science    in  ACTION
    Developing Rapid and Cost-Effective Tools for Assessing Groundwater
    Impacts on Contaminated Sediments
     Research Value

     How contaminants interact with
     sediments and aquatic organisms
     is often complex. In cases where
     groundwater discharges into
     surface waters such as lakes, the
     picture can get even more
     complicated, as groundwater
     input may influence the
     concentrations and availability of
     contaminants in sediments.

     The flux of sediment
     contaminants, which are
     influenced by groundwater
     discharge, may vary in space and
     time.  The variability in
     contaminant discharge presents a
     challenge for restoration efforts,
     since assessing the magnitude of
     its contribution to sediment
     impairment can be a time and
     cost-intensive effort. Natural
     resource managers need cost-
     effective tools to rapidly assess
     the impact of groundwater
     discharge on surface water
     bodies at varying scales.

     EPA is developing approaches to
     combine routine physical
     measurements of the impacted
     surface water body, as a function
     of space and time, with aquatic
     chemical measurements to
     support design of restoration
            Research Details
            EPA land risk management
            researchers conduct field and lab
            research to:

            1) Develop methods to best
            characterize hydrologic and
            chemical processes at the
            groundwater / surface water
            (GW/SW) interface.

            2) Understand the role of
            groundwater flow on sediment
            processes that govern levels and
            types of sediment contaminants.

            This research aims to
            characterize the interaction of
            water and solids within the
            GW/SW transition zone to
            explain processes that occur
            during physical contact between
            groundwater and sediments. The
            first step in characterizing the
            influence of groundwater
            discharge on sediment
            contamination is identification of
            the locations of discharge  and the
            variability in magnitude over
            space and time. Measurement of
            water parameters such as
            temperature and conductivity
            provides an inexpensive
            approach to efficiently define the
            need for more detailed data
            acquisition. These measurements
            are conducted to capture the
            spatial and temporal variability
            that is commonly encountered in
            these natural systems.
EPA is developing methods that
make use of self-contained, off-
the-shelf devices to efficiently
assess the spatial and seasonal
variability in groundwater
discharge. As an example,
changes in water temperature
data with depth and time within a
surface water body can be
measured using small
temperature buttons and
evaluated to quickly assess the
distribution and magnitude of
groundwater discharge.
  Use of self-contained, off-the-shelf
   devices (temperature buttons) to
     continuously monitor water
    temperature as a way to detect
    the presence and estimate the
     magnitude of GW discharge.
           U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
           Office of Research and Development (ORD), National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL)
           Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division (LRPCD)

       A plunger used to place
   temperature buttons at different
         depths in sediment.

Outcomes and Impacts

Groundwater discharge may
serve as a long-term source of
contaminants to sediments within
a watershed and/or may affect
processes controlling the
properties of existing

This research provides EPA with
practical knowledge to guide site
characterization and remediation,
at sites where groundwater
influences sediment

Field and laboratory studies have
enabled the EPA to better predict
the fate of contaminants in
sediments, including their
mobility, their ease of uptake by
plants and animals
(bioavailability), and to develop
remediation strategies that
effectively manage risks to
human and ecosystem health.

Research impacts include

Identification of links between
groundwater discharge and
sediment contaminants,
especially arsenic, lead and zinc.

Development of new approaches
to identify spatial variability of
groundwater discharge into
surface-water ecosystems using
direct measurements and cost-
effective surrogate measures.
EPA Region 1 office and ORD
field researchers coordinate to
design restoration approaches.
They also collaborate on
monitoring strategies to evaluate
success of sediment remediation
efforts at sites impacted by
contaminated groundwater

Technical Inquiries.
Robert Ford, 513-569-7501, EPA/
ford. robert(@,epa. gov

Bob Lien, 513-569-7443, EPA/

Steven Acree, 580-436-8609, EPA/

Communications: Roger Yeardley,
513-569-7548. EPA/ ORD/NRMRL/
LRPCD veardlev.rogertgiepa.gov

more Risk Management Land Research:
                                                                                   MM  -f
                                                                                  Examples of type of buttons used
                                                                                 to log temperatures. Foreground:
                                                                                    intact button, showing size.
                                                                                  Background: opened to show the
                                                                                    computer chips enclosed in
                                                                                     durable weather resistant
                                                                                          stainless steel.
Ford, R.G., Acres, S., Lien, B., Scheckel,
K.G., Luxton, T., Ross, R., Williams, A. G.,
and Clark, P. 2011. Delineating landfill
leachate discharge to an arsenic contaminated
waterway. Chemosphere, 85(9):1525-1537.

Ford, R.G., Acree, S., Lien, B., Scheckel,
K.G., Ross, R., Luxton, T., and Clark, P.
2009. Devens 2008 Monitoring update, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati,
OH. EPA/600/R-09/064.

Ford, R.G., Acree, S., Lien, B., Scheckel,
K.G., Ross, R., Luxton, T., and Clark, P.
2008. Final Report: Arsenic Fate, Transport
and Stability Study - Groundwater, Surface
Water, Soil and Sediment Investigation, Fort
Devens Superfiind Site, Devens,
Massachusetts.  U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH,

Ford, R. G., Wilkin, R. T., Hernandez, G.
2006. Arsenic cycling within the water
column of a small lake receiving
contaminated ground-water discharge.
Chemical Geology, 228(1-3): 137-155.

Ford, R. G. 2005. The Impact of Ground
Water-Surface Water Interactions on
Contaminant Transport with Application to an
Arsenic Contaminated Site, EPA
Environmental Research Brief, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati,
OH, EPA/600/S-05/002.
                                      National Risk Management Research Laboratory
                                      Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division
                                                            May 2012
