Draft Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
   (MOVES) 2009

   Software Design and Reference Manual
United States
Environmental Protection

             Draft Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
                           (MOVES)  2009

              Software Design and Reference Manual
                          Assessment and Standards Division
                          Office of Transportation and Air Quality
                          U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
United States
Environmental Protection
March 2009

A Note about the Capitalization and Naming
Conventions Used in this Document

      Because object orientation is central to the design of the MOVES software, this
document often refers to classes and objects. The class names used in MOVES are often
formed from several English words which are run together without spaces, e.g.
"EmissionCalculator", "RunSpecEditor", etc.  MOVES follows the widely-used Java
naming convention of capitalizing each word in these run-together names, and this
convention is also used in this document.
      Because databases are also central to MOVES, this document includes many
references to databases, tables, and fields. It is our intention that database and table
names follow the same naming convention as classes in MOVES.  The names of fields
within these tables also use this scheme, except that they begin with a lower case letter
(unless they begin with an acronym). E.g. there is a "MOVESDefault" database which
contains an "EmissionRate" table and this table contains a field named "meanBaseRate".
We've applied the same naming convention to file and directory names as well because
they are somewhat analogous to tables  and databases.
      Acronyms, such as "VMT" (from "vehicle miles traveled") or "AC" (from "air
conditioning") are capitalized in all contexts, even when they begin a field name, even
though this is not standard programming practice. Thus there is a  field named
"ACPenetrationFraction". A table of acronyms used in this document is contained in
Appendix A.
      There are undoubtedly instances where this document fails to fully comply  with
these conventions.  In some contexts it  seems natural to use ordinary English, e.g.
"emission rate",  interchangeably with a class name, e.g. "EmissionRate", and we have
not attempted to be highly rigorous  in this regard. The Windows operating system is not
case sensitive and MySQL is also rather forgiving in this respect.  We hope our readers
will be as well.

Table of Contents

A Note about the Capitalization and Naming Conventions Used in this Document	2
1. Introduction	6
2. MOVES Software Components	10
3. Computer Hardware and System Software Requirements	12
  3.1. Details on JAVAPlatform Requirements	12
  3.2. Details on My SQL Platform Requirements	13
  3.3. Details on Shared File Directory Platform Requirements	14
4. MOVES Computer Platform Configuration	15
5. MOVES Software Licensing	18
6. Installation Overview	19
7. Processing Overview	22
8. Data and Control Flow	23
9. Functional Design Concepts	28
  9.1. Geographic Locations	28
  9.2. Time Periods	30
  9.3. Characterizing Emission Sources (Vehicle Classification)	31
  9.4. Emission Pollutants	35
  9.5. Emission Processes	35
  9.6. Vehicle Fuel Classifications	36
  9.7. Emission Source Activity	38
  9.8. Modeling Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance Programs	42
10. MOVES Functional Specifications	45
  10.1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) / Run Specification Editor	46
  10.2. Application Program Interface and Master Looping Mechanism	46
  10.3. Input Data Manager	47
  10.4. Database Pre-Aggregation	48
  10.5. Mesoscale Lookup Table Link Producer  (LTLP)	60
  10.6. Total Activity Generator (TAG) for Macroscale	61
  10.7. Total Activity Generator (TAG) for Mesoscale Lookup	72

10.7A. Total Activity Generator (ProjectTAG) for Project Level Modeling	80
10.8. Running OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (OMDG) for Macroscale	90
10.9. Running OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (OMDG) for Mesoscale Lookup
10.10. Source Bin Distribution Generator (SBDG)	106
10.11. Meteorology Generator	Ill
10.12. Start OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (StartOMDG)	113
10.13. Tank Temperature Generator (TTG)	115
10.14. Tank Fuel Generator (TFG)	124
10.15. Evaporative OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (EvapOMDG)	129
10.16. Alternative Vehicle Fuels and Technologies (AVFT) Strategy	131
10.17. Energy Consumption Calculator (ECC)	136
10.18. Distance Calculator	143
10.19. Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Calculator	146
10.20. Atmospheric CO2 and CO2-Equivalent Calculator	148
10.21. Criteria Pollutant Running EmissionCalculator (CREC)	150
10.22. Criteria Pollutant Start EmissionCalculator (CSEC)	162
10.23. Basic Running PM EmissionCalculator	172
10.24. Sulfate PM EmissionCalculator (SEC)	179
10.25. Basic Start PM EmissionCalculator	182
10.26. Basic Brake and Tire Wear Emission Calculators	187
10.27. CriteriaAndPMExtendedldleEmissionCalculator	188
10.28 Air Toxics Calculator	194
10.29. Permeation Calculator	197
10.30. Liquid Leaking (LL) Calculator	201
10.3l.HCSpeciation Calculator (HCSC) Calculator	204
10.32. Tank Vapor Venting (TVV) Calculator	206
10.33. Result Data Aggregation and Engineering Units Conversion	215
10.34. Post-Processor for Mesoscale Lookup	219
10.35. Post-Processing Script Execution	220
10.36. Summary Reporter	222

  10.37. GREET Model Interface	226
  10.38 Future Emission Rate Creator (FERC)	230
  10.39 I/M Coverage Table Editor	234
  10.40 Estimating the Uncertainty of MOVES Results	235
  10.41. Retrofit Strategy	239
11. DRAFT MOVES2009 Input and Default Databases	241
  11.1. Use of Data Types	242
  11.2. Functional Types of Tables:	243
  11.3. Database Tables and Their Use	244
  11.4. Where to Find More Detailed MOVES Database Documentation	252
12. DRAFT MOVES2009 Output Databases	254
  12.1. MOVESRun Table	256
  12.2. MOVESError Table	256
  12.3. The MOVESActivityOutput, MOVESOutput, MOVESMesoscalActivityOutput
  and MOVESMesoscaleOutput Tables	257
Appendix A.  Table of Acronyms	262
Appendix B.  MOVES Error/Warning Messages	264

1. Introduction
       The Draft 2009 Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (DRAFT MOVES2009) is
released to the general public mainly for users' review and comments. A follow-up final
version of MOVES, scheduled to be released in late 2009, will include modifications
based on users' feedback and EPA's planned enhancement. DRAFT MOVES2009, which
is the third of the current series of the MOVES "implementations", includes several new
features, e.g., user data importers and air toxic. Although this draft model contains more
realistic estimates of pollutant emissions than previous versions, it still holds some
placeholder data, for example the emission rates for motorcycles were set to 0 (zero),
which serve as placeholders to make users aware that the model includes motorcycles,
while numeric estimates are not currently available.  In addition, the GREET model
interface that was incorporated in earlier versions has been disabled in this version
because it is no longer operational.  EPA hopes to restore this GREET functionality in a
future version of MOVES.
       A brief description of the two previous  versions of MOVES before Draft
MOVES2009 is as follows.
   •   MOVES2004  (released in 2004): the first version of MOVES that can be used to
       estimate and project national inventories at the county level for energy
       consumption, N2O, and CH4from highway vehicles.
   •   MOVES-HVI (released in 2007): a demonstration version  of MOVES that is the
       Highway Vehicle Implementation of EPA's Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator.
       The MOVES-HVI retains much of the functionality of MOVES2004 with a few
       significant updates as it is only intended to demonstrate the significant features
       added to MOVES to estimate criteria pollutant emissions (gaseous hydrocarbons,
       carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter) from highway
       vehicles.  It is  suitable only for demonstration purposes; none of its numerical
       value results should be considered to be realistic.

       Future implementations of MOVES are planned to operate at smaller scales,
estimate non-highway mobile source emissions, and estimate pollutants from additional
mobile sources such as aircraft, locomotives, and commercial marine activity.
       Two documents can be considered precursors to this one:  The first is a report
published in October 2002 entitled Draft Design and Implementation Plan for MOVES.
This plan includes extensive background on the impetus for MOVES,  an analysis of the
"use cases" MOVES is intended to address, and the conceptual design for the model.
The second was the MOVES2004 Software Design Reference Manual (SDRM) dated
November, 2004. Both documents are available on the MOVES website
(www.epa.gov/otaq/ngm.htm) and the reader is encouraged to consult them if additional
background is desired.   The draft plan underwent formal peer review and public
stakeholder review; the comments resulting from this process were summarized in
Appendix I of the MOVES2004 SDRM. A preliminary version of the MOVES2004
SDRM was peer-reviewed, and the comments from this process were summarized in
Appendix II of the released draft version. Because this document has the same purpose,
structure, scope and formatting conventions relative to Draft MOVES2009 as the
previous MOVES 2004 SDRM had relative to MOVES2004, EPA does not plan for it to
undergo formal peer review. Comments from the public are welcome.
       The overall purpose of this Software Design and Reference Manual, is, together
with the Draft MO VES2009 User Guide, to answer questions pertaining to the MOVES
software.  The User Guide is tailored to the beginning user and to getting started quickly
using the model.  It focuses on operation of the MOVES Graphical User Interface (GUI).
This Software Design and Reference Manual intended to answer more substantive
questions about the model software and document the calculations the model performs. It
also provides more detail on configuring, installing, and running the MOVES program
than the User Guide.
       Chapter 2 identifies the major software and database components which make up
DRAFT MOVES2009.  At this general level the MOVE Software is considered to consist
of 8 components.

       Chapter 3 covers the hardware and system software required to run each major
       Chapter 4 covers configuration of the MOVES software, which can be run on a
single computer or a network of computers.
       Chapter 5 covers MOVES software licensing.
       Chapter 6 discusses the MOVES installation process in somewhat greater detail
than the MOVES User Guide or the Readme file included in the installation package
       Chapter 7 provides a "processing overview" of MOVES.
       Chapter 8 diagrams and discusses the flow of data and control between more
detailed components of MOVES.  At this level the DRAFT MOVES2009 software is
divided into about 25 components.
       Chapter 9 discusses the functional design concepts of MOVES.
       Chapter 10 documents the functionality of most of the individual components of
MOVES, their inputs, the calculations they perform, and the outputs they produce. This
single chapter composes nearly half of the entire document.
       Chapter 11 provides some top level documentation of the tables in the MOVES
Input Database and contains more detailed documentation of the flow of data in MOVES
by indicating which MOVES components read and write these tables in the MOVES
Execution Database.
       Chapter 12 documents the structure of the MOVES Output Database.
       Other documents supplement the DRAFTMOVES2009 User Guide and the Draft
MOVES2009 Software Design and Reference Manual.  Those most closely related to the
software are:
         The MOVES Program Suite Distribution which includes a README file more
            briefly explaining the process of installing all MOVES-related components,
            and where to get assistance or report problems with the MOVES
            installation process.
         Detailed documentation on the MOVES input database is included in a
            README directory within the database itself.

Technical documentation explaining the data sources and methods used to
   estimate the default fleet, activity, and emission data underlying DRAFT
   MOVES2009 is contained in technical reports separately downloadable
   from the EPA web site.
Documentation produced by Argonne Laboratories covering the GREET
   model is contained in the GREET directory within the model itself.
   Although the GREET interface has been disabled in MOVES, the
   documentation for GREET is provided in this version because EPA hopes
   to restore this functionality in a future version of MOVES.

2. MOVES Software Components
      MOVES is written in Java™ and the MySQL relational database management
system, a product of MySQL AB. Its principal user inputs and outputs, and several of its
internal working storage locations, are MySQL databases.  A "default" input database,
covering 3222 counties of the United  States and which supports model runs for calendar
years 1990 and 1999 - 2050 is included with the model.
      MOVES has a "master - worker" program architecture which enables multiple
computers to work together on a single model run. A single computer can still be used to
execute MOVES runs by installing both the master and worker components on the same
      Looking at this architecture in greater detail, the MOVES software application
consists of eight components, each described briefly here.
      MOVES Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Master Program: This is a Java
program which manages the overall execution of a model run. Its MOVES GUI (also
sometimes referred to as the run specification editor) may be used to create, save, load,
and modify a run specification or RunSpec, and to initiate and monitor the status of a
model run. A basic command line interface may be employed (in lieu of the GUI) by
users (or by other computer programs) to execute the model without interacting with the
MOVES GUI.  If MOVES is installed on a computer network several model runs may be
executed concurrently by different copies of the MOVES Master Program.
      MOVES Worker Program:  This is also a Java program. At least one executing
copy of this program is needed to complete a MOVES run. It may execute on the same
computer as the MOVES Master Program, or on other computer(s) having access to the
SharedWork file directory.
      Default input database, normally named "MOVESDefault": this MySQL
database must reside on the same computer as the MOVES Master Program.  A version
of this database is included in the MOVES Installation Package. This "MOVESDefault"
may be replaced by a database specifically named as "MOVESDByyyymmdd" in the

MOVES installation package, where yyyymmdd stands for a string of year, month and
       SharedWork: This is a file directory or "folder" which is accessible to all
executing copies of the MOVES Master program and the MOVES Worker program.  It is
not a MySQL database but simply a file directory or "folder" provided by the file
services of a software operating system.
       Optional user input databases:  These MySQL databases are normally located
on the same computer as the MOVES Master Program. They may contain any of the
same tables that are in the default input database and are used to add or replace records as
desired by the user.
       The MOVESExecution database: This MySQL database is created by the
MOVES Master Program.  It is used for temporary working storage and does not interact
directly with the user. It must be on the same computer as the master program.
       MOVES output databases: MySQL databases are named by the user and
produced by MOVES model program runs. While normally located on the same
computer as the MOVES Master program, they could be located on any MySQL server
accessible to it.
       MOVESWorker database: This MySQL database is used as working storage by
the MOVES Worker Program. It does not interact directly with the user. It is on the same
computer as the MOVES Worker program.

3. Computer Hardware and System Software
      The MOVES application software components require a computer hardware and
software "platform" upon which to operate. The hardware platform can consist of a
single computer system or a network of computers.
      Computer(s) used to run either of the MOVES application programs should have
at least 512MB of RAM. (Having additional memory is highly recommended, and is
now relatively inexpensive). Execution run time performance is a constraint with
MOVES so high speed dual-core processor(s), at least 1-2 GHz and preferably faster, are
highly recommended. The MOVESDefault database distributed with MOVES requires
approximately 1.3 GB of disk storage.  MOVES Worker and Output databases are also
often voluminous, so several gigabytes of disk space should be available on all machines
used to run either MOVES program. Extensive users of MOVES will want to use the
highest performance microcomputer systems that they can afford.

3.1. Details on JAVA Platform Requirements
      The MOVES GUI/Master and the MOVES Worker are Java programs and for
operation require a Java RunTime Environment (also sometimes referred to as the "Java
Virtual Machine"). The Java Software Development Kit (SDK) includes the Run Time
Environment.  This version of MOVE uses version 1.4.2 of the Java SDK, produced by
SUN Microsystems Inc. The MOVES Program Suite Distribution includes an installation
package for this Java version, suitable for installation on WINDOWS NT, WINDOWS
2000, WINDOWS  XP, and 32-bit Vista systems. MOVES does not operate successfully
on 64-bit Vista or on versions of WINDOWS that predate WINDOWS 2000.  Users
should not attempt  to operate either MOVES program with other versions.  While Java is
available for other software operating systems, such as LINUX, UNIX, etc. and porting
MOVES to such software operating systems should not be difficult, EPA has not tested
such configurations and is not prepared to support them.  Sun's main web site for
information related to Java is http://java.sun.com/.
      Several extensions to Java are also required by MOVES and are included in the
MOVES Installation Package.  These include JUnit and  JFCUnit, which facilitate

software testing, and JavaHelp used to construct the on-line help facility in MOVES. The
ANT software build utility is also included.

3.2. Details on MySQL Platform Requirements
      The MySQL database management software has a client-server architecture.  The
MOVES GUI/Master, the MOVES Command Line interface/Master, and MOVES
Worker programs function as MySQL clients and require access to MySQL server(s).
Since both programs require a MySQL database to be located on the same computer
(MOVESExecution and MOVESWorker), all computers that run any of these MOVES
components must also operate a MySQL server. Additional computers operating MySQL
servers can also be utilized; e.g., for MOVES Output databases.
      This version of MOVES uses MySQL version 5.0.27. The DRAFT MOVES2009
Program Suite Distribution includes an installation package for this MySQL version,
suitable for installation on WINDOWS NT, WINDOWS 2000, WINDOWS XP and 32-
bit Vista systems.  The version of DRAFT MOVES2009 will not operate with MySQL
version 4.0.21 or earlier, neither will the future MOVES versions. Users are not
recommended to attempt to operate MOVES program with MySQL versions of 5.1 or
later since EPA has not tested MOVES on them. While MySQL is available for other
software operating systems, such as LINUX, UNIX, etc. and porting MOVES to such
software operating systems should not be difficult, EPA has not tested such
configurations and is not prepared to support them. DRAFT MOVES2009 does not
operate successfully with versions of WINDOWS which predate WINDOWS 2000.
      The MySQL installation includes a command line MySQL client program. The
MOVES Program Suite Distribution also includes an installation package for the MySQL
Query Browser which is a GUI MySQL client program. Either of these MySQL client
programs can be used to help construct MOVES input databases or to analyze the
contents of MOVES output databases. Other data base management software, such as
Microsoft ACCESS can also be used via an ODBC driver.  Appendix B of the DRAFT
MOVES2009 User Guide explains how this can be accomplished.
      Additional information about MySQL is available at the MySQL web site
(http://www.mysql.com/) operated by MySQL  AB/Sun Microsystems.

3.3. Details on Shared File Directory Platform Requirements
       The SharedWork file directory may be located on a computer that runs the
MOVES Master Program or the MOVES Worker Program or on a separate "file server"
computer.  All that is necessary is that the MOVES GUI and Master program and at least
one MOVES Worker program have access to this shared file directory with permission to
create, modify and delete files.  In the simplest case, diagrammed early in the next
section, all MOVES Application Software components may reside on a single computer.
In this case the SharedWork directory is simply on this computer's local hard drive. All
files created by MOVES in this directory are temporary, but because the files can be
numerous and large, at least 3 GB of disk space should be available.

4. MOVES Computer Platform  Configuration
      All MOVES application components may be installed on a single computer
system as shown in the following Figure 4-1.
                              Single Computer Configuration
      Computer # 1
                                             Worker Program
      MOVES may also be configured so that several computers work together to
execute model simulation runs. This can significantly improve execution time
performance of large simulations. (Improvements diminish, however, as more worker
computers are added.  The number of worker computers needed to approach the minimal
execution time for a model run depends on the specific nature of the run.)
      For several computers to work together on a MOVES run, all that is necessary is
for the computers to have access to the SharedWork directory.  For one computer this file
directory can be on its local hard drive; other computers must access the SharedWork
directory via a computer network. Of course, the platform requirements of each MOVES

component must still be satisfied by the computer(s) on which it is installed.  A variety of
network configurations are possible. The principal consideration is that each Master/GUI
Program must have the MOVESDefault database on its computer and that each Worker
Program must be able to create a MOVESWorker database on its computer.
       Two text files, MOVESConfiguration.txt, and WorkerConfiguration.txt, versions
of which are built by the MOVES installation program, are used by the MOVES
Master/GUI program and the MOVES Worker program to locate their databases and the
SharedWork directory.  The default configuration is:

       Figure 4-2 shows a typical Multiple Computer configuration.

                   Typical Multiple Computer Configuration
Computer # 1
   Computer # 2
                                          Shared File
 Computers # 3,	,n
            MySQL Server

5. MOVES Software Licensing
      EPA distributes a complete installation package for MOVES as open source
software. EPA asserts a copyright to the MOVES application but allows MOVES to be
used pursuant to the GNU General Public License (GPL), which is widely used for the
distribution of open source software.
      Restrictions apply to use of MOVES pursuant to the GPL. For example, the
program may not be sold, even in modified form, for commercial profit without obtaining
a commercial license to MySQL from MySQL AB and,  if redistributed in modified form,
must be identified accordingly and source code included. Distribution of modified
versions of the program also requires compliance with the GPL unless commercial
licenses are obtained. The terms of the GPL are explained in detail at

6. Installation Overview
       The DRAFT MOVES2009 Program Distribution Suite contains all software
components necessary to install and use DRAFT MOVES2009 on microcomputer
systems based on the WINDOWS NT, WINDOWS 2000, WINDOWS XP and 32-bit
Vista software operating systems. Installing MOVES on a 64-bit Vista machine is not
recommended at this time since MySQL on 64-bit Windows Vista machines is not yet
supported by MySQL AB. Users should be able to install and run MOVES and its
components/tools on a 32-bit Vista machine. Please be advised that currently EPA won't
be unable to provide further support for Vista until Vista has become part of EPA IT OS
standards. The MOVES Program Suite Distribution is available for download from the
EPA web site. Because of its size (several hundred MBs) it is highly desirable to have a
high speed connection to the Internet to obtain this download.
       The MOVES Program Suite Distribution includes a README file that
summarizes the  information provided in the remainder of this section.
       In order to install and run several of the MOVES-related software components
you must have administrative rights to the computer system(s) involved. Organizations
are increasingly restricting these rights to a limited number of individuals.   If you do not
have these rights, you need to obtain them, or enlist the help of someone who does.
       Assuming you have these rights and have obtained the MOVES Program  Suite
Distribution the first actual  installation step is to install Java version 1.4.2 that MOVES
requires or verify that it has already been installed.  The MOVES Program Distribution
Suite includes a separate installation package for this version of Java.  EPA intends this
Java installation package  to be used only for computers that do not already have
Java installed.  If you are running older versions of Java you will need to upgrade to this
version. This can be a complicated situation because this may affect preexisting Java
applications on your computer, and EPA cannot provide support for this.  Conversely, if
you are already running a later version of Java, MOVES may not operate correctly with
it. In this kind of situation you may wish to install MOVES on a different computer.  If it
is appropriate to run the Java version 1.4.2 installation package provided by EPA, just

double-click on the installer installation program (J2sdk-l_4_2_03-windows-i586-p.exe
provided in the Java 1.4.2 directory) and follow the installer's instructions.
       The second actual installation step is to install the MySQL database management
system software that MOVES requires or verify that it has already been installed. The
demonstration version of DRAFT MOVES2009 operates with MySQL version 5.0.27
and EPA's Distribution includes a separate installation package for this.  EPA intends
this MySQL installation package to be used only for computers that do not already
have MySQL installed. If you are running older versions of MySQL you will need to
upgrade to this version.  This can be a complicated situation because this may affect
preexisting MySQL applications on your computer, and EPA cannot provide support for
this.  Conversely, if you are already running a later version of MySQL, MOVES may not
operate correctly with it. In this kind of situation you may wish to install MOVES on a
different computer. If it is appropriate to run the MySQL installation provided by EPA
you can read and follow the instructions in InstallMySQL5.doc:
       All other required DRAFT MOVES2009 components can be installed by running
the MOVESInstallationPackage.jar file included in the DRAFT MOVES2009 Program
Installation Suite.  This graphical "wizard-style" program guides the user through the
process of installing the MOVES application.  It was prepared with the IZPACK open
source installation packaging tool. You will need to know the location where MySQL
has been installed. Assuming you accepted the default location this is "c:\mysql". This
installation creates three desktop icons.  One executes the MOVES GUI and master
program, a second executes the MOVES Worker Program, and a third icon can be used to
"Uninstall" MOVES. The MOVES installation keeps track of components it installs and
this "Uninstall" feature can be used to remove all those components, including the Java
extensions needed for MOVES.  It does not remove components which have been
modified or which have been installed in some other fashion.
       Users who desire a graphical client program to use with MySQL should execute
the installation package for the MySQL Query Browser by following the steps in the
README file. The MySQL Query Browser is a product of MySQL AB and replaces the
earlier MySQL Control Center which EPA distributed with DRAFT MOVES2009.

      Users who desire to use Microsoft Access or another DBMS to prepare or query
MySQL tables via ODBC connections should execute the installation package for
MySQL Connection ODBC by following the steps in the README file.

7. Processing Overview
       The following diagram illustrates the overall flow of processing in MOVES in a
way which illustrates the division of work between the MOVES Master and Worker

                           MOVES Processing Overview Diagram
                      	'  Master	

                                                   MasterLoopables —
                                       TotalActivity Generator,
                                       AVFTControl Strategy,
Ti Slnstantiator .performlnstanti ati on
                                MYSQL •"
Typical Processing Steps:

       Before beginning a model run any desired User Input datatabases (shown near the
bottom left of the diagram) must be prepared. (The diagram does not attempt to show
this intial step, which is only required if the user wishes to deviate from the default
database inputs.) The components accessed via the "Pre-Processing Menu" in the
MOVES GUI can be used to produce User Input Databases for particular purposes. A
button in the MOVES graphical user interface, represented in the diagram by its
MOVESWindow, can also be used to create an empty User Input database to which users
can add the table records they need.

       A run specification, or RunSpec, is loaded or produced by using the MOVES
graphical user interface (MOVESWindow).
       The user initiates execution of the actual model run via the "Action" menu item of
       The MasterLoop, within the MOVES Master program, then merges any User
Input databases identified in the RunSpec with the MOVESDefault database to produce
the MOVESExecution database. Most data not needed to fulfill the RunSpec is discarded
or "filtered" in this process.
       The MasterLoop then uses the MOVESExecution database to produce files
containing work "bundles" in the SharedWork directory.
       MOVES Worker program(s) perform these bundles of work, using their
MOVESWorker databases for temporary storage. They place files  containing the
completed work back into the SharedWork directory.
       The MasterLoop retrieves these completed work files and processes them into a
MOVES output database. The name of the output database is specified in the Run Spec.
       The "Post Processing" menu in the MOVESWindow allows for additional,
optional processing steps to be performed on the output database.

8. Data and  Control Flow
       Figure 8-1 illustrates the logical flow of data and  control within the MOVES
software.  While generally more detailed than the diagram in the previous section, it does
not attempt to illustrate the division of work between the MOVES Master and Worker.

            Figure 8-1   MOVES Logical Level Data Flow Diagram
                                                  Command Line
                              Application Program
                                Interface (API) I
                                 Master Loop
                                                                    Via Master Loop-
            	.	RTC-	•
            	-RTC- ,
           Menu Items
h \
RtunSpdc R

                                                                                                   Total Activity
                                                                                                 Generator (TAG)
                                                                                                  Operating Mode
Source Bin
                            Lookup Table Link
                                                                                                  Tank Fuel and
          Text Files
          for Data
                                                              Alternative Vehicle
                                                                 Fuels and
                                                               (AVFT) Strategy
                                       nput Data
            User Input
                                                                         Result Data
                                                                               lion /
                                                                       Units Conversion
                                                                      Post Processor for
                                                                      Mesoscale Lookup
    Script or
Summary Reporter
                                                                                                "   Database
               On-Screen and
               Printed Reports
                Taxi Fltes for
                Data Export
The graphical conventions used in this diagram are:

         Cylinders represent databases.
         Boxes with curved ends (simplified cylinders) represent data files.
         Rectangles open on the right hand side represent temporary data storage
         Round-cornered rectangles represent processes that operate on and produce
         Square boxes represent interfaces external to the system.
         Solid line arrows represent data flow.
         Dashed line arrows represent control flow.
         The "RTC" notation on an arrow indicates that the control flow "runs to
            completion" before any of the data is processed by subsequent steps.

In order to illustrate the specifics of MOVES, several databases envisioned by the general
MOVES design have been combined into the MOVESDefault and MOVESExecution
databases illustrated here.  Chapter 11 contains a more detailed discussion of these.
       The following text attempts to lead the reader through the diagram. The first
occurance of each diagram block is bolded.
       The User normally executes the MOVES GUI program, which may access and
update files containing Saved Run Specifications and AVFT Strategy Definitions. A
simple MOVES Command Line Interface is available as an alternative to execute an
existing run specification or RunSpec.
       The Command Line Interface passes a selected Run Spec directly to the MOVES
Application Program Interface (API), whereas the MOVES GUI Program allows the
user to select, edit, and save run specifications, and/or operate any Pre-Processor Menu
Items before passing control to the MOVES API. These pre-processors typically use the
MOVESDefault database and Text Files  for Data Import to create User Input
Databases which can be included in the run specification.
       Once control  is passed to the MOVES API, it manages the actual model run.
Control is first  passed to the Input Data Manager, which merges the MOVESDefault
database with any User Input Databases specified by the RunSpec,  producing the
MOVESExecution database

       A Database Pre-aggregation function was added to MOVES to reduce execution
time performance at the expense of some added approximation in the calculations.  This
function is executed next if called for by the run specification.
       If the run specification specifies that the run will be performed at the "Mesoscale
Table Lookup" scale the database is adapted for this at this stage by the Lookup Table
Link Producer.
       The Master Loop then manages execution of the generators, internal control
strategies, and calculators. DRAFT MOVES2009 includes a Total Activity Generator
(TAG), several Operating Mode Distribution Generators (OMDGs), a
SourceBinDistributionGenerator (SBDG), a Meteorology Generator, a Tank Fuel
Generator, and a Tank Temperature Generator  It includes one internal control
strategy: the Alternative Vehicle Fuels and Technologies (AVFT) Strategy. All
generators and control strategies receive input from tables in the MOVESExecution
database and place their output there as well. Tables written by Generators are termed
"Core Model Input Tables" or "CMITs" and have an important role in the design of
MOVES. Additional detail as to which tables are used by each generator and control
strategy is contained in Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
       Emission Calculators are the most central or "core" portion of MOVES model.
They consume much of its execution time and so the MOVES software  design provides
for portions of them to be run by the MOVES Worker Program.  They receive input from
the MOVESExecution database (some of which has been produced or altered by the
generators and the control strategies).  The CMIT tables within the MOVESExecution
database provide their principal input data, but other tables may also be used by emission
calculators for specialized calculations. The emission calculators output their results to
databases on worker machines that are further processed to become the MOVESOutput
Database. DRAFT MOVES2009 includes approximately 20 EmissionCalculators which
calculate distance traveled and the emission results for various pollutants resulting from
various emission processes.  These are documented further in Chapter 10.
       After all Generators, Internal Control Strategies and Emission Calculators needed
to produce the results required by the run specification have executed, several more

processing steps are required. Result Aggregation and Engineering Units Conversion
functions are performed on the MOVESOutput database.  For mesoscale table lookup an
integrated Post-Processor for Mesoscale Lookup is then executed to produce an
additional emission rate table in the output database.
       Following the model run, the MOVES GUI can be used to invoke additional
"post-processing" functions to operate on MOVESOutput databases. DRAFT
MOVES2009 includes two such post-processing functions.  Post-Processing Script
Execution, runs a selected MySQL script against the MOVESOutput database specified
by the run specification. Several post processing scripts are provided with the model and
users may add to these if further customization of MOVES output is desired. A
Summary Reporter has been added to this version of MOVES which allows the user to
further aggregate the output results, produce summary on-screen or printed reports,
and/or tab-separated variable ASCII files of selected results.  These are suitable for
importing into other software, such as spreadsheets, for further display and analysis.

9.  Functional Design Concepts
       The functional scope of this MOVES version can be characterized as follows:
         Geography: The entire U.S. (plus Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands) at
            the county level. There are options to run at a more aggregate state or
            national level. By modifying the database, counties can be divided into
         Time Spans: Energy/emission output by hour of the day, and month for
            calendar years 1990 and 1999 through 2050, with options to run at more
            aggregate month or year levels.
         Sources: All highway vehicle sources, divided into 13 "use types"
         Outputs and Pollutant Emissions: Energy consumption (characterized as
            total energy, petroleum-based energy and fossil fuel-based energy), N2O,
            CH4, Atmospheric CO2, CO2 equivalent, total gaseous hydrocarbons, CO,
            NOx, and several forms of particulate matter (PM).
         Emission Processes: running, start, extended idle (e.g. heavy-duty truck
            "hoteling"), well-to-pump, brakewear, tirewear, evaporative permeation,
            evaporative fuel vapor venting, and evaporative fuel leaks.
       Understanding how MOVES operates and why the input and output databases are
set up as they are requires an understanding of some basic functional design concepts.
Fundamental aspects of the MOVES design are geographic locations, time periods,
emission sources, emission pollutants, emission processes, vehicle fuels, and emission
source activity.

9.1. Geographic Locations
       The default geographic modeling domain in DRAFT MOVES2009 is the entire
United States of America. This domain is divided first into "states.'"  In this context the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.Virgin Islands are considered to be
"states", so the nation has 53 states in the default MOVES database.
       "States" are divided into "counties" In the default MOVES database these
correspond to the 3222 political subdivisions of the states in 1999.  Counties must belong
to a single state. While the county-level subdivisions of some states have changed
slightly over time, the MOVES database is set up to store only a single set of counties.
The database could be adapted relatively easily to a different set of counties, but it would
be a significant structural change to MOVES to allow the set of counties to depend upon
the calendar year.

       In the general MOVES design framework, "counties" may be further divided into
"zones" but in the default database each county is consists of a single zone.  Zones are
intended to play a distinct role in future versions of MOVES that operate at smaller
        "Zones," and thus "counties" in the default database, are further divided into
"links" In this version of the MOVES default database each county is divided into five
links; four of these represent actual roadways and one represents locations not on the
county's roadway network.  This set of roadtypes has been reduced, relative to those in
the default database distribution with previous versions of MOVES which had a total of
13 roadtypes. The five roadtypes in this version of MOVES are:
       1     Locations which are off of the highway network
       2     Rural restricted access roadways (i.e.  freeways and interstates)
       3     Rural roads to which vehicle access is unrestricted
       4     Urban restricted access roadways (i.e. freeways and interstates)
       5     Urban roads to which vehicle access is unrestricted
Each of these roadtypes is a combination of one or more of the 13 roadtypes used in the
database distributed with previous versions of MOVES. The set of roadtypes used in
MOVES is driven by the database and changing this set does not require changes to the
MOVES program itself.
       Running, tirewear, brakewear, and some evaporative process emissions are
considered to occur  on the four "real roadway" roadtype locations, while its other
emission processes (i.e. start, extended idling, well-to-pump,  and most evaporative
emissions) are associated with the "off network" link locations. (Emission processes are
discussed in a subsequent section.)
       In this version of MOVES  at macroscale, a link is a combination of a road type
and a county or zone.  Road types, while not in themselves geographic locations, help to
define links at the macroscale.  This version of moves can also be run in a "mesoscale
table lookup" mode  in which a link represents all highway segments in the county or
zone which have the same roadtype and average speed. In future versions of MOVES,

when modeling at smaller scales, links may represent segments of actual roadways and
road types will serve only to classify links.
       Finally, the general MOVES geographic framework envisions that zone locations
may be overlaid by a set of "grids" or grid cells. There may be multiple grid cells in a
zone and multiple zones in a grid cell, but grids and grid cells play no role in this version.

9.2. Time Periods
       MOVES describes time in terms of calendar years, 12 months of the year,
portions of the seven-day week which are termed "Days" (but which may include more
than one 24 hour period), and 24 hours of the day.  This arrangement appears simple but
there are several subtleties to keep in mind:
       A "Day" in MOVES is really best thought of as a "portion of the week". It does
not have to represent a single 24 hour period. It may represent several 24-hour periods,
or even the entire week.  The default database for this version of DRAFT MOVES2009
divides the week into a 5-day "weekday" portion and a 2-day "weekend" portion.  While
calendar years in MOVES are intended to represent actual historical years, the finer time
period  classifications (months, portions of the week, and hours)  are best thought of as
being "generic" time classifications. For example MOVES does not attempt to model
the fact that a holiday occurs on a weekend in one year but occurs on a weekday in
       Another reason why MOVES should not normally be considered to model
historical time periods smaller than a calendar year is the disconnection  between "weeks"
and "months." For example, there is no way to specify data for  more than one week in a
single historical month, such as May 2004, in a single MOVES database. The database is
designed to store information about the year 2004 and about all weeks in May. Along the
same lines, MOVES does not attempt to model facts such as that a given month may
contain more weekend days in some years than others.   MOVES does account for the
different number of days in each month, dividing this by 7 to determine  the number of
weeks it is considered to contain, and MOVES does account for leap years.
       In order to model an actual historical time period, data corresponding to the
unique time period could be supplied by the user, and the user could make this

association outside the model. Depending on the accuracy and detail desired, multiple
model runs might be necessary.
       In most portions of the model the month, portion of the week, and hour time
periods are simply categories, and do not even have an assumed sequence. Because
estimation of evaporative emissions is based on an hourly "diurnal" temperature cycle all
24 hourly categories of the day must be included in the run specification when estimating
evaporative emissions, and this area of the model does assume an hourly time sequence.

9.3. Characterizing Emission Sources (Vehicle Classification)
       A long-standing challenge in the generation of on-road mobile source emission
inventories is the disconnect between how vehicle activity data sources characterize
vehicles and how emission and fuel economy regulations characterize vehicles.  The crux
of this issue is that there is a fundamental  difference between factors influencing how
vehicles are used, and their fuel consumption and emission performance.  An example of
this is how vehicles are characterized by the Highway Performance Monitoring System
(HPMS) - by a combination of the number of tires and axles - and EPA's weight-based
emission classifications such as LDV, LDT1, LDT2 etc.
       This disconnect is fundamental to  matching activity data and emissions data,  and
generally requires some "mapping" of activity data to emission data. The MOBILE
series of models have traditionally grouped vehicles according to the EPA emission
classifications, and provided external guidance on mapping these categories to the
sources of activity data, such as HPMS. MOVES is designed  to take these mappings into
account internally, such that the casual user of MOVES will not have to deal with
external mapping. Doing this, however, requires some complexity in the design.
Vehicles are characterized both according to activity patterns and energy/emission
performance, and are mapped internal to the model. Thus the  model uses data for both
the activity and energy/emission methods of characterization.  On the activity side,
vehicles are grouped into "Source Use Types," or "Use Types", which are expected to
have unique activity patterns. Because the HPMS is a fundamental source of activity
information, the MOVES use types are defined as subsets of the HPMS vehicle
classifications. These use types are shown in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1. MOVES Source Use Type Definitions
HPMS Class
Passenger Cars
Other 2-axle / 4-tire
Single Unit Trucks
Combination Trucks
MOVES use type
2 1 . Passenger Car
3 1 . Passenger Truck
32. Light Commercial Truck
5 1 . Refuse Truck
52. Single-Unit Short-Haul
53. Single-Unit Long-Haul
54. Motor Home
41. Intercity Bus
42. Transit Bus
43. School Bus
61. Combination Short-Haul
62. Combination Long -Haul
1 1 . Motorcycle

Minivans, pickups, SUVs and other
2-axle / 4-tire trucks used primarily
for personal transportation
Minivans, pickups, SUVs and other
trucks 2-axle / 4-tire trucks used
primarily for commercial
applications. Expected to differ
from passenger trucks in terms of
annual mileage, operation by time
of day
Garbage and recycling trucks
Expected to differ from other single
unit trucks in terms of drive
schedule, roadway type
distributions, operation by time of
Single -unit trucks with majority of
operation within 200 miles of home
Single -unit trucks with majority of
operation outside of 200 miles of
home base

Buses which are not transit buses or
school buses, e.g. those used
primarily by commercial carriers for
city -to-city transport.
Buses used for public transit.
School and church buses.
Combination trucks with majority
of operation within 200 miles of
home base
Combination trucks with majority
of operation outside of 200 miles of
home base


       Activity patterns which may differ between the use types are: annual mileage,
distribution of travel by time of day or day of week, driving schedule (i.e. real time
speed/accel profile), average speeds, and distribution of travel by roadway type.  For
example, refuse trucks are separated out because their activity patterns are expected to
vary significantly from other single-unit trucks, and accurately accounting for these
vehicles requires accounting for their unique activity.
       Source use types are the principal method of vehicle characterization seen by the
MOVES user. The user selects which use type and fuel combinations to model in the
user interface, and results are best reported by use type.l  However, emission rates
contained in the model are not broken down by use type, for two (related) reasons: first,
emission and fuel consumption data are not gathered according to use types or other
activity-based classifications (e.g. HPMS).  Second, the factors that influence fuel
consumption and emission production are different from how vehicles are used.  For
example, with regard to fuel consumption, loaded vehicle weight is a predominant
influence; a 2000 Ib. compact car and 5000 Ib. SUV will have very different fuel
consumption levels, although these vehicles may have similar use patterns.  It is
necessary to account for these  differences in fuel consumption and emission generation
separately from activity patterns. To do this, the MOVES design has implemented the
concept of "Source Bins." Unique source bins are differentiated by characteristics that
significantly influence fuel  (or energy) consumption and emissions - and because these
vary by pollutant, they are allowed to vary by pollutant in MOVES. Table  9-2 shows the
source bins fields used in MOVES, which vary by pollutant. Energy source bins are
defined by fuel type, engine type, model year group, loaded weight and engine size.   For
most other polluants, source bins are defined by fuel type, engine type, model year group,
and regulatory class. The definition of model year group can vary by pollutant-process.
1 Because Source Classification Codes (SCCs) have been and are used extensively in emission inventories
DRAFT MOVES2009 also offers the option of reporting results by SCC.  There are currently 144 SCCs
for mobile sources formed by the intersection of the 12 HPMS road types with the 12 vehicle
classifications used in PARTS and NMDVI. This scheme is not native to MOVEs, however, and the
MOVEs modeling team discourages continued use of this classification scheme.

Table 9-2a. MOVES Source Bin Definitions (other than ModelYearGroup)
Fuel Type
(All Pollutants)
Ethanol (E85)
Methanol (E85)
Liquid H2

Engine Technology
(All Pollutants)
Conventional 1C (CIC)
Advanced 1C (AIC)
Hybrid - CIC Moderate
Hybrid - CIC Full
Hybrid - AIC Moderate
Hybrid - AIC Full
Fuel Cell
Hybrid - Fuel Cell

< 500 (for motorcycles)
500-700 (for motorcycles)
> 700 (for motorcycles)
<= 2000 Ibs
< 2.0 liters
2.1-2.5 liters
2.6-3.0 liters
3. 1-3.5 liters
3.6-4.0 liters
4. 1-5.0 liters
> 5.0 liters

Regulatory Class
(All pollutants except
energy and evap
HD gasoline GVWR <= 14K Ibs
HD gasoline GVWR > 14K libs.
Urban Bus

Table 9-2b. MOVES Source Bin Definitions (ModelYearGroup)
Model Year Group

1980 and earlier
2021 and later

CH4, N2O

1972 and earlier

2021 and later

HC - Evap

1970 and earlier

2021 and later

start, running
1980 and earlier

2021 and later
extended idle
1980 and earlier
2021 and later

Sulfate PM
(ratios to
1980 and earlier
1981 and later


       Source bins are defined independently from use types, but are mapped to use
types internal to MOVES by the SourceBinDistributionGenerator.

9.4. Emission Pollutants
       MOVES estimates two fundamentally different kinds of results: energy
consumption and mass emissions.  For convenience, all these quantities are considered to
be "emissions." "Energy emissions" estimated by DRAFT MOVES2009 are total energy
consumption, fossil fuel energy consumption, and petroleum fuel energy consumption.
The more familiar mass emissions estimated by DRAFT MOVES2009 are total gaseous
hydrocarbons (THC), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfate
particulate matter, tire wear particles under 2.5 microns, brake wear particles under 2.5
microns, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) on an atmospheric
basis, and the "CO2-equivalent" of CO2 combined with N2O  and CH4.

9.5. Emission Processes
       On-road vehicles consume energy and produce mass emissions through several
mechanisms or pathways, which are known within MOVES as "emission processes" or
just "processes" and are accounted for and reported (if desired by the user) separately.
The MOVES  mechanisms for "pump-to-wheel" energy consumption are limited to
operation of the engine and emissions from the tailpipe.  The MOVES mechanisms for
gaseous emissions, however, include other processes such as fuel evaporation, tire wear
and brake wear, which merit treatment as separate emission processes. In addition to all
these "pump-to-wheel" energy and exhaust emission processes MOVES also includes a
"well-to-pump" emission process.  The processes for DRAFT MOVES2009 are as
         Running Exhaust, meaning the energy consumed or the tailpipe emissions
             produced during vehicle operation over freeways and surface streets while
             the engine is fully warmed up.
         Start Exhaust, meaning the additional energy consumed or tailpipe emissions
             produced during the period immediately following vehicle start-up. An
             important note is that this quantifies the energy consumed or emissions
             produced in addition to the "running" energy/emissions produced
             immediately following start-up. Start emissions represent the incremental
             emissions produced following vehicle start-up, after accounting for the
             baseline running emissions.

         Extended Idle, meaning energy consumed or tailpipe emissions produced
            during long periods of engine idling off of the roadway network. This
            process applies only to combination long-haul trucks in the current version
            of DRAFT MOVES2009, and is meant to account for the issue of overnight
            "hoteling" at truck stops, although it could eventually be applied to idling
            of passenger vehicles in drive-thru lanes,  etc.
         Evaporative Fuel Permeation, meaning the migration of hydrocarbons
            through the various elastomers in a vehicle fuel system.
         Evaporative Fuel Vapor Venting, meaning the expulsion into the atmosphere
            of fuel vapor generated from evaporation of fuel in the tank. Also includes
            evaporation into the atmosphere of fuel which has "seeped" to the surface
            of vehicle parts.
         Evaporative Fuel Leaking, meaning the "gross" leaking of fuel, in liquid
            form, from the vehicle.  This is assumed to subsequently evaporate, outside
            the vehicle, into the atmosphere.
         Brakewear, meaning the formation of particles of brake components which are
            formed during operation of vehicle brakes.
         Tirewear, meaning the formation of tire material particles during vehicle
         Well-To-Pump, meaning the energy and emissions produced from processing
            and distributing vehicle fuel from raw feedstock to the fuel pump.  These
            energy use and emission rates are produced by a version of Argonne
            National Laboratory's GREET model.  DRAFT MOVES2009 has not been
            expanded in this area relative to MOVES-HVI or MOVES2004 and so only
            reports the well-to-pump energy consumption and greenhouse gas
            emissions.  It should be noted that well-to-pump emissions have a different
            relationship to locations than those of the other processes. MOVES
            associates well-to-pump results with the locations (e.g. Counties and
            RoadTypes) whose activity caused the emissions; the emissions are not
            produced at these locations as they are for the other processes. It should
            also be noted that GREET in DRAFT MOVES2009 has been disabled and
            the emission rates of well-to-pump were set to 0 (zero).

       An additional process, manufacture/disposal, would account for energy and

emissions from vehicle production and disposal. This is not yet included in MOVES.

9.6. Vehicle Fuel Classifications
       The top level vehicle fuel classifications are listed in Table 9-2,  above, in the

context of their role in vehicle source bin classification. Implicit in this source bin

classification scheme is that a particular vehicle is designed to operate on one kind of

fuel. The MOVES term for this top-level classification of vehicle fuels is "fuel type".
DRAFT MOVES2009 considers the following fuel types:
       Diesel Fuel
       Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
       Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
       Ethanol (E85)
       Methanol (M85)
       Gaseous Hydrogen
       Liquid Hydrogen

       To facilitate modeling the effects of alternative fuels on greenhouse gas
emissions, MOVES further divides these top level fuel types into fuel subtypes.  In the
default MOVES database, for example, the gasoline fuel type has three subtypes:
conventional, reformulated, and gasohol (E10). Diesel fuel has three subtypes:
conventional, biodiesel, and Fischer-Tropsch diesel.  Fuel subtypes represent alternative
ways of meeting the demand for a general type of fuel. MOVES assumes that vehicles
designed to operate on a top level fuel type may be operated on any of its subtypes
depending upon the fuel supply at a particular time and geographic location.
       This fuel classification scheme was expanded further in DRAFT MOVES2009 to
further divide fuel subtypes into more specific "fuel formulations" which may be thought
of as a batch of fuel having specific values of measurable properties such as RVP, sulfur
content, and oxygenate content.  This additional breakdown is necessary because these
fuel characteristics affect the emissions of pollutants added in DRAFT MOVES2009 and
vary within a fuel subtype. MOVES assumes that vehicles designed to operate on a top
level fuel type may be operated on any formulation of any of its fuel subtypes depending
upon the fuel supply at a particular time and geographic location.

9.7. Emission Source Activity
       The cornerstone of estimating mobile source energy usage and emission
inventories is vehicle activity. Vehicle activity centers on two fundamental questions:
what is the total amount of vehicle activity, and how is this activity subdivided into
modes that are unique in regards to energy consumption and emissions.  The first
question is quantified in MOVES by the metric Total Activity. Total Activity, as the
name implies, is the total amount of vehicle activity for source use types in the given
location and time which the user has selected in the run specification. The basis of total
activity depends on the emission process, as shown in Table 9-3.  In DRAFT
MOVES2009 the Total  Activity Generator (TAG) estimates Total Activity for all
emission processes except well-to-pump. A simplified version of the TAG is used for
runs involving mesoscale table lookup.

 Table 9-3.  Total Activity Basis by Process
Emission Process
Total Activity Basis

Tire wear
Brake wear
Source Hours Operating (SHO)
Total hours, of all sources within
a source type, spent operating on
the roadway network for the
given time and location of the
run spec. The same as number
of sources * per-source hours
Evaporative Fuel
Permeation, Vapor Venting
and Leaking
Source Hours
Total hours, of all sources within
a source type for the given time
and location of the run spec.
This is equivalent to the
population of the source type
times the number of hours in the
time period.
Number of Starts
Total starts, of all sources within
a source type, for the given time
and location of the run spec.
The same as number of sources
* per-source starts
Extended Idle
Extended Idle Hours
Total hours, of all sources within
a source type, spent in extended
idle operation for the given time
and location of the run spec.
Pump-To-Wheel Energy
Total energy consumed, of all
sources within a source type, for
the given time and location of
the run spec. The sum of
running, start and extended idle.
        The second piece of activity characterization is to define how this total activity

 may be subdivided into operating modes which produce unique energy consumption and

 emission rates.  The operating mode concept is central to MOVES multi-scale analysis

 capability, and has been expanded in DRAFT MOVES2009. In the MOVES design these

 operating modes are allowed to vary by emission process and pollutant, and for some

 pollutant-processes Total Activity is not further divided into multiple operating modes.

        For the running emission process for all pollutants except CH4 and N2O, the total

 source hours operating (SHO) activity basis is broken down into operating modes

representing ranges of vehicle speed and vehicle specific power (VSP). The operating
modes used for the running emission process are shown in Tables 9-4 and 9-5.
Table 9-4. Operating Mode Bin Definitions for Running Energy Consumption)
Braking (Bin 0)
Idle (Bin 1)
VSP \ Instantaneous Speed
< 0 kW/tonne
3 to 6
6 to 9
9 to 12
12 and greater
6 to 12
Bin 11
Bin 12
Bin 13
Bin 14
Bin 15
Bin 16
Bin 21
Bin 22
Bin 23
Bin 24
Bin 25
Bin 26
Bin 36
Bin 35
Bin 33
Table 9-5. Operating Mode Bin Definitions for Running THC, CO, NOx
Braking (Bin 0)
Idle (Bin 1)
VSP \ Instantaneous Speed
< 0 kW/tonne
3 to 6
6 to 9
9 to 12
12 and greater
12 to 18
18 to 24
24 to 30
30 and greater
6 to 12
Bin 11
Bin 12
Bin 13
Bin 14
Bin 15
Bin 16

Bin 21
Bin 22
Bin 23
Bin 24
Bin 25

Bin 27
Bin 28
Bin 29
Bin 30


Bin 37
Bin 38
Bin 39
Bin 40
Bin 35
Bin 33

       The start exhaust process emissions of THC, CO, and NOx are distinguished into
operating modes which represent the length of time the engine was off prior to starting as
        Table 9-6. Operating Modes for Start Process - THC, CO, and NOx
in minutes
in minutes
       The evaporative processes (fuel tank vapor venting, fuel permeation and liquid
leaking) have three operating modes: "operating", "hot soaking" and "cold soaking"
where "hot soaking" is considered to be time (Source Hours) when the engine is not
operating, but has not yet cooled to a point where it is near the temperature it would be if
it had not been operating.
       The brake wear process divides its Source Hours Operating activity basis into
periods where the vehicle brakes are being applied and all other operating time, during
which no brake wear emissions are considered to occur.
       Other pollutant-processes are modeled without breakdown of their activity basis
into more detailed operating modes.

9.8. Modeling Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance Programs
       The MOVES model contains two basic classes for estimating Inspection and
Maintenance program (I/M) benefits. One is the exhaust I/M calculation class and the
other is evaporative I/M calculation class. Both classes have a similar basic algorithm
where the I/M emission reduction fraction is the product of an I/M Coverage fraction and
an Emission Reduction fraction.

9.8.1.  I/M Coverage
       Information about which pollutant-processes are "covered" by I/M programs in
various counties and calendar years is contained in the MOVES database table
IMCoverage.  This coverage information is allowed to vary by pollutant - process,
county, year, regulatory class, and fuel type. The principal piece of information
contained in the IMCoverage table is the compliance factor. It attempts to represent (in
practice) a particular I/M program's ability to achieve theoretical design benefits for their
program. It may vary from 0 to 1.0 where zero would represent a totally failed program
and 1.0 a perfectly successful program. Factors which tend to reduce the compliance
factor are the  systematic waiver of failed vehicles from program requirements, the
existence of large numbers of motorists who completely evade the program requirements,
technical losses from improperly functioning equipment or inadequately trained
       Other  data in the IMCoverage table includes the concept of I/M program sub-
types (called IMProgramID). A particular county will likely have several IMProgramlDs
that reflect different test types, test standards or inspection frequencies being applied to
different regulatory classes, model year groups or pollutant- process combinations.  For
example, County A in calendar year 2007 may have an IMProgramID=l that annually
inspects pre-1981 model year cars using an Idle test, and an IMProgramID=2 that
biennially inspects 1996 and later model year light-trucks using an OBD-II test.
       The IMCoverage table also shows other important I/M parameters for each
IMProgramID. These include the model year information as a model year range (i.e.,

beginning and ending model year), the frequency of inspection (i.e., annual, biennial and
continuous (i.e., monthly)), and test type (Idle, IM240, ASM, OBD-II) and test standard.

9.8.2. I/M Effectiveness
       Information about the theoretical effectiveness of an I/M program design is
contained in the MOVES database table IMF actor. The effectiveness information varies
by pollutant - process, inspection frequency, test type, test standards, regulatory class,
fuel type, model year group and age group. All MOVES I/M effectiveness values
(IMFactor variable) were empirically generated from MOBILE6.2 runs.  The Arizona
I/M program as generally operated from 1995 through 2002 was used as the reference
case. It receives an IMF actor of unity. Arizona's I/M program was picked as the
reference because the underlying emission factors in MOVES are based on Arizona I/M
testing. The principal piece of information contained in the IMCoverage table is the
IMF actor. It represents the comparative effectiveness of one particular I/M test to
identify and reduce emissions.
       The IMFactor and IMCompliance rate are multiplied together to compute the
IMAdjustFract. It is used in MOVES in the following general equation,  and is labeled as
variable 'R'. This equation is used to weight the I/M and Non I/M emission rates
together in MOVE to compute a composite result.

Ep     =      Eim * R   + Enoim*(l — R)

Ep is the  Target I/M program emission rate from MOBILE6.2
Eim is the Reference I/M program (Arizona) emission rate from MOBILE6.2
Enoim is the Reference NON I/M program emission rate from MOBILE6.2
R is the I/M adjustment factor

Rearranging and solving for R equals:

R     —     (Ep — Enoim) / (Eim - Enoim)


R     =     Ep /( Eim — Enoim) - Enoim / (Eim — Enoim)
I/M-i            Merge IMCompliance and IMFactor

   This section computes the product of IMCompliance and IMFactor

   Input Variables:
                  PollutantProcessModelYear. polProcessID,
                  PollutantProcessModelYear. modelYearlD,
                  IMFactor. fuelTypelD,
                  IMFactor. regClassID,
                  IMFactor. IMFactor
                  IMCoverage. complianceFactor

   Output Variable:
                  weightF actor

   Joining and Conditional Variables

                  IMAdjustFract = (IMFactor*complianceFactor*.01)
                  complianceFactor as weightF actor

I/M-2           Combine I/M and Non I/M Emission Rates
   This section  weights  the  I/M and Non I/M  Emission Rates using the
   Input Variables:
                  IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin. zonelD,
                  IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin, yearlD,
                  EmissionRateByAge. polProcessID,
                  IM Adj ustmentWith S ourceB in. model YearlD,
                  EmissionRateByAge. sourceBinID,
                  EmissionRateByAge. opModelD
                  IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin. IMAdjustFract
                  EmissionRateByAge. meanBaseRate
   Output Variable:
   Joining and Conditional Variables

                  meanBaseRate =    (meanBaseRatelM * IMAdjustFract +
                                meanBaseRate * (i.o-IMAdjustFract)
10. MOVES Functional Specifications
      This chapter explains the functions, including calculations, performed by each
portion of the MOVES software, as shown in figure 8-1, or indicates where such
information can be found.

10.1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) / Run Specification Editor
       The MOVES Graphical User Interface (GUI) is used to produce and modify
MOVES run specifications. Its functionality is described in detail in the DRAFT
MOVES2009 User Guide. Components whose principal functionality is evident from the
GUI, such as the I/M Coverage Table Editor, are also documented in the User Guide.

10.2. Application Program Interface and Master Looping Mechanism
       This basic component manages the overall execution of a MOVES model run.  It
includes an application program interface (API) callable by either the command line
interface, or the MOVES GUI. This component invokes, directly or indirectly, the Input
Data Manager, any required Database Preaggregation, and, when performing a mesoscale
table lookup run, the Lookup Table Link Producer.  These components execute before the
master looping mechanism is invoked.
       Once these components have run to completion, a master looping mechanism is
executed.  InternalControlStrategy, Generator, and EmissionCalculator objects have
"signed up" with this MasterLoop to execute over portions of the modeling domain. (The
modeling domain is defined by a RunSpec in terms of the emission processes, geographic
locations and time periods being modeled.)
       If uncertainty estimation is being performed in the run, which involves running
multiple iterations, the looping process manages these iterations.
       The MasterLooping mechanism uses a pool of control "threads" to bundle
Emisson Calculator input data (and SQL scripts to be run on the  data) for portions of the
modeling domain and place them in the SharedWork directory. Another thread of control
is established to unbundle the results placed in the  SharedWork directory by MOVES
Worker program(s).  This thread also leads to the performance of the final result
aggregation and units conversion functions. If a mesoscale table lookup run is being
performed, an integrated post-processor is also invoked to create an additional table of
emission rates in the output database.

       This software component is obviously rather complicated and consists of a
number of Java classes. Programmer level documentation is required to understand this
component in greater detail.

10.3. Input Data Manager
       The InputDataManager generates the MOVESExecution database from the
MOVESDefault database, removing (or "filtering") records where possible based on the
needs of the run specification (RunSpec).  The InputDataManager runs to completion
before any InternalControlStrategy objects, Generators or Calculators begin the MOVES
model calculations.  The MOVES GUI and RunSpecs specify a list of "user input
databases" to be used in addition to the default database to construct the
MOVESExecution database.
       The InputDataManager filters input records based on the following RunSpec
criteria: year, month, link, zone, county, state, pollutant, emission process, day, hour, day
and hour combination, roadtype, pollutant-process combination, sourceusetype, fueltype,
fuelsubtype, and monthgroup.  This filtering is specified in a table-specific manner and
need not be applied to every table having these key fields. Filtering is not performed on
particular table columns where doing so would interfere with correct result calculation.
(The exact table columns to filter are specified in the Java code for the InputDataManager
class in the "tablesAndFilterColumns" array.)  The reasons for not filtering a particular
table by all possible criteria are documented with program source code comments.
       Input databases have the same table contents and structure as the MOVESDefault
database, but need not contain all tables.  If a table is present, however, it must contain all
the table columns. Records from user input databases add to or replace records in the
MOVESDefault database. If the same record (i.e. a record having the same values of all
primary key fields but generally different non-key field values) is present in more than
one input database, the record from the user input database listed last is the one which
ends up in MOVESExecution.
       The InputDataManager addes a field to core model input tables in the
MOVESExecution Database to indicate that the records came from a user input database
so that Generators may avoid deleting such records.

       MOVES verifies that all input tables present in user input databases contain the
required columns. The MOVES GUI also checks that the same database is not specified
for both input (either as the default input database or an additional input database) and for
output, and ensures that MOVESExecution is not used as either an input or an output
database. Otherwise, however, it remains the responsibility of the user to ensure that the
ordered application of any additional input databases called for in the run specification to
the MOVESDefault database results in a MOVESExecution database that is accurate,
complete and consistent.

10.4. Database Pre-Aggregation
       To improve execution run time performance, when geographic selections are
made at the state or national level, MOVES "preaggregates" the MOVESExecution
database so that each state selected, or the entire nation, appears in the database as if it
were a single county.  These geographic performance shortcuts are specified by the
"STATE" and "NATION" GeographicSelectionType values produced by the
"Macroscale Geographic Selection" GUI screen and stored in MOVES run specifications.
No database preaggregation is performed when geographic selections are made at the
County level. County selections may still be used to produce  results for broad
geographic areas if the user can endure their execution time performance. Geographic
preaggregation is not allowed for Mesoscale Lookup calculations.
       Options are also available to improve execution run time performance by
"preaggregating" time periods in the MOVESExecution database. These options are
specified by the "Time Aggregation Level" item in  the MOVES GUI and MOVES
RunSpec.  This can assume the following values:
       HOUR - no time period aggregations are performed. This is required for
       evaporative emission calculations.
       DAY - combine all hours of the day
       MONTH - combine all portions of the week (though the default MOVES database
       may not divide the week into smaller portions).
       YEAR - combine months of the year

       All of these computational shortcuts (except COUNTY and HOUR) involve
compromises to the accuracy of the results.
       The MOVES GUI adjusts the levels of geographic and time period detail
specified for the output if necessary so that levels of output detail which can no longer be
produced due to data preaggregation are not requested by the RunSpec.
10.4.1. Sequence of the Database Pre-Aggregation Operations:
       After creation of the MOVESExecution database by the input data manager the
geographic and time period preaggregation operations are performed as follows:
a.  If the GeographicSeletionType = NATION, the model creates an average county
   which represents the entire nation.  To do this the MOVESExecution database is
   aggregated to a level where the nation consists of a single representative state and this
   "state" consists of a single "county", and a single "zone". For macroscale there is a
   single "link" for each road type in the RunSpec.
b.  If the GeographicSeletionType = STATE,  then the MOVESExecutionDatabase is
   aggregated to a level where each state selection in the RunSpec consists of a single
   "county" and a single "zone".  For macroscale there is a single "link"  in each such
   state for each road type in the RunSpec.
c.  if the Time Aggregation Level value is DAY, MONTH, or YEAR, all data pertaining
   to the 24 separate  hours of the day  in the MOVESExecution database  is aggregated
   into a single "pseudo-hour" representing the entire day. Time period preaggregation
   is  not allowed if evaporative emissions  are being estimated.
d.  if the Time Aggregation Level value is MONTH, or YEAR,  all data pertaining to  any
   day-based portions of the week in  the MOVESExecution database is further
   aggregated into a single "pseudo-day" representing the entire week. If the Default
   MOVES Database divides the week into a 5 weekday portion and a 2 weekend day
   portion, MONTH or YEAR data preaggregation would remove this distinction.
e.  if the Time Aggregation Level value is YEAR, all data pertaining to the 12 separate
   months of the year in the MOVESExecution database are further aggregated into a
   single "pseudo-month" representing the entire year.

f. Following any of the pre-aggregation operations performed in steps a. thru e., the set
   of ExecutionLocations used by the MasterLoop is recalculated based on the
   aggregated database.
g.  If the DAY, MONTH, or YEAR aggregations have been performed all information
   derived from the run specification used throughout the remainder of the run is made
   consistent with the aggregated time periods.
These operations run to completion before any MOVES MasterLoopable objects
(ControlStategy objects, Generators, and EmissionCalculators), are invoked.
10.4.2. How the Pre-aggregated Results are Reported
       If either of the geographic computational shortcuts is taken, the output database
produced does not contain any "real" county (or perhaps even "real" state) level detail,
even though such  detail is generally present in the MOVESDefault and user input
databases. Instead, additional "pseudo" values of statelD, countylD, etc. appear in the
output records when a geographic computational shortcut is taken.
       If any one of the time period calculation shortcuts is taken, there may be only
single representative "hour", "day" or "month" time periods for the MasterLoop to loop
over, (though no MasterLoopable objects currently sign up below the Month level), and
the output database produced may not contain any "real" hour, day, or month level detail,
even though such  detail will generally be present in the MOVESDefault and user input
databases. Instead "pseudo" time period-identifying values will now be present in the
MOVEExecution  and MOVESOutput databases.
10.4.3. Algorithms Used to Perform the NATION and STATE Pre-Aggregations
       Table 10-1 describes the database aggregation algorithms used on a table-by-table
basis for the NATION and STATE cases. Tables not  listed contain no geographic
identifiers and are therefore not affected by these aggregations.  While some of these
table aggregations are simple summations, others are "activity-weighted".  For these
activity-weighted  summations to be performed entirely correctly, something approaching
the full execution  of the control strategies and generators would have to be performed
which would defeat the purpose of the pre-aggregation.  So, instead, these "activity-
weighted" aggregations involve compromise and simplification.  Specifically, the activity

weighting is based entirely upon "startAllocFactor" values in the Zone table.  The

variable startAllocF actor is the factor used within MOVES to allocate the total number of

starts from the national to the county / zone level. In the default MOVES database for

DRAFT MOVES2009 this allocation is based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT), hence

the use of startAllocF actor for the pre-aggregation weightings is in essence a VMT

weighting. More details on startAllocF actor and its derivation can be found in the report

"MOVES2004 Highway Vehicle Population and Activity Data".

Table 10-1. Database Aggregation Algorithms
 Database Table
                = NATION
                Single Record, stateID=0,
No action required. Already filtered by
                Single Record, countylD = 0.
                stateID=0, countyName=Nation,
                barometric pressure and GPAFract
                are activity-weighted.
Single record per statelD,
countyID=stateID* 1000,
countyName = stateName,
altitude = L
barometric pressure and GPAFract are
                Single Record,
                zoneID=0, countyID=0.,
                startAllocFactor = 1.0
                idleAllocFactor = 1.0
                SHPAllocFactor = 1.0
Single record per statelD,
zoneID=stateID* 10000,
countyID= statelD* 1000
startAllocFactor = sum of old factors for
Same for idleAllocFactor and
                  Single record for each roadTypelD
                  in RunSpec.
                  county ID = 0.
                  zonelD = 0.
                  linkLength = NULL
                  linkVolume = NULL
                  grade = weighted national average
Single record for each statelD - roadTypelD
in RunSpec.
linkID= statelD * 100000 + roadTypelD,
countylD = statelD* 1000,
zoneID = statelD* 10000
linkLength = NULL
linkVolume = NULL
grade = weighted state average
                Single record for each yearlD,
                countylD = 0
Single record per statelD - yearlD
combination.  countylD = statelD* 1000.

Single record for each monthlD-
hourlD combination in old table.
(These have been filtered.)
Calculate activity-weighted national
average temperature and relative
heatlndex and specific humidity are
recalculated by Met generator.
Single record for each combination of new
zonelD, month and hour.  (These have been
Calculate activity-weighted state average
temperature and relative humidity.
heatlndex and specific humidity are
recalculated by Met generator.
(contents would be from user input.)
Aggregate to national level roadType
linklDs, weighting by activity.
(contents would be from user input.)
Aggregate to state level roadType linklDs,
weighting by activity.
Single record for each roadTypelD.
SHOAllocFactor = sum of old
Single record for each new zonelD,
roadTypelD combination.  SHOAllocFactor
= sum of old SHOAllocFactors
Fuel Supply
(Default values
are considered.)
Activity-weighted aggregation of all
old counties to single new county.
Since the fuel supply is in terms of
fuel formulations, there may be
many fuel formulations in the
Activity-weighted aggregation of all old
counties in state to single new county.
Since the fuel supply is in terms of fuel
formulations, there may be many fuel
formulations in the aggregate.
The NATION is considered to have
IMCoverage with unknown (NULL)
inspection frequencies, activity-
weighted average IMAdjustFract
values, and model year ranges which
range from the earliest to the latest
present at any location, for a given
year, polProcess,fueltype and
regclass.  This is obviously an
Each STATE is considered to have
IMCoverage with unknown (NULL)
inspection frequencies, activity-weighted
average IMAdjustFract values, and model
year ranges which range from the earliest to
the latest present at any location in the state,
for a given year, polProcess,fueltype and
regclass.  This is obviously an
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all links having same
roadtype.  SHO and distance are
simple summations.
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all links within state having same
roadtype.  SHO and distance are simple
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones, starts field is a
simple summation.	
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones within state, starts field
is a simple summation.	
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones, starts field is a
simple summation.
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones within state, starts field
is a simple summation.
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones.
extendedldleHours field is a simple
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones within state.
extendedldleHours field is a simple

Combine all zones,
SCCRoadTypeFractions are activity-
Combine all zones in state,
SCCRoadTypeFractions are activity-
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones,
averageTankTemperature values are
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones in state,
averageTankTemperature values are
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones,
soakActivityFraction values are
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones in state,
soakActivityFraction values are activity-
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones,
coldSoakTankTemperature values
are activity-weighted.	
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones in state,
coldSoakTankTemperature values are
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones,
coldSoaklnitialHourFraction values
are activity-weighted.	
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones in state,
coldSoaklnitialHourFraction values are
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones, ETOFfVolume
and RVP values are activity-
(contents would be from user input.)
Combine all zones in state, ETOFfVolume
and RVP values are activity-weighted.
10.4.4. Algorithms Used to Perform the Time Period Pre-Aggregations
       Table 10-2 describes the database aggregation algorithms used on a table-by-table

basis for the DAY (Portion of the Week), MONTH, and YEAR time period pre-

aggregations.  These must operate correctly whether or not one of the STATE or

NATION aggregations has been performed.  The MONTH-level preaggregation assumes

that the DAY level has been performed and the YEAR-level assumes that the MONTH

level has been performed.  Tables not listed contain no time period identifiers and are

therefore not affected by these aggregations.

       While some of these table aggregations are simple summations, others are

"activity-weighted". All activity-based weighting is in essence based on VMT, using

allocations of VMT at the level necessary for the desired aggregation. For these activity-

weighted summations to be performed entirely correctly, something approaching the full

execution of the control strategies and generators would have to be performed which

would defeat the purpose of the pre-aggregation.  So instead these "activity-weighted"
aggregations involve some compromise and simplification. Specifically, the activity
weighting used for the DAY aggregation is based upon the values in the
HourVMTFraction table; the weighting used for the MONTH aggregation is based upon
the values in the Day VMTFraction table; and the activity weighting used for the YEAR
aggregation  is based upon the values in the Month VMTFraction table. Because these
activity fractions themselves depend upon  other dimensions of the model, which do not
always appear  in the tables being aggregated, several variations of each aggregation are
utilized, some of which are approximations:
      For aggregating hours into Days, three activity-weighting variations are used.
(The third and  fourth are approximations.)
   HourWeightingl: is based directly on the HourVMTFraction table itself, which is
   used to aggregate tables sharing its sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, and daylD primary
   HourWeightingl: uses RoadTypeDistribution to  aggregate HourVMTFraction over
   Roadtype.  This is used to aggregate tables having sourceTypelD and daylD, but not
   HourWeightingS: is a simple weighting by hourlD used to aggregate tables sharing no
   keys with HourVMTFraction except hourlD.  It is produced from HourWeightingl by
   using the data for the passenger car source type, and giving equal weight to all
   portions  of the week.
   HourWeighting4: is produced from HourWeightingl by using the data for the
   passenger car source type.  This is used to aggregate tables sharing no keys with
   HourVMTFraction except daylD and hourlD.

For aggregating days (periods of the week) into Months, three activity-weighting
variations are needed.  The third is an  approximation.

   DayWeightingl: is based on the DAYVMTFraction table, with MonthID removed by
   using weights from MonthVMTFraction.  Its key fields are sourceTypelD,
   roadTypelD, and day ID.
   DayWeighting2: is based on DayWeightingl, with roadTypelD removed by using
   information from RoadTypeDistribution.  Its key fields are sourceTypelD and daylD.
   Day Weightings: is based on DayWeightingl, and uses the distribution for
   sourceTypelD = 21 for all sourceTypes.
For aggregating months into years, only one activity-weighting is needed, and it is an
   Month Weighting: based on Month VMTFraction information for passenger cars only.
The analogous technique is used to aggregate month groups into years.  (Monthgroups
are used in some MOVES Database tables and were intended to represent seasons of the
year.  As the MOVES default database is currently populated, however, monthgroups
correspond exactly to months.

Table 10-2. Description of Time Period Aggregations to Be Performed
MOVES Database
Aggregation of Hours to
DAY (Portion of the
Single Record, hourID=0,
hourName = "Entire day".

Record for each daylD,
hourDaylD = daylD;

Record for each
SourceType- RoadType-
Day combination.
HourVMTFraction = 1.0

Activity-weighted average
avgSpeedFraction using
Aggregation of Days
(Portions of the week) to
(assumes DAY

Single record.
dayName = "Whole
Week"; noOfRealDays=7
Single record. dayID=0.

Record for each
SourceType- RoadType
HourVMTFraction = 1.0
Record for each
RoadType combination.
DayVMTFraction = 1.0

avgSpeedFraction using
Day Weighting 1
Aggregation of Months
(assumes MONTH

Single record.
MonthID = 0
noOfDays = 365
Single record.
monthGroupName =
"Entire Year".

Record for each
DayVMTFraction = 1.0
monthVMTFraction = 1.0


(contents would be
from user input.)
Activity-weighted average
opModeFraction using
average opModeFraction
using Day Weighting 1
Source Type
idleSHOFactors are
average idleSHOFactor
using DayWeighting2
(contents would be
from user input.)
Simple summation of SHO
and distance
Simple summation of
SHO and distance
Simple summation of
SHO and distance
Simple summation of
Simple summation of
Simple summation of
(contents would be
from user input.)
Simple summation of
Simple summation of
Simple summation of
(contents would be
from user input.)
Simple summation of
Simple summation of
Simple summation of
Activity-weighted average
temperature and
relHumidity using
MetGenerator will
recalculate heatlndex and
specific humidity.
                         average temperature and
                         relHumidity using
                         MetGenerator will
                         recalculate heatlndex and
                         specific humidity.
ACActivity terms using
                         ACActivity terms using
                         MonthGroup Weighting.
Sample VehicleTrip
Set hourlD = 0 for all trips
Set daylD = 0 for all
trips.  Assumes vehlDs
are unique across day IDs.
Sample VehicleDay
                          Set daylD = 0 for all
                          vehicle days. Assumes
                          vehlDs are unique across

(contents would be
from user input.)
hourDaylD = daylD

Simple summation of
hourDaylD = 0.

Simple summation of

 Fuel Supply
                                                 marketshare using
                                                 MonthGroup Weighting.
                                                 (Note: default values
                                                 produced by
                                                 DefaultDataMaker, must
                                                 be considered.)

 (contents would be
 from user input.)
Activity weighted
using HourWeighting4.
Activity weighted
using DayWeightingS.
Activity weighted
using MonthWeighting

 (contents would be
 from user input.)
soakActivityFraction using
Activity weighted
using DayWeighting2.
Activity weighted
using MonthWeighting
10.4.5. Calculation Inaccuracies Introduced by the Database Pre-Aggregations:
       The simplified activity-weighted aggregations introduce the following

approximations relative to having MOVES perform its calculations individually for each
real county-location and for each hour of the day:

   - Start-based activity, while appropriate for the start process, represents an

   approximation for other processes whose activity basis (SHO, etc.) may not exactly

   correspond to start activity.

   - Direct user input to the CMIT tables may override the Zone.startAllocFactor values.

   Any effect on activity of direct user input to the CMIT tables is not taken into


   - Control strategies may eventually be added to MOVES which adjust activity levels.

   Any such effects are not included.

   - The potentially significant non-linear relationships of the emissions calculations to

   temperature and humidity are ignored.  This may be especially serious at the national


   - Activity weighted hourly averages are used when combining hourly temperature,

   humidity, AC activity information, and any user supplied average tank temperature

   values for the hours of the day, but differences in hourly activity levels between the

   passenger car source use type and other source use types are ignored in this
   calculation, as are differences in hourly activity levels by day of the week.
   - The distribution of passenger car VMT to the periods of the week is used for all
   source types when aggregating any user-supplied average tank temperature data to the
   month level.
   - Differences in monthly activity patterns between passenger cars and other source
   use types are ignored when calculating weighted average annual temperature,
   humidity, AC Activity, fuel Subtype marketshares, average fuel tank temperatures and
   - When calculating annual data from monthly data, all years are considered to be non-
   leap years.
An initial analysis of the sensitivity of MOVES results to levels of pre-aggregation was
presented in the report "MOVES2004 Validation Results".  While DRAFT MOVES2009
did produce different results depending  on the level of aggregation selected by the user,
the magnitude of difference for energy consumption did not appear to be very large. For
example, the difference in total energy results between a run where state / month pre-
aggregation was selected was about 2 percent higher than the same run where nation /
year pre-aggregation was selected.

10.5. Mesoscale Lookup Table Link Producer (LTLP)

       This component is invoked when executing runs which specify the "Mesoscale
Lookup" Scale.  It reconstructs the contents of the Link table and populates the
LinkAverageSpeed table based on the contents of the AverageSpeedBin and Zone tables.
It is invoked early during the run execution after the InputDataManager has constructed
the MOVESExecution database.  It simplifies this situation that geographic
preaggregation is not allowed in conjunction with Mesoscale Lookup.  Within the
MOVES program code it is implemented within a component called the
GeographicExecutionLocationProducer which produces the list of locations looped over
by the Master Looping  mechanism.
       The current default "Link" table has a record for each combination of county and
road type.  The LTLP populates the Link table with unique links for every combination
of averageSpeedBinID  value in the AverageSpeedBin table, each zonelD in the RunSpec,
and each roadTypelD in the RunSpec.

a.  The linkID is generated to be a unique value. (Current macroscale linkID * 100 +
b.  The zonelD and roadTypelD fields are populated appropriately.
c.  The countylD field  is populated based on the zonelD.
d.  The linkLength, link Volume and grade fields are not used and are set to Null.

       The LTLP also populates the LinkAverageSpeed table with a single record for
each of the new linklDs. The average speed value used is the avgBinSpeed value from
the AverageSpeedBin table for the AvgSpeedBin represented by the Link.

10.6. Total Activity Generator (TAG) for Macroscale
       This generator calculates total activity pursuant to the run specification for each
source use type in DRAFT MOVES2009 using the MOVESExecution database. This
activity includes Start activity (number of starts), Extended Idle Hours, and Source Hours
in addition to source hours operating (SHO). This activity information is categorized by
time span, geographic location, source type and age.  The product of the TAG is four core
model input tables produced in MOVESExecution containing these results: SHO, Starts,
ExtendedldleHours, and SourceHours.  The TAG also calculates an intermediate form of
distance traveled information which is stored in the SHO table.  This version of the TAG
is not used for the Mesoscale Lookup scale.
       The algorithm used to calculate total activity for a given time and location by
source type and age is divided into ten steps (numbered 0 thru 9) referred to as TAGs
(total activity generator steps) in this document. Each TAG step references the
MOVESExecution database and implements a simple mathematical formula. The primary
function of the Total ActivityGenerator is to convert commonly-available activity data
such as vehicle miles traveled (VMT), age distribution, vehicle populations, sales and
VMT growth rates, etc. to the MOVES activity parameters of source hours, source hours
operating, starts, and  extended idle hours.  Externally-provided VMT is thus the primary
driver of total activity. Steps 1-3 calculate allocations of total VMT by vehicle age and
source type. Step  4 grows VMT. Steps 5 and 6 allocate VMT by time, space, vehicle age
and source type. Step 7 converts the allocated VMT to the MOVES activity parameters
of source hours operating (SHO), number of starts, and extended idle hours. Step 8
allocates activity to zones (e.g. counties for the default case), and Step 9 re-calculates
distance for output reporting purposes.  A brief description of each of the TAGs is shown
in table 10-3. The HPMS acronym used in the table refers to the Highway Performance
Management System.
Table 10-3. Overview of TAG Calculations

Determine the base year
Determine the appropriate base year to use in



Calculate Base Year Vehicle
Grow Vehicle Population to Analysis
Age 1 through 29
Age 30 and higher
Calculate Analysis Year Travel
Calculate total population within
HPMS vehicle class
Calculate fraction within HPMS
vehicle class
Compute travel fraction
Calculate Analysis Year VMT
Allocate Analysis Year VMT By
Roadway Type, Use Type, Age
Allocate Annual VMT to Hour by
Roadway Type, Use Type, Age
Convert to Total Activity Basis By
Calculate average speed
Convert to SHO
Calculate Starts
Convert SHO to Exetended Idle Hours
Calculate Source Hours Parked (SHP)
Allocate Total Activity to Location
Allocate SHO to Links
Allocate Starts to Zones
Allocate Extended Idle Hours to Zones
Allocate SHP to Zones
Calculate Source Hours by Zone and
Calculate Distance Traveled
growth calculations
Establish base-year vehicle population in
modeling domain by use type, age
If analysis year is in future, establish analysis
year population through growth and scrappage

Calculation travel fraction across domain as
function of age mix and annual miles traveled,
by use type and age

If analysis year is in future, establish analysis
year aggregate VMT across domain from base
year VMT and growth
Allocate aggregate VMT to roadway type, use
type and age
Allocate annual VMT to hourly VMT
Convert to total activity basis at domain level:
SHO, Starts, Extended Idle Hours, Source
Hours Parked (a portion of Source Hours)

Allocate total activity to locations using
geographic allocation factors

Calculate SHO. distance from SHO and
average speeds

Some overall considerations when performing these calculations are:
1.  The TotalActivityGenerator signs up for the Master Loop at the Year level which
means the calculations are performed individually for each year at each location (i.e. link)
for each emission process requiring SHO, start, extended idle hour, or source hour
activity information.
2.  The MOVES design allows the user to provide some or all of the values in core model
input tables such as SHO, Starts, ExtendedldleHours and SourceHours. The
InputDataManager places any such user-supplied values in the MOVESExecution
database before the TotalActivityGenerator is activated. The TotalActivityGenerator
does not replace such user-supplied values.
3.  When the Total Activity Generator encounters a missing value when performing a
calculation, the result of the calculation is considered as missing. Records for which the
results are missing are not represented by a value of zero but are left out of the database.
       Detailed descriptions of the calculations in each TAG step follow.  Each of the
variables used in the TAG calculations either exists in the MOVESExecution database or
is calculated by a previous TAG step. All of the database variables are described in the
database documentation included in the database. The table in which each variable can
be found is indicated in parentheses in the "Input Variables"portion of each TAG step
10.6.1. TAG-0: Determine the  Base Year
       Before any calculations can be done, the appropriate base year must be
determined using the year of analysis and the isBaseYear information in the Year table.
   Input Variables:
                    isBaseYear (Year)
                    calendar year (from RunSpec)
   Output Variable:
                    yearlD = calendar year
                    IF isBaseYear(yearID) = "Y", then baseYeai=yearID.

                     baseYear = maximum value of yearlD which is less than the calendar year and
                         for which isBase(Year)= "Y"

10.6.2. TAG-1: Calculate Base Year Vehicle Population By Age.

    Input Variables:

                     baseYear (from previous step)
    Output Variable:

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation, (in new SourceTypeAgePopulation table)

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                     sourceTypePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD) *
                     ageFraction (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD)

10.6.3. TAG-2: Grow Vehicle Population from Base Year to Analysis Year

NOTE: This step is only required if the analysis year is in the future relative to the base

year. For future projection, these TAG-2 steps are repeated in every year until the

analysis year is reached.

TAG-2a: Age Zero (New Vehicles)
    This calculation applies only to ageID=0.

    Input Variables:

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation, from previous step,
                         forageID=0 andyearID=yearID-l
                     salesGrowthFactor (SourceTypeYear)
                     migrationRate (foryearlD andyearID-1) (SourceTypeYear)
    Output Variable:

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=0 in current yearlD)

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=0) =
                     [sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=0) /
                     migrationRate (yearID-1, sourceTypelD)] *
                     salesGrowthFactor (yearlD, sourceTypelD) *
                     migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD)

    Note: the full equation would divide through by age=0 survival rate to derive new
    sales in previous years prior to scrappage, and multiply by the same term to account
    for scrappage in the first year.  Since scrappage is the same in all years, they cancel
    each other out, and these terms are excluded from the equation.

TAG-2b:Ages 1 through 29
    This calculation loops through AgeID=x, where x is 1  through 29.

    Input Variables:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=x and yearID=yearID-l)
                      survivalRate (for AgeID=x) (SourceTypeAge)
                      migratioriRate (SourceTypeYear)
    Output Variable:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=l through 29 in current yearlD)

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=x) =
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=x-l) *
                      survivalRate (sourceTypelD, ageID=x-l) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD)
TAG-2c: Age 30
    This calculation is for Age 30, which includes years 30 and higher.

    Input Variables:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=29 & 30 and yearID=yearID-l)
                      survivalRate (for ageID=29 & 30) (SourceTypeAge)
                      migrationRate (SourceTypeYear)
    Output Variable:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=30 in current yearlD)

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=30) =
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=29)  *
                      survivalRate (sourceTypelD, ageID=29) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD) +
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=30)  *
                      survivalRate (sourceTypelD, ageID=30) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD)

10.6.4. TAG-3: Calculate Analysis Year Travel Fraction

TAG-3a: Calculate total population within Highway Performance Management System
(HPMS) vehicle class.
    Input Variables:

                      sourceTypePopulation (for each sourceTypelD within HPMS VtypelD)
                      HPMSVtypelD (HPMSVtype)
    Output Variable:


                      HPMSVTypePopulation (yearlD, HPMSVtypelD) =
                      Sum of [SourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD)]
                      over all agelD,
                      for all sourceTypelD within each HPMSVtypelD.

TAG-3b: Calculate fraction within HPMS vehicle class
    Input Variables:

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (from step 2)
                     HPMSVtypePopulation (from previous step)
    Output Variable:


                     fractionwithinHPMSVtype (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) /
                         HPMSVTypePopulation (yearlD, HPMSVtypelD, sourceTypelD)

TAG-3c: Compute travel fraction
    Input Variables:

                     fractionwithinHPMSVtype (from previous step)
                     relativeMAR (SourceTypeAge)
    Output Variable:


                     travelFraction (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                     (fractionwithinHPMSVtype (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=x) *
                     relativeMAR (sourceTypelD, ageID=x)) /
                     Sum of [fractionwithinHPMSVtype (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=x) *
                     relativeMAR (sourceTypelD, ageID=x)] over all agelD and for all
                         sourceTypelD within each HPMSVtype.

10.6.5. TAG-4: Calculate Analysis Year VMT

       Determine the total VMT within each HPMS vehicle type,  accounting for VMT

growth. This calculation is repeated in every yearlD until the analysis year is reached.

TAG-4 a: Base year.
    In the base year, the analysis Year VMT is the same as the HPMSBaseYearVMT.

    Input Variables:

                     HPMSBaseYearVMT (yearID=BaseYear) (HPMSVtypeYear)
    Output Variable:


                     analysisYearVMT (yearlD, HPMSVTypelD) =
                     HPMSBaseYearVMT (yearlD, HPMSVTypelD)

TAG-4b: All years following the base year.
    In the any years following the base year, the analysisYearVMT is calculated from the
    previous year's value for analysisYearVMT.

    Input Variables:

                     analysisYearVMT (yearID-1)
                     VMTGrowthFactor (HPMSVtypeYear)

    Output Variable:


                     analysisYearVMT (yearlD, HPMSVTypelD) =
                     analysisYearVMT (yearID-1, HPMSVTypelD) *
                     VMTGrowthFactor (yearlD, HPMSVTypelD)

10.6.6. TAG-5: Allocate Analysis Year VMT by Roadway Type, Use Type, Age

    Input Variables:

                     analysisYearVMT (from previous step)
                     travelFraction (from step 3)
    Output Variable:

                     annual VMTbyAgeRoadway

                     annualVMTbyAgeRoadway (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                     analysisYearVMT (yearlD, HPMSVTypelD)  *
                     roadTypeVMTFraction (roadTypelD, sourceTypelD) *
                     travelFraction (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD)

10.6.7. TAG-6: Allocate Annual VMT to Hour

    Input Variables:

                     annualVMTbyAgeRoadway (from previous step)
                     monthVMTFraction (MonthVMTFraction)
                     day VMTFraction (Day VMTFraction)
                     hourVMTFraction (HourVMTFraction)
                     noOfDays (MonthOfAnyYear)
    Output Variable:


                     VMTbyAgeRoadwayHour (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                         monthID, daylD, hourlD) =
                     annualVMTbyAgeRoadway (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD) *
                     monthVMTFraction (sourceTypelD, isLeapYear, monthID) *
                     day VMTFraction (roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, monthID, daylD) *
                     hourVMTFraction (roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, daylD, hourlD)
                     / (noOfDays/7)

10.6.8. TAG-7: Convert to Total Activity Basis

Tag-7a: Compute average speed by roadway type
    Input Variables:

                     avgBinSpeed (AvgSpeedBin)
    Output Variable:

                     average Speed

                     averageSpeed (roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, daylD, hourlD) =

                          Sum of [avgBinSpeed(avgSpeedBin) *
                      averageSpeedFraction(roadTypeID, sourceTypelD, daylD, hourlD,
                          avgSpeedBin)] over all avgSpeedBin

Tag-7b: Convert VMTtoSHO
    Input Variables:

                      VMTbyAgeRoadwayHour (from step 6)
                      average Speed (from previous step)
    Output Variable:


                      SHObyAgeRoadwayHour (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                      monthID, daylD, hourlD) =
                      VMTbyAgeRoadwayHour(yearID, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                      monthID, daylD, hourlD) /
                      averageSpeed (roadTypelD,  sourceTypelD, daylD, hourlD)

Tag-7c: Calculate Starts
    Preliminary Calculation

                      For each combination of sourceTypelD, hourlD, and day ID

                      startsPerVehicle = (number of records in INNER JOIN of Sample VehicleDay
                      and SampleVehicleTrip with non null keyOnTimes)

                      (number of records in Sample VehicleDay)

                      This calculation excludes "Marker Trips".
    Input Variables:

                      startsPerVehicle (sourceTypelD, hourlD, daylD)
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) (from step 2)
    Output Variable:


                      StartsByAgeHour (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD, day ID, hourlD) =
                          sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) *
                          startsPerVehicle (sourceTypelD, hourlD, daylD)

Tag-7d: Convert SHO to Extended Idle Hours
   Input Variables:
                     SHObyAgeRoadwayHour (from step 7b)
                     idleSHOFactor (SourceTypeHour)
   Output Variable:
                     idleHoursbyAgeHour (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, day ID, HourlD)
                     (Sum over 24 hours and over all Roadtypes (SHObyAgeRoadwayHour(yearID,
                         roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, daylD, hourlD))) *
                     idleSHOFactor(sourceType, daylD, hourlD)
Tag-7e: Calculate Source Hours Parked (SHP)
   Input Variables:
                     SHObyAgeRoadwayHour (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                     monthID, daylD, hourlD) (from step 7b)
                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) (from step 2)
                     noOfRealDays (DayOfAnyWeek)
   Output Variable:
                     SHPbyAgeHour (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, day ID, hourlD)
                     SHPbyAgeHour =  sourceTypeAgePopulation * noOfRealDays-
                     Sum over roadtypes(SHObyAgeRoadwayHour)

10.6.9. TAG-8: Allocate Total Activity to Location
Tag-8a: Allocate SHO to Links
   Input Variables:
                     SHOByAgeRoadwayHour (from step 7b)
                     SHO AllocationFactor (ZoneRoadway Type)
   Output Variable:
                     SHO (SHO)
                     This result populates the SHO field in SHO table.
                     SHO(yearID, zonelD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, day ID,
                         hourlD) =
                     SHOByAgeRoadwayHour(yearID, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                         monthID, daylD, hourlD) *
                     SHOAllocationFactor( zonelD, roadTypelD)
Tag-8b: Allocate Starts to Zones
   Input Variables:
                     startsByAgeHour (from step 7c)

                      startAllocFactor (Zone)
    Output Variable:

                      Starts (Starts)
                      Result of TAG-8b populates "starts" field of Starts Table

                      starts(yearID, zonelD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthlD, daylD, hourlD):
                      startsByAgeHour(yearID, sourceTypelD, agelD, daylD, hourlD) *
Tag-8c: Allocate Extended Idle Hours to Zones
    Input Variables:

                      IdleHoursByAgeHour (from step 7d)
                      idleAllocFactor (Zone)
    Output Variable:

                      Result of TAG-8c populates "extendedldleHours" field of ExtendedldleHours

                      extended!dleHours(yearID, zonelD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthlD, daylD,
                          hourlD) =
                      idleHoursByAgeHour(yearID, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthlD, daylD, hourlD)
                          * idleAllocFactor(zonelD)

Tag-8d: Allocate SHP to Zones
    Input Variables:

                      SHPByAgeHour (from step 7e)
                      SHPAllocFactor (Zone)
    Output Variable:

                      SHP (in an intermediate table)

                      SHP(yearID, zonelD, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthlD, daylD, hourlD) =
                      SHPByAgeHour(yearID, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthlD, daylD, hourlD) *
                          SHPAllocFactor(yearID, zonelD)

Tag-8e: Calculate Source Hours by Zone and Roadway
    Input Variables:

                      SHP (from step 8d)
                      SHO (from step 8a)
    Output Variable:

                      sourceHours(SourceHours) result of this step populates sourceHours field in
                          SourceHours table

                      sourceHours(yearID, zonelD, roadTypelD <> OffNetwork, sourceTypelD,
                          agelD, monthlD, day ID, hourlD) = SHO(yearID, zonelD, roadTypelD,
                          sourceTypelD, agelD, monthlD, daylD, hourlD)

                     sourceHours(yearID, zonelD, roadTypelD = OffNetwork, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                         montMD, daylD, hourlD) = SHP(yearID, zonelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                         monthID, daylD, hourlD)
10.6.10. TAG-9: Calculate Distance Traveled Corresponding to Source Hours

       If the "Distance Traveled" output is requested by the RunSpec, (which also

implies that some pollutant has been selected for the Running process), the distance field

in the SHO table is calculated. Otherwise this distance field is output by this generator as

NULL. The method used to produce this distance information involves multiplying the

number of source hours operating (SHO) by the average vehicle speed associated with

them.  These average speeds have been calculated in Step 7a.

    Input Variables:
                     SHO from step 8a
                     average Speed from step 7a

    Output Variable:
                     distance (in SHO table)
                     distance (yearlD, monthID, linkID (zonelD with roadTypelD), hourlD, daylD,
                         agelD, aourceTypelD) =
                     SHO((yearID, monthID, linkID (zonelD with roadTypelD), hourlD, daylD,
                         agelD, sourceTypelD ) * averageSpeed(roadTypeID, sourceTypelD, daylD,

10.7. Total Activity Generator (TAG) for Mesoscale Lookup

       This version of the TAG is used for the Mesoscale Lookup scale and is a
simplified version of the "Macroscale" TAG described in the preceding section. The
TAG can be simplified for Mesoscale lookup calculations because only running activity
is needed and because artificial VMT values can be used. Because emissions are
reported in grams/mile or other "per distance" units, the absolute values of VMT and
SHO don't matter for this use case, but their proportional allocations among sourcetypes,
ages, and time periods must be maintained.
       This generator calculates total activity pursuant to the run specification for each
source use type in DRAFT MOVES2009 using the MOVESExecution database. This
activity includes Source Hours in addition to source hours operating (SHO). This activity
information is categorized by time span, geographic location, source type and age. This
TAG produces two core model input tables in MOVESExecution containing these
results: SHO, and SourceHours. The TAG also calculates an intermediate form of
distance traveled information which is stored in the SHO table.
Some overall considerations when performing these calculations are:
1.  The TotalActivityGenerator signs up for the Master Loop at the Year level which
means the calculations are performed individually for each year at  each location (i.e. link)
for each emission process requiring SHO or source hour activity information.
2.  The MOVES design allows the user to provide some or all of the values  in core model
input tables such as SHO, and SourceHours. The InputDataManager places any such
user-supplied values in the MOVESExecution database before the
TotalActivityGenerator is activated. The TotalActivityGenerator does not replace such
user-supplied values.
3.  When the Total Activity Generator encounters a missing value when performing a
calculation, the result of the calculation is considered as missing. Records for which the
results are missing are left out of the database.

The steps for the Mesoscale Lookup TAG are summarized here and described in more
detail below.

   1)  Travel fractions by Age & SourceType are determined using population growth
       and relative mileage accumulations.
   2)  Travel fractions are treated as VMT and allocated to specific months, days &
       hours using factors that vary by roadType & sourceType.
   3)  SHO is set to equal the hourly VMT.  The same SHO is used for each link of a
   4)  Source Hours are set equal to  SHO.
   5)  Distance is calculated from the SHO and the link speed.

By way of general background information, a number of database fields that are
important for the Macroscale TAG are not used in Mesoscale Lookup:

       VMTGrowthF actor
       SHO All ocati onF actor

       Detailed descriptions of the calculations in each TAG step follow.  Each of the
variables used in the TAG calculations either exists in the MOVESExecution database or
is calculated by a previous TAG step.  All of the database variables are described in the
database documentation included  in the database. The table in which  each variable can
be found is indicated in parentheses in the "Input Variables" portion of each TAG step

10.7.1. TAG-0: Determine the Base Year

       Before any calculations can be done, the appropriate base year must be

determined using the year of analysis and the isBaseYear information in the Year table.

    Input Variables:

                     isBaseYear (Year)
                     calendar year (from RunSpec)
    Output Variable:


                     yearlD = calendar year

                     IF isBaseYear(yearID) = "Y", then baseYeai=yearID.


                     baseYear = maximum value of yearlD which is less than the calendar year for
                         which isBase(Year)= "Y"

10.7.2. TAG-1: Calculate Base Year Vehicle Population By Age.

    Input Variables:

                     baseYear (from previous step)
    Output Variable:

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation, (in new SourceTypeAgePopulation table)

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                     sourceTypePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD) *
                     ageFraction (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD)

10.7.3. TAG-2: Grow Vehicle Population from Base Year to Analysis Year

NOTE: This step is only required if the analysis year is in the future relative to the base

year. For future projection, these TAG-2 steps are repeated in every year until the

analysis year is reached.

TAG-2a: Age Zero (New Vehicles)
    This calculation applies only to ageID=0.

    Input Variables:

                     sourceTypeAgePopulation, from previous step,
                         forageID=0 andyearID=yearID-l
                     salesGrowthFactor (SourceTypeYear)
                     migrationRate (foryearlD andyearID-1) (SourceTypeYear)

    Output Variable:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=0 in current yearlD)

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=0) =
                      [sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=0) /
                      migrationRate (yearID-1, sourceTypelD)] *
                      salesGrowthFactor (yearlD, sourceTypelD) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD)

    Note: the full equation would divide through by age=0 survival rate to derive new
    sales in previous years prior to scrappage, and multiply by the same term to account
    for scrappage in the first year.  Since scrappage is the same in all years, they cancel
    each other out, and these terms are excluded from the equation.

TAG-2b:Ages 1 through 29
    This calculation loops through AgeID=x, where x is 1 through 29.

    Input Variables:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=x and yearID=yearID-l)
                      survivalRate (for AgeID=x) (SourceTypeAge)
                      migrationRate (SourceTypeYear)
    Output Variable:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=l through 29 in current yearlD)

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=x) =
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=x-l) *
                      survivalRate (sourceTypelD, ageID=x-l) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD)
    This calculation is for Age 30, which includes years 30 and higher.

    Input Variables:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=29 & 30 and yearID=yearID-l)
                      survivalRate (for ageID=29 & 30) (SourceTypeAge)
                      migrationRate (SourceTypeYear)
    Output Variable:

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (for ageID=30 in current yearlD)

                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=30) =
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=29) *
                      survivalRate (sourceTypelD, ageID=29) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD) +
                      sourceTypeAgePopulation (yearID-1, sourceTypelD, ageID=30) *
                      survivalRate (sourceTypelD, ageID=30) *
                      migrationRate (yearlD, sourceTypelD)

10.7.4. TAG-3: Calculate Analysis Year Travel Fraction

TAG-3a: Calculate total population within Highway Performance Management System
(HPMS) vehicle class.
    Input Variables:

                      sourceTypePopulation (for each sourceTypelD within HPMS VtypelD)
                      HPMSVtypelD (HPMSVtype)
    Output Variable:


                      HPMSVTypePopulation (yearlD, HPMSVtypelD) =
                      Sum of [SourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD)]
                      over all agelD,
                      for all sourceTypelD within each HPMSVtypelD.

TAG-3b: Calculate fraction within HPMS vehicle class
    Input Variables:

                      SourceTypeAgePopulation (from step 2)
                      HPMSVtypePopulation (from previous step)
    Output Variable:


                      fractionwithinHPMSVtype (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                      SourceTypeAgePopulation (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) /
                         HPMSVTypePopulation (yearlD, HPMSVtypelD, sourceTypelD)

TAG-3c: Compute travel fraction
    Input Variables:

                      fractionwithinHPMSVtype (from previous step)
                      relativeMAR (SourceTypeAge)
    Output Variable:


                      travelFraction (yearlD, sourceTypelD, agelD) =
                      (fractionwithinHPMSVtype (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=x) *
                      relativeMAR (sourceTypelD, ageID=x)) /
                      Sum of [fractionwithinHPMSVtype (yearlD, sourceTypelD, ageID=x) *
                      relativeMAR (sourceTypelD, ageID=x)] over all agelD and for all
                         sourceTypelD within each HPMSVtype.

10.7.5. TAG-4: (reserved)

10.7.6. TAG-5: Allocate Analysis Year VMT by Roadway Type,  Use Type, Age

Because VMT is divided out at the end, real VMT is not needed and is removed from this
calculation. However, the model does need the distribution of VMT among sourcetypes
& ages.  RoadType distinctions are needed for the next step.

    Input Variables: TravelFraction(yearID, sourceTypelD, agelD)

    Output Variable: AnnualVMTbyAgeRoadway


                     AnnualVMTby AgeRoadway(YearID, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, AgelD) =
                                          TravelFraction(YearID, sourceTypelD, AgelD)

10.7.7. TAG-6: Temporally Allocate Annual VMT to Hour

    Input Variables:

                     annualVMTbyAgeRoadway (from previous step)
                     monthVMTFraction (MonthVMTFraction)
                     day VMTFraction (Day VMTFraction)
                     hourVMTFraction (HourVMTFraction)
                     noOfDays (MonthOfAnyYear)
    Output Variable:


                     VMTbyAgeRoadwayHour (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                        monthID, daylD, hourlD) =
                     annualVMTbyAgeRoadway (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD) *
                     monthVMTFraction (sourceTypelD, isLeapYear, montMD) *
                     day VMTFraction (roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, monthID, daylD) *
                     hourVMTFraction (roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, daylD, hourlD)
                     / (noOfDays/7)

10.7.8. TAG-7: Convert to Total Activity Basis

Tag-7: Convert VMT to SHO
Because "Distance" is calculated from SHO and is divided out in the end, the actual SHO
doesn't matter.  But the proportional distribution of SHO among ages, sourcetypes and
times must be preserved.  This step sets SHO = VMT.

    Input Variables:

                     VMTbyAgeRoadwayHour (from step 6)
    Output Variable:


                     SHObyAgeRoadwayHour (yearlD, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                     monthID, daylD, hourlD) =
                     VMTbyAgeRoadwayHour(yearID, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                     monthID, daylD, hourlD)

10.7.9. TAG-8: Allocate Total Activity to Location

Tag-8a: Allocate SHO to Links
       This step assigns SHO to multiple links of the same zone/roadtype.  Because

geographic aggregation is forbidden for Lookup Output, allocation to Zones can be

uniform. Similarly, allocation to links is not important as long as the distribution among

ages, sourcetypes & times is preserved.  So we set SHO(link) = SHO(roadType).

    Input Variables:
                     SHOByAgeRoadwayHour  (from step 7)
                     Link(linkID, countylD, zonelD, roadTypelD) (Created by the LTLP)
    Output Variable:

                     SHO (SHO)
                     This result populates the  SHO field in SHO CMIT table.
                     SHO(yearID, linkID, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, daylD, hourlD) =
                     SHOByAgeRoadwayHour(yearID, roadTypelD, sourceTypelD, agelD,
                        monthID, daylD, hourlD)
Tag-8b: Calculate Source Hours by Zone and Roadway
    Input Variables:

                     SHO (from step 8a)
    Output Variable:

                     sourceHours(SourceHours) result of this step populates sourceHours field in
                         SourceHours table

                     sourceHours(yearID, linkID, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, day ID, hourlD):
                         SHO(yearID, linkID, sourceTypelD, agelD, monthID, daylD, hourlD)
10.7.10. TAG-9: Calculate Distance Traveled Corresponding to Source Hours

       The method used to produce this distance information involves multiplying the

number of source hours operating (SHO) by the average vehicle speed associated with

the Link.
    Input Variables:
                     SHO from step 8a
                     average Speed from step 7a
    Output Variable:

                   distance (in SHO table)
                   distance (yearlD, monthID, linkID (zonelD with roadTypelD), hourlD, daylD,
                       agelD, aourceTypelD) =
                   SHO((yearID, monthID, linkID (zonelD with roadTypelD), hourlD,  daylD,
                       agelD, sourceTypelD ) * averageSpeed(linklD)

10.7A.  Total  Activity  Generator  (ProjectTAG)  for  Project  Level

       This version of the ProjectTAG is used for the Project Level Domain Scale and is
analogous,  but also  substantially different from the "Macroscale" and "Mesoscale" TAG
described in the preceding sections.  A MOVES project-level analysis is the modeling of
one or more individual roadway links which are spatially connected to each other.  It also
extends the definition of  project to off-network  common  areas within the  project
boundaries where vehicle starts, extended idling and  evaporative emissions are allocated.
This generator calculates and  allocates total activity basis, starts, source-hours parked
(SHP) and  source hours pursuant to the run specification for each user specified link /
roadway type and source type.  The ProjectTAG produces core model input tables in
MOVESExecution containing these results: SHO, SHP and SourceHours. The TAG does
not calculate distance traveled information because it is a user input for each link.
       Some overall considerations when performing these calculations are:
1.   The ProjectTAG signs up  for the Master Loop at the  Year level which means the
calculations are performed individually for the specified year, location, hour for each
emission process requiring SHO, SHP or source hour activity information.
2.  The MOVES design requires the user to provide all of the values basic inputs for the
3.   When the Total Activity Generator encounters a  missing value when performing a
calculation, the result of the calculation is considered  as missing.  Records for which the
results are missing are left out of the database.

       Detailed descriptions of the calculations in each TAG step follow.  Each of the
principal variables used in the TAG calculations are  entered by the user into a special
Project database or are calculated by a previous  TAG step.  The table in which each
variable can be found is indicated in parentheses in the "Input Variables" portion of each

Project!AG step description.  The Project!AG implementation can be found in the Java
method "Project!AG.allocateTotalActivityBasis".

10.7A.1  Determine Project Context
       The MOVES Runspec and the Project Data Manager input must have the same
context in terms of MOVES countylD, zonelD, yearlD, and hourlD.  Only one value of
each may  be specified in a Project Level Runspec.  Both  Day IDs,  any and  all
sourcetypelDs, pollutantID and processID may be chosen in the Runspec, but these must
be consistent between the Runspec and the Project Data Manager.
       The ProjectTAG allocates activity according the Runspec  and Project Data
Manager inputs.  The allocations are according to:
             Age         SourceTypeAgeDistribution as a functionjyear} - either a
                          user input or calculated by ProjectTAG.
             SHO        source hours operating
             SHP         source hours parked
             Starts        vehicle starts / soak times
             Extldle       extended idle operation
             SH          source hours

The possible process allocations for ProjectTAG include:

ProjectTAG-2a             Total Population Calculation

   Calculate  the total population for ages 1  through  30 for the given  year  and
   Input Variables:
                    sourceTypeAgePopulati on.population,
                    where yearid = year
                    sourcetypelD = sourcetype

   Output Variable:
                    sourceTypeAgePopulationSummary. totalPopulation
                    Sum  [sourceTypeAgePopulation.population[ageID]]   AgeID=x,
                          where x is 1 through 29

ProjectTAG-2b             Age Fraction Calculation

   Calculate the age fraction for the given year, age and sourcetype

   Input Variables:
                    sourceTypeAgePopulati onSummary. totalPopulation
                    where yearid = year
                    sourcetypelD = sourcetype

   Output Variable:
                    sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction
                    p.population / s.totalPopulation) as ageFraction"

                    sourceTypeAgePopulationSummary as s"
                    sourceTypeAgePopulation as p "

ProjectTAG-3       Calculation Source Hours Operating (SHO)

   This section calculates the sourcehours operating if a roadway link is selected by the
   user. Context variables are from the Runspec.
   Input Variables:
                   runSpecSourceType. Context.sourceTypelD
                   runSpecDay. Context (daylD)
                   runSpecMonth. Context (monthID)
                   hourDay. Context (hourDaylD)
                   dayOfAnyWeek. noOfRealDays
                   link. HnkAvgSpeed
                   link. linkVolume
                   link. linkLength
                   HnkSourceTypeHour. sourceTypeHourFraction
                   sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction

   Output Variable:
                   SHO, distance
                   SHO =  (linkVolume * sourceTypeHourFraction * noOfRealDays
                             * ageFraction) * linkLength / HnkAvgSpeed
                   distance   =     linkVolume  *   sourceTypeHourFraction   *
                             noOfRealDays * ageFraction * linkLength
Proj ectTAG-4       Calculation Source Hours Parked (SHP)

   This section calculates the sourcehours parked if an off-network link is selected by
   the user. Context variables are from the Runspec.
   Input Variables:
                   runSpecSourceType. Context.sourceTypelD
                   runSpecDay. Context (daylD)
                   runSpecMonth. Context (monthID)

                    hourDay. Context (hourDaylD)
                    offNetworkLink. vehiclePopulation
                    offNetworkLink. parkedVehicleFraction
                    dayOfAnyWeek. noOfRealDays
                    sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction

   Output Variable:
                    SHP = (vehiclePopulation * parkedVehicleFraction * ageFraction)
ProjectTAG-5        Calculation Starts (STARTS)

   This section calculates the number of starts if an off-network link is selected by the
   user. Context variables are from the Runspec.
   Input Variables:
                    runSpecSourceType. Context.sourceTypelD
                    runSpecDay. Context (daylD)
                    runSpecMonth. Context (monthID)
                    hourDay. Context (hourDaylD)
                    offNetworkLink. vehiclePopulation
                    offNetworkLink. startFraction
                    sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction

   Output Variable:
                    STARTS = (vehiclePopulation * startFraction * ageFraction)

ProjectTAG-6        Calculation Extended Idle (Extldle)

   This section calculates the fraction of extended idle operation if an off-network link is
   selected by the user. Context variables are from the Runspec.

   Input Variables:
                    runSpecSourceType. Context.sourceTypelD
                    runSpecDay. Context (daylD)
                    runSpecMonth. Context (monthID)
                    hourDay. Context (hourDaylD)
                    offNetworkLink. vehiclePopulation
                    offNetworkLink. extendedldleFraction
                    sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction

   Output Variable:
                    extendedldleFraction =  (vehiclePopulation * extendedldleFraction
                                           * ageFraction)

Proj ectTAG-7a              Calculation Source Hours (SH)

   This section calculates the source hours if an off-network link is selected by the user.
   Context variables are from the Runspec.  This variable is used in the calculation of
   evaporative processes.

   Input Variables:
                    runSpecSourceType. Context.sourceTypelD
                    runSpecDay. Context (daylD)
                    runSpecMonth. Context (monthID)
                    hourDay. Context (hourDaylD)
                    offNetworkLink. vehiclePopulation
                    offNetworkLink. parkedVehicleFraction
                    dayOfAnyWeek. noOfRealDays
                    sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction

   Output Variable:
                   SH = (vehiclePopulation * parkedVehicleFraction * ageFraction)

Proj ectTAG-7b             Calculation Source Hours (SH)

   This section calculates the source hours if a roadway link is selected by the user.
   Context variables are from the Runspec. This variable is used in the calculation of
   evaporative processes.
   Input Variables:
                   runSpecSourceType. Context.sourceTypelD
                   runSpecDay. Context (daylD)
                   runSpecMonth. Context (monthID)
                   hourDay. Context (hourDaylD)
                   dayOfAnyWeek. noOfRealDays
                   link. HnkAvgSpeed
                   link. linkVolume
                   link. linkLength
                   HnkSourceTypeHour. sourceTypeHourFraction
                   sourceTypeAgeDistribution. ageFraction

   Output Variable:
                   SH = (linkVolume * sourceTypeHourFraction * noOfRealDays *
                             ageFraction) * linkLength / HnkAvgSpeed

10.7B. Link Operating Mode Distribution Generator (ProjectTAG)  for
       Project Level Modeling
       The Link Operating Mode Distribution Generator is used in the calculation of
project domain emission inventories, and is closely associated with the ProjectTAG
generator. This class called "LinkOperatingModeDistributionGenerator.java" builds an
operating mode distribution for a particular project domain link from a speed-time
driving cycle when it is supplied by the user.  The generator is not utilized in cases where
the user chooses to enter the operating mode distribution for the particular link directly as
a distribution.

10.7B.1 Calculate VSP Second  by Second

       This section  calculates the vehicle specific power (VSP) in units of kW/tonne
   using first principals of vehicle dynamics.  The code recursively joins 'itself (i.e.,
   driveScheduleSecondLink) to create acceleration and previous second acceleration
   values for the special case of the 'braking' opmode (opmodelD = 0).

   Input Variables:
                    sourceUseType. sourcetypelD
                    driveScheduleSecondLink. linkID
                    driveScheduleSecondLink. secondID
                    driveScheduleSecondLink. speed
                    driveScheduleSecondLink. grade
                    sourceUseType. sourceMass
                    sourceUseType. rollingTermA
                    sourceUseType. rotatingTermB
                    sourceUseType. dragTermC
                    constantTerml       0.44704  -   conversion  miles/hour   to
                    constantTerml       9.81 - gravitational constant  meters/sec2

   Output Variable:
                   VSP =     [ ((speed*0.44704)*(rollingTermA+
                             dragTermC*(speed*0.44704)))/sourceMass ] +
                             (speed*0.44704)*(a.speed-b.speed)*0.44704 +
Count the Total Seconds in the Link
      This section counts the total seconds in the link.  It is grouped by source type and
   Input Variables:
   Output Variable:
      tempDriveScheduleSecondLink. sourceTypelD
      tempDriveScheduleSecondLink. linkID

      tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkTotal. secondTotal
                   Count(*) group by sourceTypelD and linkID
10.7B.3 Count the Seconds per Individual opModelD

      This section counts the total seconds in the link and opmodelD combination. It is
   grouped by source type, opmodelD and link.
   Input Variables:
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLink. sourceTypelD
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLink. linkID
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLink. opModelD

   Output Variable:
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkCount. secondCount
                   Count(*) group by sourceTypelD, linkID and opModelD

10.7B.4 Calculate the opMode Fraction for each opMode

      This section calculates the operating mode fraction by source type, operating
   mode and link.

   Input Variables:
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkCount. sourceTypelD
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkCount. linkID
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkCount. opModelD
   Output Variable:
                   tempDrive ScheduleSecondLinkFraction. opModeFraction
                   opModeFraction = (secondCount*i.o/secondTotal)
10.7B.5 Calculate the opMode Distribution Linking hourdaylD and polprocessID

      This section calculates the operating mode distribution and  creates the opmode
   distribution table.   It is grouped  by sourceTypelD, hourDaylD,  linkID, and

   Input Variables:
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkFraction. sourceTypelD
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkFraction. linkID
                   tempDri ve Schedul e S econdLinkFracti on. opModelD
                   tempDriveScheduleSecondLinkFraction. opModeFraction
                   opModePolProcAssoc. polProcessID
                   RunSpecHourDay. hourDaylD
   Output Variable:

                     opModeDi stributi on. opModeFracti on

10.8. Running OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (OMDG) for
       The OperatingModeDistributionGenerator is used for the running and brakewear
emission processes and is only relevant for pollutant-processes which have multiple
operating modes. For these pollutant-processes the OMDG calculates the distribution of
operating modes for each source type on each roadway type modeled using data from the
MOVESExecution database.  The resulting distributions are added to the
OperatingModeDistribution core model input table. This version of the OMDG is used at
       The method used to generate these operating mode distributions in MOVES is a
refinement of the method described in section 7.1.3 of $\Q Draft Design and
Implementation Plan for MOVES.  The task of the  OMDG is to produce operating mode
distributions, in terms of a set of VSP-and-speed-range-based operating modes, for each
combination of source type, road type, hour of the  day, and day of the week using as
input average speed distribution information for each such combination. Driving
schedules representing typical operation at different average speeds for each  source type
operating on each road type play an intermediate role in translating average speed
information into VSP distributions. Each average speed bin used in the input average
speed distributions is represented by a pair of "bracketing" driving schedules one of
which has a slightly higher average speed and one  of which has a slightly lower average
speed.  VSP is calculated on a second by second basis for the source use type operating
over these two schedules and the results are weighted appropriately to represent the
average speed distribution.  A full discussion of the operating mode definitions and the
use of vehicle specific power (VSP) and driving schedules in MOVES is contained in a
separate report, MOVES2004 Energy and Emissions Inputs, downloadable from the
MOVES web site.

       This algorithm is divided into seven steps referred to as OMDGs (operating mode
distribution generator steps) in this document. Most OMDGs reference the
MOVESExecution database and all implement a simple mathematical formula. Steps 1-3
take on-road driving schedules stored in the MOVESExecution database and determine
the mix of these schedules to use based on the mix of average speeds and roadway types.
These driving schedules may each consist of multiple "snippets" or sections of driving
which are disconnected in time.  Step 4 calculates VSP; Step 5 determines the operating
mode bin (based on speed and VSP); and Steps 6 and 7 determine the overall mix of
operating mode bins based on the mix of roadway types and average speed.
       A brief description of each of the eight OMDGs is shown in table 10-4:
Table 10-4. Overview of Calculation Steps
Determine bracketing drive schedules
Determine proportions for bracketing drive schedules
Determine distribution of drive schedules, including a sub-step to reflect
separation of ramp and non-ramp freeway driving
Calculate second-by-second vehicle specific power (VSP)
Determine operating mode bin for each second
Calculate operating mode fractions for each drive schedule
Calculate overall operating mode fractions
       The Operating Mode Distribution Generator signs up for the Master Loop at the
Year level which means that it executes for each year in the run specification for each
Link location for the running emission process.
       The MOVES design allows the user to directly provide some or all of the
operating mode distribution values in core model input tables such as
OpModeDistribution. The InputDataManager places these user-supplied values in the
MOVESExecution database OpModeDistribution table before the Operating Mode
Distribution Generator is activated.  The Operating Mode Distribution Generator does not
replace any such user supplied values.
       When the Operating Mode Distribution Generator encounters a missing value
when performing a calculation, the result of the calculation is considered as missing.

Records for which the results are missing are not represented by a value of zero but are

left out of the database.

       The detailed descriptions of the calculations in each OMDG step are as follows:

Each of the variables used in the OMDG calculations either exists in the

MOVESExecution database or is calculated by a previous OMDG step. All of the

MOVESExecution variables are described in the database documentation.

10.8.1. OMDG-1: Determine bracketing drive schedules

       Each average speed bin lies between (is bracketed) by the average speeds of two

drive schedules.  This step determines which two drive schedules bracket the average

speed bin and stores the identity and average speeds of the two bins. This is done for

each source type, and roadway type for each average speed bin.  However, it is not done

for ramp drive schedules.  A separate algorithm that does not include bracketing is used

for ramps.

   Input Variables:

                      AvgBinSpeed (avgSpeedBinID) from the AvgSpeedBin table.
                      AverageSpeed(driveSchedulelD) from the DriveSchedule table.
   Output Variables:

                      BracketScheduleLo (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      LoScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD,  roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      BracketScheduleHi (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      HiScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)

                      For each sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, and avgSpeedBinID:

                      The output variables are determined using table DriveSchedule, where for each
                         combination of sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID,
                         bracketScheduleLo and bracketScheduleHi are determined as the drive
                         schedules associated with the source type and road type with the next
                         lowest and next highest average speeds compared to the value of
                         avgBinSpeed. lo Schedule Speed and hiSchedule Speed are the values of
                         averageSpeed for the bracket schedules. The DriveScheduleAssoc table
                         contains the information as to which driveSchedulelD's are associated with
                         which sourceTypelD's and which roadTypelD's.

10.8.2. OMDG-2: Determine proportions for bracketing drive schedules

       This step determines the proportion of each  of the bracketing drive schedules such

that the combination of the average speeds of drive  schedules equals the nominal average

speed of each average speed bin. The results are then weighted by the fraction of all

operating time that are represented by the time spent in that average speed bin. This is

done for each source type, roadway type, day of week and hour of day.

    Input Variables:

                     AvgBinSpeed (avgSpeedBinID) from the AvgSpeedBin table.
                     AvgSpeedFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, avgSpeedBinID)
                         from the AvgSpeedDistribution table.

                     BracketScheduleLo (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                     loScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                     bracketScheduleHi (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                     hiScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
    Output Variable:

                     loScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, avgSpeedBinID)
                     hiScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, avgSpeedBinID)

                     For each sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD and avgSpeedBinID:
                     loScheduleFraction =
                     (hiScheduleSpeed - avgBinSpeed) /
                     (hiScheduleSpeed - loScheduleSpeed)
                     If bracketScheduleHi=bracketScheduleLo (meaning the average speeds of the
                         "Lo and "Hi" schedule is the same):
                         loScheduleFraction = 1
                         hiScheduleFraction = (1 - loScheduleFraction)
                     Weight the results by the fraction of all speeds that are represented by that
                         average speed bin.
                     loScheduleFraction = loScheduleFraction * avgSpeedFraction
                     hiScheduleFraction = hiScheduleFraction * avgSpeedFraction

10.8.3. OMDG-3: Determine distribution of drive schedules

       This step includes a preliminary sub-step which accounts for the effect of ramp

driving.  The rampFraction field in the RoadType table indicates the fraction of time on

each roadway type which is spent on ramps. The "isRamp" field in the

Drive Schedule As soc table determines whether a schedule is to be associated with ramp

driving or with driving  on roadways exclusive of ramps.  Currently, the MOVESDefault

contains ramp activity with a constant ramp fraction of 8 percent for the two roadtypes

with"isRamp = 'Y'.

       User attempting to modify the database in this area should keep in mind several

data constraints: There must always be at least one driving schedule not indicated as a

ramp which is associated with each combination of source type and roadway type in the

Drive Schedule As soc table

OMDG-3a: Determine distribution of ramp schedules
       This step accounts for ramps, based on the input fields RampFraction and
opModeFraction contained in table RoadType and RoadOpmodeDistribution tables,

respectively. For any driving schedule which is associated with the source type and

roadway type which has an IsRamp value of "Y", the following methodology is used to
calculate the ramp contribution.

       The calculation starts, by obtaining from the RoadOpmodeDistribution table, the

operating mode distribution for each sourcetype, average speed bin and roadtype (only

those which contain ramp driving are selected). Next, the algorithm determines the road

type's average speed for each sourcetype and hour.  The avgSpeedFraction is taken from

the avgSpeedDistribution table and the avgBinSpeed is from the avgSpeedBin table.
   Input Variables:
                    avgSpeedFraction(sourceTypeID, roadTypelD, hourDaylD,
                    roadTypeSourceTypeAvgSpeedBinID(sourceTypeID, roadTypelD, hourDaylD)

   Output Variable:
                    avgSpeed(sourceTypeID, roadTypelD, hourDaylD)

                    avgSpeed = sum(avgSpeedFraction * avgBinSpeed)
       Once the average speed is determined using the table
roadTypeSourceTypeAvgSpeedBinID, its bin must be assigned by taking minimum
avgSpeedBinID from avgSpeedBin table such that avgBinSpeed >= avgSpeed.

       Ramps are not considered separate roadtypes in MOVES, but their contribution is
weighted into the two restricted entry roadtypes (i.e., rural and urban freeways, non-
freeway types contain no ramp fractions) using the weighed ramp opmode fraction and
the rampfraction (i.e, 8% for all ramps). A separate ramp cycle is now available for each
avgSpeedBin in MOVES. A total of 16 ramp cycles are present and differentiated by
average speeds which range from 2.5 to 75 mph. Each ramp cycle contains a different

opmode fraction distribution due the different speeds, acceleration and VSP values of
each cycle.  The opModeFraction is obtained from the RoadOpmodeDistribution table
using avgSpeedBinID entries that match roadTypeSourceTypeAvgSpeedBinID for each
hour and day.  The opmode fraction from the table weightedRampOpmodeFraction is
used in subsequent calculations for roadtypes which contain on and off ramps.
   Input Variables:


                     opModeFraction(sourceTypeID, roadTypelD, opModelD, avgSpeedBinID)

   Output Variable:

                     weightedRampOpModeFraction(sourceTypeID, roadTypelD, hourDaylD,


                     weightedRampOpModeFraction = rampFraction* opModeFraction
OMDG-3b: Determine distribution of non-ramp schedules
       This calculation adjusts for the RampFraction on the given roadway.  This step

determines the distribution of drive schedules which represents the sum of all of the

average speed bins. This is done for each source type, roadway type, day of week and

hour of day for all driving schedules which are associated with the source type and

roadway type which have an IsRamp value of "N".

   Input Variables:

                     loScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, avgSpeedBinID)
                     HiScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, AvgSpeedBinID)
                     driveSchedulelD (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, isRamp=N)
   Output Variable:

                     DriveScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD,)

                     For each sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD and driveSchedulelD:
                     drive ScheduleFraction =
                     [(Sum Of loScheduleFraction over all cases where bracketScheduleLo =
                        driveSchedulelD) + (Sum Of hiScheduleFraction over all cases where
                        BracketScheduleHi =
                        driveSchedulelD)] * (1-rampFraction)

10.8.4. OMDG-4: Calculate second-by-second vehicle specific power (VSP)

       This step calculates the vehicle specific power (VSP) for each drive schedule for

each source type.  This is done for each source type, drive schedule and second.

    Input Variables:

                      Speed (driveSchedulelD, second) from the DriveScheduleSecond table.
                      rollingTermA (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
                      rotatingTermB (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
                      dragTermC (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
                      sourceMass (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
    Output Variable:

                      VSP (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)
                      Accel (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)

                      For each sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD and second:
                      Preliminary Calculations:
                      speed (meters/second) = speed (mph) * 0.447 m/s per mph.
                      accel (meters/second2)= speed (t) - speed (t-1), with speed in meters/second.
                      VSP =
                      [ rollingTermA* speed
                      + rotatingTermB * speed2
                      + dragTermC * speed3
                      + sourceMass * speed * accel ]
                      / sourceMass
                      (speed in meters/second, accel in meters/second2)

10.8.5. OMDG-5: Determine operating mode bin for each second

       This step accounts for VSP,  speed and accel. The VSP value for each second is

compared to the upper and lower bounds for the operating mode bins and a bin ID is

assigned to each second.  This is done for each source type, drive schedule and second.

    Input Variables:

                      VSPLower(opModeID) from the OperatingMode table.
                      VSPUpper(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                      SpeedLower(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                      SpeedUpper(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                      BrakeRatelSec(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                      BrakeRate3Sec(opModeID) from the OperatingMode table.
                      Speed (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second) from DriveScheduleSecond

                      VSP (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second) from OMDG-4
                      accel (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second) from OMDG-4
    Output Variable:

                      opModelDbySecond (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)

                      For each sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD and second:

                     An opModelD is assigned for each second in each drive schedule based on
                         where the VSP, speed and accel values in that second falls.  VSP and speed
                         are compared against the VSP and speed bounds to determine to appropriate
                         bins.  Then the braking (ID=0) and idle bins (ID=1) should be assigned
                         based on accel and speed, respectively.  This sequence is important since
                         there  is overlap in the definitions between the non-braking/idle bins and the
                         braking/idle bins.

10.8.6. OMDG-6: Calculate operating mode fractions for each drive schedule

       Once all the seconds in each operating mode bin are known, the distribution of the

bins is determined. The sum of the operating mode fractions sums to one for each source

type and drive schedule combination.  This is done for each source type and schedule.

    Input Variables:

                     opModelDbySecond (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)
    Output Variable:

                     OpModeFractionbySchedule (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, opModelD)

                     For each sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD and opModelD:

                     OpModeFractionbySchedule =
                     (Number of Seconds in opModelD during DriveSchedule) /
                     (Total number of seconds in DriveSchedule)

10.8.7. OMDG-7: Calculate overall operating mode fractions

       This step calculates the overall operating mode fractions by weighting the

operating mode fractions of each drive  schedule by the drive schedule fractions.  This is

done for each source type, road type, day of the week, hour, and operating mode.

    Input Variables:

                     OpModeFractionbySchedule (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, opModelD)
                     DriveScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD,
    Output Variable:

                     OpModeFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, polProcessID,

                     For each sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD and opModelD:
                     OpModeFraction =
                     Sum of OpModeFractionby Schedule *Drive ScheduleFraction over all

    The Results of OMDG-7 populate the OpModeDistribution table of the Execution Location
       The OpModeFraction in the OpModeDistribution table  is:

   opModeFraction (sourceTypelD, linkID, hourDaylD, polProcessID,

The value of linkID needed for this table is determined from roadTypelD and

10.9. Running OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (OMDG) for
Mesoscale Lookup
       The OperatingModeDistributionGenerator is used for the running, and brakewear
emission processes and is only relevant for pollutant-processes which have multiple
operating modes. For these pollutant-processes the OMDG calculates the distribution of
operating modes for each source type on each roadway type modeled using data from the
MOVESExecution database.  The resulting distributions are added to the
OperatingModeDistribution core model input table.  This version of the OMDG is used
for Mesoscale Lookup and takes advantage of the duplication of LinkAverageSpeeds
produced by the LookupTableLinkProducer.  Some calculations that are done at the
roadtype level for Macroscale must be done at the link level for Mesoscale Lookup.
       The method used to generate these operating mode distributions in MOVES is a
refinement of the method described in section 7.1.3 of'the Draft Design and
Implementation Plan for MOVES. The task of the OMDG is to produce operating mode
distributions, in terms of a set of VSP-and-speed-range-based operating modes, for each
combination of source type, link, hour of the day, and period of the week using as input
average speed information for each link.  Driving schedules representing typical
operation at different average speeds for each source type operating on each road type
play an intermediate role in translating average speed information into VSP distributions.
Each average speed bin used as a link average speed is represented by a pair of
"bracketing" driving schedules one of which has a slightly higher average speed and one
of which has a slightly lower  average speed. VSP is calculated on a second by second
basis for the source use type operating over these two schedules and the results are
weighted appropriately to represent the link average speed. A full discussion of the
operating mode definitions and the use of vehicle specific power (VSP) and driving
schedules in MOVES is contained in a separate report, MOVES2004 Energy and
Emissions Inputs, downloadable from the MOVES web site.
       This algorithm is divided into seven steps referred to as OMDGs (operating mode
distribution generator steps) in this document. Most OMDGs reference the
MOVESExecution database and all implement a simple mathematical formula. Steps 1-3

take snippets of actual on-road driving schedules stored in the MOVESExecution
database, and determine the mix of these schedules to use based on the mix of average
speeds and roadway types; Step 4 calculates VSP, Step 5 determines the operating mode
bin (based on speed and VSP), and Steps 6 and 7 determine the overall mix of operating
mode bins based on the mix of roadway types and average  speed. Each OMDG
calculation step is also described table 10-4 in the immediately prior chapter.
       The Operating Mode Distribution Generator signs up for the Master Loop at the
Year level which means that it executes for each year in the run specification for each
Link location for the running emission process.
       The MOVES design allows the user to directly provide some or all of the
operating mode distribution values in core model input tables such as
OpModeDistribution.  The InputDataManager places these user-supplied values in the
MOVESExecution database OpModeDistribution table before the Operating Mode
Distribution Generator is activated. The Operating Mode Distribution Generator does not
replace any such user supplied values.
       When the Operating Mode Distribution Generator encounters a missing value
when performing a calculation, the result of the calculation is considered as missing.
Records for which the results are missing are not represented by a value of zero but are
left out of the database.
       The detailed descriptions of the calculations in each OMDG step are as follows:
Each of the variables used in the OMDG calculations either exists in the
MOVESExecution database or is calculated by a previous OMDG step.  The
MOVESExecution variables are described in the database documentation.
10.9.1. OMDG-1: Determine bracketing drive schedules
       Each average speed bin lies between (is bracketed) by the average speeds of two
drive schedules.  This step determines which two drive schedules bracket the average
speed bin and stores the identity and average speeds of the two bins.  This  is done for
each source type, and roadway type for each average speed bin.
    Input Variables:
                    AvgBinSpeed (AvgSpeedBinID) from the AvgSpeedBin table.

                      AverageSpeed(driveSchedulelD) from the DriveSchedule table.
    Output Variables:

                      BracketScheduleLo (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, AvgSpeedBinID)
                      LoScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, AvgSpeedBinID)
                      BracketScheduleHi (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, AvgSpeedBinID)
                      HiScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, AvgSpeedBinID)

                      For each sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, and AvgSpeedBinID:

                      The output variables are determined using table DriveSchedule, where for each
                          combination of  sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, AvgSpeedBinID,
                          BracketScheduleLo and BracketScheduleHi are determined as the drive
                          schedules associated with the source type and road type with the next
                          lowest and next highest average speeds compared to the value of
                          AvgBinSpeed. LoScheduleSpeed and HiScheduleSpeed are the values of
                          AverageSpeed for the bracket schedules. The DriveScheduleAssoc table
                          contains the information as to which driveSchedulelD's are associated with
                          which sourceTypelD's and which roadTypelD's.

10.9.2. OMDG-2: Determine proportions for bracketing drive schedules

       This step determines the proportion of each of the bracketing drive schedules such

that the combination of the average  speeds of drive schedules equals the average speed  of

the average speed bin. This calculation also takes advantage of the fact that the LTLP

only uses the speeds in the AvgSpeedBin table.

    Input Variables:

                      AvgBinSpeed (avgSpeedBinID) from the AvgSpeedBin table.

                      BracketScheduleLo (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      LoScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      BracketScheduleHi (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      HiScheduleSpeed (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD,  avgSpeedBinID)
    Output Variable:

                      LoScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      HiScheduleFraction  (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgSpeedBinID)

                      For each sourceTypelD, hourDaylD and avgSpeedBinID:
                      IF (BracketScheduleLo=BracketScheduleHi)
                          loScheduleFraction= 1.0
                          loScheduleFraction =
                          (hiScheduleSpeed - avgBinSpeed) /
                          (hiScheduleSpeed - lo Schedule Speed)
                      hiScheduleFraction = (1 - loScheduleFraction)

10.9.3. OMDG-3: Determine distribution of drive schedules
       This step includes a preliminary sub-step which accounts for the effect of ramp
driving. The rampFraction field in the RoadType table indicates the fraction of time on
each roadway type which is spent on ramps. The "isRamp" field in the
Drive Schedule As soc table determines whether a schedule is to be associated with ramp
driving or with driving on roadways exclusive of ramps.  The MOVESDefault database
provided with the Demonstration version of DRAFT MOVES2009 has no ramp activity
(rampFraction = 0.0).
       Users attempting to modify the database in this area should keep in mind several
data constraints: There must always be at least one driving schedule not indicated as a
ramp which is associated with each combination of source type and roadway type in the
DriveScheduleAssoc table.  Additionally, for every ramp fraction which is greater than
zero in the RoadType table, there must be exactly one driving cycle which is indicated as
a ramp for each source type using that roadtype. (Conversely Ramp fractions can be zero
even if there is an associated ramp driving schedule; in this case the ramp schedule is
simply not used.)
       At Macroscale, the distribution of ramp and non-ramp schedules is determined for
each roadtype; at Mesoscale Lookup, although the ramp fraction is assigned to all links of
a given roadtype, the calculation must be done for each link.
OMDG-3a: Determine distribution of ramp schedules
       This step is accounts for freeway and interstate ramps, based on the input field
RampFraction, contained in table RoadType.
    Input Variables:
                     driveSchedulelD (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, isRamp=Y)
    Output Variable:
                     Drive ScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, hourDaylD, drive SchedulelD)
                 drive ScheduleFraction = rampFraction(roadTypelD)
OMDG-3b: Determine distribution of non-ramp schedules
       This calculation adjusts for the RampFraction on the given roadway.  This  step
determines the distribution of drive schedules which represents the average speed bin for

the links. Since the LTLP assigns only the averageSpeeds in the AvgSpeedBin table, this

is simpler than for Macroscale.

    Input Variables:

                      LoScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      HiScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, hourDaylD, avgSpeedBinID)
                      driveSchedulelD (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, isRamp=N)
    Output Variable:

                      DriveScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, avgSpeedBinID, driveSchedulelD)

                      For each sourceTypelD, avgSpeedBinID, and driveSchedulelD:
                      drive ScheduleFraction =
                          [loScheduleFraction (if bracketScheduleLo = driveSchedulelD) +
                          hiScheduleFraction (if bracketScheduleHi = driveSchedulelD)] * (1-

10.9.4. OMDG-4: Calculate second-by-second vehicle specific power (VSP)

       This step calculates the vehicle specific power (VSP) for each drive schedule for

each source type. This is done for each source type, drive  schedule and second.

    Input Variables:

                      speed (driveSchedulelD, second) from the DriveScheduleSecond table.
                      rollingTermA (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
                      rotatingTermB (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
                      dragTermC (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
                      sourceMass (sourceTypelD) from the SourceUseType table.
    Output Variable:

                      VSP (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)
                      accel (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)

                      For each sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD and second:
                      Preliminary Calculations:
                      speed (meters/second) = speed (mph) * 0.447 m/s per mph.
                      accel (meters/second2)= speed (t) - speed (t-1), with speed in meters/second.
                      VSP =
                      [  rollingTermA* speed
                      + rotatingTermB * speed2
                      + dragTermC * speed3
                      + sourceMass * speed * accel ]
                      / sourceMass
                      (speed in meters/second, accel in meters/second2)

10.9.5. OMDG-5: Determine operating mode bin for each second

       This step accounts for VSP, speed and accel. The VSP value for each second is

compared to the upper and lower bounds for the operating mode bins and a bin ID is

assigned to each second.  This is done for each source type, drive schedule and second.

    Input Variables:

                     VSPLower(opModeID) from the OperatingMode table.
                     VSPUpper(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                     speedLower(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                     speedUpper(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                     brakeRatelSec(opModelD) from the OperatingMode table.
                     brakeRate3Sec(opModeID) from the OperatingMode table.
                     speed (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second) from DriveScheduleSecond

                     VSP (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, Second) from OMDG-4
                     accel (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, Second) from OMDG-4
    Output Variable:

                     opModelDbySecond (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)

                     For each sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD and second:
                     An opModelD is assigned for each second in each drive schedule based on
                         where the VSP, speed and accel values in that second falls.  VSP and speed
                         are compared against the VSP and speed bounds to determine to appropriate
                         bins. Then the braking (ID=0) and idle bins (ID=1) should be assigned
                         based on accel and speed, respectively. This sequence is important since
                         there is overlap in the definitions between the non-braking/idle bins and the
                         braking/idle bins.

10.9.6. OMDG-6: Calculate operating mode fractions for each drive schedule

       Once all the seconds in each operating mode bin are known, the distribution of the

bins can be determined.  The sum of the operating mode fractions sums to one for each

source type and drive schedule combination. This is done for each source type and drive


    Input Variables:

                     opModelDby Second (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, second)
    Output Variable:

                     OpModeFractionbySchedule (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, opModelD)

                     For each sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD and opModelD:

                     OpModeFractionbySchedule =
                     (Number of seconds in opModelD during drive Schedule) /
                     (Total number of seconds in driveSchedule)

10.9.7. OMDG-7: Calculate overall operating mode fractions

       This step calculates the overall operating mode fractions by weighting the

operating mode fractions of each drive schedule by the drive schedule fractions.  This is

done for each source type, link, day of the week, hour of the day and operating mode.

The opmodeFractions created should vary only by sourceType, roadType, and link speed.

They should be the same for each zone, day, and hour.

   Input Variables:

                     OpModeFractionbySchedule (sourceTypelD, driveSchedulelD, opModelD)
                     DriveScheduleFraction (sourceTypelD, roadTypelD, avgtSpeedBinID,
                     Link(linkID, countylD, zonelD, roadTypelD)
                     LinkAverageSpeed(linkID, hourDaylD, sourceTypelD)
   Output Variable:

                     OpModeFraction (sourceTypelD, linkID, hourDaylD, polProcessID,

                     For each sourceTypelD, linkID, hourDaylD and opModelD:
                     OpModeFraction =
                     Sum of OpModeFractionby Schedule *Drive ScheduleFraction over all
                        DriveSchedules where the roadTypelD of the Link equals the roadTypelD
                        of the driveScheduleFraction and the averageSpeed of the Link equals the
                        average Speed of the avgSpeedBinlD.

   The Results of OMDG-7 populate the OpModeDistribution table of the Execution Location
       The OpModeFraction in the OpModeDistribution table is:

           OpModeFraction (sourceTypelD, linkID, hourDaylD, polProcessID,

10.10. Source Bin Distribution Generator (SBDG)
       The Source Bin Distribution Generator produces the distribution of source bins by
source type and model year. This information provides the mapping between the activity
elements of MOVES (total activity and operating modes), which are based on source use
type, and the emission rates, which are based on source bin. The SBDG takes as input
fleet distributions of source bin categories (e.g. weight class, engine size, fuel type etc.)
by model year.
       Data about the characteristics of the existing and projected vehicle fleet are stored
in several of the tables within the MOVESExecution database as shown in table 10-5.
The Source Bin Distribution Generator uses information in the first seven of these tables
to populate the last two: SourceBin and SourceBinDistribution which are core model
input tables.
Table 10-5. Tables used by SourceBinGenerator
Table Name
Key Fields
Additional Fields
Indicates which
pollutant-processes the
source bin distributions
may be applied to and
indicates which
discriminators are
relevant for each
sourceType and
Joint distribution of
vehicles with a given
fuel type and engine
technology. Sums to
one for each sourceType
& modelYear
Joint distribution of
engine size and weight.
Sums to one for each
sourceType, modelYear
and fuel/engtech

Fraction of vehicles in a
regulatory class. Sums
to one for each
source Type, modelYear
and fuel/engtech
Defines model year
Defines short model
year group Ids.
Decodes ID field into
modelYearlD and
List of sourceBins
Stores source bin
       The SourceBinGenerator uses information from the run specification to determine

which sourcetypes, modelyears, fuel-types, pollutants and processes are relevant, and

limits the Generator action to the relevant sources.

        "Source bin discriminators" refer to characteristics that are used to distinguish the

source bins.  The MOVES source bin discriminators are:

                     weight Class*
                      (* fuelType and engTech are distinct but highly correlated, and, thus, handled
                         together; similarly engSize and weightClass are handled together)

a.   Because it would be awkward to have all these separate fields in each database table

    related to source bins, this information is combined into a single unique BIGINT

    identifier IffttrryysssswwwwOO, where the digits represent the bin discriminators as
                     Leading 1 (1)
                     Fuel (ff)
                     EngineTech (tt)
                     Regulatory Class (rr)
                     Model Year Group (yy)
                     Engine Size (ssss)
                     Engine Weight (wwww)
                     Extra zeros (00)
                     With the exception of the ModelYear group, each bin discriminator is coded as
                         for the discriminator ID (see the database attribute table), with leading zeros
                         added as needed. ModelYear group is coded using the
                         shortModYrGroupID as defined in the database table ModelYearGroup.
       The ordering of the subfields within this identifier is essentially arbitrary.  The
SourceBin table contains both the individual fields and the combined source bin identifier
and can be used to "decode" the combined identier values.

b.  The SourceTypePolProcess table identifies which discriminators are relevant for each
    source type and pollutant/emission process (polProcess). If a discriminator is not
    relevant for a given source  type & polProcess, the discriminator ID is set to 0  (which
    means that the discriminator value doesn't matter) and the fraction of vehicles to
    which this value of this discriminator applies is set to 1 for all model years.
c.  The SourceBinGenerator "signs up" with the MOVES MasterLoop at the PolProcess
    level which means it executes only once for each relevant process (running exhaust,
    start exhaust, and extended idle exhaust).
d.  For each RunSpec-required source type, polProcess, fuel type and model year (as
    implied by the selected year and the largest valid agelD), and for each
    relevant/existing combination of sourcebin discriminators (as determined by the input
    tables), the sourceBinActivityFraction is calculated as follows:
                     sourceBinActivity Fraction =   fuelEngFraction *regClassFraction
                         * size WeightFraction
e.  The SourceBinDistribution table lists the sourceBinActivityFractions for each
    sourceBin, sourceType,  modelYear and polProcess.  The set of such records for a

   given sourceType, modelyear, and polProcess constitute a source bin distribution
   which sums to unity.
f.  The SourceBin table provides a list of unique source bins that have a
   SourceBinActivityFraction > 0 in at least one source bin distribution. The SBDG adds
   sourceBinID records to this table if necessary, but does not duplicate records already
g.  If data is not available for all the model years implied by the calendar year in the run
   specification, source bin distributions for the missing years prior to the first populated
   for the same sourceType and polProcess are generated which are equal to the
   distribution from that first populated model year.  Source bin distributions are also
   generated for missing model years after the last populated for the same sourceType
   and polProcess which are equal to the distribution from that last populated model
   year. Years extrapolated are only those earlier than the earliest model year for which
   data is provided or later than the latest model year for which data is provided.
h.  If any data is already present in the CMIT SourceBinDistribution table for a
   combination of sourceType and polProcess, which would mean that the user had
   entered this information directly,  this Generator does not produce
   SourceBinDistribution output for that combination.
       The approach to performing the calculation steps implied by these specifications
is shown in table 10-6:

Table 10-6. SourceBin Generator Calculation Steps
1 populate sb_fractions
2 1 sb fractions update
regulatory class.
2 2 sb fractions update MY
2_3 sb_fractions update size
and weight
2_5 calculate sb_fractions
2 7 populate sb fractions no
4 populate SourceBin
4 5 generate bin IDs
5 append source bin
Select data from the SourcBinGenerator tables to fill a temporary table
with identifying and distribution records for each relevant combination
of sourceType, pollutant-process and bin identifier.
For each record, for pollutant-processes that do not require regulatory
class information, set regClassID to 0 and regClass Fraction to 1 .
For each record, for pollutant-processes that do not require model year
group information, set MYGroupID to 0.
For each record, for pollutant-processes that do not require size and
weight information, set engSizelD and weightClassID to 0 and
sizeWeightFraction to 1 .
For each record, calculate sb_fractions as the product of
fuelEngFraction, emisTechFraction, and sizeWeightFraction.
Remove duplicate records from sb fractions; save as a second
temporary table, "sb fractions no dups".
Select unique sourceBinlDs with fractions >0 to fill SourceBin table.
Generate sourceBinlDs from bin discriminators.
Use SourceBin table and "sb fractions no dups" to fill
SourceBinDistribution table.

10.11. Meteorology Generator
      Basic meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity and heat index are
stored in the MOVESExecution database table ZoneMonthHour.  This generator uses the
temperature and relative humidity information in the ZoneMonthHour Table and
performs the necessary calculations to populate the heatlndex and specific humidity (or
humidity ratio) fields in this table.
      This generator subscribes to the MOVES master loop mechanism at the process
level for the running and extended idling emission processes.
      The Meteorological Generator uses the temperature and relative humidity data in
the ZoneMonthHour table to populate the Heat Index column.
      For each RunSpec-required zone, month and hour, the Heat Index is calculated by
following the algorithm:
                    HI = -42.379 + 2.04901523*T + 10.14333127*RH + -0.22475541*T*RH +
                       -6.83783 *0.001*T*T + -5.481717 * 0.01 * RH*RH +
                       1.22874*0.001*T*T*RH + 8.5282*0.0001*T*RH*RH +
   where HI is the heat index, T is temperature in degrees F, and RH is the relative
   humidity in percent. This formula is a recent heat index algorithm used by the
   National Weather Service.

      The MetGenerator has been expanded in DRAFT MOVES2009 to also calculate
the specific humidity field of the ZoneMonthHour table. The equations used to convert
from relative humidity in percent to specific humidity (or humidity ratio) in units of
grains of water per pound of dry air were taken from CFR section 86.344-79.

      TF is the temperature in degrees F. (from temperature field in ZoneMonthHour)
      Pb is the barometric pressure, (from barometricPressure field in County)
      Hrei is the relative humidity (from relHumidity field in ZoneMonthHour)
                     -!5/)[r  _321
                             I/F   JZJ
 " ratio or speciflchumidity ~434/.O  ry
                        nrel/    ID
                           /100 }  db
       S.2437+0.00588ro + 0.0000000117T0:
i.2437+0.00588T0 + 0.0000000117T0'

10.12. Start OperatingModeDistributionGenerator (StartOMDG)
The StartOMDG signs up with the master loop mechanism at the Zone level. Its
substantive calculations are independent of geographic location and depend in time only
upon hour and day.

The operating modes used for the start process of the criteria pollutants represent ranges
of the amount of time vehicles have been parked before being started and are listed near
the end of section 9.7.

The steps of this calculation can be logically specified as follows:

       1.  Compute the soak length of each trip in the SampleVehicleTrip table.  This
       equals the keyOnTime of the trip minus the keyOffTime of the previous trip.
       Trips having no prior trip (priorTripID = NULL) are disregarded in the

       2.  Assign a start opModelD to the trip by comparing its soak length with the
       minSoakBound and maxSoakBound values in the OperatingMode table.

       3.  Then for each sourceTypelD and hourDaylD, the opModeFraction of each
       opModelD equals:

             the count of records having the opModelD
                    divided by
             the number of keyOnTime records.

       Trips having no prior trip are excluded from both the numerator and the
       denominator of this ratio.

       Steps 1  through 3  are performed at most once for each model run.

4.  During each Zone level iteration of the StartOMDG masterloopable, the
operating mode distribution (which is by sourceTypelD, hourDaylD and
opModelD) resulting from steps 1-3 is stored into the OpModeDistribution CMIT
for the off-highway-network link location in the zone for each pollutant whose
start process emissions are required by the run specification and whose
calculation requires an operating mode distribution.  (Estimating the start process
emissions of the "greenhouse gas" pollutants in DRAFT MOVES2009 does not
require an operating mode distribution, whereas estimating the start process
emission of the "criteria" pollutants added in DRAFT MOVES2009 does involve
using an operating mode distribution.)

Records already existing in the CMIT are not overwritten.

10.13. Tank Temperature Generator (TTG)
10.13.1. Functional Characteristics
The TTG signs up at the ZONE master looping level. It must execute before the Evap
Operating Mode Distribution Generator.

The TTG uses the Sample Vehicle and SampleVehicleTrip tables, in conjunction with
ambient temperature information in the ZoneMonthHour table, and temperature effect
information from the TankTemperatureRise table to calculate the contents of the
AverageTankTemperature, SoakActivityFraction tables, ColdSoakTankTemperature and
ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction tables which are CMITs.

No records are added to the AverageTankTemperature table for a combination of
tankTemperatureGroupID, zonelD, and monthID if any record pertaining to this
combination is already present. No records are added to the SoakActivityFraction table
for a combination of sourceTypelD,  zonelD, and monthID if any records are already
present for it.  No records are added to the ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction table for a
combination of sourceTypelD, zonelD, and monthID if any records are already present
for it.

Because Mesoscale Lookup does not compute the emissions of parked cars, some TTG
steps are skipped to reduce computing time when Mesoscale Lookup is selected.

10.13.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
TTG-1 Calculate ColdSoakTankTemperature
             - Temperature (zoneMonthHour)
             - ColdSoakTankTemperature (zonelD, monthID, hourlD).  This is saved in
             the ColdSoakTankTemperature CMIT.
       Preliminary Calculation: ISminuteTemperature - Create intermediate table of
       temperatures in 15 minute time steps, with key fields hourlD, timeStep (1 through
       4 with 1 representing the top of the hourlD).  Within each hourly temperature, set

      time step 1 to the corresponding value from zoneMonthHour. Then perform
      linear interpolation with hourID+1 timeStep 1 to fill in hourlD TimeStep 2-4 .
      For the "highest" hour ID interpolate (default = 24) with the "lowest" hour ID
      (default = 1).

      Preliminary Calculation: ISminuteTankTemperature - Performed on the 15
      minutes temperature table produced in the preliminary calculation.
      ISminuteTankTemperate and tempDelta need to be calculated at each time step
      before performing calculations on the next time step.

             - for hourlD =1, timeStep=l
                   1 SminuteTankTemperature
                          = ISminuteTemperature (hourID=l, timeStep=l)

                          = ISminuteTemperature- ISminuteTankTemperature

             - for all other hourlD, timeSteps:
                    1 SminuteTankTemperature
                          = 1.4*SUM(tempDelta hourID=l, timeStep=l through
                          most recent hourlD, timeStep)+ ISminuteTankTemperature
                          (hourlD 1, timeStep  1)

                          = ISminuteTemperature - ISminuteTankTemperature
      Calculation: coldSoakTankTemperature (hourlD) =  ISminuteTankTemperature
      (hourlD, timeStep=l)
TTG-2 Create sampleVehicleTripByHour

Trips in the sampleVehicleTrip table may span the top of the next hourDaylD. This step

is needed to parse the trips into segments for which the start and finish are within the

same hourlD.  "Marker Trips", which have a keyOffTime, but null value of keyOnTime

are ignored in this calculation.



             -   Intermediate table SampleVehicleTripByHour (vehiclelD, tripID,
                hourDaylD, endOfHour, keyOnTime, KeyOffTime, startOfTrip,

      Preliminary calculation: calculate "endOfHour" for each record not representing
      a "Marker Trip" = next highest multiple of 60

      Calculation:  Create a new "trip" record when keyOffTime for a trip >
      endOfHour.  The tripID will remain the same, but the hourlD will increment
      accordingly.  The fields "startOfTrip" or "endOfTrip" will be added to table to
      identify whether the trip  record is an actual trip start or trip end.  The specific
      steps are as follows:

                Set startOfTrip=l for each existing trip in SampleVehicleTrip
                Records need to be split when keyOffTime > endOfHour
                   o  New keyOffTime for existing record = endOfHour
                   o  Create new record for tripID, with hourlD = hourID+1 and
                      endOfHour = endOfHour + 60
                   o  keyOnTime for new record = endOfHour (hourID-1) + 1
                   o  keyOffTime is the same as original record, unless it is >
                      endOfHour - in which case repeat these steps until a record is
                      created where keyOffTime < endOfHour
                "endOfTrip" = 1 for record where keyOffTime
                   o  hotSoakBegin for new record = endOfHour (hourID-1) + 1
                   o  hotSoakEnd is the same as original record, unless it is >
                      endOfHour - in which case repeat these steps until a record is
                      created where keyOffTime < endOfHour; at which point set
                Otherwise, if there is no next trip
                   o  hotSoakEnd = endOfHour for TripID; endOfSoak=0
                   o  Repeat these steps until hourID=24 is reached
                          •   Create new record for tripID, with hourlD = hourID+1
                             and endOfHour = endOfHour + 60
                          •   hotSoakBegin for new record = endOfHour (hourID-1)
                             + 1
                          •   hotSoakEnd = endOfHour for TripID; endOfSoak=0

TTG-4 Calculate Hot Soak and Operating Tank Temperature by Parsed Trip

This step computes operating tank temperatures for the beginning and end times of the
parsed trips in sampleVehicleTripByHour, and for each minute for hot soaks (necessary

because hot soak is modeled as a decay function). The calculations must be performed in

tandem since the initial temperature for each trip is a function of the final temperature

from the preceding hot soak, and vice versa.
                sampleVehicleTripbyHour (TTG-2)
             -   hotSoakEventByHour (TTG-3)
                hourlyColdSoakTankTemperature (TTG-1)
             -   temperature (ZoneMonthHour)
             -   tankTemperatureRiseTermA (TankTemperatureRise)
                tankTemperatureRiseTermB (TankTemperatureRise)

                intermediate table operatingTemperature, which adds the fields
                keyOnTemp and keyOffTemp to sampleVehicleTripByHour; and adds
                key field tankTemperatureGroup
             -   intermediate table hotSoakTemperature, which stores the tank
                temperatures for each hot soak event minute-by-minute; and adds key
                field tankTemperatureGroup
      Calculation: operatingTemperature

             For each vehicle:

      for first (non-marker) trip in sampleVehicleTripByHour:

          keyOnTemp = hourlyColdSoakTemperature for that hour (linking of
          hourDaylD in sampleVehicleTripByHour and hourlD in
          hourlyColdSoakTemperature required)
          keyOffTemp = keyOnTemp + [(tankTemperatureRiseTermA +
          tankTemperatureRiseTermB * (95-
          hourlyColdSoakTemperature))/(1.2)]*(( keyOffTime -

      for subsequent trips:

      if startOfTrip=0 (i.e. continuation of a TripID in a new hour):
          keyOnTemp = keyOffTemp from previous segment (defined as the
          same TripID in the previous hour)
      -   keyOffTemp calculated as above

      if startOfTrip=l (i.e. new trip)
      -   keyOnTemp = final soakTankTemperature from hotSoakTemperature
          where TripID of hotSoakTemperatures = prior TripID of
          operatingTemperature (i.e. the record in which hotSoakTime =
          keyOnTime for Trip ID)
      -   keyOffTemp calculated as above

      Repeat with each new vehicle

Calculation: SoakTemperature this intermediate table expands
hourly SoakEventByHour to store the hot soak tank temperature for each hot soak
event minute-by-minute. Construct hotSoakTemperature as follows:

          key fields vehiclelD, tripID, hourDaylD from
          hourly SoakEventByHour
      -   using values of hotSoakBegin and hotSoakEnd for a given tripID,
          expand records to minute-by-minute with key field hotSoakTime (i.e.
          initial hotSoakTime = hotSoakBegin, final hotSoakTime =
      -   coldSoakTemperature = hourlyColdSoakTemperature for the hour
          initialTankTemperature = keyOffTemp for Trip ID where
          endOfTrip=l, from operatingTemperature table
          For initial record in each hot soak event (defined by tripID):
             o  soakTankTemperature = initialTankTemperature
             o  tempDelta = temperature (this is ambient temperature from
                zoneMonthHour for that hour) - soakTankTemperature
             o  opModelD =150 if soakTankTemperature >
                coldSoakTemperature + 3, otherwise end

                For subsequent records in the same event:
                   o  soakTankTemperature = 1.4*SUM(tempDelta from initial
                      record through most recent record)/60+
                   o  tempDelta = temperature (this is ambient temperature from
                      zoneMonthHour for that hour) - soakTankTemperature
                   o  opModelD =150 if soakTankTemperature >
                      coldSoakTemperature + 3, otherwise end
TTG-5 Calculate averageTankTemperature CMIT

This step is not required for mesoscale lookup.

             -   operatingTemperatures

                averageTankTemperature CMIT (zonelD, monthID, hourDaylD,
                tankTemperatureGroupID,  opModelD, averageTankTemperature)

                averageTankTemperature, for a given hourDaylD:
                   o  for opModeID=151 (cold soak) = hourlyColdSoakTankTemp
                      for that hour
                   o  for each zonelD, monthID, hourDaylD, and
                      tankTemperatureGroupID averageTankTemperature can be
                      calculated from the OperatingTemperature table as:

                      averageTankTemperature =

                            SUM((keyOffTime-keyOnTime) * (keyOnTemp +

                   o  for opModeID= 150 (hot soak) = average of all
                      soakTankTemperatures for trips with the same hourDaylD

TTG-6 Calculate soakActivityFraction CMIT

                intermediate table HotSoakTemperature
                SampleVehicleDay table

             -  SoakActivityFraction CMIT


             Fraction of cold soaking = cMinutes / (cMinutes + hMinutes)
             Fraction of hot soaking = hMinutes/ (cMinutes + hMinutes)


             cMinutes, on a day ID = total minutes of cold soaking for all vehicles in
             SampleVehicleDay = (60 * number of sample vehicles existing on the
             daylD) - oMinutes - hMinutes

             oMinutes, on a day ID = total minutes of vehicle operation in the
             hourDaylD = sum (keyOffTime-keyOnTime) for all trips in the
             hourDaylD from VehicleTripByHour

             hMinutes, on a day ID = total minutes of vehicle hot soaking in the
             hourDaylD = count of records in HotSoakTemperature in the hour

 TTG- 7: Calculate Cold Soak Initial Hour Fractions

This step is not required for mesoscale lookup

                    o  SampleVehicleTrip table
                    o  SampleVehicleDay table
                    o  VehicleTripByHour(TTG-2)
                    o  HotSoakTemperature(TTG-4)

                    o  ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction CMIT table

First, make an intermediate table, ColdSoaklnitialHourMinutes:

       Key fields:


       Data field:

The produce ColdSoaklnitialHourMinutes as follows:

For each tankTemperatureGroupID
       For each vehID and day ID in SampleVehicle
             Initial Hour = 1
             For Each Hour
                    Write two records into ColdSoaklnitialHourMinutes, one for
                    minutes of cold soaking which began in the initial hour, which we
                    will denote as X, and one for minutes of cold soaking which began
                    in the current hour, which we will denote as Y.  The idea here is
                    that all minutes of cold soaking in the current hour must either be
                    an extension of cold soak periods which began at some single prior
                    hourlD, or must have begun in this hour.  This single prior hourlD
                    is what has been denoted above as Initial Hour.

                    Find the earliest record pertaining to the vehicle, day, and hour in
                    either VehicleTripByHour (TTG-2), based on keyOnTime, or in
                    HotSoakTemperature (TTG-4) based on hotSoakTime.  There are
                    three possibilities:

                    1.  There is no first record because there are no records.

                       X = 60.
                       Y = 0.

                    2.  The first record is a VehicleTrip.  (This may be the only record
                       in the hour or there may be any number of subsequent hot
                       soaks, and trips, the last of which may or may not run to the
                       end of the hour.)

                       X = keyOnTime of this first record - endOfHour + 60
                       Y = 60-X-(number of HotSoakTemperature records) -
                       sum(keyOffTime-keyOnTime) for all trips in the hour.
                       Reset Initial Hour for subsequent calculations to be the current

                    3.  The first record is a hot soak minute (This may be the only
                       record, or there may be any number of subsequent trips and hot
                       soak minutes, the last of which may or may not run to the end
                       of the hour.)

                       X = 0
                       Y = 60-(number of HotSoakTemperature records) -
                       sum(keyOffTime-keyOnTime) for all trips in the hour.
                       Reset InitialHour for subsequent calculations to be the current
             Next Hour

       Next Vehicle - Day

Next TankTemperatureGroup

TTG-7 can now produce the ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction table by summing the
ColdSoaklnitialHourMinutes table across tankTemperatureGroups and sampleVehicles
within SourceType, and normalizing to distributions which sum to unity.

The format of the ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction table remains:

       Key Fields:


       Data Field:

             col d S oaklniti alHourFracti on

       ignoring the detail that hourlDs and daylDs are combined into hourDaylDs

       ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction =
       (sum of all minutes for vehlDs belonging to sourceTypelD in the zonelD,
       monthID, and daylD having the hourlD and initialHourlD) /
       (sum of all minutes for vehlDs belonging to sourceTypelD in the zonelD,
       monthID and daylD having the hourlD)

       The calculation deliberately ignores the tankTemperatureGroup distinction, giving
       them all  equal weight.

This key assumption behind this approach is that vehicles are soaking at all times when
they are not hot soaking or operating. The predominant model of time embodied in the
previous calculations, which this approach seeks to make rigorous, is that the world
begins on the first hour of the day, and ends at the end of the day.  E.g. there is no effort
in the cold soak tank temperature calculations to "wrap-around" from the last hour of the
day to the first hour of the day, and doing so now would result in a temperature
discontinuity. (The single exception to this is that the TAG does consider some history
from previous "real-world sampling days", by  allowing soak times for the first trip to be
longer than if they had begun at midnight. This exception is quite limited and
corresponds  exactly to the use of the "marker trips" which are used for this single

10.14. Tank Fuel Generator (TFG)
10.14.1. Functional Characteristics

       This component executes at the County master looping level.

       This component uses the fuel supply information from the MOVES database

(which pertains to Fuel Formulations dispensed to sourceUseTypes in proportion to their

FuelSupply marketShares) to produce the AverageTankGasoline table. It accounts for

the effects of "comingling" ethanol with non-ethanol gasoline and for the "weathering"

effect on RVP for in-use fuel.

       The AverageTankGasoline table produced by this component is a CMIT.  Any

records already present in the MOVESExecution database, are not overwritten. This is

done on an individual record basis.

10.14.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
   TFG-la: Calculate Average Pump Gasoline and Ethanol Blend Type

          marketShare from FuelSupply (county, fuel Year, monthGroup,
          ETOHvolume from FuelFormulation (fuelFormulation)
          RVP from FuelFormulation (fuelFormulation)
          fuel SubTypelD from FuelFormulation
          fuelTypelD from FuelSubType

          averageRVP (county,  fuelYear, monthGroup)
          tankAverageETOHVolume (county, fuelYear, monthGroup)  This is stored as
             the ETOHVolume field of AverageTankGasoline.


          averageRVP  = For all FuelFormulations in county, fuel year & monthGroup
             where fuelType =  "gasoline" (ie fuelTypelD =1))
                   (Sum (RVP*marketshare)) / (Sum (marketshare))

          tankAverageETOHVolume = For all Fuel Formulations in county, fuel year &
             monthgroup where fuelType = "gasoline" (ie fuelTypelD  =1))
                   (Sum (ETOH Volume*marketshare)) / (Sum (marketshare))

TFG-lb: Calculate Ethanol Market Share and Ethanol BlendType

      marketShare from Fuel Supply (county, fuel Year, monthGroup,
      fuelF ormul ati on)
      fuel SubTypelD from FuelFormulation
      fuelTypelD from FuelSubType

      gasoholMarketShare (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID)
      ethanolBlendType (county, fuelYear, monthGroup)
      gasoholMarketShare:  For all FuelFormulations in county, fuelyear &
         monthgroup where ETOHVolume >= 4
               gasoholMarketShare =Sum (marketShare)

      lowETOHRVP:  For all FuelFormulations in county, fuel year & monthgroup
         WHERE fuelType = "gasoline" (ie fuelTypelD = 1) and ETOHVolume <4

               IF ( sum (marketshare) = 0,

                      lowETOHRVP=(Sum (RVP*marketshare)) / (Sum
      highETOHRVP: For all FuelFormulations in county, fuel year &
         monthgroup WHERE fuelType = "gasoline" (ie fuelTypelD = 1)) and
         ETOHVolume >= 4

               IF gasoholMarketShare = 0,
                   highETOHRVP = AverageRVP

                     highETOHRVP =(Sum (RVP*marketshare)) /
      ethanolB 1 endTy p e:
               IF absolute value (highETOHRVP -lowETOHRVP) <= 0.2,
                     ethanolBlendType -'Match"
               ELSE ethanolBlendType = "Splash"

TFG-lc: Calculate Commingled Tank FuelRVP
      gasoholMarketShare (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID) from TFG-lb
      averageRVP (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID) from TFG-la

Commingling Lookup (stored in program)
 LookupMarketShare      RVP Factor
      commingledRVP (countylD, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID)
      comminglingFactor (countylD, fuelyearlD, monthgroupID) = lookup from
          table using smallest value of "LookupMarketShare" that is greater than or
          equal to the gasoholMarketShare.

      commingledRVP = averageRVP * comminglingF actor
TFG-2: Weathered RVP

TFG-2a: Calculate "EvapTemp" by zonelD, MonthGroupID

       temperature (zonelD, hourlD monthgroupID)
       zonelD from masterloopcontext

   zoneEvapTemp (zonelD, monthgroupID)

Calculation :

         zoneMin(zoneID, monthgroupID) = MIN (temperature(zoneID,
            monthgroupID, hourlD))

         zoneMax (zonelD, monthgroupID) = MAX(temperature(zoneID,
            monthgroupID, hourlD)

         zoneEvapTemp =
            IF zoneMax <40  or zoneMax-zoneMin <=0, (zoneMin+zoneMax)/2
            ELSE zoneEvapTemp(zoneID, monthGroupID) =
                -1.7474+1.029*zoneMin+ 0.99202* (zoneMax-zoneMin)-
                0.0025173*zoneMin* (zoneMax-zoneMin)

   TFG-2b: Calculate ratio of weathering loss for gasoline by Zone, Year & Month at
   actual ambient temperatures relative to a diurnal swing of 72-96 F

      zoneEvapTemp (zonelD, monthgroupID) from previous step
      commingledRVP (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthgroupID) from TFG-lc
      zone(countyID, zonelD)

      ratioGasolineRVPLoss(zoneID, fuelYearlD, monthgroupID)
Calculation :

         ratioGasolineRVPLoss =MAX (0, [-2.4908 + 0.026196 * zoneEvapTemp +
             0.00076898 * zoneEvapTemp * commingledRVP]/[-0.0860 + 0.070592 *
             commingledRVP ] )
   TFG-2c: Calculate weathering loss for average fuel for standard temperatures

         ethanolBlendType (county, fuel Year, monthGroup) from TFG-la
         gasoholMarketShare (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID) from TFG-lb

      avgWeatheringConstant (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID)

         IF ethanolBlendType = "Match", avgWeatheringConstant = 0.049 - 0.0034 *
         ELSE avgWeatheringConstant = 0.049 - 0.0116 * gasoholMarketShare

TFG-2d: Calculate weathered RVPfor county-average fuel adjusted for zone

   ratioGasolineRVPLoss (zonelD, fuelYearlD, monthgroupID) from TFG-2b
   avgWeatheringConstant (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID)
         from previous step
   commingledRVP (countyID, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID) from TFG-lc
   zone(countyID, zonelD)

   tankAverageGasolineRVP(zoneID, fuelYearlD, monthgroupID)

Calculation :

      tankAverageGasolineRVP (zonelD) = commingledRVP(countylD) * (1 -
         ratioGasolineRVPLoss (zonelD) * avgWeatheringConstant (countylD))
      This is stored as the RVP field of AverageTankGasoline

10.15. Evaporative OperatingModeDistributionGenerator
The evaporative operating mode distribution generator populates the core model
OpModeDistribution table for the evaporative processes (Tank Vapor Venting, Fuel
Liquid Leaking and Fuel Permeation)  While the Permeation process does not
distinguish emission rates by these operating modes it applies the temperature adjustment
separately by operating mode and therefore needs this operating mode distribution to
weight values together.

Inputs to this calculation are the SHO and SourceHours tables and the
SoakActivityFraction table produced by the TTG. Its only output is the
OpModeDistribution table.

Since the operating mode distributions for the principal evaporative processes depend
upon ambient temperature and therefore upon monthID, but the
OperatingModeDistribution table does not include monthID as a key field, it is logically
necessary, apart from any performance considerations, for this MasterLoopable
component to execute at or below the MONTH level, and as implemented it does sign up
at the MONTH level.  This means, as regards locations, that it executes for each Link.
The algorithm used is intended to operate correctly if some vehicle operation is allocated
to the off-network roadtype.

For links which represent actual highways the operating mode distribution is always
"100% operating".   If running for mesoscale lookup this is all that needs to be done.

When links which represent off highway locations are included in the run specification,
this OMDG determines fractions for "operating", and for the other  evaporative process
operating modes, which in the current database are "hot soaking" and "cold soaking",
which sum to unity as follows:

1. Determine the fraction of operating as a ratio of SHO in the SHO table to sourceHours
in the SourceHours table. Since these tables have the same structure, and since this
component is executing for a single linkID and monthID, this calculation is
straightforward.  The agelD, which is present in the SHO and SourceHours tables but not
in OperatingModeDistribution, just needs to be summed out. If the source hours
denominator is missing or zero, then no output distribution is produced.

2.  Convert the soakActivityFractions for the operating modes other than "operating"
(currently "hot soaking"  and "cold soaking") to opModeFractions which take into
account the fraction of operating.

       opModeFractionopModeiD = soakActivityFractionopModeiD
             * (1.0-fraction of operating)

The special treatment of the "operating" mode is "hard-coded" into this generator. The
other modes, however, are treated in a general fashion, e.g.. the TTG does not assume
that there are only two other modes, or that these modes have certain names.

10.16. Alternative Vehicle Fuels and Technologies (AVFT) Strategy
       The Alternative Vehicle Fuels & Technologies Strategy is the first
implementation of an internal control strategy. This control strategy allows the user to
input penetration rates (i.e. sales fractions) by model for a broad range of advanced
technologies, through model year 2050. It is thus a key element in the ability of MOVES
to perform "what-if' analysis.
       The AVFT has two components. One component is incorporated into the
MOVES GUI and allows the user to create specifications for replacement inputs for the
FuelEngFraction table and, indirectly, the SizeWeightFraction and RegClassFraction
tables.   A second portion, the actual Internal Control Strategy MasterLoopable object,
uses these specifications to produce these replacement tables prior to the running of the
SourceBinGenerator.  This causes changes to the SourceBinDistributions and the
eventual MOVES output.
       The user has the option to save the specifications (AVFTspecs) for the
replacement input tables. Most of the content of these specifications is the data to fill a
large FuelEngFraction table in the MOVES database.  The user is able to save the
AVFTSpecs and  to load and modify a saved AVFTSpec. A RunSpec may  have an
associated AVFTSpec; but AVFTspecs may also exist independently of RunSpecs.
10.16.1. Functional Characteristics of the AVFT GUI Component:
a.   "Strategies"  appears on the RunSpec Navigation List immediately after "Manage
   Input Data Sets".  "Alternative Vehicle Fuels & Technologies" is a sub-section.
   Control Strategies are not required, thus the initial  status icon for Strategies (and its
   sub-sections) is the green check or the yellow squiggles depending on whether the
   Run Spec currently includes a control strategy that modifies the default data.
b.  An AVFT file management panel appears when the user selects "Alternative Vehicle
   Fuels & Technologies" from the navigation list.  The panel includes:
   The name of the associated AVFTSpec (if one exists), or an indicator that no
   AVFTSpec exists and that default Fuel/Technology fractions are being  used. The

   name displayed changes in response to the buttons below. No more than one
   AVFTSpec may be associated with a given RunSpec.
   A "New" button to create a new AVFTSpec. (This has the same effect as returning to
   default and editing.)
   An "Edit" button to view & modify the associated AVFTSpec.
   An "Import" button to load/associate an existing AVFTSpec. This allows the user to
   browse for exported AVFTSpecs and to select one.
   An "Export" button allows the user to save a AVFTSpec independent of the RunSpec.
   (Note:  Saving the RunSpec itself includes saving the associated AVFTSpec.
   Executing the RunSpec after editing an AVFTSpec but without saving includes
   execution of the new AVFTSpec.)
   A "Delete" button to remove an associated AVFTSpec and revert to MOVES
   A "Cancel" button to close the panel without changes.

c.  An AVFT Edit panel appears next to the AVFT file management panel when the user
   selects "Edit" or "New" in that panel.  The Edit panel contains a description button
   and a details subpanel.
   Description Button: The user may (optionally) enter a short text description of the
   Details Panel:
   1. The user may select a SourceType from  a drop down list of all SourceTypes. The
      panel then displays a table of the Fuel/Engine Technology fractions from the
      associated AVFTSpec (or MOVES default DB FuelEngFraction table) for that
      SourceType for model years 2001-and-later. (The default FuelEngFraction table
      need not include all model years and the AVFTSpec may include similarly limited
      model years.  The panel shows the model years provided and allows users to add
      additional years if desired (see below).  In any case, the MOVES

   SourceBinGenerator extrapolates needed future years by repeating values for the
   last year provided.)
2.  Fuel/EngineTechnologies are listed as columns. Model years are listed as rows.
   The first value in each row is the model year.  Fractions are sorted into categories
   as listed in the in the FuelEngTechAssoc table for that SourceType.  The
   categories are displayed in the order indicated by the CategoryDisplayOrder field
   of the FuelEngTechAssoc table. Within a category, fractions are listed in
   ascending order by FuelTypelD* 100 +EngTechID. The final value in each row is
   the sum of all FuelEngFractions for that source/type model year (so the user can
   see if the values  sum to 1 as desired.) This panel normally fills the entire screen,
   with scroll bars to display any portions that don't fit.
3.  The initial view displays fractions aggregated in the categories listed in the
   FuelEngTechAssoc table for that SourceType. The user can display or hide
   detailed views that display the fractions for individual Fuel/EngineTechnology
   combinations. Categories with only one member are not considered "aggregate"
   (ie, they may be  modified in all views and there is no "detailed view" to display
   or hide). Columns of aggregate fractions should be labelled with the category
   name.  Columns  of non-aggregrate fractions should be labeled with the name of
   the FuelType and the Engine Technology.
4.  The user may select an "Add Model Years" button that adds one or more model
   year rows at the bottom. The user has an option to specify how many rows to add
   with this feature  but the sytem currently will not add model years beyond 2050.
   In each new row, the model year field is the next consecutive model year. The
   initial values for the FuelEngFractions in the new row equal those of the previous
   model year.
5.  The user may replace any (non-aggregate) fraction in the table.  Category
   aggregate fractions are grayed-out to indicate that they must be modified in a
   detail view.   Fractions must be between 0 and 1, inclusive. The GUI does not
   allow the user to enter values <0 or >1.

   6.  The user may manually assure that the fractions sum to 1 for a sourcetype/model
       year or may choose a "Normalize" button that will keep the proportions of the
       input fractions but adjust so they sum to 1. The AVFTSpec does not "Export"
       and the RunSpec does not "Save" or "Execute" until all sourcetypes/model years
       sum to 1. Error messages are provided to the user as needed.
   7.  If the FuelEngTechAssoc table lists only one FuelType/EngineTechnology
       combination for the SourceType (currently true for motorcycles), there is no
       action for the user to take.  The GUI displays the appropriate detail screen (which
       should have only one Fuel/EngineTechnology column), and displays a message:
       "Only one FuelType/EngineTechnology combination is supported for
       (SourceType Name). No alternate values allowed."
10.16.2. Functional Characteristics of the AVFT MasterLoopable
a.  The AVFT processor is MasterLoopable; executing after the InputDataManager and
   before the Generators. It is instantiated under the same conditions as the
   SourceBinGenerator and executes at the emission process master loop level.
b.  The AVFT FuelEngFractions are processed to replace the default fractions in
   FuelEngFractions in the Execution Location Database. In particular, if the
   specification provides inputs for a given SourceType/ModelYear, those inputs replace
   all values for that SourceType/ModelYear. Empty records in both the original and
   replacement tables  (ie, records for which the implied fuelEngFraction =0) are taken
   into account.
c.  The default RegClassFractions and SizeWeightFractions are modified such that the
   aggregate (across FuelType/EngineTechnology) RegClassFractions for the
   SourceType/ModelYear remain the same after application of the AVFT. The new
   RegClassFractions  and SizeWeightFractions conserve the original fractions for
   vehicles with unchanged FuelEng characteristics and proportionally distribute the
   remaining fractions among the "changed vehicles".
   This calculation is specified in detail below for RegClassFraction. The algorithm for
   SizeWeightFractions is analogous, except the individual Regulatory Classes are
   replaced by combinations of EngSizelD and WeightClassID.

                  Compute New Reg Class Fractions

For each source type and model year, and for each supported FuelEngTech
combination (i), either there exists an original FuelEngFraction(i) and a
NewFuelEngFraction(i), or it is implied that the FuelEngFraction(i) or
NewFuelEngFraction(i) =0.

       Compute DeltaFuelEngFraction(i) as NewFuelEngFraction(i)-

       Compute ProportionOfNew(i) as
             IF DeltaFuelEngFraction(i)>=0
                    Proportion =0
                    ProportionOfNew =
                          DeltaFuelEngFraction(i) /
                              (over all i where DeltaFuelEngFraction <0)

       Compute PortionOld(i) as
             IF NewFuelEngFraction(i)=0,
                    PortionOld(i) =0
             ELSE PortionOld = Min (1,

For each SourceType & Model Year there is a set of original
RegClassFractions(ij), where "i" indicates the associated FuelEng combination
and "j" indicates the RegClass. These are used with the results of the above
calculations to create NewRegClassFractions(i,j,).
For eachj
       For each i
             Compute NewRegClassFraction(i,j) as:

                    IF NewFuelEngFraction(i)= 0,
                          NewRegClassFraction(ij) =0
                          (Doesn t need to be in database)
                          NewRegClassFraction(ij) =
                                 PortionOld(i) * RegClassFraction (i,j)
                                 [l-PortionOld(i)) *
                                 (Sum(overaUi) (ProportionOfNew(i)

10.17. Energy Consumption Calculator (ECC)
       The energy consumption calculator calculates energy consumption (total,
petroleum-based and fossil-based) for four processes: running, start, extended idle and
well-to-pump, for each source type on each roadway type in DRAFT MOVES2009. It
uses input from CMITs produced by the total activity, operating mode distribution,
source bin, and meteorology generators, and calculates the quantities of energy consumed
in the form of the MOVES output database.
       Note: This functional calculator is actually implemented as two MOVES
EmissionCalculator classes: an "EnergyConsumptionCalculator" for the running, start,
and extended idle processes, and a "WellToPumpProcessor" which "chains" onto the
EnergyConsumptionCalculator if theWellToPump process is required.
10.17.1. Overview of Calculation Steps
Table 10-7. Overview of Emission Consumption
ECCP-1 b
Preliminary calculations
Calculate petroleum and fossil energy fractions
Convert age to model year for analysis year
Calculate adjustments
Calculate air conditioning adjustment
Calculate temperature adjustment
Calculate fuel adjustment
Calculate running energy consumption
Calculate start energy consumption
Calculate extended idle energy consumption
Calculate well-to-pump energy consumption
Calculate pump-to-wheel energy consumption
Interpolate well-to-pump factor by
FuelSubType in analysis year
Calculate well-to-pump factor by FuelType in
analysis year
Calculate well-to-pump energy consumption

       The level of aggregation for each calculation is dictated by the key fields of the

input and output variables.  The result of energy quantities in steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 are at the

level dictated by the DRAFT MOVES2009 output database design: calendar year, month,

day, hour, county, zone, link, pollutant, process, source type,  fuel type, model year, and

road type.

       If the EnergyConsumptionCalculator encounters a missing value when

performing a calculation, the result of the calculation is considered as missing. Records

for which the results are missing are not represented by a value of zero but are left out of

the database.

       The EnergyConsumptionCalculator signs up for the Master Loop at the year level

which means that it executes for each location (link) for each calendar year. It signs up

for the running, start and extended idle processes to the extent they are called for by the

run specification.

10.17.2. Detailed Steps

ECCP-1: Preliminary Calculations
   Step la: Calculate petroleum and fossil energy fractions by fuel type

    Since petroleum and fossil  energy fractions vary by fuel subtype, this step is required
   to aggregate these fractions up to the fuel type level.

   Input Variables:

                     MarketShare (County, Year, MonthGroup, FuelSubType,)
                         From FuelSupply table
                         Note: If record not found in database, default value of 1.0 is used if
                            fuelSubtypelD ends withO, otherwise default value of 0.0 is used.
                     FuelSubtypePetroleumFraction (FuelSubType)
                         From FuelSubtype table
                     FuelSubtypeFossilFraction (FuelSubType)
                         From FuelSubtype table
   Output Variable:

                     PetroleumFraction (County, Year, Month, FuelType)
                     FossilFraction (County, Year, Month, FuelType)


                      no. o/FuelSubTypeswithinFuelType
                              ^MarketShare * FuelSubtypePetroleumFraction

                     FossilFraction =

                              ^ MarketShare * FuelSubtypeFossilFraction

    Step Ib: Convert Age to Model Year For Analysis Year

    Input Variables:

    Output Variable:


                     ModelYearlD = YearlD - AgelD
ECCP-2: Calculate adjustments

    Step 2a: Calculate air conditioning adjustment
       Preliminary calculation (1): ACOnFraction

       This step calculates the fraction of time the AC compressor is engaged, as a

function of Heat Index

       Input Variables:

                     Heatlndex (Zone, Month, Hour)
                         From ZoneMonthHour table
                     ACActivityTermA (MonthGroup, Hour)
                         From MonthGroupHour table
                     ACActivityTermB (MonthGroup, Hour)
                         From MonthGroupHour table
                     ACActivityTermC (MonthGroup, Hour)
                         From MonthGroupHour table

                     ACOnFraction (Zone, Month, Hour) =

                     If ACOnFraction<0, set to 0
                     If ACOnFraction>l, set to 1

       Preliminary calculation (2): ACActivityFraction

       This step calculates the overall A/C activity fraction, which accounts for the A/C

on fraction, the penetration of A/C in the fleet and the fraction of those A/C systems that

are functioning.

    Input Variable

                     ACOnFraction (Zone, Month, Hour) from previous calculation

                  ACPenetrationFraction (SourceType, ModelYear)
                      From SourcetypeModelYear table
                  FunctioningACFraction (SourceType, Age)
                      From SourceTypeAge table

                  ACActivityFraction (Zone, Month, Hour, SourceType, ModelYear) =
                      * ACPenetrationFraction

    Calculate AC Adjustment

Input Variables:

                  ACActivityFraction (Zone, Month, Hour, SourceType, ModelYear)
                      From previous calculation
                  FullACAdjustment (PolProcess, SourceType, OpMode)
                      From FullACAdjustment table

                  ACAdjustment (Zone, Month, Hour, SourceType, ModelYear, PolProcess,
                      OpMode) = 1 + ((FullACAdjustment -l)*ACActivity Adjustment)

Step-2b: Calculate temperature adjustment

Input Variables:

                  Temperature (Zone, Month, Hour)
                      From ZoneMonthHour table
                  TempAdjustTermA (PolProcess, SourceType, FuelType)
                      From TemperatureAdjustment table
                  TempAdjustTermB (PolProcess, SourceType, FuelType)
                      From TemperatureAdjustment table
                  TempAdjustTermC (PolProcess, SourceType, FuelType)
                      From TemperatureAdjustment table
                  Note: If temp adjustment terms are not found in database, default values of 0.0
                      are used.
Output Variables:

                  TempAdjustment (PolProcess, Zone, Month, Hour, SourceType, FuelType)

                  TempAdjustment =
                      1 + TempAdjustTermA * (Temperature-75)
                      + TempAdjustTermB * (Temperature-75)2

Step 2c: Calculate fuel adjustment

Input Variables:

                  FuelAdjustment (SourceType, PolProcess, FuelSubType)
                  MarketShare (County, Year, MonthGroup, FuelSubType)
Output Variable:

                  FuelAdjustmentbyType (County, Year, MonthGroup,SourceType, PolProcess,

                     FuelAdjustmentbyType =
                       no .o/FuelSubTypeswithinFuelType
                                 ' MarketShare * Fuel Adjustment
ECCP-3: Calculate running energy consumption
    Step 3a: Aggregate Base Emission Rates to SourceType/Fuel Type/Model Year/
    Operating Mode level
    Input Variables:
                     MeanBaseRate (SourceBin, PolProcess, OpMode)
                         From EmissionRate table
                     SourceBinActivityFraction (SourceType, ModelYear, SourceBin, PolProcess)
                         From SourceBinDistribution Table

                     MeanBaseRatebyType (SourceType, FuelType, ModelYear, PolProcess,
                         OpMode) =
                 No. SourceBinswithinFuelType, ModelYear
                            ^ SourceBinActivityFraction* MeanBaseRate
    Step 3b: Aggregate emission rates to SourceType level, Apply A/C Adjustment

    Input Variables:

                     MeanBaseRatebyType (SourceType, FuelType, ModelYear, PolProcess,
                         OpMode) From previous calculation
                     OpModeFraction (SourceType, Link, HourDay, PolProcess, OpMode) From
                         OPModeDistribution table
                     ACAdjustment (Zone, Month, Hour, SourceType, ModelYear PolProcess,
                         OpMode) From ECCP- 2a

              Total Energy:

                     SourceTypeEnergy (Zone, Month, HourDay, SourceType, FuelType,
                         ModelYear, Link, PolProcess) =

               ^^OpModeFraction * MeanBaseRatebyType * ACAdjustment

    Step 3c: Calculate Total Energy

    Input Variables:

                     SourceTypeEnergy (Zone, Month, HourDay, SourceType, FuelType,
                         ModelYear, Link, PolProcess) from previous calculation
                     SCCVtypeFraction(SourceType, ModelYear, FuelType, SCCVtype)
                         From SCCVtypeDistribution table
                     SHO (SourceType, Age, Link, Hour, Day, Month, Year)
                         From SHO Table
                     IMOBDAdjustment (SourceType, County, Year, Age, FuelType)
                         From IMOBD Adjustment table.
                     Note:  If IMOBD adjustment value not found in database, a default value of 1.0
                         is used.
                     TempAdjustment (ECCP-2b, existing code)
                     FuelAdjustment (ECCP-2c, existing code)
                     PetroleumFraction (ECCP-la, existing code)
                     FossilFraction (ECCP-la, existing code)

              Total Energy

                     EmissionQuant = SCCVtypeFraction *

No. SourceTypes
    y"' SHO * SourceTypeEnergy * FuelAdjustment * TempAdjustment * IMOBDAdjustment

              Petroleum Energy:

                     EmissionQuant =
                         EmissionQuant (Running, Total Energy)
                         * PetroleumFraction
              Fossil Energy:

                     EmissionQuant =
                         EmissionQuant (Running, Total Energy)
                         * FossilFraction

ECCP-4 & 5: Calculate start and extended idle energy consumption
       The equations are exactly the same as is done for ECCP-3 above. The only

difference is that, under Step c, "SHO" is replaced by "Starts" for Start and

"ExtendedldleHours" for Extended Idle.

ECCP-6: Calculate total, petroleum, and fossil energy consumption for well-to-pump (WTP)
    For all pollutants, well-to-pump energy and emissions are calculated as a function of
    pump-to-wheel total energy consumption  (i.e. the sum of running, start and extended
    idle energy)

    Step-6a: Calculate total pump-to-wheel'(PTW) energy consumption


                     EmissionQuant(...FuelType, PolProcess = TotalEnergy; Running, Start,
                         Extended Idle)

                  PTWEmissionQuant (FuelType, Total Energy)

                  PTWEmissionQuant =
                  EmissionQuant (Running, Total Energy)
                  + EmissionQuant (Start, Total Energy)
                  + EmissionQuant (Extended Idle, Total Energy)

Step-6b: Interpolate well-to-pump factorby FuelSubType in analysis year

                  WTPFactor (Pollutant, FuelSubType for next highest and next lowest in WTP
                      factor database, relative to YearlD)
                   (Note : WTPFactor represents the field EmissionRate located in the
                      GreetWellToPump table of the MOVES database.)

                  WTPFactor (Pollutant, FuelSubType, YearlD)

                  Linear interpolation using "bracketing" years in WTP database:
                      WTPFactor = WTPFactor (Lo YearlD) +
                  (WTPFactor (HiYearlD) - WTPFactor (Lo YearlD)) *
                  ((YearlD - LoYearlD) / (HiYearlD - Lo YearlD))

Step-6c: Calculate well-to-pump factor by FuelType in analysis year
Inputs Variables:

                  WTPFactor (Step 6a)
                  MarketShare (County, Year, MonthGroup, FuelSubType,)
Output Variables:

                  WTPFactorbyFuelType(Pollutant, FuelType, YearlD)

                  WTPFactorbyFuelType =

                      no . ofFuelSubTypeswithinFuelType
                               ^MarketShare * WTPFactor
Step-6d: Calculate well-to-pump energy consumption

                  PTWEmissionQuant (Step 6a)
                  WTPFactorbyFuelType (Step 6c)

                  EmissionQuant (PolProcess = Well-To-Pump; Total Energy, Petroleum Energy,
                      Fossil Energy)

                  EmissionQuant =
                  PTWEmissionQuant * WTPFactorbyFuelType

10.18. Distance Calculator
       The TotalActivityGenerator produces distance information in the SHO table.  The
DistanceCalculator reports vehicle travel distance information based on these SHO table
values, if requested by the RunSpec, in the MOVESActivityOutput table of the MOVES
output database. Note that MOVES stores distance within the
MOVESMesoscaleActivityOutput table for runs using the Mesoscale Lookup scale
10.18.1. Algorithm Overview
       The "total" distance in the SHO table must be disaggregated to the often more
detailed level of the MOVES output.  This is a "calculator-like" function and so is
performed by an EmissionCalculator class despite the fact that "distance" is not a
       This calculator is instantiated whenever distance output is requested by the
RunSpec, which implies that some pollutant-process involving the running process has
been selected, and signs up for the "Running Exhaust" emission process at the "Year"
level of the MasterLoop, the same level at which the TAG operates.
 10.18.2. Distance calculation
       If the "Distance Traveled" output is requested by the RunSpec, (which also
implies that some pollutant has been selected for the Running process), the distance field
in the SHO table is calculated by the TotalActivityGenerator (TAG). Otherwise distance
is output by that generator as NULL.
       Within the distance calculator itself, there is a single calculation step:
       DC-1  : Allocate Distance to Finest MOVES Output Level
   Input Variables:
                    SCCVtypelD(SCC) from SCC table
                    SCCVtypeFraction(sourceTypeModelYearID, fuelTypelD, SCCVtypelD)
                        From SCCVtypeDistribution table
                        sourceBinActivityFraction (sourceTypeModelYearlD, polProcessID,
                        sourceBinID) from SourceBinDistribution table
                        distance(sourceTypeID, linkID, agelD, yearlD, monthlD, hourDaylD)
                        from SHO table
   Output Variable:

                     MOVESActivityOutput.distance(runID, yearlD, monthlD, daylD, hourlD,
                        statelD, county ID, zonelD, linkID, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
                        modelYearlD, roadTypelD, SCC)
   Conceptual Calculation:
                     MOVESActivityOutput.distance =
                         SCCVtypeFraction* distance *
                        [sum over all sourceBins in fuelTypelD (sourceBinActivityFraction)]
       Several detailed considerations must be kept in mind as these calculations are
       One consideration is just that model years are converted to agelD values by the
relationship:  model YearlD = yearlD - agelD.
       Another consideration is that SHO table values are reduced by the
SCCVtypeFraction, because the raw MOVESOutput data is for SCC-SourceUseType
intersections. This factor is looked up in the SCCVtypeDistributionTable based on
sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, and fuelTypelD. In general this yields multiple values of
SCCVtype and SCCVtypeFraction.  These values of SCCVtype are used in combination
with RoadType to determine SCC values from the SCC table.
       The most significant complexity is that SHO table distance values are reduced by
a fraction representing the portion of this "total" activity occurring for the specific
fuelTypelD. This is accomplished by determining the portion of the
SourceBinDistribution which involves the given fuelTypelD.
       The table 10-8 illustrates the structural differences between the input to this
calculation and the output it must produce:

Table 10-8. Structural Differences between DistanceCalculator Input/Output

Key Field                 SHO.distance     Most detailed
MOVESOutputRowID                        Yes, autoincremented
runID                                      Yes, but constant for a run
yearlD                     Yes              Yes
monthID                   Yes              Yes
daylD                     Yes              Yes
hourlD                    Yes              Yes
statelD                                     Yes, but redundant with county
county ID                                   Yes, but redundant with zone
zonelD                    Yes              Yes
roadTypelD                Yes              Yes
pollutantID                                  Yes, but constant for this calculation
processID                                  Yes, but constant for this calculation
sourceTypelD              Yes              Yes
fuelTypelD                 No               Yes
modelYearlD               as agelD          Yes
SCC                      No               Yes

10.19. Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Calculator
       MOVES includes two EmissionCalculator classes,
CH4N2OrunningStartCalculator and CH4N2OWTPCalculator, which calculate Methane
(CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions for three processes (running, start, and well-to-
pump) for each source type on each roadway type modeled.  These calculators use input
from CMITs produced by the total activity and source bin distribution generators, and
calculate the quantities of these emissions in the form required by the MOVESOutput
       These calculators subscribe to the MasterLoop at the year level, which means they
are executed once for each location (linked) for each year.
       When these EmissionCalculators encounter a missing input value in the MOVES
database, the result of the calculation are considered as missing.  Such results are left out
of the database and are not represented in the MOVES  output by a value of zero or some
other numeric value or character.
       The calculation steps are described below. These steps are the same for CJLt and
10.19.1. Step 1: Calculate Running Emissions
                    SHO (SourceType, Age, Link, Hour, Day, Month, Year)
                    SourceBinActivityFraction (SourceType, ModelYear, PolProcess , SourceBin)
                    MeanBaseRate (PolProcess, SourceBin, OpMode)
                    EmissionQuant (SourceType, Pollutant, Process, FuelType....see MOVES
                        output database design)
                    EmissionQuant = SHO * SourceBinActivityFraction * MeanBaseRate
10.19.2.Step 2: Calculate Start Emissions
                    Starts (SourceType, Age, Zone, Hour, Day, Month, Year)
                    SourceBinActivityFraction (SourceType, ModelYear, PolProcess , SourceBin)
                    MeanBaseRate (PolProcess, SourceBin, OpMode)

                      EmissionQuant (SourceType, Pollutant, Process, FuelType....see MOVES
                         output database design)
                      EmissionQuant = Starts * SourceBinActivityFraction * MeanBaseRate

10.19.3. Step 3: Calculate Well-To-Pump Emissions

   Step 3a: Calculate well-to-pump factor by FuelType in analysis year
   Inputs Variables:
    Output Variables:
                             EmissionRate from GREETWellToPump (Year, Pollutant,
                             MarketShare (County, Year, MonthGroup, FuelSubType,)
WTPFactorbyFuelType(Year, Pollutant, FuelType)

WTPFactorbyFuelType =

   no. o/FuelSubTypes withinFuelType
            ^MarketShare * WTPFactor
   Step 3b: Calculate Well-To-Pump Emissions
PTWEmissionQuant for total energy (Step 6a of Total Energy Calculator)
WTPFactorbyFuelType for CH4/N2O (Step 3a above)

EmissionQuant (SourceType, Pollutant, Process, FuelType....see MOVES
    output database design)

EmissionQuant = PTWEmissionQuant * WTPFactorbyFuelType

10.20. Atmospheric CO2 and CO2-Equivalent Calculator

10.20.1. General Description

This task involves performs the calculation of two pollutants: Atmospheric CC>2 and CC>2

Equivalent for all of the exhaust emission processes: Start, Running and Extended Idling.

The calculations depend on the previous calculation of Total Energy, CH4 and N2O in

their respective calculators. So this calculator is "chained" to those.

10.20.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
Step 1: Calculate CO2 and CO2-Equivalent from Total Energy

Preliminary Calculation: Compute Carbon Content and Oxidation Fraction by

   •  CarbonContent (grams per KJ) by fuel subtype
   •  OxidationFraction by fuel subtype
   •  MarketShare (County, Year, MonthGroup, Fuel Sub Type) From Fuel Supply table
   •  CarbonContent by FuelType
   •  OxidationFraction by FuelType


CarbonContent by FuelType

no. o/FuelSubTypeswithinFuelType
        ^MarketShare * CarbonContent(FuelSubtype)

OxidationFraction by FuelType =

no. ofFuelSubTypeswithinFuelType
        ^MarketShare * OxidationFraction(Fuel Subtype)

Calculate Atmospheric CO2from Total Energy

    •   Total Energy (KJ)
    •   CarbonContent by FuelType (previous calculation)
    •   Oxidation Fraction by FuelType (previous calculation)

    •   Atmospheric CC>2 (grams)


Atmospheric CC>2 = Total Energy * Oxidation Fraction * Carbon Content *  (44/12)

Step 2: Calculate CO2 Equivalent

    •   Atmospheric CO2, CH4, N2O (grams)
    •   100 year Global Warming Potentials by pollutant (GWP)

    •   CO2 Equivalent (grams)


CO2 Equivalent = CO2 * GWPC02 +  CH4 * GWPCH4 + N2O * GWPN2o

10.21. Criteria Pollutant Running EmissionCalculator (CREC)

10.21.1. General Description

This EmissionCalculator signs up with the MOVES master looping mechanism at the

Year level for the running process, which means that a single execution produces results

for one Link and one Year.

The logical steps of the calculation can be described as follows:

CREC-1      Calculate emission rates which account for I/M programs

       This step has two sub steps:

       The first substep calculates an intermediate IMAdjustment table from the contents
       of the IMCoverage table for a particular zone and year.  It puts the information
       into a usable form.  The form of the IMCoverage table, in particular the use of
       model year ranges as non-key fields and the presence of information only where
       I/M programs exist, was highly constrained by overall table size considerations.
       To be used in subsequent steps the information needs to be into a more usable
       form, which this substep accomplishes.

       The second sub-step combines information from the EmissionRateByAge table
       and the IMAdjustment table produced in the first substep to produce an
       intermediate EmissionRateWithIM table.  The function here is to weight the
       meanBaseRate and meanBaseRatelM fields together using the EVI fractions
       calculated in the previous substep.

CREC-2      Calculate fuel-supply-weighted fuel adjustment factors

       This step has two sub steps:

       The first substep uses the Fuel Adjustment and County tables to produce an
       intermediate CountyFuelAdjustment table specific to the county containing the
       link being executed. It resolves the GPA and non-GPA fuel adjustment factors
       into a single factor based on the GPAFract value in the County table.  It is still at
       the fuelFormulation level.

       The second substep uses CountyFuelAdjustment and the FuelSupply table to
       produce  an intermediate Fuel Supply Adjustment table of fuel adjustment  factors at
       the fuelTypelD level.

CREC-3      Calculate temperature adjustment factors

       This step uses the TemperatureAdjustment table along with temperature
       information from the ZoneMonthHour table to produce an intermediate
       METAdjustment table.

CREC-4     Calculate air conditioning (AC) adjustment factors

       This step involves four substeps.

       The first substep uses the ACActivity terms from the MonthGroupHour table and
       the heat index information from the ZoneMonthHour table to calculate the
       fraction of time the AC compressor is engaged.

       The second substep calculates the AC activity fraction, which accounts for the AC
       on fraction from the first substep, the penetration of AC in the fleet (from the
       SourceTypeModelYear table) and the fraction of those AC systems that are
       functional (from the SourceTypeAge table.)

       The third substep calculates operating-mode-weighted Full AC Adjustment factors
       from the contents of the Full AC Adjustment table and the
       OperatingModeDistribution table.

       The fourth substep uses the results of the second and third substeps to calculate
       the AC adjustment factors used in subsequent calculations.

CREC-5     Weight emission rates by source bin

       This step applies the source bin distributions to the EmissionRateWithIM table
       produced in step 1, storing the results in a SBWeightedEmissionRate table.
       FuelType distinctions from the source bin classification are preserved but other
       source bin discriminators are aggregated out.  The modelYearlD distinction
       contained in the EmissionRateWithIM table is preserved in
       SBWeightedEmissionRate, effectively subsuming the role of model YearGroupID
       as a source bin discriminator.
CREC-6     Weight emission rates by operating mode

       This step applies the operating mode distributions to the
       SBWeightedEmissionRate table calculated in the previous step, to produce an
       intermediate FullyWeightedEmissionRate table.

CREC-7     Apply fuel, temperature, and opmode-weighted-AC adjustment factors to
weighted emission rates

       This step applies the fuel supply adjustment factors from step 2, the temperature
       adjustment factors from step 3, and the AC Adjustment factors from step 4 to the
       results of step 6.

CREC-8     Calculate and Apply Humidity Correction Factor to NOx running

       This step calculates a multiplicative correction factor based on the specific
humidity value in ZoneMonthHour and a fuel type-dependent coefficient and applies it to
any NOx emission results from step 7.

CREC-9      Multiply fully weighted and adjusted emission rates by source hours
operating (SHO) activity

       This step multiplies the result of step 8 by the activity from the SHO table. Since
       SHO is stored by Link, the results of this step are specific to a Link and a
       Roadtype and are essentially now at the level of the MOVESOutput when
       reported by sourceTypelD.

CREC-10     Convert results by source type into results by SCC

       This step is performed only when the run specification requests output by SCC

       The SCCVTypeDistributions and the SCCRoadType distributions are applied to
       the results of step 9 in a single processing step.

10.21.2. Detailed Calculation Steps

CREC-1: Calculate emission rates which account for I/M programs

CREC 1-a: Complete I/M adjustment fraction information
    Input Variables:

                     begModelYearlD,  endModelYearlD, IMAdjustFract (IMCoverage table)
                     countylD, zonelD, yearlD (from Master Loop Context).
                     agelD (AgeCategory table)
                     regClassID (RegulatoryClass table)
    Output Variable:

                     IMAdjustFract (in intermediate IMAdjustment table)

                     For zonelD, yearlD in Master Loop Context,
                     for running process (which is also the Master Loop Context process)
                                 of all pollutants in runSpec which this calculator calculates
                     for all agelD in AgeCategory table,
                     for all regClassID values in RegulatoryClass except regClassID=0

                     modelYearlD = yearlD-agelD
                     IMAdjustFract (zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD, agelD,
                         fuelTypelD, regClassID)
                     = IMAdjustFract if IMCoverage record exists
                                with begModelYearlD <= modelYearlD <= endModelYearlD
                     = 0.0 otherwise

CREC 1-b: Combine I/M andnon I/M rates
    Input Variables:

                     meanBaseRate and meanBaseRatelM (EmissionRateByAge table)
                     fuelTypelD, regClassID (from SourceBin table)
                     modelYearGroupID (from PollutantProcessModelYear table)
                     IMAdjustFract (from step 1-a)

    Output Variable:

                      meanBaseRate (in new intermediate table EmissionRateWithIM)


                      For all records in join of IMAdjustment Table to EmissionRateByAge table

                  IMAdjustment. polProcessID=EmissionRateByAge.polProcessID

                  IMAdjustmentfuelTypelD = SourceBin.fuelTypelD AND
                  IMAdjustmentregClassID = SourceBin.regClassID AND
                  IMAdjustment. modelYearID= PollutantProcessModelYear.modelYearlD AND
                  IMAdjustment.polProcessID = PollutantProcessModelYear.polProcessID AND
                  PollutantProcessModelYear. modelYearGroupID =
                      SourceBin.modelYearGroupID AND
                  EmissionRateByAge.sourceBinID=SourceBin.sourceBinID AND
                  EmissionRateByAge.ageGroupID=AgeCategory.ageGroupID AND
                  IMAdjustment. ageID=AgeCategory.ageID

                      meanBaseRate (zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD, sourceBinID,
                          opModelD) = meanBaseRate + (IMAdjustFract * (meanBaseRatelM-

                      if meanBaseRate < 0.0 then set meanBaseRate = 0.0 (since IMAdjustFract might
                          be greater than 1.0.)

CREC-2: Calculate fuel-supply-weighted Fuel Adjustment Factors

CREC 2-a: Combine GPA andnon GPA fuel adjustment factors
    Input Variables:

                      fuelAdjustment and fuelAdjustmentGPA (from FuelAdjustment table)
                      GPAFract (from County table)
                      county ID (from MasterLoop Context)
    Output Variable:

                      fuelAdjustment (in intermediate CountyFuelAdjustment table)

                      For county ID from Master Loop Context,
                      For all records in FuelAdjustment
                      for running process (which is also the Master Loop Context process)
                                  of all pollutants in runSpec which this calculator calculates

                      fuelAdjustment (countyID, polProcessID, fuelMYGroupID, sourceTypelD,
                      = fuelAdjustment + GPAFract*(fuelAdjustmentGPA-fuelAdjustment)

       NOTE: An internal MOVES model component, the DefaultDataMaker, has set fuelAdjustment=l
       for cases which are not populated in fuelAdjustment.

CREC 2-b: Aggregate county fuel adjustments to fuel type

    Input Variables:

                      fuelAdjustment (from CountyFuelAdjustment table from step 2-a)
                      marketShare (from FuelSupply table)
                      fuelSubTypelD (from FuelFormulation table)
                      fuelTypelD (from FuelSubtype table)
                      monthlD (from MonthOfAny Year table)
                      yearlD (from MasterLoopContext)
                      fuelYearlD (from Year table)
                      modelYearlD (from PollutantProcessModelYear table)

    Output Variable:

                      fuelAdjustment (in intermediate FuelSupply Adjustment table)

                      For all records in join of CountyFuelAdjustment and FuelSupply where
                   CountyFuelAdjustment.countyID=FuelSupplycountyID and
                   Year.yearlD = yearlD from MasterLoopContext and
                   Year.fuelYearlD  = FuelSupply.fuelYearlD and
                   FuelSupply.monthGroupID = MonthOf Any Year, mo nthGroupID and
                   CountyFuelAdjustment.monthGroupID=FuelSupply.monthGroupID and
                   CountyFuelAdjustment.fuelFormulationID=FuelFormulation.fuelFormulationID and
                   FuelFormulation.fuelSubtypeID=FuelSubType.fuelSubtypeID  and
                              CountyFuelAdjustment.polProcessID and

                      fuelAdjustment (countylD, yearlD, monthlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD,
                                  sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD)

                      = sum (fuelAdjustment * marketShare) over all fuel formulations  in each fuel

CREC-3: Calculate temperature adjustment factors

    Input Variables:

                      tempAdjustTermA, tempAdjustTermB (from TemperatureAdjustment table)
                      temperature (from ZoneMonthHour table)
                      zonelD (from MasterLoop context)
    Output Variable:

                      temperatureAdjustment (in intermediate METAdjustment table)

                      For zonelD in Master Loop Context,
                      For running process (which is also the Master Loop Context process)
                                  of all pollutants in runSpec which this calculator calculates
                      For all records in cross join of ZoneMonthHour and TemperatureAdjustment

                      temperatureAdjustment(zoneID, monthlD, hourlD, polProcessID, fuelTypelD)
                      = 1.0 + tempAdjustTermA * (temperature-75) + tempAdjustTermB

CREC-4: Calculate Air Conditioning (AC)  Adjustment Factors

CREC4-a: Calculate AC On Fraction
    Input Variables:
                      heatlndex (zonelD, monthID, hourlD)
                      From ZoneMonthHour table
                      ACActivityTermA (monthGroupID, hourlD)
                      From MonthGroupHour table
                      ACActivityTermB (monthGroupID, hourlD)
                      From MonthGroupHour table
                      ACActivityTermC (monthGroupID, hourlD)
                      From MonthGroupHour table

    Output Variable:
                      ACOnFraction (in intermediate ACOnFraction table)

                     From join of ZoneMonthHour and MonthGroupHour tables where
                  MonthGroupHour.monthGroupID = MonthOfAnyYear.monthGroupID and
                  MonthOfAnyYear.monthID = ZoneMonthHour.monthID and
                  MonthGroupHour. hourlD = ZoneMonthHour.hourlD

                     ACOnFraction (zonelD, monthID, hourlD) =

                     If ACOnFraction<0, set to 0
                     If ACOnFraction>l, set to 1

CREC 4-b: Calculate AC Activity Fraction
    Input Variables:

                     ACOnFraction (zonelD, monthID, hourlD) from previous calculation
                     ACPenetrationFraction (sourceTypelD, modelYearlD) from
                         SourceTypeModelYear table
                     functioningACFraction (sourceTypelD, agelD) from SourceTypeAge table

    Output Variable:

                     ACActivityFraction (in intermediate ACActivityFraction table)
                     From join of ACOnFraction, SourceTypeModelYear and SourceTypeAge tables
                  yearlD = yearlD value from master loop context
                  SourceTypeModelYear.sourceTypelD = SourceTypeAge.sourceTypelD and
                  SourceTypeModelYear.modelYearlD = yearlD - SourceTypeAge.agelD

                     ACActivityFraction (zonelD, monthID, hourlD, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD)
                      = ACOnFraction * ACPenetrationFraction * functioningACFraction

CREC 4-c: Weight FullACAdjustment Factors by Operating Mode
    Input Variables:
                      FullACAdjustment (polProcessID, sourceTypelD, opModelD) from
                         FullACAdjustment table
                      opModeFraction (sourceTypelD, hourDaylD, linkID, polProcessID, opModelD)
                         from OpModeDistribution Table
                      linkID from master loop context

    Output Variable:
                      weightedFullACAdjustment (in intermediate WeightedFullACAdjustment table)
                      For all records in join of FullACAdjustment and OpModeDistribution
                      using polProcessID, sourceTypelD, and opModelD
                      where linkID = value from master loop context and hourDaylD is in the run

                      weightedFullACAdjustment (sourceTypelD, polProcessID, linkID, hourDaylD )
                      = sum (fullACAdjustment * opModeFraction)

CREC 4-d: Calculate AC Adjustment Factor
    Input Variables:

                      ACActivityFraction (zonelD, monthID, hourlD, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD)
                      From step 4-b
                      weightedFullACAdjustment (sourceTypelD, polProcessID, linkID, hourDaylD)
                      From WeightedFullACAdjustment table

    Output Variable:

                      ACAdjustment (in intermediate ACAdjustment table)

                      For all records in join of ACActivityFraction and WeightedFullACAdjustment
                         WeightedFullACAdjustment. linkID=Link. linkID and
                         Link.zoneID=ACActivityFractioin.zoneID and
                         WeightedFullACAdjustment.hourDayID=HourDay.hourDayID and
                         HourDay.hourID=ACActivityFraction.hourID and
                         WeightedFullACAdjustment. sourceTypeID=AC ActivityFraction. sourceTyp

                      ACAdjustment (zonelD, monthID, hourlD, daylD, sourceTypelD,
                         modelYearlD, polProcessID)
                      = 1 + ((weightedFullACAdjustment -l)*ACActivityFraction)

CREC-5: Weight emission rates by source bin

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from EmissionRateWithIM table from step 1-b)
                      sourceBinActivityFraction (from SourceBinDistribution table)

    Output Variable:
                      meanBaseRate (in a new intermediate SBWeightedEmissionRate table)
                      For all records in join of EmissionRateWithIM, SourceBin,
                          SourceBinDistribution, and
                      SourceTypeModelYear where:
                   SourceBinDistributionsourceBinTD = SourceBin.sourceBinID and
                                  SourceBinDistribution. sourceTypeModelYearlD
                                     = SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModelYearlD and
                          cessID and
                                  EmissionRateWithIM.sourceBinID=SourceBinDistribution. source
                          BinID and

                      meanBaseRate(zoneID, yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
                          fuelTypelD, opModelD)
                      = sum (sourceBinActivityFraction * meanBaseRate)

                      Note that sourceBinID is not included in the summation grouping; all of its
                          attributes except fuelTypelD are included instead, also note that there
                          should be only one modelYearGroupID present in the source bin
                          distributions for a modelYearlD and polProcessID without having to
                          specify this.

CREC-6: Weight emission rates by operating mode

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from SBWeightedEmissionRate table from step 5)
                      opModeFraction (from OpModeDistribution table)

    Output Variable:

                      meanBaseRate (in  a intermediate FullyWeightedEmissionRate table)
                      For all records in join of SBWeightedEmissionRate and OpModeDistribution
                          SBWeightedEmissionRate.opModeID=OpModeDistribution.opModeID and
                          OpModeDistribution.linkID=Link.linkID and
                          Link.zoneID= SBWeightedEmissionRate.zonelD
                      meanBaseRate(linkID, yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
                          fuelTypelD, hourDaylD)
                      = sum (opModeFraction * meanBaseRate)

CREC-7: Apply fuel, temperature, and AC adjustment factors to weighted emission

CREC 7-a: Combine Temperature and AC Adjustment Factors

    Input Variables:

                      temperature Adjustment (from MET Adjustment table from step 3)
                      ACAdjustment (from ACAdjustment table from step 4)

    Output Variable:

                      tempAndACAdjusment  (in intermediate TempAndACAdjustment table)


                      For all records in join of MET Adjustment and ACAdjustment
                         Using zonelD, polProcessID, MonthID, and hourlD

                      tempAndACAdjustment (zonelD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
                         fuelTypelD, monthID, hourlD, daylD) =
                         temperatureAdjustment* ACAdjustment

CREC 7-b: Apply fuel adjustment to fully weighted emission rates

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from Fully WeightedEmissionRate table from step 6)
                      fuelAdjustment  (from FuelSupplyAdjustment table from step 2)

    Output Variable:

                      fuelAdjustedRate  (in intermediate FuelAdjustedRate table)


                      For linkID in master loop context
                      From join of Fully AdjustedEmissionRate and FuelSupply Adjustment where
                  FullyAdjustedEmissionRate.linklD = Link.linkID and
                  Link.countyID=FuelSupplyAdjustment.countyID and
                  FullyAdjustedEmissionRate.yearID=FuelSupplyAdjustment.yearID and
                  Fully AdjustedEmissionRate.polProcessID
                             =FuelSupplyAdjustment.polProcessID and
                  Fully AdjustedEmissionRate.sourceTypeID=
                             FuelSupplyAdjustment.sourceTypelD and
                  Fully AdjustedEmissionRate.modeiYearID=
                             FuelSupplyAdjustment.modelYearlD and
                  Fully AdjustedEmissionRate.fuelTypeID=FuelSupplyAdjustment.fuelTypeID

                      fuelAdjustedRate (linkID, yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
                         fuelTypelD, monthID, hourDaylD) = meanBaseRate * fuelAdjustment

CREC 7-c: Apply temperature -and-AC adjustment to fuel-adjusted emission rate

    Input Variables:
                     tempAndACAdjustment (from TempAndACAdjustment table from step 7-a)
                     fuelAdjustedRate  (from FuelAdjustedRate table from step 7-b)

    Output Variable:

                     meariBaseRate (in intermediate WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate table
                     From join of TempAndACAdjustment and FuelAdjustedRate tables where
                  FuelAdjustedRate.linkID = Link.linkID and
                  Link.zoneID= TempAndACAdjustment.zonelD and
                  TempAndACAdjustment.hourID=HourDay.hourID and
                  TempAndACAdjustment.dayID=HourDay.dayID and
                  HourDay.hourDayID= FuelAdjustedRate.hourDaylD and
                  TempAndACAdjustment.polProcessID=FuelAdjustedRate.polProcessID and
                  TempAndACAdjustment.sourceTypeID=FuelAdjustedRate.sourceTypeID and
                  TempAndACAdjustment.modelYearID= FuelAdjustedRate.modelYearlD and
                  TempAndACAdjustment.montMD= FuelAdjustedRate.monthTD and
                      meanBaseRate (linkID, yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
                         fuelTypelD, hourlD, daylD, montMD) = fuelAdjustedRate *

CREC-8: Calculate and Apply Humidity Correction Factor to NOx Emissions

    Input Variables:
                      meanBaseRate (from WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate table from step 7)
                      humidityCorrectionCoeff (from FuelType table)
                      specificHumidity (from ZoneMonthHour table)

    Output Variable:
                      meanBaseRate (in WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate table)
                     Using join of ZoneMonthHour, FuelType, and
                         WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate where:

                  WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.fuelTypelD = FuelType.fuelTypelD and
                  WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.linkID=Link.linkID and
                  Link.zoneID=ZoneMonthHour.zoneID and
                  WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.monthID = ZoneMonthHour.monthID and
                  WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.hourID=ZoneMonthHour.hourID and
                  pollutantProcessID = 301

                     boundedSpecificHumidity = GREATEST(21.0,
                         LEAST(specificHumidity, 124.0))

                      K = 1.0 - ((boundedSpecificHumidity - 75.0) * humidityCorrectionCoeff)
                      meanBaseRate = meanBaseRate * K

CREC-9: Multiply fully weighted and adjusted emission rates by source hour
operating (SHO) activity to generate inventory

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate table from step 8)
                      SHO (from SHO table)
                      yearlD, statelD, county ID, zonelD, linkID from MasterLoop context
                      pollutantID, processID from PollutantProcessAssoc table
                      roadTypelD from Link table

    Output Variable:

                      emissionQuant (in MOVESWorkerOutput table)


                      For all records in join of SHO, WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate,
                      HourDay,  Link, and PollutantProcessAssoc tables where:
                          SHO.linkID = linkID value from MasterLoopContext and
                          WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.linkID = SHO.linkID and
                          SHO.yearlD = WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.yearlD and
                          yearlD - SHO.agelD
                             = WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.modelYearlD and
                          SHO.monthID = WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.monthID and
                          SHO.sourceTypelD = WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.sourceTypelD
                          SHO.hourDaylD = HourDay.hourDaylD and
                          HourDay.hourlD = WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.hourlD and
                          HourDay.daylD = WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.daylD and

                      roadTypelD = Link.roadTypelD
                      SCC = null
                      emissionQuant(stateID, countylD, zonelD, linkID, roadTypelD, yearlD,
                          monthID, daylD, hourlD, pollutantID, processID, sourceTypelD,
                          modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, SCC)
                      = meanBaseRate * SHO

CREC-10:  Conditionally convert results by sourceTypelD to results by SCC

This step is only performed when the run specification requires output by SCC
    Input Variables:
                      SCCVTypeFraction (from SCCVTypeDistribution table)
                      SCCRoadTypeFraction(from SCCRoadTypeDistribution table)
                      SCC from SCC table
                      emissionQuant from MOVESWorkerOutput table from step 9)
                      sourceTypelD, modelYearlD from SourceTypeModelYear
    Output Variable:

                  emissionQuant (in MOVESWorkerOutput table)


    From join of SCCVtypeDistribution, SCC, SourceTypeModelYear, and
       SCCRoadTypeDistribution where:
              zonelD = zonelD from master loop context
              SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModelYearlD =
                  SCCVtypeDistribution. sourceTypeModelYearlD and
              SCC.SCCVtypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.SCCVtypelD and
              MOVESWorkerOutput.sourceTypeID = sourceTypeModelYear.sourceTypelD and
              MOVESWorkerOutput.modelYearlD = sourceTypeModelYear.modelYearlD and
              MOVESWorkerOutput.fuelTypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.fuelTypelD and
              MOVESWorkerOutput.roadTypelD = SCCRoadTypeDistribution.roadTypelD
                  SCC= SCC.SCC
                  emissionQuant = sum of emissionQuant * SCCVtypeFraction *
                      SCCRoadTypeFraction over sourceTypelD and roadTypelD

                  sourceTypelD = null
                  roadTypelD = null
                  linkID = null

10.22. Criteria Pollutant Start EmissionCalculator (CSEC)
10.22.1. General Description
This EmissionCalculator signs up with the MOVES master looping mechanism at the
Year level which, for the start process, means that a single execution need deals with one
Zone and one Year.

The major steps of the calculation are as follows:

Preliminary Steps:

CSEC-1      Calculate emission rates which account for I/M programs
       This step has two sub steps:

       The first substep calculates an intermediate IMAdjustment table from the contents
       of the IMCoverage table for a particular zone and year. It puts the information
       into a usable form. The form of the IMCoverage table, in particular the use of
       model year ranges as non-key fields and the presence of information only where
       I/M programs exist, was constrained by overall table size considerations.  To be
       used in subsequent steps the information needs to be into a more usable form,
       which this substep accomplishes.

       The second sub-step combines information from the EmissionRateByAge table
       and the IMAdjustment table produced in the first substep to  produce an
       intermediate EmissionRatesWithIM table.  The function here is to weight the
       meanBaseRate and meanBaseRatelM fields together using the EVI fractions
       calculated in the previous substep.  (This makes the "blended" rates dependent
       upon yearlD and countylD, but we are executing for a single Year and County)

CSEC-2      Calculate fuel-supply-weighted fuel adjustment factors

       This step has two sub steps:

       The first substep uses the Fuel Adjustment and County tables to produce an
       intermediate CountyFuelAdjustment table specific to the county containing the
       zone being executed. It resolves the GPA and non-GPA fuel adjustment factors
       into a single factor based on the GPAFract value in the County table. It is still at
       the fuelFormulation level.  (This step is repeated unnecessarily for each zone and
       year in the county, but is a minor one.)

       The second substep uses CountyFuelAdjustment and the FuelSupply table to
       produce an intermediate Fuel Supply Adjustment table of fuel adjustment factors at
       the fuelTypelD level.

CSEC-3      Calculate temperature adjustment factors

       This step uses the StartTempAdjustment table along with temperature information
       from the ZoneMonthHour table to produce an intermediate METStartAdjustment
       table. This step is repeated unnecessarily for the zone for each year.

The central core model calculations

CSEC-4      Apply Start Temperature Adjustment to Emission Rates.

       This step adds the start temperature adjustment factors determined CSEC-3 to the
       EmissionRatesWithIM table to produce an intermediate
       EmissionRatesWithlMAndTemp table.
CSEC-5      Weight EmissionRates by Source Bin

       This step applies the source bin distributions to the
       EmissionRatesWithlMAndTemp table from the previous step to produce an

       intermediate METSourceBinEmissionRates table.  FuelType distinctions from
       the source bin classification are preserved but other source bin discriminators
       used in the start process (currently engine technology and regulatory class) are
       aggregated out. The modelYearlD distinction is present in the
       EmissionRatesWithlMAndTemp table and  is preserved, effectively  subsuming the
       role of modelYearGroupID as a source bin  discriminator.

CSEC-6      Weight temperature-adjusted emission rates by operating mode

       This step applies the operating mode distributions to the results of step 5 to
       produce  an intermediate ActivityWeightedEmissionRate table.   This  can be done
       since no further information is operating mode dependent. The
       ActivityWeightedEmissionRate table is at the level of the MOVESWorkerOutput
       by SourceType.

CSEC-7      Apply  fuel adjustment factors

       This step applies the fuel  supply adjustment factors from step 2, stored in the
       Fuel Supply Adjustment table, to the results  of step 6.

CSEC-8      Multiply by start activity

       This step multiplies the result of step 7 by the activity from the Starts table.

CSEC-9      Convert results by source type into results by SCC

       This step is performed only when the run specification requests output by SCC
       code and has two sub steps.

       The first substep produces an SCCDistribution table from the
       SCCSourceTypeDistribution and SCCRoadTypeDistribution tables. This is

       simplified by the fact that start emissions are associated only with the off network

       roadtype, so that only  12 of the 144 SCC codes are involved.

       The second substep applies the SCCDistribution table to the results of step 9 to

       convert the output from being by sourceTypelD to being by SCC.

Implicit in these calculations is that the additional fields of statelD, countylD, and

roadTypelD are added to the product table as needed by the MOVESOutput table format.

The roadTypelD for start emissions is always 1.

10.22.2. Detailed Calculation Steps

CSEC-1: Calculate emission rates which account for I/M programs

CSEC 1-a: Complete I/M adjustment fraction information
    Input Variables:

                     begModelYearlD, endModelYearlD, IMAdjustFract (IMCoverage table)
                     countylD, zonelD, yearlD (from Master Loop Context).
                     agelD (AgeCategory table)
                     regClassID (RegulatoryClass table)
    Output Variable:

                     IMAdjustFract (in intermediate IMAdjustment table)

                     For zonelD, yearlD in Master Loop Context,
                     for start process (which is also the Master Loop Context process)
                                 of all pollutants in runSpec which this calculator calculates
                     for all agelD in AgeCategory table,
                     for all fuelTypelD in IMCoverage,
                     for all regClassID values in RegulatoryClass except regClassID=0

                     modelYearlD = yearlD-agelD
                     IMAdjustFract (zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD,
                         regClassID) =
                     = IMAdjustFract if IMCoverage record exists
                                with begModelYearlD <= modelYearlD <= endModelYearlD
                     = 0.0 otherwise

CSEC 1-b: Combine I/M and non I/M rates
    CSEC 1-b-l

    Input Variables:

                     agelD (AgeCategory table)
                     polProcessID (from SourceBin table)

                  modelYearGroupID (from tables of PollutantProcessModelYear and
                  fuelTypelD & regClassID (from IMAdjustment in step 1-a and SourceBin table)
                  modelYearlD (from IMAdjustment in step 1-a and PollutantProcessModelYear
Output Variable:
                  zonelD, yearlD, ageGroupID, polProcessID, modelYearlD,
                  sourceBinID, IMAdjustFract (in intermediate table
                  INSERT INTO IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin
                  SELECT zonelD, yearlD, ageGroupID, ima.polProcessID, ima.modelYearlD,
                  sourceBinID, IMAdjustFract
                  FROM IMAdjustment ima
                  INNER JOIN AgeCategory ac ON (ac.agelD = yearlD-ima.modelYearlD)
                  INNER JOIN PollutantProcessModelYear ppmy ON (
                  ppmy.polProcessID=ima.polProcessID AND
                  INNER JOIN SourceBin sb ON (
                  sb.fuelTypelD = ima.fuelTypelD AND
                  sb.regClassID = ima.regClassID AND
                  sb. modelYearGroupID = ppmy.modelYearGroupID);

CSEC  l-b-2
Input Variables:
                  meanBaseRate and meanBaseRatelM (EmissionRate By Age table)
                  sourceBinID, polProcessID and ageGroupID (from tables of
                      EmissionRateByAge and step 1-b-l IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin)
                  modelYearGroupID (from PollutantProcessModelYear table)
                  IMAdjustFract (from step 1-b-l IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin table)
Output Variable:
                  meanBaseRate (in intermediate table EmissionRateWithIM)
                  For all records in join of IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin Table to
                      EmissionRateByAge table WHERE
               IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin.ageGroupID = EmissionRateByAge. AgeGroupID
               IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin.polProcessID = EmissionRateByAge.polProcessID
               IMAdjustmentWithSourceBin.sourceBinID= EmissionRateByAge. sourceBinID
                  meanBaseRate (zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD,

                      sourceBinID, opModelD) = GREATEST(meanBaseRateIM*IMAdjustFract +

                      Note that IMAdjustFract might be greater than 1.0.

CSEC-2: Calculate fuel-supply-weighted Fuel Adjustment Factors

CSEC 2-a: Combine GPA and non GPA fuel adjustment factors

    Input Variables:

                      fuelAdjustment and fuelAdjustmentGPA (from FuelAdjustment table)
                      GPAFract (from County table)
                      county ID (from MasterLoop Context)
    Output Variable:

                      fuelAdjustment (in intermediate CountyFuelAdjustment table)

                      For county ID from Master Loop Context,
                      For all records in FuelAdjustment
                      for start process (which is also the Master Loop Context process)
                                  of all pollutants in runSpec which this calculator calculates

                      fuelAdjustment (countyID, polProcessID, fuelMYGroupID, sourceTypelD,
                      = fuelAdjustment + GPAFract*(fuelAdjustmentGPA-fuelAdjustment)

       NOTE: An internal MOVES model component, the DefaultDataMaker, has set  fuelAdjustment=l
       for cases which are not populated in fuelAdjustment.

CSEC 2-b: Aggregate county fuel adjustments to fuel type
    Input Variables:

                      fuelAdjustment (from CountyFuelAdjustment table from step 2-a)
                      marketShare (from FuelSupply table)
                      fuelSubTypelD (from FuelFormulation table)
                      fuelTypelD (from FuelSubtype table)
                      monthID (from MonthOfAny Year table)
                      yearlD (from MasterLoopContext)
                      fuelYearlD (from Year table)
                      modelYearlD (from PollutantProcessModelYear table)
    Output Variable:

                      fuelAdjustment (in intermediate FuelSupply Adjustment table)

                      For all records in join of CountyFuelAdjustment and FuelSupply where
                   CountyFuelAdjustment.countyID=FuelSupply.countyID and
                   Year.yearlD = yearlD from MasterLoopContext and
                   Year.fuelYearlD = FuelSupply .yearlD and
                   FuelSupply.monthGroupID = MonthOfAnyYear.monthGroupID and
                   CountyFuelAdjustment.monthGroupID=FuelSupply.monthGroupID and
                   CountyFuelAdjustment.fuelFormulationID=FuelFormulation.fuelFormulationID and
                   FuelFormulation.fuelSubtypeID=FuelSubType.fuelSubtypeID and

                              CountyFuelAdjustment.polProcessID and

                      fuelAdjustment (countylD, yearlD, montMD, polProcessID, modelYearlD,
                                  sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD)

                      = sum (fuelAdjustment * marketShare) over all fuel formulations in each fuel

CSEC-3: Calculate temperature adjustment factors

    Input Variables:

                      tempAdjustTermA, tempAdjustTermB (from StartTempAdjustment table)
                      temperature (from ZoneMonthHour table)
                      zonelD (from MasterLoop context)
                      modelYearlD (from PollutantProcessModelYear table)
    Output Variable:

                      temperatureAdjustment (in intermediate METStartAdjustment table)

                      For zonelD in Master Loop Context,
                      For start process (which is also the Master Loop Context process)
                                  of all pollutants in runSpec which this calculator calculates
                      For all records in join of ZoneMonthHour,  StartTemperature Adjustment and
                      PollutantProcessModelYear where:
                  PollutantProcessModelYear.polProcessID =
                      StartTempAdjustment.polProcessID and

                      temperatureAdjustment(zoneID, monthID, hourlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD,
                          fuelTypelD, opModelD)
                      = tempAdjustTermA *  (temperature-75) + tempAdjustTermB (temperature-75)2
                      + tempAdjustTermC *  (temperature-75)3

CSEC-4: Apply temperature adjustment factors

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from EmissionRateWithIM table from step 1-b)
                      temperatureAdjustment (from METStartAdjustment table from step 3)
    Output Variable:

                      meanBaseRate (in a new intermediate EmissionRateWithlMAndTemp table)

                      For all records in join of METStartAdjustment and EmissionRateWithIM,
                      (Using SourceBin table to relate METSTartAdjustmentfuelTypelD to

                      EmissionRateWithlMAndTemp.meanBaseRate (zonelD, monthID, hourlD,
                          yearlD, polProcessID, modelYearlD, sourceBinID, opModelD) =
                          EmissonRateWithlM.meanBaseRate + temperatureAdjustment

CSEC-5: Weight emission rates by source bin

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from EmissionRateWithlMAndTemp table from step 4)
                      sourceBinActivityFraction (from SourceBinDistribution table)

    Output Variable:

                      meanBaseRate (in an intermediate METSourceBinEmissionRate table)


                      For all records in join of EmissionRateWithlMAndTemp, SourceBin,
                          SourceBinDistribution, and
                      SourceTypeModelYear where:
                  SourceBinDistribution.sourceBinID = SourceBin.sourceBinID and
                                 SourceBinDistribution. sourceTypeModelYearlD
                                     = SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModelYearlD
                                 SourceBinDistribution.polProcessID and
                                 SourceBinDistribution. sourceBinID and
                  SourceTypeModelYear. modelYearlD =

                          Note: This calculation can take advantage of the fact that there is only one
                  modelYearGroupID present for a modelYearlD.

                      meanBaseRate(zoneID, monthID, hourlD, yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD,
                          modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, opModelD)
                      = sum over engTechID and regClassID (sourceBinActivityFraction *

CSEC-6: Weight temperature-adjusted emission rates by operating mode

    Input Variables:

                      meanBaseRate (from METSourceBinEmissionRate table from step 5)
                      opModeFraction (from OperatingModeDistribution table)
                      linkID (from MasterLoopContext)
                                  (Note: calculations only performed for off-network links)

    Output Variable:

                      meanBaseRate (in an intermediate Activity WeightedEmissionRate table)
                      For linkID from MasterLoop context.
                      For all records in join of METSourceBinEmissionRate, HourDay, and
                          OperatingModeDistribution where:
                      OpModeDistribution.hourDayID = HourDay.hourDaylD and
                      HourDay.hourID=METSourceBinEmissionRate.hourID and
                      OpModeDistribution. polProcessID =
                          METSourceBinEmissionRate.polProcessID and
                      OpModeDistribution. sourceTypelD =
                          METSourceBinEmissionRate. sourceTypelD and

                       OpModeDistribution.opModelD = METSourceBinEmissionRate.opModelD

                       meanBaseRate(zoneID, yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, polProcessID,
                          sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD)
                       = sum over opModelD (meanBaseRate * opModeFraction)

CSEC-7: Apply fuel adjustment factor

    Input Variables:

                       meanBaseRate (from Activity WeightedEmissionRate table from step 6)
                       fuelAdjustment (from FuelSupplyAdjustment table from step 2)

    Output Variable:

                       meanBaseRate (in intermediate Activity WeightedEmissionRate table)


                       For all records in join of Activity WeightedEmissionRate and
                          FuelSupply Adjustment using: yearlD, monthID, polProcessID,
                          sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, and fuelTypelD

                       meanBaseRate(zoneID, yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, polProcessID,
                          sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD)
                       = meanBaseRate * fuelAdjustment

CSEC-8: Multiply emission rates by start activity to generate inventory

    Input Variables:

                       meanBaseRate (from Activity WeightedEmissionRate table from step 7)
                       starts (from Starts table)
                       yearlD, statelD, county ID, zonelD, linkID from MasterLoop context
                       pollutantID, processID from PollutantProcessAssoc table
    Output Variable:

                       emissionQuant (in MOVESWorkerOutput table)

                       For all records in join of Starts, Activity WeightedEmissionRate, HourDay, and
                          PollutantProcessAssoc tables where:
                          Starts.zonelD  = zonelD value from MasterLoopContext
                          Starts.yearlD = yearlD value from MasterLoopContext
                          yearlD - Starts.agelD
                               = ActivityWeightedEmissionRate.modelYearlD and
                          Starts.monthID = ActivityWeightedEmissionRate.monthID and
                          Starts.sourceTypelD = Activity WeightedEmissionRate. sourceTypelD and
                          Starts.hourDaylD = HourDay.hourDaylD and
                          HourDay.hourlD = ActivityWeightedEmissionRate.hourlD and
                          HourDay.daylD = ActivityWeightedemissionRate.daylD and
                          Activity WeightedEmissionRate.polProcessID

                       roadTypelD = 1
                       SCC = null

                     emissionQuant(stateID, countylD, zonelD, linkID, roadTypelD, yearlD,
                         monthID, daylD, hourlD, pollutantID, processID, sourceTypelD,
                         modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, SCC)
                     = meanBaseRate * starts

CSEC-9: Conditionally convert results by sourceTypelD to results by SCC

This step is only performed when the run specification requires output by SCC

CSEC 9-a: Calculate combined SCC Distribution (by both SCCVtype and SCCRoadtype)
    Input Variables:

                     SCCVtypeFraction (from SCCVtypeDistribution table)
                     SCC from SCC table
    Output Variable:

                     SCCFraction (in intermediate SCCDistribution table)

                     From join of SCCVtypeDistribution, SCC, and SourceTypeModelYear where:
                  SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModelYearlD =
                     SCCVtypeDistribution. sourceTypeModelYearlD and
                  SCC.SCCVtypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.SCCVtypelD and

                     SCCFraction(zoneID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, SCC) =

CSEC 9-b: Apply SCCDistribution
    Input Variables:

                     emissionQuant (from MOVESWorkerOutput table from step 8)
                     SCCFraction (from SCCDistribution from step 9-a)
    Output Variable:

                     emissionQuant (in MOVESWorkerOutput table)

                     from join of MOVES WorkerOutput and SCCDistribution using:
                         sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD
                     emissionQuant(stateID, countylD, zonelD, linkID, roadTypelD, yearlD,
                         monthID, daylD, hourlD, pollutantID, processID, sourceTypelD,
                         modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, SCC)
                     = sum over sourceTypelD (emissionQuant* SCCFraction)

10.23. Basic Running PM EmissionCalculator
10.23.1. General Description
This calculator computes the emissions of OCarbon and ECarbon PM2.5 from the
running exhaust process (polProcessIDs 11101 and 11201).   It signs up with the
MOVES master looping mechanism at the YEAR level. It retrieves its emission rates
from EmissionRateByAge, and only considers the meanBaseRate, ignoring
meanBaseRatelM.  The only calculation it performs, beyond the core model
considerations of retrieving total activity from SHO, applying source bin distributions
and operating mode distributions, is to apply a multiplicative  temperature adjustment
factor retrieved from the Temperature Adjustment table.

10.23.2. Detailed Calculation Steps

Step BRPMC-1: Weight Emission Rates by Operating Mode
Structurally this combines the OpModeDistribution and EmissionRateByAge tables.
Relative to EmissionRateByAge this step removes opModelD but adds hourDaylD and
sourceTypelD. If the calculator executed above the LINK level, linkID would also have
to be added.
Input Variables:
       polProcessID, linkID from Master Loop Context
       EmissionRateByAge table from MOVESExecution database
       OpModeDistribution table from MOVESExecution database
Output Variables:
       Intermediate OpModeWeightedEmissionRate table
            Key fields: hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, sourceBinID, ageGroupID
            Data field:  opModeWeightedMeanBaseRate
       For polProcessID, linkID from Master Loop Context
       For all hourDaylD,  sourceTypelD in Run Specification
       opModeWeightedMeanBaseRate = SUM(opModeFraction * meanBaseRate)
Step BRPMC-2: Weight Emission Rates by Source Bin

This combines the results of the previous step with the SourceBinDistribution Table. In
terms of table structure relative to the results of the previous step, this removes the
engTechID and regClassID components of sourceBinID and fully expands ageGroupID
and the modelYearGroupID component of sourceBinID into individual modelYearlDs.
Because SourceBinDistributions are by individual model year, and the results of the
previous step are by ageGroupID, yearlD is added.

Input Variables:
      OpModeWeightedEmissionRate table from previous step
      SourceBinDistribution table from MOVESExecution database
      SourceTypeModelYear table from MOVESExecution database
      PollutantProcessModelYear table from MOVESExecution database
      SourceBin table from MOVESExecution database
      AgeCategory table from MOVESExecution database
      yearlD value from the master loop context

Output Variables:

      Intermediate FullyWeightedEmissionRate table

             Key fields: yearlD, hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD, model YearlD
             Data field:  fullyWeightedMeanBaseRate


      For yearlD in the master loop context

      modelYearlD = yearlD - agelD

      fullyWeightedMeanBaseRate =
             SUM(sourceBinActivityFraction * opModeWeightedMeanBaseRate)
Step BRPMC-3: Multiply Emission Rates by Activity

This combines the results of the previous step with the SHO table. In terms of table
structure relative to the results of the previous step, this adds monthlD.

Input Variables:
      FullyWeightedEmissionRate table from previous step
      SHO table from MOVESExecution database
      monthlD values from the run specification

Output  Variables:

      Intermediate UnadjustedEmissionResults table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,

             Data field: unadjustedEmissionQuant

      modelYearlD = calendar year - agelD
      For all monthID values in the run specification
             unadjustedEmissionQuant = fullyWeightedMeanBaseRate * SHO

Step BRPMC-4: Apply Fuel Adjustment by weighing emission rates by fuel
Step BRPMC-4-a: Combine GPA and non GPA fuel adjustment factors

Input Variables:

      countylD from the MasterLoopContext
      Fuel Adjustment table from MOVESExecution database

Output Variables:

      Intermediate CountyFuelAdjustment table

             Key fields: countylD, polProcessID, fuelMYGroupID, sourceTypelD,
             fuelF ormul ati onID

             Data field: fuel Adjustment


      For the countylD in the Master Loop Context

      New fuel Adjustment = fuel Adjustment+GPAF ract* (fuel AdjustmentGP A-
      fuel Adjustment)

Step BRPMC-4-b: Aggregate county fuel adjustments to fuel type

Input Variables:

      countylD and yearlD from the MasterLoopContext
      fuelF ormul ati onID & marketShare from Fuel Supply table from from
      MOVESExecution database
      fuelTypelD from Fuel Sub Type table from MOVESExecution database

       monthID from MonthOfAnyYear table from MOVESExecution database
       CountyFuelAdjustment table in previous step
       modelYearlD from PollutantProcessModelYear table from from
       MOVESExecution database
Output Variables:

       Intermediate Fuel Supply WithFuelType table

              Key fields: countylD, yearlD, monthID, fuelFormulationID, fuelTypelD
              Data field: marketShare

              Execution Code :
                 INSERT INTO FuelSupplyWithFuelType
                 SELECT countylD, yearlD, may .monthID, fs. fuelFormulationID, fst.fuelTypelD,
                 INNER JOIN FuelFormulation ff ON ff.fuelFormulationID = fs. fuelFormulationID
                 INNER JOIN FuelSubType fst ON fst.fuelSubTypelD = fffuelSubTypelD
                 INNER JOIN MonthOfAny Year may ON fs.monthGroupID = may.monthGroupID
                 INNER JOIN Year y ON y. fuel YearlD = fs.fuelYearlD
                 WHERE y.yearlD = ##context.year##;

       Intermediate Fuel Supply Adjustment table

              Key fields: countylD, yearlD, monthID, polProcessID, model YearlD,
              sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD

              Data field: fuel Adjustment


       For the countylD (in the Master Loop Context), yearlD (in the Master Loop
Context), monthID, polProcessID, modelYearlD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD

       New fuel Adjustment = SUM(fuelAdjustment*marketShare)

Step BRPMC-4-c: Apply fuel adjustment to weighted emission rates

Input Variables:

       UnadjustedEmissionResuits table from previous step
       Fuel Supply Adjustment table from from previous step

Output Variables:

       Intermediate FuelAdjustedEmissionRate table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
             modelYearlD, polProcessID

             Data field: unadjustedEmissionQuant


      For the yearlD (in the Master Loop Context), monthID, hourDaylD,
sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD, modelYearlD, polProcessID

      New unadjustedEmissionQuant = unadjustedEmissionQuant * fuel Adjustment

Step BRPMC-5: Apply Temperature Adjustment

This applies the temperature adjustment to the results of the previous step.  The table
resulting from this step could have the same structure as that produced by the previous
step, but it seems desirable to decompose hourDaylD into hourlD and daylD since this is
needed to join to the ZoneMonthHour table and is the form eventually needed for

Input Variables:

      zonelD and polProcessID from the MasterLoopContext
      UnadjustedEmissionResuits table from previous step
      ZoneMonthHour table from MOVESExecution database
      Temperature Adjustment table from MOVESExecution database
      HourDay table from MOVESExecution database

Output Variables:

      Intermediate AdjustedEmissionResults table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,

             Data field: emissionQuant


      For the polProcessID and zonelD in the Master Loop Context

      emissionQuant = unadjustedEmissionQuant * exp(tempAdjustTermA * (72-

Step BRPMC-6: Convert Results to Structure of MOVESWorkerOutput by

Structurally we need to add statelD, countylD, zonelD, linkID, roadTypelD, SCC (as null
value) and decompose polProcessID into pollutantID and processID.

Input Variables:

       statelD, linkID from MasterLoop Context
       Link table from MOVESExecution
       PollutantProcessAssoc table from MOVESExecution
       AdjustedEmissionResults table from previous step

Output Variables:

       MOVESWorkerOutput Table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, statelD, countylD, zonelD,
             linkID, pollutantID, processID,,sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
             modelYearlD, roadTypelD, SCC

             Data field: emissionQuant


       MO VESWorkerOutput.emissionQuant=AdjustedEmissionResults.emissionQuant
       countylD = Link, county ID
       zonelD = Link.zonelD
       roadTypelD = Link.roadTypelD
       pollutantID = PollutantProcessAssoc.pollutantID
       processID = PollutantProcessAssoc.processID
       SCC = null

Step BRPMC-7: Conditionally Convert Results to Structure of
MOVESWorkerOutput by SCC

This step is only performed when the run specification requires output by SCC. It is
performed in several other emission calculators, e.g. step  10 of the CREC, and is repeated

   Input Variables:
             SCCVTypeFraction (from SCCVTypeDistribution table)
             SCCRoadTypeFraction(from SCCRoadTypeDistribution table)
             SCC from SCC table
             emissionQuant from MOVESWorkerOutput table from previous step
             sourceTypelD, modelYearlD from SourceTypeModelYear

Output Variable:
         emissionQuant (in restructured MOVESWorkerOutput table)

         From join of SCCVtypeDistribution, SCC, SourceTypeModelYear, and
            SCCRoadTypeDistribution where:
            zonelD = zonelD from master loop context
      SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModel YearlD =
         SCCVtypeDistribution. sourceTypeModel YearlD and
      SCC.SCCVtypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution. SCCVtypelD and
      SCC. SCCroadTypeID=SCCRoadTypeDistribution.roadTypeID and
      MOVESWorkerOutput.sourceTypelD =
         SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypelD and
      MOVESWorkerOutput.modelYearlD = sourceTypeModel Year, model YearlD
      MOVESWorkerOutput.fuelTypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.fuelTypelD and
      MOVESWorkerOutput.roadTypelD =
         SCC= SCC. SCC
         emissionQuant = sum of emissionQuant * SCCVtypeFraction *
            SCCRoadTypeFraction over sourceTypelD and roadTypelD

         sourceTypelD = null
         roadTypelD = null
         linkID = null

10.24. Sulfate PM EmissionCalculator (SEC)
10.24.1. General Description
       This calculator will gives the model the capability to compute sulfate PM 2.5
emissions.  The basic design of the calculator is to compute  sulfate emissions as the
product of a sulfate emission factor and total energy consumption of the corresponding
MOVES emission process.  The MOVES SulfatePMEmissionsCalculator is 'chained to'
the Total Energy Consumption Calculator.

       The pollutant-processes for which emission calculations  are performed by  this
calculator are:
       SulfatePM2.5 - running exhaust polProcessID = 11501
       SulfatePM2.5 - start exhaust polProcessID = 11502
       SulfatePM2.5 - extended idle exhaust polProcessID = 11590

Inputs to the calculator are:

   •   MOVESWorkerOutput.emissionQuant for total energy consumption of the
       corresponding emissions process (running exhaust, start exhaust, or extended idle
   •   FuelFormulation.sulfurLevel.  (Market-weighted average per
   •   FuelType.energyContent
   •   SulfateEmissionRate.meanBaseRate.

       The meanBaseRate sulfate emission factors for gasoline vehicles are unitless  and
scaled to yield grams of SO4 particulate when multiplied by the product of the grams of
gasoline fuel consumed * ppm sulfur of the fuel.

Because the calculations are based on the emission results for total energy consumption
this calculator is 'chained' to the TotalEnergyConsumptionCalculator which executes  at
the YEAR level. Like all emission calculators its output is

10.24.2 Detailed Calculation Steps
The calculation will be performed in two basic steps:

Step SEC-1
The first step calculates the marketshare-weighted-average sulfur level of the fuel supply
at the place (county) and times (year-months) for which the master loop is executing.

Step SEC-2
The second step completes the calculation, the basic equation for which is simply:

emissionQuant(SulfatePM)    =    SulfateEmissionRate.meanBaseRate * averageSulfurLevel
                                 (from first step) * emissionQuant(EnergyConsumption) /
                                        Fuel Type.energyContent

A sample of this calculation, showing the engineering units involved, is:

(1.4807e-08gSO4/gfuel-ppmS)* (30 ppm gasoline S) *  lOOOKJ/hr  / 10 KJ/ gram fuel
= 4.442e-05 g/SO4 / hr

10.24.3 PM 10 Emission Calculator     General Description
      This calculator will  gives the model the capability to compute  PM 10 sulfate,
elemental carbon, and organic carbon emissions.  The basic design of the calculator is to
compute  PM 10 emissions as  the product of  a  PM 2.5/sourcetype/fueltype-specific
emission factor and the  amount of PM  2.5 of the corresponding MOVES  emission
process.  The MOVES PMlOEmissionCalculator is 'chained to' any PM 2.5 calculator.

      The pollutant-processes for which emission calculations  are performed by this
calculator are:
      SulfatePMlO - running exhaust polProcessID = 10501
      SulfatePMlO-start exhaust polProcessID =  10502
      SulfatePMlO - extended idle exhaust polProcessID = 10590

       Organic Carbon PM10 - running exhaust polProcessID = 10101
       Organic Carbon PM10 - start exhaust polProcessID = 10102
       Organic Carbon PM10 - extended idle exhaust polProcessID = 10190
       Organic Carbon PM10 - crankcase running exhaust polProcessID = 10115
       Organic Carbon PM10 - crankcase start exhaust polProcessID =  10116
       Organic Carbon PM10 - crankcase extended idle exhaust polProcessID = 10117

       Elemental Carbon PM10 - running exhaust polProcessID = 10201
       Elemental Carbon PM10 - start exhaust polProcessID = 10202
       Elemental Carbon PM10 - extended idle exhaust polProcessID = 10290
       Elemental Carbon PM10 - crankcase running exhaust polProcessID = 10215
       Elemental Carbon PM10 - crankcase start exhaust polProcessID = 10216
       Elemental  Carbon  PM10 - crankcase  extended idle exhaust polProcessID =

Inputs to the calculator are:

    •   MOVESWorkerOutput.emissionQuant for PM 2.5 of the corresponding emissions
       process (running exhaust, start exhaust, extended idle exhaust, or other).
    •   PMlOEmissionRatio - a unitless factor for the amount of PM 10  created per unit
       of PM 2.5. This factor varies by the output pollutant, the source type, and the fuel

Like all emission calculators its output is MOVESWorkerOutput.emissionQuant.     Detailed Calculation Step

The calculation will be performed in one basic step:
emissionQuant(PM 10) = emissionQuant(PM 2.5) * PM10EmissionRatio(PM 10
pollutant and process, source type, fuel type)

Note that the emissionQuant values vary by all dimensions of the MOVESWorkerOutput
table, including process, source type, and fuel type.

10.25. Basic Start PM EmissionCalculator
10.25.1. General Description
This calculator computes the emissions of OCarbon and ECarbon PM2.5 from the start
exhaust process (polProcessIDs 11102 and 11202).  It signs up with the MOVES master
looping mechanism at the YEAR level.  It retrieves its emission rates from
EmissionRateByAge table, and only considers the meanBaseRate, ignoring
meanBaseRatelM. The only calculation it performs, beyond the core model
considerations of retrieving total activity from Starts, applying source bin distributions
and operating mode distributions, is to apply a multiplicative temperature adjustment
factor retrieved from the StartTempAdjustment table.  This allows the temperature
adjustment to vary by operating mode and model year  group, which is needed in order to
apply  the effects of the Mobile Source Air Toxics (MS AT) rule effects on engine start
10.25.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
This calculator is very similar to the Basic Running PM Emission Calculator. However,
the operating mode is carried forward until the temperature adjustments (which depend
on operating mode) can be applied.

Step BSPMC-1: Weight Emission Rates by Operating Mode

Structurally this combines the OpModeDistribution and EmissionRateByAge tables.
Relative to EmissionRateByAge adds hourDaylD and sourceTypelD. If the calculator
executed above the LINK level, linkID would also have to be added.  The meanBaseRate
is adjusted by the opModeFraction, but the operating modes are not yet summed, since
the temperature adjustment (in BSPMC-4) has not yet been applied.

Input Variables:
       polProcessID, linkID from Master Loop Context
       EmissionRateByAge table from MOVESExecution database
       OpModeDistribution table from MOVESExecution database

Output Variables:

       Intermediate OpModeWeightedEmissionRate table

             Key fields: hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, sourceBinID, ageGroupID,
             Data field: opModeWeightedMeanBaseRate

       For polProcessID, linkID from Master Loop Context
       For all hourDaylD, sourceTypelD in Run Specification

       opModeWeightedMeanBaseRate = (opModeFraction * meanBaseRate)

Step BSPMC-2: Weight Emission Rates by Source Bin

This combines the results of the previous step with the SourceBinDistribution Table.  In
terms of table structure relative to the results of the previous step, this removes the
engTechID and regClassID components of sourceBinID and fully expands ageGroupID
and the modelYearGroupID component of sourceBinID into individual modelYearlDs.
Because SourceBinDistributions are by individual model year, and the results of the
previous step are by ageGroupID, yearlD is added.

Input Variables:
       OpModeWeightedEmissionRate table from previous step
       SourceBinDistribution table from MOVESExecution database
       SourceTypeModelYear table from MOVESExecution  database
       PollutantProcessModelYear table from MOVESExecution database
       SourceBin table from MOVESExecution database
       AgeCategory table from MOVESExecution database
       yearlD value from the master loop context

Output Variables:

       Intermediate FullyWeightedEmissionRate table

             Key fields: yearlD, hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
             modelYearlD, opModelD

             Data field: fullyWeightedMeanBaseRate


       For yearlD in the master loop  context

       modelYearlD = yearlD - agelD

       fullyWeightedMeanBaseRate =
             SUM(sourceBinActivityFraction *  opModeWeightedMeanBaseRate)

Step BSPMC-3: Multiply Emission  Rates by Activity

This combines the results of the previous step with the SHO table. In terms of table
structure relative to the results of the previous step, this adds monthlD.

Input Variables:

      FullyWeightedEmissionRate table from previous step
      SHO table from MOVESExecution database
      monthID values from the run specification

Output Variables:

      Intermediate UnadjustedEmissionResults table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, hourDaylD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
             modelYearlD, opModelD

             Data field: unadjustedEmissionQuant

      modelYearlD = calendar year - agelD
      For all monthID values in the run specification
             unadjustedEmissionQuant = fullyWeightedMeanBaseRate * SHO

Step BSPMC-4: Apply Temperature Adjustment

This applies the temperature adjustment to the results of the previous step. The table
resulting from this step could have the same structure as that produced by the previous
step, but it seems desirable to decompose hourDaylD into hourlD and daylD since this is
needed to join to the ZoneMonthHour table and is the form eventually needed for
MOVEWorkerOutput.  The unadjustedEmissionQuant values are summed across
operating modes, since this key is no longer needed after the temperature adjustments
have been applied.

Input Variables:

      zonelD and polProcessID from the MasterLoopContext
      UnadjustedEmissionResults table from previous step
      ZoneMonthHour table from MOVESExecution database
      StartTempAdjustment table from MOVESExecution database
      HourDay table from MOVESExecution database

Output Variables:

      Intermediate AdjustedEmissionResults table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,

             Data field: emissionQuant


      For the polProcessID and zonelD in the Master Loop Context

      emissionQuant = sum(unadjustedEmissionQuant *
      tempAdustTermB*exp(tempAdjustTermA * (72-least(temperature,72))) +

Step BSPMC-5: Convert Results to Structure of MOVESWorkerOutput by

Structurally we need to add statelD, countylD, zonelD, linkID, roadTypelD, SCC (as null
value) and decompose polProcessID into pollutantID and processID.

Input Variables:

      statelD, linkID from MasterLoop Context
      Link table from MOVESExecution
      PollutantProcessAssoc table from MOVESExecution
      AdjustedEmissionResults table from previous step

Output Variables:

      MOVESWorkerOutput Table

             Key fields: yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, statelD, countylD, zonelD,
             linkID, pollutantID, processID,,sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
             modelYearlD, roadTypelD, SCC

             Data field: emissionQuant


      MO VESWorkerOutput.emissionQuant=AdjustedEmissionResults.emissionQuant
      countylD = Link, county ID
      zonelD = Link.zonelD
      roadTypelD = Link.roadTypelD
      pollutantID = PollutantProcessAssoc.pollutantID
      processID = PollutantProcessAssoc.processID
      SCC = null

Step BSPMC-6: Conditionally Convert Results to Structure of
MOVESWorkerOutput by SCC

This step is only performed when the run specification requires output by SCC. It is
performed in several other emission calculators, e.g. step 10 of the CREC, and is repeated

   Input Variables:
             SCCVTypeFraction (from SCCVTypeDistribution table)
             SCCRoadTypeFraction(from SCCRoadTypeDistribution table)
             SCC from SCC table
             emissionQuant from MOVESWorkerOutput table from previous step
             sourceTypelD, modelYearlD from SourceTypeModelYear

   Output Variable:
             emissionQuant (in restructured MOVESWorkerOutput table)

             From join of SCCVtypeDistribution, SCC, SourceTypeModelYear, and
                SCCRoadTypeDistribution where:
                zonelD = zonelD from master loop context
         SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModel YearlD =
             SCCVtypeDistribution. sourceTypeModel YearlD and
         SCC.SCCVtypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution. SCCVtypelD and
         SCC. SCCroadTypeID=SCCRoadTypeDistribution.roadTypeID and
         MOVESWorkerOutput. sourceTypelD =
             SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypelD and
         MOVESWorkerOutput.modelYearlD = sourceTypeModel Year, model YearlD
         MOVESWorkerOutput.fuelTypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.fuelTypelD and
         MOVESWorkerOutput.roadTypelD =
             SCC= SCC. SCC
             emissionQuant = sum of emissionQuant * SCCVtypeFraction *
                SCCRoadTypeFraction over sourceTypelD and roadTypelD

             sourceTypelD = null
             roadTypelD = null
             linkID = null

10.26. Basic Brake and Tire Wear Emission Calculators
10.26.1. General Description
These two almost identical calculators compute the tirewear and brakewear process
emissions of OCarbon and ECarbon PM2.5 (polProcessIDs 11609 and 11710). They
sign up with the MOVES master looping mechanism at the YEAR level.  They retrieve
their emission rates from EmissionRate, and only consider the meanBaseRate, ignoring
meanBaseRatelM.  The only operations they perform are the core model calculations of
retrieving total activity from SHO, applying source bin distributions and (possibly)
operating mode distributions. The brake wear calculation does apply an operating mode
distribution; the tire wear calculation does not.

10.26.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
Because this calculator is very much like Basic Running PM Emission Calculator, and is
actually a bit simpler because its emission rates do not vary by age and it does not apply
at temperature adjustment the details of that calculation are not repeated here.

10.27. CriteriaAndPMExtendedldleEmissionCalculator

10.27.1. General Description
       This component calculates the the extended idle process emissions of 5 criteria
and PM pollutants, specifically those of:
       Total Hydrocarbons (polProcessID = 190)
       Carbon Monoxide  (polProcessID = 290)
       Oxides of Nitrogen (polProcessID = 390)
       OCarbon PM Size 2.5 (polProcessID = 11190)
       ECarbon PM Size 2.5 (polProcessID = 11290)
       It signs up with the MOVES master looping mechanism at theYEAR level.
       Extended idle emissions are associated with the single link in each zone
representing off highway network locations.
       This calculator retrieves its emission rates from EmissionRate, and only considers
the meanBaseRate field, ignoring meanBaseRateEVI.  It applies a multiplicative
temperature adjustment factor retrieved from the TemperatureAdjustment table, an
ACAdjustment factor as done in several other EmissionCalculators, and a humidity
correction factor to NOx emissions as done by the CriteriaRunningEmissionCalculator.
It does not apply an operating mode distribution.
10.27.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
Step CEIC-1: Calculate Temperature and NOx Humidity Adjustments
Input Variables:

       tempAdjustTermA and tempAdjustTermB
             from the TemperatureAdjustment Table
       temperature and specificHumidity from the ZoneMonthHour Table
       humidityCorrectionCoeff from the Fuel Type Table
Output Variables:
       An intermediate METAdjustment table:
       Key fields: zonelD, monthID, hourlD, polProcessID, fuelTypelD
       Data fields:  temperature Adjustment, K (the NOx correction factor)

      temperature Adjustment = 1.0 + (tempAdjustTermA * (temperature-75.0)) +
      (tempAdjustTermB * (temperature-75) * (temperature-75))

      K= 1.0 - ((boundedSpecificHumidity - 75.0) * humidityCorrectionCoeff)
      boundedSpecificHumidity = GREATEST(21.0,LEAST(specificHumidity,124.0))
Step CEIC-2: Calculate AC Adjustment Factor

This step has 3 substeps:

Step CEIC-2a: Calculate AC On Fraction

Input Variables:

      heatlndex from ZoneMonthHour table
      ACActivityTermA, B, and C from the MonthGroupHour Table
      MonthOfAnyYear table used to associate month groups and months

Output Variables:

      An intermediate ACOnFraction table:

      Key Fields: zonelD, monthID, hourlD
      Date Field: ACOnFraction


      ACOnFraction = ACActivityTermA + ACActivityTermB * heatlndex
      ACActivityTermC * heatlndex * heatlndex

      If ACOnFraction < 0.0 Then ACOnFraction = 0.0
      If ACOnFraction > 1.0 Then ACOnFraction = 1.0

Step CEIC-2b: Calculate AC Activity Fraction

Input Variables:

      ACOnFraction from previous sub-step
      ACPenetrationFraction from SourceTypeModelYearTable
      functioningACFraction from SourceTypeAge Table

Output Variables:

       An intermediate ACActivityFraction table:

       Key Fields: zonelD, monthID, hourlD, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD
       Date Field:  ACActivityFraction


       agelD = calendar year - modelYearlD
       (needed to join to the SourceTypeAge table)

       ACActivityFraction = ACOnFraction * ACPenetrationFraction *
       functi oning ACFracti on

Step CEIC-2c: Calculate ACAdjustmentFraction

Input Variables:

       ACActivityFraction from previous sub-step
       full AC Adjustment from Full AC Adjustment table

Output Variables:

       An intermediate ACAdjustment table:

       Key Fields: zonelD, monthID, hourlD, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
       Date Field:  ACAdjustment


       Assume Full AC Adjustment populated only for a single opModelD

       ACAdjustment = 1.0 + ((full AC Adjustment-1.0) * ACActivityFraction)
Step CEIC-3: Calculate SourceBin-Weighted Emission Rates

This step weights emission rates, which vary by source bin, by the source bin
distribution, retaining,  however, the fuel type distinction because it is needed by
subsequent steps and in the eventual output.  The model year group distinction within
source bin is subsumed by the broader model year distinction required in the output.

Input Variables:

      meanBaseRate from the EmissionRate table
      sourceBinActivityFraction from the SourceBinDistribution table

      The SourceBin table is needed to decompose sourceBinID values into their
      constituent components.
      The SourceTypeModelYear table is needed to decompose
      sourceTypeModelYearlD values into their constituent sourceTypelD and
      modelYearlD values.

Output Variables:

      An intermediate SBWeightedEmissionRate Table

      Key fields: polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD
      Data field: meanBaseRate


      In joining these tables it can be assumed that only one modelYearGroupID will be
      present in the source bin distributions for a polProcessID and modelYearlD.

      SBWeightedEmissionRate.meanBaseRate =
      sum(sourceBinActivityFraction * EmissionRate.meanBaseRate)
Step CEIC-4: Apply Adjustment Factors to Emission Rates

Input Variables:

      meanBaseRate from the SBWeightedEmissionRate table from the previous step
      temperature Adjustment and K from the MET Adjustment table produced by step 1
      ACAdjustment from the ACAdjustment table produced by step 2-c.

Output Variables:

      An intermediate WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate table

      Key fields: polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, zonelD,
      monthID, hourlD

      Data field: meanBaseRate


      K_ToUse = K if pollutantID=3 otherwise K_ToUse = 1.0

      WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate.meanBaseRate =
      SBWeightedEmissionRate.meanBaseRate * temperature Adjustment *
      ACAdjustment * K_ToUse
Step CEIC-5: Multiply Emission Rates by Activity

Input Variables:

      meanBaseRate from WeightedAndAdjustedEmissionRate table from step 4.
      extendedldleHours from ExtendedldleHours table.

      HourDay table needed to decompose hourDaylD values in extendedldleHours
      into daylD and hourlD values.

Output Variables:

      emissionQuant in an intermediate AdjustedEmissionResults table

      Key Fields: polProcessID, sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD, zonelD,
      monthID, hourlD, daylD, yearlD

      Data Field: emissionQuant


      agelD = calendar year - modelYearlD
      (needed to join to the extendedldleHours table)

      emissionQuant = meanBaseRate * extendedldleHours

Step CEIC-6: Convert Results to Structure of MOVESWorkerOutput by

Structurally we need to add statelD, countylD, linkID, roadTypelD , SCC (as null value)
and decompose polProcessID into pollutantID and processID.

Input Variables:

      statelD, countylD from MasterLoop Context
      linkID from Link table
      PollutantProcessAssoc table
      AdjustedEmissionResults table from previous step

Output Variables:

       MOVESWorkerOutput Table

              Key fields: yearlD, monthID, daylD, hourlD, statelD, countylD, zonelD,
              linkID, pollutantID, processID ,sourceTypeID, fuelTypelD, model YearlD,
              roadTypelD, SCC

              Data field: emissionQuant


       MO VESWorkerOutput.emissionQuant=AdjustedEmissionResults.emissionQuant
       statelD = statelD from MasterLoop context
       county ID = county ID from MasterLoop context
       roadTypelD = 1
       linkID = value from Link table for zonelD where roadTypelD = 1
       pollutantID = PollutantProcessAssoc.pollutantID
       processID = PollutantProcessAssoc.processID
       SCC = null

Step CEIC-7: Conditionally Convert Results to Structure of MOVESWorkerOutput
by SCC

This step is only performed when the run specification requires output by SCC. It is
performed in several other emission calculators; this description has been elaborated to
explicitly consider SCCProcID.

   Input Variables:
                     SCCVTypeFraction (from SCCVTypeDistribution table)
                     SCCRoadTypeFraction(from SCCRoadTypeDistribution table)
                     SCCProcID from EmissionProcess table
                     SCC from SCC table
                     emissionQuant from MOVESWorkerOutput table from previous step
                     sourceTypelD, modelYearlD from SourceTypeModelYear

   Output Variable:
                     emissionQuant (in restructured MOVESWorkerOutput table)
                    From join of SCCVtypeDistribution, SCC, EmissionProcess,
                        SourceTypeModelYear, and SCCRoadTypeDistribution where:
                        zonelD = zonelD from master loop context
                 SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModelYearlD =
                    SCCVtypeDistribution. sourceTypeModelYearlD and
                 SCC.SCCVtypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.SCCVtypelD and
                 SCC. SCCProcID = EmissionProcess. SCCProcID and
                 EmissionProcess.processID = processID from masterloop context

                 MOVESWorkerOutputsourceTypelD = sourceTypeModelYear.sourceTypelD and
                 MOVESWorkerOutput.modelYearlD = sourceTypeModelYear.modelYearlD and
                 MOVESWorkerOutput.fuelTypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.fuelTypelD and
                 MOVESWorkerOutput.roadTypelD = SCCRoadTypeDistribution.roadTypelD
                     SCC= SCC.SCC
                     emissionQuant = sum of emissionQuant * SCCVtypeFraction *
                        SCCRoadTypeFraction over sourceTypelD and roadTypelD

                     sourceTypelD = null
                     roadTypelD = null
                     linkID = null
10.28 Air Toxics Calculator

       The MOVES model calculates emission rates and inventories for several air toxic

pollutants and processes. The algorithm for the air toxics calculator can be found in the

MOVES file AirToxicsCalculator.sql. The term air toxics and the particular compounds

listed in MOVES are generally defined in the EPA Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT)

rulemaking as 'air toxics'. The MOVES list is not an exhaustive one of all vehicle

related air toxic pollutants.  Exclusion from the list does not imply that a particular

compound (i.e., carbon monoxide) is non-toxic. The list of MOVES air toxics pollutants










       All of the air toxic pollutants have exhaust processes. However, only benzene,
ethanol, MTBE and Naphthalene have evaporative processes.  Ethanol and MTBE are not
products of combustion so they may have zero emission rates if the fuel(s) used in the
MOVES simulation are non-ethanol or non-MTBE fuels.
       10.28.1. Air Toxics Calculator Overview
       The MOVES model does not contain direct emission rates for any of the air toxic
pollutants.  All of them are computed in MOVES from 'chained' calculators using simple
ratios.  All pollutants, with the exception of Naphthalene, are ratios (and chained) to
volatile hydrocarbon (VOC) emissions. Naphthalene is a ratio of Total PM10 emissions
(PM10 is in turn chained to PM2.5 emissions which is in turn chained to total energy
       The basic conceptual air toxics equations in MOVES are:

       Air Toxic Emissions  =     Air Toxic Ratio * VOC Emissions     Eq 10.28.1
       Air Toxic Emissions  =     Air Toxic Ratio * PM10 Emissions    Eq 10.28.2
       All correction factors such as I/M, fuel effects, temperature, etc. are performed on
the underlying VOC or Total PM10 emissions. Thus, the air toxic's calculator does not
apply any additional correct factor modules after Eq 10.28.1 or 10.28.2 is performed.
       10.28.2. Air Toxics calculation
       Because of size considerations, the air toxic ratios (see Eq 10.28.1) are stored in
three separate MOVE database tables. These tables are ATRatioGasl, ATRatioGas2 and
ATRatioNonGas.  Tables ATRatioGasl and ATRatioGas2 contain air toxic ratios for
gasoline powered vehicles only.  More specifically, MOVES table ATRatioGasl contains

air toxic ratios for pollutants Benzene, MTBE, 1,3-Butadiene, Formaldehyde and
Acetaldehyde for the Running, Start and Extended Idle processes, and air toxics ratios for
Benzene and MTBE for all of the evaporative processes. Table ATRatioGas2 contains
air toxic ratios for pollutants Ethanol and Naphthalene for all exhaust and evaporative
processes, and Acrolein air toxic ratios for all exhaust processes. Table ATRatioNonGas
contains air toxic ratios for diesel and ethanol (E-85) powered vehicles for all pollutant /
process combinations.

   Input Variables:

   From table MOVESWorkerOutput the following variables:
   yearlD, monthID,  daylD, hourlD, statelD, countylD, zonelD, linkID,
   sourceTypelD, .fuelTypelD, modelYearlD, roadTypelD, SCC and emissionQuant
   Because air toxics are chained pollutants, emissionQuant contains the VOC or Total
   PM10 emission quantity as it enters the air toxics calculator.  The variable
   emissionQuant contains the air toxic pollutant quantity as it departs the air toxics
   Other inputs are:

   fuel supply. marketShare
   ATRatioGasl. ATRatio
   ATRatioGas2. ATRatio
   ATRatioNonGas. ATRatio
   The value and table source for the variable ATRatio depends on which air toxic
   pollutant / process / fueltype is being calculated.
   Output Variable:

   MOVESWorkerOutput. emissionQuant


   emissionQuant(air toxic compound)    =     AirToxicGasl.ATRatio
             fuelSupply.marketShare * MOVESWorkerOutput. emissionQuant(VOC)
   emissionQuant(air toxic compound)    =     AirToxicGasl.ATRatio *
             fuelSupply.marketShare * MOVESWorkerOutput. emissionQuant(VOC)
   emissionQuant(air toxic compound)    =     AirToxicNonGas. ATRatio *
             fuelSupply.marketShare * MOVESWorkerOutput. emissionQuant(VOC)
      for Naphthalene
   emissionQuant(air toxic compound)    =     AirToxicGasl.ATRatio *
             fuelSupply.marketShare * MOVESWorkerOutput. emissionQuant(PMlO)
   emissionQuant(air toxic compound)    =     AirToxicNonGas. ATRatio *
             fuelSupply.marketShare * MOVESWorkerOutput. emissionQuant(PMlO)
10.29. Permeation Calculator

10.29.1. General Description

This component signs up with the MOVES master looping mechanism at the MONTH

Its inputs include:

       Source Bin Distributions
       Operating Mode Distributions
       The EmissionRateByAge table
       The AverageTankTemperature table
       The Temperature Adjustment Table
       The FuelAdjustment Table (and associated tables used to determine fuel market

Its results are placed in the same MOVESOutput table format as other
Emi s si onC al cul ator s.

10.29.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
PC-1:  Weight emission rates by source bin

       Input Variables:
             -   meanBaseRate (from EmissionRateByAge table)
                sourceBinActivityFraction (from SourceBinDistribution table)

       Output Variables:
             -   meanBaseRate (intermediate table SBWeightedPermeationRate)

                   meanBaseRate(zoneID, yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD,
                       modelYearlD, fuelTypelD)
                             = sum (sourceBinActivityFraction * meanBaseRate)

PC-2: Calculate weighted temperature adjustment

             -   averageTankTemperature (from averageTankTemperature)
             -   opModeFraction (from operatingModeDistribution)
                tempAdjustTermA (from temperature Adjust)
                tempAdjustTermB (from temperature Adjust)

                weightedTemperatureAdjust (sourceTypelD, monthID, hourDaylD,
                linkID, tankTemperatureGroupID)

       Preliminary Calculation: temperatureAdjustByOpmode (zonelD, monthID,
hourDaylD, hourDaylD, tankTemperatureGroupID, opModelD)
                                * etemPAdJustTermB * averageTankTemperature (opModelD)

       Calculation: weightedTemperature Adjust
             = SUM(temperatureAdjustByOpMode*opModeFraction) over all modes
PC-3: Calculate weighted fuel adjustment

      Input Variables:
             -  fuel Adjustment (from fuel Adjustment table)
                marketShare (from fuel Supply table)

      Output Variables:
                weightedFuelAdjust(polProcessID, modelYearGroupID,
                sourceTypelD, fueltypeid)

      Calculation: weightedFuelAdjust
             = SUM(fuelAdjustment * marketShare) over all fuel formulations for the
county, fuelyear, month and fueltypeid.

      NOTE: An internal MOVES model component, the DefaultDataMaker, has set
      fuel Adjustment=l for cases which are not populated in fuel Adjustment.

PC-4: Calculate fuel adjusted meanBaseRate

      Input Variables:
             -   meanBaseRate (SBWeightedEmissionRate from PC-1)
             -   weightedFuel Adjust (PC-3)

      Output Variables:
             -   FuelAdjustedMeanBaseRate (zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID,
                sourceTypelD, modelYearlD, fuelTypelD)

      Calculation: FuelAdjustedMeanBaseRate
                   = meanBaseRate * weightedFuel Adjustment

PC- 5: Calculate fuel adjusted emissionQuant

      Input Variables:
             -   fuelAdjustedMeanBaseRate (PC-4)
             -   SourceHours (CMIT from TAG)

      Output Variables:
             -  fuelAdjustedEmissionQuant (linkID, hourDaylD, monthID, yearlD,
                modelYearlD, sourceTypelD, fueltypelD)

             -   fuelAdjustedEmissionQuant
                = fuelAdjustedMeanBaseRate * sourceHours

PC-6: Calculate emissionQuant with temperature adjustment

      Input Variables:
                fuelAdjustedEmissionQuant (PC-5)
                weightedTemperatureAdjustment (PC-2)

      Output Variables:
                emissionQuant (MOVES output table fields)


              -   emissionQuant = fuelAdjustedEmissionQuant *
                  weightedTemperature Adj ustment

PC-7 Convert to SCC

This step is only performed when the run specification requires output by SCC

    Input Variables:

                     SCCVTypeFraction (from SCCVTypeDistribution table)
                     SCCRoadTypeFraction(from SCCRoadTypeDistribution table)
                     SCC from SCC table
                     emissionQuant from MOVESWorkerOutput table from step 6)
                     sourceTypelD, modelYearlD from SourceTypeModelYear

    Output Variable:

                     emissionQuant (in MOVESWorkerOutput table)


       From join of SCCVtypeDistribution, SCC, SourceTypeModelYear, and
           SCCRoadTypeDistribution where:
                  zonelD = zonelD from master loop context
                  SourceTypeModelYear. sourceTypeModelYearlD =
                     SCCVtypeDistribution. sourceTypeModelYearlD and
                  SCC.SCCVtypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.SCCVtypelD and
                  MOVESWorkerOutputsourceTypelD = sourceTypeModelYear.sourceTypelD and
                  MOVESWorkerOutput.modelYearlD = sourceTypeModelYear.modelYearlD and
                  MOVESWorkerOutput.fuelTypelD = SCCVtypeDistribution.fuelTypelD and
                  MOVESWorkerOutput.roadTypelD = SCCRoadTypeDistribution.roadTypelD
                     SCC= SCC.SCC
                     emissionQuant = sum of emissionQuant * SCCVtypeFraction *
                         SCCRoadTypeFraction over sourceTypelD and roadTypelD

                     sourceTypelD = null
                     roadTypelD = null
                     linkID = null

10.30. Liquid Leaking (LL) Calculator

10.30.1. General Information
       This calculator executes at the MONTH master looping level.

Input Tables

   •   OpModeDistribution
   •   SourceHours
   •   EmissionRateByAge
   •   SourceBinDistribution
   •   IMCoverage
   •   Miscellaneous MOVES Database category and association tables

Output Table:  MOVESWorkerOutput (has structure of MOVESOutput Table)

10.29.2. Detailed Calculation Steps

LL -1 Compute I/M Adjustment Fraction Information
 (same as CREC 1-a except for different value(s) of pollutant-process)

   Input Variables:
       IMCoverage table
       zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID from masterloop context
       AgeCategory table
       RegulatoryClass Table
       FuelType table

   Input Variable:

   IMAdjustment Table
       Keys:  zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID, model YearlD, fuelTypelD, regClassID
       Data: IMAdjustFract


   For zonelD, yearlD in masterloop context
   For Vapor Venting and Liquid Leaking processes of all pollutants in runspec which
   this calculator calculates
   For all agelD in AgeCategory
   For all regClassID in RegulatoryClass except regClassID=0
For FueltypelD = 1 & 5 (right?)

   modelYearlD = yearlD - agelD
   IMAdjustFract.IMAdjustFract = IMCoverage.IMAdjustFract if record exists
      With begModelYearlD <= modelYearlD <= endModelYearlD
      = 0.0 otherwise
LL-2: Calculate I/M-Adjusted MeanBaseRates

   Input Variables:
             -   EmissionRateByAge table
                SourceBinDistribution table
             -   IMAdjustment table (from step LL-1)
             -   AgeCategory

   Output Variables:
             An intermediate WeightedMeanBaseRate table
                   o  Keys: yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
                      zonelD, monthID, hourDaylD, modelYearlD, opModelD
                   o  Data: WeightedMeanBaseRate

             modelYearlD = yearlD - agelD
             fuelTypelD = 1 (gasoline) or 5 (E85)

             WeightedMeanBaseRate = (meanBaseRatelM * sourceBinActivityFraction
             * IMAdjustFract)  + (meanBaseRate * sourceBinActivityFraction * (1-

             summed over portions of sourceBinID not needed in the output, namely
             regClassID and engTechlD.

LL-3: Calculate MOVESWorkerOutput by Source Type and FuelType

   Input Variables:
             - WeightedMeanBaseRate table from previous step
             - SourceHours table
             - OpModeDistribution table
             - HourDay table
             - County table
             - Zone table
             - PollutantProcessAssoc table
             - Link table
   Output Variables:

             - MOVESWorkerOutput table, which has structure of MOVESOutput

                    = weightedMeanBaseRate * sourceHours * opModeFraction
             hourlD = hourDay.hourlD
             day ID = hourDay.daylD
             statelD = county. statelD
             county ID = zone, county ID
             pollutantID = PollutantProcessAssoc.pollutantID
             processID = PollutantProcessAssoc.processID
             roadTypelD = Link.roadTypelD
             SCC = null

LL- 4 Conditionally Convert SourceType Output to SCC

This step is performed only when output by SCC is requested by the run specification
and,  if performed, is the same as that performed in several other EmissionCalculators,
e.g. CREC step 10.

10.31. HC Speciation Calculator (HCSC) Calculator
10.31.1. General Information
       This calculator gives the model the ability to calculate NMHC (Non-Methane
Hydrocarbons, pollutant 79), NMOG (Non-Methane Organic Gases, pollutant 80), TOG
(Total Organic Gases, pollutant 86), and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds, pollutant
87).  The basic design of the calculator is to compute the results as linear functions of
chained pollutants and fuel-formulation-specific constants.  The input pollutants vary
according to the output and the type of fuel. Also, being dependent upon fuel
formulations not just fuel types, market shares are factored into the results.

10.30.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
The HC Speciation table provides formula parameters, with most formulas being of the

outputQuant = sum of (inputQuant * fuel formulation market share * (speciationConstant
+ oxySpeciation*volToWtPercentOxy* sum of oxygenates in the fuel formulation))
across all fuel formulations in a county

There is an added condition on the above: if a fuel has no oxygenates, it has no HC
speciation output.  This is not a mere algebraic outcome of the above equation which
would still yield a non-zero number given the speciationConstant term even with zero
oxygenates. All HC speciation equations that require oxygenates are subject to this
conditional logic.

All HC speciation calculations have common table connectivity, differing only in their
formula for calculating new emission quantities and criteria for input pollutants and fuels.
To perform HC speciation, connect the following tables and columns:

   •   MOVESWorkerOutput.fuelTypelD with FuelSupply.fuelTypelD
   •   MO VESWorkerOutput. county ID with Fuel Supply, county ID
   •   MOVESWorkerOutput.yearlD with Fuel Supply .yearlD

   •  MOVESWorkerOutput.monthID with Fuel Supply. monthID

   •  MOVESWorkerOutput.modelYearlD with


   •  MOVESWorkerOutput.processID with PollutantProcessAssoc.processID

   •  Fuel Supply. fuelFormulationlD with FuelFormulation.fuelFormulationlD and with


   •  HCSpeciation.fuelMYGroupID with


   •  HCSpeciation.polProcessID with PollutantProcessModelYear.polProcessID and


The output of the calculations has the same dimensional values as each input

MOVESWorkerOutput table row except that the output pollutantID should be taken from
PollutantProcessAssoc.pollutantlD. All outputs are summed across the contributing fuel

formulations and weighted according to market share.

For non-E85, non-E70 fuels:
      NMHC = (THC - Methane) * marketShare
Thus, for an input record of THC, an equal amount of NMHC should be generated. For
Methane input, the output is NMHC = -Methane. Worker-side and master-side
aggregation logic will sum the values completing the formula.

ForE85 or E70 fuels:
      NMHC=THC * (speciationConstant + oxySpeciation * volToWtPercentOxy *
      ETOHVolume) * marketShare

For non-E85, non-E70 fuels:
      NMOG = NMHC * (speciationConstant + oxySpeciation * volToWtPercentOxy *
      (MTBEVolume + ETBEVolume + TAMEVolume + ETOHVolume)) *

For E85 or E70 fuels:
      NMOG=THC * (speciationConstant + oxySpeciation * volToWtPercentOxy *
      ETOHVolume) * marketShare

For non-E85, non-E70 fuels:
      VOC = NMHC * (speciationConstant + oxySpeciation * volToWtPercentOxy *
      (MTBEVolume + ETBEVolume + TAMEVolume + ETOHVolume)) *

For E85 or E70 fuels:
      VOC=THC * (speciationConstant + oxySpeciation * volToWtPercentOxy *
      ETOHVolume) * marketShare

For non-E85, non-E70 fuels:
      TOG = (NMOG + Methane) * marketShare
Thus, for an input record of NMOG, an equal amount of TOG should be generated. For
Methane input, an equal amount of TOG should be generated. Worker-side and master-
side aggregation logic will sum the values completing the formula.

ForE85 or E70 fuels:
      TOG=THC * (speciationConstant + oxySpeciation * volToWtPercentOxy *
      ETOHVolume) * marketShare
10.32. Tank Vapor Venting (TVV) Calculator
10.32.1. General Information
       This calculator executes at the MONTH master looping level.

Input Tables

   •   TankVaporGenCoeffs
          o Keys:  ethanolLevellD (0 or 10), altitude ("H" or "L")
          o Data: tvgTermA, tvgTermB, tvgTermC
   •   CumTVVCoeffs (Analogous to EmissionRateByAge, knowing that there is only
       one opModelD and that the particular sourceBinID components needed are
       regClassID and modelYearGroupID)
          o Keys: polProcessID, regClassID, modelYearGroupID, ageGroupID
          o Data: tvvTermA, tvvTermB,tvvTermC
                   tvvTermACV,tvvTermBCV, tvvTermCCV
   •   ResidualVaporRatio (a hard-coded Java array rather than an actual table)
          o Key: "hours past hour of max cold soak tank temperature"
          o Data: residualVaporRatio
   •   AverageTankGasoline (Produced  by Tank Fuel Generator)
          o Keys:  zonelD, fuelYearlD, monthGroupID, fuelTypelD
          o Data: ETOHVolume, RVP
   •   ColdSoakTankTemperature (from TTG-1)
          o Keys: zonelD, monthID, hourlD
          o Data: ColdSoakTankTemperature
   •   ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction   (from TTG-7)
          o Keys: sourceTypelD, zonelD, monthID, hourDaylD, initialhourDaylD
          o Data: ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction

   •   OpModeDistribution
   •   SourceHours
   •   EmissionRateByAge
   •   SourceBinDistribution
   •   IMCoverage
   •   Miscellaneous MOVES Database category and association tables

Output Table:  MOVESWorkerOutput (has structure of MOVESOutput Table)

Calculation Overview:

The complete calculation at Macroscale requires up to ten steps.  Steps 2 thru 7 apply
only to the cold soaking operating mode and are not required for Mesoscale Lookup

TVV-1 is a preliminary step.  It calculates the I/M adjustment factors which are used later
in the calculation.

TVV-2 is also a preliminary step. It calculates the hour of the day when the peak cold
soak tank temperature value occurs.

TVV-3 calculates the amount of tank vapor generated, which depends upon gasoline and
E85 ethanol contents.

TVV-4 calculates an ethanol-weighted values of the tank vapors generated  from the
values in step 3.

TVV-5 calculates the tank vapor vented using the values in step 4. The values calculated
here are cumulative for the day and are distinguished by the hour that the cold soaking
began, as well as the hour of the day when they occur.

TVV-6 calculates the total cumulative tank vapor vented for each hour of the day from
the values in step 5, so that they are no longer distinguished by the hour of the day when
the cold soaking began.

TVV-7 calculates hourly (not cumulative) tank vapor vented.

TVV-8 Involves all three operating modes and applies the I/M adjustment factors
calculated in preliminary step 1.

TVV-9 multiplies by  activity and applies the operating mode distribution.

TVV-10 converts results to SCC if required.

10.32.2. Detailed Calculation Steps
Note: Steps TVV-2 through TVV-7 need not be performed for mesoscale lookup

TW — 1 Compute I/M Adjustment Fraction Information
 (same as CREC 1-a except for different value(s) of pollutant-process)

   Input Variables:
      IMCoverage table
      zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID from masterloop context
      AgeCategory table
      RegulatoryClass Table
      FuelType table

   Output Variable:

      IMAdjustment Table
          Keys: zonelD, yearlD, polProcessID, model YearlD, fuelTypelD, regClassID
          Data: IMAdjustFract

      For zonelD, yearlD in masterloop context
      For Vapor Venting and Liquid Leaking processes of all pollutants in runspec
      which this calculator calculates
      For all agelD in AgeCategory
      For all regClassID in RegulatoryClass except regClassID=0

      modelYearlD = yearlD - agelD
      IMAdjustFract.IMAdjustFract = IMCoverage.IMAdjustFract if record exists
             With begModelYearlD <= modelYearlD <= endModelYearlD
             = 0.0 otherwise

TW- 2 Determine Hour of Peak Cold Soak Tank  Temperature

      Input Variable:
      ColdSoakTankTemperature table

      Output Variables:
      intermediate PeakHourOfColdSoak table
             Keys: zonelD, monthID
             Data: peakHourlD


       peakHourlD is the first (smallest) hourlD having the highest
       coldSoakTankTemperature for the zonelD and monthID

TW-3 Calculate TankVaporGenerated (TVG) by Ethanol Level

   Input Variables:
              - ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction table
              - PeakHourOfColdSoak table from previous step
              - ColdSoakTankTemperature  table
              - TankVaporGenerationCoeffs table
              - AverageTankGasoline table
              - HourDay table
              - County table

   Output Variables:
              An intermediate TankVaporGenerated table
              Keys: hourDaylD, initialhourDaylD, ethanolLevellD, monthID, zonelD,
                 sourceTypelD, fuelYearlD, fueltypelD
              Data: tankVaporGenerated

       Calculation is limited to:

              monthID, zonelD, sourceTypelDs and fueltypeids in the masterloopcontext and the ran
              combinations of hourDaylD and initialhourDaylD present in
              ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction for which initialhourDaylD <> hourDaylD
              hourDaylD values having an hourlD value <= PeakHourOfColdSoak.peakHourlD

              tankVaporGenerated = 0.0 if tl>=t2
              tankVaporGenerated = (a eb(RVP) (ect2 - ect1)) * k

              t2 = ColdSoakTankTemperature of hourlD associated with hourDaylD
              tl = ColdSoakTankTemperature of hourlD associated with initialhourDaylD
              k = 50% fill adjustment constant to be determined
              a, b, and c are terms from TankVaporGenCoeffs table
              RVP is from AverageTankGasoline table by fuelTypelD

              The altitude of the County to which the zonelD belongs should be used
              when selecting the a,b, and c coefficients from the TankVaporGenCoeffs

TW-4 Calculate ethanol-weighted TVG

   Input Variables:

             -   TankVaporGenerated table from previous step
                EtOH Volume value from AverageTankGasoline table

   Output Variables:
                An intermediate EthanolWeightedTVG table
                   o  Key fields:  hourDaylD, initialhourDaylD, monthID, zonelD,
                      sourceTypelD, fuelYearlD, fueltypelD
                   o  Data:  ethanolWeightedTVG
                   = tankVaporGeneratedEio (ETOHVolume /10) +
                   tankVaporGeneratedEO (1 - (ETOHVolume/10))

TW-5: Calculate Cumulative Tank Vapor Vented (TW)

   Input Variables:
             - EthanolWeightedTVG table from previous step
             - CumTVVCoeffs table
             - PollutantProcessModelYear
             - AgeCategory

   Output Variables:
             An intermediate CumulativeTVV table:

             Key fields: regClassID, agelD, polProcessID, hourDaylD,
             initialhourDaylD, monthID, zonelD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD

             Data fields:  tankVaporVented, tankVaporVentedIM


      For all agelD:

      tankVaporVented = tvvTermA + tvvTermB* ethanolWeightedTVG +
      tvvTermC* ethanolWeightedTVG2

      tankVaporVentedIM = tvvTermAIM + tvvTermBIM* ethanolWeightedTVG +

      The structure of the output table specified here implies that fuelYearlD,
ageGroupID, and model YearGroupID be converted to the common basis of individual
agelD to facilitate proper table joining and minimize the size of the resulting table (which
nevertheless may be performance-constraining). The PollutantProcessModelYear, and

AgeCategory tables can be used to accomplish this, along with the relationship agelD =
yearlD - model YearlD.

TW-6:  Calculate Weighted CumulativeTVV Across Initial/Current pair

   Input Variables:
             -   CumulativeTVV Table from previous step
                ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction table
   Output Variables:
                An intermediate WeightedCumulativeTVV Table

             Key fields: regClassID, agelD, polProcessID, hourDaylD, monthID,
             zonelD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD

             Data fields: weightedTVV, weightedTVVIM

             For each combination of regClassID, agelD, polProcessID, hourDaylD,
             monthID, zonelD, and sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD

             weightedTVV = [tankVaporVented * ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction]
             summed over all initialHourlDs

             weightedTVVIM = [tankVaporVentedEVI * ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction]
             summed over all initialHourlDs

TW-7:  Calculate HourlyTW Emissions by Regulatory Class and Vehicle Age

   Input Variables:
             -   WeightedCumulativeTVV Table (from previous step)
                   o   LEFT JOINED to itself associating each hourlD with otherwise
                       same record for hourID-1, if present.
             -   ResidualVaporRatio array; Values are:
                   o   0.02 for 1 hour past max cold soak temperature
                   o   0.01 for 2 hours past max cold soak temperature
                   o   0.004 for 3  hours past max cold soak temperature
                   o   0.0005 for 4 hours past max cold soak temperature
                   o   0.0 for 5 or more hours past max cold soak temperature
             -   PeakHourOfColdSoak table from step TVV-2
             -   HourOfAnyDay

   Output Variable:
             an intermediate HourlyTW table

                    o  key fields: regClassID, agelD, polProcessID, hourDaylD,
                       monthID, zonelD, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD
                    o  data fields: hourlyTVV, hourlyTVVIM
      For records in WeightedCumulativeTVVTable (which have hourlDs prior or
      equal to the hour of the peak cold soak tank temperature because of the limited
      domain of the calculation in step 3)

             hourly TVV =  weightedTVV for the current hourlD - weightedTVV for
             the previous hourlD, (if no record is present for the previous hourlD then
             the weighted TVV for the previous hourlD is 0.0)

             hourly TVVIM = weightedTVVIM for the current hourlD -
             weightedTVVIM for the previous hourlD,  (if no record is present for the
             previous hourlD then the weighted TVVIM for the previous hourlD is 0.0)

      For all hourDaylDs in HourDay which have hourDaylDs greater than

             hourly TVV for each such hourlD = weightedTVV for peakHourlD  * the
             residualVaporRatio for the number of hours the hourlD is past the
             peakHourlD (hourlD-peakHourlD).

             hourly TVVIM for each such hourlD  = weightedTVVIM for peakHourlD
             * the residualVaporRatio for the number of hours the hourlD is past the
             peakHourlD (hourlD-peakHourlD).

TW-8:  Calculate I/M-Adjusted MeanBaseRates

Previous steps have been done only for the cold soaking operating mode. This step
begins calculating for the other two operating modes,"operating" and "hot soaking", for
which only the basic core model calculations are needed, applies the source bin
distributions, and accounts for the effect of IM.

   Input Variables:

             -   Hourly TVV table (from previous step),  used for cold soak
                EmissionRateByAge table, used for hot soak and operating
                SourceBinDistribution table
             -   IMAdjustment table (from step TVV-1)
             -   PollutantProcessModelYear

   Output Variables:

             An intermediate WeightedMeanBaseRate table
                   o  Keys: yearlD, polProcessID, sourceTypelD, fuelTypelD,
                      zonelD, monthID, hourDaylD, modelYearlD, opModelD
                   o  Data: WeightedMeanBaseRate

             modelYearlD = yearlD - agelD
             fuelTypelD = 1 (gasoline) or 5  (E85)

      For cold soak mode (opModeID=151):

             WeightedMeanBaseRate = (hourlyTVVIM * sourceBinActivityFraction *
             IMAdjustFract) + (hourlyTVV * sourceBinActivityFraction * (1-

             summed over portions of sourceBinID not needed in the output, namely
             regClassID and engTechID

      For operating and hot soaking modes (opModelDs 300 and 150):

             WeightedMeanBaseRate = (meanBaseRatelM * sourceBinActivityFraction
             * IMAdjustFract) + (meanBaseRate * sourceBinActivityFraction * (1-

             summed over portions of sourceBinID not needed in the output, namely
             regClassID and engTechID.

TW-9:  Calculate MOVESWorkerOutput by Source Type

   Input Variables:
             - WeightedMeanBaseRate table from previous step
             - SourceHours table
             - OpModeDistribution table
             - HourDay table
             - County table
             - Zone table
             - PollutantProcessAssoc table
             - Link table

   Output Variables:
             - MOVESWorkerOutput table, which has structure of MOVESOutput


                   = weightedMeanBaseRate * sourceHours * opModeFraction
             hourlD = hourDay.hourlD
             day ID = hourDay.daylD
             statelD = county. statelD
             county ID = zone, county ID
             pollutantID = PollutantProcessAssoc.pollutantID
             processID = PollutantProcessAssoc.processID
             roadTypelD = Link.roadTypelD
             SCC = null

TW-10 Conditionally Convert SourceType Output to SCC

This step is performed only when output by SCC is requested by the run specification
and, if performed, is the same as that performed in several other EmissionCalculators,
e.g. CREC step 10.

10.33. Result Data Aggregation and Engineering Units Conversion
       This function aggregates the results produced by MOVES EmissionCalculators to
the level of detail called for in the run specification and converts these results to the
engineering units it specifies.  Aggregation is performed to the extent possible by the
MOVES Worker program and completed by the MOVES Master program. Conversion
to engineering units is the final operation performed and is done by the MOVES Master
10.33.1. How Aggregation Levels are Specified
       The level of aggregation is specified on the MOVES GUI Output EmissionsDetail
Screen. These specifications are made in terms of what distinctions are desired in the
output. Output rows are always distinguished by time periods.  The level of this
distinction may be hour, single day, period of week, month or year. (Choices may be
more limited, however, if time period "preaggregation" of the database was performed.)
Output rows are always distinguished by location.  The level of this distinction may be
Nation, State, County, Roadtype or Link. (Choices may be more  limited, however, if
geographic "preaggregation" of the database was performed. Link is not available at
Macroscale and is required for Mesoscale Lookup calculations.) Output is always
distinguished by pollutant.
       When reporting for entire months or years, DRAFT MOVES2009 scales the
results up by the number of weeks in each month, i.e. by the number of days in the month
divided by seven. The reader may wish to refer to section 9.2 of this document where
MOVES time periods are discussed.
       Output may be distinguished by SourceUseType (the recommended option),
Source Code Category (SCC) or neither.  (But not both since the two highway vehicle
classification schemes are exclusive.)
       Output may optionally be distinguished by:
             Model Year
             Fuel Type

             Emission Process
       In general, any combination of these distinctions may be specified.  Output by
SCC implies that roadtype and fueltype will be distinguished and the MOVES GUI
enforces this.  If "Roadtype" is selected as the Location level then "Roadtype" is
automatically distinguished in the output (but the reverse is not necessarily true).
10.33.2.Aggregation Algorithm - Logical Level Specification
       The raw output of MOVES is distinguished by year, month, day, hour, state,
county, zone, link, road type, pollutant, process, source use type, fuel type, model year,
and SCC.  Taken together these fields may be considered an alternate key for the
MOVESOutput table, except that, once aggregations are performed, they may assume the
null value.
       At macroscale, zones are redundant with counties, so whenever a county ID is
present, its corresponding zonelD is also present, and when counties are aggregated out,
then so are zones. Also at macroscale, links represent a combination of a county and a
roadtype, so when county and roadtype are both known, so is link. Otherwise linkID is
null whenever either county or roadtype is null.
       The following aggregations may be carried out as implied by the RunSpec.
Unless stated otherwise, any combination of these aggregations may be called for. This
description is at a logical level; physical implementation differs. For example
aggregation to the state level is not actually performed by aggregating roadtypes to
counties and then aggregating counties to states.
a.  Output may be aggregated to be by source type only, by SCC only or neither. The
   GUI does not allow output to be requested by both SCC and source type.
b.  Hours are combined if the output time period is 24-hour day, portion of week, month
   or year.  A warning message is generated if this aggregation is performed and all
   hours are not selected in the RunSpec.
c.  Days are converted to months if the output time period is month or year.  The number
   of days in each month is obtained from the MonthOfAnyYear table, adding  1 day to
   February for leap years.  1/7 of these days are considered to be Mondays,  1/7

   Tuesdays, etc. without regard to calendar year .  A warning is generated if this
   aggregation is performed and all days are not selected in the RunSpec. The user may
   choose to proceed but should be aware in this case that results produced for the
   "month" or "year" will only include emission results for the kinds of days contained
   in the run specification.
d.  Months are totaled to years if the output time period is year.  A warning is generated
   if this aggregation is performed and all months are not selected. The user may choose
   to proceed but should be aware in this case that results produced for the "year" will
   not represent a 12 month period and will only include emissions for the months
   contained in the run specification.
e.  Road types are combined into county totals whenever "roadtype" has not been
   selected in the Output Emissions detail screen. Note that selection of the SCC level
   of detail forces road type to be selected and this aggregation not to be performed, as
   does selection of the roadtype level of geographic output detail. A warning message
   is generated if this aggregation is performed and all road types are not included in the
f.  State totals are combined into a single national (or total user modeling domain) result
   if the national level of geographic detail is selected. This aggregation is performed
   even if the road type level of detail has been selected on the "Output Emission Detail"
   panel.  It is the user's responsibility to insure that all desired states are included in
   domain totals.
g.  Fuel types are combined within source use types if this level of detail is not selected
   in the Output Emission Detail panel.  It is the user's responsibility to insure that all
   desired fuel types are included.
h.  Emission processes are combined if this level of detail is not selected in the Output
   Emission Detail panel. It is the user's responsibility to insure that all desired
   processes are included.

10.33.3. Engineering Unit Conversion
       Engineering units are indicated in the run specification for mass, energy, time and
distance. In the MOVES GUI these are specified on the "Outputs" panel within the
"General Output Screen".  Supported are:
             time units (seconds, hours, days, weeks, months and years)
             mass units (kilograms, grams, pounds, and U.S. tons)
             energy units (Joules, kiloJoules, and million BTU)
             distance units (miles and kilometers)
       The engineering units used are reported in the MOVESRun table.
       Distance units are only required if the run specification calls for travel distance to
be reported.
       MOVES always reports mass pollutant emission results in terms of mass per time
unit and always reports energy consumptions results in terms of energy per time unit. If
the time unit equals the output time period specified on the "Output Emissions Detail"
screen, then the quantities reported amount to an inventory for that time period.

10.34. Post-Processor for Mesoscale Lookup
An "integrated post-processor" runs automatically when Mesoscale Lookup is selected,
after aggregation to the reporting level and conversion to engineering units have been
completed.  This post-processor uses the regular MOVES output tables to produce an
additional "MOVESLookupOutput" database table with the following fields:

       a. MOVESLookupOutputRowID
       b. MOVESRunID
       c. iterationID
       d. yearlD
       e. monthID  (May be aggregated out)
       f. daylD  (May be aggregated out)
       g. hourlD (May be aggregated out)
       h. statelD
       i. county ID
      j. zonelD
       k. sourceTypelD (May be aggregated out)
       1. fuelTypelD (May be aggregated out)
       m. modelYearlD (May be aggregated out)
       n. roadTypelD
       o. pollutantID
       p. processID (May be aggregated out)
       q. averageSpeedBinID (as determined through joins with the LinkAverageSpeed
       r. temperature (as determined through j oins with the ZoneMonthHour table)
       s. humidity (as determined through joins with the ZoneMonthHour table)
       t. emissionRate (MOVESMesoscaleOutput.emissionQuant divided by
         MOVESMesoscalActivityOutput.activity (for all activityTypeID=l records).
         "Zero"  miles for any link leads to divide-by-zero errors. In such cases there
         are no emissions reported.

10.35. Post-Processing Script Execution
       The "Post Processing" menu in the MOVES GUI includes a selection to "Run
MySQL Script on Output Database".  When this item is selected MOVES searches the
"OutputProcessingScripts"subdirectory in its "...database" directory, and presents a list of
file names found there which have a file name extension of ".sql". Users may wish to
add scripts to those distributed with the model.
       When one of these files is selected, MOVES displays to the user any leading
block of comment lines it may contain in a popup window. If the user wants to proceed,
MOVES executes the file as a MySQL script on the MOVES output database specified
by the currently active run specification (or gives an appropriate error message if no
output database is specified).  Scripts in the OutputProcessingScripts folder should
operate only on the currently active MySQL database, should not include the MySQL
USE command, should use as input only the tables contained in the MOVES Output
database schema, (along possibly with MOVESDefault) and should store any files and
tables they produce in this same database. The MOVES program, however, does not
enforce these conventions.
       Scripts  distributed with the model are:
DecodeMovesOutput. sql
Decodes (i.e. adds textual descriptions of) most of the
key fields in MOVESOutput and MOVESActivityOutput
tables. The SummaryReporter, described in the next
section, does this in a more general fashion and so this is
now best viewed as an example of how these scripts can
be written.
Produces tab-delimitted output file versions of the
MOVESRun, MOVESActivityOutput, and

MOVESOutput tables.  These are suitable for importing
into EXCEL or other software.  The same thing can no be
accomplished by using the SummaryReporter, described
in the next section.

10.36. Summary Reporter
The output directly available from the MOVES core model is in the form of a MySQL
database as documented in Chapter 12. The Summary Reporter provides a "post-
processing" function which makes it easy to produce various reports summarizing this
information.   Several of the organizations which commented formally on DRAFT
MOVES2009 indicated that a more convenient reporting capability was needed.

Functional Specification:
Inspired by the NONROAD Model's reporting utility, the Summary Reporter produces
reports consisting of:

       1.  Header information such as:

             Report Title
             Date and time the report produced.
             MOVES  Output Database Name
             MOVES  Output Run Number
             MOVES  Output Run Date and Time
             RunSpec used
             Date and time of the runspec file used.
             "Description" field from the Runspec used
             Engineering units used for Mass, Energy, Time, and Distance
             Emission Process (either a particular emission process or "all")

       2.  A  tabular report body where the data columns correspond to pollutants and
activity basis results (currently  "distance") and the rows correspond to an ordered set of
MOVES output classifications selected from the following options:



             Source Type (mutually exclusive with SCC)
             SCC (mutually exclusive with Source Type)
             Fuel Type
             Model Year
             Road Type (not allowed if SCC selected)

       Assuming the report is printed in landscape, there is sufficient space to report four
or five pollutants and activities, e.g. HC, CO, NOx and distance, classified by three
categories. Classification values are reported in their integer form.  Specification of more
columns than will fit on a single page is allowed. The supporting GUI includes an option
to estimate how wide the report will be. Wide reports are fine as a table or .csv file, but
wrap when displayed on the screen or printed.  The fixed-column style report tables
produced by this utility could be further processed with a reporting utility to deal more
gracefully with wide reports, but MOVES does not currently provide this feature.

       3. The current version of Summary Reporter reports numeric category codes in
the table constituting the report body, and includes an appended lookup table which can
be used to decode them.

The Summary Reporter includes a simple Graphical User Interface which works roughly
as follows:

1.  The user loads the run specification which produced the output. This serves to point
to the output database and helps the GUI insure that the specified report is consistent with
the run.

2.  The user selects from a popup list the run, or set of runs to be reported. Only the most
recent runs are available.

3.  The Summary Reporter, based on the run specification and the output run data,
constructs a dialog window (JDialog) to get user selections for:

       a. The report title. This defaults to "Summary Report".
       b. A base name for the report files. This defaults to "SummaryReport". (Report
       header, body, and decoding tables are produced in separate files, plus several
       forms of output (table, .prn, and tab-separated .txt) can be produced).
       c. The emission process to be reported or "all".
       d. A list of pollutants and activity bases (currently "distance") from which the
       user selects the report data columns desired.
       e. Selections from the list of output classifications listed above. Only options
       consistent with the run specification are offered.
       f. The forms of output desired.

4.  Several forms of output may be selected:

       a. MySQL table output is always produced.

       b. Option for screen display  (Screen reports can be printed after being displayed
       on the screen;  they are then closed.)

       c. Option for tab-separated text form.

Report output is produced in the directory containing the output database.

Additional Information:

The Summary Reporter is covered from a GUI perspective in the DRAFTMOVES2009
User Guide.

10.37. GREET Model Interface
      The GREET Model Interface is not operational in the version of DRAFT
MOVES2009. We are working with the authors of GREET to restore this function in
future versions of MOVES. This section describes how the interace functions in DRAFT
      MOVES is designed to interface with GREET, as detailed in the following
section. Further detail on the GREET interface itself is contained in a separate document
entitled "User Manual and Technical Issues of GREET for MOVES Integration",
prepared by Argonne National Laboratory.
10.37.1 DRAFT MOVES2009 GREET Interface Functionality:
1.  If requested in the RunSpec, DRAFT MOVES2009 calculates well-to-pump
   inventories for total energy consumption, petroleum-based energy consumption, fossil
   fuel-based energy consumption, N2O, and CH4, using the emission factors in the
   GREETWellToPump table.
2.  DRAFT MOVES2009 offers a "preprocessing" menu option to "Update Well-To-
   Pump" factors.  When this menu option is selected DRAFT MOVES2009 produces,
   in XML format, a table of information needed by GREET.  This contains a list of
   calendar years,  and a list of MOVES fuel sub-types implied by the RunSpec.
3.  DRAFT MOVES2009 then executes the GREET GUI described below.
4.  When control is returned, DRAFT MOVES2009 receives a tab-separated variable,
   well-to-pump emission factor result table from the GREET  GUI and incorporates
   these factors into the GREETWellToPump table in a database suitable for use as in
   input database by subsequent DRAFT MOVES2009 model  runs.
5.  DRAFT MOVES2009 interacts with the GREET GUI, which in turn invokes the
   GREET spreadsheet model.  DRAFT MOVES2009 does not interact directly with the
   GREET spreadsheet model, only with the GREET GUI.
10.37.2. GREET and GREET GUI Functionality
The design of the interface between DRAFT MOVES2009 and GREET is based upon the
following functional characteristics of GREET.

1.  GREET estimates Well-to-Pump and Vehicle Manufacture/Disposal emissions of
   Total Energy Consumption, Petroleum-based Energy Consumption, Fossil Fuel-based
   Energy Consumption, N2O, and CH4 appropriate to calendar years 1990 thru 2050.
   (Internally to GREET, estimates are actually produced by interpolating between
   estimates applicable to five year periods and estimates beyond 2020 are based on
   many of the same parameter values as those for 2020.)
2.  When the two models are used together, the United States (or the user modeling
   domain) is modeled as a single geographic region.
3.  Where GREET has multiple Pathway Options for a fuel, it is generally possible for
   the user to supply input parameters for each pathway (with associated percentages
   which sum to unity), and these Pathway Options and percentages may vary by
   calendar year.
4.  Only GREET parameters accessible from a version of the GREET GUI may be
   altered.  To alter more deeply embedded GREET parameters the user would have to
   manually modify the underlying GREET spreadsheet before running MOVES.
5.  GREET estimates well-to-pump emissions relative to consumption of the following
   fuels (in DRAFT MOVES2009 these are referred to as fuel subtypes):
   Conventional Gasoline
   Reformulated Gasoline
   Gasohol (E10)
   Conventional Highway Diesel Fuel
   (GREET has the logic built in to use its high sulfur version of this fuel prior to 2006,
   its low sulfur version after 2006 and a blend for 2006).
   FT Diesel
   Gaseous H2
   Liquid H2

6.  The GREET GUI, while not itself written in Java, can be run from a Java program, i.e.
   DRAFT MOVES2009.  It accepts command line parameters which specify:
   - an XML input file name
   - an output file name (for well-to-pump factors and vehicle manufacture/disposal
   - an error file name (used to return any GREET error messages to MOVES).
7.  Execution of the GREET GUI normally results in execution of the version of the
   GREET spreadsheet, but may return to MOVES without executing it if the user
   desires. Upon return to DRAFT MOVES2009, status information is available as to
   whether the GREET spreadsheet was run or not and whether execution was
   successful or an error occurred.  Error messages are returned to MOVES in a separate
8.  The GREET GUI accepts an XML-formatted list of DRAFT MOVES2009 Calendar
   YearlDs, determines what five-year GREET periods are needed to estimate emissions
   for all years listed, and executes the GREET spreadsheet for each such period, and
   interpolates between these results as needed to produce results for the calendar years
   listed.  GREET also accepts an XML-formatted list of fuel types (MOVES
   fuel Subtypes). GREET results are limited to these fuels.
9.  The GREET GUI consolidates the results of these GREET spreadsheet runs into a
   single tab-delimited table of well-to-pump emission factors and (eventually) a single
   tab-delimited table of vehicle manufacture/disposal emission factors for use by
   DRAFT MOVES2009.  The table of well-to-pump emission factors is described in
   the next section.
10.37.3. GREET Well-to-Pump Emission  Factor Result Table:
       This table is a tab-separated variable ASCII text file and contains the following
       a. pollutanflD (an Integer from the set of values used in DRAFT MOVES2009)
       b. fuelSubtypelD (an Integer from the set of values used in DRAFT

       c.  yearlD (an Integer identifying the calendar year to which the factor applies)
       d.  emission rate (a floating point number, expressed in the appropriate units)
       Fields a, b, and c, together form the primary key of this table.  Field d is its only
non-key field.  The fields pollutantID, fuelSubtypelD and yearlD are  as defined in the
MOVESDefault database schema.

10.38 Future Emission Rate Creator (FERC)
      The Future Emission Rate Creator (FERC) allows MOVES users to alter the
energy and emission rates for advanced technology vehicles for model years 2001 and
later, and for all energy and emission rates (conventional and advanced technology) for
2011 and later. The FERC works with user-supplied ratios which express the relative
benefit of advanced technologies versus conventional technology, by operating mode, to
generate advanced technology rates.  The FERC is an "external control strategy",
meaning it requires work outside of MOVES with MySQL databases and is executed
from the "Pre-Processing" menu of the MOVES GUI, rather than being executed as part
of the model run itself.

Input data:  The FERC requires two input tables, one to create "short term" future rates
and another to create "long term" future rates. These are stored in ASCII text, comma
separated variable (CSV) format. To generate an alternative set of future emission rates
the user must alter these tables directly (outside of MOVES) before running the FERC.
The user names these tables as desired and selects them from the MOVES GUI. One set
of example input tables is supplied with the demonstration version of DRAFT
MOVES2009 .

The two tables contain identical  fields, except that the opModelD field is present only in
the "short term" table. The first record in each file contains column names to facilitate
human readability and is ignored by the calculations. The FERC input table fields are
shown in  Table 10-9.

Table 10-9: FERC Input Table Fields
opModelD (present in short
Pollutant / Process ID
50 1 = CH4 running
502 = CH4 start
60 1=N2O running
602 = N2O start
9101 = total energy running
9102 = total energy start
9190 = total energy start
Operating Mode ID

term table only)
0-36 = running VSP/speed modes (total energy only)
200 = start mode
300 = running mode (CH4 and N2O)
Type of fuel:
1 = Gasoline
2 = Diesel
3 = CNG
4 = LPG
5 = E85
6 = M85
7 = Gaseous Hydrogen
8 = Liquid Hydrogen
9 = Electricity
Engine Technology ID
1 = Conventional Internal Combustion (CIC)
2 = Advanced Internal Combustion (AIC)
11= Moderate Hybrid CIC
12 = Full Hybrid CIC
20 = Hybrid AIC (used only for Hydrogen 1C hybrid)
21 = Moderate Hybrid AIC
22 = Full Hybrid AIC
30 = Electric
40 = Fuel Cell
50 = Hybrid Fuel Cell
Model Year Group ID
200 120 10 = 2001 thru 20 10
20 112020 = 20 11 thru 2020
202 12050 = 2021 thru 2050
Base fuel type ID (same as targetFuelTypelD)
Base engine technology ID (same as targetEngTech ID)
Base model year group ID (same as targetModelYearGroupID)
Fuel / Engine Adjustment, i.e. the relative benefit of the target fuel /
engine technology versus the base fuel/engine technology. A value of
1 = no benefit, a value of 0.5 = 50% improvement
5001 thru 5004 = FERC short term 6000 = FERC long term
These fields fall into three functional groups:
       1.  fields describing the emission rates produced by the adjustment
             a. polProcessID
             b. opModelD
             c. targetFuelTypelD
             d. targetEngTechID
             e. targetModelYearGroupID
             f.  dataSourcelD

       2.   fields describing the base technology emission rates to which the adjustment
          is applied
              a.  polProcessID
              b.  opModelD
              c.  fuelTypelD
              d.  engTechID
              e.  modelYearGroupID

       3.   the adjustment itself
              a.  fuelEngAdjust

Of these fields, the user would generally only need to alter values of fuelEngAdjust,
which are the ratios which define the benefit of the target technology relative to the base
technology. Note that the values of polProcessID and opModelD contained in the base
records are carried into the future emission rates produced, as are the values of
regClassID, engSizelD and weightClassID implicit in the base record sourceBinlDs.

       The short term table contains the information necessary to produce alternative
fuel and advanced vehicle technology rates for model years 2001 through 2010 (which
are treated as one model year group).  The long term table contains the information
necessary to produce conventional  and advanced vehicle technology rates for model year
groups 2011 and later, split into two model year groups: 2011 - 2020 and 2021 - 2050.
The main difference between the tables is that the short term table uses as base rates the
gasoline and diesel rates for conventional technology in the 2001 through 2010 model
year group, while the long term table uses the 2001 - 2010 rates as  a base the 2001-2010
rates for each technology (i.e. those generated by the short term table). The long term
table enables the user to model technology evolution over time, within each technology.

Output produced:

       The FERC produces a MySQL database suitable for use as a MOVES user input
database. This database contains two tables: EmissionRate and SourceBin. The name of
this database is specified by the user.

Calculations performed:

       Short term future emission rates are created by applying fuelEngAdjust as a
multiplicative adjustment factor to the meanBaseRate of all non-motorcycle
EmissionRate table records in the MOVESDefault database with dataSourcelDs less than
5000. For each such record with  matching values of polProcessID, opModelD,
fuelTypelD, engTechID, and modelYearGroupID a short term future emission rate record
is generated having the targetFuelTypelD, targetEngTechID, targetModelYearGroupID
and new dataSourcelD (while retaining the prior values of polProcessID, opModelD,
regClassID, engSizelD, and weightClassID).

       Long term future emission rates are created by applying fuelEngAdjust as a
multiplicative adjustment factor to the meanBaseRate of all EmissionRate table records
in the MOVESDefault database with dataSourcelDs less than 5000 (including those for
Motorcycles), along with the short term future emission rates produced by the first step.
For each such record with matching values of polProcessID, fuelTypelD, engTechID, and
modelYearGroupID a long term future emission rate record is created having the
targetFuelTypelD, targetEngTechID, targetModelYearGroupID, and new dataSourcelD
(while retaining the prior values of polprocessID, opmodelD, regClassID, engSizelD, and

       For this calculation to operate correctly the MOVESDefault.SourceBin table must
contain a record for each sourceBinID present in the EmissionRate table having a
dataSourcelD less than 5000.  The MOVESDefault database distributed with DRAFT
MOVES2009 satisfies this condition.

10.39 I/M Coverage Table Editor

       The IMCoverage Table editor provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to easily
display, edit, and print reports of the IMCoverage table contents. It uses the loaded run
specification to determine which records are of interest. As regards its input, it constructs
and works to the extent possible only with the IMCoverage Table contents that would be
used if that run specification were executed. As regards its output, rather than actually
changing the IMCoverage table in MOVESDefault, it produces an IMCoverage table in a
User Input Database.  Because it operates as a user graphical user interface, further
documentation can be found in the DRAFTMOVES2009 User Guide.

10.40 Estimating the Uncertainty of MOVES Results
       Uncertainty in the model results is introduced by the model theory, the
mathematical formulation of the model, and the data used to calibrate the model.  The
first two sources of uncertainty are not amenable to quantification, so the uncertainty
estimates in MOVES focus on the data used to calibrate the model.  However, even with
this narrower focus, the challenges are significant.  MOVES uses data for dozens of
variables covering most aspects of mobile source emission generation: the vehicle fleet,
vehicle activity patterns, emission rates, fuel properties, geographic location, fuel
properties, meteorology, and the presence or absence of vehicle emission control
programs. The uncertainty  of emission rates is relatively easy to quantify, using  standard
data analysis techniques, but much of the fleet, activity, fuel, and meteorology data
sources have limited information regarding their degree of uncertainty. The primary
challenge in including uncertainty estimation in MOVES is therefore to quantify
uncertainties for all of the input data used in the model.
       DRAFT MOVES2009 includes a basic mechanism which can be used to estimate
a portion of the uncertainty of its calculated emissions results, which results from the
uncertainty in some particular model inputs, using a Monte Carlo method. A level was
added to the model's master looping framework to execute multiple "iterations" of the
same run specification on versions of the MOVESExecution database where these input
values have been "pseudo-randomly" sampled (as independent samples) from their
assumed probability distributions. As currently implemented these probability
distributions are assumed to have the form of the normal or Gaussian distribution. Only
certain inputs are considered by the program to be random variants, namely those which
function as emission rates and emission rate adjustment factors.  Specifically these are:

       The meanBaseRate field in the EmissionRate, EmissionRateByAge, and
       SulfateEmissionRate tables.

       The tank vapor venting (TVV) terms in the CumTVVCoeffs Table.

       The temperature adjustment terms in the Temperature Adjustment and
       StartTempAdjustment tables.

       The "full AC adjustment factor" in the Full AC Adjustment table.

       The fuel adjustment factor in the Fuel Adjustment table.

       Because all records in the MOVESExecution database containing these values are
sampled before every iteration and all components of the model obtain their input data
from this database, every parameter has a single value for a given iteration that is
identical everywhere it is used.
Calculation and Storage of the Input Data Random Samples:
       When the Monte Carlo uncertainty estimation feature is invoked the user
specifies:  1) the number of iterations to be run (which must be at least two), 2) whether
the results of each individual iteration are to be reported or only the last one, 3) whether
the input data samples used for each iteration are to be preserved for later reference in the
output. Uncertainty estimation may not be invoked in conjunction with either geographic
or time period data preaggregation.
       When uncertainty estimation is being performed, prior to every iteration each data
value in the MOVESExecution database which is considered to be uncertain is replaced
with an independent "pseudo-random" sample from the normal or Gaussian distribution
whose mean value is the original database point value and whose standard deviation is
calculated from this mean value and an associated CV field value. (The coefficient of
variation, or CV, is the standard deviation divided by mean.) The MOVESDefault
database includes a Coefficient of Variation (CV) field for the fields listed above which
the model uses at the start of each iteration to generate a sample value for the field. (The
database also includes additional CV fields which are not currently used.)
       If the CV field contains a zero or NULL value then the standard deviation is
considered to be 0.0.

       Specifically, if Z is a pseudo-random sample from the normal distribution with
mean 0.0 and unit standard deviation, then:

       sampledMean Value [i] =
       originalMeanValue * (1.0 + CV * Z[i])

       In the unlikely, but not impossible, event that the sampledMeanValue[i]<0,
MOVES sets the sampledMeanValue[i]=0. (In future this may not be done for every
value subject to uncertainty.)

       MOVES uses the java.util.Random class to generate the Z values.
       None of the "random variates" currently implemented involves components of a
distribution which sum to unity, but when this mechanism is expanded to include such
elements, each term of the distribution will first be generated individually.  Then the
resulting set of variates will be normalized so that the total sums to one.  This procedure
will result in the terms of the distribution being negatively correlated, as they should be:
if one term is especially large, others must be correspondingly small, and vice versa.
       After versions of these tables to be used for a particular iteration have been
produced, and if requested by the run specification, their records are copied into
corresponding tables in the MOVES output database. These tables added to the output
database have the same structure as the original MOVESExecution database tables (e.g.
EmissionRate, EmissionRateByAge, etc.) with the addition of fields identifying model
run and iteration (MOVESRunID and iterationID).

Calculation and Output of Uncertainty Statistics:
       If uncertainty results are being calculated, and if the run specification calls for the
results of each iteration to be reported, then two statistics are calculated and reported in
each MOVESOutput and MOVESActivityOutput table  record.

       The mean values of emissionQuant and (if produced) distance, based on the
       iterations performed so far are reported in the emissionQuantMean and
       distanceMean fields.

       The standard deviations of emissionQuant and (if produced) distance, based on
       the iterations performed so far are reported in the emissionQuantSigma and
       distanceSigma fields.

       In order to calculate these statistics, the count (which equals the iterationNo),
sum, and sum of the squares of emissionQuant and distance are accumulated in a running
sum and saved between runs.  The full results of each iteration do not need to be saved to
calculate these statistics (although the user has the option to save the results for
diagnostic and further analytical purposes).  These statistics are calculated and saved at
the level of detail, and in the engineering units, of the output table. Listed below are the
formulas for emissionQuantMean and emissionQuantSigma. Similar formulas would
apply to any other variable. In these formulas, the xfs are the results of each iteration, and
n is the number of iterations.
emissionQuantMean =
               -n* (emissionQuantMean)2
 Sigma — V VCW  (the positive square root)

       If uncertainty results are being calculated, and if the run specification does not
call for the results of each iteration to be reported, then only the records for the last
iteration are reported.

       Confidence intervals and other statistics can be generated, outside the model,
from these results.  Dynamic sensitivity can also be calculated from this model output by
regressing model inputs against model outputs. Inputs with the highest (in absolute
value) regression coefficients will be those for which the greatest improvement will result
from decreasing their uncertainty.

10.41. Retrofit Strategy

       The MOVES Retrofit Strategy implements a control strategy for on-road vehicle
retrofit modeling. It allows the user to select a portion of the overall fleet, and reduce its
emission rates by a selected percentage.  This section of the SDRM contains a definition
sub-section that describes the major retrofit variables, and discusses the retrofit
conditional rules. A subsequent section describes the retrofit algorithm.

10.41.1 Definition of Variables
Initial  Calendar Year  of Retrofit Implementation  -  The Initial Calendar Year of the
Retrofit Implementation is the first calendar year that a retrofit program is administered.
A valid Initial Calendar Year input must be equal to or less than the Final  Calendar Year
of Retrofit Implementation. Initial Retrofit Calendar Year entries that are greater than the
MOVES evaluation calendar year are to be ignored. All  months within a calendar year
are affected equally by the retrofit.

Final  Calendar  Year of Retrofit  Implementation   -  The Final Calendar Year of the
Retrofit Implementation is the last calendar year that a retrofit program is administered.
Final  Calendar Year input must be equal to or greater  than  Initial Calendar Year of
Retrofit Implementation.

Initial Model Year that will be Retrofit  - The Initial Model Year that will be retrofit is
the first model year of coverage for a particular vehicle class /  pollutant combination.
Valid entries for initial model year must meet the following requirement:

       Initial Model Year >= Initial Calendar Year - 30

       Also, the Initial Model Year cannot be greater than the Final Model Year that will
       be Retrofit.
Final Model Year that will be Retrofit - The Final Model Year that will be retrofit is the
last model year of coverage for a particular vehicle class / pollutant combination.  No
retrofit  shall be performed  on Final Model Year inputs which are greater than the
Evaluation  Calendar Year.   Also, the Final  Model Year input cannot be less than the
Initial Model Year that will be Retrofit.
Percentage of the Fleet Retrofit per Year - The Percentage of the Fleet Retrofit per Year
represents the percentage of  VMT  of a particular fleet of a particular vehicle class,
retrofit calendar year group, model year group  and pollutant  combination that is to be
rebuilt in a given calendar year.  Only values greater than zero and less than or equal to
100.0% are valid.   MOVES  also checks to insure that the product of the number of
calendar years of retrofit coverage (Final Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation  -
Initial  Calendar Year  of Retrofit  Implementation) times the Percentage of the  Fleet
Retrofit per Year does not exceed 100%. For example, a retrofit simulation is flagged as
invalid if it had a retrofit program start in calendar year 2005, a program end in  calendar
year 2008, and a yearly Fleet Retrofit Percentage of 50 percent (3 times 50% > 100%).
Percentage Effectiveness of the Retrofit - The Percentage Effectiveness of the Retrofit is
the percent emission reduction achieved by a retrofit. It is computed from a non retrofit

emission baseline.  The file input structure allows the user to enter a retrofit effectiveness
value for a particular vehicle class, retrofit calendar year group,  model year group and
pollutant combination.  All values up to 100% are valid.  A negative value is permitted
because it implies an emission increase as a result of retrofit which sometimes occurs.  A
value greater than  100% is not permitted because it implies negative emissions will be
10.41.2 Retrofit Algorithm
The general form of the retrofit algorithm is shown below.  Retrofit Emis is the emission
rate after a retrofit.  Base Emis is the emission rate without retrofit.
Retrofit Emis = [ (%Retrofitl*(l-RetrofitEffectivenessl)) +
              (%Retrofit2*(l-Retrofit  Effectiveness2))  ...  +  ...   (%Retrofit  (i)  *(l-Retrofit
             Effectiveness(i))) +  (1- %Retrofitl -%Retrofit2 ....... %Retrofit (i)) ] * Base Emis
       %Retrofitl + %Retrofit2 ...  + %Retrofit(i) <= 100%
       i < 29 in %Retrofit(i)
11. DRAFT MOVES2009 Input and Default Databases
       The principal input data for a MOVES model run is normally obtained from the
MySQL database named MOVESDefault. A version of this database is included in each
distribution of MOVES. The user may change this database if desired.  This is not
normally done directly, however, unless records need to be deleted, or a fundamental
change to the scope of the model is involved, because MOVES has a more convenient
mechanism for the user to supply additional  or alternative input data. The MOVES GUI
program and MOVES run specifications allow the user to specify one or more MySQL
databases whose table records are to be added to or to replace data table records in
MOVESDefault during model execution.  The simplicity and generality of this scheme is
that these MOVES input databases have exactly the same table structure as
MOVESDefault (or any portion of it), and may be used to replace all input data items. A

limitation of this scheme, however, is that the user is responsible for the accuracy,
completeness and consistency of the database that results from this process. This is not
always a simple endeavor. EPA envisions that "data importer" programs will be written
to help prepare MOVES input databases and support the principal specialized input use
cases as they arise.  It is also envisioned that organizations outside EPA will produce data
importers for MOVES.  DRAFT MOVES2009 does not include any data importers,
strictly speaking, but its future emission rate creator (FERC) is like a data importer in
that it creates EmissionRate table records from externally  supplied information.  The I/M
Table Coverage Editor in DRAFT MOVES2009 is also somewhat like a data importer in
that it can be used to create IMCoverage table records, in this case the records are
produced from user input to a GUI.
       Since the MOVESDefault database and MOVES user input databases have the
same table structure, this structure will be referred to in the remainder of this section  as
simply the "MOVES Database." The MOVES Database  is a relational database which
means, among other things, that it is made up entirely of tables, and that every record
within a given table has the same set of data items or "fields." The MOVES database has
a naming convention that table names begin with a capital letter and field names begin
with a small letter (unless their name starts with an acronym).
       The MOVES database structure is highly "normalized" which means that data is
contained in many separate tables, several of which usually need to be joined together to
satisfy an information requirement.

11.1. Use of Data Types
       The overall approach to the use of MySQL column types in the MOVES database
is to use integer type columns (2-byte integers where possible, 4-byte integers otherwise)
for all key identifying fields (statelD, countylD, hourlD, sourceTypelD, etc), and to use
normal-precision floating point columns for numeric information. Since MySQL has no
boolean (logical true/false) column type, the MOVES database uses columns of character
type with length 1 for data items that have a yes/no or true/false nature.  Such columns
are populated with "Y" to represent "yes" or "true," and "N" to represent "no" or "false."

11.2. Functional Types of Tables:
       While the MOVES Database consists entirely of tables, these tables serve several
different purposes.  Some tables function merely to establish value lists for some of the
fundamental entities in the database.  Examples of such "category value list" tables
include State, Year, and DayOfAnyWeek.
       A few tables represent "Associations" between database entities.  These usually
have "Assoc" as the last part of their name.   An example of an association type table is
PollutantProcessAssoc, which contains information as to which pollutants are emitted by
which emission processes. Since this is a many-to-many relationship (i.e. several
pollutants are generally produced by each emission process and a pollutant can be
produced by several emission processes), an "Association type" table is used to store the
valid combinations.
       The most common kind of tables in the MOVES database store the substantive
subject matter information, and in this document are termed "information" tables.  The
EmissionRate table, for example, stores emission rates for some of the  emission
processes in MOVES.
       Some "information" tables store data  "distributions," i.e. sets of fractions which
add to unity. The MOVES database has a naming convention that such tables have the
word "Fraction" or "Distribution" as the last part of their name, and the field containing
such fractions has the word "Fraction" as the latter part of its name. An example of this
is the "HourVMTFraction" table whose "hourVMTFraction" field stores information as
to what fraction of certain VMT occurs during each of the hours of the day. Another
example is the "RoadTypeDistribution" table whose "roadTypeVMTFraction" field
stores information as to what fraction of certain VMT occurs on each RoadType.
       A kind of "information" table which merits special consideration consists of those
which are written  by MOVES Generators and which MOVES EmissionCalculators,
(which can be considered to implement the MOVES Core Model), use  as their principal
inputs. These are called "core model input tables" or CMITs. The reason CMITs are
important to the MOVES user is that they are alternative points for data entry to the
model. Generally, the user has a choice as to whether to supply input data to a Generator

and have the Generator populate its CMIT tables during model execution, or to place
input data directly into the CMIT, (in which case the Generators are programmed not to
modify it). A combination of the two approaches may also be used. Most CMITs are
information type tables, but there is one notable exception to this, namely the SourceBin
table, which can be considered a category or an association type table.
       These various kinds of tables are not always completely distinct.   The
SourceUseType table for example functions as a "category" type table in that it defines
the set of sourceTypelDs available for use in the database, but it also functions as an
"information" table, since it contains several subject matter information fields, e.g.

11.3. Database Tables and Their Use
       This section briefly describes the purpose of each MOVES database table, and
classifies each table in terms of the categories discussed in the previous section.  For
"Information Tables" it also lists any application-level components of the model  which
write the table's records, and which use the table's data elements.  This section can
therefore be used to trace the flow of data in the central portion of the model at the table
level. The discussion of tables in this document is relatively brief, and is only intended to
give a general idea of how each table is used and its most significant characteristics.
       The following abbreviations are used in the table to identify the kinds of tables:
       CVL (Category Value List)
       ASSOC (Association Table)
       CMIT (Core Model Input Table)
       DIST (Distribution Table)
       INF (Information Table which is not also a CMIT or a Distribution Table)
The following abbreviations are used to identify the components of MOVES which read
and write the tables: (All tables are written into the MOVESExecution database  by the
InputDataManager, which along with data preaggregation, is not shown here. Usage by
the GUI or other framework components is likewise not shown.)
       LTLP (Lookup Table Link Producer)
       TAG (Total Activity Generator, includes version for Mesoscale Lookup)

       OMDG (Operating Mode Distribution Generator, for running and braking,
       includes version for Mesoscale Lookup)
       SBDG (Source Bin Distribution Generator)
       METG (Meterology Generator)
       StartOMDG (Start process operating mode distribution generator)
       TTG (Tank Temperature Generator)
       EvapOMDG (Operating mode distribution generator for the evaporative emission
       TFG (Tank Fuel Generator)
       AVFT (Alternative Vehicle Fuels and Technologies Strategy)
       EC (EmissionCalculators for the Exhaust, TireWear and Brake Wear emission
       processes which are not "chained" to other calculators, includes Distance
       ChainEC  (Emission calculator which are "chained" to other calculators)
       EvapEC (EmissionCalculators for the Evaporative emission processes)
Table 11.1 MOVES Input Database Tables - Use by Software Components
Table Name
Function /Description
Defines the valid age categories
of SourceUseTypes. ageID=0
represents new vehicles;
ageID=30 represents vehicles
30 years old or older.
Defines the valid age groups, a
single set of which is used for
all pollutant-processes.
The gasoline in the fuel tanks of
gasoline-fueled vehicles.
Allows modeling of mixtures of
fuel formulations from the fuel
Temperature of the fuel in the
tanks of vehicles.
Defines the average speed bins.
Distribution of time spent in


(as DIST,



Drive Schedule
Drive Schedule Assoc

average speed bins, by source
type, roadtype, hour and day.
The fraction of cold soaking in
each hour-day that began in
each hour, by source type, zone
and month.
Temperature of the fuel in tanks
of cold-soaking vehicles, by
zone, month, and hour
Establishes the set of counties.
Counties belong to states, but
their IDs, based on FIPS state
and county codes, are globally
Associates years with counties
Terms used to calculate tank
vapor vented from tank vapor
generated. Somewhat
analogous to emission rates by
age for TW process. Stored
by regClass, modelYearGroup,
and ageGroup.
Metadata for emission rate
Establishes set of day IDs which
identify a kind of day of the
Distributes VMT for a source
type in a month on a roadtype
to the kinds of days of the
Defines the set of driving
schedules or patterns. Each
schedule has an average speed
information item.
Associates a driving schedule
with a combination of source
type and road type. Also
indicates whether schedule is a
ramp schedule.
Records contain the speed for
one second of a driving
schedule. Schedules start at
second = 0. Time gaps are
allowed. Such gaps divide
schedule into "snippets".
Establish the set of emission
Contains emission rates for
most pollutant-processes which
do not depend upon vehicle age
and which are not calculated
from other pollutant-processes.
Rates depend upon
polprocessID, opModelD, and








Contains emission rates for
most pollutant-processes which
depend upon vehicle age and
which are not calculated from
other pollutant-processes.
Rates depend upon
polprocessID, opModelD,
sourceBinID, and agelD
Establishes the set of engSizelD
Establishes the set of
engTechID values.
Stores total activity for
extended idling process.
Geographic unit is the zone.
Stores multiplicative emission
result adjustment factors to
account for fuel effects by
polProcessID, sourceTypelD,
fuel model year groups, and
fuel formulation.
Distributes sourceType -
modelYear combinations to
fuelType - engine technology
Established the combinations of
fuelType and engTech that are
valid for each sourceType.
Establishes the set of fuel
formulations. Stores their fuel
Establishes the model year
groupings relevant to vehicle
fuel effects upon emissions
Establishes the set of fuel
subtypes. Stores information
about them.
Contains the marketshare of
fuel formulations for each
county for each month group
and fuel year. When present,
marketshares sum to unity for
each fuel type. When data not
present model assumes 100%
marketshare of the fuel type's
default formulation.
List of valid fuel supply years.
List of valid fuel types.
Stores "fullACAdjustment"
factors by source type,
pollutant-process, and operating
mode. Missing values mean no









Placeholder table for emission
processes not yet implemented.
Contains emission rates for the
Well-to-Pump process by year,
pollutant, and fuel subtype.
Placeholder table to reprent grid
Placeholder table to associate
grid cells with zones.
Exists only because of database
design considerations.
Associates all hours of the day
with all kinds of days of the
Lists valid hourlDs. hourID=l
represents the hour beginning at
Allocates the VMT for a
daylD combination to the hours
of the day
List of valid vehicle types as
classified by the Highway
Performance Management
Stores VMT data for base years
and VMT growth factors for all
Information about the existence
and effectiveness of vehicle I/M
programs. Stored by county,
year, pollutant-process, fuel
type, regulatory class, and
range of modelyears. Missing
data means no I/M.
Establishes the linkID values
and relates Links to Counties,
Zones, and Roadtypes. Its
informational data items are not
currently used.
Stores average speed
information for a Link. Used
for Mesoscale Lookup
Not yet used, a placeholder
table, intended for smaller scale
Simply lists the valid
Lists the modelYearGroupIds.
Establishes a short form for

(May be
written by

(may be
modified by
table editor)

(not used)
(not used)
(not used)



(not used)



MonthGroupOf Any Year
MonthOf Any Year
Sample VehicleDay

embedding these in
Stores terms used to calculate
AC activity
Establishes month groups,
which currently are individual
months. Would allow fuel-
related info to be stored more
Establishes the set of monthID
values. Relates months to
month groups.
Allocates annual VMT to
months. Allocation is by
Establishes the opModelDs.
Stores operating mode
distributions for several
operating mode distribution
Associates operating modes
with pollutant-processes.
Lists the pollutants calculated
by the model, along with
information item(s) pertaining
to them.
Used by the MOVES GUI in
constructing the pollutant-
processes screen.
Establishes the combinations of
pollutant and process which the
model calculates
Associates pollutant-processes
with modelYearGroupIDs and
fuelMYGroupIDs by listing
what model year group and fuel
model year group each
pollutant-process-model year
belongs to.
Distributes elements of
FuelEngFraction distributions
by Regulatory Class
Establishes the set of
Establishes the set of
roadTypelDs. Indicates
fraction of SHO on each driven
on ramps.
Distributes VMT, by
sourceType, to roadTypes
Establishes the set of vehicles
sampled for each kind of day.
Indicates the source type of
each sample vehicle.








Sample VehicleTrip
Contains data about each trip
made by the sample vehicles.
List of valid highway SCCs.
Decomposes this composite
code into its component parts.
List of process codes embedded
in SCCs
List of road classifications
embedded in SCCs
Distributes activity on each
roadtype in a zone to the
List of vehicle classifications
embedded in SCCs
Distribution activity within a
sourceTypelD, modelYearlD,
and fuelTypelD to
Stores source hours operating
total activity and distance
traveled. Geographically these
are stored by Link.
Stores source hours parked.
Distributions elements of
FuelEngFraction distributions
by engine size and vehicle
Distributes hours of parking
into hot soaking and cold
Lists the sourceBins that used
in SourceBinDistributions.
Forms an association among the
six source bin discriminating
fields, indicating which
combinations are used. The
fact that source bins can be
created dynamically is one of
the most complicated aspects of
the model.
Stores source bin distributions,
which allocate total activity to
source bins.
Store source hours (all hours in
which the source type exists,
equal to SHO plus SHP) total
activity. Geographicly these
are stored by Link.
Stores information items which
depend only upon
sourceTypelD and agelD
Allocates source type
population in each year to
vehicle agelDs





Stores activity information
pertinent to a sourceTypelD
during each hourDaylD,
currently idleSHOFactor.
Establishes combined IDs for
combinations of sourceTypelD
and modelYearlD. Stores
information that depends only
on these two factors, currently
TankTemperatureGroups with
combinations of sourceTypelD
and modelYearGroupID
Establishes which combinations
of sourceTypelD and
polProcessID require source bin
distributions. For such
combinatations indicates which
source bin discriminators are to
be considered in the source bin
Store vehicle population for
base year, sales growth and
migration rate information for
other years
Establishes the set of
sourceTypelD values. Relates
sourceTypelD s to HPMS
vehicle types. Stores items
depending only on
Stores total number of starts
activity. Geographically this is
stored by Zone.
Stores number of starts per
vehicle for each sourceType
and hour on each kind of day
Stores factors used to calculate
temperature adjustments for
certain pollutant-processes
Defines the set of statelD
values used in the database
Stores "rates" used to calculate
sulfate paniculate emissions
based on energy consumption
Defines the set of tank
temperature groups
Stores coefficients for the
equation used to calculate tank
temperature rise.
Store coefficients for the
equation used to calculate fuel
tank vapor generation
Stores factors used to calculate







temperature adjustments for
certain pollutant-processes
Establishes the set of weightID
Establishes the set of calendar
years for which emissions may
be estimated. Indicates which
are base years. Maps years to a
smaller set of "fuel years".
Establishes the set of zonelDs.
Relates zones to counties.
Stores information depending
only on zonelD, currently
several activity allocation
Stores information depending
only upon zonelD, monthID,
and hourlD, currently
meteorogy-related items.
Stores information depending
only upon zonelD and
roadTypelD, currently SHO
allocation factors



11.4. Where to Find More Detailed MOVES Database Documentation
      More detailed documentation of the MOVES database is contained in a readme
directory within the actual database directory. Assuming that MySQL is installed at the
standard location on your hard drive and that MOVES has been installed with the
MOVES installation package, this would be
C:\mysql\data\MOVESDByyyymmdd\readme where "yyyymmdd is the version date.
Within this directory a Microsoft WORD document named "MOVESDB.doc" contains
definitions for the tables and fields in the database for which the tablename is not fully
explanatory.  Also located in this directory are a set of Entity-Relationship diagrams
illustrating the database. These take the form of ".pdf files. The graphical conventions
which apply to these diagrams, one of which also appears in chapter 12 of this document,
         Each rectangle represents a table.
         The primary key fields of the table are shown above the line horizontal line
            inside these rectangles.
         Fields designated "FK" are foreign key fields; i.e., they help identify related
            records in other tables.

Lines connecting the rectangles represent relationships between records in the
A short perpendicular line at the end of relationship indicates that it is possible
    that one record from that table participates in the relationship.
A small "o" at the end of a relationship line indicates that it is possible that no
    records from that table participate in the relationship.
A small "v" (sometimes refered to as "crow's feet") at the end of a relationship
    line indicates that it is possible that many records from that table participate
    in the relationship.

12. DRAFT MOVES2009 Output Databases
      The MOVES GUI/Master program reports the results of each simulation run in
the MySQL database named in its run specification. The MOVES GUI may also be used
to create an "empty" MOVES Output Database.
      There are several software options for working with these databases once they
have been created:
             In many situations the most convenient option is to use the "Summary
      Reporter" component described in Chapter 10 Section 34  of this document and in
      greater detail in the DRAFTMOVES2009 User Guide.  This component,
      accessible via the "Post-Processing Menu in the  MOVES  GUI, can be used to
      aggregate the output various ways, producing screen displays (which can be
      printed) and tab-separated variable ASCII files which can be imported into other
             For operations that cannot be done with the Summary Reporter, the most
      natural method is to use MySQL itself, either via its command line client, which
      is installed as part of the MySQL installation, or via the MySQL Query Browser
      which is a graphical client program for MySQL.  The command line client is
      invoked from a DOS window by entering the "mysql" command.  The MySQL
      Query Browser is included in the DRAFT MOVES2009 Program Suite
      Distribution and requires a separate installation.  A set of MySQL commands,
      produced by either client program, can be stored and executed again as a MySQL
      "script". Several MySQL scripts are distributed with DRAFT MOVES2009 and
      are accessible via the "Post-Processor Script Execution" feature documented in
      Chapter 10.33.  Users may add their own scripts to this menu in the MOVES GUI.
             MySQL output databases can also be used via Microsoft FoxPro or
      MicroSoft ACCESS via an ODBC connection. Even Microsoft EXCEL can be
      used in this fashion if the database is small enough.  Instructions as to how to
      establish these ODBC connections can be found in Appendix B of the DRAFT
      MOVES2009 User Guide.

        The results of multiple runs may be stored in the same database and are identified

by MOVESRunlD. This database consists of six tables as shown in Figure 12-1.

        Figure 12-1.  Tables in Output Database
                              &" D
'"io-:- D ;F«"i
slate DiFKi
ro-ntjrtC :--.;
crccess D i'F*-' i

iron:1-, C
S-.3S D

         dxaFileModificat onDate
         table JseSequence

    y-earlC :-<;
    rronlhlC ;FK;
    daylD |FK«
    ccurcy 3jF'i
    zcnelt IF'-C)
    scurceTypelC :~K'i
    f-erypelc :F<;
    ircdelYea' D i FK'i
    po utant D I'FK'i
    prosesaO sFK;
    reH jii :ih
   hole: Th,-s table is
   only Drodueed -"or
   Mesocale Lookup

tera:.:n DiFh i
Z0r€ Jf" 1
'cad vpeIC -H ;
3:1 ii-ry~;.pelC 'r' ;
a-l 'l .•/



•&— -




* *




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zcneifc :r-::
s.:"jrte~>pelC ;--.;
nrcde res- D . F- I
3CC :"". ;


e VT* .<

•vear C


12.1. MOVESRun Table
       The MOVESRun Table contains information that pertains to the model run as a


    The MOVESRunID field contains a number identifying the model run. A single
    record is written into this table for each run. The first run whose results are stored in
    this database is assigned run number 1, and the number is incremented for any
    subsequent runs.
    The outputTimePeriod field indicates the time period (Hour, Single Day, Portion of
    the Week, Month, or Year) for this run.  This is a MOVES GUI selection.
    The four Units fields indicate the engineering units used to express time, distance,
    mass, and energy results for this run.  The GUI determines the time units
    automatically based on other selections. The last three are GUI selections.
    The runSpecFileName field contains the file name (not including path) of the
    RunSpecification upon which this run was based. Of course the contents of the
    runspec may have been changed since the run was performed.
    The runSpecDescription field contains the description portion of the run
    The runspecFileDateTime field indicates the time and date stamp the run
    specification file had when the run was executed. If this date-time differs between
    two runs using the same run specification file name, this may be an indication that
    some change was made to the run specification between the two runs.
    The runDateTime field contains the date and time the run began.
    The scale field indicates the modeling scale applicable to the run.
    The minutesDuration field indicates the time required to complete  the run, expressed
    in minutes.
    The defaultDatabaseUsed field indicates the name of the default database used for
    the run.
    The masterVersionDate field contains the version date of the master program used
    for the run. This is the same date as appears in a popup window when the program is
    started or the "Help-About MOVES" menu item is selected.
    The masterComputerIP field contains the contents of a field in the MOVES
    Configuration file which is intended to indicate the computer used for the run. When
    MOVES is first installed this field is not meaningful.  To change it a text editor can
    be used to edit this item in the MOVESConfiguration.txt file.

12.2. MOVESError Table
       This table contains a record for each error message generated during runs for

which this is the output database. Internally MOVES has several levels of error

messages. Currently "warning-level" and "error level" messages are written to this file,

and "informational level" messages are not.

    The MOVESErrorlD field identifies the error message record.  It serves as a key
    field for this table, but its value is not meaningful to the user.
    As in the other MOVES Output Database tables, the MOVESRunID field identifies
    the model run during which the error occurred.
    The errorMessage field contains the text of the error or warning level message.
    The other fields in this table were intended to identify the portion of the model run
    that experienced the error, but are not used in DRAFT MOVES2009.

12.3. The MOVESActivityOutput, MOVESOutput,
MOVESMesoscalActivityOutput and MOVESMesoscaleOutput Tables
      These four tables contain the substantive results of each model run.  All four

tables are described in this section since they have many fields in common.  The

MOVESActivityOutput table is used to report activity-related information which is not

specific to an emission process or pollutant. The MOVESOutputTable is used to report
the pollutant emission results, including energy consumption.  The

MOVESMesoscaleActivityOutput and MOVESMesoscaleOutput tables match the

structure of the MOVESActivityOutput and MOVESOutput tables respectively but are

only populated for runs using the Mesoscale Lookup scale. Such runs require special

indexing that would be a burden on normal MOVES runs and are separated  for

performance purposes. The fields of these four tables function as follows:

    The MOVESRunID field identifies the model run that produced each output record.
    The iterationID field supports estimation of the uncertainty of model results via
    Monte Carlo statistical approach described in Chapter 10. If uncertainty estimation
    is not being performed it has a value of 1.  If uncertainty estimation is  being
    performed it identifies the model iteration.
    The yearlD field identifies the calendar year to which the output record pertains.
    The Year table in the MOVESDefault database defines its legal values.   The
    distributed version of MOVESDefault is intended to support calendar year 1990 and
    years 1999 thru 2050.
    The monthID field identifies the month of the year (if any) to which the output
    record pertains. Its legal values are defined by the MonthOfAnyYear table in the
    MOVESDefault database and are 1 thru 12 in the distributed version. A null or zero
    value indicates that the record pertains to all months of the year that were included in
    the run specification.

The daylD field identifies the day or portion of the week to which the output record
pertains. Its legal values are defined by the DayOfAnyWeek table in the
MOVESDefault database.  A null or zero value indicates that the record pertains to
all portions of the week that were included in the run specification.
The hourlD field identifies the hour of the day to which the output record pertains.
Its legal values are defined by the HourOfAnyDay table in the MOVESDefault
database and are 1 thru 24 in the distributed version (where hour number 1 begins at
midnight). A null or zero value indicates that the record pertains to all hours of the
day that were included in the run specification.
The statelD field identifies the state to which the output record pertains.  Its legal
values are defined by the State table in the MOVESDefault database and are based
on the FIPS state codes in the distributed version. A null or zero value indicates that
the record pertains to all states in the modeling domain (normally the nation) that
were included in the run specification.
The county ID field identifies the county to which the output record pertains. Its
legal values are defined by the County table in the MOVESDefault database and are
based on the FIPS state and FIPS county codes in the distributed version. Note that
these county identifications are unique across the entire database since they include
the state identification. A null or zero value indicates that the record pertains to all
counties in the state, (or, if statelD is also zero or null, the entire modeling domain)
that were included in the run specification. When the state level data preaggregation
computational shortcuts is taken, as described in Chapter  10.4,  values of county ID
based only on the FIPS states codes are  used to represent entire states.
The zonelD field is based on the county ID in the default database distributed with
DRAFT MOVES2009 and provides no  additional information in this case.
Databases can be  constructed, however, wherein each county may have multiple
The linkID field identifies the link (if any) to which the output  record pertains. Its
legal values are defined by the Link table in the MOVESDefault database and are
based on the FIPS state and FIPS county codes and road type classifications in the
distributed version. A null or zero value indicates that the record pertains to all links
in the county or zone, that were included in the run specification.  (In the default
database distributed with DRAFT MOVES2009 this corresponds to all road types in
the county that were included in the run specification.)  This field has a special
meaning in Mesoscale Lookup runs as describe in section 10.5.
The sourceTypelD field numerically identifies the source use type (if any) to which
the output record pertains.  Its legal values are defined by the SourceUseType table
in the MOVESDefault database.  In the  distributed default version these are:

   11     Motorcycle
   21     Passenger Car
   31     Passenger Truck
   32    Light Commercial Truck
   41     Intercity Bus
   42    Transit Bus

   43     School Bus
   51     Refuse Truck
   52     Single Unit Short-haul Truck
   53     Single Unit Long-haul Truck
   54     Motor Home
   61     Combination Short-haul Truck
   62     Combination Long-haul Truck

A null value indicates that the output record does not pertain to a particular
SourceUseType. (Either the user has selected to report by Source Classification
Code (SCC) instead, or not to distinguish the results by any vehicle classification.)

The SCC field identifies the Source Classification Code (if any) to which the output
record pertains. Its legal values are defined by the SCC table in the MOVESDefault
database. A null value indicates that the output record does not pertain to a particular
SCC. (Either the user has selected to report by Source Use type instead, which is
recommended, or not to distinguish the results by any vehicle classification.)
The fuelTypelD field numerically identifies the top-level fuel type (if any) to which
the output record pertains.  A null value indicates that the record pertains to all fuel
types. Whether results are to be distinguished by fuel type is a GUI selection and is
included in the run specification. The legal values of fuelTypelD are defined by the
FuelType table in the MOVESDefault database. In the distributed default version
these are:

   1      Gasoline
   2      Diesel Fuel
   3      Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
   4      Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
   5      Ethanol (E85 or E95)
   6      Methanol (M85 or M95)
   7      Gaseous Hydrogen
   8      Liquid Hydrogen
   9      Electricity

The modelYearlD field identifies the model year (if any) to  which the output record
pertains. A null value indicates that the record pertains to all model years. Whether
results are to be distinguished by model year is a GUI selection and is included in the
run specification.
The roadTypelD field identifies the road type (if any) to which the output record
pertains. The legal values of this field are defined by the RoadType table in the
MOVESDefault database. In the distributed version of DRAFT MOVES2009 there
are 4 roadtypes intended to classify actual highways, plus a fifth RoadType
representing locations in the zone which are not on the highway network.

    1     Off-Network

    2    Rural Roadways with Restricted Vehicle Access
    3    Rural Roadways with Unrestricted Vehicle Access
    4    Urban Roadways with Restricted Vehicle Access
    5    Urban Roadways with Unrestricted Vehicle Access

MOVES associates start, extended idle, and well-to-pump emissions with RoadType
1 and running emissions with the four actual roadway classifications.  A null value of
roadTypelD indicates that the results pertain to all roadway types.  Whether to
distinguish results by roadTypelD is a GUI selection that is included in the run
specification.  Producing results by SCC implies that roadtypes are not distinguished
which is a change in DRAFT MOVES2009. EPA considers roadtypes 2 thru 5 listed
above to represent a set of HPMS roadway classifications, but MOVES itself does
not make this assumption.

The pollutantID field numerically identifies the pollutant to which the output record
pertains. It is present only in the MOVESOutput table. Results are always
distinguished by pollutant.  The Pollutant table in the MOVESDefault database
defines the legal values of pollutantID.  In the distributed default DRAFT
MOVES2009 database for the demonstration version they are as follows:

           1    Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons
           2    Carbon Monoxide (CO)
           3    Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
           5    Methane (CH4)
           6    Nitrous Oxide (N20)
           90    Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
           91    Total Energy Consumption
           92    Petroleum Energy Consumption
           93    Fossil Energy Consumption
           98    CO2 Equivalent
          105    Primary PM10 - Sulfate Particulate Matter
          111    Primary PM2.5 - Organic Carbon Particulate Matter
          112    Primary PM2.5 - Elemental Carbon Particulate Matter
          115    Primary PM2.5  - Sulfate Particulate Matter
          116    Primary PM2.5 - Brake Wear Particulate Matter
          117    Primary PM2.5 - Tire Wear Particulate Matter

The processID field numerically identifies the emission process (if any) to which the
output record pertains.  It is present only in the MOVESOutputTable.  The
EmissionProcess table in the MOVESDefault database defines the legal values for
processID.  In the distributed version these are:

           1     Running Exhaust
           2     Start Exhaust
         90     Extended Idle Exhaust
         99      Well-to-Pump

A null value in this field indicates that the result record pertains to all emission
processes. Whether to distinguish results by emission process is a GUI selection that
is contained in the run specification.
The emissionQuant field is present only in the MOVESOutput and MOVES
MESOscaleOutput tables contains the quantity of emissions of the given pollutant as
qualified by all the other identifying fields. Engineering units for mass type
pollutants may be in terms of kilograms, grams, pounds, or U.S. tons as selected in
the GUI, contained in the run specification and output in the MOVESRun table.
Engineering units for energy consumption results may be in terms of Joules or
millions of BTU's as selected in the GUI, contained in the run specification, and
output in the MOVERun table.
The emissionOuantMean field is present only in the MOVESOutput and
MOVESMesoscaleOutput tables.  It is only used if the uncertainty estimation feature
is invoked in the run specification. In "normal" runs it contains a zero value.  When
uncertainty estimation is being performed it contains the mean value of
emissionQuant in iterations up to and including the one represented by  this record.
The emissionQuantSigma field is  present only in the MOVESOutput and
MOVESMesoscaleOutput tables.  It is only used if the uncertainty estimation feature
is invoked in the run specification. In "normal" runs it contains a zero value.  When
uncertainty estimation is being performed it contains the variance of the
emissionQuant in iterations up to and including the one represented by  this record.
The activity field is present only in the MOVESActivityOutput and
MOVESMesoscaleActivityOutput tables and contains the distance traveled as
qualified by all the other identifying fields. Its engineering units may be miles or
kilometers as selected in the GUI, contained in the run specification,and output in the
MOVESRun table.
The activityTypelD field is present only in the MOVESActivityOutput and
MOVESMesoscaleActivityOutput tables. It references the Activity Type table which
defines activityTypeID=l as distance.
The activityMean field is present only in the MOVESActivityOutput and
MOVESMesoscaleActivityOutput tables. It is not used in the demonstration version
The activitySigma field is present only in the MOVESActivityOutput and
MOVESMesoscaleActivityOutput tables. It is not used in the demonstration version

Appendix A.  Table of Acronyms

    AB               aktiebolog (Swedish)
    AC               air conditioning
    API               application program interface
    AVFT             alternative vehicle fuels and technologies
    ASCII             American Standard Code for Information Interchange
    BTU              British thermal unit
    CH4              methane
    CD               compact disc
    CMIT             core model input table
    CNG              compressed natural gas
    CSEC             criteria start emission calculator
    CSV              comma-separated variable
    DOT              Department of Transportation
    ECC              energy consumption calculator
    EPA              Environmental Protection Agency
    F                 Fahrenheit
    FERC             future emission rate calculator
    FK               foreign key
    FIPS              federal information processing standard
    GB               gigabyte
    GPL              general public license
    GHz              gigahertz
    GUI              graphical user interface
    GNU              GNU's not UNIX (recursive)
    GREET           Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy uses in
    H2               hydrogen
    HC               hydrocarbons
    HDT              heavy duty truck
    HPMS             Highway Performance Management System
    1C                internal combustion
    ID                identification
    IM               inspection/maintenance
    kW               kiloWatt
    LOT              light duty truck
    LDV              light duty vehicle
    LPG              liquified propane gas
    LTLP             lookup table link producer
    MAR             mileage accumulation rate
    MB               megabyte
    MOVES           MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator
    DRAFT MOVES2009   The Highway Vehicle Implementation of MOVES
    N2O              nitrous oxide
    NMEVI            National Mobile Inventory Model

on board diagnostics
open database connectivity
operating mode distribution generator
Office of Transportation and Air Quality
random access memory
runs to completion
source bin distribution generator
source classification code
software development kit
Software Design and Reference Manual
source hours operating
source hours parked
structured  query language
sport utility vehicle
total activity generator
United States
vehicle miles traveled
volatile organic hydrocarbon
vehicle specific power
extended markup language

Appendix B.  MOVES Error/Warning Messages


Adding execution locations for county, [*], failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Adding execution locations for link, [*], failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Adding execution locations for state, [*], failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Adding execution locations for the nation failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Adding execution locations for zone, [*], failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

All data is not yet ready to be exported. [*]
      The selected internal control strategy is not ready to export its data. Check
      the strategy's GUI to resolve any errors before exporting.

An EmissionCalculator encountered an SQL exception while
exporting data using:
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

An SQL exception occurred while adding execution locations.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

An SQL exception occurred while building execution indexes.

      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

An SQL exception occurred while building mesoscale lookup links.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

An SQL exception occurred while building the runspec filter sets.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

An SQL exception occurred while building the runspec filter tables.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Copy table, [*],Jrom source database failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not build TTGeMinutes table.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not calculate average speeds
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not calculate Engine Power Distribution.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not calculate operating mode distributions
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not check driveScheduleSecondLink
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from


Could not create hot soak and operating temperature tables.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not create unique vehicle IDs.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not delete Project Total Activity data.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not delete Total Activity data from previous run.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine average tank temperature.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine brackets for Average Speed Bins.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine cold soak fractions.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine cold soak tank temperature.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine Evaporative Emissions Operating Mode
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine final Operating Mode Distribution.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine Jr action of drive schedules in each speed bin.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine Jr actions of Operating Modes per Drive
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine hot soak temperatures.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine operating mode for sample vehicle trips.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine operating modejraction.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine Operating Mode ID distribution.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine soak activity fraction.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine soak times for sample vehicle trips.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine the distribution of drive schedules for non ramp
drive cycle.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not determine the distribution of drive schedules for ramp
drive cycle.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not do link operating mode setup
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not do TFG sql.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not flag marker trips
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Could not load InternalControlStrategy text
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Could not load InternalControlStrategy XML.
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Could not load runspec XML.
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Could not remove Source Bin Distribution data from previous run.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Error removing generated data from the execution database.

      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Exception occurred on 'randomizeTableData' [*] using
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Failed to get monthlDfrom MonthOJAnyYear urith:
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Failed to update MOVESRun.minutesDuration
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Get list of years failed
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

IMGUI countyName= =null, countyID=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI inspectFreqName==null, inspectFreq=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI null text for display line
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI pollutantName==null, polProcessID=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI processName==null, polProcessID=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI regClassName==null, regClassID=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI testStandardsName==null, testStandardsID=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

IMGUI testTypeName==null, testTypeID=
      The I/M display could not find required human-readable details for an
      I/M program in the database.

InternalControlStrategy failed to load
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid class name entry
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid DatabaseSelection
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid Generic County.
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid GeographicOutputDetail
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid GeographicSelection.
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid HydrocarbonUnitSystem
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid InputDatabase
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid InternalControlStrategy
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid InternalControlStrategy XML file.
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid ModelDomain
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid ModelScale

      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OJfRoadVehicleSCC
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OJfRoadVehicleSelection
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OnRoadVehicleSelection
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OutputDatabase
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OutputEmissionsBreakdoivnSelection
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OutputFactors
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid OutputTimeStep
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid PMSize
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid PollutantProcessAssotiation
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid RoadType
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid RunSpec XML file.
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid ScalelnputDatabase
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Invalid timing on request/or instantiated object [name]
      This internal error can occur if user-modified Java code calls
      MOVESInstantiator.didlnstantiateQ out of the proper sequence.

Invalid UncertaintyParameter
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Loading a list of runs for the MOVES Error Log failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could

      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

loading counties failed
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

loading lookup table failed
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

loading pollutantProcessMap failed
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

loading reverse lookup table failed
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Missing parameter i=
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Only one object per RunSpec is allowed for this type
      For some internal control strategies, the AVFT for instance, it only makes
      sense to have at most one of them per RunSpec.

Replace into table, [*],from source database failed.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Road type ID, [*], with name, '[*]', was not found in the default
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Run specification must contain pollutant-process, county, year, and
vehicle-Juel type selections for an IMCoverage report to be produced.
      MOVES could not generate the list of I/M coverage records that apply to
      the current RunSpec because the RunSpec lacks selections on one or more
      required screens.

Since only one object per RunSpec is allowedfor this type, importing
a new one will overwrite this object. Do you really want to do this?

      For some internal control strategies, the AVFT for instance, it only makes
      sense to have at most one of them per RunSpec.

SQL error in FER Adjustment File Loading
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

SQL error in heat index.calculation
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Table model unable to select
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Table name is NULL for the query :
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

The selectedfile does not contain this type of object, it has not been
      MOVES could not find the requested internal control strategy object
      within the file you selected.

TTG could not access SoakActivityFractions
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to apply new FuelEngFraction
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to calculate FuelEng Fraction
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to calculate model year range needed
      An error occurred while working with a database.  The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to calculate RegClassFraction
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to calculate SCCVTypeDistribution
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to calculate SizeWeightFraction
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to check for county domain data
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to check missing emission rates:
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to count operating modes for polProcessID = [*].
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to create InternalControlStrategy
     While setting up a requested internal control strategy, an error occurred.
     This is likely a case of a RunSpec that requests an internal control strategy
     that is not compiled into this machine's MOVES.

Unable to create MOVESLookupOutput table
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to create temporary summary  tables
     An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
     have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to delete EE Operating Mode Distribution data

      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to delete from database
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to delete Operating Mode Distribution data from a previous
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to delete Start Operating Mode Distribution data from a
previous run
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to delete tank fuel data from a previous run
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to delete tank temperature data from a previous run
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to do AVFT diagnostics
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to fill lookup array
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to fill lookup arrays
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to finalize MOVESEventLog

      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to find user inputs for ColdSoaklnitialHourFraction
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to get database info for Pollutant Process Association where
polProcessID =
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to get database key for Pollutant Process Association where
Process ID = [*] and Pollutant ID = [*].
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to get SHO count in ECC
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to get single opModelD for polProcessID = [*].
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to learn Create Table statements
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to loadATRatio entries
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to load columns in StateCountyMapGUI using
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to load HC entries

      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to load tables in StateCountyMapGUI using
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to lookup retrofit abbreviation
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to open hot soak cursor
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to open SVTH cursor
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to perform Source Bin Distribution for pollutant/process,[ *]/
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to process exported file contents
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to process work file contents
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to query PollutantProcessAssoc
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to save CMITs
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from


Unable to save XML for InternalControlStrategy
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.

Unable to save XML.
      The RunSpec could not be saved. This often happens if the file is already
      open in a text editor.

Unable to store table tracking details
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to update database
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to update MOVESWorkersUsed
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to urrite error message to output database.
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to urrite start time to MOVESEventLog
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Unable to urrite stop time to MOVESEventLog
      An error occurred while working with a database. The database could
      have become unavailable or could have been modified externally from

Warning: [SAXXML parser exception]
      The RunSpec file is corrupt, likely due to a typo.
