I     4>EPA Brochure    I    Disaster Response    I
                         Houston Laboratory
The Houston Laboratory is the Environmental
Services Branch of US EPA, Region 6,
Management Division. Its operations are
supervised by a Branch Chief and a Deputy
Branch Chief.  The Deputy Branch Chief is
also the Laboratory Manager. Other Region 6
organizational functions are collocated at the
Laboratory: (1) a surveillance team
(Enforcement  and Compliance Assurance
Division); (2) an air monitoring coordinator (Multi-media Permitting & Planning Division);
and (3) on scene  coordinators (Superfund Division).

The Environmental  Services Branch ( ESB )l_aboratory, under the direction of the
Branch Chief,  provides scientific and laboratory analytical support to Region 6 programs.
It provides  quality assured  analytical support  using  state-of-the-art  techniques and
methodology for organic, inorganic, and biological analyses. The Branch also performs
technical  audits  of  environmental monitoring  laboratories and  public water  supply
laboratories.  Responsibility for overseeing accreditation of Region 6 state authorities
under the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) and the
Region  6 representative to  the  National  Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
Conference (NELAC) rests with the Branch.

Management  of the  Regional Contract Laboratory Program ( CLP ),  including sample
scheduling,  sample  routing,  data verification, data validation  and data usability,  are
responsibilities of this branch. Technical expertise is provided to the Region, as well as
other Federal, State,  Tribal and Local entities. Technical assistance, regarding  analytical
methods, is coordinated  for the region through  the Branch. Expert witness support is
provided for both  civil and criminal enforcement cases.

The Branch is comprised of four teams - Organic Chemical Analysis (Organic Team),
Inorganic Chemical Analysis (Inorganic Team), Sample Management Team and External
Laboratory Oversight Team - and a  laboratory support staff.  The Organic, Inorganic,
and Sample  Management teams are  supervised by the Laboratory  Manager;  the
External  Laboratory  Oversight team, the Laboratory  Support staff,  and  the Quality
Assurance Coordinator are supervised by the Branch Chief.

Organic Team
The Organic Team is responsible for the analyses of volatile and  semi-volatile organic
compounds, pesticides,  PCBs, and herbicides on a variety of matrices in support of
Regional  program needs. It provides  technical assistance  regarding organic chemical
analysis and  methodology. Administration of the Regional Laboratory Information
Management System (RLIMS), and report automation support is a responsibility of this

     v>EPA Brochure    I    Disaster Response    I
Inorganic Team
The Inorganic Team provides analyses for inorganic compounds and trace metals in
environmental media. Technical  oversight and validation is performed of wet chemistry
data provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) laboratory.
Technical expertise and analysis provided  to programs for monitoring activities as well
as for civil and criminal enforcement.

Sample Management Team
The Sample Management Team  is responsible for scheduling, receiving, and tracking all
samples through the laboratory. The Region 6 Sample Control Center (R6SCC) is part
of this  team. Aquatic toxicology and microbiological analyses, and coordination of all
sample preparatory work are a  function of this team. Air Toxics analysis, the  Mobile
Laboratory operations,  and the Special Analysis Methods Laboratory coordinated thru
the Sample Management team.

External Laboratory Oversight  Team
The External Laboratory Oversight Team performs technical oversight of the Regional
Environmental  Services  Assistance  Team  (ESAT)  and the  Contract Laboratory
Program (CLP) contracts. The team oversees contractor data verification and validation
activities, as well  as performing CLP  sample scheduling and determining  contractor
generated data  usability for client programs.  The team  is responsible for the CLP
Regional Sample Control Center (RSCC) activities. The  Regional ESAT Project  Officer
and the CLP Technical Project  Officer are members of this team. The Team  is also
responsible for coordinating external laboratory technical audits,  including  those under
the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Team  serves as  the Region 6 focal  point  for all
requests for technical assistance regarding EPA analytical methods. Duties also include
representing Region 6 in the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
(NELAP) and oversight for the Region's NELAP activities.

Laboratory Support Staff
The  Laboratory  Support  Staff  tracks  laboratory  budgets and activities;  supports
computer and Local Area Network (LAN) operations and  software training; and monitors
facility management. Health and safety oversight and environmental compliance are part
of the staff's responsibility.

The Quality Assurance Coordinator is responsible  for the quality systems  of  the
laboratory, including development and oversight of standard operating procedures, and
the laboratory quality management plan.
