WHAT IS 11 WORTH TO YOU? Can you imagine your life without clean and safe water? I WATER: NECESSARY - YET UNDERVALUED National average — household monthly utility costs BILLION needed to improve drinking water infrastructure through 2030 Wastewater/ Stormwater TRILLION gallons of water wasted annually from water main breaks Electricity OUR WATER SYSTEM IS AT RISK Trillions of gallons of water are transported through millions of miles of pipeline: But our water systems are old and need to be upgraded ... occur every ye approx. 658 pe and there ler threats to our water system: \XjlaiM r"1 major hurricanes occur per decade, with the damage causing water shortages and contamination percent of hazardous waste leakages and spills have contaminated nearby groundwater percent of U.S. farmland recently suffered moderate to extreme drought, jeopardizing our food supply CLEAN, SAFE WATER IS ESSENTIAL BE AWARE > Severe weather and aging pipes threaten our water and wastewater services every day > Know your water and wastewater service providers > Revenue from water rates provides you with clean and safe water Office of Water (MC 4608T) EPA-817-H-15-001 June 2015 PREPARED > Store 3 gallons of water per family member for use during emergencies > Read your water bills and inserts to learn more about your utility > Help your utility by conserving water as much as possible SHOW YOU CARE > Support water system upgrades > Spread the word in your community about the importance of a reliable water supply > Protect local water sources ------- |