Development of an ENERGY STAR
Program for Seasonal Light Strings:
Stakeholder Meeting
Summary Report
Prepared for:
Natural Resources Canada
Prepared by:
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
March 28, 2006

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction	1
2.0 Presentation Summaries	2
2.1.	Seasonal and Decorative Holiday Lights Overview	2
2.2.	Overview of Proposed ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria	3
2.3.	Experience in Testing Seasonal LED Strings	4
2.4.	Seasonal LED Strings : Lifetime Criteria and Testing	5
3.0 Discussion Summary: Program Criteria	7
3.1.	Definitions	7
3.2.	Reference Standards	8
3.3.	Qualifying Product s	9
3.4.	Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products	9
3.5.	Product Approval	11
3.6.	Warranty	11
3.7.	Packaging	11
3.8.	Testing Criteria	11
3.9.	Effective Date	11
3.10.	Future Specification Revisions	11
4.0 Discussion Summary: Test Protocol	12
4.1.	Initial Inspection	12
4.2.	Light Output Test	12
4.3.	Over Voltage Test	13
4.4.	Temperature Cycling Test	13
4.5.	Water Ingress/Corrosion Resistance Test	13
4.6.	Lamp Lifetime Test	13
4.7.	Cord Safety Test	14
5.0 Appendix	15
5.1.	FinalAgenda	15
5.2.	List of Attendees	16
5.3.	Presentations	17
5.3.1.	Seasonal and Decorative Holiday Lights	17
5.3.2.	Overview of Proposed ENERGY STAR® Performance Criteria	22
5.3.3.	Experience in Testing Seasonal LED Strings	33
5.3.4.	Seasonal LED Strings: Lifetime Criteria and Testing	44
5.4.	Seed Documents for the Workshop	1
5.4.1.	Proposal for Seasonal and Decorative Lights	1
5.4.2.	Eligibility Criteria for Seasonal and Decorative Lights	8

1.0 Introduction
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is developing an ENERGY STAR test procedure
and qualification criteria for decorative light strings. Compared to incandescent
decorative light strings, other technologies, such as light emitting diodes (LED), offer
energy savings, lower energy consumption during peak hours, longer operating life, high
durability, and reasonable payback on the initial investment.
NRCan convened a one-day stakeholder meeting to review the draft ENERGY STAR test
procedure and qualification criteria in Toronto, Ontario, on Monday, March 6, 2006.
Approximately 25 manufacturers, retailers, government, and non-profit representatives1
attended and reviewed the draft ENERGY STAR qualification criteria and test procedure
for seasonal and decorative light strings. This report presents an overview of the
workshop presentations and discussions. The appendix contains a list of workshop
attendees, the workshop agenda, copies of the workshop presentations, and copies of the
draft ENERGY STAR documents (proposal, performance criteria, and test procedure).
1 For a complete list of attendees, see Section 5.2.

2.0 Presentation Summaries
2.1. Seasonal and Decorative Holiday Lights Overview
Katherine Delves, Manager of Standards Development at NRCan's Office of Energy
Efficiency (OEE), introduced the ENERGY STAR program and explained the purpose of
the initiative in Canada. ENERGY STAR was introduced in Canada in 2001 based on an
arrangement with the U.S. EPA and DOE to allow Canada to market and promote the
The OEE is the leading entity for ENERGY STAR in Canada, and plays a coordinating
role with other Canadian organizations to promote the program. Canada promotes
specific product categories where levels and criteria can be harmonized, but does not
promote all of the products and promotional initiatives supported by U.S. ENERGY
STAR program because of climatic, language or regulatory concerns. OEE supports over
35 ENERGY STAR qualified product categories, in the areas of home appliances, office
equipment, consumer electronics, heating and cooling equipment, lighting and signage,
and windows. And, over the last several years, consumer awareness of the ENERGY
STAR symbol has grown steadily.
Pierrette LeBlanc, Senior Standards Engineer at NRCan's OEE, introduced the guiding
principles for ENERGY STAR product labelling, and described how decorative lights
meet each of these principles.
1.	Significant Energy Savings Can Be Realized on a National Basis:
•	By converting only 20% of annual sales from incandescent to LED
strings in Canada for a total of 10 million strings, this would amount to
annual electricity savings of approximately 110 GWh.
2.	Product Performance Can be Maintained or Enhanced with Increased Energy
•	Along with significant energy savings, the adoption of LED sources
would be accompanied by other benefits, including a longer operating
lifetime and a safer and more durable light strings.
3.	Purchasers Will Recover Their Investment in Increased Energy Efficiency
Within a Reasonable Period of Time:
•	The simple payback for replacing C7 incandescent strings with C7
LED light strings is approximately 2.3 years. The simple payback for
replacing C7 incandescent strings with "mini" LED lights strings is
approximately 2.1 years. [Note: See the calculations and assumptions
in Section 5.4.1. The payback periods and the assumptions behind will
be reviewed/updated following the workshop.]
4.	Energy-efficiency Can be Achieved With Several Technology Options, At
Least One of Which is Non-proprietary:

LED technology is non-proprietary. LED illuminating devices are
manufactured by several companies around the world.
While seasonal lighting technology is still an emerging technology,
there are a growing number of SLED strings available every year, with
an expanding range of models and manufacturers.
LED lights strings are currently available in strings from 25 to 150
lamps, and in a variety of colours including red, green, blue, white,
yellow, and multicoloured. There are also a range of lamp shapes,
including mini-lights, round lamps, C-6 and C-7.
5.	Product Energy Consumption and Performance Can be Measured and
Verified With Testing:
Powertech Labs in British Columbia has developed a preliminary LED
Test Protocol that specifically targets SLED strings. This test method
was the subject of discussion during the workshop.
6.	Labelling Would Effectively Differentiate Products and be Visible for
The addition of an ENERGY STAR label will increase consumer
awareness that these products are an energy-efficient alternative to
conventional incandescent strings.
See Section 5.3.1 for the complete presentation by Katherine Delves and Pierrette
2.2. Overview of Proposed ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria
Gary Hamer, Senior Energy Management Engineer at BC Hydro, presented an overview
of the proposed ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria. Mr. Hamer began his
presentation with an overview of BC Hydro's Power Smart program for seasonal light
The program was initiated in 2002, during which 20,000 seasonal LED strings were
distributed to business improvement associations and select organizations in over 60
communities throughout BC Hydro's service territory. The promotion campaign focused
on the key attributes of LED strings, including: long lifetime, low energy use, durability,
and safety. BC Hydro's Power Smart representatives meet with seasonal lighting buyers
for the major retail chains in Canada to enlist their support for the new product during the
2003 holiday season.
In 2003, several large retailers included seasonal LEDs in their 2003 seasonal lighting
product lines. In addition, BC Hydro, Natural Resources Canada, and select LED
manufacturers and distributors offered a $5 off mail-in coupon on the purchase of
qualifying seasonal LEDs.
In 2004, customers were invited to trade-in energy inefficient seasonal lights at exchange
events held at participating retail outlets in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island in

return for a $5 off coupon for the purchase of seasonal LED lights which were then
retailing for $14.90 or more per string.
BC Hydro estimates that 1.1 million strings of LED holiday lights, more than 50% of all
holiday lights sold, were sold in the province in 2004. The number of brands found on
store shelves increased from 1 in 2002 to 11 in 2004. The number of households
purchasing LED decorative strings increased from 8% in 2003 to 18% in 2004. This
resulted in an estimated energy savings of 13.86 GWh and peak demand savings of 81.7
Mr. Hamer also shared why he believed an ENERGY STAR program for decorative
lights would be beneficial in Canada. He believes that awareness & availability of
products in many other jurisdictions appears comparable to that which existed in BC
prior to 2002, and could be increased to BC Hydro's 2004 levels. Lastly, 70% of LED
decorative light purchasers polled in BC mentioned that saving electricity and reducing
their energy bills were strong drivers behind consumer purchases, suggesting that the
ENERGY STAR label would be very effective for this product.
Mr. Hamer presented an overview of the proposed ENERGY STAR Performance
Criteria, including:
Reference Standards
Qualifying Products
Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products
Product Approval
Testing Criteria
Effective Date
11. Future Specification Revisions
See Section 5.4.1 for the complete ENERGY STAR performance criteria draft.
See Section 5.3.2 for the complete presentation by Gary Hamer.
2.3. Experience in Testing Seasonal LED Strings
Bruce Neilson, Supervisor & Specialist Engineer at Powertech Labs, presented an
overview of the draft LED Test Protocol and shared the experiences of Powertech Labs in
testing several different manufacturers' products.
Powertech Labs initially developed test protocol to support BC Hydro's Power Smart
program for seasonal LED strings because initial tests completed in 2004 raised concerns

with products sold 3-4 years ago. The 2005 test program was initiated to follow up on
earlier testing and to ensure that concerns were addressed.
Mr. Neilson presented an overview of the proposed ENERGY STAR Test Protocol,
1.	Initial Inspection
2.	Light Output Test
3.	Over Voltage Test
4.	Temperature Cycling Test
5.	Water Ingress Test
6.	Corrosion Resistance Test
7.	Lamp Lifetime Test
8.	Cord Safety Test
He discussed each of these tests, his personal experiences with the tests and presented
several photographs of the test setup at Powertech Labs. In summary, Mr. Neilson
believed that the testing completed by Powertech Labs identified increased corrosion
resistance between the 2004 and 2005 models (although the test method and model types
tested did vary), and found that balanced waveform designs are desirable. Light output,
accelerated lifetime, and corrosion tests should be research and discussed further.
See Section 5.3.3 for the complete presentation by Mr. Neilson.
2.4. Seasonal LED Strings: Lifetime Criteria and Testing
Conan O'Rourke, Director of the National Lighting Product Information Program
(NLPIP) at the Lighting Research Center, presented an overview of issues to consider
when developing lifetime and brightness criteria and testing for decorative light strings.
Mr. O'Rourke began his presentation with a brief overview of LED construction, the
diode voltage - current relationship, and a history of materials used in solid-state lighting
since the 1970's.
Mr. O'Rourke continued his presentation by describing how lamp life is defined and
tested for conventional lighting products, and explained that these methods are not
appropriate for LEDs because LEDs do not fail like other light sources. The LED
industry has no standard, agreed-upon definition for LED life. This has resulted in
unproven long-life claims from manufacturers, confusion among lighting professionals,
and products with high lifetime variations. He explained that the Alliance for Solid-State
Illumination Systems and Technologies (ASSIST), established by the Lighting Research
Center in 2002, has proposed a standard definition and measurement methods for the life
of LEDs used in general lighting applications. The ASSIST recommendations can be
found at:
The Lighting Research Center has been performing lifetime testing on coloured LEDs
using an imaging system and individual life-test chambers which keep the ambient

temperature constant and act as light-integrators. Through these experiments, the LRC
has found that LEDs of different colours degrade differently under similar conditions.
The LRC also studied how light output degradation varies with drive current.
The LRC has also studied how ambient temperature changes affect light output. The
experiment found that the temperature change sensitivities are different for red, green,
and blue LEDs.
Results of this research can be found at:
See Section 5.3.4 for the complete presentation, including images of the degradation
curves for different colour LEDs under the different testing conditions.

3.0 Discussion Summary: Program Criteria
3.1. Definitions
The group began with a discussion of the appropriate scope for the ENERGY STAR
criteria. It was decided to change "seasonal light strings" to "decorative light strings"
because these products are used by some commercial sector customers and municipalities
year round. The group also discussed adding the term "used temporarily," but later
rejected the suggestion as these products are used year round, not just during the holiday
season. For this same reason, the revised definition will not include a reference that the
products should be used "during the holiday season" or even temporarily. In addition,
group decided the definition should not differentiate between products that are DC or AC
driven because the performance criteria would be the same.
The group also discussed, but eventually rejected, adding energy-efficient rope lights or
other products (e.g., illuminated wire-frame lawn-ornamental holiday deer or snowmen)
to the criteria to simplify the performance requirements and testing issues. There were
also concerns about the quality, (failure rate up to 10%) and consumer acceptance of
LED rope light products, along with an observed drop in demand for the product. (Note:
For a point of comparison, one manufacturer reported that less than 0.5% of their LED
decorative lights are returned. However, as noted later, some commercial installations of
LED decorative strings have experienced significantly higher failure rates.).
The group agreed the definition should include a reference to the entire system, including
transformers, adaptors, and not just the light string.
The group requested that "lumen maintenance" be changed to "maintained brightness,"
and that all the definitions containing the term "light output" be replaced with
"brightness," as that is the performance metric that may possibly be tested. The group felt
that "light output" was not a term that made sense in the context of holiday lights, since
these sources are not serving an illuminating function.
The group agreed that brightness should be measured after a 100 hour seasoning, or
"burn-in", period and that useful life should be defined as 50% of the 100 hour brightness
for decorative products. Fifty-percent, as opposed to 70%, is appropriate because these
light strings are indicator, not illuminating products.
The group also discussed safety issues, including reducing the required wire gauge,
number of strings that could be attached end to end, and current CSA safety tests (e.g.,
stretch test). However, the group agreed that these issues would be more appropriately
addressed by CSA, and the discussion returned to focusing on the ENERGY STAR
For input power definition, the group wanted to make it clear that it referred to system
power and not just lamp power. The definition should be adjusted to include references to

transformers and adaptors. The group also considered, but later rejected, defining input
power in volt-amperes instead of watts.
The group also decided that it was necessary to add a definition for "watts per lamp," as
that is a performance criterion metric (in Table 1).
The group questioned what would occur in the case of a transformer that is meant to
operate multiple strings, but is only packaged with one. Should it be measured against the
ENERGY STAR performance criteria with its maximum number of strings, or as
packaged with fewer than its maximum capacity? A final decision was not made on this
issue. This is a potential follow-up question for manufacturers - are there commercially-
available products that would otherwise not qualify under the proposed watt per lamp
criteria using only the number of string(s) of lamps contained in a package? If so, would
this same product qualify using the maximum number of strings?
The group also considered adding a definition for power factor, but decided not to, as the
loads from decorative string are small and would have a minimal impact on overall power
factor from a home or commercial building.
The group also considered adding colour definitions, and discussed whether this is
necessary in the context of decorative lights. Some consumers are concerned about the
quality and consistency of colours within strings and between strings, and this becomes
even more important in large scale installations in the commercial sector. Or, on the
consumer side, if a homeowner purchases five strings in 2005 for a tree in their front yard
and needs an additional 2 strings in 2008 because the tree has grown, these new strings
should closely match the colour and brightness of the strings that were previously
purchased. However, setting colour definitions would be an arduous process, and may be
"over the top" given that these are lights for the purpose of indication, not illumination.
This issue was not resolved at this meeting, but will be an important topic to discuss
3.2. Reference Standards
One group member noted that the two of the reference standards, CSA and UL, were
revised in 2004. The corrections are noted below:
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
CSA-22.2 No.37-M1989 (R2004) Standard for Christmas Tree and Other Decorative
Lighting Outfits
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
UL 588-2004, Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products
Powertech Labs Inc./BC Hydro
The group also considered adding IES reference standards for measuring brightness and
IEC standards (2000 series) for measuring power quality of low power devices if these

criteria are measured as part of the ENERGY STAR Program.
3.3.	Qualifying Products
No comments. This section was approved by the group with no changes. However, the
group agreed that this section could also be combined with Section 4 "Efficiency
Specifications for Qualifying Products," although this would make the sections and
section numbering for this product inconsistent with other ENERGY STAR products.
3.4.	Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products
Power Consumption Characteristics (Old Energy Efficiency Characteristics)
A large portion of the afternoon discussion focused on the maximum watts/lamp criteria.
The draft maximum watts/lamp was 0.08 watts/lamp, and the group agreed it was too
low. Instead, a value of 0.10 watts/lamp was proposed, to make sure that all series-
connected LED products currently on the market would meet this criterion. This
essentially translates to a 25 lamp per string minimum. However, if manufacturers begin
to market strings with 10 or 15 lamps per string, this limit would not cover all products.
However, raising this value would still result in significant energy savings when
compared to incandescent products (see table below). The group also discussed raising
the criterion to 0.20 watts/lamp because the energy savings would still be significant (a
50% savings over the incandescent mini-lights, which are typically about 0.4 watts /
lamp), and leave manufacturers the flexibility to manufacture higher brightness products
or strings with fewer lamps. No group consensus was reached on this proposal.
of Lamps
per Set
Light Set
Light Set
Wattage per
per Lamp


The group also discussed creating a criterion with different product classes (defined by
lamp type), so that an "apple-to-apple" comparison could be made. For this same reason,
several members of the group also advocated a criterion based on percent energy savings
over an incandescent-equivalent lamp size / shape. However, a percentage could not be
agreed upon. And, in order to leave discussion time for other topics, the group decided to
leave the criteria at 0.10 watts/lamp, and revisit this decision at a later time. The group
wanted to discuss other criteria that would improve the quality of the products for
consumers. Participants pledged to follow-up with further thoughts and suggestions on
this topic.
Electrical Characteristics
The group agreed that two of the proposed electrical characteristics (nominal operating
voltage, voltage sag / surge) are correct. The nominal operating voltage and sag / surge
are within the allowed operating range in North America for consumer voltage. The

group felt the current (20ma) criterion was redundant, and agreed to remove it from the
table, even though one group member argued that it does serve as effective benchmark
for manufacturers which would prevent products from being overdriven to improve initial
brightness at the expense of longer-term lumen maintenance.
Physical Characteristics
The group agreed the proposed physical characteristics (polarized plug-ins, double strings
opposite polarity) are correct.
Visibility Characteristics
The discussion in this section focused on brightness. The group agreed that they want to
create pleasing products, but also identified that higher brightness products are higher
priced products, so manufacturers regularly have to strike a balance between offering
affordable products and acceptable brightness. Another challenge in measuring brightness
is that different colour LEDs depreciate differently over time.
The group also discussed its concern about how to ensure compliance by manufacturers
to the eventual ENERGY STAR criteria. As the decorative lighting industry is a low
margin industry, the group explained one cannot expect high quality LED products. Some
stakeholders indicated they are doubtful that the industry will police itself, and they
suggested it would be necessary to test products coming off the line or on the shelves at
random, as opposed to only testing those submitted by a manufacturer for certification.
One member of the group shared a story of a commercial installation in Ontario (by
Niagara Electric) where one million LED lights were on display. One company's green
LED strings had a failure rate of 50%, and their colour-changing products had a failure
rate of 80%+. Workshop participants speculated that this was most likely due to the fact
that the power quality in that location was creating voltage surges and overdrive
conditions that the strings were not designed to handle. However, this anecdotal story
conveys possible problems with product quality and is something the ENERGY STAR
program should be concerned about.
When questioned about acceptable brightness levels and energy savings criteria. Rachael
Schmeltz from EPA responded that the purpose of the ENERGY STAR program is to
achieve improved efficiency without sacrifice to other performance features. So, the
products should have comparable quality and comparable brightness. And, additional
requirements are acceptable as well. For compliance/false labelling issues, the ENERGY
STAR program has historically relied on industry self-policing and random sampling,
because of the level of concern over the cost/burden of compliance testing.
With respect to lifetime, 25,000 hours does not seem unrealistic for the LEDs in holiday
lights (driven at 20ma). The real concern with this product is the lifetime of the wire,
lamp sockets / housings and connections. Due to the lower voltage (higher currents)
these connections are more susceptible to corrosion.

3.5.	Product Approval
Not discussed, participants were asked to submit written comments and this issue would
be addressed in the next workshop.
3.6.	Warranty
Not discussed, participants were asked to submit written comments and this issue would
be addressed in the next workshop.
3.7.	Packaging
While the group did not discuss packaging, Gary Hamer of BC Hydro suggested several
modifications to the draft ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria for packaging in his
presentation. He suggested that the packaging containing the product should list:
•	product's suitability for use indoor and/or outdoor,
•	numb er of LED 1 amp s,
•	LED lamp spacing,
•	total light string length in appropriate metric and SAE units, and
•	wattage of light string.
He also suggested that the light string should be labelled with the following information:
•	certification agency,
•	rating for indoor or outdoor use, and
•	maximum number of like strings that can be connected end to end.
These changes will be made to the next version of the criteria and discussed at the next
3.8.	Testing Criteria
See Section 4.0.
3.9.	Effective Date
Not discussed, participants were asked to submit written comments and this issue would
be addressed in the next workshop.
3.10.	Future Specification Revisions
Not discussed, participants were asked to submit written comments and this issue would
be addressed in the next workshop.

4.0 Discussion Summary: Test Protocol
4.1.	Initial Inspection
The group did not have any changes to the initial inspection list.
4.2.	Light Output Test
Consumers, business improvement administrations (BIAs) and retailers all request
brighter products from manufacturers. The major concerns relating to brightness testing
include: maximum brightness, minimum brightness, brightness maintenance, and colour
The discussion around light output/brightness testing centered on its appropriateness for
the ENERGY STAR program. The group agreed that the simplest solution would be to
eliminate brightness criteria/testing, and instead to provide a warranty, so that consumers
had recourse for returning an unacceptable product. However, one group member
reported that retailers do not keep backup stock, so most returns would result in a refund,
and not an exchange.
CSA already performs maximum brightness criteria in CSA-22.2 No.37-M1989 (R2004)
Standardfor Christmas Tree and Other Decorative Lighting Outfits to ensure that the
LEDs are verified in accordance with IEC 6082501 to be within Class 1 laser
requirements. Therefore all products on the market in Canada already meet this safety
standard and there is no need to include it in the ENERGY STAR criteria. A discussion
of how the lamps should be tested also ensued, but this discussion pertained to CSA
testing, and not to testing for the ENERGY STAR program. The maximum brightness
test was removed from the next draft, as this is a safety, not reliability issue.
The workshop participants recognized that there is an inherent trade-off between LED
brightness and cost. As the per unit price of LED devices gradually declines,
manufacturers have a choice of either reducing the price or increasing the brightness. But,
if they choose to increase brightness, then they cannot not decrease price, and may even
increase it. The group wanted to know what would be considered an acceptable
price/brightness combination for ENERGY STAR. This topic requires further discussion.
The group felt it is easier to measure white light than coloured light because it might be
difficult to establish definitions for different colours (by nm range), and this level of
precision may not be necessary for this product. This issue is closely tied to consumer
acceptance. The participants suggested that perhaps ENERGY STAR should organize
some focus groups to gauge consumer acceptance of brightness levels and colour
The need for a light output / brightness, testing remained unresolved.

4.3.	Over Voltage Test
The group agreed this was acceptable.
4.4.	Temperature Cycling Test
The group wanted the test protocol to explicitly state that the light strings are not to be
energized during the temperature cycling test.
The group also stated that CSA performs a more difficult temperature cycling test, so this
should be removed from the ENERGY STAR test protocol. However, this test was
designed to be completed in conjunction with the water ingress test. A final decision was
not made as to whether it should remain. Participants were asked to submit written
comments and this issue would be discussed again in the next workshop.
4.5.	Water Ingress/Corrosion Resistance Test
The water ingress and corrosion tests were designed to ensure the quality of products
with removable sockets, due to concerns based on earlier testing results. However,
several members of the group questioned the conclusions drawn from the corrosion test
results because the tests were not completed uniformly each year, and unsealed products
were excluded from testing in 2004.
Members of the group felt that the water ingress test should not be required because this
was a safety test and CSA and UL do not require that products pass a water ingress test.
However, others responded by stating that is actually a functional issue for LED
products, and not a safety issue. Corrosion is a larger problem in LED products than in
incandescent products because the lower operating current of LED products makes them
more susceptible to corrosion. Furthermore, because the LED does not generate as much
heat as an incandescent lamp, it is less able to 'drive-off water attempting to enter the
socket or housing around the lamp.
The group did agree that quality LED products should resist corrosion and this was a
desirable feature for any ENERGY STAR product. It was suggested that a "rain test" or
more effective/cheaper corrosion test would be more suitable. Alternatively, it could be
required that manufacturers show that hermetically sealed products pass a water ingress
test, and manufacturers of unsealed products show that their products pass an appropriate
corrosion test.
A final decision was not made on this issue, but participants were asked to submit written
comments and this issue would be addressed in the next workshop. Significant work is
necessary on this portion of the test protocol and Natural Resources Canada is very
interested in input from stakeholders.
4.6.	Lamp Lifetime Test
Not discussed, participants were asked to submit written comments and this issue would
be addressed in the next workshop.

4.7. Cord Safety Test
Not discussed, participants were asked to submit written comments and this issue would
be addressed in the next workshop. This test was removed from the next draft, as this is a
safety, not reliability issue.

5.1. Final Agenda
ENERGY STAR Meeting on Seasonal LED Strings
March 6, 2006 MEETING
9:00 TO 16:00
Doubletree International Plaza Hotel
655 Dixon Rd, Toronto, M9W 1J3
8:30-9:00	Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:15	Opening Remarks and Introductions
Michael Scholand - Navigant Consulting Inc.
9:15-9:30	Overview of ENERGY STAR Program and Requirements
Katherine Delves/Pierrette LeBlanc - NRCan
9:30-10:00	Overview of Proposed ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria for
Seasonal Light Emitting Diode Strings (SLEDs)
Gary Hamer - BC Hydro
10:00-10:15	COFFEE BREAK
10:15-10:45	Overview of Proposed ENERGY STAR Test Protocol for SLEDs
Developed by BC Hydro / Powertech Labs
Bruce Neilson - Powertech Labs
10:45- 3:45	Group Discussion: "Proposed ENERGY STAR Performance Criteria"
and "Proposed ENERGY STAR Test Protocol" Developed by BC Hydro
/ Powertech Labs
Facilitated by Navigant Consulting
Major Discussion Points:
1.	Energy Consumption/Electrical Characteristics
2.	Brightness Criteria and Testing
Presentation - Conan O 'Rourke, Lighting Research Center
3.	Lifetime Criteria and Testing
4.	Warrantee
5.	Additional Test Criteria in "Proposed ENERGY STAR Test
Protocol" (e.g., water ingress, temperature cycling, corrosion)
12:00-1:00	LUNCH
2:00-2:15	COFFEE BREAK
3:45-4:00	Wrap-Up/Adjourn

5.2. List of Attendees
Table 5-1: List of Attendees at ENERGY STAR Stakeholder Meeting, March 6th
David Allen
Fiber Optic Designs, Inc.
Boon Chuah
Pharos Innovations
Louise Conroy
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Katherine Delves
Natural Resources Canada
Dom Friio
Costco Canada
Bob Goldschleger
Universal Lites
Ed Grzesik
Ontario Ministry of Energy
Isabelle Guimont
Natural Resources Canada
Gary Hamer
BC Hydro
John Hayes
Holiday Creations
Janny Hogen Esh
Philips Lighting
Pierrette LeBlanc
Natural Resources Canada
Dejan Lenasi
C S A-Internati onal
Ted Marlow
Marlow & Associates
Jim Mc Crea
Conglom, Inc.
Bruce Neil son
Powertech Labs
Conan O'Rourke
The Lighting Research Center, RPI
Brian Owen
FIRSTeam - LEDesignWorks
Charles Parker
Carillon Decorative Products, Inc.
Rachel Schmeltz
Michael Scholand
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Bob Storey
Canadian Standards Association
Classic Displays
Sheila Waite-Chuah
Partner, Pharos Innovations
David Weiss
3H + Co.
Jerry Yu
LED up

5.3. Presentations
5.3.1. Seasonal and Decorative Holiday Lights
Presented by: Katherine Delves/Pierrette LeBlanc - Natural Resources Canada
Seasonal and Decorative Holiday Lights
Katherine Delves
Office of Energy Efficiency
March 6, 2006
Doubletree International Plaza Hotel
Toronto, Canada
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Mart PTCfcTTt
¦	Voluntary partnership with manufacturers
¦	Gives the purchaser an easy way to choose efficient
¦	Makes link between energy consumption and
environmental impact
* Facilitates collaboration among Government,
manufacturers, retailers and utilities so as to increase sales
of ENERGY STAR labelled products
¦ ^ ¦ Nafcnti Hescwoun Hnnaourtmi rv3t«*rlrm	2
¦Wi Cjnpdi	Canada	V^Cll IclV-lcl


¦ Introduced in 2001, arrangement with US EPA
and US DOE allows Canada to market and
promote symbol.
¦	OEE is lead for ENERGY STAR and coordinates
with Canadian organizations to promote the
¦	Canada promotes specific product categories
where levels and criteria can be harmonized
¦	Canada does not promote all of the products and
promotional initiatives supported by US ENERGY
STAR Some products not promoted because of
climatic, language or regulatory concerns.
¦	« ¦ rimjrni ftesDuraa Hataotjrcen narjrnlnn	3	rJ II rJ/j| 'rl
¦	C*wt«	CBIUKta	v^li laud

35+ ENERGY STAR Qualified
t Categories	>
¦	Home Appliances: Refrigerators, freezers, clothes washers,
dishwashers, dehumidifiers, water coolers
¦	Office equipment: Computers, monitors, printers, scanners,
copiers, fax machines, multifunction devices, commercial
refrigerators, vending machines
¦	Consumer electronics: TVs, VCRs, DVD players, audio
equipment, cordless telephones, answering machines,
external power supplies
¦	Heating and Cooling Equipment: Central AC and heat
pumps, Room AC, furnaces, boilers, programmable
thermostats, ventilation fans, ceiling fans
¦	Lighting and signage: CFLs, exit signs, traffic signals
¦	Windows, Doors and skylights
¦	jt. ¦ risksri! Hescurc&B RwaouroHH nat»EHliin	4
¦	CUflKU
GY STAR"1 Awareness
40 H
Awareness levels of ENERGY STAR In Canada


aided awareness
una&etf awareness
ONov-01 0 Jan-03 »S«p-03 BNoy-04
r-iatxn! Bsscuosn Hnnjottfccfi nat^rlnn

; reswarsnw
Mil MfCXIfl
Mar, frranrt
Office of Energy Efficiency
{Neil MacLeod)
Housing & Equipment
(Louis Marmen)

Standards and Labelling
(John CocKDum)
Standards and Tech Support
Violet Horvatfi
-Kelly Ann Chishotrn
-Carman Ps-nty
-Flo Bertrand
PAaual H«cmo8h
HnaxxircKi oaurlnn
Katherine Delves
-Terry Brennan
¦Glen Campbell
-Brian KMIins
¦Pierrette LeB lane
-Renata Mortaeavi
-Marc Ostrawski
-Hants Prosper
-Nathalie Peloquin
Education &

-Kathy Deeg
-Julie Doucet
-Nancy F«cteau
-Isabel le Guimont
-Sherry Graves-Morrison
-Steve Hopwaod
-Isabslle Saint Laurent
-Gisele Maillet
-Samuel Morin
pporting ENERGY STAR
•Nr« Houses
I'lib Ik a dans
Standards /
Standards Engineers
•Office tJi consumer
Com pliance
I .aliHIIric
Croducl import inn
Naumi Htawtfiii Hanacurcsn narjrnlnH
C-anjfc-U	CaniKta
OEE Programs
Oiir Tonne rimilriijte
KncrfiuldF for 1 tallies
KneiTjy Innovators
Frtieral Building
I nitial I ve
Commercial Buildings
Industrial Buildings

Significant energy savings can be realized 011 a national basis
Product performance can be maintained or enhanced with
increased energy efficiency
Purchasers will recover their investment in increased energy
efficiency within a reasonable time period
*	Efficiency can be achieved with several technology options,
at least one of which is non-proprietary
~	Product energy consumption and performance can be
measured and verified with testing
Labelling would effectively differentiate products and be
visible for purchasers
1.	Significant Energy Savings:
By converting only 20% of annual sales from incandescent to LED
strings in Canada for a total of 10M strings, this would amount to
annual energy savings of approximately 110 GWh.
2.	Product Performance Can be Maintained or Enhanced with Increased
Energy Efficiency
Along with significant energy savings, the adoption of LED sources
would be accompanied by other benefits, including a longer operating
lifetime and a safer and more durable product
3.	Purchasers Will Recover Their Investment in Increased Energy
Efficiency Within a Reasonable Period of Time
The simple payback for replacing C7 incandescent strings with C7 LED
light strings is approximately 2.3 years. The simple payback for
replacing CI incandescent strings with "mini LED lights strings is
approximately 2.1 years.

4.	Energy-efficiency Can be Achieved With Several Technology Options,
At Least One of Which Is Non-proprietary
While seasonal lighting technology is still in its infancy, there are a
growing number of SLED strings available every year, with a growing
range of selection- LED lights strings are currently available in strings
from 25 to 150 lamps, in a variety of colors including red, green, blue,
white, yellow, and multicolored.
5.	Product Energy Consumption and Performance Can be Measured and
Verified With Testing
Powertech Labs in British Columbia has developed a preliminary LED
Test Protocol that specifically targets SLED strings
6.	Labelling Would Effectively Differentiate Products and be Visible for
The addition of an Energy Star label will increase the perception that
these products are an energy-efficient alternative to conventional
incandescent strings.
|j.| PAatral Hescwoen Hnnaourtmi rata: r Inn	10	n f~| ori'n
Cwip£i«	Carwdn	V-/C1JL iClUCl
onal Holiday
5.3.2. Overview of Proposed ENERGY STAR® Performance Criteria
Presented by: Gary Hamer- BC HydroBruce Neil son — Powertech Labs
Overview of Proposed
Performance Criteria
Gary R. Harrier - BC Hydro
Senior Energy Management Engineer
Technical Solutions
ENERGY STAR* Meeting on Seasonal and decorative Lights
Toronto, Canada
Match 6", 2*006

Table of Contents


1 I Background of Power Smart Program
Overview of Test Protocol
Preliminary Results
BC Hydro Programming Highlights...
>	20,000 seasonal LED strings to business improvement
associations and select organizations in over 60 communities
throughout BC Hydro's service territory.
>	Promotion campaign focused on the key attributes including:
*	their longevity,
*	low energy use,
*	durability, and
*	safety.
>	Power Smart representatives meet with seasonal lighting buyers
for the major retail chains in Canada to enlist their support for the
new product during the upcoming 2003 holiday season,

BC Hydro Programming Highlights...
>	Several large retailers include seasonal LEDs in their 2003
seasonal lighting product lines.
» BC Hydro, Natural Resources Canada, and select LED
manufacturers and distributors offer a $5 off mail-in coupon on
the purchase of qualifying seasonal LEDs.
>	Customers invited to trade-in energy inefficient seasonal lights at
exchange events held at participating retail outlets in the Lower
Mainland and Vancouver Island
• in return for a $5 off coupon for the purchase of seasonal
LED lights worth $14.90 or more. The maximum number of
coupons per-househotd is set at three.
>	BC Hydro customers in all regions are eligible to receive a $3 off
mail-in rebate on purchases of seasonal LEDs worth $14.90 or
more. A maximum of three coupons per-household is allowed
Increases since 2002...
*	Linear shelf space - 13% in 2004; 4% in 2003; 0.2% in
•	Number of brands found on store shelves - 11 in 2004; 6
in 2003; 1 in 2002
*	BC Hydro households making purchases - 18% of in
2004; 8% in 2003
•	Percentage of ell seasonal lighting purchases - 54% in
2004; 28% in 2003.
~	Estimated purchases in 2004 - 1 1 million LED strings

Increase Sales...
BC Hydro Promotions...
H^liil-ay Lighting Crimea ritn»i
Applications; 8 Ctuiitmu Tr»»
EitFrjjr Cofl*
* #i**V *?5 MPp
^OOdSESH UV1 Igtti
J CUP<5- l^-p:
4 CliiKfi. J&J Ltofn
Apfifiuiinnr 100" «f OiKdmir MtiMHg (aaviVwiirriknini)
KiHfCV Uwil
CLiitrf gy Cdll
jtmulrd C7,!. wan
4 anrfL l<0D larpi, Ij rtivsrv
k«jnjpi«rt rrw|i£*\

4 ctrrfv 400 Infill
L£D C* QflnMNff-yt
~ Biffi. 3» tWTip' 2 i ftiirry
¦	kjfm jrs iiifrtftu' 1» dayi p« i-Mtiar J how. ptrd*'
« flat L>.rA J	ii dx?jI A |?«r	'»%* ( ;il«# j.»i« (wl l>r SCHfjnkti V i-raJetifctJ tuMCXinaiJ
J fctomyq hm,r i| f^uY-ater* s? ftm*f fW nm f (K^wwi itfftj Jfcor »tW
RC hydra

Savings from 2004 Initiative...
• Market Effects
>	Number of installed LED strings 803,855
>	Energy Savings = 13.86 GWh
>	Peak Demand Savings = 81 7 MW
Market Effects Algorithm
Sales a-
LEDs in
Mel Direct
Replaces J
sales of
Why Energy Star in Canada...
•	Awareness & availability of product in many other
jurisdictions appears comparable to that which existed in
BC prior to 2002. Awareness & sales of product in the
United States as "very low" to "virtually none".
•	Overwhelmingly, saving energy i money most frequently
mentioned reason for purchasing LED holiday lights in
2004 (70% of all purchasers). Appearance and being
something new / different were the second and third
most common reasons.
•	LED Replacement Purchases - an estimated 19% of
all seasonal LEDs purchased in 2004 by BC Hydro
residential customers were acquired to replace existing

Testing to ensure acceptance...
Table of Contents


¦ 1

Overview of Test Protocol

ENERGY STAR® Criteria Outline
Reference Standards
Qualifying Products
Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products
Product Approval
Testing Criteria
Effective Date
Future Specification Revisions
1. Definitions
A. Seasonal Light Emitting Diode String - Decorative strings of
lights employing light emitting diode (LED) technology that are
used primarily during the holiday season. These strings use
solid-state semi-conductor devices that convert electrical energy
directly into light.
B Series Block - A number of LED [amps connected in series,
or utilizing a series connection. Additional series blacks can be
added to the circuit (or light string) utilizing parallel connections.
For example, a 70-lamp light string could have two 35-lamp
series blocks connected in parallel.
C. Brightness - Luminous flux emitted from a surface per unit
solid angle per unit of area projected onto a plane normal to the
direction of propagation (Iv). Also known as luminous sterance.
LED intensity is specified in terms of millicandela (mcd).

1. Definitions, cont'd
D. Lumen Maintenance - The light output of a lamp as a
percentage of its initial light output after a 100-hour seasoning
E Useful Life - The length of time an LE D source takes, when
operated at an ambient temperature of 35°C, to reach 50%
(L50=) of its initial light output.
F.	Viewing Angle - The spacial radiation pattern of the light
emitted, indicating the degree of beam spread
G.	Input Power - The actual total power used by the seasonal
LED string during operation, measured in watts (W).
2. Reference Standards
ENERGY STAR qualified seasonal LED strings shall comply with the
applicable safety standards and relevant clauses from UL, CSA and other
global standards organizations, unless the requirements of the ENERGY
STAR specification are more restrictive. Relevant standards include, but
are not limited to:
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
CSA-22.2 No.37-M1989 (R2004) Standard for Christmas Tree and Other
Decorative Lighting Outfits
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
UL 588-2004, Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products
Powertech Labs Inc./BC Hydro
LED Test Protocol developed by Powertech Labs forBC Hydro
IES or Other Standard for light measurement (Apparent brightness or Luminous
IEC Standards - to specify limits for harmonics and power quality measurements

3. Qualifying Products
In order to qualify for the ENERGY STAR label, any seasonal light
strings must meet the definition in Section 1.A namely -
Seasonal Light Emitting Diode Siring - Decorative strings o/lights employing light
emitting diode (LSD: technology Llial are used primarily dwing fhe lutliday season.
These strings use solid-state semi-conductor devices that convert electrical energy
directly into light.
-and the specification requirements provided in Section 4.
Following is just a brief overview for afternoon's discussion.
4. Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying
Table 1: Product Characteristics and Specifications for SeasortnI LED Strings
Energy Efficiency Characteristics
Maximum waits par lamp
0.09 watts
Electrical Characteristics

Nomina! operating voltage
120 Volts
Voltage sag / surge
± 10%
Amps res
20 ma of less per series block
Physical Characteristics

Plug / plug-ins
Double strings
Two opposite polarity groups (balanced)
Visibility Characteristics

Lifetime claim
25,000 hours (or 'long-Issuing*)
Brightness (depends Dn color}
Minimum: TSD 1, (mcd)
Maximum: TSD 1,, (tried)
Minimum viewing angle, measured
relative to mechanical centre

5.	Product Approval
In Canada, all light strings for use as portable seasonal holiday lighting
must toe CSA or UL approved with appropriate labelling on the string.
6.	Warranty
All participating manufacturers must offer a minimum of a 3-year warranty
against product defects
7a. Packaging
The packaging containing the product shall list;
>	product's suitability for use indoor and/or outdoor;
>	number of LED lamps;
>	LED lamp spacing;
>	total light string length in appropriate metric and SAE units; and
>	wattage of light string
oc hydro
7b. Labeling
The light string shall be labeled with the following information:
>certification agency;
>rating for indoor or outdoor use, and
>maximum number of like strings that can be connected end to end.
8. Testing Criteria
In order to qualify products for ENERGY STAR, manufacturers are
required to certify their Seasonal LED Strings using test procedures
referenced in this document (see Section 2) The criteria listed in Table 1
must be tested using "Powertech Labs / BC Hydro Seasonal LED String
Test Protocol." These tests shall be conducted by a third-party laboratory
accredited to ISO 17025 or NVLAP
OC hydro

9. Recycling in 2004...
•	28,584 strings traded-in at BC Hydro in-store exchange
•	59% used 7 watt bulbs, 16% used 5 watt bulbs, and
25% used the 0.4 watt mini-light bulbs.
•	Future - Involvement with Manufacturers, Distributors &
10. Effective Date
The date that a manufacturer begins to qualify products as ENERGY
STAR will be defined as the effective date of the agreement.
11. Future Specification Revisions
ENERGY STAR reserves the right to change the specif ication should
technological and/or market changes affect its usefulness to consumers,
industry, or the environment, In Keeping with current poltcy, revisions to
the specification will be arrived at through stakeholder discussion and

The end.,.
oc hydro
5.3.3. Experience in Testing Seasonal LED Strings
Presented by: Bruce Neil son - Powertech Labs

Experience in Testing

Seasonal LED Strings

Based on RC Hydro / Powertech Labs

Test Programs

Brace NeilBon - Powertech Lain

Acting Director. Electrical Tccfvwhgiei

ENERGY STAR f- Mee/nrg on Seasonal artrf Decorative Lights
Toronto, Canada, March 6:>'. 2006

•	Developed test protocol to support BC Ilvdro power small
program for seasonal LED strings (SLEDS).
•	Initial tests completed in 2004 raised concerns with products
sold 3-4 years ago.
•	The 2005 test program was initiated to follow up on earlier
testing and ensure that concerns were addressed.
•	Now being considered as the test protocol for the ENERGY
STAR* seasonal and decorative lights program.
Components of Test Protocol
1.	Initial inspection
2.	Light output test
3.	Over voltage test
4.	Temperature cycling test
5.	Water ingress test
6.	Corrosion resistance test
7.	Lamp lifetime tes1
8.	Cord safety test

	I. Initial Inspection
a. Inspect for safety or shock hazard concerns
h. Count bulbs per string and distance between bulbs
c.	Check bulb type: sealed, polarized or unpolarized plug-in
d.	Cheek that plug-in diodes or resistors cannot be incorrectly
swapped with spare bulbs
e.	Determine connection scheme (series, series parallel, or other)
f.	Measure power consumption and current
g.	Measure current waveform atid harmonic content
Draft Initial Inspection Criteria
•	There must be no obvious safety or shock hazards.
•	II the string has plug-in hulbs. they must be polarized and
keyed to prevent incorrect connection.
•	If two strings are in parallel, they must have opposite
polarity to minimize harmonic distortion.
•	Single strings must be designed in balanced mode or so
that polarity of multiple strings will balance.

Waveform polari


" /\

-J \



2. Light Output Test
•	A photometric system will be used to measure the luminous
intensity of three individual bulbs from each test string (or
one bulb of each colour in multicoloured strings).
•	Each bulb will be mounted in turn, rotated to obtain
maximum intensity, and the intensity {in candcla) will be
•	The intensity will also be measured al two points each 30
degrees from the maximum intensity.
•	If a diffuscr can be removed without causing so much
damage that the string or bulb is extinguished, test a will be
repeated with a bulb with the diffuscr removed.
Draft Light Output Criteria
•	These tests were not performed in the initial studies
•	Two issues may need to be addressed:
¦ Safety from eye damage
• Apparent brightness of lights
•	Do we need to address either of these issues?

3. Over Voltage Test
•	Strings will he energized at 132 V for 1 hour and
examined for failure.
Draft acceptance criterion:
•	Strings must survive without damage.
•	All samples passed.
•	l est strings will he subjected to 3 temperature cycles of
cooling to -15' C ( + 5':'C) for 8 hours and then warming to
20°C (±5°C) for 16 hours.
•	This is also preparation for water ingress test.
Draft acceptance criterion:
•	Strings must operate properly after cycling.
•	All samples passed

5. Water Ingress Test
•	One sample of each type is tested aller temperature cycling.
•	The string is immersed in salt water at room temperature for
24 hours (except end fittings).
•	The low voltage dc resistance is measured before and after
Draft acceptance criterion:
•	The 11 nal resistance value is greater than 1 Megohm,
indicating no water ingress has occurred.
•	Some passed, some failed
6. Corrosion Resistance Test
•	After temperature cycling, two samples of each type are
tested for corrosion resistance in alternating fog (I hour) and
dry heat (3 hours) at 30°C for 1000 hours.
•	Strings are powered during the testing.
•	The strings are checked every week (168 hours),
Draft atieptunre criterion:
•	Both samples must survive 1000 hours.
•	All samples passed in 2005


2004 Testing - IIV Mist Chamber

2005 Testing - Corrosion Chamber

7. Lamp Lifetime Test
•	Two samples of each type are mounted in an oven
maintained at 50°C and energized for 1000 hours.
•	The strings are examined every week,
•	This test is intended as an accelerated aging test to identify
substandard lamps. Higher temperatures might be used.
Draft accept unco criteria:
•	Both strings survive 1,000 hours of testing.
•	All samples passed in 2005
8. Cord Safety Test
•	Strings with extension outlets are tested for safely.
•	A resistive current of 10 A (or rated current) is run through
the cord for 24 hours.
•	.Alter 24 hours, the current is increased to 15 A for 1 hour.
Draft acceptance criteria:
•	1'he string must survive the 24-hour test without damage.
•	The string must not catch fire or create a safety hazard
during the 15 A test.
•	No failures or problems.

•	Test program verified improved corrosion resistance.
•	Light output testing needs to be discussed.
•	Balanced waveforms should be required
•	Water immersion test shows some types are not sealed;
impact on corrosion resistance is not clear,
•	Accelerated lifetime and corrosion tests need further research
to correlate with normal operating conditions.
5.3.4. Seasonal LED Strings: Lifetime Criteria and Testing
Presented by: Concrn O 'Rourke - The Lighting Research Center
Seasonal LED Strings
Lifetime Criteria and Testing
March 6, 2006
I " Km-'- -Li''i B

LED Construction	
Reflector cup
•	Improves light collection
Lens (epoxy dome)
•	Improves light extraction
•	Directs the light in s
particular direction
Th« Anatomy of m RisUc T-1V4 T5
Diode Voltage - Current Relationship
•	Very little current flows
when reversed biased.
- n an oAmperes (10-®)
•	Current increases
exponentially with voltage
for forward bias.
•	Exact current for a given
voltage is highly
unpredictable. Must
control or limit current
when forward biased.
KEtettefiA veneer
Diode V-I Curve
Indicator-type LED

LED technology evolution
GaAs (mid 1970s)
Yellowish-green LEDs
GaP (mid 1970s)
R«id LEDs
AIGaAs {mid 1980s)
Yellow to LEDs
AllnGaP (early 1990s)
Blue to green LEDs
InGaN (mid 1990s)
White LEDs
InGaN + phosphor (mid 1990s)
GB white (mid 1990s)
l&cdivmef |
What is lamp life?	
•	Traditional light sources
-	Lamp life = Time at which 50% of the test
samples have burned out
•	Test methods
-	Incandescent lamps: Operated continuously al a constant voSlage until
W% (allure (may l»e tested at rated voltage or al over voltage
-	Fluorescent tamps: 3-hr-on/20-mln-otf cycle until 50% failure
-	HID lamps: 11-hr-onf1-hr-off cycle until MVi failure

Life definition for LEDs?	
•	No standard, agreed-upon definition
is available for LED life.
•	This has led to:
-Confusion among lighting
•	LEDs do not fail like other light sources
- Long-life claims from manufacturers
without proof
•	No measured life data provided to
Lighting	OBBSPm
KCteiKjl UUHl
LED life testing at the LRC
Imaging system
• Individual life-test chambers
- Test chambers had two
¦ To keep the ambient temperature
• To act as light-integrators

Different ] I l)s degrade differently under similar conditions

Effects of Ambient Temperature
The light output
changes as a
function of ambient
The sensitivities are
different for the

The Alliance for Solid-State
Illumination Systems and
Technologies (ASSIST) has
proposed a standard definition
and measurement methods
for the life of LEDs used in
general lighting applications.
* I ;i-I.h i
ASSIST Recommends	
ASSIST recommends is free to download:
h ttp ://www.lrc.rpi.ediiilprogram s/sol idstate/assist/recomme
• ASSIST sponsors:
-	Boeing,
-	GELcore
New Yorfc State Energy Research and Development
-	Nlchia
-	Seoul Semiconductor
-	Philips
-	U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

So what should be done?	
•	How should the life of Seasonal LED
strings be evaluated?
•	Is a measure of maintained light
output needed?
•	If so, what method should be used?
LED Luminous intensity	
Near field photometry issues
-	Intensity is used to describe point sources -
LEDs are not ideal point sources leading to errors
when using inverse square law
-	Mechanical axis £ optical axis
-	Difficult to locate the position of the light source
CIE recommended the following geometry


Seed Documents for the Workshop
Proposal for Seasonal and Decorative Lights
Proposal for Seasonal Holiday Lights
for Inclusion as Part of the ENERGY STAR Program
Prepared for:
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20460
Prepared by:
Office of Energy Efficiency
Natural Resources Canada
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
February 2006

I.	Introduction
Even though the holiday season last only a few weeks of the year, the conversion of
holiday lights from incandescent to more efficient light sources would generate
considerable energy savings. One of the latest technology developments for this
application is the light emitting diode (LED) technology that has only become available
to Canadian consumers in the last few years. This energy efficient product, which uses
up to 90% less energy than its incandescent counterpart, would have a considerable
impact during critical heating season months, reducing demand during peak periods.
Due to recent technology developments and the potential for energy savings, the Office
of Energy Efficiency (OEE) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is proposing that this
product be considered as a candidate for the ENERGY STAR Program. To determine the
feasibility for any new ENERGY STAR product category and the corresponding
performance-based specifications, EPA and DOE follow a set of six key principles (EPA
& DOE, 2003).
1.	Significant energy savings can be realized on a national basis
2.	Product performance can be maintained or enhanced with increased energy
3.	Purchasers will recover their investment in increased energy efficiency within a
reasonable period of time
4.	Energy-efficiency can be achieved with several technology options, at least one of
which is non-proprietary
5.	Product energy consumption and performance can be measured and verified with
6.	Labeling would effectively differentiate products and be visible for purchasers
The purpose of this document is to show that creating an ENERGY STAR program for
seasonal light strings is in line with these six key principles. This document provides
preliminary market and testing information, focused primarily on the benefits of seasonal
LED strings. A draft ENERGY STAR eligibility criteria document (Attachment 1) and
test procedure (Attachment 2) for light strings are also included with this proposal.
II.	Energy Savings (Guiding Principle #1)
Even though the holiday season is just a few weeks of the year, the conversion of holiday
lights from incandescent to more energy efficient sources, such as LEDs, would generate
considerable energy savings.
In Canada
A study conducted in British Columbia (BC) on consumption for residential holiday
lighting in 2002, shows the electrical consumption attributable to holiday lighting was
73.1 gigawatt-hours (GWh). Extrapolating this figure by population for total seasonal
energy consumption, the national consumption is approximately 584.8 GWh per year.

The potential annual energy savings of a complete market shift to seasonal light-emitting
diode (SLED) strings would be approximately 555 GWh. Converting only 20% of the 10
million strings sold in Canada from incandescent to LED in Canada would result in
annual energy savings of approximately 110 GWh.
In 2003, approximately 470,000 sets of SLED stings were sold in the province of British
Columbia. It is estimated that the province of BC saved approximately 4 GWh in 2003
(based on an annual savings estimate of 8.5 kWh per string).
In the United States
Holiday lights in the U.S. can be found donning the thirty-four million holiday trees sold
annually in the U.S., as well as decorating the exteriors of residential and commercial
buildings. A 2003 study estimates the annual energy consumption of miniature holiday
lights based on the product of the installed base of lights in the U.S., the annual operating
hours, and the wattage of each lamp. Consuming 0.4 watts each, the installed base of 37.1
billion miniature incandescent lamps operating for 150 hours per year consumes
approximately 2220 GWh of electricity (NCI, 2003).
An LED miniature holiday light consumes only 0.04W, or 90% less than its incandescent
counterpart. The potential annual energy savings from just a 20% market shift to LED
holiday lights is approximately 400 GWh (NCI, 2003). If this estimate included light
strings other than miniature lamps, such as C-7 or C-9 lamps, the potential savings would
be even greater.
III. Product Performance (Guiding Principle #2)
Along with significant energy savings, the adoption of LED sources would be
accompanied by other benefits, including a longer operating lifetime and a safer and more
durable product. Each year, the performance of products released into the market
improves. For instance, several years ago, LED products appeared dim when compared
with incandescent products. However, products introduced in 2004 and 2005 were
significantly brighter, almost on par with incandescent strings.
Not only do LEDs have significantly longer operational life characteristics than
incandescent lamps, but they also produce little heat and remain cool to the touch,
making them safer around combustible materials. SLED lamps are also encapsulated in
an epoxy plastic resin, making them more resistant to shattering or impact damage during
installation or disassembly.
Because LED chips generate little heat and do not rely on deteriorating materials to
generate light, LEDs are proven to have a long operating life. That said, this statement
does not take into consideration the fact that the light output of LED lamps (LED chips
mounted in an encapsulant) does decrease slowly over time, and at present, there is no
industry-accepted test standard to measure operating lifetime of these devices.
Manufacturers offer up to a 5 year limited warranty on LED seasonal lights, but claim
product lifetimes up to 200,000 hours (more than 20 years of continuous operation). This

claim would have to be considered in the context of the life of the product envelope. The
issue of warranty, stated operating life, and appropriate test procedures for determining
operating life will be discussed during the development of the ENERGY STAR criteria
for this product.
Being a relatively new product on the market, there are some instances of SLED strings
having had a high failure rate. Study of these failures was found to be related not to the
LED source itself, but rather poor manufacturing quality. Through the introduction of an
ENERGY STAR program for seasonal light strings, higher quality products can be more
readily identified and consumer confidence in this technology can be constructed. This
program would be an important strategic move for ENERGY STAR, particularly in
regard to the emergence of white-light LEDs in general illumination applications around
the world.
The specification document (Attachment 1) provides a list of proposed product
characteristics and performance specifications for seasonal light strings. A test protocol
(Attachment 2) was developed by Powertech Labs for BC Hydro to further qualify this
product for quality purposes. Related test standards are also listed in the specification
Although the technology has been proven to be energy-efficient and long lasting, there
are still several quality issues that must be addressed. A series of tests on outdoor SLED
strings were conducted in 2004 by Powertech Labs in British Columbia to determine the
durability of this product compared to the existing incandescent light bulbs in varying
weather conditions. The test cycles included periods of rain and periods of intense heat. It
is estimated that this test procedure simulates approximately 10,000 hours or about 14
months of actual outdoor exposure. The study pointed out specific problems with the
SLED stings, where corrosion became a problem in some models when they were
exposed to high humidity levels. This issue will be discussed during the development of
the criteria for this product, as the problem is not related to the LED lamp itself, but
rather the packaging and product envelope. As manufacturers improve product design
and packaging, this issue is being addressed.
IV. Payback on Investment (Guiding Principle #3)
A simple economic and energy consumption analysis of seasonal light strings shows that
C7 LED and miniature LED lamps are cost effective replacements for C7 incandescent
seasonal light strings, which are often used in outdoor applications. This analysis is based
on decorating one 8-foot tree for ten holiday seasons. In this example, five C7
incandescent strings (25 lamps/string), are replaced with two alternative energy-efficient
options: (1) five C7 SLED strings (25 lamps/string), or (2) four "miniature" SLED strings
(70 lamps/string).
The assumptions for the analysis are outlined below:
• Hours of operation: 5 hrs/day for 30 days (150 hrs/year)

•	Price of electricity (national average): CAD$0.08 per kWh.
•	Estimated life span for incandescent light string: 2.5 years
•	Estimated useful life span for SLED string: 12 years
•	Average cost of C7 SLED string: $14.25
•	Average cost of "mini" SLED string: $18.90
•	Average cost of incandescent C7 string: $12.60
Based on data from BC Hydro and holiday light manufacturers, the following table
outlines the cost, monetary savings, energy savings, life-cycle cost, and payback of LED
holiday lights compared to C7 incandescent seasonal light strings. The simple payback
for C7 LED light strings is approximately 1.5 years. The simple payback for "mini" LED
lights strings is approximately 2.2 years.
Table 1: Economic Analysis of Replacing Incandescent Light Strings with LED Strings

C7 Incandescent
Tree (5X25-lamp
C7 LED Tree
"Mini" LED
lights (4X70-lamp
500 watts
50 watts
11.2 watts
Initial Cost
Replacement Strings
Hours of Operation
150 hours
150 hours
150 hours
Annual Electricity Cost
Total Life-Cycle Cost
(including Replacements)
Simple Payback

1.5 years
2.2 years
Energy Consumed per Year
75 kWh/year
7.5 kWh/year
1.68 kWh/year
Energy Saved

67.5 kWh/year
73.3 kWh/year
Sources: BC Hydro Website, 2005; WSU & NEE A, 2005; NCI, 2003.
If a homeowner replaced the seasonal lights on only his tree, he would save over $5 each
year on energy costs, and between 68 and 73 kWh of energy would be saved. If that same
homeowner were to replace all the lights used for decoration outdoors, these savings
would increase several fold. And, if this number is extrapolated over the population of
Canada and the U.S., significant energy savings would accrue.
V. Technology Options and Product Availability (Guiding Principle #4)
The province of British Columbia has witnessed consumer acceptance following the
promotional activities held there in the past few years. The success of the promotional
campaigns influenced retailers to sell this product nationally, with some exclusively
carrying the LED products as seasonal light strings. Another retailer has decided that
50% of its light strings would be SLEDs. Consumers across Canada have reacted
positively to adopting this new product when decorating their homes for the holiday

Distributors of SLED strings in Canada offer a whole range of products characterized by
the string's length and the color and size of the lamps. While seasonal lighting
technology is still in its infancy, there are a growing number and selection of SLED
strings available every year. LED lights strings are currently available in strings from 25
to 150 lamps, in a variety of colors including red, green, blue, white, yellow, and multi-
colored. These lamps are also offered in several styles including: miniature, ball-shaped
(raspberry), C-7, C-9, candle shaped, and icicle-style lamps. In 2005, several new
products entered the market, including rope lights, strings with lamps that can change
colors, and strings with commercial-grade plugs that allow more than 100 strings to be
connected end-to-end (NEEA & WSU, 2005).
Each holiday season, as manufacturers improve on the existing delivery envelope of this
technology, consumers have witnessed continual improvements in the quality and
reliability of these products.
VI.	Performance Testing (Guiding Principle #5)
Powertech Labs in British Columbia has developed a preliminary seasonal light test
procedure specifically for SLED strings (see Attachment 2) (PowerTech Labs, 2005).
This test procedure, "Powertech Labs / BC Hydro Seasonal Light String Test Protocol"
was originally developed to test products for a BC Hydro rebate program. NRCan would
like to continue the development of this protocol, so that it can serve as the test procedure
for an ENERGY STAR program for this product.
There are also two safety standards available for seasonal lighting:
•	CSA-22.2 No.37-M1989 (R1999) Christmas Tree and Other Decorative Lighting
•	UL 588-2000 Standardfor Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products
VII.	Product Visibility (Guiding Principle #6)
BC Hydro has introduced this product into the Canadian marketplace by promoting
SLEDs strings starting in 2002. In 2003, based on the huge success of the 2002
campaign, the province contacted Canadian retailers to bring SLED lights into the
province on a trial basis. In order to raise awareness about the technology, BC Hydro and
the Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada, held a highly successful
product promotion in the autumn of 2003. Through the BC Hydro program in 2005, over
46,000 in-store coupons were distributed, over 18,000 mail-in coupons have been
redeemed, and nearly 57,000 incandescent strings were collected.
Since SLEDs are a fairly new technology for seasonal lighting strings, the SLED product
is not yet easily recognized by the consumer as an superior, energy-efficient product
compared the incandescent strings. Distributors will also likely be marketing the SLED
strings as an "energy-efficient" lighting product to attracting customers. The addition of

an ENERGY STAR label will increase the perception that these products are an energy-
efficient, quality alternative to conventional incandescent strings.
VIII.	Conclusion
With new technology offering the possibility of energy savings, lower consumer
consumption during peak hours, longer operating life, higher operating efficiency, high
durability, and a good payback on the initial investment, NRCan's Office of Energy
Efficiency strongly supports the initiation of discussions with stakeholders in time to
enable the ENERGY STAR label to be available for the 2006 holiday season. To this
end, NRCan is convening a one-day stakeholder meeting to review the draft ENERGY
STAR test procedure and qualification criteria in Toronto, Ontario, on Monday, March 6,
IX.	References:
ASSIST, 2005. Re commends...LED Life for General Lighting - Definition of Life. Vol. 1,
No.l February 2005. Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and
Technologies Program. Accessed on February 7th, 2006 at:
BC Hydro, 2004. Seasonal LED (Light Emitting Diode) Program Winter 2003 Program
Prepared by Alicia Forrester. BC Hydro. March 2004.
EPA & DOE, 2003. The ENERGY STAR K Label: A Summary of Product Labeling
Objectives and Guiding Principles. Andrew Fanara. US EPA. May, 2003.
Accessed on February 7, 2006 at:
E-Source, 2001. LEDs in Exterior Applications: An Emerging Market. Esource ER-01-17
November 2001.
NCI, 2005. Energy Savings Estimates of Light Emitting Diodes in Niche Lighting
Applications, November 2003. Prepared by Navigant Consulting Inc. for the U.S.
Department of Energy.
NEEA & W SU, 2005. Energy Efficiency Fact Sheet. Holiday Lights: LED and Fiber
Optics. Energy Ideas Clearinghouse. Washington State University with support
from the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. October 2005.
PowerTech Labs, 2005. Seasonal LED String Testing. Powertech Labs Inc.
Sampson Research, 2003. Holiday Lighting Market Assessment Phase III Report

Adjusted Baseline Estimates. Sampson Research. Prepared by Sampson Reserach
for Power Smart Quality and Assurance, BC Hydro. August 15, 2003.
USITC, 2003. USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb. Data available online:
5.4.2. Eligibility Criteria for Seasonal and Decorative Lights

ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for
Seasonal Light Strings
Eligibility Criteria
Draft Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Section 1. Definitions	2
Section 2. Reference Standards	3
Section 3. Qualifying Products	3
Section 4. Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products	3
Table 1. Product Characteristics and Specifications for Seasonal Light
Strings	4
Section 5. Product Approval	5
Section 6. Warranty	5
Section 7. Packaging	5
Section 8. Testing Criteria	5
Section 9. Effective Date	6
Section 10. Future Specification Revisions	6
References	6

ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for
Seasonal Light Strings
Eligibility Criteria
Draft Version 1.0
Below is the product specification (Draft Version 1.0) for ENERGY STAR
qualified seasonal light strings. A product must meet all of the identified criteria if
it is to be labelled as ENERGY STAR by its manufacturer.
The intent of the ENERGY STAR initiative in Canada in this product category is
to reduce seasonal peak electricity consumption by encouraging Canadian
consumers to use energy-efficient decorative seasonal strings.
1)	Definitions:
A.	Seasonal Light String - Decorative strings of lights that are used primarily
during the holiday season.
B.	Series Block - A number of lamps connected in series, or utilizing a series
connection. Additional series blocks can be added to the circuit (or light
string) utilizing parallel connections. For example, a 50-lamp light string
could have two 25-lamp series blocks connected in parallel.
C.	Brightness - Luminous flux emitted from a surface per unit solid angle per
unit of area, projected onto a plane normal to the direction of propagation
(lv). Also known as luminous sterance. Intensity is specified in terms of
millicandela (mcd).
D.	Lumen Maintenance - The light output of a lamp as a percentage of its
initial light output after a 100-hour seasoning period.
E.	Useful Life - The length of time a light source takes, when operated at an
ambient temperature of 35°C, to reach 50% (L50=) of its initial light output.
F.	Viewing Angle - The spacial radiation pattern of the light emitted,
indicating the degree of beam spread.
G.	Input Power - The total power used by the seasonal string during
operation, measured in watts (W).
2)	Reference Standards: ENERGY STAR qualified seasonal holiday strings
shall comply with the applicable safety standards and relevant clauses from

UL, CSA and other global standards organizations, unless the requirements
of the ENERGY STAR specification are more restrictive. Relevant standards
include, but are not limited to
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
CSA-22.2 No.37-M1989 (R1999) Christmas Tree and Other Decorative
Lighting Outfits
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
UL 588-2000, Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products
Powertech Labs Inc. / BC Hydro
Powertech Labs /BC Hydro Seasonal Light String Test Protocol Draft Version
1.0. developed by Powertech Labs for BC Hydro. (See Note 1).
Note 1: Please see attached document ("Powertech Labs /BC Hydro
Seasonal Light String Test Protocol Draft Version 1.0") to comment on
the Seasonal Light String Test Protocol developed by Powertech
3)	Qualifying Products: In order to qualify for the ENERGY STAR label, any
seasonal light strings must meet the definition in Section 1 .A and the
specification requirements provided in Section 4, below.
4)	Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products: Only those
products that comply with the requirements of Section 2 and meet the
following criteria in Table 1 may qualify for ENERGY STAR.

Table 1: Product Characteristics and Specifications for Seasonal Light
Energy Efficiency Characteristics
Maximum watts per lamp
0.08 watts (See Note 2)
Electrical Characteristics

Nominal operating voltage
120 Volts
Voltage sag / surge
± 10%
20 ma or less per series block
Physical Characteristics

Plug / plug-ins
Polarized (See Note 3)
Double strings
Two opposite polarity groups (balanced)
Visibility Characteristics

Lifetime claim
25,000 hours (or 'long-lasting') (See Note
Brightness (depends on
Minimum: TBD lv (mcd)
Maximum: TBD lv (mcd) (See Note 5)
Minimum viewing angle,
relative to mechanical centre
60° (See Note 5)
All performance measurements, except for lifetime, must be conducted according
to the "Powertech Labs/BC Hydro Seasonal Light String Test Protocol Draft
Version 1.0", cited in Section 2.
Note 2: This maximum wattage criterion is intended to be inclusive of all Seasonal
LED String light products on the market. Product research shows that most LED
lamps (including the "mini-light", C-7, and C-9) are 0.04W, however some LED
products do consume up to 0.08W. While this is twice the typical value, the
difference is negligible, when compared with incandescent light strings, where a
"mini-light" uses 0.5W and a C-7 or C-9 can consume 6 to 8W per lamp. Please
comment on the selected threshold maximum value of 0.08W.
Note 3: Please comment on whether an explicit criterion requiring polarized plugs
for seasonal light strings is necessary.

Note 4: There are two lifetimes of concern with respect to seasonal light strings -
1) the operating life of the LED lamp and 2) the lifetime of the string itself,
including the sockets, housing and wires. With respect to the LED lamp lifetime,
there is no industry accepted definition of or test method for this measurement.
Methods for characterizing LED lifetime, particularly as changes in materials or
processes are introduced, require accelerated aging tests, which are under
development. There are concerns that some Seasonal LED Strings on the
market which made claims of 200,000 hours of life are excessive. The second
lifetime, that of the string itself, is also of concern. The ENERGY STAR program
also recognizes the lifetime of the packaging (e.g., wire, housing), and to this end,
manufacturer warranties can be an indicator. Some manufacturers warranty their
products for 3 and 5 years - indeed, a much shorter timeframe. To maintain the
integrity of the ENERGY STAR label, NRCan is seeking comment on two options
- either 1) making no lifetime claim, and instead stating only that the string is
"long-lasting" or 2) establish a maximum lifetime claim of 25,000 hours.
Alternative proposals are also welcome.
The ASSIST program at the Lighting Research Center has outlined a method for
measuring useful life of LED components (L50 and L10). It does seem, however,
that requiring this method to be used would be excessively burdensome for this
product at this time.
Note 5: Stakeholders are invited to comment on whether minimum brightness
specifications are necessary given the recent rapid development of products with
increased brightness. If this requirement is omitted, is there a risk that
manufacturers would market "dim" products that meet ENERGY STAR
specifications? Or, would a lack of consumer demand (and returned products to
retail outlets) send a sufficient message to manufacturers that certain brightness
levels are expected in order to be commercially viable? If this requirement is
included, how can brightness of these products measured in a cost-effective
manner and what should the levels be for the various colors?
Related to this issue, are maximum brightness / minimum viewing angle
specifications necessary for safety reasons? Should bare LEDs be tested or
should the seasonal light string be tested as it would be used in the field (with
diffuser / shaped lens) ?
5)	Product Approval: In Canada, strings for exterior use as portable seasonal
lighting must be CSA or UL approved.
6)	Warranty: All participating manufacturers must offer a minimum of a 3-year
warranty against product defects. (See Note 6)

Note 6: Stakeholders are invited to comment on what should be considered a
reasonable minimum warranty period. Today's products currently offer warranties
in the range of 1-5 years. ENERGY STAR is considering setting a three-year
minimum warranty promise for eligible products.
7)	Packaging: The packaging containing the product shall specify the number
of lamps, the lamp spacing and the total light string length in appropriate
metric and SAE units.
8)	Testing Criteria: In order to qualify their products for ENERGY STAR,
manufacturers are required to certify their seasonal light strings using test
procedures referenced in this document (see Section 2). The criteria listed in
Table 1 must be tested using "Powertech Labs/BC Hydro Seasonal Light
String Test Protocol Draft Version 1.0." These test results shall be conducted
by a third-party laboratory approved by Natural Resources Canada.
9)	Effective Date: The date that a manufacturer begins to qualify products as
ENERGY STAR will be defined as the effective date of the agreement.
10)	Future Specification Revisions: ENERGY STAR reserves the right to
change the specification should technological and/or market changes affect
its usefulness to consumers, industry, or the environment. In keeping with
current policy, revisions to the specification will be arrived at through
stakeholder discussion and consultation.
ASSIST, 2005. Recommends...LED Life for General Lighting - Definition of Life.
Vol. 1, No.1 February 2005. Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems
and Technologies Program. Accessed on February 7th, 2006 at:
BC Hydro, 2004. Seasonal LED (Light Emitting Diode) Program Winter 2003
Program Prepared by Alicia Forrester. BC Hydro. March 2004.
EPA & DOE, 2003. The ENERGY STAR® Label: A Summary of Product
Labeling Objectives and Guiding Principles. Andrew Fanara. US EPA.
May, 2003. Accessed on February 7, 2006 at:
E-Source, 2001. LEDs in Exterior Applications: An Emerging Market. Esource
ER-01-17 November 2001.

NCI, 2005. Energy Savings Estimates of Light Emitting Diodes in Niche Lighting
Applications, November 2003. Prepared by Navigant Consulting Inc. for
the U.S. Department of Energy.
NEEA & WSU, 2005. Energy Efficiency Fact Sheet. Holiday Lights: LED and
Fiber Optics. Energy Ideas Clearinghouse. Washington State University
with support from the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. October 2005.
PowerTech Labs, 2005. Seasonal LED String Testing. Powertech Labs Inc.
Sampson Research, 2003. Holiday Lighting Market Assessment Phase III Report
Adjusted Baseline Estimates. Sampson Research. Prepared by Sampson
Reserach for Power Smart Quality and Assurance, BC Hydro. August 15,
USITC, 2003. USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb. Data available

5.4.3. Powertech Labs / BC Hydro Seasonal Light String Test Protocol

Powertech Labs / BC Hydro Seasonal Light String Test Protocol Draft
Draft Version 1.0
I.	Objective
This test protocol is intended to define a test procedure that will be applied to seasonal
light strings as part of the evaluation process to determine eligibility for the ENERGY
STAR Program. Tentative acceptance criteria follow in Section IV.
II.	Performance Issues
The following issues have been recognized as critical to customer safety, ENERGY
STAR needs, or long term customer acceptance.
•	Existence of shock hazards
•	Existence of fire hazards
•	Excessive brightness leading to potential eye hazard
•	Power consumption
•	Current harmonic content
•	Apparent brightness and viewing angle
•	Lifetime and reliability
Other issues may be added, as they arise.
III.	Tests Performed
The following tests may be performed on seasonal light strings submitted for evaluation:
1.	Initial inspection
a.	Inspect for safety or shock hazard concerns
b.	Count bulbs per string and separation
c.	Check bulb type: sealed, polarized plug-in, or unpolarized plug-in
d.	Check that plug-in diodes, resistors, etc. cannot be incorrectly swapped
with spare bulbs
e.	Determine electrical connection scheme (series, series/parallel, etc)
f.	Measure power consumption and current
g.	Measure current waveform and harmonic content
2.	Light output test
Note: During the stakeholder meeting on March 6th, it is planned that the group will-
spend time discussing the need for a light output test. If it is deemed necessary!, the group
will discuss the most effective method to test light output. This section has been inserted
as a placeholder until that decision is made (See Attachment 1).
A photometric system (described in the appendix) will be used to measure the
luminous intensity of three individual bulbs from each test string (or one bulb of each
colour in multicoloured strings).
a.	Each bulb will be mounted in turn, rotated to obtain maximum intensity,
and the intensity (in candela) will be measured.
b.	The intensity will also be measured at two points each 30 degrees from the
maximum intensity.

c. If a diffuser can be removed without causing so much damage that the
string or bulb is extinguished, test a will be repeated with a bulb with the
diffuser removed.
3.	Overvoltage test
Strings will be energized at 132 V for 1 hour and examined for failure.
4.	Temperature cycling test
Test strings will be subjected to 3 temperature cycles of cooling to -15°C (±5°C)
for 8 hours and then warming to 20°C (±5°C) for 16 hours.
5.	Water ingress test
After completing temperature cycling, one sample of each type was tested for
water ingress. The low voltage dc resistance was measured at the plug. The string
was then immersed in a salt-water solution at room temperature for 24 hours (the
end fittings were kept out of the solution). At the end of the immersion period, the
low voltage dc resistance was measured again to check for water ingress.
6.	Corrosion resistance test
After completing test 4, two samples of each type will be tested for corrosion
resistance. The samples will be mounted in a test chamber and subjected to a
cycle of cold water spray alternating with dry heat for 1000 hours. Power to the
strings will be cycled on and off during the testing. The strings will be examined
every week (168 hours) to see if they are still illuminated. The exact conditions
of the corrosion cycle are still under consideration. Note that this test is not a
simulation of actual operation, but an accelerated aging test to try to identify
strings susceptible to corrosion in service.
7.	Lamp lifetime test
One sample of each type will be mounted in an oven maintained at 50°C and
energized for 1000 hours. The strings will be examined every week (168 hours)
to see if they are still illuminated. Note that this test is not a simulation of actual
operation, but an accelerated aging test to try to identify substandard diodes. Note:
Please comment on the appropriateness of the 50°C oven temperature.
8.	Cord safety test
Strings equipped with extension outlets will be tested for safety.
a.	A resistive load of 10 A will be powered through the cord for 24 hours. If
a warning label specifies a smaller maximum current rating, the reduced
current will be used.
b.	After 24 hours, the current will be increased to 15 A for 1 hour or until
failure occurs.
IV. Tentative Acceptance Criteria
The following criteria are under consideration. The criteria will change as new
information becomes available, including test results from current seasonal light
products. Until firm criteria are adopted, product support will depend on an engineering
analysis of each product based on the test results and manufacturer's information

1.	Initial inspection
a.	There must be no obvious safety or shock hazards.
b.	If the string has plug-in bulbs, they must be polarized and keyed so that
incompatible components cannot be exchanged and diodes cannot be
reverse biased.
c.	If two series strings are in parallel, they must have opposite polarity to
minimize harmonic distortion.
d.	Single strings must be designed so that if multiple strings are connected,
approximately half will be of each polarity.
2.	Light output test
Note: During the stakeholder mealing on March 6'h. ii is planned thai the group will
spend time discussing the need for a light output test. If it is deemed necessary, the group
will discuss the most effective method to test light output. This section has been inserted
as a placeholder until that decision is made (See A ttachment I).
a.	The maximum intensity (with or without diffusers) will not exceed a
safety threshold (to be determined).
Note: Would a maximum brightness level equal to IK(' ('lass I Laser brightness levels
(depending on color) he appropriate7
b.	In future, the maximum and 30° intensity may be used for acceptance or
ranking criteria.
3.	Overvoltage test
Strings will survive without damage.
4.	Temperature cycling test
Strings will survive without damage.
5.	Water ingress test
The final resistance value will be greater than a threshold (to be determined),
indicating no water ingress has occurred.
6.	Corrosion resistance test
Note: Requirements are to he determined. Ideally, both strings survive 1000 hours of
7. Lamp lifetime test
Note: Requirements are to he determined. Ideally, both strings survive 1000 hours of
8. Cord safety test
a.	The string must survive the 24-hour test without damage.
b.	The string may fail during the 15 A test, but must not create a fire or
safety hazard.

Appendix: Photometric system specifications
The photometric system is intended to provide reasonably accurate measurements (±5%)
of luminous intensity with sufficient angular resolution to identify potentially hazardous
bright spots, at a reasonable cost.
The test chamber will include a mounting head with provision for holding individual
bulbs of various designs firmly in position while still connected to the remainder of the
light string. The mounting head will have fine adjustments with approximately 0.5
degree resolution in azimuth and elevation angle so that the bulb can be aligned for
maximum intensity. The head will also have a coarse adjustment so that it can be rotated
in 30 degree steps for the off-axis measurements.
The head will be mounted in a non-reflective, baffled measurement chamber with a
calibrated illuminance meter fixed in direct line of sight, 50±1 cm from the bulb base.
The aperture of the illuminance meter will be approximately 1 cm, providing a resolution
of approximately 1 degree. At 0.5 m distance, the bulb output in candela at any given
angle will be Vi of the illuminance meter reading in lux.
The illuminance meter will have an accuracy of 5% or better, and will be calibrated for
the standard CIE photopic response curve. Background and reflected light levels will be
kept to less than 5% of the normal measurement level through the use of suitable baffles
and non-reflective coatings. The centre of rotation for the coarse angle adjustment will
be aligned with the base of the bulb. The coarse angle adjustment will be checked
geometrically, and the steps will be 30±1 degrees.
Note: During the stakeholder meeting on March 6th, it is planned that the group will spend
time discussing the need for a light output test. If it is deemed necessary, the group will
discuss the most effective method to test light output. This section has been inserted as a
placeholder until that decision is made (See Attachment I).
