Miscellaneous Topics
MOVES from the DOS Prompt
- Setenv
- ANT Commands
• RunGUI
• Compileall
MOVES Batch File Processing
MOVES Batch File Example 1
rem Command Line Notes:
rem "-e DEBUG" logs all types of messages to MOVESbatch.log
echo Changing to the MOVES folder and compiling code...
call setenv.bat
call ant compile
echo Running Test_26161_2009_Washtenaw.mrs
lava gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e DEBUG -r
echo Running Test_26163_2009_Wayne.mrs
Java gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e DEBUG -r
echo Running Test_26161_2010_Washtenaw.mrs
Java gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e DEBUG -r
Java gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e DEBUG
-i importAIIFromTemplates.xml
Be sure to place all of this on one line. The "-e DEBUG" portion ensures that all
messages will be captured, even if they are just informational. The "-i" option directs
to the XML file that describes the import actions to occur. Note that this XML file
contains a RunSpec within it, thus allowing wildcards even when importing via the
© &EPA
MOVES Batch File Example 2
@echo off
rem Command Line Notes:
rem "-e DEBUG" logs all types of messages to MOVESbatch.log
echo Changing to the MOVES folder and compiling code...
call setenv.bat
call ant compile
echo load project data
Java gov.epa.otaa.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e
DEBUG -i "C:
Once the GUI is used to create an importer XML file, it can be edited and executed
via the command line. Remember that when using the command line, text output is
not sent to the screen but instead stored in MOVESBatch.log.
An example command line is:
Java gov.epa.otaq.moves.master.commandline.MOVESCommandLine -e DEBUG
-i importAIIFromTemplates.xml
Be sure to place all of this on one line. The "-e DEBUG" portion ensures that all
messages will be captured, even if just informational. The "-i" option directs
MOVES to the XML file that describes the import actions to occur. Note that this
XML file essentially contains a RunSpec within it, thus allowing wildcards even
when done via the command line.
MOVES Runspec Example
descriptionx! [CDATA[heavy -duty diesel project example, trucks entering j
in over-night rest station. Only one hour 11 PIVE is modeled for total PM2.5
modelscale value="]VEACRO"/>
modeldomain value="PROJECT"/>
^geographieselection type="COU]SrTY" key="26161"
•^/geographies elections^
*^/offroad vehicles ccs>-
•=^roadtype roadtypeid^"! " roadtypename^"Off-N"et\vork"/>^
<-/T o adtyp e s >•
Exhaust PM2.5 - Total" processkey=" 1" processname="Ru
<:pollutantprocessassociation pollutantkey^"! 1O" p<
Exhaust PM2.5 - Total" processkey="2" processname="Start Exha
Exhaust P1VI2.5 - Total" processkey="9O" processname="Extended Idle Exhaust"/>
PM2.5 - Elemental Carbon" processkey="l" processname="Running Exhaust"/>
PIVI2.5 - Elemental Carbon" processkey="2" processname^"Start Exhaust"/:>
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