Environment*! Protection &EPA DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 9523.00-1 1 TITLE: Denial of RCRA Operating Permits APPROVAL DATE: December 10, 1986 EFFECTIVE DATE: December 10, 1935 ORIGINATING OFFICE: OSW D FINAL D DRAFT STATHQ- ^ ^ A" Pendin8 OMB approval 5> || !- PendinS AA-OSWER approval J C- For review &/or comment I J D- in development or circulating REFERENCE (Other dOCUmenU): headquarters ------- - -. asr ng!on i . . . 2O O ‘EPA OSWER Directive Initiation Request 9523.00-11, a cr n*orr, a’ r ame at Contact Pevson Matt Hale Leati Off c Ma Cooe — Branch reIeor ion r.umoe , WH-563 Permits Branch 382-4740 p ’ove f e Re ew Q OERR OWPE 0 5W &A OSWER Signature at Otfice O.’ecior Daie Titte Denial of RCRA Operating Permits Summary of Drecci e Facility permits can be denied for the active life of a facility while deferring a final decision on post-closure conditions. Model language is provided for Notice of Intent to Deny. Key Words: Permit, Permit Denial, Post—Closure, Joint Permit, Land Disposal Facility Typo Qf Direclive lM8nuaI Policy Ocrective. Anno..,ncomont. etc) Status N ew Policy Directive r i - lU Firi t Does true Directive Supersede Pr,vtou D,rectivete’ Yes No Does It SuD en1ern Previ Oirecvvetst’ Yes No If Yes to Eitrier Question Wfuat Otrectiva (number title) Review Plan kA OSWER 0 OUST 0 OECM 0 Otrier (Soecily) o OE R 0 OWPE OSW 0 Reg ,ons 0 OPPE Th. R guest Meets OSWER Directives System Format Sigrature of Leaa Office Directives Officer Oate Signature of OSWER Directives Ott icer ------- 4’ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY / WASHINGTON D C 20460 P4 PRO OEC I 0 OS1€R LICY DLREC ’tVE Jo. 9523.00—li OF CE iF SOLID ASTE AND EMERUE’,C ’ P’\SE T ORA DU ’ su JrcT: Denial of RCRA erating Pe i FROL”: iarcia Williams, Director 2 Office o2 Solid 7 aste ( 7T- 2 TO: Hazardous Waste Division Di ectors Regions I—X A number of Re ioris ha’ e riis d the question of whether they can deny a oermit for the active life of a facility, while deferring a final decision on st—closurc conthtions. The concern of these 9egions is that, once a permit apnlication has been cIeriie .1, a Lost—clos’Jr. 2nLlit can no loricer be required. Although FPA’s permitting reculations visiori only one apnroval or denial decision on a errijt ap lication, th j do not orohibit the permitting authority fran d lvi ing this decision into o ?arts, or.e an .lying to the active fe o the facility and the other to the post—closure : eriod. consequently, EPA or an aut’iori:ed State (unless it has more stringent :equir rents) ray deny the active j-ortion of a oerrrtjt. aPplication, oending a decision on st—c1osure conditions. After denial of the erating nortion, the facility would be required to cease receivinq ‘ azard js waste and bec’in closure. If a F egion or an authorized State adoots this approach . ibh respect to a oarticular facility it should make it clear in its tentative decision that it is denyina the pernit only with respect to the active life of the facility and that the facility is still required to obtain a eSt—closure permit. e recorii end that you include the following inforrration in the Notice of Intent to Deny with respect to such a facility. The tentative decision to deny the permit application runs to the active life of the facility only. The Permit denial will not affect the requiretrent that the owner or ooerator obtain a permit covering the applicable st-closure care period with respect to the hazardous waste ranagertent units for which the permit is denied, in accordance ‘.;ith 40 CFR 270.1(c). ------- -2- O3€R POLICY DIRf rn NO. 9523.00—11 comparable statement should be included in the final notice of denial. We will also be proposing to amend §270.1(c) of the permi’ ing regulations to clarify EPA’s authority to divide permit decisions in this way. The proposal is scheduled for publication in February. Before this clarification is issued, you should include the statement cited above in any Notices of Intent to Deny. If you have any questions on this issue, please contac Matt Hale of the OSW Permits Branch. cc; RCRA Branch Chiei, Regions I—X Bruce Weddle, OSW Matt Hale, OSW Carrie Wehling, OGC ------- |