United States
Environmental Protection
Developing Biological
Indicators: Lessons Learned
from Mid-Atlantic Streams
To demonstrate how monitoring and assessment
at the regional scale could be achieved, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
implemented the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment
(MAIA) pilot study for surface waters. A primary
goal of this study was to define biological
indicators that could be used to assess
stream condition at the regional level.
During 1993-1996, hundreds of wadeable
stream sites throughout the mid-Atlantic
region were surveyed for water chemistry,
land use, riparian condition, and channel
morphology in an effort to better
understand how human influence alters
fish, benthic macroinvertebrate (e.g.,
aquatic insect) and periphyton (e.g., algae
and diatom) assemblages.
series of workshops to create a consistent approach
for testing and selecting biological indicators for fish,
macroinvertebrates and periphyton. This brochure
summarizes a document that presents issues from those
workshops. Please refer to Developing Biological Indicators:
Lessons Learned from Mid-Atlantic Streams
(Fore 2003, EPA/903/R-03/003) in its
entirety for a more in-depth explanation
of related challenges and conclusions:
To create a
approach for
testing and
Goal of EPA-sponsored
During the course of the study,
researchers working independently derived different
approaches to data analysis and reported different
results regarding the relationships between human
influence and biological change. To build consensus
among the scientists involved, EPA sponsored a
Lessons learned from the MAIA study are
outlined below and highlight the steps
involved in developing stream biological
indicators. Efforts to resolve aspects of
sampling design, data collection and
management, correlating human impacts
and survey data, testing and selecting
individual metrics, and final development
and application of a multi-metric index are presented
here. This document is aimed at agency scientists
or managers tasked with implementing regional
monitoring programs.
Probabilistic sampling design was the best choice for MAIA
Given the size of the sampling area and the scope of the questions
asked for the MAIA study, most agreed that randomization of site
selection was necessary to yield an unbiased estimate of conditions
across the entire region (Figure 1). Unless one samples every site
(census sampling), selecting sites randomly is the only method for
inferring regional condition from a smaller set of sites.
Why sample randomly? If site selection is random and all sites are
sampled with an equal or known probability, then information from the
sampled sites can be used to infer the condition of sites not sampled.
Thus, results based on a random sample of sites can be scaled up to
the entire population of sites within a region, as long as each site in the
region could have been included in the sample.
Figure 1. MAIA probabilistic study
design locations for fish.
Lesson Learned:
This design strategy met the scope of the study and
circumvented the need to conduct census sampling,
an otherwise costly venture.
Reference sites did not always meet criteria for reference condition
Expectations for biological indicators are based on observed conditions at undisturbed or minimally
disturbed locations. These reference sites are used to define reference conditions. The MAIA study used a
two-pronged approach to select these sites:
• Researchers developed independent criteria, such as
acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) and nutrient loads
(Table 1).
• Local biologists helped select sites based on their best
professional judgment (BPJ) in order to ensure the full
range of site disturbance be included, not just "typical"
site disturbance.
Table 1. Independent reference site criteria.
All reference sites in calibration dataset met
ALL of these criteria:
ANC > 50 ueq/L
Total Phosphorus < 20 ug/L
Total Nitrogen < 750 ug/L
Chloride < 100 ueq/L
Sulfate < 400 ueq/L
Mean RBP Score > 15
Ironically, 73% (44 out of 60) of the BPJ sites failed to meet
the independently established criteria.
Lesson Learned:
Best professional judgment should always be confirmed
with objective criteria in choosing reference sites.
Perils of Data Management
Different "names" for the same site caused confusion
The MAIA data set was large and complex; therefore,
it was not possible to put all the data in a single file.
Consistent data identifiers, particularly site names,
were extremely important for matching multiple
files of related data. Although the initial information
management strategy accounted for this need,
inconsistencies arose in the completion of data fields,
which in turn complicated data analysis.
Lesson Learned:
More information should have been
included within each data file to identify
unique sampling occasions. Spending
more time up front ensuring that data were
completely and correctly stored would
have saved considerable time spent trying
to repair or retrieve corrupted data.
Lesson Learned:
Rather than create a complicated
database structure from which data
would have to be exported for analysis,
data files were kept simple from the
beginning so that they could be easily
downloaded from an EPA Internet site
and quickly entered into the user's own
statistical software.
Simple files were best
Data analysis for MAIA involved multiple institutions and
investigators using different statistical software. Posting
files on an Internet server was the most practical approach
to sharing files among so many remote users. Hosting a
searchable relational database that included all the data was
an option, but these were typically slow and difficult for the
host to maintain. Because researchers were typically interested
in a subset of data, smaller, simpler files with variables
grouped according to topic worked best. The MAIA data had
to be accessible to many remote users with the intention of
manipulating the data within a variety of software.
Original data must be archived
The tendency was to lose track of original
files with confusing formats when newer
versions were created. For the MAIA study,
referencing original files was the only way
to catch major errors in later versions of the
Lesson Learned:
Original field or bench sheets must be archived along
with the first generation of electronic data in a way that
the data will not be changed or lost.
Linking Human Disturbance to Biological Change
Because biological systems are complex and human disturbance is multidimensional (e.g., differing
types, sources, duration and intensity), single causes and mechanisms of impairment are difficult to
isolate. As a result, much of the evidence for human degradation of natural resources is correlative. In
such situations, although the path to causality (i.e., demonstrating cause and effect) is blocked by the
inability to perform controlled experiments and use statistical inference, logical argument (or weight
of evidence) constructed according to a recognized set of rules can be used instead (Table 2). In fact,
this approach typically yields a stronger case because researchers consider alternative explanations
explicitly, rather than ignoring them.
Results from the Mid-Atlantic illustrate how a causal argument can be constructed to support the
idea that human disturbance causes biological change. Specifically, Figure 2 shows the strength of the
correlation among reference site values versus sites impacted by acid deposition. This information can
be used to support Beyers' first criterion for constructing causal arguments (Table 2).
Table 2. Ten criteria for constructing causal arguments.
(modified after Beyers, 1998)
1. Strength: a large proportion of sampling units
are affected in exposed areas compared with
reference areas
2. Consistency: the association has been observed at other
times and places
3. Specificity: the effect is diagnostic of exposure
4. Temporality: exposure must precede the effect in time
5. Dose-response: the intensity of the observed effect is
related to the intensity of the exposure
6. Plausibility: a plausible mechanism links cause and effect
7. Evidence: a valid experiment provides strong evidence of
8. Analogy: similar stressors cause similar effects
9. Coherence: the causal hypothesis does not conflict with
current knowledge
10. Exposure: indicators of exposure must be found in affected
Beyers, D. W. 1998. Causal inference in environmental impact studies.
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17:367-173.
jD Fish
T1 Invertebrate
T1 Diatom 80
Addressing concerns about circular
An argument based on circular reasoning is
one in which the conclusion is embedded in
the premise, as for example, in the statement,
"decline in mayfly taxa richness is a good
indicator of biological disturbance because
we find many types of mayflies at undisturbed
places." The concern is that the observed
correlation may be due to spurious correlation
with another underlying cause that drives both
biology and patterns of human settlement, such
as elevation or watershed size.
Figure 2. Multimetric index values for fish, invertebrates, and
diatoms as a function of human disturbance. All index values
were higher at reference sites. Diatom index values were higher
than invertebrate index values for sites with acid deposition.
Lessons Learned:
In addition to the criteria in Table 2, a variety
of safeguards helped reduce drawing
unsubstantiated conclusions:
• Site selection was randomized
across a large geographic area
to ensure that the sample was
representative of all possible sites.
• Measures of disturbance were
selected independently of the
biological metrics.
• Part of the data set was reserved
to independently validate the final
• All metrics were tested for
correlation with multiple gradients of
human disturbance.
• Potential confounding factors such
as watershed area were explicitly
Patterns of human disturbance were complex
Dozens of variables related to water chemistry, metals, nutrients,
fish tissue contaminants, habitat, channel morphology,
geographic features, human census data, satellite land cover
and use, and specific point sources were included in the data
set. Hundreds more were derived from the data collected. The
hope was that such a complete record of human activity would
provide a clear picture of human influence and disturbance
within a watershed. In reality, disturbance measures were not
necessarily correlated with each other because not all activities
were present in every watershed. Consequently, one of the
primary challenges for the MAIA study was to determine which
variables most accurately characterized human influence.
Examination of a correlation matrix of all site condition
variables revealed correlative patterns among related variables.
Lesson Learned:
A comprehensive study linking
the types of human activities
(e.g., mining or agriculture) with
their specific stressors (e.g.,
SO4 or nutrients) would have
been helpful in clarifying metric
response to disturbance. Such a
study would have provided a better
understanding of which measures
of disturbance tended to vary
together and which measures were
related to natural geographic or
landscape features.
Integrated versus single measures of
disturbance were better predictors of
human influence
Measures of generalized disturbance
reflect multiple attributes of degradation
as opposed to singular stressors, such
as nitrogen levels or turbidity. Overall,
specific stressors tended to be more highly
correlated with integrative (or generalized)
measures of human disturbance than
they were with measures of only a single
aspect of disturbance. For example, four
individual measures (turbidity, pebble
size, riparian vegetation condition, and
riparian disturbance) were correlated with
one or two of each other, but all four were
correlated with Bryce, et al.'s (1999) index
of disturbance, an integrated measure of site
Similarly for biological indicators, integrative
measures of disturbance, rather than specific
stressors, showed a higher correlation with
multimetric indexes for all three assemblages
(Table 3). One chemical measure, chloride,
was a strong indicator of general disturbance
and also highly correlated with all three
biological indexes.
Lesson Learned:
Measures of disturbance that integrate
measures of site condition over multiple
spatial scales tended to better capture the
cumulative effects of human influence.
Table 3. Spearman's correlation of three multimetric indexes
with selected measures of human disturbance. All correlation
coefficients were significant; only values > 0.3 (or < -0.3) are
Measure Fish
N (total nitrogen) -0.45
P (total phosphorus)
NH4 (ammonia) -0.33
AN C (acid neutralizing)
SO4 (sulfate) -0.34
Turb (turbidity)
%S F (% sand and fine sediments)
PbSz (PeDDle size corrected for stream power)
RVeg (riparian vegetation)
RDlSt (riparian disturbance)
RBP (rapid bioassessment/habitat protocol)
CL (chloride)
BrVCe at a. [1999] disturbance
n on
Bryce et al. developed a risk index that
summarized the intensity of human disturbance
in the watershed upstream of sampled reaches.
The risk index integrated information from
the regional, watershed and reach scale. Each
watershed was scored from 1 to 5 representing
minimal to high risk of impairment.
Bryce, S. A., et al., 1999. Assessing relative risks to aquatic
ecosystems: a mid-Appalachian case study. Journal of the
American Water Resources Association. 35(1):23-36.
Metric Testing
Potential measures are selected for inclusion
in a multimetric index if they are biologically
meaningful, consistently associated with human
disturbance, not redundant with other metrics, and
reliably and easily quantifiable from field samples.
With a large list of candidate metrics and a single
test for each, there was the possibility that candidates
would meet the criteria for metric selection because
of chance alone. However, multiple tests against
different measures of human disturbance avoided
this pitfall.
Simple criteria were used first to eliminate
candidate metrics
Simple statistical rules were developed to shorten
the long list of candidate metrics identified for each
assemblage. This first round of elimination focused
on evaluating each metric's range of values, that
is, the ability of a metric to differentiate levels of
human disturbance.
Lesson Learned:
For Mid-Atlantic streams, candidate metrics
were eliminated in favor of metrics with a
broader range of values.
Statistical precision was no substitute for
correlation with disturbance
Signal-to-noise ratios estimate a measure's ability to
distinguish differences among sites from differences
within individual sites. If the variability of a candidate
metric within individual sites is higher than its
variability among all sites, then the measure is unlikely
to detect differences in biological condition among
sites (or differences at sites that change over time).
Although most metrics incorporated into multimetric
indexes have high signal-to-noise ratios (indicating
high precision), a high ratio alone does not guarantee
that a candidate metric will be a meaningful indicator.
Metric values can be highly repeatable at individual
sites but still be unrelated to human disturbance.
Consider, for example, pool depth and embeddedness.
The depth of a pool in a stream is often considered
an indicator of good fish habitat. Quality is expected
to decline as erosion, dredging, and sedimentation
fill pools, creating a homogeneous channel profile.
Embeddedness represents the proportion of the
stream reach filled with sand and fine sediments. For
the MAIA study, pool depth measures were very
precise, with signal-to-noise ratio of 16. In contrast,
embeddedness measures revealed a signal-to-noise
ratio of 1.9, failing to meet the authors' suggested
minimum value of 2. Embeddedness, however,
showed a strong correlation with human disturbance.
Conversely, pool depth was precise but not related
to human disturbance. Embeddedness, though
less statistically precise, was the better indicator of
biological condition (Figure 3).
Lesson Learned:
Certainly statistical precision is a desirable
property of a good metric, but statistical
precision alone does not guarantee a
predictable association with human disturbance.
Metrics from different assemblages were
eliminated for different reasons
The list of plausible metrics proposed for testing
in Mid-Atlantic streams included 58 for fish,
120 for invertebrates, and 240 for periphyton.
Most of the candidate metrics for periphyton
represented untested hypotheses, whereas the
other assemblage metrics had experienced a
greater amount of testing. As Table 4 shows, fish
metrics were eliminated for different reasons and
at different frequencies than were invertebrate
Lesson Learned:
Across assemblages, metrics were
selected and eliminated for different
Table 4. Numbers of candidate metrics tested for
MAIA's fish and invertebrate multimetric indexes
and a summary of the reasons for which they were
eliminated. This winnowing process resulted in
fewer than 10 metrics included in the final indexes.
Total # of
candidate metrics
Insufficient range
Poor signal/noise
Fail to correlate
Persistent correlation
w/watershed area
Total # of metrics
in final index
Development and Application of Multimetric Indexes
Multimetric indexes were created in part to fulfill a Clean Water Act mandate that all states develop
numeric criteria for assessing biological condition of water bodies. A multimetric index, as the name
implies, is a carefully constructed framework of multiple types of measurements. Once individual
metrics have been tested and selected for inclusion in a multimetric index, it is necessary to ensure the
index as a whole will offer a reliable and quantifiable indication of human disturbance.
Biological criteria depend on
the definition of reference sites
In the same way reference sites
are used to develop individual
metrics, multimetric index
values observed at reference, or
minimally disturbed, sites are
used by many states to define
biological impairment. Currently,
states vary both in the way they
characterize reference condition
and define deviation from
reference condition. States also
vary in their determinations of
biological impairment thresholds.
Lesson Learned:
From the MAIA study we learned the importance
of having objective criteria to select reference
sites, a lesson relevant to all states as they
develop reference condition criteria and rules for
defining impairment. Additionally, it is important
to develop informative, defensible and consistent
thresholds from state to state.
Red breasted sunfish
Patterns of index variability were similar
across assemblage types
Statistical precision is an important feature of
any monitoring tool because it determines the
ability of an indicator to detect change should
it occur. A highly variable indicator must show
a large change in value before the change
is statistically significant. Lack of sensitivity
translates into an inability to sound an alarm
that will protect resources from degradation.
Statistical power analysis can be used to
estimate the magnitude of change that
an indicator can detect. Results from two
commonly used statistical models for power
analysis (t-test and regression) indicated that
the MAIA multimetric indexes had adequate
precision to distinguish between two and five
categories of biological condition (such as
good, fair, poor) and could detect between
1.5% and 2.5% change per year after five years
of monitoring.
As shown in Table 5, indexes for each
assemblage differed in percentages of
"nuisance" variance, that is, the amount of an
index's total variance that can be explained by
year-to-year differences, statistical outliers, and
measurement error. Site variance is associated
with biological condition—the higher the
percentage of site variance, the more precise
the index.
Caddisfly larvae (Family Leptoceridae)
Lesson Learned:
Despite differences in how the statistical
models ranked the three indexes, percentages
of "nuisance" variance components were
approximately similar across assemblages
Table 5. Components of variance expressed as a
percentage of the total variance for diatom, invertebrate,
and fish multimetric indexes. Variance associated with site
differences, year-to-year differences, site x year interaction,
and repeat visits within years are shown for each index.
| "nuisance"
Percentage of total variance
(target variability)
(year-to-year differences)
Site x year
(statistical outliers)
Error [repeat visits]
(measurement error)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment
701 Mapes Road
Fort Meade, MD 20755-5350
January 2006
Assemblages differed in their sensitivity to disturbance types
The MAIA study concluded that any of the three assemblages could be used to monitor stream
condition because multimetric indexes for all three assemblages could reliably distinguish degraded
sites from sites with little or no human influence. However, each assemblage varied in its sensitivities
to different types of disturbance. Figure 4 shows the relative sensitivity to disturbance conditions (or
relative risk) of each assemblage. For example, fish showed less sensitivity to sedimentation effects than
invertebrates or algae.
Lesson Learned:
Employing all three multimetric indexes to monitor stream
condition yields the fullest range of information.
Non-Native Fish -
Sedimentation -
Large Wood -
Riparian Habitat -
Nitrogen -
Phosphorus -
Mine Drainage -
Acidic Deposition ~
Acid Mine Drainage -
1 1 1
1 '
1 | 1
1 | 1
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0
1 i 1
1 ' 1
i ' '
i i 1
i 1
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0
Relative Risk
' 1
1 i 1
n 1
| | |
f 1
1. .
1 1 1 1
.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Figure developed by John Stoddard based on data from the Mid-Atlantic Highlands Streams Assessment (EPA 2000, EPA/903/R-00/015)
Figure 4. A relative risk of 1.0 denotes "no stressor effect", and stressors with confidence intervals lying
entirely above 1.0 (green bars) are statistically significant (one-sided p<=0.05). This figure shows relative risk
values for associations between biotic integrity (for each assemblage) and stressor condition (for each assessed
stressor). Length of bars is the increase in likelihood of encountering a poor ecological condition (based on biological
indicators) when the stressor is also ranked as poor.
Wayne Davis
Office of Environmental Information
Environmental Analysis Division
Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment
701 Mapes Road
Fort Meade, MD 20755-5350
Lou Reynolds
USEPA Region 3
EAID Freshwater Biology Team
1060 Chapline Street
Suite 303
Wheeling, WV 26003-2995
John Stoddard
USEPA Office of Research and
NHEERL - Western Ecology Division
200 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, OR 97333
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