v> EPA
United States
Environmental Protection
Development of the Proposed
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
Rule for the Fifth Monitoring Cycle
(UCMR 5): Public Meeting and Webinar
Held July 16, 2019
USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Office of Water (MLK140)
EPA 815-A-19-001
July 2019
Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Development of the Proposed Unregulated
Contaminant Monitoring Rule for the Fifth
Monitoring Cycle (UCMR 5)
ฆ Public Meeting and Webinar
July 16th, 2019
Meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. EDT
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Eric Burneson, U.S. EPA
Office of Ground Water arid Drinking Water
Standards and Risk Management Division
General Meeting Information
Provide an opportunity for stakeholders to learn and discuss potential
approaches to developing the proposal for the fifth Unregulated
Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5):
The impacts of the America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018
Analytical methods and analytes being considered including Per - and
Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Sampling design
Laboratory approval
Other possible requirements
Webinar lines are muted to minimize background noise
On-site attendees:
Please mute electronic devices/cell phones
Bathrooms in hall, follow signs
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Logistics/General Meeting Information
Overview of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Program
UCMR 5 Potential Approaches
UCMR 5 Candidate Prioritization, Rationale and Method
Anticipated Process for Approval of Laboratories Supporting UCMR 5
Closing Remarks
Overview of the Unregulated
Contaminant Monitoring Program
Dan Hautman, U.S. EPA
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Standards and Risk Management Division
Technical Support Center
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Regulatory background for UCMR
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring (UCM) program
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) authority
Relationship to Contaminant Candidate List (CCL),
Regulatory Determinations, and Six-Year Review
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Passed in 1974, SDWA authorized the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to set enforceable health
standards for contaminants in drinking water
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs)
1986 SDWA amendments were the basis for the original
UCM program
State drinking water programs managed the original UCM program
Public Water Systems (PWSs) serving > 500 people were required
to monitor
1996 SDWA amendments changed the process of
developing and reviewing NPDWRs
Regulatory Determination
Six-Year Review
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
General Flow of SDWA Regulatory Processes
Public Review and Comment
Research Needs Assessment
Final Regulatory
Proposed Rule
UCMR Monitoring
No further action required if
decision is to not regulate
May develop health advisory
Six-Year Review of
Existing NPDWRs
Increased specificity and confidence in the type of supporting data used (e.g., health, occurrence, treatment) is needed at each stage
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SDWA 1412(b)(1)(B) established listing of
contaminants for consideration
Contaminants are:
e Not subject to any proposed or promulgated NPDWR
Known or anticipated to occur in PWSs
May require regulation under SDWA
List must be published every 5 years
The Final CCL 4 was published November 17, 2016 and
includes 97 chemicals or chemical groups and 12 microbes
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
General Flow of SDWA Regulatory Processes
UCMR Monitoring
n Regulatory
Public Review and Comment
Research Needs Assessment
Final Regulatory
Proposed Rule
No further action required if
decision is to not regulate
May develop health advisory
Six-Year Review of
Existing NPDWRs
Increased specificity and confidence in the type of supporting data used (e.g., health, occurrence, treatment) is needed at each stage
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SDWA section 1445(a)(2), as amended in 1996,
established requirements for the UCMR Program:
Issue list of no more than 30 unregulated contaminants,
once every 5 years
Require PWSs serving population >10,000 people as well as
a nationally representative sample of small PWSs serving
<10,000 people to monitor
Store analytical results in the National Contaminant
Occurrence Database for Drinking Water (NCOD)
EPA funds shipping/analytical costs for small PWSs
EPA manages program in partnership with States,
tribes, and territories (herein after referred to as
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018
SDWA was amended in 2018 by Public Law 115-270
AW l A
Enacted October 23, 2018
Key changes to UCMR (see SDWA section 1445(j)) include:
Require PWSs serving between 3,300 and 10,000 to monitor
Ensure that only a representative sample of PWSs serving fewer than
3,300 people monitor
Subject to the availability of appropriations and sufficient laboratory
capacity to accommodate the analysis
Authorization of Appropriations:
Additional $15,000,000 in each fiscal year for which monitoring is
required to be carried out
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Objective of UCMR Program
Collect nationally representative occurrence data
for unregulated contaminants that may require
regulation under the SDWA
Consider data collected as part of future EPA decisions on
actions to protect public health
Provide data to States, local governments and to the public
for their use in decisions regarding public health protection
National occurrence data publicly available:
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
UCMR History
UCMR 1 (2001-2005, 26 contaminants)
Published in Federal Register (FR) on September 17,1999
UCMR 2 (2007-2011, 25 contaminants)
8 Published in FR on January 4, 2007
UCMR 3 (2012-2016, 30 contaminants)
Published in FR on April 16, 2012
UCMR 4 (2017-2021, 30 contaminants)
Published in FR on December 20, 2016
PWSs monitor 2018-2020
UCMR 5 (2022-2026)
Anticipating proposal summer 2020 and final rule late 2021
PWSs monitor 2023-2025
Each new UCMR cycle is established via a revision to the rule for the
ongoing/preceding cycle
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General Process for Developing UCMR
Early public stakeholder meetings
Provide background on statutory requirements
8 Discuss method development for emerging contaminants
Discuss anticipated elements of the proposal
Agency development of the proposal
Includes a workgroup of multi-state and multi-office
representatives, and tribal consultation
Publish proposed rule in the FR
Provides a public comment period (generally 60 days)
Public stakeholder meeting during public comment period
Publish final rule in the FR
Public stakeholder meeting after final rule publication
Review final rule and prepare for implementation
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
General Flow of SDWA Regulatory Processes
Public Review and Comment
^Research Needs Assessment
Draft UCMR
UCMR Monitoring
Final Regulatory
No further action required if
decision is to not regulate
May develop health advisory
Six-Year Review of
Existing NPDWRs
Increased specificity and confidence in the type of supporting data used (e.g., health, occurrence, treatment) is needed at each stage
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2* PRO"*5
Regulatory Determinations
Every five years, the Administrator shall, after notice of the
preliminary determination and opportunity for public comment, for
not fewer than five contaminants included on the CCL, make
determinations on whether or not to regulate such contaminants.
SDWA requires EPA to publish a maximum contaminant ievel goal
jMCLG) and promulgate an NPDWR for a contaminant if the
Administrator determines that:
The contaminant may have an adverse effect on the health
of persons;
The contaminant is known to occur or there is
substantial likelihood that the contaminant will occur in
public water systems with a frequency and at levels of
public health concern; and
In the sole judgment of the Administrator, regulation of such
contaminant presents a meaningful opportunity for health
risk reduction for persons served by public water systems.
*SDWA Section 1412(b)(1)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
General Flow of SDWA Regulatory Processes
Draft UCMR
n Regulatory
Public Review and Comment
sJResearch Needs Assessment
UCMR Monitoring
Final Regulatory
Proposed Rule
No further action required if
decision is to not regulate
May develop health advisory
Six-Year Review of
Existing NPDWRs
Increased specificity and confidence in the type of supporting data used (e.g., health, occurrence, treatment) is needed at each stage
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2* PRO"*5
Six-Year Review
SDWA Section 1412(b)(9) requires review and
revision, as appropriate, of each NPDWRs not less
often than every six years. The review includes:
Re-evaluation of exposure to regulated contaminants
based on their health effects and occurrence in drinking
Evaluation of exposure to unregulated contaminants
connected to regulated contaminants
Any revisions to existing NPDWRs must maintain
protection or provide for greater health protection
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
UCMR 5 Potential Approaches
Brerida Bowden, U.S. EPA
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Standards and Risk Management Division
Technical Support Center
Sampling design considerations
PWS types
Approach to tiered monitoring
- Assessment Monitoring (AM)
- Screening Survey (SS)
- Pre-Screen Testing (PST)
Sampling frequency and locations
Implementation roles
Small PWSs
Large PWSs
Potential changes between UCMR 4 and UCMR 5
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Draft Timeline of UCMR 5 Activities
ฆ UCMR 5 Development
Publish Final Rule
Method Development
Stakeholder Meeting
(June 6, 2018)
Stakeholder Meeting
(July 16, 2019)
Publish Proposal, 60
day Public Comment
Period, Stakeholder
Meeting (Summer
Publish UCMR 5 Final
Rule (Winter 2021)
Post Proposal: Initiate Implementation
Lab Approval
Partnership Agreements (PAs), State
Monitoring Plans (SMPs), Small System
Inventory (SSI), Large System Inventory
Ground Water Representative Monitoring
Plan (GWRMP) submittal
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Draft Timeline of UCMR 5 Activities
2023 2024 2025
Continuation of Lab <
Implementation Activities
Assist PWSs with compliance
resampling, as
Implement small system monitoring
Post data quarterly to NCOD
Conclude data
Reporting and analysis of data
Finalize NCOD
GWRMP submittal
All PWSs serving 3,300 or more people
Representative sample of small PWSs
serving fewer than 3,300 people
enforcement, as
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Sampling Design Considerations
Sampling and statistical design used in
UCMR 1, 2, 3 and 4 was:
Vetted with stakeholders
Peer reviewed
Three rounds of public comment
Update to incorporate AWIA
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Sampling Design Considerations
Data Quality Objectives
Unbiased national exposure estimates; small
margin of error
Account for differential occurrence
Stratify across system size arid source water type to
account for differences
Multiple sample events over multiple years to address
temporal variability
Allocation across States proportional to population
served; at least two per State
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
PWS Types
PWS: provides water for human consumption through pipes or other
constructed conveyances to at least 15 service connections or serves an
average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year
Community water system (CWS)
- PWS that supplies water to the same population year-round
Non-Transient Non-Community Water System (NTNCWS)
- PWS that supplies water to at least 25 of the same people at least six
months per year, but not year-round
- For example, schools
Transient Non-Community Water System (TNCWS) (not
generally included in UCMR monitoring)
- PWS thatprovides water where people do not remain for long
periods of time
- For example, gas stations and campgrounds
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UCMR Approach
UCMR approach relies on using one or more of 3
monitoring tiers
Assessment Monitoring (primary approach to-date)
Screening Survey (used in UCMR 1, UCMR 2, UCMR 3)
Pre-Screen Testing (used in UCMR 3)
Based on:
Availability and complexity of analytical methods
Laboratory capacity
Sampling frequency
Relevant universe of PWSs
Other considerations (e.g., cost/burden)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Assessment Monitoring: Statistical Approach
Presuming availability of appropriations and lab capacity,
AWIA will expand participating systems to include:
Nationally representative sample of 800 small systems serving fewer
than 3,300
Census of small systems serving between 3,300 and 10,000 persons
Census of large systems serving > 10,000 persons
Small-system statistical sample and census, combined with
large-system census data provides a powerful tool for
assessing contaminant occurrence
Total number of systems: ~10,300
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Screening Survey: Statistical Approach
Designed to ensure the data can be used to
support regulatory decisions
Account for possible laboratory capacity issues
Approach used in UCMR 2 and 3 involved:
National sample of 800 systems, allocated across
systems serving 100,000 or fewer people
Census of all systems serving 100,001 and over (~400
- Adds further confidence in the sampling results by including a
census of the largest systems
Total number of systems ~1,200
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
July 2019
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Pre-Screen Testing
Envisioned for use with methods that are in the
early stages of development, and/or very
specialized (such as those for viruses or
May be conducted by limited number of PWSs
identified as vulnerable (by EPA and/or State
agencies), as was done with UCMR 3 virus
Slide 31 of 278
2* PRO^i
Draft UCMR System Applicability per AW IA
Systems Serving
> 10,000 people
Systems Serving
3,300 -10,000
Systems Serving
<3,300 people
cws1 &
All systems (4,365)
All systems (5,147)
(~400 pre-AWIA)
800 randomly selected
(-400 pre-AWIA)
Screening Survey
All systems (436)
serving more than
100,000, and
, , 480 randomly selected systems
~320 randomly selected
systems serving 10,001
to 100,000
May be conducted by a limited number of PWSs
Community Water System
2Non-Transient Non-Community Water System
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
UCMR Sampling Frequency
UCMR 1 - UCMR 4 have used similar sampling
Surface Water (SW) - surface water systems (including
groundwater under the direct influence of surface
water) sampled four times during their year of
Ground Water (GW) - ground water systems sampled
two times during their year of monitoring
Specialized sampling frequency was used for focused
sample designs (e.g., eight sample events for
cyanotoxins in UCMR 4)
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UCMR Sampling Locations
Sampling locations for potential AM and SS
Contaminants generally sampled at the entry points to
the distribution systems (EPTDSs)
Disinfection byproducts and microbial contaminants
generally sampled at Disinfectants and Disinfection
Byproducts Rules (D/DBPR) Total Trihalomethanes
(TTHM)/Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) distribution system (DS)
locations or at the at the distribution system maximum
residence time (DSMRT) location
Adjustment in sampling locations may be warranted
depending on the final selection of UCMR 5 contaminants
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
EPA Implementation Roles
Small PWS support:
Maintain lab and implementation contracts to support UCMR
Compile contact and inventory information
Manage sample kit distribution and tracking
Responsible for data review and reporting
Large and Small PWS support:
Extract data from the Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review
System (SDWARS) for evaluation and reporting to NCOD
Support SDWARS reporting system and users
Perform inventory and schedule updates
Provide technical assistance
Use SDWARS for real-time communication and outreach
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July 2019
EPA Implementation Roles (Cont.)
Review and track PWS applicability and monitoring
Coordinate Laboratory Approval Program
Provide technical support for Regions, States, PWSs and
Coordinate outreach
Support Regional compliance assistance and
enforcement efforts
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Extended UCMR Implementation Team
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
(OGWDW), Drinking Water Protection Division
(DWPD), infrastructure Branch
Assist with SDWARS development and operation
EPA Regional Offices
Coordinate State PAs
Assist States and PWSs with UCMR requirements,
compliance assistance, and enforcement
Partnering States
Support various levels of monitoring coordination
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States' Role in the UCMR Program
Participation by States is voluntary
State roles are documented via PAs
States help EPA implement the UCMR program; help to ensure high data
PA activities can include any/all of the following:
Review and revise SMPs
Provide inventory for small and large PWSs
Review and approve proposed GWRMPs
Provide compliance assistance
Notify and instruct systems
Collect samples
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
UCMR Responsibilities - Small PWSs
EPA funds costs associated with analyses and shipping for
small PWSs (i.e., those serving 10,000 or fewer people)
This would include the small PWSs serving between 3,300
and 10,000 per AWIA
EPA engages States and PWSs to collect samples
EPA coordinates sample analyses with contracted
laboratories and funds the analyses
EPA examines the results along with quality control (QC)
data and makes results available via SDWARS
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UCMR Responsibilities - Large PWSs
PWSs serving more than 10,000 people are responsible for
the costs associated with analyses
PWS coordinates sample analyses with an approved
Laboratories post the data to SDWARS
PWS reviews and can act upon (e.g., approve) data in
States and EPA can review results following large PWS
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Potential Change Between
UCMR 4 and UCMR 5 Proposal: GWRMPs
Expand the number of PWSs that can participate in
the GWRMPs
- UCMR 4: Current EPA rule
- Large ground water systems with multiple EPTDSs can sample at
representative sampling locations rather than at each EPTDS if prior
approval is received (See 40 CFR 141.35(c)(3)), known as GWRMPs
- UCMR 5 potential change:
- Expand GWRMPs to water systems that serve 10,000 or fewer people
- Reason for considering change: Reduce the number of
sample points per water system and ultimately reduce cost
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Potential Change Between
UCMR 4 and UCMR 5 Proposal: Deadlines
Reduce the number of days between sample collection
and laboratory posting of data (40 CFR 141.40(c)(6)(ii)
Reporting Schedule and 40 CFR 141.40(a)(5)(vi)
- UCMR 4: Current EPA rule
"laboratory posts the data to EPA's electronic data reporting system within 120 days from
sample collection date..."
- "You must require your laboratory to submit these data electronically to the State and EPA
using EPA's electronic data reporting system, accessible at https://www.epa.gov/dwucmr,
within 120 days from the sample collection date."
- UCMR 5 potential change:
"laboratory posts data that pass quality control (QC) to EPA's electronic data reporting
system within 90 days from sample collection date..."
- "You must require your laboratory to submit these data electronically to the State and EPA
using EPA's electronic data reporting system, accessible at https://www.epa.gov/dwucmr,
within 90 days from the sample collection date."
- Reason for considering change: Many laboratories are currently
posting results in less than 90 days. This change will expedite the availability
of monitoring results.
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Potential Change Between
UCMR 4 and UCMR 5 Proposal: Deadlines
Reduce the number of days for PWS review of data
posted by their laboratory (40 CFR 141.40(c)(6)(ii)
Reporting Schedule and 40 CFR 141.40(a)(5)(vi)
- UCMR 4: Current EPA rule
''You have 60 days from when the laboratory posts the data in EPA's electronic
reporting system to review, approve, and submit the data to the State and EPA..."
"You then have 60 days from when the laboratory posts the data to review, approve
and submit the data to the State and EPA..."
- UCMR 5 potential change:
"You have 30 days from when the laboratory posts the data in EPA's electronic
reporting system to review, approve, and submit the data to the State and EPA..."
"You then have 30 days from when the laboratory posts the data to review, approve
and submit the data to the State and EPA..."
- Reason for considering change: Most pwss that review their
results do so in less than 30 clays. This change will expedite the availability
of monitoring results.
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Potential Change Between
UCMR 4 and UCMR 5 Proposal: Deadlines
Establish more flexible deadlines for laboratory
- UCMR 4: Current EPA rule
- To participate in the UCMR Laboratory Approval Program, the laboratory
must complete and submit the necessary registration forms within 60 days
of final rule publication, and necessary application materials within 120
days of final rule publication.
- UCMR 5 potential change:
- To participate in the UCMR Laboratory Approval Program, the laboratory
must complete and submit the necessary registration and application
materials 180 days prior to the start of initial monitoring period.
- Reason for considering change: Provide greater flexibility per
laboratory interest.
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
UCMR 5 Candidate Prioritization,
Rationalฉ and Method Considerations
William A. Adams, Ph.D., U.S. EPA
Brenda Bowden, U.S. EPA
Elizabeth Hedrick, U.S. EPA
Melissa Simic, U.S. EPA
Steve Wendelken, Ph.D., U.S. EPA
Office of Ground Water arid Drinking Water
Standards and Risk Management Division
Technical Support Center
CCL 4 contaminants
Candidate Selection Process and Rationale
Method Considerations
Health and Occurrence Data with Sources
Contaminant Specific Information by Method
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane (502.2, 524.2, 524.3, 524.4)
Erythromycin (542)
Oxirane, methyl-
1,1-Dichloroethane (UCMR3)
Estradiol (17-beta estradiol) (UCMR 3)
Oxydemeton-methyl (538)
1,2,3-Trichloro pro pane (UCMR 3)
Estriol (UCMR 3)
Oxyfluorfen (UCMR 4)
1,3-Butadiene (UCMR 3)
Estrone (UCMR 3)
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) (UCMR 3)
1,4-Dioxane (UCMR 3)
Ethinyl Estradiol (17-alpha ethynyl estradiol) (UCMR 3)
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (UCMR 3)
17 alpha-Estradiol
Ethoprop (UCMR 4)
Permethrin (UCMR 4)
1-Butanol (UCMR 4)
Ethylene glycol
Profenofos (UCMR 4)
2-Methoxyethanol (UCMR 4)
Ethylene Oxide
2-Propen-l-ol (UCMR 4)
Ethylene thiourea
3- Hyd roxyca rbofu ra n (531.1, 531.2, 540, 543)
Formaldehyde (556, 556.1)
sec-Butylbenzene (502.2, 524.2, 524.3, 524.4)
4,4'-M et hy le ned ia n il i ne
Germanium (UCMR 4)
Tebuconazole (UCMR4)
Ace p hate (538)
Halon 1011 (bromochloromethane) (UCMR 3)
Tebufenozide (540, 543)
Acetaldehyde (556, 556.1)
HCFC-22 (UCMR 3)
Acetochlor (UCMR 1, UCMR 2)
Th io p ha nate-methyl
Acetochlor ethanesulfonic acid (ESA) (UCMR 2)
Manganese (UCMR4)
Toluene diisocyanate
Acetochlor oxanilic acid (OA) (UCMR 2)
Methamidophos (538)
Alachlor ethanesulfonic acid (ESA) (UCMR 2)
Triphenyltin hydroxide (TPTH)
Alachlor oxanilic acid (OA) (UCMR 2)
Methyl bromide (Bromomethane) (UCMR 3)
Urethane (In Development)
alpha-Hexachlo rocyc lohexane(UCMR4)
Methyl tert-butyl ether (UCMR 1)
Vanadium (UCMR 3)
Metolachlor (UCMR 2)
Vinclozolin (525.3, 527)
Bensulide (540, 543)
Metolachlor ethanesulfonic acid (ESA) (UCMR 2)
Benzyl chloride
Metolachlor oxanilic acid (OA) (UCMR 2)
B uty late d hy d roxy a n iso le (UC M R 4)
Molybdenum (UCMR 3)
Nitrobenzene (UCMR 1)
Chlorate (UCMR 3)
Enterovirus (UCMR 3)
Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) (UCMR 3)
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (In Development)
Escherichia coli (0157)
N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) (UCMR 2)
Helicobacter pylori
Cobalt (UCMR 3)
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) (UCMR 2)
Hepatitis A virus
Cumene hydroperoxide
N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine (NDPA) (UCMR 2)
Legionella pneumophila (In Development)
Cya notoxins(UCMR4)
N-N it rosod i p he ny la m i ne
Mycobacterium avium (In Development)
Dicrotophos (538)
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) (UCMR 2)
Naegleria fowleri
Dimethipin (UCMR4)
Nonylphenol (In Development)
Salmonella enterica
Diuron (UCMR 1)
No ret hind rone (19-No ret histe rone)
Shigella sonnei
n-Propylbenzene (502.2, 524.2, 524.3, 524.4)
Equilin (UCMR 3)
o-Toluidine (UCMR4)
CCL4 Contaminants Monitored in UCMRs
1,1-Dichloroethane (UCMR 3)
Dimethipin (UCMR 4)
Nitrobenzene (UCMR1)
1,2,3-Trichloropropane (UCMR 3)
Diuron (UCMR 1)
N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) (UCMR 2)
1,3-Butadiene (UCMR 3)
Equilin (UCMR 3)
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) (UCMR2)
1,4-Dioxane (UCMR 3)
Estradiol (17-beta estradiol) (UCMR 3)
N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine (NDPA) (UCMR 2)
1-Butanol (UCMR 4)
Estriol (UCMR 3)
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) (UCMR 2)
2-Methoxyethanol (UCMR 4)
Estrone (UCMR 3)
o-Toluidine (UCMR 4)
2-Propen-l-ol (UCMR 4)
Ethinyl Estradiol (17-alpha ethynyl estradiol) (UCMR 3)
Oxyfluorfen (UCMR 4)
Acetochlor (UCMR 1, UCMR 2)
Ethoprop (UCMR 4)
Perfluorooctanesulfonicacid (PFOS) (UCMR 3)
Acetochlor ethanesulfonic acid (ESA) (UCMR 2)
Germanium (UCMR 4)
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (UCMR 3)
Acetochlor oxanilic acid (OA) (UCMR 2)
Halon 1011 (bromochloromethane) (UCMR3)
Permethrin (UCMR 4)
Alachlor ethanesulfonic acid (ESA) (UCMR 2)
HCFC-22 (UCMR 3)
Profenofos (UCMR 4)
Alachlor oxanilic acid (OA) (UCMR 2)
Manganese (UCMR 4)
Quinoline (UCMR 4)
alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane (UCMR 4)
Methyl bromide (Bromomethane) (UCMR 3)
Butyl ate d hydroxyanisole (UCMR 4)
Methyl tert-butyl ether (UCMR 1)
Tebuconazole (UCMR 4)
Chlorate (UCMR 3)
Metolachlor (UCMR 2)
Tribufos (UCMR 4)
Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) (UCMR 3)
Metolachlor ethanesulfonic acid (ESA) (UCMR 2)
Vanadium (UCMR 3)
Cobalt (UCMR 3)
Metolachlor oxanilic acid (OA) (UCMR 2)
Caliciviruses (UCMR 3)
Cyanotoxins (UCMR 4)
Molybdenum (UCMR 3)
Enterovirus (UCMR 3)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
CCL 4 Contaminants Not Yet Monitored in UCMR
Method Available
Method in Development
No Method or Current Development Activity by EPA
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane (502.2, 524.2,524.3, 524.4)
17 alpha-Estradiol
3-Hydroxycarbofuran (531.1, 531.2, 540, 543)
Campylobacter jejuni
Acephate (538)
Escherichia coli (0157)
Acetaldehyde (556, 556.1)
Legionella pneumophila
Helicobacter pylori
Bensulide (540, 543)
Mycobacterium avium
Hepatitis A virus
Dicrotophos (538)
Naegleria fowleri
Erythromycin (542)
Salmonella enterica
Formaldehyde (556, 556.1)
Ethylene glycol
Shigella sonnei
Methamidophos (538)
Ethylene thiourea
n-Propylbenzene (502.2, 524.2, 524.3,524.4)
Oxydemeton-methyl (538)
sec-Butyl benzene (502.2, 524.2,524.3, 524.4)
Tebufenozide (540, 543)
Vinclozolin (525.3, 527)
Oxirane, methyl-
Thiod icarb
Triphenyltin hydroxide (TPTH)
Benzyl chloride*
Cumene hydroperoxide*
Ethylene Oxide*
* Method Challenges
Toluene diisocyanate*
CCL 5 Nominations
Heroin and its metabolites
<\eromonas hydrophila
Hexavalent chromium
I- Hy d roxy ca rbof u ra n
Vlethamphetamine and its metabolites
Campylobacter jejuni
Srominated haloacetic acids (HAA6Br)
ICL4 contaminants (12 microbes)
Sromochloroaceticacid (BCAA)
\l-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA)
Jromochloroiodo-methane (BCIM)
\l-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
Zyanotoxins (anatoxin; microcystin -LA, -LR, -
.W, -RR, -YR; cylindrospermopsin)
Sromodichloroacetic acid (BDCAA)
\l-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine (NDPA)
3romo-dichloro-nitromethane (BDCNM)
\l-Nitrosodiphenylamine (NDPhA)
ฆscherichia coli (0157)
Sromodiiodomethane (BDIM)
\l-Nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR)
Helicobacter pylori
XL 4 contaminants (97 chemicals or chemical
3arents and metabolites of top 200 most
described drugs in 2016
Hepatitis A virus
3erfiuoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Legionella pneumophila
Ihlorodibromoaceticacid (CDBAA)
3erfiuorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS)
Vlycobacterium avium
Ihloro-diiodo-methane (CDIM)
3erfluorobutanoicacid (PFBA)
Mycobacterium species predominantly found in
:inished drinkingwater
Ihloropicrin (trichloro-nitromethane; TCNM)
3erfiuoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA)
Naegleria fowleri
3erfiuorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS)
^lontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
Dibromo-chloro-nitromethane (DBCNM)
3erfiuorononanoic acid (PFNA)
5seudomonas aeruginosa
Dibromo-iodo-methane (DBIM)
3erfiuorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)
Salmonella enterica
Dichloro-iodo-methane (DCIM)
3erfluorooctanoicacid (PFOA)
Shigella sonnei
Tribro mo acetic acid (TBAA)
3enX chemicals
Triiodo-methane (TIM)
* Public comment nominations were received October 4-December 4,2018
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
UCMR 5 Prioritization Process
118 analytes on CCL 4 + 339 method related
non-CCL4 analytes (includes analytes
monitored for under UCMRs 1,2,3 or 4)
= 457 contaminants
All analytes on CCL 4
Other analytes within the scope of methods
for CCL 4 analytes
All analytes previously monitored under
UCMR 1, 2, 3, or 4
21 analytes on CCL 4 + 187 method
related non-CCL4 analytes
= 208 contaminants
12 CCL 4+19 workgroup nominations
+ 38 method related non-CCL4 analytes
= 69 contaminants
[13 methods]
Not currently regulated or previous regulatory
Not monitored for on UCMR 1,2,3, or 4, unless
workgroup recommended consideration of repeat
Have a drinking water method completed or near
Propose up to
30 contaminants
for comment
Most contaminants in method group:
Have an available health assessment to facilitate
regulatory determinations and/or high public concern
Have critical health end points, probable carcinogens,
active pesticides
Have an occurrence data gap
Low national occurrence is not anticipated
After considering comments, publish up to 30 contaminants for UCMR 5
monitoring tentatively starting in 2023
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Slide 51 of 278
2* PRO^i
CCL and Related Candidates for UCMR 5
| Lithium
Method 525.3
Norflurazon (527)
Hexazinone (527)
Ph orate
Metribuzin (551.1)
Prometryn (527)
Trifluralin (551.1)
| Carbaryl
Ace p hate
Light blue highlight = CCL 4 analyte with a completed method
Purple highlight = CCL 4 analyte with a method in development
Method 542
ฆ1 Gemfibrozil
Diclofenac (sodium salt)
Enalapril (maleate salt)
Fluoxetine (HCI)
Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN)
Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN)
Trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN)
Bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN)
| Formaldehyde
Method 558 (In Development)
N - M et hyl-2-pyrrolidone
Method 559 (In Development)
Method In Development (to be determined)
[Legionella pneumophila
;Mycobacterium avium
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
CCL and Related Candidates for UCMR 5 (cont'd)
Draft Method 533
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecane sulfonic acid (8:2 FTS)
4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoicacid (ADONA) (537.1)
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (4:2 FTS)
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA) (537.1)
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (6:2 FTS)
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) (537.1)
Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid (NFDHA)
Perfluorodecanoicacid (PFDA) (537.1)
Perfluoro (2-ethoxyethane) sulfonic acid (PFEESA)
Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) (537.1)
Perfluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid (PFMPA)
Perfluoroheptanoicacid (PFHpA) (537.1)
Perfluoro-4-methoxybutanoic acid (PFMBA)
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) (537.1)
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA)
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) (537.1)
Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) (537.1)
Pertluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) (537.1)
Perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA)
Perfluorooctanoicacid (PFOA) (537.1)
| ll-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-l-sulfonic acid (HCI-PF30UdS) (537.1)
Perfluoroundecanoicacid (PFUnA) (537.1)
| 9-chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-l-sulfonic acid (9CI-PF30NS) (537.1)
PFAS Analytes Unique to Method 537.1
N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (NEtFOSAA)
N-methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (NMeFOSAA)
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTA)
Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA)
Light blue highlight = CCL 4 analyte with a completed method
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EPA Health Assessment Data Sources
Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)
Office of Research and Development
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris drafts/AtoZ.cfm
Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTVs)
Office of Water Health Advisory (HA) or Health Effect Support
Document (HESD)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Non-EPA Health Assessment Data Sources
Available non-EPA health assessments were also included in the
"Additional Health Values" section, for example:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (Health Canada)
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Health Values
The health values are calculated drinking water concentrations
based on publicly-available information:
2018 Edition of Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories (DWSHA) Tables
_ https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2018-03/documents/dwtable2018.pdf
CCL 4 Contaminant Information Sheets (CISs)
_ https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-ll/documents/815rl6003.pdf
Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides (HHBP)
_ https://iaspub.epa .gov/apex/pesticides/f?p=HH BP :home: 1091163 6297819
Other non-EPA sources (e.g., Health Canada)
The health values are;
Not federally enforceable
Subject to change as health effects information becomes available
Calculated using different assumptions (e.g., body weight, intake,
population group)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Occurrence Data and Information Sources
Finished Water Data
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) (2001 - current)
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring (UCM) Round 1 and 2 (1988 -
National Inorganics and Radionuclides Survey (NIRS) (1984-1986)
Disinfection Byproduct Information Collection Rule (DBP-ICR) Data
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pesticide Data Program (PDP)
Pesticide Monitoring Program (PMP)
California Department of Health Services (CAL DHS)
Small-Scale Local Occurrence Studies
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Occurrence Data and Information Sources (com.)
Supplemental Drinking Water and Ambient Water Data
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Ambient Water
National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)
National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC)
Special reports
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program (GAMA)
Other specialized studies and literature
Production, Release, Usage and Other Data
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP)
Cancellation Status for Pesticides
Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) Profiler
Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) under the Toxic Substance Control Act
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Candidate Analyte Information
For each candidate analyte group the sets of slides
that follow will address the following:
Method number/technology type/name
Potential sampling location
Analytes under consideration
Background (including the availability of health effects
and occurrence information)
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EPA Method 200.7 (ICP-AES), 1994
Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Location: EPTDS
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Lithium: Background
Contaminant Group
Metal, pharmaceutical
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished water
occurrence data available
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Lithium: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTV),
Critical Effect
Adverse effects in several organs and systems (e.g.,
kidney effects); lower bound of the therapeutic serum
concentration range selected as basis
Provisional Reference Dose
0.002 mg/kg-day (chronic and subchronic)
Health Value
Additional Health Values
Cancer Classification: Inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential (I)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Lithium: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
National Inorganics and Radionuclides Survey (NIRS),
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
NIRS: Detected in 551 of 988 (55.8%) PWSs; detection range 5-7,929 ug/L
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 56% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 10.8 ug/L
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 5,683 of 5,983 (95%) sites; detection range 0.15-2,420 ug/L
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 56% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 10.7 ug/L
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Semivolatile Organic Chemicals
EPA Method 525.3 (GC/MS), 2012
Determination of Semivolatile Organic Chemicals in Drinking Water by Solid
Phase Extraction and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry (GC/MS)
Location: EPTDS
Norflurazon (527)
Hexazinone (527)
Metribuzin (551.1)
Prometryn (527)
Trifluralin (551.1)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Chlorothalonil: Background
CASRN 1897-45-6
Contaminant Group Pesticide; Used as a fungicide and bactericide
Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List (PCCL)
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 7% will partition to water
when modeled in a four-compartment system (water,
air, soil and sediment); BF = Biodegrades fast
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Chlorothalonil: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment OW Health Advisory (HA), 1988
Critical Effect Histological changes to the kidney tubules
Cancer Slope Factor 0.024 (mg/kg/day)"1
Health Value 1.5-150 ug/L (cancer risk range 10"6 to 10^); Wilson et
al., 1985 (unpublished/MRID 00146945)
Additional Health Values
1988 HA: One day HA = 200 ug/L; Ten day HA = 200 ug/L; Drinking Water Equivalent Level
(DWEL) = 500 ug/L
1988 IRIS Reference Dose (RfD) = 0.015 mg/kg-day (renal tubular epithelial vacuolation)
ADI = 0.03 mg/kg-day
California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Cancer Slope Factor
(CSF) = 0.017 (mg/kg-day)"1
Cancer Classification: Probable human carcinogen; indicates sufficient evidence in animals
and inadequate or no evidence in humans (Group B2)
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Cancer Classification: Possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Chlorothalonil: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
CAL DHS: Detected in 0 of 4,099 (0.0%) PVVSs
PMP: Detected in 0 of 225 (0.0%) samples
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 6 (0.0%) sites
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 21 of 5,787 (0.36%) sites; detection range 0.01-3.33 ug/L
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 6 (0.0%) sites (Raw)
PMP: Detected in 0 of 312 (0.0%) samples
Toccalino, 2010: Detected in 0 of 507 (0.0%) samples
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 29 (0.0%) samples (2002)
TRI: Total on and off-site releases: 1,036,501 lbs in 11 states; TRI releases to water: 14 lbs
in 2 states
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Hexazinone: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Hexazirione: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Office of Pesticides Program (OPP) Reregistration
Eligibility Decision (RED), 1994; on 2018 Drinking Water
Standards and Health Advisories (DVVSHA) Tables
Critical Effect
Changes in clinical chemistry and histopathological
parameters from a one-year feeding study in dogs
Reference Dose
0.05 mg/kg-day
Health Value
400 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
1996 HA: One day HA = 3,000 ug/L; Ten day HA = 2,000 ug/L; DWEL = 2,000 ug/L
1987 IRIS RfD = 0.033 mg/kg-day; decreased body weight
Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity (Group D)
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Metribuzin: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished water
occurrence data available
BST = Biodegrades sometimes/recalcitrant (PBT)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Metribuzin: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP RED, 1997; on 2018 DWSHA Tables
Critical Effect
Changes in thyroid, lung weight and other
histopathological parameters in a two-year feeding
study in rats
Reference Dose
0.01 mg/kg-day
Health Value
70 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
1988 HA: One day HA = 5,000 ug/L; Ten day HA = 5,000 ug/L; DWEL = 350 ug/L
1987 IRIS RfD = 0.025 mg/kg-day (liver and kidney effects, decreased body weight,
2019, Health Canada: Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC)(2005) = 80 ug/L
Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity (Group D)
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Metribuzin: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring (UCM)
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCM Round 2: Detected in 9 of 13,568 (0.07%) PWSs; detection range 0.1-2 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 0 of 228 (0.0%) samples
USDA PDP: Detected in 2 of 13 (15.40%) sites; detection range 0.0107-0.075 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Metribuzin: Occurrence
Additional Occurrence Data (cont'd)
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 606 of 11,379 (5.33%) sites; detection range 0.001-15.6 ug/L
GAMA: Detected in 2 of 1,828 (0.10%) PWSs; detection range 0.01-0.113 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 47 of 323 (14.60%) samples; maximum detected 0.291 ug/L
Toccalino, 2010: Detected in 11 of 898 (1.20%) samples; detection range 0.00458-0.105
USDA PDP: Detected in 1 of 288 (0.30%) samples at 0.042 ug/L (2001)
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 582 (0.0%) samples (2002)
USDA PDP: Detected in 2 of 7 (28.60%) sites; detection range 0.0107-0.12 ug/L (Raw)
NCFAP: Releases to water: 3,320,231 lbs in 48 states
TRI: Total on and off-site releases: 15,725 lbs in 9 states; TRI releases to water: 21 ibs in 2
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Napropamide: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Napropamide: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP Human Health Benchmark for Pesticides (HHBP),
Critical Effect
Decreased weight gain in females and increased liver
lesions in male rats
Reference Dose
0.12 mg/'kg-day
Health Value
770 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
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Norflurazon: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 17% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BST = Biodegrades
sometimes/recalcitrant (PBT)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Norflurazon: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 2001
Critical Effect
Increased absolute and relative liver weight and
increased cholesterol values in dogs
Reference Dose
0.015 mg/kg-day
Health Value
96 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
HHBP: 800 ug/L (RfD = 0.03 mg/kg-day); non-cancer (acute - females 13-49 years)
1987 IRIS RfD = 0.04 mg/kg-day (archived)
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Norflurazon: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
PMP: Detected in 0 of 225 (0.0%) samples
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 217 of 7,803 (2.78%) sites; detection range 0.00025-26.5 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 6 of 312 (1.90%) samples; maximum detected 0.414 ug/L
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 154 (0.0%) samples (2001)
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 288 (0.0%) samples (2002)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Phorate: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Phorate: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 1999
Critical Effect
Inhibition of red blood cell and brain cholinesterase
activity in dogs
Reference Dose
0.00017 mg/kg-day
Health Value
1.1 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
HHBP: 5 ug/L (RfD = 0.0008 mg/kg-day); non-cancer (acute - children)
2019, Health Canada: MAC (2005) = 2 ug/L
Cancer Classification: Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans (Group E)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Prometryn: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Prometryn: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 2009
Critical Effect
Kidney effects and bone marrow atrophy in dogs
Reference Dose
0.04 mg/kg-day
Health Value
300 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
HHBP: 3,300 ug/L (RfD = 0.12 mg/kg-day); non-cancer (acute - females 13-49 years)
1987 IRIS RfD: 0.004 mg/kg-day (archived)
Cancer Classification: Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans (Group E)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Trifluralin: Background
CASRN 1582-09-8
Contaminant Group Pesticide
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 3% will partition to water
when modeled in a four-compartment system (water,
air, soil and sediment); BST = Biodegrades
sometimes/recalcitrant (PBT)
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Slide 83 of 278
in: Health Effects
<2i prqaJ>
EPA Health Assessment
OPP RED, 1996; on 2018 DWSHA Table
Critical Effect
Reduced body weight, decreased red cells and
hemoglobin levels, increased cholesterol and liver
weight in a one-year feeding study in dogs
Reference Dose
0.02 mg/kg-day
Health Value
10 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
1990 HA: One day HA = 80 ug/L; Ten day HA = 80 ug/L; DWEL = 700 ug/L; Cancer Risk 10"4 =
400 ug/L
2019, Health Canada: MAC (2005) = 45 ug/L
1989 IRIS RfD = 0.0075 mg/kg-day (increased liver weights; increase in methemoglobin)
1988 IRIS CSF = 0.0077 (mg/kg-day)"1 (renal pelvis carcinomas, urinary bladder papillomas)
Cancer Classification: Possible human carcinogen (Group C)
IARC Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Trifluralin: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 485 of 10,201 (4.75%) sites; detection range 0.001-1,74 ug/L
NCFAP: Releases to water: 22,263,693 lbs in 46 states
TRI: Total on and off-site releases: 11,482 lbs in 22 states
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Pesticides and Flame Retardants
EPA Method 527 (GC/MS), 2005
Determination of Selected Pesticides and Flame Retardants in Drinking Water
by Solid Phase Extraction and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry (GC/MS)
Location: EPTDS
Hexazinone (525.3)
Norflurazon (525.3)
Prometryn (525.3)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Bifenthrin: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 87 of 278
Bifenthrin: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 2012
Critical Effect
Reductions in locomotor activity; supported by
multiple guideline studies
Reference Dose
0.01 mg/kg-day
Health Value
70 ug/L (acute - children)
Additional Health Values
1988 IRIS RfD = 0.015 mg/kg-day (tremors)
Cancer Classification: Possible human carcinogen (Group C)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Esfenvalerate: Background
CASRN 66230-04-4
Contaminant Group Pesticide; medication
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 2% will partition to water
when modeled in a four-compartment system (water,
air, soil and sediment); DFA = Degrades slowly with
acclimation (Hazardous Substances Data Bank
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 89 of 278
Esfenvalerate: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 2004
Critical Effect
Acute neurotoxicity screen based on tremors
Reference Dose
0.0018 mg/kg-day
Health Value
12 ug/L (chronic and acute)
Additional Health Values
Cancer Classification: Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans (Group E)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Esfenvalerate: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 0 of 2,965 (0.00%) sites
NCFAP: Releases to water: 228,885 lbs in 47 states
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 91 of 278
Malathion: Background
Contaminant Group
Pesticide; veterinary medicine
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 25% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); DF = Degrades fast
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Malathion: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP RED, 2009; on 2018 DWSHA Tables
Critical Effect
Red blood cell cholinesterase inhibition in rats
Reference Dose
0.07 mg/kg-day
Health Value
500 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
1992 HA: One day HA = 200 ug/L; Ten day HA = 200 ug/L; DWEL = 2,000 ug/L
1987 IRIS RfD = 0.02 mg/kg-day (red blood cell cholinesterase [RBC ChE] depression)
ATSDR Minimal Risk Level = 0.02 mg/kg-day
2019, Health Canada: MAC (2005) = 190 ug/L
ADI = 0.3 mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential (S)
IARC Cancer Classification: Probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A)
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Malathion: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
CAL DHS: Detected in 0 of 271 (0.0%) PWSs
PMP: Detected in 0 of 228 (0.0%) samples
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 283 (0.0%) samples (2001)
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 669 (0.0%) samples (2002)
USDA PDP: Detected in 2 of 13 (15.40%) sites; detection range 0.01-0.331 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Malathion: Occurrence
Additional Occurrence Data (cont'd.)
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 416 of 11,237 (3.70%) sites; detection range 0.00041-9.58 ug/L
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 7 (0.0%) sites (Raw)
GAMA: Detected in 0 of 1828 (0.0%) PWSs
PMP: Detected in 6 of 323 (1.90%) samples; maximum detected 0.106 ug/L
Toccalino, 2010: Detected in 0 of 898 (0.0%) samples
NCFAP: releases to water: 5,809,943 lbs in 42 states
TRI: Total on and off-site releases: 108,619 lbs in 12 states; TRI releases to water: 5 lbs in 1
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Slide 95 of 278
2* PRO^i
N-Methylcarbamoyloximes and
EPA Method 531.2 (DAI/HPLC), 2001
Measurement of N-Methylcarbamoyloximes and N-Methylcarbamates in
Water by Direct Aqueous Injection HPLC with Postcolumn Derivatization
Location: EPTDS
Carbaryl Methomyl
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Carbaryl: Background
CASRN 63-25-2
Contaminant Group Pesticide; veterinary medicine
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished water
occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 13% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
{water, air, soil and sediment); BSA = Biodegrades
slowly with acclimation
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 97 of 278
Carbaryl: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP RED, 2008; on 2018 DWSHA Table
Critical Effect
Hemangiosarcomas in mice
Cancer Slope Factor
8.75 x 10"4 (mg/kg-day)_1
Health Value
40-4,000 ug/L (cancer risk range 10~6 to 10"4)
Additional Health Values
1988 HA: One day HA = 1,000 ug/L; Ten day HA = 1,000 ug/L; DWEL = 400 ug/L
1987 OW HA and IRIS RfD = 0.01 mg/kg-day (kidney and liver toxicity)
ADI = 0.008 mg/kg-day
2019, Health Canada: MAC (2005) = 90 ug/L
Cancer Classification: Likely to be carcinogenic to humans (L)
IARC Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Carbaryl: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data UCM
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water
UCM Round 2: Detected in 13 of 12,679 (0.10%) PWSs; detection range 0.18-3 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 2 of 228 (0.90%) samples; maximum detected 0.041 ug/L (Method
PMP: Detected in 0 of 225 (0.0%) samples (Method 9060)
USDA PDP: Detected in 5 of 13 (38.50%) sites; detection range 0.005-0.3 ug/L.
TRI: Total on and off site releases: 872 lbs in 9 states; TRI releases to water: 6 lbs in 2
NCFAP: releases to water: 4,857,542 lbs in 48 states
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 99 of 278
Carbaryl: Occurrence
Additional Occurrence Data (cont'd)
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 820 of 11,274 (7.27%) sites; detection range 0.00038-23.5 ug/L
GAMA: Detected in 1 of 1,831 (0.05%) PWSs at 0.007 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 14 of 85 (16.50%) sites; median
detected 0.04 ug/L
NREC: (GW National Aggregate) Detected in 0,12% of samples; median detected 0.9 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Aggregate) Detected in 5.05% of samples; median detected 0.17 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 7 of 323 (2.20%) samples; maximum detected 0.047 ug/L (Method
PMP: Detected in 2 of 312 (0.60%) samples; maximum detected 0.063 ug/L (Method
Toccalino, 2010: Detected in 6 of 898 (0.70%) samples; detection range 0.00277-0.0196
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 296 (0.0%) samples (2001)
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 550 (0.0%) samples (2002)
USDA PDP: Detected in 5 of 7 (71.40%) sites; detection range 0.0078-0.33 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Methomyl: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished water
occurrence data available
Biodegrades fast (BF)
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Methomyl: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OW HA, 1988
Critical Effect
Histological changes in the kidney and spleen
Reference Dose
0.025 mg/kg-day
Health Value
200 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
1988 HA: One day HA = 300 ug/L; Ten day HA = 300 ug/L; DWEL = 900 ug/L
1987 IRIS RfD = 0.025 mg/kg-day (kidney and spleen pathology)
ADI = 0.02 mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Evidence of non-carcinogenicity (Group E) (1988 HA)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Methomyl: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data UCM
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCM Round 2: Detected in 18 of 12,659 (0.14%) PWSs; maximum detected 3 ug/L
CAL DHS: Detected in 1 of 4,611 (0.02%) PWSs at 15 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 0 of 225 (0.0%) samples
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 83 of 7,697 (1.08%) sites; detection range 0.00018-3 ug/L
PMP: Detected in 0 of 312 (0.0%) samples
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 134 (0.0%) samples (2001)
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 495 (0.0%) samples (2002)
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Organic Contaminants
EPA Method 538 (DAI-LC/MS/MS), 2009
Determination of Selected Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water by Direct
Aqueous Injection-Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (DAI-
Location: EPTDS
Acephate Dicrotophos
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Acephate: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
Biodegrades fast (BF)
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Acephate: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 2000
Critical Effect
Brain Cholinesterase inhibition
Reference Dose
0.0012 mg/kg-day
Health Value
7.7 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
HHBP: 30 ug/L (RfD = 0,005 mg/kg-day); non-cancer (acute - children)
CCL 4 Non-Carcinogenic (NCAR) Health Value = 4 ug/L, Risk Assessment Information
System- Health Effects Data Cancer Slope Factor (RAIS HE CSF) = 0.00S7 (mg/kg-d)"1
1989 IRIS RfD = 0.004 mg/kg-day (archived)
AD! = 0.03 mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Possible human carcinogen (Group C)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Acephate: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 135 of 1,760 (7.67%) sites; detection range 0.00051-10.4 ug/L
NCFAP: Releases to water: 2,462,354 lbs in 35 states
TRI total on and off-site releases: 27,210 lbs in 4 states
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Dicrotophos: Background
CASRN 141-66-2
Contaminant Group Pesticide
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 39% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BS = Biodegrades
slowly (PBT)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Dicrotophos: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 2015
Critical Effect
Inhibition of brain cholinesterase in adult rat
Reference Dose
0.00003 mg/kg-day
Health Value
0.2 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
HHBP: 0.5 ug/L (RfD = 0.00007 mg/kg-day); non-cancer (acute - children)
1987 IRIS RfD = 0.0001 mg/kg-day (archived)
Cancer Classification: Suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess
human carcinogenic potential (S)
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Dicrotophos: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Hopple, 2009: Detected in 0 of 48 (0.0%) samples (GW; Phase 2)
PMP: Detected in 0 of 221 (0.0%) samples
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 13 (0.0%) sites
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 33 of 4,916 (0.67%) sites; detection range 0.0005-6.83 ug/L
USDA PDP: Detected in 0 of 6 (0.0%) sites
Hopple, 2009: Detected in 0 of 221 (0.0%) samples (GW; Phase 1)
Hopple, 2009: Detected in 0 of 48 (0.0%) samples (GW; Phase 2)
PMP: Detected in 0 of 317 (0.0%) samples
NCFAP: Releases to water: 359,726 lbs in 13 states
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products
EPA Method 542 (LC/ESI-MS/MS), 2016
Determination of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Drinking Water by Solid
Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass
Spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS)
Location: EPTDS
Diclofenac (sodium salt)
Enalapril (maleate salt)
Fluoxetine (HCI)
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Carbamazepine: Background
Contaminant Group
Pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP)
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Carbamazepine: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Maximum Recommended Daily Dose (MRDD) =
26.7 mg/kg-day
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Carbamazepine: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 11% of partially treated samples from 9 PWSs; maximum
detected 0.586 ug/L (Phase Ij
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 8% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; maximum
detected 0.02650 ug/L (Phase il)
Ambient Water:
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 11% of samples from 9 PWSs; maximum detected 0.269 ug/L.
(Phase I)
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 28% of samples from 25 PWSs; maximum detected 0.0357
ug/L (Phase II)
NAWQA: Detected in 62 of 626 (9.90%) sites; detection range 0.00021-0.468 ug/L
NREC: (GW National P.econnaissance) Detected in 5 of 27 (18.52%) sites; median detected
0.023 ug/L
Focazio, 2008: Detected in 16 of 74 (21.62%) sites; maximum detected 0.19 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Diazepam: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Diazepam: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 0.667 mg/kg-day
IARC Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Diazepam: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 2 of 556 (0.36%) sites; detection range 0.00047-0.00115 ug/L
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Diclofenac: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Diclofenac: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 3.75 mg/kg-day
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Enalapril: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Enalapril: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 0.667 mg/kg-day
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Erythromycin: Background
Contaminant Group
PPCP; antibiotic
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 6% will partition to water
when modeled in a four-compartment system (water,
air, soil and sediment); BST = Biodegrades
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Erythromycin: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
WHO, 2006; on CCL 4 contaminant information sheets
Critical Effect
Inhibition of beneficial gastrointestinal bacteria (based
on a therapeutic application; may not be applicable to
general population)
Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)
0.0007 mg/kg-day
Health Value
4.9 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 66.7 mg/kg~day
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Erythromycin: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data Supplemental
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
Focazio, 2008: Detected in 8.10% of 73 sites; maximum detected 0.3 ug/L
NAWQA: Detected in 1 of 557 (0.18%) sites at 0.00633 ug/L
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 0 of 90 (0.0%) sites
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 22 of 104 (21.50%) sites; median
detected 0.1 ug/L; maximum detected 1.7 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Fluoxetine: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence available
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Fluoxetine: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 1.33 mg/kg-day
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Fluoxetine: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 3 of 557 (0.54%) sites; detection range 0.00585-0.0171 ug/L
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 2 of 74 (2.7%) sites; median detected
0.0305 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 1 of 84 (1.2%) sites; median detected
0.012 ug/L
Focazio, 2008: Detected in 1 of 74 (1.35%) sites; maximum detected
Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Gemfibrozil: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 20 mg/kg-day
IARC Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)
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Gemfibrozil: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 0 of 74 (0%) sites
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 3 of 84 (3.6%) sites; median detected
0.048 ug/L
Barnes, 2008: Detected in 0 of 47 (0.00%) sites
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Naproxen: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Phenytoin: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 16% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BSA = Biodegrades
slowiy with acclimation
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Phenytoin: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 5 mg/kg-day
IARC Cancer Classification: Possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)
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Phenytoin: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Snyder, 2008: Detected in 74% of samples from 20 PWSs; maximum detected 0.032 ug/L
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 5 of 557 (0.90%) sites; detection range 0.0415-0.44 ug/L
Snyder, 2008: Detected in 91% of samples from 20 PWS; maximum detected 0.04 ug/L
Vanderford et al., 2006: Maximum detected 0.17 ug/L
TRI total on and off-site releases: 1,700 lbs in 2 states
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Sulfamethoxazole: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 135 of 278
Sulfamethoxazole: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
IARC Cancer Classification: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Sulfamethoxazole: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 0% of partially treated samples from 9 PWSs (Phase I)
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 4% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; maximum
detected 0.0082 ug/L (Phase II)
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 30 of 619 (4.85%) sites; detection range 0.0016-1.46 ug/L
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 0% of samples from 9 PWSs (Phase I)
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 40% of samples from 25 PWSs; maximum detected 0.1611
ug/L (Phase il)
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Slide 137 of 278
Sulfamethoxazole: Occurrence
Additional Occurrence Data (cont'd)
Ambient Water:
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 6 of 62 (9.68%) sites; median detected
0.055 ug/L
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 12 of 74 (16.22%) sites; median
detected 0.021 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 13 of 104 (12.5%) sites; median
detected 0.15 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 16 of 84 (19%) sites; median detected
0.066 ug/L
Barnes, 2008: Detected in 11 of 47 (23.40%) sites; maximum detected 1.11 ug/L
Focazio, 2008: Detected in 2 of 74 (2.7%) sites at an unquantifiable concentration of 0.023
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Triclosan: Background
Contaminant Group
Antiseptic/disinfectant/antimicrobial; pesticide
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 139 of 278
Triclosan: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OPP HHBP, 1998
Critical Effect
Diarrhea and hematological changes in baboons
Reference Dose
0.3 mg/kg-day
Health Value
2,000 ug/L (chronic and acute)
Additional Health Values
Cancer Classification: Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans (N)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Triclosan: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 0% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs (Phase II)
Hopple, 2009: Detected in 0 of 57 (0.0%) samples (GW; Phase 2)
Kingsbury, 2008: Detected in 3.1% of 96 samples; maximum detected 0.05 ug/L (SW;
Phase 2)
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Triclosan: Occurrence
Additional Occurrence Data (cont'd)
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 31 of 567 (5.47%) sites; detection range 0.01-0.56 ug/L
Glassmeyer, 2017: Detected in 12% of samples from 25 PWSs; 0.00350 ug/L maximum
detected (Phase II)
Hopple, 2009: Detected in 0.5% of 217 samples; maximum detected 0.065 ug/L (GW;
Phase 1)
Hopple, 2009: Detected in 0 of 55 (0.0%) samples (GW; Phase 2)
Kingsbury, 2008: Detected in 5.6% of 144 samples; maximum detected 0.1 ug/L (SW;
Phase 1)
Kingsbury, 2008: Detected in 5.2% of 96 samples; maximum detected 0.098 ug/L (SW;
Phase 2)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Trimethoprim: Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Trimethoprim: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
FDA: MRDD = 5.33 mg/kg-day
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Trimethoprim: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data State
Additional Occurrence Data
Ambient Water:
NAWQA: Detected in 14 of 619 (2.26%) sites; detection range 0,00498-0.0927 ug/L
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 1 of 63 (1.59%) sites; median detected
0.09 ug/L
NREC: (GW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 1 of 74 (1.35%) sites; median detected
0.0003 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 13 of 104 (12.5%) sites; median
detected 0.15 ug/L
NREC: (SW National Reconnaissance) Detected in 23 of 84 (27.4%) sites; median detected
0.013 ug/L
Barnes, 2008: Detected in 0 of 47 (0.00%) sites
Focazio, 2008: Detected in 5 of 71 (7.04%) sites; maximum detected 0.02 ug/L
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Slide 145 of 278
2* PRO^i
Chlorination Disinfection Byproducts,
Chlorinated Solvents, and Halogenated
EPA Method 551.1 (LLE/GC/ECD), 1995
Determination of Chlorination Disinfection Byproducts, Chlorinated Solvents,
and Halogenated Pesticides/Herbicides in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid
Extraction and Gas Chromatography with Electron-Capture Detection
Location: Stage 2 D/DBPR DS
Bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN) Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN)
Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN)
Trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN): Background
Contaminant Group
Haloacetonitrile (HAN); disinfection byproduct (DBP)
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 51% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BSA = Biodegrades
slowly with acclimation; Note: may hydrolyze
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Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment NA
Critical Effect NA
Reference Dose NA
Health Value NA
Additional Health Values
Studies below are summarized in USEPA's SYR3 Technical Support Document for
Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rules, 2016:
Lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) in rats of 55 mg/kg/day when DCAN was
administered in tricaprylin (based on developmental toxicity) (Smith, 1986)
Maternal and fetal no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) in rats of 15 mg/kg/day when DCAN
was administered in tricaprylin (based on increased liver weight in the dams and decreased fetal
weight and length and an increase in soft tissue malformations, respectively (Smith, 1989)
Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI): 0.0027 mg/kg/day (based on increased relative liver weight in male
and female rats), (WHO, 2.004)
Most genotoxic to the least genotoxic of the DBP classes haloacetonitriles > haloacetamides >
HNMs > HALs > HAAs > >2C-haloacids > halomethanes (Plewa and Wagner, 2009)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Distribution System:
DBP-ICR: Detected in 70.1% PWSs; 50th percentile = 1.3 ug/L, 90th percentile = 4.4 ug/L
Krasner, 1989: U.S. clear well quarterly medians range = 1.1- 1.2 ug/L
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 149 of 278
Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN): Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 48% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soii and sediment); BSA = Biodegrades
slowly with acclimation; Note: may hydrolyze
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment NA
Critical Effect NA
Reference Dose NA
Health Value NA
Additional Health Values
Studies below are summarized in USEPA's SYR3 Technical Support Document for
Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rules, 2016:
TDI: 0.11 mg/kg/day (based on decreased body weight in male rats) (WHO, 2004)
Clear evidence of cancer of the oral cavity in male and female rats, of the glandular stomach
in male rats and of the forestomach in male and female mice) (National Toxicology Program
[NTP], 2010)
Most genotoxic to the least genotoxic of the DBP classes haloacetonitriles > haloacetamides
> HNMs > HALs > HAAs > >2C-haloacids > halomethanes (Plewa and Wagner, 2009)
IARC Cancer Classification: Possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)
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Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Distribution System:
DBP-ICR: Detected in 48.6% PWSs; 50th percentile = <0.5 ug/'L, 90th percentile = 2.3 ug/'L
Krasner, 1989: U.S. clear well quarterly medians range 0.46- 0.54 ug/L. At the utility with
the highest bromide influent levels (2,800-3,000 ug/L), DBAN quarterly medians range
5.9-6.7 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN): Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 48% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BSA = Biodegrades
slowly with acclimation; Note: may hydrolyze
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Bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
Studies below are summarized iri USEPA's SYR3 Technical Support Document for
Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rules, 2016:
Maternal NOAEL of 45 mg/kg/day and maternal LOAEL of 65 mg/kg/day in rats when
BCAN was administered in tricaprylin (based on decreased maternal weight and increased
dam mortality) (Christ, 1995)
Maternal LOAEL of 5 mg/kg/day in rats, BCAN administered in tricaprylin (based on
developmental and teratogenic effects) (Christ, 1995)
Most genotoxic to the least genotoxic of the DBP classes haloacetonitriles >
haloacetamides > HNMs > HALs > HAAs > >2C-haloacids > halomethanes (Plewa and
Wagner, 2009)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Distribution System:
DBP-iCR: Detected in 62.5% PWS; 50th percentile = 0.7 ug/L, 90th percentile = 2.6 ug/L
Krasner, 1989: clear well quarterly medians range 0.50 - 0.70 ug/L. At the utility with the
highest bromide influent levels (2,800 -3,000 ug/L), BCAN quarterly medians range 1.1-1.2
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 155 of 278
Trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN): Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 27% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BST = Biodegrades
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
Study below is summarized in USEPA's SYR3 Technical Support Document for Disinfectants/Disinfection
Byproducts Rules, 2016:
NOAEL in rats of 35 mg/kg/day and a LOAEL of 55 mg/kg/day when TCAN was
administered in corn oil (based on developmental toxicity and teratogenicity) (Christ,
Most genotoxic to the least genotoxic of the DBP classes haloacetonitriles >
haloacetamides > HNMs > HALs > HAAs > >2C-ha!oacids > halomethanes (Plewa and
Wagner, 2009)
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Trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Distribution System:
DBP-ICR: Detected in 1.7% PWS; 50th percentile = <0.5 ug/L, 90th percentile = <0.5 ug/L
Krasner, 1989: U.S. clear well quarterly medians range <0.012 - <0.029 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Carbonyl Compounds
EPA Method 556.1 (Fast GC), 1999
Determination of Carbonyl Compounds in Drinking Water by Fast Gas
Location: EPTDS
Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde
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Acetaldehyde: Background
Contaminant Group
Pesticide; food additive; chemical intermediate; DBP
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
BF = Biodegrades fast (BIODEG)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Acetaldehyde: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
CCL 4 NCAR Health Value = 23.3 [ig/L, Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
(RTECS) RfD = 10 mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Probable human carcinogen; indicates sufficient evidence in animals
and inadequate or no evidence in humans (Group B2)
IARC Cancer Classification: Possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)
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Acetaldehyde: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
DBP-ICR: Detected in 27 of 236 (11.44%) PWSs; maximum detected 18.3 ug/L
TRI: Total on and off site releases: 8,811,900 lbs in 39 states; TRI releases to water:
375,307 lbs in 29 states
CDR: Production Volume: >100M - 500M ibs/yr (2002), 100M - < 500M ibs/yr (2006)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Formaldehyde: Background
Contaminant Group
Naturally-occurring gas; pesticide; DBP
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Formaldehyde: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
IRIS, 1990; on 2018 DWSHATable
Critical Effect
Reduced weight gain, histopathology in rats
Reference Dose
0.2 mg/kg-day
Health Value
1,000 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
1993 HA: One day HA = 10,000 ug/L; Ten day HA = 5,000 ug/L; DWEL = 7,000 ug/L
ATSDP, Minimal Risk Level = 0.2 mg/kg-day
EPA SYR3 Technical Support Document for Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rules,
oTDI: 350 ug/L, Health Canada, 1997
o TDI: 2,600 ug/L, WHO, 2005
OEHHACSF = 0.021 (mg/kg-day)"1
Cancer Classification: Probable human carcinogen (Group Bl) based on inhalation exposure
IARC Cancer Classification: Carcinogenic to humans (Group 1)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Formaldehyde: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
DBP-ICR: Detected in 126 of 227 (55.5%) PWSs; maximum detected 30.6 ug/L
TRI: Total on and off site releases: 19,339,492 lbs in 47 states; TRI releases to water:
177,890 lbs in 28 states
CDR: Production Volume: > IB Ibs/yr (2002), > IB Ibs/yr (2006)
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EPA Method 558 in Development (GC/MS)
Location: EPTDS
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Urethane
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone: Background
Contaminant Group
Chemical industry solvent
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 42% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BF = Biodegrades fast
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N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
CCL 4 NCAR Health Value = 4,200 |ig/L, WHO, 2001 TDI = 0.6 mg/kg-day (decreased
weight gain, neurobehavioral effects, sedative effects)
2015 TSCA Assessment (inhalation)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
* TRI: Total on and off site releases: 9,459,164 lbs in 43 states; TRI releases to water:
14,861 lbs in 6 states
CDR: Production Volume: >100M - 500M Ibs/yr (2002), 100M - < 500M Ibs/yr (2006)
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Urethane: Background
Contaminant Group
Paint ingredient
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 40% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BS = Biodegrades
slowly (PBT)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Urethane: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
CCL 4 NCAR Health Value = 6.3 ug/L, Supplemental NOAEL = 0.9 mg/kg-day
CCL 4 Carcinogenicity (CAR) Health Value = 0.035 ug/L, OEHHA CSF = 1 (mg/kg-d)"1
Cancer Classification: Probable human carcinogen; indicates sufficient evidence in animals
and inadequate or no evidence in humans (Group B2)
IARC Cancer Classification: Probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A)
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 171 of 278
Urethane: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
CDR: Production Volume: No reports in 1998 or 2002
TRI total on and off-site releases: 50,280 lbs in 8 states
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
EPA Method 559 in Development (LC/MS/MS)
Analysis of nonylphenol in drinking water by solid phase extraction and
Location: EPTDS
Nonylphenol Octylphenol
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Nonylphenol: Background
Contaminant Group
Used in the preparation of lubricating oil additives,
resins, plasticizers, surface active agents; antioxidants
for plastics and rubber
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
PBT Profiler (2009) predicts 18% will partition to
water when modeled in a four-compartment system
(water, air, soil and sediment); BST = biodegrades
sometimes/recalcitrant; aerobic only
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Nonylphenol: Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
CCL 4 NCAR Health Value = 105 ug/L, WHO 2004, NOAEL = 15 mg/kg-day (reproductive
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 175 of 278
Nonylphenol: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data Supplemental
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water
Padhye, 2014: DW: Detected in 8 of 8 samples (100%) from one PWS; detection range
0.0124+0.0053 ug/L to 0.0606+0.0192 ug/L
Ambient Water
Benotti, 2009: Detected in 2 of 5 sites; maximum detected 100 ug/L
Klosterhaus, 2013: Detected in 60.0% of 5 sites; detection range
Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Octylphenol: Background
Contaminant Group
Alkylphenols; chemical intermediate
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Other Methods in Development
Legionella pneumophila Mycobacterium avium
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Legionella pneumophila: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
Naturally found in the environment and generally
considered ubiquitous
Engineered systems such as drinking water
distribution systems and building water systems
provide opportunities for proliferation of these
An important biofilm-related opportunistic
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Legionella pneumophila: Health Effects
Health Assessment
Health Criteria Document (1999) and Health Advisory
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
MCLG = 0
Additional Health Values
There are two forms of legionellosis, Pontiac fever and Legionnaires' disease
Pontiac fever is iess severe, characterized by fiu-iike symptoms, and lasts 2-5 days
Legionnaires' disease is a potentially fatal illness involving pneumonia
6,141 cases of legionellosis were reported in 2016 and 7,458 in 2017 (CDC)
An estimated 98% of legionellosis is Legionnaires' disease with a mortality rate of
approximately 10% (CDC)
Major risk factors for legionellosis: immunosuppression, smoking, travel, chronic heart or
lung disease, chronic renal failure, and people aged 50 years or older
Community or hospital acquired legionellosis can occur
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Legionella pneumophila: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data Non-national
Additional Occurrence Data
Can colonize plumbing fixtures, hot water tanks, warm water spas, cooling towers, and
other water features
Colonization of hot water systems in hospitals has resulted in numerous hospital
Community acquired cases have been associated with cooling towers and finished water
storage tanks
Documented outbreaks associated with drinking water exposure mostly due to premise
plumbing colonization
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Legionella pneumophila: Occurrence
Additional Occurrence Data (cont'd)
In CDC's Surveiiiance for Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water
in the United States in 2013-2014, Legionella was implicated in 57% outbreaks, 13%
cases, 88% hospitalizations, and all deaths (13)
Eighty-three percent of these outbreaks were associated with public, community or
noncommunity water systems. Fourteen outbreaks occurred in drinking water systems
with groundwater sources and an additional 14 occurred in drinking water systems with
surface water sources
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Mycobacterium avium: Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) have been
found to be ubiquitous in the environment,
including water
Biofilms may serve as a reservoir for the
opportunistic pathogens
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Mycobacterium avium: Health Effects
Health Assessment
Mycobacteria Health Advisory (1999)
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
MCLG = 0
Additional Health Values
Common clinical syndromes include: pulmonary infection, lymphadenitis, skin and soft
tissue infection, whole body (e.g., blood) infection
Major risk factors: traumatic breaches of the skin, pre-existing pulmonary disease,
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Mycobacterium avium: Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data Non-national
Additional Occurrence Data
No reported outbreaks between 1990 and 2008 (CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report [MMWR]), but not a listed reportable disease
CDC estimates that NTM disease (non-AIDS related) occur in 1.8 out of 100,000
individuals per year in the U.S., of which approximately 72% are attributable to M. avium
complex (2002, EPA fact sheet)
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Group of man-made chemicals manufactured and used
in a variety of industries globally
Exposure to certain PFAS can lead to adverse human
health effects
PFOS and PFOA have been most extensively produced
and studied
Very persistent in the environment and human body
Voluntarily phased out by U.S. Manufacturers
GenX chemicals are a common replacement for PFOA
PFBS is a common replacement for PFOS
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
PFAS Method Scope
Draft Method 533
Both Methods
Method 537.1
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecane sulfonic acid
(8:2 FTS)
sulfonic acid (HCI-PFBOUdS)1
N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic
acid (NEtFOSAA)
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H- perfluorohexane sulfonic acid
(4:2 FTS)
9-ch 1 o ro h exa d e caf 1 u o ro-3-oxa n o n e-1-
sulfonic acid (9CI-PF30NS)2
perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
(6:2 FTS)
4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid
Perfluorotetradecanoicacid (PFTA)
Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid (NFDHA)
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid
Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA)
Pertluoro (2-ethoxyethane) sulfonic acid
Perfluorodecanoicacid (PFDA)
Pertluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid (PFMPA)
Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA)
Perfluoro-4-methoxybutanoic acid (PFMBA)
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA)
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA)
Perfluoroundecanoicacid (PFUnA)
Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS)
Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)
Perfluoroheptanoicacid (PFHpA)
Perfiuoropentanoic acid (PFPeA)
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS)
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA)
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)
1 HCI-PF30UdS is also available as potassium salt Bold= monitored under UCMR 3
2 9CI-PF30NS is also available as potassium salt * GenX chemical
3 ADONA is also available as sodium salt and ammonium salt
Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances
EPA Method 533 in Development (SPE LC/MS/MS)
Location: EPTDS
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecane sulfonic acid (8:2 FTS)
4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid (ADONA) (537.1)
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (4:2 FTS)
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA) (537.1)
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (6:2 FTS)
Perfluorodecanoicacid (PFDA) (537.1)
Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid (NFDHA)
Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) (537.1)
Perf luoro (2-ethoxyethane) sulfonic acid (PFEESA)
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) (537.1)
Perfluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid (PFMPA)
Perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA) (537.1)
Perfiuoro-4-methoxybutanoic acid (PFMBA)
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) (537.1)
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA)
Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) (537.1)
Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS)
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) (537.1)
Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS)
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) (537.1)
Perfiuoropentanoic acid (PFPeA)
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (537.1)
| ll-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-l-sulfonic acid (HCI-PF30UdS) (537.1)
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) (537.1)
| 9-chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-l-sulfonic acid (9CI-PF30NS) (537.1)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecane sulfonic
acid (8:2 FTS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 189 of 278
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorohexane sulfonic
acid (4:2 FTS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic
acid (6:2 FTS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 191 of 278
Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid
(NFDHA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluoro (2-ethoxyethane) sulfonic acid
(PFEESA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 193 of 278
Perfluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid
(PFMPA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluoro-4-methoxybutanoic acid
(PFMBA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 195 of 278
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally finished or ambient water
occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
IRIS in process (public comment fiscal year (FY) 20; external peer-review FY 21)
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 197 of 278
Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 88% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00362 ug/L
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 92% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00305 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 199 of 278
Perfiuoropentanesuifonic acid (PFPeS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally finished or ambient water
occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 201 of 278
Perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 96% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00178 ug/L
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 92% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00195 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
sulfonic acid (HCl-PF30UdS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 203 of 278
sulfonic acid (9CI-PF30NS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluoronQnanoic acid (ADONA):
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 205 of 278
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid
(HFPO-DA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid
(HFPO-DA): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
2018 Draft EPA Chronic RfD = 0.00008 mg/kg-day
2018 Draft EPA subchronic RfD = 0.0002 mg/kg-day
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Slide 207 of 278
Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
IRIS in process (public comment FY 20; external peer-review FY 21)
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Slide 209 of 278
Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 52% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00033 ug/L.
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 60% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00043 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 4% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median detected
0.00009 ug/L
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 8% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00021 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 213 of 278
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
IRIS in process {public comment FY 20; external peer-review FY 21)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 100% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00143 ug/L
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 96% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00202 ug/L.
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Perfluoroundecanoic Acid (PFUnA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluoroundecanoic Acid (PFUnA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 16% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00054 ug/L
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 32% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00014 ug/L
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Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
PPRTV, 2014
Critical Effect
Kidney hyperplasia
Provisional Reference Dose
0.02 mg/kg/day
Health Value
Additional Health Values
PPRTV oral subchronic RfD: 0.2 mg/kg-day
2018 Draft EPA chronic RfD = 0.01 mg/kg-day {thyroid or kidney)
2018 Draft EPA subchronic RfD = 0,04 (thyroid) and 0.1 (kidney) mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential (1)
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Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCMR 3: Detected in 0.16% of PWSs at concentrations greater than or equal to 0.09 ug/L
(Minimum Reporting Level [MRL])
Boone, 2019: Detected in 96% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00117 ug/L
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 96% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00112 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 221 of 278
Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCMR 3: Detected in 1.75% of PWSs at greater than or equal to 0.01 ug/L (MRL)
Boone, 2019: Detected in 92% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00079 ug/L
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 96% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00113 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 223 of 278
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS):
Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
Draft ATSDR intermediate duration; Minimal Risk Level = 0.00002 mg/kg-day (thyroid
follicular cell damage)
IRIS in process (public comment FY 20; external peer-review FY 21)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCMR 3: Detected in 1.12% of PWSs at greater than or equal to 0.03 ug/L (MRL).
Boone, 2019: Detected in 80% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00079 ug/L
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 92% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00086 ug/L
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Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
Critical Effect
Reference Dose
Health Value
Additional Health Values
Draft ATSDR intermediate duration; Minimal Risk Level = 0.000003 mg/kg-day (decreased
pup body weight and developmental delays)
IRIS in process (public comment FY 20; external peer-review FY 21)
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 227 of 278
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCMR 3: Detected in 0.28% of PWSs at greater than or equal to 0.02 ug/L (MRL)
Boone, 2019: Detected in 88% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00074 ug/L
Ambient Water
Boone, 2019: Detected in 96% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00086 ug/L
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 229 of 278
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OW Health Effects Support Document, 2016
Critical Effect
Pup reduced ossification and accelerated male puberty,
decreased antibody protection and increased aduit
kidney weight with decreased body weight
Reference Dose
0.00002 mg/kg-day
Health Value
0.07 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
2016, Health Effects Support Document: 10"4 Cancer Risk = 50 ug/L
- 2019, Health Canada: MAC (2018) = 0.2 ug/L
Draft ATSDR intermediate duration; Minimal Risk Level = 0.000003 mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential (S)
IARC Cancer Classification: Possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2.B)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data UCMR 3
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCMR 3: Detected in 2.38% of PWSs at greater than or equal to 0.02 ug/L (MRL)
Boone, 2019: Detected in 76% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00415 ug/L
State-specific PFOA data from community water systems and private wells
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 76% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00632 ug/L
U.S. PWS Study: Detected in 6 sites; detection range <0.005-0.12 ug/L
Targeted PFOA data from specific ambient water locations
CDR: Production Volume: 10K - 500K Ibs/yr (2002), < 500K Ibs/yr (2006)
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Slide 231 of 278
Perfluorooctanesuifonic acid (PFOS): Background
Contaminant Group
Health and Occurrence Data Status
EPA health assessment available
Nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
sS h
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS):
Health Effects
EPA Health Assessment
OW Health Effects Support Document, 2016
Critical Effect
Reduced pup body weight in the two-generation study in rats
Reference Dose
0.00002 mg/kg-day
Health Value
0.07 ug/L (chronic)
Additional Health Values
2019, Health Canada: MAC (2018) = 0.6 ug/L
Draft ATSDR intermediate duration; Minimal Risk Level = 0.000002 mg/kg-day
Cancer Classification: Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential (S)
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Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data UCMR 3
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
UCMR 3: Detected in 1.93% of PWSs at greater than or equal to 0.04 ug/L (MRL)
Boone, 2019: Detected in 80% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs; median
detected 0.00162 ug/L
State-specific PFOS data from community water systems and private wells
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 88% of samples from 25 PWSs; median detected 0.00228 ug/L
Targeted PFOS data from specific ambient water iocations
CDR: Production Volume: 10K - 500K Ibs/yr (2002), 0 Ibs/yr (2003)
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
PFAS Analytes Unique to EPA Method 537.1
(LC/MS/MS), 2018
Determination of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Drinking Water
by Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Location: EPTDS
N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (NEtFOSAA)
N-methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid (NMeFOSAA)
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTA)
Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA)
July 2019
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N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic
acid (NEtFOSAA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid
(NMeFOSAA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Lacking finished or ambient water occurrence data
July 2019
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 237 of 278
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 0% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 0% of samples from 25 PWSs
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 239 of 278
Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA): Background
Contaminant Group
Not Listed
Health and Occurrence Data Status
Lacking an EPA health assessment
Non-nationally representative finished or ambient
water occurrence data available
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA): Occurrence
Best Available Occurrence Data
Additional Occurrence Data
Finished Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 0% of partially treated samples from 25 PWSs
Ambient Water:
Boone, 2019: Detected in 0% of samples from 25 PWSs
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 241 of 278
Anticipated Process for Approval of
Laboratories Supporting UCMR 5
Paul Grimmett, U.S. EPA
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Standards and Risk Management Division
Technical Support Center
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Applying for EPA approval to support UCMR
Maintaining approval
Minimum Reporting Level
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General Expectations
Laboratory Approval Program expected to be similar to the process used
for all previous UCMR cycles
Only EPA approved laboratories can analyze UCMR samples collected at
Approval is by method and by individual laboratory locations
A laboratory may apply for approval for any method(s)
Laboratories need to meet:
UCMR 5 approval program criteria
Required equipment criteria
Laboratory performance criteria
Data reporting in text file format to SDWARS
Labs would still need to be approved to support UCMR 5 even if already
certified by state, primacy entity or accredited through the National
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) for a particular
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Laboratory Approval General Procedure
Step 1: Request to Participate
Step 2: Registration
Step 3: Application Package
Step 4: EPA Review of Application Package
Step 5: Proficiency Testing (PT)
Step 6: Written EPA approval
July 2019
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Step 1 - Request to Participate
Interested laboratories submit a written request to the
UCMR Sampling Coordinator(S)epa.Rov
EPA provides registration material
EPA provides a custom application package based on
registration information
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Step 2 - Registration
Complete registration sheet typically includes:
List of the UCMR methods, for which the laboratory
sought approval
Laboratory information
Mailing and shipping address
Contact information
July 2019 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Slide 247 of 278
Step 3 - Application Package
Separate application for each method
Application typically required to include:
Proof of current drinking water laboratory certification (for select
compliance monitoring methods)
Personnel information
Quality Assurance (QA) information
Information regarding analytical equipment and sample handling
Data submission for each method (e.g., Initial Demonstration of
Capability (IDC) study, QC sample results, quantification reports)
Lab would receive a copy of the Laboratory Approval Manual
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Step 4 - Review of Application Package
EPA reviews application package
If deficiencies are identified EPA gives the lab an
opportunity to make corrective actions and submit new
application information
if all requested information is present and acceptable, EPA
notifies the laboratory that they are eligible to participate
in corresponding PT studies
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Step 5 - Proficiency Testing
EPA provides method-specific PT samples
Analyze PT sample(s) for each analyte and method
One successful PT per method
Successfully report PT data to SDWARS using text file
No PT studies after monitoring begins but audits on-going
during monitoring
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Step 6 - Written EPA Approval
After successful participation in a PT study for a specific
method, EPA notifies the laboratory in writing
EPA posts a list of approved laboratories and associated
methods at: https://www.epa.gov/dwucmr
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Laboratory Approval Manual
Procedures for obtaining UCMR approval and procedures for
revocation of approval
QA requirements
QC requirements
Minimum reporting level (MRL) verification
Initial demonstration of capability
8 Initial calibration
Continuing calibration checks
Surrogate and internal standard criteria
Reagent blanks and fortified blanks
8 QC samples
Spiked field samples
Field blank criteria (if required by the method)
Sample handling requirements
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Typical Criteria for Maintaining Approval
Adhere to QA/QC measures in the methods, rule
language, and the Laboratory Approval Manual
Post occurrence data and required QC data via
SDWARS within prescribed timeframe
Respond to inquires or requests from the Laboratory
Approval Coordinator
Participate and pass on-site and/or paper audits
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MRL Background
MRL is an estimate of the quantitation level,
achievable with a 95% confidence, by at least 75% of
laboratories nationwide
EPA establishes the MRL using data from several
laboratories performing Lowest Concentration
Minimum Reporting Level (LCMRL) studies
LCMRL is an estimate of lowest concentration at which
measurements of specified quality can be repeatedly
made by a particular laboratory
Simultaneous application of precision and accuracy
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Established to achieve quality and consistency across all
UCMR laboratories, while allowing for appropriate
national laboratory capacity
MRLs are generally established as low as is feasible;
typically lower than current HRLs and health advisories
EPA will consider raising MRLs if there is evidence that an
MRL is unattainable/impractical
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Closing Remarks
Brenda Bowden, U.S. EPA
Thank you for participating in the UCMR discussion today
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
If You Have Questions Following This Webinar
July 2019
UCMR Homepage:
Brenda Bowden: bowderi.brenda@epa.gov
Melissa Simic: simic.melissa(5)epa.gov
Lab Approval Program:
UCMR Lab ApprovalfSepa.gov
Safe Drinking Water Hotline:
Meeting materials were sent to all registered
If you did not receive a copy, please email
UCMRwebinar(5)cadmusgroup.com and we will
send you a copy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Slide 257 of 278
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
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Statements from Stakeholders that
registered ahead of time
Statements from Stakeholders in the
room or online
Subject to availability of time
Additional statements or questions
from attendees can be provided to EPA
via email:
UCMRWebinar(S) cad musgroup.com
after the public meeting and webinar
Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Thank You
Brenda Bowden, U.S. EPA
Thank you for participating in the LJCMR discussion today. If
you have additional statements that you would like to make:
please send them to UCMRWebinar(a)cadmusgroup.com
after the public meeting and webinar.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
HCI-PF30UdS - ll-Chloroeicosafluoro-3-Oxaundecane-l-Sulfonic
4:2 FTS- 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-Perfluorohexane Sulfonic Acid
6:2 FTS - 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid
8:2 FTS - 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-Perfluorodecane Sulfonic Acid
9CI-PF30NS - 9-Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-Oxanone-l-Sulfonic Acid
AM - Assessment Monitoring
ADI - Acceptable Daily Intake
ADONA - 4,8-Dioxa-BH-Perfluorononanoic Acid
ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
AWIA - America's Water Infrastructure Act
BCAN - Bromochloroacetonitrile
BF - Biodegrades Fast
BS - Biodegrades Slowly
BSA- Biodegrades Slowly with Acclimation
BST - Biodegrades Sometimes/Recalcitrant
CAL DHS - California Department of Health Services
CAR - Carcinogenicity
CCL - Contaminant Candidate List
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
CDR-Chemical Data Reporting
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CSF - Cancer Slope Factor
CWS - Community Water System
DAI/HPLC - D irect Aqueous Injection/High Performance Liquid
DAI-LC/MS/MS - D irect Aqueous Injection- Liquid
Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
OBAN - Dibromoacetonitrile
DBP - Disinfection Byproduct
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
DBP-ICR - Disinfection Byproduct Information Collection Rule
OCAN - Dichloroacetonitrile
D/DBPR - )isinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rules
(including Stage 1 and Stage 2 D/DBPRs)
DF - Degrades Fast
DFA - Degrades Fast with Acclimation
DS - Distribution System
DSMRT - Distribution System Maximum Residence Time
DWEL - Drinking Water Equivalent Level
DWPD - Drinking Water Protection Division
DWSHA - Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPTDS - Entry Point to the Distribution System
et al. - And Others
FDA - United States Food and Drug Administration
FR - Federal Register
FY - Fiscal Year
GAMA - Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment
GC - Gas Chromatography
GC/MS - Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
GenX - Trade Name for a Technology Used to Make High-
Performance Fluoropolymers Without the Use of PFOA
GW-Ground Water
GWRMPs - Ground Water Representative Monitoring Plans
HA - Office of Water Health Advisory
HAAs - Haloacetic Acids
HAAS - Group of 5 Brominated Haloacetic Acids
HANs - Haloacetonitriles
HALs- Haloacetaldehydes
Health Canada - Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian
Drinking Water Quality
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
HFPO-DA - Hexafluoropropylene Oxide Dimer Acid
HHBP-H iman Health Benchmark for Pesticides
HNMs- Haloriitromethanes
HSDB - Hazardous Substances Data Bank
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
ICP-AES - Inductively Coupled Plasma- Atomic Emission
IDC - Initial Demonstration of Capability
IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
lbs - Pounds
LC/ESI-MS/MS - Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray
lonization/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
LC/MS/MS - Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
LCMRL - Lowest Concentration Minimum Reporting Level
LLE/GC/ECD - Liquid-Liquid Extraction/Gas
Chromatography/Electron Capture Detection
LOAEL - Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level
LSI - Large System Inventory
MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration
MCLG - Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
mg - Milligrams
MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
MRDD - Maximum Recommended Daily Dose
MRL - Minimum Reporting Level
NAWQA National Water-Quality Assessment
NCAR - Non-Carcinogenic
NEtFOSAA- N-Ethyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic Acid
NFDHA - Nonafluoro-3,6-Dioxaheptanoic Acid
NMeFOSAA- N-Methyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic Acid
NCFAP - National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
NCOD - National Contaminant Occurrence Database
NELAP - National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
NIRS - National Inorganics and Radionuclides Survey
NOAEL - No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level
NPDWRs - National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
NREC - National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants
NTM - Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
NTNCWS - Non-Transient Non-Community Water System
NTP - National Toxicology Program
OEHHA - California Office of Environmental Health Hazard
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
OGWDW - Office of Ground Water arid Drinking Water
OPP - Office of Pesticide Programs
PA - Partnership Agreement
PBT- Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
PDP- Pesticide Data Program
PCCL - Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List
PFAS- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
PFBA-Perfluorobutanoic Acid
PFBS - Perfluorobutanesulfonic Acid
PFDA - Perfluorodecanoic Acid
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
PFDoA - Perfluorododecanoic Acid
PFEESA - Perfluoro (2-Ethoxyethane) Sulfonic Acid
PFHpA Perfluoroheptanoic Acid
PFHpS - Perfluoroheptanesulfonic Acid
PFHxA - Perfluorohexanoic Acid
PFHxS - Perfluorohexanesulfonic Acid
PFMBA - Perfluoro-4-Methoxybutanoic Acid
PFMPA - Perfluoro-3-Methoxypropanoic Acid
PFNA- Perfluorononanoic Acid
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
PFOA - Perfluorooctanoic Acid
PFOS - Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid
PFPeA- Perfluoropentanoic Acid
PFPeS - Perfluoropentanesulfonic Acid
PFTA - Perfluorotetradecarioic Acid
PFTrDA- Perfluorotridecanoic Acid
PFUnA - Perfluoroundecanoic Acid
. PMP - Pesticide Monitoring Program
PPCP - Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Product
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
PPRTV - Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values
PST - Pre-Screen Testing
. PT - Proficiency Testing
PWS - Public Water System
QA - Quality Assurance
QC - Quality Control
RAIS HE CSF - Risk Assessment Information System - Health
Effects Data Cancer Slope Factor
RBC ChE - Red Blood Cell Cholinesterase
RED - Reregistration Eligibility Decision
RfD - Reference Dose
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Development of the Proposed Unregulated Contaminat Monitoring Rule for UCMR 5
Abbreviations and Acronyms
RTECS - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
SDWA - Safe Drinking Water Act
SDWARS-Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System
SMP - State Monitoring Plan
SPE-Solid Phase Extraction
SS - Screening Survey
SSI - Small System Inventory
SW-Surface Water
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
TDI - Tolerable Daily Intake
TNCWS - Transient Non-Community Water System
TRI - Toxic Release Inventory
TSCA-Toxic Substance Control Act
TTHM - Total Trihalomethanes
UCM - Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
UCMR - Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule
ug - Micrograms
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USGS - United States Geological Survey
WHO - World Health Organization
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