Dos and Don'ts of Using the
WaterSenseŽ Promotional Label
The WaterSense promotional label provides a way for all of our partners to incorpo-
rate the WaterSense label into their marketing and advertising. The promotional label
can be used anywhere in promotional materials to encourage the purchase of Water-
Sense labeled products or to recruit professionals to WaterSense labeled programs.
Please follow these prerequisites.
How do we use the WaterSense promotional label?
DO use the promotional label to advertise the sale of WaterSense labeled products and encourage
consumers to look for the WaterSense label.
DO use the promotional label to generally promote WaterSense labeled products and programs,
such as a WaterSense labeled certification program for irrigation professionals.
DO use the promotional label in references that are too broad or general to use the regular
WaterSense label, which, as a certification mark, may only be used directly on or adjacent to the
specific WaterSense labeled product or program it identifies.
DO use the promotional label on brochures, advertisements, trade show displays, point-of-pur-
chase materials, and Web sites to advertise the availability of WaterSense labeled products.
DO NOT use the promotional label to imply in any way that products or programs that have not
met WaterSense certification criteria have earned the label.
DO NOT use the promotional label to imply in any way that EPA endorses the labeled products or
the manufacturers, distributors, or retailers that produce, distribute, and sell them.
EPA is happy to review your pre-press promotional items, draft Web sites, advertisements, or other
materials that use the promotional label. To help us maintain the integrity of the program and its
identity, we also ask that you alert the Agency to any concerns you may have or possible misuse of
the promotional label in your industry. To request pre-press review or report misuse, please call the
WaterSense Helpline at 866-WTR-SENS (987-7367) or e-mail .
April 2007
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