DATA REPORT of the , CHEMICAL QUALITY for the CURWENSVILLE RESERVOIR, PENNSYLVANIA 1970 Field Operations Branch Surveillance and Analysis Division EPA - Region III Philadelphia, Penna. ------- Chemical Quality of Impoundment Waters Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania 1970 Data Report I. INTRODUCTION The Curwensville Reservoir is located on the West Branch Susquehanna River near the town of Curwensville (Clearfield County) in north-central Pennsylvania. The conservation (recreation) pool covers 790 acres at elevation 1162 feet above mean sea level. The net storage capacity of the reservoir for flood control purposes is 119,300 acre-feet at the spillway elevation of 1228 feet MSL and the flood pool covers 3668 acres. The impoundment was constructed and is operated by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, as a part of a comprehensive plan for flood control, recreation and water quality control in the West Branch Susquehanna River Basin. Water quality control is necessary owing to acid mine pollution from abandoned coal mines upstream from the dam. This pollution has severely degraded water quality in the West Branch between Karthaus and Lock Haven. At Lock Haven, the river receives alkaline waters from Bald Eagle Creek which helps neutralize the acid- polluted waters from upstream. However, during low-flow periods, this neutralizing effect is lost and fish kills have occurred. To counteract this condition, the Curwensville Reservoir is operated to store temporarily these acid waters during low flow periods to prevent or minimize the ------- o c CURWENSVILLE RESERVOIR LOCATION MAP I 17 tr <* g = ft <0 —• < o < 3 § 2 o o c < (tl 3 < 7) ft (ft A < O STA.- RESERVOIR MAP 1000 0 I SCALE IN FEET STA.-O STA.-B CONSERVATION POOL EL m Dubois aS5y.STA.-C CLEARFIELD CURWENSVILLE 322 GRAM PI AN K PROJECT LOCATION OLANTA STA.—D : SAMPLING STATIONS CLEARFIELD COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA VICINITY MAP 0 4 8 1 I =d SCALE IN MILES ------- 2. severity of fish kills downstream from Lock Haven. II. PURPOSE In response to a request from the Baltimore District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Water Quality Administration initiated a sampling program to monitor changes in water quality in the Curwensville Reservoir after the pool had filled. This report contains the results of these findings from 1966 to early 19&9* III. SCOPE The scope of the sampling program was limited to acid mine drainage parameters including conductivity, pH, acidity, net alkalinity, total iron, sulfate, manganese and aluminum. In addition, calcium and magnesium determinations were made to evaluate total hardness of the water. A total of six stations were sampled upstream from the damsit'e as shown in Fig. 1. Five of these stations were located in the impoundment with the sixth station (Station I) being located on the West Branch Sus- quehanna River upstream from the back-water effects of the impoundment. Two additional stations were located downstream from the damsite. The first site was located at the discharge conduit from the impoundment and the second located at the U. S. Geological Survey stream gage site at Curwensville, O.85 mile downstream from the damsite. ------- 3. IV. PROCEDURE Field collection of the samples were made by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineer personnel using standard field sampling techniques outlined by the Federal Water Quality Administration. Laboratory analyses were performed by F.W.Q.A. chemists using methods given in the publication "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 12th ed., 1965- ------- V. STATION DESCRIPTION: Station Number 0 X A B C D E Ik Location West Branch Susquehanna River at Pa. Rt. i+53 at Curwensville, Pa. At Discharge stilling basin of Curwens- ville Dam, O.85 mi. upstream from Sta. 0. At intake channel of dam, 0.9 miles up- stream from Sta. 0. Curwensville Reservoir stream from Sta. 0. Curwensville Reservoir stream from Sta. 0. Curwensville Reservoir stream from Sta. 0. Curwensville Reservoir stream from Sta. 0. U.U5 miles up- 6.U5 miles up- 8.05 miles up- 9.15 miles up- I West Branch Susquehanna River 10.23 miles upstream from Sta. 0. ------- TABLE 1 Curwensville Reservoir Data Summary Water Quality Sampling 1966 Sample Site Depth of Sample pH Conductivity yx mhos Net Alkalinity A-l 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-13-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 A-2 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-18-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 A-3 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-18-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 A-4 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-18-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 a-2 r-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-18-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 A-6 U^l8-66 ft. l 10 15 20 24 6.5 6.4 6.0 5-3 5.1 3.7 6.4 6.6 5-9 5-3 5-2 4.9 6.5 6.4 6.0 7-4 5-2 4.8 6.1 6.4 5-9 5.2 5-0 4.8 6.0 6.0 4.8 5-0 4.9 4.8 4.9 460 600 650 560 580 580 430 605 655 570 600 590 4 60 615 655 560 570 590 465 610 650 565 570 580 430 600 660 590 560 690 600 17.4 3-1 1.0 10.6 16.0 38.2 4.0 3-5 0.7 3-3 8.3 10.6 + 3-0 + 2.0 - 1.5 -1- 10.3 - 10.2 - 13.7 65.1 1.0 1.5 4.6 19-3 12.0 h -3 '' .6 11.0 12.0 18.6 15.0 - 17.0 ------- TABLE 1 Curvensville Reservoir Data Summary Water Quality Sampling 1966 Sample Depth PH Conductivity Net Site of )x mhos Alkalinity Sample B-l ft. 7-1-66 1 6.3 620 - 109.2 7-22-66 6.2 710 0.6 8-11-66 4.8 700 - 29.8 8-18-66 4.9 620 - 17.0 9-1-66 4.9 520 - 30.1 9-22-66 5.2 500 - 5.8 B-2 7-1-66 5 6.4 610 + 4.4 7-22-66 6.2 710 0.8 8-11-66 4.7 720 - 24.3 8-18-66 4.8 580 - 17.4 9-1-66 4.9 500 - 25.7 9-22-66 5-2 510 - 8.1 B-3 7-1-66 10 6.2 610 -i- 1.5 7-22-66 5-9 760 1.6 8-11-66 U. 6 750 - 34.9 8-18-66 4.4 620 - 38.3 9-1-66 4.9 530 - 30.6 9-22-66 5-2 580 - 10.0 B-4 7-1-66 15 6.0 600 - 0.7 7-22-66 5.8 760 1.4 8-11-66 4.6 730 - 30.8 8-18-66 4.7 610 - 21.1 9-1-66 4.8 570 - 34.1 9-22-66 5-1 565 - 11.9 B-5 7-22-66 19 5-8 740 - 2.3 8-11-66 4.6 770 - 30.1 8-18-66 >1 610 - 95.8 ------- TABLE 1 Sample Site Depth of Sample Curwensville Reservoir Data Summary Water Quality Sampling 1966 pH Conductivity p. mhos Net Alkalinity C-l 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-18-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 ft. 1 6.2 5.7 If.8 k.Q >1 5-k 680 750 830 550 580 650 + l.l 2-5 31.2 21.5 12 A 8.7 C-2 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 8-18-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 C-3 7-1-66 7-22-66 8-11-66 Q-lk-66 9-1-66 9-22-66 6.2 5-6 it.8 k.Q k.k 5A 6.3 U.o U.8 k.Q 5.0 5.6 680 790 830 520 550 61+0 630 820 QUO 520 51+0 680 + 1.7 0.6 27.6 33.7 29.I 6.k 0.1 19.0 21.8 16.6 1U.6 e.b ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth PH Conductivity Net Total Mn S0l| Ca Mg A1 Site of )x mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/: Outlet 1 (ft) 6-15-67 1 3-3 309 45.8 0.35 0.9 141 39.3 15.9 - 7-5-67 6.4 420 + 3-2 0.70 1.1 199 50.4 17.5 2.6 7-26-67 4.8 480 15.6 0.47 1-3 2hl 49.1 21.7 0 8-16-67 5.6 370 5.3 0.2 1.1 Ilk 42.0 9.2 1.1 8-28-67 5.1 325 8. ? 0.09 1-5 226 13.6 15-3 0 9-18-67 5.2 413 - 33.2 0.0 1.6 168 5-5 14.8 0 7-2-68 7.1 350 1.5 0 0.4 201 32.8 11.5 0.0 7-11-68 6.8 300 5.8 0 0.8 151 41.0 13.9 0.0 8-1-68 7.0 340 14.8 0 0-5 248 46.0 14.5 0.0 8-26-68 7-5 U60 25.0 0.16 0.3 117 49.5 16.5 0.0 9-5-68 6.8 360 1.9 0.10 0.1 194 46.0 16.6 0.0 10-16-68 4.4 580 - 0.10 1.1 352 71.0 24.3 0.0 1-27-69 5.0 355 9.9 0.0 1.25 131 35.2 12.0 0.4 2-27-69 4.6 320 - 15.3 0.69 1.00 118 31.2 10.6 0.5 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth PH Conductivity Net Total Mn sou Ca Mg A1 Site of ja mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/] A (ft) 5-15-67 1 5-9 315 - 3.2 0.49 1.0 108 35.6 17-3 - 7-5-67 6.6 390 + 5 0.0k 1.0 I83 46.1 15.2 0 7-26-67 6.7 i+50 + 8.3 0.09 1.1 266 69.5 20.2 0 8-16-67 5-3 380 - 7.0 - 1.0 174 4i.6 9.7 0.7 8-28-67 5-3 320 4.2 0.17 1.4 302 12.7 15.3 0 9-18-67 6.3 455 - 35.3 0.00 1.7 251 3-0 9-7 1.8 7-2-68 7-8 3^0 9-93 0 0-3 168 30.9 11.4 0 7-11-68 6.9 290 7.76 0 0.5 134 36.0 11.6 0 8-1-68 8.4 330 11.0 0 0.3 248 46.5 15-3 0 8-26-68 7.6 475 17.8 0.07 0.03 149 44.0 15.2 0.0 9-5-68 6-9 330 12.0 0.11 0.03 191 51-0 18.6 0.0 10-16-68 5.0 490 22.2 0.75 1.8 272 54.3 20.2 1.1 1-27-69 6.5 325 0.6 0.0 0.9 131 33-0 11.8 0.0 2-27-69 6.9 235 0.3 0.0 0.6 88 25.6 8.5 0.0 a2 6^15-67 5 5.9 290 1.2 0.41 1.0 224 37-7 15.3 7-5-67 6.6 400 5.4 0.43 1.0 174 37.0 11.4 0 7-26-67 6.7 1*50 7.6 O.lU 1.2 191 59-5 18.6 0 8-16-67 5-9 360 - 15-1 0.1 1.0 183 50.7 10.8 1.1 8-28-67 5.8 300 - 5-6 0.17 1.4 193 12.3 14.8 0.0 9-18-67 5.8 355 - 19.2 0.6 1.4 218 ^•5 13.2 1.0 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of y. mhos Alkalinity Sample _ (ft) 7^2-68 6.6 330 8.8 7-11-68 6.9 290 11.6 8-1-68 7-9 34o 11.0 8-26-68 7.1+ 420 12.1 9-5-68 7.0 330 10.9 2-27-69 6.9 260 0.4 A3 ^16-67 10 5.8 289 1.9 7-5-67 6.6 380 5-1 7-26-67 6.9 450 8.0 8-16-67 5-7 350 -4.6 8-28-67 5-2 300 - 5.2 9-18-67 5-8 338 - 9-9 7-2-68 6.6 34o 8.8 7-11-68 6.9 290 10.6 8-1-68 7-4 335 13.6 8-26-68 7-5 410 3-4 9-5-68 7-0 330 10.8 10-16-68 5.9 420 - 1.2 A-4 S^l5-67 15 6.0 275 2.9 7-5-67 6.5 382 4.5 7-26-67 6.9 U50 6.8 8-16-67 5-6 340 - 5.2 8-28-67 5.3 320 - 4.2 9-18-67 5-8 350 - 7-8 7-2-68 6.6 340 9-3 7-11-68 6.9 290 15.5 8-1-68 7.2 330 10.7 8-26-68 7.2 430 12.3 9-5-68 6.8 320 8.0 Total Iron (mg/l) Mn SOi^. Ca Mg A1 (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 0.08 0.3 201 35 11.6 0.0 0 0.5 142 34 11.8 0.0 0 0.3 226 47 15.5 0.0 0.15 0.3 156 46 15-2 0.0 0.08 o.o4 172 44 15-9 0.0 0.0 0.6 80.5 25.6 9.0 0.0 0.27 1.0 133 38.6 15-1 0.6 0.24 1.0 183 49.0 14.6 0 o.i4 1.1 241 69.5 21.5 0 0.1 1.0 191 42.3 10.0 0 0.1 1.4 260 12.1 15.1 0 0.5 1.5 184 3-5 12.1 0 0.0 0.3 210 34.8 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.5 168 39-0 13.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 241 44.5 14.6 0.6 0.08 0.0 188 44.5 14.4 0.0 o.i4 0.03 178 42.5 16.1 0.0 0.35 0.8 231 52.8 19.1 0.0 0.55 0.9 141 37-1 16.O 0.23 1.0 182 58.2 17.2 0.4 0.1 1.2 241 53.4 21.0 1.9 0 0.9 174 42.3 10.0 0 0.1 1.4 210 12.0 15.6 0 0 1.5 193 4-5 13.2 0 0 0.3 218 34.4 11.6 0.0 0 o.4 184 42.0 14.2 0.0 0 0.3 226 43.5 15-0 0.0 0.09 0.03 180 45.0 14.5 0.0 0 0.02 169 42.5 19-0 0.0 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of y. mhos Alkalinity Sample (mg/l) AT5 (ftT 6^15-67 20 5.8 274 - l.o 8-26-67 6.8 470 7 A 8-16-67 5-7 340 - 12.2 8-28-67 6.5 310 - 0.7 9-18-67 6.3 350 - 8.6 7-2-68 6.8 330 9-9 7-11-68 6.9 300 15.7 7-1-68 7.0 315 11.4 8-26-68 7-2 450 - 0.7 9-5-68 6.5 320 7-1 A-6 £Tl5_67 25 5.8 261 0.6 7-26-67 6.9 48o 6.3 8-16-67 5-2 370 - 8.2 8-28-67 5-4 300 - 6.1 9-18-67 6.2 330 - 6.0 7-2-68 6.7 360 10.0 7-11-68 6.8 310 10.9 8-1-68 7.0 320 9-5 8-26-68 7.0 430 12.9 9-5-68 6.5 310 7.7 A-7 37l6-67 30 5-6 360 - 8.3 8-28-67 5-3 350 - if .0 9-18-67 6.1 3U3 - 6.1 7-2-68 - 370 7-11-68 6.9 300 23.8 8-1-68 6.8 326 7.0 8-26-68 6.9 46o 9-5-68 6.5 320 6.2 A-8 7^-68 34 6.4 345 H-2 Total Iron (mg/l) Mn SO^ Ca Mg A1 (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 0.4l 0.9 133 1*8.7 16.4 - 0.1 1.1 233 56.7 20.1* 1.0 0.1 1.0 191 H2.5 9-6 0.6 2.2 1.4 277 11.2 14.8 0 0.5 1.5 184 5.0 14-3 0 0.0 0.3 201 29.3 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 i84 42.5 14 .4 0.0 0.0 0.5 24l 43.0 15.0 0.0 0.07 1.1 180 45-5 15.6 0.0 0.08 0.2 163 42.5 15-4 0.0 0.1U 0.9 l4l 42.3 15-6 - 0.1 1.2 233 60.2 21.5 1.0 0.1 1.0 174 32.3 8.4 0.7 0.1 1.4 285 . 11.3 15-7 0 0.5 0 176 5.0 14.6 0 0 0.4 197 39.6 13.4 0 0 0.6 176 44.0 15.5 0 0 0.6 21*8 38.7 12.3 0 0 1.2 149 44.5 15.6 0 0 1.4 188 45.5 17.0 0 1.2 1.1 224 40.3 9-7 1.1 2.0 1.6 260 8.2 13.2 0 0 1.5 201 5.0 13.0 0.5 0 0.3 235 39.4 12.6 0.0 0 0.8 184 41.5 14.2 0.0 0 0.7 234 39.5 12.4 0.0 0.07 1.2 172 45.0 14.7 0.0 0.08 1.2 172 42.5 15-6 0.0 0.08 0.3 226 35-9 12.6 0 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curvensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Total Mn sou Ca Mg A1 Site of r.ihos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/i; B-l (ft) ^15-67 1 6.1 394 + 5.9 0.9 1.1 208 44.0 17.7 - 7-5-67 3.3 710 - 56.5 1.0 1.2 241 20.7 0 1.7 7-26-67 6.9 U90 •i- 6.5 0.2 1.4 291 53-4 20.2 0.7 8-16-67 4.7 360 - 10.0 0.1 1.6 174 37-0 7.7 0.6 8-23-67 5.2 330 - 5.6 0.1 1.5 310 10.7 16.3 0 9-18-67 6.6 330 - 9-4 0 1.3 l8t 7.0 15.7 0 7-2-68 6.7 450 + 12.1 0 0.3 218 45.1 14.9 0 7-11-68 6.7 300 *»¦ l6.6 0 0.5 159 38.0 12.6 0 S-l-68 7-0 295 j. 10.0 0 0.5 241 41.0 12.2 0 8-26-68 7.6 450 j. 1 10.4 0.04 0.3 180 48.8 16.7 0 9-5-68 6.6 345 5.0 0 0.2 210 45.5 16.8 0 10-16-68 6.0 430 - 3-7 O.63 0.9 255 54.3 19.7 0.35 B-2 ^15-67 5 3-4 427 - 28.3 1.0 1.1 199 55.6 19.2 - 7-5-67 6.7 515 7-9 0.5 1.1 241 65.0 22.0 0.6 7-26-67 6.7 490 4-7 0.2 1.5 257 57-7 20.0 1.0 8-16-67 4.9 360 - 8.3 0.1 1.0 141 35.2 81.2 0.7 8-28-67 5-3 300 - 4.7 0.1 1.6 293 9.3 15.6 0 9-1S-67 6.1 340 - 8.7 1.2 1.4 210 5-0 15-3 0 7-2-68 6.9 44 0 + 14.1 0.3 0.4 268 49.2 15-4 0 7-11-68 6.9 300 16.3 0.0 0.5 201 43.0 14.2 0 8-1-68 6.9 320 11.7 0.0 0.5 234 38.0 12.1 0 8-26-68 7-6 44o 14.0 0.04 0.4 156 47-5 16.0 0 9-5-68 6.9 345 6.0 0.0 0.2 194 48.0 17.6 0 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of j\ mhos Alkalinity Sample (mg/l) __ (ftl ^15-6? 10 6.0 ^03 3-8 7-5-67 6.7 5^0 8A 7-26-67 6.7 ^90 b.3 8-16-67 5.^ 3^0 - 6.0 8-28-67 2.9 Uoo - 2k9 9-18-67 5-7 355 - 9-1 7-2-63 6.9 U55 12.6 7-11-68 6.9 310 8.5 8-1-68 6.8 320 8.7 8-26-68 6.9 H70 - 6.1 9-5-68 6.7 3^5 8.7 10-16-68 6.0 1+30 - 6.1+ B-k ^15-67 15 6.2 390 3-8 7-5-67 6.7 530 7.3 7-26-67 6.9 U80 7-5 8-16-67 U.8 350 - lb.0 8-28-67 U.5 370 - 67.1 9-18-67 5.3 350 - 9-7 7-2-68 7.0 i+70 12.6 7-11-68 6.9 360 10.6 8-1-68 6.8 280 9.7 8-26-63 7.8 - 12.9 9-5-68 6.8 355 7.0 Total Iron (i"g/l) Mn S0)+ (mg/l) (mg/l) Ca Mg A1 (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 0.6 1.1 208 58.6 21.2 - 0.6 1.1 257 62.0 20.7 0 0.3 1.2 257 56.0 19.2 0 0.1 1.1 183 33-3 7.8 1.1 0.1 1.6 318 12.7 18.3 0 0 1.5 210 5.0 13-6 1.5 0 0.3 277 55.0 16.8 0 0 0.5 193 1+1+.0 13. ^ 0 0 0.6 219 38.5 12.6 0 0.09 0.7 211 52.0 17.2 0 0 0.2 19k 46.8 16.6 0 0.85 0.6 191 U8.0 17.6 0 0.7 0.9 208 51.8 18.9 0.6 1.1 266 66.6 20.7 0 0.3 1.2 233 56.3 18.8 0 0.1 1.0 183 1+2.5 9.2 0.1 1.6 310 11.9 18.0 0 0 1.5 201 ^•5 Ik.2 1.0 0.03 0.3 277 1+6.0 Ik.6 0 0 0.5 226 1+8.0 15.1 0 0 0.7 20k 33.0 11.3 0 0.06 0.8 188 52.0 17.2 0.0 0 0.6 216 1+9.8 17.6 0 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of jx mhos Alkalinity Sample (mg/l) __ (ft) ^15-67 20 5.5 331 - 1.4 7-5-67 6.8 545 + 8.4 7-26-67 3.9 580 - 29.2 8-16-67 4.9 330 8.3 8-28-67 4.4 300 - 34.8 9-18-67 5-2 375 - 9-1 7-2-68 7.0 445 13.8 7-11-68 6.9 360 lit-.3 8-1-68 6.7 305 6.2 8-26-68 7.6 1+80 4.0 9-5-68 6.5 4oo 2.4 10-16-68 6.1 1*50 - 3.0 B-6 ^5-67 25 4.7 301 - 7.5 7-5-67 6.7 530 -!- 7.3 8-16-67 4.8 360 - 10.6 8-27-67 4.8 460 - 9.5 9-18-67 5-2 h2Q - 9.1 7-2-68 7-1 440 16.1 7-11-68 7-0 350 17.3 8-1-68 6.7 305 8.8 8-26-68 6.8 460 - 85.4 9-5-68 6.5 400 39-9 B-7 7-2-68 29 7-0 435 14.8 7-11-68 6.9 340 13.4 8-1-68 6.6 300 6.3 8-26-68 6.8 450 14.3 9-5-68 6.5 420 4.4 Total Mn SO^ Ca Mg A1 Iron (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 0.49 0.6 158 42.4 15.5 0.63 1.1 249 55.3 19.5 0.9 0.5 1.1 274 55.0 21.9 0 0.2 0.9 183 40.3 9-1 0.6 0.1 1.7 335 13.7 19.2 0 0 1.2 234 4.5 14.2 0 0 0.3 235 ^5.3 15.0 0 0 0.5 243 49.5 15.6 0 0 0.8 212 37.0 12.7 0 0 0.9 180 50.0 17.2 0 0 0.9 279 54.0 19.6 0 2.38 0.6 282 50.5 19.5 0 1.0 1.0 l4l 51.6 16.4 0.63 1.1 24l 57-6 19.3 1.2 4.1 1.1 174 39.8 9-3 0.7 0.3 1.6 335 13-5 18.5 0 0 1.4 243 5-0 16.5 0.5 0 0.3 226 50.0 15.6 0 0 0.7 243 50.5 16.6 0 0 1.0 212 36.5 12.1 0 0.13 1.3 227 49.5 16.4 0 0 0.9 266 52.8 19.9 0 0 0.3 235 42.6 14.5 0 0 0.8 210 50.5 15.7 0 0 0.9 204 40.5 13.6 0 0 1.0 180 51.0 17.0 0 0 1.0 228 52.2 20.8 0 ------- A1 ("g. 0.6 0 0.3 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curvierisville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Depth of Sample PH Conductivity Net Total Mil SO^ Ca Mg ji mhos Alkalinity Iron (me/i) (tfg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 6.2 Jo5 7.9 0.65 0.7 233 72.3 24.2 7-0 650 9.3 0.55 0.5 307 67.1 25.0 6.7 600 4.2 0-5 1.1 390 68.1 24.2 5.0 3^0 5-7 0-3 1.0 216 39-9 9.0 h.9 410 20.6 0.1 1.2 335 16.3 23.0 5-0 if 50 7.0 0.0 1.4 260 7.0 19.2 5.6 390 7.3 0.05 0.2 193 42.6 14.6 6.9 420 20.2 0 0.4 286 59.5 18.5 6.6 300 10.7 0 0.7 212 ¦ 40.0 13.0 7.0 460 11.3 0 0.8 203 ^5.5 15.9 6.6 360 3-0 0 0.6 203 48.0 17-1 6.0 ^30 4.2 0 0.4 265 47.0 18.4 4.4 470 23.2 0.77 0.7 224 67.8 22.7 7.1 615 - 0.48 0.6 307 66.6 31.2 6.8 590 -1- 4.2 0.5 1.1 497 65.5 24.0 4.8 3^0 5-0 0.3 0.9 36.2 8.3 3-9 375 - 57.5 0.03 1-3 402 15.3 22.8 5-1 458 6-3 0.5 1.3 251 7.5 19.0 6.6 385 14.0 0.05 0.3 201 42.6 12.8 7.0 420 20.2 0 0.5 310 63.0 18.5 6.6 270 10.5 0 0.8 190 42.5 1^-3 7-9 46o 0.6 0 0.6 172 46.5 15.3 7.2 360 1.3 0 0.6 208 5U.0 18.9 (ft) 1 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Wet Total Mn SO^ Ca Mg A1 Site of mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) —(ftl ^15-67 20 5-5 331 1.4 0.49 0.6 158 42.4 15.5 7-5-67 6.8 5^5 + 8.4 O.63 1.1 249 55.3 19.5 0.9 7-26-67 3.9 580 - 29.2 0.5 1.1 274 55.0 21.9 0 8-16-67 4.9 330 - 8.3 0.2 0.9 183 40.3 9-1 0.6 8-28-67 4.4 300 - 34.8 0.1 1.7 335 13.7 19-2 0 9-18-67 5.2 375 - 9.1 0 1.2 234 4.5 14.2 0 7-2-68 7.0 445 13.8 0 0.3 235 45.3 15.0 0 7-11-68 6.9 360 14.3 0 0.5 243 49.5 15.6 0 8-1-68 6.7 305 6.2 0 0.8 212 37.0 12.7 0 8-26-68 7-6 48o 4.0 0 0.9 180 50.0 17.2 0 9-5-68 6.5 14-00 2.4 0 0.9 279 54.0 19.6 0 10-16-68 6.1 If 50 - 3-0 2.38 0.6 282 50.5 19.5 0 B-6 0^15-67 25 4.7 301 - 7.5 1.0 1.0 l4i 51.6 16.4 - 7-5-67 6.7 530 -1- 7.3 0.63 1.1 24l 57-6 19.3 1.2 8-16-67 4.8 360 - 10.6 4.1 1.1 174 39.8 9.3 0.7 8-27-67 4.8 ij-60 - 9.5 0.3 1.6 335 13.5 18.5 0 9-18-67 5-2 428 - 9.1 0 1.4 243 5.0 16.5 0.5 7-2-68 7.1 44o 16.1 0 0.3 226 50.0 15.6 0 7-11-68 7.0 350 17-3 0 0.7 243 50.5 16.6 0 8-1-68 6.7 305 8.8 0 1.0 212 36.5 12.1 0 8-26-68 6.8 46o - 85.4 0.13 1.3 227 49.5 16.4 0 9-5-68 6.5 1(00 39-9 0 0.9 266 52.8 19.9 0 B-7 7-2-68 29 7.0 435 14.8 0 0.3 235 42.6 1^.5 0 7-11-68 6.9 3I+0 13-4 0 0.8 210 50.5 15-7 0 8-1-68 6.6 300 6.3 0 0.9 204 40.5 13.6 0 8-26-68 6.8 450 14.3 0 1.0 180 51.0 17.0 0 9-5-68 6.5 420 4.4 0 1.0 228 52.2 20.8 0 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curvensvilie Reservoir,, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pK Conductivity Hex Total Mil sou Ca Mg A1 Site or p rrJios Alkalinity Iron Sample fas A) (ffigA) (mgA) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) C-l (ft) 3^15-67 1 6.2 U55 7-9 O.65 0-7 233 72.3 24.2 - 7-5-67 7-0 630 9-8 0.55 0-5 307 67-1 25-0 0.6 7-26-67 6.7 600 4.2 0.5 1,1 390 68.1 24.2 0 8-16-67 5.0 340 5-7 0.3 1.0 216 39-9 9-0 0-3 8-28-67 4.9 1*10 20.6 0.1 1.2 335 16.3 23*0 0 9-16-67 5-0 4 50 7-0 0.0 lA 260 7-0 19-2 0.5 7-2-63 5.6 3S0 7.3 0.05 0.2 193 42.6 14.6 0 7-11-66 6.9 420 20.2 0 0.4 286 59-5 18.5 0 6-1-65 6.6 300 10.7 0 0.7 212 ¦ 40.0 13.0 0 3-26-68 7.0 ^¦60 11-3 0 0.8 203 45.5 15.9 0 9-5-68 6.6 360 3-0 0 0.6 203 48.0 17-1 0 10-16-68 6.0 ^30 4.2 0 0.4 265 47.0 18.4 0 C-2 ^15-67 5 4.1* 470 23.2 0.77 0.7 22k 67.8 22.7 7-5-67 7.1 615 - 0.48 0.6 307 66.6 31.2 2.1 7-26-67 6.8 590 + 4,2 0.5 l.l 407 65.5 24.0 0 8-16-67 4,3 340 5-0 0.3 0.9 174 36.2 8.3 0.3 8-28-67 3-9 375 - 57.5 0.03 1.3 402 15-3 22.8 0 9-18-67 5.X 458 6.3 0.5 1.3 251 7.5 19.0 0 7-2-66 6.6 385 lh-.O 0.05 0.3 201 42.6 12.8 0 7-11-68 7.0 i»20 20.2 0 0.5 310 63.O 13.5 0 8-1-68 6.6 270 10.5 0 0.8 190 42.5 14.3 0 8-26-68 7-9 46o 0.6 0 0.6 172 46.5 15-3 0 9-5-68 7.2 360 1*3 0 0.6 208 54.0 18,9 0 ------- Sample Depth PH Conductivity Net Total Mn soil Ca Mg A1 Site of p. mhos Alkalinity Iron (mg/: Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) C-3 (ft) 6-15-67 10 6.2 ^39 4.6 O.65 0.7 224 58.6 22.1 0 7-5-67 7.0 600 14.7 0.48 0.6 290 66.9 24.3 0 7-26-67 6.9 630 5-1 0.6 1.0 374 63.5 26.2 0 8-16-67 5.0 350 - 4.2 0.3 0.9 191 39-9 9.2 0 8-28-67 6.0 440 - 14.3 0.2 1-3 3^3 15-9 23.5 0 9-18-67 5-0 460 - 7-1 0 1.2 268 7.0 17-4 0 7-2-68 6.8 380 16.7 0 0.3 142 39.6 13.1 0 7-11-68 7-1 410 20.3 0 0.4 268 64.0 19.1 0 8-1-68 7-6 310 9.6 0 0.8 182 38.5 13.0 0 8-26-68 7.2 470 8.3 0 0.8 203 48.3 16.3 0 9-5-68 7.0 365 6.4 0 0.6 181 48.0 16.6 0 10-16-68 6.0 450 - 4.3 0 0.4 262 ¦ 47.5 17.2 0 C-4 6-15-67 15 5-3 U50 5.5 O.76 0.8 208 65.3 26.2 0 7-5-67 6.9 600 -i- 9.2 O.36 0.6 307 65.3 24.0 0.8 7-26-67 7.1 650 + 8.4 0.7 1.0 407 67.0 25.6 0 8-16-67 ^.9 340 - 6.9 0.3 0.8 183 31A l.h 1.3 8-28-67 5-0 440 - 1U.3 0.1 1-3 419 15-3 22.5 2.1 9-18-67 5.6 485 - 8.8 0 1-3 285 7-5 19.4 0 7-2-68 7.0 410 + 15.3 0 0.3 226 42.2 13.7 0 7-11-68 7.1 430 + 12.9 0 0.4 310 63.O 20.2 0 8-1-68 7.2 340 + 1.5 0 0.8 226 45.0 16.0 0 8-26-68 5.8 490 - 12.0 0.11 0.8 196 48.3 15.9 0 9-5-68 6.7 420 + 4.8 0 1.0 207 57-7 20.3 0 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of p. mhos Alkalinity Sample (irig/l) (ft] 7-2-68 19 6.8 425 15.6 7-11-68 7.1 460 24.1 8-1-68 7.2 330 9.7 8-26-68 6.3 450 12.3 9-5-68 6.7 470 2.1 10-16-68 5.9 460 5-7 Total Mn SO Ca Mg A1 Iron (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 0 0.3 201 45.8 15.6 0 0 0.4 327 63.O 20.0 0 0 0.8 226 42.0 15-0 0 0.18 0.7 203 51.5 16.1 0 0 0.9 272 61.3 22.9 0 0.20 0.5 272 5^-3 19.0 0 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pll Conductivity Net Total Mn soh Ca Mg A1 Site of jj mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) D-l (ft) ^15-67 1 3-5 h!9 - 125.8 o.n9 0.5 22h 6n.5 19.2 0 7-5-67 7.0 525 1 h.b 0.70 0.6 233 60.5 20.7 0 7-26-67 6. t 690 1-5 0.3 1.1 nn8 73.2 28.1 0 8-16-67 5-1 370 3-6 o.n 0.7 216 39-9 10.n o.n 8-28-67 n.8 k6o - in. 3 0.1 1-3 hkk 15-8 22.7 1.5 9-18-67 5-0 555 - m.6 0 1.5 360 8.5 21.0 1.0 7-2-63 7.2 410 16.5 0 0.1 193 1*5.2 in.o 0 7-11-68 7.2 kQo 17.6 0 0.2 285 70.0 20.6 0 8-1-68 7.2 3T0 11-3 0 0.7 271 5^-5 19.0 0 8-26-68 6.n 530 2 26.1 0.07 0.5 266 63.O 16.n 0 9-5-68 6.8 if 20 5.0 0 0.9 2n7 55-2 19.6 0 10-16-68 6.0 U50 7.8 0.09 o.n 265 50.5 18.2 0 2-27-69 6.6 noo 0.9 0.0 1.8 150 38.0 13 A 0 D-2 ^15-67 5 6.0 n23 1- n.n 0.35 0.7 208 6n.2 20.5 _ 7-5-67 7.0 550 t- 8.1 o.n3 0.7 266 67.1 23.3 1.2 7-26-67 6.6 700 3 .n 0.2 1.2 n73 79.6 29.2 0 8-16-67 5-1 360 3.9 o.n 0.7 203 n2.5 10.2 0.6 8-28-67 n.9 n5o 16.7 0.1 1.3 U53 17.6 26.5 1.5 9-18-67 5.1 570 16.1 0 1.5 335 8.0 21.3 1.8 7-2-68 7.3 mo 16.0 0 0.1 193 ^3.1 13.n 0 7-11-68 7.3 mo 19. n 0 0.2 302 67.0 20.n 0 8-1-68 7.2 380 13.1 0 0.8 226 5n.5 18.n 0 8-26-68 6.5 500 21.1 0.09 0.8 227 6n.o 17.2 0 9-5-68 6.6 n5o n.8 0 1.0 250 57.7 21.8 0 2-27-69 6.6 370 1.8 0.0 1.8 mo 36.6 12.6 0 ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of ju mhos Alkalinity Sample (mg/l) __ ^ 3^15-67 10 3-3 W38 - 130.2 7-5-67 7-0 600 + 16.7 7-26-67 6.6 66c -s- 4.4. 8-16-67 4.4 UlO - 42.9 8-28-67 A.9 440 9-18-67 4.8 610 - 29.2 7-2-68 7.2 410 15.9 7-11-68 7.3 475 24.0 8-1-68 7-0 385 14.7 3-26-68 6.6 500 14.5 9-5-68 6.5 490 0 10-16-68 5.9 400 5.3 P-4 7-2-66 14 7-3 400 + 16.7 7-11-68 7.k 460 + 25.2 8-1-68 7-0 390 + 14.7 8-26-68 6.4 500 + 16.O 9-5-68 6.6 510 + 4.3 10-16-68 5.8 480 - 8.9 'otal f4n S0H Ca Mg A1 Iron !mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (toe/i) 0.14 0.7 208 53-0 19.2 0.70 0.7 266 62.5 23.^ 0.3 0.6 1.4 481 93-2 ^4.7 3-6 0.9 183 35-2 9.2 1.6 0.0 3 1.3 486 21.7 29.1 2.1 0 1.3 302 8.0 23.7 1.0 0 0.1 210 45.2 13.9 0 0 0.2 310 67.2 20.2 0 0 0.8 £70 50.0 18.0 0 0 0.7 188 53-0 17.5 0 0 1.1 172 64.5 23.2 0 0.09 0.4 315 50.5 18.2 0 0 0.2 176 37.5 12.7 0 0 0.2 293 7^.5 21.6 0 0 0.8 263 51.5 18.6 0 0 0.3 203 52.5 17.0 0 0 1.0 244 62.0 23.0 0 0.07 0.8 332 57-3 21.0 0 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth PH Conductivity Net Total Mn sou Ca Mg Al Site of p. mhos Alkalinity Iron (mg/l Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) E-l (ft) ^-15-67 1 6.0 kk2 + 5-7 0.35 0.6 216 62.3 22.0 0 7-26-67 h.6 670 - 37-6 0.5 1.8 1+32 65.O 24.2 9.2 8-16-67 5-0 1+00 - 6.0 0.1+ 0.8 257 59.1 20.0 0.7 8-23-67 5-1 1+50 - 10.1 0.1 1.2 360 21.3 28.2 0 9-18-67 5-0 590 - 21.0 0 1.2 3U1+ 5-5 16.9 0.5 7-2-68 7.2 1+20 18.1 0 0.1 168 1+5.4 11+.8 0 7-11-68 7.2 U25 19.1 0 0.06 318 62.5 19.2 0 8-1-68 7.0 1+30 11.0 0.1 0.7 282 56.0 21.1 0 8-26-68 6.6 1+90 lU.O 0 1.5 305 56.0 1^-3 0 9-5-68 6.8 520 - 0.5 0 1.2 1+82 69.5 21+.9 0 2-27-69 6.7 U10 6.1 0.03 0.80 153 1+0.2 13.2 0.0 E-2 ^15-67 5 6.0 l+i+5 + b.J 0.35 0.5 216 57-5 23.O 7-26-67 ^•3 670 - 50.0 0.1+ 1.6 1+32 10.0 26.3 9.2 8-16-67 5-1 1+10 - 5-8 0.3 0.8 233 1+6.0 11.7 3.7 8-28-67 k.o 1+90 - 1+6.9 0.1 1.1 39^ 16.6 22.7 1.5 9-18-67 5-1 595 - 19-!+ 0 1.3 335 7-5 22.6 1.8 7-2-68 7.3 bko + 17.6 0 0.1 268 1+1.1 13.8 0 7-11-68 7-3 1+80 + 18.2 0 0.2 311 66.0 19.2 0 8-1-68 6.8 1+30 + 21.6 0 0.8 21+8 56.5 21.1 0 8-26-68 6.8 1+80 + 8.1+ 0.05 1.1+ 172 56.0 11+.2 0 9-5-68 6.3 520 0 0 1.2 Ul3 60.0 23.1+ 0 2-27-69 6.7 M5 + 11.3 0.0 0.8 1U8 1+0.8 13.8 0 f ------- Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Site of p. mhos Alkalinity Sample (rng/l) E-3 Tftl 7-26-67 9 4.2 660 - 55-8 8-16-67 5-0 360 - 8.2 8-28-67 5-2 460 - 10.6 9-18-67 4.8 590 - 27.9 7-2-68 7-3 420 + 17.3 7-11-68 7.2 48o + 21.2 8-1-68 6.8 h20 + 21.6 8-26-68 6.9 48o + 11.8 9-5-68 6.2 520 + 0.5 Total Iron (mg/l) Mn S0i| Ca (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Mg A1 (mg/l) (mg/l) 0.3 1.6 481 72.4 27.8 9-9 0.4 0.8 208 45.9 11-5 1-3 0.1 1.2 427 19.5 26.0 0 0 1-3 327 7.0 20.5 2.5 0 0.1 201 43.0 13.7 0 0 0.2 27T 62.5 19.4 0 0 0.8 292 56.5 20.8 0 0.1 1.3 156 53.0 l4.l 0 0 1.2 479 59.5 82.6 0 ------- TABLE LA. Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pH Conductivi by ' Net Total Mn S0j+ Ca Mg A1 Site of p. mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (ms/i) (tng/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (nig/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Inlet 1 (ft) 6-15-67 1 5-i 447 - 6.6 0.35 0.9 125 57.5 22.2 0.6 7-5-67 7-1 570 16.5 0.3 0.4 257 70.7 22.7 - 7-26-67 4-7 540 - 21.8 0-3 1.3 407 56.0 21.5 5-2 8-16-67 5-0 hk 0 - 7.2 0.1+ o.G 224 42.3 11.4 1.1 8-28-67 3-8 550 - 110.6 0 1.4 394 19-0 24.5 1.5 9-18-67 4.7 590 - 24.7 0 1.4 285 8.0 23-2 0 7-2-68 7.3 430 t- 15-^ 0 0.03 218 45.0 14.6 0 7-11-68 7.3 500 + 24.4 0 0.2 302 - 67.5 19-7 0 8-1-68 6.8 't-55 21.6 0 0.5 233 62.5 22.0 0 8-26-68 7.8 450 + 4.5 0.11 2.4 156 49.5 14.0 0 9-5-68 6.1 530 + 0.8 0 1.2 473 58.8 23.5 0 10-16-68 5-9 610 - 9-5 0.18 0.6 375 53-0 18.4 0 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Total Mn SO^ Ca Mg A1 Site of mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Inlet 2 (ft) 7-5-67 5 6.1 575 + 11.75 0.1+3 0.5 250 66.6 2b. 8 0.8 7-26-67 4.8 570 - 21.47 0.4 1.2 U07 56.9 22.0 5.2 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensvllle Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Total Mn SO^ Ca Mg A1 Site of ji mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Inlet 3 (ft,) 7-5-67 9 7.1 565 + 19-33 0.55 0.5 261 70.0 26.2 1.7 ------- TABLE 1A Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Total Mn sok Ca Mg A1 Site of mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg, X 7-2-68 1 7-3 335 10.0 0 0.4 184 32.0 10.3 0 7-11-68 7-3 310 14.8 0 0.5 184 32.0 12.3 0 8-1-68 6.7 330 26.1 0 0.3 226 44.5 15.4 0 8-26-68 6.6 440 10.2 0.13 0.2 180 48.3 15.7 0 9-5-68 6.8 360 7-9 0 0 316 45.5 16.2 0 10-16-68 5.8 - 0.06 1.1 275 69.5 24.4 0 1-27-69 5-5 300 0.8 0.08 0.9 129 34.6 12.1 0 2-27-69 5-4 275 0.1 0.12 0.6 99 30.0 11.4 0 ------- TABLE LA. Chemical Data Curwensville Reservoir, Pennsylvania Sample Depth pH Conductivity Net Total Mn SO^ Ca Mg A1 Site of jj. mhos Alkalinity Iron Sample (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Well Drainage (ft) 7-2-68 6.6 270 h..o 0 0.8 101 23.1 12.3 0 ------- TABLE 2 Curwensville Reservoir pH Data Summary 1966-69 Station 7/1 7/22 8/ll 8/18 9/1 9/22 6/15 7/5 7/26 8/16 8/28 9/18 7/2 7/11 8/1 8/2 6 9/5 10/16 1/27 2/27 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 A-l 6.5 b.k 6.0 5-3 5-1 3.7 5.9 6.6 6.7 5-3 5-3 6.3 7-8 6.9 8.4 7.6 6.9 5.0 6.5 6.9 A-2 6.1+ 6.6 5-9 5-3 5.2 4.9 5-9 6.6 6.7 5-9 5.8 5-8 6.6 6.9 7.9 7.^ 7.0 - 6.if 6.9 A-3 6.5 6.1+ 6.0 l.b 5-2 U.8 5.6 6.6 6-9 5-7 5-2 5.8 6.6 6.9 7A 7-5 7-0 5.9 A-4 6.1 6.4 5-9 5-2 5-0 4.8 6.0 6.5 6.9 5-6 5-3 5-8 6.6 6.9 7-2 7-2 6.8 A-5 6.0 6.0 U.8 5-0 4.9 '..8 5-8 - 6.8 5-7 6.5 6-3 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.2 6.5 A-6 4.9 5-8 - 6.9 5.2 5.4 6.2 6.7 6.8 7.0 7.0 6.5 A-7 5.6 5-3 6.1 - 6.9 6.8 6.9 6.5 A-8 6.4 B-l 6.3 6.2 4.3 I1.9 .9 5-2 6.1 (3-3) 6.9 ^•7 5-2 6.6 6.7 6.7 7.0 7.6 6.6 6.0 B-2 6.h 6.2 k.7 4.3 4.9 5-2 3-^ 6.7 6.7 it.9 5-3 6.1 6.9 6.9 6.9 7-6 6.9 B-3 6.2 5.9 4.6 4.4 4.9 5-2 6.0 6.7 6.7 5-^ - 5-7 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.9 6.7 6.0 B-l* 6.0 5-3 4.6 ^•7 4.8 5-1 6.2 6.7 6.9 4.8 ^•5 5-3 7-0 6.9 6.8 7.8 6.8 3-5 - 5-8 4.6 5.1 - - 5-5 6.8 3-9 4.9 4.4 5-2 7-0 6.9 6.7 7-6 6.5 6.1 B-6 h.l 6.7 - 4.8 4.8 5-2 7.1 7.0 6.7 6.8 6.5 B-7 7.0 6.9 6.6 6.8 6.5 C-l 6.2 5.7 4.8 4.3 5-1 5.4 6.2 7-0 6.7 5-0 4.9 5-0 5.6 6.9 6.6 7.0 6.6 6.0 C-2 6.2 5.6 4.8 if.8 4.4 5-'i 4.4 7-1 6.8 4.3 3-9 5.1 6.6 7.0 6.6 7-9 7.2 C-3 6.3 'i.O 4.8 4.8 5-0 5.6 6.2 7.0 6.9 5-0 6.0 5-0 6.8 7.1 7.6 7.2 7-0 6.0 C-4 5-3 6.9 7-1 4.9 5-0 5.6 7-0 7-1 7.2 5.8 6.7 C-5 6.8 7-1 6.3 6.7 5-9 D-l 3.5 7-0 6.7 5.1 4.8 5.0 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.4 6.8 6.0 6.6 D-2 6.0 7.0 6.6 5-1 4.9 5-1 7-3 7-3 7.2 6.5 6.6 6.65 D-3 3-3 7.0 6.6 4.4 4.9 4.3 7.2 7-3 7.0 6.6 6.5 5.9 D-4 7.3 7.4 7.0 6.if 6.6 5.8 ------- tation 7/1 7/22 3/11 S/i8 9/1 9/22 6/15 7/5 7/26 8/16 8/28 9/13 7/2 7/11 8/1 8/26 9/5 10/16 1/27 2/27 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 E-l 6.0 _ 4.6 5.0 5-1 5.0 7-2 7.2 7.0 6.6 6.8 5-9 6.69 E-2 6.0 - J+-3 5-1 4.0 5-1 7-3 7-3 6.8 6.8 6.3 6.70 --3 4.2 5.0 5-2 4.6 7-3 7.2 6.8 6.9 6.2 1-1 3-1 7.1 4.7 5-0 3.8 4.7 7-3 7-3 6.8 7.8 6.1 5-9 1-2 6.1 4.8 1-3 7-1 X 7.3 7.3 6.7 6.6 6.8 5-8 5-5 5-4 0 (3-3) 14.8 5.6 :>.i 5-2 7.1 6.8 7-0 7.5 6.8 (4.4) 5.0 4.6 ------- TABLE 3 Chemical Concentrations Not To Be Exceeded In Drinking V/ater Supplies Substance Concentration, w. Iron 0.3 Manganese 0.05 Sulfate 250 Ref: Manual for Evaluating Drinking Water Supplies USPHS, 1969 ------- AFO 1828 ------- |