Do the "PC" Thing:
Donate Computers
Upgrading electronic equipment? Do the PC thing: donate your current equipment for reuse.
Reusing computers benefits communities, helps us use valuable materials wisely, and keeps work-
ing PCs out of landfills.
Getting Started
First, Consider Upgrading Your Software and
Keeping Your Computer
Before donating, have you considered keeping your computer
longer? Sometimes, software problems can cause a computer
to become slow and "crashy," making you want to get rid of
the computer and upgrade to a new one. While the hardware
of a computer is generally expected to last at least seven
years, the lifespan of a software program is generally only
three years. Because software is constantly being updated
and improved, one way to extend the life of your computer is
to simply upgrade your software. Developing some software
troubleshooting skills or having a good repairperson avail-
able can be helpful. If you do not have the appropriate skills,
many good software optimizing utilities are available that can
clean up your computer. A comprehensive list and reviews of
several optimizing utilities are available at
Copy Any Data You Want to Retain
Be sure to copy any data you would like to retain (e.g., files,
Web URLs, email addresses) to a thumb drive or CDs.
For more information on backing up your hard drive,
visit or
Pass It On?
Can Someone Use Your Donation?
If your computer is less than 5 years old and in working
condition, chances are someone else can use it. If, however,
it is older than 5 years, broken, or below Pentium PC (or Mac
Power) level, you should recycle it instead. Visit
fora list of recyclers.
Selecting the Recipient
of Your Donation
Schools and charities generally prefer to receive computer
equipment that has been checked out by a national clearing-
house, such as National Cristina Foundation, or that has been
upgraded by a refurbisher. After repairing or upgrading the
equipment, refurbishers will then pass on ready-to-use equip-
ment to nonprofits, schools, and low-income individuals at
a low cost or for free See for a list of refurbishers. Prior to donating, contact
your selected refurbisher to ensure your equipment meets the
organization's specifications and packaging requirements.
Clearing Personal Data
All computers have important, non-encrypted, sensitive data
on them such as passwords, documents, credit card informa-
tion, emails, and Web site visit logs. Data on your computer
resides in several different hidden places on your hard
drive. Deleting a file doesn't really remove it. Emptying your
computer's "recycle bin," deleting your Internet browser's
cache, deleting your emails and documents, reformatting
your hard drive, or even repartitioning your hard drive are all
inadequate to erase the data on your computer. Furthermore,
many software licensing agreements require that particular
programs be removed from a computer before it leaves the
original purchaser's ownership. Businesses and other institu-
tions are often required by law to carry out data security
actions before computers, their hard disk drives, floppy disks,
and other forms of removable media are sent outside of the
Clearing Data Yourself
If you decide to clean your computer yourself, you can pur-
chase software via the following commercial sites, or obtain
them for free at shareware sites:
Commercial Windows Disk Cleaning Software
• Blancco Data Cleaner
• WipeDrive
• CyberCide Data Destruction
Is Data Really Gone?
Deleting something from your computer
or e-mail is similar to removing a card
from the library's card catalog but not
removing the book from the shelf—the
information is still in the library if you
look for it. In the case of a computer hard
drive, the file's location information is
removed from the drive's index, but not
from its place on the drive, so the file can
easily be recovered by someone using
sophisticated data recovery software.
Clean Disk Security
East-Tec Sanitizer
Stellar Disk Wipe
Paragon Disk Wiper
Pinion Sanitizer
UniShred Pro Products.html
Wipe Info feature in Norton Utilities and System Works
Freeware Windows Disk Cleaning Software (the
following are available at
• Active® Kill Disk Hard Drive Eraser
• Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN)
• BCWipe
Macintosh Disk Cleaning Software
• Shredlt
• SuperScrubber
• Wipe Info feature in Norton Utilities (using this, you can
delete single documents and files)
Leaving Data Cleansing
to the Pros
If you would rather leave the data cleansing to a professional,
ask your refurbisher if they have a process to cleanse data
from computers. Many of these companies use reputable
disk cleaning software following U.S. Department of Defense
guidelines. This software systematically overwrites all data
and then verifies that this was done. Make sure that you have
a good understanding of how the company will be addressing
your concerns about data security if you will not be address-
ing this issue yourself. You may even want to go so far as
to ask your refurbisher for a written statement indicating the
specific method the company will use to cleanse the data
from your computer.
Packaging Your Donation
Keep the Operating System Intact
If you are donating hardware with a pre-installed Microsoft
operating system, pass on the operating system software.
Microsoft licensing agreements require that the software
stay with the original machine in which it was installed.
Include Accessories and Original Documentation
Remember to include the keyboard, mouse, speakers, and
other ancillary equipment. If possible, also include the origi-
nal documentation that came with the equipment and proof
of license.
Follow Equipment Delivery Instructions
Follow any additional requirements specified by your refur-
bisher or charity before donation.
Do the PC Thing:
Additional Resources
For additional tips on donating your computer, visit:
Ten Tips for Donating a Computer
Computer Reuse and Recycling Frequently Asked Questions
Keeping Old Computers Alive
Preventing Trouble on Windows Through Regular Maintenance &topicid=1
Automating Windows Maintenance,aid,107861,OO.asp
In addition to the following resources, Internet searches on "donating computers" will also turn up nonprofit organiza-
tions that may accept computer donations:
Reusing and Donating Electronics
Plug-In To eCycling
National Cristina Foundation
Tips for Donating a Computer
Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher (MAR) Program
Electronic Industries Alliance
eBay's Rethink Initiative
This fact sheet was developed jointly by Computer Recycling Center/Computers in Education, Computer Recycling For
Education, Computers for Schools, Goodwill Industries International, Inc., Hargadon Computer, Intel, National Cristina
Foundation, Rethink, San Francisco Dept. of Environment, Students Recycling Used Technology (StRUT) Silicon Valley,
Tech Soup (Compumentor), Truecycle, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Plug-In To eCycling program.
May 2007
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