# ^ PRO^ 111 o / Drinking Water Academy Bulletin DRINKING WATER ACADEMY Spring 2006 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: EPA AND AMWA COMPLETE SUCCESSFUL SERIES OF SOURCE WATER PROTECTION WEB CONFERENCES SDWIS MODERNIZATION TRAINING SERIES THE DWA FINALIZES CLASS V MODULE DRINKING WATER ACADEMY CONTACTS TRAINING COURSE SCHEDULE STAGE 2 DBPR AND LT2ESWTR: LET THE TRAINING BEGINI EPA promulgated the Stage 2 Disinfectant Byproduct Rule (DBPR) and the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) in January 2006. Since both rules have regulatory deadlines for drinking water systems in 2006, the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW) decided to start implementation training early for states, water systems, technical assistance providers, and laboratories. The OGWDW training strategy involves both Web conference and in-person training. In an effort to provide an overview of the rules to as many interested individuals as possible, OGWDW conducted Web conferences in January, two each of: 1*0 Stage 2 DBPR & LT2ESWTR: An Overview of the Rules. Implementing Stage 2 DBPR & LT2ESWTR: Compliance and Assistance Tools for Systems. The presentation materials are available on OGWDWs Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ safewater/disinfection/ training.html) or by e-mailing the Stage2/LT2 implementation team at stage2mdbp@epa.gov. OGWDW intends to repeat these the Drinking Water Academy Web conferences in late 2006. Information on these Web conferences and registration information will be available on Web site under the Training Calendar (http://www.epa .gov/safewater/dwa/ calendar.html). Continued on page 3 EPA LOSES ANOTHER CHARTER MEMBER TO RETIREMENT Ken Hay, Associate Chancellor and Special Advisor to the Drinking Water Academy, retired after nearly 40 years of public service, including the past 34 years with EPA. Ken was an original EPA charter employee, who came over from the Department of the Interior's water quality program in 1972 when EPA was formed. While threatening to retire for years, Ken finally made the move early in 2006. Ken was instrumental in raising the bar in how EPA conducts training, continually testing new training ideas over the years as he worked to support implementation of both the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. One of his most important contributions from the Academy's perspective is the sanitary survey training program that he developed and improved over the years. Ken worked with a cadre of sanitary inspectors and trainers over the years to integrate field work and classroom time in order to improve the quality of learning and provide resource material that would reinforce what was learned in the class. State, EPA Regional and local health personnel who have taken the course have always noted what an informative and well-designed class it is. A train buff for years, Ken finally handed EPA his retirement ticket. He is now looking forward to retiring to Florida, where he plans to wrestle alligators in his spare time and dodge hurricanes. While we will miss his sage advice and his common-sense approach, the Academy is indebted to Ken for helping launch the Academy on sound footing. ------- Spring 2006 2 EPA AND AMWA COMPLETE SUCCESSFUL SERIES OF SOURCE WATER PROTECTION WEB CONFERENCES EPA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA), under the auspices of the Drinking Water Academy, recently conducted a series of three Web conferences on various aspects of source water protection. The series enabled AMWA members and other drinking water agencies to share experiences and learn what other cities are doing. AMWA represents the largest municipal water utilities in the United States. Approximately 200 people viewed each live Web conference. The series began on January 25, 2006, with a Web conference on monitoring and data sharing. It discussed recent U.S. Geological Survey OGWDW has been working with states to modernize SDWIS reporting methods. The new process involves XML technol- ogy, SDWIS/FedRep software, EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX), the new national drinking water database (SDWIS/ODS), and the Drinking Water Ware- house. (Visit the SDWIS Web site at http://www.epa.gov/ safewater/sdwisfed/sdwismod .htm for more information.) OGWDW launched this effort with a Webcast training series. Anyone with a role in SDWIS/ STATE was asked to participate. The series included six courses, each presented twice: research on the occurrence of a range of regulated and emerging contaminants found in untreated sources of drinking water throughout the United States; described a system used to protect drinking water utilities by detecting chemicals from unreported releases and spills; and discussed St. Paul, Minnesota's, 23-year-old watershed and reservoir restoration program used to improve water quality in the upper Mississippi River. An archive of the Web conference can be found at https://www .livemeeting.com/cc/encounter/ view?id=11347531610127. The second Web conference, on land conservation and development, was held on System Administrator was directed at data and program managers and provided an overview of the new process and its requirements. |*D Data Maintenance Module A covered navigation, inventory, and site visits. |*D Data Maintenance Module B covered sampling and legal entities. Compliance Officer Module A covered schema migration issues, system administration, inventory, February 22, 2006. The Trust for Public Lands discussed its experience partnering with large municipal water utilities to protect their source waters through visioning, finance, and land acquisition tools. Raising public funds and leveraging local, state, and federal resources were also highlighted. One water authority discussed how drinking water agencies can promote source water protection by funding open space purchases, helping local jurisdictions strengthen their regulatory reviews, or providing geographic information system (GIS) tools and other technical expertise. Finally, a case study was presented on an aggressive and proactive source water protection site visit, sampling, and monitoring changes. Compliance Officer Module B covered compliance determination, enforcement, and CDS set- up changes. This well-attended series included software demonstra- tions and live audio and text questions and answers. For more information about the training series, contact Clint Lemmons at lemmons.clint @epa.gov or (202) 564-4623. program that includes land use and zoning controls to manage development density. An archive of the Web conference can be found at https://www. livemeeting.com/cc/encounter/ view?id=11347546560985. The third, and last, Web conference was on communication, regulatory, and non-regulatory tools. It was held on March 22, 2006. The conference featured three local source water programs. The first involved a state environmental agency, EPA Region 4, and other public and private partners. The second described an inclusive community- and agency- focused effort to protect watersheds through public education and outreach, monitoring, and by promoting the formation of watershed groups. The last example focused on the development of a scientifically based watershed management plan, from monitoring to land acquisition. An archive of the Web conference can be found at https://www.livemeeting.com/ cc/encounter/ view?id=11400310400573. While the focus of the Web conferences was on large municipal water systems, participants also included state drinking water agencies, watershed groups, small water systems, and consultants. For more information on the series, contact Tracy Hudak of EPA at hudak.tracy@epa.gov. SDWIS MODERNIZATION TRAINING SERIES ------- Spring 2006 3 Stage2 DBPR and LT2ESWTR Training: continued from page 1 THE DWA FINALIZES CLASS V MODULE The DWA is working with the Protection Branch to finalize a course on conducting inspections at Class V injection well sites. The course covers key terminology; legal authorities available to or affecting the Class V effort; regulatory requirements for large capacity cesspools and motor vehicle waste disposal wells; determining whether rule authorization, closure, or permitting is appropriate; conducting inspections; and site characterization. The course will be available as classroom-style training. For more information, contact Jeff Jollie at (202) 564-3886 or jollie.jeff @epa.gov. In addition, OGWDW is schedul- ing three Web conferences for the spring and summer of 2006. These Web conferences will discuss the Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) Tool, Data Collection and Tracking System (DCTS), and sampling under the LT2ESWTR. The Web conferences will include an interactive tour of the DCTS and IDSE tool, will demonstrate source water monitoring for Cryptosporidium, and will allow participants to ask questions using the Web conference text console. The objective of the in-person Stage 2/LT2 train-the-trainer workshops is to provide an in- depth training on early imple- mentation activities. During these trainings, OGWDW staff will focus on rule requirements and deadlines in the first few years after rule promulgation (e.g., IDSE and source water monitoring). Some of these workshops are being offered to states and technical assistance providers, while others are strictly for water system operators. The presentations vary based on the audience. The training comprises a series of Power Point slides that explain the specific require- ments followed by workshops that allow the participants to apply the information discussed and put it to the test. See the training calendar on page 4 of this bulletin or visit the DWA Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ safewater/dwa/calendar.html) for specific dates and locations. The presentation materials from the Stage 2/LT2 workshops are available on the OGWDW Web site (http://www.epa.gov/ safewater/disinfection/ training.html) or by e-mailing the Stage2/LT2 implementation team at stage2mdbp@epa.gov. E-mail ieclair.jackie@epa.gov ortega.norma@epa.gov rizzo.george@epa.gov morris.janine@epa.gov spaulding.wiiliam@epa.gov hankinson.juiie@epa.gov iindberg.stephanie@epa.gov jackson.dan@epa.gov poiiock.barry@epa.gov chamberlain.william@epa.gov markc. a nd erson@vdh.virg inia.gov dcerda@tceq.state.tx. us stew.thorniey@ hea Ith. state, mn. us bourne.james@epa.gov lash.muriene@epa.gov iopez-carbo.maria@epa.gov iemmons.clint@epa.gov pham.nhien@epa.gov bielanski.jenny@epa.gov pena-marti nez.monica@epa.gov In addition to Web conferences and in-person training, OGWDW is developing online training modules. These electronic self- paced modules take the trainee through a series of slides that include small video clips and audio narration. OGWDW has already released the first online training module, "Method 1622/ 1623 Microscopy: Giardia and Cryptosporidium." This module may be accessed at http:// www.epa.gov/safewater/ It2/t raining/ module_microscopy/crypto/ gandcrypto/index.html. OGWDW expects to release a second online training module on sampling later this year. If you have any questions regarding future trainings, please visit the Stage 2/LT2 training Web site at http:// www.epa.gov/safewater/ disinfection/training, html. Drinking Water Academy Contacts Contact Location Telephone Jackie LeClair EPA Region 1 (617 918-1549 Norma Ortega EPA Region 2 (212 637-4234 George Rizzo EPA Region 3 (215 814-57811 Janine Morris EPA Region 4 (404 562-9480 Bill Spaulding EPA Region 5 (312 886-9262 Julie Hankinson EPA Region 6 (214 665-3185 Stephanie Lindberg EPA Region 7 (913 551-7423 Dan Jackson EPA Region 8 (303 312-6155 Barry Pollock EPA Region 9 (415 972-3563 Bili Chamberlain EPA Region 10 (206 553-8515 Mark Anderson Virginia (804 864-7514 Debra Cerda Texas (512 239-6050 Stew Thornley Mi nnesota (651 201-4701 James Bourne EPA HQ (202 564-4095 Murlene Lash EPA HQ (202 564-3818 Maria Lopez Carbo EPA HQ (202 564-4618 Clint Lemmons EPA HQ (202 564-4623 Nhien Pham EPA HQ (202 564-1726 Jenny Bieianski EPA HQ (202 564-3836 Monica Pena-Martinez EPA HQ (202 564-2575 ------- Spring 2006 4 Training Course Schedule Course Title Audience Schedule Location Contact Developing Water System Financial Capacity Federal, state and tribal drinking water staff April 05,2006 Web Conference Drinking Water Academy dwaweb.conference@epa.gov Sanitary Survey Training State sanitary survey inspectors April 10-14,2006 Harrisburg, PA Jamie Bourne (202)564-4095 bourne.james@epa.gov Electronic Sanitary Survey Training State sanitary survey inspectors April 14,2006 Nashville, TN Jamie Bourne (202)564-4095 bourne.james@epa.gov EPA's Interactive Sampling Guide for Drinking Water Operators Drinking water system operators April 26,2006 Web Conference Steve Clark clark.steve@epa.gov Asset Management/Asset Inventory for Small Drinking Water Systems EPA, states, technical assistance providers, and drinking water systems May 15,2006 Web Conference Steve Clark clark.steve@epa.gov Introduction to the Safe Drinking Water Act State, tribal, and EPA drinking water staff May 17,2006 Web Conference Drinking Water Academy dwaweb.conference@epa.gov Sanitary Survey Training Georgia sanitary survey inspectors May 22-25,2006 Macon, GA Jamie Bourne (202)564-4095 bourne.james@epa.gov Cryptosporidium and E. coli Source Water Sample Collection for the LT2ESWTR Rule Water system staff and others May 24,2006 Web Conference Maria Lopez Carbo (202)564-4618 lopez-carbo.maria@epa.gov Source Water Contamination Prevention Measures State and local source water protection staff May 24,2006 Web Conference Drinking Water Academy dwaweb.conference@epa.gov Sanitary Survey Training Naval sanitary survey inspectors June 12-16,2006 San Diego, CA Bill Davis (214)665-7536 davis.williamh@epa.gov Introduction to the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program State, tribal and federal drinking water staff June 14,2006 Web Conference Drinking Water Academy dwaweb.conference@epa.gov Introduction to the Underground Injection Control Program State, tribal and federal drinking waterstaff June 21,2006 Web Conference Drinking Water Academy dwaweb.conference@epa.gov Sanitary Survey Training EPA Region 8 sanitary survey inspectors July 10,-14,2006 Denver, CO Bill Davis (214)665-7536 davis.williamh@epa.gov EPA's T echnology Assistance Centers and Tools for Small Drinking Water Systems EPA, states, technical assistance providers, and drinking water systems July 18,2006 Web Conference Holly Fleming fleming.holly@epa.gov Multiple Barrier Approach and Sustainability EPA, states, technical assistance providers, and drinking water systems July 27,2006 Web Conference Holly Fleming fleming.holly@epa.gov DWA courses may be presented as requested. See the course catalog on the DWA Web site for more information (www.epa.gov/ safewater/dwa/course.html). ------- |