INSIDE THIS ISSUE: DRINKING WATER ACADEMY BULLETIN DRINKING WATER ACADEMY Summer 2005 DWA WEB CONFERENCE REGISTRATION SIMPLIFIED DRINKING WATER IMPLEMENTATION WEB CONFERENCE SERIES DRINKING WATER ACADEMY CONTACTS TRAINING COURSE SCHEDULE ESS IMPROVES AND EXPANDS The DWA's Electronic Sanitary Survey software has been greatly improved over the past year and has been implemented in the field by a number of states. Enhancements include greater reliability and flexibility, as well as compatibility with SDWIS/ State. For more information, see the June 2005 issue of the Electronic Sanitary Survey Project Bulletin ( dwa/bulletin.html). To download the ESS, go to loads/Sanitary Survey/. Office of Water (4606) EPA816-N-05-002 Summer 2005 DWA PRESENTS NEW TRAINING COURSE The Drinking Water Academy has developed a new course, specifically for Web confer- ences, to help prepare state drinking water compliance program staff: An Introduction to Compliance Activities-The Basics of Operating a Safe Drinking Water Act Compli- ance Program. The course will be presented on July 19, 2005. This introductory course will be most helpful for new or inexperienced personnel. It should also be very useful for state agencies that are in the process of starting new safe drinking water programs (e.g., tribes or territories) or upgrading their existing compliance programs. The course will introduce students to every aspect of a compliance program, from identifying the regulated community, to assessing compliance to initiating enforcement responses. It will provide a practical guide to the day-to-day operation of a typical safe drinking water compliance program that will answer the questions every new employee is bound to ask about how the program operates to safeguard the health of public water supply users. The course will be a combina- tion of lecture-style presenta- tion slides to provide an overview of the topics and discussion scenarios pre- sented to the participants. Handouts will supplement the overview with considerable additional detail on communica- tion issues. To register for the course, go to dwa/register.html and click on the registration link. NEW STAFF JOIN THE DWA The DWA bid farewell to Mario Salazar, who retired in January 2005 after 26 % years of government service. Mario's contribu- tions were so enormous that he's being replaced by two people: Joe Lewis and Maria Lopez Carbo. Joe Lewis has been in OGWDW for 4 years. He's in the Infra- structure Branch, where he works on the SDWIS modernization project. Joe also publishes a weekly SDWIS modernization newsletter and the monthly Information Management Branch (1MB) Update, a newsletter that is posted to the OGWDW Web site. Joe will be taking the lead on DWA Web site issues. He can be reached at (202) 564-4624 or Maria Lopez Carbo has been in OGWDW for 8 months. She's in the Protection Branch, where she works with the microbial/ disinfection byproducts rules. Maria will take the lead on the DWA's Spanish training materials and activities. She can be reached at (202) 564-4618 or ------- Summer2005 DWA WEB CONFERENCE REGISTRATION SIMPLIFIED Registration for DWA- sponsored Web conferences is now available through the DWA Web site. The calendar page (http:// calendar.html) lists all Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water training and specifies which ones have online registration. You also can go directly to the registration page ( water/dwa/register.html). That page includes some important information about obtaining assistance prior to and during a Web conference: (^ When you register, please take the time to use the diagnostic tool on the Registration Page prior to the Web conference. This will help you to identify any technical problems with your computer or firewall that may prevent you from accessing the Web conference. Customer Care representa- tive will help you. Other- wise, you can call (800) 290-5900, then press 1 to speak with a Customer Care representative. register, but do not receive a confirmation, send an e-mail to Drinking- WaterAcade my @cadm us- group. com for assistance. It's likely that your spam blocker is preventing the confirmation from being delivered to your inbox. you experience technical difficulties accessing the Meeting Page during a Web conference, please contact Encounter Customer Care for assistance. If you are connected to the toll-free meeting line, hit *0 and a DRINKING WATER IMPLEMENTATION WEB CONFERENCE SERIES The Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water is hosting a series of drinking water implementation Web confer- ences. They will be held on the last Wednesday of every month from 2:00 - 4:00 P.M., Eastern Time. Some sessions target state regulators and technical assistance providers, while others are geared toward water system staff. Topics for these Web conferences include promulgated rules and DRINKING WATER ACADEMY CONTACTS Contact Jackie LeClair Norma Ortega Rick Rogers Janine Morris Bill Spaulding Bill Davis Stephanie Lindberg Dan Jackson Barry Pollock Bill Chamberlain Mark Anderson Debra Cerda StewThornley Murlene Lash Joe Lewis Maria Lopez Carbo James Bourne Location EPA Region 1 EPA Region 2 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 6 EPA Region 7 EPA Region 8 EPA Region 9 EPA Region 10 Virginia Texas Minnesota EPAHQ EPAHQ EPAHQ EPAHQ Telephone (617)918-1549 (212)637-4234 (215)814-5711 (404) 562-9480 (312)886-9262 (214)665-7536 (913)551-7423 (303)312-6155 (415)972-3563 (206)553-8515 (804) 786-5569 (512)239-6050 (651)215-0771 (202)564-3818 (202) 564-4624 (202)564-4618 (202) 564-4095 E-mail nonregulatory topics such as capacity development. All the Web conferences are available at no charge, but registration is limited. EPA sends registration information to designated state administrators prior to each Web conference. State administrators coordinate the sharing of Web conference connections within each state. For more information on this series of Web conferences please contact webconfer- Topics covered so far have been the Total Coliform Rule - The Basics and Implementation Issues, the Stage 1 Disinfec- tion/Disinfectants Byproduct Rule, and the Consumer Confidence Reporting Rule. Copies of the training materials and question-and-answer documents derived from the questions submitted during the Web conferences are available on the DWA Web site. Upcom- ing topics include: f^Dsurface Water Treatment Rules, June 29 Verification, July 27 ------- Summer2005 TRAINING COURSE SCHEDULE Course Title Audience Schedule Location Contact Sanitary Survey Training Introduction to the Underground Injection Control Program Security Risk Communication Surface Water Treatment Rule/ Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule Arsenic Treatment Technology Arsenic Treatment Technology Introduction to Compliance Activities Arsenic Treatment Technology Sanitary survey inspectors State UIC staff State drinking waterstaff State drinking waterstaff State drinking water staff, design engineers, system owners, and certified operators State drinking water staff, design engineers, system owners, and certified operators New and inexperienced drinking water compliance staff State drinking water staff, design engineers, system owners, and certified operators June 21 -24, 2005 Boulder, CO June 22, 2005 Web conference June 28 & 29, 2005 Richmond, VA June 29, 2005 Web conference July 11 & 12, 2005 Redlands.CA July 13 & 14, 2005 Everett, WA July 19, 2005 Web conference July 25 & 26, 2005 Green Bay, Wl Bill Davis (214)665-7526 Drinking Water Academy Mark Anderson (804)864-7514 Ed Moriarty (202)564-3864 Jennifer Moller (202)564-3891 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 Jamie Bourne (202)564-4095 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 Security Risk Communication Texas drinking water staff with July 26 & 27,2005 communications responsibilities Austin, TX DebraCerda (512)239-6945 Arsenic Treatment Technology Data Verification Phase II/V Chemicals Sustainable Systems/Capacity Development Public Notification Rule Training Lead and Copper Rule Training State drinking water staff, design engineers, system owners, and certified operators State drinking waterstaff State drinking waterstaff State drinking waterstaff State drinking waterstaff State drinking waterstaff July 27 & 28, 2005 July 27, 2005 Aug. 31, 2005 Sept. 28, 2005 Oct. 26, 2005 Nov. 30, 2005 Lapeer, Ml Web conference Web conference Web conference Web conference Web conference JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 JenniferMoller (202)564-3891 DWA courses may be presented as requested. See the course catalog on the DWA Web site for more information ( safe water/dwa/co urse.html). ------- |