EPA/600/R-11/077 | July 2011 | www.epa.gov/nrmrl
United States
Environmental Protection
Decision Support for Renewal
of Wastewater Collection
and Water Distribution Systems
Office of Research and Development
National Risk Management Research Laboratory -Water Supply and Water Resources Division
Dr. John Matthews and Wendy Condit, PE
Dr. Rob McKim, PE
Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech University
Contract No. EP-C-05-057
Task Order No. 58
Dr. Ariamalar Selvakumar, PE
Task Order Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Urban Watershed Branch
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Water Supply and Water Resources Division
2890 Woodbridge Avenue (MS-104)
Edison, NJ 08837
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Office of Research and Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, OH 45268
June 2011
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Office of Research and Development,
funded and managed, or partially funded and collaborated in, the research described herein under Task
Order (TO) 0058 of Contract No. EP-C-05-057 to Battelle. This document has been reviewed in
accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy and approved for publication. The
views expressed in this report are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of EPA. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use. The quality of secondary data referenced in this document was not
independently evaluated by EPA and Battelle.
The EPA is charged by Congress with protecting the Nation's land, air, and water resources. Under a
mandate of national environmental laws, the Agency strives to formulate and implement actions leading
to a compatible balance between human activities and the ability of natural systems to support and nurture
life. To meet this mandate, EPA's research program is providing data and technical support for solving
environmental problems today and building a science knowledge base necessary to manage our ecological
resources wisely, understand how pollutants affect our health, and prevent or reduce environmental risks
in the future.
The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) is the Agency's center for investigation
of technological and management approaches for preventing and reducing risks from pollution that
threaten human health and the environment. The focus of the Laboratory's research program is on
methods and their cost-effectiveness for prevention and control of pollution to air, land, water, and sub-
surface resources; protection of water quality in public water systems; remediation of contaminated sites,
sediments and ground water; prevention and control of indoor air pollution; and restoration of eco-
systems. NRMRL collaborates with both public and private sector partners to foster technologies that
reduce the cost of compliance and to anticipate emerging problems. NRMRL's research provides
solutions to environmental problems by: developing and promoting technologies that protect and improve
the environment; advancing scientific and engineering information to support regulatory and policy
decisions; and providing the technical support and information transfer to ensure implementation of
environmental regulations and strategies at the national, state, and community levels.
This publication has been produced as part of the Laboratory's strategic long-term research plan. It is
published and made available by EPA's Office of Research and Development to assist the user
community and to link researchers with their clients.
Sally Gutierrez, Director
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
This report has been prepared with input from the research team, which includes Battelle, the Trenchless
Technology Center (TTC) at Louisiana Tech University, and Virginia Tech University. The technical
direction and coordination for this project was provided by Dr. Ariamalar Selvakumar of the Urban
Watershed Management Branch. The authors would like to thank the stakeholder group members (Dr.
David Hughes of American Water, Walter Graf of Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) and
Duncan Rose of GHD Consulting) for providing written comments. Sincere appreciation is extended to
each of the utilities who took the time to complete surveys, meet with the project team and provide
valuable input to the case study component of this report. Special appreciation is given to the contacts of
each of the case studies presented in this report: Michael Hines, Dallas, TX; James Gross, Columbus, OH;
John Morgan, Indianapolis, IN; Charles Scott, Las Vegas, NV; Keith Hanks, Los Angeles, CA; Raymond
Hutchinson (Consultant), Atlanta, GA; Dino Ng, New York City, NY; and Rod Lovett, Miami-Dade
County, FL.
The decision of how to accomplish the renewal of existing wastewater collection and water distribution systems
involves the evaluation of many criteria and parameters. These criteria must be evaluated thoroughly to determine
the optimal approach for rehabilitating or replacing these systems efficiently and cost-effectively. The objective of
this report is to: identify the current decision support methodologies, models and approaches being used for
determining how to rehabilitate or replace underground utilities; identify the critical gaps of these current models
through comparison with case history data collected from utilities; and assess the feasibility of substantially
improving upon existing approaches.
This report describes the current state of decision support models and methodologies used throughout the U.S. for
determining how to decide whether to rehabilitate or replace existing wastewater collection or water distribution
pipes. Eight case studies are provided to document how some of the major population centers throughout the U.S.
make their decisions. Each case study provides the parameters, criteria and model, if any, that was used in each
city's typical method selection process. The water and wastewater utilities that were visited and surveyed include
those located in: Atlanta, GA; Columbus, OH; Dallas, TX; Indianapolis, IN; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA;
Miami-Bade County, FL; and New York City, NY.
Review of Existing Models
Only a few decision support models are commercially or publically available for the selection of rehabilitation or
replacement technologies. However, this review identified 20 models reported in the research literature over the past
15 years capable of that process. The lack of widespread model utilization is due to the fact that most utilities make
their decisions based on in-house or hired consultant expertise; however, the need for more systematic decision
support processes is recognized by both parties. The models reviewed are divided into three groups: 1) general
models applicable to both wastewater collection and drinking water distribution systems; 2) models specific to
wastewater collection systems; and 3) models specific to drinking water distribution systems.
The seven most complete models were presented and evaluated based on their ability to perform the critical
functions of decision support such as: processing condition assessment data; screening multiple technologies based
on various technical parameters; performing cost analysis; and ranking applicable technologies. Of the models
reviewed, two models (one wastewater specific and one water specific) were identified as able to perform these
critical functions, although neither has been documented as being widely used by utilities. Data were sought from
multiple utilities to determine what their specific decision support needs were and the critical gaps of the currently
available decision support models.
Review of Utility Approaches
Eight utilities were visited and interviewed in order to acquire data on their decision-making approaches and to
identify their decision support needs. The interviews helped to identify how each of the major utilities are making
their rehabilitation versus replacement decisions by determining which technologies are typically used and what
parameters and tools are used to select the proper technology. Three utilities used a decision support model in
their method selection process, and in each case the model was developed and tailored solely for their use. The
strengths and limitations of each model were documented and the critical gaps were indentified based on utility
input and comparison to other decision approaches, including key variables and functions.
1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Objectives Defined 1
1.3 Report Outline 1
2.1 General Models 3
2.1.1 TAG/TAG-R 4
2.1.2 Critical Gaps of TAG/TAG-R 6
2.1.3 Summary of Other General Models 6
2.2 Wastewater Specific Guidelines and Models 7
2.2.1 CARE-S 8
2.2.2 Critical Gaps of CARE-S 10
2.2.3 Prototype GIS-Based Model 10
2.2.4 Critical Gaps of Halfawy et al. Model 12
2.2.5 Summary of Wastewater Specific Models 12
2.3 Water Specific Guidelines and Models 12
2.3.1 M-PRAWDS 13
2.3.2 Critical Gaps of M-PRAWDS 13
2.3.3 CDSS 13
2.3.4 Critical Gaps of CDSS 14
2.3.5 CARE-W 15
2.3.6 Critical Gaps of CARE-W 15
2.3.7 Ammar et al. Model 15
2.3.8 Critical Gaps of Ammar et al. Model 16
2.3.9 AWWA M28 Flowcharts 16
2.3.10 Critical Gaps of AWWA Flowcharts 18
2.3.11 Summary of Water Specific Models 18
3.1 Case Study #1: City of Dallas Water Utilities 20
3.1.1 Introduction 21
3.1.2 Renewal Program 21
3.1.3 Technology Selection Methodology 22
3.1.4 Conclusions and User Needs 26
3.2 Case Study #2: City of Columbus, Department of Public Utilities (DPU) 26
3.2.1 Introduction 26
3.2.2 Renewal Program 26
3.2.3 Technology Selection Methodology 27
3.2.4 Conclusions and User Needs 28
3.3 Case Study #3: City of Indianapolis, Department of Public Works (DPW) 29
3.3.1 Introduction 29
3.3.2 Renewal Program 29
3.3.3 Technology Selection Methodology 30
3.3.4 Conclusions and User Needs 32
3.4 Case Study #4: City of Las Vegas, Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) 32
3.4.1 Introduction 32
3.4.2 Renewal Program 33
3.4.3 Technology Selection Methodology 34
3.4.4 Conclusions and User Needs 36
3.5 Case Study #5: City of Los Angeles, Wastewater Program 37
3.5.1 Introduction 37
3.5.2 Renewal Program 37
3.5.3 Technology Selection Methodology 38
3.5.4 Conclusions and User Needs 40
3.6 Case Study #6: City of Atlanta, Rehabilitation Design Program 40
3.6.1 Introduction 40
3.6.2 Renewal Program 40
3.6.3 Technology Selection Methodology 41
3.6.4 Conclusions and User Needs 43
3.7 Case Study #7: City of New York, Department of Design and Construction (DDC) 43
3.7.1 Introduction 44
3.7.2 Renewal Program 44
3.7.3 Technology Selection Methodology 46
3.7.4 Conclusions and User Needs 46
3.8 Case Study #8: Miami-Dade County, Water and Sewer Department (WASD) 47
3.8.1 Introduction 47
3.8.2 Renewal Program 47
3.8.3 Technology Selection Methodology 48
3.8.4 Conclusions and User Needs 49
Table 2-1. Critical Components of Rehabilitation and Replacement Decision Models 3
Table 2-2. Evaluation Parameters of TAG 5
Table 2-3. Evaluation Parameters of TAG-R 5
Table 2-4. Risk Parameters of TAG 6
Table 2-5. Summary of General Models 6
Table 2-6. Applicability Information on Technologies and Project Description in CARE-S 9
Table 2-7. Performance Information on Technologies and Project Description in CARE-S 9
Table 2-8. Environmental Impact of Technologies and Proj ect Description in CARE-S 9
Table 2-9. Technologies Available for Selection (Halfawy and Baker, 2009) 10
Table 2-10. Summary of Wastewater Models 12
Table 2-11. Pipe Characteristic Inputs in M-PRAWDS 13
Table 2-12. Technologies Contained in TSM 14
Table 2-13. Problem Types in TSM 14
Table 2-14. Pipe and Site Characteristic Inputs in TSM 14
Table 2-15. Components of Ammar et al. Model 16
Table 2-16. Technologies Considered in Ammar et al. Model 16
Table 2-17. Summary of Water Models 18
Table 3-1. Summary of Case Study Contacts 19
Table 3-2. Summary of Additional Study Contacts 19
Table 3-3. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used 22
Table 3-4. Summary of Water Technologies Used 22
Table 3-5. PACP Defect Grade Categories 23
Table 3-6. Summary of Dallas's Method Selection Parameters 24
Table 3-7. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used 27
Table 3-8. Summary of Water Technologies Used 27
Table 3-9. Summary of Columbus's Method Selection Parameters 28
Table 3-10. Summary of Technologies Used 30
Table 3-11. Summary of Indianapolis's Method Selection Parameters 30
Table 3-12. Summary of Rehabilitation Recommendations 32
Table 3-13. Summary of Water Technologies Used 34
Table 3-14. Summary of LVVWD's Method Selection Parameters 36
Table 3-15. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used 38
Table 3-16. Summary of Los Angeles's Method Selection Parameters 38
Table 3-17. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used 41
Table 3-18. Summary of Atlanta's RST Technology Selection Data and Parameters 42
Table 3-19. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used 45
Table 3-20. Summary of Water Technologies Used 45
Table 3-21. Summary of New York DDC's Method Selection Parameters 46
Table 3-22. Summary of Small Diameter Wastewater Technologies Used 48
Table 3-23. Summary of Large Diameter Wastewater Technologies Used 48
Table 3-24. Summary of Miami-Dade WASD's Design Evaluation Parameters 49
Table 3-25. Repair Cost Analysis Example 49
Table 4-1. Summary of Utility Decision-Making Methodologies 50
Table 4-2. Summary of Technology Selection Tools 51
Table 4-3. Expressed Needs of Utility Decision Makers 51
Table 5-1. Best Practices in Existing Decision-Making Approaches 53
Table 5-2. Cast Study Database Components 53
Figure 2-1. Screen Shot of TAG Method Database 4
Figure 2-2. Screen Shot of Renewal Methods and Costs 11
Figure 2-3. Selection of Techniques to Resolve Structural Problems (AWWA, 2001) 17
Figure 2-4. Selection of Techniques to Resolve Water Quality Problems (AWWA, 2001) 17
Figure 2-5. Selection of Techniques to Resolve Flow and Leakage Problems (AWWA, 2001) 18
Figure 3-1. Locations of Case Study Visits (blue stars), Additional Utilities (red stars) and Non-
Responsive Utilities (green stars) 20
Figure 3-2. Decision-Making Logic for Wastewater Rehabilitation 23
Figure 3-3. Screenshot of Dallas' DSS Tool 25
Figure 3 -4. Bypass Pumping and Piping Required for CIPP Operations on Merrill Street 31
Figure 3-5. CARE-W Data Flowchart 35
Figure 3-6. Example Schedule of Repairs 39
Figure 3-7. Screenshot from Rehabilitation Selection Tool 43
Figure 3 -8. View of the Extensive Utilities under Fulton Street in New York City 44
60 MP 60 Miles Program
ACI American Concrete Institute
AHP Analytical Hierarchy Process
AM Asset Management
ARP Annual Rehabilitation Planning
AWI Aging Water Infrastructure
AWWA American Water Works Association
CARE-S Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Sewer Networks
CARE-W Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Water Networks
CBD Central Business District
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CD Consent Decree
CDSS Comprehensive Decision Support System
CIP Capital Improvement Project
CIPP Cured-In-Place Pipe
CM Cost Module
CMOM Capacity Management Operations and Maintenance
CSO Combined Sewer Overflow
DARS Difficult Access Reaches Program
DBMS Database Management System
DDC New York City's Department of Design and Construction
DEP New York City's Department of Environmental Protection
DPU Columbus Department of Public Utilities
DPW Department of Public Works
DSS Decision Support System
DWU Dallas Water Utilities
D-WARP Distribution - Water Mains Renewal Planner
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GIS Geographic Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
GSTT German Society for Trenchless Technology
HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
HOPE High Density Polyethylene
IAB Industry Advisory Board
I/I Inflow and/or Infiltration
ILI Infrastructure Leak Index
I-WARP Individual - Water Main Renewal Planner
in. Inches
LCCA Life Cycle Cost Analysis
If Linear Feet
LVVWD Las Vegas Valley Water District
MRP Mains Replacement Prioritization
MWH Montgomery Watson Harza
NASSCO National Association of Sewer Service Companies
NHPP Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process
NRCC National Research Council Canada
NRMRL National Risk Management Research Laboratory
NUCA National Utility Contractors Association
PACP Pipeline Assessment Certification Program
PHM Proportional Hazard Model
PI Performance Indicator
PMT Atlanta's Program Management Team
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
QA Quality Assurance
QSR Quick Structural Rating
RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RDP Rehabilitation Design Program
ROW Right-Of-Way
RST Rehabilitation Selection Tool
RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board
SMARTS Sewer Management Automated Repair Tracking System
SNWA Southern Nevada Water Authority
SPOT Sewer Planning Optimization Tool
SRM Sewer Rehabilitation Manual
SSES Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey
SSO Sanitary Sewer Overflows
STREAMS Scientific, Technical, Research, Engineering, and Modeling Support
TAG Trenchless Assessment Guide
TAG-R Trenchless Assessment Guide for Rehabilitation
TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
TIP Tight-In-Pipe
TO Task Order
TSM Technology Selection Module
TTC Trenchless Technology Center
WASD Water and Sewer Department
WCD Wastewater Collection Division
WCE Wastewater Conveyance Engineering Division
WEF Water Environment Federation
WERF Water Environment Research Foundation
WES Wastewater Engineering Services
WRc UK Water Research Centre
WaterRF Water Research Foundation
1.1 Project Background
Even with a comprehensive set of fully effective rehabilitation technologies, many issues still remain
about which technologies to use and how and when to apply them. Some of the issues affecting renewal
planning include: (1) the condition of a system; (2) the extent of the necessary repairs; (3) the availability
of funds for the work; and (4) the ability to assess the condition of each component of the system.
Depending on the specific conditions of a given utility, its rehabilitation approach may include partial
rehabilitations to extend performance life as well as full structural rehabilitations to reset the life cycle
performance clock. Selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective solution depends on many aspects
which are difficult to quantify and usually poorly understood. However, there are several factors that
apply directly to the selection of rehabilitation methods which have a strong bearing on the cost-
effectiveness of rehabilitation programs (EPA, 2009).
As part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Aging Water Infrastructure (AWI)
Research Program, one key area of research that was pursued, in collaboration with water and wastewater
utilities, was a study of the current approaches available and used for making rehabilitation versus
replacement decisions. The purpose of this study was to conduct an extensive literature review of the
current approaches as well as a review of water and wastewater utility's practices, including the
compilation of eight case studies from municipalities across the U.S. Once the two sets of information
were compiled and analyzed, the critical gaps of the best approaches could be analyzed and
recommendations could be made as to the feasibility of implementing significant and necessary
improvements to the currently available models (EPA, 2007). This report documents the objectives,
findings, and recommendations for Task 6 of the Scientific, Technical, Research, Engineering, and
Modeling Support (STREAMS) contract Task Order (TO) 58 titled Rehabilitation for Wastewater
Collection and Water Distribution Systems.
1.2 Objectives Defined
The report is intended to meet the following four objectives:
• Conduct an extensive literature review to identify current methodologies and decision support
models for determining how to rehabilitate or replace underground utilities.
• Collect data and case histories from eight cities or utilities, which will include the parameters,
criteria, and model, if any, used in each city's typical technology decision process.
• Identify critical gaps in the current models outlined in the literature review through comparison
with the methodologies and case history data obtained in Objective #2.
• Assess the feasibility of substantially improving upon existing approaches and provide
recommendations of implementing the improvements.
1.3 Report Outline
This report is organized based on the four objectives mentioned above. The following sections are
included in the report describing the execution of each of the objectives:
2.0 Review of Decision Support Systems Models
The capabilities, inputs and outputs, benefits and limitations, and critical gaps in applicability,
performance, data, and affordability for each model or approach are described.
3.0 Case Studies of Renewal Decision-Making Approaches
Eight utilities were interviewed regarding their decision-making approaches, which were then
documented and catalogued in terms of capabilities, inputs and outputs, benefits and limitations,
and critical gaps.
4.0 Critical Gaps of Current Models and Approaches
This section provides an overview and synthesis of the information provided in Sections 2 and 3
and identifies the critical gaps of both sets of models and approaches.
5.0 Recommendations for Improving upon Existing Approaches
Assesses the feasibility of improving upon the best current approaches and discusses an
implementation plan.
There are very few decision support models currently available for the selection of rehabilitation or
replacement technologies in the U.S. The primary mode of technology selection comes from three areas:
(1) the use of in-house engineers and designers from municipalities or utilities to make decisions based on
their experience and research; (2) use of hired consultants to make recommendations, some of which use
matrices (i.e., Ortega and Metcalf, 2010), decision trees or even automated programs, many of which are
proprietary; and (3) internally developed matrices, decision trees or automated programs to make their
recommendations. The literature review below presents the models and tools which have been proposed
over the past 15 years for the selection of water and wastewater rehabilitation and replacement
technologies in the U.S. and worldwide. The models are divided into three groups: (1) general models,
capable of selecting technologies for both water and wastewater systems; (2) wastewater specific models;
and (3) water specific models. Each model is judged based on its ability to perform the five critical
components shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Critical Components of Rehabilitation and Replacement Decision Models
Critical Component
Ability to
process condition assessment and pipe defect
Contains an extensive method database of technologies
a technical evaluation of the project, host pipe
a cost analysis
a final method ranking
and their
, and site
technical parameters
This review does not describe the many rehabilitation planning and prioritization asset management tools
which are used primarily to determine when to remediate which assets. One such model, developed by
Fenner and Sweeting (1999) for planning rehabilitation for 80% of sewers which are classified as non-
critical sewers in the UK, used sewer performance and asset data from geographic information systems
(GIS) to rank grid squares into various zones for rehabilitation action in phase one. Phase two used a
Bayesian statistical analysis of each pipe length within each grid square most at risk for a failure (Fenner
and Sweeting, 1999). Most of these systems determine the likelihood of failure and consequence of
failure to prioritize which segments need to be renewed. These systems attempt to balance a reduction of
long-term cumulative cost against an increase in the failure probability, but they do not focus on how to
perform the renewal. Reviews of such systems are provided in Ana and Bauwens (2007); Moglia et al.
(2006); Halfawy et al. (2005; 2006); Stone et al. (2001); and Fenner (2000).
2.1 General Models
Hastak and Gokhale (2000) were the first to develop an automated general model for evaluating and
selecting rehabilitation technologies for both sewer and water in which they used the analytical hierarchy
process (AHP) to evaluate common decision parameters. Some of the parameters included the user's
requirements, site characteristics, soil characteristics, condition of the host pipe, and design life of the
new pipe or liner (Hastak and Gokhale, 2000). This led to further developments and improvements and
sister software which performs similar functions (Hastak et al., 2005).
Two general method selection models have been developed in recent years to assist municipal users with
their method selection decisions (i.e., Trenchless Assessment Guide [TAG] and Trenchless Assessment
Guide for Rehabilitation [TAG-R] which are described below in detail). TAG has been available as
standalone software through the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) since 2006; TAG-R
has been available through the National Association for Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) since
2008. A combination of the two has been available online through the Trenchless Technology Center
(TTC) at Louisiana Tech University since 2008 (Matthews and Allouche, 2009). Matthews (2010) also
proposed an integrated, multi-attribute general model which takes into account direct as well as social
costs, in addition to project site and pipe characteristics. The TAG/TAG-R approach is discussed at
length below followed by a summary of other general methods.
2.1.1 TAG/TAG-R. The decision support system (DSS) TAG focuses on the selection of
construction methods for installation or off-line replacement of sewer pipes and TAG-R focuses on
rehabilitation technologies. Both are capable of evaluating pipelines for individual drive lengths and
determining what methods are technically viable by comparing user supplied, project specific input
parameters that are compared against industry vetted method data which is housed in a searchable
database. TAG contains technical data for more than 25 technologies capable of installing or replacing
pipelines and TAG-R contains more than 80 methods for rehabilitation of wastewater, water, and manhole
systems (Matthews et al., 2005; Matthews, 2010). Figure 2-1 shows a screen shot of the technology
database which is provided as an information source in addition to being the data against which the
project parameters are compared.
• Method Database a l| B ||«E3»I
Method C atagory
Trenchless Methods v\
Auger Boring Cradle Type
Auger Boring Track Type 1
.Auger Boring Track Type 2
HDD Maxi 1
HDD Maxi 2
HDD Maxi 3
HDD Midi
HDD Mini 1
HDD Mini 2
HDD Micro
Microtunneling Auger
Non-Steerable Impact Mole
Steerable Impact Mole
Pipe Ramming 1
Pipe Ramming 2
Sluny Horizontal Rotary Boring
Rod Pushing
Pilot Tubing
Water Jetting
Pipe Jacking Hand Mining
Pipe Jacking Open Face TBM
Pipe Jacking Road Header Method
Pipe Jacking New Austrian Method
Pipe Jacking Closed Face TBM
Max Drive Length |750.00 ft Soft Clay |Y
Mirt Drive Length |50.00 ft Firm Clay ]Y
Max Pipe Diameter |lD6.DO in Stiff Hard Clay p
. . Method Picture
Min Pipe Diameter |8JO in Loose Sand |V
re NWcnMm mfwwiwwtiiiw • »•/-, ._
Max Depth of Cover 1 100.00 ft MediomSand P js.~ -- t -—, •
^~^^^~* ^^__ . rj^^t^k^]
Min Depth of Cover |5^00 ft Dense Sand |Y
^^^^1 'fe T^B
Environmental Impact* [2.00 Sandstone |Y
^M*T^£V^I»™ "*
Extent of Excavation- [3^00 CobbWBoulder f r_
G\¥T Classification" |C1 Bedrock |Y ^^^^^^___£_^J»L/"
• i ^^|^^^2gj^^_A£jj^^l^l
Alignment Accuracy'* p Gravd |Y *^^^^^^
"*•• "^
Depth Accuracy* p -Defined in Appendix D.1.
Method Description (Refer to NUCA's Trenchless Construction and Rehabilitation Methods. Fourth Edition 2004)
Microtunneiing can be defined as a remotely-controlled, laser-guided, pipe jacking process that provides continuous pressure to *
the excavation face to balance groundwater and earth pressure {ASCE, 1 999). The first microtunneling machine fthe 'Iron-mole^) ~i
was introduced in Japan in 1975, however the method was not adopted in North America until 1984, when 20Dm. of 1800mm.
diameter gravity sewer pipe were installed under I-S5 in Fort Lauderdale. Florida Wialah and Hadala. 1996). More than 250 ~\
microtunneling projects have been completed across North America since then, with a total length of pipe installed of nearly
1 70.000 m . (Myers et al . . 1 993). Microtunneling machines are laser guided and accurate monitoring and adjusting of the
alignment and grade can be performed as the work proceeds. The pipe is installed between two vertical shafts, named the
driving shaft and the receiving shaft and the process involves jacking the pipe with simultaneous soil cutting at the face of the
coring head and continuous soil removal to the driving shaft and then to the surface. Pressure balance is maintained at the T
igure 2-1. Screen Shot of TAG Method Database
The primary function of TAG and TAG-R is to perform a technical evaluation of the project specific data
compared to the database values for each technology and to then rank the viable technologies in terms of
associated risk for the TAG program. TAG-R does not currently have a risk assessment module. The
types of user input values for TAG and TAG-R are included in Tables 2-2 and 2-3, respectively.
Table 2-2. Evaluation Parameters of TAG
Evaluation Parameters of TAG
Type of Problems
Technologies to Consider
Drive Length
Pipe Diameter (ID)
Depth (to Crown)
Depth to Ground Water Table
Alignment Accuracy Required
Profile Accuracy Required
Soil Types along the Alignment
Host Pipe Material (1 out of 10)
New Pipe Material (up to 10)
Excessive Sagging in the Host Pipe
Upsize Greater than 2.5 times Required
Structural or Capacity
New Installation and/or Inline Replacement
Number (ft)
Number (in.)
Number (ft)
Number (ft)
Very Low to Very High (Defined)
Very Low to Very High (Defined)
% of Total Alignment Length
Selected from a list
Selected from a list
Yes or No
Yes or No
Table 2-3. Evaluation Parameters of TAG-R
Evaluation Parameters of TAG-R
Technologies to Consider
System Needing Rehabilitation
Pipe Diameter (ID)
Deterioration Level
Cross-Sectional Reduction Allowed
Access Allowed
Bends Allowed
Cross-Sectional Shape
Operating Pressure
Services Reconnected
NSF Standard 61
Diameter Size Changes
Reverse Crown Curvature
Sewer, Water, Lateral, and Manholes
Number (ft)
Number (in.)
Fully or Partially
Small, Medium or Large
Manhole, Access Pit or Cleanout
Largest of Host Pipe Bend (° Bend)
Circular or Box-Shaped
Range: Low, Medium or High
Internally or Externally
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Each of the decision support programs evaluates the user input parameters against the database values for
each technology in the appropriate data table. In each case, the evaluation will produce a list of
technically applicable technologies and in the case of TAG; a risk analysis will be performed to rank the
alternatives versus project specific parameters. Six individual risk parameters, which are shown in Table
2-4, are then weighted and plugged into a risk equation that produces final risks scores (Matthews et al.,
Table 2-4. Risk Parameters of TAG
Risk Parameters
Length Ratio
Diameter Ratio
Depth Ratio
SET Index
Environmental Impact
Site Accessibility
Determined by
Percent of the Maximum Database Value
Percent of the Maximum Database Value
Percent of the Maximum Database Value
Availability of Specs, Owner's Experience, and Track Record
Included in Database for Each Technology
Range: No Accessibility to High Accessibility
(Green Field)
The output includes the technically viable methods and their associated relative risk ranking for TAG or
simply the technically viable methods for TAG-R. Each program was scrutinized by separate industry
expert panels and validated against multiple case studies (Matthews et al., 2007). The two programs have
since been combined into a single Web-based application which is currently being offered at no cost at
www.tagronline.com (Matthews and Allouche, 2009).
2.1.2 Critical Gaps of TAG/TAG-R. Critical gaps of TAG and TAG-R include: the lack of
technology or bid item related costs; detailed capacity reduction allowance or hydraulic modeling; type of
bypass required (i.e., internal or above ground), which relates to bid item details; number or size of access
pits, which affects cost; or any other item that may affect cost of using a technology. The effect of cost
was taken into account in later work proposed in Matthews (2010), but this has not been implemented or
provided for public use. The program does take into account the types of issues facing the user (e.g.,
capacity or structural issues), but it does not take into account specific defect or defect codes which could
also be seen as a gap. Despite these deficiencies, TAG-R is the only known tool currently capable of
evaluating specific pipe segments for force mains, gravity sewer, water mains, laterals, and manholes in
terms of appropriate rehabilitation, replacement, and repair technologies.
2.1.3 Summary of Other General Models. A framework was recently proposed by Virginia Tech
University. This model approach was constructed similarly to TAG-R by determining the type of
problem; cause of the problem; pipe characteristics; and project requirements (Maniar, 2010). Another
framework incorporates water, sewer, and road infrastructure assets into the decision-making process, but
this model is still in the development stage (Shahata and Zayed, 2010). Of the five models described
above, only Matthews (2010) includes four of the five critical components of a comprehensive decision
support system. The four components include: an extensive (i.e., many commonly used technologies and
their associated technical parameters) method database; the technical evaluation of the project conditions
and characteristics; a cost analysis; and a final method ranking. None of the models has the ability to
process condition assessment data even though each accounts for pipe condition to some degree. A
summary of the general models available and their associated capabilities is shown in Table 2-5.
Table 2-5. Summary of General Models
Models, Year
TAG, 2006
TAG-R, 2008
Matthews, 2010
Maniar, 2010
Hastak and Gokhale, 2005
Method Database
2.2 Wastewater Specific Guidelines and Models
Models and guidelines applied to wastewater decision support, which can be utilized without having to be
customized, have been developed and in use for more than 25 years through various national research
organizations, including the German Society for Trenchless Technology (GSTT). The GSTT, in
collaboration with industry, developed a basic guide for pipe construction and rehabilitation in the mid-
1990s. This guideline enables the user to evaluate (for a specific problem) available methods for
repairing, renovating or renewing of utility networks using either open trench or trenchless construction
methods. In order to make the guide user friendly and readily available, the printed version was
converted to a computer-based, expert-rule-based decision support system. The system features multi-
media capabilities with an in-house limited library of various methods and hyperlinks to external sources
of information (Matthews, 2006).
Some more recent guidelines include the Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation Manual (Water
Environment Federation [WEF], 2009), which is currently in its third edition and includes a method
selection process that takes into consideration: structural and nonstructural conditions and defects;
hydraulic capacity issues; surface and subsurface conditions; and other constructability issues such as
lateral reinstatement and bypass pumping. In the UK, a similar manual known as the Sewer
Rehabilitation Manual (SRM), has been a key document for the planning of rehabilitation work on
existing sewer systems since 1983 and it has recently been incorporated into an online resource called the
Sewerage Risk Management Web site (UK Water Research Center [WRc], 2010). In Canada, the
National Guide to Sustainable Infrastructure or InfraGuide, operated from 2001 to 2007 online and
provided a set of guidelines and a proposed decision model for the selection of rehabilitation technologies
for both the installation and replacement of wastewater pipes (National Research Council Canada
[NRCC], 2007). When utilizing written guidelines, there is always the need to keep them updated which
is why more are being published in online formats. The fact that technologies are constantly changing
and improving their technical capabilities creates the need for easily updated resources.
In addition to these national published guidelines, various systems have been proposed for the selection of
methods for rehabilitating or replacing a sewer pipe (Matthews, 2006; 2010). These models have evolved
from decision trees to fully automated and integrated decision support systems. Duggan and Doherty
(1995) developed a guide that provides criteria for method selection and a subsequent ranking based on
criteria weighting. The seven selection criteria include: (1) applicability to existing conditions; (2)
reduction of infiltration; (3) prevention of surcharge; (4) improvement of capacity; (5) minimization of
social impacts; (6) cost-effectiveness; and (7) improvement of long-term maintenance. Bielecki and Stein
(1997) developed a process that began by: defining the problem type; cause and extent of the damage; the
physical characteristics of the host pipe; and the needed remedial action. Next, criteria from four areas,
such as environmental and economic, are assessed for each method and the associated points are
calculated with the method having the most points and lowest cost being selected.
McKim (1997) proposed a hierarchy-based model that breaks the elements of each technology into three
components (i.e., performance, function, and capacity) and compares these capabilities to the project's
requirements. The model, which is applicable for gravity driven systems, focuses on technical issues and
is intended to provide the decision-maker with a starting point by eliminating inappropriate methods.
Abraham et al. (1998) proposed a process for rehabilitation of large combined sewers which indicated: (1)
shotcrete as the low cost option in low flow pipes with no corrosion; (2) cured in place pipe (CIPP) as the
best option for internal corrosion in low flow pipes less than 72 in.; and (3) sliplining with a fiberglass
reinforced felt liner as the best option for pipes larger than 72 in. with open cut using reinforced concrete
pipe (RCP) as the alternative in all other cases.
Shahab-Eldeen and Moselhi (2001) proposed a model for rehabilitation of concrete and clay sewer pipes,
which includes two components: (1) a Database Management System (DBMS); and (2) a DSS. The user
input includes pipe defect type, condition rating, pipe diameter, and pipe material and the database
includes types of defects and data for four rehabilitation methods. Diab and Morand (2001; 2003)
proposed a model that included an elimination phase based on the type of problem (i.e., structural or
capacity) and a multi-criteria analysis based on the performance criteria of each method. The criteria are:
effect on capacity; structural capabilities; installation and indirect social costs; and material design life.
Plenker (2002) proposed an expert-based model based on: the nature of the damage; whether it needs to
be completed immediately or at a future date; and whether a spot repair or extensive renovation is needed.
In each case, alternatives are proposed and the direct and indirect costs associated with each technique are
then evaluated based on short-term cost as well as life cycle cost analyses.
Bairaktaris et al. (2007) developed a system in Greece for processing closed-circuit television (CCTV)
data using a neural network classifier to identify cracks in the pipe. Next, the local and global structural
integrity of the pipe is determined; appropriate methods are chosen based on host pipe and site conditions;
and the residual present value plus a consideration of service life is taken into account to determine the
most cost-effective method. Schroeder et al. (2008) developed a tool that extracts sewer defects from a
GIS database and identifies solutions and priorities for each pipe section. The tool stores CCTV data in
Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) format in a GIS map and a course of action is
determined based on these data. The tool was successfully applied to an inflow/infiltration (I/I) study for
the City of Columbus and other national programs that have large amounts of sewer inspection data
(Schroeder and Fallara, 2010).
None of these systems are currently being used widely in the U.S., but many have served as precursors to
the development of systems such as TAG and TAG-R (Duggan and Doherty, 1995; Bielecki and Stein,
1997; McKim, 1997; Abraham et al., 1998; Shahab-Eldeen and Moselhi, 2001; Hastak and Gokhale,
2000). As mentioned earlier, one of the critical gaps of TAG-R is the lack of cost data and cost factor
information. The incorporation of a proposed model to include appropriate cost data to quantitatively
evaluate and compare direct and indirect (i.e., social) costs of traditional open cut and trenchless
technology methods would fill this critical gap while creating a comprehensive DSS for the selection of
appropriate technologies (Plenker, 2002; Diab and Morand, 2003; Jung and Sinha, 2007; and Matthews,
2010). The need to incorporate condition assessment data is another gap of TAG-R cited earlier, that
could be implanted in similar formats described in the literature (Bairaktaris et al., 2007; Schroeder et al.,
2008). Two recent models have been developed abroad that incorporate the several parameters for a
comprehensive decision support tool as it relates to sewer renewal decisions, which are described in more
detail below.
2.2.1 CARE-S. Baur et al. (2005) helped create the Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Sewer
Networks (CARE-S) in Europe which includes software and methods that enable engineers of sanitary
sewer projects to establish and maintain effective management of their systems by rehabilitating the right
sewers at the correct times. CARE-S uses multi-criteria methodologies to provide three types of decision
support: developing a long-term rehabilitation strategy; selecting cost-effective rehabilitation projects;
and choosing the most economical rehabilitation method. Although most of the model is used for
planning when and what to remediate, part of the model is devoted to determine how to rehabilitate
through the use of the balancing and ranking procedure (Strassert, 2000). The rehabilitation database
includes more than 40 technologies used for repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of sewer pipes (Baur
The CARE-S software consists of two main screens. The first, where the pre-selection of suitable
technologies is carried out, provides information on the rehabilitation project: including pipe
characteristics; failure specification; and description of the environment. The second screen identifies the
remaining rehabilitation technologies with their advantages and disadvantages and the ranking process is
carried out. The information for each rehabilitation technology and the project specific data required to
rank the technologies is shown in Tables 2-6, 2-7, and 2-8 as they relate to applicability, technology
performance, and environmental impact, respectively (Baur et al., 2003).
Table 2-6. Applicability Information on Technologies and Project Description in CARE-S
Technology Information
Diameter (Minimum and Maximum)
Shape (Circular or Non-circular, Man or Non-man Entry)
Asset Type (Sewer, Manhole or Connection)
Static Function (Structural or Sealing)
Material of Current Asset
Need to Cut Off Connections
Below Groundwater Level Admissible
Minimum Temperature
Suitable Soils
Work Space Required
Project Description
Diameter (Before and After Rehabilitation)
Shape (Circular, Egg-shaped or Other)
Sewer, Manhole or Service Connection
Load Bearing Capacity Required (Yes/No)
Number of Service Connections
Groundwater Level and Sewer Level
Soil Type
Available Work Space
Table 2-7. Performance Information on Technologies and Project Description in CARE-S
Technology Information
Maximum Length
Working Speed (Length/Day)
Material of New Asset
Diameter (Same, Reduced or Increased)
Hydraulic Performance After Rehabilitation
Digging Needs (Surface Damage, Pits or Trench)
Processing though Manhole?
Need of Cleansing
Digging Need for Reinstating Connections
Possibility of Work Interruption
Excess Ground Permeability During Grouting
Requires Man-entry
Straight or Curved Link
Estimated Service Life of Rehabilitated Asset
Unit Costs and Cost Factors
Project Description
Time Constraints (Maximum Days)
New Diameter
New Diameter, Slope, and Roughness
Flora to be Protected and Traffic Load
Available Work Space
Number of Service Connections
Sensitive to Groundwater Quality
Table 2-8. Environmental Impact of Technologies and Project Description in CARE-S
Technology Information
Impact on Surrounding Structures
Impact on Surrounding Area (None, Low or Grave)
Impact on Groundwater Quality
Project Description
Sensitive Structures Around
Flora to be Protected
Sensitive to Groundwater Quality
Noise a Problem
Dust a Problem
The output from CARE-S includes a ranking of all applicable methods based on the parameters listed
above and the aforementioned balancing and ranking procedure.
2.2.2 Critical Gaps of CARE-S. Critical gaps of CARE-S are the lack of U.S. specific
rehabilitation technologies and associated unit costs and cost factors. The tool has been developed in
Europe based on European standards, costs, and available technologies and would need to be adapted for
the U.S. market. The suite of tools is only available as standalone software and is not available via a
Web-based system. The tools only take into account sewers, laterals, and manholes; water mains are not
included but they are covered under Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Water Networks (CARE-W),
which is described in Section 2.3.5. It was unclear from the literature to what degree individual
parameters were evaluated, but the data used in the ranking procedure rely on surveys to determine
specific weights of the separate parameters, which would again make it hard to adapt in the U.S. unless
similar surveys were undertaken to determine appropriate weighting. Despite these gaps, CARE-S is
capable of providing its European users with long-term rehabilitation strategies and methodologies for
selecting cost-effective rehabilitation projects and economical rehabilitation methods. As of 2011, the
CARE-S combination of models is no longer available for use, but some of the individual modules can
still be accessed from their various developers.
2.2.3 Prototype CIS-Based Model. Halfawy et al. (2008) developed a GIS-based decision
support system prototype for renewal planning of sewer networks which includes a procedure for
selecting the most suitable renewal technology. The prioritization portion of the model includes:
grouping of all like sewer assets; to reduce data requirements and expedite planning; modeling of pipe
deterioration based on condition assessment data; assessing the risk of failure of sewers; and prioritizing
the renewal plans.
Once the prioritization is complete, the model evaluates renewal alternatives based on their applicability
to project conditions, relative costs, and benefits. The authors proposed new criteria and built upon
previous works cited earlier: Matthews and Allouche (2009); Baur et al. (2003); NRCC (2007); Plenker
(2002); Diab and Morand (2001); and Shahab-Eldeen and Moselhi (2001). The renewal alternatives are
grouped into four categories: (1) replacement; (2) fully-structural lining; (3) semi-structural lining; and
(4) non-structural lining. Table 2-9 outlines the technologies and categories available for selection.
Table 2-9. Technologies Available for Selection
Fully-Structural Lining
Semi-Structural Lining
Non-Structural Lining
Semi and Open Cut; Pipe Bursting and Splitting; Pipe Insertion; Pipe
Reaming; and Pipe Eating
Continuous, Segmental and Discrete Sliplining; Fused and Expanded; Fold-
and-Form; Deformed and Reformed; Spiral Wound; Panel Lining; In Situ
Formed Pipe; CIPP; and Underground Coating and Lining
Continuous and Discrete Sliplining; Fused and Expanded; Fold-and-Form;
Deformed and Reformed; Spiral Wound; Panel Lining; In Situ Formed Pipe;
CIPP; and Underground Coating and Lining
CIPP and Underground Coating and Lining
Source: Halfawy and Baker, 2009
The procedure begins by determining which category of methods is most applicable based on: (1) soil
type; (2) groundwater level; and (3) the sewer condition index, which ranges from (1-Excellent) to (5-
Collapsed). Soil type and groundwater level are used to determine the possibility of soil loss (i.e., low,
medium or high). The lower the possibility of soil loss and condition index, the lesser the need for a
structural renewal. For example, a segment with a 'Low' possibility of soil loss and a low condition
index (i.e., 2-Low) would only require a non-structural or semi-structural renewal, whereas a segment
with a 'High' possibility of soil loss and high condition index (i.e., 4 or 5-High) would require a structural
renewal or replacement (Halfawy et al., 2008).
Once the category is determined, the applicability of each method is evaluated based on three primary sets
of criteria: technology limitations, site conditions, and environmental factors. Technology limitations
evaluated include: (1) sewer type; (2) existing defects; (3) pipe diameter; and (4) material. Some of the
site conditions considered include: (1) soil types; (2) groundwater levels; and (3) work area requirements
(Halfawy et al., 2008).
After the applicability stage, the costs and benefits of each renewal method are estimated and used to rank
the applicable alternatives based on their cost/benefit ratio. The costs include direct and indirect costs,
and the benefits are calculated in terms of service life. The costs were compiled from the following six
references that were reported using various units (mm and in.), currency (Canadian and U.S. dollars) and
years (1999-2002), which required the adjustment to a common unit. The sources studied include: Najafi
(2004); Garcia et al. (2002); Zhao and Rajani (2002); Selvakumar et al. (2002); EPA (1999); and
Ariaratnam et al. (1999). Figure 2-2 is a sample screen shot from the model showing renewal methods
and associated costs for a group of assets in Regina, Canada used to evaluate the tool (Halfawy et al.,
Pta"W*Yea' 1™*
project level)
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AddtoAwtfeUt | RmowtomLnt
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I Method | SubMer . j Tj
0 M INLIN PR R«ptac*me* New|Cf
0M IK UK PB Repiacamel Hew|C(.
[3 M OFFU HOD RepJawroei New |0 .
Q M OFFU PJ Replaced New JCI
D M OFFU MT fleptocemeJ New |CI
Q M OFFU AB Reeiscefwt New |CI
0 M LINING SL Ncn-Skuctu 0.5
0 M LINING ClPP NorvSbuctu 05
0 M LINING CFP NorrShuctu 05
0M LINING FIP Nco-Souchi 05
0 M LINING TFP Nfin-Sbuclu 05
DM INiNG SW Hon-Suuctu 05
DM INING PL KofrSkuctu 05
DM INING UCL NwSauctu. 05
0M INING ClPP Sen-Stiud 10
0M INING SL Sem-SducL 10
0M INiHG CfP $er*»Stiucf 10
0 M INING FIP Sem-Sttuct 1 0
tO. 90
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t!20 v
Gei Methodi hem Dalabane Matty l<* S«lec
2.2.4 Critical Gaps of Halfawy et al. Model. Critical gaps of the Halfawy et al. (2008) model
include the lack of U.S. specific technologies and cost factors, which is an easier transition than with
CARE-S, being that the tool was developed in Canada. Canada shares many of the same vendors and
contractors as the U.S. and some of the cost data in the model were taken from U.S. sources. The
software has not been fully developed as of 2010 and has yet to be released for public use. One other gap
noted is the use of structural conditions only in the method selection process and not the inclusion of
hydraulic capacity, which is a future direction of the researchers. In light of these gaps, when the
prototype is fully-developed, it will be capable of evaluating multiple segments and selecting the most
cost-effective renewal solution based on pipe defect data, technology applicability, and life cycle costs.
2.2.5 Summary of Wastewater Specific Models. Of the 11 models described above, only one
(i.e., Halfawy et al., 2008) includes each of these critical components: ability to process condition
assessment and defect data; an extensive (i.e., many commonly used technologies and their associated
technical parameters) method database; performs a technical evaluation of the project conditions and
characteristics; performs a costs analysis; and performs a final method ranking. Table 2-10 provides a
summary of the wastewater specific models described above and their associated capabilities.
Table 2-10. Summary of Wastewater Models
Models, Year
Duggan and Doherty, 1995
Bielecki and Stein, 1997
McKim, 1997
Abraham et al., 1998
Shahab-Eldeen and Moselhi, 2001
Diab and Morand, 2001
Plenker, 2002
Bairaktaris et al., 2007
Halfawy etal., 2008
Water Specific Guidelines and Models
As noted earlier, there are very few decision support models for the selection of methods for wastewater
collection systems and yet there were even fewer documented for the selection of methods for water
distribution systems. There are, however, several models in the literature that attempt to prioritize and
schedule water mains for renewal. Models such as KANEW and FARMS (Burn et al., 2003) provide
methods and software for predicting deteriorating pipeline condition, quantifying budgetary level costs,
and giving utilities the tools to develop long-term pipe rehabilitation and replacement strategies (Deb et
al., 1998). There are models capable of scheduling individual water mains for replacement only, such as
the Mains Replacement Prioritization (MRP) tool by the GL Group and Individual - Water Main Renewal
Planner (I-WARP), but neither model considers other options such as rehabilitation or repair (Nafi and
Kleiner, 2010). One tool capable of evaluating multiple design alternatives is the Darwin Design Module,
which works inside of WaterCAD by Bentley, although it does not consider specific installation or
replacement technologies. A review of many of the tools being used for scheduling of optimal pipeline
replacement can be found in Agbenowsi (2000).
2.3.1 M-PRAWDS. Kleiner et al. (2001) developed a multistage procedure for identifying an
optimal rehabilitation strategy for water distribution networks. The model includes pipe relining,
replacement with the same diameter, and replacement with a larger diameter as the three options for
remediation. The objective of the proposed approach is to minimize the total discounted costs associated
with rehabilitation and breakage repair of all of the pipes in the system. Depending on the structural
properties of a pipe and costs of remedial action, the program calculates a minimum cost replacement
timing variable, which determines when and how to remediate a pipe segment. The inputs for the
proposed model include the pipe characteristics listed in Table 2-11.
Table 2-11. Pipe Characteristic Inputs in M-PRAWDS
Pipe Characteristics
Flow (L/s)
Pipe Diameter (in.)
Length (m)
Hazen-Williams 'C'
Installation year
Elevation (m)
The results of the model include the type of action required and the year in which the action should take
place. The model is able to consider the deterioration over time of structural integrity and hydraulic
capacity of the pipes in the water distribution network using a deterioration model. The model is also
capable of considering the economics and performance of the entire network while regarding each pipe as
separate entities.
2.3.2 Critical Gaps of M-PRAWDS. The primary critical gap of this model is that it does not
include multiple rehabilitation and replacement options and their specific application and costs. The
model makes assumptions as to the life cycle of relining actions, which may vary greatly, and it does not
allow for the inclusion of method specific data such as cost, applicability, and design life. It is not clear if
the model has ever been fully validated, as the computing resources required to run the program were
considered excessive in 2001 for this type of model and no recent references were located discussing
significant updates or developments. The model was suitable for relatively small distribution systems
with the computation techniques and equipment available at the time of development, but it was not clear
how the model was implemented and whether it could be used easily by utilities. Currently, research is
ongoing to scale up the optimization elements of the system for use on a large network. As of 2011, some
elements of M-PRAWDS have been incorporated into Distribution - Water Main Renewal Planner (D-
WARP), which is available free for download through the NRCC Web site.
2.3.3 Comprehensive Decision Support System. Deb et al. (2002) developed a comprehensive
decision support system (CDSS) consisting of a Technology Selection Module (TSM) and a Cost Module
(CM) for the selection of appropriate renewal methods for water distribution mains less than 24 in. The
TSM makes technology recommendations based on the problem associated with the pipe, pipe
characteristics, and site conditions. The TSM considers five rehabilitation and six replacement
technologies shown in Table 2-12 (Khambhammettu, 2002).
Table 2-12. Technologies Contained in TSM
Rehabilitation Technologies
Cement Mortar Lining
Epoxy Resin Lining
Close-Fit Sliplining
Cured-in-Place Pipe
Cathodic Protection
Replacement Technologies
Open Trench
Narrow Trench
Pipe Bursting
Conventional Sliplining
Horizontal Directional Drilling
Jack and Bore
The inputs for the TSM include the problem type (Table 2-13), and pipe and site characteristics (Table 2-
14). Once a preliminary selection takes place to determine which of the 11 technologies listed in Table 2-
12 are applicable, the CM is used to perform a cost analysis of each of the viable options.
Table 2-13. Problem Types in TSM
Problem Type
Joint Leakage
Water Quality
Renewal Options
Replace Pipe or Insert Structural Liner
Replace with Larger Pipe or Add Additional Parallel Pipe
Insert Semi-Structural Liner
Insert Non-Structural Liner or Apply Cathodic Protection
Table 2-14. Pipe and Site Characteristic Inputs in TSM
Pipe Characteristic
Pipe Material (Existing and New)
Pipe Diameter (Existing and New)
Diameter Change of Pipe Length
Renewal Length
Number of Bends
Number of Service Connections
Service Connections to be Replaced
Number of Isolation Valves
Isolation Valves to be Replaced
Site Characteristic
Soil Conditions
Presence of Hydrocarbons
Site Conditions
Water Table
Major Obstructions at the Site
Water pH
The CM contains more than 15 worksheets for determining the cost associated with a particular
technology selected using the parameters presented above. The input worksheet stores all of the values
entered by the user during the TSM process and the user will fill in the unit cost worksheet for equipment,
pipe material, and labor. Other worksheets include costs for mobilization and demobilization; site
preparation; permit fees; flushing; cleaning; bypass; traffic control; excavation; main and service
reconnection; site restoration; pressure testing; disinfection; and the total cost associated with each
technology based on the previous worksheets.
2.3.4 Critical Gaps of CDSS. The critical gaps of the model developed by Deb et al. (2002)
include the fact that the framework was not flexible enough to accommodate newer technologies as they
become available since it was built as a stand-alone system. This creates the need for the developers to
stay in constant touch with the industry to be able to adjust the constraints of the system in accordance
with technological advances (Khambhammettu, 2002). No newer references were found in the literature
to suggest that this model has been used widely or developed any further; however, this model takes into
account all of the necessary components to produce a CDSS for water main rehabilitation technology
selection and cost comparison.
2.3.5 CARE-W. CARE-W is a suite of decision support tools developed in Europe (not yet
commercially available) but the tools have been applied in Las Vegas, NV; Boston, MA; and Aquarion,
CT, on a trial basis (Vanrenterghem-Raven, 2008). CARE-W is comprised of five primary components,
which include independent tools developed by research partners relating to the optimization of water
distribution renewal planning that are connected to a shared database module (Saegrov, 2005).
The first component uses performance indicators (Pis) to estimate the condition of a water system. This
is done by comparing the network at the present time and in the future versus as many as 49 performance
indicators relating to (1) water resources; (2) physical; (3) operational; (4) quality of service; and (5)
financial (Baptista and Alegre, 2001). The second component includes five separate tools that predict
failures on a group of pipes based on statistical, probabilistic or physical means. The tools include the:
(1) Markov model, based on Asset-map 1 (Malandain et al, 1999); (2) Poisson model, based on Asset-
map2 (Malandain et al., 1999); (3) Proportional Hazard Model (PHM), based on Failnet-Stat (Le Gat and
Eisenbeis, 2000); (4) UTILNETS (Hadzilacos et al., 2000); and (5) Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process
(NHPP) model, based on Winroc (Rostum, 2000; Eisenbeis et al., 2002). Another model similar to the
NHPP model developed here is the I-WARP model developed through the Water Research Foundation
(WaterRF) and NRCC which considers dynamic factors in addition to static factors (Kleiner and Rajani,
The third component includes three separate tools that can assess the hydraulic reliability of a pipe or a
group of pipes. The tools include: (1) Aquarel, works with EPANET (Rostum et al., 2000); (2) Failnet-
Reliab (Le Gat and Eisenbeis, 2000); and (3) RelNet, works with ODULA, which is based on EPANET
(Tuhovak et al., 2001; Eisenbeis et al., 2002). The fourth component is the annual rehabilitation planning
tool (ARP) which is used for the prioritization of rehabilitation projects on a yearly basis in the short term
and over the long term, based on the impact of the condition of the pipe (Le Gauffre et al., 2007). The
fifth and final component includes three separate tools used for developing realistic scenarios, simulating
long-term effects, and ranking rehabilitation strategies. The tools include: (1) Scenario Writer; (2)
Rehabilitation Strategy Manager, based on the KANEW model, which is no longer available for use as of
2011; and (3) Rehabilitation Strategy Evaluator, which takes output from (1) and (2) (Herz and Kropp,
2.3.6 Critical Gaps of CARE-W. The critical gaps of CARE-W are the lack of replacement and
rehabilitation technology information. The tool is not capable of determining whether replacement or
rehabilitation is the appropriate action for a given situation in terms of technology applicability and direct
and indirect costs. Although this tool was developed in Europe, it has been applied to U.S. utilities for
water rehabilitation strategy and planning, but not for technology selection. Similarly to CARE-S, the
CARE-W combination of modules is no longer available for use, but some of the individual modules can
still be accessed from their various developers.
2.3.7 Ammar et al. Model. Ammar et al. (2010) proposed the first known model capable of
selecting and ranking methods solely for the rehabilitation of water mains. The model focuses on the life
cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of each rehabilitation method to determine which option is the most
economically effective. Table 2-15 summarizes the components, inputs, and outputs of the model.
Table 2-15. Components of Ammar et al. Model
Rehabilitation Options
Rehabilitation Frequency
Cost Parameters
Model Parameters
Evaluation and Ranking
Repair, Renovation, and Replacement
Breakage Data and Deterioration Curves
Rehabilitation and O&M Costs
Discount Rate, etc.
Fuzzy-based LCCA Model
The model incorporates the most commonly used technologies in the industry capable of repairing,
rehabilitating, and replacing water mains. Table 2-16 outlines the technologies considered.
Table 2-16. Technologies Considered in Ammar et al. Model
Sleeve Spot Repair
Open Cut Spot Repair
Cement/Epoxy Lining
Pipe Bursting
Open Cut
2.3.8 Critical Gaps of Ammar et al. Model. The critical gaps of the Ammar model include the
lack of validation and testing by industry users. The model has not been made available for public use
and will not have proper validation until it has been tried in real world situations. The model does not
take into account parameters such as diameter and depth because the authors concluded that those
parameters did not affect the ranking of the methods. This conclusion is difficult to accept because even
though each simulation provided similar ranking results despite various diameters, those parameters
would always affect the total cost, which should be taken into account in a cost analysis.
2.3.9 AWWA M28 Flowcharts. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) M28 Manual
contains three flowcharts capable of selecting rehabilitation techniques for resolving structural, water
quality or flow, pressure, and leakage problems as shown in Figures 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 (AWWA, 2001).
All three flowcharts are reprinted from M28 - Rehabilitation of Water Mains by permission (Copyright ©
2001, AWWA). The latest edition of the manual was published in 2001, but is currently being updated.
Renovation WC
preserve Structi
of pip
Renovated pipe would give
ADEQUATE Hydraulic
Many connections?
Easy excavation/restoration?
Low social disruption?
No to all
R(C), R(PB),
R(SL), L(4)
Pipe has Structural
Renovated pipe would give
of pip
jral Integrity
Renovated pipe would give
v 1
Many connections?
Easy excavation/restoration?
Low social disruption?
Renovated pipe would give
ADEQUATE Hydraulic
r 1
Many connections?
Easy excavation/restoration?
Low social disruption?
± ±
No to all
R(C), R(PB)
Many connections?
Easy excavation/restoration?
Low social disruption?
^ y
No to all
R(C), R(PB)
No to all
R(C), R(PB),
R(SL), L(4),
R(C)-Replacement (Conventional or Boring/Directional Drilling)
R(PB)-Replacement (Pipe Bursting)
R(SL)-Replacement (Sliplining)
L(2/3)-Lining (Semi-Structural-Class I I/I 11)
L(4)-Lining (Structural-Class IV)
Figure 2-3. Selection of Techniques to Resolve Structural Problems (AWWA, 2001)
Pipe HAS Structural
Pipe provides Poor
Water Quality
Structural Problems
Go to Figure 2-3
Pipe HAS Flow/Pressure or
Leakage Problems
Flow/Pressure or Leakage
Go to Figure 2-5
Aggressive/Soft Water?
Figure 2-4. Selection of Techniques to Resolve Water Quality Problems (AWWA, 2001)
Pipe has Poor Flow/
Pressure and/or
Excessive Leakage
Renovated pipe would give
Many connections?
Easy excavation/restoration?
Low social disruption?
R(C)-Replacement (Conventional or Boring/Directional Drilling)
R(PB)-Replacement (Pipe Bursting)
R(SL)-Replacement (Sliplining)
L(2/3)-Lining (Semi-Structural-Class I I/I 11)
L(4)-Lining (Structural-Class IV)
Joint Seals (D>16")-Joint Seals for Diameters Larger than 16"
Structural Problems
Renovated pipe would give
ADEQUATE Hydraulic
Pipe HAS Excessive
Excessive Leakage
Many connections?
Easy excavation/restoration?
Low social disruption?
Aggressive/Soft Water?
Joint Seals (D>16"), R(C),
R(PB), R(SL), L(4), L(2/3)
R(C), Joint
Yes to any
Epoxy Lining
No to all
Cement Lining
Epoxy Lining
Figure 2-5. Selection of Techniques to Resolve Flow and Leakage Problems (AWWA, 2001)
2.3.10 Critical Gaps of AWWA Flowcharts. The critical gaps of the AWWA flowcharts include
the lack of condition assessment defect data; absence of an extensive method database; lack of a cost
analysis; and the flowcharts do not rank the appropriate methods. Also, the flowcharts are nearly 10 years
old and several new technologies have come into the market since 2001, which warrant inclusion in the
technical evaluation and results.
2.3.11 Summary of Water Specific Models. Of the five models described above, only one,
Ammar et al., addresses each of the critical components: ability to process condition assessment and
defect data; contains an extensive (i.e., many commonly used technologies and their associated technical
parameters) method database; performs a technical evaluation of the project conditions and
characteristics; performs a costs analysis; and performs a final method ranking. Currently, a research
project is underway to develop a simple and practical tool that will determine whether cast iron mains
warrant renovation or rehabilitation (WaterRF, 2010). Another recently proposed model bases the
method selection decision on the cost of the water system performing inadequately in the form of lost
water versus the costs of renewal (De Marinis et al., 2008). Table 2-17 provides a summary of the water
specific models described above and their associated capabilities.
Table 2-17. Summary of Water Models
Models, Year
M-PRAWDS, 2001
Deb et al., 2002
CARE-W, 2005
Ammar etal., 2010
AWWA, 2001
The purpose of the case studies outlined below was to gain an understanding of how utilities make the
decision of which technology to use when replacing or rehabilitating existing water or wastewater pipes.
Eight utilities/cities were visited to obtain information about the current models and methodologies being
used for method selection throughout the nation. Each case history included a preliminary review via
phone and e-mail to determine the process each city uses, (whether it was software tools, design manuals,
use of hired consultants or a combination of them all). Each preliminary discussion was followed by a
site visit where decision-making personnel were interviewed and decision-making data were obtained.
One day meetings were set-up with decision makers in Atlanta; Columbus; Dallas; Indianapolis; Miami;
New York City; Las Vegas; and Los Angeles. Five of the eight contacts were existing TTC Industry
Advisory Board (IAB) members and the other three contacts were established through existing industry
contacts. The primary contacts are provided in Table 3-1 with their area of interest (i.e., W-water or
WW-wastewater) and the location of each utility (blue stars) is shown in Figure 3-1.
Table 3-1. Summary of Case Study Contacts
Michael Hines
James Gross
John Morgan
Charles Scott
Keith Hanks
Raymond Hutchinson
Dino Ng
Rod Lovett
Job Title
Senior Program Manager
Assistant Asset Manager
Assistant Administrator, Tunneling
Engineering Project Manager, Water
Senior Engineer, Wastewater
Consultant, Clean Water Atlanta
Assistant Commissioner, Infrastructure
Chief, Wastewater Collection
Dallas, TX
Columbus, OH
Indianapolis, IN
Las Vegas, NV
Los Angeles, CA
Atlanta, GA
New York, NY
Miami, FL
In addition to eight utilities visited and documented below, another 27 large utilities were contacted to
determine if other unique methodologies were being used. Of those 27, nine additional utilities (red stars)
responded and commented on their method selection approach and the remaining 18 utilities (green stars)
were unresponsive. A summary of the nine responsive utilities is shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2. Summary of Additional Study Contacts
Jack Neely
Greg Ballard
Elaine Robinson/Darlene Helm
Irene McSweeney
Nancy Musinski
Jonathan Chow
Ken Chua
Richard Nettleton
Roy Brander
San Diego County, CA
Nashville, TN
Phoenix. AZ
Boston, MA
Albuquerque Bernalillo County, NM
San Francisco, CA
Edmonton, AB
Virginia Beach, VA
Calgary, AB
Figure 3-1. Locations of Case Study Visits (blue stars), Additional Utilities (red stars) and Non-
Responsive Utilities (green stars)
The interaction with each city was used to obtain case study data that would accomplish the following
two objectives: (1) determine what, if any, models each city uses and categorize and document the models
in a similar manner to the ones described in the literature review, and (2) where models were not used, to
determine the process the city uses to make their method selection decision.
Objective 1 helped to determine what models are being used currently and to what degree of success.
This was similar to the information obtained from the literature review except the cities were able to
provide the model's strengths and limitations.
Objective 2 provided the key variables and parameters that cities are using to make their method selection
decision in the way an expert system would perform the process. These variables and procedures are
documented below and will be compared to the variables and procedures of the current models identified
in the literature review and objective 1 to identify the critical gaps of each system in Section 4.
Case Study #1: City of Dallas Water Utilities
A meeting with Mr. Michael Hines, the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Program Manager for Dallas
Water Utilities (DWU); members of both the wastewater and water groups within DWU; and an
Engineering Consultant was conducted on April 12, 2010 to determine the City's methodology for
determining how to rehabilitate and/or replace existing wastewater and water utilities. Mr. Hines has
worked with DWU for more than 25 years as a design engineer, project manager, and CIP program
manager. The other members of the DWU team included Engineering Services Program Manager Chad
Kopecki, wastewater and water project managers Shahrzad Tavana and Johnny Partain, respectively, as
well as a field operations manager.
3.1.1 Introduction. Dallas is located in the northeast area of Texas and extends into five counties.
The city's population is around 1.3 million making it the third largest city in Texas and the ninth largest
city in the U.S. Dallas has a system of more than 4,300 miles of sanitary sewer and 5,000 miles of water
distribution mains. The city performs around $100 million in water and wastewater capital improvement
main replacement projects each year with around $1 million being budgeted for CIPP projects and
another $165,000 for fold-and-form projects. Dallas's Wastewater Collection Division (WCD) reported
they have performed around 5,700 linear feet (If) of CIPP rehabilitation and 4,500 If of fold-and-form
over the past 12 months.
3.1.2 Renewal Program. Dallas's wastewater and water utility renewal programs are primarily
driven by available funding and the associated prioritization of the most crucial needs within their
systems. Dallas is not under a consent decree (CD) with EPA, but it does have a voluntary Sanitary
Sewer Overflow (SSO) Initiative with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Capital
improvement projects are intended to address aging wastewater pipes on the verge of structural failure as
well as to remove ground water infiltration from the system. Some of the site-specific rehabilitation
challenges forthe City of Dallas include: (1) the design engineer making an improper trenchless method
selection; (2) wastewater bypass pumping on mains 24 in. and larger; and (3) properly indentifying the
live laterals in older commercial areas that have multiple laterals on the main to be rehabilitated.
DWU utilizes an in-house design department, in conjunction with its Pipeline Design Manual, as well as
multiple external engineering consultants to recommend one or more technologies for rehabilitating and
replacing existing wastewater pipes and water distribution mains as part of their CIP. Even though Dallas
does not have a fully automated process for replacement and rehabilitation technology decisions, the
wastewater group utilizes a tool, developed by a consultant (Montgomery Watson Harza [MWH]), that
determines the cost-effectiveness of the three commonly used technologies (i.e., Open Cut, Spot Repairs
or CIPP). Dallas has used a limited number of technologies for both wastewater and water distribution
replacement and rehabilitation projects, but would welcome a tool that incorporated more technologies
into cost estimation, therefore identifying more alternatives.
Dallas has typically used open cut (97%) for the replacement of wastewater pipes, both small and large
diameter, which need addressing due to the cost-effectiveness of the technology in the region.
Replacement pipe materials are either polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or Fiberglass for larger diameters pipes
and open cut replacement is used for pipes as deep as 20 ft (typically 15 ft or less). The two other
technologies commonly used forthe rehabilitation of wastewater pipes are CIPP for both large and small
diameters as well as fold-and-form for diameters up to 15 in. CIPP is being used more and more as it has
become cost-effective.
In addition to these commonly budgeted technologies, other technologies have been used in the past when
unique situations have arisen. Spiral wound lining was used in the early 1990s on a horseshoe shaped
pipe. The shape of the pipe made using CIPP difficult and raised concerns about excessive folding of the
CIPP liner. Sliplining has been used on large diameter pipes in the past where capacity was not an issue
including the sliplining of a 60 in. concrete pipe with 52 in. fiberglass pipe and sliplining a 48 in. concrete
pipe with 42 in. PVC. Pipe bursting using PVC has been used on small diameter wastewater pipes up to
24 in., where additional capacity was required and open cut was deemed too difficult due to access.
Dallas would like to incorporate all of the technologies that are included in Section 4.9 of its Pipeline
Design Manual into its cost estimation tool as well as other technologies which may be applicable and
technically viable to address their needs in addition to the three mentioned earlier. The Pipeline Design
Manual outlines the technical capabilities of four rehabilitation methods (pipe bursting, sliplining, CIPP,
and fold-and-form) in terms of their technical envelope including applicability, diameter, length, pipe
materials, and special considerations. A summary of the technologies typically being used by DWU is
shown in Table 3-3.
Dallas uses open cut for the replacement on water pipes needing remediation, which is determined by
their break history index about 99% of the time. Water pipes are broken down into three primary size
categories: small diameter, up to 12 in.; pipes in the central business district (CBD) or airport class, 12 to
16 in.; and large diameter pipes, greater than 24 in. Replacement pipes are different for each category:
PVC being used for small diameter pipes; ductile iron for CBD and airport class pipes; and concrete for
large diameter pipes. In addition to open cut, other technologies have been used for water main
rehabilitation for pilot projects such as CIPP and fold-and-form, which were used when access limited the
use of open cut. In addition, other technologies have been used on rare occasions as pilot projects to
demonstrate new technologies and materials. Sliplining using a 30 in. high density polyethylene (HOPE)
pipe, which would typically be bid against fusible PVC, was demonstrated on a 36 in. cast iron section,
but it initially leaked at all tie-in locations. A demonstration of an epoxy coating was performed at a
location where open cut was impossible and capacity was not an issue on a section which did not have a
break history. Another demonstration utilizing a hose liner was deemed unsuccessful. A summary of the
technologies typically being used by the City of Dallas for water main rehabilitation and replacement is
shown in Table 3-4.
Table 3-3. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used
Wastewater Technologies
Open Cut (97%)
Fold-and-Form (up to 15 in.)
Point Repairs (up to 18 in.)
Table 3-4. Summary of Water Technologies Used
Water Main Technologies
Open Cut (99%)
3.1.3 Technology Selection Methodology. The Dallas technology selection process comes down
to selecting the most cost-effective solution for the pipes in most need of remediation based on condition
assessment analysis. In addition to being cost-effective, the remediation action must also be technically
applicable. Typically, the technology selection process will follow these three stages: (1) condition
assessment; (2) technical evaluation; and (3) cost-effectiveness evaluation. The decision support tool
estimates the cost of three primary technologies (open cut replacement of the full line or by spot repair
and CIPP) and also provides recommendations for rehabilitation and inspection. The tool was developed
by an outside consultant (MWH) while they were reviewing the current process being used by the City of
Dallas to collect and evaluate CCTV data.
Dallas hired MWH to develop a simplified renewal risk rating based on the condition assessment and
associated defect codes and consequence of failure scores which were established utilizing a GIS analysis
to assess the potential impact of the structural failure of each pipe. Defect codes are based on the PACP
codes developed by NASSCO and are broken down into five categories as outlined in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5. PACP Defect Grade Categories
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Defects requiring immediate attention
Defects that will become Grade 5 soon
Moderate defects that will continue to deteriorate
Defects that have not begun to deteriorate
Minor or no defects
From these five defect code categories, a quick structural rating (QSR) made up of a four digit score was
developed. The score is defined as:
First digit: The highest condition grade occurring along the pipe
Second digit: The number of occurrences of the highest condition grade
Third digit: The next highest condition grade occurring along the pipe
Fourth digit: The number of occurrences of the next highest condition grade
The QSR index is incorporated into the decision support tool described below to help determine whether
any remedial action or future inspection is needed. If the QSR is greater than 4000, meaning that there is
at least one Level 4 defect along the pipe, the user will be recommended to continue the evaluation
process. However, if the highest condition defect is Level 3 or lower, the user will be instructed to review
it at the next inspection cycle. There could be cases where a poor conditioned pipe may require a spot
repair first followed by full segment liner. The logic for the decision-making process is presented in the
flowchart in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2. Decision-Making Logic for Wastewater Rehabilitation
Once a pipe segment is considered to need remediation, many parameters must be considered to
determine what technologies may or may not be applicable. These parameters include: (A) hydraulic
capacity; (B) existing alignment; (C) pipe length; (D) diameter; (E) depth; (F) hazardous conditions; and
(G) host pipe access and location and are described below.
When hydraulic capacity is limited, any technology that would reduce the capacity even more is not
usually considered and open cut or pipe bursting would be considered as viable options. Another
parameter lending itself to open cut replacement is misalignments. Sags and multiple bends can limit the
cost-effectiveness of pipe bursting and sliplining, which would require more pits, as well as CIPP, where
bends and sags can cause problems with robotic lateral reinstatements.
The length of the host pipe and diameter can be limiting factors for some technologies depending on the
specific capabilities of a technology. Also, longer lengths of pipes typically reduce unit costs by reducing
the mobilization cost for a particular technology.
Deep pipes, usually 20 ft or deeper, would eliminate open cut and pipe bursting as viable options due to
the difficulty of access as would some soil conditions which are harder to dig and shore up. Another
parameter that would typically restrict excavation and therefore open cut construction is pipes located in
contaminated areas. The areas would create hazardous work zones and lend themselves to technologies
not requiring much excavation. Also, high traffic areas or narrowed easements (less than 10 ft) would
promote the use of trenchless methods. There are two other specific parameters that typically eliminate
pipe bursting from further consideration. Pipe sections which are encased or embedded in concrete can
be difficult to pipe burst. In addition pipes in close proximity to other utilities make it difficult to replace
the pipe via pipe bursting due to the destructive nature of the replacement method.
One specific factor leading to the use of less disruptive or trenchless technologies, even when open cut is
considered to be a more cost-effective solution, is a city policy that discourages not making pavement
cuts into streets five years old or less. This policy affects both wastewater and water rehabilitation
projects and guides the designers to specify technologies such as CIPP.
Dallas maintains a database of cost for commonly specified methods which includes a unit cost per linear
foot for a range of diameters from 6 to 78 in. Also included in the database is an additive factor for
amount of pavement to be restored. Pavement restoration due to the digging of access pits is one of the
primary cost factors for technologies like open cut and pipe bursting. Other parameters included in the
unit costs are materials, time, and labor. Dallas's method selection process is summarized in Table 3-6.
Table 3-6. Summary of Dallas's Method Selection Parameters
Condition Assessment
CCTV Surveys and PACP Codes are used for Pipe Prioritization
Technical Evaluation
Hydraulic Capacity, Existing Alignment, Pipe Length, Diameter, Depth,
and Access
Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation
Pavement Restoration, Material, Time and Labor, and Access Pits
One way that the wastewater and water groups work together is by informing each other of their projects
so that the other group is given the chance to inspect their pipes in that area. When the pavement is being
cut into for a wastewater or water replacement project, a condition assessment of the other main will be
made as well to see if it needs to be addressed. This practice reduces the cost of pavement restoration for
the city and disruption to the community.
The tool, shown in Figure 3-3, begins by inquiring about the QSR. A rating of less than 4000 means that
the pipe has a least one defect along the pipe segment of a 4 or 5, which signifies a critical condition. For
the example below, an 8 in. pipe less than 10 ft deep had only one 10 ft defect along its 500 ft length. The
tool estimated the cost to replace the pipe with open cut to be $69,500 based on the unit cost of $139/lf for
8 in. open cut less than 10 ft deep. The unit cost values are stored in a database that works in conjunction
with the decision support tool. The cost of rehabilitating the line with CIPP would be around $60,000
based on a unit cost of $120/lf. The cost of replacing the 10 ft defected section with an open cut spot
repair would be around $17,200 based on $l,720/lf of defect, making it much more cost-effective when
compared to full line remediation actions. However, the tool recommends not to rehabilitate the pipe due
to its less critical nature based on the QSR and to inspect it again on the next inspection cycle. The unit
costs for CIPP and fold-and-form are based on a 3 year price agreement when the appropriate project
conditions apply such as length, diameter, accessibility, and capacity.
Rehabilitation Decision
1.0 is QSR > 4000?
r NO
Work Area
Dia. (in.)
* < 10 ft <~ < 16 ft f~ < 24 ft
Defect Length (ft.) : I '0 Total Pipe Len (ft.) | 500
No. of Defects:
Replacement Cost $:
CIP Cost $
PR Costs $:
Rehab Not Required
Review at next inspection cycle
Update CIS
CIP - Cured In Place
PR - Point Repair
Figure 3-3. Screenshot of Dallas' DSS Tool
Dallas also addresses its laterals and manholes, but the selection process is currently very limited. The
city maintains the sewer laterals from the sewer main to the property line cleanout, if one exists.
Typically, the sewer laterals are replaced by open cut up to the property line with a cleanout added, if it
does not already exist, at the time of a main line repair. In addition to open cut, a pilot project using CIPP
for lateral rehabilitation after the main had been rehabilitated using CIPP was done to eliminate I/I and
root intrusions at the lateral location. Manholes are typically rehabilitated with epoxy coating
technologies, but recently cementitious coatings have been allowed on a trial basis.
3.1.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Mr. Hines indicated that Dallas would be interested in an
automated decision support tool or guide that could incorporate each of the rehabilitation (and
installation) methods outlined in its design manual and other rehabilitation alternatives for wastewater and
water pipes and estimation of their associated regional costs. They would like to tie such a tool to a
sustainable construction rating. The tool would need to be user friendly and able to import currently
tracked bid prices. It was mentioned that the tool should include a section of pros and cons for each
technology and what to watch for and lessons learned from past projects in the form of technology case
histories, including reference material that the user could use to obtain more information regarding the use
of a technology.
Contact: Michael Hines, (214) 948-4242, diaries .hines(g),dallascityhall .com
3.2 Case Study #2: City of Columbus, Department of Public Utilities
Meetings with Mr. James Gross, the Assistant Asset Manager for Department of Public Utilities (DPU);
the Asset Manager, Kevin Campanella; members of both the wastewater and water groups, including
engineers and project mangers; and three different consultant firms took place on April 21, 2010. The
purpose of the meetings was to discuss two separate prioritization models being developed by the
engineering consultants and also discuss the typical selection process for determining how to rehabilitate
and/or replace existing water and wastewater pipelines. Mr. Gross has worked for the DPU for over 10
years, primarily in the wastewater division, and he has been closely involved in the design and
specification of technologies for the replacement and rehabilitation of wastewater pipes.
3.2.1 Introduction. Columbus is the largest city in Ohio and is located in the center of the state on
the 1-70 corridor. It is the county seat of Franklin County although it extends into three counties. The
city's population is around 770,000 making it the 16th largest city in the U.S. and fourth largest in the
Midwest. Columbus has a system of 6,300 miles of sanitary, combined, and storm sewer and 3,800 miles
of waterline. The city's rehabilitation budget fluctuates yearly, but the city maintains an annual $2
million lining contract for wastewater projects.
3.2.2 Renewal Program. Columbus's renewal program is driven primarily by combined sewer
overflows (CSOs) and SSOs. The city is currently under a CD with EPA to address wet weather capacity,
which is not one of the rehabilitation program drivers. The renewal projects address I/I and structural
failures and the ultimate objective of the renewal program is a strategic capital improvement program
capable of mitigating risk and providing reliability.
Columbus typically uses in-house designers and outside consultants to recommend how to replace or
rehabilitate existing water and wastewater pipes. The city does not have an automated process for
technology selection, but it has been in the process of developing automated prioritization models to help
initiate rehabilitation projects and to plan the funding of those projects based on condition assessment
reports and consequence of failure studies. Columbus does not see the need for an automated decision-
making tool due to the fact that (1) CIPP is extremely cost-effective for the rehabilitation of wastewater
pipes; and (2) open cut with ductile iron is the cost-effective way they have found to replace water
distribution mains in need of improvement.
For wastewater pipes, rehabilitation for small and large diameter sewers is done using CIPP 99% of the
time primarily due to its cost-effectiveness versus other technologies in the region. For situations where
capacity was a deciding factor and the use of CIPP was deemed to be difficult, sliplining has been used.
For pipes that are crushed or broken and can't be lined, full line or spot repair replacement by open cut
would be considered. Fold-and-form has not been approved for use by the City of Columbus, but it
would be considered for use on small diameter pipes if approved. Pipe bursting has been used privately
on lateral replacement projects, but not on capital projects due to its high cost when compared with open
cut and the need for entry and exit access pits as well as pits for reconnecting each lateral. For a material
and method to be approved for use by the City, a packet must be submitted which includes product
documentation, regional utility references in addition to a test project and independent third-party quality
assurance (QA) testing. A summary of the technologies typically being used by the City are shown in
Table 3-7.
Table 3-7. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used
Wastewater Technologies
CIPP (99%)
Open Cut (Full line or Spot Repair)
For water mains, the decision to replace or rehabilitate a pipe is determined by two parameters: (1) the
number of breaks in the main and (2) the number of leaks along the main. For water mains determined to
be in need of remediation, typically the main would be replaced with a ductile iron pipe using open cut
construction. When a full length excavation is not feasible due to above ground obstacles or multiple
adjacent utilities below ground, other technologies might be considered. The use of CIPP liners is
considered viable when there are very few service taps that will need reopening. In addition to CIPP, a
clean and mortar line project was recently completed which removed tuberculation that had built up in a
pipe and then a cementitious mortar coating was applied. The water group has considered other liners
that are capable of reinstating the taps internally for locations where excavation would be very difficult.
A summary of the technologies typically being used by the Columbus DPU for water main rehabilitation
and replacement is shown in Table 3-8.
Table 3-8. Summary of Water Technologies Used
Water Main Technologies
Open Cut (99%)
Clean and Mortar Line
CIPP and Other Liners
3.2.3 Technology Selection Methodology. Cost is typically the number one deciding factor for
Columbus when determining how to rehabilitate or replace existing water and wastewater pipes. The
other parameters that have to be considered include: (1) level of service required (capacity); (2) pipe
characteristics; (3) access to the pipe; and (4) condition of the pipe. Columbus obtains condition data
from CCTV surveys to determine the condition of wastewater pipes. For drinking water mains, main
break data, which are available back to 1969, and maintenance history help to determine the structural
integrity and water quality surveys are used to assess the condition of water mains. Based on these
condition assessments and required level of service studies to determine required flow capacity of
wastewater mains and fire flows of water mains, designers can determine which pipes are in need of
renovation and to what degree.
Once the factors from above are determined, the cost-effectiveness of a technology can be calculated,
based on variables such as material and labor required when using a technology. Other cost parameters
include pavement restoration costs (i.e., for open cut repairs or access pits for the reinstatement of
laterals) and traffic control costs. Columbus's method selection parameters are summarized in Table 3-9.
Table 3-9. Summary of Columbus's Method Selection Parameters
Level of Service Required
Flow Capacity and Fire Flows
Pipe Characteristics
Length, Diameter, Depth, Material, Old Valves, Sags, and Bends
Access to the Pipe
Above Ground Access for Pits and Manholes
Condition Assessment
CCTV Surveys, Drinking Water Quality, Maintenance History, and Main Break Data
Technology Unit Costs, Traffic Control, and Restoration Costs
After a technology has been selected, DPU prepares the project plans and specifications on which the
contractors will then bid. Columbus has standard specifications for each of the technologies approved by
the city and makes changes to those specifications on a project by project basis as needed.
One example of a wastewater rehabilitation project where CIPP was not used can show how some of the
selection parameters come into play. The Brewery District is an area that was redeveloping and in the
process some of the sewer mains had to be renewed, many of which were re lined using CIPP for pipes in
the 48 to 60 in. range. However, one 72 in. poured-in-place concrete main called for a different strategy
due to the pipe characteristics. Capacity was not an issue for this segment; access was limited, thus ruling
out open cut replacement and a major sag created concerns with using CIPP. It was determined that
sliplining would be an appropriate method as it would not limit the capacity beyond requirements and it
would be able to eliminate the sag. The project was a success and although this is not atypical project,
the city's selection process was successful.
Columbus does not typically address laterals due to the fact that the property owner owns them all the
way to the main. Columbus rehabilitates manholes, typically with cementitious linings (99%). CIPP
liners have been used on rare occasions which required high performance liners due to high groundwater
pressure on manholes along rivers and creeks.
3.2.4 Conclusions and User Needs. In Columbus, project cost is the number one determining
factor for selecting how to rehabilitate or replace both water and wastewater pipes. The final decision
depends on providing the required level of service at the lowest possible life cycle cost. For the City of
Columbus that decision is typically CIPP for wastewater pipes and open cut with ductile iron for water
mains. Mr. Gross indicated that Columbus would be interested in using a DSS tool for estimating the
various cost items for alternatives technologies if more were approved for use by the city, but does not see
a need for such a tool with the limited amount of methods currently being used.
Contact: James Gross, (614) 645-6528. jmgross(g),columbus.gov
3.3 Case Study #3: City of Indianapolis, Department of Public Works
A meeting with Mr. John Morgan, the Assistant Administrator of Tunneling for the City of Indianapolis,
was conducted on April 22, 2010 to determine the City's methodology for determining how to rehabilitate
and/or replace existing sanitary and combined sewers as well as manholes. Mr. Morgan has worked with
the city for 15 years and has been closely involved with the selection and specification of technologies for
the replacement and rehabilitation of sewer pipes and manholes.
3.3.1 Introduction. Indianapolis is located near the center of the state of Indiana in Marion
County. The city's population is around 800,000, making it the 14th largest city in the U.S. and third
largest in the Midwest. Indianapolis has a system of more than 3,000 miles of sanitary sewer and 672
miles of combined sewer, which includes approximately 65,000 manholes.
3.3.2 Renewal Program. Indianapolis's renewal program is, like most, driven by the city's budget
and available funding for rehabilitation each year. The city has been under a CD with EPA since 2005
and all milestones are set to be finished by 2025. The rehabilitation projects address primarily I/I issues
as well as structural failures. Some of the site-specific renewal challenges commonly encountered by
Indianapolis include traffic control associated with working in such a large city, impacts to commercial
businesses and the volume of flow that needs to be bypassed to complete projects. Each of these factors
plays a large role in the technology selection process.
Indianapolis does not have an automated process for technology selection currently, but it could see the
need for such a tool that it could give to new engineers as a place for them to begin learning about the
technology selection process. The reason why Indianapolis does not have an automated process currently
is primarily due to the cost-effectiveness and success of two rehabilitation technologies: (1) CIPP and (2)
For pipes with diameters smaller than 54 in. in need of rehabilitation, typically CIPP is the preferred
method of choice. There are other technologies, such as fold-and-form, sliplining, and traditional open
cut excavation which are approved for use by the City, that are usually bid against CIPP for small
diameter rehabilitation projects. However, CIPP is used 95% of the time for typical conditions up to 48
and 54 in. when considering cost and technical viability and it has been used on pipes as large as 72 in.
Open cut is used very rarely due to the cost-effectiveness of CIPP and although fold-and-form is approved
for use in Indianapolis, the city does not usually receive bids specifying it. Pipe bursting is also approved
for use, but is rarely used (only 3 or 4 times total) due to the additional cost of excavation for each service
reconnection. Pipe bursting would be considered for segments in need of upsizing, but Indianapolis does
not have much need for increased capacity.
Above 54 in., shotcrete is the predominant method of choice for combined and storm sewers due to its
low cost and long service life. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) recommends its use for diameters
of 48 in. and up, but Indianapolis has found it difficult to maneuver in 48 in. pipe with the shotcrete gun
so it typically recommends 54 in. and above. When corrosion is an issue, which is not typical, shotcrete
is eliminated from further consideration and the city would specify sliplining or CIPP. For large diameter
sewers, sliplining has been used on about 20 segments in the past 15 years. Sliplining is typically
specified when bypass pumping is difficult or costly, making it more cost-effective since the pipe can
contain full or partial flow during installation with sliplining. Sliplining might also be specified for
combined sewers when users are forced to treat their waste before discharging it into the sewer. CIPP is
sometimes less cost-effective for large diameters due to the fact that CIPP requires surface bypassing,
whereas shotcrete can be internally bypassed.
Other commonly used technologies include spot repairs by open cut or man entry and CIPP sectional
liners, which are used on pipes that have no more than one trouble location needing rehabilitation.
Typically, if two or more spot repairs are needed, a full length repair is done. Laterals are not
rehabilitated since the property owner is responsible for their lateral all the way to the main. After a main
has been rehabilitated, the laterals are either reconnected (on open cut, sliplining, and shotcrete projects)
or reinstated robotically on CIPP projects. A summary of the technologies typically being used by the
City are shown in Table 3-10.
Table 3-10. Summary of Technologies Used
Small Diameter (<54")
CIPP (95 %)
Open Cut
Spot Repairs (< 2 repairs)
Large Diameter (>54")
Open Cut
Spot Repairs (< 2 repairs)
3.3.3 Technology Selection Methodology. Although Indianapolis's technology use is very well
understood by the City, it is still important to document their methodology for rehabilitation.
Indianapolis' typical approach to the method selection process for pipe replacement and rehabilitation
includes consideration in the following four areas: (1) condition assessment; (2) environmental
conditions; (3) capacity issues; and (4) cost-effectiveness.
The City obtains condition assessment data in the form of CCTV surveys and then assessments of the data
are made by qualified engineers, either in-house or consultants, to determine the associated PACP codes.
In addition to the pipe condition assessment, the engineers will also assess other variables, such as
environmental and capacity issues, which must be taken into account during the selection process to
determine the viability of each particular technology. These variables typically include, but are not
limited to: (A) traffic conditions at the project site; (B) flow capacity; (C) pipe length; (D) pipe depth; (E)
pipe diameter; (F) bypass considerations; and (F) the inclusion of upstream contributors.
The cost-effectiveness of a technology includes many variables in addition to the material and labor
required to use a technology. Other cost parameters include surface restoration costs due to trenching and
access pits and reinstatement of the laterals and traffic control costs. Access pits are required on
sliplining projects at off-set locations, which increase cost and disruption. Indianapolis's method
selection process is summarized in Table 3-11.
Table 3-11. Summary of Indianapolis's Method Selection Parameters
Condition Assessment Data
CCTV Surveys, PACP Codes, Site/Traffic Conditions and Pipe Length,
Depth, and Diameter
Environmental Conditions
Upstream Contributors
Capacity Issues
Flow Capacity and Bypass Consideration
Material and Labor, Surface Restoration, Lateral Reinstatement, Access
Pits, and Traffic Control
Once a technology has been selected, the City will prepare the project plans and specifications on which
the contractors will then bid. Indianapolis uses standard specifications for each of the technologies
approved by the City and makes minor modifications based on each specific project. The alterations to
the standard specifications are always discussed and pointed out in the pre-bid meeting so that everyone is
clear on what is unique about the project. Also, the minutes of the pre-bid meeting are always sent out as
contract addenda to each contractor so that all bidders have the information whether they attended the
meeting or not.
After the discussion during the morning, a field visit of the city was taken in the afternoon. An ongoing
project called the Merrill Street Combined Sewer Rehabilitation, which required the rehabilitation of
approximately 2,100 If of 60 in. and 700 If of 66 in. concrete combined sewer that was built in the 1950s
was visited. Figure 3-4 shows the amount of bypassing pumping and piping required, which closed two
of the five lanes near Alabama St. and Henry St., which nearly eliminated CIPP from being selected.
Generally, the cost of bypass pumping is what Indianapolis tries to work around, due to the large volume
of flow in the medium to large size segments that are attached to the interceptor system. However, for
this project other factors played a larger role than bypass requirements which are described below.
Figure 3-4. Bypass Pumping and Piping Required for CIPP Operations on Merrill Street
For this project, all of the large diameter remediation options were considered and three were evaluated
before making the final rehabilitation method selection. The amount of bypass could have been reduced
had sliplining been used, but due to the slight alignment changes at the majority of the manholes, which
required access pits at each location, it was more cost-effective to use CIPP, which would eliminate the
need for multiple access pits. The multiple access pits would have had a more significant impact on the
traffic than the closure of the two lanes for the bypass system. There was also a high volume of adjacent
utilities along the alignment which would have made digging access pits very difficult and time
consuming. Shotcrete was also considered, but it was eliminated from further consideration due to
concerns about capacity and corrosion. Table 3-12 summarizes the method selection recommendation
made by a local consultant which was provided to the city.
Table 3-12. Summary of Rehabilitation Recommendations
Open Cut
Not considered due to the:
(1) depth of the sewer; and
(2) proximity to utilities and major thoroughfares.
Eliminated from consideration due to:
(1) a slight capacity increase (~4%); and
(2) concerns about corrosion of the material.
Eliminated from consideration due to the:
(1) need for access pits at each alignment change; and
(2) larger impact on traffic conditions.
Recommended and selected due to:
(1) limited excavations since the liner can negotiate bends; and
(2) the significant capacity increase (-45%).
Only trenchless options
were evaluated
Eliminated despite
being cheaper than
CIPP and sliplining
Eliminated despite
requiring less bypass
than CIPP
Engineer's estimate at
90% design was
around $3.9 million
Also during the site visit, several manholes were popped open to view the condition of cementitious
coatings that had been applied in conjunction with mechanical seals. Other spray-on coatings and liners
have been demonstrated, but cementitious coatings are the typical repair method for manhole
3.3.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Mr. Morgan indicated that Indianapolis would be interested
in a tool or guide that could provide more alternatives for rehabilitation of wastewater pipes and their
associated regional costs, although they are not interested in purchasing one. The tool would need to be
user friendly by giving the user the option to alter or customize the input based upon current market
conditions and their respective changes. The tool would also need to contain or be able to import cost
parameters for the various bid items associated with each technology. Indianapolis would use this tool to
train new engineers in the process of condition assessment, technology selection, and cost consideration.
The tool would also need to include technology case histories, including reference material that the user
could use to obtain more information regarding the use of a technology. The case histories would need to
contain the contact information of other municipal users who have used the technology successfully or
unsuccessfully. This would be key in the sharing of knowledge and providing lessons learned from past
rehabilitation projects.
Contact: John Morgan, (317) 327-8053. john.morgan2(g),mdy.gov
3.4 Case Study #4: City of Las Vegas, Las Vegas Valley Water District
A meeting with Mr. Charles Scott, the Engineering Project Manager for the Las Vegas Valley Water
District (LVVWD) Asset Management (AM) group took place on May 18, 2010 to determine the city's
typical methodology for deciding how to rehabilitate and/or replace existing water mains. Mr. Scott has
been with LVVWD for seven years and has led the AM group since 2007. In 2008, LVVWD
implemented the CARE-W program, a suite of tools for determining short-term and long-term pipe
rehabilitation needs.
3.4.1 Introduction. Las Vegas is the largest city in the state of Nevada and the county seat of
Clark County, which is located in the southern tip of the state. The city has about 570,000 residents,
making it the 28th largest city in the U.S., with a customer base of around 1.1 million including
unincorporated parts of Clark County. LVVWD is a not-for-profit agency that began providing water to
the Las Vegas Valley in 1954. The District now provides water to more than one million people in
southern Nevada. LVVWD is one of seven member agencies that make up the Southern Nevada Water
Authority (SNWA), a regional agency formed in 1991 to address southern Nevada's unique water needs
on a regional basis. The District also acts as the managing agency for the Water Authority. LVVWD
operates and maintains water systems in the outlying communities of Laughlin, Blue Diamond, Coyote
Springs, Jean, Kyle Canyon, and Searchlight, Nevada. The Clark County Commissioners serve as the
Water District's board of directors. The board appoints the general manager, who carries out day-to-day
LVVWD infrastructure includes over 350,000 active services, 4,500 miles of piping 4 in. diameter and
larger, 51 water reservoirs with a total capacity of 935 million gallons, and 60 booster pump stations
having combined pumping capacity of nearly 1.25 million gallons per minute. Water distribution and
transmission piping is 51% PVC, 0.03% cast iron, 9.5% steel, 3% ductile iron, and 36% asbestos cement.
The average age for all piping is 19 years: with asbestos cement pipe averaging 31 years; cast iron pipe
averaging 45 years; ductile iron pipe averaging 8 years; PVC averaging 9 years; and steel averaging 20
years. The 2009 break-rate per mile was around 0.02 breaks/mile.
The District's "first wave" of pipe replacements focused on high failure rate cast iron piping. From the
1970s to 2006, LVVWD replaced almost all (roughly 90 miles) of its cast iron pipe. The AM group is
now developing the tools and methodology needed for the "next wave" of pipe replacement/rehabilitation.
In addition to pipe replacement and rehabilitation planning, AM manages a corrosion control program to
extend the life of steel piping and steel infrastructure.
3.4.2 Renewal Program. LVVWD currently enjoys a relatively young distribution system with
low break rates and low water losses, but AM has estimated that over $100 million (in 2010 dollars) of
piping may be in need of replacement in the next 20 years. To address this, the AM group has developed
and is currently implementing a distribution system asset management plan for long-term and short-term
replacement and rehabilitation. The primary objective of the plan is to maintain distribution system
integrity at a level that meets customer cost and service expectations by replacing the right pipe at the
right time, in the most cost-effective, and non-disruptive means possible.
The key elements of the plan are to: (1) establish and monitor distribution Pis; (2) perform pipe condition
assessments to determine short-term replacement needs; and (3) make renewal decisions that are
prioritized based on condition assessment results, hydraulic criticality, and location specific
consequences. Distribution system Pis are an indication of the overall state of the system and they
include: average system age, break rates per mile, infrastructure leak index (ILI), and number of service
LVVWD typically uses in-house designers for making recommendations and writing specifications for
how to replace or rehabilitate its existing water mains. Currently, LVVWD does not use any automated
decision support tools for technology selection, but would find one useful if it could be integrated with its
GIS and CARE-W tool. The need for a rehabilitation selection tool has been limited due to the fact that
the majority of repairs and replacement have been done by open cut construction. However, being that
the city's system is only now starting to reach the end of its design life; more options will be needed to
address the future rehabilitation needs of the water system.
Cast iron water main rehabilitation and replacement is accomplished by open cut construction. Service
laterals up to 2 in. have been replaced via pipe bursting, but no water main pipe bursting projects have
taken place as of yet. In areas where access is limited and upsizing is needed, pipe bursting or splitting
would be considered to rehabilitate short segments of CI or steel pipes. LVVWD is currently considering
structural CIPP options for water main rehabilitation in sensitive areas where pipe bursting is not an
option due to either (1) the need for multiple access pits or (2) the inability to pipe burst AC pipe which
creates a regulated waste site when the pipe is broken into the ground. A summary of the technologies
typically being considered by LVVWD for water main rehabilitation and replacement is shown in Table
3-13. Open cut for full length replacement and spot repair are the only technologies being used for
renewal projects.
3-13. Summary of Water Technologies Used
Water Main Technologies
Open Cut (Full Length or Spot Repair)
CIPP (Considering)
Pipe Bursting (Considering)
Sliplining (Considering)
As noted earlier, one of the unique challenges facing LVVWD is the fact that 36% of the water system is
made up of asbestos cement pipe. For asbestos cement pipes, pipe bursting was initially considered to be
the most viable option since the utility would most likely be able to avoid hazardous pipe material
removal by using open cut. However, it was determined that pipe bursting asbestos cement pipe would
create a regulated waste site once the pipe was broken into the ground. This has made pipe bursting
unacceptable and LVVWD is now considering structural CIPP for water main rehabilitation.
3.4.3 Technology Selection Methodology. LVVWD's number one deciding factor for
determining when and how to replace or rehabilitate water main assets is balancing the risk of failure
against the cost of renewal. LVVWD utilizes a suite of software tools, which were developed in Europe,
called CARE-W to identify the most at-risk pipes for condition assessment surveys. The condition
assessment prioritization is based on the Annual Rehabilitation Planning (ARP) tool, which is comprised
of three factors that can all be weighted based on the user specified level of importance: (1) statistical
failure mode; (2) hydraulic criticality index; and (3) a multi-criteria decision-making tool.
The statistical failure model is used to determine each pipe's failure index or the likelihood of failure.
The hydraulic capacity index is calculated by removing a pipe from the system model and then analyzing
the system to determine the consequence of failure. Finally, a multi-criteria decision-making tool, which
includes parameters such as: impact on roads and business; customer type; and size, is used to determine
another form of the consequence of failure. By evaluating each of these parameters, LVVWD is able to
determine which pipes in the system are the most critical, and then the inspection can be planned
appropriately. Figure 3-5 outlines how the ARP tool fits into the CARE-W program.
Whenever possible, condition assessments are carried out using non-invasive acoustical wave technology
from Echologics®. Over the past couple of years, AM has helped develop and validate the use of this
technology for condition assessments. As of 2009, about 20 miles of pipe had been assessed, of which
about 7% was found to be more than 20% degraded. AM also uses pipe-to-soil potential readings (where
available), and direct assessment as the opportunity arises. Assessment data are posted as a layer onto the
District's GIS for spatial analysis. Once the most at-risk pipes are determined from the condition
assessment, LVVWD is able to locate which sections actually require renewal.
CARE-W Data Flowcharf
For display on digital map, data originated from another source could be imported to GIS (at the zone level)
Data: water
resources, physical
condition, financial
factors, operations,
quality of service.
Manually entered in
the PI databases.
Main Failure Data
(from Avantis & GIS)
© .
(2) - ©
i f\ Pipes.csv* — >
f«cess PI (Performance Indicators) 4*
[city/zone level] J«n
Output helps managers decide which zone to act upon
first. Also keeps track of past actions and consequences.
^ ^
^a« Fail (Failure Forcasting): LEYP** ^
[pipe level] en»>e
(Generates table of Break Rate predictions for each pipe.
The program (Casses) uses the LEYP engine. Requires
USB Protection Key to Calibrate data. Licensed.
KSP file 1
GIS Pipe Data
(H2O Map)
(°)\ ~ 1©
-w epanet.mp p^*
7) I
(ID Features for priority
zone to be evaluated Only.
Request from Plann ng 2-3
months in advance.
Utility databases (pipe
environment, surface
type, population
supplied, etc)
Data: Unit costs,
budget restrictions,
leaks, degradation,
inflation rates,
scenarios, etc.
RelNet (Hydraulic Criticality)
[pipe level]
Ouput data (HCI) goes to ARP database.
Program has a limit of 10,000 pipes.
®i :
-H city.csv
ARP (Annual Rehabilitation Planning)
[pipe level] o/ie,
Output helps manager decide which pipes to replace first
(given a set budget).
rules, weights, hotspots, etc
Color-coded overlay of high-, medium-, and low-threat pipes
-»J Cohort Table '?
Oew" LTP (Long Term Planning): Kanew***
[system level]
Session results allow managers to decide on the
sequence of replacement and how much money should be
assigned for next budget. Licensed.
kadata.gdb I
* Fail's pipe data input file includes deleted and abandoned pipes.
** Fail's engine was formerly PHM.
*** LTP's components are Kanew (the primary application), WRaP (Weighing & Ranking Procedure), and Scenario Writer (seldom used).
File: Data Flowv1.4.vsd
Date: September 1. 2010
Figure 3-5. CARE-W Data Flowchart
Once a section is identified for renewal, four types of information must be determined: (1) any surface
encumbrances; (2) water main characteristics; (3) water main connections; and (4) technology cost
analysis. The location of surface encumbrances is used to determine first if open cut is an option.
Significant surface encumbrances play into the technology selection process because they increase both
the direct construction costs and the social costs. One location that creates accessibility issues is under a
freeway underpass, which virtually prohibits open cut no matter how expensive lining or bursting may be.
Pipe characteristics that come into play during the method selection process include length, diameter,
depth, and pipe material. Also, whether or not a section has connections, valves and/or hydrants is
important in the selection process. The more valves and hydrants a segment has, the less advantage there
is to using lining or bursting since each location would require an excavation.
If the lack of significant surface encumbrances deems open cut to be applicable, LVVWD performs a cost
analysis of each of the various rehabilitation technologies as well as open cut. If the cost of lining or
bursting is less than the 60 to 70% of open cut (rule of thumb break point), lining or bursting is
considered more advantageous. If not, open cut would be considered a viable option based on the longer
anticipated service life of a new pipe compared to a lined pipe. Some specific parameters that play into
the cost analysis are costs of crew relocating, rerouting of utilities, traffic control, project duration,
mobilization, demobilization, utility crossing, dust control, interruption to service, and surface
restorations. Table 3-14 summarizes all of the method selection parameters.
Table 3-14. Summary of LVVWD's Method Selection Parameters
Surface Encumbrances
Open Cut an Option or Not
Pipe Characteristics
Length, Diameter, Depth, and Pipe Material
Main Connections
Service Connections, Valves, and Hydrants
Cost Analysis
Crew Relocating, Mobilization, Rerouting Utilities,
Restoration, and Traffic Control
Duration, Surface
As mentioned above, LVVWD's goal is economy of scale, which is achieved by balancing the risk of
failure and the cost of remediation, thereby providing the best product to the customer. The decision
comes down to the cost-effectiveness of alternative technologies versus traditional open cut where
applicable. The final decision typically involves the use of open cut unless surface encumbrances prevent
its use or lining or bursting technologies are less than 60 to 70% of the cost of open cut construction.
3.4.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Mr. Scott made it known that LVVWD believes that a tool
capable of estimating the various cost items relating to particular technologies could be useful at least as a
reminder to the design engineer to consider all of the different cost elements. A greater need would be for
a tool that could provide more alternative rehabilitation options for water mains along with their
associated regional costs, specifically since LVVWD only recently started developing its renewal
program. Another feature that would make the tool even more valuable would be the inclusion of method
case histories for new technologies and reference information for further research as to past use by other
municipalities and utilities.
Contact: Charles Scott, (702) 258-3281, charles.scott@,lvvwd.com
3.5 Case Study #5: City of Los Angeles, Wastewater Program
A meeting with Mr. Keith Hanks, a Senior Sanitary Engineer and two members (Mr. Richard Pedrozo and
Mr. Mario Dimzon) of the wastewater planning and design groups was conducted on May 19, 2010 to
determine Los Angeles's selection methodology for determining how to rehabilitate and/or replace
existing underground wastewater utilities. Mr. Hanks has worked for the City of Los Angeles for 25
years as an engineer designing and specifying technologies for use in the replacement and rehabilitation
of wastewater utilities. Mr. Pedrozo is a design engineer for the Wastewater Conveyance Engineering
(WCE) Division and has worked for the city for 19 years as a Civil Engineer. Mr. Dimzon is an
Environmental Engineer for Wastewater Engineering Services (WES) in the Bureau of Sanitation and has
worked for the city for 8 years.
3.5.1 Introduction. Los Angeles is located in Southern California and is the second largest city in
the U.S. behind New York City. Los Angeles's population is around 3.8 million, making it the largest
city in the western U.S. Los Angeles has a system of more than 6,500 miles of sanitary sewer. The city
budgets a three-year average of $88 million in wastewater improvement projects each year.
3.5.2 Renewal Program. The City of Los Angeles is currently in the midst of its 60 Miles
Program (60 MP), in which it is attempting to rehabilitate or replace an average of 60 miles of wastewater
pipe each year. The program began in 2004 as part of an agreement with the EPA, Regional Water
Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Santa Monica Baykeeper, and other stakeholders. The city was first
divided into 240 sewer basins with the 100 most critical being scheduled for remediation during a seven
year period (2008-2014). The top 100 basins were prioritized based on information such as sewer spills,
pipe age and material, root intrusions, and capacity. Fifteen basins are planned each year and the
construction on these basins began in 2008, with an average of 60 miles being remediated each year, and
it is set to be complete in 2014. Currently, 77 of the 100 sewer basins have been planned and designed
and 40 contracts have been awarded. 60 MP program is intended to address sewer mains that have
structural problems, capacity issues, root intrusions, grease from restaurant emissions, spills, and
corrosion. Some of the site-specific rehabilitation challenges for Los Angeles include (1) traffic
mitigation and (2) narrow hillside streets.
Los Angeles utilizes an in-house planning group and design department and associated guidelines for
recommending and specifying technologies for rehabilitating and replacing existing wastewater mains as
part of their 60 MP. The planning group uses an automated tool called SPOT (Sewer Planning
Optimization Tool), which was developed by an external engineering consultant firm, to recommend
methods to the engineering design group. This tool is linked to their GIS system, which contains an
extensive amount of data which the designers can use to help make their decision.
Los Angeles utilizes various technologies for the rehabilitation and replacement of small diameter sewer
mains. These technologies include CIPP and fold-and-form in addition to full length and spot repair open
cut replacement. For both structural and non-structural situations, Los Angeles specifies the required
thickness of liner or pipe in the specifications. No successful sliplining bids have been received for the 8
to 15 in. mains, but sliplining is an option on large diameter sewers where capacity is not a limiting factor
and bypass pumping is difficult. Spiral wound lining is typically considered as an option, but there is
concern about the grouting around the laterals which tends to make it non competitive in the bids. Other
large diameter options are grout-in-place corrosion barriers and open cut replacements using either PVC
or HOPE pipe. Under 60 MP, if a pipe requires installation of a new pipe and the access is restricted,
which might lend the project to pipe bursting, the pipe is moved into the difficult access reaches program
(BARS). Currently, pipe bursting is not typically being used under the 60 MP. WCE is also considering
using the tight-in-pipe (TIP) method, modified sliplining/pipe bursting, if and when a U.S. standard pipe
size is developed by the manufacturer. Currently, all of the pipes developed for use with this technology
were developed using Canadian standard pipe sizes. A summary of the technologies typically being used
by WCE is shown in Table 3-15.
Table 3-15. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used
Small Diameter Technologies
Open Cut (Full Length and Spot Repair)
Pipe Bursting
Large Diameter Technologies
Open Cut (Full Length and Spot Repair)
Grout-in-Place Pipe
Spiral Wound Lining
Los Angeles does not rehabilitate sewer laterals because they are owned all the way to the main by the
property owner. The condition of the sewer lateral is the responsibility of the property owner. Manhole
rehabilitation can be done by various methods approved for use by the city including spray-on
polyurethane and epoxy coatings and perhaps CIPP manhole liners in the future, but generally manholes
are replaced with new manholes protected by grout-in-place PVC corrosion barrier liners.
3.5.3 Technology Selection Methodology. The City of Los Angeles, like most cities, bases its
technology selection decision on the most cost-effective solution that is capable of completing the job
adequately. To help support the decision, WCE's planning group utilizes a tool called SPOT to help
determine the best way to remediate existing sewer mains. SPOT is linked to their extensive GIS system,
which includes information such as: details about the sub-structure, pipe dimension data, location maps,
as-built maps, and aerial photos.
The input for SPOT, in addition to the GIS data mentioned above, are the defect codes obtained from
condition assessment surveys (via CCTV). WCE performs a survey of each basin within the 60 MP
before the planning group can make its recommendations. The inputs for SPOT include: (1) condition
assessment codes; (2) number of defects; (3) section length; (4) diameter; (5) pipe material; and (6) age.
Sewers that can't be videoed or surveyed are ranked based on the sewers around them, which are called
correlation reaches, and then the contractor makes a decision once they get access to the particular sewer
as to the best mode of remediation. Table 3-16 outlines the parameters needed in the WCE method
selection process.
With these inputs, the planners are able to determine whether a pipe should be replaced, lined, addressed
with a point repair or requires no action. In general, for segments with major defects more than 100 ft
apart on average or bend and sag defects, point repairs are recommended. Replacements are required for
small diameter pipes with root defects. Lining repairs are recommended for small diameters pipes which
don't have corrosion and have been inspected to at least 80% of their length (Dimzon et al., 2008).
Table 3-16. Summary of Los Angeles's Method Selection Parameters
Condition Assessment
Condition Assessment Surveys, Associated Defect Codes,
and Number of Defects
Pipe Dimensions
Pipe Length, Diameter, Depth, and Accessibility
Pipe Characteristics
Material, Age, Flow Capacity, and Bypass Considerations
Once the planning and ranking of a sewer basin is complete and the recommendations are made and
packaged for each of the sewers in the basin, the report is turned over to the design team. The design
team then determines if the recommendations are adequate for addressing the problems in the basin and
develop their schedule of repairs accordingly. The schedule of repairs, which includes the type and
thickness of liners, is prepared using the Sewer Management Automated Repair Tracking System
(SMARTS) tool which was developed specifically for 60 MP. SMARTS has a built-in cost estimator
which incorporates recent bid prices, economic adjustment factors and is integrated into the GIS system.
Some of the key cost parameters include depth, which is key to excavation, specifically for pipes deeper
than 20 ft.
Once design is complete, WCE provides a schedule of repairs for each pipe being rehabilitated in a
particular basin (which includes the condition assessment, associated recommendation for rehabilitation
or replacement) to the contractor as well as pipe specific details such as material (which must come from
the list of approved materials), diameter, depth, connections, and adjacent utilities. The contractor will
then use the schedule of repairs to develop its bid package. Figure 3-6 is an example of a schedule of
repairs which includes three pieces that must be replaced by spot repair prior to full length rehabilitation.
A typical set of plans will include a schedule of repairs for each pipe that needs addressing.
Members of WCE mentioned that contractor training may be a possible future requirement for a
successful bid. This might eliminate inexperienced or untrained contractors from winning bids and
produce better results on construction projects.
ROJECT TITLE: SSRP H35 Griffith & Franklin
46MS-151 4684S-1S3
607 €! 594 6 590 4
4" LAG & F
2" SCG
VCP 8 1
VCP e i
VCP 8 1
20' SN
27' NS
3* S4R
\ \STI\\
HlKl'U' (II I NX.INH Kl\(,
Figure 3-6. Example Schedule of Repairs
3.5.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Mr. Hanks indicated that Los Angeles is comfortable with its
method selection process and level of automation. The SPOT tool is useful at recommending various
alternatives and SMARTS is capable of providing reliable cost estimates based on various factors. The
need for method case history information is irrelevant currently because any material and technology
available for use in Los Angeles must go through the city's approval process. Mr. Hanks acknowledged
that the cost for a vendor to have their product approved, while not guaranteeing that the product will ever
be used, makes it difficult for vendors to justify the expense. An approval process that could be certified
by multiple utilities could make the process more appealing for vendors to participate in.
Contact: Keith Hanks, (213) 485-1694, keith.hanks(gilacity.org
3.6 Case Study #6: City of Atlanta, Rehabilitation Design Program
A meeting with Mr. Ray Hutchinson, a Vice President for MWH and the City of Atlanta's Program
Management Team (PMT) consultant; design engineer, Mr. Cornell Gayle; and the City of Atlanta's
Rehabilitation Design Manager, Ms. Rebecca Shelton was held on May 26, 2010 to discuss the City of
Atlanta's methodology and associated parameters/criteria for determining how to rehabilitate and/or
replace existing sanitary sewer gravity pipes and manholes through the use of its Rehabilitation Selection
Tool (RST). Mr. Hutchinson has more than 35 years of experience as an engineer in the area of sewer
rehabilitation design and construction and he has worked with the City of Atlanta on its Rehabilitation
Design Program since 1999.
3.6.1 Introduction. Atlanta is located in northwestern Georgia. Atlanta has a population of about
541,000 people, making it the largest city in the state of Georgia and the 33rd largest city in the U.S. The
city maintains more than 1500 miles of sanitary sewer assets and approximately 37,500 manholes (Hunter
and Sukenik, 2007). At present around 340 miles of the sanitary sewers or 22% have been lined or
replaced under the current Rehabilitation Design Program (RDP). Currently, 88% of the City's sanitary
sewer system has been inspected as have a similar percentage of the manholes. The City's goal under the
current CD is to survey, inspect, review, and upload the rectified data into GIS for each and every sewer
pipe and manhole by the end of the CD period and to design appropriate remedial actions accordingly or
defer the asset to Capacity Management Operations and Maintenance (CMOM) in a structured way
relative to severity and criticality.
3.6.2 Renewal Program. The City of Atlanta is currently in the middle of an SSO CD with the
EPA and it has already completed a CSO CD. The SSO CD took effect in 2004 and was originally
scheduled to be completed by 2014, but due to funding limitations, the city has requested a 15 year
extension on the remaining work, which would last until 2029. Since 2004, the number of SSO spills has
been reduced by 75% and the volume of SSO spills has been reduced by 97%.
The PMT's Rehabilitation Design Team is made up of both in-house designers and outside consultants
who all utilize design guidelines, a fully integrated, Web-based GIS system and a Web-based decision
tool to design the appropriate rehabilitation and/or replacement solutions for each sewer pipe and manhole
in the city's system. The RST was developed by an outside consultant in conjunction with city personnel
to assist designers with their decision of determining how to replace or rehabilitate existing sewer pipes in
the most cost-effective manner (Hutchinson et al., 2007).
The primary options for small diameter sewer rehabilitation and replacement include CIPP, pipe bursting
(with either HOPE or ductile iron), external point repairs using open cut, internal point repairs using
either mechanical or CIPP sleeves, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), and open cut replacement. In
addition to small diameter solutions, technologies being used on larger diameter sewers include sliplining
(when capacity reduction is not an issue), CIPP, spiral wound lining, chemical grouting, shotcrete, pipe
bursting, segmental lining, and open cut replacement. Undersized pipe needing to be replaced and
upsized is typically done with either online pipe bursting, open cut techniques or off-line HDD. To date,
over 276 miles of sewer has been lined, 43 miles has been replaced using pipe bursting, and over 20 miles
has been replaced using open cut construction. Many sewers of all sizes have also been replaced off-line
using jack and bore and microtunneling techniques. A summary of the technologies typically being used
by Atlanta is shown in Table 3-17.
Table 3-17. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used
Wastewater Technologies
CIPP (Full length and Point Repair)
Pipe Bursting
Open Cut (Full length and Spot Repair)
Sliplining (Large Diameter)
Spiral Wound Lining (Large Diameter)
Atlanta also performs rehabilitation of laterals typically by local point repair, lining, open cut replacement
or, very occasionally, pipe bursting from within the property. Remedial action applies to the lower
lateral, i.e., from the mainline sewer to the edge of the right-of-way (ROW), normally finishing at a newly
installed double sweep clean-out. The property owner is responsible for maintaining the upper lateral.
The pipe bursting option is adopted for use with lower laterals only when there are utilities to pass under
and/or if the lateral is long and relatively shallow under landscaping. Otherwise it is more cost-effective
and expedient to replace the lower lateral using open cut replacement. The lateral technology selection
procedure takes into account accessibility, number of laterals (normally open cut is preferred to pipe
bursting if there are more than seven laterals in any given segmental length), whether or not the remedial
action is being done in conjunction with a clean out installation (normally at the edge of the ROW) and
the presence of intervening features on the lateral such as trees, fences or hydrants.
Atlanta also performs manhole rehabilitation which includes the use of full replacement, epoxy or
cementitious lining, fiberglass lining, chemical grouting, frame and/or cover replacement, or chimney
sealing. The technology selection would depend on the condition of the manhole and whether it required
a corrosive barrier, structural lining, III barrier or full replacement.
3.6.3 Technology Selection Methodology. The City of Atlanta utilizes a Web-based asset
management tool which is integrated into its GIS system and incorporates Sanitary Sewer Evaluation
Survey (SSES) data to categorize every single sewer pipe and manhole in their system (Brown and
Toomer, 2007). The Web-based system contains RST, which is used to design the rehabilitation or
replacement of each sewer pipe and manhole if any action is determined to be needed or to assign the pipe
or manhole to the CMOM category for future implementation. This tool helps to determine the most
cost-effective solution for rehabilitation or replacement.
The RST designs are done for each sewershed, which is made up of a discrete drainage area containing
between 10,000 and 50,000 ft of pipe. Each design includes methodically reviewing each sewershed
segment by segment as necessary. The designer is able to zoom in on each segment and get a detailed
view of the defects for each particular segment within the sewershed.
During the design process, references are made to the extensive amount of data included in the GIS
systems such as: (1) pipe defects, CCTV videos, and hydraulic modeling results to determine if a pipe
needs to be resized or the slope needs to be changed (Bechara et al., 2007); (2) GIS maps, global
positioning system (GPS) location, easement reviews, and site photos; (3) segment parameters and
characteristics (length, diameter, depth, material, age, previous rehabilitation, and deformation); (4) cost-
effectiveness of various repair methods (multiple spot repairs versus a full length solution) and
constructability reviews; and (5) appropriate technologies chosen for other pipes and/or manholes in the
proximity of the sewershed under consideration. The main rehabilitation selection is based on the
presence and frequency of a group of essential structural defects such as breaks, holes, fractures,
deformations (if the deformation is greater 10%, linings are not used and either pipe bursting or open cut
techniques would be considered), joint displacements, etc. Based on these data, the designer is able to
make a sound decision as to the most cost-effective and least disruptive technology capable of restoring or
replacing the existing pipe or manhole to an adequate condition. The designer must consider all elements
of information within the system such as the technology selection data and parameters which are utilized
within RST (Table 3-18).
e 3-18. Summary of Atlanta's RST Technology Selection Data and Parameters
Condition Assessment
Type/Number of Defects, CCTV Videos, and Hydraulic Modeling Results
Site Accessibility
GIS Maps, GPS Location, Easement Review, and Site Photos
Segment Characteristics
Length, Diameter, Depth, Material, Age, Previous Repair, and Deformation
Cost Items Relating to Various Technologies and Constructability Reviews
Other Utilities
Technologies Chosen for Other Assets in the Proximity of the Sewershed
Specific cost parameters considered by the RST include: pipe material, depth, and diameter; ROW vs.
non-ROW; the sewer, lateral or manhole rehabilitation method; bypass pumping requirements; road
classification; traffic control requirements; obtaining access; and total surface remediation options. Cost
consideration for degree of difficulty (i.e., difficult access) and contingency matters (e.g., night working)
are also provided for in cost estimation portion of RST. Figure 3-7 shows a screen shot from RST and
outlines some of the cost parameters associated with a typical pipe bursting project. Cost factors include
launch pits, receiving pits, bypass pumping, and traffic control.
After a sewershed has been designed, and easement and constructability reviews have taken place, Atlanta
puts together either a defined contract or undefined contract. Defined contracts are configured to have
both the location and construction method specified for the contractor to bid on and the contractor bids a
unit price for the defined quantities derived from SSES information for a particular sewershed area.
Undefined contracts have only the construction method specified and the contractor bids a unit price for
the quantities estimated by the city for typical quantities of work required to be carried out outside of the
specific sewershed areas. Approximately 75% of the work is done using defined contracts, while the
other 25% is accomplished with undefined contracts.
{5 Rehab Cost Console - Windows Internet Explorer
File Edit View Favorites Tools Help
23060401601T23060401701 UTC06A 3 CO 199.849 10.67 10.33 0.0 19
Rehab Type
No Rehab Required
Main Rehab Method
Sub Type: | Pneumatic v|Tr3ffic FC: | 12 v\ fj R.O.W. 0 Paved Contract: | PIPEBLJRSTIMG-CONTHACT IAJ
Hew Pipe Material: | PE V [HE-.V Pipe Diameter: | 13 V |
N = . =f Point Repair: | 3 *"* |
Main Cost: $20,574.45 Matrix Value: $102.95 Cost Table: B
"~3 $0.0
|3"j Multiplier Example: to ado 2D%. type 1.2
press [Complete; to save to List Tola I: $34.486.95 $172.57 $/ft
Associated Cost
Service Lateral
Point Repair
Optional Cost
Cost Type
0 Launch Pits
Receiving Pits
Rebuild Invert
G Cut Roots
Matrix Cost Cost
S810.0 S810.00CTL)
S575.0 S575.00(TR;
S446.125 S892.25(U)
S4.03 S805.39(N)
0 By-Pass Pumping 0-400
0 Traffic Control 12
0 Access Road Clearing
1 S1400.0
1 S717.0
|1M.SS \ft 524.38
Notes: Function Code: Fulton County Road Classification
Multiplier: Engineering Judgment Concerning Degree of Difficulty
Abbreviations s hown a fter uni t c ost i ndicate t he t able i n t he cost m atrix from which t he i nformation ha s be en
automatically drawn.
Figure 3-7. Screenshot from Rehabilitation Selection Tool
3.6.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Mr. Hutchinson and Ms. Shelton indicated that although the
RST program used by the City of Atlanta is capable of estimating the various local cost items for
technologies they frequently use, such as pipe bursting and CIPP, they would like to see a tool for
estimating the various cost items relating to the use of other technologies. Also, if the tool could provide
more alternatives for rehabilitation of sewer pipes and their associated regional costs, Atlanta would find
it very useful, particularly if the tool included method case histories for new technologies and reference
information from other cities that have used the particular technologies successfully and unsuccessfully.
Contact: Ray Hutchinson, (404) 979-6999, ext. 7254, raymond.hutchinsonigjmwhglobal.com
Case Study #7: City of New York, Department of Design and Construction
A meeting with Mr. Dino Ng, Associate Commissioner for the Department of Design and Construction
(DDC) and Mr. Gurdip Saini, Assistant Commissioner of in-house design was held on May 28, 2010 to
discuss New York City's process for determining how to rehabilitate and/or replace existing water mains,
wastewater pipes, and manholes. Mr. Ng has worked for the City of New York for over 27 years, where
he has been involved in designing and writing specifications for rehabilitation of water and wastewater
systems. In New York, the DDC performs much like a consultant would for a municipality or utility,
which, in this case, is the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) who is the
owner of the both the wastewater and water systems in New York City.
3.7.1 Introduction. New York City is the largest city in the U.S. with more than 8.3 million
people residing within its five boroughs. The city is located on a large natural harbor in the northeastern
U.S. and is comprised of five counties: Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and Richmond. New York's
sewer system consists of roughly 6,000 miles of pipe and the water transmission and distribution system
is roughly 6,000 miles. The city performs around $250 million of work on water and wastewater
rehabilitation and replacement projects each year.
3.7.2 Renewal Program. New York City's renewal program is primarily driven by conditions
such as: (1) flooding; (2) main breaks; (3) sink holes and other emergencies; (4) road rehabilitation; (5)
programmatic replacement based on age and the pipe material's remaining useful life; and (6) capacity.
The DEP typically initiates sewer projects due to flooding issues such as undersized or lack of storm
system storage or replacement of septic systems, which is backed up by hydraulic modeling. Some of the
site-specific renewal challenges commonly encountered in New York City are: (1) non-round large
diameter sewers; (2) difficult traffic conditions; and (3) enormous amounts of adjacent utilities as shown
in Figure 3-8. The figure shows the adjacent utilities for a project on Fulton Street in Lower Manhattan.
Figure 3-8. View of the Extensive Utilities under Fulton Street in New York City
The City of New York's DDC has a staff of around 150 engineers with approximately 2/3 performing in-
house design and the other 1/3 managing outside consultants. DDC will develop designs and make
recommendations for how to replace or rehabilitate existing water and wastewater pipes to the DEP who
then accepts or rejects the recommendations. DDC does not use any decision support software for this
application nor does it see the need for an automated decision tool within its organization due to the years
of experience within the group. It might be a good tool to give to new engineers who are learning on the
job as a source of information, but the final decision would always be in the hands of an experienced
engineer. DDC would, however, welcome a source where it could gather information on the use of
alternative technologies from other municipalities and utilities that have used them in the past, which may
apply to their needs.
For sewer remediation projects, DEP is typically a conservative owner, so DDC designs and recommends
solutions accordingly. When conditions allow, CIPP is the first choice for pipes less than 36 in. in
diameter unless the line is undersized. In large diameter brick sewers or non-circular pipe greater than 36
in. in diameter, shotcrete is the primary rehabilitation method. If conditions do not permit CIPP or
shotcrete, then open cut replacement is the next choice. Pipe bursting was used once successfully, but it
is not typically recommended due to concerns of possible damage to other adjacent utilities, including gas
and telecommunications cables. Fold-and-form is generally not used unless a tight fit can be achieved. A
summary of the technologies typically being used by New York City are shown in Table 3-19.
Table 3-19. Summary of Wastewater Technologies Used
Wastewater Technologies
Open Cut
Shotcrete (Large Diameter)
Spot Repairs
For water main remediation, New York City does not do a lot of lining because of the number of
connections, bends, and joint offsets within a given segment. Water mains typically get replaced using
open cut construction when the age and breaks reach a certain level. Water mains that were installed
before 1945 get replaced and up-sized from 6 to 8 in. using ductile iron pipe for project areas involving
sewer work. DDC has also used CIPP on an existing water main section which only had one or two
connections. Another non-typical technology was used on a 48 in. cast iron host redundant trunk main
running at 150 pounds per square in. (psi), which was in good structural condition but had a lot of built-up
tuberculation. The redundancy allowed DDC to shut the main down on the weekends and to install
10,000 ft of 46 in. HOPE slipliner. This is not atypical technology and was only possible since this was a
very straight run. CIPP was not considered for this application due to the size and length of the main,
which created concerns about the applicability of the very new CIPP for water main rehabilitation that has
mostly been used in Europe. A summary of the technologies being used by the New York's DDC for
water main rehabilitation and replacement is shown in Table 3-20.
Table 3-20. Summary of Water Technologies Used
Water Main Technologies
Open Cut (99%)
The city does not typically address laterals since they are owned all the way to the main by the property
owner and therefore are the property owner's responsibility to maintain. New York City typically
rehabilitates its manholes using cement mortar parging or flashing. The process of parging involves
applying a minimum !/> inch thick finishing coat of mortar with a float finish on the inside surface area of
the manhole.
3.7.3 Technology Selection Methodology. Once the DEP initiates a project due to the issues
mentioned earlier, DDC will begin its design process by conducting an inspection of the segments in need
of remediation. There is no annual inspection plan or prioritization tool primarily due to the sheer size of
the system; therefore, DDC does not conduct an inspection until DEP initiates a project. If an increase in
capacity is needed, then no condition assessment will be done to help make the decision and the pipe will
simply be replaced to meet the needs of the required additional capacity. For sewers greater than 36 in., a
walk through is required by DEP maintenance personnel before design and construction can begin.
From the inspection, DDC will obtain all of the necessary information it needs to complete its design and
associated recommendation for DEP. As noted above, if the pipe in question lacks hydraulic capacity,
DDC will not perform a condition assessment and the pipe will typically just be replaced using open cut
(not pipe bursting for reasons mentioned earlier). DDC's recommendation otherwise will be based
primarily on: (1) CCTV reports, defect evaluation, and capacity; (2) pipe characteristics (i.e., length,
diameter, and depth); (3) traffic control considerations; (4) accessibility issues (i.e., width of site access,
head room, proximity of other utilities, and other structures or piles); and (5) cost factors. Once DDC
makes its recommendation DEP will review it and then the project is put out for bid. DDC's typical
selection parameters are summarized in Table 3-21.
Table 3-21. Summary of New York DDC's Method Selection
Condition Assessment
CCTV Report, Defect Evaluation, and Capacity
Pipe Characteristics
Length, Diameter and Depth
Traffic Control Consideration
Specific Attention is Given to Traffic Control
Accessibility Issues
Width of Site Access, Head Room, and Proximity of Other Utilities
and Structures
Cost Factors
Costs Databases for Past Projects
DDC stores its costs in databases from past projects, but they mentioned they would prefer to have pipe
and excavation in separate categories to provide a more accurate estimate of where the money is being
spent. This could allow DDC more flexibility in trying new technologies if they were able to show how
an alternative technology could save them in terms of excavation and restoration costs. Traffic control is
another important selection and cost parameter when selecting a technology due to the amount of vehicles
in the city.
3.7.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Providing DEP with a cost-effective and conservative
solution is the number one priority of the DDC. DDC makes its technology selection decisions based on
the needs of DEP, which is to provide adequate service to its residents. Mr. Ng expressed interest in a
tool that would include: (1) methodical case histories for new technologies; (2) reference information for
further research if needed; (3) contact information of other municipal utilities who have used the
technology successfully or unsuccessfully; (4) estimation of the various cost items relating to a particular
technology; (5) more alternatives for rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipes; (6) regional cost data
and various bid items associated with each alternative; and (7) a source for the data and any backup
documents so the municipality can make its own judgment for how to apply it to their specific needs. He
specifically mentioned how industry interaction helps drive technology selection and how interaction with
other cities can help to obtain a firsthand account of how other cities have solved similar problems. Since
DEP is generally conservative with its method approval, they generally allow only methods with which
they are comfortable. This creates the need for DDC to have reliable information about new technologies,
so that they know as much as possible about a technology before recommending it to DEP.
Contact: Pino Ng. (718) 391-2043. ngy@ddc.nyc.gov
3.8 Case Study #8: Miami-Dade County, Water and Sewer Department
A meeting with Mr. Rod Lovett, Chief of the Wastewater Collection and Transmission Line Division for
the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD), was held on June 10, 2010 to determine
WASD's process for determining how to rehabilitate and/or replace existing wastewater mains, laterals,
and manholes. Mr. Lovett has been with WASD for over 20 years and has served as the chief of the
wastewater collections division since 1995.
3.8.1 Introduction. Miami-Dade County is located at the southeastern tip of Florida on the
Atlantic coast. It has a population of nearly 2.5 million people making it the second largest county in the
state and eighth largest in the country. Miami-Dade wastewater system is made up of more than 6,230
miles of gravity collection and lateral pipes. WASD performs about $15 million in operation and
maintenance each year and another $15 million in capital improvements.
3.8.2 Renewal Program. Miami-Dade WASD is currently about 16 years into the Dade County
ordinance which requires a 5 to 10 year inspection cycle of every gravity sewer longer than 2,000 ft. The
Well Field Protection Ordinance requires that all gravity collection basins within the maximum day cone
of influence of a public drinking water well be inspected on a 5 year cycle and all other basins be
inspected on a 10 year cycle. WASD also requires a 2 year inspection cycle on transitions from force
mains to gravity mains, but that is not required by the ordinance. WASD signed a CD with EPA in 1992
and it was augmented in 1994. The CD was completed in 2001, although a portion pertaining to pump
stations is still ongoing. The original CD and the current ordinance are intended to eliminate I/I from the
system. Some of the site-specific challenges encountered in Miami-Dade include high groundwater levels
and very corrosive environments.
WASD uses an in-house design evaluation team to determine how to replace and/or rehabilitate existing
wastewater pipes cost-effectively based on its inspection data and an associated cost analysis. For small
diameter sewers with a minimum size of 8 in. and relatively no capacity issues, WASD typically uses
either: (1) CIPP; (2) fold-and-form, although not used as much anymore; (3) open cut replacement; (4)
internal grouting for joint leaks, which is done in-house; (5) sectional CIPP, which is done robotically,
using 6 to 8 ft liner lengths; (6) pipe bursting with either HOPE, ductile iron or PVC, which is not used as
much due to higher costs associated with multiple lateral reinstatements; (7) point repairs using open cut;
and (8) degreasers to eliminate grease and grease build-up, which is also done in-house. Grease is the
cause of most of the blockages in the system and they have not had any capacity overflows since 1998.
WASD has blanket contracts for CIPP, open cut replacement, and sectional CIPP already in place which
are renewed every three years. CIPP is generally cost-effective, but it does not correct off-set joints and
requires bypass pumping. A summary of the technologies typically being used by WASD for small
diameter remediation is shown in Table 3-22.
Large diameter sewers are in good shape generally and are evaluated on a site-specific basis.
Technologies typically used for remediation include: (1) open cut; (2) slip lining with fiber glass
reinforced pipe; (3) CIPP, which has been used on pipes as large as 96 in.; (4) epoxy coating; and (5)
stainless steel segmented liners. A demonstration of a spiral wound lining was done once, but no spiral
wound liners are currently in the system. WASD mentioned that it might use shotcrete in the future on a
trial basis. A summary of the technologies being used by Miami-Bade for large diameter wastewater
remediation are shown in Table 3-23.
Table 3-22. Summary of Small Diameter Wastewater Technologies Used
Small Diameter Technologies
Open Cut (Full Length and Point Repair)
CIPP (Full Length and Sectionals)
Internal Grouting
Fold-and-Form & Pipe Bursting rarely
Table 3-23. Summary of Large Diameter Wastewater Technologies Used
Large Diameter Technologies
Open Cut (Majority)
Epoxy Coating
Segmental Lining
Sewer lateral rehabilitation, which is done from the mainline to the property line, is typically cheaper
when using CIPP versus sliplining. WASD has also used mini-pipe bursting in-house up to 6 in. on 8 to
10 laterals. The lateral inspection program includes the lateral crew monitoring each lateral for up to five
minutes to see if it stops flowing during CCTV inspections of the main. If the lateral is continually
flowing, the crew will come back out and inspect the lateral further to determine if an illegal connection
or leak is causing the continual flow.
WASD also addresses I/I issues with its manholes, which includes the use of technologies such as: (1)
manhole replacement; (2) fiberglass repairs, which are done in-house; (3) cementitious coatings, which
have not been very successful; and (4) epoxy coatings. Cured-in-place manhole liners have not yet been
approved, which involves a free demonstration and monitoring for one year with a decision being made at
the end of the year based on performance. WASD reserves the right to remove a product from its
approved technologies after more than a year if a product fails down the line.
3.8.3 Technology Selection Methodology. As referenced earlier, WASD performs CCTV
inspections on 5 and 10 year cycles for wastewater pipes 2,000 ft and longer and also on two year cycles
for transitions from force mains to gravity mains. WASD also performs light night flow monitoring twice
a year, once while wet and once while dry, to calculate the flow in gallons per in. diameter per mile. The
inspection crews utilize trucks, which are owned by Miami-Dade, which will be upgraded to include
Granite XP software. The software is used to store condition assessment data, pipe characteristic data,
and GIS maps. Once a field crew performs the inspection, they pass the condition assessment data on to
the design evaluation team.
The design evaluation team performs a defect analysis on the data obtained from the field crew to perform
a cost analysis of each of the rehabilitation alternatives referenced earlier. The cost analysis includes the
following parameters: (1) pipe characteristics (i.e., linear ft and diameter); (2) technology equipment; and
(3) site-specific requirements (i.e., pavement restoration and bypass requirements). The design evaluation
team also incorporates site photos into its decision-making process by using images from Google Earth.
The team uses a tool in Microsoft Access to house cost data, but the rehabilitation/replacement costs are
calculated manually. WASD would like to automate the process to be able calculate bid items for its
technology options. WASD's typical design evaluation parameters are summarized in Table 3-24.
Table 3-24. Summary of Miami-Dade WASD's Design Evaluation Parameters
Condition Assessment
CCTV Report, Flow Monitoring, and
Defect Analysis
Pipe Characteristics
Linear ft and Diameter
Technology Equipment
Specific Equipment Associated with a Particular Technology
Site-Specific Requirements
Pavement Restoration and Bypass
Once WASD determines all of the technologies that are capable of addressing the needs of a specific line,
a repair cost analysis is performed. As mentioned earlier, WASD does not record the calculations or
document the process of determining the least expensive repair application for each analysis. The cost
calculation and method selection process is performed manually for each repair call. For example, a
typical section requiring remediation could be an 8 in. pipe, 340 ft long and 8.4 ft deep with four laterals
along the alignment and 11 defect locations. The repair cost analysis for CIPP, replacement, sectional
liner, and cleaning is shown in Table 3-25.
Table 3-25. Repair Cost Analysis Example
Repair Method
Open Cut Replacement
Sectional Liner
Clean, Test, and Seal
Unit Cost
$975/defect section
$34/ft of lateral (assuming 25 ft of lateral)
3.8.4 Conclusions and User Needs. Miami-Dade WASD bases its final technology decision on
what will be the most practical and cost efficient solution in each situation. Mr. Lovett indicated that he
would like to automate their current design evaluation and cost analysis process. WASD would be
interested in a cost estimating tool for determining the associated regional costs items relating to
alternatives for rehabilitation of wastewater pipes. The tool would also need to include technology case
histories to provide them with an understanding of how successfully or unsuccessfully technologies have
been used by other utilities. The proposed tool would be useful as a training mechanism for
municipalities to find out about other alternative technologies that are being used successfully for similar
shared conditions.
Contact: Rod Lovett, (786) 268-5025, rodlo@,miamidade.gov
As identified in Sections 2 and 3, few approaches are currently being used by utilities to assist them in
determining whether to rehabilitate or replace their existing water and wastewater assets. The literature
review identified various models that are capable of evaluating water and wastewater infrastructure
conditions and characteristics and producing replacement and rehabilitation technology recommendations.
Although the review identified several models capable of the proposed evaluation, very few are being
used in practice by water and wastewater utilities. The primary reason is that only two of the models
contain all five of the critical components, (i.e., (1) ability to process condition assessment data; (2)
contains an extensive method database; (3) performs a technical evaluation of the project conditions and
characteristics; (4) performs a costs analysis; and (5) performs a final method ranking) and neither of
those are readily available for use. One of the additional utilities surveyed noted the use of a software
program for providing a rough idea of applicable construction methods, although the actual method
selection and design required a much more detailed review of project conditions (Ariaratnam and
MacLeod, 2002). It was also noted that many of the models relied on the use of performance data in
determining life cycle costs, yet many technologies and materials have not been subjected to accelerated
aging tests and retrospective analyses which can determine the true life cycle of the various technologies.
In addition to the reviewed models, the decision-making approach of eight utilities was thoroughly
examined and documented in Section 3. Table 4-1 summarizes the findings and documents the primary
mode of decision-making used by each utility.
Table 4-1. Summary of Utility Decision-Making Methodologies
New York
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
Water (W) or
Wastewater (WW)
Tool/Model Support
Technology Selection
Asset Management
Technology Selection
Technology Selection
Asset Management
Each of the eight visited utilities and additional surveyed utilities utilized their in-house expertise, in the
form of experienced engineers and design manuals, to make renewal decisions supplemented in most
cases with the use of outside consultant engineering expertise as well. Asset management tools have been
implemented by two of the utilities surveyed, Columbus and Las Vegas. Columbus is in the process of
developing two separate tools, one for water and one for wastewater, through collaboration with outside
consultants. LVVWD has implemented components from CARE-W (Section 2.3.5) to prioritize its
inspection decisions. It has been reported that many utilities have some level of asset management
approaches in place, but there is still a large gap between the advances in theory and software tools for
asset management and their implementation across a wide range of utilities (EPA, 2010).
Three of the eight utilities surveyed have developed tools capable of technology selection through
collaboration with engineering consultants. Table 4-2 summarizes the capabilities of these three tools
being used for technology selection decisions.
Table 4-2. Summary of Technology Selection Tools
Dallas, MWH
Los Angeles, SPOT
Atlanta, RST
Number of
Two of the tools are capable of addressing each of the five critical components documented previously,
yet both tools are only used for making wastewater remediation recommendations and not for water
decisions. One reason for the limited use of technology selection tools by water utilities is the lack of
comfort and experience that these utilities have with innovative and emerging water rehabilitation
methods. Utilities are often hesitant to take on the risk of installing new technologies available for water
main rehabilitation, which is why most of the utilities surveyed typically replace their water mains. As
technologies for water main rehabilitation become more widely accepted and available, there will be a
need to help decision-makers to select appropriate technologies.
For each utility participating in the study, inquiries were made as to what types of tools or capabilities
they would like to see made available. The overriding areas discussed that would be crucial for any
decision tool to be truly useful included: (1) ability to provide more alternative rehabilitation options; (2)
use of regional cost data, including the specific various cost items relating to technologies; (3) use of
technology case histories, specifically for new technologies; and (4) the contact information of utilities
users which have used the technology for further reference material. A summary of needs of each the
utilities surveyed is presented in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3. Expressed Needs of Utility Decision Makers
New York
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
San Diego
San Francisco
Virginia Beach
While several of the models discussed in Section 2 provide many alternatives and various forms of cost
data, very few contained detailed case studies and contact information for utility users which were both
seen as important aspects of any DSS. Multiple utilities commented on how industry interaction and
networking between utility users helps to drive the use of alternative techniques. This interaction allows
the utility to gain insight into issues which are difficult to quantify such as (i.e., reliability, risk,
environmental sustainability, etc.) through other utility's experiences and lessons learned. Once a utility
is comfortable with a technique and its known capabilities, they will feel more comfortable
recommending it in the proper situation.
Other benefits noted by utilities included the use of such a tool as a training mechanism for less
experienced municipalities and their employees. The tool could also be used to train new engineers in the
technology selection process and cost evaluation. The tool would need to be user-friendly and require
little training or other resources in order to minimize the learning curve for its use. The tool would also
need to be customizable to meet utility-specific needs and to be able to integrate it with current cost
databases in use by as many utilities as possible.
Based on the numerous models reviewed in Section 2 and the various approaches of the utilities surveyed
in Section 3, four models have been identified as offering best practices in terms of enabling rehabilitation
versus replacement decisions. The capabilities and limitations of these models and the number of
rehabilitation and replacement methods included in each model are summarized in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1. Best Practices in Existing Decision-Making Approaches
Model/Utility Tool
Matthews (TAG-R)
Halfawy et al., 2008
Ammaretal., 2010
Atlanta (RST)
Each of the identified approaches is capable of many of the critical analyses a DSS must have including a
cost analysis and a technical evaluation of a large number of rehabilitation/replacement methods. The
primary gap in all approaches is the lack of case study information, which was highlighted by each
surveyed utility as being crucial to the transfer of knowledge. All approaches, except for the
Matthews/TAG-R approach, focus only on one type of system, either water or wastewater. The area
needing to be improved upon in the Matthews approach includes the use of defect data for wastewater
systems and breakage and deterioration data for water systems.
It is feasible to substantially improve on all models by incorporating the best aspects into a single,
comprehensive model for decision support. TAG-R contains the most robust method database and
industry vetted technical evaluation process. Halfawy et al. (2008) contains a viable approach for
including defect codes into the wastewater technology selection process and Ammar et al. (2010)
incorporates breakage and deterioration data into the water technology selection process. The Atlanta
RST has the most developed platform for including cost data and parameters for specific technologies
which could be expanded for each of the technologies available in TAG-R. Once a combination of these
aspects is incorporated into one system, the final component would be the inclusion of a case study
database. Table 5-2 outlines the components necessary for building a useful case study database. The
task of collecting the required data for building such a database is feasible and would require the
resources and networking capabilities of an experienced team closely tied to all aspects of the water and
wastewater industry.
Table 5-2. Cast Study Database Components
Project Specifics
Lessons Learned
Project Costs
Utility Information
Contact Information
Sortable by specific technology/vendor and application.
Field and pipe conditions leading to method selection.
Lessons learned from technology installations and demonstrations.
Actions taken and inclusion of product testing references.
Specific cost considerations and ranges.
Background and system information of utility.
Contact information of the utility owner, designer, vendor, and installer.
Currently, users will be able to utilize the available tools and models in their limited, but effective
capacities. As a result of this review, several improvements were identified that could be implemented to
develop a more comprehensive and fully-functional decision support approach as described above. In
order to develop an improved model, the team would need to have the DSS development background to
incorporate the two aspects into one useable application. The development of such a system would
require support from agencies such as WERF, WaterRF, NASSCO, NUCA, and the EPA to ensure that
all of the key stakeholders were involved in the program development and implementation.
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