SmartWay U.S. Environmental Protection Agency"' Do you ship consumer products? SmartWay delivers the goods with great efficiency. i. WHAT IS SMARTWAY? SmartWay is an EPA voluntary partnership that helps companies improve freight transportation efficiency throughout their supply chains - to move more ton-miles of freight with lower emissions and less energy, and at a lower cost. Over 3,700 shippers, logistics companies, truck, rail, barge, multimodal carriers and organizations (including many Fortune 500 companies) have registered with SmartWay since 2004, 2. WHY IS FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY IMPORTANT? In the U.S., freight transport accounts for over 28 percent of transport greenhouse gas emissions, making it one of the largest carbon footprint contributors. Freight is the fastest growing source of transport emissions in the U.S. and globally - and trucking activity is the largest contributor. REDUCE THIS.. AND SAVE THIS. 3. HOW DOES SMARTWAY WORK? SmartWay gives its Partners an integrated set of EPA-tested tools to make informed transportation choices. These tools help companies measure, benchmark and report carbon emissions, and improve freight efficiency and environmental performance across their supply chain. 4. WHY DO CONSUMER PRODUCTS COMPANIES REGISTER WITH SMARTWAY? Consumer products companies are increasingly concerned with addressing their Scope 3 carbon emissions from transportation. SmartWay gives these companies the high-quality data they need for Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) requirements. Participation in SmartWay also gives Partners a competitive edge and enhances their corporate image. 5. WHAT RESULTS HAVE SMARTWAY PARTNERS ACHIEVED? Since 2004, SmartWay Partners have eliminated 119 million tons of harmful air pollutants. They've saved 248,9 million barrels of oil and $33.4 billion in fuel costs. This is equivalent to eliminating annual energy use in over 16 million homes. 6. HOW DO SMARTWAY CONSUMER PRODUCTS PARTNERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR CUSTOMERS AND STAKEHOLDERS? SmartWay registration demonstrates a public commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices. Registered SmartWay consumer products Partners like Canon, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark and HP show customers, clients and investors that they are mitigating risk, reducing their carbon footprint and taking responsibility for emissions associated with moving goods. 7. HOW DO CONSUMER PRODUCTS COMPANIES BENEFIT FROM REGISTERING WITH SMARTWAY? SmartWay Partners are part of an alliance that includes Canada and a global network of Green Freight programs. Partners can network with their peers to share best practices and success stories, and participate in industry forums and recognition ceremonies to showcase their achievements. r fnrnfatPlil'""'* I 8. HOW CAN MY CONSUMER PRODUCTS COMPANY REGISTER WITH SMARTWAY? It's easy. Simply enter your freight activity data in a free, downloadable tracking and assessment tool, and submit it to EPA. Registration is renewed annually. VISIT EPA.GOV/SMARTWAY TO LEARN MORE. EPA-420-F-19-004 ! February 2019 | SmartWay Iransport Partnership ! (continued) ------- When you join SmartWay, you're in good company. SOME OF SMARTWAY'S CONSUMER PRODUCTS SHIPPER PARTNERS: Canon StanleyBlack& Decker Fujrrsu P&G THE BOLD LOOK KOHLER © stm/iron Q Kimberly-Clark HERE'S WHAT OUR PARTNERS SAY ABOUT SMARTWAY: " One of SmartWay's strong points is that shippers and carriers have to be codependent—that one has to rely on the other within the program. SmartWay tools are easy to use and get you the desired results." Mark Servido, Vice President, Logistics and Supply Chain Planning, Sharp Electronics Corporation SHARR ' Our success in measuring, and then shaving, energy demand and resultant Scope l and Scope 2 emissions associated with our brick-and-mortar operations has allowed us to apply the same productivity lens to reducing Scope 3 tailpipe emissions from vehicles that transport our finished goods and our employees. Our SmartWay Transport Partnership is the most well-established of our Scope 3 emissions reduction initiatives and has stimulated parallel efforts around the globe." Deborah Patterson, Vice President of Environment, Health, and Safety, Stanley Black & Decker StonleyBlack&Decker " At Kimberly-Clark, we see SmartWay as both good environmental policy and good business. The transportation strategies that SmartWay recommends are saving us fuel, lessening our carbon footprint, and making a big difference in bringing us closer to our sustainability goals." SteLios Chrysandreas, Transportation Manager, Kimberly-Clark Q Kimberly-Clark ' As a sales organization, we realize that shipment transportation is one of the largest areas of opportunity where we can make a positive impact on carbon emissions reduction. As a SmartWay Charter Partner, we have seen our internal CO2 reduction goals being further supported by our transportation partners seeking similar improvements. We are proud of our longstanding involvement in this partnership." Atsuo Sudo, Vice President, Logistics, Canon U.S.A. Canon Any way you ship it, move it the SmartWay. SmartWay U.S. Environmental Protection Agency^ ------- |