DCFUEL Submission
Quick Start Guide
Version 2*0
United States
Environmental Protection
DCFUEL Submission
Quick Start Guide
Version 2*0
Compliance Division
Office of Transportation and Air Quality
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
United States
Environmental Protection
September 2013
Table of Contents
1 I ntroduction 1
2 DC FUEL Submissions 2
2.1 Enter DC FUEL 2
2.2 Confirm Company and RCO Information 3
2.3 Upload File 4
2.4 Encrypt and Sign Submission 7
2.5 Submission Confirmation 8
2.6 Submitting Reports from Different Computers 9
3 Support Information 10
4 Appendix A: System Java Requirements 11
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide September 13, 2013
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 MyCDX Home Page 2
Figure 2-2 DC FUEL File Upload 3
Figure 2-3 Agent Responsibility Statement 4
Figure 2-4 File Upload - File Type Selection 4
Figure 2-5 Report Status "Resubmission" 5
Figure 2-6 File Open Dialogue Box 5
Figure 2-7 File Selected 6
Figure 2-8 Certify Reports 6
Figure 2-9 Accept Certify Report(s) Selection 7
Figure 2-10 Authentication 7
Figure 2-11 Answer Secret Question 7
Figure 2-12 Encrypt and Sign File 8
Figure 2-13 File Upload Confirmation 8
Figure 4-1 JRE Installation 11
Figure 4-2 Mozilla Firefox Security Warnings 11
Figure 4-3 Internet Explorer Security Warnings 12
Figure 4-4 Safari Security Warnings 12
Figure 4-5 Google Chrome Security Warnings 13
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide September 13, 2013
1 Introduction
This document is the Quick Submission Guide for the OTAQ DC FUEL online application. It
describes the process a user must follow to submit reports using DC FUEL.
If you have any questions about the content, format, or policies for the Office of Transportation
and Air Quality (OTAQ) please reference the Fuels Program website at
http ://www. epa.gov/otaq/fuel s/index .htm.
If you have any general or technical questions related to the Central Data Exchange (CDX) you
may contact any of the following:
• Telephone - Person-to-person telephone support is available from the CDX Help Desk 8:00
am to 6:00 pm EST. Call our toll-free line at 888-890-1995.
• Email - Send e-mail to Technical Support at helpdesk@epacdx.net with "Technical Support"
in the Subject line.
If you have any questions relating to fuels programs registration, reporting, or DC FUEL, please
contact the EPA Fuels Programs and EMTS Support Line: support@epamts-support.com.
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide September 13, 2013
2 DC FUEL Submissions
The following sections describe how to navigate within the DC FUEL application and perform a
successful report submission.
2.1 Enter DC FUEL
1. Click the "OTAQDCFUEL: OTAQ DC FUEL Application" dataflow link.
Figure 2-1 MyCDX Home Page
Central Data Exchange
E3 Contact Us
Last Login: 9:3:201 3 4:30:45 PM
MyCDX Inbox My Profile Submission History
Status Program Service Name
& OTAQDCFUEL: Office of Transportation Air Qualitv DC FUEL
O QTAQREG: Office of Transportation and Air Quality Fuels Fuels Programs
Registration Registration
Add Program Service
News and Updates
Manage Your Program Services No news updates
Note: If you do not have this link, please reference the OTAQ DC FUEL User Guide or the OTAQ
DC FUEL Registration Quick Start Guide.
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide
September 13, 2013
2.2 Confirm Company and RCO Information
Figure 2-2 DC FUEL File Upload
You are here: File Upload
RCO Details / Agent Verification
Please select the company for the file transfer-
ne Test Co (3334) Fl
Please confirm the RCO details:
Company Name Acme Test Co
RCO Name jane Doe
RCO Title President
RCO Email janedae-Jtest.com
RCO Phone 555-867-5309
Is this the correct Responsible Corporate Officer?
'.'Yes1'.. No
AGENTS ONLY: If you are a Responsible Corporate Officer or
delegated employee of this company and not a third party-
Agent., select No
I am an agent authorized by this company and submitting
on their behalf. I understand the Responsible Corporate
Officer is required to send the Responsible Corporate
Officer Submission Letter' for the reports that I am
submitting for this session. I am aware that it is a violation if
the 'Responsible Corporate Officer Submission Letter* is not
comolete or oostmarked by the reporting deadline.
If you are a Resoonsiale Corporate Officer., delegated
employee who is not a third party Agent, or Indeoendent
Third Party Engineer submitting an engineering review for
this company., select No.
/Yes '.' No
2. Select the company for which you will submit a report in the Company Name drop down
3. Confirm that the Company Name, RCO Name, RCO Title, RCO Email, RCO Phone, and
RCO Fax are all accurate then select "Yes".
4. Identify yourself as an agent or non-agent. Select "Yes" if you are an agent for the selected
Company. Select "No" if you are not an agent, if you are a delegated employee of the
selected Company, or if you are an Independent Third Party Engineer.
• If you identify yourself as an agent, you will be prompted with the Agent
Responsibility Statement below the agent identifier question as shown in Figure
2-3. You must select "Agree" to this statement to continue with your submission.
5. Click the "Confirm" button.
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide
September 13, 2013
Figure 2-3 Agent Responsibility Statement
Agent Resaonsioility Statement
I understand that I will be submitting on behalf of my clients
and will only submit information that could be associated
with their companies as true reportable information. I also
understand the Responsible Corporate Officers of my client
companies are responsible for the information that I submit
as their Agent. I may be liable for information submitted that
I submit and know to be untrue.
2.3 Upload File
The DC FUEL application requires that you have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6.0_11+
installed on your device. Please see Appendix A: System Java Requirements if you do not have
JRE installed or are prompted with a security warning.
Figure 2-4 File Upload - File Type Selection
File Upload - File Type Selection
- Lumpdiry, n.*~\j
Identify whether your report is an original submission or a resubmission. If your
submission is an "Original" then you may optionally provide comments in the comments
field. If your submission is a "Resubmission" you are required to provide comments in the
comments field.
Figure 2-5 Report Status "Resubmission"
- Report Type and File Selection:
Resort Type (Required) Please specify- the type of report you are submitting. This should coincide with the "Report Type"
column (field 2) of the report you are submitting. All reports in this submission must be of the same 'Report Type". If the
rReport Type' in field 2 of the reports does not match the report type indicated, you will be required to resubmit the
If you are a third-party independent professional engineer submitting an engineering review for a company for the First
time, please select "Original". If resubmitting an engineering review for a company, please select 'Resubmission'.
.' Original
Attach Report File (required);
'*' Resubmission
Comments {required}: Please provide us with more information about your Resubmission. Please include (1) the
report form ID name, (2) compliance period code quarter, (3) compliance year of the reports you are
resubmitting, (4) the dates of all previous submissions and resubmissions for the specific report(s), and (5) the
reason for your current resubmission.
If resubmitting an engineering review for a company, please provide the dates of any previous submissions and
resubmissions of this engineering review for this company as well as the reason for your current resubmission.
tnter Required Comments Here
7. To attach a file, click the "Browse" button. A dialogue box will display.
Figure 2-6 File Open Dialogue Box
i— —
Look in: Test Submissions T| [J £» [HJ'
Recent Items
My Documents
• ^
fH TestDCFUELSSu bm issi on,xld
=ile name: TestDCFUELSSubmission.xIsx
-iles of type: ^|| pj|es T
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide
September 13, 2013
8. Navigate to your submission file.
9. Double click the file name and the file will appear in the File Name text box.
10. Click the "Open" button.
Reminder: You may only upload one file per submission. You may use .Zip form for multi-file submissions.
You may also include all reports on one worksheet of an XLS file or CSV file.
Figure 2-7 File Selected
— Report Type and File Selection:
Report Type (Required) Please specify the type of report you are submitting. This should coincide with the 'Report Type"
column (field 2) of the report you are submitting. All reports in this submission must be of the same "Report Type'. If the
"Report Type" in field 2 of the reoorts does not match the report type indicated, you will be required to resubmit the
If you are a third-party independent professional engineer submitting an engineering review for a company for the first
time, please select "Original". If resubmitting an engineering review for a company, please select "Resuhmission*
° Original ',.' Resub mission
Attach Report File (required) j£
ins \TestDCFuaSSubmission, xlsx Browse...
Comments (optional):
11. Click the "Encrypt and Sign" button. The Certify Reports pop-up will display.
Figure 2-8 Certify Reports
Certify Reports (Required - Click the applicable blue arrow(s) for the reporting
program(s) you are currently submitting and select the certification statements),):
•v Reformulated Gasoline 8, Anti-Dumping 40 CFR Part 80 Subparts D, E, F, J. and L
D "I certify these reports as correct."
v Gasoline Sulfur 40 CFR Part 80, Subpart H
D "I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information included in this submission meets all applicable requirements of 40 CFR
Part SO, Subpart H and. I certify that I have made inquiries that are sufficientto give me knowledge of the procedures to collect and
store gasoline samples, and I further certify that the procedures meet the requirements of the ASTM procedures required under 40
CFR 80.330.
v Diesel Sulfur 40 CFR 80, Subpart I
! "I certify, to the best of my knowledge, the information included in this submission meets all applicable requirements of 40 CFR 80.
Subpart I. and, if applicable, that the volumes reported to the Administrator under 40 CFR 80.601 are in substantial agreement to
volumes reported to the Internal Revenue Service (and if these volumes are not in substantial agreement, an explanation is
•^ FFARS 40 CFR Part 79
J 1 certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information included in this submission is complete and correct", and. if applicable. "I
am authorized by the manufacturer to submit this notification1, and. if applicable. "As per 40 CFR 79.1 Kg), the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency would Se notified in writing if certain information in this notification were to change, and. if applicable. This fuel
manufacturer will not represent, directly or indirectly, in any notice, circular, letter, or other written communication, or any written, oral.
or pictorial notice, or other announcement in any publication or by radio or television, that registration of this fuel constitutes
endorsement, certification, or approval By any agency of the United States.
v Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS1) 40 CFR Part 80. Subpart K
J 1 certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information included in this submission meets allapplicaole requirements of 40 CFR
Part 80, Subpart K.
^ Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) 40 CFR Part 80. Subpart M
D "I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information included in this submission meets all applicable requirements of 40 CFR
Part 80, Subpart M."
v Attest Engagements for 40 CFR Part 80, Subparts D, E. and F Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping
Pursuant to 40 CFR 80.130(a;i;2; and the attest engagement requirements of 40 CFR Part 80. Susparts D. E. and F, I am submitting
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide
September 13, 2013
12. You may click the expand/collapse icon \> next to each Program.
13. Scroll down if necessary and select the appropriate Certify Report(s) for which you are
14. Click the "Accept" button.
Figure 2-9 Accept Certify Report(s) Selection
v Test
H This is a test submission. By selecting test, you are superseding any other report certification selection in this submission. In the
event you submits report file and select this test language, your file will not be deemed as susmitted and you may face penalties for
not filing reports.
For information about registering to report under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program IGHGRP;. please contact the GHGRP Help
Desk at ahQreportinQiSena.Qov.
2.4 Encrypt and Sign Submission
The eSignature and Encryption widget will now display.
15. Enter your CDX login password.
16. Click the "Login" button.
Figure 2-10 Authentication
eSignature & Encryption 'A'idget
1. Login into CDX
17. Enter the answer to the displayed secret question.
18. Click the "Answer" button.
Figure 2-11 Answer Secret Question
eSignature S Encryption Widget
1. Login into CDX
2. Answer Secret Question
Who is your favorite author^
Welcome John Smith
I | Answer ]l
If you fail to respond or enter an incorrect answer or password, you will be prompted with an
error message. Please note that the secret question will not change should you answer
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide
September 13, 2013
incorrectly. After three failed attempts, your CDX account will be locked. To unlock your
account, contact the CDX Help Desk at 888-890-1995 or heldesk@cdx.net.
19. Click the "Sign" button.
Figure 2-12 Encrypt and Sign File
eSignature & Encryption Widget
1. Login into CDX
Welcome John Smith
2. Answer Secret Question
Who is your favorite author?
Correct Answer
3. Encrypt & Sign File
2.5 Submission Confirmation
Congratulations! You have successfully signed and submitted your report to the OTAQ Program.
This page displays a summary of your report information along with a confirmation message
stating that CDX has received your encrypted submission. An email notification will be sent to
you and your Company's RCO confirming a report has been submitted.
Figure 2-13 File Upload Confirmation
CH Contact Us
You are here: -ne Uaload » Confirmation
File Upload - Confirmation
CDX has received your encrypted submission with information listed below:
Lumpdiiy, KWU diiu uiti imu
Company/' Entity Information:
Company Entity Name Acme Test Co
EPA Company Entity ID 3334
RCO details:
RCO Name: Jane Doe
RCO Title. President
RCO Email janedoe.Stest.com
RCO Phone. 555-867-5309
I iiidiiun. —
User Information:
Name (First Middle Last)
Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip'
Phone Number:
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
CDX User ID:
Is Agent
John Smith
1234 5th St
Testtown DC, 12345
test-S'examp le.com
Report Information:-
Document Name" TestDCFUELSSubmission.xIsx
Transaction Id: _257bd7bl-Q9f8-49ac-ace8-l cQb3cdc4ae5
Submission Time: 201 3-09-1 0 1 4:07:54.476
Report Type Original
Certification Type Test
This is a test submission. By selecting test, you are suoerseding any other report certification selection in
this submission. In the event you submit a report file and select this test language, your file will not be
deemed as submitted and you may face Densities for not filing reports
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide
September 13, 2013
Reminder: Files may be submitted from any machine however you will only be able to access the copy of
records for the submitted documents from the specific machine for a submission unless the key file is copied
into the same location of another machine. Please refer to Section 2.6 for complete details.
2.6 Submitting Reports from Different Computers
A user certificate and Private/Public Key pair is used to digitally sign and encrypt the submitted
files, providing security protection for DC FUEL submissions. The certificate and key pair will
be automatically obtained after the first DC FUEL login.
The following data is stored into a keystore under your home directory:
• user ID
• user private key
• user certificate
• creation time
The following file will be created: \\ .-cromerr-keystore.jks where
is a local user home directory (C:\Documents and Settings\myuser) and is
your DC FUEL user ID registered with CDX Web (i.e. DCFuelTestOl-cromerr-keystore.jks).
This file is stored on the local drive of the machine that was used to log into DC FUEL to
complete a submission. While you may submit files from any machine, you will only be able to
access the copy of records for the submitted documents from the specific machine for a
submission unless the key file is copied into the same location of another machine. In any case, it
is recommended that you copy this file to another safe location for backup.
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide September 13, 2013
3 Support Information
For frequently asked questions about the content, formats, or policies for the Office of
Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) please reference the Fuels Program website at
http ://www. epa.gov/otaq/fuel s/index .htm.
For any general or technical questions related to the Central Data Exchange you may contact any
of the following:
• Telephone - Person-to-person telephone support is available from the CDX Help Desk 8:00
am to 6:00 pm EST. Call our toll-free line at 888-890-1995.
• Email - Send e-mail to Technical Support at helpdesk@epacdx.net with "Technical Support"
in the Subject line.
If you have any questions relating to fuels programs registration, reporting, or DC FUEL, please
contact the EPA Fuels Programs and EMTS Support Line at support@epamts-support.com.
For complete OTAQ DC FUEL user instructions, please reference the OTAQ DC FUEL User
Office of Transportation and Air Quality DC FUEL Submission Quick Start Guide September 13, 2013
4 Appendix A: System Java Requirements
The DC FUEL application requires that you have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6.0_11+
installed on your device. You will be prompted with the message seen in Figure 4-1 if you do not
have JRE installed.
Note: Certain configurations require administrator rights to install and update JRE. Please check your
corporate IT policy before installing and using this software.
Figure 4-1 JRE Installation
Figure 4-3 Internet Explorer Security Warnings
1 lit liownioiid - SrtLfnly Warning
Dii yn'J wot* to run (" tav* I ha. Ilk''
Type *«*:**«, 863 KB
i ! J pdwiti.* h*m mu compiJbH II nxi do not iiuil Ihe fouce, do T»t
^ lun « 5WS Uii icliwae, Whal't Ito mk?
IntEntEt I Bjikircr - Security Warning
bo you want to tun rhK software?
Name: )-ava
Figure 4-5 Google Chrome Security Warnings
Java PlucHi"1 needs your permission to run, Q^n this Hme| Always run on this site |
W.Ji nine Security
The application's digital signature cannot be verified.
Do you want to run the application?
Name: gov. epa .cdx .cronierr. applet .FileApplet
Publisher: UNKNOWN
From: https://devngn. epacdxnode.net
D §§aj
------- |