United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response DIRECTIVE NUMBER: Q221.0-1 TITLE: Data Handling Support for CERCLIS APPROVAL DATE: March 4, 1985 EFFECTIVE DATE: totM.6*l *, IQ& ORIGINATING OFFICE: Superfund D FINAL D DRAFT STATUS: Interim guidance REFERENCE (other documents): OS WER OS WER OS WER fE DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE Dl ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency Interim Directive Number ^ Washington. DC 20460 V>EPA OSWER Directive Initiation Reauest szzi.tf-/ Originator Information Name of Contact Person Shirley Keehn Lead OHice Q OUST LJ OERR • Q QWPE D OSW Q AA-OSWER Tula Data Handling Support for Mail Code Telephone Number WH-548 475-9335 Approved for Review Signature ol Office Director Oate CERCLIS' Summary of Directive Implements policies and procedures regarding management of the data handling support for CERCLIS provided by the Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), C"&ifyyi60(. H • btm fyt&tj fafri&fc- 4j /ffftA Type of Directive tMariLsl. Policy directive. Announcement, etc.) ' Status Policy and Procedures ^ Orah ^ New E3J Final LJ Revision Does this Directive Supersede Previous Directive(s)? | j Yes |_X| No Does It Supplement Previous Direciive(s)? Q) Yes \%j No If "Yes" to Either Question. What Directive (number, title) Review Plan CD AA-OSWER D OUST Q O£RR D OWPE LJ OSW U Regions D OECM D Other (Specify} D OGC D OPPE This Request Meets OSWER Directives System Format Signature of Lead Office Directives Officer Signature of OSW_^R Directives Officer Date Oate EPA Form 1315-17(10-85) ------- UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 MAR -41966 OFFICE OF SOLID WASTE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE OSWER Directive 9221.0-1 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Pata .Handling Support for CERCLIS FROM: Henry L. Longest II, Director a .- Office of Emergency and Remed ial^f expanse (WH-548) TO: Addressees This memorandum implements policies and procedures regarding management of the data handling support for CERCLIS provided by the Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). A recent analysis by OERR's Information Management Task Group concluded that the remaining budget for FY 1986 cannot support the current level of effort. Therefore, I must issue an interim realloca- tion for the remainder of FY 1986 and take other steps to improve the management of these important resources. The data handling support is funded by OERR to provide Regional Superfund programs with resources to collect, enter, and maintain CERCLIS data. To date, the delivery order has been managed in Headquarters without considerable input from Regional Superfund staff. This is inconsistent with my priority to work closely with you to improve information management through the Superfund Management Systems project. Regional responsibilities for information management will expand in the near future when most quantitative reporting for management accountability (e.g. SPMS, SCAP) will be conducted through the national data base. These resources for data handling will then be more valuable to you than ever before. Consequently, it is important that you immediately become involved in managing these resources. From a management perspective, the most urgent need is to bring the delivery order back in line with its budget. For the remainder of FY 1986, each Region will receive a budget that may not he exceeded. Within this budget (plus any amount you wish to augment it with), each Region may revise the existing labor hour mixture as necessary to suit your data handling needs. Please designate an individual in the Superfund program to have overall responsibility for data handling management. Once designated, they should call Shirley Keehn of the IMTG (475-9336) to discuss their ------- OSWER Directive 9221.0-1 role In the management of this function. Because such Regional revisions will affect national totals of labor hours expended and our ability to stay within labor hour category ceilings, it is essential that both Shirley and the individuals designated by the Regions coordinate all planned revisions with the flelivery Order Project Officer (Irvin Weiss) and with the Regional AOP Managers, who serve as Deputy Oelivery Order Project Officers. The delivery order will operate on the revised budget ("allocation" column) listed in Attachment I beginning February 15, 1986. For the period February 15 through April 3D, the existing labor hour mixture ("Current Usage Needs" column) will remain in place with some reductions necessary across all categories. All Regions must review their existing labor hour mixture and forward their decision on any changes to Shirley by March 14. For your planning purposes, Attachment I(a) provides similar information on the allocation for the period Hay 1 through September 30, 1986. As stated above, I anticipate that major changes will occur in the roles of both the Regions and Headquarters in information management as a result of the Superfund Management Systems project. A complete review oe the data handling support delivery order and the extent to which it supports the Superfund program is in order and will be conducted in the fourth quarter. Until that analysis is complete, I believe that a policy statement should be in place to lay out our existing responsibilities for data handling management. A draft is provided in Attachment II for your review and comment. Please have your staff provide any comments to Shirley Keehn by March 14 so that it may be issued effective March 31. Rick Martin, the CERCLIS system manager, will be happy to answer any questions regarding the draft policy statement for you or your staff. Attachments Addressees: Director, Waste Management Division, Regions I, V, and VIII Director, Emergency and Remedial Response Division, Region II Director, Hazardous Waste Management Division, Region III Director, Air and Waste Management Division, Regions IV, VI, and VII Director, Toxics and Waste Managenent Division, Region IX Director, Air and Waste Division, Region X cc: Timothy Fields, ERD Stephen Lingle, HRSO Russel Wyer, HSCD Mike McNeill, IMS Barbara Jarvis, 01RM Tony Jover, 01RM Irv Weiss, 01 RM Superfund Branch Chiefs, Regions I - X ------- ATTACHMENT I DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 ly Labor Tc Region Labor Category* Rate Hours Costs Allocation Difference IMS SCC $7,681 $873 II SCS SCC SCC $8,829 $984 III IMS SCC $8,059 $910 IV IMS SCC SCC $11,485 $1,193 Hourly Rate 518.88 12.12 $?5.65 12.12 12.12 $18.88 1?.12 $18.88 12.12 12.12 $18.88 12.1? 10.35 $22.84 12.12 10. 35 $22.84 10.35 10.35 10.35 $18.88 14.77 Labor Hours 186 416 186 208 208 ?08 416 208 416 306 208 416 416 208 416 208 208 416 416 208 164 416 Total Costs $3,512 5,042 $8,554 4,771 2,521 2,521 $9,813 3,927 5,042 $8,969 3,927 5,042 3,709 $12,678 3,832 5,042 4,306 $13,180 3,494 5,042 2,153 $10,689 3,494 4,306 4,306 2,153 $14,259 3,096 6,144 $9,240 IMS SCC DA $11,950 $1,230 VI TPL SCC DA $9,643 $1,046 VII TPL DA DA f)A $12,943 $1,316 VIII IMS OAS $8,305 $935 ------- ATTACHMENT I IX CSC HQ EPA HQ DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Labor Category Rate IMS IMS IMS HAS OAS DA DA IMS DA DA TPL sec SWPO OAS sec (Misc - Program Sub total Program Support O.D.C. $18.88 18.88 18.88 14.77 14.77 10.35 10.35 $18.88 10.35 10.35 $25.69 13.63 13.63 16.61 $12.12 Support) 07.5% Labor Hours 164 416 • 328 416 416 416 88 153 416 208 143 143 153 110 416 Total Costs $ 3,096 7,854 6,192 6,144 6,144 4,306 911 $34,647 $2,889 4,306 2,153 59,348 $3,674 1,949 7,0*5 1,827 $9,535 $5,042 $5,042 $145,954 10,946 5,000 Allocation $31,781 $8,401 $9,535 55,042 853 $134,507 10,088 5,005 Difference $2,866 $947 $161,900 $149,600 512,300 ------- DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS ATTACHMENT I Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Region I Labor Category* IMS sec Hourly Rate $18.88 12.12 Labor Hours 186 416 Total Costs $3,512 5,042 Allocation W.554 Difference $7,681 $873 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist SCC = Senior Control Clerk ------- DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS ATTACHMENT I Region Labor Category* II SCS SCC SCC Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate $25.65 12.12 12.12 Labor Hours 186 208 208 Total Costs 4,771 2,521 2,521 $9,813 Allocation $8,829 Difference $984 *Labor Category SCS = Senior Computer Specialist SCC = Senior Control Clerk ------- DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS ATTACHMENT I Labor Category* IMS SCC Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate $18.88 12.12 Labor Hours 208 416 Total Costs 3,927 5,042 Allocation $8,969 $8,059 Difference $910 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist SCC = Senior Control Clerk ------- ATTACHMENT I DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Region Labor Category* IV IMS SCC SCC Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate $18.88 12.12 12.12 Labor Hours 208 416 306 Total Costs 3,927 5,042 3,709 $12,678 Allocation $11,485 Difference $1,193 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist SCC = Senior Control Clerk ------- ATTACHMENT I DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Region Labor Category* V IMS SCC DA Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate $18.88 12.12 10.35 Labor Hours 208 416 416 Total Costs 3,832 5,042 4,306 $13,180 Allocation $11,950 Difference $1,230 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist SCC = Senior Control Clerk DA = Data Analyst ------- DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS ATTACHMENT I Region Labor Category* VI TPL SCC DA Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate S22.84 12.12 10.35 Labor Hours 208 416 208 Total Costs 3,494 5,042 2,153 £10,689 Allocation $9,643 Difference $1,046 *Labor Category TPL = Technical Project Leader SCC = Senior Control Clerk DA = Data Analyst ------- DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS ATTACHMENT I Region Labor Category* VII TPL DA DA DA Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate $22.84 10.35 10.35 10.35 Labor Hours 208 416 416 208 Total Costs 3,494 4,306 4,306 2,153 $14,259 Allocation Difference $12,943 $1,316 *Labor Category TPL = Technical Project Leader DA = Data Analyst ------- ATTACHMENT ! DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Labor Category* IMS OAS Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Hourly Rate $18.88 14.77 Labor Hours 164 416 Total Costs 3,096 6.144 $9,240 Allocation $8,305 Difference $935 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist OAS = Operations/Administrative Supervisor ------- ATTACHMENT I DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Region Labor Category IX IMS IMS IMS OAS OAS DA DA Hourly Rate $18.88 18.88 18.88 14.77 14.77 10.35 10.35 Labor Hours 164 416 328 416 416 416 88 Total Costs $ 3,096 7,854 6,192 6,144 6,144 4,306 911 Allocation Difference $34,647 $31,781 $2,866 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist OAS = Operations/Administrative Supervisor DA = Data Analyst ------- ATTACHMENT I DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS Current Usage Needs 2/15/86 - 4/30/86 Region Labor Category X IMS DA DA Hourly Rate $18.88 10.35 10.35 Labor Hours 153 416 208 Total Costs $2 ,889 4,306 2,153 Allocation $9,348 $8,401 Difference $947 *Labor Category IMS = Information Management Specialist DA = Data Analyst ------- ATTACHMENT IWTA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCL1S SUMMARY Labor Cat. RG 1 "IMS" sec RG 2 SCS~ sec sec RG 3 HIS" sec RG 4 77is~ sec sec RG 5 IMS sec HA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 4,072 J 7,244 S 6,063 $ 1,181 $ 4,309 2,036 2,036 4 8,381 S 7,019 $ 1,362 $ 3,172 4,072 5 7,244 S 6,5<»4 $ 65U $ 3,172 4,072 3,054 t 10,298 S 9,143 $ 1,155 $ 3,172 4,072 3,478 5 10,72? $ 9,462 $ 1,760 Current Usage Needs 7/1/R6-R/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,747 4,169 $ 7,416 $ 6,034 $ 1,382 $ 4,412 2 ,085 2,085 $ 8,582 $ 6,990 $ 1,592 $ 3,747 4,169 % 7,416 $ 6,565 $ 851 $ 3,247 4,169 3,127 $ 10,543 $ 9,115 $ 1,428 $ 3,747 4,169 3,560 $ 10,976 $ 9,433 $ 1,543 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 * 1,586 2,036 I 3,622 $ 2,155 1,018 1,018 $ 4,191 $*1,586 2,036 $ 3,622 S 1,586 2,036 1,527 $ 5,149 $ 1,586 2,036 1,739 $ 5,3fil Allocation Difference $ 3,032 $ 590 $ 3,510 $ 681 $ 3,297 $ 325 $ 4,572 $ 577 $ 4,731 J 630 ------- ATTACHME a) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS SUMMARY Labor Cat. RG 6 TPT sec PA RG 7 TPT DA OA DA RG 8 IMS OAS RG 9 IMS" IMS IMS OAS OAS DA DA RG 10 TMS~ DA DA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,837 4,072 1,739 $ 9,648 $ 7,fi57 $ 1,991 $ 3,837 3,478 3,478 1,739 $ 12, 532 $ 10,312 $ 2,220 $ 3,172 4,963 $ 8,135 $ 6,594 $ 1,541 $ 3,172 6,344 5,079 4,963 4,963 3,478 693 $ 28,692 $ 25,290 $ 3,402 $ 3,172 3,478 1,739 $ »,3H<) $ 6,701 $ 1,688 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3.92R 4,169 1,780 $ 9,877 $ 7,627 $ 2,250 $ 3,928 3,560 3,560 1,780 $ 1?,828 $ 10,284 $ 2,544 $ 3,247 5,081 $ 8,328 $ 6,565 $ 1,763 $ 3,247 6,495 5,192 5,081 5,081 3,560 714 t 29,370 $ 25,262 $ 4,108 $ 3,247 3,560 1,780 S 8,5^7 $ 6,672 $ 1,915 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 J 1,919 2,036 869 $ 4,824 $ 1,919 1,739 1,739 869 t 6,266 * $ 1,586 2,481 $ 4,067 $ 1,586 3,172 2,530 2,481 2,481 1,739 352 $14,341 S 1,586 1,739 869 $ 4,194 Allocation Difference $ 3,828 $ 996 $ 5,155 $ 1,111 $ 3,297 $ 770 $12,645 $ 1,696 $ 3,350 $ 844 ------- ATTACHMENT I(a) DATA HANDLINC, SUPPORT FOR CFHr.LIS SUMMARY Labor Cat. CSC HO TPL sec SWPO OAS EPA HQ sec TECH. LABOR PROGRAM SUPPORT O.D.C. TOTAL SUPPORT Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation nifference $ 2,877 1,527 1,527 1,395 J 7,326 $ 7,326 $ 4,072 $ 4,072 $ 4,072 $122,683 $106,233 $16,450 9,201 7,967 1,234 8,000 8,000 $139,884 $12?, 200 $17,684 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation nifference $ 2,954 1,567 1,567 1,429 $ 7,517 $ 7,517 $ 4,169 $ 4,169 $ 4,169 $125,609 $106,233 $19,376 9,421 7,967 1,454 8,000 8,000 $143,030 $122,200 $20,830 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,439 763 763 698 $ 3,663 $ 2,036 $ 2,036 $61,336 4,600 4,000 $69,936 Allocation Difference $ 3,663 $ 2,036 $53,116 $8,220 3,984 616 4,000 $61,100 $8,836 ------- ATTACHf (a) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION I Labor Cat. IMS sec Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 4,072 $ 7,244 $ 6,063 $ 1,181 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 4,169 $ 7,416 $ 6,034 $ 1,382 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,586 2,036 $ 3,622 Allocation Difference $ 3,032 $ 590 ------- ATTACHM..,. .(a) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION II Labor Cat. SCS sec sec Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 4,309 2,036 2,036 $ 8,381 5 7,019 5 1,362 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 4,412 2,085 2,085 i 8,582 J 6,990 J 1,592 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 2,155 1,018 1,018 $ 4,191 Allocation Difference $ 3,510 • $ 681 ------- ATTACW (a) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION III Labor Cat. IMS sec Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3.172 4,072 $ 7,244 $ 6,594 $ 650 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 4,169 $ 7,416 $ 6,565 5 851 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,586 2,036 $ 3,622 Allocation Difference $ 3,297 $ 325 ------- ATTACH Ka) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION IV Labor Cat. IMS sec sec Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 4,072 3,054 $ 10,298 $ 9,143 S 1,155 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 4,169 3,127 $ 10,543 $ 9,115 $ 1,428 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 Allocation $ 1,586 2,036 1,527 $ 5,149 $ 4,572 . Difference $ 577 ------- ATTACHM (a) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION V Labor Cat. IMS sec DA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 4,072 3,478 $ 10,722 $ 9,462 $ 1,260 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 4,169 3,560 $ 10,976 $ 9,433 $ 1 ,b43 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,586 2,036 1,739 $ 5,361 Allocation Difference $ 4,731 $ 630 ------- ATTACHM (a) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION VI Labor Cat. TPL sec DA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,837 4,072 1,739 $ 9,648 $ 7,657 $ 1,991 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,928 4,169 1,780 $ 9,877 $ 7,627 $ 2,250 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,919 2,036 869 $ 4,824 Allocation Difference $ 3,828- $ 996 ------- ATTAQ Ka) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION VII Labor Cat. TPL DA DA DA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,837 3,478 3,478 1,739 $ 12,532 $ 10,312 $ 2,220 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,928 3,560 3,560 1,780 $ 12,828 $ 10,284 $ 2,544 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,919 1,739 1,739 869 $ 6,266 Allocation Difference $ 5,155. $ 1,111 ------- ATTACI DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION VIII Labor Cat. IMS OAS Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 4,963 $ 8,135 $ 6,594 $ 1,541 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 5,081 $ 8,328 $ 6,565 J 1,763 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,586 2,481 $ 4,067 Allocation Difference $ 3,297 $ 770 ------- ATTACHI DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION IX Labor Cat. IMS IMS IMS OAS OAS DA DA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 6,344 5,079 4,963 4,963 3,478 693 $ 28,692 $ 25,290 % 3,402 Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 6,495 5,192 5,081 5,081 3,560 714 $ 29,370 $ 25,262 $ 4,108 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,586 3,172 2,530 2,481 2,481 1,739 352 $14,341 Allocation Difference $12,645 $1,696 ------- ATTACH Ka) DATA HANDLING SUPPORT FOR CERCLIS REGION X Labor Cat. IMS DA DA Current Usage Needs 5/1/86-6/30/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,172 3,478 1,739 $ 8,389 5 6,701 $ 1 ,68B Current Usage Needs 7/1/86-8/31/86 Allocation Difference $ 3,247 3,560 1,780 $ 8,587 $ 6,672 $ 1,915 Current Usage Needs 9/1/86-9/30/86 $ 1,586 1,739 869 $ 4,194 Allocation Difference $ 3,350 $ 844 ------- DRAFT ATTACHMENT II DATA HANDLING SUPPORT POLICY STATEMENT 1. The primary purpose of the CSC data handling delivery order is to provide support for the collection, entry, and maintenance of CERCLIS data. 2. The majority of these resources will be allocated to provide direct, on-site support to the Regional Superfund programs. 3. The Regional Superfund programs have the responsibility to ensure that the resources provided are fully utilized to support program priorities. Specific responsibilities include: -- providing constant oversight and direction in the conduct of daily tasks; -- ensuring that appropriate staff mix is in place to meet the data handling needs of the Superfund program; -- managing the staff mix to stay within the budget figure allocated to each Region; — communicating personnel problems, changing resource needs, training requests and other administrative issues to the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response (OERR) in a timely manner; -- keeping the deputy Delivery Order Project Officer abreast of such proposed changes; and, -- designating an individual in the Superfund program to be accountable for the effective use and management of these resources. 4. OERR's Information Management Task Group (IMTG) is responsible for national coordination of the delivery order. Specific responsibilities include: -- preparing all delivery order modifications to provide uninterrupted availability of resources and meet changing resource needs when necessary; -- providing the budget for each Region and track resource usage; -- serving as the single point of contact for the Regions with the contractor and the Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM); -- communicating frequently with the Regions on all issues impacting the delivery order or CERCLIS; and, -- evaluating the effectiveness of the delivery order in supporting program priorities. 5. OIRM currently supports the Superfund program by serving as the Delivery Order Project Officer. Specific responsibilities include: -- providing assistance to the IMTG in the preparation of all delivery order modifications; — serving as the single point of contact with the Contracting Officer; and, -- communicating frequently with the IMTG on all issues impacting the delivery order. ------- |