United States
Environmental Protection
              Project  Summary

              Exfiltration  in   Sewer
              Robert S. Amick and Edward Burgess
                Many municipalities throughout the
              United States have sewerage systems
              (separate and combined) that may expe-
              rience exfiltration of untreated wastewater
              from both sanitary and combined sewers.
              This study was conducted to focus on the
              estimation of the magnitude of leakage of
              sanitary and industrial sewage from sani-
              tary sewer pipes on a  national basis.
                The method for estimating exfiltration
              amounts utilized ground-water table in-
              formation to identify areas of the country
              where the hydraulic gradients of the sew-
              age are typically positive, i.e., the sewage
              flow surface (within pipelines) is above
              the groundwater table. An examination of
              groundwater table elevations on a na-
              tional basis reveals that the contiguous
              United States is comprised of groundwa-
              ter regions (established by the U.S. Geo-
              logical  Survey) which are markedly
              different. Much of the northeastern, south-
              eastern, and midwestern United States
              has relatively high groundwater tables
              that are  higher than the sewage flow sur-
              face, resulting in inflow or infiltration. Con-
              versely, a combination of relatively low
              groundwater tables and shallow sewers
              creates the potential for widespread
              exfiltration in communities located in the
              western  United States.
                This study provides information on typi-
              cal sewer systems, identifies and as-
              sesses the factors that cause or probably
              cause exfiltration,  presents commonly
              used and advanced corrective measures
              and  their  costs  for dealing  with
              exfiltration,  identifies technology gaps,
              and recommends associated research
              needs and priorities. This report also ex-
              amines  urban exfiltration, including a
              case study of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
                This Project Summary was developed
              by EPA's National Risk Management Re-
              search Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio, to
              announce key findings of "Exfiltration in
                                   Sewer Systems" that is fully documented
                                   in a separate report of the same title (see
                                   Project Report ordering information on


                                     Sanitary sewer systems are designed
                                   to collect and transport to wastewater
                                   treatment facilities the municipal and in-
                                   dustrial wastewaters from residences,
                                   commercial buildings, industrial plants,
                                   and institutions, together with minor or in-
                                   significant quantities of ground water,
                                   storm water, and surface waters that inad-
                                   vertently enter the system. Over the years,
                                   many of these systems have experienced
                                   major infrastructure deterioration due to
                                   inadequate preventive maintenance pro-
                                   grams and insufficient planned system re-
                                   habilitation and replacement programs.
                                   These conditions have resulted in dete-
                                   riorated pipes, manholes,  and pump sta-
                                   tions that allow sewage to exit the
                                   systems (exfiltration) and contaminate
                                   adjacent ground and surface waters, and/
                                   or enter storm sewers.
                                     Untreated sewage from exfiltration of-
                                   ten contains high levels of suspended sol-
                                   ids, pathogenic microorganisms, toxic
                                   pollutants, floatables, nutrients, oxygen-
                                   demanding organic compounds, oil and
                                   grease, and other pollutants.  Exfiltration
                                   can result in discharges of pathogens into
                                   residential areas; cause exceedances of
                                   water quality standards (WQS) and/or
                                   pose risks to the health of the people liv-
                                   ing adjacent to the impacted streams,
                                   lakes, ground  waters, sanitary sewers,
                                   and storm sewers; threaten aquatic life
                                   and its habitat; and impair the use and
                                   enjoyment of the Nation's waterways.
                                     Although it is suspected that significant
                                   exfiltration of sewage from wastewater
                                   collection systems occurs nationally, there
                                   is little published evidence of the problem

and  no known attempts to quantify or
evaluate it on a national basis. Accordingly,
the objectives of this study were to quantify
through desk-top estimates the magnitude
of the exfiltration problem in wastewater-
collection systems on a national basis;
identify the factors that cause and contrib-
ute to the problem; and document the cur-
rent approaches for correcting the problem,
including costs. The resulting  information
was  used to identify information and  tech-
nology gaps and research priorities.

Causative Factors
  A  search for  publications  regarding
exfiltration sewage from wastewater collec-
tion systems did not locate any exfiltration-
specific discussion of unique/causative
factors because most factors which cause
inflow/infiltration are identical to those as-
sociated with exfiltration (i.e., they both oc-
cur through  leaks in pipes, depending on
the relative depth of the ground water).
  Factors  that contribute to exfiltration in-
  •   size of sewer lines
  •   age of sewer lines
  •   materials of construction (sewer
      pipe, point/fitting material, etc.)
      type and  quality of  construction
      (joints, fittings, bedding, backfill)
  •   depth of flow in the sewer
  Geological conditions that contribute to
exfiltration include:
      groundwater depth (in relation to
      sewer line/depth of flow of sewage)
  •   type of soil
  •   faults
  Climate   conditions  that  influence
exfiltration include:
  •   average frost line in relation to sewer
      average rainfall, which helps deter-
      mine groundwater depth
  The level of ground water and the depth
of flow in the sewer will influence the extent
of exfiltration rates, since the pressure dif-
ferential between the hydraulic head in the
sewer and the groundwater hydraulic  head
will force water out of the sewer apertures
into the surrounding soil material.

Health and Environmental Im-
Ground Water
  Little published data is available on spe-
cific incidents of groundwater pollution and
associated health/environmental impacts
arising from leaking sewers, despite the
widespread acknowledgment that these in-
cidents occur. Several studies have indi-
cated widespread pollution of ground
water in urban areas arising from the gen-
eral leakiness of sewers, including bacteria
and ammonium reported from Wisconsin
and general pollution in the San Joaquin
Valley in California.
  Transport of the sewage and pollutants
leaking into the subsurface/ ground water
depends on a variety of factors, including
but not limited to the difference in hydrau-
lic head between the sewage surface and
the groundwater table level, the substrate
physical/chemical/biological characteristics
(which determines attenuation potential),
and the  sewage pollutants and their con-
centrations. Fecal bacteria contamination is
the most serious health risk associated
with domestic sewage exfiltration. Contami-
nation by viruses, protozoa, and other mi-
croorganisms is also a concern. Increased
concentrations of total organic carbon, ni-
trate, chloride, and  sulfate, however, can
also make the water unfit for consumption.
Phosphate and boron are good indicators
of sewage pollution since they are not natu-
rally occurring in ground water.
  The solids  present in sewage can plug
the porous media  beneath the pipe  and
rapidly decrease the exfiltration rate. In an
experiment completed to examine this ef-
fect, the leakage  was reduced to a steady
state within an hour.

Water Supply Distribution Systems
  Because of minimum separation require-
ments for potable water supply distribution
systems and  sanitary sewers  and vigilant
application of cross-connection control pro-
grams, the opportunity for sewer exfiltration
to contaminate drinking water supplies is
theoretically rather  limited. Sewage from
exfiltration can enter a distribution system
through  a broken water main or, under re-
duced pressure conditions, through  a hole
which leaks drinking water out under  nor-
mal positive pressure conditions. Situations
which could allow infiltration of the sewage
through a lowering of water main pressure
primarily involve backflow and surges.
  Despite the best efforts of utilities to re-
pair water main breaks using good sanitary
procedures, these breaks represent  an op-
portunity for contamination from exfiltration
to enter the distribution system. When a
main breaks, utilities typically isolate the
affected  section, superchlorinate, and flush
the repaired pipe. Flushing velocities may
not always remove all contaminated debris,
however, and microbiological testing of the
final water quality may not detect contami-
nating microorganisms. In 1989, Cabool,
Missouri experienced a suspected  cross-
connection between sewage overflow and
two major distribution system line breaks
(backflow may have occurred during simul-
taneous repair of numerous water meters)
caused by freezing temperatures, resulting
in 243 cases of diarrhea, 32 hospitaliza-
tions, and four deaths due  to E.  coli
O157:H7 strain. This town of 2000 was on
an untreated groundwater system and did
not superchlorinate during  repairs of the
water main breaks.
  Backflow devices to prevent the entry of
contaminated water constitute an important
distribution system barrier. Because of cost
considerations, backflow-prevention de-
vices are primarily installed on commercial
services lines at facilities that use potentially
hazardous substances.
  Recent research is focusing on transient
pressure waves that can result in hydraulic
surges in  the distribution system. These
waves, having both a positive and negative
amplitude, can draw transient negative
pressures that last for only seconds and
may not be observed by conventional pres-
sure monitoring.  Because these waves
travel through the distribution  system, at
any point where water is leaking out of the
system, the transient negative pressure
wave can momentarily draw  water and
sewage (if present) back into the pipe.

Surface Water
  No data  or narrative information in the lit-
erature demonstrate, or even suggest, that
sewer exfiltration has directly contaminated
surface waters. Several factors that control
the occurrence  of sewer exfiltration may
explain the absence of a linkage between
exfiltration and surface water pollution.
  The occurrence of exfiltration is limited to
those areas where sewer elevations lie
above the  groundwater  table.  Since
groundwater elevations near surface water
bodies are typically near the ground sur-
face, sewers near surface water bodies
generally are below the groundwater table,
and infiltration (rather than exfiltration) will
dominate  the mode of sewer leakage in
these areas. In areas of steep topographic
conditions, where sewers are located near
surface waters and at elevations that lie
above the surface water, exfiltration impacts
may be possible. However, these situations
are assumed to  be sufficiently rare that
exfiltration impacts on surface  waters are
not observed.

Exfiltration Magnitude Estimat-
ing Methodology
  The process of estimating the magnitude
of the exfiltration problem  on  a national
scale performed as a series of two inde-
pendent steps:

      Qualitatively assessing the portion
      of the nation's sewer systems that
      are susceptible to exfiltration;
      Applying   assumptions   about
      exfiltration rates (percent of base
      sewer flow) to the exfiltration sus-
      ceptible sewer systems to provide
      an assessment of the extent  of
      sewer  exfiltration on a national

Identification of Exfiltration
Susceptible Sewer Systems
  The key factor influencing the occurrence
of exfiltration is the direction of the hydrau-
lic gradient between the sewer flow surface
and the groundwater table (GWT) external
to the sewer. In much of the northeastern,
southeastern, and midwestern United
States, relatively high groundwater tables
typically result in infiltration conditions. Ex-
ceptions include shallow sewers and ser-
vice laterals, and seasonal variation  in
GWTs that can significantly change the
spatial extent of the sewer system that lies
above the  GWT (i.e., that can be consid-
ered to be  "exfiltration susceptible").
  Given the importance of first screening
out those areas that are  not "exfiltration
susceptible,"  the initial desktop analysis
task was to perform spatial analysis  of
sewer depth relative to regional GWT el-
evations. Existing national-scale ground-
water information was examined, such as
that provided by the U.S. Geological Survey
(e.g., USGS Groundwater Regions of the
United States). As  the various national
ground-water data sources were reviewed,
however, it was determined that mapping in
support of the purposes of this study was
not readily available. For this reason, a na-
tional depth-to-ground water map was pre-
pared under this project from groundwater
level data  available in the national data-
bases (U.S.  EPA STORET and USGS
  National-scale sewer depth data does
not exist, but for purposes of the desktop
analysis some assumptions about this pa-
rameter can be made. For example, typical
service lateral depth can be assumed to be
8 feet for buildings with basements, and 2
to 4 feet for houses built on slabs. Typical
sewer main depth can be assumed to be 6
to 10 feet;  it may be possible for more de-
tailed assessments to develop a typical
depth distribution (i.e., x % 4-10 ft deep, y%
11-15 ft deep, z% >  15 ft deep). Regional
differences should be considered; for ex-
ample, sewer depths typically are shal-
lower in the western United States than in
other areas of the country. Sewer system
density (miles/acre) can be correlated with
readily available national population den-
sity data to create a GIS coverage of sewer
system density.
  GIS processing incorporating the gen-
eral spatial (mapped) relationships be-
tween  sewer depth  and groundwater
elevations allowed the development of a
characterization of the "exfiltration suscep-
tibility" of various areas. This was attempted
at the national level, but the data required
to support this analysis are unavailable;
thus, a representative area (Albuquerque,
New Mexico) for which a recent exfiltration
study had been completed, was selected
on which to perform the analysis. National
exfiltration rate assessments  can  be ex-
trapolated from this analysis. However,
more detailed identification and  inventory of
exfiltration susceptible areas is required to
support a meaningful quantification of na-
tional exfiltration rates.
  For purposes of this  study, unit rates for
exfiltration (gallons/day/ inch/mile) avail-
able from the 1989 EPA study were used to
generate the assessment of the magnitude
of the national exfiltration problem. These
unit rates were applied to the  "exfiltration
susceptible" areas (together with assump-
tions about the inch-miles of sewers/later-
als in those areas) to generate exfiltration
rates in the Albuquerque case study. The
unit rates based on gallons/day/inch/mile
were compared with estimates based on
percent of base sewer flow. Comparisons of
the two methods proved useful in develop-
ing the final estimates.

Corrective  Measures
  The proper selection of corrective or re-
habilitation methods  and materials de-
pends on a complete understanding of the
problems to be corrected, as  well as the
potential impacts associated with the selec-
tion of each rehabilitation method. Pipe re-
habilitation methods to reduce exfiltration
(and simultaneously infiltration) fall into one
of the two following categories:
      External rehabilitation methods
  •    Internal rehabilitation methods
  Certain conditions of the host pipeline in-
fluence the selection of the rehabilitation
method. It is therefore necessary to assess
these factors to prepare the pipe for reha-
bilitation. Rehabilitation  is proceeded by
surface preparation by cleaning the  pipe to
remove scale, tuberculation, corrosion, and
other foreign matters.

External Sewer Rehabilitation
  External rehabilitation methods are per-
formed from the aboveground surface by
excavating adjacent to  the pipe, or the ex-
ternal region of the pipe is treated from in-
side the pipe through the wall. Some of the
methods used include  external point re-
pairs,  chemical grouting, and cement

Internal Sewer Rehabilitation
  The  basic internal sewer rehabilitation
methods include chemical grouting (most
common method for sealing joints), cured-
in-place pipe (insertion  of a flexible lining
impregnated with a thermosetting  resin),
sliplining (pipes are inserted into an exist-
ing line by pulling or pushing pipes into a
sewer), closed-fit pipe  (uses temporarily
deformed new pipe), fold and form pipe
(deformed into a "U" shape before inser-
tion), spiral wound pipe (winds strips of
PVC in a helical pattern to form a continu-
ous pipe), pipe bursting (fragments existing
pipe and replaces with  new pipe in void),
and spot (point) repair (used  to correct
spot problems).

Results and Discussion
  The  findings of the Albuquerque case
study were combined  with the national
depth-to-groundwater mapping to present
a qualitative assessment of the extent to
which sewer exfiltration represents a risk to
water quality and human health on a na-
tional scale.

National Scale Quantification
  Although exfiltration is not a widely stud-
ied phenomenon, several exfiltration stud-
ies  and investigations  have  been
completed throughout the world. These in-
clude work completed in the United States
for the  U.S. EPA and several studies in Eu-
rope, the majority of which are focused on
Germany. Some of the more applicable
previous studies are discussed below.
  Three basic approaches have been used
to quantify sewer exfiltration rates: (1) direct
measurement of flow in isolated sewer seg-
ments; (2) theoretical estimates using
Darcy's Law and related hydraulic theory;
and (3) water balance  between drinking
water produced/ delivered and wastewater
collected/ treated. Each of these ap-
proaches has been applied to the Albu-
querque case  study  and is described
Estimates Based on Direct
Measurements (U.S. EPA Study)
  An EPA study entitled "Evaluation of
Groundwater Impacts of Sewer Exfiltration"

was completed in the late 1980's. The work
measured exfiltration in two California city
sewer systems to develop a correlation be-
tween exfiltration and infiltration. The tests
were conducted in areas of vitrified clay
pipe (VCP) predominance, where older
pipe of known or suspected poor condition
existed. Only those pipe segments located
above groundwater levels were tested.
Water consumption was metered for all
sewer service connections corresponding
with each measured sewer line to deter-
mine the actual quantity of wastewater flow
entering the system. It was assumed that all
internal household water entered the sewer
system. Measurements of sewage flow in
the sewer lines were made by continuous
flow monitoring and by hydrostatic testing.
Calculated sewer exfiltration was reported
in  units of gallons per inch diameter per
mile length per day (gpimd).
  The study revealed that a large discrep-
ancy exists between the results from the
continuous flow monitoring and the hydro-
static testing at one Santa Cruz location.
The study concludes that the continuous
flow monitoring achieved reliable data and
that the hydrostatic test data was influenced
by the  tidal  cycle. A correlation model be-
tween exfiltration and infiltration was devel-
oped, but not field tested.
  A second evaluation  was performed us-
ing field measurements at another location
to  verify the correlation model. This evalu-
ation used  similar methodologies as the
first task. Exfiltration measurements were
made in the Washington Suburban Sani-
tary Commission  (WSSC) sewer system
near Washington, D.C., and in Lexington
  Several problems with the measurement
methodologies were noted, and overall the
hydrostatic  test method was judged to be
not successful. It was resolved that the flow
monitoring procedure worked well and
should be applied to areas with a minimum
of 400-500 linear feet of pipe with little or no
service connections.

Estimates Based on Darcy's Law
and Related Theory (European
  The  study of exfiltration has been of
great interest in Germany. This country has
a very  old, deteriorated infrastructure. The
cost to complete the necessary repairs to
Germany's sewer systems is estimated to
be nearly $100 billion  (U.S.). Therefore,
several exfiltration studies have been con-
ducted to prioritize repair work. These stud-
ies have  both applied theoretical (Darcy's
Law) approaches and direct measurements
to estimate sewer exfiltration. Excerpts from
some of the studies are summarized below.
  •    A report from England provided an
      estimate of 300 x 106 m3/yr (793 x
      108gal/yr) or approximately 1  liter/
      day/m  (397 gal/day/mile) for the
      exfiltration  of  the 880,000 km
      (547,000 miles) of sewer lines in
      Germany, although the basis of the
      estimate is  not clear. This very low
      sewer leakage rate is actually net
      exfiltration,  which is the difference
      between exfiltration and infiltration.
      The  study  indicates  that  total
      exfiltration  and infiltration in Ger-
      many are  nearly equal, but the
      amounts are not provided.
      To better understand the mechanics
      of exfiltration, sewage migration
      from  leaking pipes to ground water
      was  correlated  in a  study using
      Darcy's Law (see Equation 1). The
      rate of exfiltration is linearly depen-
      dent on the  area of  the  pipe
      exfiltrating and the pressure head:

(1) Q = LAdh

  where Q is the exfiltration rate (ft3/s)
through  a pipe leak area A (ft2) at a  pres-
sure  head of dh (ft), and L is leakage fac-
tor (s-1).
  The leakage factor is defined in Equa-
tion 2:

(2) L = K/dl

  where  K is  the permeability of the sur-
rounding soil (ft/s) and dl is the thickness of
the soil layer (ft). This study found that the
settle able solids in the wastewater act to
reduce the permeability of the bedding ma-
terial and lower the exfiltration rate rapidly
at low flows and velocities. This clogging
reduces  the rate of exfiltration immediately.
In fact, a steady-state rate of exfiltration was
reached  after one hour, even with  large
area  of joint damage.
      A research project undertaken by
      the Institute of Environmental  Engi-
      neering (ISA) at the University of
      Technology of Aachen, Germany,
      studied the water pollution hazard of
      leaking sewers. The ISA developed
      and used a  special exfiltration  mea-
      suring device at every joint in sev-
      eral  sections of sewer pipe on
      several tests conducted throughout
      Germany. This study determined that
      the most significant VCP sewer dam-
      ages which permit exfiltration are
      leaking service junctions, leaking
      sewer joints, pipe cracks, and pipe
      fractures. At a pressure head below
      the sewer crest, which is typically
      the case in gravity flow sewer  lines,
      exfiltration rates were  minimal. At a
      pressure head of one pipe diameter,
      the exfiltration rate increased dra-
      matically, to more than 26 gph per
      joint in some  segments. This high
      leakage rate can in part be attributed
      to the generally poor condition of the
      old sewer systems.

Estimates Based on Drinking
Water- Wastewater Balance
  Exfiltration from Albuquerque's sewer
system was estimated using a water/sew-
age balance calculation, backed up by
some  previous local  studies on infiltration.
The results are then compared with leak-
age rates calculated from the other meth-
odologies and unit rates derived from the
EPA and European studies presented
  A direct method for estimating  exfiltration
is to compare water pumpage and usage
with wastewater received at Albuquerque's
Southside  Water  Reclamation   Plant
(SWRP). To make this comparison, it is nec-
essary to identify the base water demand,
which is the indoor component of the total
household use. Demands during mid-win-
ter (January and February) are assumed to
be near base flow because no or very mini-
mal outdoor water usage occurs. Water and
wastewater data obtained from the City for
January 1998 revealed the following:
      Average daily influent flow at the
      Average daily water pumpage into
      transmission/distribution system:
      61.2 mgd (this is then considered to
      be the daily base flow for that month)
  Subtracting wastewater flow from the
pumpage rate yields a difference of 9.8
mgd,  which  is the first approximation  of
sewage leakage. However, several other
factors also impact the water balance in the
water  and wastewater systems. These are:
  •    Sewer infiltration
  •    In-house water consumption
  •    Water distribution system leakage
  •    Sewer exfiltration

  City of Albuquerque staff, using a range
of available  information (including meter
and billing records, pumpage records, and
other  data), have estimated  losses in the
water  system at about 11 percent of the to-
tal amount pumped. A 1997 study found
water  system losses ranging from 8 percent
in Hong Kong, which is considered to have
a relatively "tight" and high-quality system,
to the 20-25 percent  range in England,
which has many very old distribution sys-
tems. An 11 percent loss in the system
would account for a  daily average  loss of
about  6.73 mgd.

  In-house consumption is that portion of
the water entering the house that does not
leave as sewage, but is consumed in cook-
ing, drinking, watering plants, cleaning, etc.
National experience indicates that about 3
percent of water entering the home is con-
sumed on an average day in January
1998. With negligible non-domestic con-
sumption, the remaining amount of water,
about 1.4 mgd, represents the net differ-
ence between the two other factors in the
water  balance: sewer infiltration and
exfiltration. The net amount is positive, indi-
cating that exfiltration exceeds infiltration by
1.4 mgd, which is plausible given that the
great majority of Albuquerque's sewers,
and particularly those most susceptible to
exfiltration (older VCP),  are in exfiltration
areas (well above groundwater levels).
  In order to estimate the exfiltration vol-
ume, previous studies addressing  infiltra-
tion in the Albuquerque sewer system
were reviewed. One of the studies  utilized
several approaches  to gain an approxima-
tion of inflow and infiltration in the Albu-
querque  system,  most of which  was
attributed to infiltration in the valley of the
Rio Grande. Some of these methodologies
are described below:
  •   A flow comparison between winter
      water use and sewage flow. This
      methodology resulted in an  infiltra-
      tion flow of 3.7 mgd. However, the
      report stated that "this estimation is
      probably within + 50 (percent) of the
      actual value..."
      Early morning sewage flow versus
      water use. This methodology resulted
      in an infiltration flow of nearly zero.
      Sewage flow versus population. Us-
      ing a 100-gallons-per-capita-per-
      day wastewater  flow  and   a
      population of 300,000, infiltration
      was estimated at 5 mgd. It was also
      noted that the average sewage flow
      for Albuquerque at this time was ac-
      tually 117 gpcd.
  •   Influent  BOD versus  domestic
      wastewater BOD. The expected BOD
      concentration in the wastewater was
      calculated based  upon a generally
      accepted  BOD loading of 0.17 Ib/
      cap/day. This BOD concentration
      was compared with the average in-
      fluent concentration to calculate an
      infiltration flow of 5.9 mgd. However,
      this was thought to be a high esti-
      mate based upon the relatively small
      industrial component and the high
      institutional contribution.
  In addition, the study field-verified the ar-
eas subject to infiltration. Based upon the
above calculations and results of the field
tests, infiltration was thought to be some-
what less than 3 mgd, or 9 percent of the
wastewater flow in 1975. Nine percent of
today's wastewater flow would be in the 5-
mgd range.
  Another infiltration analysis was com-
pleted as part of the Albuquerque ASAM
Model Loading and Verification Task. Inter-
ceptor manholes which were within 2 feet
of ground water were identified. Flow moni-
toring was completed in a sewer subbasin,
and the resulting flows were compared with
the predicted flows to determine infiltration.
The infiltration rate for Albuquerque was
calculated at 0.925 mgd, but, again, the im-
pact of exfiltration was not included. There-
fore, the work revealed a net infiltration
rate, indicating that actual infiltration is
about 1 mgd greater than total exfiltration.
  From the foregoing investigations, it is es-
timated  that the total average infiltration
rate for the Albuquerque system is in the
vicinity of 3.5 mgd. The 9 percent field-veri-
fied rate reported in the Molzen-Corbin re-
port is probably high, given the repair and
replacement of major interceptors in the
valley that have occurred since  1975, as
well as the use of better quality  materials
and construction techniques for new pipe-
lines since then. On the other hand, repairs
have generally not been made to the sew-
ers most susceptible  to exfiltration (old
VCP pipes).
  The total exfiltration rate is obtained by
adding the 1.4 mgd remaining in  the water
balance to the infiltration rate, for a total of
4.9 mgd, or approximately 5 mgd.

National Depth to Groundwater
  In order to extrapolate the Albuquerque
findings to a national scale, a qualitative
assessment of exfiltration susceptibility us-
ing depth-to-ground water information was
made. Since no such mapping at a national
scale suitable for this purpose was readily
available, an initial mapping effort was un-
dertaken as part of this study.
  The development of a nationwide depth-
to-ground water atlas is difficult at best due
to the lack of easily obtainable data for most
of the country. Data to determine  the depth
to the shallowest water table may be gath-
ered from local, state, federal, and private
sources through well logs, water level mea-
surements, location of wetlands and seeps,
characterization of streams and rivers, and
locations of lakes and other water bodies.
A thorough characterization of the U.S. wa-
ter table is a long and exacting process.
  Within the context of this study, a depth-
to-groundwater map was created using
readily  available data  from the EPA
bases of depth-to-groundwater parameters.
The data were downloaded from CDROM
databases resident at the COM Hydrodata
Center in Denver, Colorado. The data were
screened to eliminate missing depth-to-
water values, missing latitude and longi-
tude, duplicate data, and  easily  recognized
anomalous data. The resultant set con-
tained approximately 93,000 data points in
the coterminous United States, Alaska,  and
Hawaii (only  the coterminous  U.S. is
shown below). Since the data retrieved
from STORET and WATSTORE is  depen-
dent upon the data owner for accuracy,
there is no comprehensive method of qual-
ity control. USGS data are continually re-
viewed, however, and these data may be
deemed reasonably accurate. The STORET
and WATSTORE databases,  while cer-
tainly robust, do not contain all data avail-
able; therefore, data gaps exist.
  Despite the large dataset applied  to build
the map, many regions of the United States
have relatively limited data; these areas are
unshaded on the map. Areas with  the
greatest concentration of valid data points
within  the deep ground  water range  are
generally west of the Mississippi River  and
along the Appalachian Mountains.

  Most of the urban areas in the northeast-
ern, southeastern, and coastal areas of the
U.S. have relatively shallow groundwater
tables (<15feet). In these areas of the U.S.,
where a significant portion of the population
(and therefore sewer systems) exists, rela-
tively few exfiltration susceptible sewer sys-
tems  are  expected.   One  caveat is
exfiltration from service  laterals. Even in
these areas of the U.S., many shallow  ser-
vice laterals may exist above groundwater
tables. However, the hydraulic head avail-
able to drive exfiltration in these service
lines is generally very low (typically only
one or two inches, and intermittent).  Further
study in this area may be warranted to as-
sess the extent of service  lateral exfiltration.
  Based on a review of the depth-to-
groundwater map, it is expected that wide-
spread exfiltration is probably limited  to a
relatively small portion  of the total U.S.
population, as relatively few large urban
areas  in the U.S. are located in these
deeper groundwater areas. Cities such as
Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson,  and others
are among the larger urban areas where
significant exfiltration potential exists. Fur-
ther study of exfiltration conditions in cities
such as these, with relatively large areas
with sewers above the groundwater table,
may be warranted on a case-by-case basis

where evidence of exfiltration (e.g., ground-
water contamination) has been observed,
or is revealed by more detailed evaluations.
Areas with extremely deep groundwater
tables probably experience relatively less
risk associated with exfiltration due to the
long subsurface travel times and distances
of the exfiltrated sewage from the sewer to
the groundwater table. Areas with signifi-
cant portions of the system above, but in
close proximity to, the groundwater table
are probably at greatest risk. There is an in-
creased risk in the relatively few areas with
significant exfiltration potential when there
is, for example, a thin  soil and fractured
rock hydrogeologic setting which allows
pathogens and other contaminants from
the sewage to reach the ground water
quickly and with minimal attenuation. How-
ever, since public water supplies are treated
with chlorination, ozonation, or other sys-
tems to kill fecal bacterial contamination, an
added measure of protection is provided.
  A greater potential problem, albeit iso-
lated, may be exfiltration from sewers car-
rying industrial wastewater. Organic and
inorganic constituents of industrial sewage
can be overall much more persistent than
those of domestic sewage, and therefore
much more likely to reach the ground wa-
ter in areas of significant exfiltration poten-
tial. The disposition of industrial sewage
contaminants  which reach ground water
used for drinking  water supplies may not
be the same as that of fecal bacteria from
domestic sewage [i.e.,  the treatment pro-
cesses (flocculation, filtration, chlorination,
activated carbon filtration, et. al) may not
eliminate or reduce these contaminants to
render them harmless].  Untreated well wa-
ter in some rural, small community, com-
mercial, and private-owner drinking water
systems does not enjoy this added protec-
tion. However, these systems are not typi-
cally   in   close   proximity  to   large
municipalities  and associated sewer sys-
tems/exfiltration potential.
  The Albuquerque Case  Study concluded
that the rate of exfiltration from that sewer
system, expressed as a percentage of base
flow, is on the order of 10% of average daily
base wastewater flow - in absolute terms,
roughly 5 mgd. This rate, expressed as an
average annual rate,  is 1825 Mg/yr. An-
other relevant  conclusion  of the Albuquer-
que study was that there is a greater impact
on ground  water from septic tank usage
than from sewer exfiltration. As the forego-
ing depth-to-ground water analysis indi-
cates, however, exfiltration is expected to
vary significantly on a regional basis. Fur-
ther study should expand  the initial depth-
to-ground water analysis performed here
and identify more precisely the "exfiltration
susceptible" sewer systems throughout the
U.S. and the extent to which exfiltration im-
pacts ground water in these systems.
  In summary, exfiltration does not appear
to be a significant national problem based
on an evaluation of 1) available groundwa-
ter table data to nationally assess the ex-
tent to which sewer systems are susceptible
to exfiltration, 2) past studies of measured
and estimated exfiltration rates, and 3) pro-
tective mechanisms, particularly natural
soil/hydrogeological setting attenuation
and  drinking water treatment plants.
Exfiltration may be a regional or more likely
local problem where the GWT lies closely
under the sewage flow surface and/or
where the exfiltrate can reach even deep
ground water through a thin soil/fractured
rock hydrogeologic setting especially
where persistent, potentially toxic contami-
nants are present, such as those often as-
sociated with  industrial sewage.

Corrective Measure Costs
  Given the  relatively high  rates  of
exfiltration that potentially discharge from
exfiltration susceptible sewer systems in the
U.S., corrective measures may be required
to adequately protect the groundwater re-
sources, and in some limited instances sur-
face waters, in these  areas. Given the
site-specific nature of exfiltration problems,
however, a more detailed assessment of
the larger urban areas in the exfiltration
susceptible western U.S. should be com-
pleted before a meaningful estimate of cor-
rective costs can be developed.
  Corrective actions to address exfiltration
in those situations where local-level evalu-
ation calls for such  action will generally be
accomplished with similar technologies as
those used to address infiltration. Although
an estimate of national-scale costs to ad-
dress exfiltration must follow more detailed
evaluation of exfiltration-susceptible sewer
systems, corrective action costs on a unit
basis [i.e., cost ($) per lineal foot of sewer]
were developed for this study and ranged
from $60 per lineal foot for an 8-inch-diam-
eter sewer to $590  per lineal foot for a 36-
inch-diameter sewer.

  This study identified the following data/
technology    gaps  associated   with
exfiltration. Recommendations for research
and development to fill these gaps were
developed for each data/ technology gap

1.  Data Gap - comprehensive national
    depth-to-groundwater maps: Although
a large portion of the U.S. has readily
available, accurate depth-to-ground-
water data, many regions of the United
States have relatively limited data.
An effort to refine the initial depth-to-
groundwater mapping produced in this
study with an expanded and updated
database would support a more de-
tailed national estimate of exfiltration
and the cost of associated corrective

Data Gap - extent of exfiltration in mu-
nicipalities: There are  relatively few
large urban areas in the U.S. which
have the potential for widespread
exfiltration. Western arid U.S. cities
such as Albuquerque,  Phoenix, and
Tucson  are among the larger metro-
politan   areas  where  significant
exfiltration potential exists and little is
known   about  it.  Albuquerque's
exfiltration has recently been exten-
sively studied.
Further study of localized exfiltration
conditions in cities with high exfiltration
potential may be warranted on a case-
by-case basis where evidence of
exfiltration has been observed, or is re-
vealed by more detailed groundwater
study. This study should be preceded
by assessment using the refined
depth-to-ground water mapping rec-
ommended above to produce a na-
tional   inventory  of  exfiltration
susceptible areas. This localized study
will be of greater value than an attempt
to quantify the problem nationally, due
to the localized nature of the problem.

Data Gap - exfiltration fate and trans-
port: No information is available  re-
garding the biological disposition of
sewage exfiltrate. Also, it would  be
useful to determine if a biological crust
forms  in  the  bedding below  an
exfiltrating sewer that would serve to
insulate/protect ground water and/or
water supply distribution systems.
Research to fill the  exfiltration disposi-
tion data gap could involve the use of
existing  sewage systems known or
determined to be leaking in significant
amounts (using carefully excavated
examination of the bedding  beneath
and  adjacent to the leaking sewer
joints) or by construction of an experi-
mental leaking sewer system (artifi-
cially introducing sewage  into the
sewer systems bedding). An analysis

    of bedding samples from points at in-
    creasing depths and horizontal dis-
    tances from the leak would help to
    reveal the extent of exfiltrate transport.

4.   Combined/Separate Sewer Consider-
    ations for Detailed Urban Study
    The sewer systems to be considered
    in future exfiltration assessments
    should include both combined and
    separate sewer areas, since combined
    sewers are often located in highly ur-
    banized areas where  imperviousness
    is high. The result is a decreased rain-
fall infiltration into the soil and lowering
of the GWTs, making these sewers po-
tentially  more   susceptible   to
exfiltration.  Additionally, combined
sewers are often shallower than sepa-
rate sewers,  older than separate sew-
ers,     and     constructed   with
less-watertight pipe joints - all factors
that can contribute to higher exfiltration
rates. Another special case that must
be considered in more detailed studies
is force mains.  Although they are often
constructed with tighter pipe joints and
more durable pipe material, they none-
theless operate under  pressure and
    may therefore be more exfiltration sus-

5.   Inclusion of Service Laterals
    It will be important to more detailed
    exfiltration assessments of urban areas
    to consider service laterals together
    with public sewers in identifying and
    evaluating the exfiltration susceptible
    sewers, as laterals are the shallowest
    portion of the sewer system (largest
    hydraulic gradient  difference with
    GWT) and typically of the poorest con-
 Robert Amick is with Environmental Quality Management Inc,
 Cincinnati, OH 45240 and Edward Burgess is with Camp,
 Dresser & McKee, Cincinnati, OH 45249.
 Ariamalar Selvakumar is the EPA Project Officer (see below).
 The complete report, entitled "Exfiltration in Sewer Systems" is
 available at http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/Pubs/
 The EPA Project Officer can be contacted at:
   Water Supply and Water Research Division
   National Risk Management Research Laboratory
   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
   Edison, NJ 08837-3679

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