United t>tate»
Environmental Protection
Water Quality Manaqemenl &ranth
Nonpouil Source Program Lit lion
Philadelphia VfK HlOl
CP* 1o?-&-f5-ooi
Miij 1115
Water Management Division
PoMer created b>f:
Pima P^jan, 6e&<.he School, Philadelphia. PA

Introduction for the Teacher
We hope you enjoyed participating in this gear's
€>?h Region 3 Women in Science and Engineering
(Wl f>6) Poem and Poster Contest, which tafces place
every year across the Delaware Valley. We also hope that
both you and your students will continue to participate in
future years. To that end, we want to provide you with
this roadmap for obtaining additional support and
teaching materials to follow-up on this year's contest
theme: "We Ml Live Downstream." This publication was
also written for those teachers who have not yet
participated in the contest but who are interested in
enhancing their curricula with nonpoint source concepts.
It is the hope of both Wl t>6 and the €?k legion
"9 Nonpoint Source Program that, in reading this
publication, you will be convinced that nonpoint source
pollution (more commonly referred to as "polluted
runoff) is a worth-while concept to include in your
curricula, fo you can imagine, nonpoint source pollution
is an issue of importance for Americans from all walfcs of
life, in urban areas as well as in the country. Nonpoint
source pollution is an issue that is easy to learn and fun
to teach - - and will undoubtedly touch the lives of
students in every age group,
fo you read this publication, we would lifce to
invite you to consider the applicability of nonpoint source
concepts to aspects of youjr science, history and creative
writing curricula.

For example, nonpoint source pollution can be
applied to a lesson in math, biology, chemistry and
geology. It is evident from the posters submitted this
^ear that there are also many social studies issues
inherent in problems caused by nonpoint source
pollution, and in the actions required b>| individuals and
communities to solve these problems. There are also
numerous opportunities for students of all ages to virite
about this problem through creative essays or by
researching problems in their watershed. An American
History or politics class can use nonpoint source
concepts as a way to debate regulatory versus voluntary
approaches to viater quality improvement.
This publication was produced by the 6?A (Region
"9 Nonpoint Source Program for the benefit of teachers
in the Delaware Valley and throughout the Region, which
covers the mid-Atlantic states including Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the
District of Columbia. We believe, in these areas, the first
and most important step toward water quality
improvement is education. In order for this publication to
be as effective as it should be, we will depend on
teachers to provide this critical first step. Only in this
way can "We Ml Live Downstream" sincerely wort: toward
our mutual goal of water quality improvement and
environmental protection.
Thanfc you.

Wle AH Live Downstream
Qukfc. Name the source of the most water
pollution in the United States. You said industry
F-ight? Wrong.
Nonpoint source (NPfr) pollution is the nation's
No. \ threat to viater quality. Nonpoint source pollution
occurs when runoff from precipitation carries pollutants
over and through the ground and deposits them into
waterways, sickening or Killing fish and plants and
threatening drinttng water supplies. One example of
nonpoint source pollution is runoff from farms, carrying
fertilizers and pesticides into streams. Another example
is motor oil leading onto the highway Yet another
example is a person pouring cleaning chemicals dovin the
drain, ta you can see, the name is derived from the
concept that there is no single point from which the
pollution comes. It comes from everyone and everywhere.
Nonpoint source pollution is a slippery problem,
ftince its sources are hard to pinpoint, so are its
solutions. c>o far, the best way to combat the problem
has been through education. This is where you, the
teacher, enters the picture. This publication will help you
understand what constitutes nonpoint source pollution,
what causes it, and how we can stop it. Mso provided is
a list of publications and contact names which you can
use to supplement curricula with nonpoint source
concepts and examples. We hope ^ou will use this as a
tool to teach and to learn about nonpoint source pollution.

What Happens When U Pains?
When it rains, water falU a* rain or aft enow onto
the ground. M thi* point, thia water begin* to "runoff"
bf flowing over the land a* surface water or b^
accumulating under the land ae ground water. If >\ learning the definition of a "watershed."

A watershed is an easy concept to understand. In
its essence, it is a geographical boundary just lifce any
citf or elate. The onW difference between a waterthed
and the other enamptee titted above it that the border*
of a watershed are defined bt nature.
Thin): of a funnel with a lot of people in it. Then
imagine hovi the actions of each person in the funnel
contribute to water pollution in a typical day - - from
small business owners and private citizens to mzjor
corporations and the government. Ml of these activities
occur within the confines of a single funnel - - or
What is at the bottom of this funnel? The same
thing that is at the bottom of your street - - a storm
drain! Water flows down four street, picking up pollution
from various activities on its way, and eventually empties
into the storm drain - - every time it rains. From there,
the now polluted water ma*es its way through pipes
under the ground until it finally discharges into a
On a larger scale, water will flow down through a
watershed, picking up various sources of pollution on its
way, and empty into a larger waterbody - - a lafce, river
or ocean. 3ust as with the storm drain example, the
whole process of polluted runoff entering a waterbody will
happen again and again in the very same watershed as a
consequence of the same people and the same activities,
every single time it rains. The pollution source is

VJe AU Live In A Watershed
It's true, In fact, we can thin* of the United States
as two 0i0antic watersheds * - one draining to the
Atlantic Ocean and one draining to the Pacific Ocean!
To control nonpoint source pollution effectively,
though, each of us must loo* to our ovm local
watersheds - - neighborhood streets and local streams.
A large watershed is made up of many smaller
ones, just as a large river is fed by many small
tributaries. If you live and go to school in Northeast
Philadelphia, you are in the Delaware F-iver' s watershed.
More specifically, though, a waterbody that drains into
the Delaware F4ver is the PennypacK £reefc. It is much
easier to control and prevent the nonpoint sources in the
Pennypacfc £reefc than it is in the Delaware PJver. £y
the same tofcen, it is easier to address the problem in the
Delaware F4ver than it is to address the overall problem
in the Atlantic Ocean, with a much larger watershed.
Zeroing in on small local watersheds is the Key to
overall protection. At the end of this publication, you will
learn about information resources which can make it easy
for you to identify the watershed you live in and get your
classroom involved.

Where To Point For Nonpoint Sources?
$0 far, we have described the- movement of
nonpoint source pollution through watersheds. Novi it is
time to looK more specifically at those moving sources
and bovi they collectively create a very serious threat to
water quality. Three sources of nonpoint pollution are
described below: urban pollution, agricultural pollution,
and mine drainage from abandoned coal mines.

1. Urban ?ollution
Pollutants carried by runoff from streets,
commercial and industrial sites, residential development,
parking lots, septic systems and human activities in an
urban environment affect water quality in a number of
different via^e. Urban pollution represents a major
threat to the Delaware and Schuylkill P4vers. Here are
some tramples of urban nonpoint source pollutants:
~	Nutrients. The most problematic nutrients
associated vtith city pollution are nitrogen and
phosphorus. M^jor sources of nutrients are lavin
and garden fertilizers, leaking septic systems,
animal wastes from pets, street debris and lavin
litter. Nutrients cause low oxygen levels in water,
especially in lakes. Naturally occurring
microorganisms in the lake will use available
oxygen to break down these organic materials.
This activity will decrease the level of oiygen
available to the other organisms in the lake. Fish
and plants that live in the lake may suffer or die
as a consequence. This condition is known as a
"fish kill."
~	Sediments. High sediment concentration in water
is associated with disturbed or unstable soil
conditions. Construction activities that involve
moving large areas of soil are a rn^or contributor
of sediments in water. Small land grading and

landscaping projects, streambank erosion, and
road sanding can also contribute to sediment
loading. Sediment can "clog" a stream which
reduces fish hatcheries and aquatic life. Sediment
can also clog fish gills and reduce light
penetration to the stream.
~	bacteria. Leaking septic systems can add bacteria
to surface water and ground water. Although
usually harmless to humans, bacteria is used as
an indicator of other disease-causing viruses,
commonly referred to as pathogens.
~	Hydrocarbons. Nonpoint source pollution from
petroleum-based hydrocarbons is commonly
associated with leaking crankcase oils and other
automotive lubricants and products of partial
combustion of fossil fuels. These materials can be
seen on the top of paved surfaces as a rainbow
sheen. Illegal disposal of motor oil into a storm
drain system can also contaminate streams and
other tributaries. Low concentrations of
hydrocarbons have been known to be tovic to
aquatic organisms. Hydrocarbons may also
accumulate in the tissue of edible species
representing a threat to human health.

II. Agricultural "Pollution
Agricultural activities and practice can pose a
significant threat to water quality. Some example* of
agricultural pollutants are sediments from eroded
croplands and overgrared pastures, fertilizers, animal
viastes and pesticides.

~	Animal Waste. Manure runoff from livestock id
contributing to degradation of waters throughout
the United States, An analgia of data indicated
that feedlots alone nationally contribute to f3
percent of degradation in rivers.
~	Soil Erosion. Soil erosion is the movement of
topsoil (and other soil components) after intensive
exposure to wind and water. Soil erosion from
agricultural activities results from improper
irrigation practices, stream channel modification,
streambanfc vegetation loss, and poor liveetocfc
management. Soil erosion is potentially hazardous
to aquatic life and human life.
~	Fertilisers and Pesticides. Fertilisers and
pesticides contaminate ground water by seeping
down from the surface into the ground water. It
is important to Know that when a well is drilled for
drinking water, it not only becomes a path for
water to come up, but also for pollution to go

111. £oa\ Mines
b& Americans, we enjoy one of the highest
standards of living in the world, due largely to the
availability of inexpensive sources of power. It has been
estimated that 6U percent of our nation s electric power
is generated by coal F^unoff from coal mining activity is
a significant nonpoint source pollutant.
Coal contains naturally occurring amounts of iron
sulfide, which is called pyrite. When the pyrite comes into
contact with oxygen in the water, the oxygen reacts with
the pyrite to form sulfuric acid, which is very acidic. If
ground water runs through the coal mine, it will flush
this acid runoff to the water table.
Acid mine drainage can cause the ptt (the acidity)
of water to fall into an acidic range of l to 6. (For
contrast, the pti of a healthy 6tream ranges between 6.6
and 1.6) 6ach stream has a natural ability to buffer or
neutralise acid mine drainage, but as mining increases in
a watershed, the abundance of acid will overwhelm a
stream's natural buffering capability.
The impacts associated with low ptf are devastating
to the environment. Once pH drops below 4, everything
living in the stream dies, including plants, fish, bugs,
larvae, most bacteria and eggs. Ml biological resources
are lost.
Environmental impacts of acid mine drainage are
not limited to the stream ecosystem itself . h dead
stream will also cause a decline in the wildlife that rely
on the stream for food and habitat.

Tabling the problem of arid mine drainage is
even more difficult than agricultural or urban problems.
This is because most of the coal mines creating the
problem are abandoned or inactive. This is nonpoint
source pollution at its worst - - a major water quality
problem that cannot be traced to a single stream or a
single owner in a watershed. Nor can the source itself be
identified because it is sometimes difficult or impossible
to locate the abandoned mines.
In €>Vk l^egion 3 there are
approximately 0,000 stream mites
impacted by abandoned mine
drainage, specifically in western
Pennsylvania and nearby West
Virginia, and to a lesser extent, in
Virginia and in Maryland.

Nonpoint Source Pollution 'Solutions
The following are two examples of federal grant
programs which support projects that reduce nonpoint
source pollution and educate about watershed protection.
A teacher can use these Federal programs, as well as
state and local programs, as an opportunity to get
students more involved with a current nonpoint source
project. Please use the contact sheet at the end of this
publication if you are interested in receiving information
about grant opportunities at the Federal, state or local
t. £lean Vlater Act Section 3H: A Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Program
Section was enacted in tICT with the
reauthorization of the £lean Water Act. 6ach state in
the nation was charged with assessing nonpoint source
problems and then adopting strategies to combat the
problems. The state was also given the important taste of
implementing the new nonpoint source management
Since fiscal year Wo, Congress has provided
$270 million to the nation in Section 311 funds. These
funds are divided up among the states to provide
technical and financial support for watershed projects,
demonstrations, restoration projects, water quality
monitoring projects, information/education initiatives or
ground water projects associated with nonpoint source

pollution reduction and prevention. The overriding
criteria to receive a Section 311 grant is that the
proposal has potential to achieve short-term, measurable
environmental results in priority nonpoint source
watersheds, designated by each state.
Teachers can get more information about an
ongoing Section 311 project in their watershed by
contacting the state agencies and local watershed groups
listed at the end of this publication.
U. environmental education Grants
The Environmental education 6irant program was
established in 1110 by Section 0 of the National
Environmental Education Act. Grants are awarded
annually to stimulate environmental education by
supporting projects that design, demonstrate or
disseminate practices, methods, or techniques related to
environmental education or training. While individual
teachers and educators cannot directly apply for funding,
education agencies and organisations they are affiliated
with are eligible to receive a grant under this program.
Environmental education grants can provide
teachers with the opportunity to communicate viith local
organisations and government in order to contribute to
an education project in their watershed. For more info
about this program, contact the Environmental
Education 6rant Program at (2.i5) 517-1010.

Steps You Can Tafce
-	- Prwnt erosion b>j planting trm, »hrub», and good
idea* in four communis
-	- l^ecfcte used motor oil
-	- Clean up after four pets
-	- Don't dump garbage in a storm drain
-	- £uf environmental^ friendlf product*
-	- Mate sure four septic sfstem is wording property
-	- Contact four local watershed association and
volunteer four time there
-	- Contact four local conservation district office for
more information
-	- Start four own watershed association if one does wot
e*ist in four watershed
-	- Tell four countf and state representatives about
nonpoint source pollution prevention
-	- Educate bf telling four familf and friends hovi tbef
can reduce nonpoint source*
-	- 6»et involved! This is the best v»af to get informed
-	- fyplf for a grant to reduce and prevent nonpoint
source pollution in four watershed
-- peep in contact with schools and non-profit
organizations for updates
"Do unto others downstream as ^ou would
have those upstream 4o unto ^ou." -
fc>cKwood foster. Interstate Commission on the Potomac
P4ver frasin

Natural and Information Resources - -
Let's Keep Them froth Abundant
Nonpoint source pollution concepts are eas^ to
Warn and fun to teach. Please- use the following list of
beat, regional and national publications, handbooks and
curricula to enhance four classroom learning process.
Costs for each publication is included where possible.
Mopt-^Stream Teacher's Handbook -- 2-41 pages for
grades l-iz, includes chapters on hovi to adopt a
waterway field safety sampling site selection, physical
parameters viater chemistry aquatic biology
microbiology and evaluating results. Order from Delta
Laboratories, Inc., ?.0. £o* 4"36, ?ittsfield, New Yortc,
»45?4, (M) ^12--C»45o, (i1£7). $U5. Includes a teachers
handbook and ten student manuals. Will send a
condensed version of the handbook free of charge.
Aquatic Project Wild -- £4o-page teacher guide for
grades K-lfc, chapters include aviareness and
appreciation, diversity and values, ecological principles,
management and conservation, culture and wildlife,
issues and consequences, and responsible human
actions. Order from Western Regional environmental
education Council, P.O. $o* I60U0, Moulder, Colorado

Pe Water Wist -- 45-page student booklet and
page feather guide for ages \% and up, topics include the
importance of water, water in the environment getting
water to and from our homes, the relationship between
water and energy and water conservation in our homes.
Order from Virginia Water Resources Center, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University OH N. Main
Street, fMatfcsbura, Virginia 2-4obO-wn. (103)231-
50M, (\
Educating Young People- About Water: A £*uide to 6ioals
and Resources --41 pages for grades 4-12., contains
information on designing water quality training programs
and curricula. Order from University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Environmental Resources Center, ZlO
Agriculture Hall, l46o Linden drive, Madison, VII 6T/OU
Environmental (Resource £*uide - - Nonpoint Source-
Pollution Prevention - - a series of curricula developed
by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Air and Waste
Management Association, consists of activities, fact
sheets, glossaries, references, and resources that focus
on land use and water quality, and in particular, nonpoint
source pollution. Order from Air and Waste
Management Association, P.O.&o* 2&(sl, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 16230, (412.) 232.-"3444. Fact sheets
broken by grade level and costs between $30 - $4o for
each fact sheet. Some fact sheets are free of charge.
Investigating Streams and F4vers -- 10-activity
curriculum promoting an interdisciplinary approach to
understanding local watersheds, includes suggestions for
enhancing student involvement through using computer
conferences. Order from The 6iP»66N Project, School of
Natural Resources, University of Michigan, 430 east
University, Ann Arbor, Michigan 4&I01-UI5, (?I3) fUl-
3142., 0112). $»4.16. Also, as* for their free catalogue
which inventories other video tapes, problem solving
materials and workshop presentation tools.

Living in Water -- 3t
"Project VICT: Water education for Teachers --
supplementary activity guide for grades K-12-, contains
multi-disciplinary activities related to a variety of water
issues and the role of water in people's lives. Order
from Montana Water Resources (Research Institute, 2-Ot
Raines Hall, Montana State University, Poteman,
Montana 5f?n, (4ol>) 114-5312..
Hands On Save Our Streams (50$) 1116 - - for grades
\-x%, curriculum includes instructions for involving your
class or club in a community - based environmental
learning project. Can be used to teach social studies,
biology, chemistry, math. Order from Save Our Streams
Program, Izaafc Walton league of America, 101
Conservation Lane, 6aithersburg, Maryland 20P7S,
0115.) (600) £U6i-lWlA $15. Orders of 10 or more
copies receive a \0% discount. Members of the IWLA
also receive a \0% discount for single copies.
Chesapeake fray Series: Simple Ways to Save the Pay - -
Soil Conservation; Ml (Recycling; Septic Systems; Water
Conservation; Your &oat tad The Pay; and Household
Hazardous Waste; - - a series of pamphlets and
booklets which outline what can be done to reduce
nonpoint sources of pollution in the Chesapeake Pay and
its watersheds. Order from Chesapeake Pay foundation,
104 Conduit Street, Annapolis, Maryland 2i4oi. (410)
fcUfc-fcfc??. free of charge.

having Water -- The Conservation Unit -- video, 2.0
student resource guides, and one teacher's resource
guide for grades 5-1, discusses the importance of
conserving water and explains how to conserve water;
teacher's guide includes activities and answers to
questions about water conservation. Order from Vtater
environment Federation, U)l W>(the Street, Me*andria,
Virginia 2.2314-1114. (600) OUO-02.0U. $41.
The Stream Scene: Watersheds, Wildlife and People - -
300-page notebook, contains activities about watersheds,
water quality and aquatic organisms. Order from
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Public
Affairs, P.O. £o* 51, Portland, Oregon 172-01. (503)
2-2-1-5400, e*t. 433, (I112-.) $»5. £an onaccept
checks for payment.
Surface Water -- 30-page student resource guide for
grades 5-1, teachers resource guide, and VHS video,
topics include the water c>(cle, surface water, water quality
testing, water pollution, and wastewater treatment. Order
from Water environment Federation, Ooi W>(the Street,
Me*andria, Virginia 2-2314-1114. (Soo) IM#-OZOU.
Tapwater Tour -- for grades 4-S, hands-on science
curriculum and water test kit. Five units help students
discover what is in their own tapwater. Order from
LaMotte Company P.O. £o* 32-1, £hestertown, Maryland
%\K$%o. (600) 344-3100, (W61). $44.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource 6uide - -
Variety of publications available on water pollution. U.S.
fifth and Wildlife Service, Chesapeake 0>ay Cstuary
Program, IT7 Mmiral Cochrane Prive, Annapolis,
Maryland 2.1401. (4to) 57?-46W.
Volunteer Cstuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual - -
focu& of this manual is the identification of those viater
quality parameters that are most important in
determining an estuary's water quality Manual focuses
on the concepts and plans developed bf the CPA guide
and places them in a nuts-and-bolts content specifically
for volunteer estualry monitoring programs. For a copy,
write to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of
Water, Officle of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, 4oi
M Street, SW (4$o4F), Washington, PC 2-0400. Free of

(*t\ Your classroom Involved!
Here art contact named, addresses and telephone
numbers for people and programs at the local, state and
federal level in tVh lfcgion 3. These people can help 9*1

Nantf 61099m, Nonpoint Source Program Manager
Division of Soil and Water Conservation
Dept. Of Natural (^sources &- environmental Control
61 Kings Highway P.O. f*o* t4oi
Dover, Delaware WO?
(30%) T?1-?46l
Linda Stapleford
Delaware Stream VJatch Program
Delaware Nature Society
P.O. &o*loo
Hotttessin, Delaware tflol
(?OZ) 231-2334
Delaware fosociation of Conservation Districts
P.O. ^0% 2A7.
Dover, PC 1110?
(?OZ) -re
6ilenn Page
Watershed proration Program
Alliance for the Chesapeafce fray
OUoo Yorfc Road Suite 100
Baltimore, Maryland 2-12.12.
(4to) m-Wo
Zfacquelyn Ciatee
Maryland Save Our Stream* (SOS)
"fre A Part of Something Pig" Program
Vft Scotts Manor Drive
£ilenn frurnie, Maryland ZIOUl
(4io) 1M-00&4 or (600) 44fc-532.0
Maryland Association of Conservation Districts
53 Slama Poad
6-dgeviater	Maryland 2-lOTf
(4io) 150-5T7I
District of Columbia:
Hamid Karimi, Nonpoint Source Program Manager
Environmental Regulation Administration
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
7-\00	Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave, SW
Washington, DC 2.002.0-5732.
(2-02.) 045-00ot e*t. 303B

Tim Shell
Anacostia Restoration Project
Rapid Stream Assessment and Inventory Project
Metropolitan Washington Council of Government
TT7 North Capital Street Suite 300
Washington, PC 2.0002-42-2-U
(2.02.) 102.-T342.
Stuart Schwartz, and Pavid Velinsfrj
Information Sharing on the Potomac River Pasin
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Pasin
UtiO E*ecutive boulevard Suite too
Rocfcville, Maryland 20662-
(?oi) iM-woe
Soil and Water Conservation District
2-too Martin Luther King, 3r. Ave., S6-
Suite 7-03
Washington, DC 2-002-0
(2.02) 045-1
Stuart Wilson, Nonpoint Source Program Manager
Division of Soil and Water Conservation
Dept. of Conservation and Historic Resources
2-0? Governor Street, Suite io(#
Richmond, VA 23211-2.014
(804) WU-t&VL

West Virginia:
bfle Bennett
Nonpoint Source Program Lead
Office of Water Resources
Department of environmental Protection
12-01 Greenbrier Street
Charleston, WV Vftw
(?o4) 66S-2.iofc
Mvan Gale
Outdoor Classrooms for Elementary Schools
Hands-On Stream and Pond Ecology
Division of Environmental Protection
Office of Water (Source*
12-01 Greenbrier Street
Charleston, WV VftW
(504) 66fc-2.loft
WV Soil Conservation Committee
State Capital
Guthrie Center
Charleston, WV 25305
(304) $56-2.2.04

Hanfc Z->fgmunt
P^gion ?
Nonpoint Source Program Coordinator
Ml CheMnut building
Philadelphia, P^ lfiol
(*l$) 6T7-342-1
Barbara Spinvieber
t?P\ P^gion 2. (includea New 3er6e
Gkt\ To Know The P66O.
The EPA Region 3 Public Environmental
Education Center (PEEC), located in the lobb^f of the
F-egion 3 office in Philadelphia, offers the public
unprecedented access to information about the (Region ?
mid-/Atlantic Mate* and the environment through use of
exhibits, touch-screen television monitors, videos, films,
literature, electronic data systems and street-level
displays. The PEE£ also has an environmental career
worfc station and personal computers which allovi the
public limited access to EPA data through electronic
bulletin boards. If travel permits, the PEEC invites >(ou
to bring ^our classroom to EPA. Students of all ages
can come to hear lectures on their favorite environmental
issues b^f the EPA experts. The PEEC is handicap
accessible and meets the Americans with Disabilities Act
requirements. If ^ou would lifce to explore alt that the
PEE£ has to offer ^ou and 
Special Thanfcs
TbanK ^ou to the 6PA F$gion ? Water Management
Division, the Massachusetts Hen £ove Nonpoint Source
Pollution Mitigation Project and the Poem and
Foster Contest. Also, a special thanks to the folloviirig
individuals: Teena F^ichgott, Danielle Ngaz.i, Pill Foster,
fcuth Podems (than* |gmunt.
If ^ou have questions about the 6PA Region 3 VI156
Poem and Poster Contest, please contact Carol Ann
6(Our state, please contact Sarah &oonin in
the CPA Region 3 Nonpoint Source Program at (2.1$)

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Poem written b^:
NUaon Horowitz, 6»rade 6. Np >i, WoodtreM fcUmmtarj. £herrj HiU, NT
Mego Uen, 60, WoodtreM E-Umentarj, £herrj Hill, NT
