Stormwater and the Construction Industry
               Planning and Implementing Erosion and Sediment Control Practices
j"3he construction industry is a critical participant in the nation's efforts to protect streams, rivers, akes,
die key defense against erosion and sedimentation.
In addition to the environmental impact, uncontrolled erosion can have a significant financial impact on a
Best Management Practice (BMP)
A BMP is a method used to prevent or control stormwater runoff and the discharge of pollutants, including sedimen , nto
local waterbodies. Silt fund's, inlei pmiccii™. ami sire-siabili/aiion [echtiiiiiies are rvpical RMI's on a construction site.
general contractor)
to ensure compliance with the permit requiremcms. It is ihe ra,ponsil>i]ii> of a construction site owner or operator to
may have diffcrcm definitions of the term "operator.")
So what's being done about polluted runoff?
As of January 2003, 44 states and territories are authorized to issue NPDES stormwater permits. If your state isn't
your state's NPDES stormwater permit program. In general, construction permits require construct on operators
• Comply with the permit, including maintaining BMPs and inspecting the site
permit coverage. States have different names for the plans that construction operators must develop, such as
• Stormwater pollution prevention plan
• Erosion and sediment control plan
• Water pollution control plan
" Pollution prevention plan
1 think 1 need a permit... Where do 1 start?
to be covered under a state or EPA-issued NPDES construction stormwater permit priorto land disturbance. Permit
to local erosion and sediment control requirements, but that doesn't release you from the requirements of the NPDES
been designed to be complementary. Contact your permitting authority to find out exact y what you need to do. A good
development or sale, such as a single lot within a larger subdivision. For developments with multiple operators, all
small each operation happens to be. When there are multiple operators at one site, they're encouraged to develop

Determine your eligibility
part of a larger common plan of development, must obtain permit coverage.
Read and understand your stormwater permit requirements
Develop a Plan
impractical, you may post a notice that tells where the Plan is kept so it can be accessed by the permitting authority
they'll know your site is covered by an NPDES permit!
Apply for permit coverage
Once you understand your permit requirements and have developed a Plan, you can submit a stormwater permit
disturbance on the site. Some states require a few days of lead time, so check with your permitting audiority. Once
Implement the Plan
Be prepared to implement the BMPs in your Plan before construction begins. Ensure that BMPs are properly
maintained, and upgrade and repair them as necessary.
Developing and Implementing a Plan 4. Certification and Notification
You must have a Plan that includes erosion ami scdimem control and pollution prevention BMPs. These Plans require • Certify the Plan
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• Erosion and sediment control BMPs in place until the area is permanently siabili/eJ
• Pollution prevention BMPs to keep the consrrnction site "dean" ^Ncw iflh! S^SSj^SSSn^lS ™n" P^COnstrUCf ion Checklist
Fortunately, the practices and measures that must beinduded in your Plan are already pan of the standard operating procedures at many construction sites. it available for the staff implementing the Plan. teraW I^IM^ ' aaiHluct!oa*BlWtles
Six steps arc av.uu;ucd with developing and implementing a stornuvatcr Plan, There's a wealth of information available uu developing pollution j-, . . Total area of the site
sample cons,.!Uj;i;\! plsnisa' .li'.Mt at urww.epa.g w II|VL^ pubs"le swppp.pdf. ,. . , , .
sedimentation control * nSES^a*
1. Site Evaluation and Design Development practices are only ° fw***************"*'*
I DltptCrdX as s°°d as their I E^H~r±^Lrf ,,
• Prepare pollution prevention site map installation and ™trois^
The first btep in preparing a Plan is to define the characteristics of the site and the type of construction that will occur. This involves collecting site maintenance. \ Sui&« muiT ' ^"^ ^"^'^ "' '
1^^^SS^SS^Uat'"t ' ' " ' 	 	 ' ' 	 ' "'" oStormwater discharge locations
2. Assessment 5* Irnplementing and '^^£^1.
• Measure the site area Maintaining d Plan * 0 ^l^npJelLdll^di^^ccnw^
• Determine the drainaee areas • Implement controls ° Stmcmral plactices for a11 d"""**""*"* locations
""'••' -" '-- • ' » Siormwaict !:,i..«" ,:!'•; :l . rl-!>k including
• Calculate the runoff coefficient • Inspect and maintain controls 0 Measures used to control polhrants occurring in stormmter
The next step is assessing the impact the project will have on stormwater runoff. Determine the drainage areas and estimate the runoff amounts and • Update/change the Plan disduu^i- ain.= nm-.ti-uaK-ii juh uieT are complete
• Report releases of hazardous materials from ihedisdi -.•.•, ]••••»•••. along t&e length of an; Burial channel
3. Control Selection and Plan Design A Plan describes the prattices and activities ^u'" use to prevent * 0ih^co™i°l5'iDel'idiDs
siorrnwatcr cmUMininatii'iL ami mm the NPDES pertnii requirements. *J-'- JIM».'! HLKI;^ ,!i.u ?*.-. :<; ..;•.!,,(:;. ;,; -•],.'. n: ,;,.!„:!,
• Review and incorporate state or local requirements Make sure ihiis ino Plan i\ mi pi cm en red and that the Plan is updated as ° Measoitsiombiinizeoffiei tracking of sediments by construcdon
• Select erosion and sediment controls 0 Measures to ensure compliance with state or local waste disposal,
• Select other controls i^i^ ^ ^Z^T^AT^^ STU"to^ •o^TT'' '"""","'" '.'^"Tlion tatn*
• Select stormwater management controls inLTd^rrtuy^' immedialely '° enSUre [ha' ^ BMPs hav° ^" he™C™ed C"ral ' "" '""'"' "' '" 	 '•••-• -1
• Indicate the location of controls on the site map '" 	 • Sra.c w local requirements incorporjted into the 11™
Regularly insp^i ilu- lUil'ML-,,;,. :,,1I before and after rain events) and < 	 i .. . 'd
• Prepare an inspection and maintenance plan purl,™ am nc^^ai'i [•tpair-, or mainieiuiitL immeJuidv. Many BMPs nsr^^onantimatatBnancejircceaittM tamota mu™n.s laentitica in
• Prepare sequence of major activities It's also irn ortanttoke records of BMP installation im lementation
these areas. when a site is temporarily or permanently stabilized. , ^ ^ ^^^ Qf cun5traclioil activideSi inc]uding
'' ] '." " . _'• ' ' " Phasingyourproiecttominimizetheamountofesposed If construction plans change at any time, or if more appropriate EMPs are . Dates when major grading activities occur
•™t^~sss"i"itlZ, 	 i™,"™;^™*^'":;;.:;.1;;;::;; 6. Completing the Project: .ttZL™«L,.,,,«M««,,,.«lrt,,,t.,,,»»,,
'. SEzE«^t5E5E™5fE£f3z*H£I,i SS^iS^r^™ ."ZT"™ Final Stabilization and . te^aLk««.naVtliu.»«
,S£L" 	 .,:,,' 	 ™"«rmT«"*l'*r''Ilndu* Termination of the Permit •''"- "-;'"» ...-«—..
• vegeraieon ur,u ikpius 111.11 mil mmre u«a imnwdisreft -,_,._. , i!vli ^ _ L, ._„._, t ,..,; _. .^^^^
*»3r:±™~;;l?;;.»:JJ:;,,l°li;;;::;S.*BMP*" 	 S^yrif««~™ifL™"o™™: • Notice ofieraiination .UMP,/,™!.,,,^
'S±™h~C"""'"''U"'°dl'~'1'"™"rt°™°P—"""™'''S"'le .tf..d,™vl.,«di»,n,-,h.,.,,.,,,0,,i.,,f,, .Record retention . Ob,m,d»,dm,n,
' ' " ...ii-r... -.,.'.. ..u ' •- "..•>•• 	 :•::•:.. •,',.. ,n::\ • Necessary changeb to the Plan
•»-"'""" •'"" 	 	 	 ' " ==is;\T**2.":; srssz^r^i^ri-'srs .R^,-,,^,,.-,,.*-.^—.-*
''..=!-; .:•-'- •-••:••'•.• !' ••••••+••-••• i '-^- -••••-•--•• 	 -i"- :•-!'-•«; •'••• •--. .^-?:,:...J ..^^ ;,; 1>.],/_, ] ,,. ,.,. -,;„-,.., LL ,,,:.;,. ,-.„,„..- J;. NOT is required when * NotifytheNmonalResponseCenteratSflft^^SSftlimmediately
^j-i^l.'i," '. i ' ireiwhii ' ",''•'.•''"' ' ','„"!" it'- '•',••', ' ''^ ",!!''" ! ' .\,'!'-1,".', iui]p,ir,i)i .._c.l:n.L;. Pjnu,i:i. ..... -.j .,, n 	 im;> • Final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site * Report releases to your permittins authority immediately, or as
...!, .. ,„•.:,:,. ,'„ f ^cut doCBSBi imFmpj^. ' Structural conirN Tncn-uu- iTiclmlc eanli diko. sill for whkh the permittee is responsible. ipedfiaiin youi perrnii You m,>,( ,1],, provide a written report
• Keep salimrat un site fen™s, and sediment traps. No single RMP will meet all f h ' Wm" '* ^'
"'"L'."!c'':-.!! '";".1'".1'1,;'li;iI,1"'iiV01''1 ' '"^ M™"!!"'^ .1"",' " •':' ',! •-!-•..•• .,.;-.,.....!• ,;-...• .1 ^^°fa ,,,_. ]itlM , „ . ,,,,,., 	 	 iA.. , .,,.„,, ,,,,.,,.,,,] i,,,-,,, * Modify ihePlantomeludc
.C™™^.,.,,,,,™^,,™..,,,,,,,,.,™,,,,™,.™*,,™. »'«»«'-— »D.««tt«W«™™«»P* «..ubm,1,.,.p~,mlMo,«,««p™M«,»hodW iZ.^w,,4,*«
^ Do^not hose paved^reas. ^ .... .(h series available ar v, « •.•,.i-;ia ,;.»'menuotbmps. lot has been compLi,..! n-.i • to transfcrenceofownershipto the Steps taken to prevent reoccutrence of the release
• Ensure that 8enttxti!es an J mukl, J.L.-.J.I, JL ,-:,!,.(. j[Hilvagetiitioii i= well established. for atleast 3 years following final stabilization •Ihi^i-or ii,l may he longer » ddtess clunks lu.,^.:-..-,.,-!.;. •!.,, -lion operation, or maintenance
Other BMPs and Activities to Control Polluted Runoff
wT™^"^- "toi™1, ' •'""'*':• -''' -'' '!""'",7:'.:V'.' V' i:; ''".'". "1'"''.",;!'''t":;'1' ;;! l"1'1 !. "'".;' ^l,''''^'"!™™^'^'^ ^n ounce of prevention is worth apoundof cure! It's far more efficient and cost-
praataKthai* od be tadu*d in ,te H™ and impiemeHed «. jiB: effective to prevent pollution than it is to try to correct pro blems later. Installing and
. Ckariy idendfy . proleae4 lined a«a for cmmic tni* wash™*. Mi area sbould be located away from sireams, norm drain Ink* or dhdies and should be eleaned maintaining simple BMPs and pollutlOH pVeVentWH tCChniqUCS OH Site COtl g^Offy
. ^^ei,JdmaiD,atavehi<^ reduce t he potential for stormwater pollution and can also save you money!
* Seuaish'NftcM.u'!' '••" "- \^t "• -i"st,^br]j,orrrasli.This«atercoii)d wash directly intostorradrai^orstreiims Sweep up material? and dispose XXCIjT^ „
mat 'I J EniirarStal Protection ^^S
EPA 833-11-03-001 ~^^^*
Visit more infoYmation. SSr±±K±s±s: ^=^-
