Region 2: NJ, NY PR, VI • 290 Broadway, New York, NY 10007
                                                         Dredge Area Delineation
                                                         Phase 2
                                                         January 2008
                       EPA has approved the
                       Phase 2 Dredge Area
                       Delineation (Phase 2
                       DAD), prepared by
                       General Electric
                       Company (GE).
                       Approximately 400
 acres are targeted for dredging in Phase 2 with a
 sediment volume of 1,531,000 cubic yards (cy)
 that contains a mass of 92,800 kg of
 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The average
 depth of contamination is less than 3 feet in most
 areas, although a few extend to depths of 5 feet
 or more. EPA will consider public input received
 on the Phase 2 DAD as we move ahead with the
 Phase 2 design.

 The dredge area delineation process has
 produced a dredging project that is substantially
 more efficient than was estimated in the cleanup
 plan outlined in EPAs 2002 Record of Decision
 (ROD).  It removes a higher percentage of PCBs
 present in the Thompson Island Pool (98%), while
 removing much less sediment. In addition, for
 River Sections 2 and 3, it is projected to remove
 more PCBs than what was estimated at the time
 the cleanup plan was selected.
                                                                     Map Index
                                                               Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
Where will the dredging be done?              ~ŁHJ
                                                     ,.3 DtMID'AMM      ^^•=^^^^^•1.111-:
The ROD covers three sections of the Upper Hudson
River: River Section 1  (from the former Fort Edward
Dam to the Thompson Island Dam); River Section 2 (from the Thompson Island Dam to the Northumberland
Dam); and River Section 3 (from the Northumberland Dam to the Federal Dam at Troy).
Continued on Next Page

Phase 1 dredging will be conducted in two areas of River Section 1: the northern portion of the Thompson
Island Pool and the east channel of Griffin Island (see Maps 1 and 2). All of the Phase 1 dredging will occur
in River Section 1. Phase 2 dredging will take place in River Sections 1, 2, and 3.

How much will be dredged?
The project design has been refined to remove more PCBs while dredging less sediment than originally
estimated in the ROD. In Phase 1 — 263,600 cy of sediment will be dredged that contains 20,300 kg of
PCBs.  In Phase 2 — 1,531,400 cy of sediment will be dredged that contains 92,800 kg of PCBs. In total,
about 490 acres of the Upper Hudson River will be dredged, removing 1,795,000 cy of sediments that
contain approximately 113,000 kg of PCBs.
The overall project now targets approximately 113,000 kg of PCBs whereas the ROD indicates that the
chosen remedy would remove 66,300 kg of PCBs. The volume  difference is attributable to the finding from
the sediment sampling program that PCB concentrations greater than 1 part per million (ppm) are not as
deep as was estimated at the time the ROD was issued.
 Table 1  Comparison of ROD Estimates and Current Design Targets by River Section
                                   ID Estimate
                               Jment (cy)     Mass o
  River Section 1

  River Section 2

  River Section 3
                                                    esign Targets
                                                 jiment (cy)    Mass of
491 ,000
 Table 2 Comparison of ROD Estimates and Current Design Targets by Project Phase
                                   ID Estimate
                                                      ;ign Targi
  Phase 1
  Phase 2
Approximate total (ROD) 2,650,000 cy sediment/70,000kg PCBs
Approximate total (Design Targets) 1,795,000 cy sediment/113,000 kg PCBs

How were the dredge areas selected?
The dredge areas were identified using the results of a multi-year sediment sampling program conducted by
GE that began in 2002 and generated more than 50,000 sediment samples taken from the bottom of the
Upper Hudson River. The sampling data allowed EPA and GE to determine the distribution of PCBs in the
sediment, refine estimates of the amount of PCBs in the sediment, and establish river sediment
characteristics (e.g., silt, sand, gravel).
How will the dredge area information be used in the Phase 2 design?
The Phase 2 DAD Report will be used by GE to design phase 2 of the dredging project which includes
preparation of a Phase 2 Intermediate Design Report. This report will be made available to the public
for input.
The dredge areas may be adjusted during design to account for underwater structures (e.g., pipes),
protection of habitats and cultural artifacts, and other design considerations. Any such changes will be
included in the Phase 2 Intermediate and Final Design Reports.

EPA's cleanup plan for the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site was selected in the Agency's February 2002
ROD for the site. The ROD calls for targeted environmental dredging of PCB-contaminated sediment from
the Upper Hudson River between the former Fort Edward Dam and the Federal Dam at Troy. The primary
goal of the Hudson River PCBs cleanup is to protect people and the environment from unacceptable risks
due to PCB-contaminated sediments in the Upper Hudson River.
The cleanup of the Hudson River is separated into two phases with Phase 1  initially occurring at a reduced
rate and Phase 2 starting at full production only after an evaluation of Phase 1 is made and reviewed by the
public and an  independent panel of experts. Extensive monitoring will be done during both phases to ensure
that dredging operations are done safely and that public health is protected  at all times. Phase 1 dredge
areas were identified previously through various project design reports available on the project Web site at
Next Steps
The Phase 2 DAD identified the need for some additional sampling to fill data gaps. This additional work
will be conducted in 2008, with the results to be incorporated into the Phase 2 Intermediate and Final
Design Reports.
EPA will continue the public outreach program for this project. The program includes maintaining the
Hudson River Field Office, providing project information and meeting with riverfront residents living near
the dredging areas.

                       Dewalering Facility.
     Former Fort
     Edward Dam
                                        Loch 7
                                       SECTION  1
                                           SECTION  2
fed'eral Dam
arvft Troy Lock

 COUNTY      *
— '• Hudson Rlva
 — Upper Hudson
   River Sections
^™ Locki'Dam
^_ Dredge Areas
   Phase 1
   Dredge Areas
   Phase 2
Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
     0   1 25   2.5

     •  •
I^IHudsort River
Primary Railroads
                Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
Lim-ts of Phase
1 Dredging
                                                                              Map  1

  'Phase 1
   Primary Railroads

__ Limits of Phase
   1 Dredging

   Major Roads
                                  Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                                                                 Map  2

 Upper Hudson Pf!—
    Rlvtr    ŁJ SECIION i
   Huds on River       Pri m ar» Ral lr«ad j
   Or«la.Arui    ,_Urol».m,js«
Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                  1 Dredging
                                                                                                    Map  3

     •  •
     [«n River       Primary Railroads
   Dr«tg«Ar*«       UtnlH «f ph,«
   Ph"a1           1 Dredging

   oL,^\  r*a!      - Major Roads
   rrtase i
Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
       0    500   1.QOD
                                                                  Map  4

  Hudson River
                 Primary Railroads

              „ Lmnts of Phase
                 1 Dredging

                 Major Roads
Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                                                              Map  5

     •  •
   Hudson River
                 Primary Railroads

              „ Liniili of Fhas*
                 1 Dredging

                 Major Roads
Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
htt»rŁ River
           c.no   LOOO
                                                                                                Map  6

   Hudson River
   Primary Railroads

. . Limits of Phase
   1 Dredging

   Major Roads
                     Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                             0    500   ] 000        2,000
                                                                                                            Map  7

     •  •

CTlHudton RJiwf
  "Phase 1
   Ruse 2

  Primary Railroads

mm Limits of Phase

  1 Dredging

  Major Roads
                   Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                   1 000       2,000
                                                                                                   Map  8

                 Primary Railroads
              „ Limits of Phase
                 1 Dredging
                 Major Roads
                                 Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                            c.no   I.COO
                                                                                              Map  9

                 Hudson River
                 Dr*dg« Areas
                 Phase 2
   Primary Railroads

„ Lmnts of Phase
   1 Dredging

   Major Roads
                   Phase  2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                                                                                Map  10


   HudfOft River

   Dr*dg« Areas
   Drtdg* Arus
   Phase 2
   Primary Railroads

„ Linuls of Phase
   1 Dredging

 -  Major Roads
                    Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                                              f < ft , Hi H k • f U fc I;
0    5DD   1.000
                    ,' M '
                                                                                                     Map  11

   Hudson River
   Dr«dg« Areas
                • .
   Primary Railroads

„ Limits of Phase
   1 Dredging
                   Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                                                t Ul<» H» UM II
                                         0    500   1,000
                                                                                                  Map 12

     Is on River

  •Phase 1
 Phase 2

                Primary Railroads

              „ Linnts of Phase
                1 Dredging

                Mjjor Roads
                                  Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
0    500   ] 000
                                                                                                    Map  13

i   Hudson River
   Dredge Areas
   Phase 2
   Primary Railroads

„ Linnli of Phase
   1 Dredging

   Major Roads
                    Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                                                     1.000        ,'iV.-,
                                                                                                      Map  14

   Hudson River       Primary Railroads
^^Dr«5       Urnltt ofPhaio
   Ph"a1          1 Dredging
   Qr*dg« Ar*as
                                  Phase 2 Dredging Areas 2008
                Major Roads
                                                   I.OOO       ,'iV.',
• Look/D»
                                                                                                     Map  15

For More Information
Visit, call toll-free (1-866-615-6490), or write to the Hudson River Field Office at the address below or log
on to www.epa.gov/hudson. Phase 2 Dredge Area Delineation Report documents are available at the
information repositories located in Glens Falls, Ft. Edward (Hudson River Field Office), Ballston Spa,
Albany, Poughkeepsie, New York City (EPA Region 2 offices), and in Edgewater,  New Jersey.  Electronic
versions can be found on the EPA project Web site (www.epa.gov/hudson). Copies are available on CD-
ROM by calling the Hudson River Field Office.
EPA Contacts
):• Dave King
   Hudson River Field Office
   421 Lower Main Street
   Hudson Falls, NY 12839
Kristen Skopeck
Public Affairs Specialist
Hudson River Field Office
421 Lower Main Street
Hudson Falls, NY 12839
(518) 747-4389
David Kluesner
Public Affairs Specialist
EPA Region 2 Office
290 Broadway
New York, NY 10007
The Field Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, with evening hours by appointment. Email hrfo@capital.net.

EPA Regional Public Liaison

EPA Region 2 has designated a public liaison as a point-of-contact for community concerns and questions about the federal Superfund program in New York, New Jersey, Puerto
Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. To support this effort, the Agency has established a 24-hour, toll-free number that the public can call to request information, express concerns, or
register complaints about Superfund. The public liaison for EPA's Region 2 office is George H. Zachos, U.S. EPA, Region 2, 2890 Woodbridge Avenue MS-211, Edison, New Jersey
08837, (732) 321-6621, Toll-free (888) 283-7626.
