United States Environmental Protection Agency Air and Radiation EPA420-R-00-019 October 2000 <&EPA Data Summaries of Base Year and Future Year Mass and Modeling Inventories for Heavy- Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Control Requirements (HDD) Rulemaking—Detailed Report Printed on Recycled Paper ------- EPA420-R-00-019 October 2000 Data Summaries of Base Year and Future Year Mass and Modeling Inventories for Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Control Requirements (HDD) Rulemaking—Detailed Report Mr. Gregory Stella (MD-14) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Prepared for EPA by E.H. Pechan & Associates, Inc. 3622 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 2002 Durham, NC 27707 and 5528-B Hempstead Way Springfield, VA 22151 September 29, 2000 EPA Contract No. 68-D7-0067 Work Assignment No. 3-15 Pechan Report No. 00.09.001/9008-315 (Rev.) ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES iv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 111 ------- LIST OF TABLES SECTION I ANNUAL NATIONAL HDD RULEMAKING EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY TIER 2 SOURCE CATEGORY 1-1. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 1996 Base Year 1-1 I-2. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 2007 Base Case I-4 I-3. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 2007 Control Case I-7 I-4. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions Reduction for 2007 Control Case 1-10 I-5. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 2020 Base Case 1-11 I-6. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 2020 Control Case 1-14 I-7. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions Reduction for 2020 Control Case 1-17 I-8. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 2030 Base Case 1-18 I-9. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions for 2030 Control Case 1-21 I-10. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions Reduction for 2030 Control Case I-24 SECTION II ANNUAL STATE-LEVEL EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORY II-1. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 1996 Base Year 11-1 II-2. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2007 Base Case II-6 II-3. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2007 Control Case 11-11 II-4. Annual State-Level Emissions Reduction by Major Source Category for 2007 Control Case 11-13 II-5. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2020 Base Case 11-15 II-6. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2020 Control Case II 20 II-7. Annual State-Level Emissions Reduction by Major Source Category for 2020 Control Case II-22 II-8. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2030 Base Case II-24 II-9. Annual State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2030 Control Case II-29 11-10. Annual State-Level Emissions Reduction by Major Source Category for 2030 Control Case 11-31 iv ------- LIST OF TABLES (continued) SECTION III SUMMER SEASON DAILY STATE-LEVEL EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORY 111-1. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 1996 Base Year 111-1 III-2. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2007 Base Case III-6 III-3. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2007 Control Case 111-11 III-4. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions Reduction by Major Source Category for 2007 Control Case 111-13 III-5. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2020 Base Case 111-15 III-6. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2020 Control Case III-20 III-7. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions Reduction by Major Source Category for 2020 Control Case III-22 III-8. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2030 Base Case III-24 III-9. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions by Major Source Category for 2030 Control Case III-29 III-10. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions Reduction by Major Source Category for 2030 Control Case 111-31 SECTION IV STATE-LEVEL ANNUAL AND SSD NOx EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY STATE AND INVENTORY IV-1. Annual NOx Emissions Per State For Each Scenario IV-1 IV-2. Summer Season Daily NOx Emissions Per State For Each Scenario IV-3 SECTION V COUNTY-LEVEL ANNUAL AND AVERAGE DAILY VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) BY STATE, COUNTY, AND VEHICLE TYPE V-1. 1996 County-Level Annual and Average Daily VMT by Vehicle Type V-1 V-2. 2007 County-Level Annual and Average Daily VMT by Vehicle Type V-71 V-3. 2020 County-Level Annual and Average Daily VMT by Vehicle Type V-141 V-4. 2030 County-Level Annual and Average Daily VMT by Vehicle Type V-211 v ------- ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CO carbon monoxide EGU electric generating unit EPA Environmental Protection Agency HDD heavy-duty diesel HDGV heavy-duty gasoline vehicle LDDT light-duty diesel truck LDDV light-duty diesel vehicle LDGT1 light-duty gasoline truck (less than 6,000 pounds in weight) LDGT2 light-duty gasoline truck (6,000 to 8,500 pounds in weight) LDGV light-duty gasoline vehicle MC motorcycle NH3 ammonia NOx oxides of nitrogen PM particulate matter PM10 primary particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 micrometers PM2 5 primary particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers REMSAD Regulatory Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition S02 sulfur dioxide SOA secondary organic aerosols SOx oxides of sulfur SSD summer season daily UAM Urban Airshed Model U.S. United States VMT vehicle miles traveled VOC volatile organic compounds vi ------- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is a compilation of detailed emissions summaries for the emission inventories prepared to support analysis of the Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements (HDD) rulemaking. To assist future State and Federal implementation of this program, the United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing national annual and temporal emission inventories and applying the Urban Airshed Model (UAM-V) and Regulatory Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition (REMSAD) to examine the regional ozone and particulate matter (PM) concentration response to a series of emission control strategies. The emission inventories developed to support the HDD rulemaking include the following: • 1996 Base Year; • 2007 Base Case; • 2007 Control Case; • 2020 Base Case; • 2020 Control Case; • 2030 Base Case; and • 2030 Control Case. These national inventories were prepared for all 50 States at the county level for mobile highway and mobile nonroad sources. They were prepared for the 48 contiguous States at the county-level for electric generating unit (EGU), non-EGU point, and stationary area sources. The inventories contain annual and typical summer season day (SSD) emissions for the following pollutants: oxides of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of sulfur (SOx), primary particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 micrometers and 2.5 micrometers (PM10 and PM2 5), ammonia (NH3), and secondary organic aerosols (SOA). The 2007, 2020, and 2030 Base Case inventories are prepared by applying growth and control assumptions to the 1996 Base Year inventory. The 2007, 2020, and 2030 Control Case inventories are developed from the 2007, 2020, and 2030 Base Case inventories, respectively, by applying HDE/FS control assumptions to the on-highway vehicle and nonroad emission source sectors. This report provides supplemental data to the report entitled Procedures for Developing Base Year and Future Year Mass and Modeling Inventories for the Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel (HDD) Rulemaking, September 29, 2000, which documents the procedures and assumptions applied to prepare the emissions inventories. This report contains summary data for the 48 contiguous States only, although for highway mobile and nonroad mobile sources all 50 States were included in the inventories. 1 ------- This report provides the following types of summaries for each of the seven inventories: I. Annual National HDD Rulemaking Emissions and Emissions Reductions by Tier 2 Source Category II. Annual State-Level Emissions and Emissions Reductions by Major Source Category in. Summer Season Daily State-Level Emissions and Emissions Reductions by Major Source Category IV. State-Level Annual and SSD NOx Emissions and Emissions Reductions by State and Inventory V. County-Level Annual and Average Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by State, County, and Vehicle Type For the Tier 2-level summary tables presented in Section I, biogenic emissions for NH3 are shown because these emissions are included in the area source inventories prepared under this project. Biogenic VOC emissions are not shown in these tables because they are prepared separately by EPA for input to the modeling analyses. For the off-highway Tier 1 category shown in the tables for Section I, total off-highway emissions do not match the totals shown for nonroad emissions by State presented in the tables for Sections n, HI, and IV. This is because the emissions for four SCC's are included in the tables that summarize emissions by State, but do not fall under the off-highway Tier 1 category shown in the Section I tables. The SCCs, their descriptions, and the Tier 1 and 2 categories to which they are assigned in the Section I tables are as follows: Tier 1 Category = Miscellaneous Tier 2 Category = Fugitive Dust SCC = 2275085000: Mobile Sources; Aircraft; Unpaved Airstrips Tier 1 Category = Storage and Transportation Tier 2 Category = Petroleum and Petroleum Product Storage SCC = 2275900000: Mobile Sources; Aircraft; Refueling; All fuels; All processes SCC = 2275900101: Mobile Sources; Aircraft; Refueling; All fuels; Displacement Loss/Uncontrolled SCC = 2275900102: Mobile Sources; Aircraft; Refueling; All fuels; Displacement Loss/Controlled 2 ------- SECTION I ANNUAL NATIONAL HDD RULEMAKING EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY TIER 2 SOURCE CATEGORY ------- SECTION II ANNUAL STATE-LEVEL EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORY ------- SECTION III SUMMER SEASON DAILY STATE-LEVEL EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORY ------- SECTION IV STATE-LEVEL ANNUAL AND SSD NOx EMISSIONS AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS BY STATE AND INVENTORY ------- SECTION V COUNTY-LEVEL ANNUAL AND AVERAGE DAILY VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) BY STATE, COUNTY, AND VEHICLE TYPE ------- |