PB87-208336 Waste Incineration and Emission Control Technologies (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, HC Jul 87 J ------- EPA/600/D-87/U7-S July 1987 WASTE INCINERATION ANJ EMISSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES by T. G. Brna and C. B. Sedman Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 AIR AND ENERGY ENGINEERING RESEARCH LABORATORY OFFICE Of RESEARCH AND DEVEIOPNENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 2V711 ------- TECHNICAL HE ft9m JlttSVrJMMf OR tNf . REPORT NO. EPA/600/D-87/U7-S 2. ». RECIPIENTS ACCESSION1 NO. 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Waste Incineration and Emission Control Technologies I. REPORT OATI July 1987 It PERFORMING ORGANIZATION COD* .AUTHOR IS) T. G. Brna and G, B. Sedman i. PSRFORMIHO ORGANIZATION REPORT MO. PER*OI*MING OMOANIZATION NAME AND ACDREI I ELEMENT NOT See Block 12. 11. CONTRACT/QUANT NO. NA (tnhouse) X. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME ANO ADOf ;SS EPA, (Xficc of Research and Development Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 ix TYPS Of REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Published Paper; March 1987 14. •PONSOHINO AOENCT COOC EPA/600 A3 •, •W^LEMCNTAMV NOTES AEERL project officer is Theodore G. Brna. Mail Drop 61. 918 / 541-2683. Supersedes EPA/600/D-87/147 (PB37-191623/AS) . ABSTRACT. The paper gives results of a survey of available waste incineration and emission control technologies in the U. S.. Japan, and Western Europe. Increasing concern over landfills as a waste management option and the decreasing availability of sites have focused attention on incineration for destruction of hazardous wastes and volume reduction of other wastes in the U. S. Incineration requires the control of air pollutant emissions, which can be minimized by combining in-furnace and post-combustion control technologies. Since future potential regulation of both hazar- dous air pollutants and acid rain precursors may cause extensive retrofit or early termination of existing waste incineration installations, planning for new or modified installations should recognize the various control technologies available in order to minimize future outlays if regulations are tightened* 7. KEY WOMOS ANO DOCUMENT ANALYSIS OCSCMIPTOffS hJOf MTIPIimvOrtN IttOCOTtl Pollution Incinerators Waste Disposal Emission Toxicity Pollution Control Stationary Sources Hazardous Waste 13B 15E 14G 08T IS. OtSTMISUTION STATEMENT Release to Public IS. MCUNITY CLASS fTMl Wp*ftJ Unclassified at. NO. Of PAGES 20 tO. SECURITY CLASS Unclassified I IS»TS| ------- NOTICE This document has been reviewed in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency policy and approved for publication. Mention of trade itaaes or comercial products does not constitute endorse- ment or recovendation for use. ii ------- HASTE INCINERATION AND EMISSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES T. 6. Brnt C. B. Sednan Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park. NC 27711 ABSTRACT The Increasing concern over landfills as a waste •anagenent option and the decreasing availability of sites have focused attention on Incineration for de- struction of hazardous wastes and volume reduction of ether wastes In the U.S. The use of Incineration requires the control of air pollutant emissions, which can be Minimized by cocbinlng 1n-furnace and post-co«ibust1on control technologies. Since future potential regulation of both hazardous air pollutants and acid rain precursors Bay cause extensive retrofit or early terei nation of existing waste Incineration installations, the planning for new or Modified Installations should recognize the various control technologies available In order to minimize future outlays If regulations are tightened. A survey of available technologies in the U.S., Japan, and Western Europe Is presented for consideration. For presentation at the International Congress on Hazardous Materials Management, Chattanooga, TM, Jane 8-12, 1987. This paper has been reviewed In accordance with with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency peer and administrative review policies and approved for presentation and publication. ------- INTRODUCTION Generators of hazardous wastes, substantial vol- umes of non-hazardous wastes, or Mixtures of both have several available disposal options, all of which promise to become Increasingly expensive In the future. long-term storage and landfllHng have Inherent liabilities and steadily Increasing costs as available sites diminish and regulations drive up operating costs. Except for limited recycle/reuse opportunities, the majority of thermalIjr destructible wastes will probably be Incinerated In special purpose furnaces, or Mixed with fossil fuels and/or larger volume combustible wastes and burned 1n conventional steam boilers or water-wall Incinerators. In Many cases, cogeneratlon of steam and electricity from waste combustion will be the •ast economically attractive long-term waste disposal option. In reducing waste volume and destroying potentially hazardous components, air pollution 1s an unavoidable by-product. Nearly complete destruction (99.991) of hazardous wastes by combustion Is now required. However, trace quantities of products of Incomplete combustion, especially dloxlns and furans, are not currently regu- lated by the U.S. EPA. Further, high destruction efficiencies require high temperature and Increased turbulence (good mixing). Both of these promote Increased oxides of nitrogen (NOX)V which are acid rain precursors. Oxidation of fuel nitrogen, sulfur, and halogens produces additional NO, as well as sulfur oxides (SOX) and acid gases, all suspected contributors to acid rain. Non-combustibles such as trace metals (especially mercury, lead, arsenic, and chromium) are all potentially emitted with fly ash. Given the potential for these classes of pollu- tants—trace hazardous organlcs, add gases, trace heavy metals, and fly ash—the air pollution control strategy selected must have the capability of multi- pollutant control In order to minimize costly retrofit or upgrading to meet possible future regulations. The residues, although small In volume relative to onburncd wastes, contain concentrated pollutants which mast be disposed of In an environmentally saft manner, but residue disposal Is not addressed here. CURRENT REGULATORY STATUS Requirements of the Individual states differ, and the U.S. lags behind other Industrial nations In regulating emissions from waste combustion as shown ------- In Table 1. Local regulations or permit conditions frequently determine the types of combustor and emission controls required. In the U. S.. for example, only participate matter Is currently regulated by Federal Standard, but typical permits at the local or state level have limited carbon monoxide. SOX, and NOX emiss- ions, and more recently have covered trace metals, hydrocarbons (particularly dloxlns). and acid gases (hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids). Recent Install- ations In the U. S. have Included technologies spec- ifically targeted to reduce unburned hydrocarbons In the furnace as well as tall-end processes to remove add gases. SOX» and partlculate matter. Partlculate matter controls are currently being permitted at 20 to 25X of the allowable emissions under current Federal Standards, reflecting growing concern over trace metals which tend to partition In the finer particles. One recent U.S. Installation has also Included an 1n-furnace reduction technique for reducing NOR.4 In Western Europe, particularly West Germany, similar technologies have been Installed for nearly a decade due to local permit requirements and national standards which were recently set by Federal regulations summarized In Table 1. Many of the technologies current- ly offered In the U.S. and described later In this paper are licensed from European vendors such as NIRO. Flakt, and Deutsche Babcock. Japanese Installations have shown similar trends to those In Europe but add- itionally feature an add-on, catalytic reduction step for NOX removal, using Japanese technology developed originally for steam electric generators.' EMISSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES •:*£.- In-Furnace Techniques Of paramount concern Is the destruction of combust- ible and hazardous components which also diminish the •mounts of potentially hazardous products of Incomplete combustion, or toxic organlcs. A program 1s now under- way within the U.S. EPA to develop combustion guidelines for Incinerators within the next year. The goals of the program Include establishing minimum time/tempera- ture relationships for efficient combustion, air/fuel mixing criteria, air Injector designs, excess air and turndown restrictions, startup and shutdown procedures. and monitoring to verify compliance with these guide- lines. For NOX control, one In-furnace technique Is curr- ently In use In Japan and at one Installation In the ------- TULf 1. SUECTID EMISSIONS STANDARDS FOR NASTE INCINERATORS Sol 1 4 »art1c«1ato Hattar. Carton MoMtldo, ppa NydrofM Chlortda U.S.I California* Comnctkut* Michigan* Mt«t C«nMny2.3 0.08 (200) ••• ••• 0.01* (25) ... 30 ppw (wot or dry icnibbort 0.015 (37.5) — 901 reduction 0.015 (37.5) 113124-hr avaj 901 0.013* (32.5) 87 17 pp_ (50«9/Nir)) 0.01C (25) ... •0 ** S«1f«r Otntda. *• OleilM Noaturad at I. 3.7.1 - tatra- chlorodlbtflto-p'dloilM (TOO) Tout Orfaolct. Nwcvrv » Ca*rt«i » •f/mJ |fiKl«4a« tapors) 170 38 , KM SO} 11«1t» (200 •9/N»») rtdwt all acids 0.5-2.0 n«y Ntv 0.1 '20 0.2 Sat m coi in co2 m coj dry m toz dry tit 02 dry •caiirtmn rtgniatioM ptndt Mn ttrtMtut local Itarfu. Two ttato tvidtllMt art rtaortad: 0.91 fr/dtcf (25 •«/•>) for total Mild MrtfcvlatM (TS») and 0.008 jr/dwf (20 •»/»J) for parttcltt IMS VIM I va). •TMt IK tfto local oftM aptllad Halt. alUwwgd tho nattonal Itatt ft 0.02 r/^Kf (50 a*/*?). «Tfilt 1f«lt and thoto »a1o« aro fro* tfco Sutdlsh Envtromtntal ProUctlon Board's 'fo^orary Earftslo* fioals.* July 1981. •Sto CMTCRt 255-1 for Iteltt. •PollNtMt control ro*itrM MM of tko BM! Available Control Ttcfinology (8ACT). althovgh M tachnolov ha* ytt »at« rfho MM of dry fat Mrvokan and baohonwt ft oiptcttd to tnorovo rtMfal. ------- U.S. Known as Theraal DeNOx, in the upper furnace to It involves Injecting achieve selective reduc The »««onU/NO, reactions ton o X see gure . he »««onUNO, reactions are extrevely sensitive to temperature so that the injec- tion location Must be carefully selected. Also there Is generally so«e slip of does not react with NOX). a»»onia (i.e.. aMonia which NHj/UREA STOICH10METRIC RATIO tSRI SR3-1.S OVERF1RE AIR REBURNING FUEL Figure 1. Reburning and thermal DeNO applied to a waste incinerator. Another promising HOX control concept is returning with an auxiliary fuel such as natural gas. The process could potentially be applfed to waste Incinerators as shown In Figure 1. The Individual stoiehiOMtric ratio CSR|) ter»s In this figure refer to the air/fuel steich- fOMtric ratio (SR) with SR less than 1.0 representing fuel-rich conditions. Enough returning fuel should be injected at a location low in the furnace to create a hot. slightly oxygen-starved zone. The overfire air is Injected above the reburninj zone to complete the com- bustion process. Reburning can be combined with aaaonla or urea injection to optivize 10X reduction. In addition ------- to NOX reduction, returning has the potential for destroying organic compounds dye to the high flame temp- erature and high concentration of flame radicals existing In the returning zone.6 Paniculate Hatter Control Partlculate Matter control for solid waste combus- tors 1s practiced In all technologically advanced coun- tries, The dominant system In the U. S. 1s the electro- static preclpltator (ESP), accounting for about 75S of all systems. Hlth ESPs, very low emission levels are achievable; < 45 «g/M«3 (< 0.02 gr/dscf) at high ratios of collector plate surface area to gas flow volume; I.e.. In the range of 170 01n./m (52 mln./ft) or greater. Net scrubbers (Venturis) are relatively Ineffective for particle control, removing 80 to 951 at normal oper- ation. Very high pressure losses are required to remove fine particles* and the erosion and corrosion potential 1n acidic gas streams make the venturl a poor choice from economic and reliability perspectives. Fabric filters are seldom used unless upstream sorbent Injection Is practiced, because of the perceived failures caused by hot gases, spark carryover, or sticky particles. However, fabric filters are capable of control to < 45 mg/Nn3 without the operational upsets due to varying fuel and ash composition that adversely affect ESPs. 6ai Control Control of acid gases (HC1. HF, and SOjJ requires scrubbing or devices for gas/liquid or gas/solid contact. Mater alone Is a reasonably effective sorbent for very reactive add gases such as HC1 and HF, but an alkali sorbent (or control of liquid pH to 5 or higher) Is necessary for substantial SO; control. Totally dry sorbents require substantial residence time In the gas for effective acid gas control. Injection of sorbent Into a duct must be complemented by a fluid-bed reactor. humldlf Icatlon. a fabric filter dust collector, or combinations of these to be effective. Figures 2 and 3 Illustrate typical dry sorbtnt Injection systems In use 1n Western Europe. Spray drying or semi-dry Injection of sorbent Is more effective than dry Injection, with Increasing acid gas control as the approach to saturation temperature Is decreased, either by waste heat recovery or water 1nject1on/hum1d1f1cat1on. The most effective control ------- 1. FURNACE AND BOILER 2. FRECOLLECTOR 1 WASTE HEAT BOILER NO. 1 4 REACTOR ft. ELECTROSTATIC FHECIF1TATOH ft FABRIC FILTER 7. WATTE HEAT BCHLER NO. 2 ft LIME SILO •. LIME FEEDING 10. LIME RECIRCULATION 11. COARSE DUST CONVEYING 12. FINE OUST CONVEYING 12, OUST SILO 14. DUST HUMIDIFIER 1ft. OUST UN Figure 2. Dry absorption system, Maino, Sweden. of add gases 1s by *U*11 scrubbtrs operating at saturation (wet scrubbing), but this has to be weighed against the aaount of waste water generated and Its treatment. Figure 4 Illustrates a typical spray dryer systea for acid gas removal. ------- LIME PLUf i 1. UMtSllO I. REACTOR X CYCLONE 4. DUST COLLECTOR •.STACK I WASTESILO DRY WASTE Figure 3. Circulating fluid-bed absorption (dry) process. 1. LIME FEEDER 2. LJME SLAKE* 3. PEED TANK 4. HEAD TANK ft. SPRAY ABSORBER f. DUSTCOLLfCTO* 7. STACK •»-—PARTICLE RECYCLE DRY WASTE Figure 4. Spray absorption (semi-dry) process. Combined *««1-dry/dry scrubbers control «cfd fates perhaps »ore effectively than once-through spray drying and are probably similar In effectiveness to spray dry- Ing with recycle* depending on the approach to saturation temperature. Combined seml-dry/wet systems* such as spray dryer/renturHs) combinations* are potentially the most effective systems for acid gas control but become Increasingly complex as the number of targeted 8 ------- pollutants increase*. Table 2 summarizes the above dis- cussion. The reader Is cautioned that the reagent requirements and solid/liquid wastes produced are net considered, and this table only reflects the systems as operated. Any of these techniques may be enhanced by •ore reactive sorbents or operation at more favorable temperatures. Figures S and 6 Illustrate the combina- tion seml-dry/dry and seal-dry/wet scrubbing systems. TABLE 2. EFFECTIVENESS OF ACID GAS CONTROLS (S REMOVAL) Control Systea Dry Injection * Fabric Filter Pollutant HC1 (FF)a 80 Dry Injection * Fluid-Bed Reactor * ESP*> 90 Spray Dryer * ESP (Recycle)c Spray Dryer * Fabric Filter (Recycle )c Spray Dryer * Dry Injection * Met Scrubber* Spray Dryer + Met Sentbber(s) » T 16C-WC (32Q-356*F) b T 230*C (446*F) C T 140-160*C (284-320*F) * T 2*JO*C (39TF) t T 40-50'C (104-122"F) T the temperature at the 95* (95*) 95+ (95+) ESP or FFd 95+ 95+ + ESP or FF« 95* HF 98 99 99 (99) 99 (99) 99 99 99 507 50 60 50-70 (70-90) 70-90 (80-95) 90* 90* 90* exit of the control device. In summary, effective control of acid gases 1s possible n1th dry, seal-dry. and wet scrubbers. HC1 and HF are relatively easy to control* while SOj control Is more difficult and Is favored by wet or seal-dry systems with lower flue gas temperatures. Although not discussed due to lack of data, very effective sulfur trloxlde control seems possible with a spray dryer. ------- AIR FLUE GAS N*- WATER SOLIDS U-UMi U- SOLIDS -CALCIUM SILICATE 1. QUENCH REACTOR 1ST PAY DRYER) 2. DRYVENTURI 3. BAOHOUSE 4. STACK Figure 5. Setri-dry/dry scrubber. Should SOj control also becoae a concern, systems which contact the gas with wet or dry sorbent prior to a par* tlculate control device should be encouraged. "This approach Is suggested because* after alkali scrubbing, 503 apparently becomes an aerosol and Is amenable to capture. Control systems with particle collectors up- trean of the scrubber have historically reported poor SOj control effectiveness. Po«t-CoBbust1on M0« Control Probably the »ost difficult and expensive pollutant to control 1s MOX. primarily dat to uareactlve RO which comprises 951 or «ore of the total ^controlled MOX. Tht •ost effective control 1s selective cataiytlc reduction (SCR) which currently Bust be preceded by acid gas and heavy aetals control to be effective If the thermal penalties are acceptable, the* SCI c> -e»ove 80-901 of NOX with a NH3/MO aolar ratio of 1.0 . * about S ppav NNa 10 ------- 1. PLUEOAS 2. IXHAUSTOAt & SPRAY DRYER 4. ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR OR FABRIC FILTER ft. OAS-OAS MIAT EXCHANGER ft VENTURISCRUBBER 7. NEUTRALIZATION TANK 8. SLUDGE TANK 9. LIME SILO 10. LIME SLAKER 11. SODIUM HYDROXIDE STORAGE 12. SODIUM AIR TANK 13. DRV WASTE Figure 6. Semi-dry/wet scrubber. ------- slip. Use of special lower temperature, HCl-res1stant catalysts In the future can Hake SCR even nore attrac- tive.* Potentially less effective and acre complicated NOX control aay be achieved by an oxidation step Inte- grated Into sodium- or aagneslua-based net scrubbing. Due to the liquid waste potential, this May be best applied to the combination seml-dry/wet scrubber system shown 1n Figure 6, and NO* control of 30 to SOS would be expected. Figure 7 Illustrates SCR as applied to Incineration flue gas In japan. Post-Combustion Organic Pollutant Control Control of dloxlns and furans. as well as other trace organic compounds. 1s not well understood because the aechanlsa of capture Is not known. Likely, conden- sation and capture as a particle Is significant, and attack and capture by caustic reagents 1s also probable. These capture phenomena-are best-addressed by-lowering flue gas temperatures, subjecting flue gas to caustic sorbent, and collecting the product In a highly effic- ient particle collector. Halted data show that spray drying followed by fabric filtration Is very effective for organic vapor control and superior to the spray drying/ESP systea. Also lower flue gas temperatures favc Increased control of organlcs. Reference 8 1s a good dlscusslcn of these observations. The results are suaaarlzed In Table 3, where CDD refers to chlor- inated dibenzo-para-dloxins and CDF to chlorinated dlbenzofurans.8 Halted data have been collected on control device efficiencies for dloxlns and furans, with only outlet concentrations being reported for aost tests. Unfort- unately, test data and Methodologies are lacking to coapare the effectiveness of various control systeas for organic pollutants. However, the superiority of a sorbent on a fabric filter for control 1s evident froa Table 3. The data shown were based on tests In a single pilot plant, and thus should be used with caution.9 Heavy Metals Control The control of heavy aetals Is slallar to organic pollutant control In that effective control of par- ticles and low five gat teaperatures are major factors. Sorbents, however, are not suspected to play a major role. Toxic aetals enter the collectors as solids, liquids, and vapors and, as the flue gas cools, the vapor portion converts to collectible solids and liquids. Figure 8 Illustrates various heavy aetals as they appear 1n flue gas and their relative 12 ------- -V) PM/HCI JL CONVENTIONAL SCR (WITH HCI RESISTANT CATALYST! U- A/P PM/HCI JL SCR WITH LOW TEMPERATURE CATALYST SCR WITH EXTENSIVE GAS REHEAT I * INCINERATOR A/P - AIR PREHEATER PM/HCI • ESP/SCRUBBER, ETC. GGH - GAS GAS HEAT E XCHANGER B- REHEAT BURNER Figure 7. SCR options for municipal incinerators. ------- theoretical concentrations (vapor pressures) as a func- tion of flue gas temperature.? TABLE 3. SPRAY DRYER CONTROL OF SELECTED ORGANIC POLLUTANTS' Control System (I Removal) Compound Dloxlns; tetra COD penta COD hexa COD hepta COD octa COD Furans SD + ESP SD + FT • High Temp. SD + FT • Low Teap. 48 51 73 83 89 52 75 93 82 NA > 97 > 99.6 > 99.5 > 99.6 > 99.8 tetra CDF penta CDF hexa CDF hepta CDF octa CDF 65 64 82 83 85 98 88 86 92 NA > 99.4 > 99.6 > 99.7 > 99.8 > 99.8 Fro* Figure 8, It can be deduced that decreasing the flue gas temperature below 200*C (392*F) and high efficiency paniculate collection should result 1n a very large reduction of Metals, except for Mercury (Hg). arsenates (As20a)2* and selenium (Se02 and See)* Corresponding reductions of these compounds proceed dramatically as temperatures are lowered. Kith the metals at their saturation temperature*, each 1s ex- pected to be reduced by 90S for each additional temp- erature drop of 11 to ire (20 to 30*F). If this temperature effect Is true, then wet scrubbing or wet/dry scrubbing which operates at saturation [~ 40*C (104*F)J should be highly effective for total heavy metals control, while most dry and semi-dry systems should be just as effective for practically all metals except mercury, arsenic, and selenium. The dry and semi-dry systems should achieve some capture of mer- cury, arsenic, and selenium, with the degree of cap- ture Increasing with decreasing flue gas temperature. 14 ------- Measured Hg concentrations in raw gas. Figure 8. Saturation points of «rtal and wtal compounds.9 Reported Metals control data general If snow 95-981 control or greater for »est Heavy netals except aercury. Vapor-phase Mercury control Has been reported as: 75 to 8SS control with spray dryer pins bagbouse; and 35 to 4SS control with spray dryer plus ESP.9 This Is Important 1n that vapor control 1s possible with fabric filters and ESPs. although Halted data show the for*er to be clearly superior. Vet scrubbers would appear to be Ideal for •ercury control, but the collection of aercury vapors via condensation and capture Is not well documented. There* fore, the choice of the nost effective mercury control Is still the subject of controversy (see Reference 3}. 15 ------- SUMMARY In destroying wastes by Incineration, several classes of air pollutants are emitted which will likely require control or at least consideration for control by permitting agencies. The pollutants Include trace hazardous organlcs, acid gases, trace heavy metals, and partlculate matter. Various In-furnace and post-combustion technologies are available to control these pollutants, but the degree of control complexity Increases with the number of pollutants to be con- trolled. Operators of existing Incinerators should be aware of these technologies for possible future retrofit requirements, while those planning Incinera- tion projects should design these facilities to embrace as many of the concepts described as practical. In order to meet permit requirements with minimum delay. REFERENCES 1. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60, Subpart E, July 1, 1984 (36FRZ4877. 12/23/71). 2. Haste Age, November 1986, p. 17. 3. Scrubber-Adsorber Newsletter, Mcllvalne Co., Northbrook, IL, July 30,1986, No. 145, pp. 3-6. 4. Hurst, B. C. and C. H. White, "Thermal DeNOx: A Commercial Selective Non-Catalytic NOX Reduction Process for Haste to Energy Applications.* ASHC 12th Biennial National Haste Processing Conference, Dewey, CO, June 2, 1986. S. Ando, J., Recent Developments In S02 «nd NOX Abatement Technology for Stationary Sources in Japan, CPA-600/7-85-040 (NTIS PB86-110186), September 1985, Section 5. 6. Overmoe, B. J. et al.. "Influence of Coal Combus- tion on the Fate of Volatile and Char Nitrogen During Combustion," Nineteenth Symposium (Int.) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1982, p. 1271. 7. Teller, A. J., "The Landmark Framlngham, MA Incinerator," presented at the Hazardous Materials Management Conference, Philadelphia^ PA, June 5-7, 1984. 16 ------- 8. Nellsen, K. K.» J. T. Hoeller, and S. Rasaussen, "Reduction of Dloxtns and Furans by Spray Dryer Absorption fro* Incinerator Flut Gas,* presented at Oloxln 85, Bayreuth, U. Germany. September 16-19. 1985. 9. Hoeller, J. T.. C. Jorgensen. and F. Fallenkamp, 'Dry Scrubbing of Toxic Incinerator Flue Gas by Spray Dryer Absorption,* presented at CNV1TCC 83, Dusseldorf, M. Germany, February 21*24, 1983, 17 ------- |