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tal Protection Agency.
Publication No. EPA-460/3-76-004-b
This volume contains the specifications for a
motorcycle dynamometer system designed to meet the objectives
and criteria set forth by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in their Contract Number 68-03-2141
and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking dated October 22, 1975.
This system will be utilized for research, emission certifica-
tion and fuel economy applications.
The specifications are divided into three cate-
gories: performance, design, and procurement. The design
specifications elaborate on the performance specifications
including aspects necessary for interfacing with existing
EPA equipment at the Mobile Vehicle Emissions Laboratory in
Ann Arbor, Michigan. The procurement specifications describe
requirements for product assurance, warranty, maintenance,
and acceptance. The specifications do not require the
incorporation of any components for which there is only a
single manufacturer or distributor. Rather, they have been
designed to enable dynamometers to be built by various
manufacturers around the world while ensuring that the
systems provide equivalent performances.
Section Page
1.1 General Discription 1-1
1.2 Terminology 1-3
1.2.1 Words and Terms 1-3
1.2.2 Abbreviations 1-4
2.1 Dynamometer 2-1
2.1.1 Functional Description 2-1
2.1.2 Functional Speed Range 2-2
2.1.3 Functional Road Load Range and Accuracy. 2-2
2.1.4 Functional Inertia! Simulation Range
and Accuracy 2-2
2.1.5 Roller Characteristics 2-3
2.1.6 Distance Measurement 2-3
2.2 Cooling System 2-3
2.2.1 Functional Requirements 2-3
2.2.2 Functional Range 2-4
2.2.3 Functional Accuracy 2-4
2.2.4 Outlet Duct Design 2-4
3.1 Main Frame Assembly. 3-2
3.2 Roll Assembly 3-2
3.3 Inertia Simulation Assembly 3-2
3.4 Motorcycle Restraint Assembly 3-4
3.5 Power Absorption Unit (PAU) and Dyna-
mometer Control Unit 3-5
3.6 Driver's Display and Controls 3-8
4.1 Outlet Duct Design 4-1
4.2 Blower/Fan Design 4-1
4.3 Motor and Control System Design 4-2
4.4 Fan Mounting Design. . 4-3
5.1 Applicable Documents 5-1
5.2 Environmental and Utility Requirements . . 5-2
5.2.1 Test Cell Environment 5-2
5.2.2 Tes't Cell Dimensions 5-3
5.2.3 Utility Requirements
5.3 Personnel and Equipment Safety 5-4
5.4 General Design and Construction 5-5
5.4.1 Enclosures 5-5
5.4.2 Exterior Finish . 5-5
Section Page
5.5 Wiring Design and Construction 5-5
5.5.1 Electromagnetic Interference 5-5
5.5.2 Cabling Construction 5-6
5.5.3 Cable Terminations/Equipment Interfaces. 5-6
6.1 Maintainability 6-1
6.2 Reliabilility 6-1
6.3 Product Support 6-2
6.4 Recommended Spare Parts 6-2
6.5 Installation Data 6-3
6.6 Instruction Manuals 6-3
6.7 Pre-Delivery Checkout 6-3
6.8 Installation Supervision and Training. . . 6-3
6.9 Warranty . 6-4
Table No.
8.1 Evaluation Criteria
Section 1
This specification defines and establishes the
required configuration, performance, and design charac-
teristics for a motorcycle dynamometer and cooling system to
be used during the measurement of exhaust emissions as
specified in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) dated October 22, 1975.
The specified equipment is intended for use by the EPA for
the purpose of conducting exhaust emissions certification
tests and fuel economy tests. The equipment is used to
provide an accurate in-place simulation of road operating
loads and air-cooling velocities to enable measurement of
exhaust pollutant emissions and fuel economy from motorcycles
The pending regulations to control the exhaust
emissions levels of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and
oxides of nitrogen from new model motorcycles presents the
need for the development of a dynamometer .that will simulate
typical dynamic road-load and environmental conditions for
motorcycles. The regulations include all motorcycles of
engine displacement of 50 cc or greater which are manu-
factured for operation on public streets and highways.
The problems of testing motorcycles are similar to
those problems previously experienced with testing passenger
vehicles. Since the motorcycles will have no forward velocity
during indoor testing, the test device must provide a simulated
dynamic road bed and proportional cooling for the test
vehicle. The test device must accurately simulate all
conditions normally encountered, such as vehicle frictional
loss, vehicle rider mass, tire rolling resistance, and wind
resistance. These can be simulated indoors by roller-type
dynamometers with the appropriate speed/power characteristics.
If the vehicle's normal operating temperatures are substanti-
ally duplicated, the drive train and other parasitic losses
for each individual vehicle will be inherently the same,
both on the road and on the simulated test bed. An additional
factor that affects indoor simulation of actual vehicle
loading conditions is tire roll losses. These must be
quantified and corrected for if accurate simulation is to be
Any dynamometer has an intrinsic power absorption
as a result of frictional and aerodynamo losses in the
system. These dynamometer losses must be ascertained and
accounted for when establishing a calibration load curve,
and these must be kept to a minimum because of the inherently
small road loads produced by motorcycles with small displace-
ment engines. Should these losses be of a significant
magnitude, their power/speed characteristics would alter the
vehicle loading to an undesirable degree, particularly
during low-powered vehicle testing; These losses cannot vary
with time; otherwise corrective compensation would be
The equivalent inertial mass of the motorcycle and
rider also require simulation. The simulation must be con-
trollable in small increments to provide accurate dynamic
performance of the dynamometer.
If the motorcycle dynamometer system is to simulate
accurate road operations, it must possess a means of duplica-
ting engine temperatures. This is an important requirement
since the majority of motorcycle engines are cooled via heat
transfer resulting from the. movement of air past the .engi.ne.
This condition can be duplicated during operation of a
motorcycle on a dynamometer by moving cooling air past the
engine at the same velocity as the motorcycle's rear wheel
is moving on the dynamometer roll.
This document defines the specification of a
motorcycle dynamometer which accurately simulates road
operational conditions. This system has been designed to
meet the specific needs of the Environmental Protection
Agency's Motor Vehicles Emission Laboratory in Ann Arbor.
Additionally, its performance characteristics and major
design features should serve as a model for others who wish
to duplicate the EPA system.
For the purposes of this specification, wherever
any of the following words, terms, or abbreviations are used
herein, they shall have the meaning ascribed to them by the
following definitions:
1.2.1 Words and Terms
Motorcycle - Any motor vehicle designed to operate
on not more than three wheels (including any tricycle arrange'
ment) in contact with the ground which is not a passenger
car or passenger-car derivative.
Outlet Duct - The housing connected to the outlet
of the air-moving unit through which cooling air is directed
toward the motorcycle.
Relative Humidity - The ratio of the quantity of
water vapor present 1n the atmosphere to the quantity of
water present in a saturated atmosphere at the existing
Road Load (RL) - The force which must be applied
to move a vehicle over a level road at a constant speed.
Road Load Power (RLP) - The power which must be
applied to move a vehicle over a level road at a constant
Static Pressure Loss - Pressure differential
associated with frictional and dynamic losses in ducting.
1.2.2 Abbreviations
Celsius C
Degrees °
Fahrenheit F
Hertz (cycles per second) Hz
Hour hr
Inches in.
Kilograms kg
Kilometers km
Kilometers per hour kph
Kilopascals kPa
Meter m
Miles per hour mph
Milliamperes ma
Millimeter mm
Newtons nt
Newton-meter nt-m
Phase 0
Pounds per square inch psi
Revolutions per minute rpm
Second sec
Volts alternating current VAC
Volts direct current VDC
Water H0
Section 2
This section of the specification defines the per-
formance requirements of the dynamometer system. It has
been divided into two subsections. The first details the
performance characteristics of the dynamometer and inertia
simulation system, and the second defines the performance
specifications for the cooling system.
2.1.1 Functional Description
The motorcycle dynamometer specified herein is
designed to permit the operation of a motorcycle within the
confined spaces of a laboratory in a manner which simulates
actual operating conditions. The dynamometer simulates all
road conditions such as vehicle frictional loss, vehicle and
rider inertia, tire rolling resistance, and aerodynamic
resistance. Inertia simulation is achieved by utilizing a
flywheel set, and road load conditions are duplicated by a
power absorption unit (PAU) capable of adjustment to match
the specific characteristics of the test vehicle.
2.1.2 Functional Speed Range
The motorcycle dynamometer shall be capable of
simulating road load conditions for a motorcycle operating
at speeds between 0 kph and 100 kph. The motorcycle will be
operating on the dynamometer in both steady state and
cyclic modes of operation. Typical driving cycles include
the Federal Test Cycle, and the Highway Fuel Economy Cycle.
2.1.3 Functional Road Load Range and Accuracy
The road load (tractive force) characterisitics of
a motorcycle can be described by an expression.
RL (nt) = FQ + FXV + F2v2 (2-1)
where "v" is the velocity of the motorcycle and FQ, F, and
F2 are characteristic constants. These constants are affec-
ted by the geometrical design and performance characteris-
tics of the vehicle. Therefore, they can vary from one
motorcycle model to another.
The control unit for the dynamometer power absorp-
tion unit (PAU) shall be designed to match the desired RL
force of the test motorcycle as defined by equation 2-1 to
within ±5 percent throughout the test speed range. The
commands to the PAU shall have also been corrected to account
for the inherent parasitic losses of the dynamometer assembly,
2.1.4 Functional Inertia! Simulation Range and Accuracy
In order to duplicate road conditions during
cyclic modes of operation, it is necessary to simulate
equivalent vehicle mass. Flywheels which can be selectably
engaged shall be used. A sufficient number of flywheels
shall be provided to permit inertia simulation in the range
between 100 kg and 700 kg in 10 kg increments. The accuracy
of the simulation of equivalent mass shall be within ±1.5 kg
of the required setting as defined in paragraph 85.478-15
of the NPRM.
2.1.5 Roller Characteristics
The roller assembly shall consist of a single,
smooth, cylindrical roll having a diameter of 530.5 mm (20.9
2.1.6 Distance Measurement
The dynamometer roller shall be equipped with
suitable instrumentation to determine the distance traveled
by the rear tire of the motorcycle. The accuracy of this
distance measurement shall be ±2m.
As a result of the requirements imposed by the
test procedure, the distance measurement apparatus must be
capable of displaying a previously measured distance while a
second distance is being accumulated.
2.2.1 Functional Requirements
The motorcycle dynamometer cooling system speci-
fied herein is designed to direct cooling air to the motor-
cycle operating on the dynamometer in a manner which simu-
lates actual operating conditions. The simulation of road
cooling conditions will result in motorcycle engine tempera-
tures which duplicate those encountered during normal road
operation. Cooling simulation shall be achieved by direc-
ting cooling past the motorcycle at a velocity equal to the
simulated vehicle's velocity.
2.2.2 Functional Range
The motorcycle dynamometer cooling system shall be
capable of simulating cooling conditions for a motorcycle
operating up to 100 kph.
2.2.3 Functional Accuracy
The intent of the motorcycle cooling system is to
maintain, during the dynamometer operation, motorcycle
engine temperatures within the range of temperatures observed
during similar road operations. In order to insure this,
the linear air velocity of the cooling air, as measured at
the center of the cooling air outlet duct, shall be within
±10 percent of the simulated motorcycle velocity when this
speed is between 10 and 100 kph. For speeds less than
10 kph, the air speed shall be within ±1 kph of the simulated
road speed. Additionally, the cooling air outlet flow shall
be uniform to within ±20 percent across the outlet area, as
measured at the center of the outlet duct, as compared to
the center of each quarter area.
2.2.4 Outlet Duct Design
The exit of the outlet duct shall be positioned
squarely in line with the motorcycle frame no further than
0.45m (1.48 feet) in front of the vehicle's front wheel.
The cross-section of the exit shall have an outlet area of
2 2
at least 0.5m (5.4 feet ). The exit cross-section shall be
square or other geometric shape appropriate for cooling
diverse motorcycles. The exit can be squarely positioned
before the front wheel of the vehicle or can envelope the
front wheel. The bottom of the duct exit shall be between
0.15m (0.49 feet) and 0.2m (0.66 feet) above floor level.
Section 3
In Section 2.1 the performance requirements which
this system must satisfy have been detailed. In this section
some of these performance requirements are expanded and
design characteristics delineated. These specifications
combine to describe the characteristics of a motorcycle
dynamometer capable of simulating road load conditions for
a motorcycle operating at speeds between 0 kph and 100 kph
in both steady state an.d cyclic modes of operation. Typical
driving cycles will include the Federal Test Cycle, and the
Highway Fuel Economy Cycle.
The design specifications for the dynamometer have
been divided into five sections; each section details the
specification for a major subassembly of the dynamometer.
These subassemblies are:
• Main Frame Assembly
t Roll Assembly
• Inertia Simulation Assembly
t Motorcycle Restraint Assembly
• Power Absorption Unit and Dynamometer
Control Assembly
0 Driver information display and driver controls
The main frame assembly which supports the roll,
inertia simulation assembly and power absorption unit shall
be designed to be installed in a pit. The main frame assembly
shall be of sufficient rigidity such that four mounting
points provide adequate support for the entire unit including
a motorcycle having a mass of 700 kg.
Type: Single Roller
Diameter: 530.5 mm (20.9 in)
Width: 300 mm (11.8 in) minimum
Material: low carbon steel
Surface: cylindrical (uncrowned)
Surface Texture: Smooth
Maximum Rotational Speed: 1500 rpm
Maximum Weight Resting on Roller: 350 kg
In order to duplicate road conditions during
cyclic modes of operation, it is necessary to simulate
equivalent vehicle mass. Flywheels which can be selectably
engaged shall be used. A sufficient number of flywheels
shall be provided to permit inertia simulation in the range
between 100 kg and 700 kg in 10 kg increments.
The inertia simulation assembly will consist of
the following components:
• Fixed flywheel simulating minimum vehicle
• Flywheels and engagement control system
i Drive components
• Protective covers
Inertia system specifications are delineated
Inertia Simulation Range: 100 kg to 700 kg
equivalent vehicle mass in 10 kg increments
Inertia Simulation Accuracy: ±1.5 kg for the
total simulated inertia
Maximum Acceleration/Deceleration Rate: 16 kph/sec
(10 mph/sec)
Flywheel Construction: Symmetric, fully machined
and dynamically balanced
Inertia assembly/Roller assembly coupling: Posi-
tive drive
Inertia Selection Method: Inertia shall be selected
by activating a thumbwheel, rotary or pushbutton
switch located on the dynamometer control
panel, which in turn activates the inertia
engagement system. A method of positively
sensing proper flywheel engagement shall
supply a signal which is compared to the
inertia selector signal. A light on the
dynamometer control panel shall indicate when
the selected flywheels have engaged. An
adjustable signal from each flywheel shall be
supplied to the interface panel. Nominal
values will be 18 VDC at 60 ma for an engaged
flywheel, - 18 VDC at 15 ma for a disengaged
Flywheel and drive line bearings: Average bearing
life shall be in excess of 50,000 hours
Safety Interlocks: System shall be failsafe in
case of loss of electric power or air pres-
sure. There shall also be an interlock
to prevent the engagement or disengagement
of flywheels during the operation of the
Fixed Trim Flywheel: A flywheel if necessary
shall be attached to the roller shaft. The
inertia of this flywheel shall be such that
the vehicle mass equivalence of the inertia
of the basic dynamometer system is 100 kg.
The restraint assembly is designed to position and
hold the motorcycle on the dynamometer. It shall lock the
motorcycle front wheel in place so that its rear axle is
positioned directly above the roller axis. The restraint
assembly shall be sized to accomodate two-wheeled motor-
cycles of all sizes and standard tire configurations without
damage to the motorcycle.
Safety interlocks shall be provided to prevent the
disengagement or engagement of the restraint while the
dynamometer roller is in motion. Additionally when the
restraint is in an unlocked position, the roller shall be
locked in position. Actuators for the restraint shall be
located alongside the restraint. This actuator shall be a
foot-actuated switch located at least 10 cm (3.9 inches)
above the floor.
The restraint and positioning assembly shall be
designed so that not more than two technicians are required
to position and restrain the motorcycle within a 5-minute
PAU type: Water-cooled eddy-current absorption
unit or DC regenerative motor
Maximum absorption load at 1000 rpm: 14.7 kw
(20 Hp)
Maximum rotational speed: 1500 rpm
Speed Measurement: Tachometer or tachometer
generator; 50 m sec response time; 0-10 vdc
output; ±0.5 km/hr accuracy.
Distance Measurement: Two independently actuated
roller revolution counters shall be provided
to determine distance traveled. Accuracy of
distance measurement shall be ±2 m. Controls
and readouts for distance measurement shall
be mounted on the drivers control panel. Two
signals from each counter shall be supplied
to the interface panel. These signals shall
be a square-wave digital of 0 to 30 VDC at
20 may not to exceed 100 Hz.
Torque Measurement: Strain gauge load cell or
nonslip ring shaft torquemeter with appro-
priate signal conditioners; less than 50 m sec.
response time excluding adjustable dampening;
±1 percent accuracy, ±0.3 percent repeatability
Load Curve. The PAU shall be able to simulate the
motorcycle's tractive force curve which will
be defined by the polynomial expression
R.L (nt.) = FQ + FjV + F2v2 (3-1)
F. and F« are each 4-digit constants; FQ and
F2 are positive numbers and F. can be either
positive or negative. V is roller surface
velocity expressed as m/sec.
The three constants are set on 4-digit thumb-
wheel or pushbutton switches located on the
dynamometer control panel.
Accuracy of road-load simulations shall be
±5 percent at all load conditions. The
accuracy constraint shall apply to the total
simulated road load and shall include any
calibration techniques or systems to treat
parasitic losses in the PAU, roller assembly,
or inertia system.
Two types of parasitic loss compensation
systems are feasible. In the first system,
the dynamometer controller could be adjusted
by a calibration system or by a memory device
to compensate automatically for the parasitic
losses. With this system the operator-
inputed constants reflect the desired road
load. In the second, but less desirable
approach, the parasitic losses, which have
been previously determined, are expressed as
function of speed in a form similar to equa-
tion 3-1. The constants inputed into the
road-load simulator may then be modified to
compensate for these losses.
Automated Coast-Down Equipment: The dynamometer
shall be equipped with sufficient motoring
capacity and instrumentation to perform
dynamometer calibration tests as described in
paragraph 85.478-15 and Appendix II of EPA's
NPRM without using a motorcycle to drive the
rollers up to speed
Computer Interface Panel: An interface panel
shall be provided to allow connection of
cabling from a real-time computer. The
signals to be provided at the interface are:
Velocity - 0 to 10 VDC analog
Torque - 0 to 10 VDC analog
Roll Counter - Square wave digital signal,
+30 VDC 20 ma, not to exceed 100 HZ
Flywheel Signals (6) +18 VDC 0 60 ma
-18 VDC 0 15 ma
Load Algorithm -10 VDC to +10 VDC with a
coefficients voltage resolution between
FQ> F., Fg consecutive coefficient
values of at least 0.1 volt
Driver's Display: The driver's display shall
consist of an analog and digital display of
velocity; an analog and digital display of
power, which may be switched by interlocked
illuminated pushbuttons to display torque;
and two distance counters for measuring the
distances traveled during the cold transient
and cold stabilized segments of the FTP as
defined by paragraph 85.478-15 of the NPRM.
The appropriate counter is selected by an
interlocked illuminated pushbutton. A reset
button for each counter shall be labeled and
located with respect to other controls so as
to minimize accidental clearing of the display,
The approximate ranges for the displays are:
Velocity - analog
Velocity - digital
0 to 150 kph
Power, torque - analog 0 to 20 kw, torque,
as required
Power, torque - digital XXX.XX
Distance counters
XX.XXX in kilometers
A button to activate a light and buzzer in
the control room shall be located within easy
reach of the driver. Emergency stop and
reset buttons shall also be located within
easy reach of the driver. The driver's
display shall be isolated from motorcycle
and/or dynamometer vibrations. It must be
located within easy reach of the motorcycle
driver so that the distance counters may be
Dynamometer Control Panel: As a minimum, the
dynamometer control panel shall contain the
the following:
Three, four-digit thumbwheel or pushbutton
switches for selecting the load coefficients,
plus a selector for the sign (+ or -) of the
coefficient of the term linear with velocity.
A thumbwheel or pushbutton switch for selection
of inertia
A positive indicator that the correct inertia
flywheels have engaged
Dynamometer voltmeter and ammeter analog
On-off buttons and indicating lights for main
power supply. Reset and emergency stop
pushbuttons for dynamometer.
Dynamometer Controls and Functions: In addition
to the controls and functions defined above,
the system shall have the following controls,
features and functions (*regenerative dc PAU
only; **eddy current PAU only). These controls
and functions shall be installed on the dyna-
mometer control panel or control box.
* 1. Forward motor rotation only
2. Solid state excitation for dynamometer field
3. Speed regulation
4. Adjustable overspeed protection
* 5. Dynamometer field loss protection
** 6. Dynamometer field overcurrent protection
* 7. Current limit adjustment
* 8. Instantaneous overcurrent protection
9. Short circuit protection at AC power circuit
10. Low voltage protection at AC power circuit
**11. Cooling water low pressure protection
**12. Inlet cooling water high temperature
13. Emergency stop
14. Coast stop
*15. Auxiliary and Control power disconnect
16. Dynamometer armature ammeter - analog display
*17. Dynamometer voltmeter - analog display
18. Dynamometer field ammeter - analog display
19. Dynamometer speedometer readout - digital
and analog display
20. Dynamometer power readout - digital display
21. On-off pushbuttons and indicating lights for
main power supply
22. Reset and emergency stop pushbuttons for
23. Recorder outputs, 0-100 mv, for speed, power
and torque
Section 4
The exit of the outlet duct shall be positioned
squarely in line with the motorcycle frame no further than
0.45m (1.48 feet) in front of the vehicle's front wheel.
The cross-section of the exit shall have an outlet area of
2 2
at least 0.5m (5.4 feet ). The exit can be squarely posi-
tioned before the front wheel of the vehicle or can envelope
the front wheel. The bottom of the duct exit shall be
between 0.15m (0.49 feet) and 0.2m (0.66 feet) above floor
The outlet duct shall be designed to connect to
the exit of the vaneaxial blower defined in Section 4.2. It
shall be so designed that the static pressure loss of air
flowing through it at maximum conditions does not exceed
0.750 kpa (3 inches H20).
A vaneaxial-style fan shall be used to provide the
motorcycle cooling air. It shall be capable of generating
air velocities at the exit of the outlet duct (as described
in Section 4.1) of 100 kph.
The fan shall be configured for operation by a
direct-drive motor, foot-mounted, or "C" flanged and foot-
The fan shall be equipped with vanes which shall
be foil-shaped and fabricated from high-strength cast
aluminum. The rotational speed of the fan wheel at maximum
flow condition shall be less than 1,750 rpm.
The fan shall be equipped with a curved inlet
orifice which has been designed to minimize entrance losses.
A safety guard shall be installed on the inlet orifice to
prevent entrance of foreign objects.
A wheel inspection door shall be installed to
facilitate the inspection and cleaning of the wheel. Sup-
port legs, which bolt to the inlet and discharge flange-
rings shall also be provided. This support shall be capable
of supporting the blower and motor.
The motor and control system shall utilize either
a regenerative DC motor or an eddy current motor equipped
with an electromagnetic brake.
The motor/control system shall be able to deliver
sufficient power to drive the fan at the maximum requirement
of 1,750 rpm and 100 kph air velocities through a duct
having a cross-sectional area of at least 0.5m . The motor
shall be rated at least 15 percent higher than needed to
achieve the maximum air flow.
The motor/control system shall be equipped with
tachometer or shaft follower circuitry with manual override
which will allow the fan to be accelerated at a rate equivalent
to maximum exit air velocity changes of 16km/hr/sec. The
motor shall have sufficient torque capacity to achieve the
maximum acceleration rate at 1/30 maximum motor speed. The
control system shall be capable of slowing the fan to follow
motorcycle decelerations as high as 10 km/hr/sec. Accuracy
requirements have been defined in Section 2.3.2 of this
The motor design can be either drip-proof or
totally enclosed, but it must be compatible with the fan
selected. It must be smaller than the fan hub and must not
interfere with the flow of air through the fan.
Motor leads shall be sufficiently long to extend
through the fan housing. At least 8 meters of cabling shall
be provided between the motor and controller.
An isolation transformer or comparable components
shall be provided to minimize effects of voltage fluctua-
tions and RF and electromagnetic interferences.
The motor and controller shall not require the use
of water or external compressed air.
The fan and motor system shall be mounted on
wheels or rails so that the fan can be positioned with
respect to the motorcycle. Repositioning shall be accom-
plished by no more than one technician in less than a
5-minute period. A safety interlock shall be provided so
that the fan and dynamometer cannot be operated until the
fan assembly is securely locked to the floor or track.
Section 5
The following documents form part of the equipment
specification to the extent defined herein. In the event of
conflict between the documents referenced herein and the
content of this specification, the order of procedures shall
be: first, the content of this specification; second, all
other documents in the order of listing below.
(a) Scope of Work, EPA contract No. 68-03-2141,
Development of Specifications for Motorcycle
Dynamometer and Motorcycle Cooling System -
Established minimum requirements and design
(b) Regulations for New Motorcycles, Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking October 22, 1975 defines
motorcycles, identifies emissions test
equipment, and describes procedures for
certification and durability testing.
(c) Municipal and State Building Codes and
Regulations applicable to Ann Arbor, Micigan.
(d) Regulations of the Occupational Health and
Safety Administration - Establishes minimum
health and safety-related design and performance
(e) National Electrical Code - Defines uniformity
and safety requirements for design and con-
struction of electrical power circuits and
electrical installation of equipment.
(f) Joint Industry Conference (JIC) Electrical
Standards for Industrial Equipment - Defines
uniformity and safety requirements for design
and construction of electrical equipment.
(g) Air Moving and Conditioning Association,
Inc., (AMCA) - Standard Test Code for air
moving devices. Performance standards for
air moving equipment.
5.2.1 Test Cell Environment
The dynamometer and cooling system specified
herein are integral parts of a dynamometer system which will
be installed in a test cell which will house the cooling
system, a dynamometer, the motorcycle being tested, a
vehicle driver, and auxiliary instrumentation for the measure-
ment of exhaust emissions.
The environment of the test cell will be con-
trolled. Test cell temperatures will be maintained between
20° and 30°C (68° and 86°F). Relative humidity of the test
cell will be less than 80 percent.
The altitude of the test cell will be less than
Noise emissions from the system shall comply with
applicable noise regulations as promulgated by the Depart-
ment of Labor Occupational Noise Exposure Standards detailed
in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Chapter XVII,
Part 1910, subpart G, 36 FR 10466, May 29, 1971.
5.2.2 Test Cell Dimensions
The system will be installed in existing labora-
tory cells located at the Environmental Protection Agency's
Vehicle Test Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The dimensions of the test cell are 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
wide by 7.5 m (24.6 ft) long by 3 m (9.8 ft) high. Maximum
pit depth is 76 cm (30 inches).
The dynamometer shall be designed for installation
in this test cell. Sufficient access shall be provided for
maintenance, accessibility and movement within the test
5.2.3 Utility Requirements Air
A compressed air supply having a minimum pressure
of 620 kpa (90 psi) will be available for use with this
system. Water
A supply of city water will be available for use
in this system. Water supply pressure is 340 kpa (50 psi).
------- Electric Power
All components requiring electric power shall use
either 115 VAC, 10, 60 Hz and 230 VAC, 3)9, 60 Hz; 208 VAC,
30, 60 Hz, or 460 VAC, 30, 60 Hz power.
The motorcycle dynamometer system shall be designed
and constructed so as to comply with OSHA regulations (Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 28, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.
Specific features shall be in accordance with the following
paragraphs from these regulations:
(a) Mechanical Safety: Mechanical features which
could cause injury to operating personnel during operation
or maintenance shall be avoided. The projection of over-
hanging edges and corners shall be minimized and any projec-
tions shall be rounded. The radius of corners shall be a
3 mm (0.18-inch) minimum.
(b) Vertical Stability: The vertical stability
of free-standing equipment shall be such that the height of
the center of gravity shall be no greater than two times the
least base dimension.
(c) Guards, Barriers and Enclosures; Guards and
barriers shall be provided to protect personnel from acciden-
tally contacting rotating or moving parts, exposed elec-
trical contacts, or terminals in circuits operating at more
than 40V rms.
(d) Circuit Protection; Failure of the system
equipments, or any portion thereof, shall not result in a
hazardous condition in externally-located circuits or other
5.4.1 Enclosures
The controller enclosures shall provide dust-
protective housing. Ventilating air-flow shall be filtered.
The enclosures shall provide complete dust-protecting and
drip-proof housing of equipment.
5.4.2 Exterior Finish
The equipment shall be finished with durable, low-
luster paint applied over a compatible primer coating.
Unpainted exterior surfaces shall be stainless steel or
anodized aluminum. Exposed fasteners shall be plated
(cadmium, chromium, nickel, or galvanized) for corrosion
resistance. All joining metals shall be electrochemically
compatible to prevent corrosion.
Wiring shall be designed and constructed using
first-quality commercial grade materials and installation
techniques so as to insure reliable, functional electrical
circuits and shall conform to standards listed in Section 5.1
5.5.1 Electromagnetic Interference
Electronic equipment will be designed and shielded
to prevent erroneous readings due to conducted or radiated
interference, such as from ignition systems, fluorescent
lights, motors and switching transients, nor shall elec-
tronic equipment within the dynamometer affect the operation
or performance of other electronic components located in the
test and adjacent control room.
5.5.2 Cabling Construction
System cables shall be designed of material resis-
tant to gasoline, oil, water, and engine exhaust components.
They will be of heavy construction so as to survive abuse.
5.5.3 Cable Terminations/Equipment Interfaces
Cable terminations and the corresponding equipment
interfaces shall employ plug and socket connectors where
necessary to implement ready replacement. Interfaces to
nonfunctional units (e.g., cabling to a junction box), or
interfaces to functional units involving less than twelve
terminations, may be made by terminal blocks.
All terminations shall be identified by at least
one of the following means: letter, number, or color code.
If edge connectors are used, cables shall be
strain-relieved and no exposed conductors shall be permitted,
Section 6
This section of the specification details mainte-
nance, warranty, pre-delivery checkout and installation
requirements. Prospective bidders must address these areas
of concern in their response to this specification.
All routine maintenance operations, including
inspection, lubrication, adjustments, and calibration, shall
be enabled by provision for access by ports, doors, and/or
quick-release panels to all critical areas. All field-
replaceable components and adjustment points shall be acces-
sible without removal or displacement of other components.
Circuit boards, relays, and similar electrical
assemblies and components shall be modularly replaceable
without necessity for soldering or unsoldering.
Any part subject to wear must be capable of rapid
replacement by normally skilled mechanics without need for
machining, fitting and alignment operations.
The equipment, when maintained per manufacturer's
specifications, shall provide a minimum service life of 10
years with an operating duty of 2,000 hours per year. Where
necessary, the expected time of replacement of any component
which will not meet the service life shall be defined.
Reliability (MTBF) estimates shall be provided to
substantiate the projected equipment life. The estimates
shall be based on accepted reliability modeling methods, if
these are available. In addition to, or in lieu of, the
calculated MTBF, field experience data shall be provided in
support of the project equipment life.
The supplier shall provide the following informa-
tion to substantiate adequate product support:
(a) Initial system calibration service and
(b) Capability and location of service and repair
parts stations, including number and qualifications of
personnel in the area of Ann Arbor; Michigan, where the
equipment will be installed.
(c) Product support activity planned for field
personnel in support of this equipment installation, and
list of charges for additional support that may be required.
A list of recommended spare parts to be held in
inventory by the user shall be supplied with the bidder's
proposal. This list shall identify those items that are
necessary to ensure that the equipment can be maintained by
local area personnel with local area equipment and supplies
without need for emergency direct factory support.
Installation drawings shall be furnished within
45 days after contract award. All details shall be final
and shall cover the excavation and foundation requirements,
air, electrical requirements, water supply and disposal, and
complete installation procedures.
The supplier shall furnish three copies of
instruction/maintenance manuals for each piece of equipment
supplied under these specifications. The manual shall
contain complete instructions for the proper installation,
operation, calibration and maintenance of equipment, including
detailed drawings and schematics, directions and charts for
lubricating, wiring and piping diagrams, necessary drawings,
parts list, and any special notes which are required.
Prior to delivery to EPA, the hardware supplier
shall perform an engineering evaluation of the motorcycle
dynamometer and/or cooling system. The contractor shall
compare actual equipment specifications, as represented by
suppliers' engineering data, to the original specification.
Variance to the purchase specification will not be allowed.
The engineering evaluation shall include testing
of the dynamometer power absorber to demonstrate the ability
of the dynamometer to simulate empirical road-load force
versus speed curves to within the limits specified in the
Specifications. The testing shall also include verification
of the accuracy of the cooling air speed with respect to the
simulated roll speed to within the limits specified in the
Specifications. The inertia simulation of the dynamometer
shall also be subject to test verification. This acceptance
testing shall be observed by personnel from Olson Laboratories
and EPA.
Upon the successful completion of the pre-delivery
checkout, the hardward supplier will be authorized to ship
the equipment to EPA's facility in Ann Arbor. Final acceptance
of the hardware will be made after the final system is
installed and operating satisfactorily in EPA's facility.
The services of a field engineer shall be furnished
to supervise the installation of equipment, the start-up
equipment, and the training of customer's personnel in the
proper calibration use and maintenance of the equipment. The
system will be installed in the EPA's Motor Vehicle Emissions
Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The supplier shall warrant equipment delivered
under this specification to be free of defects in materials
and workmanship for the supplier's standard period of
warranty or for at least a year's period following first use
(start of checkout at EPA's facility), whichever is greater.
Should a defect occur within the warranty period,
the defective material or workmanship will be repaired or
replaced without cost to the Environmental Protection
Agency or Olson Laboratories.
Section 7
The completed dynamometer system shall be delivered
to EPA Motor Vehicle Emissions Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan
within 5 months after the purchase order is issued. Prior
to delivery, the manufacturer of the dynamometer and/or
cooling system shall perform preliminary acceptance tests in
the presence of Olson Laboratories or EPA staff engineers at
the site of manufacturer. The minimum acceptance tests have
been outlined in Section 6.7.
Section 8
Table 8-1 details the evaluation criteria estab-
lished by Olson Laboratories. These criteria require exam-
ination of the performance, operational, maintenance, and
cost characteristics of the proposed designs. Dynamometer
manufacturers responding to this specification should
provide sufficient details in their proposals so that an
accurate evaluation can be made utilizing the factors listed
in Table 8-1.
I . Performance
1. Ability to Simulate Road
Conditions 1.0
2. Ability to Simulate Vehicle
Inertia 1.0
3. Ability to Accommodate
Various Motorcycles 1.0
4. Ability to Simulate
Cooling Conditions
5. Fail-Safe Provisions 1.0
6. System Repeatability 1.0
II. Operation
1. Operating Personnel Training 0.5
2. Pre-Test, Set-Up Procedures 0.6
3. Supporting Utilities Required 0.6
4. Test Data Acquisition 0.4
5. Facility Spatial Requirements 0.5
III. Maintenance
1. System Complexity 0.6
2. Maintainability of System 0.8
3. Reliability of Components 0.8
4. Preventative Maintenance 0.6
IV. Costs
1. Purchase Price 0.8
2. Installation Costs 0.5
3. Annual Operating Costs 0.6
V. Delivery Schedule 1.0
Cumulative Ratings
System 1
Unweighted Weighted
System 2
Unweighted Weighted
System 3
Unweighted Weighted
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