United States Environ menrai Protection Agency S EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 944101(84) TITLE: Determining if the Soils from Missouri Dioxj Sites are Hazardous APPROVAL DATE: .l-6-84 EFFECTIVE DATE: 1-6- 4 . ORIGINATING OFFICE: osw FINAL - 0 DRAFT . ., LEVEL OF DRAFT• - 0 8 — Signed by Office Director - - 0 C — Review’ & Comment REFERENCE (other documents); - -, — - - - — — — — t . — — . — . 5- — hA - - . -S ‘—- g. 5 - - —I ------- ?ART 261 SUBPART A — GENERAL DOC: 9441.01(84) Key Words: Contaminated Soil, Dioxin Regulations: Subject: Determining if the Soils from Missouri Dioxin Sites are Hazardous Addressee: David Wagoner, Director, Air and Waste Management Division, Region VII Originator: John H. Skinner, Director, Office of Solid Waste Source Doc: 1/9441.01(84) Date: 1—6—84 Summary: To determine if a soil, in which toxic compounds are present, is a RCRA hazardous waste, the origin of the toxicants must be known. If the exact origin of the toxicants is unknown, the soil is not considered RCRA hazardous unless it exhibits one or more of the characteristics of RCRA hazardous waste. ------- 9441.01 (84) IAN - b : 4E 1oRA zDu i SUBJECT: Soils from 4issouri Dioxin Sites FROM: John . Skinner, Director C)ffice of Solid ¶Iaste rO: David Jac oner, Director \ir and Iasta Mana e ent Division, £ eçion Vu 2 e nave reviewed the results of the analyticaL rogr m ror soils fro r 1isscuri dioxin sites, in response to jour re ;ue st ror an i rerpreeat1on aa to wnetner or not trese soils are hazardous wastes. The analyses indicate the presence of a nui ber of toxic com- pounds in many of the soil samples taken from v3rious sites. c’ ever, the presence of these tox cants in the so 1 r oes not automatically rnake tne sci]. a tCR hazardous The ori.jn of the toxicants must be known in order to etermine that they are deriv a from a listec nazardous waste(s). If the exact origin of the toxicants is not known, the soils cannot be con- sidered RCL A rtazar ous wastes unless they exhibit one or more of the characteristics of hazardous waste (i.e., ignitability, cor— rosivity, reactivity, or extraction procedure toxicitfl. If there are any questions, please contact Matt Straus in the Waste Identification Branch (FTS 382—4770), DFagan:d1 f:l/5/84:disIc Pagan 6 ------- |