&EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency For more information You may review copies of proposed changes to Duke Energy's existing injection well permits at: Princeton Public Library 124 S. Hart The library is open 9 a. m to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. You may also visit www.epa.gov/region5/water/uic/ uicpub.htm You may see the entire administrative record for these permits at the Region 5 office in Chicago between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays. Please make an appointment with Stephen Roy (see below). If you have questions or comments, or if you want to ask for a public hearing, please contact: Stephen Roy EPARegion5(WU-16J) 77 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604-3590 312-886-6556 roy. stephen@epa. gov You may call Region 5 toll-free at 800-621-8431, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., weekdays. The public comment period on this permitting action will close 30 days after the date of public notice. To preserve your right to appeal EPA's final decision on the request, you must either participate in the public hearing - if one is held - or send in written comments. The first appeal must go to the Environmental Appeals Board You may not file an appeal in the appropriate Circuit Court of Appeals until all agency reviews have been exhausted. Duke Energy Seeks Major Changes To Existing Injection Well Permits Duke Energy Indiana Inc. Owensville, Ind. June 2009 IN-051-11-0002, x-0003 This map shows the location of Duke Energy's existing underground injection wells. Duke Energy Indiana Inc. of Plainfield has asked U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 to approve major changes to its permits for three existing non-hazardous Class I injection wells in Owensville. Specific wording of the changes is shown in tables beginning on Page 2. Based on its initial review of the request and appropriate provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA believes the changes would have no significant environmental impact and intends to issue the permit modifications. Federal regulations allow for public comments on Duke Energy's request before any final EPA ruling. However, all other conditions of the existing permits remain in force and are not subject to comment. The three wells are known as WDW #1, #2 and #3. Duke Energy's permit numbers are: • IN-051-1I-0001 • IN-051-1I-0003 • IN-051-1I-0004 ------- If EPA receives no public comments that ask for changes to the proposed modifications, the permit modifications become effective when they are issued. If there are public comments that request a change, EPA will respond to the comments and then issue the final permits. The modifications become effective 30 days after they are issued. Exact dates of the public comment period will be published in the Princeton Daily Clarion. A public hearing may be scheduled if EPA receives significant written comments within 30 days after this notice is published in the newspaper. EPA will publish a notice at least 30 days prior to any public hearing. Part C of the Safe Drinking Water Act mandates regulation of the underground injection of fluids through wells to protect the quality of underground sources of drinking water. The act requires EPA to administer underground injection control programs in states that do not have approved UIC programs. Indiana does not have such a program for Class I injection wells, so EPA is administering the permit program. Technical Details In accordance with the conditions set forth in 40 CFR 144.39(a) and 124.5(a), the following permit conditions are proposed for modification in all three permits: PAGE/PERMIT CONDITION Page 12/Injection Pressure Limitation Page 13/Automatic Warning and Automatic Shut-off System Page 13/Continuouus Monitoring Devices Page 14 & 15/Monthly Reports Page 15/Monthly Reports Attachment A/Operating, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements MODIFICATION Add the sentence: "The instantaneous maximum surface pressure limit specified in Part III(A) of this permit shall be adjusted as the instantaneous injection fluid specific gravity varies in accordance with the calculation set forth in Part III(A)." Add the sentence: "Whenever the maximum surface pressure limit is adjusted in accordance with the calculation set forth in Part III(A), alarm and shut-down pressures must be adjusted to the same extent." Add requirement for continuous monitoring of specific gravity. Add requirement to graph annulus/longstring casing pressure differential, injection fluid specific gravity and computed instantaneous maximum injection pressure and reformatted for clarity. Reformat section D(l)(f)(2) as D(l)(g) for clarity. Add reporting of specific gravity and revise justification for maximum injection pressure with adjustments for changes in specific gravity. Add minimum value for specific gravity. The following additional change is proposed to be made to the permit for WDW #1: PAGE/PERMIT CONDITION Attachment A/ Operating, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements MODIFICATION Change maximum injection pressure from "1,821 psig" to "1,920 the justification. psig" and revise ------- ------- |