United States                                               „. ... R ..  nm
               Environmental Protection                                     hKA-4^U-b-11-UU1
               Agency                                                        January 2011

                     Diesel Fuel Dates for the State of Alaska
Urban AK (areas served by the FAHS)
       • pre-2006: HS/uncontrolled
       • 2006: 6/1/06- refiners to 15; 9/1/06- pipelines & terminals to 15; 10/15/06- retail &WPC to
       • pre-2007: HS/uncontrolled
       • 2007: 6/1/07- refiners to 500; 8/1/07- pipelines & terminals to 500; 10/1/07- retail & WPC to
         500; 12/1/07- in-use, farm & construction tanks to 500 (note- urban AKis on same
         downstream schedule as NE/MA)
       • 2010: 6/1/10- refiners to 15  NR; 8/1/10- pipelines & terminals to 15 NR; 10/1/10- retail &
         WPC to 15 NR; 12/1/10- in-use, farm & construction tanks to 15 NR
       • 2012: 6/1/12- refiners to 15  LM; 8/1/12- pipelines & terminals to 15 LM; 10/1/12- retail &
         WPC to 15 LM; 12/1/12- in-use, farm & construction tanks to 15 LM
** Urban AK is on the same schedule as the main HW & NR diesel programs (except they're on the
same downstream schedule as the NE/MA for NRLM in 2007); permanently exempt from dye &
marker requirements **

Rural AK
       • pre-2010: HS/uncontrolled
       • 2010: 6/1/10- refiners to 15  HW; 8/1/10- pipelines & terminals to 15 HW; 10/1/10- retail &
         WPC to 15 HW; 12/1/10- in-use, farm & construction tanks to 15 HW
       • pre-2010: HS/uncontrolled
       • 2010: 6/1/10- refiners to 15  NRLM; 8/1/10- pipelines & terminals to 15 NRLM; 10/1/10- retail
         & WPC to 15 NRLM; 12/1 /10- in-use, farm & construction tanks to 15 NRLM
** Downstream transition dates are same for HW & NRLM in rural AK; permanent exemption from dye
& marker requirements **

General Note- credit & transmix fuel cannot be used in any area of AK; small refiner fuel can be used
with approval (and only if properly labeled and segregated)
