* II^HM Take a Second Look at Your Wood Stove Do you... Q Smell smoke in the house? Q Notice smoke coming from the chimney? Q See more dust around the house when you use the wood stove? Q Experience watery eyes and stuffy noses with use of the wood stove? Q Have to constantly feed the stove with wood? If you answered "Yes" to any of these items, consider replacing your old wood stove. -.*- Burn the right wood Save money and time. Burn only dry, seasoned wood and maintain a hot fire. The right way Keep your home safer. Have a certified technician install and annually service your appliance. In the right appliance Make your home healthier. Upgrade to an efficient, EPA-approved wood-burning appliance. Burn4 Wise Program of U.S. EPA www.epa.gov/burnwise EPA-456/F-11-002 &EPA DOES YOUR Burn 4 Wise Program of U.S. EPA ile-based inks. ------- Old Wood Stoves are Dusty, Smoky and Inefficient Wood stoves manufactured before 1990 are inefficient. They waste firewood, pollute the air in your neighborhood and home, and create dust inside your home. Smoky Stoves Affect Your Health Small particles in wood smoke are unhealthy for you and your family. Even occasional exposure to wood smoke can cause watery eyes, stuffy noses, and chest tightness. Anyone may experience these symptoms, but children, older adults, and people with asthma or heart disease are especially vulnerable. Particles can trigger asthma attacks and have been linked to heart attacks in people with heart disease. Is your stove old? Stoves with solid metal doors are generally older and should be replaced and disposed of properly. SAVE Money 50% more efficient than older models. Use 1/3 less wood for the same amount of heat. INCREASE Safety • Decrease creosote buildup in your chimney. • Reduce the risk of a home fire. Replace with New Technology The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends replacing old wood stoves with modern heating appliances. This can reduce smoke and dust, as well as cut heating expenses. Making the switch can also help make your home healthier and safer. There are many cleaner-burning options, ranging from gas to high-tech wood stoves certified by EPA. New stoves are available in many sizes and styles. Look for the EPA label on the back that indicates it is certified. REDUCE Air Pollution • Decrease pollution by 70%. • Improve the community's air quality. PROTECT Your Health • Decrease harmful particles inside your home by 70%. • Reduce your exposure to toxic polluta. linked to serious health problems. ip You A hearth retailer can guide you through the wood stove removal and replacement process. With hundreds of stoves to choose from, the variety and cost ranges are wide - from $1,000 to $3,000 before installation. Some local governments and agencies offer incentives for replacement. Professional Installation Matters Improperly installed stoves or chimneys can spill smoke back into your home or cause a house fire. A hearth specialty retailer can arrange professional installation by a trained technician or one certified by the National Fireplace Institute.® ineys should be inspected by a certified chimney sweep once a year to prevent chimney fires. -Chimney Safety Institute of America ------- |