I Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency
United States
Environmental Protection
Draft Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal and Comment Period
March 2019
What is the history of the hazardous waste
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), an
amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, was
passed in 1976. The main reason for the amendment
was to address the growing volume of municipal and
industrial solid waste generated across the United
States. A few goals established by RCRA include: to
protect human health and the environment from
potential hazards of waste disposal, to reduce the
amount of waste generated, and to ensure that waste
produced are managed in an environmentally sound
When RCRA was written, U.S. Congress' intent was for
the states to assume primary responsibility for
implementing the hazardous waste regulations with
oversight from the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). U.S. EPA must approve
each state as an authorized state. To become an
authorized state, each must demonstrate that the state
program is at least equivalent to and consistent with
federal laws, provides adequate enforcement authority
and provides availability of information similar to the
federal program. Since 1989, the State of Ohio has been
an authorized state by U.S. EPA for the majority of their
hazardous waste program.
Currently, the State of Ohio is not authorized by U.S.
EPA to issue a permit for organic air emissions (40 CFR
Part 264, Subparts AA, BB, and CC) from hazardous
waste units. U.S. EPA has drafted a RCRA permit to
address organic air emissions from equipment
containing hazardous waste. U.S. EPA's draft permit
and the State of Ohio's draft permit have been issued
concurrently and both share the same comment period.
Facility Name: Holcim (US) Inc. Paulding Plant
U.S. EPA I.D.: OHD987048733
11435 County Road 176
Paulding, Ohio 45879
Facility Owner:
Holcim (US) Inc.
8700 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 300N
Chicago, Illinois 60631
Facility Operator:
Holcim (US) Inc.
8700 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 300N
Chicago, Illinois, 60631
Permit renewal for treatment of hazardous waste in
two rotary kilns.
Comment Period:
March 22, 2019 to May 10, 2019
Submit Comments to:
Ohio EPA
Brad Mitchell
Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
P.O. Box 1049
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049
(614) 644-2924
U.S. EPA, Region 5
Mr. Jae Lee
RCRA/TSCA Programs Section, LR-17J
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590
www.epa.ohio.gov • 50 W. Town St., Ste. 700 • P.O. Box 1049 • Columbus, OH 43216-1049 • (614) 644-3020 • (614) 644-2737 (fax)

Draft Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal and Comment Period
How can I become more involved?
All persons, including the applicant, may submit
written comments relating to this draft action.
Written comments or requests for a public
meeting may be submitted before the end of
the comment period to the address in the box
on the front of the page. Ohio EPA and U.S. EPA
will hold a public meeting if enough people
request such a gathering. The agencies may
modify the proposed permit or take other
action based on new information or public
comments, so your opinion is important.
The comment period begins on March 22, 2019
and ends on May 10, 2019. Copies of the
permit application and the draft permit are
available for review by the public at the
following locations:
Ohio EPA, Northwest District Office
347 North Dunbridge Road
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
(419) 352-8461
Ohio EPA, Central Office
Division of Environmental Response and
Lazarus Government Center
50 West Town St., Suite 700
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 644-2924
U.S. EPA, Region 5
RCRA Branch, LR-17J
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590
(312) 886-3781
Copies of the Ohio draft permit and the federal
draft permit are available for review by the
public at:
Paulding County Carnegie Library
205 South Main Street
Paulding, Ohio 45879
(419) 399-2032
The Ohio draft permit is available for review by
the public online under the "What's New" tab
The entire record for this draft action is
available via Ohio EPA's eDocument portal:
Using the search function, search under the
document type of "Permit" and then refine the
search using the package number which is
The federal draft permit is available for review
by the public online at:
Within sixty (60) days of the close of the public
comment period, Ohio EPA will, without prior
hearing, issue the permit (or deny the request)
in accordance with Chapter 3734 of the Ohio
Revised Code (ORC). If Ohio EPA approves the
application, taking into account public
comments, a renewal permit will be issued with
terms and conditions as are necessary to ensure
compliance with hazardous waste rules.
After the close of the public comment period,
U.S. EPA will review all comments received and
decide whether to issue the permit. The final
decision will include notification to those who
submitted written comments during the official
comment period. U.S. EPA will also prepare and
send to all responders a document answering
significant comments. Within 30 days of a final
decision, any person who submitted written
comments or made a statement at the hearing
if one is held may petition U.S. EPA's
Environmental Appeals Board to review the
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Draft Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal and Comment Period
What does the facility do?
Holcim (US) Inc. produces Portland cement
from raw limestone, clay, fly ash, sand and iron
ore slurry mix in two rotary kilns. Fuels derived
from hazardous waste, in addition to other non-
hazardous fuels, are used to fire the kilns. No
other hazardous waste activity for which a
permit is required is performed at the site. The
facility does not store waste on-site because all
the hazardous waste is hard-piped from an
adjacent fuel blender.
What would this hazardous waste permit
allow the facility to do?
This permit allows Holcim (US) Inc. to continue
to treat hazardous waste by burning the
hazardous waste in two rotary kilns. Holcim
(US) Inc. will continue to be able to process up
to 134,203 tons of hazardous waste in a
calendar year. The hazardous waste may only
be received from the adjacent fuel blending
facility via above ground piping.
What is the regulatory basis to support this
permit renewal?
The Director has determined that Holcim (US)
Inc. has submitted an application for renewal
one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the
expiration date of its present permit which was
issued by Ohio EPA on October 2, 2007. The
Director has considered the application,
inspection reports, a report regarding the
facility's compliance with the present permit,
and the rules adopted under ORC Section 3734.
The Director has found that the Part B permit
application meets the Director's performance
standards and that the facility has a history of
compliance with this chapter, rules adopted
under it, the existing permit, and orders
entered into, which demonstrates reliability,
expertise, and competency to subsequently
operate the facility under this chapter, the
rules, and the permit.
Who can I contact for more information?
For additional information, please contact Gary
Deutschman at (419) 373-3056 or Jae Lee of the
U.S. EPA Regional Office in Chicago, Illinois at
(800) 621-8431 ext. 63781.
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