.ugust 2lri4- | www.epa.gov/or United States Environmental Protection Agency Decontamination of a Mock Office Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas Office of Research and Development National Homeland Security Research Center ------- EPA/600/R-14/208 August 2014 Decontamination of a Mock Office Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 11 ------- Disclaimer The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Office of Research and Development's (ORD's) National Homeland Security Research Center (NHSRC), funded and directed this work through Contract Number EP-C-09-027 with ARCADIS Inc. This report has been peer and administratively reviewed and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Agency. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use of a specific product. Questions concerning this document or its application should be addressed to: Joseph Wood National Homeland Security Research Center Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code E343-06 Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 919-541-5029 in ------- Acknowledgments Contributions of the following individuals and organization to this report are gratefully acknowledged: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Worth Calfee Shawn Ryan Peer reviewers Marissa Mullins, EPA Office of Emergency Management Eugene Rice, EPA Office of Research and Development, National Homeland Security Research Center Doris Betancourt, EPA Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory ARCADIS IV ------- Executive Summary The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP) is helping protect human health and the environment from adverse impacts resulting from the release of chemical, biological, or radiological agents. As part of the HSRP, EPA is investigating the effectiveness and applicability of technologies for homeland security (HS)- related applications. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the efficacy of using relatively low levels of chlorine dioxide (CICh) gas for inactivating Bacillus anthracis (causative agent for anthrax) surrogate spores in an office environment. Previous tests and actual fumigations using high levels of CICh (e.g., 1000 - 3000 parts per million) have demonstrated its efficaciousness, but the use of high CICh levels also comes with drawbacks such as issues with material compatibility and generation technology capacity. Demonstration of successful decontamination efficacy with CICh gas at concentrations lower than what has been used previously would allow for a greater number of vendors to participate in remediation efforts following a large anthrax spore release. That is, vendors with technologies that produce CICh, but perhaps at relatively lower generation rates, would still be able to meet the target fumigation concentration within a large building. The objective of this study was to provide an understanding of the performance (i.e., efficacy) of low level CICh gas to guide its use and implementation in HS applications for hard-to-decontaminate materials such as those found in an office. In the assessment of options for decontamination following an intentional release of B. anthracis spores, it is important to know what operational factors can impact the decontamination efficacy. This investigation initially focused on decontamination tests at bench scale using small coupons inoculated with spores of B. subtilis and then fumigated inside a glove box. These small scale tests were then followed by pilot-scale tests using a mock office set up within a large decontamination chamber. Tests were conducted with varying operational parameters (e.g., CICh concentration and contact time), to assess the effect of these parameters on decontamination efficacy. Various types of microbiological assays were used extensively to characterize spore levels before and after treatment with low level CICh, including surface sampling, biological indicators (Bis), bioaerosol measurements, reference measurement coupons, and others. Thirteen pilot-scale tests were conducted with spores of B. atrophaeus, a microorganism previously verified as an appropriate surrogate for B. anthracis in CICh decontamination studies. Spores were disseminated into the mock office as a dry powder. The effectiveness of the low level C1O2 treatment was characterized in a number of ways, e.g., in terms of the number of spores recovered from surfaces following decontamination; the number of samples in which spores were not detected; and in terms of log reduction (LR). LR was determined based on the difference between the number of bacterial spores (as colony forming units, or CPU) recovered from the office before and after decontamination. In five of the tests, computers were included within the mock office to assess the impact of low level CICh fumigation on sensitive electronics. Summary of Results Small scale tests Tests were conducted in a glove box with CICh concentrations of either 100 or 200 ppm, with contact times ranging from 2-12 hours. The coupon materials used were wood, concrete, carpet, ------- painted drywall paper, and galvanized metal. The results showed that low level CICh fumigation was effective (> 6 LR) for nearly every condition tested except for the wood coupons at 200 ppm (although all LR results were greater than 5). In the majority of the tests, greater than 7 LR was obtained and/or all spores were completely inactivated. In every test with concrete and painted drywall paper, the spores were completely inactivated (no viable spores were detected), while for wood, there were no tests in which spores were completely inactivated. Mock office efficacy results The majority of the mock office tests used relatively low levels of CIChgas (100-300 ppm), although a few tests were conducted at 750 ppm or higher to allow for comparison of results from previous studies. Contact times ranged from 3-24 hours. The RH was generally well controlled, and with the exception of one test, ranged from 74-78 %. Actual average temperatures for the tests ranged from 22-29 °C (72-84 °F). The average spore loadings for the mock office, prior to decontamination, ranged from 4.89 - 7.21 log CPU/square foot (ft2; 77,625 - 16.2 million CFU/ft2). Overall average spore loadings for the office following C1O2 treatment ranged from -0.01 to 2.24 log CFU/ft2 (1 - 174 CFU/ft2), and generally correlated (0.62) with pre-decontamination spore loadings. The post-decontamination spore loading correlation with pre-decontamination loading was apparent for specific surfaces within the office, as well as for the average loadings for the entire office. For example, Test 4, with only a 228 ppm CICh average level and 4 hour contact time, resulted in highest number of post-decontamination surface samples in which no spores were detected (96%) for the study, but also had the second lowest average office spore loading prior to decontamination. Post- decontamination spore levels in the office air ranged from approximately 1 to 80 CFU/cubic meter (m3). Additionally, post-decontamination average spore surface levels were well correlated (0.74) with the post-decontamination spore levels in the air. The study demonstrates that decontamination efficacy levels between 5 to > 6 LR are achievable using relatively low levels of CICh, depending on the pre-decontamination spore levels and other factors. While none of the mock office tests resulted in overall average office LR values of greater than 6, there were several office tests in which spores were not detected from nearly all of the surfaces sampled, with corresponding LR levels > 6. Although the results for the small scale coupon tests are comparable to the mock office tests, it is difficult to make direct comparisons for the two scales of testing. Differences in materials, spore deposition methods, spore loadings, sampling procedures, surface sample size, etc., make direct comparisons difficult since these could affect efficacy results. Biological indicators (Bis) were one of the assays used to assess effectiveness of the fumigation in inactivating bacterial spores. The Bis were comprised of nominally 106 spores of B. atrophaeus inoculated onto stainless steel discs and wrapped in Tyvek envelopes. The Bis were placed at five locations within the office and collected after fumigation and analyzed to determine whether any of the Bis exhibited growth of bacteria, i.e., survival of any spores. The results showed that every BI exposed to CICh in the mock office tests was inactivated. This general result is consistent with other tests that have shown that the spore populations on Bis are typically much easier to inactivate than spores associated with coupons from building materials or actual environmental surfaces. VI ------- Impact on computer functionality Fumigation at approximately 200 ppm CICh for 6 or 8 hours and at approximately 300 ppm for 4 hours showed no measureable change in the function of the computers over the course of a year. Implications of study The study has demonstrated the potential of using relatively low levels of CICh gas, accompanied by longer contact times, for effective decontamination of surfaces and spaces contaminated by anthrax spores. However, this decontamination approach may be better suited for areas that are not heavily contaminated, i.e., that have spore loadings less than 5 log CFU/ft2 and/or that do not contain significant quantities of porous materials such as carpet and wood. Further research is recommended to find efficacious low concentration conditions for heavily contaminated surfaces and for difficult to decontaminate materials. vn ------- Contents Disclaimer iii Acknowledgments iiv Executive Summary v Abbreviations/Acronyms x 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Summary of Test Procedures 3 2.1 Small Scale Chamber Tests 3 2.2 Mock Office Procedures 4 3.0 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 12 3.1 Sampling, Monitoring, and Equipment Calibration 12 3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Critical Measurements 13 3.3 Data Quality 15 4.0 Results and Discussion 17 4.1 Small Scale Coupon Decontamination Results 17 4.2 Office Decontamination Results 18 4.3 Impacts on Computer Functionality 24 5.0 Summary and Conclusions 25 6.0 References 27 Appendix A. Detailed Microbiological and Decontamination Results 29 Appendix B. Detailed Analyses for PC Doctor Results 44 Figures Figure 2-1 Photograph of Portion Of Mock Office Showing Furniture and Sample Grids 6 Figure 3-1 Field Blank (FB) Test Sample Results by Surface Sample 16 Figure B-l Average PC Doctor Score Over Time 47 Tables Table 2-1 Summary of Sample Methods and Assays 7 Table 2-2 Sampled Material Surfaces for Mock Office Configuration 8 Table 3-1 Sampling and Monitoring Equipment Calibration Frequency 12 Table 3-2 Analysis Equipment Calibration Frequency 12 Table 3-3 Summary of QA/QC Checks 14 Table 4-1 Summary of Decontamination Efficacy Results for Small Chamber Tests 18 Table 4-2 Summary of Fumigation Conditions for Mock Office Tests 19 Table 4-3 Summary of Decontamination Results for Mock Office Tests 20 Table 4-4 Correlation of Fumigation Parameters and Decontamination Results 21 Table 4-5 Decontamination Results for Coupons Placed in Mock Office 23 Table 4-6 Total Computer "Fail" Results over Year-Long Test Period 24 Table A-l Test 3 Detailed Results 30 Table A-2 Test 5 Detailed Results 31 Table A-3 Test 4 Detailed Results 32 Table A-4 Test 6 Detailed Results 33 viii ------- Table A-5 Test 14B Detailed Results 34 Table A-6 Test 8B Detailed Results 35 Table A-7 Test 16 Detailed Results 36 Table A-8 Test 11 Detailed Results 37 Table A-9 Test 13 Detailed Results 38 Table A-10 Test 17 Detailed Results 39 Table A-11 Test 15 Detailed Results 40 Table A-12 Test 18 Detailed Results 41 Table A-13 Test 19 Detailed Results 42 Table A-14 Detailed Coupon Efficacy Results 43 Table B-l PC Doctor Tests 44 Table B-2 Total Fail Results for Year Long Test Period 48 Table B-3 Total Fail Results with Pre-Existing Failures Removed 48 Table B-4 Vulnerable Subsystems 49 IX ------- Abbreviations/Acronyms AKA ATCC B. anthracis B. atrophaeus BI BOTE B. subtilis °C CPU C1O2 cm COMMANDER DAS ELPI EPA FB ft g H2O2 HEPA hr HS HSRP L LR m3 mm MDI mg min mL ND NHSRC ORD PBST PCI ppm QA QAPP QC RH RMC Also known as American Type Culture Collection Bacillus anthracis (Ames strain) Bacillus atrophaeus Biological Indicator Bio-Response Operational Testing and Evaluation Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 19659) degree(s) Celsius colony forming unit(s) chlorine dioxide centimeter(s) Consequence Management and Decontamination Evaluation Room Digital Acquisition System Electrical Low Pressure Impactor U.S. Environmental Protection Agency field blank feet/foot gram(s) hydrogen peroxide High efficiency particulate air hour(s) homeland security Homeland Security Research Program liter(s) Logic reduction cubic meter(s) millimeter Metered Dose Inhaler milligram(s) minute milliliter(s) microliter(s) not detected National Homeland Security Research Center Office of Research and Development phosphate buffered saline with Tween Peripheral Component Interconnect part(s) per million quality assurance quality assurance project plan quality control relative humidity Reference Material Coupon ------- SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ISA Triptic Soy Agar USB Universal Serial Bus VHP® Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide ® XI ------- 1.0 Introduction The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP) is helping protect human health and the environment from adverse impacts resulting from the release of chemical, biological, or radiological agents. With an emphasis on decontamination and consequence management, water infrastructure protection, and threat and consequence assessment, the HSRP is working to develop tools and information that will help detect the intentional introduction of chemical or biological contaminants in buildings, water systems, or the outdoor environment; contain these contaminants; decontaminate buildings, water systems or the outdoor environment; and facilitate the treatment and disposal of materials resulting from remediation activities. As part of the above effort, and in response to the needs of the HSRP's Program Office partners, EPA investigates the effectiveness and applicability of technologies for homeland security (HS)-related applications by developing test plans, conducting tests, collecting and analyzing data, and preparing peer-reviewed reports. All evaluations are conducted in accordance with quality assurance (QA) protocols to ensure that data of known and high quality are generated. In the event of a large urban release of B. anthracis spores, extensive resources would be required in the recovery effort, and the number of private decontamination contractors available may not be sufficient to respond to the decontamination needs (Krauter and Tucker 2011). Chlorine dioxide (CICh) fumigation was used to decontaminate four buildings following the Amerithrax incident (Canter 2005), and has been identified as an option for the decontamination of large indoor civilian areas following an aerosol release of B. anthracis spores over a wide urban area (Campbell et al. 2012). But because CICh gas concentrations at 10% or above tend to be unstable, and attempts to store the gas in compressed form have been unsuccessful, it must be generated at the point of use (Wood and Martin 2009). A primary factor affecting the feasibility of using CICh fumigation to successfully decontaminate a large building contaminated with B. anthracis spores is the target CICh concentration. The C1O2 generation technology must be capable of producing CICh at a high enough rate to achieve the relatively high target concentration in the structure within a reasonable amount of time, while overcoming the loss of gaseous CICh due to building air leakage and withdrawal, material demand, and chemical decomposition (US EPA 2008). For example, it was determined in a field study that a CICh generation rate of- 54 kg/hr would be needed to achieve 1,500 ppm CICh in a 9,900 m3 building (Wood and Martin 2009). With this in mind, there may be only a few companies in the US with the technology capable of generating CICh at such high rates. Historically, CICh fumigation for decontamination of buildings contaminated with B. anthracis spores has been performed with relatively high levels of CICh. Following the Amerithrax incident, three of the four anthrax contaminated buildings that were fumigated with CICh were done so using a target CICh concentration of 750 ppm, with a dwell time of 12 hours (US EPA 2005), while the fourth building (American Media Inc., located in FL) was fumigated at 3000 ppm for 3 hours (US EPA 2012 A). Fumigating with CICh at 3000 ppm for 3 hours was also used at the full-scale Bio-Response Operational Testing and Evaluation (BOTE) field test (US EPA 2013). Further, many laboratory (bench-scale) studies reported in the peer reviewed literature on the sporicidal efficacy of C1O2 gas have been conducted with C1O2 at levels ------- typically around 1000 ppm or higher; see for example Rastogi et al. (2009); Jeng and Woodworth (1990); and Han et al. (2003). In contrast, the study presented in this report focused primarily on using CICh at relatively low concentrations but with longer contact times. Demonstration of successful decontamination efficacy with CICh gas at concentrations lower than what has been used previously would allow for a greater number of vendors to participate in remediation efforts following a large anthrax spore release. That is, vendors with technologies that produce CICh, but perhaps at relatively lower generation rates, would still be able to meet the target fumigation concentration within a large building. Lower levels of CICh gas would also presumably have less detrimental impacts on materials. This investigation focused initially on proof of concept decontamination tests at bench scale using small coupons placed inside a small chamber (modified glovebox). Six tests were conducted, using target CICh concentrations of either 100 or 200 ppm, with contact times ranging from 2-12 hours. The coupon materials used included wood, concrete, carpet, painted drywall paper, and galvanized metal. These small scale tests were then followed by pilot-scale tests using a mock office set-up in a large decontamination chamber. The majority of the mock office tests used relatively low levels of CIChgas (100-300 ppm), although a few tests were conducted at 750 ppm or higher to allow for comparison of results from previous studies. The mock office tests involved extensive surface sampling and other microbiological assays. A portion of the mock office tests included the use of computers to assess the impact of low level CICh fumigation on sensitive electronics. Some of the mock office tests (during the latter portion of the study) also included the use of small coupons of different materials, to compare decontamination efficacy results between the coupons and surfaces within the office. Decontamination efficacy tests were conducted with spores of Bacillus subtilis in the small scale tests, and with B. atrophaeus (a variant of B. subtilis) in the pilot-scale tests. Both microorganisms have been demonstrated as appropriate surrogates for B. anthracis in decontamination studies using C1O2 gas (US EPA 2012B; US EPA 2013). ------- 2.0 Summary of Test Procedures 2.1 Small-Scale Chamber Tests Decontamination tests with CICh gas were first conducted at small scale in an opaque exposure chamber (317 L) (Model 830-ABC, Plas-Labs, Inc., Lansing, MI), modified to maintain and control a leak-free fumigation atmosphere inside the exposure chamber, and to allow for the periodic addition and removal of coupons during fumigation. Chlorine dioxide was generated using a ClorDiSys GMP CICh generator and first routed to a mixing chamber to maintain a CICh level at 750 ppm. When the concentration in the exposure chamber was below the set-point (e.g., 100 or 200 ppm), a solenoid valve directed the 750 ppm C1O2 gas from the mixing chamber into the exposure chamber. Relative humidity (RH) inside the exposure chamber was controlled by a custom-built data acquisition system (DAS), using a Vaisala RH/temperature sensor (Model HMD40Y; Helsinki, Finland) to provide a signal used in a feedback loop. Humid air was supplied as needed using a gas humidity bottle (Fuel Cell Technologies, Inc. Model LF-HBA, Albuquerque, NM) heated to 140 °F. Temperature was controlled if necessary by circulation of cooling water through radiators located within the exposure chamber. A fan was used inside the exposure chamber to provide internal mixing. Additional details on the CICh generator and measurements, and temperature and RH measurements, are presented below in Section 2.2 as well as in another reference (Wood et al. 2010). Spores of Bacillus subtilis were used in the small scale tests as a surrogate for B. anthracis (US EPA 2012B), and were applied to small coupons (18 mm diameter) as an aerosol using a metered dose inhaler (MDI) provided by the Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center. The coupons were made from wood, concrete, carpet, painted dry wall paper, and galvanized metal. Further details on the spores, the MDI deposition method, coupons, and the spore extraction and counting methods are described elsewhere (Lee et al. 2011). The target dose for each coupon was 107 to 108 colony forming units (CFU). Six small-scale fumigation tests were conducted as follows: (1) place the appropriate coupons for the test in the exposure chamber and seal the chamber airlock; (2) establish the target temperature (24 ± 2°C) and RH (75± 5 %); (3) charge the chamber with CICh to achieve the target concentration (either 100 or 200 ppm ± 10 % of target value); (4) maintain the target concentration, temperature, and RH for the specified time (note: time zero is defined as the time at which the target concentration was achieved in the chamber); (5) aerate the chamber for a defined length of time and until a safe CICh concentration is achieved in the chamber; and (6) open the chamber and remove the coupons, placing them in the appropriate sample packaging containers. Coupons were also removed through the airlock (without affecting the chamber conditions) at intermittent time points in the fumigation cycle. One Petri dish was used to contain a stainless steel stage holding a negative (blank) coupon and five replicate coupons for each material and time point. The Petri dish was transferred to the test chamber, and the cover was removed to allow exposure. Once a given time point was reached, the dish was transferred out of the chamber using the air lock. The decontaminated coupons ------- were then returned to the Biocontaminant Laboratory for analysis as soon as possible. Test coupon CPU quantification and decontamination efficacy were determined as described by Meyer et al. (2013). Briefly, efficacy for the small coupon tests is reported in terms of logio reduction (LR), and was calculated as the mean of the logio CPU counts for the control coupons minus the mean of the logio CPU counts for the test coupons. 2.2 Mock Office Procedures 2.2.1 Biological Agent and Dissemination The test organism for the mock office study was Bacillus atrophaeus (American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 9372), in a dry spore form mixed with silicon dioxide particles (e.g., as a powder). B. atrophaeus was formerly known as B. subtilis var niger and also Bacillus globigii, and was used as a surrogate for B. anthracis in all three decontamination test rounds (including C1O2 fumigation) in Phase 1 of the BOTE study (US EPA 2013). The bacterial spores were obtained from the U.S. Army Dugway Proving Grounds, and prepared by Dugway as reported in Brown et al. (2007A). For each experiment, spores were released into the large decontamination chamber using ~ 0.2 g of the preparation, or approximately 2.0 x 1010 CPU. Ten L/min of clean, dry air was supplied to a fluidized bed aerosol generator (TSI Inc., Model 3400A, Shoreview, MN) loaded with the spore preparation, and run for 30-60 minutes. An Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (Model ELPI, Dekati, Ltd., Tampere, Finland) was used to monitor aerosol levels in the chamber in real time, to ensure proper functionality of the aerosol generator, bacterial spore release, and the deposition process. The fluidized bed was placed on a small table 1.27 m off the floor in the chamber, between two large mixing fans, and a perforated diffusion shield was placed over the fluidized bed to ensure uniform aerosol dissemination. Following release, the spores were allowed to settle overnight onto mock office surfaces within the decontamination chamber. 2.2.2 Decontamination chamber and test environment All tests were conducted in the COnsequence MANagement and Decontamination Evaluation Room, or COMMANDER. COMMANDER consists of a stainless steel-lined inner chamber built specifically for decontamination testing, with internal dimensions of approximately 3.4 m wide, 2.5 m deep, and 2.8 m high. At the entrance to the chamber is an airlock compartment, and enclosing the chamber and airlock is an exterior steel shell. All three components are kept under cascading slight negative pressure (most negative within the inner chamber) with the use of separate air streams with valve controls on the inlet and outlet of each. Air entering the decontamination chamber passes through a high efficiency particulate air (FtEPA) filter, and exhaust air from the decontamination chamber is ducted to an activated carbon bed and HEPA filter prior to release to the facility exhaust system. Fans were used inside the chamber to provide internal mixing during fumigation. The inner chamber inlet and outlet duct fans were turned off during fumigation, and the inlet duct valve was closed, but the outlet valve was left open to maintain a negative pressure inside the chamber. Further details and a diagram of COMMANDER can be found elsewhere (Wood et al. 2013). Within the chamber, temperature, RH, air pressures, flow rates, and air duct valves are controlled and/or their data logged continuously using a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The RH and temperature within the decontamination chamber were measured with a 4 ------- temperature and RH transmitter (Vaisala Inc., Model HMD40Y; Helsinki, Finland). This instrument was calibrated prior to each test by comparing its RH data with known RH values generated in the sealed headspace above individual saturated solutions of various salt compounds. The RH meters were replaced if calibration criteria could not be met. Temperature within the chamber was monitored but not controlled, and varied from 25-30 °C. The target RH for all tests was 75%; the chamber RH was increased as needed through the use of a custom- fabricated steam injection unit. The test chamber facility is equipped with a vaporous hydrogen peroxide (VHP®) generator (STERIS Corporation, Model 1000 ED, Mentor, OH), and was used to sterilize (i.e., reset) the chamber and airlock prior to each test. The reset fumigation was typically conducted using a hydrogen peroxide (EbCh) concentration of 250-400 ppm for 4-6 hours. Hydrogen peroxide levels within the chamber were measured with an electrochemical sensor (Model B12, Analytical Technology Inc., Collegeville, PA, USA). This sensor is connected to the SCADA and used to verify that sterilization cycle conditions were met, and that after chamber aeration, levels are low enough for reentry. 2.2.3 Mock office description The stainless steel surfaces of the decontamination chamber were covered by materials typical of an indoor office setting. The floor was covered with plywood and then industrial carpet tiles (Beaulieu Solutions, P/N 6579-8586-1200-AB). The rear and side walls were framed and faced with 1.27 cm thick drywall (GoldBond, P/N GB4080-0800). The drywall was patched with joint compound (USG Sheetrock, P/N 380119048) and joint tape (USG Sheetrock, P/N 382199010) according to typical building practices, then primed (Kilz, P/N 20005) and painted (Behr, P/N 105001). At the top of the walls, a drop ceiling was installed and consisted of acoustic ceiling tile panels (Armstrong, P/N SCI 135c) and two plenum grilles to enable conditioning of the interior chamber air using the existing RH and temperature controls. The chamber was furnished with office equipment consisting of a laminated desk, an office chair, a file cabinet, pin cushion screen, books/catalogues, and a computer with monitor and keyboard. See Figure 2-1 for a photograph of a corner of the office, showing furniture and sample grid markings. 2.2.4 ClOi generation and measurement methods Chlorine dioxide was generated using a Model GMP (ClorDiSys, Lebanon, NJ). The generator passes 2 percent chlorine gas in nitrogen through cartridges containing solid sodium chlorite and other proprietary ingredients. The system includes a photometric detector for continuous measurement (a data point collected every 10 sec) of CICh, and a feedback loop is used to maintain the chamber at the set-point concentration. The generator was located inside the airlock during operation but had a gas sampling line to withdraw air samples from the center of the interior chamber. Chlorine dioxide levels within the chamber as measured by the generator were verified using a wet chemistry method, with gas samples collected every 120 min and routed to impingers containing a solution of potassium iodide phosphate buffer. This impinger liquid was then analyzed for CICh via titration with sodium thiosulfate. Additional details on the generation and measurement methods are described elsewhere (Wood et al. 2010). ------- Figure 2-1. Photograph of Portion of Mock Office Showing Furniture and Sample Grids 2.2.5 Test sequence The general sequence of events for each test was as follows: 1. Target surfaces and equipment were arranged in the chamber as needed and the chamber airlock was sealed. 2. The decontamination chamber was reset using a hydrogen peroxide vapor decontamination cycle, then aerated. 3. The chamber was entered and surfaces sampled to determine background levels of any residual contamination; these samples are referred to as field blanks (FB) or "reset" levels. (Bacterial spore sampling and analytical methods discussed below.) 4. B. atrophaeus spores were then disseminated into the chamber/mock office using the fluidized bed aerosol deposition technique and allowed to settle overnight. 5. The chamber was entered a second time and surfaces sampled to determine the initial levels of spores (positive controls). 6. Temperature monitoring began and 75% RH was established within the chamber. 7. The chamber was charged with CICh to achieve the target concentration. ------- 8. The target concentration and RH were maintained for the specified contact time (Note: Time zero is defined as the time at which the target concentration was achieved in the chamber.). 9. The chamber was aerated until CICh concentration was below 0.5 ppm in the chamber. 10. The chamber was entered a third time and sampled after fumigation (test samples). 2.2.6 Bacterial spore sampling and analysis Numerous microbiological samples and assays were used to characterize bacterial spore presence or absence in the mock office for each experiment (115 total for each test). Samples were collected following the reset, dissemination of spores, and post-decontamination with CICh. Samples or assays were either quantitative (providing a numerical result) or qualitative (indicating either presence or absence of bacterial growth). The use of material coupons began about halfway through the study. Laboratory blanks of items such as growth media and sampling materials were also employed in each experiment to check for aseptic conditions. A summary of the number and type of samples/assays for each experiment is shown in Table 2-1. Each sample or assay is further described in the narrative below. Table 2-1. Summary of Sample Methods and Assays Sample or Assay type Surface sampling with wipes or "vacuum socks" Surface sampling with swabs Air samples Reference measurement coupons Biological indicators Material coupons Total # samples post reset (field blanks) 10 1 3 14 # samples post dissemination of spores (positive controls) 25 1 1 6 3 12 48 # samples post decontamination 25 3 1 1 5 18 53 Bacterial spore samples were collected from surfaces with methods based on the use of wipes, swabs, or hand-held vacuums equipped with a collection sock (referred to as "vacuum sock"). The wipe and vacuum sock samples were extracted and the recovered viable spores were quantified, while the swab samples were analyzed qualitatively for growth. A summary of the surfaces sampled within the mock office and method used is listed in Table 2-2 below. A total of 25 quantitative surface samples were collected in the office to characterize the spore loading (positive controls), and a total of 25 quantitative samples taken after CICh decontamination (test samples). A total of 10 field blank samples were collected for each test as well (one wipe or vacuum sock sample for each surface). The selection of sampling method for each surface type was based on previous spore sampling studies (Brown et al. 2007A; Brown et al. 2007B; Brown et al 2007C. ------- Table 2-2. Sampled Material Surfaces for Mock Office Configuration Material Surface Keyboard Carpet Ceiling Tile Office Chair Seat Office Chair back Catalog Pin cushion screen Desk Table Filing cabinet Painted Drywall Electrical socket faceplate Computer chassis Keyboard Sample technique Vacuum sock Vacuum sock Vacuum sock Vacuum sock Vacuum sock Vacuum sock Vacuum sock Wipe Wipe Wipe Swab Swab Swab Surface area per sample (cm2) 564 929 929 465 465 97 929 929 1022 929 NA NA NA Number of positive controls and post-decon samples per test 1 5 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 5 1 1* 1* Number of field blanks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 *The computer chassis and keyboard were swab sampled only following decontamination; NA = not applicable The sampling locations for the wall, table, ceiling, and floor were determined using a grid approach (e.g., sample template), similar to the method as described in Wood et al. (2013). Smaller or larger size templates were used for the sampling of other surfaces to ensure a consistent sample size. Wipe samples were collected using c. 26 cm2 gauze wipes (Kendall # 8402; Covidien, Inc., Mansfield, MA, USA); further details on the wipe pattern, wetting agent, and procedures for extraction of spores from the wipes can be found elsewhere (Calfee et al. 2012). Vacuum sock sampling (sock filtration kit (Midwest Filtration, p/n FAB-20-01-001 A; Model Omega, Atrix International, Inc., Burnsville, MN) and methods used to extract spores from vacuum socks followed protocols outlined by Brown et al. (2007C). Following spore extraction procedures, the liquid solution used to extract spores from each wipe or vacuum sock sample was 10-fold serially diluted and plated. When fewer than 30 CFU were detected on plates from undiluted extract, a portion of the remaining extraction solution was filter plated using one or two larger volumes of the extract. Plates were incubated for 18-24 hours at 35 ± 2 °C, and then colonies were counted. Further details on these laboratory analysis and plating techniques are described elsewhere (Calfee et al. 2012). Total recovery (CFU quantity) for a surface sample was then calculated using equation 2-1. Briefly, the average number of colonies for the triplicate plates is multiplied by the reciprocal of the dilution (for which CFU counts that ranged between 30-300); then dividing by the plated volume (0.1 mL for standard plating, or the volume(s) of extraction liquid that was filter plated, ------- typically between 1-9 mL); and then multiplying by the total volume of the liquid used to extract spores from wipe or sock sample (typically 10 mL). The CPU loading for a particular sample was adjusted for the surface area sampled to arrive at a CPU count per square foot. When a filter plate for a particular post-decontamination (or blank) sample had no CPU detected, a CPU value of 0.5 CPU count was assigned to the filter. As an example, if no spores were detected on a filter from a sample in which 4 mL (out of 10 mL total extraction liquid) were filter plated, the sample itself would be assigned a value of 1.25 CPU. CPU/unit area = (C/I)*D*V/A (2-1) Where: C = Counts per plate; / = Volume of solution plated (mL); D = Dilution factor (e.g., 1000 for a 1000:1 dilution, or 1 for filter plate); V = Volume of extraction solution (mL): and A = Area sampled One swab sample was collected from the electrical socket faceplate following spore dissemination (prior to decontamination), as a positive control. Three swab samples were collected in the office following decontamination: the electrical socket face plate, computer chassis, and keyboard. Swab samples were used due to the complexity of the surface and were collected following protocols by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) using Bactiswabs™ (Remel, Lenexa, KS). The swab samples were used to evaluate only the presence or absence of spores before and after decontamination. Following the collection of sample, each swab was then streak plated on a TSA plate and incubated at a 35 °C ± 2 °C for at least 18 hours and checked for growth of the target organism. Reference material coupons (RMCs) were also used to determine spore deposition, but without the need for surface sampling. The RMCs were 50 mm x 25 mm pre-sterilized rectangles of stainless steel placed throughout the chamber, with spores recovered from the RMCs directly by extraction in 50 mL conical vials (to avoid any bias from sampling methods). The RMCs were placed at six locations within the office: on the keyboard, in the center of the chair, on top of the filing cabinet, in the corner of the floor, and on a wall. Two RMCs were placed inside the computer chassis, with one recovered before and one RMC recovered after fumigation. The RMCs have a dog ear, which points up on the outward- facing surface, to allow for aseptic pick up. RMC CPU loadings were quantified using the same techniques as described for the small coupons in Section 2.1. The presence of aerosolized spores in the chamber was measured using a ViaCell (Zephon, Ocala, PL, USA) bioaerosol collection cassette, sampling at a rate of 15 L/min. An air sample was taken during surface sampling operations. Air sampling typically lasted for two hours; air samples were withdrawn near the center of the mock office. Further details on this method and analysis are found elsewhere (Calfee et al. 2012). Results for this type of sample are presented in CFU/m3 air. ------- Bis were another assay used to assess effectiveness of the CICh fumigation in inactivating bacterial spores. The Bis were comprised of nominally 106 spores of B. atrophaeus inoculated onto stainless steel discs, and wrapped in Tyvek envelopes. The Bis were obtained from Mesa Labs (Model 1-61 COST, Lakewood, CO) and placed inside the computer chassis, inside the filing cabinet, on the pincushion screen, on the carpet floor, and on the desk table following positive control sampling. The five test Bis were collected after fumigation and analyzed according to manufacturer instructions to determine whether any of the Bis exhibited growth of bacteria (survival of any spores). Three positive control Bis (not exposed to CICh) were also used in each test. During the latter half of the study, the mock office tests included the use of small coupons so that results for the coupons could be compared to efficacy results based on surface sampling data within the office, as well as the small chamber coupon data. Coupons were made from ceiling tile, carpet, and painted wallboard paper. The 18 mm material coupons were inoculated with B. atrophaeus with MDIs using the methods described in Section 2.1 of this report. Two inoculum levels, roughly IxlO4 and 1 x 107 CPU per coupon, were used. One inoculated coupon per target inoculum level and one sterile coupon of each material type were placed in three different locations inside COMMANDER following positive control office sampling. Thus a total of 18 test coupons were used for each experiment (3 materials x 3 office locations x 2 inoculum levels). Two coupons, inoculated first and last, of each inoculum and material type, were not fumigated and served as positive controls. The CPU levels on the coupons were quantified as described in Section 2.1 2.2.7 Spore deposition and decontamination efficacy characterization Spore deposition (i.e., pre-decontamination, positive control spore levels) was quantified by taking the logarithm 10 of the CPU count for each wipe or vacuum sample (on a square foot basis), and then calculating the mean and standard deviation of the log values (the mean of a series of log values is equivalent to the log of the geometric mean for the same series) is for the pre-decontamination samples for each particular location. Post-decontamination results are presented in terms of spore recovery as well, and were calculated in the same manner as the pre- decontamination results. Results are also presented in terms of decontamination efficacy, which was quantified in terms of LR. The LR was calculated as the mean of the log values for each positive control sample location CPU count minus the mean of the log values for each test sample location CPU count. We occasionally report results by noting whether the average LR for a particular coupon or surface test is > 6.0, since a decontaminant that achieves > 6 LR is considered effective as a sporicidal decontaminant (US EPA 2010). We note, however, that while a decontamination efficacy > 6 LR may be considered "effective" when reporting test results, in an actual B. anthracis release event, the goal for decontamination would be to minimize the number of recoverable spores, regardless of LR. Hence we also report results in terms of the number of samples in which spores were not detected, discussed next. When a filter plate for a particular post-decontamination (or blank) sample had no CPU detected, the sample was scored qualitatively as "non-detect" (ND). The number of post-decontamination surface samples (out of 25 for a given COMMANDER test) that were found to have no spores detected is reported in the Results section. This approach also characterizes the effectiveness of the C1O2 treatment, consistent with previous decontamination studies (US EPA 2013). When no spores were detected for a sample, this result implied the highest decontamination efficacy 10 ------- quantifiable and achievable, and the LR was reported as > the positive control recovery minus the recovery from the test sample (calculated based on imputing a 0.5 CPU value on the filter plate, and adjusting for the filter plate volume; see Sub-section 2.2.6). 2.2.8 Procedures for Assessing Impact of ClOi on Computer Operation For five fumigation tests, three additional computers were installed in the mock office to assess the impact of low level CICh fumigation on the functionality of the computers. The computer equipment used and tested included a Dell OptiPlex 780 Desktop Computer; a Dell 21.5 inch Flat Panel Monitor; a USB keyboard and mouse; and computer and monitor power cords and connecting analog video cable. Three computers were on and idle in each of the five tests. Three positive control computers (not exposed to CICh) were also evaluated for functionality. Before and after fumigation, computer functionality was evaluated using a software diagnostic tool to determine the number of computer component failures. The post-fumigation analysis was conducted monthly for a period of one year following the fumigation date. During the one year period, all equipment was stored in an indoor office/laboratory environment with logged temperature and RH. A 5 day, 8-hour workweek was simulated by load-testing software (Burnln Test, Passmark Software Pty Ltd.) for the computer systems between evaluations. Refer to Appendix B for further details on the methods used to assess computer functionality. 11 ------- 3.0 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Quality assurance/quality control (QC) procedures were performed in accordance with the Quality Management Plan (QMP) and the test/QA Plan. The QA/QC procedures and results are summarized below. 3.1 Sampling, Monitoring, and Equipment Calibration Approved operating procedures were used for the maintenance and calibration of all laboratory equipment. All equipment was verified as being certified calibrated or having the calibration validated by the EPA's Metrology Laboratory at the time of use. Standard laboratory equipment such as balances, pH meters, biological safety cabinets and incubators were routinely monitored for proper performance. Calibration of instruments was done at the frequency shown in Tables 3- 1 and 3-2. Any deficiencies were noted. Any deficient instrument was adjusted to meet calibration tolerances and recalibrated within 24 hours. If tolerances were not met after recalibration, additional corrective action was taken, possibly including recalibration or/and replacement of the equipment. Table 3-1. Sampling and Monitoring Equipment Calibration Frequency Equipment Calibration/Certification Expected Tolerance Meter box Volume of gas is compared to NIST- traceable dry gas meter annually ±2% Flow meter Calibration using a flow hood and a Shortridge manometer ±5% RH and temperature sensor Compare RH to 3 calibration salts once a week; thermistor (for temperature) part of RH sensor and calibrated by manufacturer ±5% Stopwatch Compare against NIST Official U.S. time at ±1 min/30 days http://nist.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Eastern/d/- 5/java once every 30 days 12 ------- Table 3-2. Analysis Equipment Calibration Frequency Equipment Pipettes Incubator Thermometers Scale Calibration Frequency Annually Annually Before each use Calibration Method Gravimetric Compared to NIST- traceable thermometer Compared to Class S weights Responsible Party External Contractor Metrology Laboratory Laboratory staff Acceptance Criteria ± 1 % target value ±0.2°C ±0.01 % target 3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Critical Measurements QA/QC checks associated with this project were established in the QAPP. A summary of these checks is provided in Table 3-3. 13 ------- Table 3-3. Summary of QA/QC Matrix C1O2 measurement Negative Test Coupon Samples (swabs, wipe, or vacuum sock) Negative Material Coupon Samples (swabs, wipe, or vacuum sock) Positive Test Coupon Samples (swabs, wipe, or vacuum sock) Test Coupon Samples (wipe or vacuum sock) Chamber RH Control Computers Measurement Wet chemistry impinger method CPU CPU CPU CPU RH Computer functionality per PC-Doctor® Checks QA/QC Check Validation of generator reading Field Blank Biocontaminant Material Blanks ofPBST*, dilution tubes, and plating beads (check that plating materials are not contaminated) Positive Controls (inoculated w/ spores, but not subject to any treatment) Agreement of triplicate plates of single coupon at each dilution 2-point calibration Act as a baseline for comparison of fumigated computers Frequency Once per hour One per sample type per sampling event 3 per each material used, daily Up to 5 per material per test Each sample Once per day In triplicate, monthly Acceptance Criteria ±35% of generator reading OCFU OCFU 5E6 to 5E7 CFU Each CFU count must be within 100% of the other two replicates ±5% NA Corrective Action Change generator cartridges if necessary Revise handling procedures; investigate for sources of contamination Investigate sterilization procedure; investigate sources of contamination Assess deposition or sampling protocol Replate or filter samples Replace Vaisala sensor NA * Phosphate Buffered Saline with Tween® 20. 14 ------- 3.3 Data Quality Temperature and RH measurement devices were maintained within the calibration tolerances found in Table 3-1. Fumigant concentrations were sampled using impingers and the impinger liquid was analyzed using wet chemistry techniques. These values were all within the acceptance criterion ±35 % of C1O2 generator readings. Designated surfaces were sampled prior to biological exposure to test the effectiveness of the reset. Figure 3-1 shows the total number of occurrences each sample surface/location showed B. atrophaeus CFU or non-target contamination prior to spore dissemination (after reset) for the entire test matrix of 13 tests. (Non-target contamination, when present, was typically white, glossy colonies easily distinguishable from the orange colored B. atrophaeus colonies.) With the exception of the filing cabinet and pin cushion, all test surfaces had a non-zero negative sample at least once during the project. Refer to Appendix A for further information regarding which surface(s) for each test were found to have target spores present following the reset. For the majority of tests there was either no contamination found or only one surface was found to have target spores present following the reset. The maximum number of surfaces that were positive following the reset was four, which occurred in Test 11. In most cases in which surfaces were positive for spores following the reset, the actual number of spores detected per sample was less than 5 CFU using filter plating techniques. Although the intention was to minimize the presence of contamination from the field blanks after reset, the levels are considered minor and not expected to impact results of the study. Spores present in the sampling field after sterilization could be indicative of cross-contamination during sampling, confounding post-fumigation results of the same order of magnitude. However, most likely they could be representative of an inadequate sterilization cycle. Once we switched to a more robust reset cycle (400 ppm for 6 hours) for use in the latter half of the study, contamination generally decreased. 15 ------- Negative Test Coupon Samples 18. atrophaeui i Contamination Figure 3-1. Field Blank Test Sample Results by Surface Sample 16 ------- 4.0 Results and Discussion 4.1 Small Scale Coupon Decontamination Results A summary of the results (in terms of LR) for the small scale coupon tests is shown in Table 4-1. Contact times for the fumigations ranged from 2 to 12 hours. Fumigation with CICh was effective (> 6 LR) for nearly every condition tested except for the wood coupons at 200 ppm (all contact times), and galvanized metal at 100 ppm, 2 hours. (For wood coupons at the 200 ppm condition, average surface loadings of detectable viable spores were reduced by a minimum of 5 log CFU as a result of the decontamination process.) In the majority of the small coupon tests, spore loadings were reduced by more than 7 log. For example, in every test with concrete and painted drywall paper, the spores were completely inactivated, while for wood there were no tests in which the spore population was completely inactivated. We note that in some cases, a higher dosage of CICh resulted in an ostensibly lower LR result for the same material. For example, the LR for wood at 100 ppm, 8 hours (800 ppm-hour dose) was 6.61, while the LR at 200 ppm for 6 hours (1,200 ppm-hour dose) was 5.23. While appearing to have a higher LR at a lower dose, the results are not significantly different (MS Excel t-test). For this case, the lack of statistical significance may be due to the relatively variable results obtained for wood (compare standard deviations of efficacy results among the materials in Table 4-1), which in turn is most likely due to the complex, porous nature of this material affecting spore recovery. (However, one other explanation for the apparent difference in results for the wood coupons at the two different concentrations may be due to the complex (non-linear) inactivation kinetics (Ryan et al. 2014)). In particular, it was noted that when fumigating with CICh, the time required to achieve successful fumigation was determined to be independent of the fumigant concentration (Rastogi et al. 2010). These small scale coupon test results suggest that low levels of CICh gas may be a viable option for the decontamination of materials contaminated with anthrax spores, given there is sufficient contact time, RH and temperature. In many of the tests, relatively high efficacy was achieved at the first time point tested (2 or 4 hours), masking any potential effect of contact time. Of the materials tested, wood was the most difficult to decontaminate. Based on these proof of concept results, the study moved forward with the large scale office testing in COMMANDER. 17 ------- Table 4-1. Summary of Decontamination Efficacy Results for Small Chamber Tests* ClOi level Wood Concrete Painted Industrial Galvanized and contact drywall carpet metal time (hr) paper 100 ppm 2hr 4hr 6hr 8hr 10 hr 12 hr 6.61±0.90 6.67± 1.45 7.14±1.10 > 7.67 ±0.23 >7.68 ±0.23 >7.68± 0.23 >7.88±0.29 >7.88±0.29 >7.88±0.29 7.72±0.51 7.77±0.16 7.67±0.47 5. 71 ±0.30 7.49 ±0.39 6.76 ±0.74 6.33±0.33 200 ppm 2hr 4hr 6hr 8hr 10 hr 5.4±1.51 5.23±0.95 5.35±0.92 >7.66±0.36 >7.60±0.36 >7.59±0.36 > 7.69±0.48 >7.71±0.48 >7.71±0.48 > 7.76± 0.42 7.54±0.51 > 7.78± 0.42 7.54 ±0.47 >7.81±0.12 >7.81±0.12 7.66 ±0.35 * Results reported as average LR ± SD; results presented as > indicate complete inactivation of spores (no spores detected). Blank table cells indicate material not tested at that condition 4.2 Office Decontamination Results 4.2.1 Test Matrix Summary and Fumigation Conditions for Mock Office Tests A summary of the fumigation conditions for each mock office decontamination test is shown in Table 4-2. These values include the target and actual levels for CICh concentration, contact time, RH, and temperature. Except as noted in the table, all fumigations had a target RH of 75 % and a target temperature of 25 °C. Also shown in the table is the charge time, which is the time required to achieve the target concentration within the chamber. The RH was generally well controlled, and with the exception of one test, ranged from 74-78 %. In Test 15, a malfunction occurred with the humidification control system, and resulted in an average RH level of 88%. Actual average temperatures for the COMMANDER tests ranged from 22-29 °C. Target C1O2 levels ranged from 100 - 3,000 ppm, with contact times ranging from 3-24 hours. Actual C1O2 levels were generally within ± 10% of target values, with the exception of some of the initial tests (e.g., Test 5). In addition, we were unable to achieve 3,000 ppm when this was used as a target level (Tests 15 and 18), possibly because the C1O2 generator had inadequate 18 ------- generation capacity to overcome the large chamber volume and material demand from the office materials (an issue discussed in Section 1 of this report). Table 4-2. Summary of Fumigation Conditions for Mock Office Tests Test# 3 5 4 6 14B 19 8B 16 11 13 17 15 18 Target cone. and contact time 100 ppm, 8 hours 100 ppm, 12 hours 200 ppm, 4 hours 200 ppm, 6 hours 200 ppm, 8 hours 200 ppm, 8 hours 300 ppm, 4 hours 300 ppm, 24 hours 750 ppm, 12 hours 1000 ppm, 9 hours 1000 ppm, 12 hours 3000 ppm, 6 hours 3000 ppm, 3 hours Actual mean CICh level (ppm) 129± 19 166± 67 228± 18 214±32 215±34 198± 26 326± 19 327± 27 703± 157 943± 59 1021±35 956 ±3 10 2567± 177 Actual contact time (hours) 8 12.2 4 6 8 8 4 24.8 12 9.2 12 7 3 Actual mean RH% 74.7 75.2 75.7 74.5 75.2 76.7 76.6 75.3 75.7 78.2 75.2 87.8 75.4 Actual mean T (°C) 28.8 22.9 29.0 27.7 23.8 21.5 29.9 25.6 25.2 23.8 23.3 28.7 24.2 C1O2 charge time (min) 4 46.6 22 11 8 10 30.5 12.3 41 80 76 49 275 4.2.2 Quantitative surface and air sampling results for office A summary of the overall decontamination results for the mock office tests is shown in Table 4- 3. The results presented include average office spore levels before and after decontamination with C1O2, in log CFU/ft2, for each test. In addition to these quantitative results, decontamination effectiveness is characterized qualitatively in terms of the number of office surface samples (out of 25 per test) in which there were no spores detected after filter plating (designated as non-detect, or ND). Lastly, spore concentration in the air, before and after decontamination, is also shown in Table 4-3. Further details of these results, including the spore levels for each particular office surface, for each test, before and after decontamination, are found in Appendix A. 19 ------- Table Test # 3 5 4 6 14b 19 8b 16 11 13 17 15 18 4-3. Summary of Decontamination Results For Mock Actual Mean CICh level (ppm) 129± 19 166± 67 228± 18 214±32 215±34 198± 26 326± 19 327± 27 703± 157 943± 59 1021±35 956* ±3 10 2567± 177 Contact time (hours) 8 12 4 6 8 8 4 24 12 9 12 6 o J Avg. spore office loading log CFU per sq ft, prior to decontamina tion 5.68±0.59 6.39±0.75 5.35±0.70 4.89±0.74 7.01±0.61 5.73 ±0.72 5.89±0.63 6.63±0.71 6.61±0.58 7.21±0.40 6.58±0.51 7.01±0.51 6.82±0.56 Avg. spore loading, log CFU per sq ft, post decontamin ation 1.43±1.21 2.24± 1.77 -0.01±0.36 0.14±0.46 1.55±0.78 0.17±0.48 0.62± 0.60 1.32± 1.25 0.66± 0.67 1.33±0.65 0.70± 0.84 1.02 ±0.88 1.21±0.40 Number of post decon office samples that were ND (out of 25) 9 4 24 22 9 22 12 14 12 16 19 19 24 Office Tests Number of post decon swab and RMC samples ND (out of 4) 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 CFU/m3 air pre decon 2,590 23,500 243 3,860 19,800 3,830 1,670 60,000 14,600 37,900 21,900 35,500 27,100 CFU/m3 air post decon 9.65 80 21.7 5.69 62.5 2.14 10.5 29.5 10.9 43.4 1.44 10.5 5.88 • *Test conducted at 85% RH The average spore loadings for the mock office, prior to decontamination, ranged from 4.89 - 7.21 log CFU/ft2. These levels were in proximity to our target range of 5-7 log CFU/ft2. As expected, the spore loadings prior to decontamination for horizontal surfaces within the office (e.g., desk table, but excluding ceiling tiles) were approximately 0.5 log CFU/ft2 higher than the vertical surfaces (e.g., office walls), while the ceiling tile levels were generally approximately 0.5 log CFU/ft2 lower than the vertical surfaces. Overall average spore loadings for the office following decontamination ranged from -0.01 to 2.24 log CFU/ft2. (A negative log value implies a spore loading < 1.0 CFU/ft2). The most difficult office objects to decontaminate (had the highest spore loading following decontamination, or had the fewest samples that were non-detect for the study) were the horizontal surfaces (excluding the ceiling tiles). For example, there were only two tests in which no spores were detected on the laminated desktop following C1O2 fumigation. Items such as the walls and ceiling, with the lowest pre-decontamination spore levels, had the highest number of tests in which no spores were detected on their surfaces post-decontamination. In an effort to assess the importance of various fumigation and related parameters on overall decontamination efficacy, we conducted correlations (Pearson's r) of these data for each test using MS Excel. The results are presented in Table 4-4. The results of this analysis show a mild correlation of 0.62 between pre-and post-decontamination spore levels. 20 ------- Table 4-4. Correlation of Fumigation Parameters and Decontamination Results Parameter 1 Pre -decontamination spore surface loading Average CICh concentration C1O2 concentration * contact time Post-decontamination spore surface loading Pre -decontamination spore surface loading Number of post-decontamination surface samples that were negative Pre -decontamination spore surface loading Number of post-decontamination surface samples that were negative Number of post-decontamination surface samples that were negative Parameter 2 Post-decontamination spore surface loading LR LR Post-decontamination spore air levels Pre-decontamination spore air levels LR Pre-decontamination spore surface loading on RMCs Number of post-decontamination swab and RMC samples that were negative Number of post-decontamination coupons (mock office tests) that were negative Correlation (r) 0.62 0.46 0.64 0.74 0.69 0.46 0.90 0.56 0.56 For the overall study, Test 4, with only a 228 ppm CICh average level and 4 hour contact time, resulted in the highest number of surface samples post-decontamination that were negative (24 out of 25, or 96 %). This test also had lowest quantity of recovered spores following decontamination, and also had the second lowest spore loading prior to decontamination. The average post-decontamination spore level for Test 4 was determined to be approximately 1 CFU/ft2, calculated from the assumption that the ND samples had a level of 0.5 CPU on the filter plate. The direct effect of spore loading on efficacy may also be viewed by comparison of the results for Tests 14B and 19, which had similar fumigation parameters (~ 200 ppm CIChfor 8 hours). The number of non-detects for Test 19 was much higher (22, compared to 9 for Test 14B), while the pre-decontamination spore loading for Test 19 was over 1 log CFU/ft2 lower than for Test 14B. Test 18, which had the highest overall average CICh concentration (2,567 ppm), also resulted in 24 of 25 samples that were non-detect. However, the average spore loading following decontamination was 1.21 log CFU/ft2 (or 16 CFU/ft2). (This relatively mid-level spore loading following decontamination, associated with a high number of non-detects, is due to the variable detection limits.) Depending on the surface area sampled and the extraction liquid volume filter plated, a non-detect (on a filter plate, assumed to be 0.5 CFU; refer to Section 2.2.6) result could correspond to between 0.5 to 20 CFU/ft2. The result of decontaminating with a high level of CICh for a short contact time is comparable to other studies that have generally shown high efficacy (or relatively low levels of CFU post- decontamination) with 3,000 ppm CICh, but not complete decontamination (i.e., not all samples 21 ------- were non-detect). See for example US EPA (2013) and Rastogi et al. (2009). The comparability of results between the present study high CICh test and these other tests provides some verification of the methods used in the present study. Because of the variation in pre-QCh spore loadings and other parameters (e.g., concentration) associated with conducting large-scale tests, it becomes difficult to directly assess the effect of these parameters on outcome. For this reason, the correlations were performed. As shown in Table 4-4, the product of CICh concentration times contact time (dose) had the highest correlation (r = 0.64) with decontamination efficacy. The fumigation parameter CICh concentration, by itself, had a correlation of 0.46 with LR. That concentration by itself had a lower correlation than dose was not unexpected, owing to the importance of time in microbial inactivation. Other typical fumigation parameters such as RH and temperature were not assessed for correlation, since these parameters remained fairly constant throughout the study. While the results of the office tests are comparable to the small scale coupon tests presented in Section 4.1, it is difficult to make direct comparisons for the two scales of testing. Differences in materials, spore deposition methods, spore loadings, sampling procedures, surface sample size, etc., make direct comparisons difficult since these could affect efficacy results. For example, while nearly every LR result in the small scale tests was greater than 6, none of the mock office tests resulted in overall LR values of greater than 6; refer to Appendix A. However, there were several office tests in which a number of surfaces were decontaminated with LR > 6. For example, the filing cabinet and wallboard were decontaminated with LR greater than 6 in eight different tests. One other possible source that could contribute to some of difference in results for the small and large scale tests is the resuspension of spore particles that occurred during sampling of the mock office. Post-decontamination sampling activities conducted in the confined office space may have reaerosolized any viable spores remaining on surfaces (such as carpet), due to tracking of personnel and movement of equipment. (Indeed, carpet was one of the more difficult materials to decontaminate in the office.) The results of the post-decontamination spore levels in the air are shown in Table 4-3, and range from approximately 1 to 80 CFU/m3. Post-decontamination average spore surface levels are well correlated (0.74) with the spore levels in the air. 4.2.3 RMC and swab results The average pre-decontamination spore loadings in the office, as determined by surface sampling, were highly correlated with pre-decontamination spore loadings on the RMCs. As noted in Table 4-4, the correlation for these two parameters was 0.90. The average RMC spore levels for a particular test were generally higher than the average loading determined by surface sampling, in terms of log CFU/ft2. This result is consistent with the expected higher spore recoveries obtained through direct extraction of materials versus the extraction of spores recovered from surface sampling matrices such as wipes or vacuum socks. Typical differences between RMC levels and surface sampling levels were less than 0.5 log CFU/ft2. Refer to Appendix A for detailed RMC results for each test. One swab sample was collected from the electrical outlet faceplate for each test (post-spore dissemination, i.e., prior to decontamination), and for every test, the result was positive for growth. Following decontamination, there were three office surfaces (faceplate, keyboard, and computer chassis) that were sampled with a swab for qualitative results. In addition, an RMC 22 ------- was located inside a computer to assess the post decontamination result. The results for these samples, in terms of the number (out of four per test) that were completely inactivated after decontamination (e.g., no growth shown for swab samples; no spores detected from RMC), are also shown in Table 4-3. The number of post-decontamination swab or RMC samples that were negative had a 0.56 correlation coefficient with the number of post decontamination samples determined by surface sampling that were negative. 4.2.4 Coupon results The decontamination results for the ceiling tile, carpet, and painted wallboard mock office coupon tests are summarized in Table 4-5, in terms of the number of coupons (out of 18) that were completely decontaminated (no detectable spores, i.e., "non-detect") during each test. These results are compared to the COMMANDER surface sampling results to provide context and have a correlation coefficient of 0.56. In addition, of the three materials used for coupons in the mock office tests (carpet, wallboard paper, ceiling tile), the carpet material had the highest number of coupons that had detectable spores following decontamination. This result is consistent with the small chamber tests (Table 4-1), in which the carpet coupons were more difficult to decontaminate than the wallboard paper coupons. Please see Table A-14 in Appendix A for additional details on the results of these coupon tests. Table 4-5. Decontamination Results for Coupons Placed in Mock Office Test# Actual Mean CICh level (ppm) 14b 215±34 19 198±26 16 327± 27 17 1021±35 15 956 ±3 10 18 2567± 177 Contact time (hours) 8 8 24 12 6 o J Number of post decon coupons that were non detect (out of 18) 15 17 10 18 18 17 Number of post decon office samples that were non detect (out of 25) 9 22 14 19 19 24 4.2.5 BI results All of the positive control Bis (those not exposed to CICh) from every experiment tested positive for growth, as expected. None of the Bis exposed to CICh in any of the mock office tests (five Bis were used per test) exhibited growth. While inactivating all of the Bis in the whole experimental program demonstrates the general concept and utility of using low levels of CICh, many of the actual surfaces within the office still contained viable spores. This general result is 23 ------- consistent with other tests (Rastogi et al. 2010) that have shown that the spore populations on Bis are typically much easier to inactivate than spores associated with coupons from building materials or actual environmental surfaces. 4.3 Impacts of Low level ClOi fumigation on computer operation A summary of the results for assessing the impacts of CICh fumigation on computer functionality over the period of a year is presented in Table 4-6. The results are presented in terms of the number of component failures, for both the test and control computers. Some of these failures were present before exposure to any CICh fumigation, and so can be ruled out as an effect of fumigation. Table 4-6 shows the results with pre-existing component failure results removed. Fumigation at approximately 214 and 211 ppm CICh for 6 or 8 hours (Tests 6 and 7, respectively) and at approximately 303 ppm CICh for 4 hours (Test 8) showed no measureable change on the function of the computers. The effects of the 12 hour, 166 ppm CICh (Test 5) and the 8 hour, 297 ppm CICh (Test 9) fumigation are more difficult to interpret. In both those cases, at least one computer performed as well as or better than the control computers, and at least one computer performed worse. See Appendix B for further details on the methods and results. Table 4-6. Total Computer "Fail" Results over Year-Long Test Period Computer A Computer B Computer C No CICh (control computers) 7 6 0 214 ppm, 6.0 hr. (Test 6) 0 0 0 166 ppm, 12.2 hr. (Test 5) 15 36+42a 7 211 ppm, 8.0 hr. (Test 7) 4 1 3 303 ppm, 4.3 hr. (Test 8) 2 3 1 297 ppm, 8.3 hr. (Test 9) 30 0 0 a = This computer did not record the results of 42 tests for one test day 24 ------- 5.0 Summary and Conclusions Extensive testing was conducted in this study to assess the feasibility of using relatively low levels of C1O2 gas for decontamination of materials and volumetric spaces contaminated with B. anthracis spores. While levels of CICh in the range of 1000-3000 ppm have previously been demonstrated to be mostly effective against B. anthracis spores, levels of CICh on the order of 100-300 ppm (with accompanying longer contact times) have not been investigated. If CICh fumigation at these lower concentrations were to be proven effective, vendors with technologies that produce CICh, but perhaps at relatively lower generation rates, would still be able to meet these lower target fumigation concentrations within a large building or other space needing to be decontaminated. This would allow for a greater number of vendors to participate in remediation efforts following a large anthrax spore release in an urban area. To initially prove the concept, small chamber fumigation tests were conducted using 18 mm diameter coupons of wood, concrete, drywall, carpet, and galvanized metal, with spores deposited onto the coupons using MDIs. Several tests were conducted at either 100 or 200 ppm C1O2, with contact times ranging from 2-12 hr, but with all fumigations conducted at room temperature and RH of 75 %. These small scale tests did indeed demonstrate conditions in which the low levels of CICh were effective (> 6 LR) against the B. anthracis surrogate for all the materials tested. After successful completion of the small scale tests, pilot-scale tests were conducted inside a mock office environment. To our knowledge, this portion of the study is the first of its kind, in terms of the number of tests conducted at near-full-scale, using CICh fumigation. All tests were conducted with B. atrophaeus spores, a long-used surrogate for testing CICh efficacy against B. anthracis spores. Spores were disseminated into the office as a dry powder to simulate a realistic release scenario. The study involved extensive surface sampling and other microbiological assays, employing sampling techniques that would be used in response to an actual anthrax incident. A portion of the mock office tests included the use of computers, to assess the impact of low level CICh fumigation on sensitive electronics and functionality. While the focus of the study was to use relatively low levels of CICh gas (100-300 ppm), a few tests were conducted at 750 ppm or higher to allow for comparison of results from previous studies. As with the small scale tests, all of the mock office fumigations had a target RH of 75 % and a target temperature of 25 °C. The average office pre-decontamination spore levels ranged from 4.89 - 7.21 log CFU/ft2, near our target of 5-7 log CFU/ft2. Overall average spore loadings for the office following CICh treatment ranged from -0.01 to 2.24 log CFU/ft2, and generally correlated (0.62) with pre- decontamination spore loadings. The correlation was apparent for specific surfaces within the office, as well as for the overall average spore loadings in the office. For example, the most difficult office objects to decontaminate were the horizontal surfaces such as the desk table and carpet, which also tended to have the highest pre-decontamination spore loadings. Finally, post- decontamination spore levels in the office air ranged from approximately 1 to 80 CFU/m3, and correlated (0.74) with the post-decontamination spore surface levels. The mock office portion of the study demonstrated that relatively high decontamination efficacy (approximately 5 to > 6 LR) can be achieved using relatively low levels of CICh, depending on the pre-decontamination spore levels and other conditions. For example, Test 4, with only a 228 ppm C1O2 average level and 4 hour contact time, resulted in the lowest quantity of spores 25 ------- recovered following decontamination (calculated to be approximately 1 CFU/ft2, based on assuming 0.5 CPU were recovered from ND samples). Correspondingly, this test also had the highest number of surface samples post-decontamination that were negative (24 out of 25, or 96 %) for the test program, and had the second lowest average office spore loading prior to decontaminati on. Relative to comparing the results of the office tests to the initial small scale coupon tests, while nearly every LR result in the small scale tests was greater than 6, none of the mock office tests resulted in overall average office LR values of greater than 6. Nevertheless, there were several office tests in which a number of surfaces were ND for spores and were decontaminated with LR > 6. For example, the filing cabinet and wallboard were decontaminated with LR greater than 6 in eight of 13 different tests. In any event, it is difficult to make direct comparisons for the two scales of testing, since differences in materials, spore deposition methods, spore loadings, sampling procedures, surface sample size, etc., could affect efficacy results. Every BI exposed to CICh in all the mock office tests in which they were used was inactivated, demonstrating the general concept and utility of using low levels of CICh. However, many of the actual surfaces within the office still presented viable spores following decontamination. This general result is consistent with other tests that have shown that the spore populations on Bis are typically much easier to inactivate than spores associated with coupons from building materials or actual environmental surfaces. The general conclusion here is that Bis that remain viable after C1O2 treatment would be a good indication that the CICh fumigation failed. However, Bis that have been inactivated following CICh treatment do not necessarily imply that the fumigation was successful. Fumigation at approximately 200 ppm CICh for 6 or 8 hours and at approximately 300 ppm CICh for 4 hours showed no measureable change in the functionality of the computers. The study has demonstrated the potential of using relatively low levels of CICh gas, accompanied by longer contact times, for effective decontamination of surfaces and spaces contaminated by anthrax spores. However, this decontamination approach may be better suited for areas that are not heavily contaminated, i.e., that have spore loadings less than 5 log CFU/ft2 and/or that do not contain significant quantities of porous materials such as carpet and wood. Further research is recommended to find efficacious low concentration conditions for heavily contaminated surfaces and for difficult to decontaminate materials. 26 ------- 6.0 References Brown, G. S., Betty, R.G., Brockmann, I.E., Lucero, D.A., Souza, C.A., Walsh, K.A., Boucher, R.M., Tezak, M., Wilson, M.C. and Rudolph, T. (2007A) Evaluation of a wipe surface sample method for collection of Bacillus spores from nonporous surfaces. Appl Environ Microbioll?>. 3: 706-710. Brown, G. S Betty, R.G., Brockmann, I.E., Lucero, D.A., Souza, C.A., Walsh, K.A., Boucher, R.M., Tezak, M., Wilson, M.C., Rudolph, T., Lindquist, H.D. and Martinez, K.F. (2007B) Evaluation of rayon swab surface sample collection method for Bacillus spores from nonporous surfaces." JApplMicrobiol 103.4: 1074-1080. Brown, G. S., Betty, R.G., Brockmann, J.Z., Lucero, D.A., Souza, C.A., Walsh, K.S., Boucher, R.M., Tezak, M.S., and Wilson, M.C. (2007C) Evaluation of vacuum filter sock surface sample collection method for Bacillus spores from porous and non-porous surfaces. JEnvironMonit 9.7: 666-671. Calfee, M. W., Ryan, S.P., Wood, J.P., Mickelsen, L., Kempter, C., Miller, L., Colby, M., Touati, A., Clayton, M., Griffm-Gatchalian, N., McDonald, S. and Delafield, R. (2102) Laboratory evaluation of large-scale decontamination approaches. J Appl Microbiol 112.5: 874- 882. Campbell, C.G., Kirvel, R.D., Love, A.H., Bailey, C.G., Miles, R., Schweickert, J., Sutton, M., and Raber, E. (2012) Decontamination after a release of B. anthracis spores. Biosecur. Bioterror. 10:1, 108-122. Canter, D. A. 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J Appl Microbiol 116.3: 533- 541. 27 ------- Rastogi, V. K., Wallace, L. Ryan, S.P., and Martin, B. (2009) Quantitative method to determine sporicidal decontamination of building surfaces by gaseous fumigants, and issues related to laboratory-scale studies. Appl EnviroMicro 75.11: 3688-3694. Rastogi, V. K., Ryan, S.P., Wallace, L., Smith, L.S., Shah, S.S. and Martin, G.B. (2010) Systematic evaluation of the efficacy of chlorine dioxide in decontamination of building interior surfaces contaminated with anthrax spores. Appl Environ Micro 76.10; 3343-3351. Ryan, S.P., Lee, S.D., Calfee, M.W., Wood, J.P., McDonald, S., Clayton, M., Griffm-Gatchalian, N. Effect of inoculation method on the determination of decontamination efficacy against Bacillus spores. World JMicrobiolBiotechnolDOI 10.1007/sl 1274-014-1684-2. 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Test 3 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 100 Contact time =8 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qua), results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat G pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop G dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 2.05E+05 1.93E+06 4.69E+04 5.48E+05 2.63E+05 1.42E+05 2.59E+05 3.11E+06 7.67E+05 2.48E+06 5.68 1.42E+06 3.59E+05 1.66E+02 1.27E+02 5.71E+02 9.65E+01 8.09E-01 2.27E+00 1.12E+02 8.10E+02 l.OOE+00 l.OOE+00 1.43 2.19E+02 1.91E+02 ND ND 4.25 9 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NA NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 2.59E+00 ND 9.65E-03 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 6.68E+05 1.34E+06 3.57E+04 1.46E+05 1.88E+06 1.10E+06 5.66 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) NA= not available. ND=not detected 30 ------- Table A-2. Test 5 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 100 Contact time =12 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard G chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 2.19E+05 8.03E+06 1.08E+05 3.93E+06 7.80E+06 7.88E+05 2.97E+06 1.68E+07 2.59E+06 1.35E+07 6.39 7.59E+06 3.50E+06 6.00E+00 7.90E+02 3.17E+02 1.67E+03 9.06E+00 1.45E+00 1.56E+03 1.06E+04 4.85E+01 l.OOE+03 2.24 2.61E+03 1.25E+02 4.15 4 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 2.35E+01 7.10E+00 8.00E-02 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 9.49E+06 3.90E+06 5.03E+06 3.08E+06 1.12E+07 6.86E+06 6.77 3.28E+03 Note: all data in CPU/ ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 31 ------- Table A-3. Test 4 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 200 Contact time =4 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 6.18E+04 2.66E+06 3.55E+05 1.73E+06 9.00E+04 9.46E+04 2.54E+05 1.05E+06 7.60E+04 1.97E+04 5.35 9.62E+05 1.74E+05 6.00E+00 9.40E-01 3.11E+00 1.21E+00 6.32E-01 6.12E-01 6.21E-01 5.81E-01 5.82E-01 5.01E-01 -0.01 1.64E+00 1.44E+00 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.36 24 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 2.43E-01 ND 2.17E-02 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 8.35E+03 2.88E+03 1.44E+03 4.32E+03 1.15E+03 1.22E+07 4.05 ND Note: all data in CPU/ ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 32 ------- Table A-4. Test 6 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 200 Contact time =6 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat G pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet G desktop G dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 5.76E+03 1.53E+05 1.29E+04 4.73E+05 2.57E+05 8.61E+03 3.70E+04 4.26E+05 1.34E+05 3.39E+05 4.89 2.39E+05 1.35E+05 5.78E+00 9.80E-01 1.21E+00 1.21E+00 6.06E-01 1.02E+00 7.36E-01 1.46E+01 6.56E-01 6.27E-01 0.14 3.99E+00 8.24E-01 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4.76 22 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 3.86E+00 ND 5.69E-03 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 2.81E+05 1.56E+06 1.26E+03 1.13E+05 3.13E+05 5.65E+05 5.17 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 33 ------- Table A-5. Test 14B Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 200 Contact time =8 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop G dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 1.34E+06 3.97E+07 3.90E+06 4.39E+06 l.OOE+07 1.86E+06 1.44E+07 9.68E+07 1.29E+07 3.99E+07 7.01 3.27E+07 8.93E+06 2.34E+01 1.70E+02 2.00E+01 7.00E+01 l.OOE+01 4.33E+01 2.87E+02 4.66E+02 1.80E+00 5.15E+00 1.55 1.70E+02 1.06E+01 ND ND 5.46 9 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) 1.98E+01 6.25E-02 viacell FB (CPU/sample) ND Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 2.09E+07 2.21E+07 1.13E+07 1.08E+07 7.94E+07 4.12E+07 7.38 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 34 ------- Table A-6. Test 8b Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 300 Contact time =4 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet G desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 1.32E+05 2.90E+06 5.12E+04 1.85E+06 1.35E+06 4.00E+05 4.42E+05 4.56E+06 8.25E+05 2.62E+06 5.89 2.08E+06 7.42E+05 1.14E+01 8.23E+00 5.23E+00 1.26E+01 4.52E+00 5.88E-01 1.84E+01 1.33E+01 6.44E-01 6.18E-01 0.62 1.08E+01 3.47E+00 5.27 12 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 1.67E+00 ND 1.05E-02 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 1.70E+06 5.80E+06 1.10E+06 1.93E+06 5.54E+06 2.68E+06 6.42 Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 35 ------- Table A-7. Test 16 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 300 Contact time =24 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 9.70E+05 1.40E+06 2.40E+06 8.17E+06 3.19E+06 2.16E+05 6.23E+06 2.98E+07 1.27E+07 4.78E+07 6.63 1.57E+07 6.10E+06 5.82E+00 1.48E+02 4.63E+00 8.13E+00 6.06E-01 3.74E+00 4.34E+02 1.12E+03 5.96E-01 7.98E+02 1.32 4.19E+02 1.94E+00 ND ND ND ND 5.31 14 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab NA NG G NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 6.01E+01 1.43E+01 2.95E-02 Ref Measurement Coupons wall 2.55E+06 inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 5.26E+06 2.20E+07 3.11E+07 1.16E+07 7.01 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 36 ------- Table A-8. Test 11 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 750 Contact time =12 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back G chair seat G pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop G drywall G filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 5.82E+06 3.86E+06 1.15E+06 6.61E+06 2.64E+06 3.30E+05 1.03E+07 2.74E+07 1.56E+06 1.82E+07 6.61 1.20E+07 1.79E+06 1.16E+01 1.94E+01 2.32E+00 2.91E+00 5.90E-01 1.42E+00 2.22E+01 4.90E+01 6.30E-01 4.64E+00 0.66 1.83E+01 1.18E+00 5.95 12 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 1.46E+01 1.12E+00 1.09E-02 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 5.17E+06 3.24E+06 2.13E+07 6.90E+06 5.85E+06 3.86E+06 6.79 Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 37 ------- Table A-9. Test 13 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 1000 Contact time =9 VHP® Pre-decon reset spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf G 3.13E+06 2.28E+07 9.52E+06 3.60E+07 1.69E+07 G 4.09E+06 G 3.17E+07 4.40E+07 1.63E+07 3.22E+07 7.21 2.83E+07 1.42E+07 1.44E+02 3.29E+01 2.00E+01 8.00E+01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 5.00E+01 5.43E+01 7.08E-01 1.24E+01 1.33 6.23E+01 1.02E+01 ND ND ND ND 5.88 16 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG G NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 3.79E+01 1.73E+02 4.34E-02 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 2.44E+07 9.26E+06 1.09E+07 4.70E+07 4.06E+07 3.04E+07 7.36 3.65E+01 Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 38 ------- Table A-10. Test 17 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 1000 Contact time =12 VHP® Pre-decon reset spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 3.60E+06 1.05E+06 2.88E+06 2.23E+06 2.18E+06 l.OOE+06 7.44E+06 3.65E+07 2.63E+06 1.82E+07 6.58 1.15E+07 2.57E+06 1.84E+02 2.01E+00 1.22E+00 1.22E+00 8.28E-01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 6.53E+01 5.62E-01 6.18E+00 0.70 4.47E+01 8.70E-01 ND ND ND ND 5.88 19 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 2.19E+01 ND 1.44E-03 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer 4.45E+07 7.69E+06 corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 1.32E+07 1.33E+07 1.91E+07 7.21 7.83E+01 Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 39 ------- Table A-ll. Test 15 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object CIO2 PPM Contact target = 1000 time =6 *85% RH VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 4.30E+06 3.88E+06 4.27E+06 2.15E+07 9.55E+06 1.98E+06 1.07E+07 8.37E+07 9.44E+06 4.83E+07 7.01 2.87E+07 7.75E+06 1.73E+02 1.96E+00 2.00E+01 2.00E+01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 1.60E+01 2.03E+02 6.82E-01 5.15E-01 1.02 6.91E+01 1.02E+01 ND ND ND ND ND 5.99 19 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) 3.55E+01 1.05E-02 viacell FB (CPU/sample) Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 5.33E+06 6.51E+06 13818000 15414000 19173000 33600000 7.11 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 40 ------- Table A-12. Test 18 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 1000 Contact time =12 VHP® reset Pre-decon spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back G chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 3.97E+06 7.80E+06 7.98E+06 3.55E+06 5.38E+06 9.85E+05 1.24E+07 1.10E+08 1.47E+07 1.74E+06 6.82 2.33E+07 9.37E+06 1.92E+02 1.65E+01 2.00E+01 2.00E+01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 l.OOE+01 9.28E+00 1.21 4.30E+01 1.33E+01 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.61 24 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 2.71E+01 ND 5.88E-03 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 1.23E+07 8.23E+06 8.40E+06 7.77E+06 1.07E+07 1.10E+07 6.98 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 41 ------- Table A-13. Test 19 Detailed Results Office Surface or Object ClOzPPM target = 1000 Contact time =12 VHP® Pre-decon reset spore levels Post-decon spore levels Post-decon qual. results catalog keyboard chair back chair seat pin cushion screen ceiling tile carpet desktop dry wall filing cabinet log of geo. mean; log reduction Total # surface samples (out of 25) = ND avg horiz surf (excl. ceiling tile) avg vert surf 7.87E+05 2.06E+06 1.73E+05 6.34E+05 5.94E+05 1.29E+04 1.96E+05 4.62E+06 6.98E+05 2.32E+06 5.73 1.77E+06 4.88E+05 1.13E+01 9.97E-01 1.50E+00 1.34E+00 1.23E+00 6.00E-01 6.15E-01 1.10E+01 7.16E-01 6.40E-01 0.17 4.32E+00 1.15E+00 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.56 22 electrical socket swab keyboard swab computer swab G NG NG NG viacell air sample (CPU/liter) viacell FB (CPU/sample) 3.83 ND 2.14E-03 Ref Measurement Coupons wall inside computer corner of floor center of chair keyboard filing cabinet inside computer post -test log of geo mean RMC 6.26E+05 1.08E+06 9.03E+05 6.26E+05 1.82E+06 1.80E+06 6.02 ND Note: all data in CPU/ft2, except swabs and VHP® reset samples (Growth, No Growth); air samples (CPU/liter) ND=not detected 42 ------- Table A-14. Detailed Coupon Efficacy Results 14B 15 16 17 18 19 Pre- Pre^Pre-Pre^ Pre^ Pre- decon Post decon Post decon Post decon Post decon Post decon Post log decon log decon log decon log decon log decon log decon CPU result CPU result CPU result CPU result CPU result CPU result value value value value value value CT 3.8 ND 3.3 ND 4.1 1 3.3 ND 3.4 ND 3.1 ND Carpet 4 ND 3.7 ND 4.5 2 3.4 ND 3.2 ND 2.8 ND WB 3.5 ND 3.2 ND 3.9 1 3.1 ND 2.8 1 2.7 ND CT 7.3 ND 6.9 ND 7.0 ND 7.0 ND 7.1 ND 6.9 ND Carpet 7.2 3 7.4 ND 7.2 3 7.2 ND 6.9 ND 7.2 1 WB 6.6 ND 6.7 ND 6.8 3 6.6 ND 6.9 ND 6.0 ND CT = ceiling tile; WB = painted wallboard paper; ND = no spores detected on any of the 3 coupons tested If an integer is listed in a "Post decon" column, this reflects number of coupons out of three that had detectable spores. 43 ------- Appendix B Detailed Analyses for PC Doctor® Results PC-Doctor® Service Center™ 7.5 is commercially available software designed to diagnose and detect computer component failures. A complete list of the PC-Doctor® Service Center™ 7.5 diagnostic tests is shown in Table Bl. Table Bl. PC- Doctor Tests Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Description Verify System Information List RTC Rollover Test RTC Accuracy Test Advanced Pattern Test Bit Low Test Bit High Test Nibble Move Test Checkerboard Test Walking One Left Test Walking One Right Test Auxiliary Pattern Test Address Test Modulo20 Test Moving Inversion Test Windows Memory Test Register Test Level 2 Cache Test Math Register Test M MX Test SSE Test SSE2 Test SSE3 Test SSSE3 Test SSE4.1 Test Tested Subsystem SYSTEMS DETECTION System Board System Board 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) 2048 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) 44 ------- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 SSE4.2 Test Stress Test Multicore Test Checksum Test Pattern Test Thermal Cycle Test Shader Rendering DX10 Test Wireframe Shader Rendering Test Shader Rendering Test GPU Pipeline Data Test Transformation and Lighting Stress Test Fixed Transformation and Lighting Test Primary Surface Test Non-Local Video Memory Test Local Video Memory Test SMART Status Test SMART Short Self Test SMART Extended Self Test SMART Conveyance Self Test Linear Seek Test Random Seek Test Funnel Seek Test Surface Scan Test CD Linear Seek Test CD Random Seek Test CD Funnel Seek Test CD Linear Read Compare Test CD Audio Test CD-R Read Write Test CD-RW Read Write Test DVD+R Read Write Test DVD-RW Read Write Test DVD Linear Seek Test DVD Random Seek Test DVD Funnel Seek Test DVD Linear Read Compare Test Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) Intel(R) Core(TM) 15-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ (CPU:0) CMOS CMOS Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Intel(R) HD Graphics Family OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) OS- C: (WDC WD2500AAKX-753CA1 ) HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH70N AVI Test 61 AVI Interactive Test 45 ------- 62 Monitor Interactive Test DELL E1911 (Generic PnP Monitor) 63 Keyboard Interactive Test HID Keyboard Device 64 Mouse Interactive Test HID-Compliant Mouse 65 Network Link Test Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection 66 TCP/IP Internal Loopback Test Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection 67 Network External Loopback Test Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Configuration Test PCI Express Status Test PCI Express Status Test PCI Express Status Test Standby Test Hibernation Test Internal Register Test Internal Control Signals Test Internal Send and Receive Test Internal Register Test Internal Control Signals Test Internal Send and Receive Test USB Port Test Rough Audio Test Sound Interactive Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test PCI Bus High Definition Audio Controller Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 1C10 Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 3 - 1C14 Standby/Hibernate Standby/Hibernate I ntel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL (COM3) I ntel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL (COM3) I ntel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL (COM3) Communications Port (COM1) Communications Port (COM1) Communications Port (COM1) USB Port Test Realtek High Definition Audio Realtek High Definition Audio USB Hub 1 USB Hub 2 USB Test Key Dell USB Entry Keyboard USB Optical Mouse USB Storage Device USB Storage Device USB Storage Device USB Storage Device USB Storage Device USB Storage Device USB Storage Device 46 ------- The PC-Doctor® Service Center™ 7.5 protocol was developed to have an industry-accepted standard method of determining pass versus failure of the computer subsystems. PC-Doctor® Service Center™ 7.5 functionality testing was conducted on each computer pre-fumigation, one day post-fumigation, then monthly for the next year with exceptions due to budget constraints. This testing provided valuable information about the extent and time dependence of the degradation of these computers following the various fumigation scenarios. All computers were kept under ambient laboratory conditions, in which humidity was not strictly controlled. When conducting a functionality test on a computer, if any particular sub-system check (out of the 94 performed) failed the first time, the computer was tested a second time to correct for possible human error. A test that failed the second time was labeled "Fail". If the test failed the first time but passed the second time, it was labeled "Pass2". There were certain instances when the computer did not allow certain tests to be run. These were listed as "False-Fail", because though the test was not run, it was considered a failure since the test should have been able to run. For tabulation, a score of 1,000 was assigned to each "Fail" and "False-Fail", while a "Pass2" received a score of 1. Some test dates have a total of only 93 tests; in this case, the results were not manually recorded due to operator error. There was no score assigned to known operator error. During each pre- and post-fumigation testing period, a total PC-Doctor® score was the sum of the scores from each of the 94 tests. A score of 0 indicated a computer that passed all tests, while a score of 94000 would indicate a computer that failed all tests. 4000 3500 3000 Average PC-Doctor Score by Fumigation Test (-500 values were from tests not performed) I Fumigation C6 I Fumigation C5 Fumigation C7 I Fumigation C8 Fumigation C9 CONTROL Months After Fumigation Figure B1. Average PC-Doctor Score overtime*. *Computer B (JW08) value for Month 0 Fumigation C5 removed in this graph as an outlier Figure Bl shows the average score of three replicate computers for each month. Some computers were not tested each month, and they were assigned a value of-500 in Figure 1 to distinguish a 0 (All pass) from a null value (not performed). Table B2 provides a total of all incidents of PC- Doctor® Service Center™ 7.5 tests that received a "Fail." For each test condition, the results are shown for each of the computers that underwent year-long testing. 47 ------- Table B2. Total "Fail" Results For Year-Long Test Period Fumigation Technology Computer A Computer B Computer C None 7 6 0 200 ppmv C1O2, 6 hr. (C6) 1 0 0 100 ppmv C1O2, 12 hr. (C5) 15 36+42a 7 200 ppmv C1O2, 8 hr. (C7) 4 3 5 300 ppmv C1O2, 4 hr. (C8) 2 3 22b 300 ppmv C1O2, 8 hr. (C9) 30 0 27b a = This computer did not record the results of some tests for one test day b = This computer never detected two USB ports, which therefore always failed. This was a preexisting condition. Some of these failures were present before the fumigation, and so can be ruled out as an effect of fumigation. Table B3 shows the results from Table B2, with pre-existing results removed. Table B3. Total "Fail" Results with Pre-Existing Failures Removed Fumigation Technology Computer A Computer B Computer C None 7 6 0 200 ppmv C1O2, 6 hr. (C6) 0 0 0 100 ppmv C1O2, 12 hr. (C5) 15 36+42a 7 200 ppmv C1O2, 8 hr. (C7) 4 1 3 300 ppmv C1O2, 4 hr. (C8) 2 3 1 300 ppmv C1O2, 8 hr. (C9) 30 0 0 a = This computer, JW08, did not record the results of 42 tests for one test day Fumigation at 200 ppmv CICh for 6 or 8 hours (C6 and C7) and 300 ppmv CICh for 4 hours (C8) had no measureable effect on the function of the computers. The effects of the 12 hour 100 ppmv C1O2 (C5) and the 8 hour 300 ppmv CICh (C9) fumigation are more difficult to interpret. In both cases, at least one computer performed as well as or better than the control computers, and at least one computer performed worse. With such a small sample size, it is impossible to say with any statistical certainty that poorer performance was a result of the exposure to fumigation conditions. Table B4 lists of all failures as a function of subsystem. The failures are dominated by USB failures, which, as stated before, do not seem to be a result of fumigation, given that they were present before fumigation. 48 ------- Table B4. Test Number 41 42 43 47 48 52 53 54 55 56 63 65 67 72 73 80 81 82 92 94 95 96 Vulnerable Subsystems Test Description SMART Short Self Test SMART Extended Self Test SMART Conveyance Self Test Surface Scan Test CD Linear Seek Test CD Audio Test CD-R Read Write Test CD-RW Read Write Test DVD+R Read Write Test DVD-RW Read Write Test Keyboard Interactive Test Network Link Test Network External Loopback Test Standby Test Hibernation Test USB Port Test Rough Audio Test Sound Interactive Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test USB Status Test Total Pass2 4 4 1 9 4 1 0 2 16 9 5 9 1 1 1 1 1 Number Fail 2 3 3 3 1 7 0 0 15 2 0 1 1 2 3 18 2 0 1 0 0 7 of Events False Fail 7 1 28 61 *Computer B (JW08) value for Month 0 Fumigation C5 removed in this table as an outlier 49 ------- United States Environmental Protection Agency PRESORTED STANDARD POSTAGE & FEES PAID EPA PERMIT NO. G-35 Office of Research and Development (8101R) Washington, DC 20460 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 ------- |