Draft Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
   (MOVES) 2009

   User Guide
United States
Environmental Protection

             Draft Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
                            (MOVES) 2009

                               User Guide
                           Assessment and Standards Division
                          Office of Transportation and Air Quality
                          U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
United States
Environmental Protection
April 2009

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide                                                         March 2009
                                     Table of Contents
 i.o. Getting Started with MOVES	3
    /./  About Draft MOVES2009	3
    1.2  DRAFT MOVES2009 Documentation	4
      1.2.1  About this Manual	4
      1.2.2  Other Documentation and Online Help	5
      1.2.3  What's Next? Working with MOVES	5
    1.3  Installation	7
      1.3.1  System Requirements	7
      1.3.2  Starting and Testing Your Installation	7
    1.4  Executing Example DRAFT MOVES2009 Run Specification	8
      1.4.1  Step-by-step Example Run	8
      1.4.2  MOVES Output Structure	9
 2.0  Using DRAFT MOVES2009	11
    2.1  Overview of MOVES User Interface	/ /
    2.2  Navigation Panel	13
      2.2.1  Description	14
      2.2.2  Scale	15 Domain/Scale	15 Calculation Type	16
      2.2.3  Time Spans	17  Time Aggregation Level	18 Years	18 Months	19 Days	19 Hours	19
      2.2.4  Geographic Bounds	19
      2.2.5  Vehicles/Equipment	24
      2.2.6  Road Type	25
      2.2.7  Pollutants and Processes	26  Processes	28 Pollutants	28
      2.2.8  Manage Input Data Sets	29
      2.2.9  Creating and Using Internal Control Strategies	31  Adding Strategy Files	32 Deleting Strategy Files	33 Exporting Strategy Files	33 Editing Strategy Files	33 Saving and Transferring Strategy Files	34 Varying Vehicle Fuels and Technologies using the AVFT Strategy	34 Normalizing Data	36 Adding Model Years	36 Editing AVFT files outside of MOVES	37 Managing On-Road Vehicle Retrofit Data	37 Importing Retrofit Data	38
      2.2.10 Output	39 Specifying Database, Time Period, and Units in Output	39
 Output Database	39

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 Output	40 Specifying Emission Distinctions in Output	40
 Always	41
 For All Vehicle/Equipment Categories	42
 On Road/Off Road	42
 Estimate Uncertainty	42
      2.2.11 Advanced Performance Features	43
    2.3 Main Menu Bar	44
      2.3.1 File	44
      2.3.2 Edit	44
      2.3.3 Preprocessing	44 Display/Edit I/M Program Coverage Records	45 Data Importer, County Data Manager and Project Domain Manager	45
 Database	46
 RunSpec Summary	47
 Tools	47
 Data Managers (Importers)	48
   Fuel Supply Importer	52
   Vehicle Type VMT	52
   Source Type Population Importer	53
   Age Distribution Importer	53
   Average Speed Distribution Importer	53
   Road Type Distribution Importer	53
   Ramp Fraction Importer	54
   Meteorology Data Importer	54
   Zone Road Activity Importer	54
   Operating Mode Distribution Importer	54
   Link Drive Schedules Importer	55
   Links Importer	55
   Link Source Types Importer	55
   Off Network Importer	56
   I/M Program Coverage Records Editor	56
      2.3.4 Action	56
      2.3.5 Postprocessing	57 Run MySQL Script on Output Database	58 Produce Summary Report	58 Produce State/County Map	62
      2.3.6 Settings	63
      2.3.7 Help	65
 Appendix A - Displaying and Editing Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M)
 Program Coverage Information	i
 Appendix B - Linking MySQL Tables from MS ACCESS or MS Excel (includes ODBC
 usage)	i
 Appendix C - Using the Batch Command Line Interface	i
 Appendix D - Creating an On-Road Retrofit Input File	i
 Appendix E - Best Practices	i
 Appendix F - Scenario i: Estimating Changes in CO2 using the AVFT	i
 Appendix G - Scenario 2:  MOVES Project Level Example	i
 Appendix H - Scenario 3:  County Data Manager and I/M Editor Example	i
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide                                                       March 2009
  1.0. Getting Started with MOVES

        MOVES is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Motor Vehicle Emission
  Simulator.  It helps the user to answer "what if questions, such as "How would particulate
  matter emissions decrease in my state on a typical weekday if truck travel was reduced during
  rush hour?" or "How does the total hydrocarbon emission rate change if my fleet switches to
  from gasoline to diesel fuel?" The purpose of the tool is to provide an accurate estimate of
  emissions from mobile sources under a wide range of user-defined conditions.

        In the modeling process, the user specifies vehicle types, time periods, geographical
  areas, pollutants, vehicle operating characteristics, and road types to be modeled.  The model
  then performs a series of calculations, which have been carefully developed to accurately reflect
  vehicle operating processes, such as cold start or extended idle, and provide estimates of bulk
  emissions and/or emission rates.  The actual specification of the characteristics of a particular
  scenario to be modeled is done by creating a Run Specification, or RunSpec.

        The MOVES model is different from previous EPA emissions models in that it was
  deliberately designed to work with databases. With this design, new data that may become
  available can be more easily incorporated into the model In addition, MOVES allows and
  facilitates the import by the user of data specific to a user's unique needs.  With its focus on the
  data, the MOVES model does not require a system rebuild in order to use the most recent data
  for estimating emissions.

        The MOVES model includes a "default" database that summarizes emission relevant
  information for the entire United  States. The data for this database comes from many sources
  including EPA research studies, Census Bureau vehicle surveys, Federal Highway
  Administration travel data, and other federal, state, local, industry and academic sources. The
  MOVES team continually works  to improve this database, but, for many uses, up-to-date local
  inputs will be more appropriate, especially for analyses supporting State Implementation Plans
  (SIPs) and conformity determinations.
     1.1  About Draft MOVES2009

        Draft MOVES2009 is a draft version of the MOVES emissions modeling tool. Draft
 MOVES2009 builds on the functionality of previous MOVES versions: MOVES2004 and the
 MOVESDemo. Draft MOVES2009 can be used to estimate national, state, and county level
 inventories of criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, and some mobile source air
 toxics from highway vehicles. Additionally, Draft MOVES2009 can make projections for
 energy consumption (total, petroleum-based, and fossil-based).  Because the MOVES team
 lacked the time to update the assumptions, in Draft MOVES2009, life cycle effects (i.e., well-to-
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 pump emissions) have been set to zero for energy consumption and emissions; and the model no
 longer includes an interface to the Argonne National Laboratory GREET model.

        The draft version of MOVES2009 is meant for user comment and is not intended for
 official use.  Please see the Draft MOVES2009 policy statement available on the EPA's MOVES
 web site http://www.epa.gov/otaq/models/moves/index.htm for EPA's policy on selecting
 appropriate models for mobile source emission estimates.

        Future versions of MOVES will be able to estimate pollutants from other mobile sources
 such as aircraft, locomotives, and commercial marine vessels.  In addition, the capability to
 estimate non-highway mobile source emissions and to operate at smaller scales is planned.

        MOVES is distributed free of charge by EPA pursuant to the GNU General Public
 License (GPL). It is written in Java™ and uses the MySQL relational database management
 system. MySQL AB produces MySQL, and allows distribution of the database system pursuant
 to the GNU GPL. The principal user inputs and outputs, and the internal working storage
 locations for MOVES are MySQL databases. Draft MOVES2009 model includes a "default"
 input database, which uses national data and allocation factors to approximate results for the
 3,222 counties in the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
 Islands. Draft MOVES2009 is capable of modeling emissions for the calendar years 1990 and

        MOVES may be operated on a single computer system or on a network  of computers.
 See the Installation Guide and/or the Software Design Reference Manual for more information
 about specific requirements and computer configurations.

     1.2 DRAFT MOVES2009 Documentation

        The following discussion highlights the contents of this manual, how best to use the
 manual, and where additional information may be found.

        1.2.1  About this Manual

        The DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide focuses on operating MOVES software to create
 and execute Run Specifications (RunSpecs).

        Throughout this document, information may be highlighted to make it easier to find
 solutions to problems or to avoid errors using the following prompts:

        XCAUTION!  Cautions must be observed to avoid errors in execution or to ensure the
                     intended execution will occur.

        ? NOTE Notes contain important information about the panel being described.

             Tips contain hints for input or better operation of the run.
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        The DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide is accessible as a .pdf file under the Help menu in
 the MOVES interface.

        1.2.2 Other Documentation and Online Help

        Additional documentation covering the following topics is available for DRAFT

              Installation:  A README text file is included on the MOVES Installation CD.
        It guides the user through the system requirements process for installing the MOVES
        program and associated software.

              Software Design: The MOVES Software Design and Reference Manual
        (SDRM) is available as a stand-alone document and is accessible via the Help menu item
        on the MOVES Main Menu.  The SDRM covers the basic concepts and functional design
        of the software and the underlying MySQL database, including technical specifications
        for all calculations performed in the model.  It is intended to answer more detailed and
        substantive questions about the MOVES software than those addressed in this guide.

              MOVES Database Documentation: More detailed documentation of the
        MOVES database can be found within the README file in the database itself.

        1.2.3 What's Next? Working with MOVES

        Depending on the status of your installation and how familiar you are with MOVES, you
 have several options for next steps to get up and running with DRAFT MOVES2009.

           =>    If you have just installed MOVES or are uncertain about your installation,
                 follow instructions in "Testing Your Installation," provided in Section 1.3.2 of
                 this guide.

           =>    If MOVES is installed and operational on your computer, you should run the
                 example to become more familiar with the tool before moving on. See
                  "Executing Example  DRAFT MOVES2009 Run Specification" included in
                  Section 1.4 of this guide for instructions.

           =>    If you would like to become more familiar with MOVES terminology and
                 design, see the "MOVES Software Design and Reference Manual," available
                 in .pdf format via the Help menu.

           =>    If you have questions about the MOVES Graphical User Interface (GUI) or
                 executing a run, see "Overview of MOVES RunSpec User Interface" in
                  Section 2 of this guide.

           =>    If you are ready to begin using MOVES, see "Starting MOVES," also in
                  Section 2 of this guide.
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            =>    If you would like to work through an example, a set of sample scenarios is
                  included in the Appendices.

            =>    If you would like to get started using MOVES for regular work, advice on
                  "Best Practices" is available in an Appendix.
        The rest of this guide provides information on using the DRAFT MOVES2009 model.
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 1.3 Installation

        Step-by-step instructions on installation are supplied by EPA in the README file in the
 DRAFT MOVES2009 Software Distribution Suite. (A more detailed discussion is also available
 in the MOVES Software Design and Reference Manual.) The DRAFT MOVES2009 Software
 Distribution Suite consists of three required installation programs (MySQL 5.0, Java 1.4.2, and
 Draft MOVES2009), and several additional programs that can be used to install additional,
 optional software tools for use with MOVES. Please refer to the README file first if DRAFT
 MOVES2009 has not been installed on your computer.

        1.3.1 System Requirements

        DRAFT MOVES2009 has been developed to work only in a Microsoft Windows 2000
 and later environment. Using MOVES with Microsoft Vista requires changes to security settings
 if using the 32-bit architecture; the VISTA 64-bit architecture is not supported at this time.
 Computer(s) used to run either of the MOVES application programs must have at least 256 MB
 of RAM, although it is recommended that 512MB or more be available to improve execution
 time.  Because execution run time performance is a constraint with MOVES, high speed
 processor(s) of one GHz or more are highly recommended.

        The MOVES program is open source and written in JAVA and MySQL.

        The MOVESDefault database distributed with DRAFT MOVES2009  requires
 approximately 1.3 GB of disk storage. MOVES Worker and Output databases are often large, so
 several additional gigabytes of disk space should be available on all machines used to run either
 the MOVES Master or the MOVES Worker program. Extensive users of MOVES will  want to
 use late-model, high-performance microcomputer systems.

        1.3.2 Starting and Testing Your Installation

        After all necessary installation packages have been executed, test the installation with the
 following steps.

     1.  Check that the MySQL server is operating on all computer systems in the configurations
        that require it. This is done by opening the MS DOS prompt (Start-Programs-
        Accessories-Command Prompt) and changing the path to "C:\mysql\bin" (c:\> cd
        \mysql\bin). After changing the path, the user should type 'mysql' at the prompt. The
        MySQL program should begin. If an error message appears, the MySQL program or
        server has not been successfully installed. On most versions of Windows, the MySQL
        server can be set up to run automatically as a system service. Detailed instructions as to
        how to do this are contained in the Installation Guide.

    2.  Double-click the MOVES Master program icon if working on a single computer, or if
        working on the main computer in a computer network.

        Double-click the MOVES Worker program icon if using a computer in a multiple-
        computer configuration that is not the main computer.  On multiple-computer
        configurations these MOVES Worker programs are usually left running indefinitely.

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        This program does not have to be on the same computer as the MOVES Master Program,
        but must have access to the shared file directory

 XCAUTION!  It would be detrimental to performance to operate more than one copy of the
              MOVES Worker program on a single computer.

     3.  When starting the MOVES Master program, the About MOVES panel will appear in
        the center of the GUI screen.  Click the "OK" button to continue.
This version dated: 2009^03
Computer ID: NoComputerlD
Copyright U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Licensed for use pursuant to the GNU General Public License (GPL)
For information about the GPL see http:iwww.gnu.org. .licenses'
  ^ NOTE This panel identifies the version of MOVES that is in use and includes the version date,
          the EPA copyright, and a link for the GNU General Public License (GPL) website.
          This panel will appear only at start-up.

     4.  Execute the Example Run Specification (MOVES2009Example.mrs) as described in the
        following section.

     1.4  Executing Example DRAFT MOVES2009 Run Specification

        The example DRAFT MOVES2009 Run Specification models the entire U.S. for one
 year (1999) at the most aggregate level.  It estimates total energy consumption and emissions of
 methane and nitrous oxide for the running, start, and extended idle processes for all vehicle (use)
 types (gasoline, diesel, and CNG transit buses) and roadway types. Vehicle Miles Traveled
 (VMT) is also estimated.

        1.4.1  Step-by-step Example Run

        Assuming that MySQL and DRAFT MOVES2009 have been installed, that  the MySQL
 server and the MOVES Master program have been started, and that MOVES Worker
 program(s) are operational, the example RunSpec can be executed as follows:

        1. Select File, Open on the Main Menu Bar.

        2. Navigate, if necessary,  to the top level of the MOVES directory.

        3  Select the MOVES2009Example.mrs file
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        4.  Select Output, then General Output on the Navigation Panel, which is the left-side
        panel.  Select or click on Create Database to establish a database into which results
        should be placed. Select or enter a database name.

        5.  Select Action, Execute on the Main Menu Bar to start the RunSpec.  The GUI will
        ask you if you want to save the RunSpec before executing. You may choose Yes, No or
        Cancel. The RunSpec will execute if either Yes or No are chosen, but selecting Cancel
        will not execute and allow users to make changes to the RunSpec. This RunSpec may
        take up to 15 minutes to process.

        6.  The output will be saved in the MySQL relational database named in Step 4. The
        output can be reviewed using the Post-Processing menu options described in Section
        2.3.5 or by viewing the database directly using MYSQL commands, either through the
        command prompt window or through MySQL Query Browser.

        1.4.2  MOVES Output Structure

        The output database will typically contain eleven tables. These are:

        1.  MovesOutput:  This table contains the Emission results of the run disaggregated by
           several operating parameters such as Year, Month, Day, Source Type, County, Fuel,
           Model-Year, Road-type, SCC, and Emission Process.

        2.  MovesActivityOutput:  This table contains the VMT results  of the run disaggregated
           by several operating parameters such as Year, Month, Day, County, Fuel, Model-
           Year, Road-type, and SCC.

        3.  MovesRun: This table contains information about the date and time of the run and
           the name of the units in which MOVES outputs are represented. These include units
           for energy (i.e., joules), emissions (i.e., tons), VMT (i.e., miles), and time units (i.e.,
           months, days, hours, etc.).

        4.  MovesError:  This table contains any error messages or diagnostics that might occur
           if the MOVES run is unsuccessful.

        5.  MovesWorkersUsed: This table contains information as to which MOVES Worker
           Program copies processed portions of the run, and of interest to most users only if the
           run is executed on a multi-computer configuration.

        6.  Activity Type: In DRAFT MOVES2009, this  table contains  only one activity type,
           distance traveled. Other activity types, such as starts,  source hours, or extended idle
           hours are planned for inclusion in future MOVES versions.

        7.  MovesEventLog: This table is used by MOVES programmers for storing diagnostic
           results and contains no useful user information.

        8.  MovesLookupActivityOutput: This table contains the distance results from
           choosing the Emission Rate Calculation Type in the Scale panel in units of distance

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            as chosen by the user in the General Output panel.  These are normalized values and
            not intended to represent the actual distance in the scenario.

        9.  MovesLookupOutputTemp:  This is an interim table of emission rates and is used
            to calculate rates in the MovesLookupOutput table.

        10. MovesLookupOutput: This table only appears if you choose the emission rate
            calculation type from the Scale panel. In this table emissions are reported in units of
            mass divided by the units of distance as chosen by the user in the General Output

        11. MovesTablesUsed: This table contains a list of the tables used when executing the
            RunSpec and the source database for each table.
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 2.0 Using DRAFT MOVES2009

        Using DRAFT MOVES2009, the user can model various scenarios in order to determine
 specific emissions profiles. DRAFT MOVES2009 requires the user to set up a RunSpec to
 define the place, time, vehicle, road, fuel, emission producing process, and pollutant parameters.
 The RunSpec is an XML file that can be edited and executed directly or with the MOVES
 Graphical User Interface (GUI).  This section of the User Guide gives an overview of the screen
 layout and navigation functions of the GUI, and provides details on how to create and modify a

        Appendix C provides instructions for how MOVES can be executed without running its
 graphical user interface.  This may be useful in situations where repeated or unattended runs are
 needed, or when another computer program is used to execute MOVES. This "batch mode"
 interface presumes that a MOVES RunSpec file has been prepared.

        Although a full range of default data is available in MOVES, the allocation of the default
 data down to the county level is based on a generalized algorithm and will not be the most recent
 nor best available local data.  Therefore, MOVES is designed to allow the user to customize the
 model.  The primary reasons  a user would customize MOVES are:

     •   To better represent conditions and vehicle activity in a local area, especially for use in
        conformity  demonstrations or for SIP purposes; and,

     •   To alter inputs for "what-if' analysis, such as the use of different advanced technologies
        or fuel scenarios.

        Several components of the model are intended to facilitate customization. These include
 the I/M Coverage  Table Editor described in Appendix A and the Strategies procedures
 described below. MOVES also allows users to provide User Input Databases and to use
 various Importers with the County Data Manager, and Project Domain Manager described
 later in this document.

        For future versions of MOVES, EPA intends to develop additional data importers or
 strategies to make it easier to incorporate alternate activity inputs.

     2.1  Overview  of MOVES User Interface

        The MOVES Graphical User Interface (GUI) consists of a Main Menu Bar, a Navigation
 Panel, and a Detail Panel. The Main Menu Bar and Navigation Panel are available on every
 screen as the user prepares for execution of the  RunSpec. When the user selects a menu item
 from the Navigation Panel, the Detail Panel displays data elements specific to the parameter(s)
 defined by the menu item, and provides a platform for user input of parameter specifications.
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  March 2009
                                                     DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                Main Menu Bar
                     ? MOVES - ID 45595
                     File EdH Pr.ePiucui.smy Action Post Piucu.i.smy Settings He4p
 ' Geographic Bounds

 1 Time Spans

Fl  Vehicles.E.iuipment

  Road Type

  Manage Input D

R  Strateaie,

El  Output

  Advanced Performance Fea
                                                                                             Detail Panel
                                  Navigation Panel
           During execution of a RunSpec, a progress indicator will appear on the screen.
Progress Indicator
                     File Edit Pre Processing
                                  ActiorK Post Processing Settings Help
                                   n stop
                             Workers ar 

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                         March 2009
 a brief text message; for example, the text message will contain the readiness status of a
 Navigation Panel icon, the keyboard combination required to execute a command from the Main
 Menu Bar, or a brief description of a Detail Panel icon.

        Most panels use buttons and scroll or drop  down list boxes, typified by the "Select All"
 "Delete" and "Add" buttons. These buttons will be enabled or disabled based upon selection in
 the associated list box.  For example, a "Delete" button will be disabled until a selection is made
 in the associated list box.

  7 Note  When a selection is identified (e.g., by highlighting  one state or county in a
          Geographic Bounds  list box), the user must click the "Add" button to add the selection
          to the RunSpec.  The user can consult the parameter icon to determine if the parameter
          has been sufficiently defined. If the parameter icon changes from exclamation point to
          check mark, the parameter definition is sufficient to allow the RunSpec to be executed.

     2.2 Navigation Panel

        The Navigation Panel appears on the left side of the MOVES screen and includes
 parameters the user must consider when setting up a RunSpec.
               File Edit Preprocessing Action Postprocessing Settings Help


                   '  Time Spans

                     Geographic Bounds

                EE]  $  VehlclesjEiiuipment

                     Road Type

                   '  Pollutants And Proces

                     Manage Input Data Se

                El  j  Strategies

                El  '  Output

                     Advanced Performanc
         Selecting an item from the Navigation Panel will open a user interface in the Detail Panel
 in the center of the MOVES screen.  In some cases, the RunSpec parameter listed on the
 Navigation Panel is broken down into sub-topics; these items are shown with an icon (L+J or bd)
 that allows the list of sub-topics to be expanded or collapsed.
 topic for the user interface to be opened.
The user must click on the sub-
        The Navigation Panel includes icons that display the readiness status of the various
 RunSpec parameters. A RunSpec will not be executable if an exclamation mark is shown for
 any parameter.
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          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide

Needs additional user supplied data.
Sufficiently filled in to run.
Default data present, but otherwise sufficiently filled
in to run.
Parameter expand/collapse.
  ^ Note  Parameters may be visited in any order.  Selecting a parameter has no lasting effects
          until the RunSpec is saved or the model is executed. However, some parameters are
          linked (e.g. selecting 'County' or 'National' on the Domain/Scale panel result in
          different options on the Geographic Bounds user interface), so pay attention to the
          Navigation Panel icons after making a selection to make sure it did not affect another

       The icons shown on the sample GUI in this document do not necessarily indicate which
       sections/subsections will have default data available.

       A RunSpec cannot be executed until all necessary data are supplied.

        2.2.1  Description

        Select Description, the first item on the Navigation Panel, to open a scrollable text
 window that allows the user to give the RunSpec a particular textual description. This is useful
 for keeping track of various RunSpecs or providing information for someone else looking at the
 file (such as "This run produces annual total energy consumption for the nation in 1999"). The
 text entered in the Description Panel is for documentation purposes only. Its contents are
 reported for each run in the MOVESRun table.

                              This is the description of the RunSpec
        Up to 5,000 characters of text may be entered to describe the RunSpec.  In the above
 example "This is the description of the RunSpec" is the text. Text entered has no effect on the
 results from the MOVES program.
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       The default Description is blank and the MOVES model can be run without a Description.
       However, it is considered a best practice to carefully describe each and every version of a
       RunSpec. This will assist in documenting the purpose of that particular DRAFT
       MOVES2009 run.  See Appendix E, Best Practices, for additional information.

         2.2.2 Scale

         Select Scale on the Navigation Panel to choose the level of detail  represented by the
 MOVES input database and whether the model will calculate emissions sum or emissions rate

         National Domain/Scale  is the default selection in MOVES  If National Domain/Scale
 is selected, data collected on a nation-wide level is apportioned or allocated to states or counties.
 This data will differ from data collected for a specific state or county.  For example, consider
 vehicle miles traveled. If using the National Domain/Scale, the primary input is national VMT
 data which is then allocated to a county or state. The allocation does not  take into account
 factors that may differ between areas  of the country (e.g. age distribution). Consequently, a
 model run for two states or counties that uses the National Domain/Scale may not provide an
 accurate portrayal  of specific emission differences between these counties or states that would
 occur due to dissimilar vehicle age distributions or other factors.  For these reasons, the National
 Domain/Scale cannot be used by states for preparing SIP or conformity analyses.

                         •  National Use the default national database with default state and local allocation factors.
                                     Caution: Do not use this scale setting for SIP or conformity
                                  A  analyses. The allocation factors and other defaults applied at
                                 /|\ the state or county level have not been verified against specific
                                 ซ™*""* state or county data and do not meet regulatory requirements for
                                     SIPs and conformity determinations.
                        O County  Select or define a single county that is the entire domain.
                                 Note: Use this scale setting for SIP and regional conformity analysis.
                                 Use of this scale setting requires user-supplied local data for most
                                 activity and fleet inputs.
                        U Project  Use project domain inputs.
                                 Note: Use this scale setting for project-level analysis for conformity,
                                 NEPA, or any other regulatory purpose. Use of this scale setting requires
                                 user-supplied data at the link level for activity and fleet inputs that
                                 describe a particular transportation project.
                        Calculation Type
                         •  Inventory     Mass and/or Energy within a region and time span.
                        O Emission Rates Mass and/or Energy per unit of activity.
                        /\ Caution: Changing these selections changes the contents of other
                        ijj input panels. These changes may include losing previous data contents.

         If the user wants MOVES to use a finer level of detail about a particular area, the user
 can choose the County Domain/Scale. With this scale choice, the model will replace national
 default allocations with user-supplied data.  Only one year and one county (or custom domain)
 can be selected in the Time Span and Geographic Bounds panels, respectively.   By supplying
 local data, through the County Data Manager (see Section the user can provide more

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 accurate information about a particular state or county than would be provided using the
 National Domain/Scale. The County Domain/Scale is intended to be used when doing SIP or
 regional conformity analyses.

        Project Domain/Scale is the finest level of modeling in MOVES.  It allows the user to
 model the emission effects from a group of specific roadway links  and/or a single off-network
 common area.  The definition of a roadway  link is a section  of any road where a vehicle is
 moving for more than three  seconds.   An  off-network  common area  may include project
 boundaries where vehicle starts,  extended idling and evaporative emissions are produced.  The
 use of the Project Domain/Scale requires the user to completely define the individual project
 (i.e., specify all individual roadway links and/or off-network common area). All of the project
 level  data is  entered in the Project Level Data Manager (see  Section  for data input
 details).  If specified correctly, the MOVES Project Domain/Scale will utilize MOVES emission
 rates  and other factors to correctly calculate  emission inventory results for the  user's defined

  ^ Note  DRAFT MOVES2009 is not capable of modeling any evaporative emission processes
          when  using  Project Domain/Scale.  EPA plans to remedy this feature in future
          versions of MOVES.

        Only the Inventory Calculation Type may be selected in conjunction with the Project
 Domain/Scale.  Selection of the Inventory produces an emission total over the selected domain
 (i.e., tons of CO per month) for either the entire project domain or an individual link within the

        Note that switching scales is a major change to the RunSpec.  It affects the operation of
 other Navigation Panel items and may cause previous RunSpec specifications to be changed or
 lost. You may wish to save your RunSpec before switching scales. Also, the choice the user
 makes on the Domain/Scale panel affects the selections that will be presented in the Geographic
 Bounds detail panel. These differences are covered in greater detail in section 2.2.4 Geographic

   Calculation Type

        In this section of the panel, the user can choose the type of calculation that will occur in
 the Run. MOVES will calculate the quantity of emissions and/or energy used within a region
 and time span if the user selects the Inventory button. The rate at which emissions occur (the
 mass  and/or energy per unit of activity) is calculated if the users selects the Emission Rates

  ^ Note  If Emission Rates is selected as the Calculation Type, then several other panels are

         1) the Project Domain/Scale cannot be chosen;

         2a) if National Domain/Scale is selected,  only "Zone & Link" can be chosen in the
          "Region" section of the Geographic Bounds panel, or 2b) if County Domain/Scale is
          selected, only "Zone & Link" or "Custom Domain" can be chosen;

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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
        3) "Off-Network" is no longer listed as an "Available Road Type" on the Road Type

        4a) "Start Exhaust", "Crankcase Start Exhaust", "Refueling Displacement Vapor
          Loss", "Refueling Spillage Loss", "Extended Idle Exhaust", and "Well-to-Pump"
          emissions cannot be selected on the Pollutants and Processes panel; 4b) the "Distance
          Traveled" box on the Pollutant and Processes panel is automatically checked; 4c) a
          "Running Exhaust" process must be selected so that "Distance Units" can be chosen
          on the General Output panel; and

        5) "Road Type" is automatically selected in the "Road" section of the Output
          Emission Detail panel.
        2.2.3 Time Spans

        MOVES can be set to model specific time periods by selecting Time Spans on the
 Navigation Panel. Clicking Time Spans will open the panel shown below.
QYear O Month ODay ฎ Hour

Select Year: 2000^
rears: ^
| Remove |
\s January
F February
F March
P April
Select All

D Weekend
B Weekdays
Select All Clear All
Start Hour:
End Hour:
Select All |

r August
P September
F October
D November
D December
Clear All

10:00 - 10:59 "
11:00-11:59 ^
Clear All
        This panel is divided into five sections with boxes, buttons, or drop-down menus in each
 allowing the user to select specific aggregation levels, years, months, days, and hours. These
 panel sections are used to define the time period for which emissions will be modeled in the Run.
 In the screenshot depicted above, the user has specified that the Run should calculate emissions
 for the two hours from 10 am to noon on a typical January weekday in the year 2000.  The
 emissions for each hour will be calculated separately.
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   Time Aggregation Level

        Click in the Time Aggregation Level section to set the level of pre-aggregation that is
 desired.  Only one choice can be selected.  The default level is "Hour" and implies no pre-
 aggregation of the MOVES data by time. If the user chooses a longer aggregation level time
 period such as "Year", "Month", or "Day", the model will pre-aggregate (i.e., compute a
 weighted average of) all underlying MOVES internal data that are segregated by hour (e.g.,
 temperatures, VMT distributions, etc) prior to execution of the run. For example, if the user
 chooses "Month", the model will average the temperatures of all selected Days and Hours into
 an average "Month" set (it may be a set because the temperatures will not necessarily be
 averaged by geography unless that has also be pre-aggregated), and perform the simulation with
 these average values.  Pre-aggregation sacrifices precision to improve model run time.

  7 Note  Once the user has selected a  higher aggregation level than "Hour", the model's GUI
          will automatically fill in the  required lower GUI inputs. For example, if the user  selects
          the "Month" button in the Time Aggregation Level panel, the model will fill in all of
          the hours and days input. After the initial automatic selection, the user may de-select
          particular hours, kinds of days, or months. If such a de-selection is done, the user will
          end up with results that are based on aggregations that do not include de-selected hours,
          days, or months. For example, if the user selects "Months" in the Time Aggregation
          Level panel and de-selects "Weekends", the final emission result will represent a
          monthly aggregation that includes "Weekdays" only.

  7 Note  The proper levels of time aggregation for SIP and conformity analysis will be addressed
          in policy guidance.

 XCaution! Because of non-linearity in the general MOVES algorithm, some differences may
             arise between aggregated results and non-aggregated results. For example, the
             emission results from a run where all 24 hours are selected and Time Aggregation
             Level is set to "Hour" may not match the results from a run where the Time
             Aggregation Level is set to "Day"


        Select a calendar year(s) in the Years section and click on the "Add" button.  Select a
 year by clicking the black triangle to see a drop-down list of calendar years and select an
 individual year.  Click on "Add" to have that year appear in the Year selection pane.   This can
 be repeated to select as many years as desired if National Domain/Scale has been chosen.
 However, if County Domain/Scale was chosen on the Scale panel, only 1 year can be selected
 in the Year pane. Use the "Remove"  button to deselect years.

      At least one calendar year must appear in the Years Selection panel to obtain a valid Time
       Spans input.
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        Click one or more individual months to model to select the appropriate boxes in the
 Months section. At least one Month box must be selected. Click "Select All" button to select
 all of the months. Similarly, the "Clear All" button removes all of the previously chosen

        Click one or more kinds of days of the week to model to select the appropriate boxes in
 the Days section. At least one kind of Day box must be selected. Click "Select AH" button to
 select all of the days. Similarly, the "Clear All" button removes all  of the previously chosen day


        The default time resolution for MOVES at both National and County Domain/Scale is
 hourly, with hours expressed in military time ranging from midnight - 12:59 am (expressed as
 00:00 - 00.59) to 11 pm - 11:59 pm (23:00 - 23:59). Click one or more individual hours of the
 day to model to select the appropriate Start and End hours from the list.  Click the "Select All"
 button to select all of the hours of the day.  Similarly, the "Clear All" button removes all of the
 previously selected hours of the day.

       The times selected are relative to the time zone so that 7:00 to  9:59 AM is 7:00 to 9:59 AM
       in each selected county-state combination.

       If only one hour of output is desired, select the same entry for  start time  and end time (i.e.,
       0-0:59 and 0-0:59).  This will produce one hour of output.

  ^ Note The hours selected are run for all chosen days, so it is not possible, for example, to
          model only from 11:00 PM on Friday to 01:59 AM on Saturday. It is also not possible
          to run the model for a group of months that span a year end. That  is, the user cannot
          run the model for just December of 2003 through January 2004. However, the model
          can be run multiple times with different RunSpec time spans to accomplish these tasks,
          or it can be run for multiple days or years  and then manually post-processed to
          eliminate the un-needed times.

        2.2.4  Geographic Bounds

        Selecting Geographic Bounds allows the user to define the region to model.   The
 options that are available on this panel are dependent on the choice of Scale (see Section 2.2.2 of
 this User Guide). If the user has chosen the National Domain/Scale, the following screen will
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March 2009
           DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                   Geographic Bounds Requirements
                 iase select a state and county.
                            •  Caution: For SIP or regional conformity analyses, you must go back to the
                            ' '•• Scale window and select "County" before specifying a county in this window.
                              Caution: You have selected National scale with detail at the State or County level.
                              MOVES will use the default national database with default state and local allocation
                              factors. These factors have not been verified against actual state or county level
                              data and do not meet regulatory requirements for SIPs and conformity determinations.
  Three buttons, "Nation", "State" and "County" are normally available. Choose the one
  appropriate for your desired run.

  XCaution! Your choice of "Region" will impact your results.  If the user chooses the "Nation"
              or "State" input options, the model will pre-aggregate (i.e., compute a weighted
              average of) all underlying data that is a function of geography (temperatures, road
              types, etc) and execute the "National" or "State" run as if it were a single county
              run. Thus, a run at "Nation" or "State" level will be faster than a "County" level run
              for the same area, but it will be less accurate.

         For example, if the user chooses "State" and "Michigan," the model will average the
  temperatures of all Michigan counties into a single average set (it will be a set because the
  temperatures will not necessarily be averaged by time) and perform the simulation with these
  average values.  The report "MOVES2004 Validation Results" includes a sensitivity analysis of
  different pre-aggregation levels. An alternative method of computing a state simulation is to
  select "County" Region and then selecting all the individual counties in the desired state.  If the
  user chooses this option, no pre-aggregation will be done and the  model will  execute separate
  simulations for each county in the particular state. This option will likely produce a slightly
  different emission result than if the geographic specific data were first aggregated and then used
  because of non-linear calculations in some algorithms.

  XCaution! Be advised that if an entire state or nation are run at the county level, execution
              times will be quite long. For such runs, we generally recommend multiple-
              computer processing.

         Nation:  Choose "Nation" to run scenarios and compute emission inventory results for
  all counties/parishes in the United States and Territories.  The "Nation" button is generally
  chosen if the user wishes to create a simple national U.S.  emission inventory.
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                                                                         March 2009
            • Nation
           O State
           O County
           O Zone & Link
           O Custom Domain
                Geographic Bounds Requirements
                          I  Caution: For SIP or regional conformity analyses, you must go back to the
                          -  Scale window and select "County" before specifying a county in this window.
          State:  Choose "State" to run scenarios and compute emission inventories for particular
  States or Territories within the United States. This panel has two parts (States, and Selections)
  and buttons for choosing the appropriate selections.
            • State
           O County
           O Zone & Link
           O Custom Domain
               Geographic Bounds Requirements
                          I'  Caution: For SIP or regional conformity analyses, you must go back to the
                          ' '•• Scale window and select "County" before specifying a county in this window.
                            Caution: You have selected National scale with detail at the State or County level.
                          •  MOVES will use the default national database with default state and local allocation
                          ' •• factors. These factors have not been verified against actual state or county level
                            data and do not meet regulatory requirements for SIPs and conformity determinations.
          To choose the desired state(s):

      1.   Scroll to desired state in "States" box and click on it to highlight.  Click the "Add" button
          under box.  State will appear in the Selections box.

      2.   Click the "Select All" button to choose all U.S. states and territories available.

      3.   Highlight a previously selected state in Selections box.  Click the  "Delete" button to
          remove the  highlighted state.

  ? Note  The "Add"  and "Delete" buttons are inactive if no states are highlighted.

          County: Choose "County" to run scenarios and compute emission inventories for
  specific counties within a state. If the "County" button is selected, a new bounds panel will
  show in the Detail Panel, as shown below.
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                                                    DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
             O Nation
             O State
             O Zone & Link
             O Custom Domain
                                                         Select All
                  Geographic Bounds Requirements
             Please select a state and county.
                             I  Caution: For SIP or regional conformity analyses, you must go back to the
                             ' ''•• Scale window and select "County" before specifying a county in this window.
                               Caution: You have selected National scale with detail at the State or County level.
                               MOVES will use the default national database with default state and local allocation
                               factors. These factors have not been verified against actual state or county level
                               data and do not meet regulatory requirements for SIPs and conformity determinations,
  The process for selecting a specific county is similar to selecting a state, which is outlined above.

          If the user has defined the Scale of the model to be County Domain/Scale, the
  Geographic Bounds panel will contain an area in which to define the data source for the model,
  as shown in the following screenshot.
             O Nation
             O State
             • County
             O Zone & Link
             O Custom Domain
                                                         Select All
                            Domain Input Database
                            The County domain scale requires a database of detailed data.
                                                               T    Enter/Edit Data
                 Geographic Bounds Requirements
             Please select a state and county.
             Please select a domain database.
          When using the County Domain/Scale, the Region portion of the Geographic Bounds
  detail panel indicates County by default, and the user must specify the state and county in the
  manner detailed earlier.  The user can also define a "generic county" by selecting the Custom
  Domain option in the Region portion of the panel, as shown in the screen shot below.
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March 2009
                              GPA Fraction: 0 0  	Fraction of county within a fuel Geographic Phase-in Area
                                    O High
                              Domain Input Database
                                  •' domain scale require"
        In this case, the user must provide a short county identifier (1-999) that will combine with
 the state ID (99 for generic) to form the standard 5 digit county identifier used throughout
 MOVES.  In addition, the user must provide a description, altitude and GPA (Geographic Phase-
 in Area) fraction. The Geographic Phase-in Area refers to a group of counties in the western
 U.S. that had special gasoline sulfur requirements under Tier 2 regulations.  See 65 Fed. Reg.
 6755-6759 for details on the GPA.

  ? Note  Altitude must be indicated by the user for two reasons: 1) older vehicles (without
          computer-controlled air/fuel ratios) tend to have higher emissions at high altitude
          compared to low altitude; 2) barometric pressure is a required input for some MOVES
          calculations, and average  "Low" and "High" pressures are used depending on the user's
          selection. Future versions of MOVES will likely allow users to input local barometric
          pressure for custom domain rather than rely on these averages.

       A user might want to use the  Custom Domain option to represent an area that
       encompasses a portion of a county, multiple counties, or an area that crosses state

        For both the County and Custom Domain option, the user must specify the user-
 supplied database that will contain  county-specific data. In most cases, this database will be
 located on the server "localhost" (this is the location where MySQL was  originally installed);
 however, the user can specify a different host server in the Server box. After specifying a
 server, the user must identify a database to receive the data that will be imported. If the user has
 already created the database, it can be selected by clicking on the drop-down arrow adjacent to
 the Database box and making a selection from the drop-down list. If the database has not been
 created or if the user wants  to make changes to the database, the user can click the "Enter/Edit
 Data" button to open the County Data Manager. For more information on how to import data
 using the County Data Manager,  see section Data Importer, County Data Manager
 and Project Domain Manager

       The user should be sure to fill out all fields in defining the RunSpec before using the
       County Data Manager, as a filter is used when exporting default data that depends on
       selections the user makes when defining the RunSpec.  Only the county, year, months,
       vehicles, road types, etc. that  have been selected are exported.  Some data may not be
       exported if the user selects the "Export Default Data" button before defining the Run
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                                     DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
  XCaution! Defaults that are exported from the MOVES database are generally not appropriate
              for SIP or conformity analyses. See MOVES Policy Guidance document for more

  7 Note If the user selects Custom Domain, the County Data Manager will not export any
          default data; therefore, the user must have all the required information to use this

         The user can clear the selected database and update the list of available databases by
  clicking the "Refresh" button.

         The Geographic Bounds panel includes the text box, Geographic Bounds
  Requirements, which defines what is expected of the user on the panel.

         2.2.5  Vehicles/Equipment

         To select which on-road vehicles are to be modeled, click on Vehicles/Equipment in the
  Navigation Panel.  This will open the On Road Vehicle Equipment Detail Panel.  Two scroll
  down lists (Fuels and Source Use Types) appear to the left of this panel to allow distinct
  selections for the vehicles/equipment.
                                Source Use Types:
       Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
       Diesel Fuel
       Ethanol (E8S)
       Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
                       Select All
Combination Long-haul Truck
Combination Short-haul Truck
Intercity Bus
Light Commercial Truck
Motor Home
Passenger Car
Passenger Truck
Refuse Truck
School Bus
Single Unit Long-haul Truck
Single Unit Short-haul Truck
Transit Bus
                                                Select All
Gasoline - Passenger Car
                      Add Fuel/Type Combinations
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide                                                        March 2009
     1.  Click and highlight the Fuels choice or click the "Select All" button to choose all the

     2.  Click and highlight the Source Use Types choice or click the "Select All" button to
        choose all the choices.

     3.  Click "Add Fuel/Type Combinations" button to move the selected choices to the
        Selections box.

     4.  Click "Delete" to clear highlighted selections from Selections box.

  ^ Note No default selection will appear on this panel, and the model cannot be run without a
          selection made.

  ^ Note The On Road Vehicle Equipment panel contains a small subpanel at the bottom that
          reminds the user that they are required to select a Fuel and Source Use type.  This panel
          disappears after the user makes a valid Fuel and Source Use Type selection. If a
          selected combination is not in the database (e.g. Gasoline Intercity Bus), the subpanel
          will notify the user that the combination is invalid. These non-existent combinations do
          not need to be removed from the RunSpec, but no results are reported for such vehicles.

  XCaution!   The draft version of MOVES2009 lacks emission rates for motorcycles for most
               pollutants. Only energy consumption, greenhouse gas  emissions and activity
               results will be generated for motorcycles.  Criteria pollutant and air toxics
               emission factors for motorcycles are currently modeled as zero.

        2.2.6 Road Type

        If any on-road vehicle has been selected (see 2.3.4 Vehicles/Equipment), the Road
  Type panel becomes available on the Navigation Panel, allowing the selection of road type. All
  Road Type panel controls are disabled otherwise.
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                    DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                  Available Road Types:
Selected Road Types:
                  Rural Restricted Access
                  Rural Unrestricted Access
                  Urban Restricted Access
                  Urban Unrestricted Access
Urban Restricted Access
                     Select All
       The user must select at least one road type.

     1.  Click and highlight the desired Road Types from the scroll down list.
     2.  Click "Add" button to move choice to the Selected Road Types box.
     3.  Click "Delete" button to clear the highlighted selections.
     4.  Click "Select All" button to select all Road Types in the scroll down list.

  7 Note The scroll down list of Road Types is the complete list of roadway types present in the
          underlying MOVES database.  The default database has Road  Types that represent
          urban and rural driving on roads with restricted and unrestricted vehicle access.
          Restricted access roadtypes are usually used to model freeways and interstates.

  7 Note "Off Network" is automatically selected when start or extended idle processes are
          selected on the "selecting pollutants and processes" panel.

  XCaution!  Selected Road Types may or may not exist in the geographic bounds of the
              RunSpec. For example, a county may have no urban roads. MOVES will display
              results only for road types that exist in the selected geographic area.

        2.2.7 Pollutants and Processes

        To select the pollutants and processes to include in the RunSpec, the user should choose
  Pollutants and Processes on the Navigation Panel.  A matrix will appear in the Detail Panel,
  with "Pollutants" listed as rows  and "Processes" listed as columns. When a pollutant/process
  combination is selected by clicking a check box, it is included in the RunSpec. When the
  RunSpec is run, the model will compute emissions for that pollutant/process combination..
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                                                           March 2009
   Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons
   Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
   Non-Methane Organic Gases
   Total Organic Gases
   "olatile Organic Compounds
   I'atbon Monoxide (CO)
   uiides of Nitrogen
   Primary Exhaust PM10 -Total
   Primary PM10 - Organic Carbon
   Primary PM10 - Elemental Carbon
   Primary PM10 - Sulfate Particulate
   Primary PM10 - Brakewear Particulate
   Primary PM10 - Tirewear Particulate
   Primary Exhaust PM2.5 - Total
   Primary PM2.5 - Organic Carbon
   Primary PM2.5 - Elemental Carbon
   Primary PM2.5 - Sulfate Particulate
   Primary-' PM2.5 - Brakewear Particulate
   Primary PM2.5 - Tirewear Particulate
   Tot-il Energy Consumption
   Petroleum Energy Consumption
   Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption
   Methane (CH4)
   Nitrous Oxide (N20)
   Atmospheric C02
   C 02 Equivalent
                                   :tj Start ExhaustJ Br^kewe^irjjlreweajj EyapJ^งrme^itmnJ^Eyap Fuel Vapor VenimgJ EyapJ^jejJ_e^iksJj;rarikcงsง
        There is no limit to the number of boxes that may be checked; however, at least one box
must be checked to produce a valid MOVES RunSpec input.

 ? Note   It may be necessary to scroll the Pollutants and Processes panel to see all of the
          Process columns or Pollutant rows.

 7 Note   Checking the box on the left side of the panel will select all of the processes for that
          pollutant. The box on the left side of the panel will also show a check if any process is
          selected.  Additionally, unchecking the box on the left side of the panel will deselect all
          processes that have been selected.

 ^ Note   In order to replicate MOBIL6.2 runs (e.g. to compare the results of the two models),
          all processes except extended idle need to be selected..
XCaution! Users are cautioned that the number of check boxes selected will affect execution
             time.  Large runs calculating many pollutant/process combinations require
             processing times of several hours, so users are advised to begin with only a few
             pollutant/process combinations.

        A Pollutant/Process Requirements box is included at the bottom of the Detail Panel.
Text in this box actively responds to pollutant/process combination selections made in the
matrix.  In some cases, a specific pollutant/process calculation depends upon another
pollutant/process calculation, and the user must select the base combination in order to be able to
United States Environmental Protection Agency
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March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
 select the dependent combination. An error message will appear in the Pollutant/Process
 Requirements box should the user not select the base combination.

        If the user selects the "Distance Traveled" box, the MOVES model will compute and
 report the distance traveled by vehicles in the selected geographic, roadway, or time strata.

  ^ Note  The "Distance Traveled" box will be 'grayed out' if "Running Exhaust Process" is
          not chosen in the Pollutants and Process selection matrix. The "Distance Traveled"
          calculation feature also requires that the user make a selection for "Distance Units" on
          the "General Output" panel; a reminder appears in the Pollutant/Process Requirements
          box as displayed in the screenshot below.
              •j Distance Traveled
                  PollutantjProcess Requirements
              Distance Traveled requires a selection for Distance Units on the General Output panel

        In DRAFT MOVES2009, "Process" refers to the mechanism by which emissions are
 created  Engine operation creates Running Emissions Exhaust, Start Emissions Exhaust (the
 addition to running emissions caused by the engine start), and Extended Idle Emissions
 Exhaust (e.g., a combination long-haul truck idling overnight).  MOVES also distinguishes
 Crankcase Running Exhaust, Crankcase Start Exhaust, and Crankcase Extended Idle
 Exhaust to describe the exhaust gases that escape around the piston rings and enter the
 crankcase during normal operation.

        MOVES models evaporative emissions, situations in which unburned fuel escapes the
 vehicle's fuel system, through the "Evap Fuel Vapor Venting", "Evap Permeation", and "Evap
 Fuel Leaks" processes. In addition, vehicle refueling  can cause "Refueling Spillage Loss" and
 "Refueling Displacement Vapor Loss".  "Brakewear" and "Tirewear" describe the non-
 exhaust paniculate emissions that result from brake use and tire wear.


        DRAFT MOVES2009 allows the user to calculate emissions of greenhouse gases, criteria
 pollutants, and air toxics associated with motor vehicle operation. MOVES also calculates
 energy consumption. For many pollutants, the emissions calculation in MOVES is based on the
 prior calculation of another pollutant emission.  As noted earlier, the Pollutant/Process
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
 Requirements box will display an error message if the user selects a dependent pollutant but not
 the base pollutant. Pollutants and base pollutants are listed in the table below.
Pollutant Name
Total Caseous Hydiocirbons
Non-inetndiiie Hydro caxfMHis
Non-methane Organic Gases
Total Organic Cases
Volatile Ox^uuc Compounds
Caiinn Monoxide
Oxides of Nitrojp^n
Primary PM10 Total
Primary PM10 Organic Carbon
Primary PMJO Eksmenial Carbon
Primary PM1D SuUafe Particular
Primary PMM Braheuear
Primary PMM Tin-wear Particular
Primary PM2ฃ Total
Primary PM25 Organic Carbon
Primary PM2J Elemental Carbon
Primary PM2J Suttafe Paxticulafe
Primarj- PM25 BiahEnear
PnmaryPnC5 Tiieuear Partkulafe
Total jjigjgj.- ^mi^iiiip^i^m^
Fossil Fuel Enea^y CoiuFunpiion
r^tiDjcuni oiei^^ C-onsumption.
Nitrous Oxide (N:O)
Atnปspheiic Caxbon Dioxide (CO j
1,3 Butadiene

PM 15 SO,



PM10 OC, PM10
EC, PM10 SO,

PM 15 SO,

CO-, CH* NiO

Depends on

THC and CH,
NMOG and CH,

Total Eneig>' Consumption

Total Eneigy Consumption

Total Eneigt' Consumption
Total Eneig>' Consumption

Total Eneist' Consumption

PM10 Total, THC
        2.2.8 Manage Input Data Sets

        Select Manage Input Data Sets on the Navigation Panel to specify databases containing
 user-supplied data to be read by the model during execution.  Databases entered using this
 feature will overlay existing databases tables (or portions of a table, if a table containing only a
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          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
 subset of records is provided) in the MOVES default database tables, if they exist. No default
 selections exist for this panel and the model can be run without any selections on this panel.

  7 Note Each database added through this feature can consist of one or more MOVES input
         database tables.
    Note These databases must adhere to the MOVES schema and use the database management
          system (DBMS) used by MOVES. In practice this means that individual tables in the
          user-supplied database must have identical names as the MOVES default input database
          and the individual fields in the tables must have identical lengths and types as MOVES
          default tables. For details regarding the MOVES database schema see the Software
          Design Reference Manual.

     1.  To create a new database with empty tables of the proper schema on an existing local or
        remote server, type the server and a new database name and click the "Create Database"
        button. Leaving the server box blank creates the new database on the localhost server.

     2.  You can use database tools outside of MOVES, such as MySQL, to populate new
        database tables with alternate values. Within MOVES, the Data Importer, County
        Data Manager, Project Domain Manager and the I/M Program Coverage  Records
        Editor also aid in creating and populating User Input databases. For more information
        about each of these tools, see sections Data Importer, County Data Manager
        and Project Domain Manager and Appendix A: Displaying and Editing Vehicle
        Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program Coverage Information.

      Databases created with the  County Data Manager or Project Domain Manager are
      selected in the Domain Input Database pane of the Geographic Bounds panel rather
      than the Manage Input Data Sets panel

     3.  Select the desired database from the dropdown list.

     4.  Click the "Add" button to add the new or existing database to the input databases, shown
        in the Selections window. MOVES will first validate that the combination of server and
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        database are unique within the selections. The same server-database combination cannot
        be added more than once.
    Note  The example in the figure above shows the addition of two alternate databases called
          "UserlnputDBl" and "UserInputDB2" being added as MOVES inputs.  The
          unspecified Server name implies that the databases reside in the MySQL Data folder
          on the user's local computer

      The data in user input databases will "overlay," that is, augment or substitute for, data from
      the MOVES default database for the duration of the model run. Entries in the Manage
      Input Data Sets panel  will not overwrite or alter the values in the MOVES default

     5.  Click the "Move Up" or "Move Down" buttons to modify the order in which a particular
        database selection is used.

      The order in which these databases are applied to the default data is important. If two or
      more alternate databases are specified in the Selections list, the one that appears last in the
      list will replace any previous ones in cases where the internal tables and records of each
      database overlap.

     6.  Click the "Delete" button to delete selections.
        2.2.9  Creating and Using Internal Control Strategies

        In MOVES, "Strategies" are sets of parameters that replace MOVES defaults, and thus
 allow the user to model different future scenarios.  Draft MOVES2009 has two internal control
 strategies that are built into the RunSpec Navigation Panel. The "Alternate Vehicle Fuels &
 Technologies" (AVFT) strategy allows users to modify the fraction of alternative fueled
 vehicles and advanced technology vehicles in each model year. The "On-Road Retrofit"
 strategy allows the user to enter information about diesel trucks and buses that have been retrofit
 with emission control equipment. The use of control strategies is optional; if the user does not
 select any strategy, the RunSpec will use data from the MOVES default database.
    Note The AVFT and On-Road Retrofit interfaces were created early in the MOVES design
          process.  We hope to update these interfaces soon to be more consistent with the newer
          data importers available under the "Pre Processing" menu.
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        The selection of either strategy opens a split panel on the screen. The left side of the
 panel is common for both Strategies menu options. It is called the Strategies Management
 panel (shown in the screen shot above), and contains buttons that enable the user to add, import,
 export, delete, and check data.  Detailed information specific to the strategy appears to the right,
 on the Strategies Detail panel.

        The buttons on the Strategies Management panel are used to manipulate the strategy
 data sets, or "objects", needed for each RunSpec, as explained below. The strategy data set name
 will appear in the window below "Loaded objects:". The panels and tools for the AVFT and
 On-Road Retrofit Strategies are similar, but not identical.

 XCaution! A RunSpec may have only one AVFT and one On-Road Retrofit strategy. The
             "New" button cannot be selected without first clicking "Delete" to remove any
             existing loaded object.  If a strategy data set is already loaded and the user imports a
             new file, the import action will overwrite the existing data set.
   Adding Strategy Files

        Users can add new strategy data to a RunSpec by clicking the "New" button or the
  "Import" button.

        Clicking the "New" button creates a new strategy data set, which is added to the
  RunSpec. The new strategy data appears on the list of loaded objects as "(default)".

        Clicking the "Import" button allows the user to import an appropriate input file. The
  AVFT Strategy allows the user to import XML or tab-delimited text files.  The On-Road Retrofit
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  Strategy allows the user to import Microsoft Excel (.xls), tab-delimited text files, or comma-
  delimited text. Typically, the import file is created by exporting a template file, editing it in a
  spreadsheet, saving the edited version as a tab-delimited text file, and importing this text file.

  7 Note  The AVFT will not import comma-separated data files.

   Deleting Strategy Files

        The user may delete a strategy data set from the RunSpec by clicking the "Delete" button.
  MOVES will prompt the user for confirmation before actually removing the data set.

   Exporting Strategy Files

        The "Export" button allows the user to write strategy parameter sets to file for storage.
  When the user clicks "Export", a standard Windows file browser appears from which the user
  can name a file to which to write the data  as tab-delimited text.

        To  create a template file for the AVFT, the user should export a "default" set of
  parameters. To create a template file for the On-Road Retrofit strategies, the user chooses
  "New,"  and then export a file containing  only headers.  The AVFT also allows users to export
  parameters that were modified using the GUI.  Both the AVFT and the On-Road Retrofit
  Strategies allow the user to export previously imported files.
   Editing Strategy Files

        The description of a strategy data set is displayed in the list of loaded objects and is set by
 selecting the object in the list and clicking the "Description" button. A dialog requesting the
 description is displayed:
        Because the description field can never be left completely blank, "(default) " is displayed
 automatically.  This default description does not necessarily mean that the object contains only
 default data.

        Although it is generally easier to  export a file template and edit it outside MOVES, the
 AVFT strategy provides a GUI for editing the expected fractions of vehicle fuels and
 technologies by model year. This GUI is displayed to the right of the Strategies Management
 Panel. Users can edit data directly on the screen, as described below. The "Cancel" button
 undoes all edits the user has made. On-Road Retrofit parameters must be edited outside MOVES
 and then imported.
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 XCaution! Clicking the "Cancel" button will undo any edits that have been made within a
             strategy's GUI since the strategy was last created, loaded, or imported. Users
             should be cautious, as this can result in the loss of a significant amount of data.
             Periodic exports of the  data, providing finer-grain control of rollback points, is
             recommended when a long data entry session is to be performed.
        The "Check" button can be used to look for errors in the data inputs to a strategy.
 Clicking this button will display a popup message that either states that the data passed basic
 error testing, or explains why the data are not ready to be loaded into a RunSpec.
   Saving and Transferring Strategy Files

        Strategies can exist both inside and outside of a RunSpec, that is, the parameters can be
 saved as part of a RunSpec and/or as a separate file that can be re-used from one RunSpec to the
 next. This feature can help a user create a set of RunSpecs that use a consistent set of strategy
 settings. The "Import" and  "Export" buttons allow for the transfer of strategy data between

        Using the File menu  to save and open RunSpecs automatically saves and loads the
 Strategies embedded within the RunSpecs. The files containing the strategies do not need to be
 imported separately.

   Varying  Vehicle Fuels and Technologies using the AVFT Strategy

        To vary the expected fractions of vehicle fuels and technologies by model year, the user
 should click on "Alternate Vehicle Fuels & Technologies" under Strategies on the Navigation
 Panel.  This will open the AVFT screen.
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Loaded objects:








Source Type:
21 Passenger Car •*• Normalize


99.1 0%.
Diesel Fuel
Gasoline ป
HI n
March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
Source Type:
21 Passenger Car -r Normalize


1R -3TW,
Diesel Fuel

n ^ nw.
Gasoline ซ

0.1 3%
1 ซ .. rv

0 CflOf.
• Hybrid -
0.1 2%
Hybrid -Full

Hybrid Mild


Hybrid Full

Diesel ป


        The user can click the "ซ" symbols on the expanded columns to collapse them to
 summary-only display. The user can change any non-gray number by clicking on it.  All
 numbers are entered as percentages, not fractions. To enter the value of 25% (i.e., fraction 0.25),
 the user can click and type either "25" or "25%". Both are equivalent. Typing 0.25 will be
 interpreted as 0.25%  (i.e., fraction 0.0025).

  7 Note Unique energy consumption and GHG emission rates are available for most fuels and
          technologies. However, in Draft MOVES2009, the criteria pollutant and air toxics rates
          for many alternative fuels and technologies have been populated with emission rates
          identical to  those for conventional fuels and technologies.

  Normalizing Data

        All entries in  a single row must sum to exactly 100%. The "Normalize" button can be
 used to adjust ratios so that all add up to 100%.  For instance, if two cells are populated on a
 model-year line, entering 1% and 4%  and then normalizing would change the percentages to
 20% and 80%.  This maintains the original 1:4 ratio while still totaling 100%. The AVFT  data
 cannot be exported, nor can the simulation run be started, until all model-year rows on all source
 use types meet the above rule. Clicking the "Normalize" button  is the easiest way to ensure that
 this condition is met.

  Adding Model Years
        The AVFT panel is initialized with the contents of the MOVES Default database
 FuelEngFraction table, including only those model years present in the database. The "Add
 Model Year" button can be used to add model years in addition to those displayed.  Clicking this
 button will copy the data from the highest model year for all source use types to the next model

  ^ Note The AVFT strategy only works with model years from 2001 to 2050, inclusive, and will
          generate an error message denying the action if an attempt is made to work outside of
          these bounds. If all years from 2001 to 2050 are displayed, the "Add Model Year"
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          button will be grayed out. The AVFT was not designed to work for model years prior
          to 2001.

  Editing AVFT files outside of MOVES

        To create AVFT strategy files outside of MOVES, it is easiest to start by exporting the
 default parameters as a template, then opening the saved file with a spreadsheet program such as
 Microsoft Excel.  The first cell will be the description, which the user should edit to describe the
 new AVFT.

        The second row contains field names:  "SourceTypelD", "Year", "Category",
 "fueltypelD", "engTechID" and "Amount".  SourceTypelDs and FuelTypelDs are defined in the
 output section of the MOVES Software Development and Reference Manual.  "Year" refers to
 the model year of the vehicles.  "Category" refers to the grouping in the AVFT display.
 "EngTechID" refers to the engine technology type, described below.  "Amount" refers to the
 fraction of the sourcetype in that model year that have that combination of fueltype and engine
 technology.  Not all fueltypes and engine technologies are relevant for all sourcetypes.

                                   Engine Technologies
EngineTechnology Name
Conventional Internal Combustion
Advanced Internal Combustion
Moderate Hybrid - Conventional Internal Combustion
Full Hybrid - Conventional Internal Combustion
Hybrid - Advanced Internal Combustion
Moderate Hybrid - Advanced Internal Combustion
Full Hybrid - Advanced Internal Combustion
Fuel Cell
Hybrid - Fuel Cell
        Beneath the field names are data rows. For Draft MOVES2009, there are about 7050
 rows in an AVFT file. Each of the rows in the default AVFT should be retained.  The user
 should edit only the "Amount" in each row. For each combination of sourcetype and model year,
 the sum of the "Amount" should equal 1.

        The edited AVFT file should be saved as a tab-delimited text file and then imported into
 the desired RunSpec(s) using the "Import" button.
   Managing On-Road Vehicle Retrofit Data

        DRAFT MOVES2009 has the capability to model on-road vehicle retrofit strategies for
 all exhaust pollutants for diesel trucks and buses.  To add on-road vehicle retrofit data, the user
 should click the On-Road Retrofit option under Strategies on the Navigation Panel. This will
 open the On-Road Retrofit panel, which displays the Strategies Management Panel on the left
 side of the panel as described earlier in this section.  The "Description", "Cancel", "New",
 "Export", "Delete", and "Check" buttons work as described earlier in this section. Appendix D
 provides detailed instructions for creating an On-Road Retrofit data file.
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  f Note  The Retrofit Strategy only works for non-passenger diesel trucks and buses. Importing a
           strategy for motorcycles, cars, passenger trucks or for other fuel types will generate an
         The "Import" button differs from the AVFT import as is described below.
             C:\Proeram Files \MOVES20080707\Test1
      File Edit Preprocessing Action  Postprocessing Settings Help


           J Geographic Bounds

             Time Spans

      [+]   >  Vehicles/Equipment

           / Road Type

           J Pollutants And Proc

             Manage Input Data

      0  j  Strategies

                Alternative Ve

      El     Output
                  H Pprfnrmi
                            Loaded objects:
                                          ปi Road Vehicle Retrofit
            Use the "Import..." button to select a ret of it parameter file.
     Load File:
   Importing Retrofit Data

         When the user clicks on "On-Road Retrofit", the Detail Panel to the right of the
  Strategies Management Panel instructs the user to click the "New" button first and then click
  the "Import" button to select a retrofit parameter file.  The "Import" button enables the user to
  import On-Road Retrofit data as a tab delimited, comma separated (.csv), or .xls file.  When the
  user clicks on  "Import", a standard Windows file browser window appears from which the user
  can select the file. If  an  .xls file is imported, MOVES will prompt the user to specify a
  worksheet from which the  data should be imported

         Once data are  imported, the display in the Detail Panel will show the name and location
  of the imported file ("Data Source").  A "Reload" button that will also appear next to the file
  name can be clicked on to  capture any changes to the imported data file.
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        Importing retrofit data automatically saves the data to the RunSpec, but it does not
 automatically apply the retrofit parameters to the emission results that MOVES produces.  To
 apply the retrofit parameters to the emission results, the user must check, the Use the On-Road
 Retrofit box that appears at the top of the On-Road Retrofit panel. This allows the user to turn
 retrofit on and off without reloading the files.

        If there are any data format or consistency issues in a file that the user is trying to import
 (e.g., incorrect number of columns or data that are inconsistent with what the user selected
 elsewhere in the MOVES GUI), a message(s) will appear in the Messages window at the bottom
 of the panel.

        2.2.10 Output

        Selecting Output on the Navigation Panel expands the list to show General Output and
 Output Emissions Detail.  Each of these allows the user to specify aspects of the output data.

   Specifying Database, Time Period, and Units in Output

        Click on the General Output panel to specify the output database, the time period, and
 the units. The panel has two sub-panels:  Output Database and Output (showing units).
                         Output Database

                             Data is already in this database.
                                                    Create Database
                           Time Factors (Mass per time unitjEneryy per time unit)

                        Time Units:

                        Mass Units:

                        Energy Units:
      Output Database

        The first box, Output Database, contains input boxes for the server name and the output
 database name. A blank server box is the default and it indicates that the localhost (the MySQL
 database located on the user's computer) is to be used. Most users should leave this blank. The
 second box contains the name of the MySQL output database where the user desires the MOVES
 output to be written. The user must select an existing MOVES output database or create a new
 MOVES output database into which the results should be placed. If the output database already
 exists and contains rows within its output tables, a warning icon is displayed. A new run of the
 MOVES model will add its results to an existing MOVES output database, and automatically
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 give them the next available MOVES Run identification number. MOVES output records in an
 existing output database cannot be deleted or replaced from within the MOVES GUI.

        A user choosing to create a new MOVES output database must choose a unique name
 and may click the "Create Database" button. All new output databases begin with a MOVES
 Run identification number of one.

 XCaution! The user should never attempt to create a new output database with the same name
             as the MOVES default database or of any user-supplied MOVES input databases.


        Output is the second box.  It contains user choices for the mass, energy, and distance
 units in which the results will be reported. The time units are set to correspond to the time
 reporting level (see next section) and are displayed, but they are not user-selectable on this panel.
 The possible choices for mass are kilograms, grams, pounds, or US tons (short tons). The
 possible  energy units are Joules, Kilojoules, or Million BTUs (British Thermal Units). The
 possible  distance units are miles or kilometers. Distance units may be selected only if "distance"
 output has been requested on the pollutants and processes panel.  The user may choose only one
 unit for each of the four types. The units  are reported in the output database in the MySQL
 output table "movesrun."

       Make sure to choose units of the appropriate magnitude for your RunSpec. For instance,
       if the RunSpec is very limited spatially, temporally, and in terms of vehicle and road
       types, then choosing "Tons" as the "Mass Units" will not give you the desired level of
       detail.  Also, note that MOVES might round the results down to zero.

        The checked box Time Factors (Mass per time unit/Energy per time unit) in the Output
 sub-panel reminds users that all MOVES  output is for a certain period of time. The"Time
 Units" is always set equal to the time reporting level, so the MOVES Inventory output results are
 reported  as the total mass of emissions or total energy over the output time period defined by the

    Specifying Emission Distinctions in Output

        Select Output Emissions Detail on the Navigation Panel (after expanding Output) to
 specify distinctions desired in the output data. The Output Emissions Detail Panel  consists of
 four sub-panels:  Always, for All Vehicle/Equipment Categories, Estimate Uncertainty, and
 On Road/Off Road
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                               March 2009
                           for All VehicleKquipment Categories

                            * Model Year

                            E Fuel Type

                            E Emission Process
                           U Estimate Uncertainty
D Road Type
E Source Use Type
Off Road
D Segment


D HP Class
                           Number of iterations:          \2_
                           D Keep pseudo randomly sampled input

                           D Keep output from each iteration
  7 Note Users may eliminate unneeded output details using this screen or using post-processing.
       Selecting detailed output here and using MySQL command to aggregate the output to the
       desired level may be preferable since this approach allows the user the option of retrieving
       the more detailed output without re-running the model. However, if a run includes many
       times, locations, sourcetypes, etc., the user may want to reduce the number of items
       selected on this screen to avoid producing unmanageably large output files.


        The Always box at the  upper left is a reminder that the output data will always contain
 dimensions for time, location, and pollutant.  The Always box also contains two buttons that
 allow the user to specify the level of output aggregation by time and location level.

        By default, the "Time"  button will report the same time level as selected in the Time
 Spans panel. The user may change the time level in the "Time" button to a value that is equal or
 longer than the Time Aggregate Level specified in the Time Spans panel. For example, if the
 Time Aggregate Level is set to "Hour" in the Time Spans panel, then the "Time" button can be
 set to "Hour", "24-Hour Day", "Portion of Week", "Month", or "Year"

        The "Portion of Week" selection requires explanation.  The "24-Hour Day" selection
 does not select a particular day of the week but a kind of day of the week and the results are for
 one day of each kind of day requested in the RunSpec (e.g. one weekend day and/or one
 weekday). In the default case where the MOVES input database specifies  two kinds of days,
 reporting by "Portion of Week" reports weekday results as a total of five  weekdays and
 weekend results as a total of two weekend days.  See the MOVES Software Design Reference
 Manual for more information.

        By default, the "Location" button will report the same location level as selected in the
 Geographic Bounds panel. The user may change the location level in the "Location" button to
 a value that is equal to or larger than the level set in the Geographic Bounds panel. For
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 example, if the Geographic Bounds panel is set to "County", then the "Location" button can be
 set to "County", "State", or "Nation".

  ^ Note  The choice of "State" or "Nation" will aggregate results from the areas chosen in the
          Geographic Bounds panel. For example, if only two counties from a state are
          specified in a RunSpec, the output results for "State" will be the sum of the emissions
          from only these two counties.

        A "Pollutant" button is not available because pollutants are always reported separately in
 the output (i.e., there is no aggregation across pollutants).

     For All Vehicle/Equipment Categories

        The dimensions that apply to both on road and off road sources are "Model Year", "Fuel
 Type", and "Emission Process".  Checking any or all of these items means that the output will
 be distinguished by that factor. For example, if "Emission Process" is checked, the output will
 be distinguished by the emissions processes selected, such as Running Exhaust, Start Exhaust,

     On Road/Off Road

        DRAFT MOVES2009 does not include the ability to model Off Road emissions.  Thus,
 within the On Road/Off Road only the On Road section is functional.  In the On Road box,
 options are available to report by "Road Type", "Source Use Type", or Source Classification
 Code (SCC)". If none  of these options are checked, no vehicle or road classification distinctions
 will be made in the output.  Instead, the results will be reported as summed across  all vehicle and
 road classes.

      "Source Use Type" and "SCC" are mutually exclusive. Source Use Types are native to
      MOVES, so this is the preferred option. MOVES can report by Source Classification Code
      (SCC), but this introduces an additional approximation step in the calculations to convert
      output by Source Use Type to SCC.

        Several interdependences exist among these items.  For example, reporting by  SCC
 implies that FuelTypes, but not RoadTypes will be distinguished.

     Estimate Uncertainty

        The Estimate Uncertainty box should be left unchecked by most users. If checked, the
 remainder of the uncertainty panel becomes active for the user to specify a number of iterations,
 whether randomly sampled input used for each iteration should be reported, and whether the
 output produced from each iteration should be reported.  This mechanism may be used to
 investigate the uncertainty of MOVES results due to uncertainty in some of its inputs.  Users
 should consult the uncertainty section of the MOVES Software Design and Reference Manual
 before attempting to use this feature. The default database provided with DRAFT  MOVES2009
 does not contain realistic input data for this feature.
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  XCaution! Model execution time and the volume of output produced (if the output of each
             iteration is saved) increase roughly in proportion to the number of iterations
             specified. If the randomly sampled inputs for each iteration are also saved, the
             resulting output will be even more voluminous.

        2.2.11  Advanced Performance Features

        This Navigation Panel item invokes features which may be used to diagnose problems
  with the model software, or to improve the run time for long model runs by saving and reusing
  intermediate results. Use of these features requires knowledge of the detailed software
  components of the MOVES program, the inputs they require, and the outputs they produce.
  Users interested in these features should review the MOVES  Software Design and Reference

Total Activity Generator (TAG)
Operating Mode Distribution Generator (running OMDG)
Start Operating Mode Distribution Generator
Average Speed Operating Mode Distribution Generator
Source Bin Distribution Generator (SBDG)
Meteorology Generator
Tank Temperature Generator
Tank Fuel Generator
Mesoscale Lookup Total Activity Generator
Mesoscale Lookup Operating Mode Distribution Generator
Emission Calculators
On-Road Retrofit
Project-Domain Total Activity Generator
Project-Domain Operating Mode Distribution Generator (running exhaust)

Don! Execute

Save Data
           Destination User Dataset
           D Cony Saved Generator Data


Create Database
              negation and Data Handling

           D Do Not Perform Final Aggregation
           Custom Input Database



Create Database
        This panel allows users save intermediate results from various portions of the model and
 to turn off portions of the model code.

        This panel also allows the user to "turn off" final aggregation of MOVES results.
 Selecting the "Do Not Perform Final Aggregation" option can reduce execution time for large
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 runs.  However, when this option is selected, the MOVES output tables may include rows with
 duplicate key fields. The results from these rows should be summed to produce useful output.

        And, this panel allows users to specify the database to be used when modeling a Custom
 Domain. See Section 2.2.4 Geographic Bounds for additional information on the Custom
 Domain option.

 XCaution! It is possible to undo a custom database selection by hitting the "Refresh" button,
             which clears the selected database.

     2.3 Main Menu Bar

        The Main Menu Bar runs across the top of the screen and contains seven  drop down
 menus:  File, Edit, Pre Processing, Action, Post Processing, Settings, and Help  Menus can
 be opened by either clicking on the menu command, or by using a keyboard combination,
 defined as ALT and the underlined letter of the menu command (e.g., ALT + F for the File
 menu, ALT + R for the Pre Processing menu).
        2.3.1 File                                                            File  Edit  PreProces
        File provides a drop-down menu typical of those used when manipulating
 documents.  Click File to open the drop down menu and then on a menu item to
 select New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Print, Exit, or to choose to open            a Close
 recently opened files. Use the File commands to create, load, and save RunSpec       0 Save
 objects. The Example RunSpec may be opened from this menu (see Section 1.4       Og, gave As...
 for details).  DRAFT MOVES2009 provides the option to execute file             —77-^:	
 manipulation commands using keyboard combinations as well; for example, the    	=—	
 File Open procedure can be initiated by selecting the Alt and O keys                 1 [No recent file]
 simultaneously when the File drop down box is opened.  Key sequences required       2 [No recent file]
 to execute the file manipulation commands are displayed using the "mouse hover"      3 [NO recent file]
 feature while placing the cursor over the desired command.                          4 rNo recent fj|ei
        2.3.2 Edit

        Edit provides the usual cut/copy/paste commands. These commands are only available
 in text entry sections of MOVES RunSpec. Keyboard combinations are available to execute edit
 commands when the Edit drop down box is opened, and can be identified using the "mouse
 hover" feature.

 XCaution!  MOVES keyboard combinations use different letters than Microsoft applications for
             the same functions; for example, the cut command in MOVES uses Alt and T, and
             paste uses Alt and P.

        2.3.3 Pre Processing

        Pre Processing contains four active menu options,  Display/Edit IM Program
 Coverage Records, Data Importer, County Data Manager, and Project Domain Manager
 A description of each active menu option follows:

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  Display/Edit I/M Program Coverage Records

        The Display/Edit I/M Program Coverage Records menu option allows the user to
 display and change the information about vehicle inspection maintenance programs that apply to
 the current run specification. Because using this feature requires an understanding of other parts
 of the RunSpec, it is covered in Appendix A.

  Data Importer, County Data Manager and Project Domain Manager

        The Data Importer, County Data Manager and Project Domain Manager menu
 options enable the user to create user-supplied databases for direct entry of data into MOVES.

         The County Data Manager and the Project Domain Manager are means by which the
 user can define the county-specific or project-specific data required if the user selects County
 Domain/Scale or Project Domain/Scale when defining the Scale parameter of the RunSpec.
 Neither the County Data Manager nor the Project Domain Manager menu options will be
 enabled unless the user has made the County Domain/Scale or Project Domain/Scale choice.

        The Data Importer allows the user to select individual importers "ala carte" from the
 importer menu. The County Data Manager and Project Domain Manager are designed to
 specify all the inputs required for certain kinds of runs and, thus, do not permit such "ala carte"
 selections. The Project Domain Manager, in particular, requires the user to provide virtually all
 of the data required to model a specific project.

 XCaution! All tabs/fields in the County Data Manager and Project Domain Manager must
             be completed to ensure the output generated is correct. In some cases, a RunSpec
             may execute even though all the tabs in the County Data Manager or Project
             Domain Manager were not completed; however, the results from such RunSpecs
             may populate the incomplete tabs with default data, which may not be appropriate
             due to how MOVES generates, calculates, and allocates various data.

      The user does not have to specify a database containing county or project data that was
      created with the County Data Manager or Project Domain Manager in the Manage
      Input Data Sets panel.  These databases only have to be selected in the Domain Input
      Database pane of the Geographic Bounds panel.  However, a database created with the
      Data Importer should be input using the Manage Input Data Sets panel.

        From the user perspective,  there are two major differences between working with
 importers through the Data Importer and working with the same importers through the County
 Data Manager and the Project Domain Manager. First, as "domain managers" the County
 Data Manager and Project Domain Manager indicate whether the user has imported all of the
 data that is needed to establish a new domain. To this end, the County Data Manager and the
 Project Domain Manager will indicate by red "x-circles" where data that is needed on the
 importer tabs (see screenshot below) in order to establish the domain.  Green "check-circles"
 indicate where data has been properly imported.
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         Select or create a database to hold the Imported data.
         Secondly, because of the level of detail required and the structure of the underlying data
 tables, the County Data Manager restricts the RunSpec to a single county and single calendar
 year, and the Project Domain Manager restricts the RunSpec to a single hour, daytype, month
 and county.

         This user guide will use the Data Importer screens to explain functionality of individual
 importers.  Specific instructions associated with using the County Data Manager or the
 Project Domain Manager to establish a new domain are included where appropriate.

         When the user selects one of the data manager options, the MOVES Data Importer
 window will open. This window contains several tabs to aid the user in defining the data source,
 destination, and database structure for the imported data. Importer tabs provide templates for
 collecting user-provided data.


         The Database tab is the default tab for the Data Importer menu option. It contains a
 scrollable log detailing the success of the data import and other helpful diagnostics, and opens a
 window that allows the user to identify the database where the imported  data will be stored.
 Data can  not be imported until a receiving database is identified.
                              Average Speed Distribution
                                 RunSpec Suitiituiy
                                                      Meteorology Data
                           Select or create a database to hold the imported data.
                           Seiver:  loc.slho'31

                                                  Create Database
                                                     Check Database
        By default, the host server for the receiving database is "localhost" (generally the user's
 own machine).  The user can specify a different host server by entering the name of the alternate
 server in the Server box. The receiving database can be identified by clicking on the drop-down
 arrow adjacent to the Database box and making a selection from the list.  Alternatively, the user
 can create a new database by typing a database name in the Database box and clicking the
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March 2009
  "Create Database" button. Clicking the "Refresh" button will clear the database selection from
  the Database box display and refresh the list of databases.

  XCaution!  The user should never attempt to create a new input database with the same name as
              the MOVES default database or of any user-supplied MOVES output databases.

        The Database tab also contains a Log panel. This panel is used by the system to display
  the results of the import process. Once the user chooses either the Tools or an Importer tab to
  import data into the selected database, the user can refer to the Log panel in the Database
  window to view the results of the import process.

      RunSpec Summary

        The RunSpec Summary tab opens a window which provides a summary of RunSpec
  parameters defined by the user.  The user should choose this tab to see an overview of the
  RunSpec.  In setting up the RunSpec, the user defines modeling parameters that limit the scope
  of the modeling process; templates and export files created with the Data Importer will be
  limited by choices the user makes in defining the RunSpec.
                     Riiid Type Distribution Source Type Population Vehicle Type VMT  Tools
                                                            Age Distribution
                    Output Database Server Name: [using default]

                    Output Database Name: [using default]
                    Time Spans
                           Aggregate By: Hour

                                  Begin Hour:
                                  End Hour

                     •eogranhic Bounds:
                           COUNTY geography

                    On Road Vehicle Equipment:

                    Road Types:

                     ollutants And Processes:

                    Manage Input Data Sets:
                                                         RunSpec Summary
 The RunSpec Summary window of the Data Importer displays the geographic, time span, road
 type, vehicle, pollutant and process, and input data set choices made by the user.  The window is
 auto-generated and does not accept or require user input.


        The Tools tab is provided to facilitate batch input of imported data into the MOVES
 system, such as for a series of data import files representing all the counties in a state.  When the
 user clicks the "Generate Importer XML File" button after completing an import, the system
 will write an importer instruction file in Extensible Markup Language (XML), containing a
 statement that replicates the import done through the GUI.
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                           ftaaa Type Distribution j Source Type Population Vehicle Type VMT~|| Tools
                              Average Speed Distribution       Fuel Supply      Meteorology Data
                                 RunSpec Summary            Database
                          MOVES Data Importers can tie run via the command line using an
                          XML-based description file similar to the MOVES RunSpec file.
                                 Generate Importer XML File
 Using an XML or text editing program, the user then can copy and edit the importer XML file to
 create a series of similar, but not identical import statements.  The resulting XML files can be
 called from the command line, generating a series of user-input databases.  For more information
 on running MOVES from the command line, see Appendix C.

       Data Managers (Importers)

         The remaining tabs in the Data Importer menu option are Data Manager or Importer
 tabs. These tabs contain templates and rules that aid the user in bringing specific types of data
 into the model.  By choosing a Manager or Importer, the user gains access to several tools that
 will help create  a successful data import.

       The user should be sure to fill out all fields in defining the RunSpec before using the
       County Data Manager or the Project Domain Manager, as a filter is used when
       exporting default data that depends on selections the user makes when defining the
       RunSpec.  Only the county, year, months, vehicles, road types, etc. that have been selected
       are exported. Some data may not be exported if the user selects the "Export Default
       Data" button before defining the Run Spec.

       EPA is developing MOBILE6 converters to help users prepare import-ready data files
       from their existing MOBILE6 files.   When complete, these converters will be available on
       the MOVES website.
        The user should select a Manager or Importer tab to choose a specific importer to assist
 with specialized data file structure definition and to complete the import process. Importers for
 the following tables are included in DRAFT MOVES2009:
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March 2009
Z oneRoad Activity
Fuel Supply
LinkDri ve S chedul e s
Data Importer
X (Custom
Domain Only)

County Data
X (Custom
Domain Only)

Project Domain


 When the user selects one of these tabs, a panel opens that allows the user to define the import
 parameters.  Each Importer tab is organized in the same way, with a place for the user's
 description of the data, a place to browse for data files, buttons to create templates, import,
 export and clear, and a space for messages.
                     Road Type Distribution Source Type Population  Vehicle Type VMI  Tools
                        Average Speed Distribution      Fuel Supply      MeteorologyData
                            RunSpec Summary
                     Description of Imported Data:
                                                               Age Distribution
                     avgSpeedDistrinution Data Source:

                     File: (please select a file)
                                                                   Create Template...
                      Export Default Data
                                       Export Imported Data
                                                        Clear Imported Data
                                                    Average Speed Distribution
         The user can click the "Create Template" button to create an import template file and a
  set of reference files.  After selecting the "Create Template" button, the user must define the
  file, file path and extension and click the Save button.   The template and reference files will be
  specific to the RunSpec. The template will include required data field names and often will be
  populated with the required key fields.  The reference files will provide lists and descriptions of
  the relevant MOVES id fields (i.e., countylD codes, fuelformulationID codes, roadtypelD codes,
  hourDaylD codes, and sourcetypelD codes).  The user can then edit the template with a
  spreadsheet application or other tool before importing the data files into DRAFT MOVES2009.
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        Although the meaning of many data element names may seem clear, the user should
 consult the reference tables provided with the template to determine appropriate content for the
 fields. For example, although fuelYearlD might seem to refer to the calendar year, it actually
 refers to "fuelyear" and does not have a one-to-one mapping with calendar year.
        In many cases, users can import duplicate information by using "wildcards" in the input
 files. For example, using the word "ALL" in a sourceTypelD column of the input file will result
 in records with the same information for each source type selected in the runspec.

 XCaution!  "ALL" produces inputs only for all the sourcetypes in the RunSpec rather than all
             the sourcetypes in the default database. For this reason, users are strongly urged to
             create a comprehensive runspec prior to using the importers.

        The hourDaylD column supports a special form of the "ALL" wildcard.  It allows the
 user to get all 48 hour intervals (24 x 2 day types) or just the hours in a given day type.
 Remember, these are constrained by the runspec's day and hour selections.

        The affected fields are:

county ID



Note: Only one year is allowed in the CDM.
Note: Only one county is allowed in the CDM.
        In the receiving database, wildcard data is fully expanded.  Importing a file that uses
 wildcards and then exporting again will produce  a file with the full data set.

         Once a correctly formatted source file is created, the user should use the "Browse"
 button to find and open the source file.  The file path and name of the selected import file will
 appear in the panel.
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        Make sure to save any changes made to a source file before you import it.

        Once a file has been selected for import, the user may click the "Import" button to bring
 the data into MOVES via the file and path defined in the Database window.  If the file contains
 multiple worksheets, the user is prompted to select the appropriate worksheet as well.  The user
 should refer to the Messages box in the Importer tab or the Log panel in the Database window
 to determine the status of data import.

        See the Messages box for information on import problems and basic information for
        fixing problematic import files.

        Imported data can be cleared from the database by clicking the "Clear Imported Data"
 button.  When the "Clear Imported Data" button is clicked, the message box shown below pops
               Are you sure you want to clear the data? Exporting the data first is highly recommended.
 Clicking "Yes" clears the data, while clicking "No" cancels the action and allows the user to
 export the imported data, as described below.

        Users should "Clear Imported Data" before reattempting to import a file that resulted in
        an error message.

        Data files can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or text file using either the "Export
 Default Data" or "Export Imported Data" button; however, not all tabs in the County Data
 Manager have the "Export Default Data" button. Those without it are noted in the sections
 below. Also, some tabs in the Project Domain Manager include an additional export button,
 "Export Most Recent Execution Data". Use of this button requires a previous execution of the
 MOVES model in order to generate the data which is to be exported.

        Clicking on the "Export" button will cause the Export [Importer] Data window to open.
 The user defines the file and file path in the Export Data window, and clicks the "Save" button,
 to export the data to the specified location.

        Occasionally, clicking on one of the "Export... Data" buttons may result in the
 following pop-up window:
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                           No data was retrieved. Consult the user guide for more options.
        This message simply means that there were no data available to export.
         Fuel Supply Importer

        The Fuel Supply importer allows the user to assign existing fuels to counties, months,
 and years, and to assign the associated market share for each fuel.  The market share for a
 fueltype (gasoline, diesel, etc.) must sum to one for each county, fuelyear, and month. In Draft
 MOVES2009, the user must select fuels from those available in the default database.  The
 importer does not allow a user to add new fuels.

        This importer also allows the user to supply a data element, "marketShareCV", which is
 the coefficient of variation for the market share.  This measures uncertainty associated with the
 market share determination, and is used if the user selects "Estimate Uncertainty" in the
 "Output Emissions Detail" part of the RunSpec.  If the user does not select "Estimate
 Uncertainty", the value is not required and may be left blank.

 XCaution! Although fuelYearlD might seem to refer to the calendar year, the year table in the
             Draft MOVES2009 default database maps all years 2012 through 2050 to the
             "fuelyear" 2012; thus for years 2012 through 2050, the fuelyearid 2012 should be
        Modeling different fuels in different years (2012-and later) can be done with a separate
        run for each year assigning different fuels to the "2012" fuelyearid for each run.
         Vehicle Type VMT

        The Vehicle Type VMT importer allows the user to enter yearly vehicle miles traveled.
 These values will represent national values for the general Data Importer and county-year
 specific values for the County Data Manager. Yearly VMT is required regardless of the time
 span selected for the run.

        This tab does not have an "Export Default Data" button and the user is required to
 acquire/generate this data indepently if the County Domain/Scale is chosen.  Data must be
 supplied for each HPMSVtype (e.g., passenger cars, combination trucks, etc.) implied by the
 Source Use Types selected in the RunSpec.
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          Source Type Population Importer

        The Source Type Population Importer allows the user to input the number of vehicles
 in the geographic area which is to be modeled for each vehicle or "source type" selected in the
 RunSpec. This manager does  not allow input of either the sales growth rate or the migration

        This tab does not have the "Export Default Data" button and the user is required to
 acquire/generate this data independently if the County Domain/Scale is chosen.  Data must be
 supplied for each source type (e.g., passenger car, passenger trucks, light commercial trucks,
 etc.) selected in the RunSpec.

          Age Distribution Importer

        The Age Distribution Importer allows the user to enter data that provides the
 distribution of vehicle counts by age for each calendar year (yearlD) and vehicle type
 (sourceTypelD). This data is required for the County Domain/Scale RunSpec.  The distribution
 of agelDs (the variable for age) must sum to one for each vehicle type and year.

        This tab does not have the "Export Default Data" button and the user is required to
 acquire/generate this data independently if either the County or Project Domain/Scale are

          Average Speed Distribution Importer

        The Average Speed Distribution Importer allows the user to input average speed data
 specific to vehicle type (sourceTypelD), road type (roadTypelD), and time of day/type of day
 (hourdaylD). MOVES defines 16 "speed bins" which describe the average driving speed on a
 roadtype or link. The user must enter the fraction of driving time in each speed bin
 (avgSpeedFraction) for each hour/day type, vehicle type, road type, and average speed
 (avgspeedbinid), where the fractions sum to one for each vehicle type, road type,  and hour/day
 type specified in the RunSpec.  If desired, the user can use wildcards to apply one set of fractions
 to for all hour/day combinations for a specific vehicle type and road type. Note that MOVES
 uses a time-based distribution, whereas MOBILE6.2 used a VMT-Based speed distribution.
 Users may need to adjust their travel model post-processing code  in order to generate the new

          Road Type Distribution Importer

        The Road Type Distribution Importer allows the user to enter data relating to the
 vehicle miles traveled by road type (roadTypeVMTFraction) for the domain being modeled.
 This data is entered as a distribution across road types (roadTypelD), where only  road types
 selected by the user in the RunSpec are included in the distribution. The distribution must sum
 to one for each source type.

        This tab does not have the "Export Default Data" button and the user is required to
 acquire/generate this data independently if the County Domain/Scale is chosen.
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          Ramp Fraction Importer

        The Ramp Fraction Importer allows the user to modify the fraction of ramp driving on
 selected road types.  Only limited access roadtypes (freeways and interstates) may have their
 ramp fractions modified. Thus, this Importer is only active if the user selects a limited access
 road type when defining the RunSpec.

 The County Domain Manager accepts default values for this parameter, so importing ramp
 fractions is optional when County Domain/Scale is chosen.

          Meteorology Data Importer

        The Meteorology Data Importer allows the user to import temperature and humidity
 data for months, zones, counties, and hours that are included in the RunSpec. While the MOVES
 model  contains 30-year average temperature and humidity data for each county, month, and
 hour, the user should enter data specific to the modeled location and time. Also, note that for SIP
 and conformity purposes, the default values are not appropriate.

          Zone Road Activity Importer

        The Zone Road Activity Importer is used only if the Custom Domain option is chosen
 in the County Domain Manager. This importer allows the user to allocate Source Hours
 Operating (SHO) across the zones of the Custom Domain.  In cases where there is only one zone
 in the county, the user should allocate activity to road type using the Road Type Distribution
 Importer (described above). Also, the table for the Zone Road Activity Importer should be
 populated with a  "SHOAllocFactor" of 1.0 for each road type.

        However, if the user creates multiple zones within the Custom Domain, this table allows
 the user to allocate the SHO across the zones. In this case, the SHOAllocFactor should sum to
 one for each road type. For example, if a custom domain has 2 zones, then  SHOAllocFactor
 could be 0.5 for all road types in the first zone and 0.5 for all road types in the  second, giving a
 total allocation of 1.0 for each road type.

        This tab does not have the "Export Default Data" button and the user  is required to
 acquire/generate this data independently if the County Domain/Scale and Custom Domain
 option are chosen.

         Operating Mode Distribution Importer

        The Operating Mode Distribution Importer is used only in the Project Domain
 Manager. It allows the user to import operating mode fraction data for source types, hour / day
 combinations, roadway links and pollutant / process combinations that are included in the
 RunSpec and Project domain. These data are entered as a distribution across operating modes.
 Operating modes  are "modes"of vehicle activity that have distinct emission rates.  For example,
 "running" activity has modes that are distinguished by their Vehicle Specific Power  and
 instantaneous speed. "Start" activity has modes that are distinguished by the time the vehicle has
 been parked prior to the start ("soak time"). See EPA technical reports for additional information

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 on operating modes.  For a given source type, hour/day combination, roadway link and pollutant
 / process combination, the operating mode distribution must sum to one.

        The Operating Mode Distribution Importer is required for the Project Domain Manager
 when modeling any 'non-running emission' process, and for modeling 'running emission'
 processes when the Link Drive Schedules Importer is not used. Operating Mode Importer
 data has precedent over data entered in the Link Drive Schedules Importer if conflicting data
 is entered.

         Link Drive Schedules Importer

        The Link Drive Schedules Importer is used only in the Project Domain Manager. It
 allows the user to define the precise speed and grade as a function of time (seconds) on a
 particular roadway link. The time domain is entered in units of seconds, the speed variable in
 miles per hour and the grade variable in percent grade (i.e., vertical distance / lateral distance;
 100% grade equals a 45 degree slope).

        This Importer is used for the Project Domain Manager only when modeling 'running
 emission' processes when the Link Drive Schedules Importer is not used. Either an operating
 mode distribution or a link drive schedule must be entered for each of the user's defined roadway

         Links Importer

        The Links Importer is used only in the Project Domain Manager. It allows the user to
 define individual roadway links. The MOVES links need not correspond to traffic modeling
 "links" but each link should be uniform in its activity as described by the following parameters.
 Each link requires  a linkID (i.e., a unique integer between 1 and 99999 that is used to reference
 the link in the program), countylD, zonelD, and roadTypelD  (these also must be specified in the
 Runspec or an error will occur), the length of the roadway link in units of miles, the traffic
 volume on the roadway link in units of vehicles per hour, and the average speed of all of the
 vehicles on the roadway link in the given hour.  The link description field is a text  field included
 for reference and has no impact on the calculations.

        A project may include a single off-network (parking lot or other non-road)  link.  For an
 off-network link, the user should enter a value of zero for link length, link volume  and  link
 average speed.

         Link Source Types Importer

        The Link Source Types Importer is used only in the Project Domain Manager. It is
 used to enter the fraction of the link traffic volume which is represented by each source type. It
 is not used to enter off-network data, and is not required if the Project contains only an off-
 network link.  For each linkID, the sourceTypeHourFraction must sum to one across all source
 types. The user may enter data in this importer for source types which are not selected in the
 Runspec. However, MOVES will ignore data entered in this  manager for source types which are
 not selected in the Runspec. The Project level calculator will not re-normalize the  fractions to
 omit the contribution of source types which are not selected in the Runspec.

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         Off Network Importer

        The Off Network Importer is used only in the Project Domain Manager. It provides
 information about vehicles are not driving on the project links, but still contribute to the project
 emissions.  For each source type in the RunSpec, 'vehicle population' is the average number of
 "off network" vehicles.  .  The 'start fraction' field is a number from 0 to 1.0 which specifies the
 fraction of this population which has a 'start' operation in the given hour.  The 'extendedldle
 fraction' field is a number from 0 to 1.0 which specifies the fraction of the population which has
 had an 'extended idle' operation in the given hour.  Finally, the 'parked vehicle fraction' field is
 a number from 0 to  1.0 which specifies the fraction of the 'vehicle population' which have been
 parked in the given hour.
        For example, a vehicle population of 10 long-haul combination trucks with a start
 fraction of 0.5, an extended idle fraction of 0.25 and a parked vehicle fraction of 0.5 implies that
 the project includes the emissions associated with 5 starts, 150 minutes of extended idling and
 300 minutes of parking for this sourcetype.

  ^ Note Draft MOVES2009 computes extended idle emissions only for long-haul combination
          trucks, not for other sourcetypes; thus the extendedldleFraction is ignored for
          sourcetypeids other than 62.

  ^ Note Draft MOVES2009 does not compute evaporative emissions at the Project
          Domain/Scale; thus,  the "parked vehicle fraction" is ignored.
         I/M Program Coverage Records Editor

        The I/M Program Coverage Records Editor can be accessed from either the County Data
 Manager or the Project Domain Manager. Use of the I/M Program Coverage Records Editor is
 described in Appendix A.

        2.3.4  Action

        Action provides a drop-down menu with the choices Execute, Stop, Pause, Resume, and
 MOVES Run Error Log.
                    *>P MOVES Run Error Log-
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        After satisfying the RunSpec input requirements (all check marks in the Navigation Panel
 must be set to green checks or yellow tildes - see 2.2 Navigation Panel for an explanation of
 these marks), choose Execute to begin the MOVES simulation. Choose Stop or Pause in the
 Action menu to stop or pause the execution of the MOVES program. These two items will only
 be active if the MOVES program is running.  The user may also resume a paused MOVES
 simulation by clicking the Resume item.

  7 Note A program that has been stopped cannot be resumed.

        Click MOVES Run Error Log to display information on the processing outcome of the
 execution in the MOVES Run Error Log window. Alternatively, the log can be displayed by
 selecting the ALT and R keys when the Action menu option is open.
  7 Note  This window will only appear if a MOVES Output database has been created.

        Typically, the user should select MOVES Run Error Log immediately after the
 MOVES program has completed its execution.  The window (shown below) will contain either a
 message stating that the run was successful and that no errors occurred, or it will report a brief
 error diagnostic. The example shows a successful run, indicating the run number (Run 5) and the
 time and date of the run. The user can also view the Run Error Log for the error status of
 previous runs by clicking the down arrow on the right side of the "Select Run" button.

  7 Note  Not all error log messages indicate invalid results.  For example, "Warning:  RunSpec
          doesn't have all the RoadTypes", indicates a problem with the RunSpec only if the user
          had intended to include all roadtypes.
          & MOVES Run Error Log
          Select Run:
Run: 5-2004-07-19 11:06:11 ^
          No MOVESError log entries for RunID = 5
        2.3.5 Post Processing

        MOVES output databases can be viewed and processed directly using MYSQL Query
 Browser or other database tools. In addition, MOVES provides a few simple options to post-
 process and view the MOVES results.  Post Processing contains three menu options, Run
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 MySQL Script on Output Database, Produce Summary Report, and Produce State/County
 Map. These features can be used after a successful execution of a MOVES RunSpec to further
 process the MOVES results into more aggregate or easy-to-use formats.
                            Post Processing  Settings  Help
                             Run MySQL Script on Output Database
                             Produce Summary Report
                             Produce State/County Map
       Run MySQL Script on Output Database

        The Run MySQL Script on Output Database menu option enables the user to select
 from a set of MySQL scripts to further process the MOVES output databases stored in the
 MySQL database format.  After selecting this menu option, the user clicks on the arrow in the
 scroll down box to view all the available scripts. After identifying the script to use, the user
 selects a post-processing script by clicking to highlight it. To execute the script, the user clicks
 the "OK" button.

        Several scripts are distributed with Draft MOVES2009. The first script,
 MOVESOutputDecodeExample.sql" is an example script that decodes the SourceUseType and
 FuelType fields from numerical code classification to the full text description. The script
 produces two new output tables with the expanded text descriptions:
 decodedmovesactivityoutput and decodedmovesoutput.

        The second script "TabbedOutputsql" takes three MOVES MySQL output tables
 (MOVESOutput, MOVESActivityOutput and MOVESRun) and converts them into tab-
 delimited text files that can be read by a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Lotusl23. This is
 useful if the user does not want to work with the results in the MySQL relational database
 format. In DRAFT MOVES2009, this can also be done with the Summary Reporting feature.

      The Run MySQL Script on Output Database Post Processing feature of MOVES also
      allows the user to run user-created MySQL scripts. Each user-created post-processing
      script must be a text file containing Structured Query Language (SQL) commands, and
      containing a .sql file extension. Detailed instructions on writing a MySQL script are
      beyond the scope of this  document. To access user-created scripts from the tool bar, the
      completed script must be saved to the OutputProcessingScripts subfolder of the Database
      subfolder of the MOVES program folder.  In other words, the path should be similar to the
      following: C:\.. .\MOVES\Database\OutputProcessingScripts.

      Produce Summary Report

        The Produce Summary Report menu option allows the user to summarize and report
 the output of one or more MOVES runs in a variety of ways.  Reports can be viewed on the
 screen, printed, or saved in an  ASCII text form that is easily imported into other software formats
 such as Microsoft Excel. The  Summary Reporter makes it easy to display and print summary

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  reports of MOVES Output information and convert them to ASCII text files. For the Summary
  Reporter to operate properly, the run specification which produced the output, or one sufficiently
  similar to it, needs to be loaded in MOVES.
         When Produce Summary Report is selected and suitable run specification has been
  loaded, a  popup appears asking the user to specify an emission process to be reported. The
  default option (which is the only option if the run did not distinguish results by emission process)
  is to combine the output results for all emission processes included in the run specification. But
  in many cases the user will want to select an emission process from the drop down list.  "Evap
  Permeation" is selected in this example:
                               Emission Process Selection
                                       Select Emission Process to Report
                                        Evap Permeation
                                        All Processes
                                        Evap Fuel Leaks
                                        Evap Fuel Vapor Venting
                                        Evap Permeation
         Clicking "OK" allows the user to specify the content and level of report aggregation.
      ^? Specify Parameters for Summary Report
                                                                                      • I
      Report Title: [summary Report
      teport File Name: ISummatyReport
                             Run Number(s)                 Order.'Choose Categories           Data Items
      Run: 218 Time: 2007-01 -08 18:34:43 TireAndBrakeWearPreagg yearlD                  Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons
                               Specify Report for Emission Process: Evap Permeation
Run: 219 Time: 2007-01 08 18:36:01 DistanceByST
Run: 220 Time: 2007-01-08 18:42:05 DistanceBvSCC
Run: 221 Time: 2007-01 08 18:48:59 Run16
Run: 222 Time: 2007-01-08 18:52:52 evap_im_pg
Run: 223 Time: 2007-01-08 19:05:03 hwyds!2012-2020
Run: 224 Time: 2007-01 08 19:14:50 autotestl
Run: 225 Time: 2007-01-08 19:22:00 nat_ag
Run: 226 Time: 2007-01 08 19:32:30 wtp5
Run: 227 Time: 2007-01-10 08:47:07 Task208Base
Run: 228 Time: 2007-01-10 10:15:48 Task208Base
Run: 229 Time: 2007-01-10 11:05:06 evapjm_pg
                           [id Display on Screen
                                                          Move To Top of List
                                                   Produce tabbed output
                                      Estimate Report Width   48 Columns
         This screen allows the user to:

      1.  Give the report a title.  The default title is "Summary Report" but the user may change
         this in the text field.
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March 2009                                                       DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
     2.  Specify the base portion of the file names which will be used to store various portions of
        the report.  The default file name root is "SummaryReport" but the user should change
        this in the text field.

 XCaution! Files which already have this base file name will be overwritten without warning if
             reports are generated with the same base file name.

     3.  Select one or more runs to be reported.  Their output must have been stored in the same
        output database named in the active run specification. The twelve most recent runs are
        available for selection.  In the example  shown, two runs have been selected.  Note that
        these two runs were made with the same run specification.

 XCaution! Care should be taken to compare runs with the same scope and level of output

     4.  Choose the categories to be distinguished in the report. At least one category must be
        selected.  The category list is based on the run specification.  The fewer categories
        selected,  the more aggregate the report will be.  Dimensions  not distinguished when the
        run was made are not included. The "Move to Top of List"  button may be used to
        reorder the category list. The order of the list determines the sort order and the column
        order used in the report. In this example,  several categories,  including "MOVESRunID"
        have been selected.

       If multiple runs are included in the report, the user may wish to select the
       "MOVESRunID" category.  Otherwise, the results of the multiple runs will be combined
       in the report. Conversely, if only a single run is included in the report, there is little reason
       to select the "MOVESRunID" category.

     5.  Select the data items to be included in the report. At least one data item besides
        "Distance" must be selected. In this example only one data item, "Total Gaseous
        Hydrocarbons" is available, so it must be selected.

     6.  Select the forms of output desired.  The report always produces a set of three MySQL
        tables placed in the output database.  There is no selection governing this. If a screen
        display of the report is desired, the user checks the "Display  on Screen" box. If ASCII
        tab-separated variable file output is desired, the user checks the "Produce Tabbed
        Output"  box.

 XCaution! If the output data is disaggregated by day or hour, the output database will contain
             results for only two days in each month - a weekday (daylD 5) and a weekend-day
             (daylD 2).  Therefore, attempting  to see a summary report for a month or year will
             not return valid  result as these two types of days together are simply summed
             together. The user should distinguish by day ID in the report and then externally
             must properly weight the result according to the type of day to see meaningful
             result for a month (e.g. 22 weekdays and 9 weekend-days in a 31-day month) or
             year (e.g. 261 weekdays and  104 weekend-days in a 365-day year).
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March 2009
        Because the width of a report can be a constraining factor (for example, when printing the
 report) the "Estimate Report Width" button can be clicked. When this is done, as in the
 example screen above, an estimate of the width of the report with the currently selected items
 appears in the window. Printed report output is obtained by producing a screen report and then
 choosing to print.

        In the example shown above, all report options have been selected. When "OK" is
 clicked, the screen report, if requested, appears:
                            creen Report
'•'HMjifw' j; Body_J;t>ee$sl
Year County Source
2010 34021 11
2010 34021 11
2010 34021 21
2010 34021 21
2010 34021 31
2010 34021 31
2010 34021 32
2010 34021 32
Print and Close Report
Close Report
e .


        Note that the report consists of three tabs:  Header, Body, and Decode.  The Body tab is
 the default view; the other tabs are accessed by clicking on them. The body of the report
 contains columns for each of the category and data items selected. Clicking on the Header tab
 displays the report title, date and time the report was made, several items of information about
 the run specification, and the emission process covered by the report.  Clicking on the Decode
 tab displays the decoded numeric codes included in the report, which are not self-explanatory.
                   J^ Screen Report
Header Body •'[; Decode (
Category Field Value Description
countylD 34021 Mercer County

Print and Close Report
11 Motorcycle
21 Passenger Car
31 Passenger Truck
32 Light Commercial Truck

Close Report
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          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
        When the user is done viewing the screen report, the user may click on "Print and Close
 Report" to print. Printing is in landscape format.  Clicking on "Close Report" closes the report
 without printing it.

 XCaution! Both buttons close the report.  The Summary Reporter does not store reporting
             options, other than the last report title and base file name used.  Because
             information is not remembered between Summary Reporter runs, the user should
             not close the report until the user is done viewing it.

        Once any screen report has been closed, and if ASCII tab-separated reporting has been
 selected, the user is prompted for a file directory in which to place the report output, and these
 files are written.

   Produce  State/County Map

        The Produce State/County Map menu option allows the user to see the RunSpec output
 depicted in color-coded or gray-scaled maps.  The maps can illustrate output at the county level,
 and represent value ranges of a single numerical variable which can be selected from a list by the
 user.  It should be noted that  this is a very basic mapping tool. For more sophisticated mapping
 options, you may want to apply GIS tools or other software to the MOVES database output.

        For the Produce State/County Map tool to operate properly, the run specification which
 produced the output,  or one sufficiently similar to it, needs to be loaded in MOVES. When the
 user chooses the Produce  State/County Map menu feature, the Generate State/County Map
 window opens and displays the name of the source database for the map generation at the top of
 the window. (The source database for the map generation is the database containing the output
 of the RunSpec.)

                         Database: test2008
                         State or County FIPS Column:
                         Data Column:
        To view RunSpec output on a map, the user must first choose a table contained in the
 output database that has "CountylD" or "StatelD" as a column and associates each emission
 quantity with each county or state selected only once; in other words, if there are multiple entries
 for the same pollutant in the same county, then the Produce State/County Map tool cannot be
 utilized. For example, if all 24 hours were modeled and the level of output detail was chosen to
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                       March 2009
 be "Hour", then there are at least 24 values for each pollutant in each county and the
 "MovesOutput" table cannot be used. It is possible for the "MovesOutput" table to be used if
 the user has appropriately defined or aggregated their RunSpec; however, it is more likely that
 the user will have to use the Summary Reporter to generate a table that fits the necessary

        Once a table with the attributes described above is created, it can be selected in the
 "Table" drop-down menu.  The State or County FIPS Column box will be automatically
 populated with "CountylD" or "StatelD", instructing the mapping tool to consider output data at
 the county or state level. Next, the user should specify data to depict by selecting an output
 parameter in the Data Column dropdown menu. By choosing a column from the selected table,
 the user instructs the mapping tool to use results from the RunSpec to generate the map output.
 After making selections in this window, the user should click "Next".

        A window allowing the user to define map attributes opens. The user can choose "Full
 Color" or "Grayscale" using the  Colors drop-down box, and can customize the map using the
 check boxes and defining minimum and maximum data values for the emissions output data.
 When the user clicks "Next", the  map output is generated.
                               Generate State/County Map
                               i>pi*wvli Sงw^
                             Full Color
                             •] Show FIPS codes
                             •i Show legend colors
                             •i Show legend text
                             umber of colors: 16
                             Hinimum Data Value: 1 0
                             laximum Data Value: 1.0
        2.3.6  Settings

        Settings include one menu option, Configure MOVES. This menu option allows the
 user to set the basic MOVES operating configuration.
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          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide

                 Default Input Database

                 Server:    localhost
                 Default Output Database
                 Server: localhost
                 Shared Distributed Folder Path
        First, the user can specify the default input database by identifying the default server on
 which the MOVES input database is stored and the name of the default database.  In most cases,
 "localhost" is the chosen server, although the user may select an alternate server (such as the
 MySQL database located on the user's computer) by typing the server name in the Server box.
 Next the user can choose from a drop-down list to define the default database to be used as a data
 source for the MOVES RunSpec.  In most cases, the user will choose "MOVESDBDraft2009"
 The user also can select a server to house the default output database server under the Settings
 menu option; "localhost" is appropriate in most cases. The actual output database file is named
 when selecting Output from the Navigation Panel to specify output parameters as part of the
 MOVES RunSpec setup process.

 XCaution! If the Default Input Database is changed the program should be stopped and
             restarted.  This is because the user interface program will have already connected to
             the previously specified database in order to have constructed the GUI displays,
             which might not be relevant for a different  database.

        Using the Settings menu option, the user also can identify the Shared Distributed Folder
 Path for the MOVES Worker and MOVES Master program modules. This is the Windows
 folder where all intermediate and internal MOVES work files  are stored during processing. This
 folder is installed as part of the MOVES program installation. The user should browse his
 system to find where this folder was installed and indicate the exact location.  It may not be the
 same path as shown in the example above.

      By changing the Shared Distributed Folder path, the user can take advantage of distributed
      processing by having the master and multiple worker computers on the same network
      "point" to a drive and folder that is accessible to all the computers involved. For more
      information about utilizing distributed processing,  please consult the Draft MOVES2009
       Software Design and Reference Manual.
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        2.3.7 Help

        Help provides access to .pdf versions of the MOVES User Guide and the MOVES
  Software Design and Reference Manual, and supplies general information about the version of
  MOVES being used.

        Choose MOVES User Guide or MOVES Software Design/Reference Manual to open
  either of these documents in .pdf format.

        Choose About MOVES in the Help menu to obtain the release date of the model. This
  indicates which version of MOVES is open.  In addition to the version, the EPA copyright and
  GNU General Public License (GPL) information is provided.  The GNU license grants the user,
  free of charge, complete access to the object and source code of the MOVES program for
  personal use. For specific details regarding the GNU license, the user should consult the website
                               This version dated: 2008JD7JD7
                               Computer ID: NoComputerlD
                               Copyright U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                               Licensed for use pursuant to the GNU General Public License (GPL)
                               For information about the GPL see htt|):nivww.ynu.org..'1icerises<
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide	March 2009

    Appendix A - Displaying and Editing Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
                       (I/M) Program Coverage Information
        The Display/Edit IM Program Coverage Records menu option can be accessed from
 the Pre Processing drop-down menu in the Main Menu bar or through the "IM" tab in the
 County Data Manager and Project Domain Manager.  This menu option gives the user access
 to a set of features called the I/M Coverage Editor, which allows the user to display and modify
 vehicle inspection maintenance (I/M) program coverage information.
                          Pre Processing  Action  Post Processing  Si
                           Update Future Emission Rates
                           DisplayiEdit IM Program Coverage Records
                           Data Importer
                           County Data Manager
                           Project Domain Manager
        Although current local data may be more accurate, the MOVES default database is
 intended to contain I/M coverage data on a county/year/pollutant/fuel type/vehicle type basis for
 all I/M programs in the United States. The defaults will automatically be used in MOVES runs
 unless the I/M Coverage Editor is used to create new user input database that overlays the default
 IM coverage data.  If the user opens the I/M Coverage Editor directly, the new user input
 database will be listed in the MOVES Manage Input Datasets panel. If the user opens the I/M
 Coverage Editor through the County Data Manager or the Project Domain Manager, the
 modified I/M coverage data will be stored in the database created by that tool, as entered on the
 Geographic Bounds panel.

        The I/M Coverage Editor requires that the MOVES RunSpec specify the calendar years,
 locations (states or counties), source use types, and pollutant-processes of interest. The I/M
 Coverage Preprocessor will not open until these MOVES RunSpec inputs have been made.

        The user is encouraged to successfully complete (i.e., green checkmarks) all of the main
        MOVES RunSpec check-list items before accessing the I/M Coverage Editor.

        When the Display/Edit IM Program Coverage Records menu option is selected,
 MOVES will  show the IM Coverage in MOVES window.
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March 2009
                                                        DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                    Old Meซr
                                                    Veh Veh Inspect Compl.
                                      Year Fuel Reg Class Age Age Freq.   Factor
                                                   Test Type  Test Standards   ID Ignore
       Running Exh
       Running Exh
       Running Exh
       Running Exh
       Running Exh
       Running Exh
       Running Exh
Total C-as HC
II Cook
II Coot
IL Cook
IL Cook
IL Cook
IL Cook
II Cook
2000 Gasol LDT
2000 Gasol LDT
2000 Gasol LDV
2000 Gasol LDV
2000 Gasol LDT
2000 Gasol LDV
2000 Gasol LDT
32  20 Biennial
20 Biennial
 2 Biennial
20 Biennial
 2 Biennial
        93.717 Idle Basic Unloaded Idle   1  U
        93.717 IH240/I11147 IK240 Final    6  H
        93.717 Idle Basic Unloaded Idle   1  H
        93.717 IM240/IH147 IH240 Final    6  H
2 Biennial  93.717 IM240/IK147 IH240 Final    6  H
2 Biennial  93.717 IM240/IM147 IH240 Final    6  H
        93.717 Idle Basic Unloaded Idle   1  K
       4 I
        Print Report
                 Edit Selected Records
                                Generate New and Replacement Records
              Import   Ignore 1*1
                              Use 1*1
         This panel displays the I/M coverage information pertinent to the RunSpec.  A scroll bar
  enables the user to see the complete list of the I/M coverage information, which includes the
  following fields:

      •  Process.

  ? Note  MOVES I/M emission effects are applied to Running Exhaust and Evaporative Fuel
           Vapor Venting processes.  I/M Emission effects for Starts are not functional in Draft

      •  Pollutant.

  7 Note  MOVES I/M emission effects are applied only to HC, CO and NOx pollutants.

      •  County.

      •  Year— that is, the calendar year in which the IM program applies

      •  Fuel— that is, the fuel-type of the vehicle subject to the program.

      •  Regulatory class.

      •  Old Vehicle Age/New Vehicle Age - These fields specify the age range covered in the
         chosen I/M program.  The allowable range is zero to thirty years (years beyond thirty can
         be entered and performance will not be affected).

      •  Inspection Frequency - The three possible inputs for Inspection Frequency are annual,
         biennial, and continuous.

  X CAUTION!   I/M emission effects are not currently available  for a continuous I/M program.
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide	March 2009

     •  Compliance Factor - The Compliance Factor reflects the level of motorist compliance
        that the particular I/M program achieves.  Different levels of compliance can be entered
        for each I/M program identification number. Only values between 0 and 100 are valid.

  7 Note  The I/M Compliance Factor is a multiplicative factor that adjusts a particular I/M
          program for losses associated with motorists who do not comply with the requirements
          of the I/M program. Typically, this includes motorists whose vehicles fail I/M but are
          not repaired or insufficiently repaired and continue to operate in the program area, as
          well as motorists whose vehicles are subject to I/M but are never tested.
     •  Test Type/Test Standards - The Test Type and Test Standards selected should be
        consistent with each other (i.e., ASM (Acceleration Simulation Mode) test type with
        ASM cutpoints, transient test type with EVI240 cutpoints, evaporative test type with
        evaporative tests).  Failure to select consistent test types and test standards will result in
        error messages later.

     •  Pgm ID - The Pgm ID column contains a program identification number to distinguish
        multiple I/M programs applying to the same vehicles.  An I/M program is a combination
        of beginning and end model years, inspection frequency, test type, test standards and
        compliance factor.  The Pgm ID must be an integer from 1 to 999.  If multiple I/M
        programs apply to the same combination of county, state, year, pollutant, process, fuel,
        and regulatory class, each program must have a distinct program ID.

     •  Ignore -  The Ignore column is a Yes/No  toggle for the use of the I/M coverage
        information, and can be modified by using the "Ignore I/M" and "Use I/M" buttons
        described later in this section. A value of 'N' is the default and signifies that MOVES
        will use the I/M coverage information.  A value of 'Y' means either that there is no I/M
        program  or that it is completely ineffective (i.e., non-I/M emission rates are used in the
        MOVES  emission calculations). In this case, MOVES will ignore the chosen record
        when calculating I/M coverage effects, effectively creating a no I/M condition for the
        chosen combination of county, year, fuel type, regulatory class, and pollutant-process.

       Setting all  of the I/M Coverage records to Ignore = 'Y will completely shut off the effect of
       I/M for the RunSpec.

        The lower panel in the IM Coverage in MOVES window includes a message panel that
 displays error messages if the user input data is incorrect. The middle panel contains the
 following buttons:

        Print Report
        Edit Selected Records
        Generate New and Replacement Records
        Ignore I/M
        Use I/M
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March 2009	DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide

        These are described below.

        Print Report Button: The user may print a report of the contents of the IM Coverage
 in MOVES window by clicking the "Print Report" button, which brings up a dialog box with
 standard Microsoft Print functions. The user may choose to print the information to a printer or
 other virtual network device.

        Edit Selected Records Button: The "Edit Selected Records" button will be inactive
 until the user selects a record or set of records from the IM Coverage in MOVES window.  The
 user may select a single record by clicking on it.

 XCaution! The "Edit Selected Records" button should be used to edit only one record at a
             time.  To edit multiple records at once, the user can use the "Generate New and
             Replacement Records" button as described later in this section.

        When the user selects one or more records, the "Edit Selected Records" button becomes
 active and may be used to change the data values in the selected records. If this button is
 selected, a window appears asking the user to Choose a User Input Database.
                        Choose a User Input database
                    -Select or create a database to receive the data.
                     Server:   j	

                     Database: I                   T    Create Database
  ^ Note  If the I/M Coverage Editor is accessed through the County Data Manager or Project
          Domain Manager, the associated user input database is used.

        The user should normally leave the server name field set to "localhost".  An existing user
 input database, which must contain an I/M Coverage Table, can be specified in the database
 field, or a new database name can be entered and created by clicking on the "Create Database"
 button. A window will appear confirming that the database was created.

  ? Note  Operations in the I/M Coverage Editor create an overlay database extending or
          superseding the values in the default database.  These operations do not change the
          default database values.

 XCaution! The user should be careful when selecting existing databases from the list of
             databases in the "Choose a User Input database" window. The I/M Coverage
             Editor tools have the ability to alter data without an 'undo' function in any MySQL
             database that contains an I/M Coverage table (except the current, active MOVES
             input database). An input or delete error may lead the user to inadvertently modify
             previous work.
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                   March 2009
        Clicking the "Cancel" button in the Choose a User Input Database window aborts the
 editing operation. Clicking on the "OK" button will cause the program to display the IM
 Coverage Details window.
            •|F.,IM Coverage Details
           Supply I'M coverage details:
           IM Program ID:      19
                              D Ignore IM
           Inspection Frequency:

           Test Type:

           Test Standards:

           Oldest Vehicle Age:

           Newest Vehicle Age:

           Compliance Factor:
Evaporative Emissions Tests (EVAP)
Evaporative Gas Cap, Pressure and OBD Check
10  ^
        The IM Coverage Details window allows the user to enter program data that will
 substitute for the default values in a particular I/M Coverage record. These fields are the same at
 those in the IM Coverage Details window, described above.

        Once the user has made any edits, clicking on the "OK" button enters the new values into
 the user's I/M Coverage database, while clicking on the "Cancel" button closes the IM
 Coverage Details panel without saving the new data.

        Generate New and Replacement Records:  The Generate New and Replacement
 Records is similar to the Edit Selected Records in its effect, but it allows the user to change
 multiple records at the same time.

        When the "Generate New and Replacement Records" button is selected, the Choose a
 User Input Database window shown earlier appears.

  7 Note  If the I/M Coverage Editor is accessed through the County Data Manager or Project
          Domain Manager, the associated user input database is used.

        The user should normally leave the server name field set to "localhost".  An existing
 database, which must contain an I/M Coverage Table, can be specified in the database field, or a
 new database name can be entered  and created by clicking on the "Create Database" button. A
 window will appear confirming that the database was created.

        Clicking on the "Cancel" button in the Choose a User Input Database window aborts
 the editing operation. Clicking on the "OK" button causes the program  to display the IM
 Coverage Categories window, which allows the user to enter larger amounts of alternative I/M
 Coverage data at one time into a MOVES user database.
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March 2009
                  DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
     s IM Coverage Categories
    Select I.'M coverage categories and program:
      IM Program ID: 19
rears:   Fuels:  Reg Class:
Running Exhaust - Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons

AZ Pima

All Exhaust A
II Evan


Urban Bus

      The user may have to expand the IM Coverage Categories window to see the text in each

        This window contains five columns of I/M coverage data - Pollutants, Counties, Years,
 Fuels, and Reg(ulatory) Class - displaying only those entries selected by the user in the general
 MOVES RunSpec.  Alternate I/M coverage records cannot be generated for pollutants, counties,
 years, fuels and regulatory classes that have not been already specified by the user in a MOVES
 RunSpec. Within each column, the user may either choose all of the entries using the "All"
 buttons or select individual entries using a mouse. The user must select at least one entry in each
 column. The user must also specify a value between 1 and 999 in the "IM Program ID" box, and
 should choose "EVI Program ID" values that have not been used already if a new I/M program is
 being created (see the IM Coverage in MOVES window).

  7 Note  The user can select an existing "IM Program ID" to modify the I/M program with that

        Clicking on the "OK" button opens the IM Coverage Details panel described above.
 Clicking on the "Cancel" button closes the IM Coverage Categories window without saving the
 new data.

      MOVES does not allow more than one I/M coverage record for each combination of
      pollutant, process, county, year, fuel type, regulatory class, and model year. The duplicate
      record error, "Error: Duplicate Active Program", is common, and often indicates an issue
      with multiple programs applying to the same model year.  Careful review of the oldest and
      newest vehicle ages in your input file may help eliminate this error.

        Export Button: The "Export" button allows the user to export the selected I/M
 coverage records to an  external file or spreadsheet.  An error message will result if no records are
 selected and the  "Export"  button is selected.  If the "Export" button is selected and I/M
 coverage records are selected, the Export IM Programs window will open.  The user may select
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
 the folder and file in which to store the I/M coverage data.  The data will be saved in tab-
 delimited format or the user can define the file path to save it as an Excel or text file. The
 primary function of the "Export" button is to allow the user to export selected records to an
 external file (e.g., a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet) for editing. The "Export" button will
 automatically export the correct names and spelling for the process, pollutant and county names.
 After editing the I/M coverage records, the user will typically import the data back into MOVES
 using the I/M "Import" button.

        Import Button: The I/M "Import" button allows the user to import I/M coverage
 records from an external text file or spreadsheet into a user input database.  Selecting the
 "Import" button opens the Import IM window, allowing the user to select the folder and file
 where the desired I/M coverage data are stored.  These files may be tab- or comma-delimited
 text, or in Microsoft Excel XLS files.  If an Excel workbook with multiple worksheets is
 selected, MOVES will prompt the user to select the desired individual worksheet within the

        Next, the Choose a User Input database window will prompt the user to select the
 database where the imported I/M data will be written. The server name field should normally be
 "localhost". An existing database with an I/M Coverage Table can be specified in the database
 field, or a new database can be created by entering a new database name and clicking the
 "Create Database" button. A panel will confirm that the database was created.

        The I/M data importer requires that the import data file have a full set of correct column
 headings. For most of the inputs, the user must use the abbreviated name (aka "shortName).
 Gasoline vehicles should be indicated with the text "Gasol". The I/M data importer will also
 generate an error message - "Error: Duplicate Active Program"  - if there are duplicate data
 errors As with the "Edit Selected Records" and the "Generate New and Replacement
 Records" buttons, the user can enter no more than one I/M coverage record for each
 combination of pollutant, process, county, year, fuel type, regulatory class, and model year.

       To generate an I/M data file for input, we recommend first exporting the desired records.
       The export utility will automatically export the correct column headers and default data
       values.  Users can then use a spreadsheet or text editor to make data changes, such as
       changing compliance rates. The user can refer to the "emissionprocess", "pollutant", and
       "regulatoryclass" tables in the MOVES default database, and the "imtesttype", and
       "imteststandards" tables below to see the available options for the "Process", "Pollutant",
       "Regulatory Class", "Test Type", and "Test Standards" columns, respectively. The
       appropriate "shortName" for each column should be entered,  except for "Regulatory Class"
       where the "regClassName" should be used. Once  changes are made, the data file can be
       imported with the "Imporf'button.

        MOVES I/M Test Types
test Type ID
Exhaust Basic Test (Idle, 2500/ldle, Loaded/Idle)
Exhaust Acceleration Simulation Mode Test
Exhaust Transient Test (IM240, IM147)
Evaporative Emissions Tests (EVAP)
Exhaust Onboard Diagnostics Test (OBD)
Idle Basic
United States Environmental Protection Agency
  Page A-7

March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
        MOVES I/M Test Standards
Unloaded Idle Test
Two-mode, 2500 RPM/ldle Test
Loaded / Idle Test
ASM 2525 Phase-in Outpoints
ASM 5015 Phase-in Outpoints
ASM 2525/5015 Phase-in Outpoints
ASM 2525 Final Outpoints
ASM 5015 Final Outpoints
ASM 2525/5015 Final Outpoints
IM240 Phase-in Outpoints
IM147 Phase-in Outpoints
IM240 Final Outpoints
IM147 Final Outpoints
Evaporative Gas Cap Check
Evaporative System Pressure Check
Evaporative System OBD Check
Evaporative Gas Cap and Pressure Check
Evaporative Gas Cap and OBD Check
Evaporative Pressure and OBD Check
Evaporative Gas Cap, Pressure and OBD Check
Exhaust OBD Check
Unloaded Idle
2500 RPM/ldle
A2525 Phase
A5015 Phase
A2525 Final
IM240 Phase
IM1 47 Phase
IM240 Final
IM147 Final
Evp Cap
Evp Pressure
Evp Cap,Prs
Evp Cap, OBD
Evp Prs,OBD
Evp Cap,OBD,Prs
Exhaust OBD
        Delete Button:  The "Delete" button allows the user to delete previously modified or
 imported I/M coverage data from a user input database, thus reversing the effects of a data
 import using the "Import" button.  It does not allow the user to delete I/M coverage records from
 the default MOVES database.  At least one record must be selected from the IM Coverage in
 MOVES window before being deleted using the "Delete" button.

        After of the user selects one or more records and clicks on the "Delete" button, the
 Choose a User  Input database window shown earlier will open.

  ^ Note  If the I/M Coverage Editor is accessed through the County Data Manager or Project
          Domain Manager, the associated user input database is used.

        The user should normally set the server name field to "localhost." The existing user input
 database in which the selected record(s) reside will be visible in the "Database" field.  Selecting
 the "OK" button will delete the selected records, while selecting the "Cancel" button will cancel
 the delete process and close the Choose a User  Input database window.

  ^ Note  After a record is deleted using the "Delete" button, it is removed from the user input
          database but not the default MOVES database.  As a result, the user will often notice
          that the I/M coverage record displayed in the IM Coverage in MOVES panel has been
          changed from a user-supplied value to the default value. The number of records
          appearing on the IM Coverage in MOVES screen will often stay the same.

        Ignore I/M Button: To  "turn off I/M for one or more records in the IM Coverage in
 MOVES window, the user can highlight record(s) using the mouse and the Shift key (for more
Page A-8
United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide	March 2009

 than one record), and then click the "Ignore I/M" button.  The Choose a User Input database
 window will allow the user to select the server and database where this change will be written.
 The server should generally be left at 'localhost', and the user can select an existing database
 which contains an IMCoverage Table, or create a new one by entering a name and clicking the
 "Create Database" button. A panel appears confirming that the database was created.  Clicking
 the "OK" button closes this panel. This action will not modify the default MOVES input
 database.  If the user sets all of the I/M Coverage records to Ignore = "Y", the effect of I/M will
 be shut  off for the RunSpec.

        Use I/M Button:  As with the "Ignore I/M" button, if the user wants to change the status
 of records in the IM Coverage in MOVES window from "Y" to "N", the user can highlight
 record(s) using the mouse and the Shift key (for more than one record),  and then click the "Use
 I/M"  button.  The user will have to select a server and database to which to write the changes, as
 is described in the instructions for the "Ignore I/M" button.

        Exit Button:  The user can click on the "Exit" button to close the IM Coverage in
 MOVES window.
        Use of the I/M Compliance Rate in MOVES: The I/M compliance rate is a discounting
 factor expressed as a percentage that accounts for less than perfect operation of a real-world I/M
 program.  It attempts to account for emission benefit losses associated with motorists who refuse
 to comply with the I/M program by not getting their vehicle tested, losses from failing vehicles
 that are either not repaired or inadequately repaired, and other miscellaneous losses. The
 MOVES model contains default values for I/M compliance rate for most I/M programs in the
 United States. These default values were obtained from the 2005 EPA National Emission
 Inventory data files. The distribution of I/M compliance rates range from 83 percent to 100
 percent, with more than half of the I/M programs having a value of 93 percent - a 7% loss of
 potential benefit. The I/M Coverage Editor in MOVES allows the user to modify the default
 values in the range from zero percent (if the I/M program is completely  ineffective) to 100
 percent (signifying no losses).

  ^ Note EPA plans to provide guidance on developing appropriate local I/M compliance rates.

        I/M Compliance and Geographic Pre-Aggregation in MOVES: If the user selects
 National Domain/Scale in MOVES, the I/M data can be pre-aggregated to the  state, or national
 level. If the user selects "State" or "Nation" inputs on the Geographic Bounds panel, MOVES
 will calculate emissions as an appropriate weighted average of the applicable I/M and non-I/M
 emission rates.
United States Environmental Protection Agency                                               Page A-9

March 2009                                                           DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
      Appendix B - Linking MySQL Tables from MS ACCESS or MS Excel
                              (includes ODBC usage)
        This Appendix describes in detail how the user can transform MOVES MySQL tables
 into Microsoft ACCESS database tables or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.  This may be useful for
 those who wish to view or manipulate these tables in an alternate format. This appendix also
 explains how to use the Open Database Connectivity interface protocols and tools.

 Adding a MySQL database as an ODBC User Data Source

     1.  Install MySQL driver, MyODBC-3.51.06.exe.

     2.  Create an ODBC data source with the same name as the folder which corresponds to the
        MySQL database.

        a.  In the Control Panel, select "Administrative Tools":
63 Control Panel
File Edit View Favorites Tools Help ^ >'_
' ffฃ]
'^Search -/^Folders ^J
OS PS X *>
Address jhปl Control Panel
jQ Accessibility Options
ฃงง Add/Remove Hardwar
1 Comment

•ป•[ ^Go Links >J
Customizes accessibility features for your computer
e Installs, removes, and troubleshoots hardware
I^Sl Add/Remove Programs Installs and removes programs and Windows components
H_ Administrative Tools 1
•{ฃ Automatic Updates
งBDE Administrator
5$ Display
^Find Fast
Hj Folder Options
\A\ Fonts
^5ฃGaming Options
y Internet Options
Configures administrative
Configures administrative
settings for your computer
Configures Automatic Updates 	 I
Configures the Borland Database Engine
Sets the date, time, and time zone for your computer
Customizes your desktop display and screen saver
Microsoft Find Fast (trn) content indexer
Customizes the display of files and folders, changes file a...
Displays and manages fonts on your computer
Adds, removes, or changes settings for game controllers
Configure your Internet display and connection settings. •*• I
settings for your computer

United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
                                                        DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
         b.  In the "Administrative Tools" menu, select "Data Sources (ODBC)":
ffi] Administrative Tools
File Edit View Favorites Tools Help i^ :'f
Go Links **
2/10/2004 11:13 AM
5/23/2003 1O:28 AM
11/19/2003 12:55 PM
5/8/2002 9:06 AM
5/8/2002 1:37PM
6/16/2003 12:48 PM
3/6/2003 10:55 AM
1/20/2004 12:21 PM
DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                           March 2009
         d.  The "New Data Source" should use the MySQL ODBC Driver that was installed
             earlier (step 2a.).  Scroll through the list until the MySQL ODBC driver is found,
             highlight it, and click the "Finish" button.
                                        Select a driver for which you want to set up a data source.
                                         Microsoft Paradox Driver (K.db )
                                         Microsoft Paradox-Treiber (*.db)
                                         Microsoft Text Driver (x.txt; *.csv)
                                         Microsoft Text-Treiber (x.txt; x.csv)
                                         Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver
                                         Microsoft Visual FoxPro-Treiber
                                        MuSQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
                                         Oracle ODBC Driver
                                         SQL Server
                                                    < Back
         e.  Next, the database links need to be defined.  The values shown below are for a
             database called "movesdefault". The database name should be the name of the folder
             which contains the desired MySQL database files (i.e., the MySQL database name).
        Connector/ODBC 3.51.25 - Add Data Source Name
       Login    Connect Options    Advanced
         Data Source Name  movesdefault
         Description       Current database


                                                        Connector/ODBC Configuration
                                                        This dialog is used to add a Data Source Name
                            Test    .   Diagnostics ป
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
            Once the database name and the data source name have been changed to an existing
            MySQL database name, the database connection can be checked by clicking on the
            "TestData Source" button.
                                      Success; connection was made!
        g.  The added data source will show up in the list of data sources in the ODBC Data
            Source Administrator dialog.  This will finish the process of creating a new ODBC
            data source associated with a particular MySQL database.
t"'1 ODBC Data Source Administrator | ? |[ X

ser DSN j System DSN
Jser Data Sources:
dBASE Files
Excel Files
MS Access Database
File DSN Drivers ] Tracing Connection Pooling About |
Driver Add...
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
Microsoft dBase Driver (K.dbf) Fjemove
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
M icrosoft E xcel D river (K. xls) Configure...
MiiCm finer T M nri^^r
MyoUL UUDL J.DI u river
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
Microsoft Access Driver f.rndb)
/jEH ^n ODBC User data source stores information about how to connect to
( *jflu the indicated data provider. A User data source is only visible to you,
^Hf and can only be used on the current machine.

OK Cancel Help

United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
 Using Microsoft Access with MySQL Tables

     1.  Run an Access .mdb (either a new one or an existing one).

     2.  On the top menu bar, look for menu items "File", "Get External Data", then "Link
        Tables ..." (see picture below).  Click on the item "Link Tables..."
     3.  On the pop-up window like the one shown below, choose "ODBC DatabasesQ" from the
        drop-down list which is located next to the label "Files of type".
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
              DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
       4.   Another pop-up window similar to the one below will appear.  Click on the tab Machine
           Data Source, to select a database of interest.
                   Edit  View  Insert Format  Records  Tools  Wffidow Help
                    A ฐa. j i y:	;	-n u. f- <3 .  ia •  -    _ -  * a
                                                                                               Type a question For help  .-r
                                            Select the file data source that describes the dnver C- ^ you	* to connect to.
                                            You can uce any tile data =ouice that refer; to an ODBC dnver '/jhich is installed
           In this example NMIM20070812 is chosen from the Data Source Name column.  Select
           OK to load the data into Access.
               : FJIe  Edit View  Insert  Format Tools Ta.ble Wjndew Help
                                                                          *! |
                  Normal    . Times New Ror
               = ซ&]:ป C3 <
                                                        ;ง • !E -E if f D •
                                                                          - A • e
                                           File Data Source Machine Dala Source |
                                            Data Source Nar
                                            dBASE Files
                                            Excel Files
                                            MOVESDB 20081202
                                            A M.j(.fnne D.3'a Source i= ^perit-r t.-, thr rn.ii:nine .ind rannnl be shared
                                            "User" data sources are :pi?c.ifn: to a ucor or. irปi i'lwlnne ":i',i.;tem" data
                                            sources can be tried b.^ all u-: ers on this machine, or by a system-wide service.
                                                                     Cancel     Help
                    .;  AutoShapes- \ \ Q O AJ A 0
                                                                   Windows M..,   Si 2 Window,
                                                                                              Type a question For help  ป X
United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                                  March 2009
        If the Data Source Name of the file is not listed, the user must follow the instructions
        provided in the section, "How to create a DSN Connection to a MySQL database"
        presented later in this appendix.

     5.  Once the data is loaded into access, the "Link Tables" window shown below will appear.
        This screen displays all of the database tables that are visible in Access. The user may
        select tables to view, and click the "OK" button.
         : 4l Normal
Insert Format Tools Table Window Help
   y a. i /   -A j\*>~
                                            ii 0 - j
it)) I -UBead |
                  Times New Roman . 12 •, B I U
                                                                        Type a question fot help ป X

county map

1 OK 1
[ Cancel ]
j Select All j
[ Deselect All J
1 1 Save password

                        At 1"  Ln 1 Col 1
        In the screenshot shown below, the user has chosen three tables to work with in MS
        Access: baseyearvmt, county, and state. The user can now work with these tables in MS

  XCaution!  Edits made to the tables or data in MS Access will not affect the original MySQL
              tables and can not be used directly in MOVES.
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
                                           DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
           D Microsoft Access
             File  Edit  View Insert  lools  Window Help
                                                               ^ -a -
                                          J  Tables
                                          ^J  Queries
                                          H  Forms
                                          13  Reports
                                          Hi  Pagss
                                          ^  Macros
                                          <8  Modules
create table in Design view
Create table by using wizard
Create table by entering data
                            United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                     March 2009
  The user can view data specific to a particular state by clicking on the StateName in the table.
                 : File Edit View Insert Format

                            2 ALASKA
                            4 ARIZONA
                            5 ARKANSAS
                            6 CALIFORNIA CA
                            S COLORADO CO
                            9 CONNECTICUT CT
                            10 DELAWARE
                            !1 DISTRICT OF C DC
                            12 FIORIDA   FL
                           20 KANSAS
                           21 KENTUCKY
                           22 LOUISIANA
                           23 MAINE
                           24 MARYLAND
                           25 MASSACHUSE MA
                           26 MICHIGAN  Ml
                           27 MINNESOTA MN
                           28 MISSISSIPPI MS
                           29 MISSOURI
                           30 MONTANA
24000. NLV
  How to create a DSN Connection to a MySQL database.

  If the user does not find the MySql database referenced in the Data Source Name listing in MS
  Access, a DSN connection must be established.  In order to do so, click on the Machine Data
  Source tab from the Select Data Source screen. Click the "New" button, and select "Next>".
                                               Select a t^pe of data souice:

                                               ^ User Data Source [Applies to this machine only)
                                                   Data Bo .in;.? i",Dph?c tc -iiii machine
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
              DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
  At the Create New Data Source Dialog box, select MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver.  Click "Next >".
                                                   Create table in Design view
                                                ^U Create table by using wizard
                                                       M rroMnlMJjBL ten UracSe
                                                       Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db
                                                       Microsoft Paradox-Traibei |'.db 1
                                                       Microsoft Text Driver (*.tKt; ".csv]
                                                       Microsoft Text-Treiber f.txt; *.csv]
                                                       Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver
                                                       Mcro sofH;'ici.ia!Fo:-:PFO-Treiber
  Click "Finish" to begin to establish the connection.
                                                                                            "vpe 5 qijes'Jon for help
                                                      When ijn.j riic; Fni:-i ',01.1 '...'II r-™3-p 'he data sc
                                                      which you have just conligured The driven may prompt you
                                                      - ;,r --,-,1.:-' ilo, malien
United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
 The Connector/ODBC screen is used to establish the connection from MS Access to the
 MySQL database. Use this screen to define the "Data Source Name".

  7 Note Consider making the Data Source Name similar to the database name, such as
          DSN DatabaseName.  This will make it easier to find.
               ': rite edft Vew Insert loote ป*jow
                    'a   "
 Once the Data Source Name has been created, select the "Test" button.  The popup box
 Connector/ODBC should open, with the message, "Success; connection was made!" Press OK,
 and the popup box will disappear.  Click OK to create the DSN connection.
                 : File Edit View Insert Tools WBldow

                 i J j
                                     [est	 Diagnosticsป     ok.   cancel   Help
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
                                     DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
  The Data Source Name will now be listed in the Select Data Source window.
  Using Microsoft Excel with MySQL Tables

     1.  Follow the instructions in the section "Adding a MySQL database as an ODBC User Data
         Source" for adding the desired MySQL database as an ODBC data source.

     2.  Open an Excel file. Click on "Data" from the top menu bar, and choose "Import
         External Data".  Select "New Database Query ..." from the sub-menu window.  This
         will open the "Choose Data Source" window.

     3.  From the Choose Data Source window, select the desired DSN from the list, e.g.,
         "MOVESDB", then click "OK".
1 Choose Data Source ' '
Databases j Queries |
|Megan_Test': 	 *.
(MOVES Default"
MQIS (not sharable)
MS SQL ServerS-Approach (not sharable)
MS Sybase SQL Server-Approach (not sharable)

Ly W JJse the Query Wizard to create/edit queries

OK |

Qptions. ..

     4.  Click the "OK" button in the "mysql Driver connect" window.
                                    This is in public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY ol any kind
                                   MySQL host [name or IP): |

                                   MySQL databas
    Port III not 3306)-
SQL command on connect: f

p Options that affects the behaviour of
  l~~ Don't optimise column width
  F~ Return matching rows
  r Trace MyODBC
  f" Allow BIG results
  f" Don't prompl: on connect
  F Simulate ODBC 1.0
  F Ignoreft in tt.table
  l~~ Use manager cursors |exp)
  F Don't use setlocale
                                                 MjiQDBC —
                                                 r Pad CHAR to ful length
                                                 r Return table names in SQLDescribeCol
                                                 l~~ Use compressed protocol
                                                 F~ Ignore space alter function names
                                                 l~~ Force use of named pipes
                                                 r Change BIGINT columns to INT
                                                 r No catalog (exp)
                                                 l~~ Read options from C:\my.cnf
                                                 F Salely (Check this il you have problems]
                                                 F Disable transactions
     5.  Follow the instructions posted by the Wizard until finished.
                          United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide                                                     March 2009
             Appendix C - Using the Batch Command Line Interface
        The MOVES command line allows MOVES to be executed without running its graphical
 user interface.  It is useful in situations where repeated or unattended runs are needed, or for
 another computer program to execute MOVES. This interface presumes that a MOVES run
 specification file has been prepared and that the user is running from the DOS prompt.

        These instructions presume some familiarity with DOS commands.  The DOS command
 to execute the MOVES Command Line Interface is:

        Java MOVESCommandLine -r runspecfile


        Java MOVESCommandLine -rl runspeclistfile

 where "runspecfile" is the name of a file containing a saved MOVES run specification and
 "runspeclistfile" is the name of a text file containing a list of run specification file names, with
 one per line. The rest of the syntax is literal. The spelling of "MOVESCommandLine" is case
 sensitive because it is a Java class name.

        By executing one of these commands, the user runs the Java interpreter (java.exe).
 MOVESCommandLine is a DOS parameter tellingjava.exe what Java class file to begin
 executing, and the last two tokens are parameters passed to MOVESCommandLine.

        Either version of this command can be executed from a DOS batch file, and batch files
 can contain multiple commands.

        Prior to executing the command, the active directory should be set to the location where
 MOVES is installed, typically C:\Program FilesMVIOVES, and the SETENV.BAT file should be

        It can be difficult for DOS to find everything. For the command to work, three elements
 must be found:

     •   The j ava interpreter.
     •   The MOVESCommandLine j ava class.
     •   Any runspeclistfile and all runspecfiles.

        Running SETENV.BAT insures that the Java interpreter is found.

        Running SETENV.BAT also insures that the procedure described in the next paragraph
 results in the MOVESCommandLine Java class being found.  Java experts can also use the
 CLASSPATH environment variable more directly to locate Java class files.
United States Environmental Protection Agency                                               PageC-1

March 2009	DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide

        If MOVES has been installed in the default location, C:\MOVES, then
 MOVESCommandLine.class is located at C:\MOVES\gov\epa\otaq\moves\master\commandline.
 This can be made the active directory,  or the command can specify whatever part of the path is
 needed. For example, if the active directory is C:\MOVES, the command line interface class
 would be specified as "gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine".

        One way to insure that the runspecfile or the runspeclistfile is found is to specify the full
 path.  If a simple file name is used the  file should be located in the active DOS directory.

        If the GUI is used to create an  importer XML file (see Section, the XML file can
 be edited and executed via the command line.  Remember that when using the command line,
 text output is not sent to the screen but instead stored in MOVESBatch.log.  An example
 command line is:

        Java gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e DEBUG
        -i importAHFromTemplates.xml

        Be sure to place all of this on one line.  The "-e DEBUG" portion ensures that all
 messages will be captured, even if they are just informational. The "-i" option directs MOVES
 to the XML file that describes the import actions to occur.  Note that this XML file essentially
 contains a RunSpec within it, thus allowing wildcards  even when importing via the command
PageC-2                                               United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
              Appendix D - Creating an On-Road Retrofit Input File
        The "On-Road Retrofit" strategy, described in Section 2.9.9 allows the user to enter
 information about diesel trucks and buses that have been retrofit with emission control
 equipment. An On-Road Retrofit Parameters File must be input to the MOVES model to model
 on-road vehicle retrofit effects. This file can be in tab-delimited text, comma-delimited (*.csv),
 or Microsoft Excel (*.XLS) format. The user must create the Retrofit Parameters File by using
 either a text editor such as Wordpad or Notepad, or a spreadsheet such as Excel.

     A.  Header and Comment Rows

        The first row of the Retrofit Parameter File must be a header row that contains the retrofit
 input parameter names separated by tabs.  The remaining rows of the file contain the retrofit
 parameters.  Comment rows are allowed if the first character in the row or the first cell in the
 tabbed file or *.XLS file is the '#'  character.

     B.  Retrofit Parameter File Format

        The Retrofit Parameter File must contain the following ten parameters in the order listed.
 Each parameter's possible values are provided.

        1.  Retrofit  Pollutant

        This column must contain the full MOVES pollutant name or the pollutant abbreviation
 for which the user wishes to model retrofit data.  (In Draft MOVES2009 the user should not use
 the MOVES PollutantID number.) The data must appear exactly as shown in Table D-l below,
 except that the pollutant abbreviation and/or full name input are not case sensitive.
                                        Table D-l
                            Retrofit Parameter File Pollutants
Full MOVES Pollutant Name
Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Oxides of Nitrogen
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
Atmospheric CO2
Total Energy Consumption
Petroleum Energy Consumption
Pollutant Abbreviation
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption
                                        Table D-l
                         Retrofit Parameter File Pollutants (cont.)
Full MOVES Pollutant Name
CO2 Equivalent
Primary PM10 - Organic Carbon
Primary PM10 - Elemental Carbon
Primary PM10 - Sulfate Paniculate
Primary PM10 - Brakewear Particulate
Primary PM10 - Tirewear Particulate
Primary PM2.5 - Organic Carbon
Primary PM2.5 - Elemental Carbon
Primary PM2.5 - Sulfate Particulate
Primary PM2.5 - Brakewear Particulate
Primary PM2. 5 - Tirewear Particulate
Pollutant Abbreviation
PM25 Sulfate
        2. Retrofit Emission Process Input

        This column must contain the full MOVES process name or the ProcessID abbreviation
 for which the user wishes to model retrofit data. In Draft MOVES2009, the user should not use
 MOVES ProcessID. The data must appear exactly as shown in Table D-2 below, except that the
 ProcessID abbreviation and full name are not case sensitive.
                                        Table D-2
                             Retrofit Parameter File Processes
Full MOVES Process Name
Running Exhaust
Start Exhaust
Extended Idle Exhaust
Process Abbreviation
Extended Idle
        3. Retrofit Fuel Type Input
United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
        This column must contain the full MOVES fuel name or the fuel abbreviation for which
 the user wishes to model retrofit data.  In Draft MOVES2009, the user should not use
 FuelTypelD. The data must appear exactly as shown in Table D-3 below, except that the fuel
 abbreviation and full name are not case sensitive.
                                        Table D-3
                            Retrofit Parameter File Fuel Types
Full MOVES Fuel Type
Diesel Fuel
Ethanol (E85)
Fuel Type Abbreviation
        4.  Retrofit Vehicle Source Type Input

        This column must contain the Sourcetype abbreviation or the full MOVES Sourcetype
 name for which the user wishes to model retrofit data. In Draft MOVES2009, the user should
 not use SourceTypelD number. The data must appear exactly as shown in Table D-4 below,
 except that the sourcetype abbreviation and full name input are not case sensitive.

        In Draft MOVES2009, only diesel (FuelTypelD = 2) vehicles with the following
 SourceTypelDs are covered by the Retrofit Calculations:  32, 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 61, and 62.
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                         Table D-4
                           Retrofit Parameter File Source Types
Full MOVES Vehicle
Source Type Name
Passenger Car*
Passenger Truck*
Light Commercial Truck
Refuse Truck
Single Unit Short-Haul Truck
Single Unit Long-Haul Truck
Motor Home
School Bus
Transit Bus
Intercity Bus
Combination Short-haul Truck
Combination Long-haul Truck
SourceType Abbreviation
        * These sourcetypes should not be used in retrofit input files.

        MOVES compares the user inputs for pollutant, process, fuel type, and source type with
 the stored retrofit possibilities and prompts the user if an incorrect name, abbreviation or number
 for pollutant, process, fuel type, or source type is entered.

        5.  Initial Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation

        The Initial Calendar Year of the Retrofit Implementation is the first calendar year that a
 retrofit program is administered. Initial Calendar Year input must be equal to or less than the
 Final Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation. All months within a calendar year are affected
 equally by the retrofit.

        6.  Final Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation

        The Final Calendar Year of the Retrofit Implementation is the last calendar year that a
 retrofit program is administered. Final Calendar Year input must be equal to or greater than the
 Initial Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation.

        7.  Initial Model Year that will be Retrofit

        The Initial Model Year that will be Retrofit is the first model year of coverage for a
 particular vehicle class/pollutant combination. Valid entries for initial model year must meet the
 following mathematical requirement:
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        Initial Model Year > Initial Calendar Year - 30

        The Initial Model Year cannot be greater than the Final Model Year that will be Retrofit.

        8.  Final Model Year that will be Retrofit

        The Final Model Year that will be retrofit is the last model year of coverage for a
 particular vehicle class/pollutant combination. No retrofit will be performed on Final Model
 Year input which is larger than the Evaluation Calendar Year.  Also, the Final Model Year input
 cannot be less than the Initial Model Year that will be Retrofit.

        9.  Percentage of the Fleet Retrofit per Year

        The Percentage of the Fleet Retrofit per Year represents the percentage of VMT of a
 particular fleet of a particular vehicle class, retrofit calendar year group, model year group, and
 pollutant combination that is to be rebuilt in a given calendar year.  For a successful retrofit
 simulation, a value greater than zero and less than or equal to 100.0% must be entered. MOVES
 checks to ensure that the product of the number of calendar years of retrofit coverage (Final
 Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation - Initial Calendar Year of Retrofit Implementation)
 and the Percentage of the Fleet Retrofit per Year does not exceed 100%. For example, a retrofit
 simulation will be flagged as  invalid, and an error message will appear, if the simulation has a
 retrofit program start in calendar year 2005, a program end in calendar year 2008, and a yearly
 Fleet Retrofit Percentage of 50% (3 * 50% > 100%).

        10. Percentage Effectiveness of the Retrofit

        The Percentage Effectiveness of the Retrofit is the percent emission reduction achieved
 by a retrofit.  It is computed from a non-retrofit emission baseline.  The user  must enter a retrofit
 effectiveness value for a particular vehicle class, retrofit calendar year group, model year group,
 and pollutant combination.  All values up to 100% are valid. A negative value is permitted
 because it implies an emission increase as a result of retrofit, which can occur.  A value greater
 than 100% is not permitted because it implies negative emissions will be generated.
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                 March 2009
                             Appendix E - Best Practices

        There are several "best practices" that can assist the user in managing various aspects of
 the MOVES process. In particular, we have found it helpful to be careful and consistent in
 naming, managing & documenting RunSpecs and files.

                                       Table E-l
                                 MOVES Best Practices
   Name all your MOVES
   output databases with a code
   indicating that the database
   includes MOVES output
Prevents overwriting
input files; makes it
easier to identify output
Washtenaw2008_MO (for
MOVES Output) or just
Washtenaw2008  out
   When testing MOVES, name
   output with "Temp" or other
Mysql/data folder can get
cluttered. This allows
you to clean up more
   Name all your MOVES
   input databases and strategy
   files with a code indicating
   that the database contains
   MOVES alternate input data.
Helps you organize your
inputs and prevents you
from inadvertently
damaging important input
Washtenaw2008  IN
   Name all your MOVES run
   specification text files with a
   code indicating that the file
   contains a MOVES run spec.
Helps you organize your
input information and can
be used to locate files
using a search.
Washtenaw2008.mrs (for
MOVES Run Specification) or
Washtenaw2008  mrs.txt
   Name all the files you use
   for a specific run using the
   same name, but with
   extensions to identify the
   parts (see file naming
   suggestions above).
Helps you organize your
Washtenaw2008  mo
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                                  DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
   Keep all of your run
   specifications in the same
   directory (RunSpecs). This
   folder should be outside the
   folders installed by MOVES
   so that it will not be
   overwritten when installing a
   new version of MOVES.
MOVES will always look
in the last location you
accessed, so keeping
them all in one place
keeps you from searching
for your runspecs.
My DocumentsVRunSpecs
   Decide on the Scale you
   wish to use before making
   selections on any other
Changing the Scale
option after making
choices in other panels
may require you to re-do
those  panels.
   Using the description panel
   is helpful when trying to
   discriminate between several
   runs. Think about filling out
   some sort of repeatable
   formula such as date,
   relevant important
   parameters, who is doing the
   run, etc.
   Note that MOVES preserves
   these descriptions in the
   movesrun output table for
   future reference.
Documentation of the
RunSpec is very
important, especially if
many scenarios are being
   Every run used for any
   official purpose should be
   archived completely.  All
   batch files, RunSpecs,
   MOVES code and
   configuration files,
   supplemental code copied
   into MOVES by batch files,
   default database, user input
   databases, etc. should be
Months or years later, the
run can be reproduced by
anyone opening the
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March 2009
If they are not too large,
output related runs should be
saved to the same MySQL

Combined with useful
Run descriptions, you can
keep all the data, and its
description in a single
place. Looking at the
Moves Run table in that
database can be very


United States Environmental Protection Agency


DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide                                                       March 2009
     Appendix F - Scenario 1: Estimating Changes in CO2 using the AVFT
 Explanation of Scenario 1: Estimating Changes in CO2 using the AVFT

        This AVFT Scenario.mrs RunSpec (found in the User Guide Example filesVAVFT
 Example folder on the MOVES Installation disk) demonstrates how the EPA's Motor Vehicle
 Emission Simulator (MOVES) could be used to generate estimates of light-duty vehicle
 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fuel use.  The "policy scenario" discussed here consists of
 potential increases in car and truck CO2 standards, while the baseline scenario is similar to the
 MOVES defaults. To model these  scenarios, we created new MOVES inputs to simulate
 potential vehicle CO2 limits.

        Creating new MOVES inputs involved multiple steps.  First, Alternative Vehicle Fuels
 and Technologies (AVFT) files were created to model the CO2 limits. These files are used to
 specify the fraction of the vehicle fleet in a given calendar year that is comprised of vehicles of a
 certain vehicle technology (e.g., conventional gasoline,  conventional diesel, electric vehicle,
 etc.).  For simplicity, CO2 limits were simulated by shifting a fraction of the gasoline and diesel
 vehicle fleets into the electric vehicle (EV) fleet.  Since EVs do not contribute to onroad CO2
 emissions, shifting vehicles to the EV fleet has the same effect as improving the efficiency of the
 gasoline and diesel fleets in terms of total CO2 emissions.  It should be noted this approach is not
 predicting that EVs will be used to meet tighter CO2 limits, it is simply a method used to achieve
 the desired overall fleet total CO2 levels.

 Use of the AVFT:

        This example uses the MOVES Alternate Vehicle Fuels and Technologies (AVFT)
 Strategy tool to estimate the effect of a change in fuel economy standards.  Incorporating
 potential CO2 limits into the MOVES AVFT files was achieved by shifting a fraction of the
 gasoline and diesel fleets into the electric vehicle fleet to simulate increased fleetwide  energy
 efficiency relative to the MOVES default assumptions.  The basis of the MOVES CO2 estimates
 is energy consumed.  We can model new potential CO2 limits by reducing energy  consumption
 rates in MOVES using fuel consumption as a surrogate  for these reductions; hence our
 discussion focuses on MPG.

        Table II-1 shows the fuel economy assumptions for cars in the baseline and policy
 scenarios. These fuel economy values are unadjusted values (i.e. they are on the same basis as
 CAFE ratings), so they are higher than the actual onroad fuel economy; CAFE values were used
 to generate the percent reductions in fuel consumption that were used to calculate  the on-road
 emissions calculated by MOVES. As MOVES simulates on-road fuel economy, the values
 output by the model will be lower than those in Table II-1
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                                         Table II-1
                        MPG values for Baseline and Policy Scenarios
Model Year
Policy Scenario
        The diesel market share was assumed to be the same for both scenarios, as shown in
 Table II-2.
                                         Table II-2
                                  Diesel market share (%)
Model year
2001 -2010
        For a given model year, the percentage of electric vehicles was calculated based on the
 scenario fuel economy, and the diesel market share, as follows:
                          Scenario %EV =
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        For example, the percentage of EVs for cars in MY 2014, for the policy scenario, was:
                           Scenario %EV =
= 4.66%,
        The percentages of gasoline and diesel vehicles in the car and truck fleets were then
 calculated such that the percentages of diesels in the car and truck fleets, excluding the EVs,
 equaled the market share percentages specified in Table II-2, as follows:

                      %diesel = (l - %EV) x DieselMarketShare
                      %gasoline = (1 - %EV) x (1 - DieselMarketShare)

        For example, returning to cars in MY 2014, Policy scenario, the gasoline and diesel
 percentages were:

        %diesel      = (1-0.047) x .013 = 1.24%
        %gasoline    = (1- 0.047) x (1-0.013) = 94.10%

        The appropriate percentages were entered into the AVFT Scenario.mrs RunSpec using
 the AVFT. When the AVFT Scenario.mrs RunSpec is loaded into MOVES, the values can be
 viewed using the MOVES GUI AVFT Strategy panel.

 Running Scenario 1

        To run Scenario 1, start up the MOVES program, then use the File menu to Open the
 AVFT Scenario.mrs RunSpec. This RunSpec includes the AVFT information described above.
 Go to the General Output panel to create an output database named "Scenariol_mo". Use the
 File Menu command to save the RunSpec, then use the Action menu to Execute the run. The run
 will take between 10 and 30 minutes on most computers.

 Analysis of Results

        After running Scenario 1, use MySQL Query Browser or other database tools to examine
 the output database.

 1. You can check to see that the electric vehicles use no on-road energy.

        SELECT * FROM movesoutput m where yearid=2014 and modelyearid=2014 and
 sourcetypeid=21  and pollutant!d=90;

        Look at the emissionquant column, and match it to the various fueltypes. Notice that fuel
 type 9 = 0 for both starts and running, while fuel types 1 and 2 have emission output.

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 2. Go to the movesoutput table, and select pollutant id for CC>2 (90) along with the start and
 running processes (1 and 2). Sum the emission quantity (emissionquant) and record this value.

        SELECT sum(emissionquant) FROM movesoutput m where yearid=2014 and
 modelyearid=2014 and sourcetypeid=21 and pollutant!d=90 and fueltypeid in (1,2);

 3. Look at the movesactivityoutput table and in the year 2014, sum the VMT from the cars with
 the modelyear 2014. Record this value.

        SELECT sum(activity) FROM movesactivity output m where yearid=2014 and
 modelyearid=2014 and sourcetypeid=21;

        By including the electric fueled mileage in the activity output, you can simulate a CO2
 standard for cars which is higher than the MOVES default. Dividing the emission output by the
 activity provides grams of CO2 per mile. This number  can be compared against a similar run
 without an AVFT in order to compare the potential CO2 improvements over a baseline scenario.
 Remember, the MOVES output is based on-road fuel consumption, which is higher than
 indicated by CAFE standards.
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                                                           March 2009
              Appendix G - Scenario 2: MOVES Project Level Example
 1. Definition of the MOVES Project

        In this example MOVES Runspec, the EPA's Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
 (MOVES) was used to generate emission inventory estimates from a hypothetical scenario where
 heavy-duty vehicle traffic is entering and departing a parking lot using a single roadway. Since
 this example is only for illustration of the MOVES software features, it was kept intentionally
 simple. It does not represent any specific real-world project.

        The Project constraints are:

        1.      There are only two links (inbound and outbound from a parking lot)
        2.      The two links and the off-network link are independent of each other.
        3.      A simple off-network link contains all of the parking, extended idle and vehicle
               start operations.
        4.      Only heavy-duty vehicles operate on the roadway and are present in the off-
               network area.
        5.      The project example only models nitrogen oxide (NOx).
        6.      One hour of operation was selected.  If the user  desired to model additional hours,
               then additional MOVES Projects need to be created.
        Figure 1
Basic Schematic of the Project
                         Parking Lot
                               Roadway Link
        Figure 1 shows a basic schematic of the Project to be modeled. It consists of a parking
 lot and a two-way road link leading in and out of the parking lot. The specific modeling
 parameters are shown and discussed in Tables 1, 2 and 3 below.
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Table 1
Summary of On-road Project Level Parameters
Location County
Calendar Year
Weekday /Weekend
Road type of links (linkl and link 2)
Roadway Link Length (both links)
Link Traffic Volume - In (link 1)
Link Traffic Volume - Out (link 2)
Link Average Speed - In (link 1)
Link Average Speed - Out (link 2)
Washtenaw County, Michigan
ll:OOPMtoll:59:59PM (hour
28. 5 F
69.5 %
Rural Unrestricted Access - can
any non freeway rural road
0.998 miles
100 vehicles per hour
10 vehicles per hour
28.5 miles per hour
28.5 miles per hour
        Only one county may be chosen for a given project level run. In this example,
 Washtenaw County, Michigan was chosen. Any of the 3,222 counties or a generic county
 (defined by the user) may be chosen.  Only one calendar year, one month and one hour may be
 chosen for a given project level run.  If the user desires to model more than one such entity (i.e.,
 all 24 hours), then they must perform additional and separate project level runs. It is suggested
 for such runs that the user employ MOVES batch mode features.  A project level run may
 include either weekday or weekend or both. In this example only weekday was included. A
 temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (28.5 F), and relative humidity of (69.5 percent) were also
 used. These are the default MOVES values for this county, month and hour.  However, any
 reasonable values may be entered for these parameters.

        For each roadway link the user must specify a MOVES road type which best represents
 it. In this example, the rural unrestricted access road type was chosen to represent both links.
 The user must also specify a roadway link length for each link they wish to model. In this case
 because it is the same road in and out of the parking lot, both links are 0.998 miles in length.

        The traffic volume must also be specified for each link. This is the total average traffic
 flow from all vehicle types on the link during the hour period.  In this simple example, all of the
 vehicles are heavy-duty trucks, but in general any and all of the MOVES vehicle source types
 may be included at the same time in a project level run.  The distribution of the traffic by
 MOVES source type is an additional input.

        The average speed on each link must also be specified. This is used for internal
 calculations in the project level model.  If the user provides a driving schedule input [speed /
 grade inputs versus time (seconds)], then the driving schedule input and the average speed input
 need to be consistent. In this case, a driving schedule input is provided for both links.  Figure  1
 shows the driving schedule in graphical form.  Link 1 shown in blue, has driving starting at 30
 mph and decreasing to zero mph  as the vehicles enter the parking lot. Link 2 shown in green has
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                            March 2009
 driving starting at zero mph and accelerating to a 30 mph cruise.  The driving schedule data, and
 all the rest of the required data for the project level example, is contained in the input spreadsheet
 "Project Level HD Example.xls"
 Figure 1

     |  15
                      Speed /Time Trace for Example Links
                    21       41      61       81
                                Time (seconds)
        For this example, the off-network parameters are shown in Table 2. These four
 parameters include a vehicle population of 200 vehicles in the parking lot on average during the
 hour period.  This input is an average value, because some vehicles may have been in the lot at
 all times while others entered or exiting during the hour period. In this example, the start
 fraction is set to three percent (0.03). This is the fraction of the average vehicle population
 which started the vehicle during the hour. If all of the vehicles in the lot on average had been
 started, then this value would be unity (1.0).  It may also be greater than unity if large numbers
 vehicles  are repeatedly started during the period.

        The extended idle and parked vehicle fraction parameters were set to 0.90 and 0.09
 respectively, for this example. The 90 percent input for extended idle reflects the fact that 90
 percent of the total vehicle - hours (only one hour by definition) in the parking lot were spent in
 extended idle mode (vehicles are parked in a lot with their engines idling at higher than curb idle
 speeds).  The 9 percent input for parking reflects the fact that 9 percent of the total vehicle -
 hours in  the parking lot were spent in park mode (vehicle is parked and the engine is off).  The
 sum of extended idling and parking cannot be greater than unity.
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Table 2
Summary of Off-Network Project Level Parameters
Average Vehicle Population
Start Fraction
Extended Idle Fraction
Parked Vehicle Fraction
200 vehicles
in the parking lot on average
        The operating mode distribution for the parking lot link must be entered.  This is a
 distribution by AVERAGE vehicle 'soak' time (i.e., the time since a vehicle was last started).
 For example, the table below shows that 5 percent of the vehicles in the parking lot have not
 been started for more than 720 minutes or 12 hours. Extended Idle operating model fraction is
 always set to unity (1.00) when it is present because it is the only operating mode of its type.
 This input should not be confused with the off network parameter called Extended Idle Fraction
 with a value of 0.90 that is shown in Table 2.
Table 3
Operating Mode Distribution Parameters for Start and
Extended Idle Processes
Operating Mode Description
Soak Time < 6 minutes
6 minutes <= Soak Time < 30 minutes
30 minutes <= Soak Time < 60 minutes
60 minutes <= Soak Time < 90 minutes
90 minutes <= Soak Time < 120 minutes
120 minutes <= Soak Time < 360 minutes
360 minutes <= Soak Time < 720 minutes
720 minutes <= Soak Time
Extended Idle Operating Mode
Operating Mode Fraction
        Table 4 shows the source type age distribution for the vehicles in the project.  In this
 example, there is only one source type (heavy-duty long haul trucks) present. Thus, only one age
 distribution is required.  Additional age distributions would be required if additional source types
 were present.  The age distribution runs from age zero (brand new) to 30 years.  All ages greater
 than 30 years are included in the age 30 group. The distribution must sum to unity within a
 source type.  Note that the project level model does not allow separate age distributions for
 different fuel types if the same source type is selected. For example, the same age distribution
 would be used for both gasoline and diesel long haul trucks if both were present in the project.
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Table 4
Source Type Age Distribution
Source Type
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 2.  Example Data Creation and Input

 All inputs for the example MOVES Project Level run are in the Excel Workbook -

 The inputs are in the spreadsheets.

     1.     DriveScheduleSecondLink
     2.     OffNetworkLink
     3.     ZoneMonthHour
     4.     LinkSourceTypeHour
     5.     SourcetypeAgeDistribution
     6.     Fuel Supply
     7.     Link
     8.     OpModeDistribution

        In this example, all of the inputs for the Project Level were read from a single Excel
 workbook. However, it is recommended that the user use the Create Template button for each of
 the Project Level input tabs and create a set of Excel workbook templates (with a set of
 individual worksheets - one for each input tab) and modify / populate these templates with the
 actual data.  The spreadsheets within each template will provide necessary descriptions of the
 data fields and moves codes (i.e., county ID codes, fuelformulationID codes, roadtypelD codes,
 hourDaylD codes and sourcetypelD codes. The MOVES project level importer will show a list
 of all of the individual Excel  worksheets from an Excel workbook.  The user must pick the
 'active' worksheet (usually the leftmost worksheet in the workbook or the first spreadsheet entry
 in the MOVES importer) as an input

        The user should also note that the DriveScheduleSecondLink and the opmodeDistribution
 table need not exist together for all of the roadtype links.  In this example, the
 DriveScheduleSecondLink table contains an  average speed-time 'trace' for both roadway links.
 It is used by MOVES to internally create an opmodeDistribution for each roadway link.  A
 separate opmodeDistribution for the road links is not required to be supplied, but could have
 been supplied in-lieu of the DriveScheduleSecondLink data input. The opmodeDistribution is
 always required for the  start operation parameters (table 3 contains the inputs). It contains the
 opmodeDistribution for the NOx emission starts. These values are used to differentiate start
 soak times.

        The first input step is to create the Project Level database where the imported data is
 stored.  This is a MySQL  database and it is named "projectHDinput" in this example.

        The user loads the data into the Project Level database (i.e., projectHDinput) for each
 input tab by browsing for the individual file (use the Browse button), and once found, pressing
 the "Import" button to import the data into MOVES. A message diagnostic of "Import
 Complete" will be issued if the data import was successful.  This process is repeated for each of
 the tabs.

        After the data loading process is complete the user should press the Done button to save
 the data in the database. This will exit the Project Level data manager. As a final step, the user

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March 2009
 may be required to go to the Geographic Panel tab and choose the new Project Level database
 ("projectHDinput") from a list of databases.  If the new database is not visible, the user should
 press the Refresh button.

     Both the Excel input file Project_Level_HD_Example.xls and the MOVES project level
 input database projectHDinput are provided in the MOVES package as an assistance to the
 3.  MOVESRunspec

        A MOVES Runspec (called Project_HDExample.mrs) was created to model this
 example MOVES Project level analysis.  A standard MOVES Runspec was created first. The
 user should note that a Project level run MUST contain only ONE


        The example Runspec was further simplified to include only one sourcetype, one
 roadtype, one weekday/weekend combination and three pollutant / process combinations. The
 runspec is provided as an example and the user should load it to become more familiar with this

     4.     MOVES Simulator Results for the Example

        The results for this simple MOVES Project Level simulation are reported in the MySQL
     database "ProjectLevelHDOutput". They are summarized below.
Table 5
MOVES Project Level Example Simulation Results
Link Description
Inbound Road
Outbound Road
Parking Lot (extended idle)
Parking Lot (start)
NOx emissions
        The emissions are reported as an 'inventory' for the project and are broken down by
 linkID (roadway and off-network - the user must specify that the results to be reported by
 roadway and process in the Runspec). In this example, the result are reported in units of grams
 of NOx emissions.  The time domain for the Project Level is always one hour.  The user should
 also remember that these results are average results over the one hour time domain and the
 geographic link domain.  One reason project level reports 'average' results is because the
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March 2009	DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide

 model's calculation methodology assumes (for simplicity) independence of the individual links
 in the project, and does not dynamically calculate traffic flows between links or residence times
 in off network (the user must do this step before the data is entered into the MOVE project level

        The large difference in NOx emission inventories between two physically similar links
 (link 1 and link 2) is because of the large difference in traffic volumes.  The traffic volume for
 link 1 is an order of magnitude greater than the traffic volume for link 2. The relatively small
 amount of NOx emissions from the start process is the result of a very low start fraction input
 (i.e., 3 percent).  The relatively large amount of emissions from the extended idle process reflects
 a fairly high fraction of extended idle operation (i.e., 90 percent). In comparison, the running
 operation of the inbound road contains half as many vehicles (100 vehicles versus 200 in
 extended idle), and the running operation on average lasts only about 2 minutes per vehicle
 versus the entire hour for 90 percent of the vehicles.
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DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide                                                       March 2009
      Appendix H - Scenario 3:  County Data Manager and I/M Editor Example
 1. Explanation of Scenario 3

        MOVES becomes an official EPA model, the County Data Manager and I/M Editor are
 expected to be used extensively by users, particularly by nonattainment or maintenance areas
 when conducting SIP or conformity analyses. These tools provide the user the ability to import
 and edit local data, rather than using MOVES defaults.

        In this scenario, the County Data Manager and I/M Editor are used to construct a
 RunSpec using area-specific data. The area being modeled will be a custom domain. While
 there are some differences between using the custom domain option and selecting an individual
 county, the basic operation of the County Manager and I/M Editor are the same.  Where
 differences exist, this scenario will describe how a custom domain and a single county would be
 treated differently.

 2. Constructing the RunSpec

        The custom domain in this scenario will be named "Example City" and will be an ozone
 nonattainment area, so the selections and use of the County Data Manager and I/M Editor will
 reflect that assumption (i.e. on the Pollutants and Processes panel, Running Exhaust for Total
 Gaseous Hydrocarbons and Oxides of Nitrogen and Evap Fuel Vapor Venting for Total Gaseous
 Hydrocarbons were selected because these pollutants are associated with the formation of
 ground-level ozone and are affected by I/M). The RunSpec  should be filled out in its entirety
 before either the County Data Manager or the I/M Editor are used. In this example, some
 selections were limited to reduce the run-time of the RunSpec (e.g. only Passenger Cars were
 selected on the On Road Vehicle Equipment panel).

        Open the file name "examplecity.mrs" (located in the USER Guide Example Files\City
 Example\City Example Files folder) to view the RunSpec and to create  an output database using
 the General output panel  (e.g. examplecity_output). Then select the RunSpec Geographic
 Bounds panel and click the "Enter/Edit Data" button. This will open the County Data Manager

 3. Using the County Data Manager

        With the County Data Manager open, name and create a user-input database (e.g.
 examplecity_import). Next, files containing the area-specific data must be imported on each tab.
 The importing process is the same for all the tabs, so it is explained generally in the next

        The Excel files containing the example area-specific data are included as part of the
 MOVES installation pack and have the following naming convention:
 "examplecity_[TABNAME]". Importing the files is straightforward - simply click the "Browse"
 button, find where the file is saved, and select the appropriate file for the tab (i.e. if working in
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          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
 the "Age Distribution" tab, select the file "examplecity_agedistribution.xls").  After the file has
 been selected, a small pop-up window appears:
                                 Select the Worksheet to read:
  Select the correct worksheet (in this example, it will be the first worksheet listed and will have a
  name similar to the tab name) and click "OK."

  Next click the "Import" button. The "Messages" box should say, "Import Complete." If there
  were problems with the import, error messages here would describe the problem. In case of
  error, the user should revise the input, then click, the "Clear Imported Data" button before
  reattempting the import.

        The County Domain Manager can be used to input data for a specific county or to create
  a custom domain. Currently, the only difference is that the custom domain option includes a
  "Zone Road Activity" tab and users are required to fill-in a value of 1 for all rows in
  "SHOAllocFactor" column. This tab exists to allow the Source Hours Operating (SHO) to be
  allocated to different zones within a custom domain; however, this capability is not fully
  implemented in DRAFT MOVES2009.. It is possible to create multiple zones using the Manage
  Input Data  Sets panel, but this feature is not illustrated here.

  4. Using the I/M Editor

        After data have been imported in all of the tabs in the County Data Manager (all the tabs
  should have green checks), the user can go to the "IM" tab and click the "Display/Edit IM
  Program Coverage Records" button to open the I/M Editor. Because the custom domain option
  is being used, there are no default I/M programs; however, if a county is selected, some default
  I/M programs may exist and be listed.

        Since no default I/M programs exist in the custom domain option, the "Generate New and
  Replacement Records" button should be clicked, which will open the IM Coverage Categories
United States Environmental Protection Agency

DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
March 2009
seieci vm coverage cai

[egones ana program: im program lu:
Counties: Vear
Evap Fuel Vapor Venting - Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons
Running Exhaust
Running Exhaust

All Exhaust

- Oxides of Nitrogen
- Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons

All Evap

Example City


OK Cancel

s: Fuels: Reg Class:




Urban Bus


 The panel should be modifed as illustrated above to create a new I/M program.  The user should
 enter an IM Program ID of "1" and should select, the Pollutant "Evap Fuel Vapor Venting -
 Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons" and the Reg Class "LDV." (Note that "Example City", "2013",
 and "Gasol" are selected automatically because these are the only possible selections in these
 columns.) Once these entries have been made, click "OK," and the "EVI Coverage Details"
 window will open:
ฅ IM Cove rage Details . X
*:"tf;iซ>" " .-*^ •?•/"? •<***"•••:, ;**ป•< >ปM f-"i .**•ซซ%<•*;• • • 	
Supply I/M coverage del
IM Program ID:
Inspection Frequency:
Test Type:
Test Standards:
Oldest Vehicle Age:
Newest Vehicle Age:
Compliance Factor:
D Ignore IM
{Annual ^l

Evaporative Emissions Tests (EVAP) T

Evaporative Gas Cap Check **

30 -*-

3 •*

95 i[Q 100]
OK I Cancel
 The user should modify the IM Coverage Details panel as illustrated above. This process could
 be repeated to create additional I/M programs for the exhaust pollutants, or the additional I/M
 programs could be imported into the I/M Editor by simply clicking the "Import" button, finding
 and selecting the file "examplecity_im.xls", and choosing the "IMActive" worksheet.   The
 resulting IM coverage is displayed in the IM Coverage in MOVES panel, as illustrated below:
United States Environmental Protection Agency

March 2009
          DRAFT MOVES2009 User Guide
                                                Old Neu
                                                Veh Veh Inspect  Compl.
                                   Year Fuel Reg Class Age Age Fseq.   Factor
       Test Type  Test Standards  ID Ignore
     Evap Fuel Vent Total Gas HC  Example City  2013 Gasol LDV     30  3 Annual
     Running Exh   HQx        Example City  2013 Gasol LDV     30  3 Annual
     Running Exh   Total Gas HC  Example City  2013 Gasol LDV     30  3 Annual
   95.000 Evaporative Evp Cap       1  H
   95.000 QBD     Exhaust OBD    2  H
   95.000 OBD     Exhaust OBD    2  H
       Print Report
                              Generate New and Replacement Records
                   Ignore I.Tul
  ? Note; There are several additional worksheets included in the "examplecity_im.xls" file to
          provide examples of how changes can be made to the I/M programs.  These changes can
          also be made by clicking the "Edit Selected Records", "Generate New and Replacement
          Records", or "Ignore I/M"/ "Use I/M" buttons; however, if using the "Edit Selected
          Records" button, only one record (or extremely similar records) should be selected to
          prevent illogical process/test type combinations (e.g. "Evap Fuel Vent" process, but
          "Exhaust OBD" test type).

         The custom domain user-input database process has been completed. Click "Exit" in the
 I/M Editor and "Done" in the County Data Manager to return to the Geographic Bounds panel.
 Make sure the user-input database is selected in the Domain Input Database section of the
 Geographic Bounds panel

 5. Executing the RunSpec and Analyzing the Results

         The RunSpec and county-input database have both been completed, so the RunSpec can
 now be executed by selecting Execute from the Action drop-down menu.

         The results for this simple MOVES County Data Manager Example are reported in the
 MySQL database "examplecity_output".  They are summarized below.

 Table H-l Example City - July 2013 Weekday Emissions from Passenger Cars
Pollutant (pollutantID)
Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons (1)
Total Gaseous Hydrocarbons (1)
Oxides of Nitrogen (3)
Process (processID)
Running Exhaust (1)
Evaporative Fuel Vapor Venting (12)
Running Exhaust (1)
Emissions (grams)
United States Environmental Protection Agency
