EPA 600/R-12/516 | May 2012 | www.epa.gov/ord United States Environmental Protection Agency Decontamination of Indoor and Outdoor Materials with Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide Solutions •••^•iwHiHrHr^H 0 O O O C I Office of Research and Development National Homeland Security Research Center ------- EPA/600/R/12/516 May 2012 Decontamination of Indoor and Outdoor Materials with Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide Solutions U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 11 ------- Disclaimer The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Office of Research and Development's (ORD) National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC), funded, directed and managed this work through Contract Number EP-C-10-001 with Battelle. This report has been peer and administratively reviewed and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use of a specific product. Questions concerning this document or its application should be addressed to: Joseph Wood National Homeland Security Research Center Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code E343-06 Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-5029 in ------- Foreword Following the events of September 11, 2001, addressing the critical needs related to homeland security became a clear requirement with respect to EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. Presidential Directives further emphasized EPA as the primary federal agency responsible for the country's water supplies and for decontamination following a chemical, biological, and/or radiological (CBR) attack. To support EPA's mission to assist in and lead response and recovery activities associated with CBR incidents of national significance, the National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC) was established to conduct research and deliver products that improve the capability of the Agency and other federal, state, and local agencies to carry out their homeland security responsibilities. One goal of NHSRC's research is to provide information on decontamination methods and technologies that can be used in the response and recovery efforts resulting from a CBR release over a wide area. The complexity and heterogeneity of the wide-area decontamination challenge necessitates the understanding of the effectiveness of a range of decontamination options. In addition to effective fumigation approaches, rapidly deployable or readily available surface decontamination approaches have also been recognized as a tool to enhance the capability to respond to and recover from such an intentional CBR dispersion. Through working with ORD's program office partners (EPA's Office of Emergency Management and Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention) and Regional on-scene coordinators, NHSRC is attempting to understand and develop useful decontamination procedures for wide-area remediation. This report documents the results of a comprehensive laboratory study designed to better understand and maximize the effectiveness of aqueous solutions of chlorine dioxide (C1O2) to decontaminate materials contaminated with Bacillus anthracis spores. These results, coupled with additional information in separate NHSRC publications (available at www.epa.gov/nhsrc) can be used to determine whether a particular decontamination technology can be effective in a given scenario. NHSRC has made this publication available to the response community to prepare for and recover from disasters involving biological contamination. This research is intended to move EPA one step closer to achieving its homeland security goals and its overall mission of protecting human health and the environment while providing sustainable solutions to our environmental problems. Jonathan Herrmann, Director National Homeland Security Research Center IV ------- Acknowledgments Contributions of the following individuals and organization to this report are gratefully acknowledged: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research and Development, National Homeland Security Research Center Eletha Brady-Roberts (Quality Assurance) Lukas Oudejans (peer review) United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Emergency Management, National Decontamination Team Michael Ottlinger (peer review) United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Timothy Dean (peer review) Battelle ------- Executive Summary The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development is striving to protect human health and the environment from adverse impacts resulting from acts of terror by investigating the effectiveness and applicability of technologies for homeland security (HS)- related applications. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the decontamination efficacy of aqueous chlorine dioxide (C1O2) solutions in inactivating Bacillus anthracis (causative agent for anthrax) spores, as a function of material and decontamination parameters (concentration, contact time, number of spray applications). The objective of this study was to provide an understanding of the performance of the aqueous C1O2 decontamination technology to guide its use and implementation in HS applications. In the assessment of options for decontamination following intentional release of B. anthracis., it is important to know whether and to what extent such factors can impact the decontamination efficacy. This investigation focused on decontamination of both indoor and outdoor materials, including industrial carpet, treated wood, unpainted concrete, two types of soil material (topsoil and Arizona Test Dust [AZTD]), decorative laminate, galvanized metal, and glass. Decontamination efficacy tests were conducted with spores of Bacillus anthracis or Bacillus subtilis, the latter organism included to assess its potential as a surrogate for future studies related to B. anthracis. Decontamination efficacy was quantified in terms of log reduction, based on the difference in the number of bacterial spores recovered from the positive controls and test coupons. Efficacy tests were conducted with increasing levels of C1O2 (1,500 to 4,000 parts per million (ppm)), contact times (one or two hours) and/or number of spray applications (two to four total spray applications), in order to maximize the decontamination efficacy for each material (i.e., to achieve a target log reduction of at least 6.0). In addition to efficacy, the impact of the decontamination process on the materials was visually observed and reported. Summary of Results The aqueous C1O2 decontamination technology provided complete inactivation of B. anthracis spores on galvanized metal, decorative laminate, and glass using a 3,000 ppm, three-spray, one-hour contact time treatment. Complete decontamination was not achieved for any of the other materials for any of the C1O2 decontamination conditions tested. The highest average log reductions achieved for B. anthracis on treated wood, industrial carpet, and unpainted concrete were 2.64, 3.40, and 2.50, respectively. The aqueous C1O2 decontaminant was the least effective on the soil materials (topsoil and AZTD), with nearly all log reduction results less than 1.0 for the six C1O2 conditions tested. Overall, the results show that with robust enough conditions (i.e., 3,000 - 4,000 ppm C1O2, one-two hour contact time, and two - four spray applications), the aqueous C1O2 spray technology may be an effective VI ------- decontaminant for some nonporous materials such as glass, galvanized metal, and laminate. However, aqueous C1O2 was found to be largely ineffective on porous materials (e.g., wood, carpet, soils, and concrete), even under the most robust conditions tested. With regard to comparing the decontamination efficacies of B. anthracis and B. subtilis, there were no test results in which B. subtilis was inactivated to a significantly greater degree than B. anthracis. Additionally, no visible damage was observed on any test materials for any of the decontamination conditions tested. vn ------- Contents Foreword iv Acknowledgments v Executive Summary vi Tables x Figures xiii Abbreviations/Acronyms xiv 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Preparation of C1O2 Solutions and Test Matrix 2 2.1 Preparation of Aqueous C1O2 Solutions 2 2.2 Test Matrix 2 3.0 Summary of Test Procedures 6 3.1 Preparation of Test Coupons 6 3.2 Decontaminant Testing 9 3.2.1 Chlorine Dioxide Liquid Spray Neutralization 9 3.2.2 Chlorine Dioxide Liquid Spray Tests 10 3.3 Decontamination Efficacy 11 3.4 Qualitative Assessment of Surface Damage 12 3.5 Chlorine Dioxide Solution Characterization 12 4.0 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 13 4.1 Equipment Calibration 13 4.2 QC Results 13 4.3 Audits 13 4.3.1 Performance Evaluation Audit 13 4.3.2 Technical Systems Audit 14 4.3.3 Data Quality Audit 14 4.4 QAPP Amendments and Deviations 15 4.5 QA/QC Reporting 15 4.6 Data Review 15 5.0 Initial Chlorine Dioxide Spray Scoping Tests 16 5.1 Initial Scoping Decontamination Tests Using Galvanized Metal Coupons 16 5.2 Scoping Decontamination Tests Using Other Materials 19 6.0 Chlorine Dioxide Spray Efficacy Maximization Tests 24 7.0 Liquid Spray Results for Two vs. Four Total Spray Applications 40 7.1 Description 40 7.1.1 Test Material Composition 40 7.1.2 Subjectivity of Spraying Method 40 viii ------- 7.1.3 Chemistry of C1O2 Solution 41 7.2 Decontamination Efficacy 43 8.0 Summary of Results 47 9.0 References 51 Appendix A. Spray Deposition and Neutralization Tests 52 Appendix B. Effect of Pre-sterilization of Soil Materials on the Decontamination Efficacy for Aqueous C1O2 Spray 66 IX ------- Tables Table 2-1. Initial Scoping Test Matrix for C1O2 Liquid Spray 3 Table 2-2. Efficacy Maximization Test Matrix for C1O2 Liquid Spray 4 Table 2-3. Matrix of Repeat Liquid Spray Tests to Assess Effect of Increasing Number of Spray Applications 5 Table 3-1. Summary of Materials used for Decontaminant Testing 9 Table 4-1. Performance Standards for Amperometric Titration 14 Table 4-2. Performance Evaluation Audits 14 Table 5-1. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—Initial Scoping Tests on Galvanized Metal 17 Table 5-2. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—Initial Scoping Tests on Galvanized Metal 18 Table 5-3. Summary of Efficacy Values with 95% Confidence Intervals for Initial Scoping Maximization of C1O2 Li quid Sprayed on Galvanized Metal 19 Table 5-4. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid on Building and Outdoor Materials (One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications) 21 Table 5-5. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid on Building and Outdoor Materials (One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications) 22 Table 5-6. Summary of Efficacy Values with 95% Confidence Intervals for 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid on Building and Outdoor Materials (One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications) 23 Table 6-1. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) 26 Table 6-2. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) 27 Table 6-3. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Two Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) 28 Table 6-4. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Two Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) 29 Table 6-5. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) 30 Table 6-6. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) 31 Table 6-7. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) 32 Table 6-8. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) 33 Table 6-9. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on ------- Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) 34 Table 6-10. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) 35 Table 6-11. Summary of Mean Quantitative Efficacy with 95% Confidence Intervals for C1O2 Liquid Spray Efficacy Maximization Results for B. anthracis 36 Table 6-12. Summary of Mean Quantitative Efficacy with 95% Confidence Intervals for C1O2 Liquid Spray Efficacy Maximization Results for B. subtilis 37 Table 7-1. Chlorine Dioxide Liquid Batch Chemical Comparison 42 Table 7-2. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—Two Applications vs. Four Applications 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Materials (One Hour Contact Time) 44 Table 7-3. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—Two Applications vs. Four Applications 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid Sprayed on Materials (One Hour Contact Time) 45 Table 7-4. Summary of Decontamination Efficacy Values for Two vs. Four Applications 46 Table 7-5. Comparing Decontamination Efficacy Values for Tests that Were Repeated 46 Table 8-1. Summary of Liquid C1O2 Decontamination Efficacy for Initial Scoping Tests 49 Table 8-2. Summary of Liquid C1O2 Liquid Decontamination Efficacy for Maximization Tests 50 Table A-1. Deposition/Runoff Weight of C1O2 Liquid with 60 Minute Contact Time 52 Table A-2. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Two Total Spray Applications 54 Table A-3. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications 54 Table A-4. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications 55 Table A-5. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 1,500 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 56 Table A-6. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 1,500 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 56 Table A-7. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 2,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 57 Table A-8. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 2,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 57 Table A-9. Deposition/Runoff Weight of C1O2 Liquid Spray per Maximization Testing Condition and Material 59 Table A-10. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 61 Table A-l 1. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 61 Table A-12. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Two Total Spray Applications 62 Table A-13. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Two Total Spray Applications 62 Table A-14. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 63 XI ------- Table A-15. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 63 Table A-16. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, Two Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 64 Table A-17. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, Two Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 64 Table A-18. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, Two Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 65 Table A-19. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 Liquid, Two Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications 65 Table B-l. Comparison of Decontamination Efficacy with 95% Confidence Intervals using Unsterile vs. Sterile Soils for C1O2 Liquid Spray Testing 67 xn ------- Figures Figure 3-1. Inoculation of coupon using a multi-channel micropipette 7 Figure 3-2. Topsoil "coupons" made with Parafilm®-lined Petri dishes 8 Figure 5-1. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for initial scoping tests with C1O2 liquid spray on galvanized metal 19 Figure 5-2. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for initial scoping tests on building and outdoor materials 23 Figure 6-1 a. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for liquid spray testing conditions 38 Figure 6-lb. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for liquid spray testing conditions 39 Xlll ------- Abbreviations/Acronyms ATCC American Type Culture Collection AZTD Arizona Test Dust AZ Arizona B. anthracis Bacillus anthracis (Ames strain) B. subtilis Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 19659) BBRC Battelle Biomedical Research Center BSC III biological safety cabinet, Class III C Celsius CGB compact glovebox CPU colony-forming unit(s) CI confidence interval C1O2 chlorine dioxide cm centimeter(s) DNA deoxyribonucleic acid EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency g gram(s) HDPE high density polyethylene hr hour(s) HS homeland security L liter(s) LAL Limulus Amebocyte Lysate min minute(s) mg milligram(s) mL milliliter(s) |iL microliter(s) N Normal NA not applicable NHSRC National Homeland Security Research Center NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology ORD EPA Office of Research and Development PBS phosphate-buffered saline PCR polymerase chain reaction ppm parts per million ppmv parts per million by volume psi pounds per square inch QA quality assurance QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC quality control RH relative humidity rpm revolutions per minute SD standard deviation SE standard error xiv ------- SFW sterile filtered water (cell-culture grade) STS sodium thiosulfate ISA technical systems audit(s) xv ------- 1.0 Introduction The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC) is helping protect human health and the environment from adverse impacts resulting from the release of chemical, biological, or radiological agents. With an emphasis on decontamination and consequence management, water infrastructure protection, and threat and consequence assessment, NHSRC is working to develop tools and information that will help detect the intentional introduction of chemical or biological contaminants in buildings, outdoor environments, or water systems; contain these contaminants; decontaminate buildings, outdoor environments, or water systems; and facilitate the disposal of material resulting from remediation efforts. As part of the above effort, EPA investigates the effectiveness and applicability of technologies for homeland security (HS)- related applications by developing test plans that are responsive to the needs of stakeholders, conducting tests, collecting and analyzing data, and preparing peer- reviewed reports. All evaluations are conducted in accordance with rigorous quality assurance (QA) protocols to ensure that data of known and high quality are generated and that the results are defensible. EPA provides high-quality information that is useful to decision makers in purchasing or applying the tested technologies. EPA provides potential users with unbiased, third-party information that can supplement vendor-provided information. Stakeholder involvement ensures that user needs and perspectives are incorporated into the test design so that useful performance information is produced for each of the tested technologies. The purpose of this investigation was to develop an understanding of the effectiveness of liquid solutions of C1O2 to decontaminate a range of materials. This investigation focused on decontamination of indoor and outdoor surfaces typical of those found in a public building or outdoors that could be contaminated by a biological agent (such as B. anthracis) following an intentional release. Residual biological agent on surfaces following decontamination after an intentional release could present a potential health risk. This report documents the impact of various factors on the efficacy of aqueous C1O2 against spores of B. anthracis and B. subtilis on surfaces. Specifically, tests were conducted to determine the C1O2 liquid spray application requirements (e.g., in terms of concentration, number of sprays, contact time) needed to maximize the inactivation efficacy of B. anthracis (or B. subtilis) spores as a function of material. ------- 2.0 Preparation of C1O2 Solutions and Test Matrix 2.1 Preparation of Aqueous Solutions To prepare the aqueous solutions of C1O2, 6 N HC1 was mixed into sterile filtered water (SFW) in a glass bottle. Commercially- available Clorox® bleach was added to the HC1 + SFW mixture and mixed carefully. A formulation of 25% sodium chlorite solution (SabreChlor 25, Sabre™) was mixed into the Clorox® + HC1 + SFW solution which yielded the C1O2 solution. Target C1O2 concentrations were achieved by adjusting the amount of Clorox . (Target concentrations of ClC^were between 3,000 to 4,000 ppm depending on the test). Target chlorite ranges were achieved by adjusting the amount of sodium chlorite solution, to achieve a 50% minimum ratio of chlorite to C1O2 in the solution. Target pH levels (4 - 7) were achieved by adjusting the amount of HC1. (See Section 3.5 for further details on the methods used to measure chlorite and C1O2 concentrations and pH.) The solution was then transferred into a commercially- available, 480 mL (16 ounce) sprayer with a cylinder style high density polyethylene (HOPE) bottle (Qorpak® Item No. 733 IX, Bridgeville, PA). The HOPE bottle was covered with aluminum foil since C1O2 is photosensitive. 2.2 Test Matrix To help target subsequent testing conditions with additional materials, initial scoping tests were conducted using only galvanized metal coupons with aqueous solutions of C1O2 at concentrations ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 ppm, as shown in Table 2-1. (Galvanized metal was selected for initial tests based on results of previous testing.1) In these initial tests, galvanized metal was completely decontaminated only with the 3,000 ppm, three-spray treatment. Based on these results with galvanized metal, additional scoping tests were performed using this same 3,000 ppm, three-spray treatment, with industrial carpet, treated wood, laminate, topsoil, and glass. Refer to Chapter 5 for further details. Since glass and galvanized metal were the only materials completely decontaminated for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis spores in the initial scoping tests, glass and galvanized metal were eliminated from further testing, and in their place, AZTD and unpainted concrete were included in the test matrix. Thus tests with AZTD and unpainted concrete, along with the materials from the initial scoping tests that were not completely decontaminated, were then conducted at increasing levels of C1O2, contact time, and/or number of spray applications with the goal of improving or maximizing decontamination efficacy. Refer to the decontamination "maximization" test matrix summarized in Table 2-2 and the details presented in Chapter 6. An adaptive management approach was used to incorporate new knowledge into the testing as decontamination efficacy results became available. ------- Table 2-1. Initial Scoping Test Matrix for ClOi Liquid Spray Biological Agent" B. anthracis or B. subtilis B. anthracis or B. subtilis B. anthracis or B. subtilis B. anthracis or B. subtilis B. anthracis or B. subtilis A/r , . . C1O2 Material ^ . Concentration (ppm) Galvanized metal Galvanized metal Galvanized metal Galvanized metal Industrial carpet Treated wood Decorative laminate Topsoil Glass a Tests for B. anthracis and B. subtilis 1,500 ± 150 2,000 ± 200 3,000 ±300 3,000 ±300 3,000 ±300 # Spray Applications (application times) 4 (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 min) 4 (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 min) 2 (Time 0, +30 min) 3 (Time 0, +20, +40 min) 3 (Time 0, +20, +40 min) Contact Time (hr) 1 1 1 1 1 were conducted separately ------- Table 2-2. Efficacy Maximization Test Matrix for ClOi Liquid Spray Biological Agent3 B. anthracis or B. sub tills B. anthracis or B. sub tilts B. anthracis or B. sub tilts B. anthracis or B. sub tilts B. anthracis or B. sub tilts CIO Materials „ 2 . # Spray Applications Contact Concentration / ,• .• .• ^ T. „ , , . (application times) lime(hr) Industrial carpet Treated wood Decorative laminate _ „„„ , _„„ 4 TT • + A 4. 3,000 ±300 ™. „ ,_ ,.„ _L/I, . , Unpamted concrete (lime 0, +15, +30, +45 mm) AZ test dust Topsoil Industrial carpet Treated wood Decorative laminate . „ „ „ , . „ „ 2 TT • + A + 4,000 + 400 ™. „ ,.„ . , Unpamted concrete (lime 0, +30 mm) AZ test dust Topsoil Industrial carpet Treated wood Decorative laminate . „„„ . „„ 4 Unpainted concrete ' (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 min) AZ test dust Topsoil Industrial carpet Treated wood Decorative laminate _ „ „ „ _ „ „ 4 Unpainted concrete ' (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 min) AZ test dust Topsoil Industrial carpet Treated wood Decorative laminate 4 QQQ ± 4QQ 4 Unpainted concrete ' (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 min) AZ test dust Topsoil 1 1 1 2 2 a Tests for B. anthracis and B. subtilis were conducted separately ------- Lastly, due to some variability in results with carpet, wood, and unpainted concrete, a few tests were repeated with these materials using B. anthracis spores; this test matrix is shown in Table 2-3. These repeat tests were conducted to assess the effect of increasing the number of spray applications at a given C1O2 concentration while eliminating the possibility that slight differences in the batch preparation of the aqueous C1O2 solutions were affecting decontamination efficacy (i.e., causing variability in results). The results of these repeat tests and further details are discussed in Chapter 7. Table 2-3. Matrix of Repeat Liquid Spray Tests to Assess Effect of Increasing Number of Spray Applications Biological Agent B. anthracis B. anthracis B. anthracis B. anthracis a Tested using the b Tested using the CIO Materials 2 # Spray Applications Contact Concentration , ,: . . , „. ,, , , , (application times) Time (hr) Industrial carpet ~ Treated wood 3,000 ±300a ,_,. „_,_.„ . , TT . , (lime 0, +30 mm) Unpainted concrete Industrial carpet . Treated wood 3,000 ±300a ™. „ _,__ '*_.„ _,_., . , TT • * j * (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 mm) Unpainted concrete Industrial carpet , Treated wood 4,000 ±300b ,„. _ __ . x TT • . j . (Time 0, +30 mm) Unpainted concrete Industrial carpet . Treated wood 4,000 ±300b ,„. _ 1S __ ., . x TT • . , . (Time 0, +15, +30, +45 mm) Unpainted concrete same batch of 3,000 ppm C1O2. same batch of 4,000 ppm C1O2. 1 1 1 1 ------- 3.0 Summary of Test Procedures Test procedures were performed in accordance with a pre-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and are summarized in this chapter. 3.1 Preparation of Test Coupons The B. anthracis spores used for this testing were prepared from a qualified stock of the Ames strain at the Battelle Biomedical Research Center (BBRC). All spore lots were subject to a stringent characterization and qualification process required by Battelle's standard operating procedure for spore production. Specifically, all spore lots were characterized prior to use by observation of colony morphology, direct microscopic observation of spore morphology and size and determination of percent refractivity and percent encapsulation. In addition, the number of viable spores was determined by colony count and expressed as colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL). Theoretically, once plated onto bacterial growth media, each viable spore germinates and yields one CPU. Variations in the expected colony phenotypes were recorded. Endotoxin concentration of each spore preparation was determined by the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL)2 assay to assess whether contamination from gram-negative bacteria occurred during the propagation and purification process of the spores. Genomic DNA was extracted from the spores and DNA fingerprinting by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was done to confirm the genotype. The virulence of the spore lot was measured by challenging guinea pigs intradermally with a dilution series of spore suspensions, and virulence was expressed as the intradermal median lethal dose. In addition, testing was conducted for robustness of the spores via HC1 resistance. The stock spore suspension was prepared in SFW at an approximate concentration of 1 x 109 CFU/mL and stored under refrigeration at 2 to 8 °C. The B. subtilis spores did not undergo the level of stringency for characterization (LAL assay, DNA fingerprinting, and virulence testing excluded), but qualitative PCR was done using a custom PCR assay to confirm B. subtilis. Primers were designed that targeted a conserved region of B. subtilis chromosomal DNA, since multiple strains of this bacterium exist. B. anthracis or B. subtilis spores were inoculated onto test coupons in an appropriate biosafety cabinet Level III (BSC III) according to established BBRC procedures. Inoculated coupons and soils (topsoil and AZTD) were prepared prior to each day of experimental work. Coupons were placed flat in the BSC III and inoculated at approximately 1 x 108 total spores per coupon. This inoculation on coupons was accomplished by dispensing a 100 microliter (jiL) aliquot of the spore stock suspension (approximately 1 x 109 spores/mL) using a multi-channel micropipette as 10 droplets (each of 10 jiL volume, Figure 3-1) across the surface of the test coupon. This approach provided more uniform distribution of spores across the coupon surface than would be obtained through a single drop of the suspension. ------- Figure 3-1. Inoculation of coupon using a multi-channel micropipette. The inoculations for the soils were done by dispensing a 100 jiL aliquot of the spore stock suspension (approximately 1 x 109 spores/mL) using a single-channel micropipette as 10 droplets across the surface of the soils. The reason a single- channel micropipette was used to inoculate the soils was that the topsoil and AZTD test "coupons" consisted of these materials placed in a Parafilm®-lined, 3.5 cm diameter x 1.0 cm tall Petri dish to an unpacked depth of 1.0 cm (Figure 3-2), so the multichannel micropipette dimensions did not match the Petri dish. The reason the Petri dishes were lined with Parafilm was that this inert film enabled the easy removal of the soils from the dishes into the extraction tubes in a single motion without having to scoop the inoculated decontaminated soils which presented handling and safety issues. The commercial topsoil used for this evaluation was a proprietary mixture of soil, composted cow manure, sand, and other ingredients (also proprietary). Analysis of this topsoil (conducted by a third party environmental laboratory) showed that it had an average water content of 16.2%, an average fraction organic carbon value of 5.20%, an average recalcitrant organic carbon value of 2.05%, and an average soil pH of 7.28. The AZTD was also commercially available, and its chemical composition was supplied by the vendor as percent of weight: Silicon dioxide (68 to 76%), aluminum oxide (10 to 15%), iron (III) oxide (2 to 5%), sodium oxide (2 to 4%), magnesium oxide (1 to 2%), titanium dioxide (0.5 to 1%), and potassium oxide (2 to 5%). Analysis of this AZTD showed that it had an average water content of 1.19%, an average fraction organic carbon value of 0.569%, an average recalcitrant organic carbon value of 1.07%, and an average soil pH of 8.30. After inoculation, the test coupons remained undisturbed overnight in the BSC III to dry thoroughly. Test coupons were then exposed to the decontaminant the next day (i.e., within 24 hours after inoculation). ------- Figure 3-2. Topsoil "coupons" made with ParafilmR-lined Petri dishes. The origin and specifications of the materials used for test coupons are shown in Table 3-1. All materials were selected as representative types of building and outdoor materials. All test coupons were made from new materials. The porous and nonporous test coupons were 1.9 by 7.5 cm in size, and the soils were 3.5 cm diameter by 1.0 cm tall in size. The industrial carpet was comprised of recycled nylon fiber (90%) that had undergone the solution dye process, which made the carpet inherently stain-resistant (particularly to acid-based substances), so no additional stain treatment was applied to the material during its production. The carpet was treated, however, with an antimicrobial chemical (zinc omadine). The carpet backing consisted entirely of thermoplastic polyolefm compound (also recycled content). The porous and nonporous coupons were sterilized before use by gamma-(^)- irradiation (treated wood, industrial carpet, and decorative laminate) or autoclaving (galvanized metal and glass). In the initial scoping test with topsoil, the topsoil was not sterilized prior to use in order to maintain chemical and physical integrity of the material. But due to concerns that the high background levels of the endogenous organisms could potentially interfere with quantitative results, all subsequent tests with the soil materials were sterilized by y- irradiation. Refer to Appendix B for further details. The ^-irradiation sterilization method was chosen for the porous materials since the pressure (15 pounds per square inch [psi]) and heat (121 °C) from an autoclave could physically alter or damage these coupons. Therefore, the nonporous coupons were sent to be ^-irradiated at approximately 40 kilogray by a vendor that specializes in this type of processing ------- (STERIS Isomedix Services, Libertyville, IL). The nonporous materials were autoclaved at Battelle by following an internal standard operating procedure. Table 3-1. Summary of Materials used for Decontaminant Testing Material Lot/Batch/ Observation Manufacturer/ Supplier Name Coupon Size, Width x Length Material Preparation NONPOROUS Glass Galvanized metal ductwork Decorative laminate C1036 NAa NA Brooks Brothers Glass; Columbus, OH Adept Products; West Jefferson, OH A' Jack Inc.; Columbus, OH 1.9 cmx7.5 cm 1.9 cmx7.5 cm 1.9 cmx7.5 cm Autoclave Autoclave Y - irradiation POROUS Carpet Painted-wallboard paper Treated wood Unpainted concrete Shaw EcoTek 6 05-16-03; Set-E-493; Roll-3 30906, ACQ, 2x6x8 Prime 5 parts sand and 2 parts cement Grossmans Bargain Outlet; Columbus, OH United States Gypsum Company; Chicago, IL Lowe's Top Choice; Springfield, OH Wysong Concrete; Fairborn, OH 1.9 cmx7.5 cm 1.9 cmx7.5 cm 1.9 cmx7.5 cm 1.0 cmx 3.0 cm Y - irradiation Y - irradiation Y - irradiation Y - irradiation SOILS Topsoil Arizona Test Dust PY1A0597 ISO 121030-1 GardenScape, Inc.; Eau Claire, PA Powder Technology, Inc.; Burnsville, MN 3.5 cm diameter x 1.0 (unpacked) 3.5 cm diameter x 1.0 (unpacked) nonsterile, Y - irradiation Y - irradiation aNot applicable. 3.2 Decontaminant Testing 3.2.1 Chlorine Dioxide Liquid Spray Neutralization Neutralization panels were conducted before any testing with each aqueous C1O2 liquid spray batch, using coupons that had not been inoculated with spores. In these neutralization panels, the decontaminant was applied and measurements were made with multiple coupons of each material type to determine the amount of the decontaminant that remained on, or ran off from, each material (i.e., "spray-and-weigh"). These C1O2 liquid deposition data were used in trial runs to determine the amount of neutralizing agent needed to stop the action of the decontaminant after the prescribed contact time. Refer to Appendix A for the results of these tests. 3.2.2 Chlorine Dioxide Liquid Spray Tests Five replicate test coupons (inoculated with B. anthracis or B. subtilis spores and ------- decontaminated), five replicate positive control coupons (inoculated and not decontaminated, i.e., sprayed only with SFW), one procedural blank (not inoculated, decontaminated), and one laboratory blank (not inoculated, not decontaminated) of each coupon material were used in testing under each set of testing conditions. All test coupons were oriented horizontally (i.e., lying flat). After the contact time, the C1O2 solution that had pooled on top of each test coupon was captured, neutralized, and subjected to spore extraction along with the associated test coupon. On the day following inoculation, test coupons intended for decontamination (including blanks) were separated from the positive controls or coupons not exposed to decontaminant (including blanks) since both sets were inoculated and dried overnight in the same BSC III. The C1O2 liquid spray distance (30.5 cm), humidity (< 70% RH), and temperature (22 °C ± 2 °C) were the same for all applications, including the positive controls. The positive controls (including blanks) were transferred into a separate compact glove box, or CGB (Compact Glove Box, Plas-Labs Model No. 830-ABC, Lansing, MI), where SFW was sprayed using the same type of sprayer. For porous materials and soils, more sprays (i.e., trigger pulls) were required to wet the surfaces of the materials since they absorbed the liquid. Following the appropriate number of spray applications and contact time, each coupon (along with any associated pooled decontaminant) was aseptically transferred to a sterile 50 mL conical tube containing 10 mL of sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution with 0.1% Triton X-100 surfactant (i.e., 99.9% PBS, 0.1% Triton X- 100) and the appropriate concentration of sodium thiosulfate (STS) neutralizer needed to stop the decontamination activity of the C1O2 liquid. The required concentration of STS was determined in the neutralization panels for each C1O2 test solution or number of applications tested. In each of the neutralization panels, a range of STS concentrations was tested to determine the concentration that most effectively stopped the action of the C1O2 (as indicated by the maximum recovery of viable spores in simulated coupon extracts). The results of those neutralization panels are shown in Appendix A. The coupons were extracted by agitation on an orbital shaker for 15 minutes at approximately 200 revolutions per minute (rpm) at room temperature. (Unsterilized topsoil was incubated in a water bath for one hour at 55 to 60 °C to inactivate the endogenous flora that were susceptible to heat shock). The unpainted concrete coupons were sonicated for 1 hour to increase extraction efficiency. The soils were transferred from the Petri dishes to the extraction tubes. Following extraction, a 1 mL aliquot of the coupon extract was removed, and a series of dilutions up through 10"7 was prepared in SFW. An aliquot (0.1 mL) of the undiluted extract and each serial dilution were then spread plated onto tryptic soy agar plates (in triplicate) and incubated overnight at 35 to 37 °C. Resulting colonies were enumerated within 18 to 24 hours of plating. The number of CFU/mL was determined by multiplying the average number of colonies for the triplicate plates by the reciprocal of the dilution, and accounting for the 0.1 mL volume of the extract or dilution that was plated. Before further decontamination tests with the next C1O2 solution, the BSC III and the compact glove box (CGB) were thoroughly cleaned (using separate steps involving bleach, ethanol, water, then drying) 10 ------- following procedures established under the coupons. The blanks were spiked with an BBRC Facility Safety Plan. equivalent amount of 0.1 mL of "stock suspension" that did not contain the Laboratory blanks controlled for sterility biological agent. The target acceptance and procedural blanks controlled for viable criterion was that extracts of laboratory or spores inadvertently introduced to test procedural blanks were to contain no CPU. The mean percent spore recovery from each coupon material was calculated using results from positive control coupons (spiked, not decontaminated (sprayed with SFW instead of the decontaminant)), by means of the following equation: Mean % Recovery = [Mean CFUpc/CFUSpike] x 100 (1) where Mean CFUpc is the mean number of CFU recovered from five replicate positive control coupons of a single material, and CFUspike is the number of CFU spiked onto each of those coupons. The value of CFUspike is known from enumeration of the stock spore suspension. Spore recovery was calculated for B. anthracis or B. subtilis on each coupon material, and the results are included in Chapters 5 through 12. 3.3 Decontamination Efficacy The performance or efficacy of the C1O2 liquid spray was assessed by determining the number of viable organisms remaining on each test coupon and in any decontaminant run-off from the coupon (for liquid spray testing only) after decontamination. Those numbers were compared to the number of viable organisms extracted from the positive control coupons. The number of viable spores of B. anthracis or B. subtilis in extracts of test and positive control coupons was determined in order to calculate efficacy of the decontaminant. Efficacy is defined as the extent (as logic reduction) to which viable spores extracted from test coupons after decontamination were less numerous than the viable spores extracted from positive control coupons. The logarithm of the CFU abundance from each coupon extract was determined, and the mean of those logarithm values was then determined for each set of control and associated test coupons, respectively. Efficacy of a decontaminant for a test organism/test condition on the f coupon material was calculated as the difference between those mean log values, i.e.: Efficacy = (loglo CFUcl}) - (loglo CFUtl}) (2) where logic CFUcy refers to they individual logarithm values obtained from the positive control coupons and logic CFUty refers to they individual logarithm values obtained from the corresponding test coupons, and the overbar designates a mean value. In tests conducted under this plan, there were five control and five corresponding test coupons (i.e.,7 = 5) for each coupon material. In the case where no viable spores were found in any of the five test coupon extracts after decontamination, a CFU abundance of 1 was assigned, resulting in a logic CFU of zero for that material. This situation occurred when the decontaminant was highly effective, and no viable spores were found on the decontaminated test coupons. In such cases, the final efficacy on that material was reported as greater than or equal to (>) the value calculated by Equation 2. 11 ------- The variances (i.e., the square of the standard deviation) of the logic CFUcy and logic CFUty values were also calculated for both the control and test coupons (i.e., S2ctj and -5%), and were used to calculate the pooled standard error (SE) for the efficacy value calculated in Equation 2, as follows: (3) where the number 5 again represents the number7 of coupons in both the control and test data sets. Each efficacy result is thus reported as a log reduction value with an associated SE value. The significance of differences in efficacy across different coupon materials and spore types was assessed based on the 95% confidence interval of each efficacy result. The 95% confidence interval (CI) is: 95% CI = Efficacy ± (1.96 x SE) (4) Differences in efficacy were judged to be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results did not overlap. Any results based on this formula are hereafter noted as significantly different. Note this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 3.4 Qualitative Assessment of Surface Damage Visual inspection of each coupon surface took place after the prescribed C1O2 liquid and fumigant contact time and application rates, through side-by-side comparison of the decontaminated test surface and control coupons of the same test material. Differences in color, reflectivity, and roughness were assessed qualitatively, and observations were documented. 3.5 Chlorine Dioxide Solution Characterization The concentrations of C1O2 solutions were measured using a modified titration method based on the Standard Method 4500-C1O2 E Amperometric Method II3. For this titration method, 5 mL of the C1O2 solution is added to a 150 mL solution of 5% potassium iodide in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Under these conditions, C1O2 oxidizes the iodide to iodine (and C1O2 is converted to chlorite). The total resulting iodine is reduced back to iodide when titrated with standard 0.1 Normal (N) [equal to 0.1 molar] sodium thiosulfate (STS). After this initial reaction with C1O2, the solution is acidified using 6 N hydrochloric acid (HC1), which forms additional chlorite, and is titrated further with STS. The total volume (mL) of STS solution titrated is proportional to the amount of iodine generated, which is proportional to the chlorine dioxide concentration. Certified National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable chlorite standards, appropriately diluted in solution comparable to the sampling solution, were titrated each day of chlorine dioxide testing to verify accuracy. The pH of the C1O2 solutions was measured with a calibrated pH meter (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA). 12 ------- 4.0 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures were performed in accordance with the QAPP (available upon request). The QA/QC procedures are summarized below. 4.1 Equipment Calibration All equipment (e.g., pipettes, incubators, biological safety cabinets, pH meter) and monitoring devices (e.g., thermometer, hygrometer) used at the time of evaluation were verified as being certified, calibrated, or validated. 4.2 QC Results Quality control efforts conducted during decontaminant testing included positive control coupons (inoculated, not decontaminated), procedural blanks (not inoculated, decontaminated), laboratory blanks (not inoculated, not decontaminated), and spike control samples (analysis of the stock spore suspension). All positive control results were within the target recovery range of 1 to 150% of the spiked spores, and all procedural and laboratory blanks met the criterion of no observed CPU for both organisms. Spike control samples were taken from the spore suspension on the day of testing and serially diluted, nutrient plated and counted to establish the spore density used to spike the coupons. The spore density levels met the QA target criterion of 1 x 109 CFU/mL (± 25%) for all tests, with the exception of the following three test conditions: • B. anthracis and B. subtilis for the 3,000 ppm, 1 hour, 2 total spray applications. In these tests, the inoculum spore density was 6.37 x 108 CFU/mL and 6.47 x 108 CFU/mL, respectively. • B. subtilis for the 3,000 ppm, 1 hour, 3 total spray applications. In this test, the inoculum spore density was 6.53 x 108 CFU/mL. Although these few tests did not meet the QA target criterion, the results are not expected to be adversely affected. 4.3 Audits 4.3.1 Performance Evaluation Audit Performance evaluation audits were conducted to assess the quality of the results obtained during evaluation. Performance standards for amperometric titration for 1000 mg/L, 3000 mg/L, and 4000 mg/L chlorite using sodium chlorite stock solutions to verify the titration method were made and tested. The results for these performance standards are listed in Table 4- 1. 13 ------- Table 4-1. Performance Standards for Amperometric Titration Sodium Chlorite Stock (mg/L) Measured Chlorite (mg/L) 1,000 ± 100 1,045 3,000 ±300 3,203 4,000 ± 400 4,113 Temperatures were monitored but no efforts were undertaken to control any of the test temperatures. No performance evaluation audits were performed to confirm the concentration and purity of B. anthracis or B. subtilis spores because quantitative standards do not exist for these organisms. The control coupons and blanks support the spore measurements. Table 4-2 summarizes the performance evaluation audits that were performed. Table 4-2. Performance Evaluation Audits Measurement Volume of liquid from micropipettes Chlorite Temperature Relative Humidity Time Audit Procedure Gravimetric evaluation Amperometric titration Compared to independently calibrated thermometer Compared to independently calibrated hygrometer Compare time to independent clock or watch value Allowable Tolerance ± 10% ± 10% ±2°C ± 10% ± 2 sec/hr Actual Tolerance ±5% ± 10% ±2°C < 10% 0 sec/hr 4.3.2 Technical Systems Audit Contractor QA staff conducted technical systems audits (TSAs) on June 17, July 20, August 26 and 27, and November 4, 2010, to ensure that the tests were being conducted in accordance with the appropriate test plan/QAPP. As part of the audit, test procedures were compared to those specified in the test/QAPP and data acquisition and handling procedures were reviewed. Observations and findings from the TSA were documented and submitted to the test leader for response. None of the findings of the TSA required corrective action. TSA records were permanently stored with the Contractor QA Manager. 4.3.3 Data Quality Audit At least 10% of the data acquired during the evaluation were audited. The contract QA auditor traced the data from the initial acquisition through reduction and statistical analysis to final reporting to ensure the integrity of the reported results. All calculations performed on the data undergoing the audit were checked. 14 ------- 4.4 QAPP Amendments and Deviations Two deviations were prepared, approved, and retained in the test files for this evaluation. The first deviation related to the initiation of testing as described in the two QAPP amendments without fully- signed/approved amendments in place. A second deviation was for the cases during C1O2 liquid spray testing when the positive controls exceeded the ±25% criterion from the target inoculum titer. These deviations are not expected to adversely impact results; refer to Section 4.2 for more information. 4.5 QA/QC Reporting Each assessment and audit was documented in accordance with the QAPP. For these tests, findings were noted (none significant) in the data quality audit, but no followup corrective action was necessary. The findings were mostly minor data transcription errors requiring some recalculation of efficacy results, but none were gross errors in recording. Copies of the assessment reports were distributed to the EPA and contractor staff. QA/QC procedures were performed in accordance with the QAPP. 4.6 Data Review Records and data generated in the evaluation received a QC/technical review before they were utilized in calculating or evaluating results and prior to incorporation in reports. All data were recorded by contractor staff. The staff member performing the QC/technical review was involved in the experiments and added his/her initials and the date to a hard copy of the record being reviewed. This hard copy was returned to the staff member who stored the record. 15 ------- 5.0 Initial Chlorine Dioxide Spray Scoping Tests To help target subsequent testing conditions with additional materials, initial scoping tests were performed first using galvanized metal coupons to assist in focusing the C1O2 concentration, contact time, and number of spray applications that would potentially be needed to effectively decontaminate other materials. Galvanized metal and the initial decontamination conditions were selected based on results of previous testing1. Specifically, C1O2 liquid spray testing with target concentrations of 1,500; 2,000; and 3,000 ppm; contact time of 1 hour, and varying number of spray applications was conducted on galvanized metal inoculated with either spores of B. anthracis or B. subtilis. 5.1 Initial Scoping Decontamination Tests Using Galvanized Metal Coupons The decontamination efficacies were evaluated for B. anthracis and B. subtilis on galvanized metal for the following conditions: • 3,000 ppm C1O2, 1 hour contact time, two total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,103 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 3,000 ppm C1O2, 1 hour contact time, three total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,103 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 1,500 ppm C1O2, 1 hour contact time, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 1,484 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 2,000 ppm C1O2, 1 hour contact time, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 2,024 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) As expected, increasing the concentration and number of spray applications improved decontamination efficacy; refer to Tables 5- 1 through 5-3and Figure 5-1. Complete inactivation within the detection limit was seen only when testing at the condition of 3,000 ppm C1O2, 1 hour contact time, and three total spray applications. Both B. anthracis (> 7.89) and B. subtilis (> 7.70) were completely inactivated under these conditions. For three of the four B. anthracis tests, a 6 log reduction or greater was achieved, and for the other test with B. anthracis, a log reduction of nearly 6 (5.99) was obtained. (A decontaminant which achieves a 6 log reduction or greater is considered effective.4) 16 ------- Table 5-1. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—Initial Scoping Tests on Galvanized Metal Contact Time, Applications a 3000 ppm (1 hr contact, two total sprays) Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 3000 ppm (1 hr contact , three total sprays) Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 1500 ppm (1 hr contact, four total sprays) Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 2000 ppm (1 hr contact, four total sprays) Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 6.37 x 107 6.37 x 107 0 0 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 0 0 9.90 x 107 9.90 x 107 0 0 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.76 ± 0.070 0.680 ±0.93 0 0 7.89 ±0.030 0 0 0 7.84 ±0.030 1.85 ±1.1 0 0 7.87 ±0.080 0.740 ±1.7 0 0 Mean % Recovery 91.0 ± 15.3 < 0.0100 - - 83.3 ±5.90 0 - - 69.7 ±4.10 <0.01 - - 79.0 ±15.0 <0.01 - - Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 7.08 ±0.82 - - - > 7.89 ±0.030 - - - 5.99 ±0.99 - - - 7.12 ±1.5 - - a Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction). b Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). 0 Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. d Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. e Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. f CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 8 "-" Not Applicable. 17 ------- Table 5-2. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—Initial Scoping Tests on Galvanized Metal Contact Time, Applications a 3000 ppm (1 hr contact, two total sprays) Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 3000 ppm (1 hr contact, three total sprays) Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 1500 ppm (1 hr contact, four total sprays) Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 2000 ppm (1 hr contact, four total sprays) Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 6.47 x 107 6.47 x 107 0 0 6.53 x 107 6.53 x 107 0 0 1.12xl08 1.12xl08 0 0 1.05 x 108 1.05 x 108 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.74 ±0.030 0.610 ±0.84 0 0 7.70 ± 0.080 0 0 0 7.98 ±0.040 7.21 ±0.15 0 0 7.98 ±0.040 6.07 ±0.45 0 0 Mean % Recovery 85.4 ±5.80 <0.01 - - 77.4 ±14.0 0 - - 84.6 ± 8.0 15.4 ±6.0 - - 92.3 ±9.10 1.75 ±1.80 - - Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 7.13 ±0.74 - - - > 7.70 ±0.070 - - - 0.760 ±0.14 - - - 1.91 ±0.40 - - 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction). 3 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 18 ------- Table 5-3. Summary of Efficacy Values with 95% Confidence Intervals for Initial Scoping Tests of ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Galvanized Metal ClOi Liquid, Contact Time, Applications 3000 ppm, 1 hr, 2 applications 3000 ppm, 1 hr, 3 applications 1500 ppm, 1 hr, 4 applications 2000 ppm, 1 hr, 4 applications Efficacy for B. anthracis (Ames) 7.08 ±0.82 >7.89±0.030a 5.99 ±0.99 7.12± 1.50 Efficacy for B. subtilis 7.13 ±0.74 >7.70±0.070a 0.760 ±0.14 1.91 ±0.40 aResult represents complete inactivation within the detection limit of 33.33 CFU/material. Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. CIO2 Liquid Spray Optimization on Galvanized Metal i B. anthracis B, subiihs 3000 ppm, 1 hr, 2 apps 3000 ppm, 1 hr, 3 apps 1500 ppm, 1 hr, 4 jpps Test Condition 2000 ppm, 1 hr, 4 apps Figure 5-1. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for initial scoping tests with ClOi liquid spray on galvanized metal (asterisk indicates complete inactivation within the detection limit). 5.2 Scoping Decontamination Tests Using Other Materials Based on the initial scoping test results with galvanized metal, a second scoping test was conducted using additional materials, i.e., unsterilized topsoil, glass, treated wood, industrial carpet, and decorative laminate. Since galvanized metal was completely decontaminated for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis only at the test condition of 3,000 ppm C1O2, three spray applications, and 1 hour contact time, this same decontamination treatment was used for the additional materials. The actual C1O2 liquid concentration was measured at 3,103 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing. The results are shown in Tables 5-4 and 5-5 and summarized in Table 5-6 and Figure 5- 2. Overall, log reductions varied by material, with topsoil decontaminated at the worst efficacy (less than 0.24 log reduction). Complete inactivation within the detection limit was observed only on glass and 19 ------- decorative laminate for B. anthracis (> 7.86 efficacy for wood and carpet ranged from and > 7.84, respectively) and on glass for B. approximately 1.5-4.0 log reduction. subtilis (> 7.88). The decontamination 20 ------- Table 5-4. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid on Building and Outdoor Materials (1 Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications) Test Material Topsoila'f Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Glass Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Industrial Carpet Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.26 xlO8 1.26 x 108 0 0 1.26 x 108 1.26 x 108 0 0 1.26 x 108 1.26 x 108 0 0 1.26 x 108 1.26 x 108 0 0 1.26 x 108 1.26 x 108 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.97 ± 0.060 7.72 ± 0.060 0 0 7.86 ±0.080 0 0 0 6.92 ±0.050 4.51±0.18 0 0 8.01 ±0.060 4.61 ±0.84 0 0 7.84 ±0.050 0 0 0 Mean % Recovery 74.6 ± 11.0 42.4 ±5.80 - - 58.7 ±11.0 0 - - 6.61 ±0.76 0.0300 ±0.01 - - 81.8±11 0.150 ±0.28 - - 55.4 ±6.10 0 - - Decontamination Efficacy ± CIg h 0.240 ± 0.080 - - - > 7.86 ± 0.070 - - - 2.41 ±0.17 - - - 3.40 ±0.73 - - . > 7.84 ±0.040 - - a Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction). b Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). 0 Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. d Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. e Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. f Unsterilized topsoil used for testing. 8 CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 * SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. h "-"Not Applicable. 21 ------- Table 5-5. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid on Building and Outdoor Materials (1 Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications) Test Material Topsoila'f Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Glass Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Industrial Carpet Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.92 ± 0.040 7.83 ±0.030 0 0 7.88±0.11 0 0 0 7.02 ±0.74 5.59 ±0.37 0 0 7.84 ±0.010 3.76 ±0.41 0 0 7.90 ±0.050 2.77 ±1.72 0 0 Mean % Recovery 72.0 ±6.90 57.9 ±4.20 - 67.4 ±18.0 0 24.9 ±31.0 0.420 ±0.23 59.5 ±2.00 0.01 ±0.01 - 68.4 ±8.0 0.010 ±0.02 - Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 0.0900 ± 0.050 - - > 7.88 ±0.10 - 1.43 ±0.72 4.08 ±0.36 - 5. 13 ±1.5 - a Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction). b Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). 0 Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. d Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. e Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. f Unsterilized topsoil used for testing. 8 CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. h "-"NotApplicable. 22 ------- Table 5-6. Summary of Efficacy Values with 95% Confidence Intervals for 3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid on Building and Outdoor Materials (1 Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications) Test Material Topsoil Glass Treated Wood Industrial Carpet Decorative Laminate Efficacy for B. anthracis (Ames) 0.24 ±0.08 >7.86±0.07a 2.41 ±0.17 3.40 ±0.73 >7.84±0.04a Efficacy for B. subtilis 0.09 ±0.05 >7.88±0.10a 1.43 ±0.72 4.08 ±0.36 5.13 ± 1.50 aResult represents complete inactivation within the detectable limit of 3.33 CFU/mL. Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 3,000 ppm CIO2 Liquid Spray, 1 Hour Contact, 3 Applications i B. anthracis I B. subtilis TopSoi Glass Treated Wood Material Industrial Carpet Decorative Laminate Figure 5-2. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for initial scoping tests on building and outdoor materials (asterisk indicates complete inactivation within the detection limit). 23 ------- 6.0 Chlorine Dioxide Spray Efficacy Maximization Tests Additional C1O2 liquid spray testing on building and outdoor materials was conducted to determine if increasing the C1O2 concentration, number of spray applications, and/or contact time would improve decontamination efficacy for the materials not completely decontaminated under the test conditions described in Chapter 5. Tests for galvanized metal and glass were discontinued from further testing because these materials were completely decontaminated for the two microorganisms using 3000 ppm C1O2, three sprays, and one hour contact time. In place of these materials, unpainted concrete and AZTD were added to the efficacy maximization test matrix. An adaptive management approach was used to incorporate new knowledge into the testing as decontamination efficacy results became available. Test matrices are presented in the order in which the tests were conducted: • 3,000 ppm C1O2, one hour contact time, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,238 ppm for B. anthracis testing and an average of 3,137 ppm for B. subtilis testing). • 4,000 ppm C1O2, one hour contact time, two total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,047 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 4,000 ppm C1O2, one hour contact time, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at an average of 3,980 ppm for B. anthracis testing and an average of 4,047 ppm for B. subtilis testing). • 3,000 ppm C1O2, two hour contact time, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,170 ppm for B. anthracis testing and 3,103 ppm for B. subtilis testing.) • 4,000 ppm C1O2, two hour contact time, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,912 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) The detailed decontamination efficacy results are shown in Tables 6-1 through 6- 10, and summarized in Tables 6-11 and 6- 12and in Figure 6-1. Decorative laminate was the only material to be completely decontaminated in some of the tests, and a log reduction > 6.0 was achieved on laminate for nine of the ten tests. The soil materials (topsoil and AZTD) were the most difficult materials to decontaminate, with all average log reduction results for AZTD less than 1.5 and all log reduction results for topsoil less than 0.31. Except for a few tests, all of the log reduction results for wood, concrete, and carpet were less than 3.0. The most robust liquid spray treatment of 4,000 ppm C1O2, four spray applications, and two- hour contact time did offer improved decontamination efficacy compared to some of the other test conditions (all other 24 ------- variables being equal), but did not significantly improve efficacy compared to the 4,000 ppm C1O2, four spray applications, one hour contact time except for a few tests. Decontamination efficacy results did not always improve with increasing C1O2 concentration, contact time, or number of spray applications. This effect was more pronounced on carpet, wood, and unpainted concrete, where some test results were much higher than expected. For example, industrial carpet was decontaminated at a log reduction of greater than 7.0 at the 3,000 ppm, one hour, four-spray test condition, but the log reduction results for carpet were all less than 3.0 for all the other maximization tests. A somewhat similar result occurred with unpainted concrete. A number of factors could be the cause of these outlier results, including random experimental error, but we think these results may also be associated with using different batches for the testing of the C1O2 solutions. A few tests were repeated with these materials to assess the effect of increasing the number of spray applications at a given C1O2 concentration while eliminating the possibility that differences in the batch preparation of the aqueous C1O2 solutions were affecting decontamination efficacy (i.e., causing variability in results). See Chapter 7 for further discussion of potential causes of experimental variability and test results. 25 ------- Table 6-1. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.12xl08 1.12xl08 0 0 1.12xl08 1.12xl08 0 0 1.12xl08 1.12xl08 0 0 1.02 xlO8 1.02 xlO8 0 0 1.14xl08 1.14xl08 0 0 1.14xl08 1.14xl08 0 0 Mean of Logs of Mean % Decontamination Observed CFU Recovery Efficacy ± CIf 7.94 ±0.05 77.4 ±8.80 0.82 ±1.8 <0.01 0 0 7.66 ±0.43 57.0 ±39 4.82 ±0.04 0.06 ±0.01 0 0 7.84 ±0.09 62.8 ±13 0.68 ±1.5 <0.01 0 0 7.32±0.19 21.9±8.1 1.19 ±2.70 0.180 ±0.39 0 0 7.97 ±0.05 82.2 ±8.8 7.85 ±0.07 62.5 ±10 0 0 7.98 ±0.06 84.1 ±10 7.93 ±0.06 75.0 ±11 0 0 _g 7.12 ±1.6 - - 2.85 ±0.38 - 7.16 ±1.30 6.13 ±2.30 - 0.12 ±0.08 - 0.05 ±0.07 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). 0 Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. d Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. e Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. f CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. g "-" Not Applicable. 26 ------- Table 6-2. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.20 x 108 1.20 x 108 0 0 1.20 x 108 1.20 x 108 0 0 1.20 x 108 1.20 x 108 0 0 9.33 x 107 9.33 x 107 0 0 1.02 x 108 1.02 x 108 0 0 1.02 x 108 1.02 x 108 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.86 ±0.07 6.59 ±0.16 0 0 6.88 ±0.08 4.84 ±2.70 0 0 7.82 ±0.04 0 0 0 7.49 ±0.12 2. 10 ±2.0 0 0 7.94 ±0.03 7.86 ±0.06 0 0 7.89 ±0.05 7.90 ±0.04 0 0 Mean % Recovery 61.2 ±9.0 3.44 ±1.1 - 6.43 ±1.10 0.80 ±0.60 55.3 ±5.70 0 34.3 ±8.50 <0.01 - 85.4 ±5.60 71.4 ± 10.0 - 75.8 ±9.60 78.8 ±7.80 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 1.27 ±0.16 - - 2.04 ± 2.40 - > 7.82 ±0.04 5.39 ± 1.80 - 0.08 ±0.06 - 0.005 ± 0.06 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 27 ------- Table 6-3. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Two Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.05 xlO8 1.05 x 108 0 0 1.05 x 108 1.05 x 108 0 0 1.05 x 108 1.05 x 108 0 0 1.22 xlO8 1.22 xlO8 0 0 1.21 xlO8 1.21 xlO8 0 0 1.21 xlO8 1.21 xlO8 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 8.04 ±0.05 5.22 ±0.60 0 0 7.16 ±0.26 5.21 ±0.50 0 0 7.76 ±0.07 0 0 0 7.27 ±0.24 0.68 ±0.93 0 0 7.99 ±0.01 7.05 ±0.12 0 0 7.98 ±0.01 7.93 ±0.01 0 0 Mean % Recovery 106 ±11.0 0.31 ±0.34 - 16.3 ±12.0 0.24 ±0.21 55.8 ±9.60 0 17.3 ±9.30 <0.01 - 81.6 ±2.40 9.59 ±2.50 - 78.9 ±1.10 70.1 ±1.60 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 2.82 ±0.52 - - 1.95 ±0.49 - > 7.76 ±0.06 6.60 ±0.84 - 0.94 ±0.11 - 0.05 ±0.01 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 28 ------- Table 6-4. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Two Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 8.93 x 107 8.93 x 107 0 0 8.93 x 107 8.93 x 107 0 0 8.93 x 107 8.93 x 107 0 0 8.93 x 107 8.93 x 107 0 0 1.33 xlO8 1.33 xlO8 0 0 1.33 xlO8 1.33 xlO8 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.68 ±0.06 5.17±0.19 0 0 6.59 ±0.12 5.00 ±0.22 0 0 7.63 ±0.08 1.16±1.1 0 0 7.06 ±0.16 3.42 ±0.16 0 0 7.96 ±0.04 7.83 ±0.06 0 0 7.96 ±0.03 7.92 ±0.05 0 0 Mean % Recovery 53.7 ±7.30 0.18±0.10 - 4.50 ±1.40 0.12 ±0.06 48.8 ±9.10 <0.01 13.7 ±5.60 <0.01 - 69.5 ± 6.20 51.5 ±6.90 - 69.5 ±5.20 63.4 ±6.80 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 2.51 ±0.17 - - 1.59 ±0.22 - 6.47 ±1.40 3.64 ±0.20 - 0.13 ±0.06 - 0.04 ±0.05 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 29 ------- Table 6-5. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.21 xlO8 1.21 xlO8 0 0 1.21 xlO8 1.21 xlO8 0 0 1.21 xlO8 1.21 xlO8 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.97 ±0.02 6.69 ±0.10 0 0 7.01 ±0.10 5.80 ±0.09 0 0 7.90 ±0.02 0 0 0 7.74 ±0.21 5. 14 ±0.69 0 0 7.96 ±0.02 6.50 ±0.09 0 0 7.98 ±0.04 7.81 ±0.04 0 0 Mean % Recovery 76.5 ±3.60 4.18 ±1.00 - 8.62 ±1.90 0.530±0.11 66.1 ±3.30 0 52.4 ±26.0 0.310 ±0.48 - 78.8 ±3.40 2.79 ±0.66 - 82.2 ±7.30 55.7 ±5. 30 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 1.27 ±0.09 - - 1.21 ±0.12 - > 7.90 ±0.02 2.61 ±0.63 - 1.46 ±0.08 - 0.17 ±0.05 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 30 ------- Table 6-6. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.14xl08 1.14xl08 0 0 1.14xl08 1.14xl08 0 0 1.14xl08 1.14xl08 0 0 7.67 x 107 7.67 x 107 0 0 7.67 x 107 7.67 x 107 0 0 7.67 x 107 7.67 x 107 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.92 ±0.03 7.19 ±0.04 0 0 6.94 ±0.05 6.01 ±0.32 0 0 7.86 ±0.06 0 0 0 7.29 ±0.14 5.76 ±0.39 0 0 7.79 ±0.04 7.57 ±0.16 0 0 7.86 ±0.09 7.74 ±0.08 0 0 Mean % Recovery 73.5 ±5.50 13.8 ±1.40 - 7.70 ±0.93 1.13 ±0.94 64.4 ±9.10 0 26.4 ±9.30 0.940 ±0.48 - 80.6 ±7.10 51.0 ± 18.0 - 96.2 ± 20.0 73.3 ±13.0 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 0.73 ±0.05 - - 0.930 ±0.29 - > 7.86 ±0.06 1.52 ±0.36 - 0.22 ±0.14 - 0.12±0.10 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 31 ------- Table 6-7. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.96 ±0.07 5.45 ±0.22 0 0 7.11 ±0.09 5.05 ±0.44 0 0 7.88 ±0.07 1.24 ±1.2 0 0 7.94 ±0.03 5.72 ±0.31 0 0 7.87 ±0.03 7.21 ±0.27 0 0 7.98 ±0.02 7.88 ±0.05 0 0 Mean % Recovery 80.4 ± 13.0 0.270 ±0.12 - 11.4 ±2.00 0.150±0.19 67.0 ±11.0 <0.01 75.6 ±5.60 0.55 ±0.33 - 65.1 ±4.50 16.3 ±8.50 - 82.9 ±4.30 67.0 ±8.60 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 2.51 ±0.20 - - 2.06 ±0.39 - 6.64 ±1.00 2.22 ±0.28 - 0.66 ± 0.24 - 0.09 ±0.05 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 32 ------- Table 6-8. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, 2 Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 9.50 x 107 9.50 x 107 0 0 9.50 x 107 9.50 x 107 0 0 9.50 x 107 9.50 x 107 0 0 9.50 x 107 9.50 x 107 0 0 9.50 x 107 9.50 x 107 0 0 9.50 x 107 9.50 x 107 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.85 ±0.09 7.05 ±0.07 0 0 6.98 ±0.09 6.01 ±0.44 0 0 7.94 ±0.04 5.06 ±0.86 0 0 7.47 ± 0.20 6.47 ±0.39 0 0 7.98 ±0.04 7.80 ±0.09 0 0 7.98 ±0.04 7.93 ±0.02 0 0 Mean % Recovery 76.5 ± 12.0 ± - 10.3 ± 1.56 ± 91.9± 15.0 1.90 2.50 1.40 8.50 0.390 ±0.48 33.7 ± 4.37 ± - 99.9 ± 67.5 ± - 100± 89.5 ± 15.0 4.20 9.10 13.0 9.80 3.90 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 0.80 ±0.10 - - 0.97 ±0.39 - 2.88 ±0.75 1.00 ±0.38 - 0.18 ±0.08 - 0.05 ±0.04 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable. 33 ------- Table 6-9. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.33 xlO8 1.33 xlO8 0 0 1.33 xlO8 1.33 xlO8 0 0 1.33 xlO8 1.33 xlO8 0 0 1.15xl08 1.15xl08 0 0 7.87 x 107 7.87 x 107 0 0 1.33 xlO8 1.33 xlO8 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.90 ±0.09 5.06 ±0.17 0 0 7.22 ± 0.20 4.59 ±0.71 0 0 7.89 ±0.05 0.310 ±0.69 0 0 7.65 ±0.16 5.15±0.11 0 0 7.90 ±0.03 6.62 ± 0.24 0 0 7.97 ±0.04 7.66 ±0.03 0 0 Mean % Recovery 60.79 ± 13 0.09 ±0.04 - 13.8 ±7.60 0.05 ±0.03 58.7 ±7.20 <0.01 40.6 ± 16.0 0.12 ±0.03 - 100 ± 5.90 5.97 ±3.70 - 70.6 ±6.80 34.2 ±2.70 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 2.84 ±0.17 - - 2.64 ±0.65 - 7.58 ±0.61 2.50 ±0.16 - 1.28 ±0.21 - 0.31 ±0.05 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable 34 ------- Table 6-10. Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Spores—4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Building and Outdoor Materials (Four Total Spray Applications, Two Hour Contact Time) Test Material Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Decorative Laminate Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Arizona Test Dust Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Topsoil Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Inoculum (CFU) 1.30 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 0 0 1.30 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 0 0 1.30 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 0 0 1.30 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 0 0 1.30 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 0 0 1.30 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 0 0 Mean of Logs of Observed CFU 7.89 ±0.06 5.58 ±0.24 0 0 6.95 ±0.12 4.95 ±0.77 0 0 7.98 ±0.02 0 0 0 6.65 ±0.18 5.60 ±0.37 0 0 7.96 ±0.02 7.27 ±0.25 0 0 8.03 ±0.02 7.96 ±0.03 0 0 Mean % Recovery 60.5 ± 8.00 0.33 ±0.13 - 7.11 ±2.20 0.18 ±0.26 73.4 ±3. 10 0 3.72 ± 1.80 0.38 ±0.22 - 70.4 ±3.60 16.3 ± 9.70 - 83.3 ±3.80 69.5 ± 4.70 Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf _g 2.31 ±0.22 - - 2.00 ±0.69 - > 7.98 ±0.02 1.05 ±0.36 - 0.69 ±0.22 - 0.08 ±0.03 1 Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). : Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. 1 Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. : Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. F CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 1 "-" Not Applicable 35 ------- Table 6-11. Summary of Mean Quantitative Efficacy with 95% Confidence Intervals for ClOi Liquid Spray Efficacy Maximization Results for B. anthracis Quantitative Efficacy (mean log reduction) Test Material Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Decorative Laminate Unpainted Concrete Arizona Test Dust Topsoil 3000 ppm, One hr contact, four total spray applications 7.12± 1.60 2.85 ±0.38 7.16 ±1.34 6.13 ±2.34 0.12 ±0.08 0.05 ±0.07 4000 ppm, One hr contact, two total spray applications 2.82 ±0.52 1.95 ±0.49 >7.76a±0.06 6.60 ±0.84 0.940 ±0.11 0.05 ±0.01 4000 ppm, One hr contact, four total spray applications 1.27 ±0.09 1.21 ±0.12 >7.90a±0.02 2.61 ±0.63 1.46 ±0.08 0.17 ±0.05 3000 ppm, Two hr contact, four total spray applications 2.51 ±0.20 2.06 ±0.39 6.64 ± 1.0 2.22 ±0.28 0.66 ±0.24 0.09 ±0.05 4000 ppm, Two hr contact, four total spray applications 2.84 ±0.17 2.64 ±2.6 7.58 ±0.61 2.50 ±0.16 1.28 ±0.21 0.31 ±0.05 aResult represents complete inactivation within the detectable limit of 33.33 CPU/material. Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 36 ------- Table 6-12. Summary of Mean Quantitative Efficacy with 95% Confidence Intervals for ClOi Liquid Spray Efficacy Maximization Results for B. subtitis Quantitative Efficacy (mean log reduction) Test Material Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Decorative Laminate Unpainted Concrete Arizona Test Dust Topsoil 3000 ppm, One hr contact, four total spray applications 1.27±0.16 2.04 ±2.40 >7.82a±0.04 5.39 ±1.80 0.08 ±0.06 0.005 ± 0.06 4000 ppm, One hr contact, two total spray applications 2.51 ±0.17 1.59 ±0.22 6.47 ± 1.40 3.64 ±0.20 0.13 ±0.06 0.04 ±0.05 4000 ppm, One hr contact, four total spray applications 0.73 ±0.05 0.93 ± 0.29 >7.86a±0.06 1.52 ±0.36 0.22 ±0.14 0.12±0.10 3000 ppm, Two hr contact, four total spray applications 0.80 ±0.10 0.97 ±0.39 2.88 ±0.75 1.00 ±0.38 0.18 ±0.08 0.05 ± 0.04 4000 ppm, Two hr contact, four total spray applications 2.31 ±0.22 2.00 ±0.69 >7.98a±0.02 1.05 ±0.36 0.69 ±0.22 0.08 ±0.03 aResult represents complete inactivation within the detectable limit of 33.33 CPU/material. Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 37 ------- Industrial Carpet ICarpet-B.a. ICarpet-B.sub 3000ppm,60',4apps 4000ppm,60',2app 4000ppm,60',4apps 3000ppm,120',4apps 4000ppm, 120',4apps Test Condition Treated Wood ITrtdWood-B.j. ITrtdWood-B.sub 3000ppm, 60', 4jpps 4000ppm, 60', 2apps 4000ppm,60',4apps Test Condition SOOOppm, 120', 4apps 4000ppm, 120', 4apps Decorative Laminate • Laminate-B.a. • Laminate-B.sub 3000ppm,60',4apps 4000ppm, 60', 2apps 4000ppm,60',4apps 3000ppm, 120',4apps 4000ppm, 120',4apps Test Condition Figure 6-la. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for liquid spray testing conditions (asterisk indicates complete inactivation within the detection limit). 38 ------- Unpainted Concrete lUnptdConc-B.a. lUnptdConc-B.sub 3000ppm,60',4apps 4000ppm,60',2apps 4000ppm,60',4apps 3000ppm, 120',4apps 4000ppm, 120',4apps Test Condition AZ Test Dust lAZTD-B.a. lAZTD-B.sub o 4- 3000ppm,60',4apps 4000ppm,60',2apps 4000ppm,60',4apps SOOOppm, 120',4apps 4000ppm, 120',4apps Test Condition Topsoil _ 8 I 7 ITopsoil-B.a. ITopsoil-B.sub 3000ppm,60',4apps 4000ppm,60',2apps 4000ppm,60',4apps BOOOppm, 120',4apps 4000ppm, 120',4apps Test Condition Figure 6-lb. Summary of efficacies (log reduction) and confidence intervals for liquid spray testing conditions. 39 ------- 7.0 Liquid Spray Results for Two vs. Four Total Spray Applications 7.1 Description During the course of the C1O2 liquid spray efficacy maximization testing (refer to Chapter 6), the decontamination efficacy results obtained for some of the porous materials (industrial carpet, treated wood, and unpainted concrete) were variable, i.e., did not follow expected trends and in some cases, were much higher than expected. For example, as more spray applications were involved (e.g., from two total spray applications to four total spray applications, but at the same contact time and concentration), a significantly lower efficacy (log reduction) would not be expected. Similarly, as testing progressed from a lower C1O2 concentration to a higher concentration (but with same contact time and number of spray applications), a significantly lower efficacy (log reduction) would not be expected. But for some of these materials and tests, lower decontamination efficacies were indeed observed. Several factors may have contributed to this variability and are discussed below. We do note that some of these factors may have had minimal impact on efficacy for the materials already easily decontaminated at most or all of the test conditions (e.g., decorative laminate), or for materials that were minimally decontaminated at all of the test conditions (soil materials). 7.1.1 Test Material Composition The porous materials that exhibited highly variable results (industrial carpet, treated wood, and unpainted concrete) have, historically, been variable in terms of efficacy (log reduction) once decontaminant has been applied. The reason may be attributed to the porous nature of the materials themselves. Not only are the spore suspensions being absorbed, but so is the sprayed C1O2 liquid. No evaluations have been made to determine what happens to decontaminants or how the materials themselves affect the fate (e.g., activity) of the decontaminants once applied and absorbed into the coupons. Nonporous materials (e.g., laminate) allow the spore suspensions to dry as droplets in the place where they were inoculated. These materials also allow the liquid decontaminants to pool and stay visibly wetted for the duration of the contact times. 7.1.2 Subjectivity of Spraying Method The C1O2 solution is sprayed using a commercially-available trigger sprayer as described in Chapter 2. Prior to spraying, the sprayer was tipped so that it was horizontal (i.e., facing the inoculated material coupons in the horizontal configuration) at a distance of 30.5 cm. When sprayed, the trigger was pulled while simultaneously sweeping the sprayer from side-to-side to cover the five inoculated replicates of one material. The number of trigger pulls was counted to render the materials "fully wetted" for that spray application at that time point. The same procedure was followed for each subsequent material until all materials were sprayed with the C1O2 solution for that time 40 ------- point (e.g., time 0). This same procedure was repeated for additional time points (e.g., +30 minutes). The subjectivity involved with this method is apparent, but this method was the most reasonable method when previous tasks that involved specialized sprayers/applicators (depending on the vendor) were taken into consideration. Any development or implementation of an automated system was precluded due to the number of variables (e.g., nozzle type, pressure requirements, number of decontaminant component reservoirs) associated with each decontaminant formulation. Since a commercially-available trigger sprayer was used to dispense and apply the C1O2 liquid, there was no form of precise control of where the sprayed liquid deposited. Due to space limitations associated with working in a Class III BSC glove box, two material types were placed per elevated grill. Despite efforts taken to control the conical spray pattern from the trigger sprayer, a "shadowing effect" may have resulted in over-spraying one material type that landed on the other material on the same elevated grill, possibly yielding one material actually getting more sprayed C1O2 liquid than intended. 7.1.3 Chemistry of CIO2 Solution Batch-to-batch differences in the pH and other chemical characteristics of the aqueous C1O2 solutions may also have been a factor in the variable decontamination efficacy results. When a C1O2 solution batch was made, the pH, chlorite, C1O2, and ratio of chlorite to C1O2 were measured or calculated. According to the manufacturer, the pH of the C1O2 solution must be between 4 and 7. Also, the chlorite concentration (ppm) must be within a minimum of 50% of the target C1O2 concentration (e.g., if a 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid is needed, the chlorite can be no less than 1,500 ppm). Every effort, however, was taken during C1O2 liquid spray testing to bring the pH of the solution as close to 7 as possible because the measured pH was near 7, so, for consistency's sake, every batch of C1O2 solution was adjusted to be pH 7. Of the 22 times that the C1O2 solution was made for liquid spray testing, the average pH was 6.73 ± 0.56, and the average chlorite to C1O2 ratio was 84.42 ± 13.42%. See Table 12-1 for a summary of the chemical characteristics and their variability for each batch of aqueous C1O2 used in testing. To eliminate the possibility that some of the variability in efficacy results for the wood, concrete and carpet materials was due to batch-to-batch variability of the aqueous solutions, tests were conducted to see whether two total spray applications versus four total spray applications using the same C1O2 liquid batch (either 3000 ppm or 4000 ppm C1O2) and contact time would yield the expected results (i.e., higher efficacy with increased number of sprays) on industrial carpet, treated wood, and unpainted concrete inoculated with B. anthracis spores. With these additional tests, we would be better able to determine whether increasing the number of spray applications improved decontamination efficacy. 41 ------- Table 7-1. Chlorine Dioxide Liquid Batch Chemical Comparison Test Condition (C1O2 Liquid Prep #) 3000 ppm, 60', three apps (1) (2) (3) (4) Test Condition Average Test Condition Standard Deviation 3000 ppm, 60', four apps (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Test Condition Average Test Condition Standard Deviation 4000 ppm, 60', two apps (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Test Condition Average Test Condition Standard Deviation 4000 ppm, 60', four apps (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Test Condition Average Test Condition Standard Deviation Total AVG Total STDEV Measured pH (4-7) 6.86 6.97 6.57 6.82 6.81 0.170 6.92 6.93 6.91 6.60 6.98 6.88 6.95 6.89 0.130 6.90 4.35 6.84 6.77 6.96 6.36 1.13 6.30 6.98 6.93 6.89 6.81 6.85 6.79 0.250 6.73 0.560 Titrated C1O2 (ppm) 3102.7 3102.7 3102.7 3237.6 3136.4 67.450 3237.6 3237.6 3170.2 3102.7 3237.6 3102.7 3102.7 3170.2 67.450 4181.9 4181.9 4047.0 4047.0 4047.0 4101.0 73.890 3777.2 4115.5 4181.9 3912.1 4047.0 3912.1 3991.0 150.48 N/A N/A Titrated Chlorite (ppm) 3169.7 3203.4 3540.6 3270.8 3296.1 168.32 1719.7 2529.0 2562.7 2663.9 2158.1 2630.2 2427.8 2384.5 338.16 3473.2 3102.2 3237.1 3169.7 3102.2 3216.9 153.79 3608.0 3304.6 3203.4 3709.2 3270.8 3473.2 3428.2 201.94 N/A N/A Ratio of [Chlorite] vs. [C1O2] (50% minimum) 102% 103% 114% 101% 105% 6.05% 53.1% 78.1% 80.8% 85.9% 66.7% 84.8% 78.2% 75.4% 11.7% 83.0% 74.2% 80.0% 78.3% 76.7% 78.4% 3.35% 95.5% 80.3% 76.6% 94.8% 80.8% 88.8% 86.1% 8.05% 84.4% 13.4% N/A = Not applicable 42 ------- 7.2 Decontamination Efficacy For the 3,000 ppm C1O2 repeat test (actual C1O2 liquid concentration was 3,238 ppm), the decontamination efficacies for all materials improved when increasing the number of sprays from two to four, as shown in Table 7-2 and summarized in Table 7-4. Although increasing the number of sprays did improve efficacy at this test condition, the log reduction results were still very poor and were all below 2.27. An increase in decontamination efficacy between the two spray applications versus the four spray applications for 4,000 ppm C1O2 batch was seen only for industrial carpet, as shown in Table 7-3 and summarized in Table 7-4. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,182 ppm.) Regardless, the highest log reduction achieved in this repeat test condition was 2.31. A comparison of the "maximization" test results (refer to Chapter 6) and those that were repeated is summarized in Table 7-5. At the 3,000 ppm (four sprays) test condition and the 4,000 ppm (two sprays) test condition, the repeat test log reduction results are lower than the initial test results reported in Chapter 6. At the 4,000 ppm (four sprays) test condition, the repeat test results were slightly higher or equivalent. In general, the repeat test results are consistent with the other test results for each material (see Chapter 6). Thus the outlying results for industrial carpet and unpainted concrete may have been due to experimental error or some uncontrolled parameter, possibly related to the C1O2 solution chemistry. 43 ------- Table 7-2. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—Two Applications vs. Four Applications 3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Materials (One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Inoculum (CFU) Mean of Logs of Observed CFU Mean % Recovery Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf Two Applications Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 7.78 ±0.04 7.15 ±0.20 0 0 7.08 ±0.03 5.58 ±0.39 0 0 7.62 ±0.05 6.45 ±0.15 0 0 52.5 ± 4.70 13.2 ±6.90 - - 10.4 ±0.66 0.440 ±0.35 - - 36.2 ±4.10 2.55 ±0.71 - - _g 0.64 ±0.18 - - - 1.50 ±0.35 - - - 1.17±0.14 - - Four Applications Industrial Carpet Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 0 0 7.75 ±0.06 5.78 ±0.32 0 0 7.37 ±0.24 5. 10 ±0.09 0 0 7.83 ±0.06 5.72 ±0.32 0 0 49.3 ±6.50 0.650 ±0.47 - - 22.0 ± 8.40 0.110 ±0.02 - - 58.7 ±8.3 0.55 ±0.30 - - - 1.97 ±0.29 - - - 2.27 ±0.22 - - - 2.11 ±0.29 - - a Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). 0 Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. d Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. e Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. f CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. g "-" Not Applicable. 44 ------- Table 7-3. Inactivation of Bacillus anthracis Spores—Two Applications vs. Four Applications 4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid Sprayed on Materials (One Hour Contact Time) Test Material Inoculum (CFU) Mean of Logs of Observed CFU Mean % Recovery Decontamination Efficacy ± CIf Two Applications Industrial Carpet" Positive Controls'3 Test Coupons0 Laboratory Blankd Procedural Blank6 Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 1.19xl08 1.19xl08 0 0 1.19xl08 1.19xl08 0 0 1.19xl08 1.19xl08 0 0 8.07 ±0.03 6.95 ±0.15 0 0 7.47 ±0.31 5.80 ±0.48 0 0 8.03 ±0.15 6.41 ±0.16 0 0 100 ±7.30 7.87±2.50 - - 29.6 ±16.0 0.780 ±0.57 - - 93.8 ±26.0 2.29 ±0.74 - - _g 1.12±0.13 - - - 1.67 ±0.50 - - - 1.62 ±0.19 - - Four Applications Industrial Carpet Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Treated Wood Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank Unpainted Concrete Positive Controls Test Coupons Laboratory Blank Procedural Blank 1.19xl08 1.19xl08 0 0 1.19xl08 1.19xl08 0 0 1.19xl08 1.19xl08 0 0 8.02 ±0.04 6.25 ± 0.43 0 0 7.33 ±0.40 5.02 ±0.51 0 0 7.91 ±0.12 6.14 ±0.43 0 0 88.6 ±7.70 2.04 ±1.30 - - 27.0 ±31.0 70.2 ±0.15 - - 70.4 ± 22.0 1.59 ± 1.20 - - - 1.77 ±0.38 - - - 2.31 ±0.57 - - - 1.77 ±0.39 - - a Data are expressed as the mean (± SD) of the logs of the number of spores (CFU) observed on five individual coupons, the mean percent recovery on those five coupons, and decontamination efficacy (log reduction).15 Positive Controls = inoculated, not decontaminated coupons (sprayed with SFW). 0 Test Coupons = inoculated, decontaminated coupons. d Laboratory Blank = not inoculated, not decontaminated coupon. e Procedural Blank = not inoculated, decontaminated coupon. f CI = confidence interval (± 1.96 x SE). Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. 8 "-" Not Applicable. 45 ------- Table 7-4. Summary of Decontamination Efficacy Values for Two vs. Four Applications Test Material 3,000 ppm C1O2 Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Unpainted Concrete Efficacy for B. anthracis Two sprays 0.64 ±0.18 1.50 ±0.35 1.17±0.14 Efficacy for B. anthracis Four sprays 1.97 ±0.29 2.27 ±0.22 2.11 ±0.29 4,000 ppm C1O2 Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Unpainted Concrete 1.12±0.13 1.67 ±0.50 1.62 ±0.19 1.77 ±0.38 2.31 ±0.57 1.77 ±0.39 All efficacy results reported in terms of mean log reduction ± 95% confidence interval Table 7-5. Comparing Decontamination Efficacy Values for Tests that Were Repeated Efficacy for Efficacy for Test Condition B. anthracis B. anthracis Initial Test (Ch. 6) Repeat Test 3,000 ppm C1O2 - Four sprays, One hr Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Unpainted Concrete 7.12 ± 1.60 2.85 ±0.38 5.42 ±2.40 1.97 ±0.29 2.27 ±0.22 2.11 ±0.29 4,000 ppm C1O2 - Two sprays, One hr Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Unpainted Concrete 2.82 ±0.52 1.95 ±0.49 6.60 ±0.84 1.12±0.13 1.67 ±0.50 1.62±0.19 4,000 ppm C1O2 - Four sprays, One hr Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Unpainted Concrete 1.27 ±0.09 1.21 ±0.12 2.61 ±0.63 1.77 ±0.38 2.31 ±0.57 1.77 ±0.39 All efficacy results reported in terms of mean log reduction ± 95% confidence interval 46 ------- 8.0 Summary of Results A summary of the decontamination efficacy results for the initial C1O2 scoping tests is shown in Table 8-1. Galvanized metal was effectively decontaminated (having a 6 log reduction or greater) in three of the four B. anthracis tests. For the other test with B. anthracis, a log reduction of nearly 6 (5.99) was obtained. Complete inactivation of spores for both organisms on galvanized metal was observed only under the test condition utilizing 3,000 ppm C1O2, one hour contact time and three spray applications. With this same decontamination treatment on the additional test materials, glass was the only other material completely decontaminated for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis spores. The decorative laminate material was completely decontaminated under this same test condition, but only with regard to B. anthracis. Topsoil, treated wood, and industrial carpet were all ineffectively decontaminated (i.e., having a log reduction < 6.0), with the highest log reduction achieved on industrial carpet (4.08) with B. subtilis. Based on these initial scoping results, glass as well as galvanized metal was eliminated from further testing, and in their place, AZTD and unpainted concrete were included in the test matrix. Further "maximization" testing continued with increasing C1O2 levels, number of spray applications, and contact times, to determine the conditions necessary to maximize decontamination efficacy on the more difficult to decontaminate materials. The results for the tests to increase decontamination efficacy with aqueous C1O2 are summarized in Table 8-2. In these tests, the highest decontamination efficacies were observed on the nonporous decorative laminate; laminate was the only other material to be completely decontaminated under some of the test conditions. The soil materials (topsoil and AZTD) were the most difficult materials to decontaminate, with all log reduction results for AZTD less than 1.5 and all log reduction results for topsoil less than 0.31. Except for a few tests (including some outlying results; discussed below), all of the log reduction results for treated wood, concrete, and industrial carpet were less than 3.0. Unexpectedly, the decontamination efficacy results did not always improve with increasing concentration, contact time, or number of spray applications. This effect was more pronounced on carpet, wood, and unpainted concrete. A few tests were repeated (noted in Table 8-2 as "Repeat tests") with these materials to assess the effect of increasing the number of spray applications at a given C1O2 concentration while eliminating the possibility that differences in the batch preparation/chemistry of the aqueous C1O2 solutions were affecting decontamination efficacy (i.e., causing variability in results). At the 3,000 ppm level, the decontamination efficacies for all materials improved significantly when increasing the number of 47 ------- sprays from two to four. At the 4,000 ppm level, efficacy improved significantly only on industrial carpet when increasing the number of sprays. In general, the results for the tests that were repeated were more consistent with the other test results for each material. The outlying results for industrial carpet and unpainted concrete may therefore have been due to unknown experimental error or some uncontrolled parameter, with some possible association with the C1O2 solution chemistry. The most robust liquid spray treatment of 4,000 ppm C1O2, four spray applications, and two hour contact time did offer improved decontamination efficacy compared to some of the other test conditions (all other variables being equal), but did not significantly improve efficacy compared to the 4,000 ppm C1O2, four spray applications, one hour contact time except for a few tests. Comparing Log Reductions for B. anthracis and B. subtitis Of the 39 liquid spray tests in which decontamination efficacies could be compared between B. anthracis and B. subtilis (see Tables 8-1 and 8-2), 21 of the test results were significantly different. For all of these 21 tests, B. subtilis was inactivated to a lesser degree. Material Compatibility No visible damage was observed on any test materials for any of the tests conducted. 48 ------- Table 8-1. Summary of Liquid ClOi Decontamination Efficacy for Initial Scoping Tests ,T, ,-..-,., T ,,-,,.,. Efficacy for Efficacy for Test Material Test Condition „ ., • „ /•,• B. anthracis B. subtihs Galvanized Metal Galvanized Metal Galvanized Metal Galvanized Metal Topsoil0 Glass Treated Wood Industrial Carpet Decorative Laminate 1500 ppm, 2000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 3000 ppm, 1 hr, 4 apps 1 hr, 4 apps 1 hr, 2 apps 1 hr, 3 apps 1 hr, 3 apps 1 hr, 3 apps 1 hr, 3 apps 1 hr, 3 apps 1 hr, 3 apps 5.99 ±0.99 7.12± 1.50 7.08 ±0.82 >7.89±0.03a 0.24 ±0.08 >7.86±0.07a 2.41 ±0.17 3.40 ±0.73 > 7.84 ± 0.04a 0.76±0.14b 1.91 ± 0.40b 7.13 ±0.74 >7.70±0.07a 0.09 ± 0.05b >7.88±0.10a 1.43 ± 0.72b 4.08 ±0.36 5.13±1.50b All efficacy results reported in terms of mean log reduction ± 95% confidence interval Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. aResult represents complete inactivation within the detection limit of 33.33 CPU/material. b Values in bold for B. subtilis by testing condition are significantly different from corresponding values for B. anthracis. c Tested with unsterilized soil. 49 ------- Table 8-2. Summary of Liquid ClOi Decontamination Efficacy for Maximization Tests 3000 ppm, one hr contact, Test two total spray Material applications B.a. Industrial Carpet Industrial 0.64 Carpet (±0.18) (Repeat) Treated Wood Treated Wood 1.50 (Repeat) (±0.35) Decorative Laminate Unpainted Concrete Unpainted 1.17 Concrete (±°-l4) (Repeat) AZ Test Dust Top Soil 3000 ppm, one hr contact, four total spray applications B.a. B.s. 7.12 1.27 (±1.60) (±0.16)" 1.97 (±0.29) 2.85 0.67 (±0.38) (±0.35)" 2.27 (±0.22) 7.16 >7.82 (±1.30) (±0.04)a 5.42 5.39 (±2.40) (±1.80) 2.11 (±0.29) 0.12 0.08 (±0.08) (±0.06) 0.05 <0.01 (±0.070) (±0.06) 4000 ppm, one hr contact, two total spray applications B.a. B.s. 2.82 2.51 (±0.52) (±0.17) 1.12 (±0.13) 1.95 2.55 (±0.49) (±2.0) 1.67 (±0.50) > 7.76 6.47 (±0.06)a (±0.94)" 6.60 3.64 (±0.84) (±0.20)" 1.62 (±0.19) 0.94 0.13 (±0.11) (±0.06)" 0.05 0.04 (±0.01) (±0.05) 4000 ppm, one hr contact, four total spray applications B.a. B.s. 1.27 0.730 (±0.09) (±0.05)" 1.77 (±0.38) 1.21 0.93 (±0.12) (±0.29) 2.31 (±0.57) >7.90 >7.86 (±0.02)a (±0.06)a 2.61 1.52 (±0.63) (±0.36)" 1.77 (±0.39) 1.46 0.22 (±0.08) (±0.14)" 0.170 0.12 (±0.05) (±0.10) 3000 ppm, two hr contact, four total spray applications B.a. B.s. 2.51 0.80 (±0.20) (±0.10)" - 2.06 0.97 (±0.39) (±0.39)" - 6.64 2.88 (±1.0) (±0.75)" 2.22 1.00 (±0.28) (±0.38)" - 0.66 0.18 (±0.24) (±0.08)" 0.09 0.05 (±0.05) (±0.04) 4000 ppm, two hr contact, four total spray applications B.a. B.s. 2.84 2.31 (±0.17) (±0.22)" - 2.64 2.00 (±0.65) (±0.69) - 7.58 >7.98 (±0.61) (±0.02)a 2.50 1.05 (±1.1) (±0.36) - 1.28 0.69 (±0.03) (±0.22)" 0.310 0.08 (±0.05) (±0.03)" All efficacy results reported in terms of mean log reduction ± 95% confidence interval. Differences in efficacy may be significant if the 95% CIs of the two efficacy results do not overlap; however, this comparison is not applicable when the two efficacy results being compared are both reported with log reductions as > some value. a Result represents complete inactivation within the detection limit of 33.33 CPU/material. b Values in bold for B. subtilis (B.s.) by testing condition are significantly different from corresponding values for B. anihracis (B. a.). "-" Not tested. 50 ------- 9.0 References Evaluation of Liquid and Foam Technologies for the Decontamination of B. anthracis and B. subtilis Spores on Building and Outdoor Materials. US EPA Report 600/R-09/150, November 2009. Associates of Cape Cod, Inc., Limulus Amebocyte Lysate CHROMO-LAL Method, Part No. PN001087, RevOOO, East Falmouth, Massachusetts, November 2007 http ://www. acciusa. com/pdfs/accPro duct/pi sheets/Chromo- LAL%20Insert%20English.pdf Accessed February 22, 2012. 4500-C1O2 Chlorine Dioxide, E. Amperometric Method II. In Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water, 20th Edition; Clesceri, L.S; Greenberg, A.E.; Eaton, A.D., Eds.; American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation: Baltimore, MD, 1995; 4-77 to 4-79. Determining the Efficacy of Liquids and Fumigants in Systematic Decontamination Studies for Bacillus anthracis Using Multiple Test Methods. US EPA Report 600/R-10/088, December 2010. 51 ------- Appendix A: Spray Deposition and Neutralization Tests Spray Deposition Results for Initial Scoping Tests (Refer to Chapter 5) The C1O2 solution was applied from a distance of 30.5 cm (12 inches) to the horizontally- oriented galvanized metal until the materials were fully wetted. Re-application of the C1O2 was made on all coupon surfaces at 30 minutes after the initial application, when the coupon surfaces were tested with two spray applications; at 20 minutes after the initial application, when the coupon surfaces were tested with three spray applications; or at 15 minutes after the initial application, when the coupon surfaces were tested with four spray applications. At 60 minutes after the initial application, each coupon was placed in the 50 mL conical tube that also served to collect excess C1O2 runoff. The test coupons stayed in their horizontal orientation throughout the 60-minute contact time. To assess C1O2 spray deposition, triplicate coupons of the galvanized metal were weighed prior to application of the C1O2 in the trial runs, and these values were recorded. The triplicate coupons were then sprayed with C1O2 until fully wetted in their horizontal orientations, re- application^) were made at the appropriate time(s), and, after the 60 minute contact time, each coupon was weighed again. The pre-application weights were then subtracted from the post- application weights, and that difference was added to the weight of decontaminant runoff captured separately from each coupon. The average deposition/runoff weight for each testing condition is shown in Table Al-1. Table A-l. Deposition/runoff Weight of ClOi Liquid with 60 Minute Contact Time T ,„ .... Average Deposition/Runoff Test Condition & „, " , x , , Weight (g) 3,000 ppm C1O2, 0.38 ±0.10 two applications 3,000 ppm C1O2, three applications 1,500 ppm C1O2, four applications 2,000 ppm C1O2, four applications 0.52 ±0.066 0.61 ±0.13 0.61 ±0.13 Neutralization Methodology for Initial Scoping Tests (Refer to Chapter 5) Neutralizations for the 3,000 ppm (actual concentrations measured at 2,833 ppm for two applications and 3,238 ppm for three applications), 1,500 ppm (actual concentration measured at 1,484 ppm), and 2,000 ppm (actual concentration measured at 2,023 ppm) C1O2 solutions for the 52 ------- initial scoping tests were achieved with STS. The concentration range of STS used during the neutralization panels was 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% (for 3,000 ppm and two total spray applications only) in the extraction solution. These STS concentrations were based on historical data. The results of the neutralization panels are shown in Tables A-2 to A-8. From these trials, the following STS concentrations were determined to be sufficient for neutralization in the following scoping tests: • 1.0% STS for Bacillus anthracis spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, two total spray applications. The same STS concentration was used for B. subtilis for these conditions. Subsequent neutralization panels included B. subtilis. • 1.0% STS for Bacillus anthracis spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, three total spray applications. • 0.5% STS for Bacillus subtilis spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, three total spray applications. • 1.0% STS for Bacillus anthracis spores with 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, three total spray applications. • 0.5% STS for Bacillus anthracis spores with 1,500 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, four total spray applications. • 1.0% STS for Bacillus subtilis spores with 1,500 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, four total spray applications. • 1.0% STS for Bacillus anthracis and B. subtilis spores with 2,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, four total spray applications. 53 ------- Table A-2. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm Liquid, One Hour Contact, Two Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + C1O2+ C1O2+ C1O2+ C1O2+ PBS + Triton PBS + PBS + PBS + PBS + Triton X-100 Triton Triton Triton Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b + Spores (Control)b X-100 + X-100 + X-100 + X-100 + 0 1 1 2. .5% .0% .5% .0% STS + STS + STS + STS + Sporesa'b Sporesa'b Sporesa'b Sporesa'b T , Total Inoculum _, , rrFin Observed (CFU) (CFU) 6 .43 x 6.43 x 6.43 x 6 6 6 6 .43 x .43 x .43 x .43 x 107 0 107 0 107 6.50 xlO7 107 6.98 xlO7 107 7.31 xlO7 107 7.29 xlO7 107 6.49 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 107 113 112 99.9 a C1O2 volume of 0.38 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.38 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.38 mL C1O2). Table A-3. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm Liquid, One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores3 C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 9.63 x 107 9.63 x 107 9.63 x 107 9.63 x 107 9.63 x 107 9.63 x 107 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 9.05 xlO7 8.66 xlO7 8.89xl07 8.77 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 95.8 98.3 96.9 C1O2 volume of 0.52 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.52 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.52 mL C1O2). 54 ------- Table A-4. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact, Three Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 4.07 xlO7 4.07 xlO7 4.07 xlO7 4.07 xlO7 4.07 xlO7 4.07 xlO7 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 8.56 xlO7 8.54 xlO7 8.20 xlO7 7.91 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 99.8 95.8 92.5 a C1O2 volume of 0.52 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.52 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.52 mL C1O2). 55 ------- Table A-5. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 1,500 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.08 xlO8 1.08 xlO8 1.08 xlO8 1.08 xlO8 1.08 xlO8 1.08 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 9.88 xlO7 9.87 xlO7 9.37 xlO7 9.60 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 99.9 94.9 97.2 a C1O2 volume of 0.61 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.61 mL (10 mL PBS/TritonX-100/STS + 0.61 mL C1O2). Table A-6. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 1,500 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 8.60 xlO7 8.60 xlO7 8.60 xlO7 8.60 xlO7 8.60 xlO7 8.60 xlO7 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 7.15 xlO7 7.73 xlO7 8.48 xlO7 8.17xl07 %of Control 0 0 100 108 119 114 a C1O2 volume of 0.61 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.61 mL (10 mL PBS/TritonX-100/STS + 0.61 mL C1O2). 56 ------- Table A-7. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 2,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 1.16xl08 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.05 xlO8 1.07 xlO8 1.14xl08 1.02 xlO8 %of Control 0 0 100 102 108 97.5 a C1O2 volume of 0.61 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.61 mL (10 mL PBS/TritonX-100/STS + 0.61 mL C1O2). Table A-8. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 2,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) LlOxlO8 LlOxlO8 LlOxlO8 LlOxlO8 LlOxlO8 LlOxlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.16xl08 1.12xl08 1.12xl08 1.12xl08 %of Control 0 0 100 96.2 96.7 96.4 a C1O2 volume of 0.61 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.61 mL (10 mL PBS/TritonX-100/STS + 0.61 mL C1O2). 57 ------- Liquid Spray Deposition Results for Efficacy Maximization Tests (Refer to Chapter 6) The C1O2 solution was applied from a distance of 30.5 cm (12 inches) to the horizontally oriented test material coupons until they appeared fully wetted. The C1O2 solution was re-applied on all coupon surfaces at the following times for each corresponding testing condition: • 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact time, four total spray applications at time 0, +15, +30, and +45 minutes (contact time ends 15 minutes after the +45 minute application). • 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact time, two total spray applications at time 0 and +30 minutes (contact time ends 30 minutes after the +30 minute application). • 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact time, four total spray applications at time 0, +15, +30, and +45 minutes (contact time ends 15 minutes after the +45 minute application). • 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, two hour contact time, four total spray applications at time 0, +30, +60, and +90 minutes (contact time ends 30 minutes after the +90 minute application). • 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, two hour contact time, four total spray applications at time 0, +30, +60, and +90 minutes(contact time ends 30 minutes after the +90 minute application). After the required total contact time, each coupon was placed in the 50 mL conical tube that also served to collect the pooled C1O2 solution. The test coupons stayed in their horizontal orientation throughout the respective contact times. To assess C1O2 spray deposition, triplicate coupons of each test material were weighed prior to application of the C1O2 in the trial runs, and these values were recorded. Then the triplicate coupons were sprayed with C1O2 solution until fully wetted in their horizontal orientations, re- application^) was made at the appropriate time(s), and, after the respective contact times (60 or 120 minutes), each coupon was weighed again. The pre-application weights were then subtracted from the post-application weights, and that difference was added to the weight of decontaminant runoff captured separately from each coupon. The average deposition/runoff weight of the C1O2 solution from each of the test materials is shown in Table A-9. The total averaged value (0.57 g) over all six materials was then used to estimate the amount of STS needed to neutralize the C1O2 effectively under this testing condition. 58 ------- Table A-9. Deposition/runoff Weight of ClOi Liquid Spray per Maximization Testing Condition and Material Average Deposition/Runoff Weight (g) Test Material Industrial Carpet Treated Wood Decorative Laminate Unpainted Concrete Topsoil Arizona Test Dust Total Average 3000 ppm, one hr contact, four total spray applications 0.92 ±0.32 0.46 ±0.082 0.77 ±0.18 0.41 ±0.089 0.19 ±0.090 0.65 ± 0.067 0.57 ±0.26 4000 ppm, one hr contact, two total spray applications 0.43 ±0.83 0.29 ±0.062 0.12 ±0.035 0.28 ±0.051 0.73 ±0.18 0.43 ± 0.040 0.38 ±0.21 4000 ppm, one hr contact, four total spray applications 0.56±0.18 0.56 ±0.070 0.21 ±0.035 0.52 ±0.14 0.85 ±0.28 0.84 ±0.28 0.59 ±0.24 3000 ppm, two hr contact, four total spray applications 1.0±0.17 0.46 ± 0.076 0.39 ±0.042 0.68 ±0.15 0.42 ±0.13 0.53 ±0.10 0.58 ±0.23 4000 ppm, two hr contact, four total spray applications" 1.0±0.17 0.46 ±0.076 0.39 ±0.042 0.68 ±0.15 0.42 ±0.13 0.53 ±0.10 0.58 ±0.2 3 aThe same deposition/runoff determined from 3,000 ppm, two hr contact time, four total spray applications used. 59 ------- Neutralization Methodology for Scoping Tests (Refer to Chapter 6) Neutralization for the 3,000 ppm and 4,000 ppm C1O2 solutions for the liquid spray maximization tests was achieved with STS. The concentration range of STS used during the neutralization panels was 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% in the extraction solution. These STS concentration ranges were based on historical data. The results of the neutralization panels are shown in Tables A10 to A19. The results of these trials demonstrated that the following STS concentrations were sufficient for neutralization for the following maximization tests: • 1.5% and 0.5% STS for B. anthracis and B. subtilis spores, respectively, with 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,238 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 0.5% STS for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, two total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,182 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 1.5% STS for both B. subtilis and B. subtilis spores with 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, one hour contact, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,182 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 1.5% and 1.0% STS for B. anthracis and B. subtilis spores, respectively, with 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, two hour contact, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,238 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) • 1.5% and 0.5% STS for B. anthracis and B. subtilis spores, respectively, with 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid, two hour contact, four total spray applications. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,114 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing.) 60 ------- Table A-10. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 8.88xl07 9.36 xlO7 9.13 xlO7 8.93 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 105 103 101 a C1O2 volume of 0.57 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0. 1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.57 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.57 mL C1O2). Table A-ll. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 3,000 ppm Liquid, One Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores3 C1O2+ PBS + C1O2+ C1O2+ C1O2+ PBS + Triton PBS + PBS + PBS + Triton X-100 Triton Triton Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b + Spores (Control)b X-100 + X-100 + X-100 + 0 1 1 .5% .0% .5% STS + Sporesa'b STS + Sporesa'b STS + Sporesa'b T , Total Inoculum _, , rrprn Observed (CFU) (CFU) 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 xlO8 0 xlO8 0 xlO8 7.78 xlO7 xlO8 7.68 xlO7 xlO8 7.40 xlO7 xlO8 8.07 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 98.7 95.2 104 C1O2 volume of 0.57 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.57 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.57 mL C1O2). 61 ------- Table A-12. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact Time, Two Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 1.03 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.04 xlO8 1.15xl08 1.09 xlO8 9.87 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 110 105 95.1 a C1O2 volume of 0.38 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0. 1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.38 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.38 mL C1O2). Table A-13. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 4,000 ppm Liquid, One Hour Contact Time, Two Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores3 C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 9.43 x 107 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.05 xlO8 9.41 xlO7 9.13 xlO7 9.39 xlO7 %of Control 0 0 100 90.0 87.4 89.8 C1O2 volume of 0.38 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.38 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.38 mL C1O2). 62 ------- Table A-14. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, One Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.32 xlO8 1.32 xlO8 1.32 xlO8 1.32 xlO8 1.32 xlO8 1.32 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.21 xlO8 1.13xl08 1.23 xlO8 1.25 xlO8 %of Control 0 0 100 93.1 102 103 a C1O2 volume of 0.59 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0. 1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.59 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.59 mL C1O2). Table A- 15. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 4,000 ppm Liquid, One Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores3 C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.25 xlO8 1.25 xlO8 1.25 xlO8 1.25 xlO8 1.25 xlO8 1.25 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.19xl08 1.15xl08 1.05 xlO8 1.18xl08 %of Control 0 0 100 96.7 88.3 98.5 C1O2 volume of 0.59 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.59 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.59 mL C1O2). 63 ------- Table A-16. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 3,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, Two Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.54 xlO8 1.54 xlO8 1.54 xlO8 1.54 xlO8 1.54 xlO8 1.54 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.16xl08 LlOxlO8 1.14xl08 1.21 xlO8 %of Control 0 0 100 95.1 98.6 105 a C1O2 volume of 0.59 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0. 1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.59 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.59 mL C1O2). Table A- 17. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 3,000 ppm Liquid, Two Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores3 C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.55 xlO8 1.55 xlO8 1.55 xlO8 1.55 xlO8 1.55 xlO8 1.55 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.16xl08 1.12xl08 1.19xl08 1.15xl08 %of Control 0 0 100 96.8 103 99.5 C1O2 volume of 0.59 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.59 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.59 mL C1O2). 64 ------- Table A-18. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus anthracis Spores with 4,000 ppm ClOi Liquid, Two Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores" C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores* PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Spores* C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Spores* C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Spores* Inoculum (CFU) 1.50 xlO8 1.50 xlO8 1.50 xlO8 1.50 xlO8 1.50 xlO8 1.50 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.12xl08 1.09 xlO8 1.09 xlO8 1.16xl08 %of Control 0 0 100 97.1 97.1 103 a C1O2 volume of 0.59 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. b Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0. 1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.59 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.59 mL C1O2). Table A- 19. Neutralization Testing with Bacillus subtilis Spores with 4,000 ppm Liquid, Two Hour Contact Time, Four Total Spray Applications Treatment C1O2 + Spores3 C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + Sporesa'b PBS + Triton X-100 + Spores (Control)b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 0.5% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.0% STS + Sporesa'b C1O2+ PBS + Triton X-100 + 1.5% STS + Sporesa'b Inoculum (CFU) 1.56 xlO8 1.56 xlO8 1.56 xlO8 1.56 xlO8 1.56 xlO8 1.56 xlO8 Total Observed (CFU) 0 0 1.25 xlO8 1.30 xlO8 1.26 xlO8 1.23 xlO8 %of Control 0 0 100 104 101 98.6 C1O2 volume of 0.59 mL corresponds to mean gravimetric deposition on test materials and density of approximately 1.0 g/mL. Volume of PBS (10 mL) includes 0.1% of Triton X-100 surfactant and indicated % of STS; total volume for all samples with C1O2= 10.59 mL (10 mL PBS/Triton X-100/STS + 0.59 mL C1O2). 65 ------- Appendix B: Effect of Pre-Sterilization of Soil Materials on the Decontamination Efficacy for Aqueous ClOi Spray We planned initially to test the topsoil and AZTD in an unsterilized state, to maintain the physical and chemical integrity of the soil materials. However, due to concerns that endogenous flora in the unsterilized topsoil and AZTD could affect our test results, we decided to sterilize the soil materials using gamma irradiation. We did find that sterilizing these soils via gamma irradiation did not change their physical appearance or integrity from an observational standpoint (e.g., no change in color). To examine the effect that sterilizing the soil materials would have on decontamination efficacy, the following tests were conducted using sterilized and unsterilized topsoil and AZTD materials: • 3,000 ppm C1O2 liquid spray, 60 minute contact time, four total spray applications, B. anthracis and B. subtilis. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,103 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing using unsterilized soils. Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 3,238 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing using sterilized soils.) • 4,000 ppm C1O2 liquid spray, 60 minute contact time, two total spray applications, B. anthracis and B. subtilis. (Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,047 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing using unsterilized soils. Actual C1O2 liquid concentration measured at 4,181 ppm for both B. anthracis and B. subtilis testing using sterilized soils.) The results between the sterilized and unsterilized soil are compared in Table B-l. Although sterilization of soil materials does make a significant difference in the majority of results (based on whether the 95% confidence intervals for the log reduction results overlapped), the decontamination efficacy for these materials remains dismal. Only one out of the 16 tests showed an average log reduction greater than 1.0. 66 ------- Table B-l. Comparison of Decontamination Efficacy with 95% Confidence Intervals using Unsterile vs. Sterile Soils for ClOi Liquid Spray Testing Testing Condition, Soil Type B. anthracis Efficacy (Log Reduction ± CI) B. subtilis Efficacy (Log Reduction ± CI) 3,000 ppm C1O2, one hr, four total spray applications Sterilized AZTD Non-Sterile AZTD Sterilized Topsoil Non-Sterile Topsoil 0.120±0.080a 1.22±0.040a 0.0500 ± 0.070 0.160 ±0.17 0.0800 ± 0.060b 0.680 ±0.11b <0.0100C 0.150 ±0.13C 4,000 ppm C1O2, one hr, two total spray applications Sterilized AZTD Non-Sterile AZTD Sterilized Topsoil Non-Sterile Topsoil 0.940 ±0.11a 0.300 ±0.11a 0.0500 ±0.010 0.0800 ±0.15 0.130 ±0.060b 0.960 ±0.21b 0.0400 ± 0.050 0.130 ±0.10 aResults significantly different for B. anthracis between sterilized and unsterilized AZTD. Results significantly different for B. subtilis between sterilized and unsterilized AZTD. "Results significantly different for B. subtilis between sterilized and unsterilized Topsoil 67 ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency PRESORTED STANDARD POSTAGE & FEES PAID EPA PERMIT NO. G-35 Office of Research and Development (8101R) Washington, DC 20460 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 ------- |