Environmental Protection
Office of
Radiation Programs
Washington DC 20460
EPA 520/4-80-011
December 1980
Impact Statement
for Remedial Action
Standards for Inactive
Uranium Processing Sites
(40 CFR 192)

                               EPA 520/4-80-011
 Environmental Impact Statement
    Remedial Action Standards
Inactive Uranium Processing Sites
           (40 CFR 192)
            December 1980
        Office of Radiation Programs
       Environmental Protection Agency
          Washington, D.C. 20460

(X)  Draft Environmental Statement
( )  Final Environmental Statement
                      Environmental Protection Agency
                        Office of Radiation Programs

1.  This Environmental Impact Statement was prepared by the Criteria and
Standards Division (CSD),  Office of Radiation Programs  (ORP),  U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

     Questions regarding this statement should be directed to  Stanley
Lichtman, Project Leader,  in care of the Director, Criteria &  Standards
Division, or at (703) 557-8927.

2.  EPA is proposing standards for the  disposal of uranium mill  tailings
from inactive processing sites, and for cleanup of land and buildings
contaminated by tailings.   EPA developed these standards pursuant to the
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (PL 95-604).  The Act
requires EPA to set generally applicable standards to protect  the public
health, safety, and the environment from hazards posed by uranium mill
tailings at specific inactive processing sites.  The 25 sites  initially
designated are in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, North  Dakota,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

3.  In developing a standard, EPA staff members meet with individuals and
organizations to seek both information and a thorough understanding of the
issues.  The staff then independently assesses the considerations specified
in EPA's Regulation EIS Procedures (39 F.R. 37419, October 21, 1974).

4.  This evaluation leads to the publication of a Draft Environmental
Impact Statement (DEIS), which is circulated to appropriate governmental
agencies for comment.  For this DEIS, EPA gained considerable  information
from the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Uranium Milling
(NUREG-0511) prepared by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
EPA has notified the public through the Federal Register that  the DEIS is
available, and has invited interested persons to comment on the draft
statement and the proposed standards.

     Single  copies  of  this  statement may be  obtained  from:

         Director,  Criteria and Standards  Division
         Office  of  Radiation Programs  (ANR-460)
         U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency
         401 M Street,  S.W.
         Washington,  D.C.   20460

5.  After considering comments  on the  Draft  EIS,  EPA  will  prepare  a Final
EIS (FEIS) which will include a discussion of the concerns raised and the
conclusions  EPA reached.   EPA then will release  the Final  Environmental
Impact Statement.

6.  EPA has  asked the following Federal agencies to  comment on this

     Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
     Department of Agriculture
     Department of the Army, Corp of Engineers
     Department of Commerce
     Department of Energy
     Department of Health, Education & Welfare
     Department of Housing and'Urban Development
     Department of the Interior
     Department of Justice
     Department of Transportation
     Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
     Nuclear Regulatory Commission

     EPA also has sent copies  to all State Clearinghouses, to the American
Mining Congress  and to other individuals  and  organizations who have
notified EPA of their interest.


Foreword	•	      i

Contents	    iii

Tables	     vi

Figures	   viii

Summary	 .  .    S-l

1:  Introduction	    1-1

2:  Uranium Milling Operations  	    2-1
   .  2.1  History of Uranium Milling Operations  	    2-1
     2.2  Status of Milling Sites	    2-4
     2.3  The Inactive Sites	    2-6
         2.3.1  The Phase I Studies	    2-6
         2.3.2  The Phase II Studies	   2-18
     References for Chapter 2	   2-19

3:  Source Terms	    3-1
     3.1  Introduction	    3-1
     3.2  Radioactivity Source Terms  	    3-1
     3.3  Nonradioactive Contaminants   ..........  	    3-6
     3.4  Off-Site Contamination  	    3-9
     References for Chapter 3	   3-17

4:  Health Effects	    4-1
     4.1  Introduction	    4-1
     4.2  Radon and Its Immediate Decay Products ..........    4-4
     4.3  Estimates of the Lung Cancer  Risks  from  Inhaling  Radon
            Decay Products	    4-6
     4.4  Impact on Local and Regional  Population  from Radon
            Decay Products	   4-11
     4.5  Risks to the Continental  U.S. Population from Radon
            Emitted from Inactive Piles	   4-20
     4.6  Regional and National Effect  from Long Half-Life
            Radioactive Materials   	   4-23
     4.7  Impact from Gamma-Ray Exposure	   4-26
     4.8  Hazard from Water Contamination  .  .  ./	   4-30
         4.8.1  Introduction	   *-30
         4.8.2  Movement of Toxic Chemicals from Tailings	   4-33
         4.8.3  Toxicity of Major Toxic Substances
                  Found in Tailings	   4-36
     4.9  Conclusions	   ^-37
     References for Chapter 4	   4-40

5:  Alternative Tailings Disposal Control Levels ..........    5-1
     5.1  Introduction .......................    5_1
     5.2  Control of Radon-222 Releases  ......... '.*.'.'.*.    5-2
         5.2.1  Radon Control  ...................    5_3
         5.2.2  Effects of Radon Control on Release of
                  Airborne Particulates  ..............    5-6
         5.2.3  Effects of Radon Control on Direct
                  Gamma Radiation  .................    5_y
         5.2.4  Effects of Radon Control on Potential
                  Water Contamination  ...............    5_7
     5.3  Control of Surface and Ground Water Contamination  ....    5-9
     5.4  Longevity of Control ...................   5-,12
         5.4.1  Effects of Natural Forces  .......... ...   5-12
      Earthquakes .................   5-13
      Floods  ...................   5-14
      Windstorms and Tornadoes  ..........   5-14
      Glaciation  .................   5-14
         5.4.2  Effects of Human Activity  .............   5-15
     References for Chapter 5  ...................   5_17

6:  Monetary Costs and the Effects of Tailings Disposal  ......    6-1
     6.1  Estimated Costs   ....... ..............    6-1
     6.2  Estimated Health Benefits  ........ . .......    g_4
     6.3  Longevity of Controls   ........... . ......    g_g
     6.4  Environmental Impacts of Control Actions .........    6-9
     6.5  Occupational Hazards ................. t     6-10
     6.6  Local Economic Considerations at the Local Level .....   6-10
     References for Chapter 6  ...................   6-11

7:  Considerations for Cleanup of Contaminated
      Land and Buildings                                                 _1
     7.1  Introduction ................ t>              71
     7.2  Off-Site Contamination ............   ' * " '      y_i
     7.3  Potential Hazards of Off-Site Contamination  ..'!.'.'! .'    7-2
     7.4  Remedial Actions and Costs ........... * \ \ \      7.5
     7.5  Previous Standards for Indoor Radon
            Decay Product Concentration   ..............    7_7
     7.6  Normal Indoor Radon Decay Product Concentrations .....    7-8
     7.7  Practicality of Alternative Remedial
            Action Standards for Buildings .............   7-11
     References for Chapter 7  ............ 1111111   7-14

8:  Selecting the Proposed Standards ....... . ........    g_l
     8.1  Disposal Standards ........ ......  .1111!    8-1
         8.1.1  Radon Standard .............. !!!!."    8-2
         8.1.2  Ground Water Standard  ........ .111111    8-8
         8.1.3  Surface Water Protection  ........  .'.".'.*.".*   8-16
         8.1.4  Remedial Action for Existing Ground
                  Water Contamination  ...............   g_13
         8.1.5  Period of Application of  Disposal Standards  1 1 1 1   8-20

     8.2  Cleanup Standards  	   8-22
         8.2.1  Open Lands	   8-22
         8.2.2  Buildings	   8-25
      Indoor Radon Decay Product
                          Concentration Standards  	   8-25
      Standards for Indoor Gamma Radiation  ....   8-28
      Radiation Hazards not Associated
                         with Radium-226	   8-29
     References for Chapter 8	   8-31

9:  Implementation	    9-1
     9.1  Administrative Process	    9-1
         9.1.1  Disposal Standards  	    9-1
         9.1.2  Cleanup Standards   	    9-2
      Purpose of Cleanup Standards  	    9-2
     9.2  Exceptions	    9-3
     9.3  Effects of Implementing the Standards	• •    9-6
         9.3.1  Health	    9-6
         9.3.2  Environmental	    9-7
         9.3.3  Economic	    9-7
     9.4  The Proposed Standards	    9-9
     References for Chapter 9	   9-10

Appendix A - Comments and Responses to Comments (Reserved) 	    A-l

Appendix B - Development of Cost Estimates	    B-l

Appendix C - Toxicologies of Toxic Substances in Tailings  	    C-l

Appendix D - The Proposed Standards	    D-l


2-1  Number of Active and Inactive Uranium Mill Sites  	      2-5

2-2  Inactive Mill Sites	    2-7,8

2-3  Summary of Conditions Noted at Time of Phase I
       Site Visits .	2-11,12

2-4  Summary of Phase I Findings and Principal Action
       to be Studied in Phase II	2-16,17

3-1  Radioactivity in Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings
       Piles	    3-2,3

3-2  Elements and Compounds Measured in an Inactive
       Tailings Pile	      3-7

3-3  Additional Elements and Compounds Found in
       Uranium Mill Tailings	      3-8

3-4  Elements/Compounds Reported in Elevated Concentrations
       in Ground Water in the Vicinity of Tailings Piles  	     3-10

3-5  Gamma Radiation Anomalies  and Causes   	  3-12,13,14

3-6  Contaminated Areas Around  Inactive Uranium Mill
       Tailings Piles   	   3-15,16

4-1  Estimated Effect on Local  and .Regional Populations
        from Exposure  to Radon Decay Products  from
       Tailings Piles   	  	  4-14,15,16

4-2   Individual Risk from Lifetime Exposure to Radon
       Decay Products  from Tailings Piles   	     4-18

4-3   Estimated Risk to Nearest  Residents  from Inhaling
       Radon Decay Products from Tailings  Piles	     4-19

 4-4   Risk from Background Radon in Residential Structures  ....      4-21

 4-5   Approximate  Contribution of Tailing  Piles at
        Inactive Sites to the National Health Risk from
        Radon Decay Products	      4-24

  -6  Summary Table — Tailings  Piles at Inactive Sites;
        Estimated National Risk  of Fatal Lung Cancer from
        Radon Emissions	»....     4-25

4-7  Regional Impact from Uranium Mill Tailings  . .	   4-27

4-8  Increased Gamma Ray Dose Rates from Tailings
       Piles at Inactive Sites	   4-29

4-9  Estimated Lifetime Risk of Fatal Cancer from Total
       Body Gamma-ray Exposure at 100 mR/yr	   4-31

4-10 Estimated Risk of Serious Genetic Abnormalities ........   4-32

4-11 Summary — Risks from Radon Emitted from Tailings Piles
       at Inactive Sites	   4-39

5-1  Nominal Half-Value-Layers of Typical Natural Materials
       for Reducing Radon Releases 	    5-4

6-1  Ranges of Estimated Costs by Disposal Option and
       Radon Control Level	    6-3

6-2  General Post-Disposal Benefits of Disposal Options  ......    6-7

7-1  Average Annual Radon Decay Product Concentrations in
       Normal Buildings   	  .....   7-10

7-2  Experience with Grand Junction Remedial Action Program  ....   7-12



4-1  Uranium-238 Decay Series  	  ........     4-2

4-2  Lung Cancers as  a Function of Cumulative WL  Months	     4-7

5-1  Percentage of Radon Penetrating a Cover 	     5-5

5-2  Percentage of Gamma Radiation Penetrating  a
       Cover	     5-8


     The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing standards for

disposing of uranium mill tailings from inactive processing sites and for

cleaning up contaminated open land and buildings.  These standards were

developed pursuant to the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of

1978 (Public Law 95-604).  This Act requires EPA to promulgate standards

that can be generally applied to protect the environment and the public

health and safety from radioactive and nonradioactive hazards posed by

uranium mill tailings at designated inactive processing sites.  The 25

presently designated sites are inactive uranium mill tailings piles in the

States of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon,

Texas, Utah, and Wyoming and at the location of a former rare-metals plant

in Pennsylvania.

1.  The Proposed Standards Cover Two Situations

     a.  Disposal of Tailings:

     The standards limit release of radon gas  to the air from disposed

tailings to 2 picocuries per square meter per  second (pCi/m2-sec), about

twice the average of normal soils.  When the radon  from a  cover  of normal

soil is added to that allowed from tailings, the resulting release will

still be within a normal range of variation.   The standards  restrict con-

tamination of drinkable ground water to preserve its potability.  Lower

quality but potentially useful ground water and  all surface  waters are

protected against degradation.  The standards  also  require a reasonable

expectation that  the  disposal methods will be  effective  for  at  least one

thousand years.

     b.  Cleanup of Contaminated Open Land and Buildings:

     The standards require cleanup of open land contaminated by tailings

when the average radium concentration attributable to tailings exceeds 5

picocuries per gram (pCi/gm).  Five pCi/gm is three to five times the

average radium concentration in normal U.S. soil.  Soil contaminated by

tailings, however, usually lies in a thin layer on the surface, while the

radium in normal soil occurs throughout its full thickness.  Radiation

from land that satisfies the standard will be within the normal variations

among undisturbed land areas.

2.  Summary of Environmental Impacts

     EPA estimates that implementing the disposal standards at all

designated sites would prevent  about 200 premature deaths  per century  from

radiation-induced  lung cancer for as long  as  the  standards apply.  We

further  require  a  reasonable expectation  that the standards will be

satisfied for at least one  thousand years.  About 140  of the  200 deaths

would  be expected  in the  populations within 50 miles  of  the  inactive

 tailings piles  and the rest  in  the remaining  continental U.S. population.

Health effects  from contaminated ground water are not included  in  the

 above  estimate.

      Estimates  of  health  improvements  from implementing  the  cleanup

 standards have not been made.   Such benefits would  include not only pre-

 venting adverse health effects, but  also  reclaiming contaminated lands

 currently unfit for unrestricted use.

     We have estimated the costs of implementing the standards.  For an

average inactive uranium mill tailings pile, meeting the disposal standard

will cost from 1 million (1978) dollars to over 13 million (1978) dollars,

depending on the methods used.  In a previous cleanup program for buildings

authorized by Congress in 1972 under PL 92-314, cleanup cost about 13,500

(1978) dollars for a residential structure and about 38,500 (1978) dollars

for a commercial building.  The probable total cost of the cleanup and

disposal programs under PL 95-604 will be 200 million (1978) dollars to

300 million (1978) dollars.  These expenditures could benefit the local

economies, and should have no perceptible effect on the national economy.

3«  Alternat iyes Considered

     With regard to the form and content of the standards, we considered

the following major alternatives:

     a.  Disposal Standards:

     Uncontrolled uranium mill tailings endanger people and the

environment —

     o   By releasing radon-222, a radioactive gas, into the atmosphere,

         where it and its radioactive decay products can be breathed;

     o   By supplying a source of windblown radioactive particles;

     o   By exposing people who live or work near the tailings to direct

         gamma radiation;  and


     o   By releasing radioactive and nonradioactive contaminants to

         surface or ground water through erosion or leaching.

     Generally applicable standards to protect the environment and the

public's health and safety must be based on the reasonableness and feasi-

bility of controlling these potential hazards.  Because of the long

lifetimes of the radioactive contaminants and the presence of  such perma-

nently toxic nonradioactive contaminants as arsenic and lead in tailings

material, the longevity or permanence of control methods must  be


     The principal health hazard is release of radon-222 into the

atmosphere.  We conclude  that  techniques which control radon releases

reasonably well and have  lasting effectiveness will essentially control

airborne particles and direct  gamma radiation  completely.  The standards,

therefore, do not specifically address  these letter two hazards,  and  the

following  discussion of control  alternatives  is  restricted to radon-222

releases and water.   This  section  also  discusses alternative  longevity

requirements  for controls.

 (1)   Radon Control

      We  considered alternatives  for  limiting  radon that ranged from no

 control  (the  existing condition) to  essentially complete  control  (pre-

venting  almost  all radon  release). We  also explored   middle  alternatives

 to control radon release  to various  degrees down to about the normal

background level.  We compared all three alternatives for costs, benefits,

feasibility,  longevity,  and other factors.

     We rejected the concept of no control, because people living near

uncontrolled  piles would clearly have a higher risk of radiation exposure.

Radon emissions, moreover, would convey a health hazard over long

distances and for long periods.

     We rejected the concept of essentially complete radon control, because

it may be impractical and would provide a small added reduction in overall

risk at relatively high cost.

     The proposed disposal standards, therefore, limit radon releases from

tailings piles to be within the range of variation found in normal soils.

(2)  Water Contamination

     Alternatives for limiting water contamination range from no

additional control (the existing condition) to complete prevention.  We

examined these and a middle ground: limiting contamination to a degree

comparable to other water quality programs.

     We concluded that some control is warranted.  The potential effects

of uranium mill tailings on surface and ground water quality vary

considerably  from site to site, and under some conditions ground water

could become  unusable over an area much larger than the pile.  The

likelihood that this will happen has not been thoroughly examined.


     Available information suggests that special measures to protect

ground water often will be unnecessary.  Where the standards might be

exceeded only immediately near a pile, moreover, we believe that the

substantial disruptions and cost needed to avoid the violation would be


     We therefore propose to apply ground water standards only within one

kilometer from the pile when an existing site is used for disposal, and

within 0.1 kilometer at new disposal sites.

     The standards provide that tailings disposal will not cause ground

water contaminants to exceed specified levels.  If the ground water

already exceeds these levels for reasons other than tailings, no further

degradation is allowed.  Where ground water contamination has already

occurred, it may sometimes be possible to reduce it, but requiring remedial

actions to satisfy pre-set standards in every case is not practical.  The

proposed ground water standards therefore do not apply to materials

already released from the tailings.  Using their authorities under

PL 95-604, however, we expect other Federal agencies to  take practical

actions at sites where they are needed to avoid harm from such materials.

     The radon release and ground water protection standards should protect

surface water adequately.  As assurance, however, we propose to require

that surface water not be degraded by  tailings after disposal of the piles.

(3)  Length and effectiveness of controls

     The health protection the disposal system ultimately affords depends

on the degree of control and the time over which control is maintained.

Requirements could range from a few years to as long as the tailings

remain potentially hazardous.  We considered the technical and economic

aspects of various control periods.

     Congress recognized that uranium mill tailings represent long-term

hazards, and directed EPA to set reasonable standards for their long-term

disposal.  We propose to require a reasonable expectation that the radon

emission and water protection standards for tailings disposal will be

satisfied for at least one thousand years.  Institutional controls, such

as record keeping, maintenance, and land-use restrictions, can provide

greater protection than the standards require, but they are unreliable as

the primary control over one thousand years.  Though institutional

controls can be helpful, physical disposal methods are necessary.

     Pragmatism suggests the choice of a thousand-year period, though

technically and economically reasonable disposal methods may, for some

tailings piles, afford even longer protection.  A thousand-year standard

reflects our judgment that the disposal standards must be practical for

all the inactive sites.  It does not mean that we care little for the

future beyond one thousand years.

     b.   Cleanup Standards:

     Uranium mill tailings  from inactive sites have been spread near and

far by wind, water, and people.  Therefore, standards for cleanup must

address  the following situations:

     o   Tailings have spread different distances from different piles,

are found at various depths in the soil, and are mixed with various

materials.  The standards must therefore specify the quantity or

concentration of tailings which  requires cleanup.

     o   Radioactive elements leach out of tailings piles into the subsoil

beneath.   The standards must  therefore  specify the  permissible  level  of

radioactivity in the subsoil, should the pile covering  it be removed.

      o    Tailings  used a landfill  or made  into building materials  or  which

accumulate around  a  structure are  particularly hazardous.  The  exchange  of

air between a building's interior  and  the  outdoors  is limited,  so  indoor

concentrations  of  radon decay products  may be many  times the outdoor

 levels.   The standard must  therefore  specify the maximum allowable concen-

 tration of radon decay products  inside  buildings.   The cleanup standard

 for open land must consider the possibility of future construction.

      The level  of radon decay products in a building is related, among

 other things, to the concentration of radium, present naturally or as a

 contaminant, in the underlying or adjacent soil.  So many other factors

 arise, however ~ the rate at which air is exchanged between indoors  and


outdoors, for example — that strictly correlating the interior level with

the radium in the soil is difficult.  Radium concentrations from 1 to

5 pCi/gm in soil, a range whose lower end is common among natural soils,

can produce indoor levels of radon decay products greater than 0.01 WL.

     Natural or contaminated soils with radium concentrations of 5 pCi/gm

through a depth of several feet can also produce gamma radiation exposure

rates of about 80 mR/yr.  Exposure rates are proportionately higher or

lower for other radium concentrations, decreasing as the layer of radium-

containing material becomes thinner or is covered over by other materials.

     The proposed standard requires that for any open land contaminated

with tailings, the average radium concentration in any five-centimeters-

thick layer within one foot of the surface, or any 15 cm layer below one

foot, shall not be more than 5 pCi/gm after cleanup.  The proposed standard

is EPA1s judgment of the most stringent cleanup condition that may reason-

ably be required for all the inactive mill sites.  After the required

cleanup, radon emission and gamma radiation from the site will be within

the normal variations that occur among nearby undisturbed land areas.

     Exposure even to normal concentrations of indoor radon decay products

carries some health risk, but we believe Congress intended that tailings

should not unreasonably increase this risk.  Concentrations of indoor radon

decay products in normal buildings, however, vary widely, and depend on

many factors.  Of the alternative forms for a remedial action standard for

indoor radon decay products, we decided that limiting the total


concentration is the only workable form.  We believe that the proposed

remedial action level of 0.015 WL (including background)  for occupied or

occupiable buildings is the most protective level that can be justified.

Experience in a cleanup program in Grand Junction,  Colorado, and studies

performed by EPA for homes in Florida indicate that remedying concentra-

tions greater than 0.015 WL usually is practical.  We have concluded from

studies of radon decay product concentrations in normal houses that efforts

to reduce levels significantly below 0.015 WL by removing tailings would

often be unfruitful and would waste the money spent.

     The proposed limit is based on the hazard from breathing indoor air

containing radon decay products.  Gamma radiation, however, can penetrate

the body from the outside.  We expect that the indoor radon decay product

standards generally will be met by removing  tailings from under and around

the building; this will eliminate any indoor gamma radiation problem.  For

some buildings, however, removing the tailings may be impractical, more

for engineering reasons than because of cost.  Cleaning the air, improving

ventilation, and sealing the walls and  floors are alternatives, but if

these methods are used, standards will be needed to limit the occupants'

exposure  to  gamma radiation.

     If the  gamma radiation standard is too  lenient, methods other than

removal of tailings  could  be  used more  often.  Because removal  is defini-

tive and  its effectiveness long  lasting, however, it is the remedial

method  we wish  most  to encourage.  To  this  end,  our  proposed  action  level

for  gamma radiation,  0.02 mR/hr  above background, allows some limited


flexibility in the methods chosen to reduce indoor radon decay product

concentrations.  Reducing the standard much below 0.02 mR/hr would

virtually eliminate this flexibility and provide only a small additional

health benefit to a few individuals.

     The proposed standards will be implemented by the Department of

Energy, with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and in

cooperation with other Federal agencies, affected States, and Indian

tribes.  Because the proposed standards probably will not fit exceptional

circumstances, we have provided criteria for determining when exceptions

to the standards are justified.  In such cases, DOE, with the concurrence

of NRC, may select and perform remedial actions which come as close to

meeting the standards as is reasonable.

                              1:  INTRODUCTION

     In Public Law 95-604, the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act

of 1978 (42 USC 7901),  the Congress found that uranium mill tailings at

active and inactive mill operations may pose a potential and significant

radiation health hazard to the public,  and that every reasonable effort

should therefore be made to stabilize, control, and dispose of such

tailings in a safe and  environmentally sound manner to prevent or minimize

radon diffusion into the environment and other environmental hazards from


     The Act specifically calls for EPA to set generally applicable

standards for both radiological and nonradiological hazards posed by

"residual radioactive materials" at certain inactive uranium mill tailings

sites and at other sites where such materials are deposited.  "Residual

radioactive material" is (1) tailings waste remaining after uranium and

other products are extracted from ore and judged radioactive by the

Secretary of Energy, and (2) other waste connected with the extraction

process, including unprocessed ore and low-grade material, judged

radioactive by the Secretary of Energy.

     The Act also requires EPA to set generally applicable standards for

active uranium mill and disp'osal sites.  The standard discussed in this

Environmental Impact Statement does not address active sites.  We will

propose such a standard later.  Our current proposal sets standards for

cleaning up open lands and structures contaminated with residual

radioactive material — mainly tailings or similarly hazardous wastes —

control; and for controlling uranium mill tailings from inactive

processing sites for a long time.

     The Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (PL 95-604)

names 22 inactive processing sites.  Twenty-one are inactive uranium mill

sites in the western United States, and the other is the location of a

former  rare-metals  processing plant in Canonsburg, Pa.  This Environmental

Impact  Statement primarily applies to the mill sites but also addresses

the Canonsburg  site,  for  its potential hazards and many of  the methods  to

correct and control them  parallel those of the other sites.1

      In developing  the proposed  standards, we  first evaluated  the potential

effects on public health  and the environment of tailings at the designated

sites.  We then reviewed  general approaches  to controlling  these  effects

and developed cost  estimates for specific  control methods.  Our proposed

control standards were based on  such  factors  as  improved health;  longevity

of control methods; limitations  of  institutional  cost;  feasibility,  and

 the potential  impact of the control methods  themselves.  Under PL 95-604,
 1 The Department of Energy formally designated the 22 sites in accord
 with Sec. 102 of PL 95-604.  It also has identified and designated three
 other processing sites that require remedial action.  These are located
 near Bowman and Belfield, North Dakota, and Baggs, Wyoming.  These three
 sites have only recently been studied, and they appear to be among the
 least hazardous in the entire group (see "Uranium Mill Tailings Site Visit
 and Preliminary Health Impact Evaluation," a report prepared by Ford,
 Bacon and Davis Utah, Inc., October 17, 1979).  Data on them is much less
 complete than for the other designated sites, so we have omitted them from
 our analysis.  We believe that their omission has little effect on our

the Department of Energy, the affected States, and the Nuclear Regulatory

Commission are responsible for implementing the standards.

     In this Draft EIS, Chapter 2 summarizes the history of the uranium

milling industry and briefly surveys the designated sites.   Chapter 3

reviews their radiological and nonradiological characteristics and

discusses off-site contamination of nearby land and buildings.   Chapter 4

outlines the potential health hazards posed by uranium mill tailings with

estimates of the risks to people living nearby, in the region,  and in the

continental United States.  Chapter 5 examines alternative degrees of

control.  Chapter 6 presents monetary cost estimates for various

engineering approaches and discusses such other significant control

factors as duration, effectiveness, and occupational hazards.  Chapter 7

addresses off-site contamination and factors weighed in cleaning up

contaminated land and structures.  Chapter 8 explains how we chose the

proposed standards.  Chapter 9 discusses the process of implementing the

standards, and the anticipated effects.

                       2:   URANIUM MILLING OPERATIONS

2.1  History of Uranium Milling Operations

     A brief history of uranium milling appeared in the Nuclear Regulatory

Commission's Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (NR 79).  The

history summarized two papers by Merritt (ME 71) and Facer (FA 76) and,

for its relevance to this report, is repeated here.

         In the past 35 years the uranium industry has undergone a series

         of transformations, the element changing almost overnight from a

         commodity of only minor commercial interest to one vital for

         nuclear weapons and, now, to its important peaceful use as a  fuel

         for generation of electrical energy.  With each change there has

         been a surge of interest in ore exploration and development,  and

         in new and expanded production facilities.

         The military demand for uranium beginning  in  the early 1940s  had

         to be met from known sources of supply.  The  rich pitchblende

         ores of the Shinkolobwe deposit in the Belgian Congo and the

         Great Bear Lake deposit in Canada supplied uranium during the war

         years and were supplemented by production  from treatment of old

         tailings dumps and a few small mines in the Colorado Plateau

         area*  These high-grade ores and  concentrates were refined by an

         ether extraction technique adapted from analytical procedures.

         Crude ore milling  processes for  low-grade  ores used during this

         period reflected little change from methods used 40 years earlier

          (at  the  turn of  the last  century) with uranium recovery  from  the

leach solutions  based on several  stages  of  selective

precipitation.  Milling costs were high and overall recovery was

low, as judged by current standards.

With passage of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, a strong emphasis

was placed on the discovery and development of new worldwide

sources of uranium.  At the same time, the research efforts begun

earlier were expanded in scope and magnitude to advance the

process technology.  These efforts led to greater use of lower

grade ores than previously had been considered feasible, such as

the uranium-bearing gold ores in South Africa, as a source of

uranium, and to the discovery and developemnt of large, low-grade

deposit in the Beaverlodge, Elliot Lake, and Bancroft regions of


In  the United States, prospecting and mining for uranium were

encouraged by the Atomic Energy Commission  (AEC) through

guaranteed fixed prices for ore, bonuses, haulage allowances,

establishment of ore-buying stations  and access roads,  and other

forms  of assistance.  These incentives led directly to  an

increase  in  the  known mineable reserves of  ore  in  the western

United States from about  9 x  105 metric tons  (MT)  (1 x  106

short  tons (ST)> in  1946  to 8.1 x  10? MT (8.9 x 107 ST) in

 1959.   Programs  also were initiated  to  examine  other possible

sources of uranium and  to develop methods  for processing  these

materials.   AEC purchases from 1948  through 1970  totalled


approximately 3 x 105 MT (3.3 x 105 ST) of U30g  of wh£ch

nearly 1.6 x 105 MT (1.8 x 105 ST) with a value of about

$3 billion were supplied from domestic sources.

During the peak production years in the United States, from 1960

through 1962, the number of operating mills (excluding plants

producing by-product uranium from phosphates) varied from 24 to

26, with total annual production exceeding 1.5 x 104 MT

(1.7 x 104 ST) of U30g from the treatment of about

7 x 106 MT (8 x 106 ST) of ore.

In 1957, it was apparent that very large ore reserves had been

developed, and that additional contracts, which were the main

incentive for exploration by potential producers, would lead to

commitments exceeding government requirements through 1966.  In

1958, the AEC withdrew its offer to purchase uranium  from any ore

reserves developed in the future.  This led to shutdowns of mills

after expiration of contracts and to stretching out of deliveries

under long-term contracts in the United States, Canada, and South


Total production of U30g through 1977 from U.S. sources is

estimated at about 2.7 x 105 MT (3 x 105 ST).  The amounts of

ore used in the production of this U30gj flnd the approximate

amount of tailings produced, were expected to reach 1.3 x 108

MT (1.4 x 108 ST) by the end of 1977.  Of this total, about


         20%,  or  2.3 x  107 MT  (2.5 x  107  ST),  is  located  at  inactive

         mill sites and the  balance  (80%) is located at currently active

         mill sites.

     Nuclear power's growth  in the 1970's and  projections of the  future

need for nuclear fuel  spurred increased exploration for ore and

construction of mills  in the last part of the  decade.

2.2  Status of Milling Sites

     Table 2-1 shows the number of active and inactive uranium milling

sites in the United States at five-year  intervals.  This listing omits

several pilot facilities that produced uranium before 1950.

     The hazards posed by mill tailings  were  incompletely recognized in the

uranium industry's early years,  and, while  the Atomic Energy Act of 1954

instituted  licensing of mill  operators,  tailings  remained free of controls.

Numerous studies have assessed tailings  hazards,  and several State and

Federal agencies — Colorado's,  for  example — have acknowledged a need for

controls.   But no  comprehensive  program  to  control tailings began until

 after the  Subcommittee on Raw Materials  of  the  Joint Committee on Atomic

Energy conducted Congressional hearings  in  1974.   Studies supported by the

Energy Research and Development  Administration  (later  merged into  the

Department  of Energy)  then  followed. The first  set of studies (the Phase

 I studies)  determined  the current status and  general  scope  of the hazards

 at inactive mill tailings sites. The second  set (the  Phase II studies)

                               TABLE 2-1
           Number of Active and Inactive Uranium Mill Sites
Year No.
Up thru 1940
1980 (Jan)
of Active Sites
No. of Inactive Sites
     References JO 77, AU 70, and TH 79.

    included are 8 solution mining operations,  4 phosphoric acid
by-product plants, and 4 heap leaching operations.

assessed them in greater detail and discussed various alternatives for

controlling them.

2.3  The Inactive Sites

     The Congressional hearings noted above took place on March 12,

1974.  The bills discussed, S.2566 and H.R. 11378, were identical.  They

proposed that the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (later the Energy Research

and Development Administration and now the Department of Energy) and the

State of Utah jointly assess and act appropriately to limit people's

exposure to radiation originating from the Vitro uranium mill  tailings

site at Salt Lake City, Utah.

         EPA endorsed  the bills' objectives but, with AEC, recommended

instead that the  two agencies,  in cooperation with  the  states, assemble

comprehensive studies  of all  inactive mill sites.   The  studies would be

divided into two  phases.   The Phase  I  studies would establish the sites'

condition,  ownership,  surroundings,  and  the need, if any, for  more

detailed studies.   The Phase II studies  would, as needed, evaluate the

hazards and analyze alternative  solutions  and their costs.  Congress

 accepted the  proposal, and in May  1974 the Phase I  studies  began.

 2'3-1   The Phase  I  Studies

          The Phase  I studies conducted during 1974  summarized conditions

 at 21  inactive uranium milling sites (See Table 2-2) and outlined the

 detailed engineering assessments to  be performed in Phase II.

                                 TABLE 2-2

                            Inactive Mill Sites








Monument Valley
Tuba City
Grand Junction
Maybe 11
New Rifle
Old Rifle
Slick Rock (NC Site)
Slick Rock (UC Site)
Ambrosia Lake
Canonsburg (a)
Phase I






Phase II







Designated under
PL 95-604








20. Falls City                      x
21. Ray Point                       x

                                TABLE 2-2 (continued)

                            Inactive Mill Sites
                                                       Designated under
        Site                      Phase I    Phase II     PL 95-604


Green River
Mexican Hat
Monticello (f)
Salt Lake City
Converse County






                     Totals        21           23              25

    (a)  Former rare-metals plant;   not  an inactive  uranium mill  site
    (b)  Study done as part of Formerly  Utilized MED/AEC Sites Remedial
Action Program
    (c)  Owned by TVA
    (d)  Uranium not sold to U.S. Government
         The Phase I studies excluded several sites:   Monticello,  Utah

(owned by the Department of Energy);  Edgemont, South Dakota (owned by

the Tennessee Valley Authority);  Kite,  Utah (covered  by Lake Powell,  a

lake created by the 1963 construction of the Glen Canyon Dam after

high-grade tailings were removed from the site);  Riverton,  Wyoming

(licensed by the AEC to a private owner at the time of the Phase I

studies but later added to the Phase II studies);  and Bowman and

Belfield, North  Dakota, Baggs, Wyoming, and Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.

     As a sample of the Phase I studies, the following excerpts from the

Phase I Summary discuss the Vitro site at Salt lake City, and

stabilization, off-site radiation,  and the use made of inactive mill


         The Vitro Sitej, Salt Lake  City

         The existing conditions at the Vitro site in Salt Lake City are

         completely unsastisfactory.  The tailings pile, located at the

         center of population of Salt Lake valley, is largely uncovered

         and subject to continuing  wind and water erosion.   While the

         extent of exposure of the  population to radiation from this

         source may be difficult to quantify, the spread of radioactivity

         is readily detectable for  considerable distances offsite.

         Because of the continued industrial growth in the  area, the

         population exposure can be expected to increase.  The site is

         only partially fenced and  is readily accessible to the public.

         If the tailings pile were  to be stabilized by covering and


vegetation at the present site, their integrity would be

difficult to maintain.  While contamination of surroundings from

blowing dust could be reasonably well controlled, the emanation

of radon gas and leaching of radium into ground waters would be

expected to continue.  The representative of AEC, EPA and  the

State of Utah concur that the present site is unsuited to

long-term  radioactive  tailings  storage,  and  the  Phase II study of

the  Vitro  site should be directed principally toward a plan for

removal  to a more  suitable  location.


 The  conditions  found at  the 21 mill sites  are summarized  in

 (Table 2-3).   Tailings stabilization at six sites had not been

 attempted at all.   However, following the  site visit,  the State

 of Oregon notified the owner that stabilization should be under-

 taken as soon as possible at Lakeview.  The chemical surface

 coating used at Tuba City, Arizona, has broken up after only a

 few years weathering and is considered unsuccessful.  The

 conditions at Shiprock, New Mexico, on  the Navajo Reservation

 have been considerably aggravated as a result of the operation of

 a heavy earth-moving-equipment school  on  the  site.  The State of

 Colorado  adopted  regulations  in  1966  for stabilization and control

  of  uranium mill tailings  by the mill  owners.   The  substantial

  efforts made in that  state  have  been  fairly successful.   In  no

  case,  however,  was it found that the results could be  considered

  entirely satisfactory.   Some erosion and  loss of cover was noted


              TABLE 2-3

Monument Valley
Tuba City
Grand Junction
Katurita (a)
Nev Rifle
Old Rifle
Slick Rock (NC)
Slick Rock (DC)
Ambrosia Lake
Canonsburglb )
Falls City
Ray Point
Green River
Mexican Hat
Salt Lake City
Converse City










Condition of
& Structures
on Millsite




















Adequate Property
Fencing, Bounded by
Posting, & River or
Surveillance Stream


















Dwellings &/or
Within 1/2










Possible Tailings
Visual Evidence Ground &/or Removed From Other
Wind &/or Water Surface Water Site for Hazards
Erosion Contamination Private Use On-Site

























Unknown No










                                                                                TABLE 2-3 (continued)

            Column  1.  S - Stabilized, but  requires  improvement     Column  2.  M - Mill  intact                               Column  .    -  one
                       P - Partially stabilized                                B - Building(s) intact                                   E - "astiag
                       U - UnstabilUed                                        * - «"!  ^d/or buildingB removed                        O - Occupxed
                                                                              PR - Hill  and/or buildings partially removed              P - Part occupied
                                                                                0 - Occupied or used
                                                                               00 - Unoccupied or unused

             (*)  Pile moved  to new location after this study.
            (b)  Sot in Phase I, but information included for completeness

in all cases,  and the vegetation was generally not self-sustaining

without continued maintenance, usually including watering and

fertilization.  Thus, the stabilization work done to date

represents a holding action, sufficient for the present, but not

a satisfactory answer for long-term storage.

Offsite Radiation

The mechanisms known to cause spread of radioactivity from the

sites are:

1.   Windblown solids.

2.   Radon gas and its decay products.

3.   Deliberate removal of tailings and other materials for

     offsite use.

4.   Water erosion and dissolution.

5.   Ground water and soil contamination.

In addition, low grade ores and mine wastes have occasionally

been spilled or dumped offsite.

Evidence exists of all these mechanisms causing some degree of

increase in radioactivity above natural background.  In no other

location was there evidence of the widespread use of tailings in

building construction such as occurred in Grand Junction,

Colorado,  Nevertheless, there are some habitable structures in

several other  locations where tailings use  is suspected.

Measurements of dust concentrations in air made near tailings

piles in the past have not indicated significant hazard from

inhalation.  However, the significance of blowing dusts settling

out in the general vicinity over a period of many years has not

been thoroughly evaluated.

The EPA has held the position for some time that radon gas

emanating  from a tailings pile may cause a detectable  increase  in

airborne radiation levels in the vicinity of a tailings pile,

roughly within half  a mile.  The gas will diffuse readily  into

existing structures, but its particulate decay products would

tend  to .remain inside,  possibly causing  a buildup in radioactivity

within the structure.   There is little data available  to support

this  hypothesis, but it needs  to be  checked carefully, as  it could

have  significant bearing on decisions regarding  removal of

tailings  piles from populous areas.  High radon  decay product

levels were found  in structures close to the Vitro  pile, but the

possibility of their having been built  over  tailings has not been


Water erosion does not  appear  to have been a  significant factor

 in the off site  migration of  tailings.   However, the movement of

 radium and soluble salts into  the  sub-soil  in areas with high

 water table needs further evaluation.   In a few locations  tailings

 piles are located near water  courses where  flooding can be a



         Use of Mill Sites

         Where housing and other structures remain from the milling opera-

         tions they have been frequently put to use.  Housing at Tuba City,

         Naturita, Slick Rock, Shiprock and Mexican Hat is occupied.

         Buildings on the mill sites at Gunnison, Naturita, Shiprock, Green

         River and Mexican Hat are being used for warehousing, schools and

         other purposes.  At several sites, buildings are still used for

         company activities.  At Salt Lake City a sewage disposal plant is

         operating on the site.  Construction of an automobile race track

         was begun in the middle of the tailings pile.  It was subsequently

         stopped by the State upon recommendations of AEC and EPA.  The

         pressure for use of sites in urban areas is likely to increase

         with time consistent with projected population growth.  None of

         the areas formerly occupied by milling facilities, ore stockpiles,

         etc., have been examined to determine the depth of soil contamin-

         ation, or suitability for future unrestricted use.

    Table 2-3 summarizes the widely varying conditions at the time of the

Phase I site visits (AE 74, Table I).  Table 2-4 summarizes the Phase I

studies and presents the recommendations made for Phase II studies of

potential remedies for each site (AE 74, Table II).

    Since the Phase I studies, the Naturita pile has been moved and the

Shiprock site has been cleaned up and the pile stability improved.

Tailings from the Monument Valley, Falls City, and Ray Point sites have

been removed and used as construction material.   At  some sites buildings


                                                                                      TABLE ?-4

                                                      SUMMARY OF PHASE I FINDINGS AND PRINCIPAL ACTION TO  BE STUDIED IN PHASE II
   Monument Valley
   Tuba City

   Grand Junction
   New  Rifle
   Old  Rifle
   Slick Rock  (NC)
   Slick Rock  (DC)


Hew Mexico
   Ambrosia Lake


   Falls City
   Ray Point
                                    Years Operated

Tons of Tai lines
(in thousands)
Ra in Ci I

1 , 200 X
1,350 X
200 X
2,130 X
320 X
950 X











                                                           TABLE 2-4 (continued)

Green River
Mexican Hat
Salt take City
Converse County
Years Operated
Tons of Tailings Ra in Ci I II III
20 XX
1,560 X X
1,380 XXX


  I - The removal of tailings and other radioactive materials from the site to a more suitable location.

 II - Stabilize tailings or complete or improve stabilization to prevent vind and water erosion.

Ill - Decontamination of millsite or immediate  area around  tailings pile.

 IV - Complete or improve fencing and posting of millsites  and tailings areas.

  V - Determine levels of radioactivity in structures where tailings may have been used in construction and
      determine costs and measures needed for remedial action vhere warranted.

 VI - Conduct ground water surveys in immediate area  of millsite and tailings.

VII - No phase II study proposed at this time.
                                                                                                                      VI      VII

and other architectural features,  such as fences, have changed; all

buildings have been removed at the Shiprock site, for example.  And wind

and water have eroded tailings at all of the sites.

2.3.2    The Phase II studies

    The Phase II studies (FB 76-78) of 23 sites  (Table 2-2) began in  1975.

The studies  fixed site  ownership  and  determined  hydrologic, meteorologic,

topographic, demographic, and  socioeconomic characteristics of the inactive

mill  sites and  alternative  sites  to which  tailings might  be moved.  Radio-

logical  surveys  of air,  land,  and water  near  the tailings  sites  included

estimates  of exposures to  individuals and  nearby populations  and identifi~

cation of  offsite use  of tailings.  Finally,  the studies  developed

 alternative  remedial action plans for each site  and  analyzed  each plan's


     The scope of the Phase II studies at each site was guided by the  recom-

 mendations of the Phase I  studies (Table 2-4).  This Environmental Impact

 Statement incorporates many of the results of these  studies,  but the

 Phase II reports themselves offer more  detailed, site-specific information.

                          References for Chapter 2

(AE 74)  U.S.  Atomic Energy Commission,  1974,  "Phase I Studies  of Inactive
         Uranium Mill Sites and Tailings Piles" (Summary and individual
         site  reports).

(AU 70)  Augustine,  R.J.,  August 1970, "Inventory of Active  Uranium Mills
         and Tailings Piles at Former Uranium Mills," ISDHEW.

(FA 76)  Facer,  J.F., Jr.,  "Production Statistics" (of the Uranium
         Industry),  presented at Grand Junction Office Uranium  Industry
         Seminar,  Department of Energy,  October 1976.

(FB 76-78)  Ford,  Bacon,  and Davis,  Utah,  Inc., "Phase II—Title  1,
            Engineering Assessment of Inactive Uranium Mill  Tailings,"  20
            contract reports for Department of Energy Contract  No.
            E(05-l)-1658,  1976-78.

(JO 77)  Jones,  J.Q-, October 1977,  "Uranium Processing Developments,"
         Grand Junction Office, Department of Energy.

(ME 71)  Merritt,  R.C., 1971, "The Extraction Metalurgy of Uranium,"
         Colorado  School  of Mines Research Institute, Golden, Colorado.

(NR 79)  U.S.  Nuclear Regulatory Commission,  "Generic Environmental Impact
         Statement on Uranium Milling,"  April 1979, NUREG-0.511.

(TH 79)  Personal  conversation with  John Themelis, October 1979,  Grand
         Junction Office,  Department of  Energy.

                               3:   SOURCE TERMS

3.1  Introduction

     In assessing the potential health and environmental impact of the

tailings, the "source terms" 	 that is,  the amounts and concentrations of

radioactivity and toxic chemicals in the tailings piles and in off-site

contamination — are particularly important.  This section discusses these


3.2  Radioactivity Source Terms

     From 1948 through 1978, nearly 157 million tons of ore were processed

at all uranium mills (DO 79), yielding some 328,000 tons of UjOg, a

uranium-rich compound called "yellowcake."  Chemicals added in processing

become part of the tailings, so the tailings solids and the ore weigh about

the same.  The 22 inactive sites designated under PL 95-604 contribute

about one-sixth of all tailings, or about 26 millions tons, deposited in

piles covering about 1,000 acres (Table 3-1).  The remaining tailings are

at active sites licensed by  the NRC or Agreement States, and will be

subject to forthcoming EPA standards.

     Most of the mills at the  now-inactive  sites used acid solvents to

dissolve uranium out of the  ore.  All mills discharged a mixture of solid

tailings and liquids to an impoundment area, unusually referred  to as a

tailings pond or tailings pile.  Part of the liquid was recycled to the

mill but most of it evaporated or  seeped into the ground.  Seepage of

                      TABLE 3-1


Tuba City,
Grand Janction,
Hew Si fie,
Old Rifle,
Slick Rock {HC),
Slick Rock (DC),
Aabrosia Lake,
Dew Mexico
New Mexico
' 784
53-157 f7l
(440-1200-2200)'' "

                                                                          TABLE 3-1 — Continued

                                                     RADIOACTIVITY IN INACTIVE URANIUM MILL TAILINGS PILES

                     TONS OF     AREA OF      AVERAGE       AVERAGE       ANNUAL RADON

                     TAILINGS    TAILINGS    ORE GRADE(1)  RADIUM-226(2)   RELEASE(3)
                                                                                                               MAX. MEASURED
                                                                                                 RADIUM-226W  RADIUM-226<5)
                            (MILLIONS)    (ACRES)
                                                                           RADON-222:   MEASURED

                                                                              RELEASE RATE

                                                                              (pCi/m -sec)
16. Canonsburg,
        Pennsylvania    0.4

17. Falls City,
        Texas           2.5

18. Ray Point,
        Texas           0.49

19. Green River,
        Utah            0.12

20. Mexican Hat,
        Utah            2.2

21. Salt Lake City,
        Utah            1.7

22. Converse County,
        Wyoming        0.19

23. Riverton,
        Wyoming        0.9















































            Phase  II Reports  (TB 76-78).
            Calculated  from average ore grade, assuming 700 pCi/g per 0.25%.
            Calculated  from average radium-226, assuming 1 pCi/m^-sec of radon-222 is released  (annual average) for each pCi of radium-226
                per gram of tailings.
            Phase  I summary Report (AE 74).
            Phase  II Reports  (FB 76-78).  Value shown is for highest reported soil, sediment, or tailings sample.  Tailings were not sampled
                in all  cases.
            phase  II Reports  (FB 76-78), unless indicated otherwise.
            Bernhardt,  et  al.  (BE 75), reported values ranging from 590 to 1,320 pCi/m2-sec for uncovered and 440 to 2,200 pCi/mz-sec for
                stabilized tailings.
            Bernhardt,  et  al.  (BE 75), reported values for stabilized tailings ranging from 3 to 31 pCi/m2-sec.
            Measurements by FBDD are based on a sample of tailings in a barrel, with varying moisture contents.
            Bernhardt,  et  al.  (BE 75), reported values for 11 sites ranging from 130 to 650 pCi/mZ-sec , with a median of about 300 pCi/m^-see.
                Measurements  by Bernhardt indicated overlapping ranges of radon release rates for uncovered and covered (up to several feet) tailings.

contaminants occured at many sites, the extent depending on the location
and design of the impoundment area.  Some of the now-inactive mills
discharged liquid directly into surface streams.

    Uranium is the first member of a radioactive "decay series"; in other
words, uranium decays to thorium, which in turn decays to radium, with the
chain ultimately terminating with lead (see Fig. 4-1).  Because of a
condition called "secular equilibrium," the radioactivity of each member
of the decay series is the same as that of the parent, uranium-238.

     The  amount  of  radioactive  thorium  in  the  tailings  pond  liquid  at
acid-process mills is much higher  than at alkaline-process  mills,  because
it dissolves  readily  in  acid  solvents  but not  in  alkaline  solvents.   About
5% or less  of  the  radium in  the  ore  is dissolved  by either  method.
Essentially all of the  dissolved thorium, radium  and radionuclides  other
than uranium are discharged  to the tailings  pond  (SE 75).

     The  solid  portion of the  tailings  can be divided into  coarse sands and
finer slimes.   In  the acid process,  residual uranium and radium content in
the slimes  is  about  twice that in  the  sands,  while  thorium  content  appears
to be about the same  in  both  sands and slimes.

     Since uranium  is  removed  in  milling,  the uranium radioactivity  levels
in the tailings are  substantially  less than  the radium radioactivity
levels.  Thorium-230  levels  in tailings are  probably close  to those of

radium-226, though the dominance of either may change within the pile

because of variations in the mill process and any efforts to precipitate

radium in the tailings pond.

    The activity of such radium decay products as radon in tailings is

somewhat lower than that of the parent radium, since radon is a gas which

can escape from the pile.  Only about 20% or less of the radon produced

from the radium, however, leaves the tailings particles, so 80% or more of

the decay products of radon are formed within the particles (CU 73).  The

depth of tailings and cover as well as porosity and moisture content

largely determine how much of the radon leaving the tailings particles is

ultimately released to the atmosphere.

    Table 3-1 shows the  estimated quantity of tailings, area of tailings,

average ore grade, estimated average radium-226 concentration  (based  on

average ore grade), annual radon release  estimate,  total curies(l)  of

radium, maximum measured radium concentrations, and limited  information  on

measured radon-222 release rates.  For "upgrader"  sites where  slimes  have

been removed, the  average  concentration  is  probably lower  than that

estimated  from  the average  ore  grade.  Green River, Monument Valley,  Slick

Rock  (UC),  and  Converse  County  were  upgrader sites.   The Naturita mill

operated as  an  upgrader  only for a short  period before  it  was  shut  down.
        curie (Ci)  is  the basic unit of radioactivity,  equal  to 37  billion
 nuclear disintegrations per second.

As shown in Table 3-1, the maximum radium concentration found in samples

ranged from about 1/5 to 25 times the average value estimated from the

average ore grade.

3.3  Nonradioactive Contaminants

    A number of nonradioactive toxic substances from ore or from chemicals

used in processing have been found in the liquid and solid portions of

uranium mill effluents (SE 75).  Information on their concentrations in

tailings and ground water at the inactive sites is part of the Phase II

reports (FB 76-78).  The contaminants present in a mill waste stream

depend on the source and type of processing; Table 3-2 gives examples of

the elements and compounds found in a tailings pile at one inactive

alkaline-leach uranium mill.  The ratio of the concentration in slimes  to

that in a "background" soil sample is included.  Uranium and thorium are

radioactive, but are also included in this table.  Table 3-3 indicates

additional elements and compounds which have been reported in other

tailings piles.

    Ground water has been contaminated at some inactive uranium mill

sites.  The primary source of such contamination within the first  few

decades after mill operation is the tailings pond water discharged while

the pile is active.  Kaufmann, e£ al. (KA 75), estimated that 30%  of the

water  from two active tailings pond seeped into the ground.  Purtyman,  et_

al., estimated seepage loss from an inactive  pile in New Mexico during its

active life as 44% (PU 77).  The NRC DGEIS on Uranium Milling uses a model

which  assumes a 38% water loss by seepage (NU 79), and estimates movement

of seepage through unsaturated soil, formation of the seepage bulb in the

                                TABLE 3-2
     Elements and Compounds Measured  in an  Inactive Tailings
Concentration in
Element Tailings Sands
or Compound (parts per million)
Uranium 211
Molybdenum — (b)
Selenium 31.3
Concentration in
Tailings Slimes
(parts per million)

Ratio of
Concentration in
Slimes to Background
1 O
V 1




<«>  (DR 78)
(b)  — indicates no data
     ND indicates not detected

                                TABLE 3-3

Additional Elements and Compounds Found in Uranium Mill Tailings(a)

                  Boron                        Nickel

                  Cadmium                      Silver

                  Copper                       Zirconium

                  Gold                         Cyanide

                  Lead                         Silicate

(a) (FB 76-78)

saturated soil zone, and movement of pollutants with the ground water.

For its model mill, in an arid region, the NRC concluded that about 95% of

the possible contamination was associated with the active phase of the

pile and only 5% with the long-term losses from the inactive pile

(NR 79).  However, studies by Klute and Heermann (KL 78) indicate that

even in dry climates precipitation can produce a downward flow of water

through the tailings.

     Tailings piles at inactive mill sites already have lost much of the

water present when they were formed.  The water has evaporated, gone

underground, or run off on the surface.  Any future contamination of water

by the pile mainly would result  from erosion, rain, flooding, or the

flushing action of seasonal changes in the water table where it intersects

a pile.  The quality of streams  and lakes could be degraded by seepage

from a pile, or by  tailings which run off or are blown into them.

Table 3-4 indicates inactive and active  sites where elevated concentra-

tions of nonradioactive contaminants have been found in ground water near

tailings piles.

3.4  Off-Site Contamination

     In  1972, EPA and AEC, using a mobile detector in the vicinity of

tailings sites,  located areas with higher than normal gamma radiation.  To

determine the source, teams  from EPA  and the State health departments

conducted further gamma surveys. At  hundreds  of  locations, uranium mill

tailings were found under  or within 10  feet of structures (FB  76-78) and,

at  additional hundreds  of  locations,  more than 10 feet  from a  structure.

                                 TABLE 3-M

           Elements/Compounds Reported in Elevated Concentrations
              In Ground Water in the Vioinity of Tailings Piles

Ambrosia Lake, NM(a)

Ray Point, TX(b)

Green River, UT(c)

Gunnison, C0(d)

Falls City, TX(e)
Grants Mineral Belt,  NM(f)
     (Active Mills)

Barium, Lead, Vanadium


Arsenic, Chromium, Lead, Selenium

Arsenic, Barium, Chromium, Iron,
Lead, Selenium, Vanadium

Arsenic, Barium, Chromium, Iron,
Lead, Selenium, Radium, Vanadium

Polonium, Selenium, Radium,
Vanadium, Uranium, Ammonia,
Chloride, Nitrate, Sulfate
(a)  (FB 76-78) (GJT-13)
(b)  (FB 76-78) (GJT-20)
(c)  (FB 76-78) (GJT-HO
(d)  (FB 76-78) (GJT-12)
(e)  (FB 76-78) (GJT-16)
     (KA 75)

(These figures exclude Grand Junction, where there is a separate remedial

action program.)  Following the 1972 surveys, tailings from Cane Valley,

Arizona, and Edgemont, S. Dakota, have been used off-site, and in at least

one case—Salt Lake City—the gamma surveys were not completed.  Table 3-5

shows the number of locations near each designated site where the use of

uranium mill tailings has been detected.

    EPA began a complementary gamma radiation survey in the spring of 1974

to determine the extent of contamination by wind- and water-eroded

tailings at the inactive uranium mill sites (DO 75).  Gamma radiation from

the ground was measured by adjusting detector readings for contributions

from other sources, including direct and scattered radiation from the

tailings pile.  Gamma radiation from the ground at levels above the normal

background indicated contamination by tailings.  Contour  lines

corresponding to gamma radiation levels above background  of 40 uR/hr,(D

lOuR/hr, and zero  (i.e., background), were plotted on maps of each site to

show the locations of contamination (FB 76-78).  Table 3-6 provides

estimates of the areas contaminated at a given gamma radiation level for

the 20 inactive sites surveyed.  The Oregon Department of Human Resources

requested that the Lakeview  site not be surveyed because  the pile was

stabilized during  the summer of 1974.  The Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, site

also was not included.
       roentgen  (R) is a unit measuring the electrical charge gamma rays
release in air.  A microroentgen  (uR) is one millionth of a roentgen.

              TABLE 3-5

Gamma Radiation Anomalies  and Causes^8)
Cane Valley(b)
Tuba City
State Total
Canon City
Dove Creek
Glade Park
Grand Junction^)
Grand Valley
Mesa Lakes
Plateau City
Slick Rock

Idaho City
State Total ' 	
Number of



Cause of Anomaly








Radioactive Source
or Ore

J. .

10 ~~* '


1 O
/ A


*> T


_. 	 2 	














t. Q



         TABLE 3-5 (Continued)
Gamma Radiation Anomalies and Causes(a)

New Mexico
Gamer co
State Total
Lake view
New Pine Creek
state Total
South Dakota
and Dudley(e)
Hot Springs
_ Provo
state Total
Campbell ton
Falls City
George West
Karnes City
Panna Maria
Three Rivers
_ Whitsett
state Total
Number of






Cause of

Radioactive Source Natural









or Ore































                                TABLE 3-5 (Continued)
                       Gamma Radiation Anomalies and Causes ^

Bland ing
Crescent Junction
Green River
Mexican Hat
Mexican Hat
(Old Mill)
Salt Lake City
Ly/j « C&UG VfllXcv \
SWltll tPl 1 TTIOO VM
— • **•*• ^ n uaxL^iiKo n<







»s not included in

»s oeen m progress





since 1972
(e)  Survey of  additional  anomalies  conducted in  1978.
{fi  Salt Lake  City was  not  completely  surveyed.

                           TABLE 3-6

Contaminated Areas Around Inactive  Uranium Mill  Tailinea  Piles
Rifle (New),
Rifle (Old),
Slick Rock(NC),






— — __

12 26

322 452


114 169

17 44







Slick Rock (UCC),
Ambrosia Lake,
New Mexico
New Mexico



3 41


210 390





                                       TABLE 3-6  (Continued)

                 Contaminated Areas Around  Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings Pi
                                               APPROXIMATE AREA (Excl. Pile) (Acres)
40 uR/hr above
                                                         10-40 uR/hr above
 0-10 uR/hr
above Background
16.  Canonsburg,'1*)
      Pennsylvania      19

17.  Falls City,
      Texas            142
18.  Ray Point,
      Texas             48

19.  Green River,
      Utah               9

20.  Mexican Hat,
      Utah              77

21.  Salt Lake City,
      Utah              94

22. Converse County,
      Wyoming           42

23.  River ton,
      Wyoming           72












(a)  Reference DO 75
(b)  Rock outcroppings and scattered ore made measurements difficult.
(c)  Ponds covered with topsoil.  Contaminated area could not be determined.
(d)  Due to extensive development around site, contaminated area could not be determined.
(e)  Contamination from plume extends several miles down valley
(f)  Mill residue stockpile areas
(g)  Gamma survey not done, at request of State.
(h)  Gamma survey not done.
(i)  Not included under UMTRCA
(j)  — indicates data not available
(k)  Includes tailings, overburden piles, and waste dumps.  Tailings only constitute  about  2.5

                            References for Chapter 3

  (AE 74)     U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1974, "Phase I Studies of
              Inactive Uranium Mill Sites and Tailings Piles" (summary and
              individual site reports).

  (BE 75)      Bernhardt,  D.E.,  Johns,  F.B.,  and  Kaufmann,  R.F.,  1975,  "Radon
              Exhalation  from Uranium  Mill Tailings Piles, Description and
              Verification of the Measurement Method," U.S. Environmental
              Protection Agency, Officer of Radiation Programs, Technical
             Note ORP/LV-75-7(A).

 (CU 73)     Culot,  M.V.S.,  Olson,  H.G.,  Schiager, K.J.,  1973, "Radon
             Progeny Control in Buildings,"  Colorado State University.

 (DO 75)     Douglas,  R.L. and  Hans, J.M., Jr.,  August  1975,  "Gamma
             Radiation Surveys  at Inactive Uranium Mill Sites,"  Technical
             Note  ORP/LV-75-5.

 (DO 79)     U.S.  Department  of Energy, January  1, 1979, "Statistical  Data
             of  the  Uranium  Industry," DOE Grand Junction  Office, Colorado,
             GTO-100 (79).                                                -

 (DR 78)      Dreesen,  D.R., Marple, M.L., and Kelley, N.E., 1978,
             "Contaminant Transport, Revegetation, and Trace  Element
             Studies at Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings Piles," in
             Proceedings  of the Symposium on Uranium Mill  Tailings
             Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 111-139.

 (FB  76-78)   Ford, Bacon, and Davis, Utah, Inc.,  "Phase II-Title 1,
             Engineering Assessment of Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings," 20
             contract  reports for Department of Energy Contract No.
             E(05-l)-1658, 1976-1978.

 (KA  75)     Kaufmann, R.F.,  Eadie,  G.G.,  and Russell, C.R., 1975, "Summary
             of Ground Water Quality Impacts of Uranium Mining and Milling
             in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico,"  U.S. Environmental
            Protection Agency, Office of Radiation Programs,  Technical
            Note ORP/LV-75-4.

(KL 78)     Klute, A., and Heermann,  D.F.,  September 1978, "Water
            Movememnt in Uranium Mill  Tailings Profiles," Environmental
            Protection Agency,  Office  of  Radiation Programs,  Technical
            Note ORP/LV-78-8.

(OR 73)     Office of Radiation Programs, March  1973,  "Summary Report of
            the  Radiation Surveys Performed  in Selected Communities," U.S.
            Environmental Protection Agency.

                   References for Chapter 3  (continued)
(PU 77)     Purtyman,  W.D.,  Wienke,  C.L.,  and  Dreesen,  D.R.,  "Geology and
           Hydrology  in the Vicinity of the Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings
           Pile,  Ambrosia Lake.  New Mexico."  T.A-fifl-*o_Me   T	»i	
                      TK   t6'  NW Mexico'"  LA-6839-MS,  Los  Alamos
                      Laboratory,  New Mexico, 1977.
(SE 75)     Sears,  M.B.,  et  al.,  1975,  "Correlation of  Radioactive  Waste
           ine?hrSuC?pf V"?  'helEn*ir°nmental  Impact  of Waste Effluents
           in the  Nuclear Fuel  Cycle for Use  in Establishing  'as Low as
           OakCRid:e Nat-UidrT\Millin8 °f Uranium °-s,"lwo Volume"
           Oak Ridge National Laboratory report ORNL-TM-4903.

                              4:  HEALTH EFFECTS

 4.1   Introduction
      As  metallic ore  waste,  uranium mill  tailings are unique because of the
 amount of  radioactivity they contain.   It  is  radioactivity that constitutes
 their principal  health hazard,  though  nonradioactive toxic chemicals such
 as arsenic,  lead, selenium,  mercury, sulphates,  and  nitrates may also be
 present.   Milling uranium-bearing ore  removes about  90*  of the  uranium.
 The remainder, along  with  other radioactive material and toxic  chemicals in
 the processed  ore,  is discarded in  the liquid waste  and  solid tailings.

      Most  of the uranium in  uranium ore is uranium-238,  a radioactive
 isotope  that decays over billions of years to become lead-206,  a stable,
 nonradioaotive element.  The lengthy decay process passes through a  series
 of intermediate  elements called decay  products,  such as  thorium-230  and
 radon-222; these,  too,  are radioactive.  Fig.  4-1  traces the steps in the
 decay series.  Uranium  decays since  the ore was  formed millions of years
 ago have built up an  inventory  of the  decay products identified in Fig.
 4-1.   In various concentrations,  all are present  in  uranium  mill  tailings.

      Uranium mill tailings emit three  kinds of radiation:  alpha  rays, beta
 rays, and gamma  rays.  All are  forms of ionizing radiation,  which breaks up
molecules into electrically  charged fragments, or ions.   In  tissue,
 ionization can produce harmful cellular changes.  At  the  low radiation
 levels naturally encountered in the environment we expect the effects of
such  changes to  be detectable only with difficulty.  Studies show, however,

4.5 billion
24 days

1.2 minutes
f beta,

Uranium- 234
^ gamma
1,600 years
! alpha,
3.8 days
3 minutes
27 minutes

Ionium- Polonium-
214 210
1/6300 sec 138 days
| 	 	 , jf. *
'gamma J*'3
Bismuth-214 D. .
19.7 minutes alpha, B.smuth-210
gamma 5davs alpha,
	 -j ,.J v
	 . X 1
beta, >"_ f
/gamma LearOm /beta,
r Lead-210 X gamma Lead- 206
22'3 V«rs ' $table

 that people exposed to high doses of radiation have a greater chance of

 developing cancer.  If the ovaries or testes are exposed, moreover, the

 health or development of future children may be damaged.

      No one can predict with precision the increased chance of cancer after

 exposure to radiation.  EPA and other Federal agencies base risk estimates

 on studies of persons exposed  at high doses,  and assume that at lower doses

 the effects will be proportionately less.   Sometimes this assumption may

 overestimate or underestimate  the actual risk,  but it is the best that can

 be done at present (EP 76).

      Alpha,  beta,  and  gamma radiation all  can cause harm.   But the major

 threat  to health comes from breathing air  containing radon decay products

 with short  half-lives(1)—polonium-218,  for example—and exposing the

 lungs and other internal  organs  to the alpha  radiation these decay products

 emit.   In addition,  radioactive  material in the  tailings pile may expose

 people  directly to  gamma  rays, or tailings  particles may be  breathed  or

 ingested.  Except within  a  few miles  of  the pile,  however, the potential

 harm from breathing  radon decay  products is much greater.

     The  body's  internal  organs  would  still be exposed  to  alpha  radiation

even if uranium  tailings  piles suddenly  disappeared.   Radium, uranium,

thorium,  and other radioactive elements  naturally present  in  ordinary rock

and soil emit alpha  radiation; 1  picocurie  of radium per gram of  soil is  a
(1)A half-life is the time it takes for a given quantity of a radioactive
isotope to decay to half of that quantity.

typical concentration.   Outdoor air contains a few tenths of a pCi of radon
per liter (UN 77).  Normal eating and breathing introduces these and other
radioactive materials into the body, increasing the potential for cancer
and genetic changes.  This discussion, therefore, compares the health risks
from tailings to those from normal exposure—not to justify the tailings
risk, but to provide a realistic context.

4.2  Radon and Its  Immediate Decay Products
     The most important decay product in the  uranium-238 decay series,  for
the  purpose of defining the longevity of tailings' radioactivity,  is
thorium-230, which  decays  to become  radium-226.   Because the  half-life  of
thorium-230  is 80,000 years, uranium tailings represent an  essentially
permanent  source  of radium contamination.   Radium in  its usual  chemical
form is relatively  insoluble  in water,  so  it can be controlled  much as
 other  solid toxic materials with similar chemical characteristics.   But
 radon-222,  the  radium-226 decay product, is a nonreactive  radioactive gas
 that diffuses from  the  pile and becomes airborne.  The half-life of radon
 is 3.8 days, so some radon atoms can travel thousands of miles before they

      As shown in Figure 4-1,  the radon decay series leads through seven
 principal members before ending with nonradioactive lead-206.  The
 potential health effects of breathing the short half-life radioactive  decay
 products immediately following radon are most important.  Members of the
 decay  chain with relatively long half-lives  (beginning with  lead-210,  with
 a 22-year half-life) are more  likely to be ingested than breathed  and
 represent  less of  a risk.

      The principal short half-life products of radon-222 are polonium-218,

 lead-214, bismuth-214, and polonium-214—decaying, for the most part, in

 less than an hour.  Polonium-218, the first decay product, has a half-life

 of just over three minutes.  This is long enough for most of the

 electrically charged polonium atoms to attach themselves to microscopic

 dust particles,  less than a millionth of a meter across, in the air.   When

 breathed, such small particles have a good chance of sticking to the  moist

 epithelium lining of the bronchial tubes in the lung.   Most of the inhaled

 material is eventually cleared from the bronchi by mucus,  but not quickly

 enough  to keep the bronchial epithelium from being exposed to alpha rays

 from polonium-218 and polonium-214.  These highly ionizing rays pass

 through  several  types of lung cells,  but the doses they deliver to cells

 that  eventually  become cancerous  cannot adequately be  determined.   To do so

 would require  more detailed knowledge than we have of  the  deposition

 pattern  of  the radioactive  particles  in the lung  and the distances from

 them  to  the  cells.   Further,  there  is even some disagreement  about which of

 the several  types  of bronchial  cells  the  cancers  originate  in.   Therefore,

 we base  estimates  of lung cancer  risk from inhaled  radon decay  products  on

 People's exposure  to  radon  decay  products  rather  than on the  dose absorbed

 in lung  tissues.

     Exposure  to radon decay products  is measured by a specialized unit

called the working level (WL).  A WL  is any combination of short half-life

Padon decay products which emits  130,000 million electron volts of

alpha-ray energy in one liter of air.

     The WL was developed to measure radiation exposure to workers in
uranium mines.  The common unit of cumulative exposure is the working level
month (WLM), or occupational exposure to air containing one WL of radon
decay products for a working month, defined as 170 hours.  Continuous
exposure of a member of the general population to one WL for one year can
be shown to be about 27 WLM (EP 78).

l|'3 E3timates of the Lung Cancer Risk from Inhaling Radon Decay Products
     The very high incidence of lung cancer mortality among underground
miners is well documented (EP 78, AR 79).  Uranium miners are particularly
affected, but lead, iron, and zinc miners exposed to relatively low levels
of radon decay products also show an increased lung cancer mortality that
correlates with exposure.  The type of lung cancer most frequently observed
moreover, is rather uncommon in the general population.

     Risk estimates for the general public based on these studies of miners
are far from precise.   First and most important, the small number of miners
injects considerable statistical uncertainty (see Figure 4-2) into tne
number of "excess" lung cancer cases (that is, the number of cases beyond
those that would occur in any event).  Second, the miners were exposed to
much higher levels of radon decay products than occur in the general
environment.  Third, the exposure levels are uncertain.  Fourth,
significant demographic differences between the miners and the public-the
miners were healthy males over 1. years old, many of whom smoked-imperil
an extension of the results of the studies to the general public.

                               FIGURE 4-2
 - 60

                                            O CZECH-URANIUM
                                            O SWEDEN-LEAD, ZINC (A). IRON (R.J)
                                            A UNITED STATES--URANIUM
                                            • CANADA-URANIUM
                                            I 95% CONFIDENCE LIMITS

100       200        300       400       500

                  Excess lung cancer in various miner groups as a function of their
              cumulative exposure. Note the degree of statistical uncertainty in the
              number of lung cancer attributable to radon daughters. After Archer
              (AR 79).

     Information from the studies of miners can yield estimates, if not

predictions,  of the risks from radon decay products to the general

population.CD  Since the miners being studied have not all died,

however, their eventual excess lung cancers must be projected from current

data by using mathematical models.

     There are two ways to use the observed frequency of  lung cancer deaths

among the exposed miners in order to estimate the  lifetime risk from

inhaling radon decay products:  (1) relative risk,  based on the  percentage

increase in  excess lung  cancer  deaths  for each  WLM,  and (2)  absolute risk,

based  on  the number  of excess lung cancer deaths per WLM  and the time, in

person-years, that the exposed population has been at risk at the time of

 the study.

      For relative risk, we conclude that a 3% increase in the number  of

 lung cancer  deaths per WLM is consistent with data from the studies of the

 underground  miners.   However, because there are important demographic

 differences  between  adult male miners and the general population  (EP  78),

 the risk to  the general population may be as low  as  1% or as high as  $%•

 For absolute risk,  we use the estimate of  10 lung cancer deaths per WLM for

 one million person-years at  risk reported  by the  National Academy of

 Sciences  (HA 76).   Both of these "risk  coefficients" are used  in this

  statement  to examine the potential consequences of lifetime exposure to

  radon decay products.  Unless we state  otherwise, we are estimating  "excess"
   (DSee "Indoor Radiation Exposure due to Radium-226 in Florida Phosphate
   Lands" (EP 78) for such an analysis.

cancer fatalities, i.e., those caused by elevated radiation levels and in
addition to those from other causes.

     To estimate the number of lung cancer deaths from increased levels of
radon in the environment, we have used a "life table" analysis of the
additional risk due to radiation exposure (CO 78).  This analysis takes
account of the length of time a person is exposed and the number of years a
person lives, based on the 1970 U.S. population death rate statistics, to
calculate the number of premature lung cancer deaths that would occur after
lifetime radiation exposure of 100,000 persons.  As a basis for reference,
a life table analysis for the same population indicates a 2.9% chance of
lung cancer death from causes other than excess radiation.  Using the
relative risk model, we estimate that a person exposed to 0.01 WL over a
lifetime incurs a 1.2* (1 in 80) additional chance of contracting a fatal
lung cancer.  This estimate was made assuming children are no more
sensitive than adults.  If childhood exposure results in three times
greater risk than that to adults, the estimated relative risk would
increase by about 50% (EP 78).  Using a similar life table analysis and an
absolute risk model, we estimte that a person exposed to 0.01 WL over a
lifetime incurs a 0.6% (1 in 160) additional chance of contracting a fatal
lung cancer.  Again, equal child and adult sensitivities are assumed (EP

     A person's average annual risk from a lifetime of exposure may be
obtained by dividing the lifetime risk estimates given above by an average
lifespan of 71 years.   Regardless of the risk model used or assumptions


concerning child sensitivity, our firmest estimate is that increased levels

of radon will produce an additional 1 to 3 lung cancer deaths per year of

exposure for each 100 person-working-levels of lifetime exposure.

Person-working-levels is the population's collective exposure; that is, the

number of people times the average concentration of radon decay  products

(in working levels) to which they are exposed.

     For the U.S. population as a whole, the number of cancers is larger

using a relative than an absolute risk estimate, but not  for  all regions.

The  relative risk estimate  for each  inactive site  is based  on the lung

 cancer  death rate in that area.  Lung cancer death rates  are  lower  than the

national average in several  of the States  where  inactive  tailings sites are

 located, so  at  some of  the  localities considered in Section 4.4  the

 absolute  risk  is greater  than the  relative risk.

      Radiation risk can be  stated  in terms of  years  of  life lost due to

 cancer deaths as well  as in estimated numbers  of cancer deaths.   In the

 relative risk model, the age at  which lung cancer occurs is the same as in

 the general population.  Since  lung cancer occurs most frequently in people

 over 70 years of age,  the years  of life lost per fatal lung cancer—

 14.5 years on average—is less than for many other fatal cancers.  The

 absolute risk model assumes that lung cancer fatalities occur throughout

 life, so that each fatality reduces the lifespan  by an average  of  24.6

 years.  Therefore, even though the estimated number of lung  cancer

 fatalities using the relative risk model  is nearly twice that using  the

 absolute risk model, the total years of life lost in exposed populations is
 nearly the same.

      Because we used recent population data,  our assessments illustrate the
 current effects of tailings piles but do not  predict future effects.   If
 the  population sizes and locations,  lifestyle,  medical knowledge,  and other
 patterns of living affecting mortality remain unchanged,  then these rates
 of lung cancer death could persist for the indefinite future.  We  will not
 attempt to assess  future effects  of  tailings, which may either increase or
 decrease.   It is sufficiently prudent,  we believe,  to develop standards
 which  assume that  estimated risk  based on current data could persist  over
 the  indefinite future.

     For convenience, we will express results as deaths per 100 years.
 This is simply the estimated annual  rate based  on current data multiplied
 by 100.

 4.4  Effects  on Local and  Regional Population from Radon  Decay Products
     The concentration of  radon decay products  changes  rapidly with distance
 from a  pile,  requiring complex models for determining the exposure  to the
 local population.  An accurate estimate  of the  collective exposure  from a
 particular  pile would include, besides  the number  of  people  exposed,  the
 site of each  residence and work place and  its ventilation characteristics;
 the length of time a person  is at  each; and the wind  speed and  direction.
All of these  factors determine the level of radon decay products inhaled by
an individual.  Because  these data are unavailable for the inactive sites,


we relied upon more approximate methods to estimate regional exposure at

six of the 22 inactive sites (SW 80).  We selected these six because enough

data to allow a quantitative analysis was available.  Though limited, the

sample does include all but two of the urban sites.  Our purpose in

performing the analysis was to illustrate the potential effects of tailings

in a variety of realistic regional circumstances.

     We used U.S.  census tract data  to establish the number and locations

of exposed persons, based only on residence.   (Census tract information  is

rather precise, in urban areas, but  less  so  in  rural areas where the  tracts

are  large.)  We assumed  further that the  wind  pattern was  symmetrical

around the  pile,  with a  constant  speed of 6.5  mph.  The wind  speed

determines  the amount of dilution and, to a  lesser  extent,, the degree  of

equilibrium between  the  emitted radon and its  decay products(1).  The

 degree of equilibrium is important  because the WL for a given concentration

 of radon gradually increases as decay products accumulate.   In this

 analysis we assumed a radon-radon decay  product equilibrium of 70%  inside

 all structures and in outside air more than 25 miles  (Ho  kilometers) from

 the pile.  We assumed 50*  equilibrium in outside air within 25 miles.  We

 defined the local population as all persons living within about six miles

 (10 kilometers) of the inactive pile, and the regional population as
                  *necaui?^^^^^                               «

 »ost atmospheres are In an inte™dla?e rliatic^Mp  '**

persons living more than six but less than 50 miles  (80 kilometers) from

the pile.  We ignored population changes since  1970.  A future increase in

population density at several of the urban sites seems likely, but because

the actual place of residence would be critical in determining exposure and

resulting health impact, we didn't try to incorporate projected population


     Table 4-1 summarizes the results of our study of six piles at inactive

sites in terms of excess lung cancer deaths, average years of life lost per

cancer fatality, and the average number of days of life lost per exposed

person.  The estimated number of lung cancer deaths associated with a

tailings pile is highly variable, depending not only on the size of the

pile but also the population density in its immediate vicinity.  In contrast

to the estimates of national impact, described in Section 4.5, the estimated

number of fatal cancers for Utah residents based on the absolute risk model

is greater than that based on the relative risk model.  This is because the

annual lung cancer death rates in Utah are comparatively low.  The risks

listed in Table 4-1 are based on just radon emissions from the tailings

Pile, and include no additional risk from any use of tailings material in


     At Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, most of the radon exposure is received by

persons working at the site.  We estimate the risk to these workers and to

the local populations at Canonsburg as 29 or 17 fatal lung cancers per 100

years, using relative and absolute risk estimates respectively.  From the

limited data currently available on the Canonsburg site, the risks there


                                 TABLE 4-1

            Estimated Effect on Local and Regional Populations
         From Exposure to Radon Decay Products from Tailings Piles
Salt Lake City. Utah
          (Local Population — 361,000 persons)
  Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
  Years of life lost per fatality
  Average days of life lost
     per exposed person
              Relative Risk


Absolute Risk


                                   (Regional Population — 494,000 persons)
   Number  of  fatal  cancers/100 yr
   Years of life  lost  per  fatality
   Average days of  life  lost
      per  exposed person
              Relative Risk


Absolute Risk


 Mexican Hat, Utah
(No Permanent Local Population — (1970 Census))

         (Regional Population — 14,100 persons)
   Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
   Years of life lost per fatality
   Average days of life lost
      per exposed person
               Relative Risk


 Absolute Risk



                                TABLE 4-1 (cont.)

             Estimated Effeot on Local  and Regional Populations
         From Exposure to Radon Decay Products from Tailings Piles
Grand Junotion, Colorado
(Local Population — 39,800 persons)
  Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
  Years of life lost per fatality
  Average days of life lost
     per exposed person
   Relative Risk


                       Absolute Risk


(Regional Population — 30,600 persons)
  Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
  Years of life lost per fatality
  Average days of life lost
     per exposed person
   Relative Risk


                       Absolute Risk


Gunnison. Colorado
 (Local Population — 5,060 persons)
  Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
  Years of life lost per fatality
  Average days of life lost
     per exposed person
   Relative Risk


                       Absolute Risk


(Regional Population — 17,060 persons)
  Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
  Years of life lost per fatality
  Average days of life lost
     per exposed person
   Relative  Risk


                       Absolute Risk



                                TABLE 1-1  (oont.)

             Estimated Effect on Looal and Regional Populations
         From Exposure to Radon Deoay Products  from Tailings Piles
Rifle, Colorado (newer pile)
  Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
  Years of life lost per fatality
  Average days of life lost
     per exposed person
  Number  of  fatal  cancers/100 yr
  Years of life  lost  per  fatality
  Average days of  life  lost
      per  exposed person
(Local Population ~ 2,700 persons)
  Relative Risk


                       Absolute Risk


(Regional Population — 35,9QO persons)
   Relative  Risk


                       Absolute Risk


 Shiprook.  New Mexico
   Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
   Years of life lost per fatality
   Average days of life lost
      per exposed person
            •within 10 miles
   Number of fatal cancers/100 yr
   Years of life lost per fatality
   Average days of life lost
      per exposed person
(Local Population* -- 7,200 persons)
                                          Relative Risk

                       Absolute Risk

                                    (Regional Population — 63,600 persons)
   Relative Risk


                        Absolute Risk
                          Estimates _



seem comparable to those listed in Table 4-1 for the inactive piles located

in urban areas.

     Table 4-1 shows the estimated collective risk to people in the

region.  Within this group, the exposure and resultant risk to individuals

depends on their distance from the pile.  Table 4-2 lists the calculated

exposure and estimated individual risks from lifetime exposure, as a func-

tion of distance from a hypothetical inactive pile with a radon emission

rate of 10,000 curies per year.  The assumed wind speed and exposure condi-

tions are described above.  Since the site is hypothetical rather than

actual, Table 4-2 lists only absolute-risk estimates.  At actual sites, the

estimated absolute risks as a function of distance will be proportional to

the annual radon emission (listed in Table 3-D.  For example, at a site

with emissions of 5,000 curies per year, the estimated risk to an individual

who lives a given distance away will be half of that listed in Table 4-2.

     Table 4-2 highlights the significance of distance.  At one to three

miles from the hypothetical pile, the increased radon concentration in

outside air roughly equals the normal concentration in residential

structures.  Because distance is so important, it is useful to consider

specific sites.

     In several urban areas, a few individuals live and work very near the

edge of tailings piles, where the concentration of radon is high.

Table 4-3 lists estimated working levels in outside air at homes close to

five of the urban sites.  Except for the inactive pile in Salt Lake City,


                                TABLE 4-2

                  Individual Risk From Lifetime Exposure
to Radon Decay Products from Tailings Piles
Distance from Pile Edge
Release Rate — 10,000
0 . 000002
Ci per year
9200 in
3500 "
710 «
280 "
100 w
16 "
3 "
1 »

of Fatal
Cancer (a)
1 million
n n
it n
n n
ti n
it n
it n
n n
(a)Absolute  risk model.

                                  TABLE 1-3

              Estimated Risk to Nearest Residents from Inhaling

                   Radon Decay  Products  from Tailings  Piles

                    (Lifetime Exposure at Current Levels)
     Site                                Relative Risk    Absolute Risk
                                           Estimates        Estimates

Salt Lake City, UT —  (0.05 mile, 0.015 WL)(b)

  Lifetime chance of fatal cancer              0.03               0.03
  Years of life lost per fatality             15                 25

Grand Junction, CO —  (0.1 mile, 0.045 WL)(b)

  Lifetime chance of fatal cancer              0.01             0.03
  Years of life lost per fatality             15               25

Durango. CO — (0.1 mile, 0.026 WL)(b)

  Lifetime chance of fatal cancer              0.03             0.02
  Years of life lost per fatality             15               25

Rifle. CO — (0.5 mile, 0.007 WL)(b)

  Lifetime chance of fatal cancer              0.008            0.005
  Years of life lost per fatality             15               25

Gunnison.  CO — (0.5 mile, 0.008 WL)(b)

  Lifetime chance of fatal cancer              0.009            0.006
  Years of life lost per fatality             15               25
(a) A risk of 0.03 is the same as 30,000 chances in 1 million, or 30 in
1 thousand.

    The distance and radon concentration including background for the
    nearest resident to the pile (FB 76-78).
                                   . 1-19

radon emissions from inactive piles are below the emission rate of 10,000
curies per year used to compile Table 4-2.  The radon levels listed in
Table 4-3 are based on the site-specific Ford, Bacon and Davis Engineering
Assessments of inactive piles prepared for the Department of Energy
(FB 76-78), and are not directly comparable to the hypothetical cases in
Table 4-2.  Estimates of individual risks for lifetime exposure at sites  in
Table 4-3 are as high as a one-in-25 chance of death from lung cancer.
This  is  considerably greater  than  the  risk from average residential radon,
about 1  in  300  (see below).

      Table  4-4  estimates  the  risks from  the  naturally occurring  radon  decay
 products found  in  ordinary homes  near  neither mill  tailings  nor  any  other
 specifically  identified radon source.  National  data on  radon  decay  products
 in homes is very scanty,  and  varies widely  among individual  houses.   The
 estimates in Table 4-4 assume that the average  concentration is  0.004 WL in
 homes occupied 15% of the time.   The assumed average  level  of  radon  decay
 products is based  on recent  data on 21 houses in New  York and  New Jersey
 (GE 79), and is consistent with data obtained in other countries (UN 77).
 For comparison, the risks estimated in Table 4-4 are  about 10* of the
 expected lifetime risk of lung cancer death from all  causes (0.029)  in a
 stationary population having 1970 U.S. lung cancer mortality rates.

 4*5  RlskS to the Continental U.S. Population from Radon Emitted from
      Inactive Piles
      Radon emissions from tailings piles may affect health beyond the 50
 miles considered above.  We estimated exposure to the U.S. population


                                  TABLE 4-4

                         Risk from Background Radon
                          in Residential Structures
Lifetime chance of fatal lung cancer

Years of life lost per fatality

Average days of life lost
   per exposed person
                                                 Estimated Risk






(a)A risk of 0.004 is the same as 4000 chances in 1 million, or 4 in
    1 thousand.

(b)calculated on the basis of 0.004 WL, home occupied 75% of the time,
    and 1970 U.S. mortality rates (EP 78).

beyond 50 miles using two different models for atmospheric transport.  The
simplest, which treats radon diffusion on the basis of very general wind
patterns, yields an annual collective exposure of 0.65 person-working-level
for each 1000 curies of radon emitted per year to persons living more than
50 miles (80 kilometers) from an inactive pile (SW 80).  A more detailed
meteorological model, developed for EPA by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has been used by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NR 79) to calculate the concentration in air of radon emitted
from four sites in the western U.S.  A relationship between outdoor radon
concentration and working level is needed to compare the results of the two
methods.   Assuming that a radon concentration of 100 pCi per liter corres-
ponds to about 0.7 WL (EP 78), the national collective exposure from the
four sites considered in the NRC study ranges from 0.42 to 0.76 person-
working-level per 1000 curies released per year,  with an average of 0.56.
This agrees reasonably well with the results of the less detailed calcula-
tions, and is adopted here.  This collective exposure does not include
people living within 50 miles of a pile.
     Both the EPA and NOAA/HRC assessments assume a continental 0 s
population of 200 minion persona,  based on ,970 U.S.  oensus ^
geographically simUar population dlstrihutlon and a projected 1980
continental population of 220 million would increase the elective
exposure by about 10*.


inactive tailings piles.  The radon emissions on which the risk estimates

in Table U-5 are based are calculated  from  the size of the pile and  the

amount of radium per gram of material, assuming a radon-222 emission rate

of 1 pCi/sec for each square meter of  area  and for each pCi of radiura-226

Per gram of tailings (SW 80).  Complete field measurements are unavailable

and actual emissions could be considerably  different from calculated values.

     The total effect for persons living more than 50 miles from the 21

piles in Table 4-5 is summarized in Table M-6, which provides different

measures of health risk.  They represent the total risk over 100 years for

an exposed population of 200 million;  on average, an individual's annual

risk from the model pile is 20 billion times smaller.

U.6  Regional and National Effect from Long Half-Life Radioactive Materials

     Windblown particles and the long  half-life decay products of radon

(beginning with lead-210) are also potential hazards (see Figure 4-1).  The

consequences of eating and breathing long half-life decay products cannot

be established without site-specific information—food sources, for

example.  The only detailed study is one provided for a model active site

in the NRC Draft GEIS on Uranium Milling (NR 79).  As explained below,

however, the NRC results apply in their entirety to few of the inactive

sites.  We use the results of the NRC analysis here only to identify

important exposure routes and to compare their importance to that of the

short half-life decay products of radon.  The results shouldn't be taken as

truly quantitative estimates of the risk at specific inactive sites.

     The NRC model uranium mill and tailings pile is located in a sparsely

populated agricultural area based on cattle ranching.  The population in


                                 TABLE 4-5
     Approximate  Contribution oj*Tailing Piles at Inactive Sites to the
              National Health Risk from Radon Decay Products^
    Inactive Site

Monument Valley, Arizona
Tuba City, Arizona

Durango, Colorado
Grand Junction, Colorado
Gunnison, Colorado
Maybell, Colorado
Naturita, Colorado
Rifle, Colorado(c)
Sliok Rock, Colorado(c)

Lowman, Idaho

Ambrosia Lake,  New Mexico
Shiprock, New Mexico

Lakeview, Oregon

Palls City, Texas

Green River, Utah
Mexican Hat, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

Converse, Wyoming
Riverton, Wyoming
  Annual Risk of Fatal Cancer
       (deaths per year)
Relative Risk      Absolute Risk
 (a)Does not include effects within 50 miles of the site.

 (b)Years of life lost and other measures of risk are discussed in
     summary Table 4-6.

 (c)Two inactive piles.

                                  TABLE U-6
               Summary Table—Tailings piles at Inactive Sites
      Estimated National Risk of Fatal Lung Cancer from Radon Emissions
   Inactive Sites

Fatal cancers per 100 years

Increased chance of lung cancer death

Years of life lost per fatality

Average days of life lost
   per exposed person
                                                    Estimated Risk
0.3/1,000,000    0.1/1,000,000

   15                25
(a)  Canonsburg, PA, site not included.

     Does not include people living within 50 miles of the site.

this region produces all of its own food.  Because this scenario maximizes

the dose due to food, it is inappropriate for many of the inactive sites.

For tailings near urban areas, with a large number of people living close

to the tailings pile, complete dependence on locally supplied food is

considerably less likely.

     The five  sources of exposure  in the NRC analysis are shown  in Table

4-7.  The  risk from  breathing short half-life radon decay products is more

than  10 times  greater than the next highest risk, that  due  to windblown

tailings eaten in vegetables and meat.d)  Lead-210 and polonium-210,

formed in  air  following radon  decay, are also a  source  of exposure when

deposited  on  food or breathed.  According  to  the NRC  analysis,  the  risk

from  each  of  these  pathways  equals about one-hundredth  of the risk  from

breathing  short  half-life  radon  decay  products.   Even combined, the total

risk from  the long  half-life radionuolides is much less than the risk from

 breathing the short half-life radon  decay  products.   Persons living more

 than 50 miles from an inactive pile  would be less heavily exposed and their

 risk would be considerably below that indicated in Table U-7.

 4.7 Impact from Gamma-Ray Exposure

      Many of  the radioactive materials  in tailings piles are a  source  of

 gamma rays.   Unlike alpha rays, which must originate within the body to
  O)The NRC analysis  for  the  ingestion  pathway  is  quite  conservative
  because  the retention  on vegetation assumed  for deposited  materials (50*),
  and the  transfer of  radium from fodder to  meat (.003) are  larger by a
  factor of five or more than  is  usually assumed (EP  78a, MC 79),

                                 TABLE M-7

                 Regional Impact from Uranium Mill Tailings

                    (NRC-GEIS Model Pile  and Population)
                     Population at Risk—57,300 persons
                                              Number of Cancer
                                               Deaths Per Year
Inhaled radon decay products

Ingestion of windblown tailings

Inhaled lead-210/polonium-210

Ingested lead-210/polonium-210

Inhaled resuspended tailings




         the computed data for/individual radionuclides used to produce
  —a_3ummarytables.in the'NRC-GEIS (NR 79).	   .	„
<<0  Particles containing U-238, U-234, Th-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210,
     Bi-210; c.f. Fig. 4.1

become hazardous, gamma rays can penetrate both air and tissue for
considerable distances.  Near the edge of a pile, the exposure from gamma
rays can be many times larger than the background level of gamma rays in
uncontaminated areas.  The concentration of gamma radiation from the pile,
however, decreases rapidly with distance; at more than a few tenths of a
mile from moat of the inactive tailings piles, it is undetectable above
normal background.

     Gamma ray exposures to individuals depend on how close to the edge of
a pile people live or work.  The collective gamma ray dose depends on both
the number of people exposed and their average dose.  In a few cases indi-
vidual doses can be approximated from available  data, but generally this
cannot be done without a variety of information, such as where people live
and work and the amount of shielding provided by buildings.  Outdoor gamma
ray exposures in the vicinity of some tailings piles at inactive sites are
summarized in Table 4-8.  In several cases, even the nearest residents are
far enough from  the pile that they receive essentially no excess gamma
radiation.  At others, a few residents are located  close enough to perhaps
double the dose  from gamma radiation that would  occur without the pile.   In
a few cases, the dose  to the nearest resident may be several times normal
background levels.

     In most of  these  localities, "normal" background due to penetrating
radiation is about 100 mR per year (FB 76-78}.(1)   This radiation exposes
 (1)A milliroentgen  (mR), or  one  one-thousandth of a Roentgen,  is  a unit
 of  radiation exnosnr*«.
of radiation exposure.

                                    TABLE 4-8

                         Increased Gamma Ray Dose Rates
                      From Tailings Piles at Inactive Sites

Durango, CO
Grand Junction, CO
Gunnison, CO
Rifle, CO

Lowman, ID

Ambrosia Lake, NM

Canonsburg, PA

Green River, UT
Salt Lake City, UT

Spook, WY
Location of Nearest Resident
  Distance from Pile Edge
Annual Gamma Ray
— (c)
— (c)
(a)Ambient gamma ray background at each site has been subtracted.

(b)Measured in air (Roentgens).  At these energies continual exposure to
   1  mR/yr gives an annual dose of 1 mrem.

(°)No detectable increase above background.

the total body, so that all organs are at risk.  The estimated frequency  of
fatal cancer and serious genetic effects due to a lifetime exposure of  100
mR per year is listed in Tables 4-9 and 4-10.  People who live or work  near
tailings piles will incur higher risks from long-term exposures than those
listed in the tables in proportion to the excess of their annual dose rate
above 100 mR per year.

     In summary, information does not allow calculation of the collective
gamma ray dose and risk to all persons living or working near the inactive
piles, but the total impact is small because the gamma-ray intensity falls
rapidly with distance from the pile.

4-8 Hazard from Water Contamination
4.8.1 Introduction
     Evaluating the potential effects of nonradioactive toxic substances in
tailings requires different methods than those used for radioactive
substances.  The basis for radiation risk estimates is that all ionizing
radiation can produce cancer, and that the probability increases with the
dose.d)  With nonradioactive toxic materials, however, where the effect
varies with the material, and the severity of the effect-but not its
probability of occurring-increases with the dose, a classical analysis of
toxicity is used.  Moreover, because the body can detoxify some materials
(DMany nonradioactive substances can induce ean^r* <«
animals (GO 77, VE 78).  However  for n««~^    ?!  in exPerimental
uranium mill tailings, we dTnot'            °   iVS substances found in
adequate for estimating risks for

                                 TABLE 4-9

                Estimated Lifetime Risk of Fatal Cancer from

                 Total Body Gamma-ray Exposure  at 100 mR/y

                                                Estimated Risk(a)
Lifetime chance of fatal cancer

Years of life lost per fatality(b)

Average days of life lost
     per exposed person

5 in 1000



.8 in 1000

(a)Lifetime risk plateau.

(b)Based on a normal life  span of 70.7 years,

                                TABLE H-10

              Estimated  Risk of  Serious Genetic Abnormalities

                   From Gonadal Dose of 100 mR per year

                                       First              All  Succeeding
                                     Generation             Generations	

Risk per 1000 live births            O.OU to 0.6              0.1*1 to 5

Currently observed in U.S.A.           60 to 100
(per 1000 live births)

or repair the effects of small doses, often no toxic effects occur below
threshold doses.  With radiation, on the other hand, we assume there is no
dose below which effects do not occur.

     Because of these differences, we cannot construct a numerical risk
assessment for nonradioactive toxic substances.  We can, however,
qualitatively describe the risks of toxic substances in terms of their
likelihood of reaching people (or animals, or agricultural products);
concentrations at which they may be harmful; and their toxic effects.

4.8.2 Movement of Toxic Chemicals from Tailings
     Tailings can contaminate both surface and ground water.  Wind erosion,
floods, tailings slides into adjacent streams, seepage through the pile, or
runoff of rainwater all may cause surface water contamination.  Ground
water contamination can occur only through seepage into an underlying
aquifer (a water-bearing layer of permeable rock).  Since people may draw
water from a single underground source at many different places, exposure
to toxic chemicals greatly depends on the way the contaminants move.  Since
their movement through lakes and streams is familiar, the following
discusses movement of dissolved contaminants in the ground.

     Not enough information is available to estimate the chance that toxic
substances from tailings will move through water and expose people to
them.  Migration of these substances in ground water near tailings piles,
however, has been observed.  Chemical and hydrological principles can

identify substances generally most likely to enter and be carried through
ground water, though the specific substances will vary among the sites.

     Some organic compounds—amines, kerosene and higher alcohols, for
example—are present in tailings from acid leach mills.  But the main
long-term ground water hazard is from leached inorganic toxic substances
and radioisotopes.  Movement of contaminants to ground water depends on
complex chemical and physical properties of the underground environment,
and on such climate conditions as precipitation and evaporation.  Chemical
and physical processes in the subsoil remove a portion of some contaminants
from water passing through it.  Contaminants including selenium, arsenic,
and molybdenun, however, can occur in forms which are not removed.

     Studies of leaching at tailings piles (DR 78) and leachates from
municipal land fills  (EP ?8b) help determine which substances generally
will be relatively mobile or immobile, and which will have a mobility which
varies with local conditions (EP ?8c).  Limited studies of pollutant
migration into ground water near tailings piles tend to confirm estimates
using other methods of elements that will be most mobile  (FB 76-78, KA 76,
DA 77).  There has been no systematic study, however, to  establish the
magnitude of ground water contamination for tailings at either active or
inactive sites.

     Based on available information, chromium, mercury, nickel, arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, selenium, vanadium, zinc, and uranium have a high
probability of being  mobile.  Lead, radium, and polonium are not predicted

to be mobile near tailings piles, but they appear to be mobile at some
locations.  Data to suggest or confirm mobilities near tailings piles for
the other toxic elements are not available, but conservative assumptions
should be used for ions which are generally mobile, such as nitrate,
chloride, and sulfate.  Certain anions (of arsenic, manganese, molybdenum,
and selenium, for example) and organic complexes of trace metals may also
be relatively mobile, although confirming field data from tailing pile
studies are extremely limited.  If, however, seepage of substances known to
have high mobility is appreciably prevented or reduced, then it would seem
logical that those for which no data are available should also be

     When contaminated water from tailings reaches ground water, some
mixing generally will occur.  Except in very coarse or cracked media,
through which contaminants flow relatively unimpeded, concentrations of
contaminants reaching ground water will likely be reduced along the flow
path by dispersion, and by absorption, adsorption, and ion exchange with
the ground material.  The level of users' exposure to contaminated ground
water depends on the amount consumed as well as the level of contamination.
Consumption depends on the palatability and quality of the water, the
purposes for which it is used, and the number of users.  Available data
indicate that tailings have contaminated some private wells in the Grant's
Mineral Belt in New Mexico (KA 76) with toxic substances whose concentra-
tions greatly exceed the National Interim Primary Drinking Water
Regulations that apply to public drinking water supplies (EP 76a).

4.8.3 Tpxicity of Major Toxic Substances Found in Tailings

     There is little data to estimate the probability or the level of

exposure to contaminated water, but reasonably good information exists on

its potential toxic effects.  No acute effects—death in minutes or hours—

could occur except by drinking liquid direct from a tailings pond.  Severe

sickness,  or death within days to weeks, from the use of contaminated

ground water is possible, but unlikely.

     Chronic toxicity,  from  the continuous  consumption  of  contaminants  at

rather  low concentrations, could be  a problem.  Toxic substances can

accumulate slowly in  tissues,  causing symptoms  only after  some  minimum

amount  has accumulated.   Symptoms  of chronic  toxicity develop slowly, over

months  or years.

      Tables 3-2  and 3-3 list many  chemical  elements and ions that  have  been

 found in tailings piles.  Many of these occur in tailings in only slightly

 higher concentrations than in  background soils  and also have low toxicity

 when taken orally (VE 78):  lanthanides, including cerium, europium,

 lanthanum, and terbium; silicates; and  zirconium,  scandium, boron, gallium,

 and aluminum.  Some other elements may be in elevated concentrations in

 tailings, but they too are not very toxic:   copper, manganese,  magnesium,

 cobalt, iron, vanadium, zinc, potassium, chloride, and sulfate.  Some of

 these elements an.d ions will also cause water to have an objectionable taste

 and color we-MrlSelow concentration  levels that are toxic to humans and

 animals:   iron,  copper, manganese,  chloride, and sulfate.

     Cyanide has a high oral toxicity in humans and animals, and has been

found in uranium mill tailings.  Once it is released to the ground, however,

it is expected to be oxydized to the nitrate form, which is much less toxic

(NA 77).

     Other substances are both present in tailings and are regulated under

the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NIPDWR).  Listing

in the NIPDWR is an indication of a significant need to limit direct human

consumption of these substances.  The NIPDWR cover the inorganic chemicals

arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nitrate, selenium, and

silver.  The toxicologies of these substances are discussed in Appendix C.

Fluoride is also covered by the NIPDWR,  but has not been reported as present

in tailings.  Molybdenum, though not included in the NIPDWR, is both toxic

and present in tailings in elevated concentrations; its toxicity is dis-

cussed in Appendix C.  Tailings also contain elevated levels of naturally

radioactive substances, such as radium,  thorium, uranium,  and their decay

products.  Appendix C discusses both the chemical and radiological toxic

effects of ingesting radium, thorium, and uranium.

     Tailings are not significant sources of other toxic materials that are

regulated in the NIPDWR, such as organic substances, microbiological organ-

isms, and man-made radioactivity.

4.9  Conclusions

     At many of the inactive mill sites, health risk to individuals is

increased because of inhaled radon decay products (c.f. Tables 4-3 and 4-4)


and gamma ray exposures from tailings.  Table 4-11 summarizes the local,

regional, and national risks due to radon decay products from the inactive

sites.  In preparing Table 4-11, we have supplemented the data presented

elsewhere in this chapter with other analyses of population exposure from

tailings piles (FB 76-78) so as to include all sites.  All of these

estimates are based on current populations and therefore will change with

population growth as well as living patterns.  At present, most of the

potential effect is projected to occur in the regions near the inactive

tailings pile.  The national effect, however, is comparable.

     Compared to the risk from short half-life radon decay products  (see

Table 4-11), the other radiological risks are much less  significant.  At

most, they increase by 10%  the risk estimated for the regional population,

and  the  risk to  the national  population  is much  less.   This  incremental

risk is  small compared to the uncertainty—at least  a factor  of  two—in  the

estimated risk  for  lung  cancer  death  from the  short  half-life radon  decay


      The nonradioactive  toxic  substances present in  an  inactive  tailings

 pile and their  potential impact on public health and the environment must

 be determined  for  each site.   Those substances  which can move through

 ground water and which have the greatest potential toxicity include arsenic,

 barium,  cadmium, silver, chromium, lead, mercury, molybdenum, selenium,

 nitrate, iron, and vanadium.  In addition, among radioactive substances,

 uranium is most likely to be mobile in ground water, and radium and

 polonium are possibly mobile.


                                  TABLE 4-11

  Summary— Risks from-Radon Emitted from Tailings Piles at Inactive Sites

                    (Short  Half-Life Radon Decay Products)

                               Estimated-Fatal Cancers (per 100 years)
                              Relative Risk               Absolute Rxsk
                                 Model                        Model

Deaths occurring within
  50 miles of site                150                          130

Deaths occurring more than
  50 miles from site              J2£                          -12

     TOTAL                        240                          170

                          References for-Chapter 4

(AR 79)   Archer,  V.E.,  "Factors  in  Exposure Response Relationships  of  Radon
         Daughter Injury,"  Proceedings  of  the  Mine  Safety  and Health
         Administration, Workshop on lung  Cancer  Epidemiology and
         Industrial Applications of Sputum Cytology, November 14-16,  1978,
         Colorado School of Mines Press, Golden,  Colorado  (1979).

(CO 78)   Cook, J.C., Bunger, B.M.,  Barrick, M.K., "A Computer Code  for
         Cohort Analysis of Increased Risks of Death,"  CSD/ORP  Technical
         Report No. 520/4-78-012, USEPA, Washington, D.C.  (1978).

(DA 77)   D'Appolonia Consulting  Engineers, Report 3» Environmental  Effect^
         of Present and Proposed Tailings  Disposal Practices, SplitRoctc
         Mill, Jeffery City, Wyoming,  Volumes  I and II.   Project No.  SM
         77-419 (1977).

(DR 78)   Dreesen, D.R., Marple,  M.L.,  and  Kelley, N.E.,   Contaminant
         Transport, Revegetation,  and Trace Element Studies at  Inactive
         Uranium Mill Tailings Piles,  pp.  111-139 in Proceedings of the
         Symposium on Uranium Mill  Tailings Management,  Colorado State
         University, Fort  Collins,  Colorado (1978).

(EP 76)  EPA Policy Statement on the Relationship Between Radiation Dose
         and Effect, 41 F.R. 28409, July 9,  1976.

(EP 76a) Environmental Protection Agency.  National Interim Primary
         Drinking Water Regulations, EPA-570/9-76-003.  USEPA,  Office of
         Water Supply, Washington, D.C. (1976).

(EP 78)  "Indoor Radiation  Exposure Due to Radium-226 in Florida Phosphate
         Lands."   EPA  520/4-78-013, U.S.  EPA, Washington, D.C.  (July  1979).

(EP 78a) "Response to  Comments; Guidance  on Dose Limits for Persons Exposed
         to Transuranium Elements  in the  General Environment,"  EPA
         520/4-78-010, U.S.  EPA, Washington,  D.C.  (1978).

 (EP 78b) Investigation of  Landfill Leachate Pollutant Attenuation  by  Soils»
         EPA-600/2-78-158.USEPA, Municipal  Environmental Research
         Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio  (1978).

 (EP 78c) Attenuation of Pollutants-in  Municipal  Landfill•Leachate  by  Clay
         Hinerals, ^PA-600/2-78-157, tfSEPA, Municipal Environmental
         Research  Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio (1978).

 (FB 76-78)    Ford, Bacon and Davis Utah, Inc.,  Phase II-Title  I
               Engineering Assessment  of Inactive Uranium  Mill Tailings, DOE
               Contract •:No.~E(05-l)-165li,  Department  of  Energy,  Washington,
               D.C. (1976-78).

(GE 78)  George,  A.C.  and Breslin,  A.J.,  "Distribution of Ambient  Radon and
         Radon Daughters in New York and  New Jersey Residences,"
         Proceedings of Natural Radiation-Environment  III,  April 23-28,
         1978 tto be published!, University of Texas,  Houston,  Texas.

(GO 77)  Goyer, R.A. and Mehlman, M.A.  editors,  Toxicology of-Trace
         Elements,  Advances in Modern Toxicology,  Vol. 2.  John Wiley  &
         Sons, New York (1977).

(KA 76)  Kaufman, R.F., Eadie, G.G.,  and  Russell,  C.R.,  "Effects of  Uranium
         Mining and Milling on Ground Water in the Grants Mineral  Belt,  New
         Mexico,"  Ground Water 14;296-308 (1976).
(NA 77)  National Academy of Sciences,  Drinking Water  and Healthy  Part 1»
         Chapters 1-5, NAS Advisory Center on Toxicology, Assembly of  Life
         Sciences,  Washington, D.C. (1977).

(NR 79)  Draft Generic Environmental  Impact Statement  on Uranium Milling,
         Volume II, NUREG-0511, U.S.  Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
         Washington, D.C. (1979).

(SW 80)  Swift, J.J. "Distant Health  Risks from Uranium Mill  Tailings
         Radon," U.S.  EPA, Office of Radiation Programs, Technical Note
         ORP/TAD-80-1, 1980 (to be  published).

(UN 77)  "Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation,"  United-Nations
         Scientific Committee on the  Effects of Atomic Radiation,  1977,
         Report to the General Assembly,  U.N. Publication E.77.IX.1,
         United Nations, NY.

(VE 78)  Venugopal, B. and Luckey,  T.D.,  Metal Toxici ty_ in Mammals .2>
         Chemical Toxicity of Metals  and  Metaloids, Plenum Press,  New  York


 5.1  Introduction

      Generally applicable standards to protect the public  health  and  safety

 and the environment  must consider reasonable and  feasible  methods of

 controlling uranium  mill tailings.   The longevity of control methods  is

 important,  because radioactive  contaminants  have  long lifetimes and

 nonradioactive contaminants  are  permanently  toxic.

      The predominant health  hazard  of  tailings is  from radon-222  released

 into the atmosphere.  Techniques  providing reasonable  long-term control of

 radon also  provide nearly complete  control of  particulate  releases and

 direct  gamma radiation.   This chapter discusses control of radon-222 and

 the  water pathway, and longevity  of  control.

      The degree of radon  control  that we could require ranges from none

 (leaving the sites as they are) to nearly total (little or no radon release

 from tailings).  The following compares three degrees of control for their

 costs, benefits, feasibility, longevity, and other considerations in

developing an appropriate standard;

     a.   No control  (the existing situation).

     b.   Radon releases  controlled at various levels down to about the

natural  background rate.

     c.   Complete  control (practically  no release).

     For potential water contamination, control alternatives similarly

range from none to total.   The control levels examined are:

     a.  No control (the existing situation).

     b.  Control comparable to other water quality programs.

     c.  Complete control (no contamination).

     Ultimately, health protection will depend on the time over which

controls are maintained as well as  the degree.  We examined the technical

and  economic reasonability of requiring effective control for the following


     a.  Several hundred years.

     b.  Hundreds  to  thousands  of years.

     c.  Longer than  tens  of  thousands  of years.

 5.2  Control of Radon-222  Releases

      Radon release control methods  range  from a simple barrier  between the

 tailings and the atmosphere to such ambitious treatments as embedding

 tailings in cement or processing them to remove the radon sources.

 Barriers should be able to resist wind and water erosion and human

 intrusion.  Radon control  techniques and estimates for various levels of

 control are discussed more fully in Appendix B.  A general discussion of

 radon control  and the ancillary benefits  of controlling other potential

 hazard pathways follows.

5.2.1  Radon Control

     Radon-222 releases into the atmosphere can be controlled by covering

the tailings with an impermeable barrier, like plastic, or by enough

permeable material, like soil, to slow down the radon passing through so

that the amount of radon released is reduced because of radioactive decay.

Generally, the more permeable the covering material, the thicker it must be

for a given reduction in radon release.  Maintaining the integrity of thin

impermeable covers over periods even as short as tens to hundreds of years,

however,  is highly uncertain  under  the likely range of chemical and

physical  stresses.

     Natural materials  can be used, such as soil, clay, gravel, or a

combination.   Clay-type material, especially  when moist,  generally resists

the  passage of radon much more  than an equal  thickness of  soil  or sand.

The  half-value-layer  (HVL)  is that  thickness  of cover  material  which

reduces the radon release  to  one-half  its  uncovered value.   Table  5-1  shows

 the  approximate HVL of typical  natural materials for reducing radon

 releases.  These HVL values are nominal;  HVLs at actual  sites depend on

 soil composition, compaction, moisture present, and other factors.

      Figure 5-1 shows nominal curves  for the percentage of radon which

 would penetrate various thicknesses of different materials (FB 76-78).

 Using the HVL concept, about seven HVLs  of cover reduces radon releases to

 less than 1%  of  the uncovered rate, and about  10 HVLs reduce the release to

 less than 0.1%.  Radon reductions are multiplicative for HVLs of the same

                                  TABLE 5-1
         Nominal Half-Value-Layers of Typical Natural

          Materials for Reducing Radon


Sandy, porous soil

Mid-range, typical Western soil

Well compacted, moist soil

Moist clay

                                                1.0 meters

                                                0.5 meters

                                                0.3 meters

                                                0.12 meters
   From (MR 79)  Appendix K,  Chapter  9  and  12.

                         FIGURE 5-1
                                 A=SANDY SOIL (HVL = 1.0 M)
                                 B = SOIL (HVL = 0.5 M)
                                 C = COMPACTED, MOIST SOIL
                                               (HVL=0.3 M)
                                 D=CLAY(HVL=0.12 M)
                     COVER THICKNESS (METERS)

or different materials.  For example, one HVL of soil plus one HVL of clay
reduce radon releases to 25% of the uncovered value (50% x 50% • 25%).

     Uranium mills are generally located near the mines where the ore is
obtained, and often other mines are nearby.   Disposing tailings in these
mines should be seriously considered.  The thick cover and erosion protec-
tion would almost completely control radon emission for substantially
longer than could generally be expected using above-grade disposal methods.
Since mines are usually below the water table, however, elaborate and costly
ground water protection methods might be needed, and it is not clear  that
effective methods are known.  There will be transportation hazards and
coats.   Even where otherwise suitable mines are near an inactive processing
site, using them for tailings disposal might make  future development  of the
mine's residual resources impossible.

5.2.2  Effects of Radon Control on Release of Airborne Particulates
     Methods that  control radon will also control  releases of  airborne
particulates.  Either  a  thin impermeable cover  or  a  thicker natural
material cover will  prevent particulates  from becoming windborne.  Any
covering will prevent  the spread of windblown tailings as long as the
integrity of that  cover  is  maintained.  Therefore, assuming that  some
control  of radon release will be required, control of  airborne particulates
needs  no further  discussion.

5.2.3  Effects of Radon Control on Direct Gamma Radiation

     Covering tailings piles to reduce radon-222 releases will also reduce

direct radiation.  As with radon, attenuation of gamma radiation depends on

the thickness of the cover.  Figure 5-2 shows the nominal percentage of

gamma radiation that will pass through a given thickness of compacted soil.

The HVL of compacted soil is about 0.1 meters.  Soil compaction, moisture

content, type of soil, and other parameters all are factors.  A thin,

impermeable cover, such as a plastic sheet, will reduce gamma radiation

insignificantly.  A thicker cover of a material such as soil will provide

significant reduction.  Comparing the HVLs of soil for reduction of radon

releases and reduction of gamma radiation, coverings of soil-like material

thick enough to significantly reduce radon emissions will greatly reduce

gamma radiation.  Again, assuming that some radon control will be required,

direct gamma radiation exposure from tailings piles will be addressed no


5.2.4  Effects of Radon Control on Potential Water Contamination

     Covering uranium mill tailings piles to reduce radon-222 releases can

also help to control potential contamination of surface and ground water.

A cover will prevent the wind from blowing tailings directly or indirectly

into surface water, and may control erosion caused by precipitation, runoff,

or streams.  The proper cover can reduce infiltration of precipitation into

the piles.   A thin, impermeable cover would prevent all infiltration, so

long as the cover remained intact.  A thicker cover of natural materials,

especially if clay-like and shaped as a dome, might provide an infiltration

barrier and encourage run-off.


                           FIGURE 5-2
                                         COMPACTED SOIL
                                                 (HVL = 0.1 M)
                   0-2       0.3       0.4      0.5
                    COVER THICKNESS {METERS)

     Covering tailings below ground in specially-dug pits, open pit mines,

or underground mines—can greatly help to control surface water contamin-

ation by reducing erosion.  Care must be taken, however, not to contaminate

useable ground water with radioactive and nonradioactive pollutants.

5.3  Control of Surface and Ground Water Contamination

     A suitable cover can prevent surface water from being contaminated by

windblown tailings.  Control of erosion caused by streams or precipitation

could consist of contouring and covering the pile and stabilizing the

surface—that is, making it resistant to erosion.  If necessary, the pile

could be moved to a site away from existing streams and then covered.  A

suitable cover can reduce leaching of contaminants caused by precipitation

that soaks into the pile.

     Ground water contamination, caused by direct contact with the tailings

and leaching of the radioactive and nonradioactive contaminants, may be the

most difficult problem.  There are two general approaches to limiting

direct contact with groundwater.  First, the tailings can be placed far

enough above the water table and its predicted fluctuations to avoid

contact.  Second, an  impermeable barrier would be imposed between the

tailings and the ground water.  In some cases, to make  these control

approaches feasible and long-lasting, the pile must be moved.  Some of the

existing tailings sites may already be in a suitable position above the

water table.  At other sites, however, continuous contact with ground

water, or periodic contact as the water table fluctuates, occurs.

     Ground water  contaminant  concentrations near  the  inactive mills  were

surveyed as part of the  Phase  II studies  (FB 76-78), and  case histories of

some water contamination problems  near  uranium mills and  mines are  given in

a report prepared for EPA (GE  78).  There is evidence  that ground water

near some inactive sites is  already contaminated,  probably due to seepage

of liquids from tailings ponds during and after their  active use.  Such

seepage may now have slowed, because the  tailings  ponds at inactive sites

have partially dried up.  However, leaching by precipitation that infil-

trates uncovered tailings piles is still  a possibility.

     Recent studies by Markos (MA  79) of tailings at inactive 'sites suggest

that soluble contaminants sometimes move to the surface of the  piles rather

than to  the ground.   If  confirmed,  these studies would suggest that ground

water  contamination by  long-term  leaching is less likely than it might  seem.

The processes  that carry substances  upward through the piles, however,  might

also cause them to penetrate  cover materials.  If this should happen,  these

substances would  then be carried  off the  site by wind  and  precipitation.

Although the potential  effects  of such processes have not  been assessed,

 contamination  of surface water  appears to be  possible.   Disposal system

 designers will have to  consider the potential effects  of such contaminant

 transport processes in  choosing suitable disposal concepts, materials, and

 sites.  At present, it  is unclear what methods,  if any,  may be needed

 specifically to avoid harm to the environment and public health  from

 upwardly mobile soluble contaminants.

     Proper disposal of tailings piles should prevent or reduce

contamination from new releases.  However,  water supplies could become

contaminated in the near or distant future  by toxic materials that are

already on their way to an aquifer.  These  substances may move slowly

through the ground.  Ground water itself can move slower than a few feet pei

year, and only in coarse or cracked materials does the speed  exceed one mile

per year.  For these reasons, pollutants released from tailings may not

affect the quality of nearby water .supplies for decades or longer.   However,

once polluted, the quality of such water supplies cannot be quickly restored

by eliminating the source of pollutants. Even if a pile is disposed of so

there is no further seepage, it may take nature longer to restore the

original water quality throughout the affected area than the  time from the

start of the pile to the first contamination of water supplies.

     Toxic substances released from a pile  but not yet in contact with an

aquifer could be very difficult to trace and remove.  A recent report pre-

pared for EPA (JR 80) reviews methods that  sometimes can improve the quality

of an already contaminated aquifer.  The economic and technical practicality

of achieving any preset degree of cleanup is uncertain, however, especially

for  general application at all  sites.  The only feasible generally applic-

able control would be to monitor the quality of the aquifer and limit the

use  of  its water.  How long  this may be necessary depends on  the degree of

contamination, the rate of ground water movement, the amount of dilution

and  dispersion taking place, and the intended use of  the water.

5.4  Longevity of Control

     The longevity or permanence of any control  methods  used  is  of prime

concern.  Because of the long lifetimes of the radioactive contaminants

(thorium-230 has a half-life of about 80,000 years) and the presence of

other  toxic chemicals  (which never decay), the  potential for harming people

and  the environment will persist indefinitely.  The ultimate objective  of a

 disposal  program is  not only  to reduce the potential hazards  to an accep-

 table level  now, but also  to  control these potential hazards  for as long as

 their source persists.

       This section examines the pertinent technical and social factors  that

 influence the  choice  of periods for applying pollution control  standards

 for tailings  disposal.

  5.4.1  Effects of Natural Forces

       Natural forces may  disrupt attempts to isolate radioactive waste, as

  several authors have discussed (EP 78, GS 78,  LU 78,  NE 78, GS 80).  The

  factors affecting long-term performance are numerous  and interrelated, and

  include some  over which  people may have no influence.  Our general belief

  is that stability  against natural  forces could reasonably be expected for a

   few hundred  to a few thousand years  by  dealing with the  problem  on a  c*se-

   by-case basis and  taking site-specific  factors  into account.   Predictions

   of stability become less certain as the time  period  increases.  Beyond

   several thousand years,  long-term geological  processes  and climatic  change

   will determine the effectiveness of most "permanent" control  methods.

   Glaciation, volcanism,  uplifting and denuding of the Earth's  surface, and


deposition of material  have occurred during the past 100,000 years and will


     In a  report for Argonne National Laboratories,  "Evaluation of Long-Term

Stability of. Uranium Mill Tailing Disposal Alternatives" (KE 78), Nelson and

Shepherd considered the impact of natural phenomena, including earthquakes,

floods, windstorms, tornadoes, and glaciers.  These events could disperse

the tailings, making possible chronic exposure to their radioactive and

nonradioactive toxic constituents.  The following comments are summarized

from their report.  Earthquakes

     Earthquakes can damage caps and covers, as well as disrupt barriers

under  disposal  sites.  The number and magnitude of  past earthquakes in  an

area suggest  the probability of earthquakes in the  future.  As with any

natural phenomenon,  the  confidence  in such predictions rises  as  the time

period for which reliable earthquake and  faulting information  is  available

increases.   The  likelihood  that  controls  will  fail  because  of an earthquake

depends on the  chance  of an earthquake  greater than that in  the  design

model. Even if a  disposal  plan  is  designed on the  basis of  the  maximum

credible  earthquake,  there  is  always  the  chance of  a larger  one.   If  an

earthquake occurs  at a site,  the likelihood that  controls will fail will

generally be high.  The  quantity of tailings  released, however,  may be


-------  Floods

     Flooding can result  from large  rainstorms,  rapidly  melting  snow,  or

local cloudbursts.  The. erosion floods cause can impair tailings control.

Increased soil moisture from flooding may also make slopes  unstable and

lead to landslides.  Flooding frequency and the "maximum probable flood"

are predictable from historical stream flow data and hydro-meteorological

data.  Over  extremely  long  time periods, however, even the maximum probable

flood  can be  exceeded.  With changes in climate, the frequency of floods

and  the maximum  probable  flood may  change.  Floods  are not time-dependent;

two  large  floods  can occur  in  successive years, though the probability  is

slight.   The effects of  floods can  be  cumulative  if maintenance  or

corrective action is not  employed.
  Windstorms and  Tornadoes

      The frequency and intensity of windstorms and tornadoes  are histor-

 ically predictable.  Such predictions, however, suffer from the same

 uncertainties as earthquake and  flood predictions.  The primary impact on

 tailings piles would be wind erosion of the cover or of the material itself.

 With a suitable cover or cap on the tailings, and protection of the surface

 against wind erosion, winds and  tornadoes should have little effect.  Glaciation

       Glaciers occur in mountain  valleys and  as ice  sheets, such as in

 Greenland.   Because of  the magnitude  of the  forces associated with glaci-

 ation,  no portion of  a  surface  depository would  be likely  to survive  even  a

  small,  relatively short-term glacier.  The likelihood  of  continental


glaciation in the Western U.S., even far into the future, is remote.  No

evidence exists of continental glaciation south  or west  of the  Missouri

River.  Increased valley glaciation in the west is a possibility, however.

Several glaciers exist high 5n the Rocky Mountains, and  heavy glacial

activity existed in the mountains as recently as 10,000 years ago.  Increase

in valley glaciation is likely over the long term.  Previously  glaciated

mountain valleys are less desirable as disposal sites than nonglaciated

sites, such as flat terrain or valleys created entirely  be erosion.   The

possibility of valley glaciation should he considered in choosing surface

or below-ground disposal methods.

5*^*2  Effects oj^Huma n_Ac tivity

     Disruption of tailings isolation by people is also  a possibility.  The

NRC has discussed the problem (in Chapter 9 of the DCEIS), especially the

need for land use controls.  Building atop a disposal site, excavating or

drilling, or using the surface land for grazing and tilling could disrupt

controls or accelerate natural erosion processes.  Tt has been  suggested

that a disposal site should not be made more attractive to human or animal

habitation than the surrounding environs, and perhaps it should be less

attractive to discourage potential future occupancy (SH 78).

     PL 95-604 requires that final disposal, sites for residual  radioactive

material be owned by an agency of the Federal Government and licensed by the

NRC (42 USC 7901).  Such Federal responsibility should provide  control of

any human activity which might disrupt isolation of the tailings for as long

as that responsibility is exercised.  From a historical perspective,

however, we should not expect institutions to perform such functions for

more than a few centuries (RO 77, SC 77, EP 78a, BI 78, LU78).  In  its

proposed criteria for management of radioactive wastes (FR 78), EPA stated

that one should not plan to  rely on institutional controls for more than

100 years.         During the period of effective institutional control, it

should be  possible  to detect and remedy the minor effect  of natural force,s,

such as wind  or water erosion.  This should provide some  assurance  of

continued  stability against  natural  forces  for a  longer  period of time.

Selecting  disposal  sites to  isolate  tailings  from expected habitation  and

 land-use patterns,  at remote location or deep underground locations,  or

both,  is one way to protect  against degradation and  intrusion by  human

 activity after institutional control  has become ineffective.

                          References  for Chapter 5

(BI 78)     Bishop,  W.P., et al., May 1978,  "Proposed Goals for Radioactive
            Waste Management,TrU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

(EP 78)     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,  June 1978,  "State of
            Geological Knowledge Regarding Potential Transport of High-^
            Level Radioactive Waste From Deep Continental Repositories,"
            Report EPA 520/4-78-004.

(EP 78a)    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,  February 1978,
            "Considerations of Environmental Protection Criteria for
            Radioactive Waste."

(FB 76-78)  Ford, Bacon, and Davis, Utah,  Inc., "Phase II-Title 1,
            Engineering Assessment of Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings,
            20 Contract reports for Department of  Energy Contract
            No. E(05-l)-1658, 1976-1978.

(FR 78)     Federal  Register, 43 F.R. 53262-53267, November 15, 1978.

(GE 78)     Geraghty and Miller, Inc., "Surface Impoundments and Their
            Effects  on Ground-Water Quality in the United States — A
            Preliminary Survey," report prepared for the U.S. Environ-
            mental Protection Agency, EPA 570/9-78-004, June 1978.

(GS 78)     U.S. Geological Survey, 1978, "Geologic Disposal of High-Level
            Radioactive Wastes — Earth-Science Perspectives," Circular 779.

(GS 80)     U.S. Geological Survey, 1980, "Isolation of Uranium Mill
            TAilings and their Component Radionuclides from the Biosphere,
            by Edward Landa, Circular 814.

(JR 80)     JRB Associates, Inc., "Manual for Remedial Actions at Waste
            Disposal Sites," draft  final report under EPA Contract
            No. 68-01-4839, submitted June 1980.

(LU 78)     Lush et al., 1978, "An Assessment  of the Long-Term Interaction
            of UraniunTTailings with the Natural Environment," from
            Proceedings  of  the Seminars on Management, Stabilization and
            Environmental Impact of Uranium Mill Tailings, The OECD Nuclear
            Energy Agency,  pp. 373-398.

(MA 79)     Markos,  G.,  1979, "Geochemical Mobility and Transfer of
            Contaminants in Uranium Mill Tailings," from Proceedings of the
            Second Symposium on Uranium Mill Tailings Management, Colorado
            State Univ., Nov.  1979.

(NE 78)      Nelson,  J.D.,  Shepherd,  T.A.,  April 1978,  "Evaluation of
            Long-Term Stability  of Uranium Tailing Disposal  Alternatives,"
            Civil Engineering Department,  Colorado  State University,
            prepared for Argonne National  Laboratory.

(NR 79)     U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April  1979,  "Generic
            Environmental  Impact Statement on Uranium  Milling,"  NUREG-0511-

(RO 77)     Rochlin, G.I., "Long-term Waste Management:  Criteria or
            Standards?" in Proceedings of  a Workshop on Issues Pertinent to
            the Development of Environmental Protection Criteria for
            Radioactive Wastes,  EPA Report ORP/CSD-77-1 (1977).

(SC 74)     Schiager, K.J., July 1974, "Analysis of Radiation Exposures on
            or Near Uranium Mill Tailings  Piles," in Radiation Data and
            Reports, pp. 411-425.                                     ~~

(SC 77)     Schiager, K.J., "Radwaste Radium-Radon Risk," in Proceedings
            of  a Workshop on Policy and Technical Issues Pertinent  to the
            Development of Environmental Protection Criteria for
            Radioactive Wastes,  EPA Report ORP/CSD-77-2  (1977).

(SH 78)     Shreve,  J.D., Jr.,  July 1978,  in Proceedings of the  Seminar on
            Management, Stabilization and  Environmental  Impact  of Uranium
            Mill Tailings, the  OECD Nuclear Energy Agency,  p. 350.


     This chapter presents  the  range of monetary costs  for alternative

pollutant control levels, and addresses the  longevity characteristics of

disposal methods, the potential environmental impact of controls,

occupational hazards, and effects of the disposal program on the economy.

6.1  Estimated Costs

     Cost estimates assume  an inactive tailings pile whose area, volume,

and weight approximate the  average values for piles at  21 inactive sites.

This "average" pile has a surface area of a  little more than 19 hectares

(190,000 square meters, or  47 acres), contains 780,000  cubic meters (1

million cubic yards) of tailings, and weighs 1.3 million short.tons.  The

pile is shaped like a truncated pyramid with a base approximately 440

meters (1440 feet) on a side, including the embankments.  The radon-222

release rate is assumed to be 450 pCi/m2-sec,  (More detail on the

"average" pile is given in  Appendix B.)  Cost estimates for a tailings pile

of different size can be scaled from the "average" pile by using the unit

costs developed for individual tasks and the purchase of specific items, as

presented in Appendix B.   (These items include earth work, liners and caps,

stabilizers, fencing, irrigation, matrix fixation, tailings transportation,

discount rate,  discounted value of future  costs,  and land  costs.)  The unit

costs are used  to estimate the costs of applying various control methods to

the "average" tailings pile.

   The general control alternatives considered in this EIS are:

    (1) Leaving the uranium mill tailings where they are, but restricting

       access to the  site.  Particulate releases may be reduced by

       stabilizing the surfaces of the pile.

    (2) Covering the tailings pile to control radon-222 releases,

       particulate releases, gamma radiation,  and  water  contamination.

    (3) Transporting the  tailings  to a new  site,  placing  them in an

        excavated  pit  with a surface  impervious to moisture, and covering

        the tailings  to control radon  releases, particulate releases, and

        gamma radiation.

    (4) Transporting the tailings for deep disposal to a nearby open-pit

        or deep mine; or treating the tailings to  remove radium  (and

        possibly other substances, such as thorium).  This  option  provides

        long-term control of radon releases,  particulate releases,  and

        gamma radiation.

    Disposal costs depend on the  choice of option  for  general  control,  and

on the level of  control within  each option.  For simplicity, we have

computed  only the  highest and  lowest  costs  for each combination of a

general option and a specific radon control level.  Table 6-1 summarizes

these costs. (See Appendix B for the  details.)

      The costs shown  in Table 6-1 do not necessarily represent conditions

 at  any of  the actual  inactive sites, but they do cover all  possible option

 combinations.  For example, the  least expensive mehtod for  satisfying

                                                                                 TABLE 6-1
                                                   Ranges of Estimated Costs by Disposal  Option and  Radon Control Level

                                                       for the  "Average^  Tailings  Pile (in millions of 1978 dollars)
                Disposal  Option
-Radon-222 Control Level

 10	    5
                                                                                                                                              . 1 and below
                1.   No control  except

                      Fencing                   $.8 to  1.4

                      Surface stabilization     $.5 to  3.6
                2.  Cover to control  radon
                3.  Below grade
                                                              $ .6 to  4.3    $  .8  to   5.4    5 .9 to  5.8    $1.0 to  6.3    $1.0 to  7.0
          $5.4 to 11.2    $5.8 to 12.5    $5.8 to 12.8    $6.0 to 13.3    $5.7 to 13.9
                4.  Other

                      Radium concentration

                      Deep disposal
                                                                                          $69.2 to 75.7

                                                                                           $6.9 to 57.6
                 asphalt cap used

control options 2 and 3 (for all radon control levels) assumes that

vegetation will be used for surface stabilization, and that neither

irrigation nor the purchase of a suitable top soil will be required.  The

most expensive surface stabilization method under control options  2 and

uses riprap, or  large stones.

    Radiological protection and measurements  costs associated with

 performing disposal  operations  are not included in Table  6-1  or

 Appendix B.   These cover  such operations as radiological  monitoring of

 workers, controlling pollutant releases while moving or grading a tailings

 pile,  surveying and  sampling contaminated soil, and  cleaning transporta-

 tion vehicles.  Estimating such costs is difficult because neither the

 length of time  that disposal operations will  require nor the radiological

 survey  and analysis procedures have been set.  Based on data provided by

 Smith and Lambert (SM 78), however, we estimate that operational

 radiological  procedures  will add  about  $150,000  (1978) to the disposal

 costs of the  "average" pile  for each  year disposal  operations are


  6.2   Estimated  Health Benefits

      The benefits of any  disposal  option depend on how much  the option

  reduces potential harmful effects, and for how long.  The first option —

  control limited to fencing, or surface stabilization and a fence — would

  not reduce radon releases from the tailings  to the air or water

  contamination.  Controlling access to land near the pile would reduce

doses only to those few people who might otherwise live or work there.

Even this limited benefit would depend on institutional control and should

not be expected to last for more than a few centuries.

    Benefits under the second option — covering the tailings at the

existing site — would be directly proportional to the degree of reduction

in radon releases.  For example, reducing an uncontrolled radon release

rate of 450 pCi/m2-sec to 10 pCi/m2-sec would avert about 98% of the

potential effects of radon emitted from the uncontrolled pile.

Controlling radon releases to any significant degree would also prevent

release of particulates and reduce direct gamma radiation to negligible

levels.  Suitable covers will protect surface and ground water by limiting

precipitation infiltration.  Each site's characteristics would determine a

need for more specific water protection methods.

    The third option — moving  the tailings below grade, with a liner if

needed ~ would specifically control potential ground and surface water


    The fourth option is either acid leaching to concentrate the

radium(l), which would then be disposed of using special procedures
     (DRemoval of additional radioactive materials, such as thorium and
uranium, could extend  the  period  over which radioactive hazards are
controlled  indefinitely.

(see Appendix B), or deep disposal of the mill tailings.  In principle,

this would provide the best prospect for long-term control of all the

options, but its praticality is the most uncertain.

     In describing these benefits, we assume the control methods will

perform as expected.  Table 6-2 summarizes the presumed benefits of the

various control options.

6.3  Longevity  of Control

     The  ultimate objective is to assure control  for as long as  the

material  is  potentially hazardous,  but we cannot  reasonably expect

instutional  control  to  last for more  than a  few hundred years.   Lasting

effectiveness  depends on  physical  disposal methods,  proper consideration of

site conditions,  and verification  of  disposal  performance over  the  short

term.   Beyond  the period  that  control may reasonably be expected to endure,

chance or natural events  becomes  the  determining  factor.

      Estimated control costs  depend more on the method than on the  degree

 of radon control.  The range  of  costs using different  methods  for a given

 radon control  level, in other words, is greater than the range of costs for

 different radon control levels.   The costliest methods generally would

 provide control for the longest periods of time.   Therefore, longevity may

 be the primary factor in determining the actual cost of control.

                                                                   TABLE 6-2
                                              General  Post-Disposal Benefits  of Disposal  Options
Disposal Option
                                                         Benefits of Control


1. No control except fence
2. Cover existing surface site
to limit Radon Releases
to: 100 pCi/m'-sec
10 pCi/B2-sec
5 pCi/m2- sec
2 pCi/m2-sec
0.5 pCi/mz-sec
Radon Particulates
Minimal benefit Minimal benefit
78Z All
of health effects avoided Health Effects
97.81 avoided
98.9Z avoided
99. 6Z avoided
99. 9Z avoided
Gamma Radiation Surface/Ground Water
Minimal benefit No benefit
All Some ancillary control
Health Effects through limiting
avoided precipitation infiltration

 3.   New site,  below grade,
     with liner if needed
 4.  Deep disposal or
     acid leaching
Same as Option 2
of health effects
Same as Option 2
Same as Option 2
Same as Option 2
Same as Option 2
Same as Option 2, plus
specific control of
potential ground and surface
water contamination
     as Option 3

    Some disposal methods  should  last  much  longer  than others.   In

general, the thicker the cover, the longer  the control.  Thin covers of

artificial materials can greatly reduce radon releases but probably

wouldn't last very long.  Stabilizing a tailings pile's surface against

wind and water erosion is a key factor in control longevity for disposalat

or near the Earth's surface.   Stabilization requires  careful site

selection and durable surface  treatments.  Disposal in a suitable location

deep underground appears  to be a better way to  avoid  disruption of

tailings  by natural events or  people.

     Below-grade disposal  should be less subject to erosion than disposal

 above  grade.  Since all the  tailings  piles at inactive sites  are  now above

 grade, disposing of them below grade generally would mean choosing new

 locations.  This would present opportunities  for finding particularly

 suitable sites.  In practice, however, conditions specific to each site

 can blur these distinctions.  At some sites,  above-grade disposal

 techniques may offer stability  as good as that of below-grade  disposal.

     The  longevity  of any control method is difficult  to quantify.  Certain

 methods  should last  longer  than others, but  experience  with  all  control

 methods  is quite limited, especially considering  the time  that tailings

  will  remain hazardous.  We  would  expect above-grade disposal to  be

  effective for hundreds to  thousands  of years;  below-grade  disposal,

  thousands of years;  and deep disposal, tens  of thousands of years or

more.  Since longevity can only be described in broad terms, it is

impossible to relate the costs of specific long-lasting control methods

directly to estimates of the adverse health effects they will avoid.  The

goal, however is to isolate tailings for as long as may reasonably be

done, avoiding future harm at least for that period.

6.4  Environmental Impacts of Control^

    Cleanup, transportation, and final disposal of tailings will have an

adverse effect on the environment.  Excavating and hauling tailings, for

example, may increase airborne particulates, though attention to control

of dust will reduce the problem.  Radon-222 releases might also rise

temporarily as tailings are uncovered or  piled in a new physical

arrangement.  Surface runoff and other natural forces may increase

erosion.  Tailings  or other contaminated  materials will probably spill,

and  good housekeeping practices will be needed to assure they are cleaned

up and  not  spread around the environment.

     Cleanup of contaminated land will require hauling material  to a

disposal  site,  increasing  road  traffic,  dust, noise,  fumes,  and the

possibility of accidents.  Moving  tailings  to a new location will incur

 similar risks.   Disrupting vegetation at a new  site,  or  obtaining material

 to cover  the  tailings,  produces  an adverse  impact.

    All of these effects  will  be  temporary.   Compared  to the long-term.

impact of uncontrolled tailings,  these temporary effects, if reduced as

much as is practical, could be considered negligible.

6.5  Occupational Hazards

    The workers who  carry out the tailings controls will face hazards.

Workers who clean and move uranium tailings will be exposed  to more gamma

radiation and radioactive airborne particulates than most other workers  in

earth  moving occupations.  Normal health physics procedures to control

radiation and exposure will have to  be  employed  (HA Ip).  Hazards  from

 trucks and other earth-moving equipment will be  similar to  those  from any

 large-scale earth-moving project.  Any  occupational hazards will  be

 temporary, and can be considered negligible compared  to the long-term

 impact of uncontrolled tailings.

 6.6  Local Economic Considerations

     The  possibility of economic gains to communities near the tailings

 sites offsets  the temporary  adverse environmental impacts  and occupational

 hazards  to an  extent.  The cleanup  activities may provide  temporary jobs

 to unemployed  workers.  Local business  activity may increase.  The

 community may  gain  the  use of previously contaminated  land and

  structures.  The  disposal sites, however, will be licensed by the NRC,

 which may limit or  prohibit  their public use.   Since public funds spent to

  control tailings will be  unavailable for other  uses, local economic  gains

  may be  offset  by dampening  of other national economic  sectors.

                          References for Chapter 6

(HA Ip)  Hans,  J.M.,  Jr.  Burris,  E., Gorsuch,  T.,  "Radioactive Waste
         Management at the Former Shiprock Uranium Mill Site,"
         Environmental Protection Agency Technical Note (in preparation;.

(SM 78)  Smith, C. Bruce  and Lambert, Janet A., June 1978, "Technology and
         Costs  for Cleaning Up Land Contaminated with Plutonium,   in
         "Selected Topics:  Transuranium Elements in The General
         Environment," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ORP/CSD-78-1.


 7.1   Introduction
      Because land areas have been contaminated by wind- and water-borne
 tailings,  tailing diapoaal will include disposal of some contaminated
 soils.   If the control method chosen for disposal of a tailings pile
 requires moving it,  contaminated soil beneath the pile must also be
 disposed of.
      Buildings, too,  have contaminated, by tailings carried by wind and
 water  and  used as fill under and around the structures.   Buildings  once
 part  of  the mill  operation are  also  contaminated to various degrees.

 7-2  Off-Site  Contamination
     Sec.  3.1  discussed  a study to locate  tailings  in  communities near
 inactive processing sites.   Table 3-5 indicates  that of 22,213 radiation
 anomalies  (a gamma radiation level higher  than normal)  detected in  the
 regions surveyed  with  a mobile  gamma  radiation scanner,  6,518  of these  were
 traced to  uranium mill  tailings,  7,889  to  other  radioactive sources
 (including luminous dial  alarm  clocks and mined  uranium), and  955 to
 naturally  occurring radioactivity; 6,851 anomalies  were  of  unknown origin
 (OR 73).

     These data include Grand Junction, Colorado, where, because  tailings
were used on a large scale in construction, a Federal/State remedial action
program for affected buildings  is underway.  In Mesa County, where Grand
Junction is located, over 25,000 locations had been screened as of
October 15, 1978,

to Identify possible tailings (GJ 79).  More than 6,000 locations had some

tailings on the property; the rest had none.  Of the locations with

tailings, about 800 are expected to receive remedial action, ?00 more

qualify for remedial action but the property owners probably will not

apply, and the approximately 5,000 remaining have radiation levels below

the program criteria for remedial action.   In Mesa County tailings also

were  used  to build  sewer and water lines, streets, nnd  other projects,

which will be  eligible  for remedial actions under PL 95-604.

      Gamma radiation  surveys  established  the  extent of contamination near

 the  inactive  processing sites  from wind and water  erosion  of  tailings piles

 (Table  3-6).   More than 5,000  acres  had gamma radiation above the normal

 background had gamma  radiation above the normal background level.  The area

 with gamma radiation  levels equal to or greater than  10 uR/hr above

 background is more than 2,000 acres.  This figure omits the surface areas

 of the tailings piles themselves, about 1,000 acres.

      The seriousness of off-site contamination depends on the degree of

 contamination and  the potential exposure to people.  The amount  of  land  and

 number of buildings that will require  cleanup will be  determined by the

 cleanup standards  selected.

 7.3  Potential Hazards  of Off-site  Contamination

      The  greatest  hazard posed  by tailings on  open lands  is  their  potential

  to  increase  levels of radon  decay products in  buildings.   Exposure  to

direct gamma radiation and contamination of drinking water and food may

also occur, but generally will be of less concern.

     There is a health risk associated with radon decay products.  Their

concentration in an existing or future building will depend on the radium

concentration in the soil under or adjacent to it.  So many other factors

affect the indoor radon decay product concentration, however, that

establishing a useful correlation with the radium in soil is difficult.

Nevertheless, Healy and Rogers  (HE 78) have anaylzed exposure pathways due

to radium  in soils, whether occurring naturally or as contamination.  They

argue  that one might  expect indoor  radon  decay product  concentrations of

0.01  WL  for  soils with  radium concentrations  of  1 to 3  pCi/gm to a depth  of

one meter  or more.  NRC estimates  (NR 79)  that 3  to 5 pCi/gm  of  radium can

cause indoor concentrations of  0.01  WL.   Both of  these  calculations  are

approximations,  but radium  concentrations near  the  lower end  of  these

ranges correspond  to  common natural  soil  conditions.   Therefore, where

indoor radon decay product  concentrations are only  slightly elevated,

tailings may not be the dominant  cause,  so remedial action for  tailings  may

have  little beneficial effect.   Moreover, cleaning contaminated  open land

will  not eliminate elevated radon decay product  levels in future buildings,

 though it generally will reduce the frequency with which they occur.

      Tailings also emit gamma radiation, which can penetrate the body from

 the outside.  We expect that the indoor radon decay product concentration

 standards generally will be met by removing  tailings from the building, and

this will eliminate any indoor gamma radiation problem.  For some

buildings, however, removing the tailings completely may be impractical

(more for engineering reasons than for cost).  Alternatives, such as air

cleaning, improving ventilation, or applying sealants to the walls and

floors, are available.  If these are used, standards will be needed to

limit gamma radiation exposure of the occupants.

     Natural or contaminated  soils with radium concentrations of  5 pCi/gm

through  a depth of several feet  can have  gamma radiation exposure rates  of

about 80  mR/yr (NC 76).   Exposure rates are proportionately higher or  lower

for other radium  concentrations, and  decrease as  the  layer  of

radium-containing material becomes  thinner or is  covered over by  other

materials.   The potential for causing elevated  indoor radon decay product

 levels  in future  buildings on such  soils  also depends on  these  factors.

 Therefore,  cleanup standards for open land should consider both the radium

 concentration and the thickness of  the contaminated soil.

      Each gram of natural uranium contains 330,000 pCi of U-238 and 15,000

 pCi of U-235.  Because it appears in relatively small proportion, U-235 and

 its radioactive  decay products usually may be ignored in evaluating the

 hazard of uranium tailings.  The dominant hazard from most tailings is from

 decay products of U-238, including radium-226 and  its decay products.

 Other radioactive substances in the tailing will ordinary pose much less

 risk to  health than  that from radium-226.

     The total protection that a standard based on radium-226 provides

depends on the extent to which radium has been separated from other

radioactive substances, such as thorium and the U-235 decay products,

during ore processing.  If significant separation occurs, radium-226

concentration in the residual material may not adequately measure the

radiation hazard.  For example, thorium separates from radium in uranium

mills using the acid leach process.  Although thorlum-230 and radium-226

occur in ore in about equal amounts of radioactivity, thorium compounds are

more soluble in acid.  Therefore, thorium radioactivity concentrations in

the wastewater may be thousands of times higher than for radium, and more

thorium may then seep through the pile to the soil below (RA ?8).  However,

chemical interaction of thorium with the soils should retard further

movement (GS 80).

     At least one of the processing sites covered under  Public Law 95-604

(Canonsburg, Pa.) may have tailings containing higher than usual

Proportions of U-235 decay products.  Although little is known about the

environmental pathways and biological effects of  these radionuclides,

site-specific information on  their concentrations suggest  that they are

unlikely to be a determining  factor in cleanup decisions (DO 78).  The

U-238 decay products are present  in greater amounts.

7.4  Remedial Actions  and Costs

     The only remedial action  that would eliminate the hazards from

contaminated  land and  buildings would be to remove uranium mill  tailings

from under and  around buildings and  from open land,  and to dispose of them
along with the  tailings pile.   The cost and complexity of removing tailing3
from buildings  depends on the  amount of tailings and their location
relative to the structure.  Tailings used as backfill around the outside of
a foundation, for example can  be removed easily at relatively low cost.
Removing tailings from under a floor or foundation, on the other hand,
entails breaking up concrete to reach  the tailings, a costlier and more
complex procedure.  In 1972, Congress  enacted PL 92-314, authorizing
remedial  action  for  buildings  in Grand  Junction, Colorado, affected by  that
community's  extensive use of tailings  in construction.   Experience gained
through seven  years  of  that program illustrates  the  remedial action costs
that  may  be  incurred  for similar  situations  in  other  places under  PL
95-604.   In  the  Grand  Junction remedial action  program,  the average cost to
treat a residential  structure  has been about $13,500, ranging  from $540 to
7.5  Previous Standards for Indoor Radon Decay Product Concentration

     Government agencies of the United States and Canada have previously

published remedial action criteria for radon decay product concentrations

in buildings.

     The U.S. Surgeon General's 1970 remedial action guidance for Grand

Junction, Colorado, applies to buildings on or containing uranium mill

tailings (PE 70).  EPA's guidance to the State of Florida applies to

buildings on radium-bearing phosphate lands (FR 4H).  Each set of guides

has two levels:  1) Radon decay product concentrations above the upper

level require action; 2) those below the lower level do not; 3) between

these levels, local factors determine the action required.

     The Surgeon General's Guides are implemented in the Department of

Energy's regulations for remedial action at Grand Junction, Colorado (10

CFR 712).  In effect, they adopt the lower level as an action level for

schools and residences, and the midpoint between the lower and upper levels

as an action level for other buildings.  This difference in action levels

recognizes that children should have added protection, and that people

occupy residences and commercial building for different periods.  For radon

decay product concentrations these actions levels are 0.01 WL and 0.03 WL,

respectively, above background.  The average background indoor radon decay

Product concentration determined for use in the Grand Junction remedial

action program is 0.007 WL.

     The Canadian cleanup criteria (AE 77)  and the EPA recommendations for
residences on phosphate lands in Florida require remedial action for indoor
radon decay product concentrations greater than 0.02 WL (including
background).  The EPA guidance further recommends that concentrations below
0.02 WL be reduced further recommends that concentrations below 0.02 WL be
reduced as low as can be reasonably achieved.  Reductions below 0.005 WL
above the average normal background (for nearby lands in Florida) of O.OOU
WL are not generally justifiable in the Florida phosphate lands.  For
Florida, then, EPA has in effect recommended remedial action above 0.2 WL:
stated that  action is generally unjustified at concentrations  less than
0.009 WL; and left action at  intermediate  levels  to the judgment of local

      Surveys have been  conducted  to  find buildings which may  be affected  by
tailing  for which remedial  actions may be  conducted under  PL  95-60M.   These
surveys show a  variety of affected structures, whose  elevated radiation
levels  have several  different causes.   The total  number  of buildings  that
will be eligible under PL 95-604  is  not fully established,  but we believe
they are fewer  or comparable in number to  those  in Grand Junction,  that  is,
 several hundred.

 7'6  Normal Indoor Radon Decay Product Concentrations
      The indoor radon decay product concentration of a building affected by
 tailings is the sum of contributions from tailings and from the natural
 environment.  These contributions cannot be distinguished from one

another.  Knowledge of the characteristics of radon decay product
concentrations in normal buildings is very useful in eciding the best form
for a remedial action standard and in choosing a practical action level.

     The most complete studies of normal indoor radon decay product
concentrations in the United States were performed on buildings in Grand
Junction, Colorado (PE 77), New Jersey and New York (GE 78), and Florida
(FL 78).  The samples and measurement techniques of these studies are not
exactly comparable, however.  The New Jersey-New York buildings studied
were residences, mostly single-family one-or two-story buildings.  The
Grand Junction sample was mainly houses, about half of which had basements
(CO 79).  The reported Grand Junction data are for the lowest "habitable
portion" of the building.  The Florida sample is single-family houses
without basements.

     Some results from these studies are summarized in Table 7-1.  In all
cases, the reported concentrations are the average of measurements taken
over a year.  The data indicate wide variations in normal indoor radon
decay product concentrations within each sample, even for a relatively
uniform sample of buildings.  Furthermore, the New Jersey-New York data
show that concentrations at ground level are about half of those in the
basement.  (An unpublished analysis of the G-and Junction data shows a
similar effect (CO 79).)

     Many buildings in the western United States, where most of the sites
covered under PL 95-604 are located, have basements.  For

                                  TABLE 7-1

              Average Annual Radon Decay Product Concentrations
                             in Normal Buildings
Grand Junction. Colorado (a)

     Sample:  29 buildings, mostly houses, about half with basements.
     Range:           0.002-0.017 WL
     Median:          0.007 WL
     Above 0.01 WL:   30?
     Above 0.015 WL:  10% (approx.)

New Jersey-New York(b)

     Sample:  21 houses, mostly single-family with full basements.
                          Cellar                       First Floor
     Range:           0.0017 - 0.027 WL                -
        0.0017 - 0.013 WL
     Median:          0.008 WL                      0.004 WL
     Above 0.01 WL:   14056                           8$
     Above 0.015 WL:  20J6

      Sample:   28  single-family residences, without  basements.
      Range:           0.001 - 0.012 WL
      Median:          0.0035 WL
      'bove 0.01 WL:   3?
      Above 0.015  WL:  0%
 (a)References (PE 77)  and  (CO  79).

 (b)Reference (GE 78).

 (c)Reference (FL 78).

these buildings in particular, the most important conclusions we draw from
these studies are the following:

     1.  Normal indoor radon decay product concentrations vary greatly.
     2.  Concentrations greater than 0.01 WL in a useable part of a normal
building are commonplace.
     3.  Though less common, normal concentrations greater than 0.015 WL
are not rare.

7.7 Practicality of Alternative Remedial Action Standards for Buildings
     Experience in the Grand Junction program aids in estimating the scope
of a cleanup program for tailings under alternative remedial action
criteria.  Table 7-2 gives the Grand Junction program's results (CO 79)
for buildings having tailings for which radon decay product measurements
have been made.  For residences and schools, the remedial action level is
0.01 WL above background.  Among the 463 residences and schools sampled,
217 were eligible for remedial action.  If the action level had been 0.005
WL rather than 0.01 WL the number eligible would have risen to 278, a 28$.

     Table 7-2 also shows that 60 residences and schools have been treated
but not yet brought below the action level.  Had the action level been
0.005 instead of 0.01 WL above background, 111 rather than 60 would need
further remedial work.

                                TABLE 7-2
            Experience with Grand Junction Remedial Action Program


Residences and Schools    246

Other                      76
   Number Above
0.01V7L + Background

                                                              Number Between
                                                            0.005WL and 0.01WL


Residences and Schools    217

Other                      35


 (a)Modified from reference (CO 79).

 (b)Table entries are numbers of buildings having  tailings  for  which
    radon decay  product measurements  have been made.

 (c)Buildings  for which  remedial actions  have not  been  completed.

     Table 7-2 ."hows that 40 or 52 additional buildings other than

residences and schools would have been eligible if the action level for

them had been 0.01 WL or 0.005 WL above background, respectively, rather

than the 0.03 prescribed.  This is an increase of  lUt or 149*,

respectively, in the program for that category of buildings.  The table

also shows that at the'lower action levels additional work would be needed

for 1? to 26 of the buildings other than residences and schools on which

remedial action has already been performed.

                          References for Chapter 7

(AE 77)   Atomic Energy Control  Board  of Canada,  "Criteria  for Radioactive
         Cleanup in Canada,"  Information Bulletin  77-2,  April 7,  1977.

(CO 79)   Colorado Department  of Health,  October  3,  1979, Letter from A.
         Harold Langner,  Jr., and  subsequent  conversations.

(DO 78)   Department of Energy,  Report No.  DOE/EV-0005/3, April 1978.

(PB 76-78)     Ford, Bacon,  and  Davis, Utah,  Inc.,  "Phase II-Title 1,
              Engineering Assessment  of Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings," 20
                    f H?°rtS  for Department of Energy  Contract No.
                  -1)-1658,  1976-1978.
(FB 79)  Ford,  Bacon,  and Davis,  Utah,  Inc.,  July 1979,  "Engineering
         Evaluation of the Former Vitro Rare  Metal Plant,  Canonsburg,
         Pennsylvania" and "Engineering Evaluation of the  Pennsylvania
         Railroad Landfill Site,  Burrell Township, Pennsylvania."

(FL 78)  Florida Department of Health  and Rehabilitative Services,  "Study
         of Radon Daughter Concentrations in  Structures  in Polk and
         Hillsborough Counties,"  January 1978.

(FR 4!4)  Federal Register HHr  p 38664-38670,  July 2,  1979.
            onn       n        '  A'J"  "The Distribution of Ambient
         Radon and Radon Daughters in Residential Buildings in ^he New
         StlonYT;: ArY PreS6ntefi  at the Symposia8 o'the Natural
         Radiation in the Environment III, Houston,  Texas, April 1978.

(GJ 79)  Grand Junction Office, February 1979, "Progress Report on the
         Grand Junction Uranium Mill Taiiings Femedial ^^ p       „
         U.S. Department of Energy Report  DOE/EV-0033.

(GS 80)  U.S. Geological Survey, 1980, "Isolation of Uranium Mill Tailings
                                                the  ^sphere," by" Edward
(HE 78)  Healy, J.W., and Rodgers, J.C., October 1978,
(NC 76)  National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
         December 1976, "Environmental Radiation Measurements," NCRP Report
         No. 50.

(NR 79)  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April 1979,  "Generic
         Environmental Impact Statement on Uranium Milling," Volume II,
         App. J, NUREG-0511.

(OR 73)  Office of Radiation Programs,  March 1973, "Summary Report of the
         Radiation Surveys Performed in Selected Communities,"  U.S.
         Environmental Protection Agency.

(PE 70)  Letter by Pau J.  Peterson,  Acting Surgeon General  to Dr.  R.L.
         Cleere, Executive Director, Colorado State Department  of Health,
         July 1970.

(PE 77)  Peterson, Bruce H., "Background Working Levels and the Remedial
         Action Guidelines," in the  Proceedings of a Radon  Workshop,
         Department of Energy Report No. HASL-325, July 1977.

    78)  Rahn,  P.H., and Mabes, D.L.,  "Seepage from Uranium Tailings  Ponds
         and its Impact on Ground Water,"  Proceedings of  the Seminar  on
         Management, Stabilization,  and Environmental Impact of Uranium
         Mill Tailings, July 1978,  the  OECD Nuclear Energy  Agency.

                     8:   SELECTING THE PROPOSED STANDARDS

     In PL 95-604, the Congress stated its findings that tailings "may pose
a potential and significant radiation health hazard to the public" and that
"every reasonable effort should be made to provide for stabilization,
disposal, and control in a safe and environmentally sound manner of such
tailings in order to prevent or minimize radon diffusion into the environ-
ment and to prevent or minimize other environmental hazards from such
tailings."  The Environmental Protection Agency was directed by Congress to
set "standards of general application for the protection of the public
health, safety, and the environment" for such materials.  The legislative
record also shows that Congress intended that these standards apply to all
sites rather than be site-specific.

     The Committee report on the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control
Act expressed the intent that the technologies used for remedial actions
should be effective for more than a short period of time:  "The Committee
does not want to visit this problem again with additional aid.  The remedial
action must be done right the first time" (House of Representatives  Report
95-1480, Part 2).

     Our proposed standards (Appendix D)  are  meant to  ensure  a long-lasting
     Disposal Standards
     Our analysis  of the health effects from tailings  piles  shows  that they
   mainly caused  by radon emissions  into the air.   Environmental

contamination also can occur if toxic chemicals from tailings enter surface
or underground water,  though this depends strongly on individual site

8.1.1.  Radon Standard
     From our analysis of health effects of tailings piles, we conclude

     a. Lung cancer caused by radon's short-lived decay products is the
dominant radiation hazard from untreated uranium mill tailings piles on
local, regional,  and national scales.  Effects of long-lived radon decay
products, of windblown tailings, and of direct gamma radiation from the
piles are much less significant.

     b. Individuals near a pile bear much higher radiation risks than those
far  away.  We  estimate,  for example, that individuals continuously living
one  mile from  a large pile wouid have about 20Q times gg ^^ & ^^ Q£
a  fatal lung cancer (7 in 10,000 versus 3 in  1,000,000) caused by radon
products from  the pile as would individuals living 20 miles away
(Table 4-2).   At  some of the piles, where people  live even closer than one
mile, the increased risk of developing  lung cancer over a lifetime is as
high as 4 chances  in  100 (Table 4-3).

      c. The  total number of cancer deaths that a  pile would  induce depends
strongly on  the  size  and locations of the  local  populations.

      d.  Based on recent population data,  all the 22 piles at inactive sites

 we  studied  taken together may  cause 40  to 90 deaths from lung  cancer  per

 century  among persons  living 50 miles or  more away from a pile.   When local

 and regional  rates are  added to  these,  the estimated total national effect

 of  all the  22 piles  is  about 200 premature deaths from lung  cancer  per

 century, or an annual rate of  about  two deaths.

      Part of  the uncertainty in  these estimates  results  from necessary

 approximations in estimating the environmental radiation  levels a tailings

 Pile  produces, and the  doses people will  receive.   Additional  uncertainty

 comes from our incomplete knowledge  of  the effects  on people of these

 generally low exposures.

     Our estimates are based upon current population sizes and geographical

 distributions.   Overall  increases in national population  would raise  the

 estimated national effects in  approximate proportion.  Development of new

 Population centers near  currently remote  piles,  and substantial growth of

 cities already near one, would increase these estimates proportionately.

     Unless radon emissions  from the  tailings piles covered under Title I

 of PL 95-604 are greatly reduced, they might prematurely kill about 200

 People per century into  the indefinite future.  Even for  piles remote  from

Population centers,  equity for people living nearby and the possibility of

 future development near  the sites argue for control measures.  A reasonable

effort to prevent or minimize radon emissions from piles is required under

PL 95-604.

     Methods for controlling radon emissions from piles are available.  The

most straightforward methods call for burying the piles or covering them

with appropriate combinations and thicknesses of soils, and with erosion-

resistant surfaces.  We believe the basic capabilities of these methods to

control radon releases, although largely untested, are understood.  Other

methods may also be useful  (Chapter 5, Appendix B, NRC's GEIS for Uranium

Milling (NR 79)).

      From several  perspectives,  as  discussed below, we find it  reasonable

 to reduce radon emission rates  from tailing at  inactive  processing sites

 from current values of several  hundred  pCi/m2-sec  to  a range more

 characteristic of ordinary land.  Typical natural emission rates are from

 0.5 to 1  pCi/m2-sec, with variations up to several times these values not

 unusual  (NR 79).

      Next, the form and numerical values of the standard must be fixed.

 Three quantities will be considered as alternative basic units  for the

 standard:  the radon release rate per unit area (expressed in pCi/m2-sec),

 the  total radon release  rate (pCi/sec, or Ci/yr), and the dose  or exposure

 of actual or hypothetical  individuals  or  populations  (mrem/yr,  person-

 rem/yr,  person-WLM,  etc.).

       We  rejected  a dose or exposure standard.   It is cumbersome to

  implement, with no compensating advantages except that  it relates directly

  to risk.  One major purpose of the standard is to guide the  design of

  disposal systems.  A dose or exposure standard would introduce uncertainty


into this process, because radon release rates must be known before dose or

exposure can be estimated.

     We also rejected a standard based on the total radon release rate.

Limiting the total radon release rate fails to take account of the great

differences in radioactivity among the piles (see Table 3-1).   A single

limit on total radon release from all piles could place unreasonable burdens

on the disposal designs.  A limit on release rate per unit area,  however,

may readily be applied uniformly to all sites.  Release rate per unit area

is also the most meaningful quantity for comparing the emission of a site

with that of normal land.  Since radon release rates change with the

climate, however, the standard should address the average rate over a

year's time.

     After considering the alternatives (see below) we have concluded

that the numerical limit on pile emissions, following disposal, should be

from about 0.5 to 2.0 pCi/m2-sec.  When added to the radon released from

a normal earth covering, the disposal site emission rate would still be

within a normal range.(1)  The risk for people living or working away

from the disposal site is a minor factor in choosing a standard within this

range,  since 98% or more of their exposure to radon comes from other

sources (NR 79).
          covering of average soil will contribute an additional 0.5 to


     Disposal sites generally will be large enough for small communities to

be built upon.  It appears unlikely that a combination of emission,

residency, and construction factors would materialize that would create a

public health problem under a standard in the radon emission range we are

considering.  The incremental risk associated with the choice of a control

level within this range appears small enough so that other factors should

also be considered.

     Figure 5-1 shows that to control radon emissions by covering piles with

soil, the required covering thickness rises sharply(l) near a rate of

about 1 pCi/m2-8ec.  These curves  are based on theory and laboratory

tests;  there  has  been no  opportunity  to test  them against full-scale  field

experience.   If soil coverings should be  less efficient  in controlling

radon than  the curves  indicate,  meeting a standard at the low end of  the

radon emission range could be much more difficult and expensive  than  we

estimate.  The gain in health benefit,  moreover,  would be marginal.   We

 therefore propose to allow a tailings release rate of 2 pCi/m2-sec rather

 than a slightly lower  figure, to allow for more technical  flexibility in

 implementing the standard.

      We considered setting a higher or lower radon release  standard.

 Higher levels, from 10 to 40 pCi/m2-sec, perhaps, appear unjustified;

 such emission rates can be lowered to 2 pCi/m2-8ec for about 10 percent
      (l)Reducing emission from 10 to 9 pCi/m2-sec (a 10% reduction)
 requires about 1cm of added soil; the same size emission reduction from 2
 to 1 pCi/m2-Sec takes about 50 cm of added soil.

additional cost.(l)  With such elevated radon emissions, the probable

need for land-use restrictions adjacent to the disposal site would place a

continuing administrative burden on future generations.

     We also find near total control of radon release from the tailings

unjustified.  Incremental costs for achieving emission rates lower than

2 pCi/m2-sec rise faster than emissions drop, and any achievable health

benefits would be extremely expensive.  Restricting land use near the

disposal site because of radon releases from the tailings is unneeded for

radon emission levels near 2 pCi/n»2-sec.   We have found no administrative

or esthetic advantages in further reductions.(2)

     The proposed standard typically would reduce radon emissions and their

possible effects by 99%.  Measures that will cut down radon emissions this

much for at least one thousand years (see Section 8.1.5) will also eliminate

blown tailings and excess gamma radiation.  Therefore, implementing the
     (DThis assumes that covering the tailings with soils and clay is a
feasible method for radon control to an emission level of about
2 pCi/m2-8ec.  Tailings piles vary widely in their size and radioactivity
content.  Therefore, costs of applying the burial method or any other ade-
quate disposal technique will vary greatly among the piles.  We estimated
Potential disposal costs for a variety of methods (see Chapter 6 and
Appendix B).  For example, assuming the tailings would be taken to a new
site and buried in a shallow pit, we estimated the disposal cost for an
average pile as 6-13 million dollars (1978).  Costs for some piles may be
Partially offset by the value of residual uranium that may be recovered by
reprocessing the tailings before disposing of them,  or the reclamation
value of the original tailings site.

     (2)However, PL 95-604 provides that after remedial actions are
completed, the tailings will be in Federal custody under license by the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

radon control standard will virtually eliminate all the potential hazards

except water pollution.

8.1.2  Ground Water Standard

     Since most of the inactive sites are in dry climates, much of the water

that may ever infiltrate them has probably already done so during active

operation of the mill.  This probably is not true for all sites, and

standards  for protecting ground water after disposal of the  tailings  are


      Under the  proposed ground water standards (Appendix  D), after  a

 tailings pile is disposed  of,  it  may not cause the concentrations of

 certain pollutants in an underground source of drinking water to either

 (1) exceed the contaminant level specified for that pollutant, or

 (2) increase, where the background concentration of the pollutant already

 exceeds the applicable specified contaminant  level.  An underground  source

 of  drinking water is defined as an aquifer currently supplying drinking

 water for  human consumption, or an  aquifer in which the  concentration  of

 total dissolved solids is  less than 10,000 milligrams per liter (FR  79).

       The  proposed ground  water protection standards could be considered too

  strict if implementing them would be unreasonably  costly or if they  would

  be impossible to apply.   Information available suggests  that our proposals

  are practical.  The following sections discuss alternative  approaches to

  setting the standard, and describe the reasons for choosing the proposed


Approach to Ground Water Protection

     These standards are conditions for disposal of uranium mill tailings

from inactive processing sites, not ambient water quality criteria.  We have

concluded that disposal of tailings should not degrade ground water beyond

levels that retain its fitness for direct consumption by people.  We recog-

nize that ground water quality is also important for other reasons? its

effect on fragile ecosystems, for example, and irrigation.  Other standards

may be appropriate to protect its usefulness for these other purposes.  We

believe, however, that the prevention of adverse human health effects from

direct consumption of ground water should be foremost among several

objectives in protecting ground water quality.

Contaminants of Concern

     Contaminant levels in the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regu-

lations (NIPDWR) provide the best current guidance of adequate protection

levels for drinking water.  However, we also considered whether the NIPDWR

cover all contaminants found in tailings, or contaminants that are not.

     Except for fluorides, all the inorganic chemicals listed in the NIPDWR

nave been reported as present in tailings.(1)  However, uranium mill

tailings are not significant sources of organic chemicals, microbiological

contamination, or man-made radioactivity, so these categories of the NIPDWR

can be disregarded.
      --A«eBe !««»»..»* chemicals are «8«™c»
      mercury, nitrate, selenium, and silver.
      it to radioactivity limits in the NIPDWR.

     Other substances possibly harmful  to human health were not included in

the NIPDWR due to their relative rarity in drinking water systems, the lack

of analytical methods, the high costs of monitoring,  or the lack of toxicity

data.  Several such substances are present in leachate from tailings.  We

have reviewed these substances (see  Sections  4.8.2  and 4.8.3)  and have

included two — molybdenum and uranium ~ in our proposed standards, because

of the seriousness of their toxic effects on humans,  animals,  or plants,

their abundance in the tailings, and their expected environmental mobility-

     We have also considered the contaminants addressed by the National

Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWR).  The NSDWR (40 CFR 143)

represent EPA's best judgment of the standards necessary to protect

underground drinking water supplies from adverse odor, taste, color, and

other esthetic changes that would make  the water unfit for human consump-

tion.  We decided, however, not to include the contaminants identified in

the NSDWR in the proposed standards.  The list of contaminants we are

including covers the most hazardous substances in many different chemical

forms.  Conditions that control these toxic substances will also control

many other substances.U)  Me expect scientific analyses and predictions

based upon them to be the primary means of demonstrating compliance with


the standard, and do not wish to complicate that task by including
nonessential requirements.

     We also considered for coverage in these standards the pollutants
covered in the publication "Quality Criteria for Water" (EP 76).  "Quality
Criteria for Water" recommends levels for water quality according to the
objectives of Section 101(a) and the requirements of Section 304(a) of the
Clean Water Act.  Its primary purpose is to recommend levels for surface
water quality that will provide for the protection and propagation of fish
and other aquatic life, and for recreation.  While several health-related
substances that could be present in tailings leachate are listed, the
recommended limits are geared to protecting aquatic life and are not
appropriate for ground water.  Further, the recommended limits are written
as guidance in developing standards and not as standards themselves.
Therefore, we decided that this list was inappropriate for these standards.
 	of Contamination
     The proposed standards require a reasonable expectation that releases
from tailings piles will not cause:

     (a)  The concentrations of certain contaminants in ground water to
exceed specified levels, or

     (b)  An increase in the concentration of any of those contaminants in
ground water where the existing (upstream) concentration exceeds the
specified level.


     The first requirement, (a), protects water that can be used as

drinking water without treatment under current regulations, except that we

have added coverage of molybdenum and uranium.  The proposed concentration

level for molybdenum is appropriate for avoiding toxic effects in humans,

in accordance with the recommendations of a recent report to EPA (CH 79)•

The proposed standard for uranium is the level for which our estimate of

bone cancer risk is about  the same as the estimated bone cancer risk for

radium under the NIPDWR.  The second part, (b), protects ground water

already  at or above the maximum contaminant level, by preventing increases

in contaminant concentrations.

     We  considered several arguments  for more  lenient standards than those

proposed:   (a) The increased  disposal cost might  be  greater than  the value

of  the  threatened resource;  (b) treating  the water after contamination

would be a more  efficient way to remove undesirable  substances;  and

 (c)  some of  the  allowable levels  are  commonly  exceeded  in  ambient  or native

 ground  water,  effectively resulting in a nondegradation standard for those


     We respond  to  these arguments as follows:

      (a)  We are not required to balance disposal costs against the value

 of ground water  resources, nor can the "value" be determined for an

 indefinite future.   Moreover, we do not know and probably cannot determine

 a useable relationship between disposal costs and specific ground water

 protection requirements.  We believe the proposed standards are a

 reasonable approach to ground water protection.


     (b)  Treating ground water after contamination may be efficient when

it is done, but undoubtedly some people will continue to use untreated

water.  We believe it preferable, and more consistent with the intentions

of Congress, to minimize the need to treat water.  Tailings piles disposed

of in accordance with the proposed standard should not cause ground water

"problems" for people in the future.  We cannot be as sure that more

lenient standards will provide adequate protection.

     (c)  We expect that our standards often will amount to nondegradation

standards, because native levels of dissolved substances in aquifers where

the piles are located are often not very low.  We have no compelling reasons

to allow tailings to increase these levels, however.  If the native water

quality itself may present problems for future users of increasingly scarce

ground water resources, why should disposal of these tailings piles be

allowed to worsen the situation?

     Reasons we considered for adopting more stringent standards include:

(a) tailings disposal is only one of several sources of ground water con-

tamination, and each source contributes to the overall rise in contaminant

levels; (b) future research may find that lower  levels are necessary to

adequately protect health; (c) some agricultural, industrial and other

important uses of ground water may be impaired;  and (d) ground water is

often consumed without treatment, so more stringent standards would require

less reliance on monitoring and treatment before domestic usage.

     Our analysis of these reasons follows:
     (a)  The proposed standard does  recognize that an aquifer may be
polluted by several sources.  Where existing ground water contaminant
concentrations exceed the levels specified in the  proposed standards, the
disposal system should be designed not to allow contaminant levels to
increase at all.   Future sources of contamination,  when added to releases
from tailings, may cause increases in earlier concentration levels.  If the
resulting increases are large, however,  under the  standards contaminants
from the tailings will not be the dominant contributors to the increases.
Releases from the tailings, when added to contaminants from other sources,
could be the major factor in causing small increases in concentrations, but
small increases are not very significant.

     (b)  Since tailings are mainly the ground up residues of rock,
contaminants that may leach from them into water are already present in
varying degrees in native ground and surface waters.  People have always
consumed water containing these substances,  so it  appears unlikely that
these substances will be found in the future to be very much more toxic
than we presently believe.   Further,  our standards  apply only to the
relatively few sites covered by the Title I program Of PL 95-604.  Under
the circumstances, any harm that might be avoided  by stricter standards is
both small and speculative.

     CO  Our proposed standards would allow very  good quality water to be
slightly degraded.  If and when this occurs some uses of the water might be
-Paired.  Such impairments are speculative.  In view of the limited number

°f sites to which the standards apply and the degree of protection they

afford  for  good  quality  water,  the  possibility of such impairments does not

appear  to be a serious defect in the proposals.

     (d) Our standards  are  designed to protect people who may directly con-

sume the water.   Whatever the standards may be, the purpose of monitoring is

to determine actual  contaminant levels.  The extent of necessary monitoring

at any  site should be determined in part by considering the possibility of

unexpected  failures  of the disposal system and other site-specific factors.

lt seems doubtful that stricter standards would have much influence on such
      the Standard is Applied

     Another issue regarding ground water protection is the physical point

at which the standard should be applied.  At what point in the aquifer, in

other words, does contamination from tailings constitute noncompliance?

1116 Places we considered are the site boundary, the waste boundary, or some

     Applying the standard to the waste boundary would minimize the affected
area.  However, the tailings at inactive processing sites have, to some
extent, merged with their immediate surroundings, so the waste boundary may
be hard to define.  More significantly, a standard applied so near the waste
may be difficult to meet at some otherwise adequate existing sites.  Where
the standards might be exceeded only in the immediate neighborhood of a
pile, the cost of liners and re-siting to avoid the violation appears to be
unjustified.  To avoid these higher costs and their small benefits, a strict
standard should apply only beyond some distance.  We propose this distance
to be 1.0 kilometer from the smallest practical boundary of the waste when
an existing tailings site is used for disposal.  A smaller distance of
application might not serve our intended purpose of avoiding large expedi-
tures for very little gain, and we believe that a much larger distance would
be insufficiently protective.  However, if tailings are moved to a new
disposal site, for whatever reason, then new opportunities for site selec-
tion and preparation become available.  For new sites we propose to apply
the standards 0.1 kilometer from the waste boundary.  In effect, this is as
protective as applying it at the waste boundary, while allowing some
benefit from sorption and dilution in immediately adjacent ground, in case
small leaks occur.
            Drinking Water Source
     The choice of the 10,000 mg/1 total dissolved solids measure for
usable aquifers follows EPA's general policy that ground water resources
below that concentration be protected for possible use as drinking water
sources.  This policy is based on the Safe Drinking Water Act and its

legislative history, which reflects Congressional intent that aquifers in

that class deserve protection.

8.1.3.  Surface Water Protection

     Wind, rain, or floods can carry tailings into rivers, lakes,  and

reservoirs.  Pollutants may also seep out of piles and contaminate surface

waters.  We believe that the standards should limit the effects of these

processes on surface water quality.  We expect that implementing the radon

emission limits and the ground water protection requirements will greatly

reduce the potential for contamination of surface water.U>  A pile with

severely restricted radon releases will not be able to release particulates

to wind or water.  Similarly, the ground water protection requirements imply

limited water flow through the pile, which limits flow to the surface as

well as underground.  Thus, implementing the radon emission and ground water

standards may protect surface water.  To assure adequate protection, how-

ever, we propose to require that surface water not be degraded by tailings

after disposal  of the piles.  This means that  the tailings disposal  site

should not cause increases in the concentration of harmful substances in

surface water.

     We considered banning any release of pollutant, to surface water.

This may  be more difficult to implement  than the selected standard,
      (OHowever, .recent  studies  (•-.•-^".S?contaminant, upward,
 Processes  occurring in tailings  piles  «n°     ._,;_ designer, must
 perhaps  even tto-*««  «"»»•.   STSkSSToFESw ««~«»
 carefully  consider this  possibility,   ine w F        .
 intensively investigating  a variety of disposal methods.

however, since it would require showing that not even microscopic releases

will occur.  Our chosen standard requires any potentially harmful

contaminant streams from the tailings to have lower concentration of

contaminants than the surface water they may enter.  The standard applies

to all harmful contaminants from tailings, and some of them are certainly

present only in very low concentrations in surface water.  Satisfying the

standard will therefore require strict limits on releases to surface water

of at  least these latter substances.  In practice, we expect that the means

used to inhibit pollution of surface water by harmful contaminants that are

already present  in  low concentrations will restrain  the movement of most

other  substances as well.  The standard, then, will be very protective of

surface water.

     We have  chosen to apply  the  standard to "navigable waters"  as  defined

 in an EPA Federal Register notice (44 F.R.  32901,  June  7,  1979).   This

 definition was adopted for EPA's  regulations under the  National  Pollutant

 Discharge Elimination System, 40 CFR 122.3(t).  In essence,  it includes all

 surface waters the public may travel on,  enter, or draw food from.

 However,  there is no formal relationship between EPA's standard under

 PL 95-604 and regulations under the National Pollutant Discharge

 Elimination System; either nay be changed without affecting the other.

 8.1.4  Remedial Action for Existing Ground Water Contamination

      There is evidence of limited ground water contamination at some of the

 inactive sites, but the prospects for long-term contamination have not been

 fully assessed.  The proposed ground water protection standards apply only


to releases from tailings that may occur after disposal of the piles.  It

may sometimes be possible to improve the quality of an already-contaminated

aquifer, but we believe a generally applicable requirement to meet pre-set

standards is not feasible.

     The Department of Energy will prepare Environmental Impact Statements

or Environmental Assessment reports for each site to support the decisions

ifc will reach, with NEC's concurrence, on necessary remedial actions to

satisfy the standards.  We believe that disposal methods that satisfy the

standards will avoid any ground water problems caused by future releases

from the piles for as long as the standards apply.  We expect DOE to con-

sider the need for and practicality of controlling contaminants that have

already seeped into the ground under  the  tailings pile, and to apply techni-

cal remedies that are found justified.  Institutional controls should also

be applied.  If tailings  are  found to be  contaminating ground water that  is

being used, we would expect DOE to provide alternate water sources or other

appropriate remedies.  We note that PL  95-604 will terminate DOE's authority

to do so as a remedial action seven years after we promulgate standards,

"nless Congress extends the period.   However, Sec. 104(f)(2) of PL 95-604

Provides for Federal custody  of the disposal sites under NRC licenses after

the remedial action program is completed.  The  custodial agency is author-

ized to carry out such monitoring, maintenance, and emergency measures as

the NRC may  deem necessary to protect public health.  We expect NRC's

requirements will be sufficient to ensure detection of any contamination  by

the tailings  of usable ground water near  the disposal  sites, and  to  cause

the custodial agency to take such measures as may become necessary to avoid

any significant public health problem.

8.1.5  Period oj Applj.catj.on of^Disposal Standard s

     Congress recognized that uranium mill tailings are hazardous for a

long time, and directed EPA to provide long-term public protection from

these hazards.  We propose requiring a reasonable expectation that the

radon emission and water protection standards for disposal of tailings

piles will be satisfied for at least one thousand years.

     Any choice is partly arbitrary; there are no rules or precedents to

guide the decision.  Neither does scientific analysis point uniquely to one

period over  another.

     We have concluded that it would be impractical to apply uranium mill

tailings  standards for periods  as long as  10,000 years.  Providing a

reasonable expectation of compliance with  the standards over such long

periods,  if  possible  at all  for  tailings,  could be done only if  they were

buried several hundred feet or more beneath  the surface.  During such long

time periods, climates change markedly and land  surfaces may be  denuded,

severely  uplifted, or otherwise  considerably transformed.  Deep  below the

surface,  severe  changes  are likely  to be  more gradual and  predictable.   For

reasons described earlier,  the  practicability of  deep burial of  uranium

tailings  is  uncertain.   Yet,  if strict  standards  were to  apply for  as  long

as 10,000 years  or more, no other disposal method would seem possible.

     With tailings disposed of at or near the earth's surface it appears

feasible to meet the standards for one thousand years or more.   The primary

threat during this period is flooding.  Methods of protecting tailings

against floods and other natural disruptions appear to be available.   These

methods, however, may not be applicable at every existing inactive site; for

long-term flood protection, for example, some piles might have  to be moved.

     Standards applying for less than one thousand years would be easier to

satisfy, and might result in some cost savings.  The state-of-the-art of

Judging the future performance of a given disposal system does not support

naking fine distinctions, however.  Therefore, the savings would be small

unless the period of application were only a  few hundred years.  Institu-

tional control methods such as recordkeeping, maintenance, monitoring, and

land-use restrictions are useful adjuncts to  an adequate disposal  system,

Providing greater protection than the standards require, and regulating

^liberate disruptions of the  tailings by people.(D  We do not believe,

however, that they  should be  relied upon for  periods  longer  than  a century,

a*d are inappropriate for long-term control.   Institutional control methods

should not  replace  use  of  adequate  long-term physical disposal  methods.
      CDpor  example,  Sec.  104  of  PL.95-694  ^xcxpates  that  subsurface
 minerals  at  a tailings  disposal site might be  used.   It f °vlde*'  ™*^er
 that  any  tailings  disturbed by such  use  "will  be  restored  to  a  safe and
 environmentally sound condition." We propose, therefore,  to  apply the
 disposal  standards to the  use  of  any subsurface mineral rights  acquired
 under the provisions  of Sec. 104(h).

     We believe that one thousand years meets the Congressional criterion
that "the remedial action must be done right the first time."  A thousand-
year standard does not mean that our concern for the future is limited to
one thousand years; it reflects our judgment that the disposal standards
must be practical.  Based on existing knowledge of control methods and
natural processes, we believe it unreasonable to generally require longer
protection under this remedial program, because adequate methods for demon-
strating compliance are not clearly available and may be very costly.  We
consider it likely, however, that the implementers of the standards will
require longer protection at some piles, based on site-specific evaluations
of disposal methods and their costs.

     The disposal standards could be viewed as performance standards,
stating conditions to be satisfied without addressing the means.  Compliance
could be verified by monitoring, and assured through maintenance.   But fun-
damentally, they are design standards.  They are minimum requirements that
the designers of a disposal system should plan to satisfy over the full
period of their application.  The "reasonable expectation" for meeting the
limits specified in the standards will be established by considering the
physical properties of the disposal system, not by relying on institutional

8.2  Cleanup Standards
8.2.1  Open Lands
     The proposed standard requires that for any open land contaminated
with tailings, the average radium concentration in any 5-centimeter


 thickness  shall  not  exceed 5 pCi/gm after cleanup.   These conditions provide

 a high degree  of protection from tailings at  inactive  uranium processing

 sites, and are not unreasonably burdensome to implement.   The protection

 achieved will  often be greater  than  is apparent  from the  standard,  since

 the radium concentration  of any material  not  removed will often  decrease

 sharply with depth.  After  the  required cleanup, such a site will be little

 more hazardous than  a similar area which  never had a tailings  pile.

     Locating contaminated  soils with concentrations less than 5 pCi/gm

 would require extensive surveys and  lengthy measurement procedures.  Incre-

 asingly large land areas would  need  to be  stripped in order to lower the

 radioactivity much below  5  pCi/gm.   Doing this would provide very little

 Sain in health protection,  since such slightly contaminated soils are

 usually thin layers containing  little total radium.  To keep sampling costs

 within reason, and to avoid having to clean large areas which contain little

 radioactivity, the proposed  final standard therefore requires  that  for any

 °Pen land contaminated with tailings, the  average radium concentration shall

 n°t be more than 5 pCi/gm after cleanup.   The  contamination which remains

 after such cleanup will  have less than five times the radon release of aver-

 age soils.  It could also cause  a gamma radiation dose of below 80 millirad

 Per year  to a person who spends  100% of the time outdoors  on the  site.

 These levels of radon emission  and gamma  radiation are within the variations

 that occur in undisturbed land areas.  We believe that  the actual radon and

gatnma ray levels  after cleanup will usually be much less than the maximum

Possible  under these  standards.

     For contaminated material located more than one foot beneath the

surface of open land,  our proposed standard requires cleanup if the average

radium concentration over any 15-cm thickness is greater than 5 pCi/gm.

Practical measurement  instruments cannot find buried material of this

concentration in a layer any thinner.  We expect that this standard for

buried material will serve mostly to define the edges of buried tailings

deposits, because the radium concentration in tailings is usually much

higher than 5 pCi/gm.

     In most cases, concentrations a few times higher than the proposed

standard allows would cause only a slight  increase in risk.  Since concen-

tration usually declines rapidly with depth, even a standard requiring

removal of material until the radium concentration level reaches 10 or

20 pCi/gm would be protective.  Unusual distributions of radium would be

much more significant, however, and areas with 5 to 20 pCi/gm are clearly

above ordinary background levels.

     Surveys at inactive processing sites indicate that it should cost

little more to implement the proposed standard than one permitting levels

two to four times higher.  The proposed standard is EPA's judgment of the

most stringent cleanup condition that may  reasonably be required uniformly

for all the inactive mill sites.

     The proposed standard addresses future as well as present hazards and

uses an intrinsic property of tailings  that can be easily measured.  We

considered other forms for the standard, such as limiting the residual


surface gamma radiation, the radon release rate, or the predicted

concentration of radon decay products in future buildings on the land.  All

these would restrict the residual hazard, but they would be harder to apply

to material which has been buried and might be uncovered later.

     We expect that the rules developed to implement this standard will

'elate the concentration of radium in soil to other conveniently measured

quantities.  We also expect that appropriate sampling techniques will be

established to locate and identify tailings material,  determine its

concentration of radium, and verify compliance with the standard.  Any such

rules must insure that the standard is not met simply by dispersing the

material to achieve a lower concentration.

8-2.2  Buildings  Indoor Radon Decay Product Concentration Standards

     Exposure even to normal indoor radon decay product concentrations

carries some health risk, but we believe Congress intended that people

should not have to bear an unreasonable increase in this risk due to

tailings.  Remedial actions will be required when a building affected by

tailings exceeds the levels we set as the remedial action standards.  When

remedial actions are finished, the level must either not be exceed, or

tailings must not be the cause of any remaining excess.  We believe that

expressing the indoor radon decay product standard in terms of total

concentration of these products is the only workable form, as the following

discussion indicates.

     Indoor radon decay product concentrations in normal buildings vary

widely.  Tailings near or under a building may be identified by gamma ray

measurements, historical records, visual inspections, or specimen analysis.

Because of the fluctuations in normal indoor radon levels,  however,  it is

impossible to tell what the concentration of radon decay products would be

without the tailings.  Small elevations when tailings are present cannot be

distinguished from normal background levels.  Further, contaminated

buildings vary in location, design, materials, and patterns of use,  all of

which affect the indoor radon decay product concentration.  It is imprac-

tical to determine an expected background value for a particular building,

either from measurements of unaffected buildings or by any other means.

     For these reasons, an action level expressed in terms of an increment

over the background radon decay product concentration cannot be implemented

easily.  We prefer an action level in terms of the total indoor concentra-

tion, which is directly measurable.  With a fixed measurement method, this

standard gives an unambiguous criterion for remedial action for any

building affected by tailings.

     We also considered expressing the standard in terms of the quantity or

concentration of tailings near the building, or the gamma radiation they

produce.  There is no sure way, however, to relate these quantities to

indoor radon decay product concentrations.  This is a critical deficiency,

because the radon products are the basic hazard.

     A standard for total concentration of radon decay products provides

the same action level for all affected buildings, though normal concentra-

tions in one affected area may tend to be higher than in another.  While

normal indoor ration decay product concentrations vary with natural radium

concentrations in soil, soil porosity, and other factors, we know of no way

to take them into account in the standard.  In these circumstances,  we

consider the regional protection inequity minor, as long as the action

level we choose is within the normal range of levels in the affected areas.

     We believe that the proposed remedial action level of 0.015 WL

(including background) for occupied or occupiable buildings is the most

Protective level that can be justified for the PL 95-604 remedial action

Program.  It is about the same as that applied to homes and schools over

the last seven years in the Grand Junction remedial action program, because

the action level there was 0.01 above an "average" background value taken

fls 0.007 WL.  Experience in the Grand Junction program and studies performed

by EPA for basementless homes in Florida indicate that remedying concentra-

tions greater than 0.015 WL is usually practical in view of technical and

cost considerations.  In some situations, a lower action level might be jus-

tified.  However, studies of normal houses with basements in Grand Junction,

New York, and New Jersey indicate that about 10% or more are above 0.015 WL.

We have concluded that efforts to reduce levels significantly below 0.015 WL

by removing tailings would often be unfruitful, and the funds expended


     Although indoor radon decay product levels exceeding 0.015 WL can occur

in the absence of uranium mill tailings,  these proposed standards are

explicitly for remedial actions at sites  designated under PL 95-604.(1)

PL 95-604 is clearly directed at potential health problems due to tailings,

and not to similar hazards from other causes.   We are not calling for

lengthy and expensive procedures to determine whether any tailings are

present when the level is only slightly exceeded.  Professional judgment in

the field must be relied upon in such cases to implement the standards

sensibly.  If the allowable level is still exceeded after all apparent

tailings have been removed or otherwise prevented from affecting the

interior of the building, then the standard requires no further remedial


8-2.2.2  Standards for Indoor Gamma Radiation

     The proposed limit on indoor radon decay product concentration is

based on the hazard from breathing air containing these products.  Tailings

also emit gamma radiation, however, which can penetrate the body from the

outside.  We expect that the indoor radon product concentration standards

generally will be met by removing the tailings from the buildings and that

this will eliminate any indoor gamma radiation problem.  It is only in

unusual cases that a standard for limiting gamma radiation exposure may be

nonoaL *? P«ticular, the proposed remedial action standard should not
necessarily be taken as an appropriate design goal for indoor radon decay
product concentration in new housing

     It will often be possible  to meet  the  radon decay  product  standards

without removing the tailings.  Removal is  the remedial method we wish most

to encourage, however, because  of its positive and  long-lasting effective-

ness.  To this end, we propose  an action level for gamma radiation of

0.02 mR/hr above background, (1) which allows a limited degree of

flexibility in the methods  for  reducing indoor radon decay product concen-

trations.  On the other hand, reducing the  standard much below 0.02 mR/hr

would virtually eliminate flexibility in remedial methods, and provide only

a small additional health benefit to those  few individuals who might be

affected.  If the occupants of  the building were present 75% of the time,

the proposed standard would allow gamma radiation doses from the tailings

of about 130 mrad per year.  This is about  twice the average annual

background dose from gamma rays in the regions near the piles.  Radiation Hazards Not Associated with Radium-226

     The total protection that a standard based on radium-226 affords

depends on the extent to which radium has been separated from other radioac-

tive substances during ore processing.  Radium-226 concentrations in the

residual material may not adequately measure the radiation hazard in all

     For the reasons discussed in Sec. 7.3, we cannot yet say in all cases

    effective cleanup standards based on radium-226 will be in controlling
     (•^Indoor background levels of gamma radiation are easier to
determine and less variable than is the case for measurements of radon
decay product concentration.

U-235 decay products and thorium, and we are not in a position to set a

separate standard for them.  It is our judgment, however, that adequate

protection would be provided if, after cleanup, the total risk from all

uranium and thorium isotopes and their decay products pose no greater risk

than the proposed final cleanup standards allow for radium-226 and its

decay products.   The degree to which any particular site would need to be

cleaned in order to meet this condition will have to be determined following

detailed studies of tailings at that site,  and further evaluation of the

hazard pathways  there.

                          References for Chapter 8

(AE 77)  Atomic Energy Control Board (of Canada),  April 7, 1977, "Criteria
         For Radioactive Clean-up in Canada," Information Bulletin 77-2.

(CH 79)  Chappel, W.R., e£ al^, 1979, "Human Health Effects of Molybdenum
         in Drinking Water," USEPA Health Effects  Research Laboratory
         Report, EPA-600/1/79-006.

(EP 76)  U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency,  1976,  "Quality Criteria for
         Water," Report EPA-440/9-76-023.

(EP 78)  U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency,  June 1978, "State of
         Geological Knowledge Regarding Potential  Transport of High-Level
         Radioactive Waste from Deep Continental Repositories," Report

(FB 76-78)  Ford, Bacon, and Davis, Utah, Inc., "Phase II-Title 1,
            Engineering Assessment of Inactive  Uranium Mill Tailings" 20
            contract reports for Depart of Energy  Contract Nol
            E(05-l)-1658, 1976-1978.

(FR 79)  Federal Register (44 F.R. pp.  23738-23767),  April 20, 1979.

(GJ 79)  Grand Junction Office, February 1979,  "Progress Report on the
         Grand Junction Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program,"
         U.S. Department of  Energy Report DOE/EV-0033.

(GS 78)  U.S. Geological Survey, 1978,  "Geologic Disposal of High-Level
         Radioactive Wastes  — Earth-Science Perspectives," Circular  779.

(HE 78)  Healy,  J.W., and Rodgers, J.C.,  October 1978, "A Preliminary Study
         of Radium-Contaminated Solid," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
         Report  LA-7391-MS.

(NE 78)  Nelson, John D., and Shepherd,  Thomas  A.,  April  1978,  "Evaluation
         of Long-Term Stability of Uranium Mill Tailing Disposal
         Alternatives," Civil Engineering Department,  Colorado State
         University, prepared for Argonne National Laboratory.

                             9:  IMPLEMENTATION

9.1  Administrative Process

     Public Law 95-604 requires that the Secretary of Energy implement

EPA1s standards for uranium mill tailings from inactive processing sites.

The Secretary or a designated party will select and perform remedial

actions for designated processing sites in accordance with the standards,

with the full participation of any State which shares the cost.  The

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shall concur in selecting and per-

forming the remedial actions, and affected Indian tribes and the Secretary

of the Interior shall be consulted as appropriate.  The Federal Government

and the States will bear the costs of the remedial actions as prescribed

fey law.

*«1.1  Disposal Standards

     The disposal standards will be implemented by showing that the dispo-

sal method can reasonably be expected to satisfy the radon emmission limits

and water protection provisions of the standards for at least one thousand

years.  This expectation should be founded upon analyses of the physical

Properties of the disposal system and the potential effects of natural

Processes over time.  Computational models, theories, and expert judgment

will be major tools in deciding that a proposed disposal system will

satisfy the standard.  Post-disposal monitoring can serve only a minor

*ole in confirming that the standards are satisfied.   Where measurements

are necessary to determining compliance, they may be performed within the

accuracy of available field and laboratory instruments used in conjunction

with reasonable survey and sampling procedures.

9.1.2  Cleanup Standards

     The Department of Energy (DOE) will need to make a radiation survey of

open lands and buildings in areas believed to have tailings, and determine

whether the standards are being exceeded because of tailings.  After taking

remedial action to reduce radiation, compliance with the standards will

have to be verified.  DOE, working with NRC and the participating State,

will need to develop radiological survey, sampling, and measurement proce-

dures to determine necessary and practical cleanup actions,  and to certify

the results of the cleanup.  We have published elsewhere the general

requirements for an adequate land cleanup survey (EP 78a).

     These procedures are important in making the standards effective.  In

view of this, we considered providing more details of the implementation

as part of our rulemaking.  To give more flexibility to the implementers,

we chose not to do so.  We believe this was warranted because conditions

at the various processing sites vary widely and are incompletely known.

The  following clarifies our intentions and should help to avoid the

unproductive use of  resources  that could result if the standards were

interpreted so strictly that complying with them would be unreasonably

burdensome.  Purpose of  cleanup standards

     The purpose of  our standards  is to protect public health and  the

environment.  We designed them for adequate protection using search and

verification procedures with reasonable cost  and technical  requirements.

 Since, for example, we intend the building cleanup standards to protect


 people,  measurements in such locations as crawl spaces and furnace rooms
 are  inappropriate.*  Remedial  action  decisions  should be based  on radiation
 levels  in occupiable parts of the buildings.   The standards  for cleaning
 up land  surfaces are designated  to limit  exposures of  people to gamma
 radiation and to radon decay products  in  future buildings.   In most
 circumstances,  failure  to  clean  a few  square feet of land contaminated by
 tailings would be  insignificant.  Similarly, in attempting to  find tailings
 beneath  the surface  on  open land,  reasonableness must  prevail  in deter-
 mining where  and how deeply to search.  Requiring proof that all the
 tailings had  been  found would be unreasonable.   In all applications of our
 proposed cleanup standards, search and verification procedures which
 provide  a reasonable assurance of compliance with the  standards will be
 adequate.  Necessary measurements may  be  performed within  the  accuracy of
 available  field and  laboratory instruments used  in conjunction with
 reasonable survey  and sampling procedures.  We are confident that  DOE and
 NRC, in  consultation with  EPA and  the States, will adopt implementation
 Procedures consistent with our standards.

 9»2  Exceptions
     We  believe that  our proposed  standards are the strictest  that are
Justified  for general application  at all the inactive uranium processing
sites covered by PL 95-604.  However, providing greater protection  may be
reasonable at specific sites.  We urge the impleraenters to lower the
residual risk as far below the required level as is reasonably achievable.

     In the decades since tailings at inactive sites were deposited,

weather and people have created a wide range of problems.  The standards

may be unreasonably strict in some exceptional circumstances.   If meeting

the standards is impossible, or if some clearly undesirable health or

environmental side effects are unavoidable,  applying the standards would

be unjustified.  Tailings may be inaccessible to the equipment needed for

their removal, or workers might be endangered in trying to remove them.

In such cases, applying the standards should be reconsidered.  Similarly,

disturbing scarce desert vegetation and soils may be unjustifiable where

the standards are only slightly exceeded.

     Because the scale of material-moving activity is so great, the

possibility of serious harm to both workers and the general public from

accidents associated with transporting an entire tailings pile to a new

disposal site deserves particular consideration.  Relocating a pile should

be considered whenever it may be impractical to satisfy all the disposal

standards at the original location.  However, circumstances might be such

that one would not expect the standards to be greatly exceeded within a

thousand years, and that substantial human exposure to any resulting

pollution would not necessarily occur.  If all practical transport methods

would probably cause serious harm to people from accidents, and if this

and other risks associated with the transportation system are large

enough, the near-term danger may outweigh the additional long-term benefits

of full rather than partial compliance with the standards.  By carefully

considering all these factors for each tailings pile where the issue

 arises, exceptions to the disposal standard could be justified because of

 the degree of unavoidable endangerment in attempting full  compliance.

      We do not consider the current remoteness of a pile from population

 centers sufficient by itself to  justify relaxing  the disposal  standards.

 Even small numbers of people nearby require protection,  and the population

 of  an area could  increase considerably over the one-thousand-year  period

 during which the  standards apply.   Furthermore, radon released from

 tailings piles  travels  long  distances.

      We also do not consider cost  a reason for noncompliance with  the

 standards  unless  the  cost  is very high  or  the  benefit very  small.   But it

 may  not make sense to spend  a great deal  of money,  for example,  to clean

 UP an  infrequently  occupied building where  the standards are only  slightly


     To allow PL 95-604 to be implemented reasonably in all of the varied

 circumstances, we  are proposing criteria which the  implementers may use to

 determine whether particular circumstances are exceptional.  In such excep-

 tional  cases, DOE may select and perform remedial actions which come as

 close to meeting the standards as is reasonable.   In selecting such

 remedial actions, DOE shall ask any property owners and occupants  for

 'heir comments; the concurrence  of  NRC shall be required,  and  DOE shall

inform EPA.

9.3  Effects of Implementing the Standards

9.3.1  Health

     The proposed standards reduce average radon emissions of the tailings

piles by more than 99% for one thousand years.  Extrapolating the current

rate of lung cancer deaths over that period,  we estimate applying the

standards will prevent about 2,000 premature lung cancer deaths.

     Some people now living very near tailings piles could bear a risk of

premature death due to lung cancer of several chances in 100.  Under the

disposal standards, people living in comparable locations during the next

thousand years will bear a risk from the pile of about 1 chance in 10,000.

     After remedial actions are completed on buildings eligible under

PL 95-604, their occupants will be subject to radon decay product concen-

trations of less than 0.015 WL (including background), and gamma radiation

exposure rates lower than 0.02 mR/hr.  Their estimated total risk of fatal

cancer due to residual tailings following remedial action will average

less than about 1%.  This is within a normal range of fluctuation for risk

from indoor radon decay products in the absence of tailings.

     After remedial actions on eligible open land, residual contaminated

materials will have less than five times the radon release of average

soils.  It could cause a gamma radiation dose of less than 80 millirad per

year to a person who spends 24 hours a day outdoors on the site.  These

levels of radon emission and gamma radiation are within normal variations

in undisturbed land areas.  We believe that the actual radon and gamma ray


 levels after cleanup will usually be much less than the maximum permitted

 by these standards.

 9.3.2  Envi r onment al

     Since the proposed standards call for effective control for at least

 °ne thousand years, dispersal by floods, erosion, or mass movement should

 Qot reasonably be expected to occur during that period.  Releases  of radon

 gas to the air from the site will be slightly above average, but within a

 normal range.   High-quality ground water will be protected for a wide range

 °f uses, including drinking} surface waters and lower-quality ground water

will not be degraded by the tailings.

     Contaminated open land will be subjected to scraping and digging by

 the cleanup operations.  Generally these activities will occur immediately

 adjacent to the piles, but off-site areas where tailings have been deliber-

 ately used also will be affected.   Disposal  operations may require large

Quantities of clay and soil for covering the tailings, depending on the

disposal method.  The environmental effects  of obtaining these materials

will vary with the site.  The general ecological effects of land cleanup

and restoration operations are examined in detail in an EPA report

Q ,

     Estimating the total cost of disposing of all the tailings piles

e*igibie under PL 95-604 is difficult, primarily because methods will be

chosen specifically for each site.  We estimate the cost (in 1978 dollars)


of covering an average pile to meet the proposed radon emission standard
as $1 million to $6 million if the  existing site is  suitable,  or  $6 million
to $13 million if the pile must be  moved.   The total disposal  cost for all
sites would then be $21  million to  $273 million.  Deep burial  and chemical
treatments could be considerably more expensive.

     Cleanup costs for open land and buildings have  been estimated using
interim cleanup criteria as about $10 million (see Section 7.4).   Even
allowing for increased costs under  the proposed standards,  disposal is
still by far the largest cost component of the remedial action program.

     Although difficult  to estimate, the total cost  of the  entire program
probably will be $200 million to $300 million.  The Federal government
will assume a 90% share, and any State government in which  an  inactive
site is located will pay 10%.  We expect the expenditures will be spread
over the seven-year authorization of the program.  Most of these  expendi-
tures will occur in the  regions where the  tailings are located.  Their
significance depends on the amount  expended, the size of the local
economy, and the availability of necessary equipment and labor.

     Contaminated land and buildings might be made available for  use as a
result of the cleanup program.  On  the other hand, moving tailings to a
new location removes the new disposal site from other potential uses.

     In summary, the program could result in net economic benefits of

decreased unemployment and increased business activity for the regions

where the piles are located.  We expect little or no perceptible national

economic impact because the total seven-year expenditures will be small

compared to the annual Federal budget, (less than 0.06% of 1978 budget),

the annual Gross National Product (less  than 0.01%  of 1978 GNP),  and  the

construction industry (less than 0.5% of 1978 billings).

9-4  The Proposed Standards

     The proposed standards are presented  in Appendix D.

                          References  for Chapter 9

(EP 78a)   "Response  to  Comments:   Guidance  on Dose  Limits  for  Persons
          Exposed to Transuranium Elements  in  the General  Environment,
          EPA Technical Report  520/4-78-010.

(EP 78b)   "The Ecological Impact  of Land Restoration and Cleanup,"
          August 1978,  EPA Technical  Report 520/3-78-006.

            APPENDIX A
           Reserved for
Comments and Responses to Comments

         APPENDIX B
Development of Cost Estimates

                                APPENDIX B

                       Development of Cost Estimates


B.1  The Average Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings Pile  	    1

B.2  Development of Unit Cost Computations	    |
     B.2.1  Earth Work	
     B.2.2  Caps and Liners	   ^
     B.2.3  Stabilizatibn	   ^
     B.2.4  Fencing	   13
     B.2.5  Irrigation	
     B.2.6  Matrix Fixation	   17
     B.2.7  Tailings Transportation  	   1Q
     B.2.8  Discount Rate	    «
     B.2.9  Present Worth of Future  Costs 	
     B.2.10 Land Costs  .....  	

B.3  Cost Estimates For Disposal  Options  	
     B.3.1  Option  1 - No Radon Control	    *
     B.3.1.1  Option 1a - Fencing	•  *  *  *     ,
     B:3.1.2  Option 1b - Stabilization  With No Radon Control  .  .   21
     B.3.2  Controlling Radon Emissions  with an Overburden  ...   «?«•
     B.3.3  Option  2 - Existing Surface  Site,  Covered
              to Control Radon Emissions 	   27
     B.3.3.1  Dimensions	   27
     B.3.3.2  Cost  Estimates	   -^
     B.3.3.3  Use of Tables B-7 Through  B-11   .  .  .  •  '  '  '  '  '  '
     B.3.U  Option  3 - New Site,  Below Grade,  with Liner if      ^   ^
              Needed	*	|   ^5
     B.3.4.1  Requirements   ••••••;  	  '   37
     B.3.M.2  Dimensions and  Cost Estimates 	
                                                             ...   39
 B.4  Other Disposal Methods	•  •  •••:,*           QQ
     B.4.1  Extraction  and Disposal of Hazardous Materials  ...   |9
     B.U.2  Long-Term  Radon  and  Hydrology Control 	
 References  for  Appendix  B  	



B-1   Cross-Section of the "Average" Mill Tailings Pile	    5
B-1   Unit Costs	7,8
B-2   Estimated Capital Costs for Matrix Fixation  	  15
B-3   Annual Operating Costs for Matrix Fixation  	   16
B-1   Costs and Dimensions of Particulate Control 	   23
B-5   Thickness (meters) of Cover Required to Reduce Radon to
        Control Level 	   25
B-6   Control Methods for Disposal Option 2 	   26
B-7   Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 2 with Control
        of Radon to 100 pCi/m2/sec	   28
B-8   Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 2 with Control
        of Radon to 10 pCi/m2/sec	   29
B-9   Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 2 with Control
        of Radon to 5 pCi/m2/sec	•	   30
B-10  Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 2 with Control
        of Radon to 2 pCi/m2/sec	   31
B-11  Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 2 with Control
        of Radon to 0.5 pCi/m2/Sec	   32
B-12  Control Methods for Disposal Option 3 	   36
B-13  Constant Costs for Below-Grade Disposal of Uranium Mill
        Tailings	   38
B-14  Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 3 with
        Control of Radon to 100 pCi/ra2/sec	   10
B-15  Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 3 with
        Control of Radon to 10 pCi/m2/Sec	   11
B-16  Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 3 with"
        Control of Radon to 5 pCi/m2/sec	   12
B-17  Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 3 with*
        Control of Radon to 2 pCi/m2/sec	   13
B-18  Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal Option 3 with"
        Control of Radon to 0.5 pCi/m2/sec	   W
B-19  Costs of Nitric Acid Leachate Disposal  ....*!.*"!*!   17
B-20  Costs of Residual Tailings Disposal .	   19
B-21  Cost Estimates of Deep Disposal When a Nearby Open-pit
        Mine Is Available	   51
B-22  Cost Estimates of Deep Disposal When a Nearby Underground
        Mine Is Available	             53

                                 APPENDIX  B

                       Development of Cost Estimates

B.1  The Average Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings Pile

     To develop cost estimates of the various uranium mill tailings

disposal methods, we employed an "average" inactive uranium mill tailings

Pile, with dimensions based upon the average dimensions found at the 21

inactive uranium mill tailings sites.  The tailings area, volume, and

weight dimensions have been computed from the information found in the

Ford, Bacon and Davis, Utah, Inc, engineering reports on the inactive

uranium mill tailings sites (FB 76-78).

     The "average" pile has the configuration of a truncated regular pyra-

mid with a lower base of *»36m on a side, including embankments.

Figure B-1 gives a cross section of the uranium mill tailings impoundment

area.  The mill tailings pile covers a surface area of a little more than

19 hectares (190,000m2, or 47 acres).  The embankments contain

78M,OOOm3 (1,026,000 yd3) of uranium mill tailings, weighing

1,325,000 short tons.  The tailings are assumed to be 5.0m deep within

the embankments.  We further assumed that when the uranium milling

operations ceased, the tailings pile was  left flat on top but uncovered,

and there is evidence of both wind and water erosion.  Tests indicate

that tailings have migrated as far as 1,000m from the "average" tailings


                                       FIGURE B - 1

B.2  Development of Unit Cost Computations
     The unit costs used for estimating the costs of the disposal options
are presented in Table B-1.  They are average costs and represent the
expected monetary values that will be encountered while completing indi-
vidual tasks, or purchasing specific items necessary for the various
uranium mill tailings disposal methods considered in this report.  The
unit costs are in 1978 dollars and reflect the economic conditions of
that year.

     The procedures used to derive the unit costs are as follows:

          a. Any costs not already in 1978 dollars are adjusted
to reflect 1978 values using an appropriate price index (usually the U.S.
Department of Commerce Composite Construction Cost Index published in the
Survey of Current Business).
          b. When only one source for the cost of an item is available,
that value is used.
          C. When more than one cost estimate is available, the average
°f these values is used.

B»2.1  Earth Work
     The sources for computing the costs for various types of earth work
    Dodge (DO 78), Means (ME 77), and .the NRC-DGEIS (NR 79).

                                 TABLE B-1

                                Unit  Costs

1.   Earth work

     a.  Below-grade excavation in normal soil
         Below-grade excavation in shale
     b.  Dragline excavation and loading
     c.  Excavate,  load, and haul
     d.  Spread and compact
     e.  Haul, dump, spread, and compact

2.   Caps and Liners

     a.  Clay (when available)
     b.  Clay (purchase required)
     c.  Synthetic
     d.  Asphalt emulsion (1/2" thick)

3.   Stabilization

     a.  Vegatation (when soil available)
     b.  Vegatation (when purchase required)
     c.  Riprap (.5m thick)
     d.  Gravel (.5m thick)
     e.  Chemical

4.   Fencing

     a.  Chain-link fence 5 to 6 feet high
     b.  Security fence (prison grade)

5.   Irrigation

     a.  Equipment  (excluding pumps)
     b.  Annual operating costs
     c.  Submersible pump
Cost (1978 dollarsl
$  273/hectare
$1,000 each

                                TABLE B-1  (continued)

                                Unit Costs

6.   Matrix Fixation

     a.  Cement with thermal evaporator
           Capital costs
           Annual operating costs
     b.  Cement with filter bed
           Capital costs
           Annual operating costs
     c.  Asphalt with thermal evaporator
           Capital costs
           Annual operating costs
     d.  Asphalt with filter bed
           Capital costs
           Annual operating costs

7.   Tailings Transportation

     a.  Truck
     b.  Rail
     c.  Pipeline (7" diameter)
            Capital equipment and right-of-way
            Operating costs

8,   Discount  rate  (real  rate of return)

9.   Future Costs

     a.  Vegetation stabilization
           Annual operating cost
           Irrigation equipment
           Submersible  pump
     b.  Chemical stabilization
     c.  5-6  foot chain-link  fence
     d.  Security fence (prison  grade)

 10.  Land  Costs  (farmland)
                                                      Cost (1978 dollars)
    $4.75 million
    $6.57 million

    $6.55 million
    $2.14 million

    $7.90 million
    $8.51 million

    $9.70 million
    $4.07 million


    $2,500 each


     There are two types of below-grade excavation, depending on the

consistency of the material being excavated:  normal or shale.  Though

classified as one category, normal below-grade excavation is not

homogeneous; it includes digging in soft soil as well as in various forms

of clay.  Similarly, the costs of excavating in such a variety of soil

types can vary significantly.  As a result, the expected cost for normal

below-grade excavation is $1.63/m3, but may actually range anywhere

between $0.56/m3 and t5.98/m3.  The average cost for below-grade

excavation  of shale, on the other hand, rises to $3.10/m3, and may

range between $2.56/m3 and $3»8l/m3.

     According to Ford, Bacon and Davis, Utah,  Inc. (FB 76-78), a

dragline  method of  tailings excavation  is  required  to  remove  the uranium

mill tailings from  their present site.  This method of tailings

excavation  is assumed  throughout this  report.   Estimates  of dragline

excavation  and loading establish the cost  for removing the uranium  mill

tailings  at $1.53/m3.

     Excavating,  loading,  and  hauling  surface  soil up  to  one  mile  is

expected  to cost  $1.13/m3,  but may be  as  low as $0.92/m3  or  as high

as $1.58/m3.   Spreading and  compacting materials (such as mill

 tailings, top soil, clay,  etc.) will  average $0.38/m3, but may range

 between $0.22/m3 and $0.75/m3.   Finally,  hauling up to one mile,

 dumping,  spreading, and compacting is  expected  to cost $1.33/m3,  and  is

 considered a single task.

B.2.2  Caps and Liners
     The sources for unit cost estimates of caps and liners are Dames and
Moore (DA 77), the NRC-DGEIS (NR 79), and Smith and Lambert (SM 78).

     There are basically three types of caps and liners: clay, synthetic,
and asphaltic emulsion.  The major purpose of a cap is to reduce radon
emissions from the mill tailings into the surface environment.  A cap
also affords some hydrologic control by reducing seepage of surface water
into the tailings.  Liners, on the other hand, are used chiefly to
provide hydrologic control beneath the pile.  That is, a liner will
reduce moisture seepage from the mill tailings into the ground water or
ground water infiltration into the tailings.

     Assuming a nearby source of suitable clay (that is, with a large
Proportion of montmorillonite) is available at no cost, a clay cap or
liner can be expected to cost $2.07/m3 to install, but may actually
range between $1.l4/m3 and $2.93/m3.  If a suitable type of clay must
be purchased, an additional $2.93/m3 should be added to the cost of
installing a clay cap or liner.

     Many types of synthetic materials are available which could be used
as a cap or liner for uranium mill tailings (e.g., polyester-reinforced
Hypalon or Polyvinylchloride).  Because these types of caps and liner
require a carefully prepared installation, they can be quite expensive.

On average, $4.i»1/m2 is the expected cost of installing a synthetic cap
or liner, but the cost may range between $2.00/m2 and $11.89/m2.

     The least expensive method of providing a cap or liner for uranium
mill tailings appears to be an asphaltio emulsion.  Smith and Lambert
(SM 78) estimate that the cost of applying a 0.5-ineh-thick layer of
asphaltic emulsion costs $7,140 an acre or $1.76/m2.

B.2.3  Stabilization
     All methods of stabilizing uranium mill tailings disposal sites have
a common purpose; that is, to protect against wind and water erosion.
This reduces the quantity of uranium mill tailings that migrate from the
disposal site.  Four methods of stabilization are considered in this
report: vegetation, riprap, gravel, and chemical.

          a.  Vegetation as a stabilizer consists of plants to hold
the surface in place.  The proper installation of vegetation requires
approximately eight inches of suitable surface soil to insure plant
propagation.  Besides seeding, fertilizer, lime, and soil binders are
also necessary to aid plant growth until a ground cover is established.
If it  ts assumed that suitable top soil is available locally, the cost of
providing a vegetation cover will cost $0.75/m2, but may range between
$0.38/ra2 and $1.12/m2.  If top soil and loam must be purchased, then
the cost of vegetation becomes significantly more expensive ($2.51/m2
on average, ranging between $1.U8/m2 and $3-93/ra2).  These cost
estimates do not include the irrigation costs for areas without

adequate precipitation.  The capital and operating expenditures

associated with irrigation are discussed later.

          b.  Riprap consists of large stone or concrete chips (1/4 yd3

to 3/8 yd3 in size) in a layer approximately 0.5m thick as a cover on

the uranium mill tailings disposal site.  Riprap is either placed loose

or enclosed in galvanized steel mesh boxes called gabions.  Riprap has an

average installation cost of $12.90/m2.  If placed loose, riprap can

cost as little as $4.78/m2.  But if the ri-prap must be enclosed in

gabions, the cost of a riprap cover may be as high as $25.79/m2.

          c.  Like riprap, gravel provides wind and water erosion protec-

tion for the uranium mill tailings disposal site, and an 0.5m-thick cover

of gravel is assumed to be required for adequate wind and water erosion

protection.  Installing a 0.5m-thick gravel cover costs $2.57/m2, on

average, but ranges between  $2.49/m2 and $2.73/m2.

          d.  Other types of covers, categorized here as chemical

stabilizers, include asphalt, asphaltic emulsion, road  oil, and various

other chemicals.  Although  the  chemical stabilizers appear  to be the

least expensive method of stabilizing  a uranium mill tailings disposal

site  (the average installation  cost is $0.75/m2), the application cost

ranges  widely, between $0.05/m2 and $9.69/m2.  Further, their

long-term stability is untested.   Some methods require  replacement  in

less  than a year while others may  last 20 years or more.  For cost

estimates, we assumed that a chemical stabilizer will need replacement

every four years.

B.2.4  Fencing

     Sources for unit costs of fencing are Dodge (DO 78), Means (ME 77),

the NRC-DGEIS (NR 79), and Smith and Lambert (SM 78).

     Isolation of the uranium mill tailings disposal site from intrusion

can be accomplished by a fencfc.  We considered two types of fences in

this report.  A chain-link fence five to six feet high, with or without

several strands of barbed wire on top, costs an average of $29.69/m to

install, but may range between $21.33/m ?nd $49.21/ra.  If more security

is required, a prison-grade security fence 12 to 16 feet high will cost

$84.51/m to install, but may be as low as $73.49/m or as high as

$95.5U/m.  These costs include installation, corner posts, and a gate.

The effective life of these fences is assumed to be one hundred years,

with proper maintenance.  Annual maintenance for the fences is expected

to be cost 1? of the original expenditure for the fences.

B.2.5  Irrigation

     The capital and annual operating expenditures for irrigation used in

this report have been taken from the NRC-DGEIS (NR 79).  All costs are

stated on a per hectare basis, except for submersible pumps.  Annual

operating expenditures for running and maintaining irrigation equipment

are expected to be $273 per year per hectare.  This value includes

fertilizer, power, operating labor, maintenance on the irrigation equip-
ment, and ground water analyses.  Installation of the irrigation
equipment, including pumps and miscellaneous valves and nozzles, will
cost $1,070 per hectare.  It is expected that this equipment will need
replacement an average of every 20 years.  In addition, one submersible
pump, at a cost of $1,000 is required for every 20 hectares irrigated.
Replacement of the submersible pumps can be expected every five years.

B.2.6  Matrix Fixation
     Uranium mill tailings could be incorporated into a concrete or
asphalt mixture,  reducing the leachability of the tailings into the
hydrologic system.  A detailed  discussion of the methods and require-
ments for  fixing  uranium mill tailings  in a concrete or asphalt matrix
oan  be found in the NRC-DGEIS (NR  79).

     Detailed breakdowns of the estimated capital expenditures and annual
operation  costs for the various methods of matrix fixation are given  in
Tables B-2 and  B-3.  These tables  have  been taken directly from the
NRC-DGEIS  (NR 79), Tables  11.9  and 11.10, respectively.

     From  a cost  standpoint, significant savings can be realized in
initial  capital costs and  in annual operating expenditures if a cement
rather than asphalt matrix is used.   In addition, the metho'd of drying
the  tailings before incorporation  into  either a cement or asphalt matrix
has  significant cost  implications.  For both concrete  and asphalt

                                 TABLE B-2
                Estimated Capital Costs for Matrix Fixation3^

                        (thousands of 1978 dollars)
                                Thermal Evaporator     Filter    ^
  Equipment	Cement     Asphalt   Cement   Asphalt

Sand washing and drying        $  230    $  230     $  230    $  230

Lime neutralization               670       670        670       670

Slimes filtration (vacuum disc
   filter)                      1,150     1,150

Tailings dewatering bed          —       	       2 120     2 120

Evaporators                     1,470    1,1470
ii»ajju{-c»i/j.oii pona
Asphalt fixation
Cement fixation
(a)NRC-DGEIS (NR 79),  Table 11.9.

                                 TABLE B-3

                 Annual  Operating  Costs  for  Matrix  Fixation'

                        (thousands of 1978 dollars)
TOTAL (annual)
Thermal Evaporator
Cement Asphalt
$ 170

$ 170
Filter Bed
$ 85
$2,1 HO
$ 85
$4 , 070
(a)NRC-DGEIS (NR 79),  Table 11.10.

fixation, initial capital costs are somewhat less expensive for

mechanically drying the tailings with a thermal evaporator than with a

"dewatering filter bed" (a sand filter).  Significant savings in annual

operating expenditures can be gained, however, by using the "dewatering

filter bed" rather than the thermal evaporator.  That is, annual

operating costs are at least a factor of two less than those for a

thermal evaporator for both cement and asphalt matrix fixation.

B.2.7  Tailings Transportation

     We considered three methods of hauling uranium mill tailings:

truck, rail, and slurry pipeline.  According to Ford, Bacon and Davis,

Utah, Inc. (FB 76-78), contract haulers can transport mill tailings at a

cost of $0.10/ton-mile.  For longer distances of 50 miles or more, rail

transport, at $0.08/ton-mile, offers some cost advantages over trucking.

Unless the tailings pile is located at a rail head, however, the tailings

will have to be hauled to the rail line by truck.

     Transporting uranium mill tailings by pipeline offers greatly

reduced operating expenditures as compared to either truck or rail, but

requires heavy initial capital and right-of-way costs.  According to

Dames and Moore (DA 77),  a pipeline 7" in diameter costs $63,8HO/mile to

construct and to reserve the right-of-way.  Transporting mill tailings

via such a pipeline is estimated to cost $O.OM8/ton-mile.

B.2.8  Discount Rate

     The discount rate is assumed to be 7%.  This is the estimated

average real rate of return considering all elements of society (NR 76).

The real rate of return is the current rate of return minus the inflation

rate.  The discount rate is used for computing the present discounted

value of future costs (to maintain and replace fences in the future, for


B.2.9  Present Worth of Future Costs

     Several control methods may require perpetual care or periodic

replacement in order to maintain the intended level of effectiveness.

For example, we assumed that chemical  stabilization needs replacement

every four years.  Fences are assumed  to require  annual maintenance, and

replacement every hundred years.  Finally, natural precipitation may need

to be supplemented with irrigation to  maintain a  proper vegetation  cover

for surface stabilization.  The irrigation system is assumed to require

annual maintenance, and periodic replacement.

     The present worth of all future costs are included in the cost

breakdown shown in  the tables where appropriate.  The  formula used  for

Present worth calculations  is:
where:     PW • present  worth,
            C = replacement  cost of the item considered,  or
                its  periodic maintenance cost,
            n = the  useful life of the item, or the
                periodic maintenance period,
            i » the  annual discount rate.

This formula assumes that maintenance and replacement continues

indefinitely.  The annual discount rate used in all calculations is !%•

B.2.10  Land Costs

     Smith and Lambert (SM 78) estimate that farmland costs an average of

$781 per hectare, and may range between $160 and $5,189 per hectare.

B-3  Cost Estimates For Disposal Options

     Using the estimated unit costs (from Table B-1) and assuming the

dimensions of the average inactive uranium mill tailings pile, we have

estimated costs for the tasks necessary to complete various disposal

options.  When considered as various combinations of the tasks, the

estimated costs offer numerous control options.  In actual practice, the

choice of a specific disposal option and actual control cost will depend

on such site-specific parameters as the radon emission rate, size, and

condition of the specific mill tailings pile.

B.3.1  Option 1 - No Radon Control

     This option may be implemented either by constructing a fence around

the existing disposal site (thereby restricting access) or by stabilizing

the existing mill tailings pile to reduce future wind and water erosion.

B.3.1.1  Option 1a - Fencing

     In this disposal option, the uranium mill tailings pile is left at

its existing surface location and a fence is erected around the site.  No

control of radon-222 releases, particulate releases, or ground water
impacts is provided, although fencing provides some control of direct
gamma radiation by preventing people from living near the tailings pile.
It is assumed that wind erosion can cause particulates to migrate as far
as 1000m from the pile.  Therefore, it is assumed that a 1000m
exclusionary zone is required on all sides of the tailings pile.

     The cost of a fence can be expected to range between $290,000 for a
chain-link fence five  to six feet  high and $820,000 for a security fence
of prison grade.  The  present worth of annual maintenance and replacement
every hundred years  is estimated to be $40,000 for  a chain link  fence and
$120,000 for a security fence.

     In either case, the fence encloses  593-4 hectares  of land.  The
tailings pile is assumed to be on  a 19-hectare site that is  already
publicly owned.  It  is assumed that the  remaining 511.1 hectares must be
purchased, at a cost of $130,000.  The 19  hectares  already under public
ownership represent  a  cost  to  society, since  they are  unavailable  for
alternative uses.   The best alternative  use  is assumed  to be
agricultural.  The  "opportunity  cost," or  market value, of the  land  is  an
estimated $10,000.   In total,  the  cost of the "no control" option  is
*790,000  if a chain-link fence  five  to  six feet  high  is used, and  $2.1
million  if a security  fence is employed.

B.3-1.2  Option 1b - Stabilization With No Radon Control

     The mill tailings pile is left in place in this disposal option but

stabilized to prevent wind and water erosion.  Several of the existing

inactive tailings piles have already been stabilized with about six inches

of soil cover, vegetation, gravel, or riprap.  The equivalent of 0.5m of

riprap cover is required to ensure longevity.  A 15cm to 0.5m dike cover

would meet short-term requirements, but vould be subject to both wind and

water erosion and thus subsequent degradation.  Riprap cover has been

utilized at one pile and experience with stabilization of large tailings

piles is quite limited.  This level of control might be accomplished

through the use of chemical sprays, which either form a surface crust or

bind the surface  tailings into a  crust.  Experience with such methods,

however, indicates that the resulting crusts are not resistant to

environmental degradation (Tuba City and Salt Lake City (FB 76)).  The

degradation results  from intrusion by man and animals, ultraviolet

radiation, and various climatological effects.  Chemical sprays and

binders appear to require a protective  layer of dirt or riprap to assure

even a  relatively short  lifetime  of  10  years.  Thus,  they have a limited

applicability  for this level  of control.

     The  sides of the  tailings pile must  be shaped  to  a slope  ratio  of

8:1  to minimize  future erosion and a  20m  exclusionary  zone  should  be

provided  around  the  pile.   Besides a  chain-link  fence  and a security

fence,  several stabilization  methods  are  considered  here.   Vegetation

could  be  employed,  but may  require the purchase  of  suitable top  soil or

an irrigation system.  Potentially, riprap and gravel could provide

long-term wind and water erosion protection.  Finally, chemical

stabilizers provide erosion protection but are expected to need

replacement every four years.

     Table B-4 presents the cost and dimension estimates for the

alternative methods that will control particulates at the model uranium

mill tailings pile.

     At a minimum, the total cost  of providing wind  and water  erosion

protection for the model mill tailings pile will  be  $500,000.  This

includes:  enough earthwork to  change the  embankment slopes  from 2:1 to

8:1, stabilization by vegetation that requires neither soil  purchase or

irrigation, and  a chain-link fence five  to six feet  high.  On  the  other

hand, the level  of control could cost as much as  $3-6 million  if the

model pile roust  be stabilized by riprap  and isolated by a  security fence,

                                 TABLE B-4

                Costs and Dimensions of Participate Control
Volume of earth work (m3)                                     135 000
Area of cover (ra2)                                            2*47*000
Length of fence (m)                                             2*140
Area within fence (ra2)                                        287*000
------------------ Costs (in thousands of 1978 dollars) ---- ~ ___ - ______

Earth work                                                        200

  Veg:  With no need to
       purchase soil                                              18Q
    With purchase of soil                                         620
    (labor & equip.)                                               H0
  Riprap                                                        ^ 1flo
  Chain-link, five to six feet high                                60
  Security (prison grade)
Future Costs
    (labor & equip.)                                               110
  Chemical stabilization                                           cqo
  Chain- link fence                                                  w
  Security fence                                                    50

Value of Land                                                       20

B.3.2  Controlling Radon Emissions with an Overburden

     As noted in the NRC-DGEIS  (NR 79), radon emanation  can be reduced  by

appropriately thick overburden.  The overburden may be a layer of soil  or

a combination of soil and a cap consisting of asphalt, clay, or synthetic

material.  For Option 2 (Existing Surface Site, Covered to Control Radon)

and Option 3 (New Site, Below Grade, with Liner if Needed), seven types

of overburden are considered for dimension and cost estimation.  The

required thickness of overburden needed to provide the five selected

radon attenuation levels for each type of overburden are presented in

Table B-5.

B.3.3.  Option 2 - Existing Surface Site.

        Covered to Control Radon Emissions

     This disposal option consits of covering the tailings pile at the

existing surface site for control of radon-222 releases.  In addition,

this control option reduces wind and water erosion of the mill tailings,

attenuates gamma radiation, and provides some control of ground water

contamination.  Basically, this option requires three steps:  covering

the mill tailings, stabilizing the pile against wind and water erosion,

and fencing the disposal area to prevent intrusion.  There are several

ways to accomplish each steps.  This leads to numerous possible

combinations of methods to implement this disposal option.  The steps and

their alternative methods are given in Table B-6.

                                 TABLE B-5

   Thickness (meters)  of Cover Required to Reduce Radon to Control Level

                              Radon Control Level (pCi/rc /sec)

                               100     10     5     2     0,5

Soil(a)                        1.1    2.9   3.4   U.1     5.1

Soil + 0.6 m Clay(b)           o.3    0.9   1.M   2.1     3.2

Soil + 1.0 m Clay(c)           0.3    0.7   0.8   1.0     1.9

Soil + Asphalt(d)               ..    __    ..    ._      0.5

Soil + Synthetic(d)             __    __    __    __      0.5
    	  with average radon-attenuating properties.
(b)Thickness includes both clay and soil.  If thickness is 0.6m or less
     then includes clay only.

(c)Thickness includes both clay and soil.  If thickness is 1.0m or less
     then includes clay only.

(d)Asphalt and synthetic caps are assumed to reduce radon to at least
     1.0 pCi/m2 sec.  Thickness only includes soil.  The dashes (—)
     mean no soil is required.

Source:  NHC-DGEIS, Table K-6.1, p.K-27. (Ref. NR 79)

                                 TABLE B-6

                   Control Methods for Disposal Option 2
             (Existing Surface Site,  Covered to Control Radon)
1 •  Cover
     a. Soil (normal radon-attenuation properties)
     b. Soil + 0.6m clay (no clay purchase required)
     c. Soil + 0.6m clay (clay purchase required)
     d. Soil + 1.0m clay (no clay purchase required)
     e. Soil + 1.0m clay (clay purchase required)
     f. Soil + asphalt
     g. Soil + synthetic

2.  Stabilization

     a. Vegetation (no soil or loam purchase required)
     b. Vegetation (soil or loam purchase required)
     c. Irrigation required (a or b)
     d. Irrigation not required (a or b)
     e. Riprap
     f. Gravel
     P. Chemical

3.  Fence

     a. Chain-link fence five to six feet high
     b. Security fence (prison grade)

B.3.3.1  Dimensions

     All dimensions assume that the existing uranium mill tailings piles

and the resultant 'disposal mounds are in the shape of truncated regular

pyramids.  By assumption, the sides of the final disposal mound have a

slope ratio of 8:1 in order to resist future wind and water erosion.

Also, an exclusionary zone of 20m from the base of the final disposal

mound is assumed.  Finally, the dimensions and conditions of the average

inactive uranium mill tailings pile are those described  in Section B.1.

B.3.3.2  Cost Estimates

     Cost estimates based on the dimensions  of the average inactive

uranium mill tailings pile are presented for each of  five selected radon

attenuation levels in Tables B-7 through B-11.  Cost  estimates  for

various tasks necessary  to implement Option  2 are found  in these tables.

Note that the total cost of implementing Option 2 will vary with such

things as the desired radon attenuation level, the selected type of

overburden, the  method  of stabilization, and the  fencing.

     Several points concerning the  derivation of  the  cost  estimates  need

some explanation:

      1.  The volume of  earth  work,  specific to  a  type of cover, does not

include the volume of the cap.   With clay  caps,  for  example,  the  volume

of the cap  is  not included in the  volume  of the earth work.

                                 TABLE B-7
                     Costs and Dimensions for Disposal

             Option 2 with Control of Radon to 100 pCi/m /sec

Depth of cover (m)
Volume of cover (m3)
Area of cover (m2)
Length of fence (m)
Area within fence (m2)
f t
	 Costs (in
Earth work
With clay available
With clay purchase
Veg: NO need to
purchase soil
With purchase of soil
(labor & equip.)
Chain link, five to six
feet high
Security (prison grade)
Future Costs
(labor & equip.)
Chemical stabilization
Chain-link fence
8ftf«iv4 *w £*nr*a

thousands of
$ 630






Soil +
.6m Clay
1 Q TSt ft /\1 1 0 V* B 1 •
$ 240



i t\


Soil +
1m Clay

$ 240



* A/\


Soil +







Value of land

                                TABLE B-8

                    Costs and Dimensions for Disposal

Depth of cover (m)
Volume of cover (m3)
Aera of cover (m2)
Length of fence (m)
Area within fence (m2)


Soil +
.6m Clay

Soil +
1m Clay


	.	Costs (in thousands of 1978 dollars)	

Earthwork                  $1,380        $390        $290

    With clay available          -          210          250
    With purchase of clay        -          520          610
    Asphalt                      -
    Synthetic                    -

  Veg:  No need to
       purchase soil            220          200           190
    With purchase of soil       740          660           650
     (labor & equip.)             40            40            40
  Riprap                      3,810         3,370         3,330
  Gravel                        760          670           660
  Chemical                      220          190           190

  Chain link                    70            70            70
  Security  (prison grade)       200           190           190

 Future Costs
     (labor  & equip.)           130          120          120
   Chemical  stabilization       700          620          610
   Chain-link fence              10           10           10
   Security fence                30           30           30

 Value of Land                   30           20           20


                                 TABLE B-9

                     Costs  and Dimensions for Disposal
-* • -

Depth of cover (m)
Volume of cover (m3) 1
Area of cover (m2)
Length of fence (m)
Area within fence (m2)
_ / •
	 Cost (in
Earth Work
With clay available
With clay purchase
Veg: No need to
purchase soil
With purchase of soil
(labor & equip.)
Chain link
Security (prison grade)
Future Costs
(labor & equip.)
Chemical stablization
Chain- link fence
QAS«««W« ^« £A-V*J*A






1 A

Soil +
,6m Clay
_r i mQ «i«O 1 a*-a ^—
or J.7/O dollars/
$ 590



A v

+ .
1m Clay

$ 300




Soil +




• »

Value of Land

30           20           20

                                TABLE B-10

                     Costs  and Dimensions for Disposal
             Option 2 with  Control  of Radon to 2 pCi/m /sec

Depth of cover (m)
Volume of cover (m3)
Area of cover (m2)
Length of fence (m)
Area within fence (m2)


Soil +
.6m Clay

Soil + Soil +
1m Clay Other
	Costs (in thousands of 1978 dollars)	

Earth Work                  $1,940        $ 880        $ 330

    With clay available          -          210          360
    With clay purchase           -          520          870
    Asphalt                      -
    Synthetic                    -

  Veg:  No need to
      purchase soil            240          210          200
    With purchase of soil      790          710          660
    (labor & equip.)            40           40           40
  Riprap                     4,080        3,630        3,390
  Gravel                       810          720          680
  Chemical                     230          210          190

  Chain link                    70           70           70
  Security (prison grade)      200          190          190

Future Costs
    (labor & equip.)           140          130          120
  Chemical stabilization       750          670          630
  Chain-link fence              10           10           10
  Security fence                30           30           30

Value of Land                   30           20           20


                                  TABLE B-ll

                      Costs and Dimensions  for Disposal
             Option 2 with Control of Radon to 0.5 pCi/m /sec

Depth' of cover (m)
Volume of cover (m3) 1,
Area of cover (m2)
Length of fence (m)
Area within fence (m2)

Earth Work
With clay available
With clay purchase
Veg: No need to
purchase soil
With purchase of soil
(labor & equip.)
Chain link
Security (prison grade)
Future Costs
(labor & equip.)
Chemical stabilization
Chain- link fence
Security fence

Soil +
.6m Clay
(in thousands of 1978












Soil +
1m Clay

$ 690






Soil +

$ 390






Value of Land                   30           30           30            20


     2.   Earth work includes excavating,  loading,  hauling up to one mile,

spreading, and compacting surface soil.

     3.  Caps are assumed to cover both the tailings and the crest of the

impoundment dikes.

     U.  Asphalt and synthetic caps are expected to reduce  radon releases

to 1.0 pCi/m2/sec without additional soil cover.  As a result, cost

estimates  for covers involving asphalt or synthetic caps have  been

computed  only for  radon  control  levels of  1.0  pCi/m2/sec and below.

      5.   Several  control methods in Table  B-6  require  periodic mainten-

ance and  replacement  of  equipment (e.g., irrigation equipment, chemical

 stabilizers,  and  fences).   The  discounted  present  value  of these future

 costs have been computed in each case.

      6.   After control measures are  completed, the use of land within the

 fences will presumably be restricted.   Alternative uses, such as

 agricultural, therefore  will be permanently denied.  This opportunity cost

 should be considered in the decision-making process along with the other

 costs.  For this purpose, the restricted land is assumed to have

 agricultural uses, and  the opportunity cost is equal to the market value

 of the property.

B.3.3.3  Use of Tables B-7 Through B-11
     Since Tables B-7 through B-11 present only the costs of accomplishing
particular tasks that might be employed in a control option, it is
important for the reader to understand the proper use of these tables for
deriving the total cost for a desired control option.

     After selecting the desired radon attenuation level and type of/
overburden (i.e., reading down one column of the selected table) one can
calculate a total cost for the selected control option.d)  The total
cost is then equal to the sum of the cost of the required overburden
(earth work plus cap costs), the cost of the specific method of
stabilization (plus the cost of irrigation if required), the cost of the
desired fence, the necessary future costs, and the market value of the
land.  For example, the total cost of attenuating to a radon flux equal
to 5 PCi/m2/seo  (refer to Table B-9) is $1.2 million, if soil plus a
1.0ro clay cap is used as an overburden (assuming a suitable clay is
locally available at no cost). We assumed that the site is stabilized
with vegetation  requiring both the purchase of top soil and irrigation
equipment, and that a chain-link fence five to six feet high is required.
the asphalt or  synthetic caps differ

 B'3*1*   Option  3  -  New Site.  Below Grade, with  Liner  if Needed
     The  objective of Option 3  is not  only  to  reduce radon  emission and
 gamma  radiation, but  also  to provide greater hydrologic control  than
 Option 2  would afford.

 B.3.4.1   Requirements
     In addition to the three steps necessary  to  implement  Option 2, this
 option requires excavating a special pit, installing a liner (if neces-
 sary), and transporting the  tailings to the pit site.   The  need  for a
 liner  depends on the  subsoil characteristics at the  new site.  If the
 subsoil is relatively impervious  to moisture seepage (e.g., clay with a
 high montmorillonite  content, or  impervious shale),  then a  special  liner
may not be required.  Also, a pit above the water table may obviate the
 need for a liner.  For this option, transporting the tailings includes
 excavating the tailings from their present site, hauling them to the new
 site, and depositing  the mill tailings in the pit.

     Like Option 2, there are several ways of accomplishing each step of
this option.  Table B-12 presents each step and alternatives.
Considering each possible combination presented in Table B-12 leads to
numerous methods of implementing this disposal option.

                          TABLE B-12

             Control Methods for Disposal Option 3
         (New Site, Below Grade,  with Liner if Needed)
 1.  Tailings Transportation
    a.  Truck
    b.  Truck and rail
    c.  Pipeline

 2.  Below-Grade Excavation
    a.  Normal
    b.  Shale (ripping necessary)

 3.  Liner
    a.  Clay (with clay available)
    b.  Clay (clay purchase required)
    c.  Asphalt
    d.  Synthetic
    e.  None

4.  Cover
    a.  Soil (normal radon-attenuation properties)
    b.  Soil + 0.6m clay (with clay available)
    c.  Soil + 0.6m clay (clay purchase required)
    d.  Soil + 1.0m clay (with clay available)
    e.  Soil + 1.0m clay (clay purchase required)
    f.  Soil + asphalt
    g.   Soil + synthetic

5«  Stabilization
    a.   Vegetation (no soil or loam purchase required)
    b.   Vegetation (soil or loam purchase required)
    c.   Irrigation required (a or b)
    d.   Irrigation not required (a or b)
    e   Riprap
    f.   Gravel
    g.   Chemical

6»  Fence
    a.   Chain-link fence five to six feet high
    b.   Security fence (prison grade)

 B.3.^.2  Dimensions and Cost Estimates
      For each of five selected radon attentuation levels, we calculated
 dimensions and costs for the various control methods for implementing
 Option 3 (Table B-12).  The distance to the new disposal site and the
 geometric configuration of the pit are assumed constant in this analysis.
 Several of the dimensions (and,  therefore,  the costs) also remain constant
 regardless of the  depth and type of overburden placed over the mill
 tailings,  while other dimensions (and costs) vary.   These constant costs
 are  given in  Table B-13.

      As previously noted,  there  are 78U,OOOm3 of uranium mill tailings
 (weighing  1,325,000 short  tons)  to be excavated  by  dragline and hauled to
 the  pit site.   The area  to be  stabilized  is  1?6,000m2 (the pit,
 regardless  of  depth,  is assumed  to a  square  K2Qm  on  a side).   Similarly,
 1,8UOra  of  fencing  will  be  required to enclose 212,000m2 of land
 (including  both  trie pit and the  exclusionary zone which is 20m  on  each
 side).   The excavated  pit  is assumed  to be in the shape of a  truncated
 inverted regular pyramid whose sides  are required to  have a slope.ratio
 of 3:1.

     We assumed  that  the pit site  is  located  10 miles from  the  inactive
mill tailings site.  Rail  heads are assumed  to be situated  one  mile from
both the inactive  tailings site and the pit  site.  It is  assumed that  the
land for the pit and its exclusion zone will  be purchased at  the market

                               TABLE B- 13

    Constant Costs for Below-Grade Disposal of Uranium Mill Tailings

                                          In thousands of 1978 dollars

Excavate, load, spread, and compact tailings             $1,500

Tailings Transportation
  Truck                                                   1,300
  Truck and rail                                          1»100
  Pipline                                                 1»280

  Veg:  No soil purchase                                   130
        With soil purchase                                 W°
    (labor and equip.)                                      30
  Riprap                                                 2»280
  Chain link                                                5°
  Security (prison grade)                                  1^°

Land Cost                                                   20

Future costs
  Irrigation (labor and equip.)                            10°
  Chemical stabilization                                   509
  Chain-link fence                                          ™
  Security fence                                            20

value of farmland.  For this disposal option "earth work" means
below-grade excavation, hauling up to one mile, dumping, spreading, and
compacting subsoil, and disposing of any excavated subsoil not used in the
cover.  The costs that vary by radon control level are given in Tables
B-11) through B-18 for each selected level.

B.l»  Other Disposal Methods
     There are several high-cost alternatives to the disposal methods
previously considered.  These methods are discussed in the NRC-DGEIS
(NR 79).  Two of these methods are considered here: burial in a strip-
mine or underground mine, and nitric acid leching for the removal of
hazardous materials.  Potentially, these alternatives offer considerable
radon attenuation (below 0.5 pCi/m2/sec), but the long-term
environmental impact of these methods has not been tested.

B'1*'1  Extraction and Disposal of Hazardous Materials
     Technology has not been developed for extracting radium or
nonradiological toxic elements from the tailings, because until now there
has been no need for this method

     A nitric acid leaching plant could be set up to remove the radium and
thorium in the tailings.  Tailings from this process would still require
some treatment, though the radioactivity level would be considerably
lower.  Some hazardous nonradiological elements would remain.  Seepage
from the new pile would contain nitrates instead of the sulfates found in

                                TABLE B-14

                Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal
             Option 3 with  Control of Radon to 100 pCi/m /sec

Depth of cover (m)
Vol. of pit
With clay liner (m3)
No clay liner (m3)
Vol. of clay liner (m3)
Area for other liner (ra2)
Vol. of clay cap (m3)
Area for other cap (m2)

Soil +
,6m Clay

— '
Soil + Soil +
Ira Clay Other

53 , 000
                      -Costs (in thousands of 1978 dollars)-
Earth work
  No clay liner
    Normal digging           $2,890        $2,480        $2,480
    Shale                     4,320         3,710         3,710
  Clay liner                                                nnn
    Normal digging            3,390         3,000         3,000
    Shale                     5,100         4,490         4,490


  C1Clay available              350           370           370
    With clay purchase          850           890           890
    Asphalt                     300           310           310
    Synthetic                   760           780           780


    With clay available          -
    With clay purchase           -
    Synthetic                    "

                                TABLE B-15

                Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal

             Option 3 with  Control  of Radon to 10 pCi/tn2/sec

Depth of cover (m)
Vol. of pit
With clay liner (m3)
No clay liner (m3)
Vol. of clay liner (m3)
Area for other liner (m2)
Vol. of clay cap (m3)
Area for other cap (m2)

Soil +
.6m Clay

1 , 1 1 1 , 000
Soil + Soil +
1tn Clay Other

— —
                       •Costs (in thousands of 1978 dollars)-
Earth work
  No clay liner
    Normal digging           $3,770        $2,790        $2,680
    Shale                     5,650         4,170         4,020
  Clay liner
    Normal digging            4,250         3,290         3,190
    Shale                     6,360         4,920         4,780

    With clay available         330           350           360
    With clay purchase          810           850           860
    Asphalt                     290           300           310
    Synthetic                   720           770           770

    With clay available          -            220            250
    With clay purchase           -            520            610
    Asphalt                      -
    Synthetic                    -              -

                                 TABLE  B-16

                 Variable  Costs  and  Dimensions  for Disposal

Depth of cover (m)
Vol. of pit
With clay liner (ra3)
With no liner (m3)
Vol. of clay liner (m3)
Area for other liner (ra2)
Vol. of clay cap (ra3)
Area for other cap (ra2)

Soil +
.6m Clay

Soil +
1m Clay


Soil +
• _ -


                       -Costs (in thousands of 1978 dollars)-
Earth work
  No clay liner
    With clay available         330           350           360
    With clay purchase          790           840           860

    Synthetic                   710
    With clay available          -           210           290
    With clay purchase         .  -           DIU
    Asphalt                      "'

                             TABLE B-17

             Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal

           Option 3 with Control  of Radon  to  2  pCi/m /seo

Depth of cover (m)
Vol. of pit
With clay liner (m3)
No clay liner (m3)
Vol. of clay liner (m3)
Area for other liner (m2)
Vol. of clay cap (m3)
Area for other cap (m2)


Soil +
.6m Clay

________________________Pna^n (in thmi«anrt« of* 1Q7R
Earth work
No clay liner
Normal digging
Clay liner
Normal digging
With clay available
With clay purchase
With clay available
With clay purchase










Soil +
1m Clay






Soil +







                            TABLE B-18
            Variable Costs and Dimensions for Disposal

         Option 3 with Control of Radon to 0.5 pCi/m /sec
Soil + Soil +

Depth of cover (m)
Vol. of pit
With clay liner (m3) 1
No clay liner (m3) 1
Vol. of clay liner (m3)
Area for other liner (m2)
Vol. of clay cap (m3)
Area of other cap (m2)

Earth work
No clay liner
Normal digging
Clay liner
Normal digging
With clay available
With clay purchase
With clay available
With clay purchase

/ •! M tVl/\1YQ9'
V In T*nOU3cl
7, .850




.6m Clay 1m
3.2 1

1,482,000 1,277
1,323,000 1,110
159,000 166
162,000 168
97,000 169
nrt«» nf 1Q78 dollars)
IIUO UA ' 7 ' V* W A. * W4 U /




~ .






Soil +






a conventional mill tailings.  Nitrates are quite mobile if seepage

reaches ground water.  The cost of chemical treatment of tailings is as

yet undetermined, but could be expected to be as expensive as the original

milling process, excluding ore grinding.  Since this technique is expected

to be only about 90$ effective, some action would still be required to

isolate the tailings from the biosphere and to dispose of the extracted

material in a licensed waste burial site.

     Uranium mill tailings disposal by a nitric acid leaching process

requires construction and operation of a nitric acid leaching mill,

disposal of the concentrated nitric acid leachate, and disposal of the

residual tailings.  The construction and operation of a nitric acid

leaching mill is quite expensive.  The NRC-DGEIS (NR 79) estimates that a

model nitric acid leaching mill costs $35 million to construct and an

additional $37.7 million to equip (1978 dollars), while operating costs

are expected to run $12.50 per ton of processed uranium mill tailings.

     Assuming that the model inactive mill pile contains 1.32 million

short tons of tailings and that a model nitric acid leaching mill can

process 1,984 short tons of mill tailings and produce 55 short tons of

nitric acid leachate per day, then 668 days of operation would be required

to process the mill tailings.  In .addition, approximately 37,000 short

tons of nitric acid leachate will be generated.  Consequently, the total

operating cost for a model nitric acid leaching mill at the model inactive

mill tailings pile is expected to run $16.6 million.  Some of the

construction materials used in a model nitric acid leaching mill might be

employed at more than one inactive mill tailings site, or might  have.some

scrap value.  These possibilities are not analyzed  here, due  to  the

uncertainties of apportioning construction costs and determining future

scrap values.  We therefore assume that each inactive mill tiilings site

requires building a new nitric acid leaching mill at a cost of $35

million.  On the other hand, we assume that the nitric acid leaching

equipment can be used at more than one inactive mill tailings site.  As a

result, cost of the nitric acid leaching equipment  is equal to its

depreciated value.  Assuming two years of use at the model inactive mill

tailings site, a 15-year life expectancy for the nitric acid  leaching

equipment, and straight-line depreciation, the expected cost  of  the nitric

acid leaching equipment is $5 million at each model inactive  mill tailings

site.  An additional $5 million is added to cover the costs of transport-

ation between different mill tailings sites, set-up and take-down costs,

and extra wear and tear on the equipment, as well as other contingencies.

We therefore exp.ect the total nitric acid leaching  equipment  costs to be

$10 million.  In total, we expect nitric acid leaching to cost $61.6

million (1978 dollars) to construct, equip, and operate the model inactive

mill tailings site.

     When combined in an asphalt or cement matrix, the nitric acid

leachate matrix has a volume of 17,100m3 and requires a cover 10m thick.

for proper disposal.  The disposal of the nitric acid leachate would

require a pit 13.% deep and covering an area of .5 hectares (100m by

50m).  The possible costs of disposing of the nitric acid leachate are

Presented in Table B-19.

                                 TABLE B-19

                   Costs  of Nitric Acid Leachate Disposal
                         (thousands of  1978 dollars)
          Task                                             Cost

     Earth work
          Normal digging                                   $200
          Shale                                             300

          Asphalt                                           560
          Cement                                            380

             No need to purchase soil                         14
             With soil  purchase                              30
             Irrigation                                       2
          Riprap                                             60
          Gravel                                             10
          Chemical                                            4

          Chain link                                         !0
          Security (prison grade) fence                      40

     Future costs
          Irrigation                                         10
          Chemical stabilization                             30
          Chain link fence                                    2
          Security (prison grade) fence                      10

     Value of land                                            1

^)Includes a 20m isolation zone around the disposal pit.

     The NRC-DGEIS (NR 79) estimates that the concentration of radium

remaining in the residual tailings after nitric acid leaching is at least

an order of magnitude greater than background levels.  If soil with

average radon attenuation properties is available in the area, a

3.8m=thick cover will provide attenuation to 0.1 pCi/m2=sec.  Assuming

that the nitric acid leaching process insignificantly alters the quantity

of residual tailings, and using the assumptions employed for Option 3

(Section B.3.4 — New Site, Below Grade, with Liner if Needed), then the

disposal costs for the residual tailings can be computed.  The costs of

disposing of the residual tailings are presented in Table B-20.

     In summary, nitric acid leaching of the tailings for the model

inactive mill site will cost $61.6 million.  Under the best conditions,

disposal of the nitric acid leachate can be expected to cost an additional

$600,000 (normal soil excavation, stabilization with vegetation—no

irrigation required—and isolation with a chain-link fence).  Under the

worst conditions, disposing of the nitric acid leachate will cost

*970,000 (shale excavation, riprap stabilization and security fence

isolation).  Disposal costs for the residual tailings will be $7 million

at best—that is, if no liner is required; excavation is in normal soil;

tailings are transported by truck and rail; vegetation requiring no

irrigation is used to stabilize the disposal site; and the disposal site

is isolated with a chain-link fence.  On the other hand, the costs of

disposing of the residual tailings could be as high as $13.1 million if a

clay liner is used and the clay must be purchased; pit excavation is in

shale, trucks are the only transportation available for the tailings; and

the disposal site is stabilized by riprap and isolated bv a security


                           "  1LE B-20

               Costs of Residual Tailings Disposal
                   (thousands of 1978 dollars)
     Task                                             Cost

Earth work
     Clay liner not required
        Normal digging                               $M,200
        Shale                                         6,290

        With clay available                             320
        With clay purchase                              780
     Asphalt                                            280
     Synthetic                                          700

Tailings excavation, loading,
  spreading and compacting                            1,500

Tailings transportation
     Truck                                            1,300
     Truck and rail                                   1,100
     Pipeline                                         1,270

        No need to purchase soil                        130
        With soil purchase                              4MO
        Irrigation equipment                             30
     Riprap                                           2,280
     Gravel                                             H50
     Chemical                                           130

     Chain link                                          50
     Security  (prison grade)                            160

Future Costs
     Irrigation equipment                               100
     Chemical  stabilization                             500
     Chain-link fence                                    10
     Security  (prison grade) fence                       20

Value of land                                            20

 fence.  As a result, the cost of uranium mill tailings  disposal  at  the

 model inactive mill site, using  a nitric acid leaching process, could  be

 expected to range between $69.2 and $75.7 million.

 B.4.2  Long-Term Radon and Hydrology Control

      It is unreasonable to expect that the uranium mill tailings can be

 completely isolated at the existing sites.  The concept of complete

 long-term isolation (of both radon and ground water)  essentially requires

 special site selection and emplacement techniques.  The NEC DGEIS (NR 79)

 describes  two methods  that conceivably will  meet  these  criteria:  deep

 disposal in an  open-pit mine and deep disposal in an  underground mine.

      In the case  of an open-pit  mine,  the  mill  tailings may be loosely

 deposited  in the  pit but enclosed in a watertight liner and cap,  or they

 can be  combined with asphalt  or  cement  to  prevent leaching into  the

 surface  and ground  water environment.   Table  B-21 presents cost  estimates

 which assume  an available  open-pit  coal mine  or copper quarry within 10

miles.   Long-term radon  and hydrology control could cost as little as $6.9

million.  This includes  only  expenses for dragline excavation of the

 tailings, truck and  rail  tailings transport, and loose tailings disposal

with an asphalt liner and cap.  These cost estimates  are relatively  low

                                 TABLE B-21

                      Cost Estimates for Deep Disposal
                  When a Nearby Open-Pit Mine Is Available

                         (thousands  in 1978 dollars)

Evacuate & load tailings

Tailings transportation
  Truck & rail

Tailings disposal
  Loose with liner & cap
  Cement fixation
    Thermal evaporator
    Filter bed
  Asphalt fixation
    Thermal evaporator
    Filter bed

Disposal of mine contents

Vegetation cover
  No need to purchase soil
  Soil purchase required





 because it is assumed that there is an operating open-pit mine close to

 the mill tailings pile,  and that the mine owners are willing to cover the

 mill tailings at no cost as part of their post-operation reclamation of

 the mine site.  On the other hand,  costs could increase to $57.5 million,

 if the  mill tailings are deposited  in an abandoned open pit mine,

 transported by truck, dried by a thermal evaporator,  and incorporated into

 an asphalt matrix.   It is also assumed that  the disposal site  is

 stabilized with vegetation,  requiring the purchase of suitable top  soil.

 Unlike  the previous control levels,  however,  there is no long-term

 commitment to institutional  maintenance  and  the site  will  be available  for

 alternative future  u,ses.

     In  another  approach,  it  is assumed  that  a nearby abandoned

 underground mine  is available.   In this  case,  it is assumed  that the

 tailings will  need  to be  fixed  in an  asphalt  or cement  matrix  to prevent

 leaching.   Further,  holes will  be bored  into  the mine  cavities for

 depositing the asphalt or  cement matrix.  Cost  estimates  for deep disposal

of the mill tailings  in an underground mine are presented  in Table B-22.

 Implementing  this method of tailings  disposal would cost from $13.1

million to  $27.5 million.

                                 TABLE B-22

                      Cost Estimates of Deep Disposal
                When a Nearby Underground Mine Is Available

                         (thousands in  1978 dollars)

Evacuate & load tailings

Tailings transportation
  Truck & rail

Bore holes

Tailings disposal
  Cement fixation
    Thermal evaporator
    Filter bed
  Asphalt fixation
    Thermal evaporator
    Filter bed




                         References for Appendix B

(DA 77)      Dames & Moore, 1977, "An Evaluation of the Cost Parameters
             Hypothetical Uranium Milling Operations and Ore
             Transportation Systems in the Western United States,"
             Argonne National Laboratory, Job No. 10263-001-07.

(DO 78)      Dodge Building Cost Services, 1978, 1978 Dodge Guide for
             Estimating Public Works Construction Costs. McGraw-Hill: New
             York, N.Y.

(FB 76-78)   Ford, Bacon and Davis Utah, Inc., "Phase II-Title 1,
             Engineering Assessment of Inactive Uranium Mill Tailings,"
             ?0 reports for Department of Energy Contract No.
          .   E(05-D-1*58, 1976-1978.

(ME 77)      Means, Robert Snow, 1977, Building Construction Cost Data
             1977. Robert Snow Means, Co., Inc.:  Duxbury, Mass.

(NR 76)      U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, August 1976, "Final
             Generic Environmental Statement on the Use of Recycled
             Plutonium in Mixed Oxide Fuel in Light Water Cooled
             Reactors," NUREG-0002, Vol. H.

(NR 79)      U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April 1979, "Generic
             Environmental Impact Statement on Uranium Milling,"

(SM 78)      Smith, C. Bruce and Lambert, Janet A.,  June 1978,
             "Technology and Costs for Cleaning Up Land Contaminated with
             Plutonium," in "Selected Topics: Transuranium Elements in
             the General Environment," U.S. Environmental Protection
             Agency, ORP/CSD-78-1.

Toxicologies of Toxic Substances in Tailings

         APPENDIX  C:  Toxicologies  of  Toxic-Substances  in-Tail ings

     The toxicologies  of  the  following  substances  found  in  tailings  are


               arsenic                   nitrate

               barium                    radium

               cadmium                   selenium

               chromium                 silver

               lead                      thorium

              mercury                   uranium


C.I  Arsenic

     Arsenic is a metal apparently not essential to human nutrition.  It

is widely distributed  in nature and used estensively in medicine and

agriculture.  The pentavalent form is less toxic than the trivalent

(23 milligrams of arsenic taken as arsenic trioxide has been fatal

(JO 63)), but usually more teratogenic(l) (VE 78).

     Chronic poisoning produces skin abnormalities, proteinuria, anemia,

and swelling of the liver.  Some cardiac and nervous symptoms have been

associated in Japan with drinking well water containing 1 to 3 parts per
(1)Teratogenicity is the capability to cause abnormal fetal development.

million of arsenic (TE 60).  Epidemiologic studies of chronic arsenic

poisoning in Antofagasta, Chile, found a high incidence of skin and

cardiovascular abnormalities; chronic coryza and abdominal pain, and some

chronic diarrhea in children who drank water containing 600 to 800 parts

per billion of arsenic (NA 77).  The incidence of skin lesions decreased by

a factor of about 16 when the arsenic content of the water was decreased to

80 parts per billion (NA 77), but the effects did not disappear completely.

     Chronic consumption of arsenic has also been linked with increased

incidence of lung cancer (VE 78) and skin cancer (VE 78, NA 77, GO 77).

C.2  Barium

     Barium is a metal apparently not essential to human nutrition.  It is

widely distributed in nature and used in  industry, medicine, and

agriculture.  Consumption of 550 to 600 milligrams of barium as barium

chloride has been reported to be fatal (SO 57).

     Ingested barium causes abnormal muscle stimulation due to induced

release of catacholamines  from  the adrenal medulla.  There is, however, no

evidence of chronic toxicity from long-term consumption of barium  in people

or  animals (NA 77, UN 77).

C.3 Cadmium

     Cadmium  is a metal  distributed in the environment in trace quantities

except  in some zinc, copper and other ores.   It is not essential to human

 nutrition.   It is used in industry.   Acute fatal poisoning with cadmium is

 difficult because cadmium salts cause vomiting when consumed.   Acute

 poisoning from consuming food or drink contaminated with  cadmium occurs 15

 to 30 minutes after  15 to 30 milligrams of cadmium  has been swallowed

 (EN 79).   Symptoms include continuous vomiting,  salivation,  choking sensa-

 tions, abdominal  pain,  and diarrhea.   Acute toxicity symptoms have been

 reported  in school children eating popsicles containing 13  to 15 milligrams

 of cadmium  per liter (EN 76).

      Absorbed cadmium is toxic  to all body organs,  damaging  cells and

 enzyme systems.   Little  is excreted,  so it accumulates over  the lifetime.

 In Japan, where people  consumed about 0.6  milligrams of cadmium per day,

 chronic toxicity  was reported  (EN 76).   The illness was called "Itai-itai"

 disease,  and  resulted in bone and kidney damage.  Symptoms were seen mostly

 in older women whose diets  were very  poor,  especially lacking in protein

 and  calcium (UN 77,  NA 77).  Since cadmium toxicity is moderated by

 calcium, zinc, copper and maganese (UN  77)  and selenium, iron, vitamin C,

 and  protein (GO 77), diet  is important.

     The earliest  symptom  of chronic  cadmium toxicity is kidney damage,

 evidenced by  increased protein  in the urine.  This occurs when the cadmium

 level  in the  renal cortex reaches 200 to 300 micrograms per gram of wet

weight (EN 76, EN  79).  This 200-microgram  level can be reached after

consuming about 350 micrograms  of cadmium a day for 50 years (EN 76).

Consumption of only 60 micrograms a day has been estimated to cause kidney

damage in 1% of the exposed group (EN 79).   The body retains as much

cadmium from smoking one pack of cigarettes per day as from ingesting  25

micrograms of cadmium a day (EN 79).

     Cadmium has caused reproductive disturbances and teratogenesis in

experimental animals fed high levels (VE 78, UN 77, EN 79, NA 77).  It has

also been implicated in human hypertension, cardiac problems, and prostatic

carcinogenesis (UN 77, EN 79, GO 77, NA 77), but the connection is not


C.4  Chromium

     Chromium is a metal that is essential to human nutrition; it is

involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and protein synthesis (UN 77).  It

is widely distributed in nature and has many industrial applications.  Oral

toxicity is low; humans can tolerate 500 milligrams daily of chromic

sesquioxide (VE  78).  Hexavalent chromium  is more  toxic than trivalent

(UN  77, VE  78).  The  principle  damage  in acute chromium poisoning is

tubular necrosis in the kidney.  Large enough doses of hexavalent chromium

can  cause gastrointestinal tract hemorrhaging, but lifetime exposure  of

laboratory  animals to less than 5  parts per million of chromium  in drinking

water caused  no  reported  effects (NA 77, UN 77).

      No  information exists on the  effects  of chronic  consumption in humans.

C.5  Lead

     Lead is a metal widely distributed in nature and used extensively in

industry and agriculture; it is not essential to human nutrition.  The

amount of lead absorbed before symptoms of toxicity appear is rarely known;

however, one man ingested 3.2 milligrams per day for two years before

symptoms occurred (NA 72).

     Toxicity is usually related to levels of lead in the blood.  A level

of 330 micrograms per 100 grams of blood has been associated with acute

brain pathology and death in children (NA 72).  Levels of 80 micrograms per

100 grams of blood and greater have been associated with brain, nervous

system, and kidney pathology; severe colic; seizures; paralysis; blindness,

and ataxia in children (NA 72, GO 77, NA 77, UN 77).  Subclinical (hard to

detect because clinical symptoms are lacking) effects on the central

nervous system, the red blood cells, the kidneys, and enzymes may occur at

levels of 40 to 80 micrograms of lead per 100 grams of blood (GO 77).  In

women and children some changes in red cells can be detected at 25 to 30

micrograms per 100 grams of blood (NA 77).

     Drinking water containing 100 micrograms of lead per liter results in

blood lead levels of 25 to 40 micrograms per 100 grams of blood, (UN 77,

NA 77).  Such exposure could lead to some clinical lead poisoning,

particularly in children (NA 77).

C.6  Mercury

     Mercury is a metal not essential to human nutrition.  It is distributed

in nature as a trace element except in some metal ores, and has many indus-

trial applications.  Consumption of 158 milligrams of mercury as mercuric

iodide has been reported fatal (VE 78).  Effects of nonfatal doses of

mercury salts include local irritation, coagulation, and necrosis of tissue,

kidney damage, colitis, hallucinations, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

     As with lead, chronic mercury poisoning develops slowly.  Many of the

symptoms relate to the nervous system:  impaired walking, speech, hearing,

vision, or chewing; insomnia; anxiety; mental disturbances; and ataxia.

There also may be damage to kidneys, blood cells, gastrointestinal tract,

and enzyme systems (NA 77, VE 78).  Studies of Minamata disease (methyl

mercury poisoning) suggest that consumption of one milligram of mercury per

day as methyl mercury over a period of several weeks will be fatal (VE 78);

consumption of 0.3 milligrams per day will cause clinical symptoms of

mercury poisoning (UN 77, NA 77).  About 10 times as much methyl mercury

would be absorbed as inorganic mercury (GO 77).

     Mercury passes through the placenta.  It has caused cases of Minamata

disease by fetal exposure (NA 77), and may cause birth defects (VE 78,

UN 77).

C.7  Molybdenum
     Molybdenum is a metal essential  in trace quantities for human
nutrition.  It is present in nature in trace quantities, except in some
ores.  It has been widely used in industry.  There are no data for acute
toxicity of molybdenum in humans following ingestion, but the animal data
(VE 78) shows that it must be in the  range of hundreds of milligrams per
kilogram of body weight.

     Chronic toxicity has been seen in persons who have consumed 10 to 15
milligrams of molybdenum per day (CH  79).  Clinical signs of the toxicity
were a high incidence of a gout-like  disease and increased urinary
excretion of copper and uric acid.  Increased urinary copper excretion has
been observed in persons who consumed 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams of molybdenum
per day, and in persons who drank water containing 0.15 to 0.20 milligrams
of molybdenum per liter, but not in persons who drank water containing up
to 0.05 milligrams of molybdenum per  liter (CH 79).  The significance of
the increased copper excretion is not known.

C.8  Nitrate
     Nitrate, a salt of nitric acid,  is the stable form of combined
nitrogen in oxygenated water, and all nitrogenous materials in natural
waters tend to be converted to nitrate (NA 77).  The fatal dose has been
estimated as 120 to 600 milligrams of nitrate (27 to 136 milligrams of
nitrate-nitrogen) per kilogram of body weight (BU 61).  Burden estimated
the maximum permissible dose of nitrate-nitrogen as 12 milligrams  in a

three-kilogram infant and 240 milligrams in a 60-kilogram adult (BU 61).

Apparently nitrate is converted to nitrite in the gastrointestinal tract,

and the absorbed nitrite causes the toxicity (NA 72a, NA 77).

     Chronic toxicity is usually observed in children.  Symptoms of

toxicity have been reported in children drinking water with 11 milligrams

or more of nitrate-nitrogen per liter, but not in those consuming nine

milligrams or less per liter (NA 72a, NA 77).

     Nitrates can be reduced to nitrites and combined with secondary amines

or amides to form N-nitroso compounds, which are considered carcinogens

(NA 72a, NA 77).

C.9  Radium

     Radium is a metal widely distributed in the environment in trace

quantitities except in some ores.  It is not essential to human nutrition.

In the past it was widely used in industry and medicine.  No reliable data

exist on acute radium toxicity in humans (SI 45) and chemical toxicity, if

any, is expected to be masked by radiation damage (VE 78).

     Chronic intake of radium is expected to be carcinogenic, especially in

bone.  Radium isotopes are expected to have roughly the same chronic

toxicity per unit of activity (picocurie) consumed, but not per unit of

weight (microgram) consumed (IN 79).  Radium-227, which is one thousand to

ten  thousand  times  less  toxic  than  other radium  isotopes  (IN 79), may be an


     Consuming one  picocurie of radium per day continuously entails a risk

of developing cancer of  about  one in  10 million  per year  (EN 76).

C.10  Selenium

     Selenium, a metal,  is widely but unevenly distributed in nature.  It

is essential in human nutrition in  trace amounts (NA 77).  It is used in

industry and medicine.

     Drinking water containing nine milligrams of selenium per liter for'a

three month period caused development of symptoms of selenium toxicity:

listlessness, loss of hair, and loss of mental alertness  (EN 76).  Other

symptoms of selenium toxicity include garlicky breath, depression, derma-

titis, nervousness, gastrointestinal disturbance, and skin discoloration

(EN 76, NA 77).  Consumption of one milligram per kilogram of body weight

per day may cause chronic selenium poisoning (GO 77).  Bad teeth, gastro-

intestinal disturbances and skin discoloration have been associated with

consumption of 0.01 to 0.1 milligram of selenium per kilogram of body

weight per day (EN 76).

     Selenium has also been suggested to cause increased teratogenesis and

dental caries, but there are little data on these questions (VE 78).

C.ll  Silver

     Silver is a metal distributed in trace levels in the environment

except in some ores.  It is not essential to human nutrition.  It is widely

used in industry, medicine, photography, and art.  Data on acute toxicity

in people are sparse, but consumption of 140 milligrams of silver nitrate

causes severe gastroenteritis, diarrhea, spasms, and paralysis leading to

death (VE 78).

     Chronic toxicity from soluble silver salts is usually associated with

argyria, a permanent blue-grey discoloration of the skin caused by

deposited silver (EN 76, NA 77).  Silver deposited in tissue, especially in

the skin, apparently is retained there indefinitely (EN 76), perhaps as a

harmless silver-protein complex, or as silver sulfide or selenide (VE 78).

If one gram of accumulated silver causes borderline argyria, as postulated

by the National Academy of Sciences, this level would be reached after 50

years of drinking water containing 50 micrograms of silver per liter, or

after 91 years at 30 micrograms per liter (NA 77).  Prolonged consumption

of silver salts may also cause liver and kidney damage and changes in blood

cells (VE 78).

C.12  Thorium

     Thorium is a metal distributed in the environment in trace quantities,

except in some ores.  It is not essential to human nutrition.  It is used

in industry and as a nuclear power source.   It was formly used in medicine.

      There are no data on toxicity in humans.   In animal studies,  thorium

 given orally at levels near one gram per kilogram of body weight causes

 death in half of the animals (VE 78).

      Chronic toxicity appears limited  to carcinogenesis  associated with the

 radioactivity of the thorium.  The various  isotopes  of thorium are expected

 to  vary greatly in toxicity, considered  on  a per-unit-activity basis

 (IN 79);  all are expected to produce radiation-related cancers.

 C.13  Uranium

     Uranium is  a metal widely  distributed  in  the  environment in trace

 quantities.   It  is not essential  to human nutrition.  It  is used in the

 nuclear power industry.

     Acute toxicity in humans has  been estimated to occur, based on kidney

 damage, following absorption of 0.1 milligram per kilogram of body weight?

 some deaths would be expected following absorption of one milligram per

 kilogram of body  weight (LU  58).   If 20% of the uranium in water is

 absorbed, this would be equivalent  to 17.5 milligrams and 175 milligrams

 per liter of uranium, respectively,  for a 70-kilogram man.  Oral doses of

 10.8 milligrams of uranium (as uranyl nitrate hexahydrate) apparently

caused no kidney  damage (HU  69).  However, consumption of 470 milligrams of

uranium (one gram  of uranyl nitrate) caused vomiting, diarrhea,  and some

albuminuria (BU 55).

     Building up a tolerance to uranium is apparently possible.  Spoor

cites reports from the medical literature of the 1890's where uranyl

nitrate was used to treat diabetes, starting with a conditioning dose of

about 60 milligrams of uranyl nitrate three times a day after meals and

gradually raising the dose to six grains of uranyl nitrate a day (SP 68).

If such doses were given without conditioning, they would be expected to be


     Chronic toxicity may also be related to enzyme poisoning in the

kidneys (LU 58), with some liver damage as a result of the kidney damage

(VE 78).  Experiments with animals which inhaled uranium compounds for a

year showed mild kidney changes associated with about one microgram of

uranium per gram of kidney.  Extending these results to a human kidney

weight of 300 grams, absorption of 20% of uranium in water and deposition

of 11% of absorbed uranium in the kidney retained with a 15-day half-life

(SP 73) could cause chronic chemical toxicity in humans who drink water

containing about 315 micrograms of uranium per liter.

     Uranium can also cause chronic  toxicity  in the form of radiation-

related carcinogenesis.  The various uranium  isotopes vary greatly in their

carcinogenic potentials as considered  on a unit activity basis  (IN 79).

There  is some question as  to whether radiation-related cancer  or chemical

toxicit  will be the major response  to some uranium isotopes.

                          References- for Appendix- C

(BU 55)  Butterworth, A. The Significance and Value of Uranium in Urine
         Analysis, Trans. Ass. Indstr. Med. Offrs. 5_:36-43 (1955).

(BU 61)  Burden, E.H.W.J.  The Toxicology of Nitrates and Nitrites with
         Particular Reference to the Potability of Water Supplies.  Analyst
         86:429-433 (1961).

(CH 79)  Chappell, W.R., et al -. , "Human Health Effects of Molybdemum in
         Drinking Water^HTSlPA", Health Effects Research Laboratory,
         EPA-600/1-79-006, 1979.

(EN 76)  Environmental Protection Agency.  National Interim-Primary
         Drinking- Water Regulations , EPA-570/9-76-003.  USEPA, Ottice of
         Water Supply, Washington, D.C., 1976.

(EN 79)  Environmental Protection Agency.  Cadmium- Ambient Water Quality
         Criteria.  Office of Water Planning and Standards, USEPA,
         Washington, D.C., 1979.

(GO 77)  Goyer, R.A. and Mehlman, M.A. editors, Toxicology of • Trace
         Elements, Advances in Modern Toxicology, Vol. 2.  John wney &
         Sons, New York, 1977.

(HU 69)  Hursh, J.B., e£ al^, Oral Ingestion of Uranium by Man, Health
         Physics 11:619-621 (1969).

(IN 79)  International Commission on Radiological Protection,  Limits for
         Intakes of Radionuelides by Workers,  ICRP Publications 30,
         Pergamon Press, New York, 1979.

(JO 63)  Johnstone, R.M. , "Metabolic Inhibitors 2" (1963), cited by
         Underwood, E.J., (see UN 77).

(LU 58)  Luessenhop, J., et aK,  The Toxicity in Man of Hexavalent Uranium
         Following Intravenous Administration, Amer.  J. Roentgenol.
         72:83-100 (1958).
(NA 72)  National Academy of Sciences, Lead: -Airborne- Lead in Perspective-,
         NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C., 1972.

(NA 72a) National Academy of Sciences, Accumulation- of -Nitrate, Committee
         on Nitrate Accumulation, NAS-NRC,  Washington, i*/z,
(NA 77)  National Academy of Sciences, Drinking Water and- Health^ Part^^
         Chapters- 1-5, NAS Advisory Center on Toxicology,  Assembly of Life
         Sciences, Washington, 1977.

(SI 45)  Silberstein, H.E., Radium Poisoning, AECD-2122, USAEC Technical
         Information Division, Oak Ridge, 1945.

(SO 57)  Sollman, T., A Manual of Pharmacology, 8th edition, W.B. Saunders
         Co., Philadelphia, 1957.

(SP 68)  Spoor, N.L., Occupational Hygiene-Standards-for Natural Uranium,
         AHSB(RP)77.  Radiological Protection Division, UKAEA, Harwell,

(SP 73)  Spoor N.L. and Hursh, J.B., Protection Criteria, pp. 241-270 in
         Uranium-Plutonium-Transplutonic Elements,  B.C. Hodge, J.N.
         Stannard and J.B. Hursh, editors,  Springer-Verlag,  New York, 1973.

(TE 60)  Terada,  H., et al.,  Clinical Observations  of  Chronic Toxicosis by
         Arsenic, Ninon Tlnsho,  18:2394-2403, (1960),  (EPA translation No.
         TR 106-74).

(UN 77)  Underwood, E.J.,  Trace•Elements in-Human-and•Animal•Nutrition,
         Fourth Edition, Academic Press, New York,  1977.

(VE 78)  Venugopal, B. and Luckey,  T.D., Metal Toxicity in Mammals  .2,
         Chemical Toxicity of Metals and-Metaloids.  Plenum Press, New York,

The Proposed Standards

     The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency hereby

proposes to add a Part 192 to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations

as follows:

                            URANIUM MILL TAILINGS

      Subpart A — Environmental Standards for the  Disposal  of Residual

        Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites

192.01     Applicability

192.02     Definitions

192.03     Standards

192.04     Effective date

             Subpart B - Environmental Standards for Cleanup of

             Open  Lands  and  Buildings  Contaminated  with Residual

        Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites

192.10     Applicability

192.11     Definitions

192.12     Standards

192.13     Effective date

                           Subpart C — Exceptions

192.20     Criteria for exceptions

192.21     Remedial actions for exceptional circumstances

(Authority: Section 275 of the Atomic Energy Act  of 1954, 42 U.S.C. 2022,

as amended by the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978,

PL 95-604.)

        Subpart A — Environmental Standards  for Disposal  of Residual

        Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites

192.01    Applicability

     This subpart applies to the disposal of residual radioactive material

at any designated processing site or depository site as part of any

remedial action conducted under Title I of the Uranium Mill Tailings

Radiation Control Act of 1978 (PL 95-604), or following any use of sub-

surface minerals at such a site.

192.02    Definitions

     (a)  Unless otherwise indicated in this subpart, all terms shall have

the same meaning as in Title I of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation

Control Act of 1978 and the Atomic Energy Act.

     (b)  Remedial action means any action performed under Section 108 of

the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978.

     (c)  Disposal means any remedial action intended to assure the

long-term,  safe,  and environmentally sound stabilization of residual

radioactive materials.

      (d)  Disposal  site  means  the region within the smallest practical
boundaries around residual radioactive material  following completion of
      (e)  Depository site means a disposal site  selected under Section
104(b) or 105(b) of the  Uranium Mill  Tailings Radiation Control Act of
      (f)  Aquifer means  a geologic formation, group of formations, or
portion of a formation capable of yielding usable quantities of ground
water to wells or springs.
      (g)  Ground water means water below the land surface in the zone of
      (h)  Underground source of drinking water means:
          (1) an aquifer supplying drinking water for human consumption, or
          (2) an aquifer in which the ground water contains less than
10,000 milligrams/liter  total dissolved solids.
      (i)  Curie (Ci) means the amount of radioactive material which
produces 37 billion nuclear transformations per  second.  One picocurie
(pCi) - 10-12 ci.
      (j)  Surface waters means "waters of the United States, including the
territorial seas" ("navigable waters") ap defined in the Federal Register,
Volume 44, page 32901, June 7, 1979.  (Comment;  This definition is taken
from  the Regulations for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System, 40 CPR 122.3(t).  In essence, it includes all U.S. surface waters
which the public may traverse, enter, or draw food from.)

192.03    Standards

     Disposal of residual radioactive materials shall be conducted in a

way that provides a reasonable expectation  that for at  least one  thousand

years following disposal —

          (a) The average annual release of radon-222 from a disposal site

to the atmosphere by residual radioactive materials will not exceed

2 pCi/m2-8ec.*

          (b) Substances released from residual radioactive materials

after disposal will not cause

              (1)  the concentration of that substance in any underground

source of drinking water to exceed the level specified  in Table A, or

              (2) an increase in the concentration of that substance in

any underground source of drinking water, where the concentration of that

substance prior to remedial action exceeds the level specified in Table A

for causes other than residual radioactive materials.

          This subsection shall apply to the dissolved portion of any

substance listed in Table A at any distance greater than 1.0 kilometer

from a disposal site that is part of an inactive processing site, or

greater than 0.1 kilometer if the disposal site is a depository site.
* NOTj-!  Ths radon emitted from a tailings site after disposal will come
from the tailings and from materials covering them.  Radon emissions from
the covering materials should be estimated as part of developing a
disposal plan for each site.  These plans will be reviewed and concurred
with by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission prior to disposal.  After
disposal, the radon emission standard is satisfied if the emission rate is
less than or equal to 2 pCi/m2-8ec plus the emission rate expected from
the disposal materials.

           (c)   Substances  released from the disposal site after disposal

will not cause  the concentration of any harmful dissolved  substance in any

surface waters  to  increase above  the  level that would otherwise prevail.

192.04  Effective date

     The standards of this Subpart shall be effective 60 days after final

promulgation of this rule.

              Subpart B — Environmental Standards for Cleanup

           of Open Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual

        Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites

192.10   Applicability

     This subpart applies  to open lands and buildings which are part of any

processing site designated by the Secretary of Energy under PL 95-604,

Section 102.  Section 101 of PL 95-604, states that "processing site"

means —
     (A) any site,  including the mill, containing residual radioactive

materials at which all or  substantially all of the uranium was produced

for sale to any Federal agency prior to January 1, 1971 under a contract

with any Federal agency, except in the case of a site at or near Slick

Rock, Colorado, unless —

        (i) such site was owned or controlled as  of January 1, 1978, or is

     thereafter owned or controlled, by any Federal agency, or

        (ii) a license (issued by the (Nuclear Regulatory) Commission or

     its predecessor agency under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or by a

     State as permitted under section 274 of such Act) for the production

     at such site of any uranium or thorium product derived from ores is in

     effect on January 1, 1978, or is issued or renewed after such date;


     (B) any other real property or improvement thereon which —

        (i) is in the vicinity of such site, and

        (ii) is determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the

     Commission, to be contaminated with residual radioactive materials

     derived from such site.

Any ownership or control of an area by a Federal agency which is acquired

pursuant to a cooperative agreement under this title shall not be treated

as ownership or control by such agency for purposes of subparagraph (A)(i).

A license for the production of any uranium product from residual radioac-

tive materials shall not be treated as a license for production from ores

within  the meaning of subparagraph (A)(ii) if such production is in

accordance with section 108(b).

192.11   Definitions

     (a) Unless otherwise indicated in this subpart, all terms shall have

the same meaning as defined in Title  I of the Uranium Mill Tailings

Radiation Control Act of 1978.

     (b)  Remedial action means any action performed under Section 108 of

the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978.

     (c) Open land means any surface  or subsurface land which is not a

disposal site and is not covered by a building.

      (d) Working Level (WL) means any combination of short-lived radon

 decay products in one liter of air that will result in the ultimate emis-

 sion of alpha particles with a total energy of 130 billion electron volts.

      (e) Dose equivalent  means absorbed dose multiplied by appropriate

 factors to account for differences in biological effectiveness due to the

 type and energy of the radiation and other factors.   The unit of dose

 equivalent is the "rem."

      (f) Curie (Ci) means  the  amount  of  radioactive material  which

 produces 37 billion nuclear transformations per second.   One  picocurie

 (pCi) - 10-12 ci.

 192.12     Standards

     Remedial actions  shall be  conducted so as  to provide reasonable

 assurance  that ~

     (a)   The average  concentration of radium-226 attributable to residual

 radioactive material  from  any  designated processing site  in any  5 cm

 thickness  of  soils or  other materials on open land within  1 foot of the

 surface, or in any 15  cm thickness below 1  foot, shall not exceed 5 pCi/gm.

     (b)   The  levels of radioactivity in any occupied or occupiable

 building shall not exceed  either  of the  values  specified  in Table B because

 of residual radioactive materials from any designated processing site.

     (c)   The  cumulative lifetime radiation dose equivalent to any organ

of the body of a maximally exposed individual resulting from the presence

of residual radioactive materials or byproduct materials shall not exceed

the maximum dose equivalent which could occur from radium-226 and its

decay products under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

192.13   Effective date

     The standards of this Subpart shall be effective 60 days after

promulgation of this rule.

                           Subpart C — Exceptions

192.20  Criteria for exceptions

     Exceptions to the standards may be justifiable under any of the

following circumstances:

     (a)  Public health or safety would be unavoidably endangered in

attempting to meet one or more of the requirements of Subpart A or

Subpart B.

     (b)  The goal of environmental protection would be better served by

not satisfying cleanup requirements for open land, Sec. 192.12(a) or the

corresponding part of Sec. 192.12(c).   To justify an exception to these

requirements there should be a clearly unfavorable imbalance between the

environmental harm and the environmental and health benefits which would

result from implementing the standard.  The likelihood and extent of

current and future human presence at the site may be considered in

evaluating these benefits.

     (c)  The estimated costs of remedial actions to comply with the

cleanup requirements for buildings, Sec 192.12(b) or the corresponding

part of Sec. 192.12(c), are unreasonably high relative to the benefits.

Factors which may be considered in this judgment include the period of

occupancy, the radiation levels in the most frequently occupied areas, and

the residual useful lifetime  of  the  building.   This  criterion can  only be

used when the values in Table B  are  only slightly exceeded.

     (d)  There is no known remedial action  to  meet  one  or more  of the

requirements of Subpart A or Subpart B.  Destruction and condemnation of

buildings are not considered  remedial  actions for this purpose.

192.21  Remedial actions for exceptional circumstances

     Section 108 of PL 95-604 requires the Secretary of Energy to  select

and perform remedial actions with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regula-

tory Commission and the full participation of any State which pays part of

the cost, and in consultation, as appropriate, with affected Indian tribes

and the Secretary of the Interior.  Under exceptional circumstances satis-

fying one or more of the conditions  192.20(a), (b),  (c), and (d), the

Department of Energy may select  and  perform remedial actions, according to

the procedures of Sec. 108, which come as close to meeting the standard to

which the exception applies as is reasonable under the exceptional circum-

stances.  In doing so, the Department of Energy shall inform any private

owners and occupants of affected properties and request their comments on

the selected remedial actions.  The Department of Energy shall provide any

such comments to the parties involved in implementing Sec. 108 of

PL 95-604.  The Department of Energy shall  also inform the Environmental

Protection Agency of remedial actions for exceptional circumstances under

Subpart C of this  rule.

                                  TABLE A

     Arsenic  	   0.05    milligram/liter

     Barium 	   1-0    milligram/liter

     Cadmium	   0.01    milligram/liter

     Chromium 	   0.05    milligram/liter

     Lead	   0.05    milligram/liter

     Mercury  	   0.002  milligram/liter

     Molybdenum -•	   0.05    milligram/liter

     Nitrogen (in nitrate) 	  10.0    milligram/liter

     Selenium 	   0.01    milligram/liter

     Silver 	   0.05   milligram/liter

Combined radium-226 and radium-\228	   5.0   pCi/liter

Gross alpha particle activity (including

 radium-226 but excluding radon and uranium)	  15.0   pCi/liter

Uranium	10.0   pCi/liter

                                   TABLE  B

Average Annual Indoor
 Radon Decay Product Concentration
  (including background) 	 0.015 WL

Indoor Gamma Radiation
  (above background) 	 0.02  milliroentgens/hour

                                     TECHNICAL REPORT DATA
                              (Please read Instructions on the reverse before completing)
   EPA  520/4-80-011
                                                             3. RECIPIENT'S ACCESSION NO.
      Draft Environmental Impact Statement  for  Remedial
      Action Standards  for Inactive Uranium Processing
              5. REPORT DATE

                   December. ' 1 Qftf)
                                                             8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO.
      U.  S. Environmental  Protection Agency
      Office of Radiation  Programs (ANR-460)
      401 M Street, S. W.
      Washington, D. C. 20460
              10. PROGRAM ELEMENT NO.
              11. CONTRACT/GRANT NO.
                                                             13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED
                                                             14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE
 16. ABSTRACT            ^^  ————^	
           The  Environmental Protection Agency is proposing  standards for disposing of
     uranium mill tailings from  inactive processing sites and  for cleaning up
     contaminated open land and  buildings.   These standards  were developed pursuant to
     the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-604).
     This Act requires EPA to promulgate standards to protect  the environment and
     public health and safety from radioactive and nonradioactive hazards posed by
     uranium mill tailings at designated inactive processing sites.   The Draft
     Environmental Impact Statement examines health, technical,  cost, and other
     factors relevant to determining standards.  The proposed  standards for disposal of
     the tailings piles cover radon emissions from the tailings  to the air, protection
     of surface  and ground water from radioactive and nonradioactive contaminants, and
     the length  of time the disposal system  should provide a reasonable expectation
     of meeting  these standards.  The proposed cleanup standards  limit indoor radon
     decay product concentrations and gamma  radiation levels and  the residual radium
     concentration of contaminated land  after cleanup.
                                KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS
                                                                          c. COSATI Field/Group
 uranium  mill tailings
 Uranium  Mill Tailings Radiation  Control Act
   of 1978
 inactive uranium mill sites
 radioactive  waste disposal
                                               19. SECURITY CLASS (ThisReport)
                           21. NO. OF PAGES
    Release Unlimited
                                               0. SECURITY CLASS (Thispage)
                           22. PRICE
EPA Form 2220-1 (Rev. 4-77)   PREVIOUS EDITION is OBSOLETE
                                                *U.8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1981  341-082/202  1-3
