PHA United States	mTnm
Environmental Protection
Agency	December 2016
Fact Sheet: Draft Human Health Recreational Ambient
Water Quality Criteria/Swimming Advisories for
Microcystins and Cylindrospermopsin
EPA has issued for public comment draft Human
Health Recreational Ambient Water Quality Criteria
(AWQC) and/or Swimming Advisories for
Microcystins and Cylindrospermopsin. These are the
draft recommended concentrations of microcystins
and cylindrospermopsin in recreational water at or
below people will be protected while swimming or
participating in other activities on the water.
EPA will accept comments on the 2016 draft criteria
document for 60 days. Once final, states can
consider adopting these criteria into their water
quality standards and using them for Clean Water
Act purposes, once the standards are approved by
EPA. Alternatively, states can use these same values
as the basis of swimming advisories for public
notification purposes at beaches.
Cyanobacteria are naturally-occurring
photosynthetic bacteria found in many diverse
habitats including surface waters and are commonly
referred to as blue-green algae. Certain
environmental conditions, such as elevated levels of
nutrients, warmer temperatures, still water, and
plentiful sunlight can promote the growth of
cyanobacteria to higher densities, forming what are
called harmful algal blooms (HABs). They are called
harmful because exposure to these blooms can
result in adverse health effects to humans and
animals. Cyanotoxins, such as microcystins or
cylindrospermopsin, are produced by cyanobacteria.
Under HAB conditions, the concentrations of toxins
in the water can increase substantially. Elevated
cyanotoxin concentrations in surface waters can
persist after the bloom fades, so human exposures
can occur even after the visible signs of a bloom are
gone or have moved downstream.
What are the Health Effects from Exposure to
Cyanotoxins in Recreational Waters?
Different cyanotoxins have different health effects
associated with exposure. For example, microcystins
are primarily associated with liver toxicity, while
kidney toxicity is a key health effect for
cylindrospermopsin. Other toxins have been shown
to affect the skin, gastrointestinal or nervous
systems. EPA is including only microcystins and
cylindrospermopsin in the draft recreational
criteria/swimming advisories.
How Can I Be Exposed to Cyanotoxins?
Cyanotoxins are released into the water as
cyanobacteria grow and die. Toxin concentrations
can become elevated, particularly during a bloom
event, and can persist in the environment after a
bloom is over. You can be exposed to elevated levels
of cyanotoxins if you swim, play in, or recreate on or
in a waterbody where cyanobacteria may reproduce
rapidly. Toxins can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed
through the skin. The toxins' persistence in the
environment can potentially affect downstream
users, such as drinking water utilities and recreators,
where the bloom may not be directly observed. EPA
previously published health advisories for

microcystins and cylindrospermopsin in drinking
water that can be found here.
Are Pets Susceptible to Adverse Health Effects from
Yes. Health effects from cyanotoxin exposure in pets
can include vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and skin
rashes. Pets may be exposed to cyanotoxins if they
drink water from a lake contaminated by
cyanobacteria, lick their fur after swimming in
contaminated water, or consume toxin containing
algal scum or mats . Pets can also be exposed if they
drink tap water contaminated with cyanotoxins. The
criteria were developed to be protective of human
health; however, the document does describe
reports of adverse health effects on animals,
including pets.
What are EPA's Recommended AWQC for
Microcystins and Cylindrospermopsin?
Table 1 contains the draft nationally-recommended
AWQC for microcystins and cylindrospermopsin
considered protective in recreational waters. These
values were derived using the existing peer-
reviewed and published science on the adverse
human health effects of these toxins, established
criteria methodologies, and recreation-specific
exposure parameters from EPA's Exposure Factors
Handbook. Because children spend more time in the
water and ingest more water per body weight while
recreating, EPA derived these recommended criteria
based on children's recreational exposures.
The toxins that are produced by cyanobacteria
growing in fresh waters can enter estuarine and
marine waters as waters containing the toxins flow
downstream. Therefore, the recommended values in
Table 1 apply in either fresh or marine recreational
How to View the Criteria Document and
Supporting Information:
EPA has established an official public docket for this
action under Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2016-0715,
accessed at You may also
download the document and supporting information
from EPA's recreational criteria website at:
Where can I find more information?
Please contact John Ravenscroft by email at
Table 1. Draft Recreational AWQC for Cyanotoxins
4 |ag/L a- b
8 |ag/L a'b
a)	Swimming Advisory: not to be exceeded on any day
b)	Recreational Criteria for Waterbody Impairment: not
exceeded more than 10 percent of days per recreational season
up to one calendar year.
