the urchin Strongylocantratus droebachiensis are the predominant
herbivores. Nucella lamellosa, Lepastarias hexactis and Pisaster comprise
the important carnivorous predators. Table 4.1 is a list of selected species
which constitute the most prevalent taxa at Zaikof Bay. Table 4.2 lists
taxonomic groups not included in our selected species lists.
The important biological interactions which are functioning in the
community are competition for "primary" space among sessile species and
predation by Katherina, Collisella, Nucella and Pisaster. Dayton (1971)
describes these interactions in detail for the kind of rocky shore we have
in mind. In general, the limpet guild plays a particularly important role
because it can efficiently graze settling algae and sporelings, as well as
prey on and dislodge immature and young barnacles. Experimental evidence
such as Dayton's demonstrates the importance of physical and biological
disturbances in rocky shore communities. The interplay of dynamic processes-
physical disturbance, biological interaction and settlement/recruitment—
result in a dynamic, highly variable system which exhibits significant
spatial patchiness, as well as large temporal fluctuations.
For the purposes of our examples we choose the algae-barnacle-limpet
interactions as a focal point. We are motivated to make this choice for
several reasons. First, we want to work with a sub-system which is obser-
vable and controllable. Secondly, as described in Chapter 2, herbivore-
algal disturbances are often observed following oil spills. Thirdly, there
is a relatively large amount of experimental experience with this system
reported in the literature.
4.2.1 Existing Data from Zaikof Bay
In this section we describe and statistically characterize the
existing data set for Zaikof Bay. Our primary interest is to obtain esti-
mates of the residual error variance, 0* 2, which can be used to generate
alternative designs for oil-related experiments at Zaikof Bay.
Table 4-1
Ulva lactuca
Alaria praelonga
Pterpsiphonia bipinnata
Od.ontb.alia spp.
Halosaccion glandiforme
Rhodymenia palmata
MytjLlus edulis
Ratherina tunicata
Collisella pelta
Littorina sitkana
Littorina scutulata
Margaritas helicinus
Lacuna marmorata
Nucella lamellosa
Searlisa dira
Balanus cariosus
Balanus glandula
Amphithoe rubricajtoides
Laptasterias hexactis
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Table 4-2
At the time of this writing, the available intertidal data for
Zaikof Bay consists of 15 samples collected on September 12 and 13, 1974.
These data are reported in Zimmerman and Merrell (1976) and available on
magnetic tape from NODC. Additional samples collected at Zaikof Bay in
1975 are not included in our analysis, because we have not received the
necessary tapes from NODC.
The 15 samples comprising the data set (Table 4-3) were obtained by
two different sampling methods. Ten samples collected on September 12, 1974
were obtained by the so-called Myren-Pella Method (Zimmerman and Merrell,
1976). This method involves sketching a facsimile of the area to be sampled,
and the biotic zonation, on a sheet of mylar plastic. Numbered, homgeneously
arrayed dots are then placed on the sketch. A random number table is used
to choose the dots which are projected into sampling locations. Numbered
arrows are then placed at the corresponding locations on the rock face and
sampling with 1/16 m sampling frames follows.
A nested quadrat sampler was used to obtain five samples on September
13, 1974. This frame consists of 16 squares, each 1/64 m2. Different sized
areas are collected (see Table 4-3). The resulting data can be used to
determine the variability among sample sizes and assess the adequacy of
different sample sizes.
Of the 15 samples available, eight are used in the following statisti-
cal analysis. Sample #6 is deleted from the analysis because the quadrat
area is unknown. Sample #3 is deleted because there is no replicate sample
for the same tidal elevation (1.52m) and variability due to tidal elevation
is a principal concern. Finally, we have omitted the nested quadrat data
(samples 11 thru 15) from the analysis for two reasons. First, variability
with quadrat size has been analyzed by Zimmerman and Merrell (1976) and they
demonstrate that a 1/16 in2 sampling frame is satisfactory. Secondly, the
effect of quadrat size is of no particular interest experimentally (beyond
choosing an appropriate fixed size) and the available data are insufficient
to analyze the interaction between tidal elevation and area because nested
quadrat data are available for only a single elevation. Thirdly, the nested
quadrat data are collected on a different day, which may introduce additional
variability, for which we cannot adequately account with the existing data.
Table 4-3
September 12 and 13, 1974
1 9/12/74 MYREN-PELLA E10
10 T Z23
11 9/13/74 NESTED QUADRAT Z 1
i i
Z 2
Z 3
Z 4
Z 5
AREA (m2)
Not reported
(m above MLLW)
Information taken from magnetic tape provided by NODC
4.2.2 Statistical Analysis of the Zaikof Bay Data
Table 4-4 shows for counts and wet weight, the mean, standard devia-
tion, variance, coefficient of variation (standard deviation /mean) and
frequency of occurrence for each selected species computed from the reduced
data set of eight samples, treating all eight samples as replicates. Note
that the coefficient of variation ranges from 95% to 282% for counts and
19% to 282% for wet weight, demonstrating the relatively large variability
in the data. Also, note that most of the species occur in only a few of
the eight samples.
The difference in frequency of occurrence between numbers of organisms
and wet weight is not explained in available data documentation and is apparently
dependent on the characteristics of the species involved. Some algal species
are difficult or impossible to measure by counts. For most invertebrates wet
weight is a less reliable measure of abundance than counts.
Wet weight measurements often range over four or five orders of
magnitude, whereas counts rarely range over more than two orders of magni-
tude for a given species. For convenience we transform wet weight measurements
by log (y+1) .
The variances given in Table 4-4 are estimates of residual error
variance in the model of measurements, y., given by
y± = U + e± i = 1, 2,... 8 (4-1)
where, u = grand mean of all measurements of a given species
e. = residual error with zero mean and variance of a
i e
We are interested in finding an alternative model for the measurements
which accounts for part of the variability and thereby reduces a 2. A
potential source of variability within the reduced data set is tidal elevation.
We can hypothesize the following alternative model
y,4 = y +a. + e, . i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (4_2)
, 2
where, a. = the effect due to tidal elevation i
Table 4-4
Ulva lactuca
Alaria praelonga
Halosaccion glandiforme
Rhodymenia palmata
Pterosiphonia bipinnata
Odonthalia dentata
Odonthalla kamtschatica
Odonthalia washingtoniensis
Katherina tunicata
Mytilus edulis
Collisella pelta
Margarites helicinus
Littorina sitkana
Littorina scatulata
Lacuna marmorata
Nucella lamellosa
Searlisa dira
Balanus cariosus
Balanus glandula
Amphithoe rubricatedes
Luptasterias hexactis
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
+ 1)
- 19.14
Note: All statistics are for 1/64 m area
We can estimate the residual error variance for this model using a one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA). (Note: In a typical application of ANOVA to
this kind of problem the analyst would use F-tests to determine the signi-
ficance of the tidal elevation effect a.. Since our concern at this point
is simply to estimate a 2, we do not carry out a complete ANOVA). Table 4-5
shows the residual error mean sum of squares (variance) for each selected
species for model 4-2. Results are shown for both counts and log (y+1)
transformation on wet weight. The values of residual error variance in
Table 4-5 can be compared with variance estimates in Table 4-4. Differences
demonstrate the extent to which the two models (equations 4-1 and 4-2) account
for variability in data. Species for which a 2 in Table 4-5 is significantly
less than in Table 4-4 have a spatial distribution which is significantly
affected by tidal elevation. Notable examples are Rhodymenia, Odonthalia,
Mytilus, Collisella, Margaritis, and Balanus glandula. The values of a 2
given in Table 4-4 and 4-5 are essential to the designs generated in section
A number of important questions arise in our consideration of possible
oil-related impacts at Zaikof Bay:
0 Can the effects of oil on a rocky shore community be differen-
tiated from other independent sources of variability?
0 Does the introduction of oil into this system cause a measurable
response in patterns of species distribution and abundance?
0 What is the minimum concentration of oil at which significant
effects can be observed?
0 What minimum level of oil effect can be detected with a
particular design?
Most of these questions are addressed by adopting the following overall
research objective:
To study in the upper rooky intertidal community of Zaikof Bay
the role of various amounts and compositions of petroleum
Table 4-5
Ulva lactuca
Alaria praelonga
Halosaccion glandiforme
Rhodymenia palmata
Pterosiphonia bipinnata
Odonthalia dentata
Odonthalia kamtschatica
Odonthalia washing toniens is
Katherina tunicata
Mytilus edulis
Collisella pelta
Margarites helicinus
Littorina sitkana
Littorina scatulata
Lacuna marmorata
Nucella lamellosa
Searlisa dira
Balanus cariosus
Balanus glandula
Amphithoe rubricatoides
Luptasterias hexactis
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Error Variance (a^2)
LOG (wet wt.+l)
substances as a disturbance on distribution and abundance of
selected species (or taxa) in the following ways:
0 physical/chemical disturbance
0 direct competition for space
° disruption of competition and predation
o interaction with natural physical disturbances
such as wave exposure and dessication
Two important criteria developed in Chapter 2 are reflected in this objective.
First, we focus our attention on population and community level effects, as
exhibited by abundance and distribution patterns of certain species (or other
taxa). Secondly, we limit ourselves to the particular sub-system of the
rocky shore in Zaikof Bay described in Section 4.2.
Translation of our overall objective into specific experimental designs
is our principal task in this Chapter. Guided by the ecological and statis-
tical design criteria developed in Chapters 2 and 3, we follow a process
which leads to specific designs intended to help explain the effects of oil
spills. It will become evident in what follows that no single experiment
is sufficient to accomplish our objective. Rather, a sequential series of
related experiments emerge as an experimental approach.
The first step in the design process is to formulate specific experi-
mental hypotheses. To do this, however, we must obtain at least a rough
description of community composition (such as provided in Sections 1.5 and
4.2) which help us identify the ecological processes and variables which need
to be studied. We then turn to more detailed manipulation experiments
designed to investigate hypotheses about the role of natural (as opposed to
oil-related) biological and environmental processes in the community. The
next step is to establish the feasibility of applying and monitoring oil.
Then we proceed to detailed investigations of oil as a treatment, concentrating
on comparisons between oiled and unoiled areas. Subsequent experiments can
be designed to elucidate the causal mechanisms by which oil affects community
structure as well as the relationships between oil and other disturbances.
In Chapter 2 we raised several questions about the feasibility of
using oil as a controllable experimental treatment factor. In particular,
can oil be applied to units in such a way that actual treatments are known?
Does oil applied in one unit contaminate control units or alter the level
applied in other nearby units? What is the appropriate scale of oil experi-
ments? What unit size and distance between units should be used? These
questions need to be answered as a prerequisite to designing and conducting
impact and recovery experiments. To a large extent developing feasible
treatment methods and experimental protocols is a trial and error process.
The investigator must simply "fiddle around" in the field, testing various
experimental methods and devices, developing experience and relying on his
or her ingenuity. Statistics and quantitative design methods play a diminished
role during this phase of field experiments. In Section 4.4.3 we consider
this question further.
It is apparent that results of initial experiments may determine the
nature of subsequent investigations. We recommend a cautious, iterative,
incremental approach because of the highly complex nature of the system and
the tenuousness of existing models of community structure. As more confidence
is gained in our understanding of governing phenomena we can move to experi-
ments which are broader in scope and encompass multiple objectives. The
design process will remain relatively similar.
In this section we develop some specific experimental designs intended
to meet the experimental objectives outlines in Section 4.3. It is useful to
define several discrete experimental phases which would be conducted,
more or less, in chronological order:
1. Preliminary surveys intended to determine abundance
distribution, community composition, and species diver-
sity at the experimental site.
2. Initial Manipulation Experiments designed to identify
in a qualitative way the factors responsible for observed
natural patterns of abundance (in the absence of petroleum).
3. Oil feasibility experiments or surveys to establish the
feasibility of applying and controlling oil as an experi-
mental treatment.
4. Oil impact experiments designed to establish the temporal and
spatial variability of selected species when oil is applied
as a treatment.
5. Recovery experiments or surveys for a long-term followup of
the effects of an intentional or accidental spill.
Each stage in this sequence of experiments is, at this time, less well-
defined than its predecessors. A myriad of possible lines of investigation
could emerge as the results of each survey or manipulation experiment
are obtained and analyzed. The examples we present here are intended to
illustrate the general process of sequential design. More detailed designs
can be developed only as field data actually become available.
The process we follow for choosing the design variables follows from
Chapters 2 and 3. First, we develop an explicit qualitative statement
of the experimental objectives. From our knowledge and assumptions about
possible causal factors in rocky shores, we can select the experimental
factors to be included in the experiment. Different levels for each factor
define the experimental treatments and establish the range of validity for
the results. Some treatments may be represented by natural gradients, such
as different tidal elevations. Other treatments arise from specific mani-
pulations, such as predator exclusion devices. Choice of experimental units
and observations follow directly from the selected treatments.
After specifying the experimental treatments and units, we can consider
alternative layouts for the allocation of treatments to units. For each
layout of interest, we use power analysis to evaluate the relationship between
probability of obtaining a significant effect and sampling effort. Finally,
we can compare alternative designs based on the expected information return
(as defined by the model and power analysis) and the total sampling effort.
4.4.1 Preliminary Surveys
In the case of Zaikof Bay, we are fortunate to have some information
on community composition and species abundance reported by Zimmerman and
Merrell (1976). This information, summarized in Section 4.2, is precisely the
kind we would seek in a preliminary survey of an experimental site. It is
useful here to review some of the general sampling principles for such sur-
veys which were, to some extent, used by Zimmerman and Merrell.
As pointed out in Chapter 3, survey studies are concerned with estima-
tion of the mean of a randomly dispersed population. In our example, the
populations of interest are species found at Zaikof Bay and are characterized
by species counts, wet weight or other abundance-related measures. The
quality of the mean estimate obtained in any particular survey depends
inversely on the quadrat-to-quadrat variability of the observation. The
best single way to reduce this variability is to stratify the sampling
procedure—i.e., to group the quadrats into distinct strata which differ with
respect to some important environmental variable such as tidal elevation
(see the discussion accompanying Figure 3-1). An inspection of the Zimmerman
and Merrell (1976) data and the subsequent analysis performed in Section
4.2.2 shows that tidal elevation may be used to stratify the samples in
their survey.
In general, sample strata should be selected to account for obvious
sources of variability at the survey site—topographic irregularities,
differences in dessication or exposure, substrate variations, etc. This
procedure provides a useful prelude to controlled experimentation (since the
strata may later become experimental blocks) as well as a better estimate
of the true abundance and distribution of each species surveyed. With
preliminary survey information in hand, the experimenter can proceed with
greater confidence to define experimental objectives, factors, treatments,
and layouts in the subsequent stages of a sequential research program.
4.4.2 Initial Manipulation Experiments
Initial manipulation experiments are intended to determine or confirm
natural patterns of species abundance and distribution and their causes.
Even in cases such as rocky shores where previous investigations have led
to specific conclusions about causes of observed community structure, Cox
(1958) points out the need to demonstrate agreement with previously estab-
lished results. In our case, we follow the work of many investigators,
especially Dayton (1971) and Paine (1969; 1974). So extensive initial
experiments will not be required. Rather, we seek to design some relatively
simple experiments which provide a linkage between their reported results
and our ultimate goal of investigating effects of oil. This kind of experi-
ment is not a necessary pre-requisite to conducting oil impact experiments.
However, we believe it is wise to establish some understanding of the impor-
tant community processes governing patterns of species abundance and
distribution at the site of oil experiments. In addition, because the design
of this experiment does not depend on the feasibility of using oil as a
treatment factor, it provides our most complete example of experimental design.
Experimental Objective
Results reported by Dayton (1971) and others demonstrate that the
patterns of abundance and distribution of sessile species in the barnacle-
mussel zone of rocky intertidal habitats is governed by certain physical
disturbances and the dominant competitors and predators in the community.
In order to confirm this hypothesis for the particular areas in which our
oil experiments are conducted, we focus attention on competition among
selected algal and barnacle species (Table 4-1) and the role of tidal
elevation, Katherina tunicata, Collisella spp., Nucella spp. and Searlisa
dira in determining the recruitment and survival of these sessile species.
We can state this objective in terms of specific hypotheses to be
There is no significant change in the abundance of selected
algal and barnacle species occurring in experimental units due to
the following factors and/or their interactions:
0 differences in tidal elevation
0 exclusion or not of Katherina tunicata
° exclusion or not of limpets (Collisella)
o exclusion or not of ^carnivorous gastropods (Nucella or Searlisa dira)
Implied in this hypothesis are several constraints on the experiment. We
assume that starfish are naturally or experimentally excluded. Only one
site is chosen for the investigation. We are not including different wave
exposures as an experimental factor. All experiments are begun in Spring
of the year and concluded in the subsequent Fall. Possible differences due
to different starting dates (month or season) or different years are not
investigated in these experiments.
Factors and Treatments
Treatments for this experiment consist of different combinations of
the levels of the four factors: tidal elevation, Katherina, limpet and
carniverous gastropod abundance. The number of levels of tidal elevation
depends on the particular zonation of the study site. Each level should
consist of a region in which the spatial distribution of organisms is
relatively homogeneous. At Zaikof Bay data exists for four different tidal
elevations, so we assume that these four levels adequately represent the
Tidal Elevation Level Height Above MLLW (meters)
1 .6
2 .9
3 1.21
4 1.82
Ideally, the experiment would include several levels of species
abundance ranging from complete absence to normal abundance. However,
experimentally maintaining abundances at levels between these two extremes
is impractical, if not impossible. Therefore, we limit the abundance to two
levels—excluded and not excluded.
Alternative Layouts
In the jargon of experimental design, the experiment we are describing
is called 4x2x2x2 (or 4x2 ) factorial experiment. Several possible layouts
come to mind. One is a complete block factorial design with blocks of 32
units; another is a confounded factorial design with blocks of 8 or 16
units. A third alternative is to consider each of the four tidal elevations
independently and lay out four 2 experiments, one at each elevation; or to
use a split-plot design, separating blocks into plots according to tidal
We can rule out this latter alternative because we are specifically
interested in main and interaction tidal elevation effects. These are
excluded if we use four 2 experiments or a split plot layout. Confounded
designs are suitable for cases in which we can expect experimental error to
be reduced by using blocks which are more homogeneous, or which can be sub-
jected to more uniform techniques, than a complete block. These conditions
are not likely to be encountered in this case. The principal expected source
of heterogeneity is tidal elevation, which is already included as a factor.
At any given tidal elevation variability over clusters of eight 1/16 m units,
is unlikely to be reduced by using blocks of two or four units. In experi-
ments where a larger total area is encompassed by the units, confounded layouts
may be of more interest.
We are left then with 4x2x2x2 complete block factorial design in which
each block contains 32 units. Each unit receiving a different treatment,
corresponding to each of the 32 possible factor-level combinations. Alloca-
tion of treatments to the units in any block should be random. If replicate
blocks are used, these should be positioned randomly (see Chapter 3). Note
that this layout allows us to estimate all main and interaction effects for
the four factors.
Number of Replicates
Power analysis allows us to determine the number of replicates necessary
to have a given probability of obtaining a significant result. As described
in Chapter 3, the computation of power depends on the particular statistical
test to be performed. In the case of a factorial experiment we use analysis
of variance and F-tests to test hypotheses regarding various effects. Given
the 4x2x2x2 experimental layout, we determine the degrees of freedom and non-
centrality parameter and then calculate F-test power for the experiment.
In general, for a complete block factorial layout, power is largest for
main effects and smallest for the highest-order interaction effect. In the
present layout, power of F-tests to test for the presence/absence effect of
Katherina, Collisella and Nucella are interchangeable because they have the
same number of degrees of freedom and the same noncentrality parameter. There-
fore, in what follows we use the term power of F-tests to detect a "predation
effect" (symbolized by H ) to refer to the power of the F-test for any one of
these three main effects. Because the factor tidal elevation occurs at four
levels in this layout, the power of F-tests for tidal elevation effect is
lower than for the main effects of predators. In Table 4-6 we compare the
power of F-tests as a function of the number of replicates and A/a =1 for
detecting a tidal elevation effect and for detecting a predator effect. In
the remainder of this section we use only the power of the F-test for detecting
a predator effect, because these are the effects of primary interest. For any
given design, power for the main effect of tidal elevation or interaction
effects is lower than for the main effect of one of the predator species.
An important parameter in determining the power (and potential success)
of any experiment and statistical test is the ratio —— . As discussed in
Chapter 3, we need an estimate of 0e in order to evaluate the absolute power
of a given experiment. However, parameterizing power on A/(Je provides us
with a useful relative measure of experimental performance. Figure 4-1 is
a graph of the power of the F-test for H versus — for different replication
P ^e
sizes. It is readily apparent from this figure that for 4 or more replica-
tions, the probability of detecting a significant effect is relatively high
for a wide range of A/Ce values.
Given an estimate of ae, the variance of the residual error, we can
compute estimates of the minimum detectable effect, A, for given replication
sizes and powers. Recall that the observations are measures of abundances
of different species of algae, barnacles, limpets, etc. We estimate ae for
a set of selected species in Section 4.2.1 (Table 4-5). The estimates of
ae2 shown in Table 4-5 are based on a one factor ANOVA model. This model
does not include the effects due to predators, which underlie the 4x2x2x2
complete block layout of the experiment. In using the Table 4-5 estimates
of ae we must recognize that they are estimates of a 2 for the
Table 4-6
A/a = l,a = .05
2 .59 .98
4 .93 1.0
6 .99 1.0
8 1.0 1,0
10 1.0 1.0
O 2 Replicates
A 4 Replicates
4- 9 Replicates
Alpha = .05
0.33 0.67 1.00 1.33 1 .67
F-test Power vs. Normalized "predator effect" (A/a )
with Different Numbers of Replicates
in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout
experiment and that data from the experiment itself may yield significantly
different estimates. However, these are the best estimates of a 2 based on
available data.
For convenience we display minimum detectable change (A) as a percentage
of the mean value for a particular species. For example, for Balanus glandula
our estimate of the mean in Table 4-4 is 5.5 organisms per 1/64 m2 and of ae
in Table 4-5 is 5.3 organisms per 1/64 m2. A change in 15. glandula abundance
of 1 organism per 1/64 m2 is an 18% change from the mean. In Figure 4-2a
we plot minimum detectable change in 13. glandula abundance as percentage of
the mean versus number of replicates for powers of .7, .85 and .95 and alpha
of .05. Figures 4-2b through 4-2e display similar plots for four other
species: Odonthalia, Rhodymenia, Mytilus and Nucella. Note that
for Odonthalia, the measure of abundance is log (wet weight + 1). For all
other species abundance is measured in counts. Except for Nucella, the
detectable % of mean for given number of replicates and power is within a
relatively narrow range. This fortuitous result follows from the fact that
the ratio of ae/mean for each of the species is within a relatively narrow
range (.4 - .9),
From Figures 4-2a through 4-2e we can obtain some sense of the economic
feasibility of the experiment we have designed. To illustrate, we assume
that costs are proportional to the number of replicates and, for example,
that we have a budget constraint which limits the experiment to a maximum
of 6 replications (192 quadrats). We also assume that we want an .85
probability of detecting a 50% change in the mean of JJ. glandula at a .05
significance level. The cross-hatched area in Figure 4-2a defines the region
of feasible experiments to meet these constraints. As shown in the figure,
at least 4 replicates of the 4x2x2x2 experiment are required to provide a
.85 probability of detecting a 50% change in the mean of IJ. glandula, if
such changes exist, at .05 significance level. Given a sufficient budget
to include 6 replicates in the experiment, a decision maker may opt for the
increased power (.95) of detecting a 50% change, which is obtained with 6
replicates. Or, from another point-of-view, 6 replicates allows smaller
changes (~40%) to be detected with a probability of .85.
Feasible Region
17 ,00
21 ,00
3.00 13,00
Detectable Change as a Percentage of the Mean for
]J. glandula vs. Number of Replicates for Different Powers
in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout
4.00 I.M
O '
Detectable Change as a Percentage
of the Mean for Rhodymenia palmata
vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23
Complete Block Layout
Detectable Change as a Percentage
of the Mean for Odenthalis dentata
vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23
Complete Block Layout
O '
•'.to it .00
Detectable Change as a Percentage
of the Mean for Mytilus edulis
vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23
Complete Block Layout
O '
A •"
TOO 7I«0 «TOO i^W T^flfl i\M 10.00
Detectable Change as a Percentage
of the Mean for Nucella lamellosa
vs. Number of Replicates for
Different Powers in a 4 x 23
Complete Block Layout
Rather than plot graphs such as Figure 4-2 for all species at Zaikof
Bay, in Figure 4-3a through 4-3d we generalize the results shown in Figures
4-2a through 4-2e by plotting minimum detectable change, A, versus number
of replicates for a given level of power and alpha and different values of
a .
The following example demonstrates how to use Figure 4-3 to obtain
results for a particular species. Figure 4-3b shows A versus number of
replicates for 2. _< cr _< 50. and power of .7. From Table 4-5 choose a species
(say Balanus glandula) and obtain an estimate of a (5.3). Now use the
curve corresponding to a = 5.0 in Figure 4-3b. For different numbers of
replicates (say, 6.) the value of A obtained (1.8) can be converted to a
percent of mean for the given species by using the mean value (5.6) given in
Table 4-4. The result of 32% equals that given in Figure 4-2a for the same
parameter values. Figure 4-3a shows A vs. replicates for .1 < CT < 1. and
— e —~
power of .7. Figures 4-3c and 4~3d are for a power of .95. Note that the
scaling of the graphs leads to the appearance that A is independent of
replicates for most values of 0 .
r e
To this point in the analysis we have assumed a fixed value of alpha
of .05. Because alpha is the probability of making a type I error, it repre-
sents one kind of risk which the experimenter must take in designing and
conducting an experiment (see Chapter 3). The risk represented by a chosen
level of significance must be balanced against the risk represented by
probability of making a type II error, as established by the chosen level of
power. We investigate the role of alpha in the design relative to detecting
changes in Balanus. Similar results could be computed for other species.
Figure 4-4 shows detectable change as a percent of the mean of Balanus
versus number of replicates for power of .85 and four levels of significance:
.01, .05, .10 and .25. The curve for a = .05 is exactly the same as the
curve in Figure 4-2a for power = .85.
4.00 b.SO
7'.oo s'.so to.OQ
"l.OO 2.50
*.00 i-SO
* to
X *
O l
O »
4.00 5.^0 7.00
9.60 '0 00
Delta vs. Replicates for Different Values
of a in 4 x 23 Complete Block Experimental Layout
21 LD
Figure 4-5 displays power versus alpha directly for detecting different
levels of change in Balanus using four replications. It is readily evident
that with four replications relatively small changes in Balanus abundance
cannot be reliably detected even at large values of alpha (i.e., a high
risk of making a Type I error). To obtain a relatively high power and low
level of significance with four replications, the investigator must be
willing to accept a large minimum level of detectable change.
As with Figures 4-2a through 4-2e we generalize the results shown in
Figure 4-5 by parameterizing the power vs alpha curves on A/ae. The results
are shown in Figures 4-6a and 4-6b for four replicates and 20 replicates
respectively. Using means and standard deviations from Tables 4-4 and 4-5
we can convert the generalized A/a curves to % of mean curves for a particu-
lar species. For example, consider again Balanus glandula with a mean of 5.6
50% of mean
25% of mean
0.20 0.30
Power vs. Alpha for Detecting Different Levels
of Change in ]B. glandula With Four Replicates
of a 4 x 23 Complete Block Layout
0.20 0.30
Power vs. Alpha for Different Values
of A/a with Four Replicates of
4 x 23 Complete Block Layout
Power vs. Alpha for Different Values
of A/a with Twenty Replicates of
4 x 23 Complete Block Layout
Finally, for this experiment we look at the marginal sensitivities of
(7e to replications. In Figure 4-7 we present the relationship between the
maximum tolerable a«, cr _, and the required number of replicates K , for
c 63. o
various values of A , given power and a. The relationship is nearly linear
throughout, indicating that the marginal gain in the acceptable level of
residual error standard deviation is constant for each additional replicate.
Given an estimate of the residual error variance and choices for power, a and
A we can readily determine the necessary number of replicates from plots
such as Figure 4-7.
The foregoing analysis has displayed a wide range of alternative design
choices within the context of the single layout alternative of a 4x2x2x2 com-
plete block factorial experiment. The choice of this layout follows rather
directly from the statement of experimental objectives given in Section 4.3
and our translation of this objective into an experimental model. Alternative
layouts—incomplete block, split-plot, confounded designs—do not provide any
apparent advantages in this case.
Our ability to apply quantitative statistical methods to the selection
of the number of replicates leads to a multitude of trade-off displays among
various design variables. The shear mass of computation tends to overemphasize
this particular part of the design problem. In any case it appears that 4-8
replicates of the 4x2x2x2 complete block layout provide a reasonable chance
(.7 - .95 probability) of detecting 25-75% changes in the mean values of
important sessile species at a .05 level of significance. In theory any desired
level of change is detectable at specified values of power and alpha, if enough
replicates are included in the design. However, budget constraints restrict
the size of any given experiment. Given constraints on the number of replicates
it may not be possible to detect sufficiently small changes in species abundance
with sufficient confidence (power) to warrant undertaking a particular investi-
gation. Particular design choices within these constraints and trade-offs must
be made by each individual investigator and funder.
1. DO
4.00 5.50
Marginal Sensitivity of Residual Error Standard Deviation
to Replicates for Power .85 and Different Levels
of Detectable Change in a 4 x 23 Complete Block Experimental Layout
4.4.3 Oil Feasibility Experiments
A prerequisite to conducting effective impact and recovery experiments
is the ability to apply oil treatments in a controllable and measurable
way. Relatively little experience with oil as a treatment factor in field
studies has been reported in the literature. The most extensive studies
comparable to the kinds of experiments with which we are concerned in this
report are described by Crapp (1971). However, it is apparent from Crapp's
descriptions that relatively little control of the oil treatments was obtained
and the extent of carryover of oil among experimental units was not measured.
The principal difficulties associated with oil as a treatment factor
are discussed in Section 2.4 and Section 3.3.2. For our present purposes
we differentiate between difficulties associated with the complex physico-
chemistry of oil and difficulties associated with applying and confining
known quantities and compositions of oil to specified experimental quadrats.
Increasing experience with petroleum chemistry in natural environ-
ments suggests to us that with sufficient experience and analytical chemistry
hardware feasible methods of sample collection and measurement can be devised
by competent investigators. We recognize that considerable "fiddling" in
the field may be required and point out the importance of this preliminary
phase of experimentation. A necessary outcome of this part of feasibility
experiments is the ability to accurately estimate the amount and composition
of oil present within a specified experimental quadrat. We do not offer any
experimental designs for this aspect of the field study since it is by nature
highly empirical and situation-dependent.
The problem of confining oil treatments to particular units raises
the most difficult doubts for us about the feasibility of oil experiments.
Conceivably, experimental devices and methods can be invented which reliably
confine oil to specific quadrats, although it is difficult to say how effec-
tive any given device will be before it is actually tested in the field. The
alternative which we consider here is to devise experimental designs which
account for the "smearing" of oil by tides and other forces over an area
outside of its initial application. Such designs (layouts) must ensure the
independence of treatments and prevent contamination of controls. The problem
Conceptual Representation of the "Smearing" Problem
Associated With Using Oil as a Factor
(Scale is Arbitrary)
is essentially one of determining the appropriate spatial scale of subse-
quent experiments, i.e., the size of quadrats and the distance between them.
A difficulty which arises is that as the distance between quadrats
increases, we expect the unaccounted variability (ae) in abundance measures
to increase, thereby reducing the power of hypotheses tests about impacts
of oil. The problem is conceptually depicted in Figure 4-8. To avoid
contamination we want the quadrats to be as far apart as possible, but to
reduce spatial variability we want the quadrats to be as close as possible.
Note that spatial variability may stabilize at some distance and not increase
further as distance between units increases. The problem we have defined can
be stated as follows:
We require a survey sampling study which will estimate
•the spatial scale of oil smearing as a function of the area
and amount of initial oiling.
Because contamination between units must be avoided, we want to estimate the
maximum value of the "smearing" scale (defined in Figure 4-8 as d).
The following simple survey study can be conducted to determine d:
1) A specified amount of oil is applied to a given area
at a fixed time of tide (low tide seems logical).
2) At each subsequent tidal cycle measurements of oil are
taken at increasing distances from the point of
application. These measurements determine d. Note
that observations are visual, in the case of oil residues,
and analytical, in the case of measuring soluble hydro-
carbons in tidepools and other "residual waters".
Because we expect repetitions of this experiment to yield different values of
d, a design question arises as to how many repetitions are required to
obtain a satisfactory estimate of d. If we use too small a value of d we
run the risk of contamination. If we overestimate d, we run the risk of
unnecessarily high variability and lowered test power.
From estimation theory (see Section 3.2.2) we know that the variance
f 2\ ^
(a~ ) in our estimate of d (d) from any set of replicate experiments varies
inversely with the number of replicates, N:
9 IT* - —
where, s = -^-r i(&. - d) = sample variance in d
d. = ith measurement of d
d = mean value of the measurements of d
Given an estimate of s and an acceptable value for a, (a ) , we can choose the
appropriate number of repetitions of the experiment, N. We have no basis
for choosing values for s and a at this time. Preliminary field studies
are needed to provide some order-of-magnitude estimates. These preliminary
studies are part of the investigator's "fiddling" process.
We want to ensure that the design value of d, call it d*, is sufficiently
large that there is a low probability (say 6) of it being exceeded in the
impact experiments. If we assume that the estimate d is normally distributed
about the true value d (a reasonable assumption by virtue of the Central Limit
Theorem and the essential symmetry of the measurement process) , then the value
of d* giving an exceedence probability of 3 = .001 is:
d* = d + 302
This value provides a conservative lower limit on spacing between oiled and
unoiled (control) quadrats.
4.4.4 Oil Impact Experiments
Impact experiments are intended to answer the following question:
Is there any consistent short-term effect due to petroleum disturbances
observable in rocky shore communities over a range of environmental and
petroleum conditions? Our principal concern in these experiments is to
determine the magnitude and extent of effects attributable to various amounts
and compositions of petroleum substances and the interaction of these
effects with natural disturbances. Can these oil effects be measured and
differentiated from natural disturbances? We must answer this question
before we can sensibly investigate mechanisms governing effects and recovery
from such perturbations.
It is evident from the preceding that design of impact experiments
depend on the outcomes from feasibility studies. Because results from
feasibility studies are not presently available the design which follows
is somewhat unrealistic. Our general layout and approach to the experiment
are of primary interest. Results from the kinds of studies and experiments
we have described in preceding sections are needed to develop realistic
detailed designs for impact experiments. For illustrative purposes we assume
that feasible experimental methods exist and that Figure 4-8 depicts the
general behavior of oil applied to an experimental unit in a rocky inter-
tidal habitat.
Experimental Objectives^
The ultimate goal of impact experiments is to test a comprehensive
hypothesis such as:
There is no significant change in the abundance of
species X within Y days due to the application of Z liters/meter
of substance W at time T to experimental units of area A located
at tidal elevation H and subject to wave exposure E.
It is unrealistic to expect to design, much less conduct, such an experiment
given the inadequate knowledge we presently have. As a step towards this
goal we suggest a relatively limited experiment, which is intended to test
an overall approach to oil impact experiments, as well as provide additional
information about the effects of oil on intertidal systems. In particular
we need to find an experimental layout, which allows us to deal with the
"smearing" of oil by tides and other forces. Therefore, for the present we
eliminate environmental factors such as tidal elevation and wave exposure as
treatment factors in the experiment and work with a single site and elevation.
Our focus is on whether or not oiled units can be differentiated from
unoiled units, without immediate concern as to interactions with environ-
mental factors, or elaborate resolution of differences due to a variety of
amounts and compositions of petroleum substances.
Therefore, at a given experimental site we seek to test the following
There -is no significant change in abundance of selected
intertidal species in experimental units after Y days due to
the application of a known quantity and composition of oil.
Factor's and Treatments
At first thought an obvious factor in this experiment is oil and we
could simply work with two levels: present/absent. (We assume that the
amount and composition of oil "present" is measured and known). On the face
of it, oil is the only factor in the experiment. However, the difficulty
which arises is the likelihood that due to "smearing" unoiled units ("controls")
must be located a relatively large distance from the oiled units, thereby
introducing effects due to spatial variability. [In the extreme, imagine
"control" units being located at an entirely different station than oiled
units. For example, if oiled units are at Zaikof Bay, we can imagine "control"
units being located at one of the other rocky intertidal stations sampled
by Zimmerman and Merrell (1976)]. Spatial variability then becomes an experi-
mental factor, but is completely confounded with the factor oil. An alternative
approach introduces time rather than space as a factor completely confounded
with oil. Note that we could compare units at the same location before and
after treatment with oil as a way to detect changes due to oil. However,
temporal variability may account for part or all of any observed differences
and is completely confounded with oil.
Following McCaughran (1977), our solution to this problem is to intro-
duce both time and space as factors, both at two levels. For time, we have
before oiling and after oiling; for space we have the oiled site and the
unoiled site. It is important to note that oil is not a treatment factor
per se. As described below and in Section 3.3.2, we can use a factorial
design to differentiate and test for possible effects of oil by assuming
that the effects of time and space are independent.
Consider the following 2x2 factorial layout with two sites (o^ and
Ota) and two times (81 and $2)- A two-way ANOVA model for this layout is
y.., = U + a. +6. + Y4 • + e. M
i j 'ij ijk
i = 1, 2
J - 1, 2
k = 1,...K
where y. - is the space-time interaction term. We can represent the
interactions terms for this layout by:
The assumption that space and time effects are independent can be tested by
the interaction hypothesis:
Yn - Y2i = Yi2 - Y22
To test the independence we measure abundances at each site at two different
times and estimate the 4 interaction effects. The interaction hypothesis
(which is equivalent to yii = Yi2 = Y2i - Y22 = 0) is then tested for signi-
ficance. If the interaction is insignificant, then the time and space
factors may be assumed independent.
Now if we introduce oil (or any other manipulation) at one of the sites
(say i=2) and distinguish 3i and 32 as time before (j=l) and time after (j=2)
the perturbation at this site, then the interaction hypothesis provides a
test for effects due to the presence of oil, because oil only appears in one
of the interaction terms (i=2, j=2):
co SITE 1
w SITE 2
Oil Present
The above experimental design yields a complete block 2x2 factorial layout
in which we are principally concerned with testing the interaction hypothesis,
Measurements of abundance of selected species are made at each of two sites and
then oil is applied at low tide to one of the sites. At specified times after
the application of oil (say 1 tidal cycle, 2 tidal cycles, etc.) abundances
are again measured at each site. Each sampling time "after" simply defines
a different experiment relative to the "before" time. The appropriate size
of experimental units and distance between sites 1 and 2 are determined
during feasibility studies (Section 4.4.2). In addition to observations cf
species abundance we remind the reader of the importance of measuring the
amount and composition of oil in any experiments involving oil. It may
also be useful to measure the hydrocarbon content of tissue from represen-
tative organisms in experimental units. These measurements can help ascertain
the actual exposure of organisms to hydrocarbons. (See Chapter 2 for ela-
boration on the need for these measurements).
Number of Replicates
The complete block factorial experiment is discussed in some detail
in Section 3.3.3. Tables 3-3 is the general ANOVA table for single or
multiple blocks showing the degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter
for each hypothesis of interest. The following analysis is based on appli-
cation of this table and the associated power evaluation concepts to the
2x2 interaction hypothesis. For any particular design the power of F-tests
for the main effects of sites and times will be substantially greater than
what we compute for the interaction hypothesis. Unless otherwise specified
we assume a = .05.
For illustrative purposes we use the variances given in Table 4.4 as
estimates of a for this problem. The available data (Section 4.2.1) are
not adequate for computing an estimate of CT for the model we are actually
adopting in this case. Preferrably, we would have data for two different
sites and estimate CJ from a two-way ANOVA. (Such data exist for the
Alaskan coast but were not available for us to use at the time of writing
this report). We expect the a estimates from Table 4-4 to be the right
order-of-magnitude. Therefore, the results of our analysis provide some
guidance as to the design of realistic experiments.
Figure 4-9 displays the power of the F-test versus A/a for the inter-
action hypothesis. Curves for 2, 4, 8 and 16 replicates of the 2x2 complete
block experiment are shown. We assume one block for the experiment. If each
replicate is contained in a separate block, then the power is somewhat less.
Note that eight replicates of this experiment requires sampling 32 quadrats,
the number of quadrats in a single replicate of the 4x2x2x2 experiment
discussed in Section 4.4.1.
Figure 4-9 illustrates that even with 16 replicates this experiment does
not provide a high power for deltas less than CJ .
We illustrate the detectable change as % of mean for Balanus as a
function of number of replicates for different powers in Figure 4-10. We
can compare this graph with Figure 4-2a to determine the relative power of
these two experiments, remembering that 2 replicates of the 4x2x2x2 experi-
ment require the same number of samples (quadrats) as 16 replicates of the 2x2
experiment. It is evident from Figure 4-10 that large numbers of replicates
are needed to confidently detect small changes in the mean which are attri-
butable to the interaction effect (oil).
Rather than display plots such as Figure 4-10 for all selected species,
we generalize the results as shown in Figure 4-11. As in Figure 4-3, we plot
A versus replicates for different values of a for a power of .85 and a .05
= .05
Detectable Percent Change in Mean of B. glandula
Due to Interaction Effect vs. Replicates for Different Levels
of Power in 2 x 2 Complete Block Layout
1. DO
Alpha = .05
1 t ,00
Detectable Change Due to Interaction vs. Replicates
at Different Values of a in 2 x 2 Complete Block Layout.
level of significance. Using the standard deviations and means given in
Table 4-4, we can select the appropriate 0 curve in Figure 4-11 and deter-
mine the detectable change as a percentage of the mean for a given number
of replicates.
The risk trade-offs between power and alpha for this experiment are
displayed in Figure 4-12a for 8 replicates and in Figure 4-12b for 40
replicates. Curves for A/0 equal to .1, .5, 1.0 and 2.0 are shown in each
Finally, we display the marginal sensitivities of a for increasing
replicates in this experimental layout in Figure 4-13. For small deltas,
this relationship is linear, indicating that an increase in the numbers
of replicates yields a constant increase in the allowable 0 for a given
A. For very large A and low replicates the marginal gain in 0 for addi-
tional replicates is greater.
Oil impact experiments raise several difficult design questions due to
the nature of oil as a treatment factor. As a step towards elucidating the
response of a rocky intertidal community to different petroleum substances, we
suggest a relatively simple design which is as much intended to develop a
feasible layout, as to measure effects of oil. A critical problem is the
potential contamination of experimental controls with oil. We propose an
approach in which oil is not a treatment factor per se. However, the effects
of oil are in theory differentiable, under testable assumptions, from temporal
and spatial effects. We illustrate this concept with a 2x2 layout. More
elaborate layouts with additional factors can be explored after the utility
of the approach is demonstrated. Relatively large numbers of replicates
(8, 16 or more) are needed in this experiment to have a relatively high proba-
bility (.75 - .95) of detecting significant (a = .05) changes in the range
of 50% - 100% of the mean abundance of sessile species in the community.
Note that inferences about oil drawn from an experiment such
as we propose are weaker than inferences drawn from experiments in
0.20 0.30
0'. 40
LI a
FIGURE 4-12a
Power vs. Alpha for Different Levels of A/a
with Eight Replicates of 2 x 2
Complete Block Experiment
Power vs. Alpha for Different Levels of A/a
with Forty Replicates of 2 x 2
Complete Block Experiment
Power = .85
Alpha = .05
1 .00 5.00 7.00 g'.oo ]\ |00
Marginal Sensitivity of a to Replicates at Different Levels
of Change for 2x2 Complete Block Experiment.
which oil is a treatment factor. In the design we have described oil is
always confounded with temporal and spatial variability. By assuming inde-
pendence of time and space effects we attribute certain changes represented by
the interaction hypothesis to oil. The assumption of independence can be
tested in auxiliary experiments, but not directly within the oil experiment
4.4.5 Recovery Experiments
Recovery is a long-term process by which patterns of species abundance
and distribution return to "normal" following an oil-caused perturbation.
Included in recovery are any effects of oil manifested on a time scale
beyond the initial impacts. Recovery is particularly dependent on settlement
and recruitment of space by various sessile species. Of course, recovery
experiments only make sense if the impact experiments have demonstrated a
measurable effect due to oil. The design of recovery experiments will
depend on the specific results of the impact experiments—species affected,
degree of effect and so on.
We have too little information and experience to meaningfully design
a recovery experiment at this time. In addition to needing more information
about the feasibility of oil experiments and impacts of oil, there are many
uncertainties about recovery processes, and even the meaning of recovery,
in rocky intertidal habitats. If oil experiments prove feasible in the field,
then at some future date, pursuit of recovery experiments can be undertaken.
In the following paragraphs we highlight some underlying generalizations
that emerge from looking at the particular experiments and design process
we use.
4.5.1 Objectives, Factors and Treatments
As we have emphasized in several places in this report, experimental
design involves both subjective and objective choices. Our primary concern
has been to investigate the role of objective, quantitative design methods.
The examples discussed in this section have heightened our awareness of the
importance of the subjective judgments which must be made. Statistical
methods provide little assistance in the choice of experimental objectives,
factors, treatments, and hypotheses. However, given specific experimental
hypotheses, quantitative experimental design methods are a useful tool for
exploring cost-information trade-offs among alternative designs.
An essential element of any experimental design is the statement of
experimental objectives. We have formulated our objectives in terms of
hypotheses regarding effects on particular species of certain factors and/or
treatments. Much confusion can be avoided by developing statements of
objectives in specific concrete, observable terms.
We have distinguished between environmental factors such as tidal
elevation and experimentally imposed factors, such as oil. Given an experi-
mental objective, the choice of factors is largely dependent on the investi-
gator's understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes
governing the system under study. Of course, some factors are explicit in
the statement of objectives. Choosing important environmental factors to
be included may be more difficult. Wave exposure, desiccation, tidal eleva-
tion, substrate characteristics, temperature, solar radiation, topography,
orientation, slope, predation, competition, natural death are all possible
factors to be included in an experiment. The factors to be included in a
particular experiment must be determined by the investigator and should
reflect understanding of the experimental ecosystem. Experimental factors
cannot be selected by statistical methods alone. One statistical technique,
randomization, is an important and useful technique for eliminating syste-
matic bias from factors not included in the structure of the experiment.
Randomization allows the investigator to exclude factors, even though they
may be known to be influencing the behavior of the system.
The investigator's experience plays a further role in the design of
devices (units) and techniques for accomplishing experimental manipulations
and observations. We have relied on methods described by Dayton (1971),
Connell (1961) and Paine (1974) for our example experiments. However, these
are only illustrative. Much ingenuity and preliminary trial-and-error
experimentation may be required before suitable methods, techniques and
devices have been developed. Again, statistical methods alone are not
sufficient in this essential phase of experimentation.
In Chapter 2 we pointed out the difficulties of using oil as a treatment.
Our examples and ability to design effective experiments are limited by the
difficulties presented by oil as a treatment. Frankly, we remain in doubt as
to the efficacy of using oil as a treatment in the field. Crapp (1971)
describes controlled field experiments in which he applied various amounts
and types of oil to quadrats on rocky shore. His experience suggests that
difficulties can arise with containment of the oil and contamination of
unoiled units. However, his experiments did not include careful observations
of hydrocarbon compositions and amounts; so, no conclusive statements can
be made. His reported results suggest that valid outcomes are possible.
There is a need for further investigation and experience with oil as a
treatment in field experiments before definitive conclusions can be drawn.
Finally, the one overriding criteria applicable to all of these choices
is to minimize the residual error variance. Virtually all of the methods
and devices for experimental design which we have discussed are based, at
least in part, on the goal of reducing the residual error variance.
4.5.2 Layouts and Number of Samples
In general, we find that complete block factorial layouts constitute
the appropriate experimental plan for the kind of field experiments we have
described. The inherent spatial structure of these experiments results in
relatively small clusters of experimental units in any single location.
Therefore, we have little expectation that any significant reduction in the
residual error variance will be achieved by further reduction of block size.
In addition, devices for block size reduction—confounding, fractional
replication and split plot layouts—reduce the information return from the
experiment by preventing estimation of certain effects (terms in the model).
It is important to recognize that the layout chosen determines the model
for the observations. When the investigator knows which effects and inter-
actions are of interest, he/she can make distinct decisions among particular
layouts according to whether or not a given layout provides information
about the effects in question. Given two or more layouts which provide the
desired information, the choice between alternatives can be based on a
comparison of the probability of detecting a significant change (power) for
a specified level of experimental effort (cost).
It is interesting to compare the results of our power analysis with
reported experience. For example, Dayton (1971) describes rocky shore
experiments in which he used on the order of 10 replicate pairs of limpet
exclusion cages to test for the effect of limpets on barnacle recruitment
in a three factor experiment (tidal elevation, year and limpets). Our
results in Section 4.A.2 for initial manipulation experiments are consistent
with Dayton's experience. For the 4x2x2x2 complete block factorial experi-
ment we described, Figures 4-2 and 4-3 illustrate that 4-8 replicates are
an appropriate size for this experiment. We cannot use these results to
draw more general conclusions about the number of replicates needed in these
kinds of rocky shore experiments. However, it is indicative that the statis-
tical analysis does not lead to unrealistically large experiments.
As a final comment on our example experiments, we reiterate the need for
working with "small" manageable subsystems of the environment and following
a sequential strategy of experimentation, in which each experiment builds on
results of a previous effort. This cautious approach may restrict the range
of validity of results, require a large number of individual experiments and
lead to an apparently slower accumulation of information. However, given the
variability of the environment and our lack of understanding of phenomena
governing these variations we see no useful alternative.
This report represents a rather lengthy effort to answer certain
questions which arise in the process of gathering information to enable
prediction and assessment of impacts of oil development on marine environ-
ments. In particular, the report addresses the problems of designing
field experiments intended to test and demonstrate the effects of oil
spills on rocky intertidal habitats. Our approach to design relies heavily
on quantitative statistical methods. However, we appreciate the extent
of subjective judgment which is also required and, in fact, distinguish
explicitly between qualitative and quantitative aspects of experimental
design. Qualitative aspects of design are primarily dependent on ecological
understanding of the system under study and lead to the choice of observa-
tions, factors, units and layout procedures. Quantitative aspects of design
are primarily statistical considerations and lead to choice of decision risks,
numbers of treatment levels and replicates, and estimation of residual error
variance. Because the number of possible experiments is virtually limitless,
we focus on the process of design, rather than emphasizing particular designs.
This focus leads us to the ecological and statistical design guidelines
or criteria which are summarized at the end of Chapters 2 and 3 respectively.
Although it is convenient for presentation purposes to treat ecological and
statistical criteria separately, they are in fact closely related, as demon-
strated by the example designs in Chapter 4.
At the conclusion of each chapter we have summarized appropriate
ecological or statistical results in the form of specific design criteria.
At this point we step back from these details and identify a small set of
overall conclusions based on our investigation of experimental design. Readers
interested in more detailed conclusions are referred to the individual
chapter summaries.
1. It is possible to design field experiments which will yield ecologically
and statistically significant information about effects of oil on
intertidal ecosystems.
The examples presented in Chapter 4 illustrate a process
of experimental design which leads to ecologically and statisti-
cally meaningful designs. The first step in the design process
is to formulate experimental objectives as explicit statements
of hypotheses to be tested. From our knowledge and assumptions
about possible causal factors in rocky shores, we then select
experimental factors and treatments. Alternative layouts of ex-
perimental units (sampling quadrats) and alternative methods for
assigning treatments to units are proposed. Power analysis is
used to evaluate the probability of detecting a significant effect
for each alternative. The detection probabilities identify which
designs, if any, are statistically and logistically feasible
and, in addition, provide an objective means for selecting the
"best" of the available feasible designs.
2. Traditional experimental design methods of factor selection, randomi-
zation, 'blocking and performance evaluation are directly relevant to
intertidal oil experiments.
Statistical design methods have not often appeared useful in
field studies. Natural patchiness, variability and complexity of
intertidal ecosystems can result in infeasible designs and data
which do not verify visually obvious effects. Oil is difficult to
apply effectively as an experimental treatment. These problems mo-
tivate the need for flexible and innovative approaches to factor
selection and quadrat placement, but they do not invalidate in any
way the basic concepts provided by traditional experimental design
3. The experimental effort (cost) required to confirm that a particular
ecological effect is statistically significant can be systematically
evaluated as a function of experimental design variables.
In order to systematically and quantitatively design an
experiment, an investigator must explicitly specify the magnitude
of ecological effects of interest, the acceptable risks associated
with experiment decision outcomes, and the variability in data
not accounted for by the experimental model. Given these design
specifications the sample size (cost) for a given experimental
layout can be calculated. It remains for the decision maker to
determine whether the expected information return warrants the
expenditure of the required effort. Furthermore, the implemen-
tation of a given design does not guarantee return of the
expected information. The actual data realized in a given case
reflect the uncertainties estimated in the design method and
these uncertainties may in fact lead to incorrect decisions.
4. Sufficient experience and knowledge presently exist with rooky inter-
tidal habitats and petroleum substances to devise explicit, meaningful
hypotheses for field experiments.
The system defined by petroleum substances (oil) interacting
with a rocky shore is complex, variable, uncertain and difficult
to observe. Relatively few controlled experiments have been
conducted in rocky shores. Many characteristics of oil make it
difficult to apply in the field, as an experimental treatment.
In spite of these difficulties, an experimental sub-system,
factors, units and observations can be chosen which allow formula-
tion of testable hypotheses about specific population/community
effects of spilled oil. Designing a manageable experiment may
require working with a restricted range of variables and may
therefore reduce the rate of information return from experimental
5. The levels of variability exhibited by data collected along Alaskan rocky
shores are sufficiently low that realistic experiments can be designed
to study the effects of oil.
A major difficulty often associated with ecological field
experiments is the inability to differentiate significant experi-
mental effects from other sources of variability in the data. Using
Zaikof Bay, Alaska as a representative hypothetical experimental
site, analysis of available data demonstrates that even with simple
experimental models the residual variability is low enough to provide
designs that are logistically feasible to implement. In addition,
these designs are consistent with the size of field experiments
previously reported in the literature for other rocky shore sites.
6. A sequential design strategy which includes sample surveys and controlled
manipulation experiments provides an overall approach to field experi-
mentation most likely to maximize the long-run information return.
Five discrete phases define a more or less chronological
sequence of investigations: 1) preliminary surveys; 2) initial
manipulation experiments; 3) oil feasibility experiments or
surveys; 4) oil impact experiments; and 5) recovery experiments
or surveys. Each stage in this sequence is less well-defined than
its predecessor and at the present time more difficult to design.
The results of any particular study could give rise to a myriad
of alternate directions for further investigation. However, the
general process of design developed and illustrated in this
report is applicable to each stage in the sequence, whether
it is a survey study or a controlled experiment.
Several areas for further investigation emerge from the results of this
study. The following recommendations include suggestions of implementing
field experiments, further analysis of existing data, development of design
methods for accidental spills, and theoretical investigations of statis-
tical design problems.
1. Implement the initial stages of a sequential experiment design
strategy at a selected study site.
A team of investigators including field ecologists familiar
with the experimental site and statisticians familar with
experimental design technology, should be funded to implement
specific designs for investigating the effects of oil in
field studies. Careful attention should be devoted to re-
fining, improving and verifying the experimental design
process, as well as investigating specified experimental
hypotheses. The utility of the design process described in
this report can only be tested by implementation of experiments
and comparison of the design with actual results. It is
important to note that many of our design concepts can and
should be tested in the field even if controlled application
of oil is unfeasible either for logistic or policy reasons.
2. Further analyze existing NOAA data sets to investigate alternative
experimental models.
The data analysis illustrated in this report is restricted
to a small sub-set of available data and to a few simple experi-
mental models which were sufficient for the purposes at hand.
Given the relative success of this initial analysis more elaborate
investigations are warranted. Specifically, further analysis
a) refine the treatment of spatial variability
b) address temporal (seasonal) variability
c) test the assumption made in Section 4.4.4 of
independence of time and space as factors
d) include sites other than Zaikof Bay, and
e) investigate levels of taxonomic complexity other
than the species level used throughout this report.
All of these refinements are straightforward extensions of the
analysis described in Chapter 4.
3. Develop sample survey designs and response strategies for scientific
study of accidental oil spills.
The problem addressed throughout this report is the design
of controlled experiments to study oil. Accidental oil spills
also occur and provide opportunities for collecting data which
reveal additional information about cause and effect relationships
governing the response of marine environments to spilled oil.
Because accidental oil spills are neither controlled, nor replicated,
sampling design methods other than those used in this report may
be required. Using existing data and the basic statistical concepts
of estimation and hypothesis testing, the methods developed in
Chapters 3 and 4 should be extended to include the accidental
spill design problem.
4. Extend the design methodology to include random effects models and multt
variate methods.
Since both random effects and multivariate models are commonly
used in the analysis of experimental results, it seems appropriate
to consider in more detail their role in experimental design.
The difficulties with random effects and multivariate procedures
which were briefly mentioned in Chapter 3 and Appendix A are by
no means insurmountable, particularly with the widespread adoption
of computerized methods for evaluating power functions and multi-
variate covariance matrices. A more thorough review of these
methods will establish their practical relevance to the design of
field experiments.
Anderson, T. W., 1958, An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis,
John Wiley, New York.
Blumer, M., Ehrhardt, M., and J. H. Jones, 1973, "The environmental fate of
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DeNike, 1973, "Interagency investigations of a persistent oil spill on
the Washington Coast: animal population studies, hydrocarbon uptake
by marine organisms, and algae response following the grounding of the
troopship General M. C. Meigs," proceedings of Joint Conference on
Prevention and Control of Oil Spills, March 13-15, 1973, Washington,
B.C., American Petroleum Institute.
Clark, R. C., Jr., Finley, J. S., Patten, B.'G., and E. E. DeNike, 1975,
"Long-Term Chemical and Biological Effects of a Persistent Oil Spill
Following the Grounding of the General M. C. Meigs," proceedings of
Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills, Washington,
D.C., American Petroleum Institute.
Cochran, W. G., 1953, Sampling Techniques, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Canada.
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Inc., Canada.
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Factors on the Distribution of the Barnacle Chthamalus stellatus,"
Ecology 42, 710-723.
Connell, J. H., 1970, "A predator-prey system in the Marine Intertidal Region.
I. Balanus glandula and Several Predatory Species of Thais," Ecol.
Monogr. 40, 49-78.
Connell, J. H., 1972, "Community Interactions on Marine Rocky Intertidal
Shores," Ann. Rev. Ecol. and Syst. 31, 169-192.
Connell, J. H., 1973, in Mariscal R., Experimental Techniques in Ecology,
Academic Press.
Cox, D. R., 1958, Planning of Experiments, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Canada.
Crapp, G. B., 1971, "Field Experiments With Oil and Emulsifiers," in Cowell,
E. B. (ed), The Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution on Littoral Ecommuni-
ties, Elswier Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
Dayton, P. K., 1971, "Competition, Disturbance and Community Organization:
The Provision and Subsequent Utilization of Space in a Rocky Intertidal
Community," Ecol. Hon., 41(4), 351-389.
Dayton, P. K., 1975, "Experimental Evaluation of Ecological Dominance in a
Rocky Intertidal Algal Community," Ecol. Hon., ^5_(2), 137-159.
Draper, N. R., and H. Smith, 1966, Applied Regression Analysis, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
Elliott, J. M., 1971, Some Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Samples
of Benthic Invertebrates, Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific
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Federov, V. V., 1972, Theory of Optimal Experiments, Academic Press, New York.
Fisher, R. A., 1926, The arrangement of field experiments. J. Ministry Agri-
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Fisher, R. A., 1935, The Design of Experiments, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
Gilfillan, E. S., Mayo, D., Hanson, S., Donovan, D., and L. C. Jiang, 1976,
"Reduction in Carbon Flux in Mya arenaria caused by a spill of No. 6
Fuel Oil," Marine Biology 37, 115-123.
Kendall, M., and A. Stuart, 1973, The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 2.,
Inference and Relationships, Hafner Press, New York.
Kendall, M., and A. Stuart, 1976, The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 3.,
Design and Analysis, and Time Series, Hafner Press, New York.
Kozloff, E. N., 1973, Seashore Life of Puget Sound, the Strait of Georgia.
and the San Juan Archipelago, University of Washington Press.
Lewis, J. R., 1964, The Ecology of Rocky Shores, English Universities Press,
Malins, D. C., (editor), 1977, Petroleum in Marine Environments and Organisms
Indigenous to the Arctic and Subarctic, Academic Press.
McCaughran, D. A., 1977,-"Quality of Inferences Concerning the Effects of
Nuclear Power Plants on the Environment," proceedings of the Conference
on Assessing the Effects of Power-Plant-Induced Mortality on Fish Popula-
tions, edited by W. Van Winkle, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Michael, A. D., Van Raalte, C., and L. S. Brown, 1975, Long Term Effects of
an Oil Spill at West Falmouth, In: Proc. API-EPA Conf. Prevention and
Control of Oil Pollution, San Francisco, 1975, American Petroleum Insti-
tute, Washington, D.C.
Moore, S. F., and R. L. Dwyer, 1974, "Effects of Oil on Marine Organisms:
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Workshop on Inputs, Fates and Effects of Petroleum in the Marine Environ-
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Paine, R. T., 1969, "The Pisaster-Tegula Interaction; Prey Patches, Predator
Food Preference and Intertidal Community Structure," Ecology 50, 950-961.
Paine, R. T., 1971, "A Short-Term Experimental Investigation of Resource
Partitioning in a New Zealand Rocky Intertidal Habitat," Ecology 52,
Paine, R. T., 1974, "Intertidal Community Structure," Oecologia 15, 93-120.
Ranwell, D. S., 1968, "Extent of Damage to Coastal Habitats Due to the Torrey
Canyon Incident," in Carthy, J. D. and D. R. Arthur (eds.) The Biological
Effects of Oil Pollution on Littoral Communities, supplement to Volume 2
of Field Studies, Field Studies Council, London.
Rao, C. R., 1952, Advanced Statistical Methods in Biometric Research, John
Wiley, New York.
Ricketts, E. F., Calvin, J., and J. W. Hedgpeth, 1968, Between Pacific Tides,
Stanford California, Stanford University Press.
Scheffe, H., 1959, The Analysis of Variance. John Wiley, New York.
Smith, J. E. (ed.), 1968, Torrey Canyon Pollution and Marine Life, Cambridge
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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, Mass.
Straughan, D., 1971, Biological and Oceanographical Survey of the Santa
Barbara Channel Oil Spill, 1969-70, Vol I: Biology and Bacteriology;
Vol II: Physical, Chemical and Geological Studies, Allan Hancock
Foundation, University of Southern California.
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Wolfe, D. A. (editor), 1977, Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in
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1976, Seattle, Washington, Pergamon Press.
Zimmerman, S. T., and T. R. Merrell, 1976, Baseline Characterizations,
Littoral Biota, Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, final report for Environ-
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Zimmerman, S. T., et al, 1977, Baseline/Reconnaissance Characterization,
Littoral Biota, Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, submitted as part of the
Final Report, Outer Continental Shelf Energy Assessment Program, U.S.
Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Land Management.
This Appendix briefly considers how the estimation and hypothesis
testing concepts outlined in Section 3.2 may be extended to models which con-
tain both fixed and random effects. Both types of effects can be explicitly
accounted for in the general linear model if Equation (3.2) is rewritten
in the following form:
Y = y + XpG + X-j-u + X^ + e (A-l)
where y = N-dimensional vector with all components equal to the
general mean of the observations
6 = P-dimensional vector of fixed main effects and inter-
u = S-dimensional vector of interactions between fixed
and random factors
v = Q-dimensional vector of random main effects and
Xp, X_, X^ = partitioned components of the observation matrix X.
This partitioned equation can be viewed as a type of two-way model, in which
the two "factors" of concern are deterministic (fixed) and random phenomena.
Note that u and v are both random while 9 is fixed, as before
Since random effects are usually defined to be zero mean, the variances
of these effects are the parameters of primary interest. Estimation of
these variances is complicated by the correlation structure of the observa-
tions, which is more complex than in the fixed effect case (Kendall and
Stewart, 1973, Chapter 36). Problems also arise in some of the power evalua-
tions, as shown by the brief discussion provided in the following paragraph.
Three types of hypotheses are of interest in mixed effect analyses:
Hp: A0 = c
V- a2 = 0 (or a2 > aa2)
11 I e
2 r\ 2 2 \
Where a = s dimensional vector composed of the variances of each
component of u
a2 = q dimensional vector composed of the variances of each
component of v
a,b = specified vector of constants used to relate 02 and
a2 to the residual error variance a2
K e
Scheffe (1959) discusses the analysis of variance procedures required to test
each of these hypotheses and provide appropriate ANOVA tables. Generally,
the test statistics used in mixed effect situations are ratios of mean-
squares which are not necessarily described by the F distributions of fixed
effect analyses. The test statistic distributions for the mixed case are
summarized in Table A-l. This table shows that power computation is more
difficult for mixed models than for fixed effect models, where the central
and non-central F distributions can be applied in a straightforward way
to all hypotheses of interest.
Table A-l
Type of Hypothesis Hypothesis True Hypothesis False
Hp Hotelling's T2 Non-central F
E, Central F No standard distribution applies
IL, Central F Central F
Scheffe suggests that approximate F distributions may be adequate for
many mixed effect applications where the correct distributions are either
unknown or overly complicated. It is debatable whether the extra complexity
associated with incorporating mixed effect models into the experimental
design process is really justified if the final results are based on question-
able approximation. Of course, mixed models may be useful or even essential
for a proper analysis of experimental results. Our decision to ignore them
is made only to facilitate experimental design. In general, we should
expect to use more refined models and hypothesis-testing techniques in analysis
than we use in design. This approach is consistent with the differing
objectives and resources associated with the pre-experimental and post-experi-
mental phases of research.
Section 3.3.2 groups commonly used treatment allocation into two broad
1. Randomized Block Techniques
a. Complete Block Layouts
b. Incomplete Block Layouts
1) Confounded and split-plot designs
2) Fractionally replicated designs
3) Combinations of confounding and fractional replication
2. Other Techniques for Grouping Experimental Units
a. Latin Squares
b. Cross-over Designs
c. Lattice Designs
d. Nested Designs
This Appendix discusses in somewhat more detail those allocation techniques
most relevant to biological field experiments. Much more information on
any of the layouts discussed here may be found in references such as Cochran
and Cox (1957) or Cox (1958).
In order to evaluate the relevance of available allocation schemes
to intertidal impact studies, it is useful to note that most of the models
of interest in Chapter 3 and 4 are factorial models designed to identify
independent variables which have significant effects on abundance. We
feel that randomized block techniques (Category 1 above) offer considerably
more flexibility for testing interactions in such models and are, moreover,
usually easier to use. Latin squares and lattice designs become quite
complicated when several factors with different numbers of levels are to be
allocated to the cells of the square or lattice in an incomplete fashion.
Cross-over and nested designs are useful in applications where the structure
of the experiment makes it difficult for the experimenter to investigate
certain factor combinations. Although such situations can occur in inter-
tidal studies, they do not appear to be common and they can often be avoided
by a redefinition of experimental objectives (see the petroleum-related
example in Section 3.3.2). For these reasons, we have decided to concentrate
on randomized block allocation techniques in this Appendix. Further details
on latin squares, cross-over, and lattice designs are provided in Cochran and
Cox (1957) and Cox (1958) and an extensive discussion on nested designs is
included in Chapter 5 of Scheffe (1959).
As noted in the above list, randomized block allocation techniques can
be based on either complete or incomplete blocks of units. A complete block
contains enough sampling quadrats to receive at least one complete set of
factorial treatments. If, for example, a 4x2x2x2 model is being investigated
a complete block would have to contain at least 32 quadrats. An incomplete
block is any block which receives less than a complete set of treatments.
As might be expected, certain main effects and/or interactions in a factorial
model become difficult to estimate when the experimental blocks are incomplete.
Sketches of typical complete and incomplete block layouts for the 4x2x2x2
example are shown in Figure B-l.
Complete block experimental designs are appealing for a number of reasons.
They are easy to lay out and, consequently, usually easy to analyze. Since
each factorial combination can be identified with a particular quadrat, all
main effects and interactions can be unambiguously estimated if more than one
replicate is available. If several complete blocks are used in a layout,
*Replication can be accomplished through the use of several single-replicate
complete blocks or through the use of one large complete block which contains
several replicates. The first alternative is usually preferred since it is
more likely to reduce the influence of nuisance variables.
a) Typical Complete Block Layout (one block)
for One Replicate of a 4x2x2x2 Experiment
b) Typical Incomplete Block Layout (two blocks)
for One Replicate of a 4x2x2x2 Experiment
Figure B-l
Examples of Complete and Incomplete Block Layouts
this estimation property enables the experimenter to clearly distinguish
block effects from the treatment effects of primary interest.
Complete layouts do, however, have disadvantages which reduce their
usefulness in some applications. First, truly uniform complete blocks are
difficult to construct in intertidal applications when more than 3 or 4
factors are being investigated. The block dimensions in such cases usually
approach the scale of significant nuisance variable fluctuations and
within-block variability can become unacceptably large. Second, the total
number of treatments (or, equivalently, sampling quadrats) in a complete
block layout may be quite large, implying a costly or logistically un-
wieldy experiment. Often, the extensive amount of information provided by
such layouts is not really needed since the investigator is not particularly
interested in higher-order interactions but only in main effects.
We can, then, identify two situations in which incomplete block designs
may offer a useful alternative to standard complete layouts:
1. Complete blocks are too large to be uniform with respect to
elevation, exposure, predatory pressure or other potentially
important nuisance variables.
2. Complete blocks require more quadrats than are either practical
or desirable, considering experimental objectives and constraints.
In the first case, confounded designs probably are the best incomplete
block alternative. In the second case, fractionally replicated designs are
most appropriate. When both block uniformity and total quadrat number are
of concern, a combination of confounding and fractional replication is
usually the best solution. Each of these incomplete design techniques is
discussed in one of the following sections.
Confounded layouts obtain the convenience of smaller block sizes by
sacrificing information about certain factorial effects (usually higher-
order interactions) which are of little or no relevance to the primary
objectives of the experiment. The sacrificed effects are less accurately
estimated because they are inferred from comparisons of observations obtain-
ed from different blocks (confounded designs always use more than one block).
This procedure tends to lump true factor effects together with spurious
between-block effects due to nuisance variables. The factor effects are then
said to be confounded or confused with block effects. Confounding is
complete if treatment effects are estimated only from between-block comparisons
and partial if treatment effects are estimated from both within and between-
block comparisons. As might be expected, the F test power for a given main
effect or interaction decreases as the effect becomes more confounded and
its estimation accuracy drops. Completely confounded effects cannot be
properly estimated or tested since they are indistinguishable from between-
block nuisance variations. The concept of confounding is illustrated in
Figure B-2 where two 8 quadrat complete blocks for a 2x2x2 experiment are
split into four 4 quadrat incomplete blocks. This particular design confounds
third-order interactions with block effects.
The estimation equation for the general third-order interaction term
in the 2x2x2 model is given by Kendall and Stuart (1976, Chap. 35):
v = v — (\r 4- v 4- v ^
Tijk yijk °ij. yi.k T y.jk'
+ (y,. + y , + y v) - y- • •
X • • 7 J • * • Iv
where y.., represents the mean of all replicates for treatment combination
(i,j,k) and the dot subscripts indicate averaging over the appropriate fac-
tor. The hypothesis of no third-order interaction in the 2x2x2 model is
equivalent to the requirement that Y^u be zero for all i,j, and k.
The ambiguity introduced by confounding is best revealed if a particular
third-order effect estimate is examined. After some algebraic manipulation
the estimate for Y can be written:
Y = (y + y + y + y )
111 111 100 010 001
- (y + y + y + y )
110 101 Oil 000
Block #1
Block #2
a) Complete Block Layout
Block #3
Block #4
b) Incomplete Block Layout
With Third-Order Inter-
action Completely Con-
Figure B-2
Example of Confounding for a 2x2x2 Layout
This estimate is identical to the block effect estimate obtained by
differencing the means of observations in each of the four quadrat blocks
of Figure B-lb—i.e., the y interaction is completely confounded with
between-block variations. When the usual uniqueness constraints are applied
(see Section 3.2.2) it is easily shown that all of the third-order interaction
• s^
estimates are equal to 3 y • Consequently, they are all confounded with
block effects and it is impossible to test the third-order interaction
hypothesis. Fortunately, the lower-order interactions and main effects can
be estimated unambiguously. Chapter 6 of Cochran and Cox (1957) outlines
in more detail the relationship between confounded layouts and interactions
involving higher-order factorial effects. The examples in this reference
should be reviewed by anyone seriously interested in confounding as a design
The particular effects to be confounded in an incomplete block experi-
ment determine the general structure of the sampling layout. Although
formalized procedures are available for deriving the appropriate layout, it
is usually easier to rely on the standard plans provided in Cochran and Cox
(1957). These plans assign treatments to the incomplete blocks so as to
insure that selected effects (the most important ones) can be properly
estimated (i.e., are either unconfounded or only slightly confounded).
Although every level of every factor appears at least once in each block,
the total number of quadrats required per block is considerably reduced (as
in the above example). The treatment combinations provided in standard
plans should, of course, be randomly allocated to the particular quadrats in
each block.
Since main effects are nearly always important in factorial experiments,
most confounded designs sacrifice higher order interactions which are of
less interest. A notable exception is the split-plot design which completely
confounds the main effect of one factor (e.g., tidal elevation) in order to
obtain better estimates of other main and interaction effects. Split-plot
designs offer a possible solution to the tidal elevation blocking dilemma
discussed in Section 3.3.2 if the experimenter is willing to confound the
main elevation effect in order to gain information about elevation—petroleum
interactions. This approach is most attractive when the total number of
treatments is relatively small since the experimental analysis becomes
rather complicated when incomplete blocking techniques must be applied to
the sub-plots within each plot. Readers interested in pursuing split-plot
design methodology further are referred to Chapter 7 of Cochran and Cox
Generally, it is good design practice to partially confound several
factorial effects in an experiment rather than to completely confound one
or two. This more cautious approach provides some information on every
effect in the model and does not force the experimenter to ignore inter-
actions which may, in fact, be significant. It is easy to see that partial
confounding is possible only when more than one replicate is used, since
only in this case can both within-block and between-block estimates of an
effect be made. The degree to which a particular effect is confounded may
be conveniently measured in such situations by a ratio known as the
relative information:
Number of replicates used for within-block
estimation of confounded effects
Total number of replicates
Relative information ratios are usually provided with the plans of partially
confounded layouts (see, for example, Chapter 6 of Cochran and Cox, 1957).
The general principles for the analysis of test power outlined in
Section 3.3.3 can be applied directly to confounded designs, although the
computations are somewhat more complicated than in the complete block case.
The most straight-forward analysis is obtained when only complete confound-
ing is used since, in this case, the confounded effects are simply deleted
from the ANOVA table and not tested.
Both the non-centrality parameters and number of degrees of freedom
of unconfounded effects remain unaffected by the complete confounding procedure.
The number of degrees of freedom for residual error is influenced by
confounding, however, since the addition of more blocks and deletion of
certain effects causes a redistribution of sampling resources. An example
of this is shown in Table B-l, which summarizes the degree of freedom
allocations for confounded and unconfounded IF factorial designs with K
replicates distributed equally among LC and l^ blocks, respectively.
The parameter C is the number of degrees of freedom lost to the treatment
category as a result of confounding. This parameter depends on the number
of confounded blocks as well as on the order of the confounded effects in
all designs with I > 2. It is difficult to generalize about the practical
influence of confounding on test power for unconfounded effects. In most
cases, the influence will probably be small, particularly if several
replicates are taken, but it is best to construct an ANOVA table and check
the power to confirm this in each individual case.
Table B-l
Design with Selected Effects
Unconfounded Design Completely Confounded
Treatment effects 1-1 I-l-C
Block effects 1^ - 1 LC ~ 1
Residual error IF(K-1) - (1^-1) IF(K-1) + C - (L -1)
Grad mean 1 1
Total samples N = KIF N = KIF
When treatment effects are partially confounded they are not deleted
from the analysis of variance but are estimated and tested in much the same
way as unconfounded effects. Their non-centrality parameters must be
modified, however, to reflect the revised sum of squares computations
necessitated by the confounding procedure. Each hypothesis test in a
partially confounded ANOVA table should be looked upon as a separate problem,
with the sum of squares taken only over the within-block comparisons
available for estimation. The non-centrality parameter may then be found
by replacing all observation-dependent quantities in the treatment sums of
squares by their expected values (see Equation (3-17) and Scheffe, 1959,
Chapter 2) and applying the "worst-case" effects assumption of Section 3.2.3.
In a partially confounded experiment, the confounded effect non-
centrality parameters will be smaller than their unconfounded counterparts so,
as might be expected, the F test power for these effects will be reduced.
It is questionable whether or not detailed power computations for partially
confounded effects are justified in practice since these effects will usually
be interactions which are less important to the experimenter than main
effects. If the main effects are not confounded, their power may be
computed as in the complete block case, provided that the residual error
degrees of freedom value is modified appropriately. Usually the major impact
of confounding is not on the experiment's power functions but, rather, on
the magnitude of the residual error variance. The practical benefits of
confounding are, consequently, difficult to assess until experimental data
have actually been collected and residual errors for confounded (small block)
and unconfounded (larger block) designs can be compared. Cochran and Cox
(1957, Chapter 6) give an equation for predicting (after the fact) the effect
on residual error of using a complete block design instead of a confounded
design. When a sequence of related experiments is being performed, such
post-facto evaluations may help the designer gradually refine his allocation
strategy. Short of this, good judgment and keen observation provide the
best basis for deciding whether or not confounding is really needed.
Confounding provides a useful way to reduce block sizes and possibly
residual errors in factorial experiments but it does not offer any reduction
in the total number of samples required in each replicate. It is reasonable
to ask if the large sample sizes required in even relatively modest factorial
experiments are really justified in most intertidal research experiments.
Most of these samples are needed to provide independent estimates for the
large number of higher-order interaction effects generated by the factorial
model, effects which are difficult to interpret even if they can be effec-
tively tested. If the designer is willing to sacrifice his ability to
estimate such interactions, he may use a technique known as fractional
replication to obtain a substantial reduction in total sample size. When
fractional replication is used in combination with confounding, an impressive
amount of information can be obtained from a surprisingly small number of
experimental observations.
Fractionally replicated experiments, as the name implies, retain only
a specified fraction of all possible factorial treatments in each replicate.
This is most easily accomplished in experiments where all factors have the
same number of levels I (usually two or three). In such cases the fractions
used are given by I/I where a is small positive integer and the treatments
to be retained are determined by higher order interactions known as defining
contrasts. The defining contrasts may be used to split the replicate into
a equal parts, all equally useful for estimating main effects and inter-
If only one of the fractional replicates is retained, the experiment
will be unable to discriminate between the members of certain groups of
effects called aliases. This is most easily shown with a simple example
such as the 2x2x2 experiment. If the third-order interaction is selected
as- the defining contrast, the treatments are divided into the following
two fractional replicates (see Chapter 6A of Cochran and Cox, 1957, for
Fractional replicate //I Fractional replicate #2
100 110
010 000
001 Oil
111 101
Inspection of the equations for estimating the 7 main and interaction effects
of the complete 2x2x2 factorial model shows that the third-order interaction
cannot be estimated from either of the fractional replicates since it is
completely confounded with between-replicate comparisons. The other effects
can be estimated but the estimation equations are the same for the following
Main effect 1 and Interaction effect 2,3
Main effect 2 and Interaction effect 1,3
Main effect 3 and Interaction effect 1,2
Each of the main effects is aliased with a second-order interaction. If,
for example, the ANOVA test for main effect 1 is significant there is no
way to know whether the significance is due to factor 1, to the inter-
action between factors 2 and 3, or to some combination of these. Of
course, the experimenter may be willing to assume that higher-order aliases
are negligible so that all significant results can be attributed to
main effects. In some cases, this assumption may be justified by past
experience or other information, in others is may just be a speculative
In larger factorial experiments, the designer has a fair amount of
flexibility in choosing the defining contrasts for fractional replication.
Generally, these contrasts should be selected so that the aliases of main
effects are the interactions which are most likely to be small (usually the
highest order interactions). A useful index of fractionally replicated
plans is given in Chapter 6A of Cochran and Cox (1957). Once a plan is
chosen, the aliases of any estimable effect may easily be found from its
generalized interaction with the defining contrasts (the procedure is out-
lined in Cochran and Cox) or they may be obtained from the tables given in
Chapter 12 of Cox (1958). In any case, it is important to remember that
all effects estimated in a fractionally replicated experiment have aliases.
Any fractionally replicated plan therefore presents the potential danger of
attributing significance incorrectly to the particular effect or lower-
order interaction of most interest to the researcher. So long as the
experimenter appreciates this danger and accounts for it in his interpretation
of experimental results, fractional replication can be a very efficient
and effective allocation procedure.
It is easy to see that when fractionally replicated designs reduce the
total number of samples required in an experiment they also reduce the number
of samples needed in each block. If still smaller block sizes are required
in order to minimize nuisance variable effects, some of the interactions
in the fractional replicate can be confounded. Obviously, many alternative
designs could be constructed. If, for example, two 1/4 fractional replicates
were taken in a 2 experiment, selected effects could be partially confounded,
block sizes could be made as small as desired and the total sample size
would still be half of a single complete replicate. The ANOVA computations
and power evaluations for such sophisticated sampling layouts become rather
complicated and should be carried out carefully. The savings in sampling
effort obtained may, however, be well worth the extra statistical analysis
The significant decrease in sample size obtained from fractional replica-
tion raises some questions about the number of degrees of freedom available
for estimation of residual error. To gain a broader perspective on this
matter it is useful to reconsider the distribution of degrees of freedom in
the I unconfounded complete block experiment.
Recall, from Table B-l, that the residual error degrees of freedom
available in the unconfounded and completely confounded I designs are
given by
Design with Selected Effects
Unconfounded Design Completely Confounded
Residual error I^K-D-U^-l) IF(K-1)+C-(LC-1)
degrees of freedom
If the number of replicates (K) is small, it is possible that neither of
these designs will be able to supply enough degrees of freedom to permit a
residual error sum of squares to be computed. In the extreme case when
only one replicate is available, the unconfounded design can have only one
complete block and no degrees of freedom are available for residual error.
The number of residual error degrees of freedom in the confounded case may
be very small even when more than one replicate is available since the loss
in degrees of freedom due to confounding (L -1-C) may be significant. When
this occurs, the designer has three alternatives for obtaining a residual
error sum of squares value:
1. The residual error mean sum-of-squares can be computed from
historical measurements taken in related experiments; provided
that the residual error variance appears to be stable from
experiment to experiment.
2. Some of the higher-order interactions included in the treatment
sum-of-squares can be deleted from the experimental model
(incorporated into the residual error term). The degrees of
freedom contributed by these terms will go to residual error.
3. The number of replicates can be increased.
The first two procedures require the experimenter to make assumptions which
may or may not be justifiable. Obviously, it is preferable to obtain more
residual error degrees of freedom through additional replication.
The above comments apply equally well to fractionally replicated de-
signs except that, in this case, the option of obtaining more replicates is
less realistic. The primary reason for using fractional replication is to
reduce sample size below the number contained in a single replicate. For
this reason, most simple fractionally replicated designs use residual sum
of squares obtained either from historical information or from higher
order interactions which have been lumped with the error term in the experi-
mental model. Of course, if the fractional replication is small enough
(1/3 or 1/9, for example) a number of separate fractional replicates may
be laid out and the total sample size still kept smaller than that contained
in a complete replicate. In such cases, residual error sums of squares can
be computed and, if different defining contrasts are used for different
fractional replicates, a number of the lower order interaction terms may
still be estimated. Further details are available in Chapter 6A of
Cochran and Cox (1957).
Power analyses of simple fractional replication experiments are
relatively straightforward once a method for obtaining the residual error
sum of squares has been selected. The total number of degrees of freedom
is, of course, reduced by a factor of I in each fractional replication.
The I -1 degrees of freedom available for treatments in each fractional
replication of the unconfounded design are distributed among all estimable
effects (each group of aliases shares the number of degrees of freedom
allotted to one of their number in a complete block experiment). The
non-centrality parameters of the aliased effects are also decreased by the
I factor since the treatment sums of squares are taken over fewer observa-
tions. The combined influence of these two changes reduces test power
significantly as compared with the complete block experiment. Fractional
replication should, therefore, only be used when the test power for main
effects is more than adequate and the complete block approach provides much
more information than is really needed.
A check of the standard F test power curves will show the loss in power
resulting from fractional replication in a particular experiment. For most
intertidal applications, where residual errors are fairly high and the
magnitude of important effects small, the sacrifice in power required by
fractional replication will make very small fractional replications (a > 2)
unattractive. The 1/2 replication of the 2 and 1/2 replication of the 3
experiments will probably be the ones used most frequently in practice.
If these do not reduce the total sample size sufficiently, the designer
should seriously consider decreasing the number of factors investigated in
the experiment.
(Hesse read InOnictioiu on the reverse before completing}
Design of Field Experiments to Determine the Ecological
Effects of Petroleum in Intertidal Ecosystems
April 1978 (PREPARATION)
Stephen F. Moore and Dennis B. Mclaughlin
Resource Management Associates
3706 Mt Diablo Blvd, Suite 200, Lafavette CA 94541
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Environmental Research Laboratories
Boulder CO 80303
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research & Development
Office of Energy, Minerals & Industry
Washincrton, D.C. 20460
This project is part of the EPA-planned and coordinated Federal Interagency
Energy/Environment R&D Program.
Is it possible to design field experiments that will yield ecologically and statistical-
ly significant information about how oil affects intertidal ecosystems? What classes
of experimental design and technical approach are most likely to generate optimal infor-
mation on these effects? In order to improve the usefulness of field experiments to
prediction and assessment of Impacts of oil spills on marine environments,.."this report
addresses the foregoing questions as they apply to rocky intertidal habitats charac-
teristic of the Gulf of Alaska. The report discusses problems of experimental design
in the ecosystems and presents statistical approaches for dealing with the problems.
Examples are provided using data on rocky shore habitats at Zaikof Bay, Alaska. The
levels of variability exhibited by these data indicate that realistic experiments can
be designed to study the effects of oil. Traditional experimental design methods of
factor selection, randomization, blocking and performance evaluation are directly
relevant to intertidal oil experiments. The experimental effort, or cost, required to
document a particular ecological effect can be systematically evaluated as a function
of experimental design variables and can be estimated using data previously available.
(Circle One or More)
c. COSATI Field/Group
Hydrology. Llnnolojy
Earth Hydro
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