r DATA REPORT of the DIURNAL FLUCTUATIONS of the DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONTENT in the SUSQUEHANNA RIVER between HARRISBURG AND COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA 1970 Field Operations Branch Surveillance & Analysis Division EPA - Region III Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ------- Data Report on the Diurnal Fluctuations of the Dissolved Oxygen Content in the Susquehanna River between Harrisburg and Columbia, Penna. 1970 I. INTRODUCTION The Susquehanna River between Harrisburg and Columbia, Pennsyl- vania is a shallow stream with numerous rapids caused by outcropping rock formations across the stream bed. Organic and nutrient loadings from waste treatment facilities dis- charging into the Susquehanna River and its tributaries have provided the environment conducive to the growth of numerous varieties of aquatic vegetation. The turbulence, caused by the outcropping rock formations, and photosynthetic cycle of the aquatic vegetation is the primary source of dissolved oxygen. However, the photosynthetic oxygen production fluctu- ates from day to night. II. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to quantify the diurnal fluctua- tions of the dissolved oxygen content and the pH values of the Susquehanna River between Harrisburg and Columbia, Penn- sylvania. This fluctuation is a measure of the oxygen input caused by the photosynthetic activity of aquatic vegetation. III. SCOPE The scope of the study was limited to a partial survey of two locations on the Susquehanna River during August, 1968. Sample traverses were made at the Market Street Bridge (US 11) in Harrisburg and at the Columbia Bridge (US 30) between Columbia and Wrightsvi1le, Pennsylvania. Water quality para- meters sampled included pH, water temperature, specific con- ductance, stream flow and dissolved oxygen content. U.S. EPA ftegion ill i"ZteT,brBa"mnm™*> iS? ^Street (3PM52) Philadelphia. PA 1 ------- ^ Horrisburg market street BRIDGE Scole in Miles I ¦ . 0 j L Columbia COLUMBIA BRIDGE O c JO STUDY AREA and BRIDGE LOCATIONS ------- III. Scope (cont'd.) Table 1 shows the diurnal fluctuations at the Columbia Bridge and Table 2, the diurnal fluctuations at the Market Street Bridge. See figure 2 for sample station locations at each bridge. IV. PROCEDURE Stream conditions in the Susquehanna River at the time of sampling were ideal for a diurnal type of study. The stream flow was low and there had been no fluctuations in river stage for more than a month prior to the survey. Cloud cover had been minimal and the air temperatures were generally in the upper 80's which, in turn, resulted in very favorable water temperatures for the growth of aquatic vegetation. The samples were taken according to routine field methods and analyzed according to methods outlined in the publication "Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater" 12th ed., 1965. V. STATION DESCRIPTION Stations included in this study are described below. (See Figure 1) Station River Mile Market Street Bridge 67 Station Description Susquehanna River at Market Street Bridge (US 11) at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Columbia Bridge 43 Susquehanna River at Colum- bia Bridge (US 30) at Columbia, Pennsylvania ------- BRIDGE PILING To Horrisburg -a C IT y ISLAND 10 12 13 IS 16 17 |8 19 MARKET STREET BRIDGE 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t NUMBER OF BRIDGE SUPPORT pillars; used to locate SAMPLE STATION To Columbia ABC I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 COLUMBIA BRIDGE To Wrightsville o 4 SAMPLE STATIONS 1—1—1 1 BRIOGE PILING I ** 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 SAMPLE STATION LOCATIONS (schematic detail) o c X ro ------- TABLE 1 Diurnal Dissolved Oxygen Fluctuations Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania Diurnal Study - Susquehanna River (Columbia Bridge @ Columbia, Pa.) Stations Time Date Temp. pH Spec. D.O. /&(approx.) Q river 1968 (°F) Conduct, mg/l Saturation (cfs) mhos a 09I5 B7l2 Bo 77S 355 7T9 98 5,780 A 1048 8/12 8l 8.3 350 A 1255 8/12 8l 8.45 360 10.0 125 A 11+55 8/12 82 8.20 380 11.1 i42 B 9:05 8/12 80 7.8 368 7.7 96 B 10:40 8/12 80.5 8.5 360 B 12:30 8/12 80.5 8.6 370 9.8 122 B 2:40 8/12 82. 8.7 370 11.1 142 C 8:55 8/12 80 8.1 378 8.2 102 C 10:30 8/12 81 8.6 365 C 12:45 8/12 81 8.6 370 9.6 120 C 2:30 8/12 82 8.8 335 10.8 139 D 8:45 8/12 79 8.2 380 8.8 109 D 10:20 8/12 79 8.4 380 D 1:00 8/12 80.5 8.3 370 10.7 133 D 2:15 8/12 81.5 8.7 375 11-3 143 ------- TABLE 2 Diurnal Dissolved Oxygen Fluctuations Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania Diurnal Study - Susquehanna River (Market Street Bridge @ Harrisburg, Pa.) itions Time Date Temp. pH Spec. D.O. /&( appro. 1968 (°F) Conduct. mg/l Saturat mhos A 0745 8/5 72 6.8 335 8.1 92 A 0900 8/5 73 6.2 500 9-8 101 A 1128 8/5 74 6.5 475 - - A 1250 8/5 76 6.4 480 11-3 135 A i44o 8/5 78 6.8 510 - A 1555 8/5 79 6.5 510 10.9 135 B 8:02 8/5 72 8.3 350 8.1 92 B 9:10 8/5 73 6.5 370 8.3 95 B 11:22 8/5 74 6.5 375 - - B 1:00 8/5 76 6.6 385 9.8 117 B 2:50 8/5 78 8.0 380 - - B 4:00 8/5 79 7.8 385 10.6 131 C 8:10 8/5 73 6.5 335 7-2 83 C 9:15 8/5 73 7.2 300 8.5 98 C 11:17 8/5 74 6.4 290 - - C 1:10 8/5 76 8.1 295 - - C 3:00 8/5 78 8.8 305 10.4 127 C 4:10 8/5 80 9.0 300 - - D 8:24 8/5 73 8.5 335 8.3 95 D 9:20 8/5 74 7.2 280 8.5 99 D 11:10 8/5 75 7-2 280 - D 1:21 8/5 78 9.1 280 11.5 140 D 4:26 8/5 80 9.1 275 11-3 140 E 9:25 8/5 73 7.6 295 8.7 100 E 11:00 8/5 74 8.7 280 - — E 1:30 8/5 75 8/4 280 10.6 126 E 3:20 8/5 78 8.9 280 - - E 4:30 8/5 80 8.7 280 11.7 145 F 10:50 8/5 74 7.5 300 7.9 92 P 1:40 8/5 75 7.8 340 9-8 117 F 3:26 8/5 78 7.5 300 F 4:40 8/5 79 8.8 280 11-7 144 Q river (cfs) 6280 ------- |