DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES QUICK LOOK LIST December, 1988 Source: EPA, Office of Drinking Water Contact: EPA, Region III, Drinking Water Section (215)5973427 for further information ------- December 1988 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES DRAFT** page 1 Standards Health Advisories 10-kg Child 70-kg Adult Longer- Longer- ug/l Cancer Status NIPDWR MCLG MCL Status One-day Ten-day term term RfD DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 Group Chemicals Reg.* (ug/i) (ug/i) (ug/i) HA* ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/1 ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Organlcs Acenaphthylene - - - D - - - - - - - - Acilluorfen - - - F 2000 200 100 400 13 400 100 B2 Acrylamide P zero "FT F - 300 20 70 0.2 7 1 B2 Acrylonilrile L - - - - - - - - - - Alachlor P zero 2 F 100 100 - - 10 400 40 B2 Aldicarb P 10 10 F 10 10 10 40 1.3 40 10 - D Aldicarb sullone P 40 40 F 60 60 60 200 6.0 200 40 - D Aldicarb sulfoxide P 10 10 F 10 10 10 40 1.3 40 10 - D Ametryn - F 9000 9000 900 3000 9 300 60 - D Ammonia L - - - - - - - - - Ammonium Sulfamale - F 20000 20000 20000 80000 250 8000 2000 - D Anthracene L . . - - - - D Atrazine P 3 3 F 100 100 50 200 5 200 3 - C Baygon - F 40 40 40 100 4 100 3 - C Benlazon - F 300 300 300 900 2.5 90 20 - D Benz(a)anthracene (PAH) L - - - - B2 Benzene F zero 5 F 200 200 100 A Benzo(a)pyrene (PAH) L - - B2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene (PAH) L - - B2 Benzo(g,h,i)pe(ylene (PAH) L - - D Benzo(k)lluoranthene (PAH) L - - B2 bis-2-Chloroisopropyl ether - D - - Bromacil - F 5000 5000 3000 9000 130 5000 90 - C Bromobenzene - D . - Bromochloroacetonitrile L O - - Bromochloromethane . - D . - Bromodichloromethane (THM) L 100 D 2 - - Bromotorm (THM) L 100 D 20 - - Bromomethane - D - - - Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) L - 200 ' - c Butylate - F 2000 2000 1000 1000 100 4000 700 - D Butylbenzene n- - D - - Butylbenzene sec- - D . - - Butylbenzene ten- - D - - - Catbaryl - F 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 4000 700 - D Carboluran P 40 40 F 50 50 50 200 5 200 40 - E Carbon Tetrachloride F zero 5 F 4000 200 70 300 0.7 30 - 30 B2 Carboxin - - F 1000 1000 1000 4000 100 4000 700 - D ------- December 1988 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES "DRAFT" page 2 Standards Health Advisories iakg Child 70-kg Adult Longer- Longer- ug/l Cancer Status NIPDWR MCLG MCL Status One-day Ten-day term term FWD DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 Group Chemicals Reg.* (ugi) (ug'O (ug/l) HA* ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Chloramben - - - F 3000 3000 200 500 15 500 100 - D Chloramine L - - D - - - - Chlorate L - - D - - - Chtordane P - zero 2 F 60 60 0.5 0.5 0.045 2 3 B2 Chlorine L - 0 - - - - Chlorine dioxide L . D - - - - Chlorite L - D - - - Chloroacetaldehyde L - - - - - - Chlotodibromomelhane (THM) L 100 D 2 - - - Chloioelhane L - D - - - - Chloroform (THM) L 100 D 10 - 600 B2 Chloromethane L - D - - - - Chlorophenol (2.4,6-) L - D - - ¦ 300 B2 Chlorophenol (2,4-) L - D 3 100 - - Chlorophenol (2-) L - D 5 200 - - Chloropictin L - - - - - - Chlorolhatonil - F 200 200 200 500 15 500 200 B2 Chlorotoluene o- L . D 20 - - D Chlorotoluene p- L - D 0.1 - - D Chrysene (PAH) L - - - - - - B2 Cyanazine L - F 100 100 20 70 2 70 10 - D Cyanogen Chloride L - D - - - - - Cymene p- - - D - - - - - 2,4-D P 100 70 70 F 1000 300 100 400 10 400 70 - D Dacthal (DCPA) - . F 80000 80000 . 5000 20000 500 20000 4000 - D Oalapon L - - F 4000 4000 300 900 26 900 200 - D DCE (cis-1,2-) P - 70 70 F 4000 1000 1000 1000 10 400 70 - D DCE (trans-1,2-) P - 100 100 F 20000 2000 2000 6000 20 600 100 - D Diazinon . - F 20 20 5 20 0.09 3 0.6 - E Dibenz(a,h)anthracene (PAH) L . - - - - - - B2 Dibromoacelonitrile L - - D - - - - - Dibromochloropfopane (DBCP) P - zero 0.2 F 200 50 - - - 3 B2 Dibromomethane L - - D - - - - D Dibutyl phthalale (DBP) L - - - 100 - - - D Dicamba L - - F 300 300 300 1000 30 1000 200 - D Dichtoroacetaldehyde L - - D - - - - - Dichloroacetic acid L - - D - - - - - Dichloroacetonitrile L - - D s - - - C Dichlorobenzene p- f F - 75 75 F 10000 10000 10000 40000 100 4000 75 - C ------- December 1988 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES .-DRAFT" page 3 / Standards Health Advisories 10 kg Child 70-kq Adult Longer- Longer- ug/l Cancer Status NIPDWR MCLG MCL Status One-day Ten-day term term RtD DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 Group Chemicals Reg.* (ug/l) (ug/1) (M) HA* ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Dichlorobenzene o-,m- P 600 600 F 9000 9000 9000 30000 69 3000 600 - D Dichlorodifluoromethana - - . D . - 20 - . . . Dichloroethane (l.t-) L . . D . - . . . . . . Dichloroethane (1,2-) F zero 5 F 700 700 700 2600 - - - 40 B2 Dichtoroethylene (1,1-) F 7 7 F 2000 1000 1000 4000 9 400 7 - C Dichloromethane L - F 10000 2000 60 2000 - 500 B2 Dichloropropane (1.1-) - D - . - - - Dichloropropane (1,2-) P zero 5 F - 90 - 60 B2 Dichloropropane (1,3-) L - D - - - - - Dichloropropane (2,2-) L - D - - - - - Dichloropropane (1,1-) L - D - - - - - Dichloropropane (1,3) L - F 30 30 30 100 0.3 10 - 20 B2 Dieldrin L - F 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 0.05 2 - 0.2 B2 Dielhyl phthalate (DEP) - - D - - - - 800 - - - D Diethylhexyl Dhthalate (DEHP) - - D - - - - 20 - - - B2 Dimelhrin - - F 10000 10000 10000 40000 300 10000 2000 - D Dimethyl phthlate (DMP) L - - - - - - > - - D DinilrololuenB (2,4-) L - D - - . - - . - - - Dinoseb L - F 300 300 10 40 1 40 7 - - Dioxane p- - - F 4000 400 - - - - - 700 B 2 Oiphenamid - - F 300 300 300 1000 30 1000 200 - D Diquat L - - - - - - 2.2 - - - - Disulloton - F 10 10 3 9 0.04 1 0.3 - E Diuron - - F 1000 1000 300 900 2 70 10 - D Endothall L F eoo 800 200 200 20 700 too - D Endrin L 0.2 F 20 5 6 20 0.015 2 0.3 - E Epichlorohydrin P zero TT F 100 100 70 70 2 70 - 400 B2 Ethylbenzens P 700 700 F 30000 3000 1000 3000 100 3000 700 - D Ethylene dibromide (EDB) P zero 0.05 F 8 a - - - - - 0.04 B2 Ethylene qlycol - - F 20000 6000 6000 20000 2000 40000 7000 - D ETU L - F 300 300 100 400 0.03 1 - 20 B2 Fenamiphos - - F 9 9 5 20 0.25 . 9 2 - D Fluometuron - - F 2000 2000 2000 5000 13 *7 500 90 - D Fluorene (PAH) L - . - . - -¦ - - - - D F luoiot r ichlorometha ne ¦ - 0 - . - - - - - - - Foncfos . . F 20 20 20 70 2 70 10 - D Formaldehyde - - D - - . . - - - Gasoline . D - . . . - - - - - Glyphosale L - F 20000 20000 too 0 1000 100 4000 700 - D ------- December 1988 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES DRAFT** page 4 Standards Health Advisories 10-kq Child 70-kg Adult Longer- Longer- ug/l Cancer Status NIPDWR MCLG Ma Status One-day Ten-day term term RID DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 Group Chemicals Reg.* (ug/l) (ug/l) (ug/i) HA* ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Heptachlor P zero 0.4 F 10 10 5 5 0.5 20 . 0.8 B2 Hoptachtor epoxide P zero 0.2 F 10 - 0.1 0.1 0.013 0.4 - 0.4 B2 Hexachlorobenzene - - F 50 50 50 200 0.8 30 . 2 B2 Hexachlorobutadiene - D . . - . 2 - - 5 C Hexachlorocyclopentadiene L - - - - - 7 - - - Hexane (n-) - F 10000 4000 4000 10000 - - D Hexazinone - F 3000 3000 3000 9000 30 1000 200 D Hypochlorite L - - - - - Hypochlorous acid L - - - - - Indenofl^A-c.dlpyrene (PAH) L - - - - B2 Isophorone L D 150 - - Isopropylbenzene - D - - - - Lindane. P 4 0.2 0.2 F 1000 1000 30 100 0.3 10 0.2 3 C Maleic hydrazide F 10000 10000 5000 20000 500 20000 4000 D MCPA t - F 100 100 100 400 0.5 20 4 D Methomyl - F 300 300 300 300 25 900 200 D Methoxychlor P 100 400 400 F 6000 2000 500 2000 50 2000 400 D Methyl ethyl ketone - F 80000 8000 3000 9000 50 900 200 D Methyl parathion - F 300 300 30 100 0.25 9 2 D Methyl tert butyl ether L D - - - - - - - - Metolachlor L F 2000 2000 2000 5000 150 5000 100 C Melribuzin L F 5000 5000 300 900 25 900 200 D Monochloroacetic acid L D - - . - - - Monochlorobenzene P 100 100 F 2000 2000 2000 7000 20 700 100 D Naphthalene - D - - - - 410 - - - Oxamyl (Vydate) L F 200 200 200 900 25 900 200 E Ozone by-products L - - - - - - - - Paraquat - F 100 100 50 200 4.5 200 30 E Pentachloroethane - D - - - . - - - - Pentachlorophenol P 200 200 F 1000 300 300 1000 30 1000 200 D Phenanthrane (PAH) L - - - . - - - Phenol - D - - - 40 - - - Picloram - F 20000 20000 700 2000 70 2000 500 D Polychlorinated byphenols (PCBs) P zero 0.5 P - - 1 4 - - 0.5 B2 Prometon - F 200 200 200 500 15 500 100 D Pronamide - F BOO 800 800 3000 75 3000 50 C Propachlor F 500 500 100 500 13 500 90 D Propamine - F 1000 1000 500 2000 20 700 10 C Propham - F 5000 5000 5000 20000 20 600 100 D ------- December 1988 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES DRAFT" pageS Standards Health Advisories 10-kg Child 70-kg Adult Longer- Longer- ug/l Cancer Status NIPDWR MCLG MCL Status One-day Ten-day term term RtD DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 Group Chemicals Reg.* (ug/l) (ug/l) (ug/i) HA* ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Propylbenzene n- - - - 0 - - - - - . - - Pyrene (PAH) L - - - - - - - - - - D Simazina L - - F 506? 506? 50 200 5 200 4 C Styrene P zero 5 F 20000 2000 2000 7000 200 7000 - B2 2.4.5-T L F 800 800 800 1000 10 350 70 D 2,3,7,8-1 CDD (Dioxin) L F 0.001 1E-04 1E-05 4E-05 1E-06 4E-05 - 2E-05 B2 Tebuthiuron F 3000 3000 700 2000 70 2000 500 D Terbacil - F 300 300 300 900 13 400 90 E Terbulas F 5 5 1 5 0.13 5 0.9 D Tetrachloroethane (1,1,1,2-) L D - - - - 30 - - Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-) L D - - - - - - - T etrachloroethylene P zero 5 F 2000 2000 1000 5000 10 500 70 B2 Toluene P - 2000 2000 F 20000 3000 3000 10000 300 10000 2000 - Toxaphene P 5 zero 5 F 500 40 - - 100 - 3 B2 2.4.5-TP P 10 50 50 F 200 200 70 300 7.5 300 50 T richloroacetaldehyde L - D - - Trichloroacetic acid L - D . 600 Trichloroactonitrile L - D . Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-) . - D - 20 Trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-) - - D - - Trichloroelhane (1,1,1-) t F 200 200 F 100000 40000 40000 100000 90 1000 200 D Trichloroethane (1.1,2-) . - D - 30 Trichloroethanol (2,2,2-) L - - . Trichloroethylene F zero 5 F - 7 300 300 B2 Trichloropropane (1,1,1-) - - D - . Trichloropropane (1,2,3-) - D - 6 Trifluralin L - F 30 30 30 30 3 100 2 C Trimethylbenzene (1,2,4-) - - D - - Trimethylbenzene (1,3,5-) - - D - Vinyl chloride F zero 2 F 3000 3000 10 50 - 1.5 A Xylenes P - 10000 10000 F 40000 40000 40000 10000 2000 60000 10000 - D ------- uecemoer DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES «DRAFT« page 6 Standards Health Advisories 10-kg Child 70-kg Adult Longer- Longer- ug/l Cancer Status NIPDWR MCLG MCL Status One-day Ten-day term term RID DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 Group Chemicals Reg.* (U0/I) (ug/l) (ugi) HA* ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Inorganics Aluminum L . . D . _ . _ . Antimony L - - - D . . - . 0.4 - - Arsenic P 50 zero 30 D . - - . 1 50 3 A Asbestos (fibers/I > lOum) P - 7E+06 7E+06 - - - - - - . Barium P 1000 5000 5000 F 5000 5000 5000 5000 . 5000 D Beryllium L - - - D - - - - 5 . B2 Boron L - - . D . _ - _ - . . Cadmium P 10 5 5 F 40 40 5 20 0.5 20 5 D Chromium (total) P 50 100 100 F 1000 1000 200 800 5 200 100 D Cyanide L - - - F 200 200 200 800 22 800 200 D Fluoride F - 4000 4000 . - - 60 . . _ Lead (at source) P - zero 5 - - - - - - - Lead (at tap) P 50 zero TT - - - - - . - Manganese - - - - - - - - - - Mercury P 2 2 2 F - 0.3 10 2 D Molybdenum L - - - D 20000 200 6 20 0.6 20 4 D Nickel L - - - F 1000 1000 200 600 20 600 200 0 Nitrate (as N) P 10000 10000 10000 F 1000 - - 0 Nitrite (as N) P - 1000 1000 F 1000 - - D Nitrate + Nitrite P - 10000 10000 - - - - Selenium P 10 50 50 - - - . Silver L 50 . D 3 . Sodium L - D - - 20000"* _ Strontium L - D - - - Sulfate L . . . _ . Thallium L . D . 0.07 . Vanadium L - D . 20 Zinc L - D - - - ------- Lsc\~aiiut:i. 1^00 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES «DRAFT« page 7 Standards Health Advisories Chemicals Status NIPDWR MCLG MCL Reg.* (ug/l) (ug/l) (ug/l) Status HA* 10kq Child 70-kq Adult Cancer Group Longer- One-day Ten-day term ug/l ug/l ug/l Longer- ug/l term RfD DWEL Lifetime at 10-4 ug/l ug/kg/day ug/l ug/l Cancer Risk Microbiology and Turbidity Cryptosporidium Giardia lamblia Legionella Standard plate count L - P - zero IT P - zero "IT P NA TT F . . - Total coliform (current MCL based on density) Turbidity Viruses P <1/100 ml zero ** P 1NTU 0.1 NTU PS P - zero TT - . . - MOU Chemicals Diisopropyl methylphosphonate Fog Oil HMX Nitrocellulose (non-toxic) Nitroauanidine . D D F . 80 50 - RDX Trinitroglycerol Trinitrotoluene White Phosphorus Zinc chloride . D F 0 5 5 5 20 20 3 5 - - 5 0.5 . . Radionuclides Beta particle and photon activity (formerly man-madd radionuclides) D 4 mrem/yr zero - 4 mrem/yr A Gross alpha particle activity Radium 226/228 Radon Uranium D 15 pCi/l zero D 5 pCi/l zero D zero D - zero - - - 29 pCi/l - 160 pCi/l - 160pCi/l A A A A ------- December 1988 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES "DRAFT- page 8 SECONDARY MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVELS Chemicals Status * SMCLs (mgl) Aluminum P 0.05 Chloride F 250 Color F 15 color units Copper y 1 Corrosivity F non- corrosive Dichlorobenzene -o P 0.01 Dichlorobenzene -p P 0.005 Dichloropropane 1,2- P 0.005 Ethylbenzene P 0.03 Fluoride F 2 Foaming Agents F 0.5 Iron F 0.3 Manganese F 0.05 Monochlorobenzene P 0-1 Odor F 3 threshold odor numbers Pentachlorophenol P 0.03 PH F 6.5 - 8.5 Silver P 0.00V Styrene P 0.01 Sulfate F 250 Toluene P 0.04 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS F 500 Xylene P 0.02 Ziric i F 5 * Status Codes: P proposed, F - final ------- Legend for draft version of Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories table. Abbreviations column descriptions are: NIPDWR - National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulation. Interim enforceable drinking water regulations first established under the Safe Drinking Water Act that are protective of public hearth to the extent feasible. MCLG - Maximum Contaminant Level Goal. A non-enforceable concentration of a drinking water contaminant that is protective of adverse human health effects and allows an adequate margin of safety. MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level. Maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered to any user of a public water system. Rf D - Reference Dose. An estimate of a daily exposure to the human population that is likely to be without appreciable risk of deleterious effects over a lifetime. DWEL - Drinking Water Equivalent Level. A lifetime exposure concentration protective of adverse, non-cancer health effects, that assumes all of the exposure to a contaminant is from a drinking water source. O The codes for the Status Reg and Status HA columns are as follows: F - final D - draft L - fisted for regulation P - proposed (Phase II draft proposal, based on levels proposed in 1985) Other codes found in the table include the following: NA - not applicable PS - performance standard 0.5NTU-1.0-NTU TT - treatment technique - No more than 5% of the samples may be positive. For systems collecting fewer than 40 samples/month, no more than 1% may be positive. *** - guidance t - Large discrepancies between Lifetime and Longer term HA values may occur because of the Agency's conservative policies, especially with regard to carcinogenicity, relative source contribution, and less than lifetime exposures in chronic toxicity testing. These factors can result in a cumulative UF (uncertainty factor) of 10 to 1000 when calculating a Lifetime HA. ------- |