       United States
       Environmental Protection
                                   ross-Cutting Fundamental Strat
                                 2013 Action Plan Annual Progress Re
                strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
   Advance a rigorous basic and applied science research and development agenda that informs, enables, empowers
      and delivers innovative and sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Provide relevant and robust
               scientific data and findings to support the Agency's policy and decision-making needs.
                                           Executive Summary
Over the past few years, EPA has made remarkable progress towards integrated transdisciplinary research that takes a
systems approach to sustainability. The Strategic Research Action Plans for the Agency's six new integrated research
programs are important tools for communicating this new approach. In FY 2013, EPA established an Executive
Management Council committee to focus on sustainability. This group promoted workshops on Next Generation Air
Monitoring (NGAM), developed new analytical tools, and increased communication and sharing of best practices and
new tools/approaches.

S  EPA established an Executive Management Council committee to coordinate the integration of sustainability
    principles into EPA's programs and policies.
S  Region 6 and the Office of Research and Development (ORD) conducted a workshop on Next Generation Air
    Monitoring (NGAM) to foster interaction between EPA's regional and headquarters offices and collaboratively
    inform and stimulate concepts in low-cost, highly-portable sensors for use by citizens, community groups, schools,
    researchers, government agencies, and industries.
S  The draft EPA Roadmap for NGAM was released for review in March 2013. Continued NGAM work in FY 2013
    included: the Open Source Challenges (e.g., My Air My Health); the Air  Pollutions Apps and Sensors Workshop in
    Research Triangle  Park, North Carolina; the Fence Line/Source Perimeter Monitoring initiative, a collaborative effort
    with EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance to develop and evaluate fenceline and mobile
    monitoring capabilities for use in emissions characterization and enforcement and compliance activities; and the
    first public pilot launch of the Village Green Project, a community-based monitoring system built into a park bench
    platform using solar power with wireless streaming data.
S  EPA prepared Sustainability Analytics for online release. Sustainability Analytics is a collection of science-based tools
    and approaches available to support more sustainable decisions. It does not dictate a process or policy for
    implementing sustainability, nor is it meant to be a comprehensive list of all assessment tools or approaches.  It is a
    collection of existing tools and is meant to be a starting  point for discussions on how to better understand the
    relationships among the three pillars of Sustainability: environment, society, and economy
S  ORD models, methods, tools, and, databases were reviewed for relevance to EPA research efforts and were posted
    to EPA's website at http://www.epa.gov/research/mmtd/.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

 •S  Advancing science, research, and technological innovation in a time of declining resources and a reduced scientific
    workforce is a major challenge for both planning and managing the sustainability of our existing workforce.  EPA is
    utilizing the ORD Workforce Enhancement Project and senior ORD leaders to identify opportunities to streamline
    programs and identify ways to mitigate resource limitations.
 S  Lack of Agency resources in the areas of buildings and facilities, repairs and improvements, capital equipment,
    utilities, and maintenance are presenting challenges to EPA's network of laboratories.  EPA is exploring business
    process improvements to help meet these challenges.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
               S  = Activity Complete
                            Integrating Sustainability into EPA Policies and Programs
1.   Sustainable approaches consider economic,
    environmental, and societal factors over the long term
    and can be effective in dealing with complex, multi-
    media environmental problems. For this reason, EPA
    strives to integrate Sustainability more fully into its
    policies and programs. Whenever possible, EPA will
    integrate the principles of Sustainability in our science,
    research, and technology to enhance our effectiveness
    in fulfilling our mission (Supports Principle 4).
    •   Integrating Sustainability Principles into EPA: In FY
       2013, EPA will establish a committee under the EPA
       Executive Management Council (EMC) to coordinate
       how to integrate Sustainability principles into EPA's
       programs and policies and develop an
       implementation plan by June 30, 2013. In addition,
       the committee will work in collaboration with the
       Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Strategic
       Plan Core Team to provide early input and develop
       specific recommendations by March 2013 for
       integrating Sustainability into the EPA FY 2014-2018
       Strategic Plan development.	
The EMC Sustainability Committee was established in
December 2012. Sustainability is a new Cross-Agency
Strategy in the draft FY2014-2018 EPA Strategic Plan.
       The Office of Research and Development (ORD) will
       complete and release a report featuring methods
       and tools for analyzing Sustainability issues. This
       report will help Agency employees and others better
       integrate Sustainability into their decisions, thus
       allowing the Agency to more effectively protect
       human health and the environment and to better
       promote sustainable solutions.
EPA initiated the Sustainability Analytics website which
provides existing science-based tools and approaches for
integrating Sustainability into environmental decision
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3:  Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
               S  = Activity Complete
       ORD's Nitrogen and Co-Pollutant Science Integration
       (ORD, the Office of Water (OW), the Office of Air and
       Radiation (OAR), and the Regions) are developing an
       integrated, systems-based approach to reactive
       nitrogen and co-pollutant management. The goal of
       this "EPA Nitrogen Research Roadmap" is to protect
       human health and public welfare, along with
       ecosystem health, through the restoration of air and
       water quality. EPA intends to accomplish this by
       integrating Agency research to inform decisions and
       policies that impact the regulation or management
       of nitrogen and co-pollutants. The Nitrogen
       Roadmap will create a path for unifying and
       integrating EPA efforts across multiple media and
       temporal and spatial scales in an economically
       efficient, socially acceptable, and environmentally
       sound manner. Demonstrations of this effort are
       anticipated in the Narragansett Bay Watershed, the
       Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin, and the
       Northern Gulf of Mexico. EPA will finalize the
       Nitrogen Research Roadmap by August 2013.

       o   EPA will complete additions to EnviroAtlas,
           including atmospheric modeling inputs (using
           the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model),
           data from the national nitrogen inventory, and
           modeling inputs of crop nutrient requirements
           (using the Environmental Policy Integrated
           Climate Model) by September 2013.
The Nitrogen and Co-Pollutant Roadmap
Implementation Plan was completed. Work to finalize
the roadmap is ongoing.
EPA completed additions to EnviroAtlas.
                               Promoting Innovative Science and Technologies
2.   In FY 2012, EPA issued its Roadmap, Technology
    Innovation for Environmental and Economic Progress.
    This document reflects the Agency's commitment to
    innovative, cost-effective, sustainable approaches to
    protect public health and the environment while also
    promoting economic growth. The Roadmap also
    highlights the need for EPA to engage the private sector
    and the investor community to catalyze technology
    innovation and deployment (Supports Principles 1, 2, 3,
    and 4).	
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
               S  = Activity Complete
       Technology Network: A cross-agency Technology
       Innovation Network now serves in a central role for
       sharing and operationalizing technology innovation.
       Under its workplan, the Network will: (1) identify
       actions to catalyze innovation by surveying at least
       four initial pilot areas (biodigesters and biogas, air
       sensors, the energy efficiency/wastewater treatment
       nexus, and the automotive supply chain); (2) develop
       an internal system to better share EPA-related
       technology projects and activities; (3) draft and
       begin to implement an external communications
       strategy; and (4) publicize a list of market
       opportunities to promote private sector investment.
The Technology Innovation Network has partially
completed the actions identified in the FY 2013 Action
Plan including surveying four initial pilot areas and
developing an internal system to more effectively share
EPA-related technology projects and activities.

The draft external communications strategy and draft
list of market opportunities to promote private sector
investment are waiting further vetting by senior
leadership before they are finalized.
       Targeted Stakeholder Engagement: Identify
       opportunities to facilitate stakeholder collaboration
       to accelerate the development and adoption of
       technologies to achieve both environmental
       protection and economic growth. These
       opportunities will emerge throughout the year. For
       example, the May 2012 Technology Market Summit
       featured three environmental area case studies,
       where technology and innovation can accelerate
       solutions and promote new cost-effective
       approaches to environmental protection, while also
       improving the economy and creating jobs. In early FY
       2013, these areas were identified as pilot areas for
       both the new agency-wide Technology Innovation
       Network established under EPA's Technology
       Roadmap, as well as a newly formed public-private
       partnership on Technology Innovation and the
       Environment that EPA joined in December 2012,
       adding greater visibility and more focused attention
       to environmental technology innovation and
Several of the Summit participants established a new
Partnership on Technology Innovation and the
Environment. The Partnership is a non-binding, non-
legal, voluntary collaborative committed to accelerating
the development, adoption, deployment, and export of
technologies that protect human health and the
environment while growing the U.S. economy. The
partnership creates a forum for:
  • Pre-competitive technical information exchange
    among experts to discuss research, development,
    and deployment needs, development of joint goals
    and roadmaps, and evaluation of progress;
  • Analyses and evaluations of approaches to address
    institutional, policy and financial barriers that
    inhibit innovation, development, deployment,
    commercialization, and export of environment-
    friendly technologies; and,
  • Development of consensus recommendations for
    going forward.

EPA's former Chief Financial Officer, Barbara J. Bennett,
signed the partnership agreement on behalf of the
Agency on November 29, 2012.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
               S  = Activity Complete
       Confluence, the Water Technology Innovation
       Cluster: Confluence is a public-private partnership
       working to catalyze water technology
       commercialization and economic development in
       the greater Cincinnati-Dayton, Ohio, Northern
       Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana regions. Lead
       federal partners include EPA and the Small Business
       Administration (SBA). In FY 2013, ORD will continue
       to conduct research and develop technologies within
       its Safe and Sustainable Water Research (SSWR)
       Program  in support of Confluence as a global water
       technology innovation hub. ORD will also share the
       results of its Small Business Innovation Research
       solicitation and awards with stakeholders in the

       o   In FY  2013, as part of SSWR, the Agency will
           award a contract for a Small Drinking Water
           Systems Ultraviolet Technologies Demonstration
           Study. This will also serve as a pilot of
           Confluence's tri-state technology adoption
           cooperation agreement in Ohio,  Kentucky and
           Indiana. Concurrently, ORD's National Center for
           Environmental Research (NCER) has released a
           competitive national solicitation for Innovative
           Water Treatment Technologies for Small Utilities
           to further fulfill Agency commitments to the
The Agency awarded a contract for a Small Drinking
Water Systems Ultraviolet Technologies Demonstration
Study. This research is piloting Confluence's tri-state
technology adoption cooperation agreement in Ohio,
Kentucky, and Indiana.

NCER is currently evaluating proposals for a Center
for Innovative Water Treatment Technologies for Small
Water Systems to fulfill Agency commitments to the
cluster effort.

The Cincinnati water research effort highlighted its 100-
year history through a number of workshops and events.
Over ten regional events were held on topics including
citizen science, intellectual property protection,
environmental technology export and small drinking
water systems, attracting over 2,000 participants.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                       FY 2013 Performance Summary
                   Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
              FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
                S  = Activity Complete
       Clean Air Technology Initiative: EPA's Region 9 (R9)
       will help bring new clean air and energy technologies
       to market. R9 will continue to serve as an active
       partner in the Clean Air Technology Initiative; along
       with the California Air Resources Board; the
       California Energy Commission; and several other
       local, state, and federal agencies to help bring to
       market new clean air and energy technologies. This
       partnership will use innovative solutions and non-
       traditional forms of funding to test and demonstrate
       technologies with the potential to result in major
       emission reductions in California and beyond.
       o   EPA will support grants on low-emission goods
           movement and non-road technologies that will
           bring, once fully adopted, significant emission
       o   R9 will also support a Technology Symposium
           and Funders Forum to identify ways to deploy
           the necessary technologies and resources to
           meet EPA's air quality health goals.
       o   R9 will fund four to five early-stage, advanced
           technology demonstration projects. Through a
           competitive request for proposal in the San
           Joaquin Valley, two to three of these funded
           projects may include the initial testing of
           alternative-fueled or electric-powered
           technologies,  such as on-road and non-road
           trucks and construction equipment, as well as a
           biogas waste-to-energy project.
In FY 2013, EPA's Region 9 funded several partnership
initiatives in California including: replacement of over 60
old diesel delivery trucks and school buses with zero
emission battery electric vehicles; the initial testing of
zero-emission battery electric and hybrid
electric/natural gas trucks that operate around the
ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach;  advanced
technology demonstration projects in the San Joaquin
Valley including: battery electric, hybrid electric/natural
gas and hybrid electric/diesel trucks and several
projects to convert methane to a transportation fuel at
landfills, food waste processing facilities, and dairies.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3:  Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
               S  = Activity Complete
       Next Generation Air Monitoring (NGAM) Workshop:
       Region 6 and ORD will conduct an innovative
       workshop in November 2012 on Next Generation Air
       Monitoring (NGAM). The workshop will foster
       interaction between EPA's regions, ORD, the Office
       of Air and Radiation, and the Office of Enforcement
       and Compliance Assurance. The EPA entities will
       discuss ways to work together to bring promising air
       monitoring technologies and methods to fruition in
       the most efficient manner. The goal of the NGAM
       workshop is to collaboratively inform and stimulate
       concepts in low-cost, highly-portable sensors for use
       by citizens, community groups, schools, researchers,
       government agencies, and industries.
The workshop was held in November 2012.
                                      Communicate Widely and Openly
3.   Make our science accessible, understandable, relevant
    to, and useful for the Agency, stakeholders, and general
    public. For our science to have an impact, EPA will
    widely communicate the work we do (Supports Principle
    •   Decision Support Tools: Ensure the most up-to-date
       methods, models, tools, and databases are publicly
       available on EPA's website. In FY 2013, models,
       methods, tools and databases will be reviewed for
       their relevance to EPA's research efforts and posted
       to a reorganized web page. This reorganization will
       allow for the most high-profile decision support
       tools to be organized and displayed in a way that will
       be most useful to the user community. Also, in FY
       2013, communication strategies will be developed
       for new tools like EnviroAtlas and the Stormwater
       Calculator as they come online. Included in the
       communication strategies will be measures to assess
       the effectiveness of the outreach.
ORD models, methods, tools, and databases were
reviewed for relevance to EPA research efforts and
posted in January 2013 at

Communication strategies for new tools like EnviroAtlas
and the Stormwater Calculator were also developed.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
